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MCA 101: Information Technology Unit - I Business and Information

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MCA 101: Information Technology

Unit – I

Business and information technology

Business is the information age: Pressures and responses, why you
need to know about Information Technology, what is an Information

Information technologies in the modern organization

Basic concepts of information systems organizations: Structure and
IT support, IT support at different organizational levels, managing
Information Technology in organizations, IT people and careers.

Unit –II

Computer hardware: The significance of hardware, the central

processing unit, computer memory, computer hierarchy, input
technologies, output technologies

Computer software: Software history and significance, system

software, application software, software issues, programming
languages, enterprise software

Managing organizational data and information: Basics of data

arrangement and access, the traditional file environment, Databases
– The modern approach, database management system, logical data
models, data warehouses

Unit – III

Telecommunications and networks: The Telecommunications system,

networks, network communication software, network processing
strategies, Telecommunication applications

The Internet, Intranets and Extranets: What exactly is the

Internet?, the evolution of the Internet, the operation of the
Internet, services provided by the Internet, the World Wide Web,
Internet Challenges, Intranets, Extranets, Enterprise information
protocols, The Mobile Internet

Unit – IV

Functional, Enterprise, and Inter Organizational Systems:

Information Systems to support business functions, transaction
processing. Information systems, accounting and finance systems,
marketing and sales systems, production and operations management
systems, human resources management systems, integrated information
systems and enterprise resource planning, inter organizational
/global information systems
Electronic Commerce: Overview of E – commerce, business – to –
consumer applications, market research, advertising, and consumer
service, business – to – business collaborative commerce
applications, innovative applications of E – commerce,
infrastructure and E – commerce support service

Computer based supply chain management and information systems

integration: Supply chain and their management, supply chain
problems and solutions, IT supply chain support and systems

Data, Knowledge, and Decision support: Management and decision

making, data transformation and management, decision support systems

Prescribed Book:

EFRAIM Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, Richard E. Potter, “Introduction to

Information Technology” , john wiley (2008),

Chapters : 1 to 9, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 11.1, 11.2, 11.3.

Reference Books:

1. ITL Education Solutions Ltd., “Introduction to Information

Technology”, Pearson India (2008).

2. Deborah Morley, Charless S. Parker, “Understanding Computers

Today and Tomorrow, 11th edition, Thomson (2007).

3. Aksoy, DeNardis, “Introduction to Information Technology”,

Cengage Learning (2008).

4. Ajoy Kumar Ray, Tinku Acharya, “Information Technology”, PHI.

Model Paper

MCA 101: Information Technology

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 80

Section – A

Answer ALL the following questions. Each carries Two Marks.

(a)Briefly explain the difference between data, information and
(b)What is an operating system? How does it differ with other system
(c)What are the characteristics of Multimedia technology?
(d)What is network?
(e)Differentiate between the Intranet and the Extranet.
(f)What do you mean by ‘Global Information System’?
(g)Define E – commerce and distinguish it from E – business.
(h)Define decision support system.

Section – B

Answer ONE question from each unit. Each carries sixteen Marks.

Unit - I
(a)Explain how the business pressures can be alleviated using
Information Technology. 8M
(b)Explain the structure of organization. 8M


(c)Enumerate the different organizational responses with respect to

Information Technology. 8M
(d)Explain the following. 8M
(i) Transaction processing system.
(ii) Management information system.

Unit –II

(a)How is information stored and accessed in computer’s memory?
Explain the types of memory available and compare the efficiency
of storing information on each of these devices. 8M
(b)Briefly explain the issues associated with computer software. 8M


(c)Discuss various levels of computer languages namely Machine

language, Assembly language and High level language. 8M
(d)What are the disadvantages with the traditional file system
approaches? Explain. 8M
Unit –III

(a)Discuss about various types of transmission medium used for
telecommunications. 8M
(b)What are different Internet applications and services. 8M


(c)What is a network topology? And what are the different types of

network topologies? 8M
(d) Explain the following terms. 8M
(i) Internet
(ii) URL
(iv) HTTP

