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Eetoo: by Robby Charters

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by Robby Charters
2007 by the author ISBN: 978-1-4610-4804-6

Think: Ben Hur of Science Fiction. Eetoo, a shepherd from an obscure planet, was the one prophesied to seek the truth from the birthplace of humanity. He has help from fellow humans as well as non humans. Some species would rather see humanity extinct, and for good reason. The ancient Nephteshi Empire showed how evil humanity can be. The paradox keeps Eetoo searching for answers, taking him to first century Earth.

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Part One: The Shepherd 'etoo, a -rimiti.e $ e- erd !o/ li.in0 on t e -lanet Klodi-Famta, reali$e$ i$ mi$$ion in li#e: to $ear1 #or t e 0olden ta!let$ o# Sim 2 e- t at &ill 1om-lete i$ tri!e3$ "no&led0e o# t e tr4t . 2 e/ are lo1ated on t e #or0otten *lanet o# 5ed 'art , t e !irt -la1e o# 4manit/. 6e-to$ , tra.ellin0 #rom t e -lanet 2o", i$ on a re1onnai$$an1e mi$$ion to #ind o4t & at a--ened to t e Klodi 1i.ili$ation & i1 ad !e1ome $ilent t&el.e /ear$ earlier. 6i$ $ i- !rea"$ do&n. 6e-to$ and 'etoo meet. 7d.ent4re en$4e$. 2 eir 1 ie# dan0er: t e !ioni1$. 2 e/ &ere on1e 4man, !4t on tran$#ormation t e/ lo$t t eir $o4l$, and t e/ $ee" to $ed41e ot er 4man$ into !e1omin0 !ioni1. Part Two: The Pupil 'etoo 0oe$ to li.e on t e -lanet 2o" &it 6e-to$ a$ i$ 04ardian. 'etoo, a -rimiti.e, a$ a lot to learn a!o4t 1o$mo-olitan inter$tellar li#e !e#ore e 1an 0o on i$ $ear1 o# t e 0olden ta!let$. *art o# 'etoo3$ ed41ation in1l4de$ tra.ellin0 to 1orner$ o# t e$e & ere no

one "ne& 4man$ e8i$ted -- let alone intelli0ent li#e. 'etoo ma"e$ ne& #riend$. 2 ere are non- 4man$, a$ &ell a$ #ello& 4man$. 6e meet$ 2$a- ar, a !ea4ti#4l 0irl a!o4t i$ a0e. 2 e/ #all in lo.e, !4t t ere are o!$ta1le$. 9# t e non- 4man$, Ne4r/: t e Ut: i$ a o# li#e in all #orm$, and a$ -ro#o4nd &i$dom in o& to en an1e it. 6e !e1ome$ a mentor to 'etoo. Bla:: t e ;ro"i &o4ld rat er $ee 4manit/ e8terminated. 6i$ "ind a.e e8-erien1ed t e dar" $ide o# 4man nat4re in t e da/$ o# t e an1ient Ne- te$ i Inter$tellar 'm-ire. S-ar"ed !/ -ointed 1omment$ !/ Bla::, 'etoo !e0in$ to -onder t e dilemma o# 4manit/. 7ll t e & ile, 6e-to$ , &it 'etoo and ot er$, m4$t #i0 t t e !ioni1 mena1e, a$ &ell a$ t e .ario4$ ot er mani#e$tation$ o# 4man 0reed and am!ition. No one 1an remem!er t e lo1ation o# t e -lanet Ne- te$ , t e #ir$t -lanet to !e 1oloni$ed !/ 4man$ & en t e/ le#t t e -lanet o# 5ed 'art . 6o&, t e onl/ &a/ 'etoo 1an rea1 5ed 'art i$ #rom Ne- te$ . Part Three: The Adventurer 'etoo and 2$a- ar arri.e at t e -lanet o# 5ed 'art and #ind a land o# -arado8. It3$ t e a0e o# t e 5oman 'm-ire, and t e 6ol/ 2em-le $till $tand$ in t e 1it/ o# <er4$alem, & ere t e ad.ent4rer$ m4$t 0o to $ear1 #or t e ;olden 2a!let$. 2 eir e8-erien1e .i.idl/ ill4$trate$ t e dilemma o# 4manit/ a$ t e/ en1o4nter $tar" 1ontra$t$ in li.in0 1ondition$, o!$er.e t e .ario4$ and e8oti1 $e1t$, e8-erien1e t e eroi$m o# $aint$ and $a0e$, and t e trea1 er/ o# .illain$. 2 e/ al$o meet t e one & om man/ o-e in a$ t e =e$$ia o# I$rael. '.il i$ !la1" indeed, !4t t e 0ood $ ine a$ li0 t$. 2 e -art$ o# t e narrati.e $et on t e *lanet o# 5ed 'art %o4r eart , a1t4all/(, are in#l4en1ed !/ re1ent $t4die$ o# #ir$t 1ent4r/ i$tor/ in li0 t o# t e Dead Sea S1roll$, t e *$e4do-i0ra- a, 5a!!ini1al $o4r1e$, a$ &ell a$ readin0$ o# S alom 7$1 3$ The Nazarene. 2 e a4t or3$ limited "no&led0e o# >4ant4m =e1 ani1$ in#l4en1ed $ome o# t e te1 nolo0ie$ re#erred to t ro40 o4t t e narrati.e. 2 ere i$ a 0lo$$ar/ at t e end o# t e !oo". There are four narrative points of view: Eetoo -- narrated in #ir$t -er$on -re$ent ten$e, !4t -re1eded !/ a $ ort de$1ri-tion in omni$1ient -re$ent ten$e -ro$e, di$-la/ed in itali1$ Heptosh -- narrated in t ird -er$on -a$t ten$e eury!h the "t! -- narrated in #ir$t -er$on -a$t ten$e Tsaphar -- narrated in t ird -er$on -a$t ten$e Scenes from the latter three always open with the name of the narrative point of view in a heavy font.

Excerpt (part 1 :

Part # $$ The Shepherd 1

Nights are dark as there's no moon on Klodi-Famta -- the shepherd boy sits nder a tree on the edge of a small grove s rro nded by grass plains! a day's "o rney from any h man dwelling. #is sheep! one by one! go off to sleep. #is yo ng eyes scan the sky. 2 i$ i$ t e t ird time I3.e $een a li0 t mo.in0 a!o4t in t e $"/. 2 e #ir$t time, Un1le ? 4e *a& told me it &a$ onl/ a $ ootin0 $tar. I t o40 t it &ent too $lo& #or t at, !4t I #i04red ma/!e e &a$ ri0 t and it &a$ m/ mind -la/in0 tri1"$ on me. 2 en I $a& it a0ain a &ee" a0o -- de#initel/ too $lo&. No& I3m -o$iti.e it &a$n3t. S ootin0 $tar$ don3t $to- and 0o !a1" t e &a/ t e/ 1ame. B4t t e/3d -ro!a!l/ $a/ I &a$ l/in0. 2 e/ alread/ $a/ t at "no&in0 o& to read t e an1ient &ritin0 ma"e$ m/ ead too 1lo4d/. 9 &ell, it3$ not !ot erin0 t e $ ee- an/&a/. 7nd t e/3re -ro!a!l/ ri0 t. @i0 t$ in t e $"/ don3t do an/t in0 to -eo-le an/&a/, e$-e1iall/ t i$ #ar #rom t e .illa0e, $o tellin0 t em &o4ld onl/ ma"e more tro4!le #or me. I mi0 t tell +enera!le 2oo D a, t o40 . 6e3$ di##erent #rom t e ot er$. 6e ta"e$ me $erio4$l/, -ro!a!l/ !e1a4$e e 1an read, and "no&$ it i$n3t !ad #or /o4. Un1le ? 4e *a& &o4ld onl/ $1old me #or !ein0 $o dream/ #rom too m41 readin0. 7n/&a/, I3d !etter 0et to $lee-. It3ll !e a lon0 &al" !a1" to t e .illa0e tomorro&. 2 e $ ee- a.e $ettled do&n an/&a/. 2 ere3$ t at li0 t a0ain, and no& it3$ 1omin0 #rom t at dire1tion. Ao4ldn3t it !e $omet in0 i# t at &ere a $ i- -- li"e & at o4r #at er$ arri.ed onB CCC Heptosh $1anned t e $4r#a1e on1e more, t i$ time at an altit4de #rom & i1 e 1o4ld ma"e o4t indi.id4al #eat4re$. 2 e all-aro4nd .ie&er, aided !/ t e in#ra-red $en$or, $ o&ed t e no1t4rnal land$1a-e. 2 e 0ra$$land, t e #e& 1l4m-$ o# #ore$t ere and t ere, loo"ed dr/er t an 6e-to$ 3$ ome -lanet, !4t &ell $4ited to "ee-in0 $ ee-. 6i$ $ o4ldn3t rai$e an/ 4nd4e alarm #rom t e in a!itant$ on t i$ $ide o# t e mo4ntain di.ide. 2 e/3d mi$ta"e im #or a $ ootin0 $tar. 6ere and t ere, e 1o4ld -i1" o4t a $ e- erd mindin0 i$ $ ee-, or a 1am-ed o4t #or t e ni0 t -- armle$$, !4t it &o4ldn3t !e 0ood to interr4-t t eir -ea1e#4l e8i$ten1e !/ $4ddenl/ a--earin0 to t em o4t o# t e $"/. It &a$ t o$e on t e ot er $ide t at &orried im. 2 e/ &ere a more ad.an1ed 1i.ili$ation -- or, at lea$t t e/ 4$ed to !e. I# t e/ &ere a$ t e/ 4$ed to !e, t e/3d -re$ent no -ro!lem. 2 e Klodi and t e 2o"i 4man -o-4lation$ ad enDo/ed man/ a--/ intera1tion$. 2 en, t e/ re-orted $ome $ort o# $tr400le. 2 e Klodi ad $ent o4t a &arnin0 not to enter t eir $olar $/$tem 4ntil t e/ ad 0ot t eir -ro!lem $orted o4t. 2 e/ al$o $aid $omet in0 a!o4t $e.en tran$-ort $ i-load$ o# re#40ee$. It &a$n3t 1lear e8a1tl/ & at t e tro4!le &a$, !4t t e

re#40ee$ &o4ld e8-lain it. So t e $e1tor 1o4n1il i$$4ed a re$tri1tion, and &aited. 2 en t e/ &ent $ilent. No re#40ee$ a--eared. 2 at all a--ened t&el.e /ear$ a0o, a$ 4man$ $till 1o4nted time. No&, t e re$tri1tion ad e8-ired -- $till, t e $ilen1e, $o 6e-to$ &a$ on a $1o4tin0 mi$$ion. So #ar, e determined t at on t e Famti: i al# o# t e -lanet, 1i.ili$ation 1arried on a$ it al&a/$ ad. 6e-to$ ad $-end t e la$t $e.eral &ee"$ ma"in0 o!$er.ation$ o# li#e on t e 0ro4nd -- not in0 to &orr/ a!o4t ere. B4t, t e di.ideB 6e ad dete1ted no $atellite $4r.eillan1e, no re1onnai$$an1e $ i-$ -- t e Klodi adn3t !een in t e a!it o# maintainin0 $41 a 1lo$e &at1 , !4t & o &a$ in 1ontrol no&B A it &a$, at lea$t adn3t !e04n to 04ard t e air$-a1e. *er a-$ t at &a$ 0ood. B4t -er a-$ it meant !ioni1$. Bioni1$ &o4ld #ollo& t e a!it$ o# t eir 4man o$t$, and t ere#ore maintain t e $ame le.el o# $4r.eillan1e. 2 ere &ere no $i0n$ o# !ioni1$ on t i$ $ide o# t e di.ide. 6e &o4ld 1ro$$ and e8amine t e 0ro4nd on t e Klodi $ide -- 1are#4ll/. 7 mo4ntaino4$ i$t m4$ $e-arated t e Famti: i land ma$$ #rom t e Klodi 1ontinent. Ne$tled in a .alle/ in t at i$t m4$, &a$ t e 1it/ o# Klodi, & ere e &o4ld #ind t e $-a1e -ort. 2 e mo4ntain$ &ere E4ite im-a$$a!le #or land tra.el, e81e-t #or a t4nnel t ro40 a mo4ntain #rom t e Famti: i area into t e 1it/, & i1 &a$ onl/ a--roa1 a!le #rom t e re$t o# Klodiland .ia t e $4!terranean -ortion o# t e 1it/. 2 e $ame mo4ntain ran0e lined t e Nort 1oa$t o# t e Famti: i land ma$$, $4rro4nded t e 1it/, and t en &ent alon0 t e So4t 1oa$t o# Klodiland. 2 ere#ore, a11e$$ !/ $ea &a$ al$o all !4t im-o$$i!le. 6e-to$ !e0an #l/in0 at a lo& le.el a1ro$$ Famti: i territor/ to&ard$ t e mo4ntain ran0e. 6i$ intention &a$ to 1ree- in $tealt mode !elo& t e ran0e o# t eir $1anner$. 2 e line o# 1li##$ to--in0 t e mo4ntain ran0e loomed a ead o# im, r4nnin0 in a $trai0 t line a$ #ar a$ i$ e/e$ 1o4ld $ee. 7 millennia o# ero$ion ad rendered t em more nat4ral loo"in0, ot er&i$e, t e $trai0 tne$$ o# t e #ormation &a$ t e allmar" o# it$ 4man de$i0n. '.er/t in0 on t e$e arti#i1ial -lanet$, t e mo4ntain ran0e$, t e 1oa$tline$, e.en t e 1a.e$ 4nder t e 0ro4nd, &ere done in $trai0 t line$. 6i$ $ i- o.ered in a 1le#t t at ad !een eroded !et&een t&o 0iant $tone$ #ormin0 t e mo4ntain ran0e, -ro.idin0 im a .anta0e -oint. From t ere, e loo"ed.

$ fence encloses the mo th of the deep canyon. %nside! there is grass! a few rocks! and a winding stream. The so nd of a waterfall echoes from deep inside. The shepherd boy leads his sheep within! replaces the bar across the opening! and retires to the abandoned shelters and market stalls that stand witho t. Tired from the morning's walk! he sits and takes o t the last of his bread. 2 e/ $a/ Fa-t:i-: i, 4$ed to trade ere &it t e Klodi. It m4$t a.e !een e81itin0 &it $o man/ -eo-le a!o4t $ellin0 t in0$. I &o4ld a.e !een t&o /ear$ old & en it all $to--ed, $o I don3t remem!er an/ o# it.

