Lab 1 Write Up
Lab 1 Write Up
Lab 1 Write Up
Author: Mackenzie Andrews
Human audition depends on the ability to encode soundwave characteristics such as amplitude
and frequency into information processable by the central nervous system. The primary auditory
sensory cell is the hair cell located in the cochlea of the inner ear. Hair cells respond to sound via
mechanical disturbances of their cilia caused by pressure changes in a soundwave. The response
characteristics of hair cells encode the frequency and amplitude of a soundwave which is used for
properties of hair cells, the stimulus response of hair cells on the cockroach leg was observed as
an analogous system to the human auditory hair cell. To investigate the implication of hair cell
subject. Our results show the capabilities and limitations of hair cell signal transduction and
The ability to perceive sound has been an encoding begins in the cochlea where the
evolutionary feat, over 300 million years in mechanics of the basilar membrane and
the making.1 The human ear has evolved to properties of the hair cells along the length of
sense the pressure changes produced by the cochlea are varied in a way such that the
soundwaves. When sound enters the ear, the hair cells at the base of the cochlea respond
pressure changes cause a vibration in the best to high frequency soundwaves and the
tympanic membrane which is attached to hair cells at the apex respond best to low
three small bones called the ossicles. The frequencies. This tonotopic arrangement of
ossicles serve to transmit the pressure hair cells contributes to the ‘place code’
changes from the air of the outer ear to the principle of frequency encoding and is
fluid-filled cochlea. As the pressure wave conserved throughout the entire auditory
travels through the fluid of the inner ear, the system. In addition to the place code, the
hair cell embedded basilar membrane is gating kinetics and ion channel properties of
displaced. Hair cells are the sensory receptor hair cells are also variable such that certain
cells for auditory transduction. The cells respond best to specific frequencies and
displacement of the basilar membrane causes increase their firing frequency in response to
a mechanical disturbance to the hair cells increased stimulus amplitude. This ‘temporal
causing an opening of ion channels and code’ depends on a hair cell’s ability to phase
Humans use a number of mechanisms to and cause an afferent spike at the same phase
encode sound vibrations and process the angle in each cycle of the sound wave.
structures such as the Superior Olivary the cockroach hair cells would be able to
Complex (SOC). The SOC has two circuits phase lock to specific vibration frequencies
for localizing sound in the horizontal plane: and would increase their firing rate in
Interaural Time Difference (ITD) in the response to greater magnitude stimuli. Our
Medial Superior Olive (MSO) and Interaural results support the hypothesis that the hair
Level Difference (ILD) in the Lateral cells phase lock best to certain frequencies
Superior Olive (LSO). ITD localization is while suggesting that hair cells are subject to
arrival time to the left and right ears whereas our results show a sigmoidal relationship
ILD localization is based on the difference in between stimulus amplitude and firing rate.
sound loudness between the left and right In order to investigate the capabilities and
properties of hair cells, we used the hair cells experiment where we explored how either
those in the cochlea. Since the hair cells of delivered sound produced a perceived sense
cockroach mechanoreceptors, we used the sound is dependent on the size of the disparity
cockroach as our model organism to study the as well as the frequency of the waveform.
ways in which hair cells encode information The results from this experiment support the
hypothesis a human’s ability to localize A 1 second long, 0.1 V, 20 Hz stimulus
sound via the ITD and ILD circuits is repeated 10 times was delivered to the
dependent on the frequency of the sound as attached spine. This stimulus was repeated
well as the magnitude of the disparity. for 10 recording blocks. The data was
A cockroach leg was mounted such that one explained in the course manual (p.16-17). A
recording electrode pierced the femoral noise threshold of 70 mV was used for all
region of the leg while the other recording frequency response experiments. This was
electrode pierced the tibial region. One of the repeated for a 50 Hz stimulus.
spine’s on the cockroach leg was attached to Frequency Dependence of Firing Rate
the speaker probe using a ball of dental wax Using the set-up for the cockroach
as described in the course manual (p.16).2 mechanosensory lab in the course manual
A 1 second long, 0 amplitude stimulus spine on the femoral region of the cockroach
repeated 10 times was delivered to the leg. The frequency of the stimulus was
experiments. The data was analyzed with the Hz (excluding 30 Hz). 10 blocks of a 1
divided by the total number of waveform (p.21-23), the waveform was set to a 2 ms
cycles (frequency multiplied by duration of click. The waveform was played to the
stimulus) to get a ratio that represents the subject with time disparities decreasing in
phase locking fidelity of the response. intervals of 25 µs from 500 µs. The subject
Amplitude Dependence of Firing Rate stated whether the sound was perceived to
Using the set-up for the cockroach come from the left or the right. This was
mechanosensory lab in the course manual repeated with the white noise waveform.
spine on the femoral region of the cockroach The waveform was set to a 1 kHz sine wave.
leg. The amplitude of the stimulus was The time disparities for 10 trials were set
increased from 0.1 mV to 0.5 mV in steps of from 100 µs to 900 µs in intervals of 100 µs.