Unit – IV

(a)Discuss various activities of the HRM department. 8M
(b)Define supply chain and describe the components of a supply. 8M


(c)Explain the various types of E – commerce. 8M

(d)Explain the two phases of management decision making. 8M
MCA 102: Programming with ‘C’


Introductory Concepts: Types of Programming Languages, Introduction

to C, Desirable Program Characteristics

Introduction to C Programming: The C Character Set, Writing First

Program of C, Identifiers and Keywords, Datatypes, Constants,
Variables and Arrays, Declarations, Expressions Statements, Symbolic

Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators,

Relational and Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, The
Conditional Operator, Library Functions.

Data Input and Output: Preliminaries, Single Character Input-The

Getchar Function, Single Character Output – The Putchar Function,
Enter Input Data – The Scanf Function, More About the Scanf
Function, Writing Output Data – The Printf Function, More About the
Printf Function, The Gets and Puts Functions

Preparing and Running A Complete C Program: Planning a C Program,

Writing a C Program, Error Diagnostics, Debugging Techniques


Control Statements: Preliminaries, Branching: The IF-ELSE Statement,

Looping: The while Statement, More Looping: The do-while Statement,
Still More Looping: The for Statement, Nested Control Structures,
The Switch Statement, The break Statement, The continue Statement,
The comma Statement, The goto Statement.

Functions: A Brief Overview, Defining a Function, Accessing a

Function, Function Prototypes, Passing Arguments to a Function,

Program Structure: Storage Classes, Automatic Variables, External

(Global) Variables, Static Variables.


Arrays: Defining an Array, Processing an Array, Passing Arrays to

Functions, Multidimensional Arrays, Arrays and Strings

Pointers: Fundamentals, Pointer Declarations, Passing Pointers to a

Function, Pointers and One-dimensional Arrays, Dynamic Memory
Allocation, Operations on Pointers, Pointers and Multidimensional
Arrays, Arrays of Pointers, Passing Functions to Other Functions

Structures and Unions: Defining a Structure, Processing a Structure,

User-defined Data Types (Typedef), Structure and Pointers, Passing
Structures to Functions, Self-referential Structures, Unions
Data Files: Why Files, Opening and Closing a Data File, Reading and
Writing a Data File, Processing a Data File, Unformatted Data Files,
Concept of Binary Files


Low-Level Programming: Register Variables, Bitwise Operations, Bit


Some Additional Features of C: Enumerations, Command Line

Parameters, More About Library Functions, Macros, The C Processor

Appendix H Library Functions

Prescribed Book:

Byron S Gottfried, “Programming with C”, Second Edition, Schaum Out

Lines, TATA Mc Graw Hill (2007)

Chapters: 1.8 to 1.10, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8.1 to 8.4,9,

10.1 to 10.9,11,12,13,14 and Appendix H

Reference Book:

1. Behrouy A. Foreuyan & Richard F. Gilberg, “Computer Science

A structured programming Approach using C”, Third Edition,
Cengage Learning (2008).

2. Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference C”, Fourth Edition,

TMH (2008)

3. Ashok N. Kamthane, “Programming with ANSI and Turbo C”,

Pearson Education (2008)

4. Mullish Cooper, “The Spirit of C – An Introduction to Moderen

Programming”, Jaico Books (2006)
Model Paper

MCA 102 : Programming in ‘C’

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 80

Answer ALL the following questions. Each carries Two Marks.

8 * 2=16
(a)Importance of storage class.
(b)What is the purpose of typedef.
(c)Define type casting.
(d)Difference between macro and procedure.
(e)What is the difference between array of characters and a string.
(f)Why ‘C’ is called middle level language.
(g)How pointers are used to access structure elements.
(h)Explain argv and argc.