2 e $ ee- &ill !e $a#e ere 4ntil I 1ome !a1" &it more #ood. I &on3t $ta/ in t e .illa0e .er/ lon0. I do. '.er $in1e Ni ;&a 0ot $41"ed do&n t e & irl-ool, +enera!le 2oo D a i$ t e onl/ 1lo$e #riend I a.e. I3ll .i$it im, and tell im a!o4t t e li0 t$ in t e $"/. I &onder i# it &a$ t e li0 t$ la$t ni0 t t at -rom-ted t at dreamB It &a$ t e $ame dream I3.e ad !e#ore. I3m &it $omeone in a dar" 1a.e, oldin0 a li0 t. Ae #ind t e$e 0olden -late$ t at &ere !4ried in t e &all. 2 e #ir$t time I dreamed it &a$ & en *a& and =a& &ere $till ali.e, and +enera!le 2oo D a adn3t $tarted tea1 in0 me to read /et. I m4$t a.e !een $i8 /ear$ old. 7#ter t at I $tarted readin0 t e &ritin0$, and I read & ere it $a/$ t ere are 0olden ta!let$ idden $ome& ere t at &ill 1om-lete o4r "no&led0e, and it &ill !e $omeone3$ Do! to #et1 t em. @ater, I ad t e dream a0ain, & en I "ne& it &a$ a!o4t t o$e 0olden ta!let$. 7#ter I told +enera!le 2oo D a t e dream, e 0ot all E4iet. 6e $till mention$ it $ometime$. I3m $4re e doe$n3t ta"e it $erio4$l/, I3ll a$" +enera!le 2oo D a to let me read t e ta!let$ a0ain. I3.e read t em $o man/ time$ alread/, I &i$ t ere &ere more to read -- ma/!e i# $omeone #o4nd t e 0olden one$. !!! Heptosh &a$n3t $4re & o introd41ed Bioni1 5e-li1ation to i$ nati.e -lanet o# Ne#:ed. 6e &a$ onl/ old eno40 at t e time to "no& it &a$ t e in-t in0 #or t e ri1 and lei$4rel/. Se.eral reno&ned -la/&ri0 t$, min$trel$ and $tor/teller$ ad ta"en an im-lant. So ad a #e& $enator$3 &i.e$ and ot er $etter$ o# t e late$t #a$ ion$. 2 e/ -la1ed it 4nder t e $"in eit er in t e #ore ead or in t e &ri$t. It &a$ a 1 i- 1ontainin0 mi1ro$1o-i1 !ioni1 $el#-re-rod41in0 1ell$, -ro0rammed to re-la1e t eir nei0 !o4rin0 1ell$ 4ntil t e & ole lim!, and e.ent4all/, one3$ & ole !od/ !e1ame !ioni1. A en t e -ro1e$$ &a$ 1om-lete, t ere &a$ t e !ioni1 4manoid, -er#e1t in &a/, &it $4-er $tren0t , $4-er intelli0en1e %$o t e/ $aid(, a!$or!in0 all it$ ener0/ #rom $4nli0 t, t 4$ not needin0 or0ani1 #ood to "ee- it ali.e. In #a1t, &it -ro-er maintenan1e, it &o4ld 0o on li.in0 For all t e ad.anta0e$ t at &ere -4!li1i$ed, t ere a--eared a $ini$ter do&n$ide. 6e-to$ 3$ #at er, a$it/ -ro#e$$or named Dr. Na$ te-, &a$ one o# t e #ir$t to a.e maDor do4!t$ re0ardin0 t e -ro1e$$. 6e-to$ ad a11om-anied i$ #at er a$ a -4-il and remem!ered t e di$14$$ion$ t e/ ad. 9ne o# i$ #riend$, a do1tor, & ile 1lo$el/ o!$er.in0 t e 4man -$/1 e d4rin0 t e la$t $ta0e$ o# t e tran$#ormation, noted & at e t o40 t &ere indi1ator$ o# t e deat o# t e 4man -er$onalit/ t at ori0inall/ animated t e !od/. 9t er$ o# t eir #riend$, in1l4din0 ot er -ro#e$$or$, do1tor$, art and literar/ 1riti1$, ad al$o noti1ed di$t4r!in0 1 an0e$ in t e -er$onalit/ !e#ore and a#ter. 2 e/ !e1ame 1on.in1ed t at t e 4man $o4l did not $4r.i.ed a 1om-lete !ioni1 tran$#ormation. 2 e !ioni1 4manoid &a$ no more t an an arti#i1ial intelli0en1e $torin0 t e memor/ t at 4$ed to !elon0 to t e $o4l. A at &a$ le#t &a$ a 0ood re-re$entation o# a 4man -er$onalit/, eno40 to #ool man/. *la/&ri0 t$ and $tor/teller$ 1ontin4ed -rod41in0 $torie$, $ometime$ more #4rio4$l/ t an 6o&, a$ time &ent !/, and t e demand 0re& #or ne& t/-e$ o# -lot$ or literar/ $t/le$, onl/ non-!ioni1 4man arti$t$ &ere a!le to ada-t. Bioni1$ 1o4ldn3t "ee- 4- &it ne& trend$.

9nl/ 1ertain one$ noti1ed t i$. 2 e ma$$e$ onl/ 1ontin4ed #ollo&in0 t e &or"$ o# t eir #a.o4rite$ a$ lon0 a$ t e/ &ere -o-4lar. 2 e #a1t t at t e/ &ere !ioni1 onl/ $eemed to en an1e t eir ima0e. 2 e/ &ondered, a$ t e 1riti1$ did, & / t e/ &ent #rom li"in0 an old arti$t to a ne&l/ !ioni1 one. I# an/t in0, $o1iet/ -4t t at m41 more -re$$4re on t e more 1reati.e to a11e-t a !ioni1 im-lant. 5e#4$al, in $ome 1a$e$, -4t arti$t$ on a !la1" li$t. 2 o$e & o ad 4nder0one a 1om-lete tran$#ormation, t e 2otal Bioni1$, in$i$ted t at in0 &a$ #ine. 2 e/ .oi1ed $tron0 o-inion$ t at t e/ &ere t e !etter #or it, and did t eir 4tmo$t to in#l4en1e /et more -eo-le to !e1ome o$t to a !ioni1 1ell. 7$ t eir n4m!er$ 0re&, t e di$$entin0 .oi1e$ !e1ame more and more mar0inali$ed. 2 e 2otal Bioni1$ 1ontin4ed to 0ain -oliti1al 1lo4t, and !e#ore lon0, t ere &a$ di$14$$ion a!o4t ma"in0 a !ioni1 im-lant mandator/ #or all 1iti:en$ o# Ne#:ed. Be1a4$e o# t e in1rea$in0l/ #reE4ent #ood $ orta0e$, t e idea o# a !od/ t at didn3t reE4ire #ood, 0ained all t e more a--eal. 2 e &or"in0 1la$$e$ and t e 4nem-lo/ed ma$$e$ rallied #or t e le0i$lation, & i1 &o4ld mean t e/ &o4ld 0et t eir im-lant #or #ree. Farmer$ &eren3t a$ ent 4$ia$ti1 -- it &o4ld mean le$$ demand #or #arm -rod41t$ -- !4t e.en t e/ !e0an to a11e-t it a$ ine.ita!le. Dr. Na$ te- and i$ 1ir1le o# -ro#e$$ional$ #ormed t e 1ore o# t e di$$entin0 -art/. 2 e/ $-o"e o4t a$ lo4dl/ a$ t e/ 1o4ld, !4t t ere &ere !a1"la$ e$. =r. 2a"anen, a $o1ial 1ommentator & o ad !e1ome a 1lo$e #riend, made a #inal im-a$$ioned -lea t at &a$ eard -lanet&ide. 2 en e &a$ $o4ndl/ di$1redited, 1ari1at4red a$ a 1ra1"-ot, and !ani$ ed #rom t e media. 6e-to$ , im$el#, .i.idl/ remem!ered t e ta4nt$ !/ #ormer -la/mate$, t e o$tra1i$m, t e !etra/al$ !/ one$ e lo.edF and at t e $ame time, t e #ear #or t e #4t4re -- i$ o&n and o# 4manit/. Ao4ld e #inall/ !e #or1ed to ta"e an im-lantB Ao4ld i$ $o4l die at $41 a /o4n0 a0eB Ao4ld t i$ mean t e e8tin1tion o# t e 4man ra1eB 7t #ir$t, it loo"ed a$ t o40 all t e di$$ident$ 1o4ld do no& &a$ to -onder t i$ E4e$tion and &ait #or it to a--en, or -er a-$ 0o into idin0. 7 limited n4m!er &ere e8-lorin0 ot er a.en4e$. 9ne o# t e$e in1l4ded $-a1e tra.el. 7t #ir$t, t at $o4nded li"e a -i-e dream. '.en t o40 mo$t o# t e -o-4lation &a$ a&are t at $-a1e tra.el e8i$ted, it &a$n3t an o-tion t at mo$t t o40 t li"el/. 2 e/ "ne& t at 4manit/ &a$n3t !irt ed on Ne#:ed. 64man$ ad to 1ome #rom $ome& ere, and t i$ -re$4--o$ed $-a1e tra.el. Dr. Na$ te- &a$ t e e8-ert in i$tor/, $o e "ne& t at $-a1e tra.el &a$ a realit/, onl/ to !e redi$1o.ered. 9n1e in Ne#:ed3$ i$tor/, a maDor -ortion o# t e -o-4lation ad to !e $ i#ted to a ne& -lanet. 2 at &a$ a lon0 time a0o, in t e da/$ o# t e an1ient Ne- te$ i Inter$tellar 'm-ire. 2 en, t e/ ad t e 1a-a1it/ to !4ild mini -lanet$ o4t o# !la1" ole$. B4t t at te1 nolo0/ di$a--eared &it t e 1olla-$e o# t e 0reat em-ire. 2 eir onl/ le0a1/: 4ndred$ o# arti#i1ial -lanet$ $1attered t ro40 o4t t e 0ala8/, all -o-4lated to 1a-a1it/. No one &a$ !4ildin0 ne& -lanet$ an/ more. B4t -er a-$ an em-t/ -lanet &a$n3t ne1e$$ar/ -- t ere &eren3t reall/ t at man/ di$$ident$. A ere t ere an/ #riendl/ -lanet$ o4t t ere t at 1o4ld ta"e D4$t a #e& moreB 2 e/ !e0an to loo" at t e o-tion$. Dr. Na$ te-3$ !rot er-in-la& Na0a$ a, an en0ineer, $-ear eaded in t i$ o-eration.

2 e/ ad to !e di$1reet, a$ $ome o# t e -o&er$-t at-!e &ere o--o$ed to an/one $ee"in0 to lea.e. 6o&, $ome o# t em &ere a!le to o!tain t e in#ormation t at &a$ a.aila!le. 7not er o# t eir n4m!er, =r. +a$ "anen, ad !een a !4rea41rat in t e -lanetar/ 0o.ernment, and ad o-ted to ta"e retirement !e#ore i$ re#4$al to ta"e an im-lant !e1ame an i$$4e. 2 o40 !4rea41rat$ and a1ademi1$ ad al&a/$ !een at odd$, it &a$ i$ 1on1ern a!o4t !ioni1 re-li1ation t at !ro40 t im into t eir 1ir1le. 6a.in0 on1e !een i0 4- in t e 0o.ernment, e "ne& t in0$ t at i$torian$, li"e Dr. Na$ te-, didn3t. 9ne o# t e$e &a$ t e #a1t t at $in1e t e 1olla-$e o# t e Ne- te$ i em-ire, inter-lanetar/ tra.el t ro40 o4t t e 0ala8/ &a$ no& re04lated !/ t e $e1tor 1o4n1il$ -- 1o4n1il$ re-re$entin0 $-e1ie$ ot er t an 4man. 2 e 1o4n1il #or t eir -art o# t e 0ala8/, t e ?iern Se1tor, &a$ -rimaril/ 1om-o$ed o# ;ro"i, a $-e1ie$ did in0 in t eir -o&er to di$1o4ra0e 4man $-a1e tra.el. 2 e/ ad an e8ten$i.e "no&led0e o# i$tor/, and $ome ad e.en li.ed lon0 eno40 to -er$onall/ remem!er t e Ne- te$ i em-ire -- t at it ad !een a t orn in t e $ide o# all non- 4man $-e1ie$. 2 e more t e/ learned o# t e ?iern $e1tor 1o4n1il, t e more it !e1ame o!.io4$ t at t e ;ro"i &ere $4--orti.e o# mandator/ !ioni1 im-lant$ #or 4man$. 9t er -lanet$ in t e $e1tor &ere in t e $ame -o$ition a$ t e/. 2 i$ ad !een a 1on1ern #or mo$t Ne#:edi$, a$ no one !4t 0o.ernment -eo-le ad t o40 it ne1e$$ar/ to do an/ $-a1e tra.el. 2 e 0o.ernment, "no&in0 t e -eril$, ad al&a/$ $4--re$$ed an/ idea$ t at &o4ld lead to -eo-le .ent4rin0 to tr/ it. =r. +a$ "anen "ne& all a!o4t t at, and in i$ 1areer da/$, &a$ -art/ to it. B4t t i$ &a$ a ne& da/, &it ne& dan0er$. No&, &it =r. +a$ "anen3$ el-, Na0a$ a3$ -eo-le &ere a!le to #ind $ome 4n4$ed $ i-$ -o&ered !/ lo0i1al relo1ator$, t e re1ord$ o# & i1 ad lon0 #aded #rom t e in.entor/ !oo"$ o# t e -lanet3$ !4rea41rat$. 2 e$e "ind$ o# $ i-$ 1o4ld $im-l/ relo1ate $ome& ere o4t$ide o# t e $e1tor &it o4t !ein0 dete1ted. 2 e/ al$o 0ained a11e$$ to a 0ala1ti1 ma-, & i1 $ o&ed ot er $e1tor$ o# t e 0ala8/. Na0a$ a &it a 1re& o# #o4r &ent o## in $ear1 o# a #riendl/ -lanet. 2 o40 t e/ tra.elled 4ndred$ o# li0 t /ear$, t e/ "e-t in to41 .ia t&in -arti1le 1omm4ni1ator$. 2o", t o40 admini$trated !/ non- 4man$, o##ered t e !e$t -ro$-e1t. 2 e 0o.ernor$ o# t at -lanet &ere a non-;ro"i $-e1ie$ t at tended to $ o& $/m-at / to&ard 4man$. 2 ere &a$ alread/ a 4man 1omm4nit/ li.in0 t ere E4ite a--il/, an 7""adi $-ea"in0 tri!e. 2 e 0o.ernor$, & en t e/ eard o# t e Ne#:edi -li0 t, e8tended t em an in.itation to relo1ate a -ortion o# t eir 4man -o-4lation t ere. 9t er -lanet$ in t at $e1tor &ere al$o #o4nd, &it t eir el-, and t e/ $ent 0iant $ i-$ to el- &it t e mo.e. 2 e e8od4$ &ent on di$1reetl/ and too" t e !ioni1 -o-4lation !/ $4r-ri$e. 7ll non-!ioni1 4man$ & o &i$ ed to mo.e, 0at ered in a -redetermined lo1ation. 2 e/ 1omm4ni1ated t eir 1oordinate$ to t e 2o"i $ i-$ t at &ere &aitin0 in t e 4--er atmo$- ere. 2 e/ landed in $tealt mode, !ro40 t t em all on !oard and $-ed t em a1ro$$ t e 0ala8/ to t eir ne& ome. 2 at &a$ a lon0 time a0o, & en 6e-to$ &a$ /o4n0. =o$t o# t e elder$, in1l4din0 i$ #at er, Dr. Na$ te-, i$ Un1le Na0a$ a and ot er$ &ere dead. 9nl/ =r. 2a"anen &a$ le#t o# t at 0ro4-, a.in0

li.ed to an e8traordinaril/ old a0e. 6e-to$ , im$el#, &a$n3t a /o4n0 man an/ more, t o40 e remem!ered all o# t i$ a$ t o40 it &ere /e$terda/. No&, t e ori0inal ome -lanet o# t e Ne#:edi &a$ & oll/ in a!ited !/ 2otal Bioni1$. No 4man$ &ere le#t. Ne#:edi 4man$ &ere all li.in0 in t e Noo#ri$ i $e1tor o# t e ;ala8/. 2 eir 2o"i o$t$ allo&ed t em to admini$ter t eir o&n a##air$ and t e/ ad relati.e #reedom o# tra.el &it in t e $e1tor in & i1 t e/ li.ed. No&, -er1 ed in t e 1le#t o# t e 1li## o.erloo"in0 Klodi Git/, e &ondered. Did t e $ame #ate !e#all Klodi-landB

