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Palembang City Tour Plan 3D4N Package: (May 28 2013 Update)

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Palembang City Tour Plan; 3D4N Package

(May 28th 20 3 !"#ate$

Day 1. Tour de Musi (flexibly necessitates boat-renting)
Musi Tour de Captains Village (local leader of upperside Palembang after the collapse of Sri i!aya "ingdom) and sightseeing the ma#ing of the nation ide ell-#no n Palembang style fishball$ pempe#% - Musi Tour de "emaro &sland (gra'e of a female Moslem inside Chinese Temple( )ro ing-)round Mystical *ltar and a pagoda of + le'els)% &ndian style lunch (a la curry) in the front of Palembangs )rand Mos,ue( or free choices around -. &lir Mar#et (shrimp noodles in coco-mil# soup/ fresh ater fish in spicy clear-soup/ Chinese noodles/ Padang dishes)% Sultan Mahmud 0adaruddin && City Museum( "uto 0esa# 1ortress and "uto 0esa# Pla2a ("uto 0esa# Tourism 3arbor)% - Monument of Peoples Struggle (commemoration for 4 5ays and 4 6ights 7ar on 8anuary -+9:)% - Strolling around -. &lir Mar#et ("uto 0esa# Trading 3arbor)( 6usa &ndah Par# to 1ish and Pets Mar#et (tentati'e)% - Pempe# afternoon snac# at Pa# ;aden/ Candy/ 6ony -.</ Sudi Mampir/ 5epaten 0aru Pempe# Mar#et% Pempe# to be ta#en home should be ordered for fresh deli'ery !ust before departure from Palembang (arrangeable) on tight- rapped container$ max% storage 9 days to be consumed% 5inner at the city-go'ernment-o ned ;i'erside ;estaurant on the pla2a of "uto 0esa# (lo er ri'erban# of Musi)% -

Day 2. Shopping Tour

Strolling around lac,uer industry area (Palembang typical ood car'ings ith golden-red paintings)% Mir Senens Miscellaneous *rt )allery (personal collections a'ailable for public 'ie ing and sale$ Palembangs *nti,ue Shop)% - Palembang Shirt "ios# (tentati'e)% =unch at >. &lir (shrimp noodles in coco-mil# soup) and/or Cinde Mar#et Saut?s or Padang dishes at Sederhana Cinde or Sederhana =intau Merde#a% Strolling around Cinde Mar#et (dryfoods shopping$ tentati'e)% 1i#ri Song#et (traditional hand- o'en fabric) and Sou'enirs% Strolling around "ambang & a# Par# (near to Palembang Mayors @fficial ;esidence)$ passing by the Chic#en Church% *ll-duc# dishes dinner at 0ebe# Pasundan/ 0umbu 5esa/ 7a# 0aban/ 3a!i Slamet or all-catfish dishes in =ele =ela% &n other places( more affordable menus of catfish( seafood( fried rice and tofu are a'ailable for those ho are more ad'enturous% -

Day 3. Historical & Free Tour

Museum of the late 5r% *%"% )ani (national hero that led Sumatras 'astest guerilla ar$ the man that as called A0iggest Smuggler in Southeast *siaB by 5utch Colonials)% - (passing by) &ndustrial area of homemade #emplang asap (smo#ed fish-crac#er)% - Punti "ayu Tourism Par# (pine forest of 5utch legacy) and/or 0alaputra 5e a Pro'incial Museum (name of a Sri i!ayan "ing) and/or Sri i!aya "ingdoms *rcheological Par# (ri'er canals from the Sri i!ayan Cra and museum of related history) and/or Siguntang 3ill (sacred and highest ground le'el in the city)% Palembang style lunch of fresh ater fish in spicy clear soup at Sri Melayu/ Musi ;a as/ Pondo# "elapo% 5emang =ebar 5aun =imas 3ouse of Palembang-style architecture (purchasable song#et and sou'enirs)% Tour de Pla!u$ 1ormer 5utch and Cnglish 'illages% Tour de 8a#abaring$ @gan Permata &ndah (@P&) =a#e recreational area (tentati'e for re-shopping)% *fternoon Snac# at Sudi Mampir Pempe# Caf? in the 1ront of Palembang Mayors @ffice (7ater To er of 5utch-Colonial legacy) or 5epaten 0aru 1ishball Mar#et (for ad'enturers)% &ndonesian dinner of miscellaneous menus at Palembang S,uare Cxtension Mall% Available visitation alternatives: Fantasy Island - Water Park , Long Grave of Talang Keramat (mystical alligator of human birth said to be), Grand Mosques Friday Market (only Fridays 1 - 3 !), Fried Ri e Market of G!R "#ort $all (fried rice dinner for adventurers) and others"
Palembang City Tour )uideD Frs Chandra !"2 #1$ %#2" 11%&' (ares.chandra)g**