0.1 mV. 5 blocks of a 1 second stimulus The sounds were delivered to the subject and
repeated 10 times were performed at each the subject stated whether the sound was
amplitude. The averaged total number of perceived to come from the left or the right.
spikes per trial were determined using the To determine the threshold for time disparity
PSTH function and setting the bin size to 10 lateralization, sounds with a 100 µs time
seconds. The total number of spikes for a disparity and increasing frequency (starting
given amplitude were recorded and plotted at 500 Hz, intervals of 100 Hz) were played
against stimulus amplitude. to the subject until the subject could no longer
To determine the threshold for amplitude subject must choose left or right). The results
disparity lateralization, sounds with a 10% were recorded in a pre-generated table in the
Before recording any stimulation response Threshold = 70 mV, bin size = 9 ms). The
from the leg, a recording of the spontaneous raster plot (shown above the histogram bars)
activity of the neurons within the leg was shows that the neuron fires consistently at the
taken. Figure 2.a shows 200 ms of same point in each trial which is also
consists of 10 sweeps of 1 second responses. histogram bins. There are 20 spike bursts in
A PSTH of the activity over 10 blocks each 1 second train which is consistent with
spontaneous activity is shown in Figure 2.b the 20 Hz stimulus. This response pattern is
(Noise Threshold = 70 mV, bin size = 9 ms). consistent with phase-locking behavior.
We then stimulated the spine with a 0.18 V, To illustrate the effect of performing many
spine responded with a rhythmic spiking PSTH of a single trial block (Figure 3.a) and
pattern, phase locked to the stimulus of 5 trial blocks (Figure 3.b) is shown. As the
degrees). The spikes were between 91.72 mV can be observed through a data average
and 150.955 mV in amplitude and between which can be unclear when observing a
Figure 2: 20 Hz Stimulation Response – a) Spontaneous activity in the leg without stimulation. b) Peri-Stimulus Time
Histogram of 10 blocks of spontaneous activity. c) Response to a 20 Hz sine wave stimulus showing phase-locking
behavior in the firing pattern. d) Peri-Stimulus Time Histogram and raster plot of 10 blocks of 20 Hz response showing
consistency in spike timing. e) Spike discriminator showing noise threshold and population boundaries.
Figure 3: Effect of Increasing Trial Number on Peri-Stimulus Time Histogram Analysis – a) PSTH of a single trial block
(10 – 1 second runs) of a 20 Hz stimulus response. b) PSTH of 5 trial blocks of a 20 Hz stimulus response.
The stimulation frequency was then as the response observed at 20 Hz. However,
increased to 50 Hz, all other stimulus and a PSTH analysis of 10 trial blocks (Noise
recording parameters were kept consistent. Threshold = 70 mV, bin size = 3.6 ms) shows
Figure 4.a shows the firing response to the 50 that the neuron’s averaged behavior still has
Hz stimulus. The neuron’s firing rate phase-locking patterns with lower fidelity.
Figure 4: 50 Hz Stimulation Response - a) Response to a 50 Hz sine wave stimulus showing increased firing rate with
decreased firing consistency. b) Peri-Stimulus Time Histogram and raster plot of 10 blocks of 50 Hz response showing
a larger distribution of firing times.
Effect of Varying Stimulus Frequency on cycles (frequency multiplied by duration of
Firing Rate
stimulus) to get a ratio that represents the
To observe the effect of varying stimulus
phase locking fidelity of the response. An
frequency on firing rate, the frequency of the
iso-intensity curve of the neurons response to
stimulus was increased from 15 Hz to 60 Hz
the various frequencies was generated
in steps of 5 Hz (excluding 30 Hz). 10 blocks
(Figure 5).
of a 1 second stimulus repeated 10 times were
The cell had the best response to the 20 Hz
performed at each frequency. The averaged
stimulus, showing a near 1: 1 spike to period
total number of spikes per trial were
ratio. The cell had a second, smaller response
determined using the PSTH function and
peak at 40 Hz. This may be explained by
setting the bin size to 10 seconds. The total
harmonic frequency resonance and the
number of spikes for a frequency was then
membrane protein properties of the cell.
divided by the total number of waveform
Figure 5: Effect of Varying Stimulus Frequency on Phase Locking Fidelity - Spike to period ratio response of the cell to various
stimulation frequencies. The ratio was calculated by dividing the total average response by the number of periods during the 10
second trial (20Hz * 100 sec = 2000 periods).
Effect of Varying Stimulus Amplitude on each amplitude. The averaged total number
Firing Rate
of spikes per trial were determined using the
A new spine was chosen to observe the effect
PSTH function (Noise Threshold = 100 mV).
of varying stimulus amplitude on firing rate.
