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Kind Attention: MR Sushant: Spice Holidays

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SPICE HOLIDAYS Tourism Company.

Greetings for your Holidays from SPICE HOLIDAYS Tourism Company.

ELCO!ES YO" TO !unnar# T$e GOD%S O& Green Garden.
'espe(ted Sir)
Thanks for visiting our website. You are warmly appreciated to visit Kerala, through us.
Because of this decision, you will save a lot of money and we will serve you as not a
customer of us, but a guest and friend. Congratulations again.
SPICE HOLIDAYS * +E'ALA TO"' *, &ig$ts - . Days /L"0"'Y1
Day 23
Pi(4 up from Co($in Airport - Erna4ulam 'ail5ay
Station. Pro(eed to !unnar6666666...
CC!"# to $%##&' ( )*+ K$ ( , !ours -rive.
!"&&A'##Tu(4ed a5ay in sunny) tropi(al +erala is a (ool green
paradise. A5ay from $eat and dust. State%s finest Tea plantations. T$e
7est Hill station of +erala... at($ t$e spe(ta(ular 7eauty of Tea
gardens. En8oy t$e nature) 5$ere t$e (loud turns into mist) 5$i($ may
tou($ you 5it$ a romanti( feeling... It is lo(ated 3.22 meter from sea
le9el. T$is $ill station 5as on(e t$e summer resort of t$e erst5$ile
:ritis$ Go9ernment in Sout$ India. Spra5ling tea plantations) pi(ture
7oo4 to5ns) 5inding lanes and $oliday fa(ilities ma4e t$is a popular
and most 5anted tourist pla(e of +erala. Among t$e e;oti( flora found
in t$e forests and grasslands $ere is t$e &EELA+"'I&<I.
!unnar is an idylli( $ill station 5it$ its 9el9et la5ns) e;oti( flora and
fauna. :reat$ing of fres$) (ool mountain air is a rare e;perien(e.
T$e (a7 5ill stop in many of t$e pla(es on t$e 5ay to en8oy t$e
7eautiful nature) s(eneries and of (ourse you (an a9oid a $asty trip.
Hen(e our trip may e;tend as per your 5is$ till you ($e(4 in to t$e
C$e(4 in to t$e $otel and ta4ing rest. Pro(eeding to
!unnar To5n. =isit !unnar mar4et as per your 5is$.
E9ening (oming 7a(4 to t$e Hotel

.) /0/C%T"1/ '$2


RESORT 555.mistymountainresort.7logspot.(om
.)34&'-/# 1"/5 '$2

O9ernig$t Stay in * !unnar

Day 2?
After t$e 7rea4fast Pro(eed to !"&&A'6.
Sig$t seeing to5ards !ATT"PETTY Side.
3.1 P$oto point
?.1 !attupetty Dam # 3, !inutes :oat Dri9e in t$is Dam.
@.1 E($o point /T$e natural E($o p$enomenon is al5ays $appening
A.1 S$ooting point.
,.1 +undale La4e.
Coming 7a(4 to5n for lun($6666.
E9ening 9isit :lossom par4) Pot$enmedu 9ie5 point and E9ening
(oming 7a(4 to t$e Hotel.

Overnight Stay in Munnar
Day @#
Bollo5ing t$e 7rea4fast and Pro(eed to !unnar sig$t
seeing 6666
Pla(es to 9isit 7efore Lun($C DE=I+"LA!C An en($anting Hill station.
Po5er$ouse 5ater falls) Anayiran4al Dam.
Coming 7a(4 to t$e to5n for Lun($.
Continue t$e lo(al sig$t seeing after lun($ to5ards Coim7atore

3.1 &yama4adu 5ater falls)

?.1 Anaimudy 9ie5 /Sout$ India Hig$est pea4 * DDA3 feet from sea
le9el E ?.F, meters1
@.1 Era9i4ulam &ational Par4 * 'A<A!ALA# $ere you (an sea t$e rare
spe(ies# !ountain Goat1.
E9ening (oming 7a(4 to t$e Hotel.
O9ernig$t Stay in * !unnar
Day 2A
Bollo5ing t$e 7rea4fast and Pro(eed to T$e44ady6.
$%##&' to T!/KK&-Y ( )++ K$.
THE++ADY /E9er Green Borest%s Land 5it$ Spi(e Plants1.
T$e 9ery sound of t$e 5ord T$e44ady (on8ures up images of elep$ants)
unending ($ains of $ills and spi(e s(ented plantations. In t$e Periyar
Borest of T$e44ady is one of t$e finest 5ild life reser9es in India) and
spread a(ross t$e entire distri(t are pi(turesGue plantations and $ill
to5ns t$at $old great opportunities for tre4s and mountain 5al4s. T$is
plantation to5n is situated on t$e outs4irts of t$e Periyar san(tuary...
Come 7a(4 to t$e To5n in t$e E9ening and s$opping is possi7le in t$e
spi(e mar4et of t$ese spi(y lands6
&:C Optional a(ti9ities li4eH Elep$ant safari) +alari Payattu /A
traditional martial Art1) +at$a4ali S$o5 /A traditional performan(e#
Art1) <ungle <eep Safari and Ayur9eda !assages et( are a9aila7le $ere
in T$e44ady and t$ese are not in(luded in t$e pa(4age6 :ut) if you are
interested in any of t$ese a(ti9ities) 5e (an guide you promptly 5it$
t$e supplementary ($arges.
O9ernig$t Stay in * THE++ADY.

