The document discusses lexical access, which is the process of activating the sound-meaning connections of words in the mental lexicon. It describes two main ways to study lexical access in the brain: 1) Manipulating the presence or difficulty of lexical access, with the latter being more straightforward. The factors that affect lexical access are word frequency, context, and phonotactic probability. MEG studies show that the M350 component is sensitive to word frequency but not affected by competition, suggesting it reflects early lexical access rather than later selection/decision processes.
The document discusses lexical access, which is the process of activating the sound-meaning connections of words in the mental lexicon. It describes two main ways to study lexical access in the brain: 1) Manipulating the presence or difficulty of lexical access, with the latter being more straightforward. The factors that affect lexical access are word frequency, context, and phonotactic probability. MEG studies show that the M350 component is sensitive to word frequency but not affected by competition, suggesting it reflects early lexical access rather than later selection/decision processes.
The document discusses lexical access, which is the process of activating the sound-meaning connections of words in the mental lexicon. It describes two main ways to study lexical access in the brain: 1) Manipulating the presence or difficulty of lexical access, with the latter being more straightforward. The factors that affect lexical access are word frequency, context, and phonotactic probability. MEG studies show that the M350 component is sensitive to word frequency but not affected by competition, suggesting it reflects early lexical access rather than later selection/decision processes.
The document discusses lexical access, which is the process of activating the sound-meaning connections of words in the mental lexicon. It describes two main ways to study lexical access in the brain: 1) Manipulating the presence or difficulty of lexical access, with the latter being more straightforward. The factors that affect lexical access are word frequency, context, and phonotactic probability. MEG studies show that the M350 component is sensitive to word frequency but not affected by competition, suggesting it reflects early lexical access rather than later selection/decision processes.
connections of language, i.e., lexical entries, are activated. ! How to find lexical access in the brain (of a healthy human)? A. Manipulate the presence of lexical access. Condition 1: + Lexical Access Condition 2: - Lexical Access But setting up a situation where only the presence of lexical access is manipulated is tricky because most stimuli that even remotely resemble words activate actual lexical entries. B. Manipulate the difficulty of lexical access. Condition 1: Hard Lexical Access Condition 2: Easy Lexical Access This manipulation is more straightforward to set up since behavioral research has provided us with a detailed understanding of what factors affect lexical access. How to find lexical access in the brain? ! The ease of accessing a lexical entry always depends on the level of activation in that entry prior to access. ! The pre-access level of activation primarily depends on two factors: The resting level of activation in the entry. ! Each lexical entry has certain resting level of activation. ! This resting level is primarily a function of how frequently you access the word. Frequent access leads to a higher resting level. Context (i.e., what other entries youve just accessed) What affects lexical access? Cognitive processes involved in Cognitive processes involved in lexical access lexical access time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level Stimulus: TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition Spread of activation on the basis of meaning ! Frequent words are accessed faster than rare words. Comprehension: Faster lexical decision times. Production: Faster naming times. ! Higher resting level allows them to reach a threshold for recognition faster. Effect of frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency Category (Frequent -- Infrequent) Behavioral Data: Reaction Time Categories (n/Million): 1: 700 2: 140 3: 30 4: 6 5: 1 6: .2 1: number 2: ask 3: wheel 4: candle 5: clam 6: snarl Effect of frequency on lexical decision (Embick et al. 2000) Context effects ! Repetition priming. ! Semantic priming ! Phonological priming. Semantic priming PRIME TARGET Semantic priming doctor Repetition ! doctor (obviously) activates the lexical representation DOCTOR very strongly. ! Because of this robust activation, a subsequent presentation of doctor will show repetition priming for quite some time, even if there are intervening words in the list. Phonological priming ! Complicated. Effect depends on the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) SOA: interval between prime and target time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition TURF PRIME TARGET TURF is presented before its activation starts to decrease due to inhibition from TURN " Positive priming compared to unrelated control (e.g., CLOCK - TURF) TURF is presented after its activation has been suppressed by TURN " No priming or even slower processing times than in an unrelated control (e.g., CLOCK - TURF). time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition PRIME TURF TARGET A. Manipulate the presence of lexical access. Condition 1: + Lexical Access Condition 2: - Lexical Access But setting up a situation where only the presence of lexical access is manipulated is tricky because most stimuli that even remotely resemble words activate active actual lexical entries. B. Manipulate the difficulty of lexical access. Condition 1: Hard Lexical Access Condition 2: Easy Lexical Access This manipulation is more straightforward to set up since behavioral research has provided us with a detailed understanding of what factors affect lexical access. How to find lexical access in the brain? Millisecond by millisecond MEG measurement of the brain activity elicited by visual words in the lexical decision task: CAT 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time [msec] Response ! What part of this activity is sensitive to Frequency? Repetition? Semantic relatedness? Phonological relatedness? MEG components elicited by visual words What