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Unit 1 Noun - Phrase 2013

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Unit 1

English Noun Phrases 1.1. Type A: 1 AAAA




Head Noun

Examples: 1. Basic Input Output System (BIOS) Sistem Input Output Dasar 2. the start-up process proses start-up #. the $%I and IS& buses bus-bus $%I dan IS& Type-A Exercise: 1. 2. 5. '.

4. the boot process and the system bus proses boot dan bus sistem 5. specific hard are units unit-unit hard are y! spesifi" '. a modern( simp)e( and inte))i!ent bus sebuah bus y! cerdas( simp)e dan moderen

f)oppy and hard dis" dri*es #. essentia) system data the BIOS Setup +eatures 4. the po er mana!ement functions the &merican ,e!atrends BIOS Setup pro!ram the modern motherboards and the -ID- dri*es
boot . boot atau bootin! start-up . mu)ai( a a) specific . "husus( spesifi" $%I . $eriphera) %omponent Interconnect (suatu te"no)o!i ut" s)ot dan card) IS& . Inte))i!ent System &rchitecture (te"no)o!i bus 1' bit) inte))i!ent . cerdas bus . bus atau channe) pen!hubun! "e "omponen-"omponen atau de*ice )ain pd motherboard f)oppy . dis"et dri*e . dri*e Setup . pro!ram set-up +eature . fitur po er . tena!a ()istri") -ID- . suatu te"no)o!i ut" hard-dis"

1.2. Type B: 1 AAAA BBBB 3 2

Head Noun o

to on of in from with etc.



Examples: 1. instructions in /O, chips on the motherboard instru"si-instru"si di /O, chips di motherboard 2. an &,I chip ith BIOS and start-up instructions sebuah &,I chip dn! instru"si-instru"si BIOS dan start-up #. a !raphica) user interface sebuah user interface (tipe) !rafis 4. the most important unit to insta)) in this part of the Setup unit y! pa)in! pentin! ut" di indta)) pd ba!ian ini dari setup

Type-B Exercise: 1. 2. 5. '. 3. 4. 6. a choice of setup menus #.0he system soft are of hard are additiona) dis" dri*e in a $% 4. a 1uic" e2ecution of $OS0 the standard *a)ues in the %,OS Setup ima!es from the Setup pro!ram a part of the modu)ar desi!n of the IB, %ompatib)e $% a hi!h-speed I5O bus for stora!e( *ideo etc. a different type or additiona) dis" dri*e in a $%
standard . standar *a)ue . ni)ai %,OS . %,OS Ima!e . !ambar( foto modu)ar . modu)er( terba!i men7adi ba!ian-ba!ian (modu)-modu)) desi!n . desain compatib)e . "ompatibe) speed . "ecepatan stora!e . penyimpanan etc. . d)). different . berbeda dis" dri*e . dis" dri*e $% . $%

instruction . instru"si /O, . /ead On)y ,emory %hip . chip !raphica) . !rafis( berbentu" !ambar interface . interface( pen!hubun! most . pa)in! important . pentin! part . ba!ian setup . setup a choice . pi)ihan additiona) (&d7ecti*e) . tambahan $% . $ersona) %omputer 1uic" . cepat e2ecution . e"se"usi( pe)a"sanaan $OS0 . $o er-On Se)f 0est

1.3. Type C:
Head Noun Verb + ing AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD

Examples: 1. modifying the boot se1uence pemodifikasian urutan boot 2. using the system soft are of the motherboard penggunaan soft are system dr motherboard Head Noun AAAA Verb + ing

Examples: 1. pro!ram testing testing (pengujian) pro!ram 2. data processing pemrosesan data modifier Verb + ing AAAA

Examples: 1. operating system system operasi 2. computing process proses "omputasi #. the follo ing three tab)es ti!a tab)e beri"ut ini

Head Noun AAAA BBBB CCCC Verb+ing DDDD !!!!

Examples: 1. the students planning to !et a de!ree in information techno)o!y

ho p)an atau ho are p)annin!

para mahasis a yg merencanakan ut" mempero)eh !e)ar d)m te"no)o!i informasi 2. the staff ith their home pa!es describing their research acti*ities
hich describe

staf dn! homepa!e mere"a yg mendeskripsikan a"tifitas-a"tifitas riset mere"a Type-C Exercise: 1. 2. #. 4. 5. '. 3. usin! the Setup pro!ram to re!u)ate the power management the po er sa*in! features in the motherboard ma"in! re1uests to the BIOS routines recei*in! or sendin! data the processor techno)o!y dimensionin! the system bus 0he use of /ambus /&, or"in! at 488 ,9: the interfaces or"in! at 288( 2'' and ### ,9:.

to modify . memodifi"asi se1uence . urutan (d)m suatu proses) to use . men!!una"an initia) . a a) computin! . "omputasi fo))o in! . beri"ut to re!u)ate . men!atur po er . tena!a ()istri") to sa*e . men!hemat

feature . fitur re1uest .n permintaan routines . rutin-rutin( pro!ram-pro!ram to recei*e . menerima to send . men!irim to dimension . membuat dimensi use . pen!!unaan /ambus . suatu tipe memory chip Interface . interface( pen!hubun!



