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UM User Guide

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Unified Model

User Guide

Document Version:
Date of Issue:
Unified Model Version:

December 22, 1998

The Meteorological Office

London Road, Bracknell
Berkshire, RG12 2SZ
United Kingdom

c Crown Copyright 1998

This document has not been published. Permission to quote from it must
be obtained from the Head of Numerical Modelling at the above address.



List of Figures

List of Tables




1 Introduction


The Unified Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The History of the Unified Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Understanding the Unified Model



Atmospheric Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


Atmospheric Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


Ocean Dynamics and Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3 Code Management and Structure



Managing and Modifying Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


UM Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Compilation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


MPP Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


Atmosphere Model Control Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4 Using the Unified Model



The Unified Model User Interface (UMUI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81


Reconfiguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88


Changing Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94


Atmospheric Tracers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


Selecting a New LAM Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102



Science Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108


Assimilation in the Atmosphere Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111


Ancillary and Boundary Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

4.10 Ocean Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

4.11 Slab Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
4.12 Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4.13 OASIS Coupling Between Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4.14 Diagnostic Output (STASH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4.15 Climate Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
4.16 Automatic Post-Processing for Climate Runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.17 File Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
4.18 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
A The Portable UM


A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

A.2 Porting the UM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
B The UK Met. Office UM


B.1 File Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

B.2 Operational Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
B.3 Obtaining Data from the ECMWF Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181




List of Figures

The main components of the Unified Model system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The skill of Met Office operational global forecasts as measured by the NWP index. The index
increases as the skill of the forecasts improves. It is calculated by normalising the root mean
square (rms) error of the model against persistence and forming a weighted average of key
forecast fields. The Unified Model was introduced into operational service in June 1991. . . .

A 12 hour forecast of precipitation intensity obtained using a high resolution (17Km) regional
configuration of the Unified Model (right). The observed precipitation as measured by the UK
radar network is also shown (left). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Temperature anomaly at level 5 as analysed by FOAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A prediction of global temperature change in summer for the middle of next century, using
the HadCM2 coupled model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Time series of winds over the equator, analysed using the stratospheric configuration of the
Unified Model. The winds show a clear Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in the stratosphere and a
Semi-Annual Oscillation near the stratopause. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The main navigation window of the UMUI. Nodes in the tree (left) may be expanded and
collapsed. In this example, the atmospheric model node is expanded. Selected nodes are
opened up to display windows (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A regional integration domain and grid. Initial data may be interpolated onto such domains
via the reconfiguration module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






A simple example input panel from the UMUI showing entry boxes, a check box, a table
widget and a pair of radiobuttons. The three buttons at the bottom of the window are common
to all panels. Help brings up local help for the window, Close and Abandon close the
window with or without saving changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74


Filter Pop-Up Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83


Copy Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83


List of Tables

Global configurations of the Unified Model used for production and research at the Met Office


Unified Model Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Principle differences between the UKMO land surface scheme and MOSES I . . . . . . . . . 26


Unified Model Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109


File Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156


This document is the User Guide for the Unified Model (UM). It gives basic information on how to use
the model and includes references to relevant UM Documentation Papers (UMDPs) where more detailed
information is required.
Chapter 1 provides the introduction. It gives an overview description of the UM and its development history.
Chapter 2 contains information describing various aspects of the Unified Model. It is intended to help explain
how the UM works and describe some of its features but does not explain how to use it. Chapter 3 contains
information about the UM source code. This includes information on its structure, management and compilation. The main part of the User Guide is chapter 4. It contains instructions on how to use various parts of the
UM and how to perform particular tasks.
The User Guide is intended for use both by users at the Met. Office and external users of the UM. It also
contains additional information relating to the particular set up at the Met. Office. Where information is
specific to one set of users it has been put into the appropriate appendix (appendix A for the Portable UM and
appendix B for Met. Office specific information).
This document was written in LATEX and is available in both HTML and PostScript forms. The HTML form
contains links to allow easy navigation around the document and also out to external documents (such as
UMDPs, source code listings, etc). External users will find that some of these links will not work since they
are specific to the Met. Office or have not been configured.
If you have any contributions, corrections, or any other feedback concerning this document please contact the
editor by emailing to



Chapter 1


The Unified Model

Author: Anette Van der Wal, Last Updated: 1 Jun 98



The Unified Model is the name given to the suite of atmospheric and oceanic numerical modelling software
developed and used at the Met Office. The formulation of the model supports global and regional domains
and is applicable to a wide range of temporal and spatial scales that allow it to be used for both numerical
weather prediction and climate modelling as well as a variety of related research activities. The Unified Model
was introduced into operational service in 1991. Since then, both its formulation and capabilities have been
substantially enhanced.
The modelling system is designed so that it can be run in atmosphere-only, ocean-only or in coupled mode.
A number of sub-models are also available which may be used in place of or in addition to the main models.
These include a simplified model of the ocean, known as the slab model, and models to simulate the thermodynamic and dynamic motion of sea ice. A typical run of the system consists of an optional period of data
assimilation followed by a prediction phase. Forecasts from a few hours to a few days ahead are required for
numerical weather prediction while for climate modelling the prediction phase may be for tens, hundreds or
even thousands of years. The choice of horizontal and vertical resolution is arbitrary and may be varied by
the user. In practice, the resolution is constrained by the available computing power and a number of standard resolutions tend to be used (see table 1.1). A separate reconfiguration module allows model data to be
optionally interpolated to a new grid or area prior to the start of a run. This applies to the atmosphere only.
A range of ancillary data may be incorporated into the model as a run progresses. The options range from lateral boundary forcing information for regional configurations to the periodic updating of fields such as ozone
concentration to allow for the effects of seasonal variations, and surface forcing for ocean-only configurations.
Prognostic, diagnostic and derived fields of data may be output on a time-step by time-step basis for inspection
and further analysis, or as forcing information for sub-models such as a sea-state prediction model. Timemeaned or accumulated quantities may also be specified.
The wide range of options available within the Unified Model system means that a large number of parameters
need to be defined in order to specify and control a particular model configuration. A user-friendly X-Windows
based user interface has been developed to make this task much easier. By use of interactive windows, a user
may control parameters such as model resolution, the date and time of the initial data, the length of forecast,
the choice of output diagnostics and so on. The user may also control the scientific content of the model by
selecting from a library of alternative representations of the physical processes.



Climate Modelling
Climate Modelling


Climate Modelling
Middle Atmosphere
Middle Atmosphere
Weather Forecasting
Weather Forecasting

Research (As production, plus. . . )

HadCM3 (A)
HadCM3 (O)

2.50 x 3.75
2.50 x 3.75
1.25 x 1.25
As HadCM3
2.50 x 3.75
2.50 x 3.75
0.83 x 0.56
1.25 x 0.83

(E-W x N-S)
96 x 73
96 x 73
288 x 144
As HadCM3
96 x 73
96 x 73
432 x 325
288 x 217

Atmos Ocean

Table 1.1: Global configurations of the Unified Model used for production and research at the Met Office

User Interface
Initial Data

Ancillary Data


Ancillary Data

Data Assimilation


Other Models

Figure 1.1: The main components of the Unified Model system



The main atmospheric and oceanic components of the model are described below. In addition to these, a number of internal sub-models may be linked into the system. These include models of sea-ice and an ocean slab
model. Development of further sub-model options is in progress and will include atmospheric chemistry and
a model of the sea-state.
Atmospheric Prediction
The atmospheric prediction component uses a set of equations that describe the time-evolution of the atmosphere. The equations are solved for the motion of a fluid on a rotating, almost-spherical planet. The main


variables are the zonal and meridional components of the horizontal wind, potential temperature and specific
humidity. To solve the system of equations, a number of approximations or assumptions have to be made. In
common with most other atmospheric models the Unified Models atmospheric prediction scheme is based
on the so-called hydrostatic primitive equations. This means that the model atmosphere is always in hydrostatic balance which means that there are no vertical accelerations. Most other atmospheric models make the
shallow-atmosphere approximation which derives its name from the fact that the depth of the atmosphere is
much smaller than the radius of the Earth. The Unified Model does not make this assumption. This makes the
equations a little more complicated to solve by adding in extra terms which can be important when planetaryscale motions are considered.
The equations can be solved in a variety of different ways. The Unified Model uses a grid-point scheme on
a regular latitude-longitude grid in the horizontal and a hybrid vertical grid, which is terrain-following near
the surface but evolving to constant pressure surfaces higher up. An efficient split-explicit scheme is used to
solve the equations which is designed to conserve mass, mass-weighted potential temperature and moisture
and angular momentum. These are important to ensure the integrity of the solutions for long integrations
required for climate-change experiments.
The physical processes represented include:

Atmospheric radiation allowing for the effects of clouds, water vapour, ozone, carbon dioxide and a
number of trace gases.
Land surface processes including a multi-layer soil temperature and moisture prediction scheme.
A treatment of the form drag due to the sub-grid scale variations in orography.
Vertical turbulent transport within the boundary layer.
Large-scale precipitation determined from the water or ice content of a cloud.
The effects of convection through a scheme based on the initial buoyancy flux of a parcel of air. It
includes entrainment, detrainment and the evaporation of falling precipitation. An explicit treatment of
downdraughts is included.
The effects of the drag caused by vertically propagating gravity waves is modelled using sub-grid scale
orographic variance and known absorption properties of gravity waves.

Lateral boundary values may be output from larger scale integrations to support the running of regional configurations of the model. Regional configurations of the model are typically used to produce forecasts at
much higher spatial resolutions than could be obtained within the available computing resources using global
configurations of the model. A number of regional domains may be nested within each other. Regional configurations of the model use a rotated latitude-longitude grid which ensures a quasi-uniform grid length over
the whole integration domain.
Oceanic Prediction
Ocean processes are represented by an ocean model that is based on the widely-used Bryan-Cox formulation.
It uses an Arakawa staggered B grid in the horizontal with variable spaced levels in the vertical. The main
variables used by the ocean model are: currents, potential temperature and salinity, with forcing provided by
surface heat, freshwater and momentum fluxes and wind mixing. In addition to the dynamical processes, the
model includes representations of the following physical processes:

Mixing in the upper ocean, and the interior.


Surface fluxes of heat, momentum and freshwater, some of which can penetrate below the surface.
Diffusion along isopycnal surfaces.
Mesoscale eddy parametrisation.

Ocean properties evolve over many centuries, so the model includes modifications to the equations of motion
that allow it to run for long periods to attain equilibrium solutions.
Biological and chemical processes are important on the longer timescales used in climate modelling. The
ocean model contains representations of biological life cycles and their effects on the carbon budget of the
ocean. Currently, this code is at the developmental stage.
Sea ice has a major impact on the climate of both the atmosphere and ocean. Within the ocean model there
are several options for simulating sea ice, ranging from a scheme that assumes the ice to be stationary through
to one in which the ice moves in response to winds, currents and the internal stresses of the ice.
Data Assimilation
Atmospheric and oceanic data assimilation is performed using an analysis correction scheme. This is an iterative analysis, with each variable being analyzed in turn. Appropriate constraints are included so as to improve
balance and speed of convergence. In the atmosphere these include hydrostatic temperature increments derived from the analyzed surface pressure increments; geostrophic wind increments derived from the analyzed
mass increments; and surface pressure and temperature increments derived from the analyzed wind increments
using a linear balance relationship. Each iteration is interleaved with a timestep of the full forecast model to
nudge the forecast model solution towards the observations. Observations are introduced into this continuous
assimilation over a period around their validity time, with a peak weighting at their validity time. The extent
of horizontal data spreading is determined by a continuous background error correlation function which has a
time dependence such that progressively smaller scales are fitted.



The model is used by the Met Office for operational numerical weather prediction, ocean analysis and prediction, and (at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research) to simulate and predict the Earths
climate. The model is also used by a number of meteorological centres and research organisations worldwide.
Numerical Weather Prediction
The Unified Model is used operationally at the Met Office to provide numerical forecasts of the atmospheric
state for periods of a few hours to several days ahead. Both global and regional configurations are used, with
the larger scale model providing lateral boundary values for higher resolution regional models. Several runs
are made throughout each day against a fixed schedule and tight deadlines.
A number of major improvements to the scientific formulation of the Unified Model have been made during
its lifetime (see section 1.2. These have led to significant gains in the quality of operational forecasts (see
figure 1.2).


Global NWP Index (Skill-score based)

Target (31 March 98)


























Figure 1.2: The skill of Met Office operational global forecasts as measured by the NWP index. The index
increases as the skill of the forecasts improves. It is calculated by normalising the root mean square (rms)
error of the model against persistence and forming a weighted average of key forecast fields. The Unified
Model was introduced into operational service in June 1991.
Limited-area, regional configurations of the Unified Model are used to provide detailed guidance of the
weather in the region of the United Kingdom (see figure 1.3). The current operational resolution of the UK
Mesoscale Model is 13km, which replaced a 17km configuration with a smaller domain which was in use up
to June 1998.

Figure 1.3: A 12 hour forecast of precipitation intensity obtained using a high resolution (17Km) regional
configuration of the Unified Model (right). The observed precipitation as measured by the UK radar network
is also shown (left).


Oceanographic Forecasting
FOAM, the Forecasting Ocean Atmosphere Model, produces analyses and short-range forecasts (up to 5 days
ahead) of the oceans temperature, salinity and current structure, and of sea-ice concentration and thickness.
It is based on the oceanic component of the Unified Model and is driven by surface fluxes of heat, fresh water,
and momentum that are calculated from operational runs of the atmospheric component of the Unified Model.
Because FOAM is intended for short-range integrations, the oceanic initial state is very important. The success
of FOAM is therefore very dependent on the quality of the Unified Models data assimilation scheme.

Figure 1.4: Temperature anomaly at level 5 as analysed by FOAM

Climate Prediction
The prospect of climate change due to mans activities is a high profile scientific and political issue. The threat
of global warming due to the steady increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases has led to
renewed efforts to understand the factors influencing the Earths climate and to predict the extent and impact
of climate change over the next century.
The Hadley Centre uses the Unified Model both to simulate the present climate in order to understand its
natural variability and to predict global and regional climate change up to the end of the 21st century. Climate
prediction requires models of the atmosphere, ocean, land surface and sea ice to be run in coupled mode so that
the interactions between them are represented. It also requires details of changing anthropogenic and natural
forcings of the climate system to be specified including, for example, greenhouse gases, sulphate aerosols,
ozone, volcanic eruptions and variations in solar output.


Figure 1.5: A prediction of global temperature change in summer for the middle of next century, using the
HadCM2 coupled model

Middle Atmosphere Research

Daily analyses of the stratosphere are carried out at the Met Office using a version of the Unified Models data
assimilation scheme. The analyses are used in a variety of applications which are aimed at a better understanding of the dynamics and chemistry of the stratosphere. In particular, the analyses have proved invaluable
in the interpretation of measurements from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite. In this configuration,
the model goes up to the lower mesosphere (60km) and has 42 levels.

UK Met Office analyses for November 1991 through July 1997

Zonal-mean westerly winds over the equator


Pressure (hPa)










Time (months)
















Figure 1.6: Time series of winds over the equator, analysed using the stratospheric configuration of the Unified
Model. The winds show a clear Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in the stratosphere and a Semi-Annual Oscillation
near the stratopause.


A 49-level troposphere/stratosphere model is run in climate mode for time periods of up to 60 years in length.


Features and Capabilities

User Interface
The Unified Model is a very flexible system allowing a vast number of choices. To help the user make the
most of this flexibility, a graphical user interface, known as the UMUI (Unified Model User Interface), has
been developed. The UMUI is X-Windows based and runs in the familiar environment of the users own local
workstation (see figure 1.7). It is designed to give access to the full functionality of the Unified Model whilst
speeding up the learning process.

Figure 1.7: The main navigation window of the UMUI. Nodes in the tree (left) may be expanded and collapsed.
In this example, the atmospheric model node is expanded. Selected nodes are opened up to display windows
Using a central database that works in a distributed environment, the UMUI provides an efficient method of
defining model runs and managing those definitions. A run definition is known as a job. Users can search
for and copy jobs belonging to colleagues, and definitions can even be sent by email from one site to another.
This allows colleagues and collaborators at remote sites to increase their efficiency by pooling their effort and
knowledge. The job management system also provides help for users wanting to upgrade from one version of
the Unified Model to another.


In addition to the job management system, the UMUI contains a comprehensive job definition system. This is
an intelligent editor that allows modifications to be made to existing jobs. It is made up of a large number of
windows, each with visual cues to ensure that users can quickly see when options have been disabled due to
other responses. To further aid the user all windows have a help button that displays information relating to
the options available on the window.
Once a job has been defined, the responses are translated into control files that can be read by the Unified
Model. On request, the UMUI will then copy these to the target machine and submit the job. The control files
are text based and so a user can easily over-ride the UMUI by editing the control files. This facilitates the
prototyping of new features.
The reconfiguration module processes the models initial data. For the atmosphere mode, it allows the horizontal or vertical resolution of the data to be changed or the creation of a limited area region (see figure 1.8).
Ancillary data may also be incorporated into the initial data. Fields such as the specification of the height of
orography or the land-sea mask, for example, may be overwritten by more appropriate values if the horizontal
resolution has been changed. Other facilities available within the reconfiguration module include the ability
to incorporate ensemble perturbations, tracer fields and the transplanting of prognostic data.

Figure 1.8: A regional integration domain and grid. Initial data may be interpolated onto such domains via
the reconfiguration module.



The atmospheric component supports the advection of passive tracers using a shape preserving advection
scheme. The methods are designed to ensure that sharp gradients are preserved while keeping all concentrations greater than or equal to zero. A similar advection scheme is under development for the ocean model
and will be available at UM vn4.5. This facility may be used to examine dispersion from point sources or
as the basis for more involved chemical modelling by the addition of extra code. For example, atmospheric
forecast configurations of the model include an aerosol variable which is advected using the tracer scheme,
and may optionally have sources and sinks applied. This is used to estimate visibility, and may be adjusted by
the assimilation of visibility data.
Ancillary Data
New ancillary data may be incorporated as an integration proceeds to allow for the effects of temporally
varying quantities such as surface vegetation, snow cover or wind-stress. The choice of whether to include
ancillary data will depend on the application. For example, the system supports daily updating of sea-surface
temperatures based on climatological or analysed data - but this facility is not needed in ocean-only or coupled
ocean-atmosphere runs of the model. In fact options exist to allow most boundary forcing variables to be
predicted. However, it is often necessary to constrain such fields to observed or climatological values for
reasons of computational economy or scientific expedience.
OASIS Coupler
The aim of the OASIS (Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil) coupler, developed at CERFACS, is to provide a tool
for coupling independent GCMs of atmosphere and ocean as well as other climate modules. It is possible for
the models to run on different platforms.
Diagnostic Processing
Diagnostic data output from the model may be defined and output on a timestep by timestep basis. Horizontal
fields, sub-areas or timeseries may be be requested, along with the accumulation, time meaning or spatial
meaning of fields. The output may also be split across a number of files in order to facilitate the separate
post-processing of classes of diagnostics.
The results of an integration are stored in a format compatible with other file types used within the Unified
Model system. Several utilities exist which will convert them into a format suitable for further processing.
These formats include GRIB - the WMO standard for storing fields of meteorological data in a machine
independent format. Sadly, this is currently unavailable in the Portable UM since it requires the use of third
party software. Utilities to print out and compare the contents of Unified Model files are available. These,
coupled with the bit reproducibility facility (see below), offer a powerful development and debugging aid.
Computer Requirements
The code was originally written in FORTRAN 77, but now uses a number of the extensions to the language
available in Fortran 90. A small number of low-level service routines are written in ANSI C to facilitate
portability. At the control level, the model runs under the Korn shell of the Unix operating system. The model



will normally require a powerful supercomputer for time critical production work. It is written to be efficient
on distributed memory massively parallel processing (MPP) computers such as the Cray T3E, but will also
run on a single node of a parallel machine or a variety of non-MPP platforms. The code is bit reproducible
independently of the number of processing elements used. The code may also be run on workstation systems
using the IEEE standard for representing floating point numbers. Workstations are particularly suited to
development work or research activities requiring the use of low resolution configurations of the model.


The Future

Improvements to the scientific formulation and software capabilities of the Unified Model are always being
sought and considered. A number of important developments are planned for the next few years, to include:

Major changes to the atmospheric prediction scheme which involve less approximation and improved
methods of solution are under development. The non-hydrostatic form of the governing equations will
be adopted, enabling the model to be used for very high resolution forecasting.
The Unified Model system will move towards the use of variational methods of data assimilation. In this,
a model state is constructed that is the best statistical fit to the observed data. A system like this requires
a method of blending the observations with the background field provided by a simple linearized model
which is integrated forwards and backwards in time to fit the observations to an evolving model state.



1.2 The History of the Unified Model

Author: Rick Rawlins, Last Updated: 02 Feb 98


Background to the Unified Model

By the end of the 1980s the Met.Office had developed separate numerical prediction models to sustain climate
research and operational forecast capabilities. The climate model consisted of 11 vertical layers with a global
domain at 250km horizontal resolution and incorporated a relatively sophisticated representation of physical
processes. The operational model had 15 vertical layers and ran in two versions: a coarse mesh global
model at 150km resolution and a fine mesh limited area model covering Europe and the N.Atlantic at 75km
resolution. These models had simpler calculations of physical processes and employed a different dynamical
integration scheme to that of the climate model. In addition a mesoscale model with 15km resolution provided
some operational products for the UK area, and comprised a completely distinct formulation for both physics
and dynamics. There were also new requirements arising from the need to include more complex interactions
into long climate integrations, in particular the introduction of an ocean model, to be coupled explicitly with
the atmosphere model.
Each model had its own control, file and output structure, as well as separate scientific formulations, with
separate teams responsible for development. The models ran on a CDC CYBER 205 which was due to be
replaced by an ETA systems platform during 1989. Significant effort was expended in adapting the code of
each model to run on the new platform, but this work was suspended when the manufacturing company was
wound up and a new vendor had to be found. It was decided to promote a longer term project to achieve a
unification of model systems to fill the gap, and reduce the duplication of effort required to implement separate
models on new hardware. The lifetime of the CYBER was extended and development of the CYBER models
frozen; a Cray Systems YMP with 8 vector processors was procured with a Unix based operating system and
the machine arrived in January 1990. A formal Unified Model project was started in July 1989 and continued
until October 1991 when it was judged that the main components were ready and the Unified Model was born.
A number of key strategic decisions has shaped the structure and development of the UM:

The system would share a common control and file structure for all types of models, so that individual
models running in separate environments would be replaced by different model configurations of the
Model set-up would be achieved via a graphical user interface, divorcing the detail of control file information from decisions made by the user. Thus presentation of model options to the user is simplified,
the process of model submission is streamlined and the occurrence of inconsistencies or errors during
set-up is reduced.
The UM system would be upgraded periodically through change control management techniques, which
is an essential safeguard for code changes made by developers that may affect other model configurations. Each upgrade constitutes a UM version.
Model software would be coded in Fortran, with a minimum of machine specific or low-level language
additions. This is required to loosen the dependency on a particular hardware platform, and allow more
rapid development of new scientific routines by researchers. This decision was later extended to include
the objective of providing explicit portability. Hence model configurations which were developed on supercomputer platforms should be readily ported to other systems such as workstations, with a minimum
of changes.
Models would depend on a common output diagnostics system, which was capable of intercepting
transient fields, or calculations based on such fields, as well as primary fields available through periodic
model dumps.




Separate choices of scientific schemes would be readily available from the user interface, and different
physics schemes would be plug compatible, ie it should be easy to import or export schemes to other
organisations models with a minimum of effort.

Version upgrades and hardware platforms

Table 1.2 lists release dates for each UM version and the date at which the operational forecast model was
upgraded to the new release. Some indication of the more major changes to the hardware platform is given.
UM Version



Hardware Platform:
Operating System
Cray YMP-8: Unicos5.1



Cray C90:



Cray T3E: mk1.4.1

Table 1.2: Unified Model Versions

The following sections illustrate the more significant changes that have contributed to version upgrades. Brief
descriptions of system enhancements are given, with some indication of new scientific features, concentrating
on the atmosphere model. In reality each UM version consists of a hundred or more individual changes,
ranging from minor corrections to major improvements of infra-structure facilities, plus work required to take
advantage of successive enhancements to the available computing resources.


Early versions 2.0-2.6

Rapid development continued to consolidate the performance of the UM. A significant number of error corrections arose from the relative immaturity of the code. Changes included:

Introduction of C I/O routines to replace Cray specific unblocked data files and replacement of reference
to file names by assign statements to being passed by environment variables.




Source code modification of code by users for compilation was changed from quick to normal
modes of Cray proprietary update package, to ensure that a change to a COMDECK was propagated to
all affected routines (see section 3.1).
Vertical interpolation of boundary files was enabled, allowing generation of boundary conditions for a
model on a different vertical grid.
A facility to enable timeseries to be output from the diagnostic system was introduced.
The conversion of potential temperature to temperature ( ! T ) was modified to account for the dynamical formulation of the hydrostatic relation; definitions of standard vertical hybrid co-ordinates
Dynamics calculations at the top model level could now be switched to run with a halved timestep,
preventing model instabilities causing model failures without the cost of running the entire model with
a reduced timestep.

Version 2.7

Changes already available through the UM system were co-ordinated to produce a UM mesoscale configuration with 30 vertical levels. This replaced the earlier mesoscale model and went operational in December

Several enhancements of physics were consolidated in the system, including the components contributing to the first climate version (1CV, now labelled HADAM1):
1. Convection with an explicit downdraught;
2. Rapidly mixed boundary layer code.



Introduction of a separate version of the longwave radiation scheme based on transmissivity values
derived at ECMWF.

Version 2.8
Upgrade of source code management tool from Cray update to Cray nupdate.
A new packing code was introduced into look-up headers of data fields to cater for new combinations
of packing and data compression. This required an explicit utility to convert model dumps at 2.7 and
earlier to the new format at 2.8.
(Outstanding 1CV science change): grouping of model levels into 3 explicit cloud layers within the
shortwave radiation scheme.
Time-smoothing during the adjustment timestep within the dynamics was introduced to alleviate the
problem of noisy fields at upper levels in the operational global model.

Version 3.0

The active code of Version 3.0 was identical in content to that at 2.8, but line numbers of code were resequenced and some old comments were removed. DECK names were changed systematically to reflect the
concept of multiple version-releases of a code section (see section 4.7).




Version 3.1
A new option was provided to allow more than one boundary file to be produced by the model, so that
multiple limited area models could be driven from the same generating run.
Functionality of the reconfiguration program was extended to include initialisation of model analyses
with ECMWF perturbations, simplifying running of this category of ensemble forecasts. An option to
transplant fields from a different model dump into a given domain within the model analysis was also


Version 3.2

The first version of the portable model was made to work at 3.2 on HP workstations, but with a large number
of local modifications, and relied on fixed experiment libraries generated by the user interface on the IBM
mainframe computer.

Dynamic allocation of primary fields was introduced and required large scale changes to the top level
control structure of the model. Sizes of arrays depending on the model configuration were now passed
at run-time, removing the necessity to re-compile when changes in diagnostic output were required.
The value of the real missing data indicator was changed from -32768.0 to -2**30 to reduce the possibility of valid data being assigned as missing.


Version 3.3
A facility for users to introduce their own prognostic variables without requiring a change to the user
interface was implemented, giving code developers freedom to make and test a greater range of modifications locally.
GRIB format for output fields was provided as an option. The file structure was of hybrid form, with
lookup headers retained, but data packed as GRIB.
A halving of the dynamics timestep could be initiated on an automatic basis, depending on thresholds
of wind speed or divergence in the top level being exceeded.
Calling convection routines less frequently than every timestep was enabled, providing a method of
reducing cpu costs of the operational mesoscale model without significant degradation in performance.
The provision of source terms for aerosols, as part of a tracer advection technique for dealing with
passive variables, provided essential functionality for both climate studies and later mesoscale visibility


Version 3.4

Unix scripts in the UM system were brought within code management by nupdate as part of change control for new versions. This replaced having single frozen copies and simplified the action of modifying
scripts by different people.
Macrotasking techniques were introduced into dynamics, convection and radiation schemes to facilitate
more efficient use of the multi-tasked C90 environment.



New options for atmosphere science routines, constituting the main components of the second climate
version (2CV, now labelled HADAM2a):
1. A more complex treatment of orographic roughness within the boundary layer code, including the
representation of silhouette orographic roughness;
2. A new gravity wave drag scheme incorporating anisotropic directional orographic variances and
hydraulic jump terms;
3. A new version of the convection routine with excess parcel buoyancy generated from the surface
level fluctuations of temperature and humidity;
4. A new large scale precipitation scheme with all snow falling out in a layer in the same manner as
for rain;
5. Inclusion of primitive cloud microphysics within the shortwave radiation scheme, allowing a variation in cloud effective radius;
6. An option to re-set negative humidity values locally rather than globally.

A new multi-layer soil hydrology scheme.

Inclusion of trace gases in a new version of the longwave radiation.
Assimilation of humidity from MOPS (Moisture Observation Pre-processing System) was introduced,
providing a method of feeding moisture information back into the hydrology cycle of the operational
mesoscale model.
A dynamical sea-ice model was included in the Slab model (see section 4.11).
An ice section was added to the ocean model and assimilation within the ocean model enabled.
This version was released to a number of external users, now with the capability of running on a Dec
Alpha workstation.


Version 3.5/4.0

3.5 was an interim version required to stage the large changes planned for 4.0, and only had significance for
the core development and testing team. This version spanned the transfer of central UM system facilities,
including the user interface, from the IBM mainframe to a more portable Unix environment. At the Met.
Office this consists of a combination of HP workstation local area networks with the Cray C90. Modifications
to code for 3.5 relative to the previous version were located on the mainframe. The repository for modifications
to code against 3.5 and later versions is the Cray C90. Development of a new graphical user interface, the
UMUI, was partially completed at 3.5, and fully implemented for 4.0. Submission of model jobs to the Cray
C90, and inspection of subsequent output listings, was made independent of the IBM mainframe.

An X-windows user interface (UMUI) based on public domain TCL/TK building tools was produced,
a completely new program and structure from the mainframe interface designed at the beginning of
the UM. The UMUI now resides on HP workstation networks, and is capable of being ported to other
machines, such as the Cray C90 itself. This provided a more flexible platform for initiating experiment set-up within the Met. Office and created the capability to package up the entire UM system for
implementation by external users.
The first stage of work to facilitate the introduction and coupling of new sub-models into the system was
completed. This included the transfer of primary addressing calculations, which had been performed
pre-3.5 by the user interface on the mainframe, into the model initialisation. In addition a new paradigm
of sub-models and internal models was introduced for dealing with different combinations of sub-model



Provision of the capability of running with a long physics timestep enabled significant reductions in cpu
costs to be achieved by reducing the number of physics calculations while maintaining model numerical
Adoption of the UMUI running on HP workstations led to a loss of bit reproducibility for models set up
at 3.4 and 4.0 due to the change in precision of floating point calculations now performed on the 64 bit
Cray machine rather than the 32 bit IBM; and also due to the difference in number representation from
IBM to HP. Other minor changes were made that also affected bit reproducibility:
1. Correction in the value of  ;
2. Corrections to filtering within the dynamics.

Addition of science routines to constitute third climate physics (3CV, now labelled HADAM2b):
1. Precipitation changes: Improved mixed phase and evaporation calculations; explicit flux divergence and flux equilibrium schemes for ice fallout dependent on timestep;
2. Re-appraisal of saturated specific humidity formulation.

A new radiation scheme (Slingo-Edwards) was introduced, covering both longwave and shortwave regions, providing a greater flexibility of choice of radiative spectral intervals.
A new hydrology routine incorporating the Penman-Monteith scheme was added, with consistent
changes made to a new version of the boundary layer routine.
Optional removal of horizontal diffusion for sloping model levels was included.
Latent heat nudging in the assimilation was provided for investigations with the operational mesoscale
Copyright notices were added to each item of source code.


Version 4.1

Version 4.1 rationalised a number of changes introduced earlier, including some structural changes associated
with the forthcoming move to a distributed memory (MPP) platform and was the last version to be released
on the Cray C90. HADCM3, the emergent climate model for the next set of major production runs was
mostly developed with modifications against version 4.0, being upgraded to 4.1 in early 1997. The operational
forecast model continued at 4.0 during the lifetime of the Cray C90.
The repository for nupdate modifications to source code was changed, providing an RCS capability for lodging
successive corrections. This preserves a history of local changes during the period testing a new version, after
the initial build but before the final release.

Extensive addition of routines and code for running on a distributed memory platform. Existing source
code was protected by placing most new code within a *DEF MPP compile time switch. Changes
included the rationalisation of DO loop variable limits passed down to lower level physics and dynamics
The WAVE model was introduced into the UM system, with WAVE source code converted to nupdate
form. Control level changes allowed a WAVE dump to be read and interfaced into lower level routines.
This required changes to STASH to deal with an extra dimension for the prognostic variables, since
WAVE model variables are a function of (x,y,frequency,direction).



Further development of the submodel paradigm, partly associated with changes for the WAVE model.
ppxref file functions were replaced by a newly formatted set of STASHmaster files, with a separate file
for each internal model providing a description of each prognostic and diagnostic variable known by
STASH for that model.
Addition of science routines as a preliminary to, but not defining fully, HADCM3: MOSES (Met.Office
Surface Exchange Scheme) incorporating:
1. a Penman-Monteith boundary layer and hydrology scheme;
2. an improved multi-layer soil moisture and temperature model;
3. an interactive vegetation canopy.

Introduce code for calculations of the sulphur cycle, with:

1. A new chemistry section;
2. Wet scavenging;
3. Boundary layer and convective transport;
4. Tracer advection of aerosol.


Version 4.2/4.3

Version 4.2 was a development version, the first to be released on the Cray T3E, giving an MPP capability,
with no science changes. Version 4.3 consolidated corrections for both MPP and HADCM3 science, providing
full functionality for operational and HADCM3 climate models.

Most changes were to provide an MPP capability:

1. Introduction of message passing libraries, realised through a generalised software interface
2. Domain decomposition of model grids: 2-dimensional sub-areas for the atmosphere model; 1dimensional (rows) for the ocean model;
3. Model dump read/write and STASH output routines re-arranged to cater for gathering and scattering data for distributed processors.

Single processor optimisation of code tailored for a cache based rather than vector based architecture.
The change in number representation from C90 to T3E (Cray specific to IEEE) gave greater precision
but a smaller range; conversion utilities were provided for using Cray C90 files.
A new compilation system was introduced, based on Unix make operating on nupdate decks, providing consistency beween pre-built and locally generated compiled code, with flexibility for quick


Version 4.4

The second UM version (after 4.0) to be released as a complete portable package, tested on a variety of

OASIS coupler code, allowing external models to be coupled with UM models with a minimum of
changes to the external model.



Well-formed i/o, with data files re-structured to start at sector boundaries, improving i/o performance to
New science sections (precipitation, convection, vertical diffusion, dynamics adjustment and filtering),
optimised for T3E processors but not bit reproducible with equivalent sections.
Introduction of mixed phase cloud and precipitation scheme.
New options for science routines, constituting the main components of the planned new climate experiment, HADCM4:
1. MOSES II: enhancement of MOSES, with surface hydrology and boundary layer scheme modifications;
2. Radiationally active anvils in convection;
3. A new ice scheme in radiation.

Introduction of a scheme for interactive vegetation.

Climate meaning for a Gregorian calendar (enabled only for a 360 day calendar previously).
Faster energy correction: accumulate fluxes over a period rather than summing every timestep.
New utilities for generating boundary condition files: bcreconf (reconfigure from another resolution)
and makebc (generate from dumps).


Chapter 2

Understanding the Unified Model

2.1 Atmospheric Physics
When the UM is run at the standard climate resolution grid-points are about 300 km apart and even in a
high resolution forecast run grid-points are still 60 km apart. Many atmospheric processes operate on much
smaller length-scales and therefore cannot properly be resolved in the UM. Such processes are parametrized:
it is assumed that the gross effects of these processes on resolved scales can be predicted using a modelling
scheme which itself operates on the large-scale fields in the model. This assumption seems to be justified in
The following sections describe the physical processes which are represented in the model.


Cloud Scheme

Author: A.C. Bushell, Last Updated: 29 Apr 98

Cloud scheme: The Case.