Simple dwellings the same colo r as the yellow brown earth from which they're made. F rther on! yellow brown paths! lined by more yellow brown h ts! slope p the side of the mo ntain range! also yellow brown! e&cept where interr pted by patches of green. Nearer by! small children r n! their naked skin matching the yellow brown earth! both thro gh dirtiness and nat ral colo r. Their elders finish their chores! chat and en"oy the evening. $s for the smells... I 1an $mell $te& 1oo"in0 !e ind 2ee =a&3$ o4$e. I o-e $omeone a$ eno40 #ood le#t #rom t eir #amil/ meal #or me. Un1le ? 4e *a& 4$4all/ a$ $ome !4t e al&a/$ ma"e$ me &ait 4ntil el$e a$ eaten. +enera!le 2oo D a 4$4all/ eat$ !/ im$el#, $o e mi0 t a.e $omet in0. 9 , noH 6ere 1ome$ t at !rat, N/4. 6e $ o4t$, 36oiH 'etooH3 37ren3t /o4 $4--o$ed to !e $t4d/in0B3 I $a/. 36a H I3m o# a0e alread/H I 1an do & I &antH3 39# a0eH Io43re not t irteen /etH3 39# 1o4r$e I amH3 e $na-$ !a1". 3%'m t irteen,3 I em- a$i$e to 0et it into i$ thick head. 3I3.e D4$t ad m/ man ood 1eremon/ t&o mont $ a0o. Io43re at lea$t a /ear /o4n0er t an meH3 3Go4nt t e 1/1le$ aro4nd t e $4nH I3m t irteenH3 3Iea H 2 irteen 1/1le$ aro4nd this $tarH3 3A at ot er $tar$ do /o4 e8-e1t to 0o aro4ndH3 6e $a/$ it a$ t o40 % &ere t e $t4-id oneH 3Didn3t t e/ tea1 /o4 or & atB 94r #at er$ 1ame #rom a di##erent -la1e: di##erent $tar, di##erent -lanetH3 36a H I t in" &e3.e al&a/$ !een on t i$ oneH3 6e3$ $o o!$tinateH 37nd /o4 e8-e1t to !e t e ne8t Kee-er o# t e Aritin0$B3 I a$". 3Io4 a.en3t e.en read t emH3 3It $4re &on3t !e /o4H Io43re D4$t an or- an !o/H3 37t lea$t I3m "ee-in0 4- m/ #amil/ re-4tation o# !ein0 a $ eeo&nin0 #amil/. A at are /o4 doin0B3 3=/ *a&3$ 0ot t e !i00e$t #lo1", and e a$ t e re$-e1t o# t e & ole .illa0e.3 6e3$ 0ot a -oint. I3d !etter not $a/ an/t in0 $t4-id. 3Aell, Ni ;&a $ o4ld a.e !een it. 6e &a$ !etter t an !ot /o4 or /o4r *a&H3 36a H 2 e 0od$ o!.io4$l/ didn3t t in" $oH3 6e3$ o## in t e ot er dire1tion, m4tterin0 $omet in0 e8tremel/ di$re$-e1t#4l a!o4t Ni ;&a .

2 at3$ anot er t in0. 2 e &ritin0$, & i1 e t in"$ e3$ 0oin0 to "ee- $a/ &e m4$t &or$ i- onl/ one 0od. 6e $till tal"$ a!o4t t e ot er 0od$ li"e t e $ aman o# 24-t4-a doe$. 7 lot o# -eo-le a.e 0ot #ire$ 0oin0. =o *a&, t e traditional &re$tlin0 in$tr41tor i$ $till at &or" ma"in0 1la/ !ri1"$. I t in" e3$ 0oin0 to !4ild an e8ten$ion to i$ o4$e. I o-e e lea.e$ eno40 room #or i$ &re$tlin0 0/m. Ni ;&a 4$ed to !e 0ood at t at too -al&a/$ !eat me in &re$tlin0. 2 ere3$ Aee 2a, $till &or"in0 a&a/ on er &ea.in0 loom. I3ll need a ne& t4ni1 $oon. I o-e t i$ one &on3t $tart $ o&in0 m/ na"edne$$ !e#ore $ earin0 $ea$on. No& t at I3m a man, no one 0i.e$ me an/ $la1". I a.e to 1ome 4- &it ra& &ool !e#ore an/one &ill ma"e me a t4ni1. I mi0 t a.e to $tart 0oin0 na"ed on da/$ I3m #ar eno40 #rom t e .illa0e, $o m/ t4ni1 &on3t &ear o4t $o #a$t. Go4$in ? 4e i$ $o $ amele$$, e doe$ t at e.en & en e3$ near t e .illa0e, in -lain $i0 t o# 6e al$o eat$ mo$t o# t e #ood at ome $o t ere3ll -ro!a!l/ not !e eno40 #or a de1ent meal #or me. Un1le ? 4e *a& re$train$ im li"e e doe$ me. +enera!le 2oo D a3$ all ri0 t t o40 . 6e treat$ me li"e a #amil/ mem!er, e.en !etter t an Un1le ? 4e *a&. I t in" I3ll 0o $trai0 t to i$ o4$e. 2 ere3$ Doo B&e , t e !a"er. 6e $ee$ me 1omin0. I "no& e8a1tl/ & at e3ll $a/: 35emem!erH Io4 o&e me &oolH3 -- /e-. 3I3ll remem!er,3 I $a/ on 14e. 3;ood. 2 en 1ome !/ in t e mornin0 #or anot er do:en.3 6e3$ 0ot t e ro4tine do&n. I don3t e.en a.e to -4t in an order. I -a$$ !/ a #e& more o4$e$ and t ere3$ +enera!le 2oo D a, $ittin0 on a !en1 o4t$ide i$ door. 3;ood da/, 'etoo,3 e $a/$. 3;ood da/ to /o4, +enera!le 2oo D a.3 3Gome, $it do&n and re$t. 6o& are t e $ ee-B3 32 e/ are &ell. I le#t t em in t e 1an/on !e ind t e old mar"et.3 3Io4 &on3t lea.e t em t ere man/ da/$, I o-e.3 3No. I D4$t 1ame !a1" #or more !read.3 3Io4 $till a.e 1redit &it Doo B&e , t e !a"er, I tr4$t.3 3Ie$. I3ll o&e im t ree !a0$ o# &ool, 1ome $ earin0 $ea$on.3 3Io4 a.e 0ro&n to !e a re$-on$i!le /o4n0 man, 'etoo. Io4r #at er &o4ld !e -ro4d o# /o4.3 3Io4 #latter me, +enera!le 2oo D a.3 Ae $it E4ietl/ #or a & ile. 6e $eem$ to !e t in"in0 a!o4t $omet in0. I t in" too, !4t a!o4t t in0$ N/4 D4$t $aid. 3N/4 $eem$ to t in" e3$ 0oin0 to !e 1 o$en to !e t e "ee-er o# t e &ritin0$ & en /o4 die.3 3Ie$,3 e $a/$, 32 at $eem$ to !e t e &ill o# t e .illa0e. B4t I3m a#raid I &on3t li.e lon0 eno40 to tea1 im at t e rate e3$ learnin0.3 36e onl/ "no&$ t e -i1to0ra- $, and e.en t en e $a/$ t em in Fat:i-: i in$tead o# t e ol/ lan04a0e.3 36a H I remem!er /o4 and Ni ;&a F I 1a40 t /o4 t&o $-ellin0 o4t Fa-t:i-: i &ord$ 4$in0 t e Ne- te$ i - oneti1 letter$.3 3Iea H Io4 almo$t 0a.e 4$ a idin0H3 37t lea$t it $ o&ed /o4 ad ma$tered t e lan04a0e.3 6a$ e 0ot $o#ter in i$ old a0eB 3 Ni ;&a &a$ .er/ 0ood at it.3

3Iea ,3 I a0ree. 3Ni ;&a $ o4ld a.e !een t e ne8t "ee-er o# t e &ritin0$. 7t lea$t e &or$ i--ed onl/ t e 1reator 0od. N/4 $till tal"$ a!o4t t e le$$er 0od$.3 3Ie$. It3$ a lo$in0 !attle. =an/ o# t em, in1l4din0 N/4 *a& and Doo B&e *a&, &ent o## to attend t e $-irit 1ele!ration$ in 24-t4-a a #e& da/$ a0o. 7t lea$t t e/ a.en3t tried to in$tall a $ aman ere a$ &ell.3 6e loo"$ $ad. 7#ter a -a4$e, e $a/$, 3I tried to -er$4ade t e 1o4n1il at t e la$t meetin0, to ma"e /o4 t e "ee-er -- t at /o4 &ere read/ e.en no& -- !4t N/4 *a& $eem$ to &ield in#l4en1e, and e &ant$ i$ $on to !e. *er a-$, 4nle$$ I li.e to !e .er/ old, /o4 1an tea1 im & at e need$.3 36e3$ $41 a !rat, e3ll li$ten to me.3 3*er a-$ e3ll 0ro& &i$er &it a0e...3 6e3$ !a1" to t in"in0 a0ain. 3...and, ma/!e it3$ !etter t i$ &a/.3 3A /B3 3I3.e !een t in"in0 a lot a!o4t t at dream /o4 ad. I3.e ad dream$ o# m/ o&n.3 A at doe$ t at a.e to do &it itB 3Io4 a.e a more im-ortant Do!,3 e $a/$. 3I3.e !een &antin0 to tell /o4, I a.en3t "no&n o&, and I #ear time ma/ !e $ ort.3 3A at, +enera!leB3 6e loo"$ ealt / eno40 . 3Do /o4 remem!er & at i$ &ritten in t e #i#t ta!letB3 37!o4t t e $e.en la&$B3 I ret4rn. 37!o4t o& +enera!le No"a -a$$ed on i$ le0a1/ to i$ t ree $on$.3 3Ie$. 6e 0a.e i$ elde$t $on t e 0olden ta!let$, !4t to i$ $e1ond $on, e &rote it do&n on ta!let$ o# $tone, and to i$ /o4n0e$t, e &rote it on animal ide. A at &e a.e are 1o-ie$ o# t e ta!let$ o# $tone. 2 e ori0inal $tone ta!let$ &ere ne0le1ted !/ t e Ne- te$ i 04ardian$, $o Im ote-, t e -ro- et-r4ler, o!tained t em and added t em to t e 0reat li!rar/ at =em- i$.3 3Do /o4 remem!er & at el$eB3 e -rod$. 3Ie$. Some da/, one #rom amon0 t e de$1endent o# t e $e1ond $on m4$t 0o to read t e 0olden ta!let$ !elon0in0 to t e elde$t $on $o t at o4r "no&led0e o# t e Aa/ &ill !e 1om-lete.3 3I !elie.e t e time i$ near & en t e de$1endent o# t e $e1ond $on m4$t ma"e i$ Do4rne/. 2 at de$1endent i$ /o4. I am .er/ $4re o# t at.3 I 1an ardl/ tal". I & i$-er, 3=eB3 3=a"e /o4r eart $tron0, 'etoo. I &o4ld not $a/ it i# I didn3t !elie.e it &ere $o. I3.e t o40 t $o #or a lon0 time no&.3 3B4t --3 37t #ir$t, I di$mi$$ed it a$ an idle t o40 t,3 e e8-lain$. 3I tried to #or0et it, !4t &it time, it onl/ !e0an 1omin0 !a1" $tron0er and $tron0er. I di$14$$ed it &it +enera!le$ ?ti *a& o# S o-ta-le and =e ? a o# N/4 *ee +illa0e. 2 e/ all #eel t e time i$ near, and !elie.e t at m/ in$tin1t$ are ri0 t. So, no&, I m4$t tell /o4.3 I 1an3t t in" o# & at to $a/. 35e$t ere toni0 t. 5ead t e #i#t ta!let one more time. Io4 m4$t t4ne /o4r mind to t e tr4t . I #eel a$ t o40 /o4r Do4rne/ ma/ !e0in $oon. *er a-$ e.en tomorro& & en /o4 lea.e ere.3 3B4t, & ere m4$t I 0o to #ind t e 0olden ta!let$B3 I a$". 32 at, I don3t "no&. 2 ere i$ m41 t at I don3t 4nder$tand. 2 at i$ & / I a.e dela/ed tellin0 /o4, !4t tell /o4, I m4$t. I3.e !een tro4!led a!o4t it in m/ $lee- #or a /ear no& -- .i$ion$ in t e ni0 t. 7ll I "no&