Head Noun



Past Participle (Verb 3!

passi!e "onstru"t


Examples: 1. additiona) /&, installed in e2pansion s)ots in the $%

hich is insta))ed

/&, tambahan yg di"install di s)ot-s)ot e"spansi di $% 2. 0he *a)ues for date and time stored in the %,OS /&,
hich is stored

;i)ai-ni)ai ut" tan!!a) dan

a"tu yg disimpan di %,OS /&,

Head Noun


Past Participle (Verb 3!

$odi%ier &ad'e"ti!e(

Examples: 1. the installed components and periphera)s "omponen-"omponen dan periphera)-perifera) yg terinstall (diinstall) 2. the en#anced system bus bus system yg diperkuat #. a scanned ima!e from a Setup pro!ram citra yg di"scan dari sebuah pro!ram setup Type-D Exercise: 1. the po er mana!ement functions found on the $%<s motherboard 2. a %D-/O, dri*e insta))ed on one of the -ID- channe)s #. the *a)ues for date and time stored in the %,OS /&, 4. the BIOS pro!rams read from the /O, circuits 5. the system bus on the motherboard desi!ned to match a specific type of %$= '. the doub)ed-c)oc" speeds uti)i:in! $%I. inte))i!ent( ad*anced hi!h speed bus.


Type E:
Head Noun



"# BY $%&' ()%&*+) ,*%"#+ etc.



Examples: 1. a sma)) pro!ram by #ic# the boot-up process is e2ecuted by the %$= sebuah pro!ram "eci)( yang dng program tsb( proses boot-up di e"se"usi o)eh %$= 2. the de*ice in #ic# data are stored de*ice( yg di dalamnya data disimpan #. a channe) t#roug# #ic# data f)o chane)( yg melalui c#anel tsb data men!a)ir Type-E Exercise: 1. the computer casin! ithin hich the motherboard is p)aced hich the main processor is p)u!!ed

2. a soc"et on the motherboard in

#. the process by hich heat is remo*ed from a computer system 4. the boot-up process durin! hich the condition of a)) components and periphera)s are chec"ed 5. the s)ots in hich the e2pansion cards are p)u!!ed

'. the $% buses are the channe)s throu!h

0o e2ecute . men!e"se"usi( me)a"sana"an de*ice . a)at( de*ice in hich data are stored channe) . 7a)an throu!h . me)a)ui to f)o . men!a)ir casin! . casin! ithin . di da)am to p)ace . menempat"an soc"et . so"et . s)ot main . utama

hich data f)o

to p)u! . menancap"an heat . panas to remo*e . me)epas durin! . se)ama periphera) . periphera) (printer( "eyboard( mouse( d))) to chec" . men!ece" s)ot . s)ot e2pansion . e"spansi card . card

Mixed Exercises
&1( ata e*"hange + the $other,oard (he %&' chips contain instr-ctions. which are specific for that partic-lar motherboar/. (here are se0eral /ifferent pro1rams insi/e the start -p instr-ctions2 P&3( (Power &n 3elf (est! (he 3et-p instr-ctions. which connect with the C'&3 instr-ctions B"&3 instr-ctions. which connect with the 0ario-s har/ware peripherals (he Boot instr-ctions. which call the operatin1 s4stem (,&3. &352. or 6in/ows !

All these instr-ctions are in %&' chips. an/ the4 are acti0ate/ one b4 one /-rin1 start -p. 7et -s loo8 at each part.

Vocabulary for $tem % & e2chan!e . pertu"aran to acti*ate . men!a"tif"an to contain . men!andun!( berisi durin! . se)ama( sepan7an! particu)ar . tertentu each . setiap se*era) . beberapa part. . ba!ian periphera) . periphera) (mis> harddis"( "eyboard( mouse( d)))

&2( Appli"ation: software designed for a specific p-rpose. e.1. wor/ processin1. sprea/sheet. -preadsheet: an application pro1ram that /ispla4s rows an/ col-mns /ata "ontained within to be anal49e/. *sef-l for financial calc-lations an/ planning. TP & es/ Top Pu,lishing(: An application pac8a1e which allows the $i*ing of te:t an/ 1raphics to pro/-ce /oc-ments. pamphlets. broch-res. etc.