Day 2,
Bollo5ing t$e 7rea4fast and Pro(eed to Alleppey666
T!/KK&-Y to &66/77/Y( )88 K$ ., !ours2

:oard on to t$e A-C HO"SE :OAT from ALLEPPEYC C$e(4 in to t$e
House7oat at 3?.22 &oon. it$ t$e Ara7ian Sea in t$e 5est and a 9ast
net5or4 of la4es) lagoons and fres$ 5ater ri9ers (riss#(rossing it)
+umara4om-Alleppey is referred to as t$e =eni(e of t$e East 7y
tra9elers from a(ross t$e 5orld. T$is 7a(45ater (ountry is also $ome
to di9erse animal and 7ird life. House 7oat (ruise t$roug$ narro5
(anals# Pat$iramanal Island * =irgin 9illage#paddy fields#$istori(al
pla(es # Temples # Sna4e 7oat * Co(onut 7eer s$op /Toddy s$op1 #### '
:lo(4 Islands # +uttanad =illage et(. Distan(e (o9ered on ea($ day 5ill
7e @, to A2 4m on an a9erage-day. En8oy spe(ta(ular lus$ green paddy
fields) 5$ere you may en8oy an uniGue nature) life style of 9illage
people and t$eir a(ti9ities li4e Coir roping) Toddy tapping et(.
!eals ser9ed 5ill 7e of typi(al +erala (uisine.
Lun($C :oiled-:asmati 'i(e) 9egeta7les) fis$ fry-(urry) salads) pappad.
E9eningC Tea - (offee 5it$ sna(4s. DinnerC 'i(e) ($apat$y) 9egeta7le
(urries and ($i(4en. :rea4fastC :read) 7utter) 8am) and eggs to order or
+erala style :rea4 BastC /All meals are in(luded in t$e pa(4age1
/All meals 5ill 7e pro9ided in t$e House :oat.1

&:C 3.1 2..22 pm to 2>.22 am# :oat 5ill An($ored I it 5ill 7e idle in
t$e la4e. /As per GO=T. 'ule# =illage people need to put t$e net in t$e
la4e for fis$ing1.
You may en8oy t$e splendid sunsets) a;ing moon lig$ts) dreaming
stars and of (ourse t$e deli(ious foods (oo4ed and ser9ed 7y us. JYou
are mostly in9ited to our 4it($en in t$e House :oat) to learn and try t$e
list of ingredients and instru(tions for ma4ing somet$ing) espe(ially a
traditional food dis$ of +E'ALA for t$e dinner or for t$e :rea4fast. If
you are satisfiedH don%t forget to note do5n t$e re(ipe and try it in
e also pro9ide for you only666

.)3 B/- '$ &9C !%:/ B&T2
&: C

3.1 2..22 pm to 2>.22 am# :oat 5ill An($ored I it 5ill 7e idle in t$e
la4e. /As per GO=T. 'ule# =illage people need to put t$e net in t$e la4e
for fis$ing1.
?.1 Air (ondition 5ill fun(tion in t$e 7ed room from 2F.22 P! till 2..22
A! only.
@.1 T$ere 5ill $a9e no Tele9ision in t$e House7oat.
Pi(ture of t$e House7oat is a9aila7le in our e7site. Cli(4 Here6
Day 2.
Bollo5ing t$e 7rea4fast and Pro(eed to Co($in6666.
&66/77/Y T CC!"# ( ;+ K$
Pla(es to 7e 9isitedC
<EISH SY&AGOG"E /:uilt in 3,.D AD. Closed on Saturdays I <e5is$
D"TCH PALACE /:uilt in 3,,> AD. Closed on Bridays I &ational
ST.B'A&CIS CH"'CH /:uilt 7y Portuguese in 3,2@ AD1.
C$erai 7ea($ =isit and666..
Departure 5it$ lot of memories)
Briends$ips and t$ousands of p$otograp$s.
T$e (a7 5ill drop you at Co($in Airport-'ail5ay station to (at($ t$e
TA'IBB for ? Adults for t$e a7o9e Tour Pa(4age * 2,
&ig$ts I 2. Days E 'sC ?A),22-# &et. (FINAL S P L

T!": '&T/ 5"66 B/ #6Y %7 T -/C3)8.
T$is is t$e net amount paya7le to us. T$ere 5ill $a9e no $idden (ost) Ta;es or
any 4ind of ser9i(e ($arges upon t$is Pa(4age rate. T$e Pa(4age details are as