In the earths atmosphere, regions in which the local supersaturation of water vapour exceeds more than a few
percent rapidly become filled with cloud in liquid or ice phase (depending on temperature). Cloud can have a
significant effect upon the radiative heat balance in the atmospheric column within which it appears, leading
to direct changes in forecast variables, such as surface temperatures, as well as changing the simulation via its
impact upon e. g. the boundary layer structure. The function of cloud as a water reservoir in the hydrological
cycle is generally considered to be secondary because on average more water is stored as vapour or ejected as
Cloud scheme: The Specification.
In models with horizontal gridscales of the order 100 m, cloud cover can reasonably be set to either 0 or 1
for subsaturated or supersaturated gridboxes respectively. In GCMs, however, the resolutions encountered are
such that partial cloud coverage is likely, with the possibility of cloud occurring even when the mean water
content of a gridbox is below saturation. The UM Large-Scale Cloud parametrization scheme has thus been
developed to fulfil two distinct functions. Firstly, it returns for each gridbox an instantaneous fractional cloud
cover, which can be more accurately thought of as a non-clear sky fraction. Secondly, it partitions the total
water content in a grid-box between water vapour content and mean cloud water content. This function of
the cloud scheme provides a strong link with the large-scale precipitation scheme which subsequently acts to



remove some or all of the cloud water generated. As a further complication, the same code is also used to
transform between conserved variables of liquid water temperature and total water content, which are used
for advection in the UM, and the standard temperature and moisture variables: cloud fractions are not always
updated in calls for this purpose. Note that the scheme is specifically dealing with macroscopic processes
responsible for the general location of cloud and not with localized, microscopic physical processes such as
nucleation and droplet growth that are more normally associated with cloud physics.
Cloud scheme: The Description.
The cloud scheme, which is described in the open literature ([58]), uses a statistical parametrization method:
full details can be obtained from [15]. In brief, fluctuations about the grid-box mean total water content
are parametrized via a probability density function (PDF) with a width specified through the critical relative
humidity parameter (RHcrit ). Care is needed when choosing the PDF shape in order to make sure that cloud
fraction, gridbox mean cloud water contents and in-cloud water contents all behave monotonically as the
cloud fraction rises from 0 to 1. In practice this has forced the use of symmetric PDFs, currently triangular.
At RH below RHcrit , no cloud is formed. When total water contents reach the saturation specific humidity
with respect to liquid water temperature, the cloud cover is 0.5 and this rises to 1 for total water contents a
crit above saturation. Significantly, there is a close relationship between cloud fraction,
cloud water contents and relative humidity over this range, which future development of the cloud scheme is
seeking to weaken. The scheme is generally classed as semi-prognostic because, although the cloud variables
are overwritten each timestep and not updated as in a fully prognostic scheme, they do interact with schemes
called later in the UM timestep sequence and thus influence the model evolution.

(1 + (1 RH ))

Cloud scheme: The Practicalities.

There are currently two variants of the Large-scale cloud scheme. 1A, for use with Large-scale precipitation
schemes up to 2E, and 2A which is for use with the prognostic ice microphysics (3A) precipitation scheme.
In the 1A version, a single cloud fraction is associated with the total cloud water content, which is subdivided
into ice and water phases based upon temperature. The 2A version does not update ice phase cloud water at
all but uses it to diagnose an ice cloud fraction. The liquid cloud water and vapour contents are treated as for
the 1A scheme and produce an associated liquid cloud fraction. A total cloud fraction is obtained by assuming
a minimum overlap between the ice and liquid cloud. Note that there is no longer a direct link between the
ice cloud variables and relative humidity as ice can be advected away from the high RH regions in which it
originally forms.
Cloud scheme: The Parameter.
Finally, a note on RHcrit . This is currently specified as a level dependent constant (on a separate UMUI panel
from the Large-scale Cloud section) which varies from values close to 1, on near-surface levels, dropping to
a constant value in the free troposphere and above. The values chosen are somewhat arbitrary, but RHcrit
formally forces cloud to flip between either 0 or 1 and is the expected value in the limit of high resolution.
Values of RHcrit < : are usually associated with excessive cloud amounts and top of atmosphere albedo,
especially when used in the boundary layer. Production of locally-diagnosed RHcrit is an area of ongoing







Author: J.M. Edwards, Last Updated: 25 Mar 98

Shortwave radiation from the Sun is absorbed in the atmosphere and at the Earths surface and provides
the energy to drive the climate system. Longwave radiation is emitted from the planet to space and also
redistributes heat within the atmosphere. To represent these processes a GCM must contain a radiation scheme.
Various radiative processes occur in the atmosphere: gases, aerosols, cloud droplets and ice crystals absorb
radiation and and emit thermal radiation. Aerosols, cloud particles and air molecules scatter radiation. The
surface absorbs, reflects and emits radiation. The radiative properties of atmospheric constituents may vary
rapidly with frequency and the geometrical arrangement of clouds is an important influence on the radiation
budget. The modelling of atmospheric radiation is therefore potentially very complicated and a radiation
scheme suitable for a GCM must involve some approximations: different approaches lead to different schemes
which are discussed in more detail in [9].
The original longwave scheme appears in three variants, 1A, 1B and 1C which differ in their treatment of
gaseous absorption. All schemes include absorption by water vapour, carbon dioxide and ozone, but version
1C also includes absorption by methane, nitrous oxide, CFC11 and CFC12. The radiative properties of clouds
are taken to depend only on the liquid or ice water path, not on the sizes of particles. Clouds may be maximally
or randomly overlapped.
The original shortwave scheme (version 1A) includes absorption by water vapour, carbon dioxide and ozone.
Rayleigh scattering by air molecules is treated simply. The scattering of radiation by clouds is more difficult
to treat in a computationally efficient manner and version 1B allows faster more approximate calculations.
Cloud is assumed to be randomly overlapped in the vertical and this can lead to excessive cloud cover: under
version 2A cloud is reduced to single layers of high, medium and low cloud of composite optical depths, and
this version is more commonly used. Version 2B is specifically intended for the climate model HadCM2 and
is not otherwise used.
Version 3A in the shortwave and longwave regions is a more recent scheme, designed to treat both spectral
regions as far as possible within a common flexible framework. The use of external spectral files allows
freedom in the choice of gases, aerosols and cloud parametrizations to be included in the run. The generation of such files is not a trivial matter but standard files are provided with the UM. Gaseous absorption
by a subset of the gases included in the spectral file may be included in the calculation. A Climatological
background aerosol model is available and the radiative effects of sulphate aerosols may be included. Convective and stratiform clouds are treated separately and may be overlapped in different ways in the vertical,
though normally one should use the option of vertically coherent convective cloud which maintains the vertical coherence of stratiform and convective cloud in adjacent layers, but treats cloud in non-adjacent layers as
being randomly overlapped. Within clouds water droplets and ice crystals are treated separately with optical
properties depending on their sizes.
Version 3A in both the LW and the SW and versions 1 and 2 of the SW include an optional microphysical
parametrization of the size of cloud water droplets in clouds as a function of the liquid water content. If this
is not selected it assumed that water droplets have an effective radius of 7 m.


Boundary Layer

Author: R.N.B. Smith, Last Updated: 22 May 98

Because of the interaction of the earths surface with the atmosphere the bottom kilometer or two of the
atmosphere (the boundary layer) is often turbulent. The turbulent motions are not resolved by models with
the resolution used for NWP or climate research. They are important to parametrize because they transport
momentum, heat, moisture, aerosol and pollutants mainly in the vertical direction.



The scheme in the Unified Model has two main parts:

1. The surface exchange scheme determines the turbulent transports from the surface to/from the atmosphere in terms of the surface variables and the atmospheric variables at the bottom model level (typically between 10 and 30 metres above the surface). The surface exchange coefficients are functions
of the stability of the surface layer and quantities which characterise the underlying surface such as its
roughness and wetness. The 3A version of the scheme uses the bulk Richardson number of the surface layer as its stability parameter whereas the 6A scheme uses the Monin-Obukhov length. The latter
allows the direct use of empirically determined stability functions but requires iteration.
An important part of the surface momentum flux over land comes from form drag due to the turbulence
induced by unresolved orography. This is represented via an effective roughness length for momentum.
The effective roughness can be an order of magnitude or so greater than that due to vegetation.
2. The boundary layer turbulent mixing scheme determines the turbulent transports above the surface layer.
The 3A scheme is essentially a local parametrization. It uses the vertical profile of the locally determined Richardson number to determine the top of the turbulent boundary layer (and hence the length
scale of the turbulence) and also the stability modulation of the turbulent mixing coefficients. This
scheme additionally has the option of rapid mixing of scalar quantities from the surface throughout
the boundary layer in unstable conditions.
The 6A scheme takes a different approach and classifies the boundary layer into six types:

stable boundary layer

boundary layer with stratocumulus over a stable surface layer
well mixed boundary layer
boundary layer with a decoupled statocumulus layer not over cumulus
boundary layer with a decoupled stratocumulus over cumulus
cumulus capped boundary layer

The scheme has an explicit parametrization of entrainment into turbulent layers. This entrainment may
occur at the top of a decoupled cloud layer and/or at the top of a surface-based mixed layer. The turbulent
mixing coefficients below the entrainment level(s) are parametrized non-locally in terms of scaling
velocities characterizing the surface or cloud top turbulence forcing mechanisms, the depth of mixing
and specified shape functions. The depths of the mixing layers are determined by testing the buoyancy
of plumes rising from the surface or descending from cloud top. When a cumulus capped boundary layer
is diagnosed the surface-based turbulent mixing is not applied above the lifting condensation level. The
mixing coefficients in stable boundary layers are determined from the local Richardson number as in
the 3A scheme.


Sulphur Cycle

Author: M. Woodage, Last Updated: 5 Jun 98

The Sulphur Cycle aims to represent the mixing, transport, dry and wet scavenging, and simplified chemistry
of Sulphur interactively in the UM. It was first made available in vn4.1, and is under continuing development,
so any potential users are advised to contact the aerosol parameterisation group at the Hadley Centre before
attempting to run it. The system allows for natural emissions of oceanic dimethyl sulphide and volcanic
sulphur, and anthropogenic sulphur dioxide to be inserted via ancillary files supplied by the user. The Sulphur
fields generated in the model from these are subject to wet and dry oxidation from various oxidants (which
again need to be supplied by the user), to produce 3 modes of sulphate aerosol: Aitken, accumulation and
dissolved. SO2 and all modes of SO4 are subject to wet and dry deposition in the relevant physics sections of
the model. Only one version of the chemistry is so far available, but care must be taken to choose compatible
versions of other physics routines when running the Sulphur Cycle.





Author: D.R. Wilson, Last Updated: 25 Mar 98

Precipitation is a vital part of the earths water cycle. It removes moisture from the atmosphere. The Unified
Model can produce precipitation from two schemes. The convection scheme removes moisture generated in
sub grid scale convective systems. The large scale precipitation scheme, described here, removes cloud water
that is resolved on the grid scale, such as that produced by frontal systems.
There are five options of large scale precipitation scheme. Options 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E are all variants of a
simple bulk parameterization which converts water content into precipitation. The transfer of water content
to rain is specified by two parameterizations. Firstly, there is a conversion rate which transfers water content
to rain independent of rainrate. There is also an accretion term which models the sweepout of water content
by precipitation. This is proportional to the precipitation rate. The ice phase is parameterized using a simple
temperature dependent function to describe the ratio of liquid mixing ratio to total mixing ratio of liquid and
ice. The diagnosed ice is allowed to fall at a parameterized fall speed. Precipitation will freeze or melt as it
crosses the zero degree isotherm. Rain may evaporate if it falls into a sub saturated region.
The mixed phase precipitation scheme, 3A, is completely different. It predicts the amount of ice present
by growing it from and decaying it to liquid, vapour and rain. Transfer terms convert one phase of water
to another, modelling the processes of ice nucleation, depositional growth or decay of ice, riming, melting,
capture of raindrops by ice particles, evaporation of rain, accretion of rain and autoconversion of rain. These
terms are based on cloud physics processes. The partitioning between liquid water and ice is predicted in this
scheme and not diagnosed using a temperature function. This is a significant improvement over the other large
scale precipitation schemes.
The choice of cloud scheme depends upon the choice of precipitation scheme. See [12] for further details of
the large scale precipitation scheme.



Author: A. Grant, Last Updated: 28 Apr 98

The UM convection scheme represents the transports of heat, moisture and momentum associated with cumulus convection occuring in a model gridbox. The same scheme is used to represent both precipitating and
non-precipitating convection. The convection scheme models an ensemble of cumulus clouds within a gridbox as a single entraining-detraining plume. Entrainment and detrainment represent interactions that occur
between the clouds and the environment through which they ascend. The scheme is described detail in [13].
The scheme can be broken into four components,
1. Triggering, i.e. determining whether convection will occur in a gridbox.
2. Cloudbase closure, i.e. determining how much convection will occur. The amount of convection
is determined by the mass transported through cloudbase.
3. The transport model determines the changes to the model temperature, moisture and wind fields
due to convection and the precipitation associated with the convection.
4. The convective cloud scheme which calculates the amount of cloud associated with the convection.
The convective cloud amount is passed to the radiation scheme.
There are currently two variants of the convection 3A and 3B which differ only in the treatment of the freezing
and melting of precipitation. Version 3C is the same as 3A but is optimized for the T3E.
Several options for the convection scheme can be selected through the UMUI.



1. CAPE Closure. This is an alternative for the cloudbase closure. The standard closure is based on
an emipirical relationship between mass flux and the buoyancy of the plume at cloud base. The
CAPE closure relates the cloudbase mass flux to the Convective Available Potential Energy of the
environmental profile over the depth of the convection.
2. Convective Momentum Transports. Determines whether the convection scheme represents the
transport of momentum by cumulus convection.
3. The Anvil Cloud Scheme. The standard scheme assumes that the convective cloud amount is
constant with height, between cloudbase and cloud top. In the anvil scheme the convective cloud
amount is assumed to vary with height in a way that is intended to represent the cloud associated
with Mesoscale Convective Systems.


Land Surface and Vegetation

Author: Peter Cox, Last Updated: 21 Oct 98

The land surface scheme calculates the fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum at the land-atmosphere interface, and updates the surface and sub-surface prognostic variables which affect these fluxes. In the current
UM, the surface-atmosphere fluxes are calculated within the surface exchange section of the boundary layer
code, whilst the sub-surface fluxes and variables are updated in the hydrology section. There are 2 distinct
versions of the land surface scheme available at UM version 4.4, and each of these is described briefly below.
The UKMO Scheme
This scheme was developed in the mid to late eighties ([61]), and is still in use in the NWP configurations of
the UM. In the UKMO scheme the state of the land surface is defined by 3 hydrological variables (available
soil moisture, canopy water and lying snow) and 4 soil temperatures. The surface energy partitioning is
calculated using a resistance formulation. The sensible heat and the various evaporation components are
subject to an aerodynamic resistance which is dependent on atmospheric stability and the surface roughness
(see the boundary layer description for further details). Evapotranspiration from the soil moisture store is also
limited by a surface resistance which is dependent on surface type but is fixed in time. The hydrology section
calculates the interception of rainfall by the plant canopy, and the surface and drainage components of the
runoff, before updating the soil moisture in the rootzone and the lying snow mass. In total the scheme has 7 soil
dependent and 7 vegetation dependent parameters. Geographically varying fields of each of these parameters
are derived offline using the Central Ancillaries Program, by assigning typical values to the vegetation and
soil classes specified in the Wilson and Henderson-Sellers dataset ([62]). The scheme simulates just a single
surface type within each gridbox so effective parameters must be derived for each point. These are taken as
the area-weighted mean for all parameters but the roughness length, which is aggregated using a blending
height approach. The UKMO scheme corresponds to the 3A boundary layer section and the 1A hydrology.
A new scheme, called MOSES (Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme) was designed to eliminate some of
the most obvious limitations of the UKMO scheme, and has been adopted for use in climate configurations
of the UM from HadCM3 onwards. MOSES utilises a 4 layer soil hydrology model based on a discretised
version of the Richards equation, and includes the effects of soil water phase changes on the permeability
and heat balance of the soil. The fixed surface resistance values in the UKMO scheme have been replaced
by a bulk stomatal resistance model, which simulates how vegetation controls evapotranspiration as a function of surface temperature, solar radiation, vapour pressure deficit, soil moisture stress and atmospheric CO2
concentration. Other changes in MOSES include deeper plant rootdepths, and a Penman-Monteith flux formulation in which the surface temperature becomes a diagnostic skin temperature. The major differences



between the UKMO scheme and MOSES are summarised in table 2.1, and further details are given in [63].
The MOSES scheme corresponds to the 5A hydrology coupled to either the 5A or 6A boundary layer sections.

Surface Temperature
Soil Hydrology
Soil Hydraulic Parameters
Soil Thermal Parameters
Soil Water Phase Change
Canopy Conductance
Surface CO2 fluxes

UKMO Scheme
Prognostic - top soil layer
single layer
area means
not included
1.5 metres, 0.5 metres
not simulated

Diagnostic - from surface energy balance
4 layer Richards equation
from area mean particle size distribution
vary with soil water and ice content
by apparent heat capacity approach
interactive and dependent on CO2
3.0 metres, 1.0 metres

Table 2.1: Principle differences between the UKMO land surface scheme and MOSES I


Gravity Wave Drag

Author: S. Webster, Last Updated: 19 May 98

The gravity wave drag parametrization aims to represent the transport of momentum by unresolved gravity
waves. Currently, only the impact of those gravity waves forced by orography is represented, although a
parametrization of convectively forced gravity waves is being developed.
There are three GWD schemes to choose from in the UM. The first (1A) scheme is what might be described as
the classical first generation GWD scheme. This scheme essentially assumes the surface stress is orientated in
the same direction as the low level wind and is proportional to the sub-grid orographic standard deviation. The
parametrization assumes that linear hydrostatic waves are generated and so the stress is deposited according
to a simple saturation hypothesis. This scheme exerts most of the drag in the lower stratosphere.
The surface stress calculation for the second (2A) scheme is identical to that of the first. The 2A scheme has
a different stress deposition algorithm; the stress is linearly deposited between the surface and the top of the
atmosphere, unless a critical level is encountered in which case all the remaining stress is deposited in the
current level. This scheme usually, therefore, exerts a uniform drag through the full depth of the atmosphere.
Both the 1A and 2A schemes permit the Froude number option may be chosen. This option limits the amplitude
of the surface stress by ensuring that the Froude number always exceeds unity.
The most widely used GWD scheme is the 3A version. This scheme builds on the original 1A scheme and
accounts for the anisotropy of the sub-grid orography in the calculation of the surface stress. As well as
the linear hydrostatic regime, a regime based on the hydraulic jump response is also modelled. Trapped lee
waves are also represented in this scheme. The 3A scheme exerts more drag at low levels and less drag in the
stratosphere than the 1A scheme.




Atmospheric Dynamics

Author: Terry Davies, Last Updated: 3 Aug 98

In atmospheric modelling the dynamics typically is the equation set without the forcing terms due to the
parametrized physical processes. These are the equations of motion, the conservation of mass or continuity
equation, an energy equation and an equation of state i.e. six equations for the three wind components,
temperature, pressure and density. The equations of motion include Coriolis terms due to rotation of the Earth.
Each tracer variable in the system requires a transport equation. In particular there is a transport equation for
moisture. In the UM the advected moisture variable is total water content and the thermodynamic variable used
is liquid/frozen water potential temperature. For large-scale flows, the hydrostatic approximation is usually
made. This eliminates vertical accelerations and leads to a diagnostic equation for the vertical velocity.
The equations are written in a spherical coordinate system and discretized horizontally on a regular latitudelongitude grid. In global configurations the grid poles are coincident with the geographical poles. In limitedarea configurations the grid is rotated so that the coordinate equator crosses the middle of the limited-area
domain thus giving an almost uniform grid over the limited-area.
In the vertical a pressure-based hybrid coordinate is used. The coordinate is terrain following sigma (normalised by the surface pressure) near the surface (thus at sigma=1) and pressure in the top-most layers and
therefore are almost horizontal. Between the terrain following region and the top, the coordinate levels flatten
gradually. The terrain following system has the advantage of not having surfaces intersecting the surface over
orography and having a simpler lower boundary condition (the vertical velocity in the sigma system is zero
at both the surface and at the top of the model). The flattening of the surfaces reduces the problem that the
sigma system has in that the pressure-gradient force splits into two terms of opposite sign which are each
large over steep slopes which can lead to large errors. It also helps in the treatment of clouds since cloud bases
tend to be horizontal. Most hydrostatic, pressure-based models make a shallow-atmosphere approximation
and include only the vertical component of the Coriolis terms and also neglect certain metric terms arising
from the spherical coordinate system. The radius in the metric coefficients of the derivative operators in the
spherical system can then be assumed to be constant, the radius of the Earth. The UM does not make these
approximations, in particular it retains all three components of the Coriolis force and the metric terms.
The equations are solved with a split-explicit technique. The splitting refers to the separation of the terms
associated with the gravity-wave adjustment and the advection by the winds. A longer timestep can be used in
the advection step since horizontal winds are typically a third that of the fastest gravity waves. Normally, three
adjustemnt steps are taken for each advection step. A forward-backward scheme is used in the adjustment step
which updates the pressure and horizontal winds. The horizontal winds and diagnosed vertical velocity over
the three adjustment steps are averaged and then used as the advecting winds in the advection step which
includes all the transport equations. The advection step uses a two-stage Heun advection scheme with an
option to include fourth order terms for greater accuracy but slightly increased cost. Using the winds averaged
from the adjustment step enables certain conservation properties to be maintained by the advection. Transport
of scalars can also be done by using a monotone tracer advection scheme. The montone scheme (actually
a total variation diminishing, TVD scheme) prevents overshoots and undershoots developing which would
otherwise lead to negative values being generated in fields that should be positive.
In global configurations, the convergence of the meridians of the latitude-longitude grid as the poles are
approached leads to an increase in the Courant number as the east-west gridlength decreases. This would
lead to instability but is controlled by the use of Fourier filtering along latitude lines. The fields are Fourier
transformed and the unstable components (those whose short wavelength imply a Courant number greater
than unity for a given timestep) are set to zero or smoothed. The components are then transformed back into
real space.
The dynamics also includes horizontal diffusion to prevent the accumulation of energy at the smallest scales.
This energy arises due to forcing at the smallest scales and noise excited by errors in the numerical scheme,
either from truncation errors, computational modes or lack of balance. The diffusion is performed by applying



a conservative del-squared operator one or more times. The more times it is applied the more its effect is
confined to the smallest scales without damaging the longer scales of interest but at increased cost. The
diffusion is also designed to switch off over steeply sloping surfaces thus avoiding false transport of heat and
moisture over steep terrain.
Further efficiencies in the scheme are made by allowing the use of longer timesteps for the physical processes
and making multiple dynamics steps for each physics step. Multiple dynamics timesteps are also used to
reduce the dynamics timestep whenever exceptionally strong winds occur, for example in the stratospheric
polar-night jet, or if noise is detected in the top-level divergence. This increases the robustness of the operational model.
Precise details of how the dynamics is formulated can be found in UMDP 10 [5].




Ocean Dynamics and Physics

Author: R.A. Wood, Last Updated: 24 Sep 98

The UM ocean model is a primitive equation model based on the widely-used Bryan-Cox formulation [44].
Therefore the numerical formulation of the model is similar to the widely used MOM model and its variants,
although there are some differences in the code structure. The UM code was originally based on the version
written for the Cyber 205 by Cox [46], but has evolved over the years to accomodate both new computer
architectures and much additional physics. The text below describes the general features of the model and
the options available. References to the open literature and to UMDPs are used to direct the reader to more
detailed descriptions of the model components.


Basic Dynamical Formulation

For a more detailed descrition of the basic formulation of the model, see [17], [46] and [44].
The model is based on the hydrostatic, Boussinesq primitive equations. The equations are discretised onto an
Arakawa staggered B grid in the horizontal, and onto a number of vertical levels or gridboxes of variable
spacing. All variables except vertical velocity are calculated at the level of the gridbox centre; vertical velocity
is calculated at the level of the gridbox boundaries (Lorenz vertical grid). Global and limited area domains
can be set up, and from UM version 4.5 open boundary conditions will be available [21].
A polynomial approximation to the equation of state is used, driven by the models basic thermodynamic
variables, potential temperature and salinity. Additional (dynamically passive) tracers may also be prescribed
and are timestepped by the model using the same advection, diffusion and mixing as for potential temperature
and salinity. In what follows, such additional tracers are referred to as extra tracers, and the term tracers
refers to all tracers in the model, including potential temperature and salinity.
A rigid lid formulation is used to filter out fast surface gravity waves (inclusion of a free surface is under
consideration, but not available at UM version 4.5). The rigid lid condition allows a streamfunction to be
defined for the vertically integrated (barotropic) flow, and the model velocity calculation is split into barotropic
and baroclinic parts. The barotropic streamfunction is calculated at each timestep and involves solution of an
elliptic partial differential equation using a relaxation technique. The model land-sea mask may include both
islands and continents, the latter being islands on which the streamfunction is constrained to zero. The use
of continents can substantially reduce the cost of the streamfunction calculation where there are large land
masses in the model domain.
A centred difference advection scheme is used for tracers and momentum at v 4.4. From v 4.5 a third order
upwind scheme (QUICK,[52]) is available as an alternative. The Coriolis term may be treated explicitly or
Fourier filtering of model fields at each timestep is available as an option. The normal use of this is in global
models, to reduce gridscale noise and instability at high latitudes where the meridians converge to give short
zonal grid spacing.
Timestepping is by a leapfrog method which is second order in time. In order to prevent time splitting of the
solution on odd and even timesteps, a Robert time filter is applied to the solution at each timestep. The use of a
periodic forward timestep, as in the original Bryan-Cox scheme, is therefore no longer required for numerical
stability. However the periodic forward timestep is retained in order to reduce the size of restart dumps. The
forward timestep requires the storage of only one time level, and restart dumps are therefore always written
out on forward timesteps. The frequency of forward timesteps and of restart dump production are controlled
(independently of each other) through the UMUI. A model option allows application of the distorted physics
technique [45], [60] to allow longer timesteps to be taken in long spinup integrations.




Surface Forcing

For ocean-only runs, surface forcing fields are supplied through ancillary files or, if no time variation is
required, in the initial dump. For coupled atmosphere-ocean runs some or all of the forcing fields are passed
from the atmosphere submodel by the coupling routines. The following forcing fields are available:
Surface heat flux: a non-penetrative surface heat flux is required to drive the model [22]. Additionally, a penetrative short wave flux can optionally be provided; this is distributed over the top few model levels according to
a simple radiation model [19]. It is also possible to specify a so-called Haney term, i.e. an additional surface
heat flux which acts to relax the sea surface temperature (SST) to specified values on a timescale defined by
the user in the UMUI. If the Haney forcing is chosen, the reference SST field must be defined in the initial
dump or (in the case of a time-varying field) through an ancillary file. An additonal flux correction term can
also be supplied through an ancillary file (normally only of use in a coupled atmosphere-ocean run).
Surface freshwater flux: a surface freshwater flux is required to drive the model [22]. Optionally a river
runoff field can also be provided; this is simply an additional surface freshwater flux and is most often used in
coupled models. It is also possible to specify a so-called Haney term, i.e. an additional surface freshwater
flux which acts to relax the sea surface salinity (SSS) to specified values on a timescale defined by the user
in the UMUI. If the Haney forcing is chosen, the reference SSS field must be defined in the initial dump or
(in the case of a time-varying field) through an ancillary file. An additonal flux correction term can also be
supplied through an ancillary file (normally only of use in a coupled atmosphere-ocean run).
Surface momentum flux (wind stress): x and y components are required to drive the model.
Wind mixing power: a surface turbulent kinetic enrgy flux or wind mixing power field is required to drive the
Kraus-Turner and Large et al. mixed layer models (see Surface Mixed Layer below).


Vertical/Diapycnal Mixing

Surface Mixed Layer

Three options are available to model the surface mixed layer:
a. Kraus-Turner ([50], [18]) mixed layer model
b. Large et al. [51] KPP mixing scheme (from v 4.5)
c. A simplified version of b (Quadratic Large)
One only (or neither) of options a and b may be chosen through the UMUI. Option a is a bulk mixing scheme
which completely homogenises all tracers in the mixed layer; it does not act on momentum. Option b is a
diffusion based scheme which acts on tracers and momentum. Option c is designed for optional use in association with a, and acts on tracers and momentum. Both schemes b and c are designed for use in conjunction
with either the Pacanowski and Philander or the Peters et al schemes (see Subsurface Mixing below), and
produce a vertical diffusivity profile near the surface which joins smoothly with the subsurface profile. All the
mixed layer schemes assume sufficient vertical resolution to resolve the summer mixed layer; in most UKMO
applications at the time of writing the vertical resolution is 10m near the surface.
Subsurface Mixing
Subsurface vertical mixing is mainly achieved by diffusion. The following options are available for choice of
diffusivity, controlled by the UMUI:
a. Constant diffusivities for tracers and momentum



b. Pacanowski and Philander [53] K-theory scheme for tracers and momentum
c. Peters et al. [54] scheme for tracers and momentum (from v 4.5)
One and only one of these options must be chosen through the UMUI. The vertical diffusion equation may
be solved either explicitly or implicity. The explicit solver may only be used if option a is chosen and isopycnal diffusion (see under Horizontal/Isopycnal Mixing below) is not chosen; otherwise the implicit scheme
must be used (generally this is necessary for numerical stbility). Schemes b and c allow specification of a
background diffusivity which is allowed a linear variation with depth. Both schemes generally revert to this
background value in the deep ocean.
In addition to the above, a convective adjustment scheme is run at the end of the tracer timestep. The scheme
used [55] mixes sections of the water column which are statically unstable, to leave a profile with no residual


Horizontal/Isopycnal Mixing

Momentum mixing is achieved by horizontal diffusion. The diffusivity is set in the UMUI and is allowed to
vary with latitude in order to allow midlatitude western boundary currents to be resolved while not imposing
too great numerical stability constraints at high latitudes. From v 4.5 it is also possible to include a biharmonic
momentum mixing term in addition to the Laplacian diffusion.
The following options are available for tracer mixing (diffusion), controlled by the UMUI:
a. Constant horizontal diffusivity
b. Redi ([56], [23]) isopycnal diffusion
c. Griffies et al. [48] isopycnal diffusion (an improved numerical formulation of b (from v4.5))
One and only one of the above must be chosen through the UMUI.


Mesoscale Eddy Parameterisation

The eddy parameterisation of Gent and McWilliams [47] (GM) is available as an option thorugh the UMUI.
Either constant eddy transfer coefficients or variable coefficients can be chosen, the latter being based on the
scheme of Visbeck et al. [59]
The GM scheme can only be chosen when isopycnal diffusion (of either the Redi or Griffies type) is chosen.
The numerics of the GM scheme are also different depending on which isopycnal diffusion scheme is chosen
(at vn4.5). If the GM scheme is chosen, then a more scale-selective, biharmonic form of GM is also available
[57]; this is useful for removing grid-scale noise from the model.
From v 4.5 there is an additional option to include the GM scheme using a skew-diffusive formulation [49].
Although somewhat faster than the advective approach, this option precludes being able to output the GM
bolus velocities and does not allow use of the more scale-selective biharmonic form of GM.
When the GM scheme is selected, one must also select isopycnal tapering of diffusivities in the UMUI this reduces the isopycnal diffusion and GM coefficients depending on the slope of isopycnals, to ensure that
numerical stability is retained.




Sea Ice

A sea ice model is available as an option through the UMUI. Thermodynamics are based on the Semtner zero
layer model, with a leads parameterisation included. A number of dynamics options are available. See [20]
for further details.


Ocean Data Assimilation

Author: M.J. Bell, Last Updated: 27 Nov 98

The ocean data assimilation code uses the filtered increment version (Lorenc 1992, see [69]) of the analysis
correction scheme developed for NWP by Lorenc, Bell and Macpherson (1991, see [68]). Observations are
used in four groups: altimeter data, surface temperature data and profiles of temperature and salinity. For each
group a number of two dimensional analyses are performed to find increments to model fields. The surface
height increments based on altimeter data are applied to the models potential temperature and salinity fields
using the technique of Cooper and Haines (1996, see [65]). Surface temperature increments are combined
with increments from the temperature profile data throughout the models mixed layer. Geostrophic baroclinic
current increments are made to balance the temperature and salinity increments from the profile data.
The observation files use the UM ancillary/dump file format. They can be prepared using the new Observation
Processing System (OPS) and are specified in a namelist by the user. The forecast error correlation scales can
vary (slowly) with latitude and longitude and be different north-south from east-west and again are specified
by the user in a namelist. The observation error ratios (relative to the forecast field) are usually obtained
from the observation file. Work is in progress to enable the correlation scales and error ratios to be based
more closely on statistics from FOAM assimilations. Statistics on differences between the observations and
analyses, background fields or climate fields can be calculated using the old Data Preparation System (DPS)
or the NWP Verification System.
The assimilation code can be used in limited area or global models with uniform or stretched grids and on
grids with rotated poles. It has also been adapted to work efficiently on the CRAY T3E. Technical reports
describing the use of the scheme include Bell (1994) [64], Forbes (1995) [66] and Forbes (1996) [67].


Chapter 3

Code Management and Structure


Managing and Modifying Source Code

Author: Rick Rawlins, Last Updated: 13 Mar 98


How is the source code stored?

Source code is held in 2 files, one for Fortran plus C code, and one for Unix scripts, which are managed by
the nupdate utility and are each described as an nupdate program library. Nupdate originated as a Cray
proprietary package - update, later upgraded to nupdate - used for source code management, which now
has public domain status. An nupdate program library is a binary format file, consisting of a number of
DECKs with information on previous modifications. Each DECK normally contains a single subroutine or
script, with every line of code labelled - for new DECKs this is the DECK name followed by consecutive line


Configuration management

The Unified Model system is organised on a principle of baseline code, with aggregated sets of modifications
against a current UM version being consolidated as permanent changes in the next UM version. This requires
extended testing of standard UM model configurations before acceptance criteria can be met. Once achieved,
all source code is frozen, the new version is deemed to be live and forms a fixed baseline for subsequent
code development, normally at 6-12 months intervals. Nupdate allows source code to evolve in a structured
fashion, where temporary changes can be tested and developed privately before optionally forming permanent
upgrades. Formal change control mechanisms for source code are described in UMDP 2: Change Control
Management of the UM System[2].
The concept of baseline code is also extended to pre-compiled object code, executable, control and data files,
including the UMUI, such that all files are assumed fixed for a specific release. This requires a selection of
science options (see section 4.7 (Science Options)) and functionality to be supported, as well as the capability
of making temporary modifications to scripts and model source code described here. Modifying source code
for the model is intimately related to the compilation procedure, which is described in section 3.3 (Compilation




More about nupdate

Two versions of nupdate exist, (1) Cray nupdate and (2) portable nupdate:

Cray nupdate is not supported by Cray (now Silicon Graphics) but has been enabled on the T3E as part
of the Met. Office C90 to T3E migration. It has the full functionality shown by Cray man pages but
has not been made available by them on any other platform. The source code released into the public
domain is mostly in Fortran, with some C routines.
Portable nupdate has been written in C for the portable model and is described in UMDP X2: Nupdate
Source Code Manager [39] which also includes details of nupdate commands. Portable nupdate operates
on a native format program library that can be browsed directly. When the source code originates from
Cray nupdate program libraries, it is necessary first to convert to the native format. The main lack
of functionality currently lies in its inability to reproduce nupdate source code used to make program
libraries (including supporting the -s option).

Nupdate features used in UM source code:

Compile switches. The UMUI sets up a list of *DEF switches for Fortran/C code in the UPDEFS file
of the job library to select routines, and blocks of code within routines, at compile-time. An example is
given by the use of *IF DEF,ATMOS;*ENDIF line pairs to isolate atmosphere-specific model code.
For script code the only *DEFs required are those in the SCRDEFS environment variable in the setglobalvars script, which is set up as part of the build process when the UM is installed on a system.

Insertion of common code. The *CALL facility allows a common section of code (a COMDECK, typically the declaration and definition of a constant or group of control variables), to be inserted globally
throughout the program. Nupdate features several sweeps through the source code, so that a modification to a COMDECK is carried through to each DECK containing the COMDECK call and a full set of
DECKs is extracted which reflect the total change.
Labelling. Each changed line of code is visible in source code files and are labelled by the name of
individual modification sets. A record of previous modifications is held within the nupdate program
library so that earlier versions of UM code can be retraced.

It is recommended that nupdate output options in UMUI panels are set to in,ed,um (except with portable
nupdate which does not have these options). This sends to standard output an echo of your modification set, a
summary of the changed lines and a list of any modifications that remain unprocessed.
Nupdate can be invoked in several modes: full, normal or quick. Full updates are used to generate new source
code libraries at build time for a new version. Normal updating is used in the extraction step preceeding
compilation for individual jobs to ensure that changes in COMDECKs are propagated. The quick mode
allows specific DECKs to be modified but demands that a *COMPILE directive is supplied for each DECK,
which places the onus on the user and is therefore not employed in the UM system.


Viewing source code

Master copies of each UM version $VN (= 4.4, 4.5, etc) are held on the Met. Office Cray T3E at
$UMDIR/vn$VN/source/umpl for Fortran/C code and at $UMDIR/vn$VN/source/umsl for Unix scripts.
These nupdate program libraries cannot be viewed directly on the Cray and require extraction through Cray
nupdate. This task is performed centrally for Met. Office users and listings can be browsed via the source code
listing page of the UM Documentation page of the Met. Office Web. Extra processing has added html links so
that calling sequences for routines can be easily explored. On other systems than Cray, portable model users
can inspect source code directly within the $UMDIR/vn$VN/source/umpl or umsl directories.




Making a change: Fortran or C

A simple example of a modification set, or modset, is given below which replaces lines labelled
ATMSTEP1.77 to ATMSTEP1.79 in DECK ATMSTEP1 by a new line and introduces a new line after
*/ identifier name
*/ Include test write statements comments for mod set
*/ declare DECK to be modified
*/ delete between these 2 lines inclusive
WRITE(6,*) TEST,A_STEP */ replace by new line(s)
*/ insert after this line
which can be held in a personal file. This file can contain one or more modsets and must be located on the
target machine for running the model.
To include this modset in your model run go into the UMUI and select window subindep Compile Mods
Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and modifications
--> Modifications to the model
and enter the file name(s) containing the modification set. Execution of the atmosphere model will include
your change as a temporary modification of the source code, compiled and linked to create a new executable
Similarly, the reconfiguration module can be re-compiled after source code modification by selection of the
adjacent UMUI window subindep CompRecon
--> Modifications for the reconfiguration


Making a change: Unix scripts

Accessing the UMUI window subindep ScriptMod

Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and modifications
--> Script inserts and Modifications
allows modification of scripts controlling the execution of UM jobs by 3 methods:
1. The user can supply nupdate modification sets for scripts, as for the previous section. The UM system
recreates selected UM scripts in a prior step to be executed in the job.
2. Scripts can be supplied by the user to be inserted either before or after the model run.
3. Environment variables can be defined explicitly to be associated with the job, giving greater flexibility
in defining file locations, customised for the user.