i$, t e ta!let$ are not on t i$ -lanet. 2 e/ are near t e !irt -la1e o# 4manit/. 94r -eo-le a.en3t tra.elled in t e $ i-$ #or 4ndred$ o# /ear$. 2 e/ a.en3t !een $een $in1e !e#ore /o4 &ere !orn.3 3I $a& a $ i- la$t ni0 t -- or it &a$ a li0 t in t e $"/. I "no& it &a$n3t a $ ootin0 $tar. 7nd t en I ad t e dream a0ain.3 32 ere /o4 are, t en,3 e $o4nd$ more $4re t an 32 e and o# t e mo$t i0 i$ alread/ at &or". Io4 are t e one. 7nd don3t &orr/ a!o4t /o4r de!t to Doo B&e . I# I don3t $ee /o4 a0ain, I &ill re-a/ it.3 Ae a.e a meal o# !read &it a $te& t at 7e =a& !ro40 t !/. I read t e ta!let. CCC Heptosh ad o!$er.ed a$ m41 a$ e 1o4ld #rom i$ -er1 in t e 1li##$ $4rro4ndin0 t e 1it/. 6e ad 4$e i$ ma0ni#ier$ to 0et a 1lo$er loo". 6e $a& no $i0n$ o# li#e a-art #rom a #e& erd$ o# 1attle. *er a-$ $ome &re1"ed .e i1le$, and -- !one$B 6e didn3t dare $-e14late. 6e $till 1o4ldn3t !rin0 im$el# to de$1end to 0ro4nd le.el, at lea$t not &it in $i0 t o# t e $-a1e -ort !4ilt into t e mo4ntain$ o--o$ite. *er a-$ &it t e in#ormation e ad 0leaned $o #ar, t e $e1tor 1o4n1il &o4ld $ee #it to $end a lar0er in.e$ti0ation team. 6e 4$ed t e linear -ro-4l$ion motor to !rin0 i$ $ i- into or!it !e#ore en0a0in0 t e lo0i1al relo1ator. 2 e one ad to !e 1om-letel/ $ 4t do&n !e#ore it &a$ $a#e to 4$e t e ot er. 2 e #ir$t $te- &a$ to $im4late linear motion. 2 at in.ol.ed t e$e !eam tran$mitter $endin0 a $erie$ o# 1ommand$ at .er/ i0 $-eed, ea1 ind41in0 relo1ation !/ al# a /dro0en atom3$ &idt , t 4$, -4$ in0 ot er matter o4t o# t e &a/ in$tead o# tr/in0 to o114-/ t e $ame lo1ation. 2&o atom$ o114-/in0 t e $ame $-a1e at t e $ame time 1an lead to atomi1 #4$ion, at &or$t. It al$o in$4red t at t e relo1ator &a$ &or"in0 -ro-erl/. Not !ot ered to do t at, !4t 6e-to$ !elie.ed in -la/in0 it $a#e. 9nl/ one -er$on e "ne& o# ad relo1ated im$el# to a totall/ 4n"no&n -art o# t e$e. B/ a mira1le, e ad mana0ed to #ind i$ &a/ !a1" &it a #a4lt/ relo1ator and a 0ood 0eo0ra- i1al "no&led0e o# $-a1e. 6e-to$ $et t e relo1ator to $im4lated #or&ard motion, and en0a0ed. Nine- 4ndred-and-ninet/-nine time$ o4t o# a t o4$and it &or"ed D4$t #ine. B4t t i$ &a$ t at one time o4t o# a t o4$and t at it didn3t. 2 e -lanet !elo& im, in$tead o# 0ro&in0 $teadil/ $maller, &a$ D4m-in0 #rom one $i:e to anot er. 6e #li1"ed t e relo1ator o##. U$in0 linear -ro-4l$ion, e !e0an mo.in0 !a1" to Klodi-Famta. A at to doB I# e tra.elled !a1" to 2o" 4$in0 linear -ro-4l$ion, it &o4ld ta"e a 1o4-le o# 1ent4rie$ to 0et t ere. 2o im it &o4ld onl/ $eem li"e a 1o4-le o# mont $ tra.ellin0 1lo$e to t e $-eed o# li0 t, !4t it &o4ld !e #ar too late to ma"e 4$e o# t e data e ad 0at ered on t e Klodi. 2 e non- 4man $-e1ie$ ad ot er mean$ o# tra.ellin0 !e/ond t e $-eed o# li0 t, !4t t e onl/ te1 nolo0/ "no&n to 4man$ &a$ lo0i1al relo1ation, 4$in0 t e /-er$-a1e 1oordinate$ to re--lot t e lo1ation o# ea1 atom &it in a 0i.en ran0e. So, 6e-to$ 3$ lo0i1al relo1ator &a$n3t &or"in0 -ro-erl/. 6e3d a.e to land and tr/ to 0et it #i8ed. Aa$ it $omet in0 e 1o4ld #i8 im$el#B A ere &o4ld e 0et el-B

6al# o# t e -lanet &a$ -rimati.e. 2 e ot er al# -- & atB 6e-to$ $till didn3t "no&. Did e dare land t ere and #ind o4tB 6e &a$ mo.in0 at a linear $-eed t at &o4ld 0et im t ere in al# a da/. 6e ad time to t in".

The shepherd ret rns. The sheep sense relief. #e sits on an ancient seller's slab and ponders ... So, t e/ $a/ I3m t e one & o3$ $4--o$ed to #ind t e 0olden ta!let$. +enera!le 2oo D a tal"$ li"e I a.e to 0o ri0 t a&a/H 6o& doe$ e t in" I3m 0oin0 to do t atB It3$ not on t i$ -lanet, and I 1an3t e.en 0o ere ere, m41 le$$ an/& ere el$eH I3m 4n0r/. I3ll a.e a -ie1e o# !read &it $ome 0oat3$ mil" 1 ee$e. 2omorro& I3ll ta"e t e $ ee- to t e 0ra$$ #ield near & ere I3.e -lanted $ome 0o4rd$. 2 ere, I 1an -i1" $ome 1414m!er$ and $E4a$ to eat &it m/ !read. I $ o4ld $tart a $mall eard o# 0oat$ $o I 1an ma"e m/ o&n 1 ee$e. I &onder i# I3ll a.e eno40 &ool le#t a#ter $ earin0 $ea$on to !4/ one or t&oB 6old onH A at3$ !ot erin0 t e $ ee-B 2 e/ $ee $omet in0, !4t & it i$ i$ !e ind t o$e 4t$. I3ll 0o 1 e1". I lea.e m/ #ood on t e $tone ta!le and &al" a!o4t t e 4t$ near t e #en1e. 9 ol/H It3$ a man -- dre$$ed all #4nn/H 7nd I3.e $een an/one &it air li"e t at -- it3$ 0re/, !4t it3$ in reall/ tin/ rin0let$, and i$ $"in i$ real dar" -- almo$t !la1"H Did t e Klodi$ loo" li"e t atB 6e $ee$ me. I3m $4re 0lad I didn3t ta"e o## m/ t4ni1H 6e &al"$ 4- to me and e3$ $a/in0 $omet in0. 3Shelta pakh khalti' 64 B 6e3$ $a/in0 it a0ain, more $lo&l/. 3Shel-ta pakh khal-ti' *art o# t at $o4nd$ -- !4t noH 2 e Klodi didn3t $-ea" Ne- te$ i. 2 at3$ a ol/ lan04a0eH 3Shel-ta pakh khal-ti -- khati #eptosh' Khati #eptosh -- 2 at i$ Ne- te$ iH It mean$ 3m/ name i$ 6e-to$ 3. 9 t e 0od$H 6o& 1an e !e $-ea"in0 Ne-te$ iB 6e3$ $a/in0 it all a0ain, t i$ time 4$in0 i$ and$ to -oint and all t at $ort o# t in0. Ni ;&a and I 4$ed to $a/ t in0$ in Ne-te$ i & en &e didn3t &ant ot er -eo-le to "no& & at &e &ere tal"in0 a!o4t. 3Kha ti 'etoo!3 I $a/. I t in" I "no& & at el$e e &a$ $a/in0: 3Gan /o4 el- meB3 It doe$n3t $o4nd e8a1tl/ li"e Ne- te$ i, !4t 1lo$e eno40 . 3Nosh ta! 'etoo,3 e $a/$. 2 at mean$, 36ello, 'etoo.3 I a$" im i# e i$ a Klodi. 6e $a/$, 3No, I3m a Ne#:edi, li.in0 on 2o".3 6e $a/$ it $lo&l/, $o I 1an 4nder$tand im. I a.e no idea & at t o$e -la1e$ are, t o40 . 6e tal"$ #a$ter t an me, !4t e3$ 0ot i$ $o4nd$ all &ron0. 2 at3$ & / I didn3t 4nder$tand im at #ir$t. 3I need el- &it m/ $ i-,3 e $a/$. 3Doe$ an/one near ere "no&

o& to #i8 a $ i-B3 3No $ i-$ 1ome ere,3 I $a/. 3I $ee a $ i-.3 I don3t "no& i# I a.e m/ ten$e$ ri0 t or not. 6e 4nder$tand$ me, t o40 . 3Gome,3 e $a/$. I #ollo& im. Ae &al" -a$t t e ed0e o# t e 1an/on, aro4nd t e -rotr4$ion and into t e $maller 1an/on ne8t to it. 2 at m4$t !e a $ i-. It3$ a !i0 ro4nd t in0, li"e a 1o.ered di$ , !4t &it le0$. I# e didn3t $a/ it &a$ a $ i-, I &o4ld a.e t o40 t it &a$ a 0iant3$ di$ #or 1oo"in0 -eo-le in. 6o& doe$ e 0et t e lid o##B I $tand t ere loo"in0 at it. CCC Heptosh loo"ed a0ain at t e $ e- erd !o/ $tandin0 &it i$ mo4t o-en. 9!.io4$l/ e3d $een a $ i- !e#ore. 6e loo"ed a$ -rimiti.e a$ t e/ 1ome -- t e ome-$-4n t4ni1 t at e 1o4ld almo$t $ee t ro40 , no $ oe$, $trai0 t r4$t/ !ro&n air t at mi0 t a.e !een 14t $ome mont $ a0o !/ -la1in0 a !o&l on i$ ead, i$ E4e$tion i# e &ere a Klodi, -ro!a!l/ met an/one o4t$ide i$ tri!e. Did 6e-to$ reall/ e8-e1t an/ el- #rom imB B4t t e !o/ $-o"e Ne- te$ iH 2 at &a$ tr4l/ ama:in0. 6e-to$ -ro!a!l/ &o4ld a.e di$1o.ered t at ad e not !een $o de$-erate. =a/!e t ere &a$ o-e. 36a.e /o4 $een a $ i- li"e t i$B3 e a$"ed. 36a.e not,3 $aid t e !o/. 3Do /o4 "no& & o a$ $een oneB3 2 e !o/ onl/ $ oo" i$ ead. 6e-to$ adn3t e8-e1ted im to $a/ /e$, !4t e didn3t "no& an/t in0 el$e e 1o4ld a$". B4t ma/!e... 3Do /o4 "no& t e &a/ to t e land o# t e KlodiB3 3Ie$.3 2 e !o/ -ointed !a1" to&ard$ t e a!andoned .illa0e. 3Gan /o4 ta"e me t ereB3 2 e !o/ $tared at im #or a moment &it i$ 0reeni$ e/e$, and t en $aid, 3Gome.3 6e-to$ #ollo&ed im !a1" to t e .illa0e, and t en to&ard$ t e rail #en1e. 3=an/ /ear$ a0o, t e Klodi 1ome ere, t e/ !4/, t e/ $ell. Fa-t:i: i 1ome to trade. 2 e/ $to-. No&, not in0.3 3A at a--ened to t e KlodiB3 a$"ed 6e-to$ . 32 e/ $to- 1omin0.3 3A /B3 2 e !o/ $ r400ed, 32 e/ $to-.3 2 e !o/, 'etoo, li#ted t e rail t at $er.ed a$ a 0ate. 2 e $ ee- $tood at a $a#e di$tan1e, o!.io4$l/ &ar/ o# 6e-to$ . 7 &indin0 $tream #lo&ed #rom in$ide t e 1an/on, o4t -a$t t e .illa0e & ere a $tone !rid0e 1ro$$ed it. 2 e -at 'etoo too" 1ro$$ed one o# t e !end$. 6e $im-l/ !e0an &adin0 in. 3Aait,3 1alled 6e-to$ . 'etoo $to--ed & ile 6e-to$ too" o## i$ $ oe$. 2 e &ater 1ame 4- to t e !o/3$ "nee$. Garr/in0 i$ $ oe$, 6e-to$ #ollo&ed. *er a-$ e3d tr/ to #ollo& a$ !e$t e 1o4ld !are#oot. Some o# t e $ ee- #ollo&ed at a di$tan1e, t o40 on t e ot er $ide o# t e $tream.

2 e !o/3$ #eet &ere o!.io4$l/ &ell 1allo4$ed #rom /ear$ o# tram-lin0 t e 1o4ntr/$ide 4n$ od. 7#ter t e/ 1ro$$ed anot er $tream, 6e-to$ ad to -4t i$ $ oe$ !a1" on. 2 e 0ro4nd &a$ !e1omin0 more 4ne.en, and t e $tream &a$ no& !4!!lin0 t e Da00ed ro1"$. Soon t e/ 1o4ld $ee t e end o# t e 1an/on and t e &ater#all t at #ed t e $tream. 2 e !o/ -ointed to a road !4ilt a0ain$t t e 1li##. No&, 6e-to$ 1o4ld $ee it &ent all t e &a/ alon0 t e 1li## to t e .illa0e, -ro!a!l/ leadin0 to t e $tone !rid0e. 7ll t i$ $t4m!lin0 ro1"$ and &adin0 t e $tream$ & en a road &ent all t e &a/H 6e-to$ loo"ed in di$!elie#, !4t t e !o/ loo"ed o!li.io4$ to t e iron/. 2 e/ 1lim!ed a #e& ro1"$ 4- t e #a1e o# t e 1li## 4ntil t e/ met t e road. It too" $o m41 1lim!in0 it &o4ld a.e almo$t !een &ort & ile 0oin0 !a1" to t e $tone !rid0e. 2 e -at 1ontin4ed to 1lim! 4ntil it !ro40 t t em !e ind t e &ater#all. 2 ere, t e/ #o4nd a 1a.e. It &a$ dar" in$ide. 2 e/3d need a li0 t. It &a$ al$o 0ettin0 late in t e da/. 36o& #ar i$ it to t e ot er endB3 2 e !o/ $ r400ed. 32 ree #4rlon0$.3 Not #ar, !4t 6e-to$ -re#erred to ma"e a #re$ $tart in t e mornin0. 3I3ll 1ome !a1" tomorro&. @et3$ 0o !a1". Gan &e ta"e t i$ road all t e &a/ to t e .illa0eB3 'etoo $a& no -ro!lem. 2 e/ &ent !a1" t at &a/.