Answer ONE question from each unit. Each Question carries sixteen

Unit – I
(a)Explain with suitable examples different data types in ‘C’. 8M
(b)Briefly explain different operators in ‘C’. 8M
(c)With suitable examples explain structure of ‘C’ program. 8M
(d)Explain gets() and puts() with examples. 8M

Unit –II

(a)Explain loop structures in ‘C’. 8M
(b)Write a program for sum of digits of a number and no.of digits in
a number. 8M
(c)Write about different storage classes in ‘C’. 8M
(d)Write a program to pass n arguments to a function and return
average of n values. 8M

Unit –III

(a)Explain declaration, accessing and processing of two dimensional
arrays in ‘C’. 8M
(b)Write a program to sort strings using pointers. 8M
(c) What is a pointer ? How pointers are useful in self referential
structures ? What are the advantages of pointers? 8M
Unit – IV

(a)Explain File processing in ‘C’. 8M
(b)Write a program to update a record in a file. 8M
(c)With examples explain different pre-processor directives. 8M
(d)Write a program to calculate no.of vowels, words in a given text.

* * * * *
MCA 103: Computer Organization


Digital Logic Circuits: Digital Computers, Logic Gates, Boolean

Algebra, Map Simplification, Combinational Circuits, Flip-Flops,
Sequential Circuits.

Digital Components: Integrated Circuits, Decoders, Multiplexers,

Registers, Shift Registers, Binary Counters, Memory Unit.

Data Representation: Data Types, Complements, Fixed Point

Representation, Floating Point Representation, Other Binary Codes,
error Detection Codes.


Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register Transfer Languages,

Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfer, Arithmetic Micro
Operations, Logic Micro Operations, Shift Micro Operations,
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit

Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer

Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction
Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupt.


Microprogrammed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro

Program Example, Design of Control Unit.

Central Processing Unit: Introduction, General Register

Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Format, Addressing
Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control.


Computer Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

Algorithms, Floating Point Arithmetic Operations.

Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output

Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer, Priority

Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary

memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory.

Prescribed Book:
M.Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education (2008).

Chapters : 1,2,3, 4, 5.1 to 5.7, 7, 8.1 to 8.7, 10.2 to 10.5,

11.1 to 11.5, 12.1 to 12.5

Reference Books:

1. V. Rajaraman, T. Radha Krishnan, “Computer Organization and

Architecture”, PHI

2. Behrooz Parhami, “Computer Architecture”, Oxford (2007)

3. ISRD group, “Computer Organization”, ace series, TMH (2007)

4. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture –

Designing for Performance”, Pearson Education (2005)

5. P.Chakraborty, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, Jaico

Books (2008)
Model Paper

MCA 103: Computer Organization

Time: 3hours Maximum: 80 Marks.
Answer the Following questions. Each Question carries 16 Marks.

1. a) Universal Logic gate.

b) Tristate Buffer.
c) Interrupt Cycle.
d) RISC Characteristics.
b) Associative Memory.
c) Perform (67) – (42) in binary using 2’s complement method.
d) Instruction Format.
e) Floating point representation.


2. a) Simplify the following Boolean functions using K-maps and draw

the relevant logic diagram.
f (abcd)= Σ m (0,3,7,8,9,11,12,13) + Σ d (1,4,14,15)
b) Explain the operation of Full– Adder circuit.
c) Design a 4-bit Synchronous counter using T-Flip Flops.
d) Explain the Operation of Bidirectional Shift Register.


3. a) Explain about Instruction cycle in detail.

b) Explain various Memory reference instructions.
c) Explain any one stage of arithmetic logic shift unit.
d) What are various logic micro operations and their implementation?


4.a) Explain different addressing modes with an example.

b) What is an interrupt ? Explain various types of interrupts.
c) What is Control memory ? Explain address sequencing with suitable
d) Prepare 3-address, 2-address, 1-address, 0-address instructions to
solve the following statement.
( A + B ) ( C + D)
(A + C)

5.a) Explain Booth multiplication Algorithm with an example.

b) Explain memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O.
c) What is Locality of reference? Explain various organizations of
Cache memory.
d) What is an I/O Interface? Explain DMA data transfer in detail.