Viewing changed DECKs

The updated DECKs (eg ATMSTEP1, ATMDYN1) resulting from a modification set mymodset can be
listed with the new sequence numbers (using Cray nupdate only) by:
# Version 4.4
# UM program library
# Changed decks
nupdate -p $PL -i mymodset -q $DECKS -o "ed,in,um,sq" \
-s newdecks
cat newdecks
# List changed decks
With portable nupdate it is only possible to view the modified deck without sequence numbers. This can be
done by using the following nupdate command (which will also work on the Cray) instead of the one above:
nupdate -p $PL -i mymodset -q $DECKS -D
This will create individual files with the same name as the decks that have been modified.


Setting up modification sets

A practical method of obtaining a modification set when more than a few lines of code are involved is to edit
a copy of a DECK directly. The Cray utility nmodex can then be applied to form a difference of library and
edited DECKs as follows:
cat > listdecks <<EOF
nupdate -p $PL -s $EDITDECKS -i

list of decks to be changed eg. ATMSTEP1

Version 4.4
UM program library (umpl/umsl)
file which will contain edited decks
# extract source without
# sequence numbers
[ edit decks in file editdecks ]
nupdate -p $PL -s temp.s -o sq -i listdecks
# extract source with
# sequence numbers
nmodex -e $EDITDECKS -s temp.s -h \
-i GUUZF404 -m new.modset
# get difference
creates a new modification set new.modset from an edited copy editdecks referred against the program
library. [Note, Cray nmodex creates a lengthy header which should normally be deleted by the modset author to prevent contention with other conventions for labelling modsets (DC= and duplicate *ID can cause



There is a portable version of nmodex with limited functionality that has been adapted to provide a simple
application for generating modsets for Met. Office users on HP workstations and for users of the portable
model. To use portable nmodex with portable nupdate you need to do the following replacing deckname with
the name of the deck you are working on:
cp $PL/ ./deckname.tmp
cut -c 1-72 < deckname.tmp > deckname.ed

rm deckname.tmp
[ edit deck in file deckname.ed ]
cp $PL/ ./deckname.src
nmodex -e deckname.ed -s deckname.src \
-i GUUZF404 -h -m new.modset


Version 4.4
UM program library (umpl/umsl)
create temporary copy of deck
remove line sequence numbers
use 1-80 on Met. Office HPs
only (see note below **)
remove temporary copy

# Get copy of deck with

# sequence numbers
# get difference

This will create a modset with id GUUZF404 in file newmodset.

You should not:

Use tab characters - these may give different spacing when ported to different machines;
Continue into column 73. Portable nupdate will truncate lines, which may cause errors for script
Use *COPY. A bug can introduce duplicate line identifiers.

(see UMDP 3: Software standards for the UM: Fortran and Unix [3]).
Naturally, if the correction modset is very minor, it may be simpler to key in the nupdate lines directly - this
will be quicker for modsets of only a few lines. Note that it is preferable to keep the order of changed nupdate
line commands the same as the order of the source in the DECK. Although nupdate will cope with processing
a DECK in a non-consecutive manner, the resulting modset identifier numbers for new included code will not
be monotonic increasing through the DECK, which can be confusing when inspecting the updated source.


Overlapping changes. Message: inactive line. The main problem occurs when more than one modification set is applied and overlap may occur. If an attempt is made to change a previously deleted
line then nupdate will fail. If multiple modifications are targeted for the same location, nupdate will
continue, but with warning messages. Error messages do not always point to the problem DECK but
may indicate the next DECK to be processed.
Non-ascending deletion ranges. These can cause difficulties for nupdate to interpret. Avoid commands
such as *D MYIDENT.9,2, even if they should appear to be valid, as when line MYIDENT.9 precedes
Missing *DECLARE or *COMPILE. Message: modification not declared or unknown identifier.
A default output option for the application of Cray nupdate enabled for Met. Office users is -o dc, which
requires that each modset needs to include a *DECLARE statement for the DECK being modified -



otherwise nupdate will fail. This is a useful discipline to ensure that modifications are passed through
to the program. If this option is disabled, explicit *COMPILE statements are required for each DECK
to be extracted for the compile step. If a statement is omitted it is possible for a program to complete
successfully, seemingly include the correct modifications but not produce the desired result.

Modification not included. Beware that code modifications may not be included in your compiled
executable file. In particular, you may change code in a version of a science routine that has not been
selected through the UMUI when defining the model job. For example a modification may be created to
alter subroutine SWMAST in DECK SWMAST1A but this will have no effect on a job where version
2A of the SW radiation has been chosen, since the effective code selected for compilation lies in deck
SWMAST2A. This may not be immediately obvious from inspection of the output, which will show
that nupdate has correctly modified deck SWMAST1A, but no substitution of compile file contents will
take place. Conditional *DEF statements at the head of each DECK describe the scope for different
versions of sections, and a list of DECKs comprising each section version for 4.4 is held in an obj xref
file within the $UMDIR/vn$VN/source directory. More discussion on versions, releases and sections of
science code can be found in 4.7 (Science Options).




UM Routines

Author: Mike Hatton, Last Updated: 1 Jul 98

An abbeviated top-down calling sequence for the Unified Model is shown below. This list is greatly simplified
and excludes repeated calls, data conversions, parallel computing operations and details of I/O. There are
more than 1000 subroutines, including alternative versions. Source code is controlled by the nupdate code
management utility discussed in section 3.1 which also describes how more detailed listings are obtained.
Main program to call U_MODEL subroutine
|--STASH_PROC Initialise STASH processing for all model variables
Timesteps loops, call submodels
Read in initial dump
Initialise ancillary fields
Initialise assimilations
Initial atmospheric diagnostics
Update ancillary fields
Initial ocean diagnostics
Update boundary data
Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil coupler
Perform an atmosphere timestep
Perform atmosphere dynamics
Atmosphere dynamics adjustment
Horzontal tracer advection
|--TRAC_VERT_ADV Vertical tracer advection
Atmosphere dynamics advection
Perform atmosphere physics
Large scale cloud
Radiation calculations
Boundary layer calculations



Perform chemistry processes
Large scale precipitation
Surface hydrology
Vertical diffusion
Gravity wave drag
Assimilate atmosphere data
Atmospheric diagnostics: dynamics
Atmospheric diagnostics : physics
Point print
Ocean model forecast and analysis
SLAB ocean model
Wave model forecast and analysis
Update ancillary fields
Update boundary data




Compilation System

Author: K. Rogers, Last Updated: 1 May 98



This document aims to give a quick introduction to the Unified Model compile system for users doing runs at
vn4.4 and beyond. It contains information about the system and practical examples of how to use some of the
main features.
The sections describe the main sequence of actions performed by the compile system in a user run, how to
understand messages in model output, the main variables a user needs to know about, how to set up compile
override files, miscellaneous information on how to do various common tasks and finally how to build your
own small executables.
Please see UMDP Z5 [41] for more detailed information about the build system, which overlaps with some
aspects of the compile system.


Actions performed in a User Run

The main functions of the compile system are listed below in the order in which they happen:

Central and user compile options merged into one file

Directory $URECONDIR created with subdirectory exec build/qxrecon dump
nupdate used to extract source code for modified Fortran/C decks into a $TMPDIR directory
In the reconfiguration compile directory ($URECONDIR/exec build/qxrecon dump) .f and .c source
files are created for decks that have changed since the previous run or for all decks on the initial run
Makefile automatically generated for all decks required
make command is run to compile all uncompiled source code and link to make the executable
Executable moved to $LOADRECON
Label added to executable (UK Met. Office only)

Model compilation

Central and user compile options merged into one file $UCOMPVARS
nupdate used to extract source code for modified Fortran/C decks into a $TMPDIR directory. This
All modified decks
Control decks from all relevant parts of $UMDIR/vn$VN/source/cdecks file
All decks required for section-version DEF combinations not pre-built.
All deck source files are renamed as lower-case and .f/.c (Fortran/C) suffixes added.



In compile directory $UCOMPDIR (the name of this directory should be unique to a runid eg.
$DATAW/compile $RUNID):
file links are set up in a previous compile of the same runid deleted
Source code (.f/.c) files in $TMPDIR nupdate directory compared with existing copies of the
same files in compile directory. If different, newly-extracted deck replaces original deck (or used
directly in initial run).
If using a section-version DEF combination not prebuilt, directory $REBUILD DIR created. Relevant source files copied to subdirectories under here. Links created from compile directory to
these files.
For other decks links are created to central copies of source code (.f/.c) files and object code (.o)
files for precompiled code stored on a system-wide basis under the relevant
$UMDIR/vn$VN/src/section/def-combination directory. The nupdate *DEF combinations are
specified by codes eg. A1G1 for *DEFs ATMOS (A1) and MPP (G1).
See top of
$UMDIR/vn$VN/source/obj xref file for *DEF code letters.
For decks whose compile options have changed since the previous run, old versions of the .o files
are deleted to force recompilation.

A makefile (called $UCOMPDIR/Makefile) is automatically generated for all decks required in run
(unless previous version of makefile still valid)
file links are set up in a previous compile of the same runid deleted
make command is run to compile all source decks that have not been compiled or have been modified
since they were last compiled and also to run link step to make executable.
Executable is run.

In second or subsequent runs it is possible to miss out the nupdate extraction and other script processing steps
and go straight to the make step by setting SKIP SRC EXTRACT to true (see How To section for more
details). This is useful in conjunction with hand-editing the source files to speed up debugging.
The make utility works in the following way. To create an executable from a number of fortran files, the
fortran files are compiled to create .o object files which are then linked to create the executable. To recreate
the executable after just one or two fortran files are changed, only those altered files need to be recompiled
before the executable is linked. In the UM compile system, the make utility works by comparing the dates of
the files to determine what work needs to be done. So if one fortran file is changed, make sees that the .f file
is newer than its .o file and so recompiles it. Then it will find that the .o file is newer than the executable and
so it will relink the executable.


Browsing Compile Output and Error Messages

Order of information in job output files

When looking for information from the compile system first look at the script output from qsprelim and qsmain
at the top of the model output file for messages as to whether the compile script processing and make steps
completed successfully.
If not, then the detailed error messages can be found further down in the output. Search on the string %QSMNCOMPILE for the start of the output from the pre-processing compile scripts and on %MAKE. for the
output from the make step itself (but note that these strings will also show up in the echo statements in
SCRIPT if the job asks for a copy of SCRIPT to be listed in the output).



See the troubleshooting section of the User Guide for a description of the types of output in the model output
file and the order they appear in.
See also the later section in this document giving an example of the output that appears after %QSMNCOMPILE and %MAKE, and an in-depth explanation of what all the messages and codes mean.
Note that at vn4.4 the reconfiguration compile output still appears in full near the top of the output file. At
vn4.5 this will be moved further down the output file.
Understanding ERROR or WARNING messages
A run may fail during compilation. The message output from qsmain is.
qsmain(934): ***

Make has failed. Exiting

The actual error will be found near the bottom of the make output after %MAKE in the model output file. This
should give an indication why it has failed. The most likely reason make might fail is due to a compilation
error, but it can also fail for system reasons such as because there is not enough memory available. The error
message may not be the last message in the output if there are several compilation processes running in parallel
(due to NPROC being greater than 1) since make waits for the other current compilations to complete once an
error has been detected.
Upon successful completion of the make command there may still be WARNING messages in the output.
Often these can be ignored but sometimes they are significant. See the next few sections for some examples.
On Cray MPP machines the use of -Dpermok=yes in the load line allows the run executable to be created
even if WARNING messages have been generated. This is necessary because there are always parts of the
model not being used by a configuration for which the top routine calls are still there but the code is not
Missing externals
The main kind of WARNING, a T3E example of which is shown below, sometimes leads to failures in the
model with missing externals.
cld-404 cld: WARNING
The symbol CHK_LOOK_BOUNDA referenced in relocatable object
inbound1.o:IN_BOUND is not defined.
It is worthwhile, if the model fails in this way after starting running, checking the relevant .f and .o files exist
in the user compile directory and are not empty. (However, normally the compile system cleans up empty
files caused by a system failure part way through a model compilation and this causes those routines to be
Occasionally when a sequence of changes are made and there are also system problems, a routine may be
missing from the makefile when it is generated and hence is missing from the executable when made. This can
be rectified by editing the Makefile manually and using SKIP SRC EXTRACT=true (see How to section)
or by deleting all the files in the compile directory and recompiling again to get a clean compile.



Vector directives (Cray MPP only)

The UM when running on Cray MPP machines gives the following type of warnings:

cf90-801 f90: WARNING IMPL_CAL, File=implca2c.f, Line=1491, Column=7

Unsupported compiler directive.
These kinds of warnings can be ignored. They arise because because compiler directives exist in the code to
enable the model to run on a vector parallel machine (e.g. an SGI/Cray C90).
Forcing make to continue through compilation errors
By default make stops during compilation if there has been an error. An error code is returned and the run
terminated. It is possible to force make to continue compilation after there has been an error. This means all
errors can be identified in a single pass and object code will be created for decks which do not have any errors.
This is useful for debugging but unsafe in general because a success code is now returned from make regardless
of whether there has been an error. It appears to make that compilation has been successful and the model run
would be started after calling make in this way even though there were errors.
To force make to carry on past compile errors change the call from make to make -k in qsmain using a
script mod and run with STEP=0 in the SUBMIT job library file (or set job to compile only in the UMUI). At
the UK Met. Office this change is available as fix mod $UMDIR/vn4.4/mods/fixes/fkr4u404 which contains:
*DECLARE qsmain
*D gex3u405.24
make -k >>$OUTPUT 2>&1




Output Messages in more detail

The following is selected output from the compilation part of a UM run. This is not totally realistic as some of
the messages will not appear under some conditions but is representative of what will generally appear. The
first field indicates the script that is giving the message. A numeric value in parenthesis is used for system
timing and indicates the number of seconds the current shell (ie UM run) has been in existance for. The
information is split into eleven discrete sections. An explanation of each of these sections follows.
qsmncompile(191): ***
qsmncompile(193): ***
qsmncompile(194): ***

Compile vars diff information.

System differences.
End of compile vars info.

qsmncompile(222): ***
qsmncompile(401): ***

Removing symlinks in compilation dir.

Finished removing symlinks

qsmncompile(401): ***
qsmncompile(409): ***

Removing zero length files

Finished removing files

qsmncompile(414): ***
qsmncompile(414): ***
qsmncompile(414): ***

Removing previously modified files

This looks new. No files to remove
Finished removing modified files



STARTING control source

FINISHED control source



Symlink-ing pre-compiled code

Linking /u/um1/vn4.4/obj/a01_1b/Gp/NORMAL
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
Linking /u/um1/vn4.4/obj/a02_1b/Gp/NORMAL
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
Linking /u/um1/vn4.4/obj/a15_1a/G1G3/NORMAL
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:com) (Opts:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)
(F:ok) (O:ok)






(F:ok) (O:ok)
Linking /u/um1/vn4.4/obj/c95_2a/G1GnP4/NORMAL
(C:ok) (O:ok)
Finished symlink-ing object code



Generating sed script

Sed script was generated okay
Running sed to create Makefile
Finished sed

qsmain(819): ***

Running make

f90 -Oaggress -Oscalar3 -c abcalc1.f
f90 -Oaggress -Oscalar3 -c ac_ctl1.f
f90 -Oaggress -Oscalar3 -c acumps1.f
f90 -Oaggress -Oscalar3 -c addrchk1.f
-c st_dia11.f
-c dyndia1a.f
f90 -Wl"-Dpermok=yes;streams=on" -lgcom1m1s4x1_shmemnam
-l_vect -lgrib -L. -L/u/um1/gcom/rel_1m1s4x1
-o /mydir/me/aaxid/aaxid ac_ctl1.o acumps1.o \
addres1.o addrln1.o atmdyn1.o atmphy1.o atmstep1.o \
bl_ctl1.o boundva1.o chemctl1.o cldctl1.o \
conv_ct1.o dervsize.o diag3a.o
cld-404 cld: WARNING
The symbol AC referenced in relocatable object ac_ctl1.o:AC_CTL
is not defined.
cld-404 cld: WARNING
The symbol STOCGT referenced in relocatable object stwork1a.o:STWORK
is not defined.
cld-404 cld: WARNING
qsmain(934): ***

Completed make

1. Extraction nupdate step to COMPDIR. All decks that are either specified in the cdecks file or modified
by mods directly or indirectly, via comdecks, included in the UM configuration are extracted.
2. Rename extracted decks in COMPDIR. The decks are stored in the UMPL as uppercase without file
type suffixes.
3. Remove any previous symlinks in UCOMPDIR. The symlinks are removed every time to enable decks
that are newly modified to be moved into place.
4. Remove any zero length files in UCOMPDIR. A precaution. Some decks from previous compilations
may have no effective source code or may not have produced complete object files due to compilation
5. Remove any decks that are no longer modified wrt previous run, if necessary. This is done so that files
can be symlinked in the symlink step.



6. Compare source in COMPDIR with any source in UCOMPDIR. Move it in if different from previous
run code or new, leave it intact in UCOMPDIR if there has been no code change since previous run.
Extract by-deck compiler options for later inclusion in Makefile. The following messages can occur
under different conditions:

This is a secondary run. The code for the deck found in the UCOMPDIR is
the same as that extracted. The source is not updated. Re-compilation will
not be needed, unless the compiler options have changed since the last run,
for this deck.


This is either a primary run and no decks exist in the UCOMPDIR directory
at all or a secondary run into which a new deck (proabably from a user mod)
is being added.


A secondary run which has changed mods wrt to the previous run. The deck
that has been extracted from the UMPL (including mod) into UCOMPDIR
is different from the previous version in UCOMPDIR. The new version is
moved into UCOMPDIR. This will force make(1) to re-compile at a later


The deck has been identified as Fortran source code.


The deck has been identified as C source code.


This deck has specific compiler options defined in the UCOMPVARS file.
These will be used instead of the default compiler options.

7. Produce sym-links to required pre-compiled source code and object files. Extract by-deck compiler
options for later inclusion in Makefile, if necessary. Some decks exist in more than one section that may
be required simultaneously. These decks contain identical code and are compiled in the same way, so the
code and object from the first occurance of the deck are included. Subsequent occurances are skipped. If
the relevent section-def combination is not found in the UM system pre-built directory and BUILDALL
is set to true then script qsconf is called to extract the relevent code in to BUILDALL DIR and then
make(1) used to compile it. The files are then linked in the same way as for system pre-built code. The
following messages can occur during this stage.



Only one of the following messages should exist for each deck.

The Fortran source for the section-def combination has been linked into the
UCOMPDIR directory from the system pre-built source directories.


The Fortran source for this deck already exists in the UCOMPDIR directory.
This is because the deck has been modified and extracted by the previous
nupdate extract step in the current user run.


The Fortran source for this deck already exists in the UCOMPDIR directory.
This is because the deck was symlinked in a previous section-def combination during the current user run.


Outside System, New - The Fortran source for this deck already exists in
the UCOMPDIR directory. This is because the user has removed a symlink
file and created a real file. The deck will gain a rule in the Makefile with
compiler options from the UCOMPVARS file. NOTE: this source deck is
completely under the users control. It will not be deleted by the UM build
system. The user must delete it (and its object file) directly if the system
default is to be used.


Outside System, Old - The deck was in a previous section-def combination

and has been labelled as an OSN file already. See previous item.


The C source for the section-def combination has been linked into the
UCOMPDIR directory from the system pre-built source directories. Note:
only the first source-object pair encountered in the pre-built section-def combinations is linked to.


The C source for this deck already exists in the UCOMPDIR directory. This
is because the deck has been modified and extracted by the previous nupdate
extract step in the current user run.


The C source for this deck already exists in the UCOMPDIR directory. This
is because the deck was symlinked in a previous section def combination
during the current user run.


Outside System, New - The C source for this deck already exists in the
UCOMPDIR directory. This is because the user has removed a symlink file
and created a real file. The deck will gain an rule in the Makefile with
compiler options from the UCOMPVARS file. NOTE: this source deck is
completely under the users control. It will not be deleted by the UM build
system. The user must delete it (and its object file) directly if the system
default is to be used.


Outside System, Old - The deck was in a previous section and has been
labelled as an OSN file already. See previous item.



Only one of the following messages should exist for each deck.



The object file for the section-def-compile combination has been sym-linked
into the UCOMPDIR directory from the system pre-built source directories.
Note: only the first source-object pair encountered in the pre-built section-def
combinations is linked to.
An object file for the deck already exists in the UCOMPDIR directory from
a previous run. This is removed and a sym-link into the UCOMPDIR from
the section-def-compile combination object created.
The object already exists in UCOMPDIR, but needs re-compiling as the entry
in UCOMPVARS has been changed, thus it is removed.

If the first of the following messages exists, then the second message may or may not exist, depending
whether or not the UCOMPVARS file has changed.

An entry in the makefile wil be generated so that the deck can be compiled.


This deck has specific compiler options defined in the UCOMPVARS file.
These will be used instead of the default compiler options.

If these messages are given then the above messages will not be given.

The section-def combination that has been requested ahs not been pre-built
by the UM system team.


The section-def will be extracted and built in BUILDALL DIR.

8. Generate sed script then Makefile. The sed script contains information on how information on compilation of decks should be parsed into the Makefile. The Makefile contains rules that indicate what needs to
be compiled/linked and dependencies indicating which files depend on other files. This enables object
files to remain up to date wrt to source files.
9. Run make(1) to generate any required object files and link the object files into a binary executable. The
make(1) step compiles decks that have no object, recompiles decks that have changed since their object
was created and leaves objects that are older than their source (ie the source has not changed). You can
see here exactly how each object is being compiled.




Compile System Variables

Set in UMUI
Variable Name

Typical Setting
$DATAW/compile $RUNID

UMUI panel
subindep FileDir



subindep FileDir


$DATAW/rebuild $RUNID

subindep FileDir


subindep Compile

Directory in which compilation will take place. Must
be unique to a run identifier.
Directory below which reconfiguration compilation
will take place. Must be
unique to a run identifier.
Directory below which
compilations of sectionversion combinations that
are not held centrally are
done. Must be unique to a
run identifier.
Number of compilation
processes that run in
parallel under make (not
applicable on all machines).
If unset uses
version-wide default in

Hand-edit in job library

Variable Name

Typical Setting






Set to true in SUBMIT to hand-edit .f files and run
make directly.
Set to true in SUBMIT to allow section-version DEF
combinations not prebuilt centrally to be built within
(UK Met. Office only). Set to true in SUBMIT to prevent tar/gzip being used on compile files.

Overriding compiler options

The options used to compile source code are supplied in the central file $UMDIR/vn$VN/source/compile vars
for each version. Overrides to the options in this file can be specified in one or more compile override files.
Note that compile override files are only used by the compile system when it does the script pre-processing
steps when SKIP SRC EXTRACT is false. When SKIP SRC EXTRACT is true it uses whatever compile
options are specified in the Makefile.



Step by step guide to using overrides

Below are the steps you need to go through to specify your own compile options:
1. Create a directory on the machine where you are running the UM to hold compile override files e.g.
$HOME/comp override.
2. Look at the file $UMDIR/vn$VN/source/compile vars to see the format of lines. The keywords (@fort,
@load etc) and tags (FCOM OPTS and LOAD OPTS etc) are case-sensitive. The amount of white
space around options does not matter.
Note that apart from FCOM CMD, CCOM CMD and LOAD CMD, which are used to specify the
Fortran compiler, C compiler and link/loader to be used, other options are just concatenated together
in each type. For example on a T3E f90 platform, all the options specified on the FCOM OPTS,
FCOM ENABLE, FCOM DISABLE, FCOM OPTIM and FCOM ROPTS lines are just concatenated
together by the compile system in a run. Having more than one identifier just makes it easy to specify
related options together if preferred. New categories will also be recognised provided they start with
FCOM . (At present there is no method for continuing options onto a second line with any of these
identifiers. For changes to compile vars for the next version of the UM there is a line length limit of 72
characters on these lines due to portable nupdate limitations. However this limit does not apply to lines
within user compile override files.)
All options should be specified after the = exactly as they would be on the compile line (such as in a
f90 command on the T3E) with no need for extra quotes.
3. Any line in the compile vars file can be overridden. Default lines are those starting with @ eg. @fort,
@load. Be careful if you change a compiler default line (@fort) as this will recompile THE WHOLE
OF your model code with this new default. Also large numbers of single-deck compile options will
slow down the scripts.
When overriding load options remember to include the standard default options from compile vars as
well as additional options unless you definitely dont want to use the standard defaults.
4. Create a file or a number of files to hold the lines which are being overriden. These override files must
then be made available to the UM scripts via the UMUI in window subindep Compile User
Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and Modification
--> User-defined compile option overrides
or by hand-editing job library file COMP OPTS. The scripts do the work to include the overrides in the
model run.
If a particular mod requires special compile options a compile override file can be used in conjunction
with that mod. This is a convenient way for a run owner to organise groups of changes and associated
compile options, but it is up to that person to keep track of which compile override files go with which
mods (there is no link within the UMUI).
Comments can be included in compile overide files using a # in the first column.



Some examples of compiler overrides

The first set of examples show how the global defaults, i.e. those applicable to the whole model, might be

Set the f90 -g (debug) and -ei (enable i) options.

Provide an override file with the line,
@fort FCOM_OPTS=-g -ei
to replace the default line @fort FCOM OPTS= (remembering that this recompiles all routines including precompiled ones)

Force a recompile of the entire model without changing compile options.

Provide an override file with the line,
@fort FCOM_ENABLE=-eq
to replace the default line @fort FCOM ENABLE= (the -q option is already enabled but not specified
in the compile vars file so having the effect that all routines including precompiled ones are recompiled
but with null effect.) This can be useful for recompiling with a different version of the compiler to that
used for the prebuilt code.

Use load libraries -lgrib -lgcom pvm 11 -lconv

Provide an override file with the line,
@load LOAD_LIBS=-lgrib -lgcom_pvm_11 -l_conv
to replace the default line @load LOAD LIBS=-lgrib -lgcom shmnam 13 -lvect

As you can see from browsing the compile vars file it is possible to apply compiler options to individual decks.
Given below are some examples which show how to override existing decks specific options and how to add
further compiler options for a given deck.

Set f90 optimisation option aggress in deck ADVCTL1A

Provide an override file with the line,

Use machine default compile optimisation for deck HORINF1A

Provide an override file with the line,
to replace the default line HORINF1A FCOM OPTIM=-Ounroll2 -Oaggress -Oscalar3

Applying overrides to the reconfiguration

These work in exactly the same way as the model compile overrides but may be different overrides and have
a separate list of override files.


Miscellaneous How to . . . questions

1. Hand-edit source files and just rerun make in a run.

It is well worth becoming familiar with this way of speeding up debugging since it will save many
hours of time compared to running the full compile system BUT it is only suitable for making small
non-permanent changes (for example adding print statements) since mods cannot be generated from the



changes. It involves making alterations to copies of the actual fortran code kept in the compile directory
of your job rather than writing mods. It avoids the significant overhead in time of extracting all the
relevant decks, applying mods and *DEFs, expanding comdecks and recompiling many decks. Only
those decks that have been changed will be recompiled before linking to produce the executable. This
method does not apply to the reconfiguration.
The job must have been compiled in the normal way first. After the run has compiled, all the
relevant source and object code is left in a compile directory as specified in the UMUI (typically
$HOME/$RUNID/compile $RUNID). On typing ls -l in this directory, a list of source (.f and .c)
and object (.o) files or symbolic links to such files will be seen. (Follow the instructions in the later
section on how to get at .f files bundled into tar files (UK Met. Office only).
Files without symbolic links are generally control code, ocean decks and modified decks. Many decks,
however, have been precompiled a number of times with different combinations of *DEFs. The source
and object code for these decks are held centrally; unmodified decks are thus included by making
symbolic links to these files. See the warnings below before attempting to edit linked files.
Make alterations to copies of the actual Fortran code kept in the compile directory of your job rather
than writing mods. Only the .f files that have been changed will be recompiled.
By using the following hand edit, the source extraction and checking of which decks/compile options
have changed can be avoided and the files in the compile directory will be reused:
In SUBMIT, hand edit SKIP SRC EXTRACT from false to true (where SUBMIT is one of the job
library files produced by the UMUI).
Then resubmit the run as normal.
This system cannot be used for editing the contents of comdecks. These are already included inline
in the appropriate routines. Another consequence of this is that the edited decks cannot be used with
nmodex to create a modset.
Many of the files in the compile directories are, in fact, links to the libraries; these cannot be edited.
Before editing a deck find out whether it is linked:
ls -l windmx1a.f
Linked files are shown as:
windmx1a.f -> /u/um1/vn4.4/src/a15_1a/A1G1G3/NORMAL/../windmx1a.f
If you need to edit such a deck, make a note of the path to the file to which the link is pointing and
delete the links to the .f and .o files. Then copy the .f file into your compile directory. For example:

-l windmx1a.f # Note path
/u/um1/vn4.4/src/a15_1a/A1G1G3/NORMAL/../windmx1a.f .

It is important that the file is copied from the correct directory since there will be a number of alternative
directories containing a deck but only the file to which the link is pointing will have had the correct
*DEFS applied to it.
Additionally, the system will not know how to compile such decks since previously it just picked up the
precompiled .o file. Before running with SKIP SRC EXTRACT you will need to either:
Compile the deck by hand:
f90 -c -Oaggress -Oscalar3 windmx1a
Or edit the Makefile to add compile instructions. eg, near the top add the line:



FFLAGS = -c -Oaggress -Oscalar3
which sets the default compile options for any FORTRAN files that do not have options listed.
Another warning: If you do handedit a linked deck and then subsequently do a normal full recompilation
(ie. set SKIP SRC EXTRACT=false again) then your edited deck will NOT be replaced with the linked
deck unless you have now written a mod for it. The compile system will assume that you want to retain
your edited version. To return to the original version, delete the edited file. It is therefore advisable
to delete the contents of the compile directory after finishing a piece of work that involves this type of
alteration otherwise the altered deck will remain to affect subsequent runs in the future long after you
forget that you carried out such edits.
2. Run without compiling from an existing executable.
Set STEP=4 in the SUBMIT job library file on the system where you run the UMUI.
3. Change just load options.
It is possible to change the load options using a compile override file, for example to use different
libraries. However if the code has already been compiled and you just want to change the load options
or pick up updated libraries you will end up doing alot of unnecessary script pre-processing work if you
put the run back in with an added compile override file.
Therefore it is more efficient to run with SKIP SRC EXTRACT set to true (see section on this below)
which will just run the make step when the run is put back in.
Note that make will not detect an updated library or load options changed by handediting the makefile.
Therefore to force the makefile to run the load step you need to delete or move the model executable
before running with SKIP SRC EXTRACT.
It is also possible to run a load step interactively outside a run by doing:

Stoprun the run

Move the executable to a different name
Go into your compile directory eg. for run aaumf:
cd userid/aaumf/Compile
Hand-edit the line similar to the following one in Makefile to include the new library name if
LOADOPTS = -Wl"-Dpermok=yes;streams=on" -lgrib
-lgcom1m1s4x1_shmemnam -l_vect -L.
Type make
Resubmit job

4. Recompile the whole model.

Changing a default Fortran compile option eg. @fort FCOM OPTS will cause all the decks that your
model uses to be recompiled. eg. on a T3E machine if the default is @fort FCOM OPTS= then it
could be changed to
@fort FCOM_OPTS=-ea
This aborts compilation on finding the first error so is harmless when used with code that already
5. Use a combination of *DEFs that hasnt been prebuilt for a section version.
Set the BUILDSECT variable in the SUBMIT job library file to true. Any DEF combinations which
cannot be found will be built during the model run. The default, BUILDSECT=false, simply flags the
missing section def combinations and causes the model to fail in the compile script pre-processing stage.
Please report any commonly-used combinations that appear to be missing from the pre-built code (at
the UK Met. Office only).



6. Use a new *DEF in the UM system.

Set the BUILDSECT variable in the SUBMIT job library file to true. Make a copy of the obj xref
file defining a DEF SWITCH for the new DEF at the top and adding identifier associated with the
DEF to the DEFS line of the relevant sections, and hand-edit your SCRIPT file to use this in your
run (script mods to obj xref do not work at present). Do not add anything to the BUILD hostname
lines. All the relevant sections will be recompiled with the new DEF. (A DEF SWITCH is of the form
identifier:defname e.g. A1:ATMOS.)
7. Untar compile files to edit .f files (UK Met. Office only)
At vn4.4 all compile directory (mainly .f and .o) files are placed in a single tar file called
$DATAW/comp $RUNID.tar at the end of each compile session and are unpacked at the beginning
of the next run that compiles that experiment. This enables data migration on the T3E to work more
efficiently in migrating one file rather than hundreds of files each time. The tar file is also compressed
using gzip to save space.
The code is controlled by a variable called SKIP TAR COMPDIR, which may be handedited to true in
the SUBMIT job library file to avoid the tars being done. The default is false.
If tars are turned on, it first checks whether there are any .f files in the model compile directory. If
there are it assumes that unpacking the tar file is not necessary and does not attempt to uncompress or
At the end of the run it creates the tar file, compresses it and then deletes all the files in the Compile
directory. Each time a tar/gzip is done a README file is created in the $DATAW directory giving the
commands required to manually untar files and edit them eg:
To unpack tar file:
cd $HOME/abaod/Compile # compile directory
gzip -d $HOME/abaod/comp_abaod.tar.gz # unzip tar file
tar -xf $HOME/abaod/comp_abaod.tar # extract all files
tar -xf $HOME/abaod/comp_abaod.tar atmstep1.f # extract
# individual
# file(s)
To repack tar file:
cd $HOME/abaod/Compile # compile directory
tar -cf $HOME/abaod/comp_abaod.tar * # tar whole directory
tar -uf $HOME/abaod/comp_abaod.tar atmstep1.f # update
# individual
# file(s) in
# tar file
gzip $HOME/abaod/comp_abaod.tar # zip tar file
rm * # remove .f, .c files etc
In general it is recommended that people use the tar system in case their compile files get migrated at
some point in the future. However it adds about 5 minutes to a compile to untar, tar and remove all the
compile files so when debugging compile errors by editing .f files using SKIP SRC EXTRACT=true it
is more productive to turn off the use of tar files by also setting SKIP TAR COMPDIR=true.
The reconfiguration files are tared up in the same way into a file called $DATAW/recon $RUNID.tar,
with similar instructions being placed in the README file.
Note that if you manually unpack and unzip a tar file using the commands in your README file to
hand-edit .f files you need to manually do the reverse process of packing them up before resubmitting
the run.




Building a model section or small executable

Building personal copies of the small executables

To build one or more small execs with a mod:

Set UM version:
export VN=4.4

Copy $UMDIR/vn$VN/scripts/Install/configure execs to $HOME

Set environment variable:
in either in configure execs before it is used or before calling the script.

Alter line:
for exec in cat $EXECXREF| awk {print $1}|\
egrep -v # | sort -u | flower
to (for example):
for exec in "qxcombine qxhistreport qxhistreset \
qxpickup qxsetup"
where you just list the small execs you want to build.

To add in a Fortran mod change:

$UMDIR/vn$VN/scripts/qsconf \\
-outdir dirname $SRCDIR \\
-execs $exec 1> $OUTDIR/$exec.out 2>&1
By adding 1 extra line with the -femod option to:
$UMDIR/vn$VN/scripts/qsconf \\
-outdir dirname $SRCDIR \\
-femod $HOME/mods/mymodname \\
-execs $exec 1> $OUTDIR/$exec.out 2>&1
using your mod path instead of $HOME/mods/mymodname.
Use -cemod for C mods (Do $UMDIR/vn$VN/scripts/qsconf -help for more information on options).

On Cray machines only: Edit the QSUB time, memory and queuename if appropriate. This will be used
as a separate job for each small exec.
Run your version of configure execs:
cd $HOME



This will create a directory called something like build execs 010897 1513 containing a script to build
each small exec which it will submit as QSUB jobs (on Cray machines).