#ity$s annual events in alembang are %a# Go Me& celebration (at %emaro &sland' 1( days after #hinese )e* +ear of ,unar #alendar), "ri'i(aya Festival (1-th - .3rd /une' celebrating the birthdate of alembang), )idar )oat Ra e of )ational &nde0endence #elebration (August 11th) and other incidentals" This offer @6=E pro'ides the ser'ices of a tour guide and/or a car and/or a boat (tariffs already include meals of guide and
the dri'ers)% The tour flexibly spans from < *M to -F PM( hich includes freshen-up brea# in the hotel (getting prepared for dinner)% )uide shall @6=E conform to changes to ards the tour plan (sudden or planned) decided by the head of the group% Prices and all other details can be in,uired and are sub!ects to negotiation% *ny and all information in this Tour Plan is sub!ect to any change that is deemed necessary from time to time$ most-updated free copy can be obtained by emailing to (ares.chandra)g**%

Tariffs (in thou%an# &n#one%ian 'u"iah$

A. Guide only* B. Guide* + Car** C. Guide* + Car** + Boa!*** " #e$ar%s: * ** &or 3 days. Can also arran'e (or !)ose *)o +re(er !o use +u,li- !rans+or!s ins!ead o( ren!in' +ri.a!e -ars. /oyo!a 0nno.a *i!) air-on (or 750 !)ousand 01# +er day. Ano!)er o+!ion is /oyo!a A.an2a *i!) air-on (sli')!ly s$aller !)an 0nno.a (or 350 !)ousand 01# +er day. &or ,o!) o+!ions, a. Any and all +ar%in' and -ar4en!ran-e (ees durin' !)e *)ole !our are already in-luded (ex-e+! $useu$4en!ran-e !i-%e!s . ,. 1rin%in' *a!er su++lies (de$inerali2ed, re.erse os$osis, +las!i- ,o!!le or 'lass +a-%a'in' durin' !)e *)ole !our are already in-luded. -. 5ini$u$ ren! o( 3 days s)all re-ei.e bonus services o( +i-%in' u+ (ro$ !)e air+or! !o !)e )o!el on day, and dro++in' o(( (ro$ !)e )o!el !o !)e air+or! on de+ar!ure day (!o!al days = 5 . 6x!ra -ar (or -arryin' lu''a'e, ,y ne-essi!y, s)all ,e an addi!ional ex+ense. d. /o (a-ili!a!e A.an2a or 0nno.a *i!) dou,le4,lo*er air -ondi!ionin' sys!e$, *e do no! -)ar'e addi!ional ex+ense, ,u! a do*n +ay$en! o( 507 (ro$ !)e !o!al ren! days is re8uired !o ,e +ro.ided on !)e +i-%4u+ ( day. 9lease also %indly no!e !)a! a.aila,ili!y is no! al*ays 'uaran!eed. &or 1 day ($ax. 5 )ours : +i-!ure o( a !y+i-al ,oa! (;</ s+eed,oa!= is s)o*n ,elo*. : 400 x 3 days : 1,200 + 2,250 (750 x 3 days : 1,200 + 2,250 + 275 = 1,200 = 3,450 = 3,725


Typical Private Boat for Musi Tour (-arryin' -a+a-i!y o( 3+ +ersons :

&or lar'er 'rou+s o( $ore !)an 3 +ersons, *e s)all (a-ili!a!e a $ini,us> ,us (or land !ri+, *)ile (or !)e !our, 1ra'on ?)i+ and @e$,an' 1adar 9rin-ess Cruise ?)i+ are a.aila,le (or ren!al. Bo!) o*ned and $ana'ed ,y 9ale$,an' /ouris$ Board.

Travelling in Palembang;
Palembang City Tour )uideD Frs Chandra !"2 #1$ %#2" 11%&' (ares.chandra)g**