T$e a7o9e Pa(4age # 'ate-Tariff # in(ludesC
3.1 Hotel a((ommodation in * O&E D:L 'oom # in Lu;ury Hotel-
/I& !"&&A' A&D THE++ADY O&LY &O& A-C 'OO!S A'E
?.1 :rea4fast 5it$ Tea-Coffee is in(luded. :rea4fast 5it$
Tea-Coffee 5ill 7e a9aila7le from t$e Hotels) 5$ere you stay.
@.1 HO"SE :OAT# /A-(1 5it$ all meals on Day ,.
A.1 3, minutes indi9idual :oat Trip in !unnar La4e on Day ?.
,.1 All transfer and lo(al sig$t seeing from Arri9al Day till Departure Day I Drop to
Airport-'ail5ay Station... /Brom Day 3 till Day .1. /Details are gi9en 7elo51.
..1 All lo(al sig$t seeing in t$e same 9e$i(le) e9ery day after 7rea4fast till sunset.
>.1 Dri9er%s :ata) 'oad Ta; and par4ing C$arges.

T$e a7o9e Pa(4age # 'ate-Tariff # doesn%t in(ludeC
3.1 Any Train-Blig$t Ti(4ets.
?.1 Any food ot$er t$an t$e plan ($osen.
@.1 De9iation from t$e route map.
A.1 Any optional a(ti9ities li4e :oating /ot$er t$an pa(4age in(ludes1) Tre44ing)
Paragliding) <ungle Safari) Elep$ant safari) +at$a4ali S$o5 and Ayur9eda
!assages et(6:ut) if you are interested in any of t$ese a(ti9ities) 5e (an guide
you promptly 5it$ t$e supplementary ($arges.

T ransportation in(ludes in t$is Pa(4ageC ## in detail.
T$e mode of transportation 5ill 7e &O& A-C I&DICA. T$e (a7 5it$
($auffer 5ill 7e 5it$ you from Day 3 till your departure on Day ..
All transfers#from one pla(e to anot$er#5ill 7e done in t$e same 9e$i(le. T$e entire
lo(al sig$t seeing and Transfers 5ill 7e done 7y t$e same (a7. T$e dri9er 5ill 7e your
guide) lo(al guardian and friend during t$e time of t$e pa(4age.

Dri9er%s A((ommodation) Bood and :ata ($arges 5ill 7e paid 7y our (ompany and it
is in(lusi9e of t$e pa(4age.
Our (ompany * SPICE HOLIDAYS # 5ill pay par4ing ($arges) Toll Bees and all road
&:C You (an realiLe t$at) $o5 you are sa9ing money t$roug$ our spe(ial rates.
:eing it is a dire(t deal 5e pro9ide you t$e spe(ial rates in all t$e a7o9e $otels
and transportation. And $en(e) your pa(4age rate (omes in to t$e lo5est le9el
and ma4es your trip 5ort$ of money... At t$e end of your trip 5e assure you
t$atH you 5ill 7e satisfied) en8oyed and 4eep it as e9er memora7le.

e e;pe(t more (lients t$roug$ you in future6:e(auseH 5e are promoting
+erala Pa(4ages t$roug$ t$e dire(t deal 5it$ t$e (lients li4e you. Hen(e) 5e are
reGuesting you to pro9ide us more (lients in future) from your
Briends-'elati9es#(ir(les) t$roug$ mout$ pu7li(ity after en8oying our all
Please (onfirm t$e 7oo4ing as earliest as possi7le for t$e 7etter arrangements.

!ode of Payment for t$e :oo4ing and (onfirmation of t$e a7o9e Pa(4ageC#

You are reGuested to pay 'sC ,),22-# as ad9an(e to ma4e your trip smoot$
and (on9enient. /:alan(e payment (an 7e done at t$e time of your arri9al1... Bor t$at
I am gi9ing our 7an4 details as 7elo56
Bank < "C"C".
&ccount #ame < :7"C/ !6"-&Y:.
&ccount #umber < + + ) + + 8 + + = = > 8.
Branch < $.4.'&-3 CC!"#.
"?:/ C-/ < " C " C + + + + + ) +
&:C Please pro9ide us your 'esidential-Offi(e Address to send t$e re(eipt 7y (ourier.
:alan(e payment (an 7e done at t$e time of your arri9al.
T$an4ing you6
it$ 7est regards.

T!/' C#T&CT
$'.T!$&: .4/#< $&#&4/'2
$B< @;,*),8;*=
7hone< A @)3,=, B ,+>C=)C, ,+>C@;@, and C+,C+@+.
EmailC 4erala$oneymoontripMgmail.(om
We live in Gate way of Munnar and Cochin; No one can communicate day by day
and organize a better Kerala trip with 2 hour! !ervice" guidance and care#$
A Di9ision of SPICE HOLIDAYS Tourism Company.
A3-3.>.) Birst Bloor) &A'AYA&I :uilding.
OppC +OCHI I&TE'&ATIO&AL :usiness S($ool.
Pulleppady Cross 'oad. Co($in * .D?23D.
P$oneC N F3#ADA * A2?@D3@) A2?@F>F) and @2A@2F2.
/mail< 4erala$oneymoontripMgmail.(om
- The End-

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