The code will be placed under a directory called exec build with a subdirectory for each small exec.
Each executable then needs to be moved to the directory where it will be used eg:
mkdir $HOME/exec
mv $HOME/exec_build/qxcombine_dir/qxcombine $HOME/exec
mv $HOME/exec_build/qxhistreport_dir/qxhistreport $HOME/exec
mv $HOME/exec_build/qxpickup_dir/qxpickup $HOME/exec
mv $HOME/exec_build/qxhistreset_dir/qxhistreset $HOME/exec
mv $HOME/exec_build/qxsetup_dir/qxsetup $HOME/exec

Using personal copies of the small executables within a model run

Select the Using test small executables option via the UMUI in:
Sub-Model Independent
-> Configuration and Control
Hand edit the variable EXECN in SCRIPT to make the path of your directory containing the test executables available e.g. EXECN=username/exec



3.4 MPP Capability

Author: Paul Burton, Last Updated: 29 June 98


Overview of Computing Platforms

Until the early 1990s, classic supercomputer design was based around the concept of using a small number
of specially designed and manufactured powerful processors, which would all access a single shared memory.
The compilers on such machines were capable of automatically adding extra instructions to the code, allowing
it to efficiently run in parallel over a small number of processors. The code itself could be written as if it was
just to be run on a traditional single processor computer.
However, the limitations of this architecture were beginning to show. The shared memory meant that there
was a bottleneck between processors and memory as more processors were utilised, so limiting the parallel
performance. Also, the cost of the proprietary processors limited the feasibility of using a large number of
The alternative to this approach is the Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) supercomputer. This typically uses
a large number of less powerful, but commodity (ie. cheaper) processors, each having its own local memory. In
order that a processor can access memory belonging to another processor, the processors are interconnected
using a high performance network of some kind. Although each processor may be less powerful than the
traditional supercomputer processor, the large number of them working together in parallel can provide a
significant performance gain.
This increase in performance was realised by the Met. Office in 1997, when it replaced its Cray C90 (a 16
processor, parallel vector processor) by a Cray T3E, containing 880 Dec Alpha RISC processors. The T3E
gives around a five times increase in performance over the C90.
However, compilers are not yet capable of automatically making a traditional single processor code (as was
run on the shared memory computers) parallelise efficiently. It is therefore necessary for the parallelism to be
explictly coded if programs are to be run efficiently on MPP machines.


Overview of the MPP UM

The UM has had the necessary explicit parallelisation code added to allow it to run on a range of MPP
The basic principle used in the MPP mode of the UM is horizontal domain decomposition. This means the
model grid-point space is divided up into subdomains, each containing a complete set of vertical levels but
only a rectangular latitude-longitude horizontal subsection. Each processor is then reponsible for one of these
subdomains, and contains all the data for this subdomain in its own local memory. Regular inter-procesor
communication is required so that information can be transferred between neighbouring subdomains. This
is achieved by extending the local subdomain by a number (usually just one) of rows or columns in each
dimension, to form a halo around the data. This halo region holds data which is communicated from
adjacent processors, so allowing each processor to have access to neighbouring processors edge conditions.
The atmosphere and ocean models can have different decompositions. The atmosphere model has a userdefinable two dimension decomposition (that is, the data is decomposed in both latitude and longitude), while
the ocean model is currently restricted to a one dimensional decomposition, over latitude.
When a coupled model is run, each sub-model is run in turn on the same set of processors. Therefore, this
requires the total number of processors used in the atmosphere decompostion to be equal to the total number
of processors used in the ocean decomposition.



Communication Libraries
The most fundamental part of any MPP code is the communication between processors. This can also be the
most non-portable part because there are many different communication libraries available. Some, such as
PVM and MPI are recognised standards, and reasonably portable, while others, such as Cray SHMEM are
only available on particular platforms, but provide very high levels of performance.
To enable both portability and high performance, the UM uses an interface library called GCOM, which can
be compiled to use many different communications libraries, while leaving the UM code undisturbed. For
example, on the Met. Offices Cray T3E, we use the Cray SHMEM version of GCOM, while on a network of
workstations we can use the PVM or MPI versions of GCOM. The UM code itself remains unchanged, just
requiring a different version of the GCOM library to be linked.
MPP Code Management
The MPP code is almost all contained within existing code, and is automatically selected when nupdate (see
section 3.1) *DEF MPP is selected. A small number of subroutines have been completely rewritten for MPP
so that they can run efficiently, such subroutines will be inside a nupdate *DEF MPP, and possibly as part of
an MPP specific section/version (see below).
There is also some T3E specific code in the UM, which has been written to maximise the performance of the
code on the Met. Offices Cray T3E. Code such as this will always be enclosed in a nupdate *DEF T3E, with
a portable alternative available.
The portable, single processor code can still be run if both nupdate *DEF MPP and *DEF T3E are not applied.
This code will still run efficiently on both shared memory parallel and vector machines such as the Cray C90.


Running the MPP code

Only a small number of changes need to be made in the UMUI to convert an experiment to work on an MPP
machine. The following panels will need to be updated:
1. Window: subindep Target Machine
User Information and Target Machine
-> Target Machine

Select Machine type as Distributed-Memory Parallel (eg T3E or VPP)

Fill in the boxes defining the number of processors in the North-South / East-West directions (or
just the North-South direction for the ocean model). Where there is a two dimensional decomposition, some experimentation may be required to find the arrangement giving optimium performance
(although the UM will run correctly with any arrangement). Commonly, it is resonable to set the
number of processors in the East-West and North-South directions to be roughly equal (obviously,
they can only be exactly equal if the total number of processors is a square number).

2. Window: subindep Section Misc3

Sub-Model Independent
-> Sub-model Independent Section Options
--> Miscellaneous Sections
---> Panel 3

Select Choose version of section 96 as 1A For those on general MPP machines. or 1B For
faster running on CRAY T3E only.



Select Choose version of section 97 (Timer) as 3A Advanced UM timer (suitable for MPP).
or 4A Dummy timer code if you are running without timer.

3. Window: atmos Science Section Advec

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Primary field advection

Select Choose version as h 1C i MPP version of 1B or h 1E i Optimised equivalent of 1C.

Does not bit reproduce. (see next section for more details on the optimised version)

Once these changes have been made, it is recommended that a Check Setup is performed, which will inform
you if you have any inconsistent options set in the UMUI.


Maximising performance

Some sections of the UM have alternative versions for MPP optimised code, and possibly code optimised
specifically for the Cray T3E. These versions can be selected to improve the runtime of the model, but it
should be recognized that so doing will almost invariabaly change the numerical results produced by the
model. The following sections have MPP/T3E optimisations associated with them:
1. Window: atmos Science Section LSRain
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Large Scale Precipitation

If the 2D version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 2E. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 2E version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 2D version.

2. Window: atmos Science Section Conv

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Convection

If the 3A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 3C. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 3C version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 3A version.
The convection scheme contains code to load balance the convection calculations over all processors. The load balancing can be controlled by changing the Number of segments value. A large
number will result in good load balance, but at the expense of a large dynamic memory allocation
overhead within the convection calculations. It has been found that the best results are to be gained
from using between 3-5 segments. Experimentation will be required (using the timer output) to
find the optimum setting for any particular configuration of the UM.



3. Window: atmos Science Section VDiff

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Vertical Diffusion

If the 1A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 1B. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 1B version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 1A version.

4. Window: atmos Science Section Adj

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Dynamical Adjustment

If the 1A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 1C. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 1C version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 1A version.

5. Window: atmos Science Section Advec

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Primary Field Advection

If the 1C version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 1E. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 1E version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 1C version.

6. Window: atmos Science Section DiffFilt

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Diffusion and Filtering

If the 1A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 1C. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 1C version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 1A version.

7. Window: atmos Science Section Energy

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Energy Adjustment

If the 1A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 1B. This version contains
optimisations which will benefit most MPP machines. The 1B version of the section can produce
different numerical results from the 1A version.



8. Window: atmos Science Section RadShared
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Section 70 Shared Radiation Routines

If the 1A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 1B. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 1B version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 1A version.

9. Window: atmos Science Section QSAT

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Section 90 including QSAT

If the 2A version of the section is selected, this can be changed to 2B. This includes optimisations primarily added to benefit the Cray T3E, but which may also improve performance on other
cache based machines. The 2B version of the section can produce different numerical results
from the 2A version.

Again it is advised that once these changes have been made, a Check Setup is performed, which will inform
you if you have any inconsistent options set in the UMUI.




Atmosphere Model Control Code

Author: Richard T.H. Barnes, Last Updated: 4 Feb 98



The atmosphere model control code is necessarily quite complex to allow the users great flexibility in their
use of the Unified Model without resort to direct code modification. Most of the complexity is hidden from
users by the UMUI. This section goes some way to explaining how choices made by the user in the UMUI are
communicated to, and acted on in, the Unified Model itself.


Control Files

Model control information is output from the UMUI in the form of a number of files containing one or more
namelists. These files and brief descriptions of their area of concern are:-

CNTLALL - overall control aspects

CNTLATM - atmosphere sub-model specific control
CNTLGEN - generic control affecting each sub-model
INITHIS - history file (for restartability)
RECONA - control of the reconfiguration
SIZES - control of addressing and dynamic allocation of memory
STASHC - control of STASH diagnostic output system

For ocean, wave and coupled model running, other sub-model specific control files CNTLOCN etc. are
CONTCNTL is a concatenation of the CNTL. . . files which is used by continuation runs (CRUN) as a means
of overriding values.
The scripts that run the Unified Model do little more with the control files than transfer them to the host
supercomputer and concatenate the SIZES and CNTL. . . files into a single file containing many namelists
for convenience of reading. One important thing they do do is set the I/O environment variable names and
corresponding physical file names by using the contents of the last namelist in INITHIS.


The Main Program UM SHELL

It may be useful to read the rest of this section in conjunction with a calling tree of Unified Model routines,
such as can be found at section 3.2. The main program routine is known as UM SHELL and has the following
Very early in a Unified Model run the namelists are read in and used or stored by the following routines:-

READSIZE which reads the namelist &NLSIZES from the file SIZES,
UM SETUP which calls READHIST to read the history file and READCNTL to read from the
CNTL. . . files.




The Difference between History and Control Files

A brief note on the difference between the history file and other control files may be useful at this point.
The history file contains only those control variables needed for model restartability, and apart from the I/O
filename data and resubmit information in INITHIS is initialised in qxsetup rather than being user set in the
UMUI. The history file is processed by the small executables qxsetup, qxpickup, qxcombine, qxhistreset and
qxhistreport as well as by the model, whereas other control files are simply generated by the UMUI and read
by the model.
This has implications for model development - a new control variable can readily be added to the relevant
model comdeck and its value set with a hand-edit to the appropriate CNTL. . . file. However if it is necessary
to add a variable to the history file (much less likely) the history small executables will have to be remade too.


The Main Program UM SHELL continued and Routine U MODEL

Domain decomposition (for MPP machines only) is dealt with next followed by the routine DERVSIZE which
derives further sizes needed for dynamic allocation of memory.
Calls to HDPPXRF and STASH PROC and its subsidiary routines deal with decisions about which primary
variables will be given space in the general D1 array and which diagnostics will be generated by the output
processing sections of the model.
The call to UM INDEX and its appropriate sub-model routines sets up the lengths of all the main storage
arrays, allowing them to be dynamically allocated at runtime.
All these preliminaries lead up to the main call to the model itself in routine U MODEL.
Within routine U MODEL, the first comdecks ARGSZSP etc., TYPSZSP etc., and SPINDEX do the dynamic
allocation of memory, along with TYPSPD1 and the following dozen or so comdecks a little further down the
routine. See UMDP C1 [27] for more details on Dynamic Allocation of Primary Fields.
The comdecks CHISTORY and CCONTROL and their component comdecks are the way in which the variables in the history and control namelists can be accessed at the top levels within the model. Each basically
consists of declarations, common block and namelist for each class of control variables.
Ignoring certain T3E and STASH specific code, the first real work is done in the routine INITIAL, which is
called just once at the start of each run, whether a normal run (NRUN) or a continuation run (CRUN). Its
functions include initialising STASH control arrays, reading the initial model dump and setting pointers for
the D1 array from STASH/addressing information, initialising the model time and checking its consistency,
setting up timestep control switches and opening output files required at the start of the run.
Thereafter in U MODEL we come to the major loop over model timesteps (and over groups of timestep for
coupled runs).
Routine INCRTIME increments the model time by one timestep and routine SETTSCTL sets the timestep
control switches appropriately. Eg. LINTERFACE indicates whether lateral boundary condition files will
need to be generated this timestep, and LANCILLARY whether any ancillary fields will need updated this
timestep. When the values of these control switches are false, certain parts of the code can be safely skipped
for this timestep.
Opening and initialisation of output files, and possible re-initialisation, is controlled by a call to PPCTL.
The routine OASIS STEP refers to the OASIS system for coupled model running which was introduced at




The Routine ATM STEP

The heart of the time integration of the atmosphere model is the routine ATM STEP. Apart from STASH
diagnostic and lateral boundary condition aspects, this basically calls the 3 major section of the atmosphere
model, viz. the dynamics, physics and (optionally) assimilation. If lateral boundary values are to be generated
or updated, this is done between the dynamics and the physics, so that the conserved variables thetal and qt
are available. This discussion covers control aspects of the dynamics, physics and lateral boundary values
from ATM STEP down to plug-compatible routine level. Assimilation is documented elsewhere, see UMDP
30 [16].
Routine ATM DYN performs a number (normally 3) of adjustment steps followed by an advection step.
Optional tracer advection of passive tracers, aerosols, sulphur variables, and cloud ice for the mixed phase
precipitation scheme can be performed. Tracer advection of the thermodynamic variables thetal and qt can
also be used as an alternative to the standard advection. The whole dynamics process may be executed more
than once per physics timestep, and the number of dynamics sweeps may also be automatically doubled
(effectively halving the dynamics timestep) if there are signs of model instability.
Routine BOUNDVAL performs updating of lateral boundary values for the main prognostic variables in Limited Area Models, using values generated by a driving model which may be global or a larger limited area.
Boundary updating may be done over a zone with variable weighting across the zone. Usually the zone is
4 gridpoints with the weighting decreasing linearly towards the interior. It is only the primary prognostic
variables that have their lateral boundary values updated. These are surface pressure (Pstar), the multi-level
wind components (u & v), the total water potential temperature (thetal) and the total water (qt). i.e. for the
thermodynamic variables, the conserved variables thetal & qt are updated. If the run contains tracers as prognostic variables, the model will try to update these too. If the run is using the mixed phase cloud/precipitation
scheme, the thermodynamic variables to be updated are liquid water potential temperature, total liquid water
and cloud ice.
Routines GEN INTF/GEN INTF A generate the lookup headers and interpolate boundary data for particular
times from a global or limited area model for one or more interface files to provide lateral boundary conditions
for other limited area models. Again it is only the primary prognostic variables that are included in the output
lateral boundary conditions. These are surface pressure (Pstar), the multi-level wind components (u & v), the
total water potential temperature (thetal) and the total water (qt). i.e. for the thermodynamic variables, the
conserved variables thetal & qt are output. If the run contains tracers as prognostic variables, the model will
output these too. If the run is using the mixed phase cloud/precipitation scheme, the thermodynamic variables
that are output are liquid water potential temperature, total liquid water and cloud ice.
Routine ATM PHYS performs a single physics timestep, which involves some or all of cloud diagnosis,
solar astronomy, short- and longwave radiation, boundary layer, sulphur chemistry, large-scale precipitation,
convection, surface hydrology, vertical diffusion, gravity wave drag, and vegetation. Diagnostics can be
generated and output via the STASH system for all of these processes, but there is no actual call to STASH
itself within ATM PHYS.
At the end of ATM STEP, end of timestep diagnostics are generated in calls to routines ST DIAG1 and
ST DIAG2, and a call to STASH for section 0 (prognostic variables).


The Routine U MODEL continued

Meanwhile, back at the level of U MODEL, ATM STEP is followed by equivalent routines controlling the
other sub-models (currently ocean, slab and wave), but these will not be considered here.
The next event in an atmosphere model integration is the possibility of a model dump, performed, if LDUMP is
true, by the routine DUMPCTL. To allow bit-reproducibility of model runs restarting from any of these model



dumps (which may be compressed from 64-bit to 32-bit real numbers to save space), the routine RESETATM
is called to recalculate the thermodynamic/cloud values from those of the conserved variables in the dump.
Following this, if it is a suitable timestep (LMEAN true), climate mean diagnostics are created using routine
MEANCTL. Whenever dumps are made, either restart or climate mean, the history file values are updated and
written to the temporary history file using routine TEMPHIST.
Routine EXITCHEK checks whether the model run has completed the required number of timesteps and
initiates the model completion process if it has.
Finally, at the end of the timestep, if the control logical LANCILLARY or LBOUNDARY is true, then the corresponding routine UP ANCIL or UP BOUND is called. UP ANCIL calls REPLANCA to do any updating
of model fields by ancillary field values, according to instructions passed from the UMUI in the namelists &
& & in the file CNTLATM. UP BOUND does not actually update the lateral boundary values - BOUNDVAL
called in the middle of ATM STEP does this. Rather UP BOUND reads the next set of boundary value data
from the lateral boundary conditions file and computes new lateral boundary tendencies.
If the model run is not ending this timestep, we reach the statement GOTO 1 and loop back to 1 CONTINUE
to carry on with the next timestep of the run.
As they are the heart of the atmosphere model, it is worth looking at the constituent parts of the dynamics
(ATM DYN) and physics (ATM PHYS) control routines in more detail.


The Routine ATM DYN

ATM DYN - DATA STRUCTURES - The ARG comdecks are used extensively to provide the argument list
with its arrays which are declared and dimensioned via the corresponding TYP comdecks. A fair amount of
local workspace storage is dimensioned by lengths passed through the argument list, eg. P FIELDDA.
ATM DYN - CONTROL VARIABLES - these are mainly held in the common block of comdeck CNTLATM,
included in the code via the comdeck CCONTROL. The key control variables used in ATM DYN are:-

A SWEEPS DYN - no.of sweeps of dynamics routines per physics timestep.

L HALF TIMESTEP DYN - whether to check for windspeeds > WIND LIMIT as a sign of model
instability requiring halved dynamics timestep.
L HALF TIMESTEP DIV - whether to check for top level divergence > DIV LIMIT indicating instability needing halved dynamics timestep.
L LSPICE - indicates mixed phase large scale precipitation scheme with cloud ice, so thermodynamic
transformation need to be treated differently. Also indicates that cloud ice is to be advected using tracer
L TRACER THETAL QT - indicates that thetal & qt will be advected by the tracer advection scheme,
instead of the standard scheme.
L SET FILTER - indicates that filtering constants need to be computed.
L FIELD FLT - indicates that, during assimilation, fields of theta & q will be filtered before the analysis
dump is written out.
L MURK - indicates aerosol is present requiring tracer advection.
L SULPC SO2 - indicates sulphur is present requiring tracer advection.



L MURK SOURCE - indicates a source function is to be applied to the murk aerosol variable from an
ancillary file.
L MURK ADVECT - confirms whether the murk aerosol is to be advected.
L MURK BDRY - indicates that boundary values are to be applied to the murk aerosol. N.B. this is
suitable only for UK mesoscale area.
L SO2 NATEM - indicates use of a sulphate emissions ancillary file.
LASSIMILATION - indicates whether to use divergence damping coefficients for assimilation or forecast.

ATM DYN - CODE STRUCTURE - Ignoring calls to diagnostics routines, the basic structure is as follows:The loop DO I LOOP=1,A SWEEPS DYN allows more than one sweep of the dynamics code per model
(physics) timestep. This is so that the model can be kept dynamically stable without having to resort to an
unnecessarily short model timestep. Typically we use A SWEEPS DYN values in the range 2 - 4.
For second and subsequent sweeps (I LOOP > 1), we call routine THLQT2THQ to convert the conserved
variables thetal, qt back to theta, q, qcl, etc.
If requested via L HALF TIMESTEP DYN or L HALF TIMESTEP DIV, tests are made to check for windspeed or top level divergence greater than limits set in the UMUI. These may indicate that the model is becoming dynamically unstable, in which case the number of dynamics sweeps can be doubled for this timestep
to help preserve stability.
If total water or cloud ice are going to be advected by the tracer advection scheme, checks are made to remove
any negative values.
For global runs with assimilation, fields can be filtered before the analysis dump is made. If this is done in an
MPP run, SWAPBOUNDS is called to reset the halo values on each processor.
With the incorporation of the mixed phase cloud/precipitation scheme into the Unified Model at vn4.4, the are
now several places with alternative calls to cloud and thermodynamic conversion routines depending on the
value of L LSPICE.
Also at vn4.4 a set of code sections optimised for faster running on the Cray T3E has been introduced, at the
cost of slight lost of bit-comparison compared with previous versions. These are available for the adjustment,
advection and diffusion sections, selectable from the UMUI.
The adjustment part of the dynamics (for which there are usually 3 adjustment steps) is done by routine
ADJ CTL. For details of this process see UMDP 10 [5].
We then need to call THETL QT to convert THETA and Q back to THETAL and QT.
There are several situations where we might want to use the tracer advection scheme. These include passive
or active tracers, aerosol for mesoscale visibility, the sulphur cycle, prognostic cloud ice for the mixed phase
cloud/precipitation scheme, and the option to advect the thermodynamic variables with the tracer advection
scheme. If any of these is true, we first call SET TRAC to calculate the number of East-West horizontal sweeps
required at each level for Courant number stability. Next the horizontal tracer advection routine TRAC ADV
is called, performing a number of East-West sweeps followed by one North-South sweep. Finally the vertical
component of tracer advection is performed by routine TRAC VERT ADV. For some variables source functions are applied using routine TRSRCE, and for the UK mesoscale model only aerosol boundary conditions
are applied by routine TRBDRY. In MPP runs a SWAPBOUNDS is done for each advected variable.
The next major call is to routine ADV CTL to do the advection of the main prognostic variables. The only
difference in the call for the mixed phase scheme (L LSPICE true) is that cloud ice (D1(JQCF(1))) is replaced
by a dummy zero field. For details of the advection scheme, again see UMDP 10 [5].



Following this the advected fields thetal, qt, u & v need to be mass-unweighted. This is done by routine
MASS UWT, or, if only u & v require this because thetal & qt were advected by the tracer scheme, by routine
For MPP runs, the wind components u & v are put through SWAPBOUNDS to update their halo values; for
thetal & qt this is done inside the mass-unweighting routine MASS UWT.
Towards the end of the dynamics code, routine DIF CTL performs any divergence damping and diffusion requested in the UMUI. Routine QT POS CTL checks for and removes any negative humidity that the advection
scheme may have generated; choices for how to do this are available in the UMUI.
Finally, for global models, the wind components are filtered in the polar regions to remove grid point noise.


The Routine ATM PHYS

Looking now just briefly at the control of the many physical parametrisations included in the Unified Model,
we note the following points.
ATM PHYS - DATA STRUCTURES - The ARG comdecks are used extensively to provided the argument list with its arrays which are declared and dimensioned via the corresponding TYP comdecks. A
large amount of local workspace storage is dimensioned by lengths passed through the argument list, eg.
P FIELDDA. This workspace is given general names like WORK1. A number of key variables are passed
from routine to routine via these workspace arrays, but some space is reused for more than one physical
variable. Comments in the source code make this clear.
ATM PHYS - CONTROL VARIABLES - these are mainly held in the common block of comdeck CNTLATM,
included in the code via the comdeck CCONTROL. The key control variables used in ATM PHYS are:-

L SW RADIATE - indicates whether this is a SW radiation timestep.

LEMCORR - indicates whether energy correction is to be calculated.
L LW RADIATE - indicates whether this is a LW radiation timestep.
L USE SULPC DIRECT, etc. - indicates whether sulphur cycle is in use and hence if additional
workspace is needed.
L SNOW ALBEDO - indicates whether prognostic snow albedo is in use and hence if additional
workspace is needed.
L SULPC SO2 - indicates whether to call CHEM CTL for the sulphur cycle.
L SULPC DMS - indicates whether space is needed for a DMS variable.
A CONV STEP - indicates whether convection is to be called less frequently than every timestep (>1)
or not at all (=0).
L MOM - indicates whether convective momentum transport is in use.
*IF -DEF,A07 0A - used to skip vertical diffusion code.
VERTICAL DIFFUSION - used to skip vertical diffusion routine if =0.
*IF -DEF,A06 0A - used to skip gravity wave drag code.
KAY GWAVE - used to skip gravity wave drag routine if =0.
*IF -DEF,A19 0A - used to skip vegetation code.



L PHENOL & L TRIFFID - indicate whether vegetation is to be called.

PHENOL CALL & TRIFFID CALL - indicate whether vegetation is to be called this timestep.
L LSPICE - indicates whether mixed phase precipitation is in use - N.B. if so polar updating of temperature, humidity and cloud prognostics is skipped.

ATM PHYS - CODE STRUCTURE - Ignoring calls to diagnostics routines, the basic structure is as follows:The first few physics routines work with temperature rather than potential temperature, so straightaway we
convert from potential temperature to temperature, and call the cloud scheme via CLD CTL to recover the
physical variables humidity q, cloud water qcl, cloud ice qcf and temperature T from the conserved variables
total water qt and water temperature Tl. See UMDP 29 [15] for details.
In runs where the energy correction procedure is being applied, the routines ADD ENG CORR and ENG CTL
are called. See UMDP 28 [14] for details.
If it is a full radiation timestep (typically every 3 hours in global runs and every hour in mesoscale runs)
then RAD CTL is called which controls both short wave and long wave radiation schemes and associated
astronomical calculations. There are several choices for each radiation scheme, selected using the UMUI. See
UMDP 23 [9] for details.
Next comes routine BL CTL to control the boundary layer scheme. See UMDP 24 [10] for details.
Looking at RAD CTL and BL CTL in more detail illustrates the 2 different ways in which different versions
of a model section can be accommodated. In RAD CTL, selection of which version to use is made at run
time using IF tests on the appropriate element of variable H SECT held in the CNTLATM comdeck. In
BL CTL, code selection is made at compile time where one of many possible versions of the interfacing or
glue routine BL INTCT is chosen by the compile system using the information in the UPDEFS file for
the job. Each version of BL INTCT has the same input argument list but calls a different version of routine
BDY LAYR with different argument list depending on which of the 5 versions of the boundary layer scheme
has been selected in the UMUI.
If you are running with the sulphur chemistry scheme, it is called next through routine CHEM CTL.
Like the boundary layer scheme, stratiform or large scale precipitation is always called every timestep via
routine LSPP CTL. Likewise it uses an interface routine GLUE LSPP to accommodate the choice of one of
several different versions. See UMDP 26 [12] for details.
Following that, temperature is converted to potential temperature, since that is the variable used by the convection scheme. Routine CONV CTL proceeds via an interface routine GLUE CONV to invoke one of many
versions of the convection scheme. The UMUI contains an option to call the convection scheme less frequently
than every timestep, but note that if convective momentum transport is selected the convection scheme must be
called every timestep. By setting the calling frequency to zero, the convection scheme can be safely skipped
altogether, should this be desired. See UMDP 27 [13] for details.
Next the surface hydrology scheme is called via HYDR CTL which again allows a choice of versions through
an interface routine HYD INTCTL. In MPP running some processors may have no land points. In this case
the call to HYD INTCTL is skipped for those PEs and an informative message issued. See UMDP 25 [11] for
The next few physical parametrisations are optional, and the *IF DEF facility of the source code manager
nupdate is used to include or exclude the code for these processes, depending on values found in the UPDEFS
file for the job.
The first of these is the vertical diffusion routine VDF CTL, which is rather confusingly considered to be a
physics routine, but in any case is only normally used in the mid troposphere for global runs to improve the
vertical structure. See UMDP 21 [7] for details.



The second optional parametrisation scheme is gravity wave drag, which is used in all models except the
mesoscale. Again GWAV CTL calls an interface routine GWAV INTCTL to allow access to a variety of
schemes. See UMDP 22 [8] for details.
The third optional scheme, new at vn4.4, is a vegetation dynamics scheme called by VEG CTL.
Further routines ENG MASS DIAG and CAL ENG MASS CORR are called in runs using the energy correction procedure.
In general the physics routines do not update the prognostic variables on the polar rows (for global runs) or
North- and Southmost rows (for limited area runs). In the latter case this is fine as the values are specified
by the lateral boundary conditions. For global runs there is some code at the end of ATM PHYS, with calls
to the routine POLAR, to update the polar row values of the thermodynamic variables on the basis of fluxes
calculated using the mean values on the row adjacent the pole. Note, however, that this polar updating has for
the time being been hard-wired off for the mixed phase cloud/precipitation scheme by its developers because
it resulted in negative cloud ice values at the poles.
Finally SWAPBOUNDS is applied to all the prognostic variables that have been updated during ATM PHYS.
For further information on the atmosphere model physics and dynamics at the level below the control level, i.e.
at the level of the plug-compatible science routines, you are recommended to refer to sections 2.1 & 2.2 of this
User Guide. For greater detail, the appropriate Unified Model Documentation Papers should be consulted.


Chapter 4

Using the Unified Model


The Unified Model User Interface (UMUI)

Author: Steve Mullerworth, Last Updated: 2 Jul 98



This document is aimed at new users of the UMUI. However, the GHUI, which is the design package that
underlies the UMUI, has also been used to create other user interfaces such as the VARUI, and this document
will be useful for these applications as well. In addition to the guidance in this document, any GHUI-based
application should contain plenty of online help. Users should get into the habit of reading this help in order
to avoid common pitfalls.
The best way of starting to learn about the application is to sit down with an experienced colleague for half an
hour and work through the basic functions of the application. However, this document should also be read as
it is a source of further information to help with dealing with future problems.
A preliminary description of the GHUI system is followed by a basic guide for using GHUI-based user interfaces and for dealing with problems and a step-by-step guide to getting started with an application. Finally, a
list of frequently asked questions and their answers is included.


What is the GHUI

GHUI stands for Generic Hierarchical User Interface. It is a user interface design package that has been used
to create the Unified Model User Interface (UMUI) and the VAR user interface (VARUI) among others. The
GHUI is written in a language called Tcl/Tk. All the GHUI-based user interfaces have a similar look and feel.
Therefore, although the following introductory description often refers to the UMUI, it is applicable to other
The GHUI is particularly suitable for creating interfaces to large scientific packages such as the Unified Model.
The flexibility of such packages means that a lot of parameters need to be set up in order to control a model
run. A GHUI-based UI breaks down this process into a set of questions on a series of logically ordered
windows. The user sets up a run by using the keyboard and the mouse to access each of the relevant windows
and to input responses to each question.
If an application contains 200 windows and 1000 questions (as the UMUI does) then it would be a difficult
job to set up a run from scratch. Therefore the GHUI provides systems for saving work to a central database
and copying of jobs between users. Typically, then, a user begins by copying a standard job that is similar to
the requirements of his or her particular project and then alters it to fulfil the new requirements.




Starting the UMUI

To start up the UMUI on the workstation systems, type:

$ umui
Some systems may have different startup methods - seek local advice if the above does not work.
When the UMUI starts, the rather large Entry Window appears, comprising an experiment table and a set of
menus. There is a comprehensive help menu on this window which should be read.
To summarise, each separate UM setup is called a job. Jobs are grouped into experiments. When the experiment table is first opened, it will display a list of the experiments owned by the user. Each experiment has a
unique four-letter identifier, and contains up to 26 jobs, each of which has a single letter identifying it.
Experiments are initially displayed in the closed state; that is, without displaying the list of jobs that it
contains. If the folder icon to the left of the experiment identifier is selected with the mouse, the experiment
folder will open; a list of of the jobs contained within the experiment will appear.
Experiments and jobs can be selected or unselected by clicking on the description text with the mouse. Note
the difference between clicking on the folder icon, which opens and closes the folder, and clicking on the
text of the experiment description which selects, by highlighting, or unselects the experiment. In general, the
operations in the experiment or job menu operate on all highlighted items displayed in the window.
Jobs are typically described by both their experiment and job identifiers in one of the formats aaik#b or
aaikb to specify job b in experiment aaik. All jobs owned by all users are kept together in a central
database. Therefore it is possible to look at and copy other users jobs.
The help menu of the entry system contains information about all the menu options in the Entry Window.
Before any useful work can be done a new UMUI user must first create a new experiment and copy a job into
it. The help provides all the information needed to do this, but as an additional aid, the following is provided
as a step-by-step guide to this first operation.


Creating the first job

The first time the UMUI is started, the experiment table should be blank because the user will not own any
experiments or jobs. The following is a guide to creating an experiment and the first job.

Use the mouse to select New from the Experiment menu. A dialog box will request a short description
of the experiment.
It is advisable to begin with a copy of a standard job rather than starting with a brand new one so take
local advice to find the identifier of a suitable job.
Select Filter from the Find menu. A panel will appear containing a set of options for filtering the jobs
in the database.
When starting the UMUI, the filter is automatically set to select the users own experiments using the
Owner substring. Unselect this and select the experiment Identifier substring. Type in the fourletter id of your experiment and the experiment which holds the job you want to copy. eg aaik,aamy.
Do NOT use spaces.
Select the filter button - the two named experiment folders should be displayed in the table.




Open the folder containing the job that is to be copied and highlight the job or jobs that are wanted by
clicking over the text with the mouse.
Highlight your own experiment, again by clicking over the text (not the folder icon) with the mouse.
Select Copy from the Job menu. All highlighted jobs will be copied to the highlighted experiment.
For each job you will be prompted for an alternative title and a job identifier letter.
The new list of jobs can now be displayed by selecting the folder icon of the highlighted experiment.

The Constituent Parts of the UMUI

The Entry System

Having started the UMUI and created your first job you should now have gained some familiarity with the
entry system. You should now read the introductory help reached from the entry window menu.
Try making a copy of your own job. Then create another experiment and try copying both jobs to the new
experiment at the same time. What happens if you try copying one job to two experiments at the same time?
Use the Difference function from the Job menu to compare two jobs - note that the speed of this function is
dependent on the number of differences and it can be very slow for radically different jobs. Try deleting some
jobs. Delete is a significantly underused function! Remember that each job uses up diskspace resources.
Additionally, the more jobs there are in the system, the slower it is.
Experiment with the Filter system. What happens if you turn off both Experiment and Job filters? How do
you get the Entry System to display your jobs and the jobs of a colleague at the same time? What happens if
you try to copy one of your jobs to your colleagues experiment? Finally, try opening a job. Opening a job
will take you into the navigation system, described next.
The Navigation System
The navigation window is the main job edit window which stays on the screen throughout a job editing session.
All input panels (windows containing questions) are reached through this window by using the navigation
tree in the upper part of the window. The buttons in the lower part provide functions for such things as saving
changes, processing jobs and quitting the editing session.
You should now read the help windows on the navigation system which are accessed from a menu that appears
when the Help button is selected.
Input panels
The navigation tree provides access to what are called Input Panels ; windows that contain the questions for
setting up a job. The navigation tree provides a structure for grouping input panels into different categories
and subcategories, which makes it easier to find a particular panel.



Figure 4.1: A simple example input panel from the UMUI showing entry boxes, a check box, a table widget
and a pair of radiobuttons. The three buttons at the bottom of the window are common to all panels. Help
brings up local help for the window, Close and Abandon close the window with or without saving changes.
The standard GHUI style input panels comprise a series of questions and inputs in the form of buttons, entry
boxes and tables. At the base of the panel is a row of buttons. Help provides specific help for the panel you are strongly advised to get into the habit of reading it. Abandon closes the window and discards any
changes. Close validates all the responses in the window. If an error is found, an error dialog box appears
and the panel cannot be closed. Otherwise, changes are kept and the window is closed (Note: such changes
are not permanently changed until the Save button is used to save changes to the central database). Some
panels have further buttons next to the Save, Abandon and Close buttons that, when selected, lead to other
Some applications may include some non-standard panels designed for the specific needs of that application.
These should be documented locally and, if properly designed, should have their own online help. The UM
STASH facility is managed by a non-standard UMUI window.


The Standard Working Procedure

You should follow this sequence of events when editing and running jobs. The help will give a fuller description of each of the processes.



Define the job. The definition of the job should have been finalised through the applications input panels.
Check Setup. Helps check that everything is consistent. Major errors such as unset questions and inconsistent
responses will be highlighted, but a successful check does not guarantee that the job will work.
Save. Saves changes to jobs back to the central database. As with any system, it is advisable to save periodically during a long editing session.
Process. Processes the job definition into control files suitable for use by the UM.
Hand Edit your job. Optional. The process step will create a job directory containing the control files and
will report the name of the directory. You may wish to hand edit the control files. This is NOT the
purpose of the Hand Edit button on the navigation window:
Submit. Run the job. In the UMUI, the Submit button will do this.


Additional Guidance for the UMUI

Submitting UM Jobs
Processing a UMUI job creates a job library of 20-30 files in a directory called $HOME/umui jobs/abcde
where abcde stands for the five-letter job identifier. Each time the job is processed, the old directory is
completely cleared out, so other important files should not be kept there.
Processed jobs can be submitted using the UMUI Submit button. On some systems a umsubmit script is
installed which can be used. Once submitted, the files in the UMUI job library are copied to the target
machine. The job library on the workstation can then be edited, or the job can be reprocessed, without
affecting the running job.
When the first job is submitted under a particular username, a umui runs directory is created in the users
home directory on the target machine. The job library of each subsequently submitted job is then copied to a
subdirectory within umui runs. The name of the subdirectory is created from the job id plus a time stamp (e.g.
umui runs/aaaka 23452345). These subdirectories are removed after a successful run, but umui runs should
be cleared out periodically because a large number of job libraries from killed runs can gradually build up.
Browsing Output from UM Runs
The output from UM runs is to be found in the output directory $MY OUTPUT on the target machine with
$JOBNAME is the job-name defined through the UMUI by the user.
$COUNT. This number is incremented to differentiate the output from a sequence of automatically resubmitted runs.
$RUNID is the RUNID ($EXPID$JOBID) of the job.
$DATE is a date stamp df%y%jg.
$TIME is a time stamp tf%H%M%Sg.
$ACTION is the optional action defined by the user. At the Met. Office a server is set up that performs the
action defined, such as send to fiche, or archive.