The total number of spikes for a given
This spine was farther up the femoral part of
amplitude were recorded and plotted against
the limb. To observe the stimulus amplitude
stimulus amplitude (Figure 6).
dependence, the stimulus frequency was kept
The absolute threshold for response was 0.1
constant at 25 Hz while the amplitude of the
mV. The dynamic range of the cell was
stimulus was increased from 0.1 mV to 0.5
between 0.1 and 0.4 mV. At 0.4 mV, the
mV in steps of 0.1 mV. 5 blocks of a 1 second
response saturated (firing rate stopped
stimulus repeated 10 times were performed at
Figure 6: Effect of Varying Stimulus Amplitude on Firing Rate – Total number of responses of the cell to various stimulation
amplitudes. The cell followed the typical sigmoidal response profile with a threshold of 0.1 mV and saturation point of 0.4 mV.
Psychophysics Experiment Set Up disparities as low as 25 µs. The fact that
as a piano, because pianos are unable to to the subject until the subject could no longer
produce pure tones. The waveform of a piano accurately perceive lateralization. The
would likely include resonant frequencies, subject was unable to accurately perceive
To further investigate the effect of amplitude identified lateralizations were plotted against
disparity on perceived lateralization, a series the amplitude disparities tested (Figure 7).
to 20% (in intervals of 2) were entered into subject correctly localized the sound between
the MATLAB program (Time Disparity = 0). 40% and 60% of the time, consistent with
The trial number and side of the disparity (left random guessing. At amplitude disparities
or right ear) were randomized for 20 blocks over 6%, the ability to localize the sound
of the 10 trials. The blindfolded subject increases roughly linearly until the subject
listened to the sound delivered to the was able to localize the sound 100% of the
Figure 7: Effect of Amplitude Disparity on Perceived Lateralization – Percent correct lateralization during a Two-Alternative
Forced-Choice experiment vs amplitude disparity of delivered sound.
DISCUSSION motor response to perhaps escape from a
The human ear’s auditory sense cell is the would be sent to the auditory processing
hair cell. By studying an analogous system circuits for the ability to perceive sound.
such as the cockroach hair cells, insights into Harmonic Frequency Responses
the capabilities and limitations of human The hair cell observed for Figure 5 shows a
hearing can be discovered. The response of second response peak at 40 Hz, a first
the cockroach hair cell to the two different harmonic of the 20 Hz ‘best frequency.’
(20 Hz and 50 Hz), shows the ability of hair important yet underdiscussed quality of
cells to phase lock to a stimulation frequency. human hearing. Harmonic resonance of hair
Phase locking is responsible for the temporal cells contributes to harmonic distortion of
code of auditory transduction in humans. perceived sound via the outer hair cell
curve for a single cockroach hair cell. The Limitations of the Temporal Code
hair cell being investigated was best tuned to As observed in Figure 4 and 5, as the
stimulus frequencies of 20 Hz. The gating frequency of stimulus increases, the ability of
kinetics of proteins in the hair cell membrane a cell to phase lock diminishes. This is due to
tune a hair cell to be able to respond best at a the fact that cells have a maximal firing rate
certain frequency. The frequency of the of approximately 1000 Hz. As the stimulus
sound is thus encoded as a firing rate that is frequency exceeds 1000 Hz, hair cells are
transmitted to the CNS. In the cockroach, this unable to efficaciously phase lock to the
information would likely be used to drive a waveform. This phase-locking drop off
partially explains why the subject was unable evoke a response in the cell and stimuli over
to localize frequencies greater than 2500 Hz the saturation amplitude cannot evoke an
using the ITD pathway in the psychophysics increase in firing rate as observed in Figure 6.
frequency encoding, hair cells also use firing structures to process auditory stimuli. As
rate to encode the amplitude of a stimulus. As observed in Figure 7, the subject had a
shown in Figure 6, an individual hair cell has dynamic range of amplitude disparities in
a dynamic range in which it’s firing rate which he was able to accurately localize a
increases roughly linearly with an increase in perceived sound. The inability to localize
stimulus amplitude. This type of amplitude sounds with small amplitude disparities is
encoding the primary sound level encoding likely due to the fact that the amplitude
mechanism in the human auditory system. difference was sub-threshold of the hair cells
Like the cockroach leg, human hair cells have ability to encode amplitude.
a dynamic range of amplitudes in which the Combining the effects and limitations of
cell is able to distinguish between a relatively temporal (frequency) and rate (amplitude)
loud and relatively quiet sound. encoding of hair cells, offers insights into the
the threshold and saturation points of the cell. frequency sounds with amplitude disparities
Stimuli below the threshold amplitude so not and low frequency sounds with time
disparities. This is partially due to the fact dependent on the ability of neurons to phase-
that the ILD localization pathway is lock to a frequency. The ability of neurons to
frequency sounds are easily attenuated as frequency exceeds ~3 kHz which explains the
they pass through the head, however low reduced ability to localize sound via the ITD
3. Olson ES. Harmonic distortion in intracochlear pressure and its analysis to explore the