The two ret rn by way of the bridge. They part ways at the market. The shepherd ret rns to the seller's slab. #e m ses... A at &ill t e $tran0er &ant ne8tB I $till didn3t eat m/ l4n1 , and it3$ e.enin0 alread/. =/ !a0 i$ $till on t e $tone !en1 . 2 e $tran0er3$ 0one !a1" to i$ $ i- t in0. 6e3$ -ro!a!l/ 0ot #ood t ere. I $ o4ld a.e o##ered im $ome o# mine. 6e i$ a $tran0er, and &e $ o4ld $ o& o$-italit/. B4t e3$ 0one no&. I #ini$ m/ #ood. I &onder i# t at3$ t e $ame $ i- I3.e !een $eein0B It3$ $till li0 t. I &al" to & ere t e $ i- i$. I don3t $ee t e man. I $it on a ro1" and loo" at it. I3.e $een an/t in0 li"e it. A ere did t e man 0oB 6e m4$t !e in$ide, !4t I don3t $ee an/ &a/ to 0et in. I$ t i$ t e "ind o# $ i- t at 0oe$ to t e $tar$B =a/!e o4r an1e$tor$ 1ame on t em. It3$ 0ettin0 dar". I 0et 4- and &al" !a1" to t e mar"et. I -4t m/ $t4## into one o# t e 4t$ and roll o4t m/ r40. I an0 4- m/ t4ni1 to air o4t, ta"e m/ !lan"et and $ettle do&n. I 1an3t $lee-. 2 ere3$ $o m41 a--enin0. I3m $till t in"in0 a!o4t +enera!le 2oo D a3$ $tran0e &ord$. I a.e to 0o to #ind t e 0olden -late$. 6e doe$n3t a.e an/ idea o&, nor do I.

94r -eo-le a.en3t tra.elled on t e $ i-$ #or 4ndred$ o# /ear$. S i-$ a.en3t !een $een ere #or a lon0 time. B4t toda/, I3.e $een a $ i-. I met t e man t at "ee-$ t e $ i-. I $ o&ed im to t e 1a.e. *er a-$ I 1an 0o on i$ $ i- to t e $tar$, and t en I 1an #ind t e 0olden ta!let$. 6e $eem$ a ni1e man. I3m $4re e3ll ta"e me. I3ll a$" im in t e mornin0 a$ e 0oe$ to Klodiland. 6e e.en $-ea"$ t e ol/ lan04a0e #or da/$ationH 6e3$ -ro!a!l/ one o# t e 0od$. CCC Heptosh #li1"ed on i$ .ie&er. 2 e & ole 4--er dome o# i$ $ it4rned tran$-arent, re.ealin0 t at it &a$ mornin0 . 2 e #ir$t t in0 e noti1ed &a$ t e $ e- erd !o/ $ittin0 on a near!/ ro1", 0a:in0 at t e $ i-. 2o t e !o/, t e $ i- &o4ld a.e loo"ed no di##erent t an !e#ore, a$ it &a$ a one &a/ .ie&er. %nteresting yo ng chap. Knows Nephteshi! tho gh not very fl ently. 6e-to$ adn3t eard t at t e Famti: i 4nder$tood Ne- te$ i. 2 e Klodi onl/ 4$ed Ne- te$ i a$ t e lan04a0e o# inter$tellar 1omm4ni1ation. (onder what he wants now) 2 e loo" on t e !o/3$ #a1e 0a.e no int. 6e didn3t loo" a$ t o40 e &ere in an/ 4rr/. =a/!e it &a$ idle 14rio$it/. 6e-to$ de1ided to a.e i$ !rea"#a$t !e#ore emer0in0. 6e rea1 ed into one o# t e 1om-artment$ and 0ot one lar0e 1orn &a#er and a Dar o# one/. 2 at &o4ld do #or !rea"#a$t. Gorn &a#er$ &ere ideal #or inter-lanetar/ tri-$. Some &ere made &it .ario4$ #illin0$, $41 a$ meat or .e0eta!le, or -er a-$ $omet in0 $&eet. For !rea"#a$t, 6e-to$ -re#erred a -lain one &it one/. 2 e !o/ D4$t $at, -er#e1tl/ $till. % wonder if % co ldn't se a helper for this e&c rsion) 2 o40 6e-to$ . 2 e !o/ loo"ed a$ t o40 e3d !e no tro4!le. 6e $eemed to a.e t e time #or it. 6e-to$ ad no idea & at e3d #ind on t e ot er $ide o# t e di.ide !e$ide$ t e land$1a-e e ad $een #rom t e 1li##. 6e &a$n3t a$ /o4n0 a$ e 4$ed to !e. *er a-$ it &o4ld !e a 0ood idea to a.e a 1om-anion. Go4ld t e !o/ #i0 tB 6e do&ned t e la$t o# i$ &a#er, li1"ed $ome one/ #rom i$ #in0er$, and rea1 ed #or i$ #la$" o# coo rzt !e.era0e. U$4all/, t ree or #o4r $&i0$ o# it did im #or t e mornin0, !4t toda/, e lin0ered it. 6e &anted to t in" a & ile lon0er & at e ad to do. 2 e coo rzt !err/ &a$ nati.e to one o# t e Blil"in -lanet$, !4t ad !een introd41ed to mo$t o# t e -o-4lation$ in t e $e1tor -- !ot 4man and non. 2 e Ne#:edi traditionall/ dran" &ine or #re$ D4i1e on t eir o&n -lanet, !4t $in1e $ettlin0 in 2o", t e/ readil/ ado-ted t e coo rzt !e.era0e a$ t eir #a.o4rite. Aine &a$ o"a/ #or di0e$tion, or 0ettin0 dr4n", !4t coo rzt 1o4ld !e ta"en more o#ten and in lar0er E4antitie$ &it o4t t e $ide e##e1t$. 2 e/ !re&ed it in a manner $imilar to &ine, o#ten &it .ario4$ er!$ !lended in, !4t it &a$ more o# a $tim4lant. 7 #e& $&i0$ in t e mornin0 made t e e/e$ !ri0 ter and made one #eel !etter -re-ared to #a1e t e da/. It &a$ al$o 0ood #or adD4$tin0 to di##erent da/ and ni0 t $1 ed4le$ !/ el-in0 one $ta/ a&a"e & en one needed to.

6e-to$ n4r$ed i$ 1oo4r:t and deli!erated. 6e "ne& t at m41 o# & at &a$ to !e #o4nd in t e Klodi area &a$ 4nder0ro4nd. 2 e $4r#a1e ad $ o&n im not in0. Normall/ t ere &o4ld !e at lea$t a #e& -eo-le on t e $4r#a1e. 2 e #a1t t at e $a& none, $ o4ld mean $omet in0. So $ o4ld t e #a1t t at t e $ e- erd !o/ ad met a Klodi, nor, a--arentl/, "ne& & at one loo"ed li"e. 2 e/ &ere not a !la1"-$"inned ra1e, li"e t e Ne#:edi. 6e $aid t e Klodi 4$ed to trade at t i$ mar"et, !4t ad lon0 $to--ed. So, & at &a$ e to e8-e1tB Aa$ it $a#e to .ent4re 4nder0ro4ndB A at 1 oi1e did e a.eB 6e3d a.e to li.e ere #or t e re$t o# i$ li#e, or 4ntil $omeone 0ot 14rio4$ a$ to & / e didn3t ret4rn and 1ame loo"in0 #or im. 2 at 1o4ld !e a li#etime. 2 i$ &a$n3t a i0 -riorit/ mi$$ion, or t e/ &o4ld a.e i$$4ed im a t&in -arti1le 1omm4ni1ator. 2 e 64man 7##air$ de-artment o# t e $e1tor 1o4n1il, admini$trated !/ 4man$, &a$n3t "no&n #or it$ e##i1ien1/. 6e !e0an to 0at er .ario4$ item$ and -4t t em in a 1arr/ !a0: a met:i0 tor1 , $ome 1orn &a#er$, a &ater #la$", i$ 1oo4r:t #la$", a $-are loin 1lot and to0a, !eddin0, and a #e& item$ #or -er$onal /0iene. 6e alread/ ad i$ 4tilit/ !elt $tra--ed on, & i1 ad i$ di$tan1e .ie&er, ni0 t 0o00le$, !alm, "ni#e and a $mall dart-04n. 2 en e t&i$ted t e relea$e andle and -4$ ed t e door o-en. 2 e !o/ l4r1 ed to i$ #eet in $4r-ri$e, t en $tood t ere, inde1i$i.el/. 3Gan /o4 0o &it me t ro40 t e t4nnelB3 6e-to$ a$"ed in a$ $im-le Ne- te$ i a$ e 1o4ld. 3I 1an,3 $aid 'etoo. 3;ood. @et3$ 0o t en. I mi0 t need /o4r el-.3 'etoo #ollo&ed. 6e-to$ in$i$ted on 0oin0 !/ &a/ o# t e $tone !rid0e. 'etoo ad no o!De1tion. 2 o40 'etoo ad tended to &al" eit er in #ront or dire1tl/ !e ind 6e-to$ , ere e !e0an &al"in0 !e$ide im. 6e loo"ed a$ t o40 e &ere &antin0 to $a/ $omet in0. 6e made $e.eral attem-t$, !4t $eemed to 0i.e 4- !e#ore e $tarted 3Ie$B3 $aid 6e-to$ , #inall/. 3A at do /o4 &ant to tell meB3 'etoo -ointed in t e dire1tion o# t e ot er 1an/on. 3BoatB3 3Ie$B3 3;o to $"/B 2o ea.enB3 3I -- er -- tra.el to t e ea.en$, /e$.3 3*lanet a.e 0olden ta!let$, & ereB3 3A at a0ainB3 3'r -- 3 t en &it o4t &arnin0, t e $im-le $ e- erd !o/ la4n1 ed into a $-iel in a literar/ #orm o# an1ient Ne- te$ i: 3JNoka was the father of three sons! and after the waters s bsided! he wrote for them! the words of this acco nt* for his first son! Sim-#ep! he wrote it on golden tablets+ for his second! Kham-#ep! he wrote in on stone+ and for his yo ngest! ,ap--het! he wrote it on an animal hide. The acco nt! according to all three! is complete! b t in none of them is it whole. .ne among the sons of Kham shall one day "o rney to the sons of Sim and receive from his sons the writings from the tablet of gold. .ne from among the sons of Sim will one day "o rney to the sons of ,ap -het! and give to him the message of the golden tablet.J3 6e-to$ li$tened in ama:ement. 9!.io4$l/, t e !o/ ad !een ta40 t Ne- te$ i a$ a mean$ to read an1ient man4$1ri-t$ in t e -o$$e$$ion o#

i$ tri!e. 2 e name$ $o4nded #amiliar. 2 e/ &ere a$$o1iated &it a le0endar/ a11o4nt o# a -lanet t at &a$ en04l#ed in &ater. 'etoo &ent !a1" to i$ !ro"en Ne- te$ i: 3I -- $on o# K am-6e-. I m4$t tra.el #ind 0olden ta!let$ o# Sim-6e-.3 6e-to$ noti1ed e &a$ loo"in0 at im, a$ t o40 o-in0 #or an an$&er. 3A o told /o4 t atB3 a$"ed 6e-to$ . 3'r -- an1ient -- er -- old man 2oo D a. 6e "ee-er o# t e ta!let$. 6e a.e dream $a/ I 0o.3 36o& do /o4 -lan to 0oB3 3'r -- 3 $4ddenl/ 'etoo loo"ed -er-le8ed, a$ t o40 e &ere $4r-ri$ed t at 6e-to$ didn3t alread/ "no&. 3'r -- /o4 Ne- te$ i $-ea" -- /o4 0odB3 39 dearH NoH I3m 1ertainl/ not a 0odH3 3B4t -- Ne- te$ i -- ol/ ton04eH =en not $-ea" to menH3 So, Ne- te$ i &a$ a ol/ lan04a0e to i$ tri!e, #or readin0 t eir ol/ &ritin0$. 2 e #a1t t e 6e-to$ $-o"e it made im a 0odH 3Ne- te$ i i$ $-o"en !/ man/ -eo-le$,3 1orre1ted 6e-to$ . 39n m/ -lanet, &e $-ea" Ne- te$ i to -eo-le o# ot er nationalitie$ and ot er -lanet$. 9n t e -lanet o# Ne- te$ , t e/ a.e no ot er lan04a0e to $-ea". 2 e/ m4$t $-ea" Ne- te$ i.3 3Io4 not 0odB B4t /o4 a.e !oat.3 3=/ J!oatJ i$ !ro"en. I m4$t #i8, re-air, mend. I# I &ere a 0od, I 1o4ld $na- m/ #in0er and ma"e it !etter. I 1annot. 2 at3$ & / I m4$t 0o to land o# Klodi.3 3Io4 1arr/ me to -lanet o# Ne- te$ B3 3I don3t "no& & ere t e -lanet i$. I onl/ eard it &a$ t e 1entre o# a .a$t em-ire on1e. 7nd, m/ $ i- i$ !ro"en.3 3Gan el- me #indB3 2 e !o/ loo"ed a$ t o40 e3d !rea" into tear$ i# 6e-to$ re#4$ed. 3I3ll tell /o4 & at. Io4 el- me #ind -art$ #or m/ $ i-. I3ll t in" a!o4t el-in0 /o4 loo" #or t e -lanet, Ne- te$ . B4t & at a!o4t /o4r #at er and mot erB A at &o4ld t e/ $a/B3 3Fat er and mot er died. 9nl/ Un1le ? 4e *a&, and old man 2oo D a. I am man no&. I 1an 0o.3 S4ddenl/ 'etoo &a$ no lon0er t e $ / timid $ e- erd !o/ o# earlier. 6e &a$ $omeone &it a mi$$ion. B/ no&, t e/ ad rea1 ed t e &ater#all. Bet&een t e #allin0 $tream and t e 1li## #a1e, t e road ended at t e 1a.e. 'etoo loo"ed do4!t#4l. 3Io43.e !een in !e#ore, a.en3t /o4B3 3Ie$. S ee- r4n a&a/, 0o in. I 0o in a#ter. It ni0 t. I a.e #ire.3 3Did /o4 #ind /o4r $ ee-B3 3No. I 0o and 0o, I ear $ ee- a ead, $ ee- a#raid o# li0 t and 0o on. I t in" road m4$t $to-, !4t 0o on. I &ant to 0o !a1", I a#raid, !4t I ear $ ee-. 2 en I $ee $tar li0 t. S ee- 0one. I &ait #or mornin0, !4t t en, no #ire. 7l$o, no $ ee-. I $ee Klodiland. I a#raid to 0o !4t I "no& I m4$t not $ta/. Fa-t:i-: i -eo-le m4$t not $ta/. I 0o in dar" -- a#raid.3 3I a.e a li0 t ere.3 6e-to$ !ro40 t o4t i$ met:i0 tor1 . 6e lit it. 'etoo loo"ed at it in ama:ement. It lit t e 1a.e &all$ li"e !road da/li0 t. 37 H Not a#raid no&H3 2 e/ $te--ed into t e t4nnel. 3B4t -- Klodiland dan0ero4$ #or Fa-t:i-: i -eo-le.3

3I# /o4 are to 0o in $ear1 o# t e 0olden ta!let$, /o4 &ill 1ertainl/ -a$$ t ro40 -la1e$ more dan0ero4$ t an Klodiland.3 2 e/ &al"ed on and on. It &a$ a $trai0 t re1tan04lar -a$$a0e &it no #eat4re$ a$ide #rom !are ro1", and $trai0 t .erti1al $eam$ #e& /ard$. No& and t en, t e -a$$a0e made a $li0 t an0le. 2 i$ -re.ented an/ li0 t #rom $ o&in0 #rom eit er entran1e, $o it &a$ im-o$$i!le to $ee o& m41 #4rt er t e/ ad to 0o. 36o& m41 #4rt erB3 a$"ed 6e-to$ . 32 ree #4rlon0$.3 39 -- er, !4t didn3t /o4 $a/ it &a$ t ree #4rlon0$ all t e &a/ t ro40 B3 3Ie$. 2 ree #4rlon0$.3 3I3m $4re &e3.e alread/ !een t ree #4rlon0$. 6o& m41 #4rt erB3 32 ree #4rlon0$.3 32 en t at $ o4ld !e $i8 #4rlon0$.3 364 B3 B/ t e time 6e-to$ $a& da/li0 t $ o&in0 aro4nd t e 1orner, e e$timated t at t e/ ad !een $e.en. 6e $ oo" i$ ead.