Typically, UM output files are thousands of lines long, containing details of the applied modifications, the
compilation, the reconfiguration, much of the job library details in addition to the output from the run. Some
experience is required to gain a full understanding of the output. Help from experienced colleagues in diagnosing problems is very useful and other information is available in the Unified Model User Guide.
The amount of output can make it quite cumbersome to view. Utilities such as pg and more are useful, as are
editors such as emacs. The vi editor can have problems due to the length of some of the lines in the output.
On the Cray there is a browser called xbrowse.
sn4023$ xbrowse H20MKE01.aaaee.d96011.t111020.leave
This is an x-windows browser so the DISPLAY environment variable needs to be set appropriately and exported first. It contains online help.
Other peoples output can be viewed by looking at the target machine directory $JOB OUTPUT. This directory
also contains a README file defining how to set up .redirects files for some of the action options.
Submitting a run A more detailed description of the job submission procedure provides insight that is helpful when dealing with job submission problems caused by broken machine connections or when interactive
job execution is required.
The machine to which a run is submitted is called the target machine. When the user submits a job to the
target machine the following operations take place:

The job library is copied to a subdirectory in $HOME/umui runs on the target machine.
A unique number, the SUBMITID, is computed and substituted into the top of the SUBMIT script.
The SUBMIT script is executed. The SUBMIT script creates another script called umuisubmit, which
consists of the following items concatenated:
1. A list of QSUB options (Cray supercomputers only).
2. A list of variables and values computed by the SUBMIT script.
3. A copy of the SCRIPT job library file.

The umuisubmit script is then run by SUBMIT either by submitting to the batch queue on Cray supercomputers or using at on other platforms.

On some systems a further processing step may take place due to differences between the local system and
the system for which the submit program was written. However, the basic steps described above should be
common to all systems.
The umuisubmit script is the top level script for the whole of a UM run. It sets up a temporary directory into
which it copies all the relevant job library files needed to control a run, and it calls the lower level UM scripts
which control such things as the compilation and execution of the UM program, the post-processing of dumps
and PP files, and the management of output.
An Introduction to the Job Library
This section is intended to be a basic description of some of the more important job library files - those files
produced when a job is processed.
The following are short descriptions of the job library files that would form part of a typical coupled atmosphere and ocean job. Files with names that terminate with A or ATM relate to the atmosphere component
and those that terminate with O or OCN relate to the ocean part.



SUBMIT creates the top-level umuisubmit script.

SCRIPT one of the components of the umuisubmit script.
CNTLALL includes various general parameters that apply to all submodels such as run length and archiving
CNTLGEN includes other general parameters that are dimensioned by submodel. For example, in an
atmosphere-ocean coupled job,
shows that there are 48 steps per period in the atmosphere component, 24 in the ocean component, and
that there are two other unused submodels (slab and wave).
CONTCNTL A particular experiment is first run as TYPE=NRUN, or New Run in the SUBMIT script, for
perhaps one or two dumping periods. This enables confidence to be established that the run is working.
Files left in the data directories at the completion of an NRUN allow a run to be restarted from the point
it finished after hand-editing TYPE=NRUN to TYPE=CRUN, or Continuation Run. The parameters
in the CONTCNTL file control the continuation run. It contains copies of CNTLALL, CNTLGEN,
CNTLATM and CNTLOCN. The CRUN technique is generally used only for long integrations.
RECONA and RECONO control the reconfiguration program.
CNTLATM and CNTLOCN hold namelists containing scientific parameters that control the atmosphere
and ocean models.
PPCTL determines how the various output data files are dealt with.
STASHC contains a list of STASH requests. STASH is the system selecting which fields are to be output
from a model run as diagnostics.
PRESMA and PRESMO Existing STASHmaster records can be overwritten and new record can be added
by specifying user STASH files. Copies of these records are output to PRESMA and PRESMO.
INITHIS For initialising the HISTORY arrays used for passing filename information around the model.
SIZES contains parameters relating to the sizes of dynamically allocated arrays; it needs to be read at an
early stage of a run to set up arrays that are used later.
A number of files deal with the compilation of the model and reconfiguration executables.
UPDEFS holds all the DEFS that are applied to the extraction of source code from the UM Program Library
(UMPL). For example, if option 3A of the convection (section 5) is requested, the UPDEFS file will
contain the DEF A05 3A.
MODS UM etc A number of files, prefixed with MODS hold lists of files containing modifications to
code. MODS UM modifies UM Fortran code, MODS C modifies UM C code, MODS RECF and
MODS RECC do likewise for reconfiguration Fortran and C code. MODS SCRIPT modifies the UM
COMP OPTS and RECON COMP OPTS Each model or reconfiguration deck has a standard set of compile options defined in the build system. To modify the compile options for one or more decks, a compile
override file is used. The COMP OPTS files contain lists of these override files.



SECT MODE When the UM is built on a system, code for many of the sections is extracted from the UMPL
with a range of predefined DEFS and precompiled with a range of options (typically standard options
and debug options). This means that subsequent model compilations are faster because the object code
for many decks already exists. The SECT MODE file tells the compile system which sections should
be included in this way, and also which options and which set of compile options. The options for
precompiled sections in this file need to be consistent with the DEFS in the UPDEFS file.
Hand-Editing the Job Library The questions in the panels of the UMUI relate to parameters in the job
library; switching a particular checkbox on or off might result in a related variable being set to .TRUE. or
.FALSE. when the job is processed. Therefore, once an understanding of the various parameters is obtained it
is common for users to bypass the UMUI when making small changes to jobs. In fact, for certain operations,
hand-editing is necessary. A typical example is when converting a run from an NRUN to a CRUN.
Typically, a job is set up to compile and run the UM executable. When it is processed, the STEP variable in
SUBMIT is set to 1 or 2 to indicate that the compile step is to be undertaken. When a run has completed, say,
one dump period successfully, the job can be set up to run further on by:
1. Hand-editing NRUN (new run) to CRUN (continuation run) in SUBMIT.
2. Hand-editing STEP=1 or 2 to STEP=4 to indicate that the compile step does not need to be done again.
3. Altering the RUN TARGET END variable in CONTCNTL. If the NRUN was for 1 day then this variable would be set to
RUN_TARGET_END= 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
which means 0 years, 0 months, 1 day and 0 hours, minutes and seconds. If it is altered to
RUN_TARGET_END= 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
then the CRUN will run for a further 9 days.
4. Resubmitting the job. The phist file left by the previous run contains all the details of the current position
of the run.


Frequently Asked Questions

This section includes a list of some common questions and answers relating to the administration and use of
the UMUI.
The Questions
1. Bus error when trying to start UMUI.
2. Why does cut-and-paste not work properly.
3. No more colours left in colourmap; changing screens colour model to monochrome.
4. I get a SYSTEM WARNING: Internal inconsistency error box when I close a particular window.
5. I get an Access denied at local host failure when I try to submit a job.
6. I get an error message about the server when I try to Save, Load, Quit...



7. When I open a job I get an error saying something about a variable not being in the basis database or
being in the wrong segment.
8. I get an error when I try to process my job. How do I find out its cause?
9. I got an error when I processed my job. I have fixed it but now the Process button is stuck down ?
10. I cannot start the server from the umui admin client.
1. Bus error when trying to start UMUI.
This occurs on some x-terminals when they are overloaded. Closing another application usually helps.
2. Why does cut-and-paste not work properly.
This is a limitation of the version of Tcl/Tk in use. The problem will be rectified when the GHUI system
is upgraded to use the latest version of Tcl/Tk (expected mid-1998).
3. No more colours left in colourmap; changing screens colour model to monochrome.
Another application (commonly Netscape) has grabbed all the colours. Close the application and restart
the UMUI. Consider running Netscape in one of the following modes: netscape -mono, (black and
white); netscape -ncols 20 (reduced colour map); or netscape -install (private colour map).
4. I get a SYSTEM WARNING: Internal inconsistency error box when I close a particular window.
Do not worry about it too much - it is a minor internal inconsistency. But please report it to UMUI
5. I get an Access denied at local host failure when I try to submit.
The word local as opposed to remote informs you that the job has been rejected by the machine to
which you have submitted it. You have probably submitted the job to the wrong queue. Check your
selection in the Personal Details window.
6. I get an error message about the server when I try to Save, Load, Quit etc.
Read the message very carefully. It may be an intermittent fault so you could Retry. If retry does
not work and the error message asks you to report the problem then please do. If you have made a lot
of changes since you last saved then use the Download button to save your job to a local file. Later,
when the server is working again, Upload it back into the same job and save it properly.
7. When I open a job I get an error saying something about a variable not being in the basis database or
being in the wrong segment.
The UMUI has changed slightly since you last used it (common with development versions). You do
not need to take any action. Once you save the job, the message will no longer appear when you reopen
8. I get an error when I try to process my job. How do I find out its cause ?
Try the Check Setup button which checks all your settings and outputs warning messages. If you still
get processing errors after fixing any Check Setup errors then it is probably a system problem. Please
make a copy of the job as it is and report the problem to UMUI admin.
9. I got an error when I processed my job. I have fixed it but now the Process button is stuck down ?
Ignore the appearance of the button and just press it again.



10. I get. Pid 24065 killed due to text modification or page I/O error when I try to open a job.
An operating system problem occasionally results in such a failure when running from certain servers.
The solution is to mv the executable to a temporary location and then cp it back. Do not immediately
delete the moved version since some users will be successfully using it. The GHUI executables are
under the GHUI installation directories and are called client.exe, server.exe and ghui.exe.
11. I cannot start the server from the umui admin client.
This is a problem that may affect the UMUI database adminstrator, not the user. You have successfully
installed the server routines on one host and the client routines on another host. When you start the
umui admin client from the client host and attempt to Start Primary Server you get an error message
remshd: Login incorrect.
This is happening because you are trying to start the server from a different account on a different host.
The umui admin client that you have started is attempting to execute the following shell command to
start the server process on the remote host:
remsh <server_host> -n <server_umui_base>/bin/umui_server \
<server_umui_base> <server_umui_dbse> PRIMARY
The way we get around this problem is to create a shell script on the local client host called
umui admin which supplants the one you have installed. This shell script calls the umui admin script
on the server with the correct userid. You will also need to have a correct .rhosts on the server account
to enable remote access from the client account.
remsh <server_host> -l <userid> -n \
"export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY ; <server_umui_base>/bin/umui_admin"




Getting Started

Author: Shaun de Witt, Last Updated: 5 Feb 98



OK, so you have managed to start up the UMUI and are faced with a blank screen, with the words File Find
Experiment Job. These are the names associated with pull down menus; click on them with the mouse and
you will get a whole list of things you could do if only you had an experiment/job. This section is designed to
take you through this in as easy and painless a way as possible.
Later, we will also deal with the correct way to modify source files and make permanent and configured
changes to the UM source code. This isnt necessary if all you want to do is run the model, but as you become
more experienced, you will almost certainly find section of code which you will want to modify or even correct
(the code is thoroughly tested for all normal situations, but there may be odd features lying in rarely accessed
code which may have been overlooked).
Before we go any further, a quick word on nomenclature and pictures. This is really for people who are used to
using Windows or other Interfaces. The concept of Experiment is really a folder or directory (which is pretty
easy given that the chosen icon is typical of directory icons used by other interfaces) while a Job is more akin
to a file. Indeed, a file can be written out which describes the Job. The reason for the name is for scientific


Before you start

There are a number of things which you must do before you start. These are outlined below. In what follows, within the Met. Office, the remote machine is the Cray T3E while the host machine will normally be a
workstation. Other users must interpret these names appropriately to their computing system.

Make sure you have a valid account on the host and remote machine, and any other machines which
you may require access to (including COSMOS within the Met. Office)
Ensure you have a .rhosts file set up in your home directory on the remote machine, which should look
like the example below:
Ensure that you have a .rhosts file on your local machine, containing a line of the form given below:
If you want job output files automatically sent to you local machine from the remote machine, you will
need to set up a .redirects file in the output directory on the remote machine. The instructions given
below are specific to the Met. Office and will need to be modified for other users.
Ensure that there is a directory under /u/output with your user-name on the Cray T3E. If not, you
will need to create one.
In this directory create a .redirects file containing the following line:
workstat: HP_userid@fr0200:/home/string/HP_userid/HP_output

After this you should now be ready to start using the Unified model and UMUI.




Creating an Experiment

The first thing you have to do when you start is create yourself an experiment. Click on the Experiment label
and the New menu item and you will get a pop-up box asking you for some text. This is used to say roughly
what the jobs contained in the experiment are related to; for example you could type Global model using
different resolutions (the quote marks are not needed). Then just click on OK and the UMUI will make
an experiment for you. It will be given a four letter identifier, the meaning of which is not important but is
documented elsewhere. All subsequent jobs created in this experiment will start with these four letters. And
that is all there is to it. You now have an experiment, owned by you.


Standard Experiments

Before going on to the mechanics of how to, it is worthwhile mentioning standard experiments. These, as
there name suggests, are common jobs which have had most of the UMUI inputs filled in for you. If you are
using the Portable Unified Model, this should have come supplied with a set of standard experiments, one for
each of global climate, LAM and mesoscale model. If you are not sure where to find them, you will need to
ask the person who installed the Unified Model and UMUI.
Standard experiments for Met. Office Users can be found at the URL http://fr0800/umdoc/hestanexpt.html.
External users will have standard experiments packaged with the software. These experiments have already
been largely set up for you and only a few changes need to be made in order to start your job running. These
changes are outlined in the next section.


Copying a Job

Jobs are where your real run is defined. You could create one from scratch, but since there are well over 250
windows to go through with almost no defaults, this would not only be very time consuming and error prone
but also pretty wasteful. A much better way to create a job is to copy someone elses, since they will have
done much of the work for you. Its best to either copy from a colleague who is doing similar work or use one
of the Standard Experiments provided.
Copying the job is actually fairly easy. The first thing to do is to get the UMUI to list the experiment into
which you want to copy the job and the experiment containing the job to be copied. This is all done using the
menu command Find ! Filter. This brings up a pop-up window which allows you to do all sorts of filtering,
as shown below.



Figure 4.2: Filter Pop-Up Window

Having got the two experiments required, you now need to select the job to be copied. If you click on the icon
of the experiment containing the job to be copied, it will open up and show the contents of the folder; i.e. the
jobs contained therein. Then click on the line of the job to be copied and this should highlight it. You then
click on the line of the experiment where you want your job copied to, and you are ready. At this point the
UMUI should look as below.

Figure 4.3: Copy Window

All you need to do then is use the menus again, clicking on Job ! Copy. . . . This will then perform the copy
and ask you to provide a one letter job identifier for your copy.




Before you run your new job. . .

When you copy a job, it is copied almost verbatim and there are a few changes which you must make before
running it to ensure things like the output goes where you want it to, not where the original job wanted it put.
We now go through each of the windows which you must, or are very likely to want to modify.
An important point to note when defining the fields outlined below is that they refer to information on the
target machine, not necessarily the host machine which is running the UMUI. So, for example, any input data
should reside on the target machine, not the host.
First, you must change all the user information, such as user-name and e-mail address. These can be found on
the window
personal gen
User Information and Target Machine
-> General Details
on which you will need to change the fields Target Machine user-id, Mail-id for notification and job-name . If
you are running from within the Met. Office, you may also need to change the mysterious field Tic Code, the
value of which you should find out from either you line manager or a work colleague. If you then click on the
SUBMIT button, another window will appear, on which you might want to modify the Output Class field.
After this it should be safe to close this window.
The next window which you almost certainly will need to modify is the one containing the list of environment
variables to be used during your run. These are contained in the window
subindep FileDir
Sub-Model Independent
-> File & Directory Naming. Time Convention & Envirnmnt Vars.
On this window, there will probably need to redefine the fields DATAM and DATAW It is safe to use the system
environment variable $HOME, which is the location of your home directory, within this window without the
need to define it. You may also need to change some of the entries in the table Defined Environment Variables
for Directories. In particular, references to $HOME within this should be looked at carefully since they will
almost certainly refer to the home directory of the person from whom you copied the job. You should either
take a copy of these directories or define them explicity (e.g. /home/t11zx/data).
It is also worth checking the window
subindep Compile
Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and Modification
--> Compile options for the model
and ensure that the option Run from existing executable is not selected.
If you are using different input data, you will also need to change the window
atmos InFiles Start
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Start Dump
which can be used not only to give the name of the input file, but also the start date. Note that for the start
date and time, setting all of the fields to zero will disable date consistency checking. Similary, if you are also
using assimilation, you may need to specify new input ACOBS files (files containing observation data) in the
window // atmos InFiles ObsData ACObs
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Observational data
---> ACOBS and IAU data
And thats all that you should need to do to define you job.




Submitting your job

Having defined your job and made the necessary modification to the appropriate windows, you are almost
ready to start you job running. Before doing so, it is worth running Check Setup; one of the buttons along the
bottom of the UMUI main panel. This will take a few minutes but will perform some consistency checking
and ensure that all of the elements which need to be filled are filled.
After correcting any errors found, you should then Save you job. This will save you job to an internal database
to ensure that the job is archived and recoverable. Strictly speaking this is not necessary; if you are putting in
a temporary modification which you do not want saved, this step can be omitted. Processing the information
will use the fields you have defined in the UMUI, but any modified fields will be lost when you quit the job
window, unless you have saved it first.
The next step is to press the Process button. This writes various files into a directory on your local machine
which are used during a run to define internal environment variables, array sizes and other parameters required
during execution of the model. In fact, once you get used to these files, it is often quicker to modify these
directly rather than going through the User Interface, although if you are new to using the system, this is not
recommended. These files can be quite large and complex, and processing the files will take a few seconds,
so dont worry if nothing seems to be happening.
Finally, clicking the Submit button will copy all of the necessary files to the machine on which the job will
run, and start the actual run for you.
One final important note about closing down you job window. It is important that you close it down using the
Quit button, not any other method. If you do accidentally close the window using some other method, next
time you start the UMUI you may find that you can not open your job again since the database thinks it is still
open. If this does happen then you will need to use the Force Close. . . option under the Job menu. This will
force the database to close your job, but it means that any changes made since the last save will be lost.


Making Changes

As you become more familiar with using the Unified Model, you will probably want to tailor your job to
suit your needs. This section will go through a number of windows which are useful and can speed up
your development and testing time. These will be limited to windows under Sub-Model Independent and
Atmoshere, since the other models have basically similar windows.
Window: subindep OutputMan
Sub-Model Independent
-> Output Management
This allows you some degree of control over the location of outputs from your job. The field Output class for
first job lists a number of possibilities, only one of which may be selected. Note that the standard directory
for output is system dependent; on the Met. Office Cray T3E, this is defined as /u/output/username, where
username is your user id on the supercomputer.
This window may also be used to specify whether or not you want to be mailed when your job is completed.
Window: subindep Compile
Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and Modification
--> Compile options for the model
For your first run you will almost certainly need to compile and build an executable before actually running. If
you create this execuatable in a permanent directory (not under /tmp), then you can use this window to chose
to run later jobs from this, or any other, execuatable. This means that you do not have to waste time contiually
re-compiling the same source code.



The section
-> Model Resolution and Domain
should be set up OK for standard jobs. If you need to alter these, read the sections on changing resolution
(4.4) and selecting a new LAM area (4.6).
The various windows under
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
allow you access to various flavours of code sections. The Help associated with each window should be
read before confirming any changes, since changing a section may result in you not being able to run another
section, or changing input ancillary files.
At some point you may want to run with assimilation of observations. The options for this are to be found
under the window
atmos Assim General
-> Assimilation
--> Parameters, Control
where, for most standard jobs, no assimilation is used. Currently, the only valid choices are No assimilation
and Analysis correction assimilation <1A>. The 3DVAR options will be available in later model releases. If
you choose to turn assimilation on, then you must select both <1A> AC scheme and Analysis correction
assimilation <1A>. In addition, you will probably need to fill in the time information on this window.
Suitable times would be Start=0, End=10 and Nominal analysis time=6. To run with assimilation you will
need suitable observation (ACObs) files. For more information, see the separate section 4.8.
The section
-> Ancillary and input data files
is a large section with several further sub-sections to explore, though standard jobs should have everything
set correctly if the pathnames of your start dump and any ancillary files agree with those specified in the
appropriate windows. There is a separate section giving details of ancillary and boundary files (4.9).
The section
which controls diagnostic output requests, is probably the biggest and most complicated section to set up. See
section 4.14 on diagnostic output (STASH) for details. The standard jobs contain just a few typical diagnostic
requests to give a flavour of what is possible. Unless you really need to, it is not worth changing this until you
have quite a bit of experience with the Unified model. Even the windows under this section behave differently
to other windows!
The final atmospheric section
-> Control
contains many interesting and useful windows. The more commonly altered ones are described below, but it
is worth looking through all the windows in this section.
Window:atmos Control PostProc DumpMean
-> Control
--> Postprocessing, Dumping & Meaning
allows you to alter how often you want output dumps to be produced and how you want the data packed. For
climate jobs you can also define a meaning sequence (time over which data is meaned).



The windows under the subsection

-> Control
--> Diagnostic (Point) writing
are very useful as an aid to debugging problems. The window atmos Control Output Writes MaxMin
allows you to switch on the writing of maximum and minimum values of prognostic variables, which is useful
for finding on which timestep problem variables go out of range.
The window atmos Control Output Writes D1 allows you to write out the information in the D1 superarray at various points. This is useful when trying to find the routine in which a prognostic variable starts to
blow up.
If you want to insert source code, the proper way to do it is to use a file in Update format (see section 3.1),
normally called a modset. These are then included in the compilation of the model by including the modsets
in the window
subindep Compile Mods
Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and Modifications
--> Modifications for the model
which allows you to specify both Fortran and C modsets. Remember that if you do add a modset, you will
need to ensure that the model is recompiled. Handily, the facility to do this is included on this window.



4.3 Reconfiguration
Author: D.M. Goddard, Last Updated: 28 Jan 98



The reconfiguration is a standalone program which allows the user to modify dump files. A dump file contains
the necessary data to define the initial conditions for a model run in the format described in UMDP F3 (see
[34]). The reconfiguration program will process both atmospheric and oceanic data, however its functionality
for ocean dumps is limited.
The following facilities are available for atmospheric and oceanic data:

Upgrading a dump from earlier releases of the model. Backward compatibility is generally not supported, but may work in some circumstances.
Adding fields to or subtracting fields from the dump.
Adding user defined fields to the dump.
Adding tracers to the dump

The following facilities are also available only for atmospheric data:

Interpolating to a new resolution or domain.

Initializing fields with ancillary data.
Incorporating UARS upper air analyses into the dump.
The incorporation of ensemble perturbation: whereby ECMWF analysis increments are used to adjust
prognostic fields in the dump file .
A transplant option: A facility to replace prognostic data over part of the domain with prognostic data
from another dump.

Note that any data from sources external to the model eg ancillary files must be at the same resolution and on
the same domain as the output dump.
The reconfiguration is run as part of a Unified Model job submitted from the UMUI. The initial conditions are
input through the UMUI and processed into a series of namelists in the RECONA (atmosphere) and RECONO
(ocean) files in the umui jobs directory. The reconfiguration may be switched on or off through the UMUI.


When does a dump file need reconfiguring?

A file needs reconfiguring if:

1. There is a change of resolution or area. The dump needs to be interpolated onto the new domain.
2. There is a request for configuration from an ancillary file. The ancillary data may overwrite existing
data or may form a new field.



3. Upgrading to a new model release. This will ensure that the dump corresponds to the format for the new
model release. The reconfiguration will convert any dumps as required. See UMDP F3 [34] for details
of format. Note downgrading to an earlier release of the model is not guaranteed to work.
4. New user prognostics, ensemble perturbation, tracers or transplanted prognostic data are requested.
Then the reconfiguration reserves space in the dump for these fields and initializes them. See UMDP
S1 [37] for details.
5. Initial dump in GRIB format. Currently only GRIB data from ECMWF are supported.


Defining a reconfiguration using the UMUI

Define for all configurations

Select window subindep Control

Sub-Model Independent
-> General Configuration and Control
The user can specify a reconfiguration only run by clicking on the box next to the statement perform
the reconfiguration step only.
Select window subindep FileDir
Sub-Model Independent
-> File and Directory Naming
The user should define the URECONDIR environment variable if rebuilding the reconfiguration. It is
advisable to use temporary space here unless the compile files produced will be required later. Also
the user may define here environment variables for directories which are to be used later to point to
file names. eg in the next section the executable can be written to directory $EXEC where EXEC was
defined in this section as mydir/exec.
Select window subindep CompRecon
Submodel Independent
-> Compilation and Modifications
--> Modifications for the reconfiguration
The user may select to use the standard reconfiguration executable, use another executable or build a
new executable. If a new executable is to be built, the user must specify the file name and directory to
which the new executable is to be written and any modsets and compiler options to be used in the build.
The windows referenced in the following are for the atmosphere submodel but similar windows can
be found for the ocean and slab submodels by following the ocean or slab branches instead of the
atmosphere branch.
The contents of the dump file depends on which scientific sections are requested. For example
Soil moisture in layer (STASH code 9) will only be incorporated into the dump if multi-layer
hydrology sections are used. So the user must specify what sections are required for the model
run even if the model is run in reconfiguration only mode. In such circumstances the user should
look at how the reconfigured dump is to be used. This will determine what needs to be in the
reconfigured dump.
To view and change the scientific sections selected look in the UMUI section
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices



Select window atmos STASH UserDiags
--> User-STASHmaster files, Diags, Progs & Ancills
In this panel the user should specify any user preSTASHmaster containing user prognostics which
are to be included in the dump. Note that this file must be local to the machine from which the
UMUI is being run.
Select window atmos STASH UserProgs
--> Initialization of User Prognostics
In this panel the user selects the method of initialization of the user prognostics added to the dump
in the previous panel.

Define for atmosphere submodel

Select window atmos Domain Horiz

-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Horizontal
In this window the user defines atmospheric model horizontal resolution, domain and number of land
points. For land points see section 4.3.4.
Select window atmos Domain Vert
-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Vertical
In this window the user defines atmospheric model levels.
Select window atmos Config Prognos
-> Model configuration
--> Prognostic variable choice
In this window the user may add SST anomalies and aerosol fields to the dump.
Select window atmos Science Section SulphChem
-> Model configuration
--> Chemistry (Sulphur cycle)
In this window the user may add sulphur cycle fields to the dump.
Select window atmos Config Tracer
-> Model configuration
--> Tracers
In this window the user may add atmospheric tracers to the dump.
Select window atmos InFiles Start
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Start dump
---> Start dump



In this window the user specifies whether or not to reconfigure the dump (see section 4.3.2). If so the
user is then asked to specify the name of the initial dump, the name of the reconfigured dump, the
type of horizontal interpolation and the type of coastal adjustment. Horizontal interpolation and coastal
adjustment are discussed in section 4.3.5. If reconfiguration is not required, the user need only specify
the initial dump. If the initial dump is in GRIB format, the user must reconfigure the dump and switch
on the ECMWF GRIB switch.

The user should then select which fields are required from ancillary files.
Some of these are climatological datasets and are accessed from the section
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Climatologies and Potential climatologies
The remainder including Land-sea mask and Orography can be accessed from the section
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files

See section 4.9 for more information about ancillary files and section 4.9.4 for more details on how to fill in
the panels.
Define for ocean submodel

Select window ocean Domain Horiz

Ocean GCM
-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Horizontal
In this window the user defines ocean model horizontal resolution and domain Note this must be the
same as the input dump, as interpolation is not available for Ocean dumps.
Select window ocean Domain Vert
Ocean GCM
-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Vertical
In this window the user defines ocean model vertical resolution and domain. Note this must be the same
as the input dump, as interpolation is not available for Ocean dumps.
Select window ocean Tracer UserDef
Ocean GCM
-> Tracers
--> User Defined Tracers
In this window the user may add oceanic tracers to the dump.
Select window ocean InFiles Start
Ocean GCM
-> Input files
--> Start dump
In this window the user specifies whether or not to reconfigure the dump. If so the user is then asked to
specify the name of the initial dump and the name of the reconfigured dump. If reconfiguration is not
required, the user need only specify the initial dump.



The user should then select which fields require initialisation from other input files.
Some of these are climatological datasets and are accessed from the section
Ocean GCM
-> Input files
--> Climatologies and Potential climatologies
If extra tracers were requested these may need to be initialized from ancillary data. Select
ocean InFiles OtherAncil Tracer
Ocean GCM
-> Input files
--> Other ancillary/input files
---> User Defined Tracer fields. Extra Tracers

See section 4.9 for more information about ancillary files and section 4.9.4 for more details on how to fill in
the panels.
Define for slab submodel

The user should select what fields are required from ancillary files. This is done in a series of windows
in the section
Slab Ocean
-> Ancillary files

See section 4.9 for more information about ancillary files and section 4.9.4 for more details on how to fill in
the panels.


Changing the resolution of the dump

The minimum requirement when reconfiguring to a new resolution is to state the number of land points in
the interpolated land-sea mask at the new resolution. Then all the fields will be automatically interpolated to
the new resolution from the original dump by the reconfiguration program. If the number of land points is
unknown, it can be determined by running the reconfiguration with an arbitrary number of land points. This
reconfiguration will abort with a message stating the number of land points expected. The UMUI job should
then be reprocessed with the correct number of land points and reconfiguration rerun.
For a more realistic representation where more accurate simulations are needed, it is strongly recommended
to use dedicated ancillary files at the new resolution which have been derived from high resolution base data.
See section 4.9 for more details about ancillary files. Note that importing an ancillary land-sea mask may
change the number of land points.
Warning: Care must be taken with special fields such as orography and the land-sea mask. Requesting either
of these from an ancillary file will cause interpolation, Interpolation can negate bit comparison as it affects
other fields.



Interpolation is the mechanism by which data is transformed from one resolution to another. The reconfiguration offers a choice of a bilinear technique or an area weighted technique to interpolate horizontally and
assumes a linear relationship with log pressure to interpolate vertically. See UMDP S1 [37] for more details.



For general use the bilinear technique is recommended, however if interpolating onto a coarser grid the area
weighted technique is preferred.
The reconfiguration also has a coastal adjustment step, which adjusts land specific fields at coastal points
where horizontal interpolation uses a mixture of land and sea points. The spiral coastal adjustment scheme is
recommended here as the other scheme may generate inappropriate results when the nearest land points are
far removed geographically from the coastal points. This is explained in UMDP S1.



4.4 Changing Resolution

Author: Richard T.H. Barnes / Terry Davies, Last Updated: 5 Feb 98



The Unified Model is designed to be run at any horizontal resolution reasonable for a hydrostatic model, from
coarse climate resolution with just 10s of grid-points in each direction to high resolution limited area models
with grid-lengths down to 5km (0.05 degrees), provided sensible parameters are chosen. Section 4.4.2 covers
the basic windows involved in changing horizontal resolution.
Changing vertical resolution, however, needs to be done with greater care. In particular, avoid too great a
difference between the thicknesses of nearby levels and make sure there is no oscillation of thicknesses of
adjacent levels. That is, the half-level eta values that specify the vertical coordinate should be smoothly
varying. There are now 4 sets of vertical levels that have been tried and tested in standard jobs (19 for global
and LAM, 30 for high resolution global, and 31 and 38 for mesoscale). In addition the stratosphere model
group have experience of running with around 50 levels, the extra levels all being in the stratosphere. Section
4.4.4 lists the windows involved if you do have to change vertical resolution.


Windows to Change Horizontal Resolution

1. Window: atmos Domain Horiz

-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Horizontal
As well as the Numbers of Columns and Rows, you will need to change the Number of Land Points you may need to run your job once with a wrong value and let it fail to determine this value. If you
are reconfiguring, search for No of land points = in the output, near the land sea masks. The models
failure message near the end of the output will be SETCONA: Wrong number of land points, with
just above it I= also giving the correct number of land points and LAND FIELD= giving the value
that is wrongly set. Unfortunately, the domain decomposition aspect of MPP running on the Cray T3E
may make it more difficult to diagnose the correct number of land points from a model run. Yet another
way is to use the utility pumf on your start dump (after reconfiguration) and look at the value of integer
header item 25 in the pumf head output.
2. Window: atmos Science Tstep
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Time-Stepping
An increase in resolution normally needs to be accompanied by a reduction in timestep. If the period
is kept as 1 day, this means increasing the Number of timesteps per period. A useful alternative
strategy is to use more than one dynamics sweep per model timestep. This allows dynamical stability
to be maintained without resorting to unnecessarily small timesteps for the physics parts of the model.
Values of 2 - 4 dynamics sweep per model timestep have been used successfully.
3. Window: atmos Science Onlevel
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Level-by-level Constants, Physical Constants
If model resolution has been significantly changed, the run is likely to fail within a few timesteps if the
diffusion coefficients have not been scaled to be suitable for the new grid-length and dynamics timestep.
See section 4.4.3 on changing horizontal diffusion for the issues involved here.



4. Window: atmos Science Section DiffFilt

-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Diffusion and Filtering
Depending on the height of the highest orography in your domain, you may be able to increase the
pressure altitude (i.e. lower the model level) up to which horizontal diffusion is switched off over steep
slopes. Doing this should give a small reduction in computer time. See section 4.4.3 for details.
5. Windows: atmos Science Section SW, atmos Science Section LW & atmos Science Section Conv
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> SW Radiation OR LW Radiation OR Convection
Increasing resolution will increase the memory requirements of the model - you may want to increase the
Number of segments particularly for Long-wave and Short-wave Radiation, and possibly for Convection, to alleviate this. Alternatively, if running in MPP mode it may be necessary to increase the number
of processors used by the job. To do this use:6. Window: subindep Target Machine
User Information and Target Machine
-> Target Machine
Choose suitable new values for the number of processors in the North-South and East-West directions.
7. Window: subindep JobRes
Sub-Model Independent
-> Job resources and re-submission pattern
Choose suitable new values for the job resources, particularly memory and time. As a rough guide,
scale the memory limit in proportion to the change in number of grid points (though increasing the
segments for the large physics sections may alleviate this). Scale the time limit in proportion to the
change in number of grid points and number of timesteps required to complete the forecast (though the
cost of compilation will remain fairly constant). Check the actual amounts used and refine your choices
if necessary.
8. Windows in the section:
-> Ancillary and input data files
The reconfiguration program will interpolate dumps to other resolutions. However, the ancillary files
cannot be used in model runs at other resolutions, so for these you must ensure that windows relating
to ancillary files have Not used set for all ancillary fields. The model will fail with suitable error
messages if you try to Update ancillary fields from climatological ancillary files at the wrong resolution. The reconfiguration program will fail if you try to Configure from ancillary files at the wrong
resolution. See section 4.9.3 for notes on creating new ancillary files for new grids.


Changing Horizontal Diffusion

The formula for horizontal diffusion is given by equations 47 and 48 of UMDP 10 [5]. Essentially this is a
conservative form of a Laplacian-type operator and repeated application gives higher-order diffusion. Higherorder diffusion is considered beneficial because it is more scale selective i.e. there is more damping on the
less-accurate shorter scales than on the meteorologically important longer scales. However, the higher the
order of diffusion the more expensive it is to use. In the integration scheme used by the UM, extra damping is
required for high-resolution limited-area modelling as a means of controlling grid-splitting in extreme cases.



The diffusion coefficient used depends upon resolution and timestep and has to be chosen carefully to avoid
having either too little or too much damping overall. The behaviour of the diffusion operator can be analysed
by considering its behaviour on a wave-like structure. In practice, a one-dimensional analysis is adequate to
estimate the diffusion coefficient. Once chosen, the final value can be refined by trial and error.
The effect of applying the diffusion to a 2 grid-length wave is given by:

2k k
= 1 2 Kx2kt


where K is the diffusion coefficient, k is the order of diffusion, t is the timestep in seconds and x is the
grid-length in metres. We choose the diffusion coefficient K as the value which reduces the amplitude of the
e 1=N .
2 grid-length wave by =e after N applications of the horizontal diffusion. Thus, we require D
Therefore the expression for the diffusion coefficient K is

1 e 1=N
K = x2


This expression can be evaluated on a calculator or a simple program may be written to output various values
of K given the input values which are repeated here

 x = the approximate horizontal grid-length in metres

 t = the dynamics timestep in seconds
 N = the number of dynamics steps over which the 2 grid-length wave amplitude reduces by 1=e (the
damping time is then N  t, e.g. say 6 hours is required for the climate model using a 30 minute
dynamics timestep, then N = 6 hours / 30 minutes = 12). As can be seen in the examples below, the
higher the resolution (smaller grid-length) then the shorter the damping time.

k = the order of diffusion (k = 1 for

r2, 2 for r4, 3 for r6, etc).

The value of K returned need not be used exactly since the above formula is only a guide in one-dimension.
Usually just one or two significant figures are sufficiently accurate. When used in the dynamics, the diffusion
coefficient in the east-west (longitudinal) direction is scaled with the latitude so that the diffusion operates on
the same length scales everywhere regardless of the convergence of the meridians. Below are some examples
produced by the formula (using Fortran on an HP workstation), followed by the values actually used in the

Climate Model: x = 280km, t = 1800 seconds, N = 24 (12 hour damping) K = 5.54742E+08 for
third order (r6 ) diffusion. K = 5.47E+08 is used in climate versions.