* * * * *
MCA 104: Discrete Mathematical Structures


The Foundations: Logic and Proofs: Propositional Logic –

Propositional Equivalences – Predicates and Quantifiers – Nested
Quantifiers – Rules of Inference – Introduction to Proofs – Proof
Methods and Strategy

Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences and Sums: Sets – Set

Operations – Functions – Sequences and Summations

The Fundamentals : Algorithms , The Integers and Matrices:

Algorithms – The Growth of Functions – Complexity of Algorithms –
The Integers And Divisions – Primes and Greatest Common Divisors –
Integers and Algorithms – Applications of Number Theory – Matrices

Introduction and Recursion : Mathematical Induction – Strong

Induction and Well-Ordering – Recursive Definitions and Structural
Induction – Recursive Algorithms – Program Correctness


Counting: The Basics of Counting – The Pigeon Hole Principle –

Permutations and Combinations – Binomial Coefficients – Generalized
Permutations and Combinations – Generating Permutations and

Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations – Solving Linear

Recurrence Relations – Divide and Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence
Relations – Generating Functions – Inclusion – Exclusion –
Applications of Inclusion & Exclusion


Relations : Relations and Their Properties – n-ary Relations and

Their Applications – Representing Relations – Closures of
Relations – Equivalence Relations – Partial Orderings

Graphs: Graphs and Graph Models – Graph Terminology and Special

Types of Graphs – Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism’s –
Connectivity – Euler and Hamilton Paths – Shortest Path Problems –
Planar Graphs - Graph Coloring


Trees: Introduction to Trees – Applications of Trees – Tree

Traversal – Spanning Trees – Minimum Spanning Trees

Boolean Algebra: Boolean Functions – Representing Boolean

Functions – Logic Gates – Minimization of Circuits

Prescribed Book:
Kenneth H Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics & its Applications”,
6th Edition, McGraw-Hill (2007)

Chapters : 1 to 10

Reference Books:

1. Ralph P. Grimaldi, B.V. Ramana, “Discrete and Combinational

Mathematics”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education (2008).

2. Swapan Kumar Sarkar, “A Text Book of Discrete Mathematics”,

S.Chand (2008).

3. D.S.Malik and M.K.Sen, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”,

Thomson (2006).

Model Paper
MCA 104: Discrete Mathematical Structures

Time: 3hours Maximum: 80 M.

Answer Question No.1 Compulsory: 8 x 2 = 16 M
Answer ONE Question from each unit: 4 x 6 = 64 M

1. (a) Find the truth table of the proposition (p→q)∨(∼ p→r) is

p and r are true and q is false.
1 2 2
(b) Find the inverse of A = 
2 3 0

0 1 2

(c) Express the integer 325 as a product of powers of primes.

(d) How many ways are there to seat 8 boys and 8 girls
around a circular table.
(e) Define equivalence relation with example.
(f) Define an Euler circuit in a graph.
(g) Write Warshalls Algorithm.
(h) State the generalized Pigeon hole principle.


2. (a) Verify whether the following is a tautology by using truth

table. {(P∨Q)∧(P→R)∧(Q→R)}→ R.
(b) Let f:A→B be a function then f-1 is a function from B to A iff
f is 1 – 1.


(c) Find LCM and GCD of 540 and 504.

(d) Show that if we select 151 distinct computer science courses
numbered between 1 and 300 inclusive at least two are
consecutively numbered.


3. (a) Show that if any five numbers from 1 to 8 are choosen then two
of them will add to 9.
(b) If n is a +ve integer Prove that
C(n,0)+C(n,2)+……=C(n,1)+C(n,3)…………… = 2n-1.


(c) Solve the following recurrence relation an=4an-1+5an-2

a1=2, a2=6.
(d) Find a generating function for ar=the no.of ways of
distributing r similar balls in to n numbered boxes where each
box is non empty.

4. (a) i) Define irreflexive relation give an example.

ii) Determine whether the following relation R on a set A is
reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric asymmetric,
Antisymmetric or transitive A=Z+ aRb ⇔a=bk for some K∈Z+.