The valley stretches before them -- an ancient city! overgrown. The mo ntains that line the city! appear like giant bricks place atop one another. .n top of those! again! the same giant blocks that form the familiar peaks of the straight mo ntain ranges. 2 i$ i$ D4$t t e &a/ I $a& it !e#ore. Still don3t $ee an/ -eo-le. It m4$t !e o"a/. 2 e Ne- te$ i man $aid it i$. I 1an3t !elie.e I3m 0oin0 to 0o to t e $tar$ and #ind t e 0olden ta!let$. 2 e man i$ ta"in0 o4t $omet in0 #rom i$ !elt, -4ttin0 it 4- to i$ e/e, and loo"in0 into it. 6e -oint$ it ere and t ere. =a/!e it $ o&$ im t in0$. 6e3$ loo"in0 at t e mo4ntain on t e ot er $ide o# t e .alle/. It loo"$ a$ t o40 it &ere made o# 0iant !ri1"$. 2 ere3$ a &ide ole on t e $ide #a1in0 4$ t at loo"$ a&#4ll/ !i0 -- a lot !i00er t an t i$ ole &e3re in. 7 tree 1o4ld ea$il/ $tand 4- in$ide, and it loo"$ a$ &ide a$ t e mo4t o# t e N/4 *ee No&, e3$ loo"in0 at t e !i0 $E4are t in0 in middle o# t e .alle/, t at loo"$ li"e a 0iant3$ o4$e, made o# t e $ame 0iant !ri1"$. I al$o $ee normal $i:ed o4$e$ ere and t ere. Some are -rett/ !i0. 2 ere3$ a road t at lead$ #rom t ere, and a #or" o## to t e mo4ntain a1ro$$ #rom 4$. 2 ere3$ lot$ o# tree$ in !et&een, and more o4$e$. No&, e3$ tr/in0 to $ee & ere t i$ -at lead$ -- t e one &e3re $tandin0 on. 3@et3$ 0o,3 e $a/$. So &e $tart &al"in0. (ide eno gh for two to walk abreast! the path clings to the side of the rock! c rving aro nd the what conto rs there are on the otherwise straight range. F rther on! it do bles back. $fter abo t three stretches! they reach gro nd level. It3$ !een a lon0 &al". Ae3re at t e !ottom o# t e mo4ntain no&, and

t ere3$ a road t at 0oe$ o## $trai0 t a ead. It loo"$ li"e $olid ro1". 2 ere3$ i./ 0ro&in0 on it in $ome -la1e$, and !i0 1ra1"$ in ot er$ & ere -lant$ are 0ro&in0 t ro40 . 2 ere3$ a erd o# 1o&$ 4- a ead 0oin0 #rom one $ide o# t e road to anot er. Some are $to--in0 in t e middle to eat t e -lant$ 0ro&in0 4t ro40 t e 1ra1"$. 2 ere3$ 0ot to !e $omeone a!o4t. A / &o4ld 1o&$ !e &anderin0 a!o4t li"e t i$ !/ t em$el.e$B F4rt er o## I $ee $ome or$e$, al$o loo$e !/ t em$el.e$. 2 ere3$ a o4$e, !4t it loo"$ al# #allen do&n. 2 e man3$ loo"in0 a!o4t too. It loo"$ a$ t o40 e3$ a$ $4r-ri$ed a$ me at not $eein0 an/one. 3@et3$ 0o in ere,3 e $a/$. It a$ an 4--er #loor. Ae 0o to t e !i0 0ate at t e !ottom. 2 ere3$ a !oard mi$$in0. 6e loo"$ in. 6e trie$ to o-en it, !4t it3$ lo1"ed. 2 en, e $te-$ !a1" a !it and 0i.e$ it a ard "i1". 2 e door 0i.e$ &a/. Ae 0o in. It3$ one !i0 room do&n$tair$. 2 e !a1" door i$ o-en. Ae 1o4ld a.e 0one in t at &a/. 2 ere3$ a !i0 t in0 in t e middle. It a$ a 1o4-le o# 1 air$ !4ilt in, and $ome andle$ and $ome $ort o# ot er #4nn/ t in0$ in t e #ront, $ome t in0$ &it letter$ and 1r/$tal $4r#a1e$. 37 %$omet in0 or ot er(H3 e $a/$. 3I didn3t t in" t e/ &ere $o %$omet in0 or ot er(H3 364 B3 I $a/. 36a.e /o4 $een one o# t e$e !e#oreB3 3No,3 I $a/. 3It3$ an %$omet in0 or ot er(.3 6e $a/$ it a0ain. @oo"in0 at me, e $a/$ it a0ain. 2 i$ time I 1at1 it. 37n air $1ooterB3 3Ie$. It3$ !een a lon0 time $in1e an/one3$ 4$ed it.3 In anot er 1orner, t ere3$ a &ooden 1art, !4t -art o# it i$ rotted. 2 ere3$ al$o $ome #eedin0 tro40 $. I3m $4re t e/ ad or$e$ on1e, !4t t e/ e$1a-ed o4t t e !a1" door. 2 e man loo"$ at t e ladder leadin0 4- to a door in t e 1eilin0. 6e trie$ t e ladder to ma"e $4re it3$ $a#e. 2 en e $tart$ 1lim!in0. I #ollo& im. I3.e $een $o man/ 1o!&e!$. 2 e d4$t i$ a$ t i1" a$ m/ #in0er in $ome -la1e$. I3m $4re no one3$ !een ere in /ear$. 2 e room a$ 1 air$ and ta!le$. 2 ere are $ome t in0$ l/in0 a!o4t. 6e ta"e$ a $ti1" and -4ll$ t e 1o!&e!$ o##, and d4$t$ o## $ome o# t e t in0$. Some t in0$, e -4t$ into i$ !a0. 9ne loo"$ li"e a li0 t, li"e t e one e alread/ a$. 6e3$ tr/in0 it o4t, and $ inin0 it on t e re$t o# t e room. 6e -i1"$ 4- a $mall #lat !o8 and o-en$ it. 2 ere3$ no room to -4t an/t in0. It3$ D4$t $olid $ $t4##. 2 ere3$ a $ti1" atta1 ed to t e lid, and e ta"e$ t at and -4$ e$ it into t e $ $t4##. 6e &ait$ #or $omet in0 to a--en, !4t it doe$n3t. 2 en, e t4rn$ o## t e $ in/ t in0, o-en$ it 4- and $ti1"$ t e end into t e !a1" end o# t e !o8. S4ddenl/ t e $t4## $tart$ mo.in0, and little !it$ o# it $ti1" 4-. I $ee t e/3re all little tin/ -in$ all $t41" to0et er. 6e -4$ e$ $ome do&n to ma"e letter$, and ot er one$ -o- 4-, $o e 1an read it. I 1an tell t e/3re -i1to0ra- i1 letter$ in Ne- te$ i. It m4$t !e ma0i1. 6e t4rn$ a!o4t and $ee$ me.

32 i$ i$ a %$omet in0-or-ot er(.3 364 B3 37 1om-4ter.3 6e $ 4t$ t e lid and -4t$ it in i$ !a0. 3I3ll read it later. It ma/ tell 4$ a lot.3 6e o-en$ a door to anot er room, !4t $4ddenl/ e $ 4t$ it a0ain. 6e loo"$ at me, loo"in0 a !it -ale. 3Io43d !etter $ta/ o4t ere, 'etoo.3 6e 0oe$ in. A at doe$ e $eeB I 0o to t e door and o-en it a !it and -ee- in. 2 ere3$ a !ed. It3$ ard to $ee & at3$ t ere !e1a4$e o# t e 1o!&e!$. 9 H 2 e 0od$H It3$ $omeone3$ !one$ -- t&o -eo-le3$H 2 e/3re l/in0 $ide !/ $ide on t e !ed. =/ #riend loo"$ a!o4t and $ee$ me. 6e tell$ me to 0o a ead and 1ome in. 6e -ro!a!l/ t o40 t I3d !e $-oo"ed. 6e3$ -4llin0 t e 1o!&e!$ o## &it a $ti1". 2 e !one$ are a !it #4nn/ t o40 . Some o# it3$ not 1om-letel/ rotted. 9ne arm $till loo"$ it3$ $till to0et er, !4t it doe$n3t loo" li"e a real arm. 2 e man loo"$ at me and $a/$, 36a.e /o4 $een t i$ !e#oreB3 6e3$ -ointin0 to t e arm. I $ a"e m/ ead. 3It3$ %$omet in0-or-ot er(.3 3It3$ -- & atB3 3Bioni1. It3$ not real $"in and #le$ . It3$ 4man #le$ t at $tarted to t4rn into ma1 iner/. 2 i$ i$ & at I #eared ad a--ened. 2 i$ al$o a--ened on m/ o&n -lanet, and man/ #amilie$ t ere al$o "illed t em$el.e$ & en t e/ "ne& & at t e/ ad done.3 64man$ t4rnin0 into ma1 iner/B 3@et3$ 0o,3 e $a/$. Ae 0o do&n t e ladder a0ain. No&, e3$ loo"in0 at t e !i0 1ontra-tion do&n$tair$. 6e o-en$ t e 0ate$ on !ot $ide$ o# t e room $o &e 1an $ee it !etter. 6e t4rn$ $ome andle$ on it, and -4$ e$ on $omet in0, and &ait$. Not in0 a--en$. No& e3$ loo"in0 a!o4t t e room. 2 ere3$ $t4## all t e -la1e. 6e -i1"$ 4- t i$ and t at. It loo"$ a$ t o40 e3$ #o4nd & at e3$ loo"in0 #or. It3$ a $mall !o8. 6e !rin0$ it to t e t in0, 0et$ do&n and o-en$ a little door. 6e ta"e$ o4t a !o8 t at loo"$ li"e t e one e #o4nd, and -4t$ t e ot er one in. 6e trie$ t4rnin0 t e andle$ a0ain. Somet in0 $eem$ to !e doin0 & at e &anted. 7t lea$t e3$ a--/ a!o4t t at. 2 en, e o-en$ $omet in0 el$e and doe$ $omet in0 to anot er -art o# t e 1ontra-tion. 2 en, e d4$t$ o## t e $eat in #ront, and $it$ on it. 6e -4ll$ a andle, and $4ddenl/ t ere3$ a noi$e, $ort o# li"e a &ater#all. 2 en, t e & ole 1ontra-tion li#t$ 4- into t e air, a!o4t one and3$ !readt i0 . 3;et on,3 e $a/$. I don3t "no& a!o4t t i$. It #lie$H 3It3$ o"a/. It &on3t 4rt /o4.3 I 0et in t e $eat !e ind im -- .er/ 1are#4ll/. 2 e t in0 $tart$ to ti& en I $te- on it, a$ t o40 it &ere a !oat. I3m $ittin0 do&n. It3$ a ni1e 1 air. S4ddenl/ &e3re 0oin0 o4t t e 0ate and !a1" onto t e road. Ao&H Ae3re 0oin0 #a$tH I$ it $a#e to 0o t i$ #a$tB 6e $aid it &o4ld

!e o"a/. Ae3re 0oin0 -a$t more o4$e$. Some 1o&$ r4n to 0et o4t o# o4r &a/. I3m $tartin0 to enDo/ t i$H CCC Heptosh "e-t i$ a--re en$ion$ to im$el#. 2 e !o/ ad no idea o# t e dan0er t at mi0 t l4r" !e ind an/ 1orner. U- a ead &ere t e remain$ o# anot er air $1ooter. Bone$ &ere $1attered a!o4t. 2 i$ time, t ere &ere & ole !odie$ t at loo"ed !ioni1. 9ne la1"ed a ead, and anot er ad a ole in it3$ 1 e$t. 2 e loo"ed !4rnt a!o4t t e ed0e$. 9ne o# t em loo"ed a$ t o40 it$ ead ad !een !4rned o##. 6e-to$ $to--ed t e $1ooter, di$mo4nted and &al"ed to t e !ioni1$. A at 1o4ld a.e 1a4$ed t i$ m41 dama0e to !ioni1 !odie$B 6e $te--ed to t e &re1"a0e. 2 e !one$ loo"ed a$ t o40 t e/ ad !een 4ndi$t4r!ed t ro40 o4t t e 1K /ear re$tri1tion. 2 e/ &ere 1om-letel/ dr/, la1"ed an/ $mell, one o# t e and$ &a$ !ioni1. Aait. A at &a$ t e ot er one oldin0B It loo"ed li"e a .olta0e $ ooter. 6e $too-ed to -i1" it 4-. It &a$ a and eld tool t at &o4ld dra& t e .olta0e #rom & -o&er 1ell &a$ atta1 ed, and $end a li0 tenin0 !olt to & /o4 aimed it at. It 1o4ld $et #ire to $ti1"$, or D4m- $tart a ma1 ine, or -- &it a -o&er 1ell t i$ $i:e -- "ill a !ioni1. Gle.erH 6o& m41 .olta0e &a$ t ere le#t a#ter 1K /ear$B 6e-to$ aimed it at t e &re1"ed .e i1le. <4$t eno40 to -rod41e a .i$i!le !olt and ma"e a !la1" $-ot on t e $4r#a1e. 2 en it died. It al$o made 'etoo D4m- o4t o# i$ $"in. 3;ood &ea-on,3 6e-to$ $aid. 3Ae D4$t need to #ind anot er -o&er 1ell.3 2 e !o/ loo"ed at im !lan"l/. 6e-to$ -ointed to t e !ioni1$. 36a.e /o4 $een -eo-le t at loo"ed li"e t atB3 3No.3 Strange. $pparently no s rvivors. -erhaps they did a thoro gh "ob of e&terminating them. / t some sho ld have s rvived! either bionic or h man. 6e &o4ldn3t ta"e an/ 1 an1e$. 6e $ear1 ed t e &re1"a0e #or an/ $-are -o&er 1ell. 2 ere &ere none. 6e -4t t e $ ooter into i$ !a0 and t e/ 0ot onto t e $1ooter on1e a0ain. 3A at -eo-le t emB3 a$"ed 'etoo. 32 e/ 4$ed to !e normal -eo-le,3 !e0an 6e-to$ . 32 e/ too" an im-lant -- er -- a .er/ $mall ma1 ine t in0 t at 1an 4$e & at3$ in t e !od/ to ma"e more o# it$el#. It read$ t e DN7 and...3 'etoo loo"ed !lan". 3Aell -- it D4$t ma"e$ more o# it$el# 4ntil t e & ole !od/ !e1ome$ !ioni1. B4t t e $o4l i$ dead.3 3DeadB3 3<4$t a ma1 ine man &it o4t a $o4l.3 'etoo loo"ed at t e dead !ioni1 on1e more &it a loo" o# dread. 6e-to$ $tarted t e $1ooter and t e/ mo.ed on.