Old Global Model: x = 100km, t = 600 seconds, N = 6 (1 hour damping) K = 3.99894E+07 for
second order (r4 ) diffusion. Use K = 4.0E+07 as was used operationally.

New Global Model: x = 60km, t = 400 seconds, N = 4 (1600 second damping) K = 2.116E+07 for
second order (r4 ) diffusion. Use K = 2.0E+07 as used operationally.
Old UKMO LAM: x = 50km, t = 300 seconds, N = 4 (20 minutes damping) K = 1.69711E+07 for
second order (r4 ) diffusion. Use K = 1.7E+07 as was used operationally.
Old UK Mesoscale: x = 17km, t = 100 seconds, N = 5 (500 seconds damping) K = 3.076096E+06
for second order (r4) diffusion. Use K = 3.0E+06 as was used operationally.



New Mesoscale: x = 12km, t = 75 seconds, N = 4 (300 seconds damping) K = 1.955E+06 for

second order (r4 ) diffusion. Use K = 1.9E+06 as used operationally.

Note that at the top level, extra diffusion is normally applied since extra damping is required at least for winds
and thetal. The suggested values are:

Climate Model: x = 280km, t = 1800 seconds, N = 2.5 (1.25 hour damping) K = 3.59E+06 for first
order (r2 ) diffusion. Use K = 4.0E+06.

Old Global Model: x = 100km, t = 600 seconds, N = 3 (1/2 hour damping) K = 1.181119E+06 for
first order (r2 ) diffusion. Use K = 1.0E+06 as was used operationally.

New Global Model: x = 60km, t = 400 seconds, N = 3 (20 minute damping) K = 6.378E+05 for
first order (r2 ) diffusion. Use K = 7.0E+05 as used operationally.

Old UKMO LAM: x = 50km, t = 300 seconds, N = 4 (20 minutes damping) K = 4.608316E+05
for first order (r2) diffusion. Use K = 4.25E+05 as was used operationally.
Operational Mesoscale Model: uses the same values at all levels.

The other diffusion parameter over which the user has control is the level at which the horizontal diffusion is
switched off over steeply sloping model coordinate surfaces. This is specified in:
Window: atmos Science Section DiffFilt
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> Diffusion and Filtering
Typically, these surfaces are near the ground over mountains but the highest mountains in the UM make the
model coordinate surfaces slope significantly even above 300hPa over the Himalayas and the Andes. Since
this modification to the diffusion adds to the running cost of the model there is no need to apply the slope test
where the model surfaces are horizontal, which is at least true for the levels that are pure pressure levels. The
pressure altitude used in global configurations is best set to 20000Pa (200hPa) if we wish to test for all sloping
coordinate surfaces. Limited-area configurations can be changed according to the typical pressure just above
the top of the highest orography in the region e.g. the UK Mesoscale model could use 70000Pa (700hPa).
A large pressure value e.g. 200000Pa (2000hPa) can be used to switch off the slope test in the diffusion but
this leads to noisy and sometimes unrealistic rainfall over mountains and in the Mesoscale model reduces the
accuracy of fog forecasts.


Windows to Change Vertical Resolution

1. Window: atmos Domain Vert

-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Vertical
Pressure weighted mean is the recommended way of calculating model levels. As well as choosing
Number of levels and wet levels (those at which moisture calculations are included), you have to
specify the half-levels up to which the vertical coordinate is purely sigma and at and above which it
is purely pressure. In between these a hybrid vertical coordinate is used.
Given these constraints, the positioning of levels is specified by a set of values of eta for the n+1 halflevels, decreasing monotonically from 1.0 for the Earths surface to a small number (typically 0.0005)
for the top of the atmosphere. These values should be smoothly varying as the sudden introduction



of very thin or thick levels (or oscillations in level thicknesses) can cause unrealistic model behaviour,
particularly in the physics routines. It is also best to leave the top 4 half-levels as set in the standard
jobs, since model stability at the upper boundary has been found to be sensitive to these values.
Number of boundary layer levels is normally the number with eta values up to about 0.8, approximately
equivalent to 800hPa. Leave number of deep soil levels unchanged here. Set number of cloud levels used
in radiation to minimum of number of wet levels and number of levels-1. The other level parameters for
gravity wave drag and vertical diffusion are best set by reference to the Help given in their respective
windows in the section
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
2. Window: atmos Science Onlevel
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Level-by-level Constants, Physical Constants
If you have added levels, the values in these tables will need extending. The mesoscale model uses a
different set of low level critical humidity ratio values from the other standard configurations.
3. Windows: atmos Science Section SW, atmos Science Section LW & atmos Science Section Conv
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
---> SW Radiation OR LW Radiation OR Convection
Increasing vertical resolution will also increase the memory requirements of the model - you may want
to increase the Number of segments particularly for Long-wave and Short-wave Radiation, and possibly for Convection, to alleviate this. Alternatively, if running in MPP mode it may be necessary to
increase the number of processors used by the job. To do this use:4. Window: subindep Target Machine
User Information and Target Machine
-> Target Machine
Choose suitable new values for the number of processors in the North-South and East-West directions.
5. Window: subindep JobRes
Sub-Model Independent
=> Job resources and re-submission pattern
Choose suitable new values for the job resources, particularly memory and time. As a rough guide,
scale the memory limit in proportion to the change in number of grid points (though increasing the
segments for the large physics sections may alleviate this). Just changing the vertical resolution does
not necessarily require changing the timestep, so also scale the time limit in proportion to the change
in number of grid points (though the cost of compilation will remain fairly constant). Check the actual
amounts used and refine your choices if necessary.
6. Windows in the section:
-> Ancillary and input data files
The reconfiguration program will interpolate dumps to other resolutions, both horizontally and vertically. However, the ancillary files cannot be used in model runs at other resolutions, so for these you
must ensure that windows relating to ancillary files have Not used set for all ancillary fields - the
model will fail with suitable error messages if you try to Update, and the reconfiguration program
will fail if you try to Configure, with ancillary files at the wrong resolution. With changes to number
and disposition of model levels this applies particularly to the ozone ancillary file. See section 4.9.3 for
notes on creating new ancillary files for new grids.




Atmospheric Tracers

Author: David Robinson / Peter A. Clark, Last Updated: 18 May 98



The UM contains the facility to advect a number (29/18 for atmosphere/ocean at version 4.4) of tracers.
These are variables that represent the mass mixing ratio (nominally kg/kg) of any quantity that the user wants
to be advected around using the tracer advection scheme.
The tracer system is intended as a basis for people to test out some new scheme or for private applications
that would not be appropriate for general intrduction into the UM. The tracers are thus referred to sometimes
as free use tracers to remind potential users that they should not write code which hard wires them into some
aspect of the model. The system may be used as a way of marking particular airparcels to track them, or may
be (and is by various groups) used as the basis for more involved chemical modelling by the addition of extra
The tracers are advected by the model winds, but using a different numerical method (of which there is a choice
- see UMDP 10 [5]). The methods are designed to ensure that sharp gradients are preserved while keeping
all concentrations greater than or equal to zero. This is particularly important when the tracer concentration
is taken to represent a real concentration, especially when the concentrations are passed to a chemical model
which calculates changes in concentration by chemical reaction, which would be highly confused by negative
concentrations. The scheme may be regarded as being highly accurate, at least in comparison with the scheme
used to advect the main model variables, but this accuracy comes with quite a high cost.
This section will cover the UMUI aspects of using tracers, some guidelines for getting them into the model
(i.e. ancillary fields) and a brief introduction to aspects of the code as a start for people wishing to build on
the system.


UMUI aspects

Tell the system you want to use tracers

For atmosphere tracers select window atmos Config Tracer
-> Model Configuration
-- => Tracers
For users running the ocean or the coupled (Atmosphere/Ocean) model, there is also a list of ocean tracers to
choose from in window ocean Tracer UserDef
Ocean GCM
-> Tracers
--> User Defined Tracers
Ocean tracers are not widely used yet and this note concentrates on atmosphere tracers.
Through the first question in both windows, select whether tracers are to be included in the Atmosphere model
and/or the Ocean model.



After this question, there is a table that can be scrolled to select the tracers to be used. Tracers are selected by
inserting one of the following values against the relevant tracer and the values (> 0) indicate how the tracer
fields are to be included.

0 : Do not use the tracer.

1 : Include from an input dump.
2 : Configure from an ancillary tracer file.
3 : Update from aerosol climatology.

Notes: The chemical identification of the tracers is purely for the benefit of the stratospheric chemists, the
biggest users up to recently, and has no relevance to the code. The main identifying numbers are the section 0
STASH item codes, which are needed when creating initial concentrations.
After the Tracer table, there are two questions.
One asks for the number of model levels to have tracers. This option was first added for the benefit of the
stratospheric chemists so if you select a number of levels less than the total in the model they are assumed to
be at the top of the model.
The other question selects whether the tracers should only be advected or whether they should be mixed in the
vertical by the boundary layer scheme as well. It is possible, via private mods, to select a subset to be mixed,
but the UMUI currently sets either all or none.
Tell the system what sort of tracer advection to use
There is currently only one version (1A) available. To advect atmosphere tracers this version must be included
through window atmos Science Section Atradv
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choice
---> Atmospheric tracer advection
There is also a choice in this window whether to use the Van Leer or the Superbee limiter in the code. A
discussion of the options for the limiter can be found in UMDP 11 [6].
Finally, there is a question offering to run the tracer advection scheme for thetal and qt. This option is
experimental and can be used particularly for mesoscale applications. Potential users are advised to contact
NWP Division before using this option.
Tell the system where to get its initial data from
If data are to be introduced from an external ancillary file (normally the case) the directory and filename are
specified in window atmos InFiles OtherAncil TracAer
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral boundary files
---> Tracer and aerosol ancillary file
This window allows ancillary data to be provided for three tracers : Soot, Sulphuric Acid and Ammonium




Initial Condition Files

Initial data (unless, of course, they already exist in the dump) are introduced at the reconfiguration step and
must therefore be available in the form of an ancillary file. Creating such a file is, in fact, relatively straightforward, but depends, of course, where the data originate and how they are generated. It is therefore impossible
to outline a general method. Programs exist to generate such files from pp format files, and the user is referred
to the ancillary file group in NWP Division for advice. Points to note, however, are:


Ensure that the STASH, pp and grid codes are correct.

The reconfiguration step checks that the verification time of the data matches that of the dump being
reconfigured into. It is therefore difficult to include a general test blob without recreating the ancillary
field. A modset can be generated to overcome this.
It is important that the level dependent constants for the levels and the level thicknesses match the dump.

Model aspects

Once inside the model dump, tracers will be advected and may be output by STASH using the appropriate
variables in section 0. For those who simply wish to use tracers as markers this will suffice. For those who
wish to use the tracer variables as the basis of, say, a chemical or dispersion model, hooking in your own
routines is straightforward.
The tracer data are stored in the dump array D1 on the p grid, the number of levels being defined by
TR LEVELS and the number of tracers by TR VARS. The first data point on each level is pointed to by
the pointer JTRACER(LEV,JVAR), where LEV refers to level and JVAR to the tracer variable. Each level is
stored immediately after the last, so it is safe, for example, to pass tracer data to a subroutine expecting multilevel data by referring, in the CALL statement, to D1(JTRACER(1,JVAR)). It is thus very straightforward to
pass tracer arrays to physics routines from the control level.
Note, JVAR goes from 1 to TR VARS and they are ordered as selected in the UMUI. The true identity can
be found by looking in the array A TR INDEX, stored in the common block ATRACER which is declared in
the COMDECK CTRACERA. This contains the local (JVAR) value for each tracer in use. It is thus feasible
(though probably unnecessary) to write code which uses absolute tracer identities.


Additional remarks

A few systems have been built using the tracer variables which the potential user should be aware of, as some
UMUI support exists for these which may be of use for experiments. Systems currently known about are:

Stratospheric/middle atmosphere chemistry. From UM version 3.4 the facility exists to assimilate data
from atmospheric measurements of chemical species. The user is referred to members of the appropriate
group for information.
Sulphur Cycle Chemistry. From UM version 4.1 the facility exists to run the Sulphur Cycle as a a
separate chemistry section within the UM. This can be run with or without the addition of other free
tracers as described in this section.
From UM version 3.4 an aerosol variable exists which is advected using the tracer scheme, and may
(optionally) have sources and sinks applied. This is used to estimate visibility, and may be adjusted by
assimilation of visibility data. In limited area models the boundaries are not updated from the boundary
conditions file.



4.6 Selecting a New LAM Area

Author: Richard T.H. Barnes, Last Updated: 18 Feb 98



Setting up the Unified Model for a new domain is relatively straightforward, and will enable you to run higher
resolution experiments concentrating on your area of interest. However you should at the outset consider the
time and effort involved.
The time will be 2 days to a week or so of dedicated work, to get a smoothly running Limited Area Model
on a new domain, depending on experience. A similar length of time may be needed to create new ancillary
files for the new domain. In addition, because of the work involved in preparing acobs files, running with data
assimilation on a new domain requires further work. If this is required, consult section 4.8.
Initial thoughts about what you want from your experiment should include:


the size of domain, horizontal resolution, number and spacing of levels

the model timestep and number of dynamics sweeps per timestep
the choice of physics versions
the order and coefficients of diffusion; these will depend on grid length and timestep
the availability of initial data and boundary conditions
the length of forecast
whether ancillary files are available or will need to be created
what STASH diagnostic output you will require
what computer resources you have available


The work required can be split into 4 areas, some of which can be carried out in parallel. They will be
described in detail below:
1. Choose new LAM domain
2. Create new ancillary files
3. Set up and run UM to generate boundary data
4. Set up and run UM to produce new LAM forecast
Tasks 2 and 3 can be done in parallel, along with the first stage of task 4.




Choose new LAM domain

The most convenient method is to use the lampos graphical utility. For UK Met. Office users, this is available
on the NWP HP-system. Otherwise it may have to be done by spherical trigonometry or by trial and error.
The following 8 data items are needed to define any Unified Model domain, and they are used in the subsequent
steps for generation of boundary conditions and setting up your new model domain:-

latitude and longitude of the rotated pole

x and y direction gridlengths (lampos assumes these will be equal)
x and y grid dimensions in gridlengths
latitude and longitude of the top left corner of the domain (relative to the rotated pole)

Conceptually it is simplest to think of situations where the equator/meridian crossing of the rotated grid (+
on the lampos display) is roughly in the centre of the domain, as with the old UKMO LAM and new UK
mesoscale models. In the Northern Hemisphere, the latitude of the rotated pole in degrees is given by (90 latitude of rotated equator) and the longitude of the rotated pole by (180 + the Eastward longitude of the rotated
meridian). Eg. for the old UKMO LAM the equator/meridian crossing is at 60 N 20 W, so the coordinates of
the rotated pole are 30 N 160 E.
However it is not essential for the rotated equator/meridian point to be within the domain, and virtually any
domain location and rotation can be achieved by moving the rotated meridian outside of the domain and
adjusting the coordinates of the top left corner accordingly. Navigating the rotated pole to the best location
can be quite tricky, and exploring the possibilities with lampos is a great help.
In particular, to get into the Southern Hemisphere requires specifying an imaginary latitude, greater than
90N, for the rotated pole. The Unified Model system (ancillary file creation and forecast model) will accept
and run with such an imaginary latitude, but it has been found that some pp-package based utilities will not
then display the correct map background, so beware.
An alternative approach, which gives an identical forecast and a correct map background, is to mirror back
to a rotated latitude between 0 and 90N by subtracting from 180, eg. 110N => 70N. Then swing the rotated
longitude through 180 degrees, and also add 180 degrees to the longitude of the top left corner.
When selecting the new domain, it will save time on tuning the model if you choose a tried and tested resolution for which diffusion coefficients etc. are known. These are 0.4425 degrees for the old UKMO LAM, 0.15
degrees for the old UK Mesoscale model and 0.11 degrees for the new high resolution mesoscale.


Create new ancillary files

This step is not essential as you could simply reconfigure (see section 4.3) from a global dump to get initial
conditions for your run. However, the resulting land/sea mask, orography and other fields so interpolated will
be smooth and lacking in detail. For your new domain, you will almost certainly want to create new land/sea
mask and orography files at your chosen resolution. Most people also make new soil and vegetation ancillary
files for their new LAM domain.
Atmosphere ancillary files for a new domain can be created using the Central Ancillary File Making Program
which has gathered together all the currently available options into a single flexible package. For details on its
use see UMDP 73 [25]. A script to run this program and generate one or more ancillary files can be obtained
by taking a copy of the Cray T3E file /u/um1/vn4.4/ancil/atmos/scripts/master/ancil top level for version 4.4.
The script is run on the Cray T3E and among its output includes simple maps of land/sea mask and orography



for you to inspect. N.B: Make a note of the No of Land Points as this value is required by the UMUI when
setting up a forecast run.
This program will probably not be available directly to external UM users. Please seek advise and assistance
from Portable Model support at the UK Met. Office.
Before using ancilary files for a new domain, it is advisable to have a careful look at the land/sea mask, which
influences all the other ancillary files except ozone, to make sure it meets your requirements. In particular,
while single grid point islands or sea inlets will not cause model failures, they could give rise to unsightly or
unrealistic effects in surface and boundary layer fields.
Make sure you enter values to exactly the same precision as you will use in the UMUI when setting up experiments. Otherwise your runs may fail internal consistency checks in the model. Also make sure longitudes are
in the range 0 - 360 degrees as this is what the UMUI requires.


Set up and run UM to generate boundary data

This step is not essential as the Unified Model can run as a limited area model with fixed boundary conditions,
but, except for idealised experiments, beyond a few hours the forecast will become unrealistic without properly
generated boundary data.
Typically you will run a global model to provide boundary conditions for a limited area model (LAM). However, it is possible to drive higher resolution LAMs from another LAM. Eg. the old UK Mesoscale model was
driven by boundary data generated by the old UKMO LAM.
To copy an existing or standard (see section 4.2.4) global experiment, use mouse clicks to highlight the job
to copy and an experiment to receive it. Use the Job & Copy commands at the top of the GHUI entry
window of the UMUI system. Enter a suitable description and select an unused identifier. When the copy has
completed, unhighlight those 2 lines and highlight the new one. Use File & Open read/write to open your
new experiment. All the windows you need to enter are listed below:
Window: subindep Runlen
Sub-Model Independent
-> Start Date and Run Length Options
Set start time for this run and length of forecast to generate enough boundary data for your LAM run.
Window: atmos Control OutputData LBC1
-> Control
--> Output data files (LBCs etc)
---> LBCs out
Click on Stream 1 (or the next available stream if you wish to preserve what is already active) and click on
next to open the data entry window atmos Control OutputData LBC2. Set:

whether data are to be packed (usual on Cray C90) or not (probably necessary on other platforms).
the frequency, start and end times for boundary data generation.
the 8 data items specifying the domain (see section 4.6.3).
the rimwidth in gridlengths of the boundary data (usually 4) - this gives more realistic fields near the
boundaries than when boundary data are applied only at the edgemost points.
whether you want files re-initialised - usually no, except for long climate LAM runs.



Press next for a further window, and specify whether the vertical grid for the LBCs is to be different from
the driving model - if it is, seek guidance in specifying a suitable set of eta half levels. Only

19 levels (as in the old global & old UKMO LAM)

30 levels (as in the new high resolution global)
31 levels (as in the old UK mesoscale) and
38 levels (as in the new higher resolution mesoscale)

have been extensively tested. See also section 4.4.4 on vertical resolution.
Boundary data will be generated in a file named runid.alabcoun, where runid is the 5 character code of your
experiment id and job id, and n is the output stream selected.
If you want to start your LAM run at other than T+0 of this run, you may want a dump from this run at, say,
T+6. Go to window atmos Control PostProc DumpMean
-> Control
--> Post-processing, Dumping & Meaning
--=> Dumping & Meaning
to request this, and click on next to open the data entry window atmos Control PostProc DumpMean2
for irregular dump times.
The rest of this job is no different from a normal global run.
Make sure you Save and Process before you Submit the job.


Set up and run UM to produce new LAM forecast

To copy an existing or standard (see section 4.2.4) LAM or mesoscale experiment, use mouse clicks to highlight the job to copy and an experiment to receive it. Use the Job & Copy commands at the top of the
GHUI entry window of the UMUI system. Enter a suitable description and select an unused identifier. When
the copy has completed, unhighlight those 2 lines and highlight the new one. Use File & Open read/write
to open your new experiment.
Use window subindep Runlen
Sub-Model Independent
-> Start Date and Run Length Options
to set your run start time and forecast length, making sure you do not go outside the timespan covered by your
boundary data.
Go to window atmos Domain Horiz
-> Model Resolution and Domain
--> Horizontal
and enter the 8 data items which specify your domain (see section 4.6.3). Set rimwidth the same as you
set in the job generating your boundary data (usually 4). The question about mesoscale is irrelevant as it
only affects assimilation defaults. Also enter the number of land points in the land/sea mask as given by the
ancillary creation job (see section 4.6.4), or by a previous run of the reconfiguration program.
If you have chosen a non-standard set of levels, go to window atmos Domain Vert
-> Model Resolution and Domain



--> Vertical
and enter their eta half levels here - they must be identical to those specified for generating your boundary
If you have chosen a non-standard horizontal resolution, you should revise your choice of diffusion coefficients
at window atmos Science Onlevel
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Level-by-level Constants, Physical Constants
See section 4.4.3 on horizontal diffusion for help with this.
Check window atmos Assim General
-> Assimilation
--> Parameters, Control
and select No assimilation, unless you have produced valid acobs files for your domain.
Under the section
-> Ancillary and input data files
you can specify your initial data dump, boundary data file, and any ancillary files created for your new domain,

Window: atmos InFiles Start

-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Start Dump
---> Start Dump
Specify initial dump file, and you will usually want to use the reconfiguration.
Window: atmos InFiles PAncil Soil
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Climatologies & potential climatologies
---> Soil: VSMC, hydrological/thermal conductivity etc
Specify soil ancillary file (if you have one), with Configured for each variable present (but Not used
for Saturated soil water suction, unless multi-level hydrology has been selected).
Window: atmos InFiles PAncil Veg
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Climatologies & potential climatologies
---> Vegetation
Specify vegetation ancillary file (if you have one), with Configured for each variable.
Window: atmos InFiles OtherAncil LBC
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files
---> Lateral boundary conditions
Specify boundary data file (directory and filename from generating job), also specify rimwidth (eg. 4)
and weights (eg. 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25). This weighted application of boundary data over several edge rows
gives more realistic fields near the boundaries and better forecasts than just applying single boundary
values to the edgemost points.



Window: atmos InFiles OtherAncil Orog

-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files
---> Orography ancillary file and fields
Specify orography ancillary file, and select orography to be configured plus standard deviation and
orographic roughness as appropriate. Operationally we allow the 8 edgemost boundary gridpoints to
retain values interpolated from the initial data, to assist in the smooth application of boundary data.
Window: atmos InFiles OtherAncil LSMask
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files
---> Land-Sea-Mask ancillary file and fields
Specify land/sea mask file and to be configured.

All other windows should be as for an ordinary forecast run.

Make sure you Save and Process before you Submit the job.



Having set up your new experiment, it is best to test it with a short run (but long enough to cover all important
features, eg. STASH output or ancillary updating) and check the output, before committing yourself to using
large amounts of computer time for your full runs.



4.7 Science Options

Author: Rick Rawlins, Last Updated: 19 Mar 98



The key to the UM system is that it supports use in many configurations, with different choices of functionality
and science code all available via the UMUI, as well as being a development test-bed for prospective new
schemes. Selection of different science options is enabled in 3 ways:
1. Run-time variables. Logical switches and numerical parameters are initialised as Fortran NAMELIST
variables. This is the preferred method since it reduces extra compilation needs and requires less testing.
2. Compile-time switches controlled by nupdate *DEF directives (see section 3.1). This is easier to program initially and ring fence from pre-existing code but tends to lead to code complexities over the
longer term and has shortcomings for testing.
3. Section Version-Releases. Only adopted for atmosphere model code. See next items. More work is
needed to interface a new scheme but the structure is more easily maintained over longer periods.


Sub-models, Internal Models and Sections

From a systems point of view, a UM experiment can be described by an hierarchy of Fortran components
forming a composite structure that defines the model as a whole. The model may be composed of one or
more sub-models, such as atmosphere, ocean or wave sub-models, which each have their own data space,
holding respective state variables. Within a sub-model there may be one or more internal models, such as
atmosphere and slab internal models within the atmosphere sub-model, which are distinct entities with their
own time-stepping sequence.
The organisation of code is projected onto the idealised picture above such that each sub-model allocates its
own state variables within separate definitions of the main data array, ie D1 in the Fortran code, and generates
separate dumps of data - this distinguishes sub-models from internal models. For the simplest case of a single
atmosphere or ocean model, the extra complexity of sub- and internal model identities is often redundant.
Sub-dividing an internal model further, a number of separate sets of calculations, such as for radiation or
boundary layer processes, are included lower down the calling tree and these are termed sections. This label
is used in 2 ways:
1. To group related routines together in practical sets, for source code management and ownership, and for
partitioning pre-compiled object code.
2. To specify groups of diagnostic variables calculated in these routines, to be referenced by the internal
addressing and diagnostic system: STASH (see section 4.14). Each prognostic and diagnostic variable
is indexed by (internal model, section, item) in a master file.
The term has been extended to include specific sets of routines for calculating diagnostics, such as atmospheric
dynamics diagnostics (section 15); and also sets independent of internal models, eg for I/O operations (section
95), which have no application for labelling indices of diagnostic variables.



Scientific sections for the atmosphere internal model can be accessed from the UMUI via
-> Scientific Parameters and Sections
--> Section by section choices
A list of sections current at vn4.4 is given in Table 4.1.
Section label

Short-wave radiation
Long-wave radiation
Boundary layer
Large scale (stratiform) precipitation
Gravity wave drag
Vertical diffusion
Surface hydrology
Cloud scheme - stratiform cloud amount
Dynamics adjustment
Tracer advection
Dynamics advection
Dynamics filtering and diffusion
Energy budget and energy adjustment
Dynamics diagnostics
Physics diagnostics
Sulphur cycle chemistry
Atmosphere assimilation of observations
Vegetation scheme
Radiation service routines
Control level routines for atmosphere
Zonal mean print routine
Control level routines for all sub-models
Control level routines for atmosphere/ocean coupled models
Model dump file I/O routines
Ancillary field initialisation and updating
STASH diagnostics service routines
General configuration-specific service routines
Fourier filtering and workstation specific routines
Vertical, horizontal (including LAM) and time interpolation
Mathematical service routines
Miscellaneous service routines
All C code: low level I/O and portable alternative routines
MPP service routines
UM timer routines
OASIS coupler routines
Ocean assimilation of observations
Slab model scheme
Table 4.1: Unified Model Sections



Section Version-Releases (atmosphere only)

From the UMUI, you will note that some sections have several alternatives, defined by version and release,
abbreviated to v<r>. This is to allow groups of users to have access to different choices for these sections.
For example some users need to be able to access the latest developments in gravity wave drag schemes, others
need to be consistent with work started much earlier. This system also allows externally written versions of
the sections to be imported for testing.
For the UM as a whole, the terms version and release are used synonymously. However for labelling
alternative code within the same section, their meaning is more specialised. Every allocated section contains
at least one version of the code, normally version 1A (i.e. version 1, release A). When there are significant
conceptual differences, these are denoted by a new version number (1,2,3 etc). Smaller differences would be
denoted by a change in the release letter (2A, 2B, etc).
A section v<r> is defined by a series of DECKs in the source code, but note that some DECKs are shared
across several v<r>s. The naming convention for the *DEFs define internal model, section and its v<r>:
A01 2B would be version 2B of section 1 (SW radiation) in the atmospheric internal model. A v<r> *DEF
switch can be seen in the nupdate source code at the head of each science routine, providing the mechanism
for automatic inclusion of the correct modules at compile time.
Ideally, each section of code would form an independent module and different v<r>s could be selected with
any combination of choices for other sections. However in practice the assumptions behind some calculations
for different sections are related, so that it only makes sense to use certain combinations of v<r>s. Guidance
is given in help panels of the UMUI when a choice of different schemes is presented.
Plug compatability and Glue routines
It is a requirement of the UM system that science schemes should be readily interchangeable with those
from other models through the concept of plug compatability, such that there is no dependency on data
structure within the schemes. In practice this requires data to be passed down into science subroutines by
argument. This is achieved within the UM atmosphere for science sections, below an interface known as a glue
routine. The glue routine separates control and science layers, and allows alternative schemes - potentiallyt
with different argument lists - to be accessed for the same section. More details are given in an Appendix to
UMDP 4: Maintenance of frozen versions of the UM for climate users [4].


Frozen and Kept Versions for Met. Office users

One v<r> for each section is denoted a frozen version, defined as the default climate version in the UMUI.
This v<r> must give the same results from one version of the model to the next. Even if an error is found,
code changes to this v<r> can only be made as long as they do not affect the results of prognostic variables.
This rule ensures that long running climate models can be repeated.
Periodically, the definitions of the frozen v<r>s for all sections of the model are reconsidered, thus defining
a new frozen model (although modifications may be found to be necessary during the testing period). New
v<r>s are chosen for the new frozen model, other v<r>s are kept but corrected. This topic is covered further
in UMDP 4: Maintenance of frozen versions of the UM for climate users [4].
One version of the UM is designated the kept version, for each frozen model. This UM version is kept on line
at the Met. Office and maintained for a long period of time (as space permits).
Portable versions of the UM will map onto the definitions of UM versions given above, but not every version
released for Met. Office users would necessarily be packaged as a portable model for external release.




Assimilation in the Atmosphere Model

Author: Stuart Bell, Last Updated: 6 Jul 98



The data assimilation scheme adjusts the model state towards observations, providing initial fields for forecasts. Observational data is assimilated by an iterative or nudging procedure which is carried out at each
timestep of a separate model integration preceding the analysis time. This technique is referred to as the Analysis Correction scheme. The analysis increments required to nudge the model state towards the observations
are computed from the observational increments, weighted by a factor depending on their displacement in
space and time, and on the observational density and error. Additional balancing increments are also calculated.
In brief, we start with an analysis and one or more observation files valid for a period beyond the starting
analysis and we end with an analysis valid at the time of the last batch of observation. The UM may then
continue to run beyond the end of the assimilation period in forecast only mode.
For those who need more than just the basic knowledge of the analysis correction assimilation process, I direct
you to the UM documentation papers:

UMDP 30: Analysis Correction Data Assimilation scheme [16]

UMDP P3: Technical Details of the Unified Model Data Assimilation System [36]

This technical documentation is essential if you need to run anything more than the default configuration.


The Observations

Observations are obtained from the Observation Processing system (OPS). These are often called ACOBS
files. They are tailored to the required UM configuration. Each ACOBS file contains all the observations within a time window (usually 6 hours for global and 3 hours for limited area configurations) which
are required for the assimilation. The observations within an ACOBS file are grouped into types. These
AC OBS TYPES (see section 4.8.3) can be selected via the appropriate UMUI panel as desired.
ACOBS files are created by the observation processing system (OPS) which takes as input, the unprocessed
observations from the MetDB archive and a background QC fieldsfile from a UM run at the desired configuration. Alternatively, the operational ACOBS files are available in the operational archive. However users
of the archive should be aware that ACOBS files are configured to the target resolution and also some observation processing (eg for GLOSS) makes use of the model background and significant changes to the model
formulation will influence the processed observations.
For internal Met Office Users, OPS scientific documentation and OPS technical documentation is available




AC Observation Type Numbers


101: Pressure at model surface

Potential Temperature

201: Radiosondes, on model levels

202: Surface Temperature from Ships
203: Single, upper level temperatures (aireps)
204: Surface Temperature from Synops
205: GLOSS Temperature (satellite soundings processed in-house)
206: Layer mean temperatures from 500km Satems
207: Layer mean temperatures from 120km Satems
208: GLOSS Temperature with first guess temperatures
209: CFO Bogus thickness (1000-500mb) observations (processed as layer mean virtual potential temperature - only available in ACOBS files processed using the old OPS pre-Jan1998)
211: UARS Temperatures


301: Radiosondes, on model levels

302: Surface Winds from Ships
303: Single, upper level winds (aireps, satobs and CFO bogus)
304: Surface Winds from Synops
305: Surface Winds from the ERS-1 Scatterometer (SCATWINDS)
306: Surface Winds from Buoys
311: UARS Winds

Relative Humidity (RH)

401: Radiosondes, on model (wet) levels

402: Surface RH from Ships
403: Single, upper level RH (CFO Bogus observations)
404: Surface RH from Synops
405: GLOSS RH (satellite soundings processed in-house)
406: RH from MOPS
407: AVHRR cloud histograms




506: MOPS rain

UARS Chemical Data

AC Observation Types 601-629 are reserved for various chemical tracers observed by UARS.
Surface Visibility


901: Surface Visibility

Relevant UMUI Details

At build 4.4, the panels relating to the assimilation contain references to the variational analysis options.
Please ignore all these references. We dont anticipate releasing the 3DVAR system until Autumn 1998. The
following panels are the ones relating to assimilation with the most convenient route given. There are full help
options within the UMUI so only a brief commentary is given here.
1. Window: subindep Runlen
Sub-Model Independent
-> Start Date and Run Length Options
The run time should be the SUM of the assimilation period and any subsequent forecast period. When
starting in assimilation mode, the start date/time may be set to 0.
2. Window: atmos Assim General
-> Assimilation
--> Parameters, Control
Select version 1A and run in Analysis Correction mode with Standard macro. The assimilation time
details (hours after basis time) are specified as follows:
Nominal analysis time

= x,
= y,
= z,

usually x=0
y=z+4 for global (z+2 for MES)
z=(assim cycle length)*(no. of assim cycles beyond start)

A few general options about the assimilation characteristics may be specified, particularly those dependent on the configuration. For the experts, many detailed tuning option can be made available by
providing an additional namelist details, taking guidance from UMDP P3 (see [36]).
3. Window: atmos Assim Obs
-> Assimilation
--> Observation choices
This panel allows the user to choose the AC OBS TYPES (see section 4.8.3) required (presuming of
course that they were included in the ACOBS file when the OPS was run). The observations are grouped
together during the assimilation stage. This grouping is flexible but it is anticipated that nearly all users
will wish to group as in the operational configuration. The crib in column 2 (GLMS) indicates which
observation types are contained within each of the operational groupings (a . implies the observations
are not used in a particular configuration; G=global,L=limited area, M=mesoscale and S=stratospheric).
The crib in column 3 identifies which potential groupings allowed.



4. Window: atmos Assim DivDamp

-> Assimilation
--> Divergence damping in the assimilation
Appropriate divergence damping coefficients should be set for assimilation mode (resolution dependent
values usually mirror those used operationally which are given in the UMUI help panel).
5. Window: atmos Science Section Dassim
-> Assimilation
--> Data assimilation, section choice
This is also set within window atmos Assim General. Use version 1A of the assimilation code.
6. Window: atmos InFiles ObsData ACObs
-> Assimilation
--> ACOBS data (and IAU files for the 3DVAR alternative option)
Specify the path of the observation files, up to a maximum of 10. Usually one more file is required than
the number of observation windows up to the analysis time (the extra file covering the period around
the start analysis time. There is a new option to specify directories containing sets of ACOBS files
created from the new OPS rather than individual files. These files (one per observation group) follow a
pre-defined naming convention.
7. Window: atmos STASH Macros BackG
--> STASH Macros
---> Background quality control macro
Click standard macro to specify that a background fieldsfile is required for use by the OPS in a subsequent cycle. It is not relevant for single cycle runs. The global standard STASH Macro is appropriate to
the new OPS. The standard macro for other configurations may become inappropriate for use with operational ACOBS files during the lifetime of the UM4.4 build when the use of the new OPS is extended
to those other configurations. In this event the development macro should be used.
8. Window: atmos STASH Macros Assim
--> STASH Macros
---> Internal assimilation macro
This is also set within window atmos Assim General. Click standard macro if running an assimilation
to make non prognostic variables available to the assimilation during the model run.
9. Window: atmos STASH Macros MOPS
--> STASH Macros
---> MOPS output macro
Click standard macro if you intend to process MOPS data in a follow-on cycle. This is unlikely outside
the operational environment.




Ancillary and Boundary Files

Author: Richard T.H. Barnes / David Robinson, Last Updated: 18 Feb 98



What is an ancillary field? This is not as easy a question as it seems, because whether a particular field is an
ancillary field depends on the context in which it is used in a given configuration of the Unified Model. One
suitable definition is:
A prescribed prognostic variable held in a model dump, which may be updated during a
UM run (with appropriate time interpolation) by values read from an external ancillary file.
For example, snow depth is an ancillary field if it is imposed and either held constant or updated from an
ancillary file, but if (as is also possible) its value is allowed to be predicted by the models precipitation and
hydrology schemes it is not an ancillary field.
Some fields, such as orography and the parameters which classify soil and vegetation characteristics, are
at present ancillaries in all circumstances. However, introduction of, for instance, a scheme for interactive
vegetation could change this.
How is an ancillary field got into a UM run? There are 3 basic ways:

It may be in the initial dump already. Most data fields found in ancillary files are generally already
available in initial dumps. Note that if the dump is reconfigured to a new resolution and/or domain (see
section 4.3) then the ancillary fields will also be interpolated to the new grid.
It may be replaced in the initial dump by configuring in from an ancillary file on the correct domain and
It may be added to the initial dump as a new ancillary field by configuring in from an ancillary file on
the correct domain and resolution. This is usually necessary when trying out a new parameterisation
scheme such as moving from single-level hydrology to MOSES hydrology.