Dos, Donts & Need-to-Knows

Carryin' a lo! o( non4#u+ia) -urren-ies (in-ludin' A?1 !o ,e ex-)an'ed *i!) #u+ia) ,y ne-essi!y is no! re-o$$ended. Bi%e $os! o!)er -i!ies in !)e -oun!ry, ,an%s and +ri.a!e (orex dealers *ill usually (ind so$e C-on.enien! ex-usesD !o +ur-)ase your -urren-y a! lo*er ra!es, $ore so (or s$aller deno$ina!ions (e.'. ,elo* 50 A?1 . 5os! A/5Es in 9ale$,an' are (a$iliar *i!) Fisa and 5as!er-ard, *)ile only se.eral ser.e Al!o. Bu! only !)e A/5s o( 3 ,an%s are' 5aes!ro, and due !o our ex+erien-e *e only re-o$$end A/5 o( 9anin Ban% (or 5aes!ro Card ser.i-es. Al!)ou') )' ,een su--ess(ully (i')!in' o(( $alaria and den'ue (, 9ale$,an' is s!ill a re'ion in !)e !ro+i-al +ar! o( !)e 'lo,e !)a! is na!urally in)a,i!ed ,y $os8ui!oes. 1es+i!e non4dan'erous, $os! $os8ui!o ,i!es *ill !e$+orarily lea.e a red and so$e*)a! i!-)y $ar% on !)e s%in. 0! is )i')ly re-o$$ended !o *ear s)oes (no! sandals and +an!s !)a! -o$+le!ely your le's durin' any o( your !ri+> s!roll. Be!!er ye!, use also $os8ui!o re+ellen! lo!ions around your ar$s and ne-%. Anless s!a!ed in !)e ,ill, !i++in' res!auran! *ai!er> *ai!ress is no! -o$+ulsory. Bu! i( you are sa!is(ied *i!) !)e ser.i-e, !)en' an a$oun! ,e!*een 5 !o 25 !)ousand ru+ia) *ill ,e -onsidered a -our!esy. /)e sa$e a$oun! is also .alid (or !axi dri.ers, ,ell,oys and air+or! +or!ers. ?i$ilar !o $any o!)er -i!ies !)rou')ou! !)e *orld, '' $oney !o ,e''ars (es+e-ially -)ildren in +u,li- areas in 9ale$,an' *ill li%ely resul! in an un+leasan! si!ua!ion o( )' e.en $ore ,e''ars !ailin' you, *)ereas i! is no! +ossi,le !o sa!is(y all o( !)e$. 0! is )o* s!ill sa(e !o $a%e +ur-)ase (ro$ s!ree! .endors (a(!er -onsul!in' *i!) your 'uide . AdGus!in' !o !)e si!ua!ion o( !)e -i!y, *e re-o$$end !)a! you $a%e sure !o ,rin' and *ear -o$(or!a,ly4(i!!in' s)oes and ,e $ind(ul o( your s!e+s *) *al%in' on !)e +edes!rian lines. 0n so$e reli'ious es!a,lis)$en!s, !)ere are non4+u,li- areas !)a! are +re(erred (or ad)eren!s. Consul! your 'uide on *)a! is C+oli!i-ally -orre-!D (or your si!ua!ion. Also in so$e $useu$s, you *ill ,e re8ues!ed !o !a%e your s)oes> sandals o(( (!)e only *ay !o a--ess !)e area . /)e (or$er !)e 1u!-) Filla'es in 9laGu 1is!ri-! (no* ,elon'in' !o 9er!a$ina: !)e ?!a!eEs <il 1rillin' Co$+any , are no! a-!ually $ean! (or !ouris$. And (or your -on.enien-e in .isi!in' !)e$, en!ran-e +er$i! is !)ere(ore a ne-essi!y !o ,e o,!ained in (!)a! *ill ,e sli')!ly $ore di((i-ul! (or *ee%ends and na!ional )olidays . 9lease -onsul! your 'uide on !)is. 0( you *an! !o !a%e so$e -ulinary ad.en!ures ,y dinin' in !)e )i')ly4+o+ular ye! less4-on.enien! !e$+orary res!auran!s on !)e s!ree!s (!)e ones !)a! do no! +ay res!auran! !axes , *e )i')ly re-o$$end !)a! you -onsu$e your $eals !)ere *i!) (-)e*in' ra* 'arli-. 0! is a +o!en! or'ani- an!i,io!i- !)a! na!urally %ills re$ainin' 'er$s (ro$ any i$+er(e-! )y'iene -ondu-!. /)ere are also )er,al !a,le!s !)a! -an su,s!i!u!e 'arli-, li%e 1ia+e! (non4+res-ri+!ion: a.aila,le e.en in $os! s$all s)o+s . 5os! res!auran!s (es+e-ially !)e ones' 9adan' s!yle dis)es do no! ser.e al-o)oli- drin%s. /o ou!s$ar! !)is si!ua!ion, you -an ei!)er ,rin' your al-o)oli- drin%s in !)e -ar (!o ,e -onsu$ed a(!er' !)e res!auran! , or as% your 'uide (or res!auran!s !)a! +ro.ide !)e$. 5os! res!auran!s do no! ser.e s!ar!er> a++e!i2er, $ain -ourse, side dis) and desser! as di((eren!'s, $os!ly ,e-ause !)e -on-e+! is no! (a$iliar a$on's! 0ndonesians. /ransla!ed in!o Hes!ern -on-e+! o( dinin', you *ill )a.e !o ex+e-! only C$ain -ourse *i!) +len!y o( -)oi-esD. 9lease ,e re$inded !)a! durin' !)e !our (a.era'e 345 )ours , you $i')! no! ,e a,le !o -on.enien!ly a--ess res!roo$ and res!auran!. Bi%e $os! o!)er -i!ies in !)e -oun!ry, 9ale$,an' ex)i,i!s a di((eren!' +a!!ern (o( $os! o( i!s -i!i2ens durin' !)e 0sla$i$on!) o( (as!in' (#a$adan *)ereas $useu$s !end !o -lose earlier and so$e res!auran!s *ill no! ,e o+era!in' in day!i$e, e!-. Consul! your 'uide on !)e ,es! !i$in's !o .isi! !)e -i!y. 0! is (a.ora,le no! !o s)o+ and> or dine in !)e $alls durin' *ee%ends or na!ional )olidays, sin-e !)ey !end !o 'e! -onsidera,ly -ro*ded, $a%in' s)o++in' and dinin' less -on.enien! (as *ell as -ar4+ar%in' $ore di((i-ul! .
Palembang City Tour )uideD Frs Chandra !"2 #1$ %#2" 11%&' (ares.chandra)g**

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