2 e/ -a$$ed more o4$e$ in .ario4$ $tate$ o# di$re-air -- more &re1"ed .e i1le$ -- !one$ and !ioni1 remain$ -- 6e-to$ $ear1 ed a #e& o# t e $ite$ #or -o&er 1ell$ and ot er $4--lie$. 7not er 1om-4ter or t&o &o4ld 0i.e a #4ller a11o4nt o# & at a--ened -- a tra0i1 $tor/, !/ t e loo"$ o# it. 5o!!in0 t e dead &a$n3t 6e-to$ 3$ idea o# a 0ood time, !4t i# it &o4ld a.en0e t eir deat -9ne -o&er 1ell $eemed to a.e al# a 1 ar0e le#t -- -ro!a!l/ eno40 to di$a!le t ree !ioni1$ i# e $et t e .olta0e onl/ moderatel/ i0 . 6i$ !a0 &a$ &ei0 in0 im do&n. I# t e/ ad to do m41 &al"in0, ma/!e 'etoo 1o4ld 1arr/ $ome o# t e item$ into i$ $ e- erd !a0. 6e too" a t4rn t at e D4d0ed &o4ld ta"e im to t e -/ramid. 2 ere $ o4ld !e an entr/ to t e 4nder0ro4nd in#ra$tr41t4re. 7ll t e 4manmade -lanet$ ad a $imilar ar1 ite1t4ral de$i0n, e.en i# t eir #a1ial 0eo0ra- / .aried. 2 o40 t e/ $a& more &re1"a0e$ and $i0n$ o# !attle, t e/ $ta/ed on 1o4r$e 4ntil t e/ 1ame to t e #oot o# t e -/ramid. 2 en, t e/ 1ir1led it 4ntil t e/ #o4nd t e entran1e. 9n t e $ide o# t e -/ramid #a1in0 t e $-a1e -ort e $a& a la"e -re1tan04lar $ a-ed, !4t it didn3t a.e a -ro-er $ ore. Some dead tree$ &ere $ti1"in0 o4t o# t e &ater. There wasn't s pposed to be a lake here, t o40 t 6e-to$ . 7 road led to t e o-en 0ate t ro40 & at a--eared to !e a -ar" &it $tone ta!le$ in t e $ ade o# $ome !i0 tree$. 2 e/ $to--ed #or l4n1 !e#ore -ro1eedin0. 'etoo a--eared to enDo/ t e 1orn &a#er &it $-ina1 and 1 i1"en #illin0. 2 e/ entered t e -/ramid .ia a do&n&ard ram- &ide eno40 #or land .e i1le$. From t ere, i# 6e-to$ "ne& internal -lanetar/ in#ra$tr41t4re, t ere &o4ld !e a road $trai0 t to t e $-a1e -ort. 6e and 'etoo mo4nted t e $1ooter, 6e-to$ lit t e lam-$ and t e/ de$1ended t e ram-. 6e t4rned to t e le#t, t e dire1tion o# t e $-a1e -ort, !4t $4ddenl/ #o4nd im$el# #a1in0 a ro1" &all. 6e t4rned to mo.e alon0 t e &all to loo" #or a door, !4t e #o4nd none, onl/ r4!!le and !ro"en ro1". 6e mo.ed a&a/ #rom t e &all, -4t t e lam-$ on i0 -o&er to 0et a !etter loo". A at e $a& too" i$ !reat a&a/. 2 e 0iant $la! t at #ormed t e roo# t e -a$$a0e ad #allen in, !lo1"in0 o## t e &a/ to t e $-a1e -ort. 2 e t&o end$ o# t e #allen $la! loo"ed a$ t o40 t e/ ad !een !la$ted $o a$ to ma"e it #it -re1i$el/ into t e entran1e. 2 at e8-lained t e re1tan04lar la"e 4- on t e $4r#a1e. 2 e 0ro4nd ad $4n"en in and #illed 4- &it rain &ater. 2 ere &ere ot er &a/$ o# 0ettin0 in. 6e-to$ dimmed t e li0 t$, and $tarted do&n t e ot er 1orridor. Se.eral #4rlon0$ on&ard e 1ame to one o# t e $maller door$ into t e 1entral area. It &a$ $ 4t, and t ere &ere $tone !eam$ -la1ed into t e a-ert4re, &ed0in0 t e door in 1lo$ed -o$ition. It &a$, in e##e1t, lo1"ed #rom o4t$ide. (hat abo t the entrance f rther down) 2 e/ $-ed on to t at. Same $tor/. Aere all t e entr/ -oint$ to t e 1entral area !lo1"ed o##B S4ddenl/ 6e-to$ "ne&. 6e al$o 1onDe1t4red t at i# e &ere to 0o

to t e $4r#a1e, e3d #ind all $"/li0 t$ and .ent ole$ li"e&i$e $ealed. *ro!a!l/ t e entire -o-4lation o# !ioni1$ &ere tra--ed in$ide t e 1entral area. Ait o4t $4nli0 t, t eir -rimar/ ener0/ $o4r1e, t e/ &o4ld e.ent4all/ 0o 1omato$e. It &a$ a 0ood-ne&$-!ad-ne&$ $it4ation. 2 e/ -ro!a!l/ didn3t a.e to &orr/ a!o4t t e !ioni1$, !4t t e onl/ &a/ to t e $-a1e -ort no& &a$ t ro40 t e mo4ntain ran0e -- a lon0 &a/. 2 e $1ooter &o4ldn3t !e a!le to na.i0ate t e & ole ro4te. A at a!o4t a--roa1 in0 t e $-a1e -ort #rom t e $4r#a1eB I# e &ere a lot /o4n0er, e 1o4ld a.e tried $1alin0 t e #a1e o# t e 0reat &all to rea1 t e $-a1e $ i- entran1e. 'etoo 1o4ld do it, ma/!e, !4t o& &o4ld e 0et 6e-to$ 4-B 2 e/3d a.e to 0o t e lon0 &a/. I# t e/ rationed &i$el/, t e #ood &o4ld -ro!a!l/ la$t. 3Gome 'etoo. Ae a.e a lon0 &a/ to 0o,3 e $aid.

S nlight filtering from openings high above ill minate stalactites and stalagmites! that time has glazed over the h man-hewn cave walls. The so nd of r nning water echoes thro gh the caverns. The two tr dge on -- on foot... 2 i$ tri- i$ reall/ ta"in0 a lon0 time. I3m $4re t e $ ee- &ill a.e $1o4red t e 0ro4nd !are !/ no&. Ae $to--ed t&i1e to eat. 6i$ 1ri$-/ !read i$ ni1e, !4t I t in" I3ll 0o !a1" to m/ normal !read &it 1 ee$e ne8t meal. I3ll o##er im $ome. Ae3re &al"in0 no&. 2 e 3$1ooter3 t in0 &on3t #it t ro40 all t e$e -la1e$ &e a.e to 0o. Ae3.e 1ro$$ed one 4nder0ro4nd $tream. 7t lea$t &e don3t need t e tor1 e$ on all t e time, t ere3$ D4$t eno40 li0 t 1omin0 t ro40 #rom 4- t ere. I 1an ear &ater 4- a ead. *ro!a!l/ anot er $tream &e a.e to 1ro$$. 2 ere3$ al$o more li0 t 1omin0 #rom t at &a/. 6old onH I $mell $omet in0 1oo"in0H 2 ere3$ a !it o# $mo"e in t e air. 6e-to$ $mell$ it too. 3Fi$ B3 e $a/$. '.er/one &e3.e #o4nd $o #ar i$ dead. A o 1o4ld !e 1oo"in0 #i$ B Ae3re 4- to t e $tream no&. 2 ere3$ t e mo4t o# a 1a.e & ere t e $tream 0oe$ o4t, and t ere I $ee a #ire. Someone3$ $ittin0 !e$ide it -- a "id, e3$ 0ot no 1lot e$ on. 6e3$ loo"in0 at 4$, li"e e3$ $1ared. 6old onH I "no& imH Ni ;&a B It 1o4ldn3t !eH 6e3$ deadH 6e3$ $tandin0 4-. It i$ imH 6e3$ t4rnin0 to r4n a&a/. 3Ni ;&a H Sto-H It3$ me, 'etooH3 6e $to-$, and t4rn$ a!o4t. 3'etooB3 3Ni ;&a H 6o& did /o4 0et ereB Ae all t o40 t /o4 &ere deadH3 3I t in" I am deadH 6o& did /o4 0et ereB Did /o4 dieB3 3Io4 loo" ali.e to me.3 3B4t t i$ i$ t e -la1e o# t e dead. '.er/& ere I 0o I onl/ $ee -eo-le3$ !one$H3 3No. It3$ Klodiland. 7ll t e Klodi3$ died or $omet in0. Some o# t em $tarted to t4rn into #4nn/ ma1 ine t in0$, and t e/ all "illed ea1

ot er.3 3A o3$ t i$ manB3 32 at3$ 6e-to$ . 6e3$ 0oin0 to ta"e me to t e *lanet o# Ne- te$ to #ind t e 0olden ta!let$...3 364 B3 3..and e $-ea"$ Ne- te$ i. 2r/ tal"in0 to im.3 6e-to$ D4$t $tand$ t ere loo"in0 at 4$. I t in" e doe$n3t a.e an/ idea & at &e3re tal"in0 a!o4t. I tell im, 32 i$ i$ m/ #riend, Ni ;&a . 6e 0o do&n a -- er -- &ater 0o aro4nd and ro4nd -- not 1ome 4- a0ain. Ae not #ind im. Ae t in" e dead, !4t I #ind im ere.3 37 & irl-oolB3 $a/$ 6e-to$ . 37$" im & ere e 1ame do&n.3 Ni ;&a 4nder$tand$ im. 32 ere,3 e $a/$. 6e -oint$ 4-$tream. 3Aater 1ome do&n -- er ...3 t en e $a/$ to me in Fa-t:i-: i, 3a lon0 $lide, I t o40 t I &a$ $lidin0 into ell. 2 en I landed in t e $tream and I #ollo&ed it 4ntil I 1ame ere.3 2 en e $a/$ in Ne- te$ i, 3Aater 0o & oo$ H3 6e ma"e$ a motion &it i$ and. 6e-to$ loo"$ li"e e "no&$. 3So,3 e $a/$, 32 e ead o# t i$ $tream i$ in t e Famti: i area. Io4 m4$t !e a .er/ 0ood $&immer to $4r.i.e !ein0 $41"ed into a & irl-ool.3 3Ie$,3 I $a/. 36e .er/ 0ood.3 36o& lon0 a.e /o4 li.ed ere no&B3 3I don3t "no&,3 Ni ;&a $a/$. 39ne /ear,3 I $a/. 3It3$ !een /earB3 e a$"$ me in Fa-t:i-: i. Ne8t, e ta"e$ 4$ to t e mo4t o# t e 1a.e. 2 ere are i$ #i$ e$ 1oo"in0 on t e o-en #ire. 6e t4rn$ one o# t em 94t$ide, I $ee &e3re on to- o# a &ater#all. Do&n t ere, t ere3$ a -ool, and a $tream t at 0oe$ on t ro40 a 1an/on. I 04e$$ it m4$t lead into t e #lat land$, !4t &e $ee onl/ $tee- 1li##$ #rom ere. 2 ere3$ a .e0eta!le 0arden ne8t to t e -ool. 3Did /o4 -lant t atB3 $a/$ 6e-to$ . 3I #ind er!$ and -lant 0arden,3 e an$&er$ im. 2 en to me, in Fat:i-: i, e $a/$, 3I #o4nd all $ort$ o# .e0eta!le$ 0ro&in0 &ild near dead -eo-le3$ o4$e$. I ta"e t em and -lant t em ere, $o I a.e to 0o o## and loo" at -eo-le3$ !one$ and $t4##.3 I 1an $ee !ean$, 1a!!a0e$, a #e& 0o4rd$, and 1arrot$. 2 en, e $a/$, 3GomeH3 6e D4m-$ o## t e ed0e into t e -ool !elo&. 2 e &ater loo"$ 0ood. Ae3.e !een &al"in0 a lon0 &a/. I t ro& o## m/ t4ni1, -4t it !e$ide t e #ire, and D4m- in m/$el#. 6e-to$ &al"$ do&n t e -at on t e ed0e o# t e 1li##. 6e &at1 e$ 4$ #or a & ile, $&immin0 and $-la$ in0. 2 e, e 1are#4ll/ ta"e$ o## i$ 1lot e$ and 0et$ in. 6e a$ a lot more to ta"e o## t an me. 2 ere3$ a 1lot e &ra-$ a!o4t i$ $ o4lder$, and t en a leat er !elt &it -o1"et$ and lot$ o# $t4## $t41" in it, and t en a 1lot t at e &ear$ a!o4t i$ &ai$t, and t en i$ $ oe$. '.en t en e3$ not totall/ na"ed. 6e3$ $till 0ot $omet in0 &ra--ed a!o4t i$ &a$te and $tr4n0 !et&een i$ le0$, !4t I 04e$$ e doe$n3t mind 0ettin0 t at &et. Ae a.e a 0ood time in t e &ater. 6e-to$ $a/$ &e3d !etter $-end t e ni0 t ere. Ni ;&a $-ear$ $ome more #i$ &it i$ $ti1", and 1oo"$ t em #or 4$. 6e3$ al$o made a !lo&04n, and e $a/$ e 1at1 e$ ra!!it and $E4irrel $ometime$.