Details of the above three procedures can be found in section 4.9.4.

Details on creating new ancillary files can be found in section 4.9.3.
The user should also be aware of the following:

There are advantages of using ancillary files for the correct resolution and/or domain. The user has
more control of the data used and the interpolation done within the ancillary creation program is better
as certain fields are checked against one another for consistency (vegetation and soil parameters for
instance). Also, some fields especially the land-sea mask are edited by hand to reduce the amount of
noise in the lower boundary layer.
For initial experiments of new areas the interpolation performed within the reconfiguration is usually
sufficient and it only becomes necessary to use ancillary files when the new area is finalised.

Some comments on boundary updating files, which are essentially a special form of ancillary file, will be
given in section 4.9.6.




Location of standard ancillary files

Ancillary files exist for each standard Unified Model domain and are available for general use. Most of these
files have been interpolated from raw data at 1 degree resolution, though those for orography and land-sea
mask are from global 10 minute data or higher resolution data for certain parts on the world. For a full list
of files and data sources see UMDP 70 [24]. At the UK Met. Office all the files are stored on the Cray T3E
supercomputer in a directory structure of the form:

$UMDIR (= /u/um1 on the Cray T3E) is the Unified Model home directory
n.m is Unified Model version number
submodel is one of atmos, ocean, etc.
domain is one of the standard model domains, thus:
cl 9673 for 96x73 grid points climate model,
gl 432325 for 432x325 grid points high resolution operational global model,
gl 288217 for 288x217 grid points former operational global model,
la 229132 for 229x132 grid points former operational Limited Area Model,
ms 9292 uk for 92x92 grid points former operational UK mesoscale model,
ms 146182 uk for 146x182 grid points high resolution operational UK mesoscale model,

type indicates if the data have any time dependence, thus:

parm for constant fields, eg. orography,
clim for climatologies, eg. sea surface temperature,
m if valid for one particular month,

data indicates the file contents, eg. mask, orog, sst, veg, soil
suffix is optional

N.B: for climate users - clim files in the cl 9673 directory have headers set for the standard climate 360 day
year, whereas files in the cl365 9673 directory have headers set for the Gregorian 365 day year. All other
domains only have files for the 365 day year.


Generation of new ancillary files

Atmosphere ancillary files for a new domain can be created using the Central Ancillary File Making Program
which has gathered together all the currently available options into a single flexible package. For details on
its use and examples to run the program see UMDP 73 [25]. The script is run on the Cray T3E and among its
output includes simple maps of land/sea mask and orography for you to inspect. N.B: Make a note of the No
of Land Points as this value is required by the UMUI when setting up a forecast run.
This program is not made directly available to external UM users. Please seek advise and assistance from
Portable Model support at the UK Met. Office.
For ocean ancillaries the usual procedure is to convert a pp-file into UM ancillary file format using the utility
program PPTOANC.



Before using ancillary files for a new domain, it is advisable to make a careful scrutiny of the land/sea mask,
which influences all the other ancillary files except ozone, to make sure it meets your requirements. In particular, while single grid point islands or sea inlets will not cause model failures, they could give rise to unsightly
or unrealistic effects in surface and boundary layer fields. The facility exists to manually change the objective
land sea mask.
Make sure you enter values to exactly the same precision as you will use in the UMUI when setting up experiments. Otherwise your runs may fail internal consistency checks in the model. Also make sure longitudes are
in the range 0 - 360 degrees as this is what the UMUI requires.


UMUI aspects

The information in this section will make more sense if you read it in conjunction with an active UMUI session
- if necessary copy a standard experiment (see section 4.2.4) for the purpose. Window titles given are those
under the section
Similar ones exist for the Ocean Model in the section
Ocean GCM
The section
-> Ancillary and input data files
is where ancillary files (if any) are specified. There is a window for each possible ancillary file, most of which
contain several fields. These windows control how each field is to be used, both in the reconfiguration step and
during the model run. The reconfiguration program is only executed if reconfiguration is selected in window
atmos InFiles Start
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Start Dump
---> Start Dump
The section
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Climatologies & potential climatologies
covers most ancillary files, but the section
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files
contains orography and land/sea mask files.
Each window has a similar pattern:

Specify ancillary file as directory and filename. Directory may be a full pathname or an environment
variable specified in the window subindep FileDir
Sub-Model independent
-> File and Directory Naming
For each field in the file specify whether or not it is to be:
Configured, i.e. read in from the ancillary file in the reconfiguration step. If not, values from
the initial dump will be used. Note that these will be interpolated if the initial dump is for a
different domain and resolution from the model, but only if reconfiguration is selected in window
atmos InFiles Start.



Updated, i.e. set to values time interpolated from the ancillary file at a specified interval. If not,
values may be computed by the model as it runs (eg. snowdepth) or may be fixed (eg. ozone) - this
depends on what is possible for each field - see the particular UMUI panel for details.
Not used. In fact this means that, if the field is required by the model, it will be taken from the
original dump.

For some fields, notably orography and land/sea mask, updating is not a valid operation, so the only
choice is to configure or not.

Before asking for ancillary files to be used, you should consider whether it is necessary and what the implications are.
If the model run you are setting up is on the same domain and resolution as your initial dump, then many or all
of the ancillary fields may already be there. If they are not and you wish to read in data from an external file,
then ensure the file was made for your domain and resolution. Be aware that, up to and including version 3.3,
if reconfiguration of orography and/or land-sea mask was requested, then interpolation routines were be called
for the prognostic variables, thus negating bit-comparability, even if domain and resolution are not changed.
From version 3.4 onwards, checks are included in the reconfiguration to suppress horizontal interpolation if
land-sea mask is identical to that in the dump, and to suppress vertical interpolation if orography and model
levels are identical.
If you wish to run with a domain and/or resolution different from your initial dump, ancillary fields in your
dump (and prognostic variables too ) will be interpolated. Is the resultant loss of detail acceptable to you? If
not, then you must create and configure from ancillary files on your domain and resolution.
Window: atmos InFiles Options Headers
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> In file related options
---> Header record sizes
allows you to specify the total number of lookup headers on the ancillary files used for updating for atmosphere (and similarly for ocean). This is typically set to 300 in the standard experiments, which is usually
plenty, but if you are using a multi-level, multi-time ancillary file (eg. an aerosol climatology) you may need
to increase this value.
Window: subindep AncilRef
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> In file related options
---> Ancillary reference time
Sub-Model Independent
-> Ancillary reference time
allows you to specify a reference time from which all ancillary field updating times will be computed. Setting
all zeroes allows the dump basis time to be used, but climate users will often want to specify a convenient
reference time. Specifying a fixed ancillary reference time ensure bit comparison when starting a new run
from a dump made part way through a previous run.


Model aspects

This is difficult to document simply, but fortunately a new user does not normally need to know the details.



The interpolation, replacement or addition of ancillary fields by the stand-alone reconfiguration program is
covered separately (see section 4.3).
Within the model itself, control of ancillary fields is supposedly by namelists in the umui jobs directory files
CNTLATM. &ANCILCTA and optionally one or more &UPANCA namelist, depending on which fields (if
any) are to be updated, are used for this purpose. However, the only thing it really controls is whether to
update a specific field and, if so, at what frequency. The equivalent for the ocean model is &UPANCO in
Whether the data are single-time or multi-time, and whether updating is regular/irregular, periodic/nonperiodic or time-series, are controlled by the ancillary file header. See UMDP F3 [34] for details.
Whether the calendar is Gregorian or 360 day is controlled by the logical LCAL360 set in window
subindep Control
Sub-Model Independent
-> General Configuration and Control
(Climate users must be careful to use ancillary files created for the right year-length.)
All other controls, such as:

inter-field dependencies, eg. SST and sea-ice,

time interpolation using simple linear interpolation, but controlled linear interpolation for snow depth
and SST & sea-ice fields,
whether to update land points, sea points or all points,

are coded within the subroutine REPLANCA (and REPLANCO). For full details see UMDP C7 [31].


Boundary updating files

Being an external file which updates model prognostic values during a model run, albeit only at a small number
of lateral boundary points, a boundary data file can reasonably be termed an ancillary file.
It is specified in the UMUI window atmos InFiles OtherAncil LBC
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files
---> Lateral boundary conditions
in the same section as orography and land/sea mask.
However, they are generated, not by the central ancillary program, but in a run of a UM experiment covering
a larger domain, specifications being set in panels under
-> Control
--> Output data files (LBCs etc)
---> LBCs out
The new mixed phase cloud/precipitation scheme introduced as an option at vn4.4 has implications for lateral
boundary conditions as follows:Runs with the original cloud/precipitation scheme continue to use and generate lateral boundary files containing data for the five main prognostic variables, viz. P*, u, v, thetal & qt.
Runs with the new mixed phase cloud/precipitation scheme will generate LBC files containing data for 6 variables, the standard 5 as above plus qcf - the new cloud ice prognostic variable. Limited area runs with the



new mixed phase cloud/precipitation scheme will expect to receive lateral boundary data with all 6 prognostic
variables. However for upward compatibility the window
atmos InFiles OtherAncil LBC
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Other ancillary files and Lateral Boundary files
---> Lateral boundary conditions
contains an additional option Define mixed phase cloud compliance. Choosing the second option, Input
LBCs forced to be from a non-mixed-phase LS-Rain scheme., enables lateral boundary data generated by
a run with the original scheme (and therefore lacking cloud ice) to drive a model with the new scheme. In
this case, zero cloud ice boundary conditions are implicitly applied. There is no provision for backward
compatibility of LBC files from the new to the original scheme.
For a detailed description of the structure and the contents of a boundary update file see UMDP C7 [31],
Appendix 2.


User Ancillaries

The UM allows users to add new prognostic fields (ie. fields that define the atmospheric state and are required
to perform the integration) and new ancillary fields (ie. fields that act as boundary conditions to the integration)
- User prognostics and User Ancillaries respectively. User prognostics may be set up using any item
number and can be initialised in the reconfiguration. Setting up user ancillaries is more restrictive and the user
must choose from a list of reserved item numbers for single and multi-level ancillary fields.
The UM code has been set up to add user ancillaries through four ancillary files recognised in the UM system
by their names as follows:

USRANCIL : Atmosphere - Single level user ancillaries

USRMULTI : Atmosphere - Multi-level user ancillaries
OUSRANCL : Ocean - Single level user ancillaries
OUSRMULT : Ocean - Multi-level user ancillaries

This set up simplifies the process of adding ancillary fields which normally requires extensive changes to the
UM code. Ancillary fields provided through these four files will be recognised and read in; the user then has
to provide code changes to use these fields within the model.
How to set up User Ancillaries
The user will need to take the following steps:

Create a User Stashmaster file (USMF).

Stashcodes (in section 0) have been reserved for the user ancillaries as follows:
USRANCIL : 20 fields, Stashcodes 301-320
USRMULTI : 4 fields, Stashcodes 321-324



OUSRANCL : 10 fields, Stashcodes 331-340

OUSRMULT : 4 fields, Stashcodes 351-354
Detailed information on setting up a USMF can be found in UMDP C4 [29] (page 13).

Attach the USMF to the UMUI in windows atmos STASH UserDiags or ocean STASH UserDiags
Atmosphere OR Ocean
-> Stash
--> User-STASHmaster files, Diags, Progs \& Ancills.
Several USMFs may be attached. They must be set up before entering STASH and be on the same
platform as the UMUI client.
Set up to initialise the User Ancillaries from data in the ancillary files. This is done in window
atmos STASH UserProgs or ocean STASH UserProgs
Atmosphere OR Ocean
-> Stash
--> Initialisation of User Prognostics
The user needs to consider whether or not the ancillary field is being updated in the model run.
If the ancillary field is NOT to be updated, select option 7 and attach the user ancillary file in the
right hand column. The field will be initialised in the reconfiguration step.
If the ancillary field IS to be updated, select option 2. The field will be initialised with the ancillary
data at timestep 0.

For ancillary fields to be updated,

specify the location(s) of the ancillary files
specify an update frequency.
through the following windows:
For atmosphere user ancillaries: windows atmos InFiles PAncil UserM and/or
atmos InFiles PAncil UserS
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Climatologies & potential climatologies
---> User multi-level ancillary file and fields
---> User single-level ancillary file and fields
For ocean user ancillaries: windows ocean InFiles PAncil UserM and/or
ocean InFiles PAncil UserS
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files
--> Climatologies \& potential climatologies
---> User multi-level ancillary file and fields
---> User single-level ancillary file and fields



WARNINGS on setting up user ancillaries

Note that the UMUI allows one update frequency per ancillary file and not field. The same updating
frequency applies to any fields being updated in the ancillary file. However, if necessary, the updating
frequency could be over-written (by experienced users) by hand-editing the PERIOD and INTERVAL values in the UPANCA/O namelists in the CNTLATM/CNTLOCN files for your processed job.
Code changes will be required to the REPLANCA subroutine depending on whether the field is on all
points, land points or sea points. It is assumed that
the atmosphere single level ancillaries will be for land points only.
the atmosphere multi-level ancillaries will be for all points and the full set of model levels




Ocean Model

Author: Richard S.R. Hill, Last Updated: 26 March 1998



The Ocean Model is one of the sub-models available within the Met. Office Unified Model.
This section is intended to act as a general guide to setting up and running ocean models within the Unified
Model system. Ocean models may be run alone, or in coupled mode with a suitable atmosphere configuration.
The Ocean model may be run in MPP mode on suitable platforms (eg: Cray T3E) or in non-MPP mode. Whilst
mainly aimed at MPP use, much of the ocean model code lends itself to optimisation on PVP platforms. See
the section 2.3 for information about how to set up ocean model physics and dynamics parameters.


Setting Things Up

Setting up an ocean model is usually best done by taking a copy of an existing working model and modifying
it. Many details will be common to models of similar type. This approach avoids the need to visit every
relevant UMUI window. See the sub-section on standard experiments in section 4.2 for more information
about copying existing models. Ocean models may be set up from copies of existing ocean only configurations
or coupled atmosphere-ocean configurations.
Before you can run
Before the model can be run, there are a number of things which need to be set up and in place and a number
of further items which may be required under certain model configurations.
1. Directories containing input files - In the case of the Met Office T3E, there are often existing standard
input files and directories which can be referenced directly.
2. Start dump file - A file containing the initial conditions of your model.
3. Ancillary file(s) - Optional files containing information about values of certain fields which may be used
to force your model. See the umui at:
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files
--> Climatologies and potential climatologies
4. Compiler override file(s) - Optional file defining any special compiler and optimisation options which
you require.
5. Fortran and/or C modification(s) - Optional files containing modifications (eg bug fixes) to the base code
can apply either to the main model code or to the reconfiguration.
6. Script modification(s) - Optional files containing modifications (eg bug fixes) to the scripts used to run
the UM.
7. Lateral boundary condition file - only required in limited area models when updating lateral boundary
conditions. See the umui at:
ocean InFiles OtherAncil LBCs
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files



--> Other ancillary/input files
---> Lateral boundary conditions

8. Basin indices file - required when running with MEAD diagnostics enabled. See the umui at:
ocean Diag MEAD
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files
--> Other ancillary/input files
---> Basin indices file for MEAD Diagnostics
9. Observational data files - only required when running with ocean assimilation enabled. See the umui at:
ocean InFiles ObsData ACObs
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files
--> Observational data
---> ACOBS data
10. User STASHmaster file - required if you are introducing new diagnostic, prognostic or ancillary fields
to the model. See section 4.14 for more information. See the umui at:
ocean STASH UserDiags
Ocean GCM
--> User-STASHmaster files Diags, Progs & Ancils
See section 4.2 for more information about getting started with the Unified Model.
The user interface for the ocean model
When setting up the parameters to run an ocean model in the UMUI, there are three main panels which will
need to be considered.
They are:

User Information and Target Machine

Sub-Model Independent
Ocean GCM

If running in coupled mode with the atmosphere model, additional panels will need to be considered - see
section 4.12 for more information on coupled models.
Most items in the User Information and Target Machine and Sub-Model Independent panels will be common
to all sub-models. See section 4.1 for general details on how to fill in the panels of the UMUI.
See section 2.3 for information about ocean model physics and dynamics settings.
When setting up an ocean only model based on a copy of an existing coupled model, you will need to switch
off the atmosphere component in umui window:
smcc Model
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
->Sub-Model Inclusion switches



Visit the Target Machine window to set the number of PEs you wish to run on AFTER switching off the
atmosphere component. If you do not do this, the total number of PEs will be set to the number used by the
atmosphere in the North-South direction only.
You may also have to specify ancillary forcing fields (in place of values which would otherwise have been
available from the atmospheric part of the model) as mentioned earlier.


Computing Resource Considerations

Running in MPP mode

If you are running in MPP mode, you need to decide how many PEs to run on. The MPP ocean model uses
a one-dimensional row-wise MPP decomposition. That is, work is distributed by dividing the domain into a
number of sub-domains in the south-north (zonal) direction.
Your choice of the number of PEs will be influenced by the memory requirement of your job, how quickly you
need results, available resources etc. However, there is a maximum limit to the number of processors which
any given ocean model can use.
This number must be = Number of Rows (South-North)/2. This effectively means that each processor must
be allocated at least 2 rows for the computation.
For example, if your model consists of 173 rows in the South-North direction, then the maximum number of
processors you could use would be arrived at from 173/2 = 86.5 ie: 86 Processors. (In this case PE 0 would
be assigned three rows. All other PEs would be given two rows to deal with).
For all but development work, it is worth trying to ensure as even a load distribution as possible. In practical
terms, this means trying to ensure that each PE is assigned approximately the same number of rows.
The effect of an imbalance in the number of rows assigned to each PE becomes more significant as fewer rows
are assigned to each PE. If 45 PEs are used to run a model with 96 rows, the first 6 PEs will have 3 rows each
and the remaining 39 will have 2 rows. Thus, the first six PEs will have 50% more work than the rest. A
more efficient use of resources would be to use eg: 32 PEs (3 rows each) or 48 PEs (2 rows each). This ideal
situation may not always be attainable where the number of model rows is an awkward (eg: prime) number.
When considering coupled models, what works best for the atmosphere may not be so good for the ocean and
vice versa.
Bear in mind that since the MPP ocean code uses a regular 1-d decomposition, your flexibility in defining
a well load balanced model will be limited. This is partly due to the fact that some rows will unavoidably
contain more sea points (fewer land points) than others. This will in turn result in more work for some PEs
than others. The atmosphere model does not suffer from this land point problem. (Background note: Use of
a regular 2-d decomposition by the ocean model could make this load balance situation even worse. This is
because some PEs would be assigned areas containing few or even no sea points. So a 2-d decomposition
would allow more PEs to be used and could bring faster run times, but could result in less efficient use of
those PEs. Irregular domains would need to be defined to exclude land points).
See section 3.4 for more information on the MPP capability of the UM system.
Three dimensional primary variables
The three dimensional primary variables may be stored in compressed form or uncompressed form. Compressed form means that all data relating to land points is removed from the relevant arrays. When values are
required for particular rows, data is accessed by reference to pointers indicating where the data belongs on the
model grid.



Uncompressed form means that land point data (effectively dummy values) is retained in the relevant arrays.
Uncompressed data consumes more memory and disk space (in dumps) than compressed data. Compression of fields is only an option when running the model in non-MPP mode. So in most cases on the T3E,
uncompressed data is used.
Storing in compressed form saves about 50% of the storage required by the 3-d fields in a global ocean
model dump. The variables which may be stored this way are: potential temperature, salinity, and currents.
Additional three dimensional tracers may also be compressed.
Storage in memory
Two time levels of three dimensional prognostic data are retained for use by the leapfrog timestep scheme.
This is achieved by storing the additional values relating to the second time level in memory after the copies
from the dump. Pointers switch between these past and present values in memory. Thus, on one timestep
the present value might be that stored first. On the next timestep the present values would be stored


Ocean Model Control Code

The ocean model control code structure closely mirrors that of the atmosphere model. Indeed, the main high
level control routines UM SHELL and U MODEL are common to all sub-models. Much of the description
of the atmosphere model control code (section3.5) applies equally to the ocean. The following are the major
Control Files
Most control files are relevant to all submodels. The following are the Ocean versions of their atmosphere

CNTLOCN - ocean sub-model specific control

RECONO - control of the reconfiguration

The UM SHELL program contains the call to DERVSIZE which sets up dimensions used in dynamic allocation of arrays. For the ocean model, many of these dimensions are controlled by logical switches. The
switches are set depending on the model configuration being run (eg: L OBIOLOGY is set to true when the
biology model is included). Generally, if a particular switch is set, then the dimensions used to define the size
of arrays associated with that scheme will be given their full size. If a switch is set to false, then dimensions
are usually set to one. This saves reserving space in memory for arrays which will never be used by the
In MPP mode, DERVSIZE also contains a call to a routine called OCEAN SIZES. This routine sets up various
dimensions and indices associated with the ocean MPP domain decomposition.



U MODEL is called from UM SHELL. Of particular interest are INITIAL and OCN STEP.
INITIAL calls INITDUMP which calls a number of ocean model specific control routines:

SET OCN POINTERS - sets up a number of pointers to allow addressing of the various fields in the
main D1 data array.
READNLST OCN - reads namelist data set up by the umui which mainly concerns parameters associated with various scientific schemes used by the ocean model.
SET CONSTANTS OCEAN - sets up most of the constants used by an ocean model.

OCN STEP, as with ATM STEP in the atmosphere, contains the three major sections of the ocean model.
That is, it contains the dynamics, physics and (optionally) ocean assimilation.
OCN STEP controls calls to the ocean assimilation and to OCN CTL. OCN CTL controls calls to the three
main areas of computation in the ocean model:

ROW CTL - the area of code containing the main computations associated with model evolution, Temperatures, salinities velocities, mixed layer depth etc.
TROP CTL - the area of code concerned with any barotropic solutions used by the model.
ICE CTL - the area of code controlling any ice model calculations.

Unfortunately, not all code relevant to a particular control area is wholly contained within these discrete
sections. E.g. certain aspects of the ice model are dealt with in the code controlled by ROW CTL. This can
make development and debugging slightly awkward when dealing with such situations.


Development and Debugging of Ocean Model Code

Many of the procedures pertinent to code development and debugging are equally applicable to all UM submodels. See section 4.18 for general information on debugging UM code.
However, there are some instances where a special approach may be of use when dealing which the ocean
Code development
Row 1 of the ocean will be the most southerly row of the model. Operations over rows typically go from row
1 to row JMT. JMT will therefore refer to the northernmost row of your horizontal domain. This information
can be useful if you base ocean code developments on the atmosphere code structure. The atmosphere model
works in the opposite direction, from north to south so row 1 will be the most northerly row in the atmosphere
domain. Advection of a property from, say, row 5 to row 6 means something different in each model.
This detail may also be of use when developing MPP message passing code. If a PE needs to send data to its
northern neighbour, care must be taken to ensure that is what happens. In particular, code and comments in
the widely used SWAPBOUNDS routine are incorrect when applied to the ocean model. The terms southern



neighbour and northern neighbour as used in this routine actually refer to northern and southern respectively when the routine is applied to the ocean code. (SWAPBOUNDS works correctly but operates in the
opposite order from the way the documentation would have you believe).
Many UM control routines were written with the atmosphere in mind. Consequently, documentation and
coding styles can sometimes be rather atmosphere model orientated.
Much of the atmosphere model and control code is partitioned into what are known as sections of code.
Subroutines in these sections are usually precompiled on the Met Office T3E. This saves the need to compile
every routine when a model is compiled. Object files from pre-compiled sections can be linked during the
creation of the executable file. The ocean model code, whilst making use of a number of control code sections,
is not generally partitioned into sections.
Most ocean specific routines are contained within an *IF DEF,OCEAN control to ensure that they are only
included in ocean model compilations. There are additional *IF DEF controls in ocean code which limit what
code gets included in a compilation.
For example:

MPP - Controls code which is only relevant to MPP configurations - widely used throughout all parts
of the UM.
OBIOLOGY - Controls ocean biology model code
OCARBON - Controls ocean carbon cycle model code
OCNASSM - Controls ocean data assimilation code
OISOPYC - Controls ocean isopycnal diffusion scheme code
OISOPYCGM - Controls ocean Gent & McWilliams isopycnal diffusion scheme code
RIVERS - Controls River run-off code associated with coupled ocean-atmosphere models.
SEAICE - Controls ocean ice model code

See section 3.1 for more information on how to modify UM source code. See 3.3 for more on the UM
compilation system and controls.
Debugging code
Most of the standard UM procedures for debugging code apply equally well to the Ocean model as to any
other part of the UM. See section 4.18 for more information.
There are some further ocean model specific items which may help you to debug ocean model code.
Generally for ocean model code on all platforms:

Several ocean model subroutines are very large. (Particularly ROWCALC, CLINIC and TRACER). In
the past, compilers have sometimes failed to cope with processing such large routines. This has typically
occurred when an attempt is made to use certain optimisation options. The code becomes too complex
to be analysed and the compilation fails. On Cray systems, a message of at least vague help may be
issued. Behaviour will vary from platform to platform. This is not thought to be a current problem on
the Met Office Cray T3E.



The ice model routine ICE UPDATE SNOW often traps errors when something is wrong with velocities. This usually points to a blow up of the model velocities or streamfunction at a much earlier stage.
(ICE UPDATE SNOW merely acts as a trap for these conditions).
Continuation lines limit. Many lists of arguments passed between subroutines in the model are very
long. Some of these are approaching the 99 line limit imposed by Cray Fortran. Addition of even one
or two extra lines (particularly in coupled models, where more data is passed around) may lead to this
limit being reached. Subroutines particularly at risk are OCN CTL, ROW CTL and BLOKCALC.
Many standard ocean models include large numbers of diagnostic requests. These can consume very
large amounts of memory. When running on 1 PE (either in MPP or non-MPP mode), the PE memory
limit may well be reached for such jobs. In such cases, either switch to running on a high memory PE
(on the Cray T3E) or cut down the number of diagnostics requested.

Specifically for MPP ocean model code:

If your model is failing after one or more timesteps, try producing a dump file at each timestep. Re-run
the job with a different number of PEs and compare the output with the first job. If differences occur,
a parallisation problem may well be to blame (eg missing halo swapping). If the results are the same,
then something rather more fundamental may be wrong with the code formulation.
If your model fails early on, try using totalview to examine variable values at the failure point. You
could also step through the code with two jobs side by side. E.g. a 1 CPU version and a multi-cpu
version. This would allow comparison of values in which you are interested.
Be careful about insterting barriers in the code, particularly in the subroutine ROWCALC and below.
Not all PEs will go through the same code path. With particular reference to those PEs who own the
first and last ocean row, the bulk of the code in CLINIC and TRACER may not be executed for these
rows. Consequently any attempt at synchronisation may fail unless you are careful about where the
barrier call is made.
Most of the standard generic message passing subroutines have the functionality to deal with the oceans
1-d decomposition. However, there are instances where a specific routine is needed for the ocean. The
routine O SMARTPASS allows an array which has been zonally decomposed to be gathered into a
global copy on all PEs. This acts in similar fashion to the GATHER FIELD routine. However, there are
several important points to note:
1. it will only work for a 1-d zonal decomposition
2. it allows 1-dimensional (zonal) and 2-dimensional arrays to be gathered (GATHER FIELD requires a second dimension and will therefore not work for 1-d arrays).
3. it provides a complete copy of the array to all PEs (rather than to one specific PE).
4. wherever possible, GATHER FIELD should be used in preference to O SMARTPASS.

Generally and particularly when including write statements in the code, be sure to specify that you want
to keep output from all PEs via umui window:
subindep OutputMan
Sub-Model Independent
-> Output management
If you include write statements to unit 6 (standard output), be aware that output will go to the appropriate
file for the PE concerned. Eg: If writing values of an array for a particular row, the output will only
appear in the standard output file for the PE which deals with the row in question.

Use of print statements causes output from all PEs to go to the PE 0 standard output file. However, the
order in which data appears is unpredictable and can be difficult to interpret.



Code Performance
A number of tools are available on Cray platforms to analyse code performance. See the documentation on
performance analysis tools for your platform. The easiest method of performance analysis in the UM is to
make use of the UMs own timer diagnostics. These may be enabled via the UMUI. See the TIMER section
of 4.18 for more information.
Analysis of CPU and wallclock times from each subroutine will allow identification of the most costly subroutines. This will help to identify which areas of code are best targeted in any attempt at improving performance.
A number of points should be born in mind when analysing MPP timing data for the ocean model.

In many configurations, no computations are performed for the very first and last ocean rows. This
means that timing data from the first or last PE can be misleading. Time may be attributed to routines
where little or no work is being done. This is because the PE is waiting (in a particular routine) to synchronise with other PEs which are performing work elsewhere. Check output timings from a selection
of PEs to understand where the time is consumed.
Check the timing information about minimum and maximum CPU and wallclock use (this appears under
the PE 0 timer output). This can help to indicate which routines have a significant load imbalance.
Separate timing data only appears for those areas of code which specifically have a call to the UM
TIMER subroutine. Many of the subroutines called by (for example) TRACER do not have separate
TIMER calls. This results in all the time consumed by these subroutines being attributed to TRACER.
More detailed timing of particular areas of code, may be obtained by inclusion of extra TIMER calls of
your own. (See existing code for the syntax relevant in calling TIMER).
Use a run long enough for your timing data to be realistic. Certain areas of code (eg: the Barotropic
streamfunction solver) may take longer than average during the first few timesteps (eg: to converge
during model spinup). Use of a very short run in such a case could be misleading. It may suggest that a
routine is more (or less) significant than is really the case.
Some parts of the code are only executed at certain times. E.g. dump/STASH file output, ancillary
file updating, Visbeck scheme (if included). You should make your run long enough to include such
routines or bear in mind that they may have an additional effect on the performance.

System load can affect overall performance. In Cray T3E tests, the CPU time taken by a subroutine is
usually very nearly reproducible from run to run, provided the routine contains no message passing or
I/O. Routines which contain a high amount of communication or I/O tend to vary to a small extent in
their CPU use. That is, they appear to be rather more dependent on the system load. Any such effects
will vary from platform to platform.




Slab Model

Author: C.D. Hewitt / C.A. Senior, Last Updated: 20 May 98



The slab model comprises a mixed-layer ocean model, together with a simple ice model. Details of the physics
will not be given here, but will be described in UM Documentation Paper 58: The Slab Ocean Model (not yet
The slab model is run coupled to the atmospheric model. At sea points, the atmosphere model requires the sea
surface temperature, together with an ice depth and concentration when sea-ice is present. In an atmosphere
only run, the data for these surface conditions is provided from ancillary files. When the slab model is
included, the SST and ice parameters are computed interactively during the run. The atmosphere model is run
for one coupling period, typically 1 day, during which the driving fluxes for the slab model are averaged. Then
the slab model is called (typically with a 1 day timestep) to update the SST, ice depth and concentration, which
are passed back to the atmosphere model for use over the next coupling period. The surface temperature of the
sea-ice is computed by the atmosphere model rather than the slab model, as the atmosphere model timestep is
short enough to represent the diurnal cycle of melting and freezing of the ice surface. At open ocean points,
the slab model includes the thermodynamics of the mixed-layer part of the ocean but with no representation
of ocean currents. At sea-ice points, the model can include both thermodynamics and a simple free drift
parameterization of sea-ice dynamics (a more detailed representation of sea-ice dynamics has been coded but
is not recommended to be chosen as it still contains errors).
The information and instructions given here refer to vn4.4 of the model.


Heat Convergence Corrections

In order to obtain a realistic representation of SST and sea-ice, a corrective heat flux called the heat convergence must be included to account for the lack of ocean dynamics and errors in the surface fluxes. The
data is supplied from an ancillary file and a slab calibration run will usually be required to generate this data.
In a calibration run, the slab model is coupled with the atmosphere model, and SST and ice parameters are
computed, but after each slab timestep the SSTs are reset to climatological values provided by an ancillary
file, and the corrective heat flux required to do this is stored. At sea-ice points the SST under the ice is reset
but no correction is applied to the ice depth. The heat convergence ancillary file is made from these corrective
heat fluxes. The stash diagnostic is called the anomalous heat convergence (see diagnostics section).


Setting up a slab model run

These instructions are for converting an atmosphere only experiment to a slab experiment, and assume some
familiarity with the structure of the UMUI. There are two types of slab experiment; A calibration experiment
and a control experiment. A calibration experiment is specifically to derive the anomalous heat convergences
described above, and a reasonable length for the run is 5-10 years, of which the first 3 months of data are
usually ignored while the model spins up. A control run is the name for any experiment in which the slab
model predicts SSTs and sea-ice and encompasses experiments with any range of scenarios of external forcing.
The UMUI panels that need to be altered are described below with the recommended settings for a calibration
or control run described.



1. Sub-Model sections
The slab model is one of the sub-models of the UM system. It can only be run in conjuntion with the
atmospheric model. These panels control the sub-model switches and coupling betwen the sub-models.
a) Window: smcc Model
Sub-Model Configuration and Coupling
-> Sub-Model inclusion switches
Choose Atmospheric GCM and Slab Ocean ON
b) Window: smcc AS Coupling
Sub-Model Configuration and Coupling
-> Atmosphere and Slab-ocean coupling
Choose standard coupling Macro with coupling every 1 day
2. Slab model science
a) Window: slab Science Timestep
Slab Ocean
-> Science and scientific sections
--> Timestep
Choose Coupling every 1 day with 1 timestep per period and 1 day in period
b) Window: slab Science Section
Slab Ocean
-> Science and scientific sections
--> Slab section 40 configuration choice
Choose version 1A. DO NOT choose simple ocean dynamics.
For calibration run choose defining this to be a calibration run.
For a control run DO NOT set this switch
c) Window: slab Science Physical
Slab Ocean
-> Science and scientific sections
--> Physical parameters
Thickness of mixed layer (m): 50
Minimum ice concentration: 0.001
Maximum ice concentration, northern hemisphere: 0.995
Maximum ice concentration, southern hemisphere: 0.980
Minimum grid-box average ice depth (m): 0.01
Minimum local ice depth (m): 0.5
Limit on heat convergence under sea-ice (W/m**2): -40.0
This panel sets the parameters in the namelist &SLABLIST, and the recommended values are shown
above. The first parameter is the mixed layer depth and a constant value is used over the whole ocean,
usually 50m. The ice concentration is simply the fraction of a gridbox covered by sea-ice. A minimum
value is needed for this to avoid numerical problems, the recommended value being 0.001. Since unbroken ice cover is very rare, the ice concentration is prevented from reaching 1.0 by setting a maximum
value. This upper limit is different for the northern and southern hemispheres as Antarctic sea-ice has
been observed to be less compact than that in the the Arctic, and the recommended values are 0.98 and
0.995 respectively. The minimum grid-box-average ice depth specifies the smallest amount of ice that
is allowed to exist in any grid box. This is required to avoid problems with very thin layers of ice, and is
set to 0.01m. The minimum local ice depth is the thickness of newly formed ice over the icy portion of
the grid box. This is used to determine ice concentration of newly formed ice. For example, suppose the
minimum amount of ice forms with a grid-box mean of 0.01m. It is then assumed that the actual depth



of this ice is 0.5m, and so the ice concentration must be 0.02; i.e. 2% of the grid-box is covered by ice.
If the heat convergence under sea-ice is large and negative, it can lead to a run-away build up of ice. To
avoid this a limit is set on the value (-40Wm-2) and lower values are reduced to this limit. Conservancy
is maintained by redistributing the difference over all open ocean points. In practice, this rarely happens
with the present configuration as there is no specific correction to ice depth in the calibration experiment
(as has previously been the case) and large values of heat convergence under sea-ice are avoided.
d) Window: slab Science Ice
Slab Ocean
-> Science and scientific sections
--> Slab-Ice model
coupled model ice thermodynamics INCLUDED
Using Eddy Diffusion Coefficient for ocean-ice heat flux: 3.750e-04
Simple ice advection and diffusion Using Diffusion Coefficient for ice (m**2/s): 0.0
This panel sets the options for the ice dynamics part of the sea-ice code. You will also see the options set
in the previous panel for the thermodynamic part of the ice code. The coupled model thermodynamics
brings the slab model in-line with the sea-ice thermodynamics used in the coupled model. The ocean-ice
heat flux eddy diffusion coefficent has been specially chosen in conjunction with a specially constructed
SST ancillary file to achieve a reasonable present-day sea-ice climatology. It is recommended that this
value is chosen if the ancillary file $UMDIR/vn4.4/ancil/atmos/cl 9673/qrclim.newsst5 is chosen. The
diffusion of ice is currently switched OFF. This is done by using a diffusion coefficient of 0.
3. Slab model control code
a) Window: slab Control Section ClimMean
Slab Ocean
-> Control sections
--> Define climate meaning section choice
Choose: Climate meaning not included
4. Slab model ancillary files
b) Window: slab InFiles PAncil HeatCon
Slab Ocean
-> Ancillary Files
--> Heat convergence
Calibration run: Choose Heat Convergence Ancillary file not used
Control Run : Choose Heat Convergence Ancillary file Updated every 5 days and specify the directory
and filename. This file will be made in the calibration experiment
c) Window: slab InFiles PAncil Calib
Slab Ocean
-> Ancillary Files
--> Calibration fields
Calibration run:
Choose sea surface temperature file: Updated every 5 days
Choose sea-ice thickness field: Updated every 5 days.
The standard fields for 96x73 are:
$UMDIR/vn4.4/ancil/atmos/cl 9673/qrclim.newsst5
$UMDIR/vn4.4/ancil/slab/cl 9673/qrclim.icedp.old
This data goes into the reference SST and the reference ice depth in the slab model. Note that
the ice depth file is NOT the standard file used for climate runs. It has the same ice extents as the



standard file, but different ice depths. For low resolution runs (5 x 7.5 ), the equivalent ancillary
files in the cl 4837 directories should be used.
The standard atmospheric SST and ice updating MUST NOT be updated, although they can be
configured. This can be done here by pushing the SST and ICE buttons. If these are updated
they will overwrite the slab generated fields. If they are configured they MUST be identical to the
ancillary files described above. The SST anomalies should NOT be included.
Control run :
Choose sea surface temperature file: Not used.
Choose sea-ice thickness field: Not used.
If the model dump used for starting the slab model does not contain the prognostic slab temperature
then it should be initialised from the surface temperature. If the model is starting from a pre-existing
slab model dump which contains the prognostics slab temperature (as is usual) then this should NOT be
switched on.
d) Window: atmos InFiles PAncil Seasurf
-> Ancillary amd input data files
--> Climatologies and potential climatologies
---> sea surface currents
Calibration and Control run: Choose sea surface currents file: Updated evey 5 days
The datasets for 96x73 are: $UMDIR/vn4.4/ancil/slab/cl 9673/qrclim.uvcurr

5. Modsets
At vn4.4 of the model, two mods to the slab code are required. These are changes to the control code
only and do not affect the science. These are:

enables the model to run in an mpp-configuration

deletes superceded restart dumps

6. Diagnostics
Slab Ocean
--> STASH. Specification of diagnostic requirements
Slab model diagnostics are in stash section 40. These can be accessed via Load New Diag Some
of the diagnostics are only available for certain configurations of the slab model. In particular, many
are limited to the choice of cavitating fluid ice dynamics or the choice of simple ocean dynamics
(see above). It is not recommended that either of these options are chosen at the moment, so these
diagnostcis will not be available. There are also diagnostics that are only available in calibration runs
or only in control runs. These are;
Calibration only;
Control only;
The anomalous heat convergence is diagnosed during a calibration run and this diagnostic is only available then. It is needed to make the heat convergence ancillary file and it is therefore VITAL that this
is switched on during a calibration experiment. The two other heat convergence diagnostics are not
available in a calibration run. Heat convergence (slab model) is the data input to the model from the
ancillary file, Redistributed heat convergence is the heat convergence actually used during the run



(which is modified from the input values). It is recommended that all other available diagnostics are
switched ON. If restart dumps are output every day then all the diagnostics should have a time profile
such as that described below;
Time profile name
Specify time processing required

No time processing. Field valid
at output timesteps.
Specify the output times for the diagnostic
Specification type
Regular intervals
Time units
Frequency (every)
Set ending to -1 for the whole run
These are usually sent to the dump store for climate meaning for all mean periods and are all single
level fields.
For the anomalous heat convergence diagnostics in a calibration run it is advantageous to additionally
save this to a seperate output stream with a time profile like;
Time profile name
Specify time processing required

Time mean, specify meaning period
and sampling frequency below.

