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Panjab University Chandigarh

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under the Panjab Univerasity Act VII of 1947 -enac ted by the Govt. of India)

FACULTY OF SCIENCE SYLLABI FOR M.Sc. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SEMESTER SESSION 2011- 2012 --:O:-Outlines of Tests, Syllabi and Courses of Reading for M. Sc. (Information Technology) (Two Year Degree Programme) 2011- 2012.



Code MS-23 MS-08 MS-09 MS-28 MS-27 MS-24 MS-25

Subject Operating System Electronic Commerce and Tools Artificial Intelligence and LISP Trends in Computing Seminar Minor Project Based on MS 08 Minor Project Based on MS 09

Lec 6 6 6 6 2 6 6

Marks 80 80 80 80 80 80

Int. Ass. 20 20 20 20 50 20 20

Paper Title

: Operating System

1. Introduction to Operating System: OS, types of OS, Functions/Operations of OS,

History of OS, Users services/jobs.

2. Memory Management (I): Address protection, segmentation, virtual memory, paging,

page replacement algorithms. SECTION B

3. Memory

Management (II): cache memory, hierarchy of memory types, associative

memory. 4. Support for concurrent process : Mutual exclusion, shared data, critical sections, busy form of waiting, lock and unlock primitives, synchronization. SECTION C
5. Scheduling : Process states, virtual processors, interrupt mechanism, scheduling

algorithms- preemptive and non- preemptive scheduling. SECTION D

6. System deadlock: Prevention, detection and avoidance. 7. Multiprogramming system :

Queue management, File and directory systems,

disk scheduling.

Paper Title

: Electronic Commerce and Tools SECTION A


Electronic Commerce Fundamentals: Introduction to E-commerce and its advantages & disadvantages; Traditional vs E-Commerce; Growth of E-Commerce in India vis--vis Other Nations; Prospects and limitations in the growth of E-commerce in Indian context; E-Commerce Framework; The anatomy of E-commerce Applications; E-commerce consumer & organization applications. SECTION B


Internet as a Network infrastructure for E-commerce; Architecture and components of Internet; Internet Services; ISPs at Local/National/Global Level; Domain Name Registration; Internet Administration; Internet Protocol Suite. Architectural Framework for E-Commerce; WWW as the architecture; Hypertext Publishing; Technology behind the web; Security behind the web. SECTION C


Consumer oriented applications; Mercantile Process Model; Mercantile Model from the Consumers perspective; Mercantile Model from the Merchants perspective. Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) and its applications in business; Legal, Security and Privacy issues in EDI; EDI software implementation; Internal Information Systems; ERP and Supply-Chain Management; The corporate digital library; Advertising and marketing on the internet; On-demand education and Digital copyrights. SECTION D


Issues in E-commerce: The legal and policy environment of E-Commerce; Intellectual Property, advertising and consumer protection; Copyright Law; Patent Law; Network Security and Firewalls; Client-Server Network Security Threats; Data and Message Security; Encrypted Documents and E-mail; Principles of digital cryptography; Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptosystems; Cryptographic standards e.g. Data Encryption Standard(DES); Digital Signatures; Public Key Certificates;

Paper Title

: Artificial Intelligence and LISP.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) : Introduction and Applications : History of

AI from Alan Turing and developments in AI, AI techniques, Criteria for success. Problem Solving Concepts and Methods. DepthFirst Search methods, Heuristic Search Techniques - Hill Climbing, Best first Search, A*, Problem reduction, Ao*, Constraint satisfaction and means-ends analysis techniques. SECTION - B

2. State space representation, Problem Characteristics, Breadth first Search and

3. Knowledge Representation : Information and Knowledge, Knowledge Acquisition and

Manipulation, Issues in knowledge representation, Knowledge Representation Methods, Propositional Logic and First Order Predicate Logic, Resolution Principle, Horn's Clauses, Semantic networks, Partitioned Semantic Nets, Frames, Scripts and Conceptual Dependencies. 4. Gameplaying: Minimax Search Procedure, Adding Alpha-Beta Cutoffs. SECTION - C
5. Expert Systems :

Definition and Applications, Characteristics of Expert Systems, Architecture of a typical expert system, Expert system Shells, Building an Expert System, Knowledge Acquisition, Case studies of Expert Systems like MYCIN. Specific Application of AI. processing, Semantic Analysis, Pragmatic processing, Introduction to Perception and Action. SECTION - D

6. Natural Language understanding and Processing: Complexity of the problem, Syntactic

7. Introduction to LISP : Symbolic

expressions, creating, Appending and modifying lists, Defining functions, Predicates, Conditionals, Recursion, Iteration, Lambda Expressions, Use of Advanced functions like MAPCAR, REMOVE-IF, COUNT-IF.

Paper Title

: Trends in Computing SECTION - A

1. Parallel Computing: Parallel virtual machine (PVM) and message passing interface (MPI)

libraries and calls, advanced architectures, todays fastest computers and Supercomputers. 2. Data compression technology: Introduction, space/storage compression, Lossy versus lossless data compression, Graphics Metafiles, Classes of data encoding techniques, GIF, PNG, JPEG and MPEG compressions SECTION - B 3. Data Warehousing and data mining : characteristics of data warehousing, data modeling for data warehousing, steps to build a data warehouse, Applications of data mining, Association rules, classification, sequential patterns, clustering etc., commercial data mining tools SECTION C 4. Mobile Computing : Mobile connectivity-Cells, Framework, wireless delivery technology and switching methods, mobile information access devices, mobile data internetworking standards, cellular data communication protocols, mobile computing applications. Mobile databases-protocols, scope, tools and technology. M-Business.
5. Intelligent Agent Technology : Introduction to agents, Intelligent software systems,

applications, Intelligent architectures, components of intelligent agent based distributed systems, agent communication protocols - introduction to knowledge query and manipulation language (KQML). Case Study-Road Traffic Management System. SECTION - D
6. .NET evolution : Need and perspective in current scenario, .net framework over view

structural diagram. XML : An overview of XML, use of XML, integrity of XML with databases, XML as the .NET Meta language

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