CA : Comp-ter Aided ,esi1n5,raftin1. &3( A-C00 (A$eri"an -tandard Code %or 0n%or$ation 0nter"hange! . A stan/ar/ co/e for relating characters to n-mbers. e.1. the A3C"" co/e for ;A< is =5. B01- &Basi" 0nput 1utput -yste$(: 3oftware stored in %&' which controls the basic f-nctions of the PC.

Vocabulary for $tems ' " ( purpose . tu7uan p)annin! . perencanaan e.!. . e2amp)e !ratia . seba!ai contoh etc. . et cetera . d)) to disp)ay . menampi)"an to aid . to he)p ro . baris pamph)et . pamph)et co)um . "o)om brochure . brosur to a))o . memperbo)eh"an( memun!"in"an draft . draft . !ambar(desain atau pac"a!e . pa"et "onsep (tu)isan) a a) y! be)um fina) to mi2 . mencampur interchan!e . pertu"aran the mi2in! . pencampuran( pen!!abun!an to re)ate . men!hubun!"an( !raphics . !ambar men!"ait"an to contain . berisi character . ab7ad ithin . di da)am number . an!"a usefu) . ber!una to store . menyimpan

()) Data *tructure " fundamental data units+ Bit (Binary dig$,- Basic unit for data )+ & data unit hich must be in one of the t o binary states described abo*e. It is the sma))est data unit. Byte (. bits of data- /sually enoug# to store & c#aracter)+ It has a possib)e *a)ue from 8 to 255. 0ord + 0 o bytes or 1' bits of data 1'5#5. ith a possib)e unsi!ned *a)ue from 8 to

1egabyte (1b)+ 1(824?b or 1(844(53' bytes of data.

Vocabulary for $tems ) binary . binair unsi!ned . tida" bertanda format . format( bentu" store . tempat penyimpanan to mean . berarti to need . per)u( memer)u"an state . status( "eadaan to a))o . memun!"in"an to inc)ude . menca"up to dri*e . men!!era""an to describe . mendes"ripsi"an particu)ar . tertentu abo*e . di atas periphera). . periphera) enou!h . cu"up type . tipe to store . menyimpan possib)e . mun!"in *a)ue . ni)ai

(2) 1ot#erboard+ a printed circuit board inside the $% hich ho)ds a)) the principa) I%s and circuitry. (3) 4ort+ & soc"et in the $% allo ing de*ices( such as printers( to be connected. (5) *erial port+ soc"et in the bac" of the $% for sending and recei6ing information. used for mouse and5or communications. (.) !7pansion Card+ printed circuit board inserted into an e2pansion s)ot inside the


$%. (8) 9:1+ /ead On)y ,emory. ,emory that can be read from but not contents stays the same. ritten to. i.e. its

(&;) Virtual 1emory+ techni1ue here hard dis" space is made to appear )i"e e2tra system memory. /sed by @indo s (&&) Cac#e+ an area of memory used for fast data transfer. (&') Bus+ e)ectronic trac"s hich carry data bet een different parts of the $%. Simi)ar to motor ay. (&() !t#ernet+ & protoco) and cabling system for operating )oca) area net or"s.
Vocabulary for $tems 2 < &( 0ypica) . tipi"a)( umum( banya" di7umpai Inside . di da)am %ase . casin! !raphica) . bersifat !rafis representation . representasi( a"i) to a))o . menun!"in"an a piece . sebuah $art . ba!ian 0o ho)d . menyimpan( meme!an! 0o )ocate . menempat"an a b)oc" . satu b)o" to store . menyimpan the DOS command )ine . baris perintah (mode)) DOS to rep)ace . men!!anti en*ironment . )in!"un!an to consist of . terdiri dari ori!ina) . orisini)( as)i rep)acement . pen!!anti Sti)) . tetap most . seba!ian terbesar to interconnect . sa)in! men!hubun!"an to pro*ide . menyedia"an( memberi )in" . hubun!an ,u)ti . A. 0as" . tu!as Simu)taneous . pada saat yan! sama to a!ree . menyetu7ui *ia . me)a)ui to ho)d . meme!an! principa) . po"o"( utama soc"et . so"et de*ice . de*ice( a)at in the bac" of . di ba!ian be)a"an! A to send . mern!irim to recei*e . menerima board . board to insert . menancap"an i.e. . ya"ni content . isi to stay . tetap same. . sama space . space( ruan! to appear . nampa" )i"e . seperti trac" . 7a)ur( 7a)an( tre" to carry . memba a simi)ar to . mirip dn! motor ay . 7a)an ut" "endaraaan bermotor protoco) . protoco) cab)e . "abe) cab)in! . AAA

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