(b) Let A = {1,2,3,4}

R={(1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (2,1)} Find the transitive closure of K.
(c) Check whether the following graphs are Isomorphic or not.

(d) Show that the sum of all vertex degree is equal to twice the
number of edges.


5. (a) Show a tree with n vertices has exactly n-1 edges.

(b) Use primes algorithm to find minimal spanning tree for a
connected graph.

(c) Use K-map for the expression to find a minimal sum of products
f(a,b,c) = Σ (0,1,4,6).

(d) Use Quine – mcclusky to find minimal expression for

f(a,b,c) =Σ (0,2,3,7)

* * * * *
MCA 105: Accounting And Financial Management

Cost Accounting
1.1 Accounting concepts
1.2 Double entry system
1.3 Journal-ledger, trial balance, preparation of final accounts
1.4 Nature of financial statement-preparation of trading-profit and
loss accounts-balance sheet of joint stock companies

Cost Accounting
1.1 cost sheet
1.2 marginal costing (problems)
1.3 budget and budgetary control
1.4 standard costing (Problems)

Financial Management
3.1 nature and scope of finance function-goals of financial
management-modern concept of finance function.
3.2 Nature of financial decisions: concept-major financial
decision areas-investment decision-financing decision and
dividend decision.
3.3 Financial analysis: concept of financial analysis-types of
analysis-tables of analysis-ratio analysis-tables of
analysis-funds flow and cash flow analysis (Problems)

Working capital management
4.1 concepts of working capital-importance of working capital-
components of working capital-determination of working
capital-source of working capital.
4.2 Inventory management-accounts of receivable management-cash
4.3 Forecasting of working capital management

Prescribed Book:

K.Rajeswara Rao & G.Prasad, Accounting and finanace, Jaibharath

publishers, 2002 (Chapters 1 to 19)

Reference Books:
1. Vanherne & James C, John M.Wachewiez J.R., Fundamentals of
Financial management, PHI, 2002

2. Horngren, Sundem Blliott, Introduction to financial accounting,

pearson education, 2002

3. Ambrish Gupta, “Financial Accounting for Management”, Third

Edition, Pearson Education (2009)

4. Paresh Shah, “Basic Financial Accounting for Management”, Oxford

Higher Education (2008)
Model Paper

MCA 105: Accounting and Financial Management

Time: 3hours Maximum: 80 M

Answer questions carry equal Marks.
Answer question No.1 Compulsorily (8 x 2 = 16M)
Answer ONE question from each unit. (4 x 16 = 64M)
a) State the different parties interested in accounting
information and briefly mention the uses to them.
b) What is Process Costing ?
c) Net present value.
d) What is B.E.P ?
e) Uses of cash flow analysis.
f) Significance of ‘Ratio Analysis’.
g) Funds flow analysis.
h) Cash Management.


2. a) From the following Trial Balance prepare Trading and Profit

and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2008.

Particulars Debit Credit

Rs. Rs.
Opening Stock 51,000 ---
Capital --- 72,000
Purchases 2,50,000 ---
Sales --- 4,00,000
Carriage inwards 12,000
Wages 50,000
Salaries 26,000
Commission 3,000
Bad debts 2,000
Insurance 4,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes 12,000
Postage and Telegram 2,800
Carriage outwards 7,700
Machinery 40,000
Furniture 5,000
Debtors 60,000
Creditors --- 53,500
------------ ------------
5,25,500 5,25,500
------------ ------------
Additional information :
(i) Stock on 31-3-2007 was Rs.60,000.
(ii) Depreciation on furniture is charged at 10%.
(iii) Out standing salaries Rs.4,000.
(iv) Bad debts Rs.1,000.
(v) Reserve for doubtful debts @ 5% on debtors.
b) How do you classify the accounts. Explain the rules of

3. a) From the following particulars you are required to Calculate

i) P/V Ratio ii) BEP for sales iii) Sales required to
earn a profit Rs.40,000. (iv) Margin of safty in second
Year Sales Profit
Rs. Rs.
2006 2,40,000 18,000
2007 2,80,000 26,000


b) Define the terms ‘Budget and budgetary control’. Write

Main objectives of budgetary control system.