is the time course of lexical access? M100 M170 M250 M350 100-150ms 150-200ms 200-300ms 300-400ms Averaged response to visual words 100170 250 350 1st MEG component showing a reliable effect of frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency Category (Frequent -- Infrequent) Behavioral Data: Reaction Time Categories (n/Million): 1: 700 2: 140 3: 30 4: 6 5: 1 6: .2 1: number 2: ask 3: wheel 4: candle 5: clam 6: snarl Effect of frequency on lexical decision (Embick et al. 2000) M350 data collected during the same experiment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency Category (Frequent -- Infrequent) Latency of m350 Component Categories (n/Million): 1: 700 2: 140 3: 30 4: 6 5: 1 6: .2 1: number 2: ask 3: wheel 4: candle 5: clam 6: snarl CAT 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time [msec] Response ! Finding: Left temporal activity around ~350ms is sensitive to lexical frequency in the lexical decision task. ! What follows from this? Either: the M350 reflects lexical access. Or: the M350 reflects some process the follows lexical access. ! If lexical access occurs faster due to high frequency, then all subsequent processing is presumably speeded up, too. ! M350 could be related to the experimental task, I.e., it could reflect the lexical decisions. Is the M350 task-related? ! Pylkknen, Stringfellow, & Marantz (2002): Set up a situation where activation is speeded up while lexical decisions are simultaneously slowed down. Does the M350 show a speed-up or a slow-down? time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level Stimulus: TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition Activation is Activation is facilitated facilitated Selection is Selection is slowed down slowed down Which way would Which way would the M350 move? the M350 move? Method: Manipulate the degree of competition by varying the phonotactic probability of the stimuli ! Phonotactic probability: How common the sounds and the sound sequences of the stimulus are. ! Words and nonwords with a high phonotactic probability: mile, pick, fan, line sipe, tane, rean, cade ! Words and nonwords with a low phonotactic probability: house, lock, peep, town theeg, yush, nirg, veige Effect of phonotactic probability ! On the on the hand, stimuli that have a high phonotactic probability activate the lexicon faster. Just like frequent words are faster to process, frequent sounds are also faster to process. ! On the other, stimuli that have a high phonotactic probability activate lots of lexical entries. This slows down selection (or in the case of a nonword, the decision that the stimulus is not a word) since there are many alternatives to consider. ! High phonotactic probability correlates tightly with the density of the words similarity neighborhood. Neighborhood density. Effect of Effect of phonotactic phonotactic probability: probability: early facilitation early facilitation RT Same/different task (low level) Are these two stimuli the same or different? RTs to words and nonwords with a high phonotactic probability are speeded up. High probability: MIDE RT YUSH Low probability: Sublexical frequency effect (Vitevich and Luce 1998, 1999) Effect of Effect of phonotactic phonotactic probability: probability: later inhibition later inhibition RT High probability: MIDE YUSH RT Low probability: mile mild might migrate mike mime mine mire mind mite migraine micro neighborhood activated yuppie yucca yuck yum neighborhood activated Competition effect (Vitevich and Luce 1998, 1999) Lexical decision (high level) Requires searching through the lexicon. RTs to nonwords with a high phonotactic probability are slowed down. time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level Stimulus: TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition Facilitates Facilitates activation activation slows down slows down selection selection induces intense induces intense competition competition High High phonotactic phonotactic probability probability time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level Stimulus: TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition Then high probability/ Then high probability/ density should delay density should delay M350 latencies M350 latencies If M350 = Selection If M350 = Selection (or later processing) (or later processing) time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level Stimulus: TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition If M350 = Activation If M350 = Activation Then high probability/ Then high probability/ density should speed up density should speed up M350 latencies M350 latencies JIZE, YUSH MIDE, PAKE Nonword PAGE, DISH BELL, LINE Word Low probability High probability Four categories of 70 stimuli: Lexical decision. (Pylkknen, Stringfellow, Marantz, Brain and Language, 2002) Materials (visual) Materials (visual) (Pylkknen, Stringfellow, Marantz, Brain and Language, 2002) Effect of probability/density Effect of probability/density 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 M170 M250 M350 RT High probability word Low probability word n.s. n.s. * * Words 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 M170 M250 M350 RT High probability nonword Low probability nonword n.s. n.s. * * Nonwords M350: (i) 1 st component sensitive to lexical frequency (ii) not affected by competition time l e v e l
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a c t i v a t i o n resting level Stimulus: TURN TURN T U R N IP T U R F T U R T L E Activation Activation Selection Selection Competition Competition M350: (i) 1 st component sensitive to lexical factors (ii) not affected by competition The M350 also is also sensitive to repetition and both phonological and semantic relatedness, as one would expect if it indexed the access to sound-meaning connections (Pylkknen et al. 2006). Further, the M350 is elicited in the auditory modality, as one would expect if it indexed the access to modality independent representations. M350 localizations from Pylkknen et al. (2006) Localizations of M350 current generator M350 localizations from Pylkknen et al. (2006) Location of electrode sites where TSA was induced. Intact: Repetition, syllable discrimination, speech, naming and word reading. M350 vs. induced TSA Boatman et al. (2000) M350 vs. induced TSA The localization of TSA and M350 localizations suggest a similar degree of between-subjects variance.