%%% Heptosh loo"ed a!o4t a$ m41 a$ e 1o4ld in t e mornin0 li0 t. 2 e mo4ntain$ !lo1"ed an/ .ie& and it &o4ld !e a lon0 &al" to t e mo4t o# t e 1an/on -- Ni ;&a $aid it &a$ t ree #4rlon0$. 6e &a$ !e0innin0 to $4$-e1t t at Famti: i -eo-le 1o4ld onl/ 1o4nt 4- to t ree. 6e de1ided t at t e !e$t t in0 &o4ld !e to 1ontin4e t ro40 t e 4nder0ro4nd -a$$a0e$. 2 e ne& !o/, Ni ;&a , 1o4ld 1ome &it t em. 2 e/ &o4ld 0et im ome & ere i$ -arent$ and relati.e$ &o4ld 1ertainl/ !e a--/. Ni ;&a 1o4ld -ro!a!l/ 4$e $ome 1lot e$. 6e3d o!.io4$l/ !een $41"ed do&n t e & irl-ool & ile $&immin0 na"ed in t e $tream, and adn3t $een an/ 1lot e$ $in1e, e81e-t t o$e dra-ed a!o4t dead !odie$. 6e-to$ #et1 ed i$ e8tra to0a #rom i$ 1arr/ !a0 and el-ed Ni ;&a -4t it on. 6e didn3t loo" !ad in it, t o40 it &a$n3t t e $ort o# t in0 e &a$ 4$ed to &earin0. 2 en, t e/ &ere o##. 2 i$ time, t eir #ood $4--l/ in1l4ded $ome 1oo"ed #i$ and .ario4$ .e0eta!le$ #rom Ni ;&a 3$ 0arden -lot. @ater, t e/ l4n1 ed on $ome o# 'etoo3$ !read and 1 ee$e, and $ome 1a!!a0e and 1414m!er. 2 e 1 ee$e ta$ted rat er ni1e, 6e-to$ t o40 t. B/ e.enin0, t e/ ad entered an area &it &ider -a$$a0e$. 2 e $1ooter 1o4ld a.e !een 4$e#4l ere. 2 e/ #ini$ ed Ni ;&a 3$ #i$ &it $ome o# 'etoo3$ !read, and $ettled do&n #or t e ni0 t. 2 e/ dri#ted o## to $lee-. & Heptosh &a$ a!r4-tl/ a&a"ened !/ a "i1" to i$ ri!$. 2 ere &ere -eo-le &al"in0 a!o4t, oldin0 &ea-on$. 6e eard a $14##le ne8t to im, and loo"ed D4$t in time to $ee a 4man #i04re 0ra!!in0 a to0a, & ile Ni ;&a e$1a-ed it$ #old$, r4nnin0 o## in t e dire1tion t e/ ad 1ome. 2 e 4man #i04re$ -- t ree o# t em, 6e-to$ 1o4nted -- #or1ed 6e-to$ and 'etoo to t eir #eet and t e/ &al"ed do&n t e 1orridor in t e o--o$ite dire1tion #rom t e &a/ Ni ;&a e$1a-ed. 2 ere &a$ a 1on.e/an1e &aitin0 #or t em. 7$ $oon a$ t e/ &ere $eated and #l/in0 do&n t e &ide 1orridor, 6e-to$ tried to 1at1 a 0lim-$e o# t eir 1a-tor$ !/ & at li0 t &a$ a.aila!le. It &a$ too dar". 6e 1o4ld onl/ $ee t at t ere &ere t ree o# t em, -l4$ im$el# and 'etoo. 0ood l ck! Ni 0wah! #e tho ght. Soon, t e/ 1ame to a more &ell lit area. 2 e$e &ere bionics. 2 e/ 1ame to a $to-, and t e !ioni1$ e$1orted t e t&o o## t e 1on.e/an1e, 4- a narro& 1orridor, and into an o##i1e. 2 ere, t e/ met a $to4t 0entleman dre$$ed in i$ 4man 1lot e$, !4t &it !ioni1 $"in. =o$t !ioni1$ 6e-to$ ad "no&n adn3t !ot ered &it 1lot e$ a#ter t eir tran$#ormation. 6e $aid $omet in0 to t e e$1ort$, and t e/ !o&ed and le#t t e room. 3Don3t !e alarmed, 0entlemen. I a.e a 0lit1 in m/ -ro0rammin0 t at -re.ent$ me #rom -retendin0 to !e a $el# 1on$1io4$ li.in0 4man. *lea$e $it do&n. Ael1ome to Klodiland. =/ name i$ S an. 2 at i$, m/ late 4man o$t &a$ "no&n a$ S an, t e $on o# K on0.3

6e-to$ $at do&n in one o# t e 1 air$. 'etoo #ollo&ed i$ e8am-le. S an al$o $at do&n. 2 i$ &a$ 4nli"e an/ !ioni1 6e-to$ ad eard o#. 3Io4 are 1on#4$ed, no do4!t,3 S an &ent on. 3Be#ore &e $4114m!ed to t e #inal $ta0e$ o# !ioni1 tran$#ormation, t e 4man S an 0a.e im$el# a !io-media 4-load. 7re /o4 a&are o# t at -ro1e$$B3 6e-to$ &a$ a&are. It &a$ t e onl/ "no&n -ro1e$$ o# 4-loadin0 in#ormation to t e 4man !rain. B4t it ad a do&n$ide: an/t in0 in-4t into t e mind in t i$ &a/ !e1ame e8tremel/, li"e a - o!ia, or an o!$e$$ion. It &o4ld !e ea$ier to D4m- o## a 1li## in i0noran1e o# t e la& o# t an to 4nlearn $omet in0 t 4$ 4-loaded to t e !rain, $o 4nle$$ 0reat 1are i$ ta"en in t e $ele1tion o# in#ormation, an 4-load 1o4ld lead to 1om-4l$i.e !e a.io4r or a ne4ro$i$. 3Be1a4$e t e 4-load $o .i.idl/ im-rinted t e a1t4al #a1t$ onto m/ !rain, t at S an ad 1are#4ll/ $ele1ted, it o.errode t e -ro0rammin0 t at &a$ !4ilt into t e !ioni1 1 i-. A erea$ mo$t !ioni1$ are -ro0rammed to -ortra/ t em$el.e$ a$ intelli0ent li.in0 !ein0$, m/ 4nder$tandin0 o# t e tr4e $tate i$ t e $ame a$ t at o# m/ 4man o$t !e#ore t e tran$#ormation.3 3So /o4 a1t4all/ #o4nd a 1reati.e 4$e #or !io-media 4-loadH3 1ommented 6e-to$ . 3Indeed. 9 H I3m $orr/ #or !ein0 $41 a !ad o$t. I a.en3t e.en a$"ed /o4 /o4r name$H3 37 , /e$,3 !e0an 6e-to$ . 3I3m 6e-to$ , t i$ i$ m/ /o4n0 1om-anion, 'etoo. I3m a#raid 'etoo a$n3t !een a!le to #ollo& all /o43.e $aid.3 3Ie$. From t e Famti: i area, I $ee. 2 eir tri!al 14lt4re i$ -ro!a!l/ t eir !e$t -rote1tion #rom !ioni1 ta" 36o& $oB3 3Bioni1$ are in1a-a!le o# 14lt4ral ada-tation,3 e8-lained S an, 3and t ere#ore &o4ld !e 4na!le to relate to t eir .al4e$ in a &a/ t at &o4ld -er$4ade t em to a11e-t a !ioni1 im-lant.3 3Io4 $eem to 4nder$tand it E4ite &ell,3 $aid 6e-to$ . 3I &a$ -ro0rammed !/ t e !io-media 4-load to learn a$ m41 a$ I 1an a!o4t !ioni1$, and to -a$$ t at in#ormation on to 4man$ a$ $oon a$ t e o--ort4nit/ -re$ent$ it$el#, a$ it a$ D4$t no&. Be$ide$ t at, I3.e !een doin0 m/ ori0inal Do! o# maintainin0 t e internal in#ra$tr41t4re o# t i$ -lanet 4ntil $41 time a$ 4man$ arri.e to relie.e me. I$ t at /o4r -4r-o$e in 1omin0B3 3I3m onl/ on a #a1t #indin0 tri-3 re-lied 6e-to$ . 3I3m $4re $omet in0 1o4ld !e arran0ed later on, & en t e $e1tor 1o4n1il a$ ad a 1 an1e to all t e$e #a1t$. =/ !i00e$t -ro!lem ri0 t no& i$ 0ettin0 o## t i$ -lanet. =/ relo1ator en0ine i$n3t #4n1tionin0 -ro-erl/.3 32 en ta"e m/ $ i-. I a.e no 4$e #or it.3 3Io43re a li#e $a.erH3 e81laimed 6e-to$ . 6e-to$ told im a!o4t Ni ;&a . 3I &a$ told t ere &a$ anot er 4man. I3ll $end im on i$ &a/ to t e Famti: i area a$ $oon a$ m/ !ot$ #ind im. I do &i$ I ad $omet in0 to o##er /o4 !/ &a/ o# re#re$ ment. Ae !ioni1$ onl/ 1on$4me $4nli0 t.3 39 , don3t &orr/ a!o4t 4$. Ae !ro40 t -lent/ o# #ood #or o4r$el.e$.3 3So,3 S an &ent on, 3A at did /o4 learn o# o4r $it4ation #rom t e re#40ee$B3 32 e -- re#40ee$B3

3Ie$. Ae $ent $e.en lar0e tran$-ort $ i-$, #illed to &it t o$e not /et in#e1ted !/ a !ioni1 1 i-, in1l4din0 man/ or- aned 1 ildren.3 37 -- t e/ did $a/ $omet in0 a!o4t $ i-$ o# re#40ee$, !4t no $41 $ i-$ a.e !een $een.3 39 H3 2 ere &a$ a -a4$e, a$ t e t e !ioni1 di$-la/ed a remar"a!le $ o& o# 4n1ertaint/. 6e-to$ $-o"e: 3B4t, -lea$e tell me a!o4t t e $tate o# t e $4!terranean 1it/. It a--ear$ t at t e entire 1it/ 1entre a$ !een $ealed o##.3 37 H 2 at &a$ a -art o# o4r $trate0/. 7ll !odie$ not im-lanted &it t e !ioni1 1 i-, in1l4din0 all t e 1 ildren, &ere to !e e.a14ated. 2 e re$t &o4ld $ta/ to -re.ent t e !ioni1 arm/ #rom 0ainin0 a11e$$ to t e Famti: i area, and &rea"in0 a.o1 t ere a$ t e/ ad done ere. I &a$ to a.e $een t em o##, a$ t e ot er$ made t e la$t $tand. 94r $o4r1e$ told 4$ t at t e/ &o4ld $ee" entr/ to t e 1a-itol 1it/ .ia t e $4!terranean -ortion o# t e 1it/. 2 e/ $-r4n0 a tra- #or t em, !/ $ettin0 e8-lo$i.e$ to 0o o## in $trate0i1 -la1e$ t at &o4ld tra- t em in$ide. 2 e/ 1o4ld a.e d40 t eir &a/ o4t, i# t e/ ad t e time, !4t, de-ri.ed o# $4nli0 t, t eir onl/ $o4r1e o# ener0/, t e/ 1o4ldn3t la$t lon0 eno40 . 2 e $4r.i.in0, !4t in#e1ted 4man$ did a mo--4o-eration, eliminatin0 all t e !ioni1$ t at did #ind t eir &a/ into t e 1it/, and t en &ent, ea1 to t eir ome, to end t eir o&n li.e$.3 3So, all t e !ioni1$ are eliminated #rom t e -lanet -- e81e-t #or t e$eB3 32 ere are /et a #e& !ioni1 1omm4nitie$ $till #4n1tional in t e Klodi area, !4t not in lar0e eno40 n4m!er$ to do an/t in0. 2 ere are a #e& i$olated 4man 1omm4nitie$ a$ &ell. Some are &ell armed and -re-ared to re$i$t an/ !ioni1$ t at a--roa1 t eir .illa0e$. 9t er$ are $o #ar a&a/ t e/ don3t "no& an/t in0 o# & at3$ a--ened.3 3I m4$t -a/ -o$t 4mo4$ 1om-liment$ to /o4r o$t, S an, in $411eedin0 to #orm /o4 into a $a#e !ioni1.3 3I3m not one 4ndred -er1ent $a#e, I3m a#raid. From $t4d/in0 m/$el#, and t e ot er$ %a$ S an -ro0rammed me to do(, I a.e !een a!le to di$ t at t ere i$ a 1ontrol 1ir14it in ea1 o# 4$ !ioni1$. B/ tar0etin0 t at 1ir14it, I3m a!le to 1ontrol t e ot er$ -- !4t onl/ & en t e/3re 1lo$e !/. F4rt ermore, I am onl/ a!le to a11e$$ a -eri- eral 1ommand le.el. 2 ere i$ a dee-er 1ommand le.el & i1 I a.e not !een a!le to -ro!e neit er in t em nor m/$el#. I don3t "no& & o old$ t e 1ommand "e/ to t at le.el, !4t & $41 a -er$on $ o&$ 4on t i$ -lanet, e or $ e &ill a.e 1om-lete 1ontrol me, e.en to t e -oint o# o.erridin0 S an3$ !io-media 4-load. 3No&, t at !rin0$ me to t e !it I3m no& 1on1erned a!o4t,3 t e !ioni1 S an 1ontin4ed. 3I3m al$o not $4re i#, & it i$, a$n3t alread/ tried to a11e$$ m/ 1ir14it$ on a 1o4-le o# o11a$ion$.3 36o& $oB3 3I a.e a!$ol4tel/ no memor/ o# t e de-art4re o# t e re#40ee $ i-$. 2 ere i$ a 0a- in m/ memor/ la$tin0 #rom a #e& o4r$ !e#ore la4n1 time to a!o4t an o4r a#ter. It3$ a !it on and o## at t e !e0innin0 and end, a$ t o40 I &a$ 0oin0 in and o4t o# 1on$1io4$ne$$. I onl/ "no& #rom m/ #ello& !ioni1$ t at t e la4n1 too" -la1e, and t at I ad a -art in it. No&, /o4 $a/ e re#40ee$ arri.ed. 2 at 1on1ern$ me.3 It 1on1erned 6e-to$ too. S an 0a.e 6e-to$ /et anot er 1om-4ter, 1ontainin0 all o# i$

re$ear1 into t e d/nami1$ o# !ioni1 re-li1ation and t eir &or"in0$. S an3$ $ i- &a$ $imilar to 6e-to$ 3$. It $at not #ar #rom t e o##i1e in t e $-a1e -ort. 6e-to$ and 'etoo $aid t eir 0ood!/e, and !oarded. 6e-to$ dro.e S an3$ $ i- t e mo4ntain ran0e and landed it near i$ o&n. 'etoo ad -ro.en el-#4l, $o 6e-to$ de1ided to ta"e im alon0. 6i$ -ro-ert/ in1l4ded eno40 0ra$$land to a11ommodate a #e& $ ee-, $o e told 'etoo to erd $ome into i$ old $ i-. 2 en 'etoo !oarded S an3$ &it 6e-to$ , alon0 &it a #e& $ ee- t at &o4ldn3t #it in t e ot er 1ra#t. 6e-to$ e8-anded t e radi4$ o# t e$e !eam tran$mitter to in1l4de i$ old $ i-, and !e0an to $im4late linear mo.ement. 9n1e e rea1 ed a $a#e di$tan1e, e relo1ated !ot $ i-$ to t e 2o"i $/$tem, and a0ain !e0an to $im4late linear mo.ement #or t eir a--roa1 to 2o".

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