4. a) Define Finance function. What are the functions of a

financial Manager? Explain.


b) From the following information prepare a statement of Balance

Current Ratio 2.5, Liquidity ratio 1.5
Proprietary ratio 0.75 (Fixed assets / Proprietary fund)
Working Capital Rs.60,000.
Reserves and surplus : Rs.40,000
There is no long term loan.


5. a)Define working capital concepts. What are the determinants

of working capital of a manufacturing company ?


b) Explain the concept of working capital. What are the various

sources of working capital? Give examples for long term
sources and short term sources of working capital.

* * * * *
MCA 106 : PC Software Lab

Lab Cycle


1. Design an Invitation to invite Staff, students to a seminar

on “Emerging Trends in Computers”.

2. Assignment using Mail merge.

3. Creation of Bio-Data: consisting Name, email-id, Contact

Address, Carrier Objective, Educational qualifications, social
activities, achievements.

4. Assignment to implement macro operations.


1. Make a Power point presentation on your carrier planning.

2. Make a Power point presentation on any Current affair.
3. Make a Power point presentation to represent a Software
Company Profile.
4. Make a Power point presentation about things you learned
during student life.


1. Create a database using MS-ACCESS with atleast 5 records



Maintain the relationship between two tables with REGISTER NUMBER

as a Primary Key and answer the following quarries:

Show the list of Employees with the following fields as one query


2. Maintain the relationship between above two tables with EMPLOYEE

NUMBER as a Primary Key and generate following reports:


Use forms to enter data in to tables

3. Create a table and form with following fields

Book Number, Book Name, Author, Publisher, Price
Generate the report with following fields
All Books with price between Rs.500 and Rs.1000

1. Create an electronic spreadsheet to convert

a. Decimal Numbers to Hexa decimal, Octal, Binary
b. Binary to Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal
c. Hexadecimal to Decimal, Octal, Binary

2. The Cement Company shows the sales of different products for 5

years. Create column chart, Pie Chart and Bar chart for the
following data


2004 1000 800 900 1000
2005 800 80 500 900
2006 1200 190 400 800
2007 400 200 300 1000
2008 1800 400 400 1200

3. Demonstrate Hyper Linking in Excel.

MCA 107 : C Programming Lab

Lab Cycle

1. Program to calculate compound interest.

2. Program to calculate roots of a quadratic equation.
3. Program to average of ‘n’ numbers.
4. Program to find wheather the given number is
(i) Prime number or not (ii) Perfect number or not
(iii) Armstrong number or not (iv) Palindrome or not
5. Program to demonstrate function calling multiple times.
6. Program to read two integers and print the quotient and
remainder of the first number divided by the second number.
7. Program to get the following output.
Row 1 : 1 2 3 4 5
Row 2 : 1 2 3 4 5
Row 3 : 1 2 3 4 5
8. Program for sum of digits of an integer number.
9. Program for following using Recursion
(i) Factorial of a number
(ii) Fibonacci series
10. Program to write records in to a file.
11. Program to read records from a file sequentially.
12. Program to search a record in a file.
13. Program to update a record in a file.
14. Program to delete a record in a file.
15. Program to calculate average of n no’s in an array.
16. Program for addition of matrix.
17. Program for multiplication of matrix.
18. Program for sorting an array.
19. Program for row and column total of a two dimensional array.
20. Program to sort strings using pointers.
21. Program to calculate
(i) No.of lines (ii) No.of words
(iii) No.of special characters.
22. Program to demonstrate string palindrome.
23. Program to demonstrate union in structure.
24. Program for (i) String Comparison (ii) String Copy
25. Program to demonstrate call by value and call by reference.
26. Program to calculate area of a Hall using macros.
27. Program to calculate no.of vowels, words in a text.
MCA 108 : Seminar

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