Define the meaning period:

Time units
Sampling period
Define the sampling frequency to make up the above:
Time units
Frequency (every)
Sampling offset
Specify the output times for the diagnostic
Specification type
Regular intervals
Time units
Frequency (every)
Set ending to -1 for the whole run
A separate USAGE profile should be set up that sends the diagnostic to an ouput stream which is
reinitialised every 360 days. Chose the starting point someway into the run (eg 3 months) to allow the
model to spin-up before the heat convergences are saved.
If restart dumps are output less frequently than every day, i.e. every 10 days as is suggested for long
climate runs then the following time profiles should be used
Time profile name
Specify time processing required
Define the meaning period:
Time units
Sampling period

Time mean, specify meaning period
and sampling...
Dump periods



Define the sampling frequency to make up the above:
Time units
Frequency (every)
Sampling offset
Specify the output times for the diagnostic
Specification type
Regular intervals
Time units
Dump periods
Frequency (every)
Set ending to -1 for the whole run
Time profile name
Specify time processing required

Time mean, specify meaning period
and sampling frequency below.

Define the meaning period:

Time units
Dump periods
Sampling period
Define the sampling frequency to make up the above:
Time units
Frequency (every)
Sampling offset
Specify the output times for the diagnostic
Specification type
Regular intervals
Time units
Dump periods
Frequency (every)
Set ending to -1 for the whole run


Running the slab model

The actual running of a slab model is no different to running an atmosphere only model; just process the job
and submit as normal.


Making a heat convergence ancillary file

Once the calibration run is completed, the heat convergence ancillary file can be made from its output. From
your model output, you need to construct a pp-file containing 12 fields, each a multi-year monthly mean
of the anomalous heat convergence, starting with January, and ending with December. The easiest way
to do this is to use the fields saved in the separate output stream for the anomalous heat convergences.
However, it is also straightforward if your data is just in the standard monthly mean files. If you have access to the HC workstation system, there are some programs available to manipulate the data into the required form. Instructions are given in hadca/slab/heatconv/README. Once the heat convergence file is
created, it must be converted to an ancillary file. This can be done using the UM Utility PPTOANC via the
method described on the web pages (http://fr0500/frdr/pptoanc/pptoanc.html). An example namelist is at
/u/m20/cdev/mef/t20ch/ancil/namelist/heat convergence.




Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models

Author: Rick Rawlins, Last Updated: 29 Jan 98



The present design of the model control levels supports two-way coupling between:

Atmospheric submodel and full oceanic submodel (including seaice)


Atmospheric submodel and simple slab oceanic submodel


An internal UM submodel (eg. atmosphere) and an external submodel, via the OASIS coupling
system (see 4.13 OASIS)

where (a) and (b) lie within the standard UM library code, and (c) requires the external model to have an
OASIS interface.
Future plans for the development of the UM include an expanded coupling concept based on the idea of
multiple submodels (eg. atmosphere, ocean, seaice, wave, atmospheric chemistry, land/ocean biology, etc)
with greater flexibility and modularity of coupling between them.
In order to achieve coupling in general, information is passed periodically from one submodel to another. This
information may be in the form of instantaneous values (eg. presently predicted SST from the ocean model),
or time-averaged over the period used for coupling (eg. the daily average solar energy flux into the ocean
surface computed by the atmospheric submodel).
Extra technical details are given in UMDP C2 (see [28]).


Timestepping in Coupled Models

A well-defined information-passing sequence is necessary to carry a coupled model forward in time, since
each submodel is dependent on other submodels for forcing or boundary conditions. In the case of an
atmosphere-ocean coupled model, the convention in the UM is that the atmospheric submodel is integrated
first, atmosphere-ocean fluxes are computed and passed to the ocean/seaice submodel, the ocean/seaice submodel is integrated next, and new ocean/seaice surface variables are passed back to the atmospheric submodel
to enable the cycle to be repeated. The period over which the cycle repeats is called the coupling period, and
this approach is called asynchronous coupling because only one component of the model is being integrated
at a time. There are alternative ways of coupling in which the submodels might be integrated in parallel,
which might be more suited to highly parallel computer hardware. This parallel coupling approach requires
additional synchronisation calls in the code and may be explored in later stages of the Submodels project.
Note: It is common practice to use a 1-day coupling period in the coupled atmosphere-ocean configuration,
but this can easily be changed if desired.


Interpolation Between Submodels

In general, the spatial grids of two submodels connected by coupling may not be congruent, although they
are congruent for some configurations in common use at the moment. Interpolations or area-averaging will
need to be applied to coupling fields if the grids are not congruent. This operation is carried out as part of the
internal coupling process in the model, with options as to the method used in some cases.




Special Ancillary Forcing for Coupled Models

In general, coupled models require fewer ancillary fields to be supplied than single-component models (eg.
atmosphere-only or ocean-only), since the model predicts many of the fields which otherwise need to be
specified as forcing or boundary conditions. However, atmosphere-ocean coupled models typically need to
be calibrated against various reference climatologies (in so-called calibration runs) before they can be used
to run prediction experiments. In the present atmosphere-slab-seaice configuration, these calibration fields
comprise sea surface temperatures, ocean currents and sea ice distribution. In the full atmosphere-oceanseaice GCM, calibration is performed against reference sea surface temperatures and salinities, but the model
is now sufficiently good that it is increasingly being run without such an initial calibration procedure. As a
result of the calibration process, ancillary fields are derived which are used as constant (seasonally-varying)
forcing terms in subsequent runs to encourage the model to give a control climatology close to the reference
climatology. These derived fields are referred to as flux adjustments or, in the case of the slab submodel heat
corrections, heat convergences.


Coupled Models on an MPP computer

Atmosphere and ocean submodels run asynchronously, with a parallel version of atmosphere followed by a
parallel version of ocean, and each submodel uses the same number of processors. It is important to realise
that the data decomposition strategy used in atmosphere and ocean components is fundamentally different.
This needs to be recognised if making changes in the coupling areas of code which are concerned with the
spatial arrangements of data. Additionally, the number of processors that can be used for the coupled model
is limited to the number of ocean rows, due to the row-wise decomposition employed in the ocean submodel.
Interpolation calculations at each coupling period are performed on a single processor and include the change
in domain composition.
The slab submodel has not yet been converted to run on an MPP platform.


Examples of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models

Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Coupled Model

This version of the model, running on a global domain with a seaice submodel embedded in the ocean submodel, is the main configuration used for climate change simulations. The technique of flux adjustment is used
in some production experiments to suppress the problem of climate drift which can occur in models of this
type. An example is the HadCM2 model. Some experiments can also be run with flux adjustments omitted.
The HadCM3 model is an example of the latter. [The HadCM2 and HadCM3 models were developed at the
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research within the UK Met Office.]



Atmosphere-to-Ocean Coupling Fields


Penetrative solar flux into ocean


Non-penetrative solar flux plus other heat fluxes into ocean surface


Precipitation minus evaporation net fresh water flux into ocean surface


River runoff net fresh water flux into coastal ocean outflow points


Atmospheric wind stress into ocean surface


Wind mixing energy flux into ocean near-surface mixed layer


Net heat flux from atmosphere into seaice


Net snowfall minus sublimation onto seaice

Note: (vii) and (viii) are only passed if the seaice submodel is included.
Ocean-to-Atmosphere Coupling Fields

Ocean sea surface temperature and surface currents


Seaice fractional coverage within gridbox and mean seaice thickness

Atmosphere-Slab Coupled Model

This version of the model always uses a global domain, and usually includes a seaice submodel as part of the
slab ocean. It is primarily used for short climate sensitivity experiments, and for examination of equilibrium
climate change responses in comparison to transient responses from the full model.
Atmosphere-to-Slab Coupling Fields

Net solar flux plus other heat fluxes into slab ocean


Net heat flux from atmosphere into seaice


Net snowfall minus sublimation onto seaice

Slab-to-Atmosphere Coupling Fields


Slab ocean temperature


Seaice fractional coverage within gridbox and mean seaice thickness




Coupling Information Required on UMUI Panels

This falls logically into 3 parts.

1. Which submodels are included in the configuration?
Window: smcc Model
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> Sub-Model Inclusion Switches
2. a) What is the coupling period and interpolation method for atmos-ocean GCM?
Window: smcc AO Coupling
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> Atmosphere & Ocean GCM coupling
b) What is the coupling period for atmos-slab GCM?
Window: smcc AS Coupling
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> Atmosphere & Slab-ocean coupling
3. Other detailed information (ocean and slab-related) which determines the flavour of the coupled configuration (eg. flux-adjustments included/excluded, calibration/control run, frequency of updating related
ancillary fields, etc.).
Window: ocean Science SurfForce Haney
Ocean GCM
-> Scientific parameters and sections
--> Surface Forcing
---> Haney Forcing
Window: ocean Science SurfForce Flux
Ocean GCM
-> Scientific parameters and sections
--> Surface Forcing
---> Flux Correction Window: ocean InFiles PAncil SstSss
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files
--> Climatologies and potential climatologies
---> Reference SST, SSS, Air-Temp & Ice-Depth
Window: ocean InFiles PAncil CorrHeatSal
Ocean GCM
-> Input Files
--> Climatologies and potential climatologies
---> Flux Correction fields
Window: slab Science Section
Slab Ocean
-> Science and scientific sections
--> Slab section 40. Configuration choices
Window: slab InFiles PAncil HeatCon
Slab Ocean
-> Ancillary files
--> Heat convergence
Window: slab InFiles PAncil Calib
Slab Ocean
-> Ancillary files
--> Calibration fields




OASIS Coupling Between Models

Author: J-C Thil (, Last Updated: 27 April 1998



A new method for coupling the Unified Model to external modelling components has been introduced at
version 4.4. The strategy is to provide a mechanism for independently developed sub-models to interact with
the UM with minimal programming development costs. The system is based on a distributed external coupler
called OASIS (Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil) developed at CERFACS by Laurent Terray which has been
integrated into the UM infrastructure.
External components need their code to be slightly adapted to specify which physical quantities should be
exported or imported to the UM, along with description files for the grid layout and land-sea masks. Once
this preliminary work has been accomplished, the OASIS system within the UM allows external and UM
sub-model components to execute in parallel as two independent processes.
Each of the executable model communicates with the OASIS executable through Unix named pipes and files
until the full coupled model integration completes. In the event of a failure in one of the components, a sibling
mechanism between the spawned Unix processes provokes the failure of other components, which would
otherwise remain in a waiting state.
Various interpolation methods and masking techniques are made available to users, allowing them to specify
external components of different grid layout and resolution from the UM. These are described in the original
documentation of OASIS [42].
Each of the atmosphere and ocean components of the UM have been adapted for the use of OASIS, either separately with another external component, or with both UM ocean and atmosphere sub-models being coupled
via OASIS. In the former case, the user will need to request - via the UMUI - UM fields required for exchange
by the UM component. In the latter case, the fields exchanged will normally comply with the list described in
section 4.12 (Coupled Models).
Please refer to UMDP C8 [32] for more technically involved details on the issue of OASIS coupling.


Information Required on the UMUI Panels

1. Selecting the UM section to enable OASIS coupling in the UM :

Window: smcc Coupling Sections
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> Pre-compiled coupling sections
2. General set up of OASIS
Window: smcc OASIS Coupling
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> OASIS Coupling
3. Compile window for the OASIS coupler
Window: smcc OASIS Compile
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> OASIS Coupling
--> Compile button
4. Definition of the external slave Model from the Master UM model when coupling with OASIS
Window: smcc OASIS Coupling2
Sub-Model Configurations and Coupling
-> OASIS Coupling
--> Slave button



4.14 Diagnostic Output (STASH)

Author: David Robinson, Last Updated: 18 May 98



The output of diagnostics from the UM is set up using the Spatial and Temporal Averaging and Storage
Handling (STASH) system. STASH is a very flexible system that allows users to obtain diagnostics on a
timestep to timestep basis and to process diagnostics in both time and space. Diagnostics include intercepted
fields generated as the model runs and derived quantities. Users can chose from a wide range of diagnostics
available or interface new diagnostics into the system.
Further details on the STASH system can be found in UMDP C4 [29].



In the UMUI, there is a main STASH panel available for each internal model currently available - Atmosphere,
Ocean and Slab. The path to this panel is:
Atmosphere OR Ocean GCM OR Slab Ocean
--> STASH, Specification of Diagnostic requirements
This panel is where the user will select the diagnostics required in a model run. The bottom part of the panel
lists the diagnostics required. Each diagnostic will have three profiles attached to them and the profiles appear
in the top half of the panel. If there are no diagnostics or profiles then all the boxes in this panel will be empty.
It is recommended that the user copies an UMUI experiment/job with some diagnostics and profiles already
set up.
In the middle of the panel, there is a HELP button. Clicking here will bring up a menu leading to help pages
on STASH, Diagnostics and Profiles. Users should refer to the help page on STASH before doing any STASH
processing, especially those entering STASH for the first time. All the windows involved with STASH have
HELP buttons which provide detailed information for each window.
It is recommended that the user defines the model configuration in the UMUI before entering STASH. This is
because the availability of some diagnostics depend on answers to questions in other parts of the UMUI.


Setting up the Diagnostic List

The first task for most users will be to sort out what diagnostics are required in the list. Detailed information
on the diagnostic list and how to manage it through action buttons can be found through the help page on
diagnostics. Basically, the user chooses to add or delete diagnostics from one of the available sections. A
useful feature is the option to disable (rather than delete) various diagnostics so that they can be used later if



After setting up the diagnostic list, the user needs to consider the three profiles - Time, Domain and Usage to be attached to each diagnostic. The profiles are identified by their names which normally begin with T,
D and U to help recognise the type of profile. This naming convention is not compulsory.
Detailed information on the profiles, how to manage them through action buttons and how to attach them to
the diagnostics in the diagnostic list can be found through the help page on profiles.



Time Profiles
They determine when a diagnostic will be output and the period over which time processing on any diagnostics
is done (eg, accumulations or means).

For diagnostics that involve time processing (Time Accumulations, Time Means, Time Series or
Max/Min value in a period), two times must be entered. The first is the sampling frequency and the
second is the period for the time processing. As an example, if an accumulation period of 6 hours with
a sampling frequency of one timestep, the output will be the sum of the value at every timestep over a
period of six hours. If an accumulation is to take place throughout the run then the accumulation period
should be set to -1.
Diagnostics can be output at any time ; Regular or irregular output times can be selected. For regular
output a start time, end time and a frequency are required. If output is required at regular intervals for
the entire length of the run the end time should be set to -1. For irregular output, the times are entered
in the window.
For time-processed diagnostics, ensure that the frequency of output times is correctly specified and in
agreement with the sampling and period of the time processing. For regular output, there is a calculation
done on the start time to ensure that the output times coincide with the end of any time-processing
period. Take a six hour accumulation period for example, the output times can be at the end of any
accumulation period, ie. after 6,12,18,24. . . hours. So it is possible to output a six hour accumulation
every 24 hours; the output will contain accumulated data for the periods 18-24 hours, 42-48 hours and so
on. The frequency of output times must not be shorter, but not need be the same as, the time processing
For time series diagnostics, time and domain profiles for time series must be set up. A time series holds
a number of records in one PP field. Each record contains the average for a sub-region of the model
domain at periodic intervals for a single model variable. All the records have the same time period
and contain values from the same time-steps. They only differ in the sub-region from which they are
Care needs to be taken when requesting diagnostics from sections that are not called every timestep,
such as SW radiation.

Domain Profiles
They determine the geographical region and level(s) for which the diagnostic will be output. Four windows
are involved in setting up a domain profile and the UMUI will start with window atmos STASH Domain1.
At the bottom of each window, there are three out of the four - LEVS, HORIZ, PSEUDO, TSERIES - buttons
which will take the user to one of the other three windows.
Through window atmos STASH Domain1 (LEVS button), the level type is selected. Depending on the
choice, the user will be prompted to enter more information, for example, choosing model levels will prompt
the user to enter whether a range or a selection of levels is required.
Through window atmos STASH Domain3 (HORIZ button), the following are selected:

The geographical area. There are a number of standard areas to choose from. The user can also select
an area by specifying lat-long or gridpoint rectangle. Where necessary, the area is rounded up to match
full model grid boxes and diagnostics could be output for a slightly greater area than that specified especially for Limited Area models.



Grid points to be included (ie, all, land or sea). Points not included are set to the missing data indicator.
Any meaning of the data (ie, in zonal, vertical, meridional or horizontal). Meaned data saves time and
disk space.
Any weighting of the data (ie, horizontally or by volume or by mass)
For time series diagnostics, domain (and time) profiles for time series must be set up.

Through window atmos STASH Domain2 (PSEUDO button), a pseudo level type is selected. This allows a
fourth dimension (such as LW or SW bands) which is required with a few fields. This is not often used and is
normally set to No pseudo level dimension.
Through window atmos STASH Domain4 (TSERIES button), the domain profile is defined for a Time Series
diagnostic. A list of model grid-points and levels allows the user to specify the sub-region(s) that are meaned
in order to form an average for each sub-region. Note that a domain profile can contain a number of subregions. If desired, just one model grid-point can be selected, e.g. to compare model data with data from
individual stations.
Usage Profiles
They specify which output unit (often PP-file) the diagnostic will be stored in. Diagnostics can be sent to
more than one output unit by repeating the diagnostic in the list and attaching different usage profiles.
The unit numbers for the PP files are in the range 60-69. Output written to units 60,61,. . . ,69 are stored in
files with the extension .pp0,.pp1,. . . ,.pp9 where PP files are not reinitialised. As an example, output sent to
unit 64 from experiment ABCD, job Z will go to the file abcdz.pp4. Reinitialised PP files have the extension
.pa,.pb,. . . ,.pj and include a model date calculated automatically.
Usage profiles are also used to direct output to files in connection with climate meaning. For further details,
see section 4.15.
Not all diagnostic fields go into a PP file. A number of fields are stored internally to be passed between
different sections of the UM during a model run. Through the Usage profile those fields are given a TAG
number to enable the UM to search for these fields by their TAG number when required. The help page on
Usage profiles provides more information on attaching Tag Numbers to diagnostic fields.


The STASHmaster file (SMF)

This file contains information on all diagnostics available to the UM. For every prognostic or diagnostic, there
is a record which is described in full in UMDP C4. Typical information stored is what grid and levels (model
or pressure) the data is stored on and how the data should be packed. It is the information in this file that the
stash panels in the UMUI use to verify whether any diagnostics and its profiles in the diagnostic list have been
set up correctly.
Any prognostic or diagnostic used in the UM must exist in this file otherwise it must be provided through an
USER STASHmaster file.
The USER STASHmaster file (USMF)
This file enables an user to add new prognostics, diagnostics or ancillary fields if they do not exist in the SMF.
It can also be used to correct or test changes to a record in the SMF. USMFs are specified in the window



atmos STASH UserDiags

--> User-STASHmaster files. Diags, Progs & Ancills.
(similar windows exist in the Ocean GCM and Slab Ocean sections)

Several USMFs can be attached. Typically, each file should relate to individual modsets.
Any USMF must be set up and attached before entering STASH.
The USMF must exist on the same platform as the UMUI client.
UMDP C4 [29] (page 13) provides all the information that can be set in a record for each field.
A template USMF to start from can be found in the help panel for this window.

Adding any new fields usually requires extensive changes to the UM code. A system has been set up to allow
the user to add new fields and use them as ancillary fields without the need to modify any code for the UM
to recognise and get these fields into the model (Code changes are still required to integrate the data in the
model). These fields are also known as User Ancillaries. This involves setting up a USMF using Stashcodes
(under section 0) which have been reserved:

301-320 : For atmosphere single level ancillaries

321-324 : For atmosphere multi-level ancillaries
331-340 : For ocean single level ancillaries
351-354 : For ocean multi-level ancillaries

Full details on User Ancillaries can be found in section 4.9.7 and the HELP panels.


Initialisation of User Prognostics

After the user has provided extra records through a USMF, it is necessary to initialise anyprognostic fields for
a run. This is done in the window atmos STASH UserProgs
--> Initialisation of User Prognostics
(similar windows exist in the Ocean GCM and Slab Ocean sections)
In this window, the user has a wide choice on how to initialise their prognostic fields. See the HELP panel.


STASH Macros

For the atmosphere model only, there are a number of STASH macros set up. A STASH macro is an internal
list of STASH diagnostic requests with profiles attached. A list of macros are available for selection in the
UMUI section:
--> STASH macros



There are other STASH macros associated with coupling or including the assimilation. These macros are
selected for inclusion in different UMUI locations.
If a macro is included in your job, the macro asks STASH to generate the diagnostics either in a PP file or
internally during a model run. The help page for each macro will inform the user where the diagnostics go.
If users need to add extra diagnostics to those in the macro (this should be rare), this can be done through the
STASH processing section and care should be taken with the Usage profile to ensure the diagnostic goes to
the same destination.
The full list of diagnostic fields set by the macro can be browsed in the STASHC file after the job has been




Climate Meaning

Author: K. Rogers, Last Updated: 1 May 98



Climate runs are very long runs of the Unified Model that can automatically resubmit themselves, and are
divided into conveniently-sized chunks (or resubmit increments) such as one or two years. They have a builtin mechanism that makes them restartable from a safe restart point linked to the meaning periods. This means
that if there is a system crash the model can be restarted from the last safe restart point. The run can also be
continued at a later date beyond the original run target-end date.
These runs are different from forecast runs in that the initial conditions as defined in the start dump are not
that important compared to the ancillary files that provide the boundary conditions and the forcing parameters.
Also in forecast runs the forecast must be produced in the minimum time and it does not matter that results
are not reproducible. With climate runs it is important that runs bit compare so that parts of a long run can
be repeated with extra diagnostics and to ensure an experiment is consistent with a previous one, since last bit
differences can make a significant difference to the climate produced by a run. During a climate run, certain
properties have to be conserved, such as the mass of the atmosphere, but strict conservation is less important
for the short timescales of a forecast run.
The following sections describe the climate meaning system and how to setup diagnostics that use this system.
For more information on the Unified Climate Model see Unified Model documentation papers:

UMDP 1: Introduction to the Unified Forecast/Climate Model [1]

UMDP C0: The Top Level Control System [26]


Climate Meaning System

The climate meaning system allows the user to specify up to four meaning periods and the model automatically produces means of the selected variables over each of these periods. For example, a climate modeller
could specify mean fields over 30 days, 1 season (3 months), 1 year and 10 years. The last safe restart point
for the model will be at the start of the last period 1 mean eg. the start of the month in the above case.
In UM versions before version 4.4, the system assumed that model years were 360 days long for simplicity.
At version 4.4 the system was extended to allow for a real 365/366-day year too. This version of the meaning
system works out when there are leap years and uses the actual number of days in the month (28, 29, 30 or
31), 3-month season (89, 90, 91 or 92) or year (365 or 366) being processed. It assumes that period 1, 2 and 3
means are always monthly, seasonal and annual, and currently there is no option to produce period 4 means.
The dump frequency must be daily to use the 365 day version of climate meaning. If selected, dump archiving
is done on real-month boundaries and there is also the option to reinitialise PP files at the same times.
The basic unit of time of the UM is the dump frequency, typically once a day. This is how often fields
are written out from D1, the main data array that holds primary (ie. prognostic and ancillary), diagnostic and
secondary fields, to various kinds of dump files. Fields can be processed in various ways within each day (see
section 4.15.3 on diagnostics below), but all output files for periods longer than the dump frequency are means
of these daily dumps.
Instantaneous dumps (also known as restart dumps) have filenames of the form $RUNID.da. . . , eg. cbdjia.daj34e0. When things go wrong, it is possible to continue the run from one of these instead of making a
new run. It is conventional to choose to produce a restart dump every day, delete them when a new one is



produced, and archive one at every period 1 mean, usually the first one of every month, using the UMUI to set
this up.
Fields from D1 are also added to partial sum mean dumps, which have names of the form $RUNID.apstmp1
for atmosphere fields and $RUNID.opstmp1 for ocean fields. These files are usually deleted automatically
at the end of a run, since they reside in a temporary directory. However if the run stops part way through a
meaning period the files are copied to a permanent directory. At the end of every period 1 time length, the
completed period 1 partial sum mean dump is copied to the period 2 partial sum mean dump, and so on for
the other meaning periods. These further partial sum mean dump files have a different naming convention
from the period 1 partial sum dumps, viz. $RUNIDa s2a and $RUNIDo s2b etc. where the letter a or o
shows whether it is an atmosphere or ocean file, the number shows which period the mean is for and the last
indicating letter shows whether the file is for writing to or reading from. These files are not deleted routinely
at the end of a run and are held in permanent disk space.
The last type of dump file that may be produced is a mean dump. The filename convention for these is
$ . . where the letter m indicates that the dump is meaned over a month, t for 10 days, s for a
season, y for a year etc. If meaning is done over less conventional timescales the filename convention is
$RUNID.d1. . . where the number 1 indicates that the mean dump is for a period 1 mean; similarly for other
mean periods. These mean dump files are not normally archived.
For more information on the meaning system see Unified Model documentation paper:

UMDP C5: Control of Means Calculations [30]


Setting Up Mean Diagnostics

There are two ways of producing mean diagnostics in the Unified Model system. Most people use the first
method (see section on General Meaning System below), from which a wide variety of diagnostics can be
obtained. The second method (see section on Selected Means of Instantaneous Values below) uses diagnostics
that are calculated anyway if the meaning system is switched on and so involves no extra overhead, but only
provides means of instantaneous prognostic variables at the dump time eg. midnight.
Anyone setting up diagnostics for a climate run is strongly advised to copy a standard climate experiment
containing diagnostics, so that suitable time and usage profiles together with most commonly used diagnostics
are already set up. The notes below give an overview only and are not adequate for setting up diagnostics from
For more information on the diagnostic system see Unified Model documentation paper:

UMDP C4: Storage Handling and Diagnostic System (STASH) [29]

General Meaning System

Any diagnostic can have a number of processes applied to it at a frequency of one timestep up to the dump
frequency (usually once a day). Then the value held for the day can further be meaned over the different
meaning periods. The processes that can be applied include meaning, extracting an instantaneous value,
accumulating and calculating maximum/minimum values, all every nth timestep. The frequency is often
every timestep but it may be more appropriate for it to be say every 3 timesteps if the model only does relevant
calculations every 3 timesteps (as with certain radiation diagnostics for example).
Extra space has to be allocated within the D1 array for these diagnostics and they involve extra processing.



To set up the diagnostics:

1. Open the main stash panel in the UMUI:
--> STASH, Specification of Diagnostic requirements
For ocean and slab diagnostics go to the equivalent panel within the Ocean or Slab section.
2. To set up a time profile press the Copy Profile button to copy an existing time profile and then Edit
Profile to edit it. Specify the time mean option and how often you want to take a sample of the
diagnostic for meaning (the frequency). The output times specifies the points in the run over which
the diagnostic should be produced as a range or a list. Alternatively you can select to accumulate, take
an instantaneous value or max/min value over the dump period from the same window.
3. If you want to mean over a meaning period in addition to meaning over the dump frequency (eg. a day)
you need to set up the usage profile as follows. Select Dump store with climate mean TAG and then
specify which of the 4 meaning periods the diagnostics should be meaned over. Then ensure that all the
diagnostics you want meaned use this usage profile in the main stash panel.
4. Select the diagnostics you want to use from each section: Press the Load New Diag button in the main
stash window. Double click on a section number to look at all the available diagnostics for that section
and double click on individual diagnostics to select them. All selected diagnostics are shown in the
list at the bottom of the main stash panel. Then double click on the time/domain/usage profile for each
diagnostic to pick up the highlighted profile of each type from the top part of the panel, changing the
highlighted profiles as appropriate.
Selected Means of Instantaneous Values
These diagnostics are only used for period means of instantaneous prognostic values at each dumping period
(eg. each day) or diagnostics directly calculable from these, so there is a limited list of diagnostics to select
from, eg. 26 for atmosphere. The values used in these means are the field values at midnight (since that is
when the dump file gets written out each model day). The contents of the dump file get added to the partial
dump file each day until the period 1 mean is reached. Then the contents of the file are meaned.
To set up the diagnostics:
Go into the main stash panel and press Load New Diag. Double click on sections 21-24 or 41-44 as appropriate (see below) and then select the diagnostics you want by double-clicking.
Use the following section numbers:

Period 1 means
Period 2 means
Period 3 means
Period 4 means

Model Type
Atmosphere Ocean

These sections are only called at the relevant meaning periods.

CM1:. . .
CM2:. . .
CM3:. . .
CM4:. . .




Output to Reinitialised PP Files

If diagnostics are not to be meaned using sections 21-24 and 41-44 in the climate meaning system and output
to mean PP files, they can be output to reinitialised daily PP files (or the same diagnostics can be output in
both ways). For example the following types of diagnostic are frequently requested:
1. Instantaneous eg. every 12 hours. Requires no memory overhead.
2. Means over any specified time length x. Stored in D1 so requires increase in memory.
3. Maximum or minimum values over a time length x. Requires space in D1.
4. Accumulation over a time length x. Requires space in D1.
If the same diagnostics are requested as mean diagnostics for the period 1 mean and the time length x is
the dump frequency, then no extra memory is required to produce the above diagnostics, in addition to that
required to hold the climate mean values.
It is important to check how often these files are reinitialised in windowsubindep PostProc PPInit
Sub-Model Independent
-> Post Processing
--> Initialization and processing of mean & standard PP files
Typically they are reinitialised every period 1 mean, but may need to be reinitialised more frequently if the
files are large or there is a shortage of disk space. Daily PP files have names of the form:
where [ao] refers to atmosphere or ocean and the [a-j] are the different output streams corresponding to unit
numbers 60-69. eg. cabcda.pbj1feb is an atmosphere PP file outputting on unit 61 for the month after 1st Feb
1991 (using the absolute time standard naming convention).




Automatic Post-Processing for Climate Runs

Author: Linda Wiles, Last Updated: 26 Jan 98



Climate mode integrations carried out on powerful computers can generate output at rates which make it
necessary for data to be archived and housekeeping tasks carried out as the model is running. Failure to do
this can lead to disk space shortages.
The model initiates output post processing by sending output processing requests direct to an independent
slave process, which acts as a server for the model. A pipe connects the model to the server, and requests are
read by the server down the pipe in the form:
%%% filename ARCHIVE/DELETE file_type
where %%% is a pattern the server can recognise as indicating that the following information is a request to
either archive or delete the data. The four file types are dump, pp, mean pp and boundary data.


Archiving system at vn4.4

These scripts are mainly used at the Met. Office, but potentially could be used on other sites by inserting sitedependent copy commands and variables in the parts where $UMMACHINE is not set to METOCRAY.
This would enable superceded dumps or PP files to be deleted and data files to be copied (togther with lists
of files to be archived) to another directory or machine while the run is continuing. A separate archive server
would need to be developed to move the data to more permanent storage.
Main Functions of the System

Copy model pp files, restart and dump files to another Unix system or archive system (or to the front
end system as at the Met. Office)
Disk management of the current disk files generated by the model i.e. delete files on current system as
run proceeds
Release users own post-processing scripts

At vn4.4 the archive system generates trigger files and the archiving jobs are built on the secondary system
using data contained in the trigger files.

Upon successful data file transfer, a trigger file is updated with details such as the secondary system
dataset name, the review date, tape type etc.
The trigger file is transferred to the secondary system upon reaching a maximum number of file entries
depending on the total size of the files, or on job completion. This number can be over-ridden in the
An Archive Server Function is active on the secondary system and deals with the generation and submission of archive tasks. Such tasks examine the trigger file contents, then carry out archiving procedures.
At the Met. Office, the archive server runs on the IBM MVS system.



The system performs the following additional tasks

Execute user supplied output processing scripts when required (e.g. for the operational suite at the Met.
Update model output processing history variables as requests are dealt with and recreate output processing history file on completion of each request.
If the server dies or a transfer error occurs, a message is sent to the model requesting it to stop. This
prevents files building up on the computer running the model. In this case, requests from the pipe
are sent to a runid.failure file in the users experiment directory. This file is read when the model is
restarted, tidying up files automatically, if starting from a continuation run.
Optionally deletes superceded files.


User instructions for Automatic Post-processing of Climate Runs

The trigger files detailed below are text files created by the post processing Unix scripts containing information
required by the secondary system in order to archive data files that have been transferred from the primary
Setting up an experiment at version 4.4
The UMUI post-processing screen allows archiving to be switched on or off. This sets a variable in the
SCRIPT file. There is also a choice of archive system. The climate runs use the CRACER system; others
use UABRF. There is a third option for non Met. Office users. A stream option must be specified, which
indicates the files which may be stored together. Five stream options are available which allow different
storage combinations. Medium and short-term runs usually archive all streams together, and longer jobs use
option 5, but any one of the following options may be chosen:
1. All streams separately.
2. All streams together.
3. Dump and boundary files together, others separately.
4. PP and mean PP files together, others separately.
5. Dump and boundary files together, PP and mean PP files together.
The data archived into CRACER is managed by a review system. Data is not expired automatically. Users
specify the review period in the UMUI. The minimum is 60 days to allow for processing and warning periods.
In addition, the user needs to specify the storage class and tape type. There is also the option to make duplex
backups of each file type.
Using the information in the completed post-processing screen, the process job will set variables required to
convert such requests into information required by the archive system. Such variables are to be found in the
experiment PPCNTL file.



Trigger file names and format

Example Trigger file name:

archive runid stream version Date Time


CRACERU - Unprocessed trigger file

Possible values for the stream type are:

Mean pp
Mean pp and instantaneous (daily) pp
Instantaneous (daily) pp
Dump and boundary
All stream types together

Version of the UM
Date year/julian day in the format YYYY/DDD
Time hrs/mins/secs

Example of trigger file contents:







All trigger files have a blank first line.

The Trigger File contains the following information for each file. The last three are Met. Office specific items.

The file name for the secondary system.

The date of expiry set to FOREVER for the review system.
The review date, in YYYY/julian day format.
Archiving information with alternatives

Scratch tape / Not scratched

Mail user with archiving errors / no mail
Duplex file / No duplex
CRACER/UABRF Archive type
Redwood/Normal tape types

The Accounting Code.

The Users mailid.




Action to be taken on archiving failures

Users wishing to use the automatic archive tidy-up facility, after failed runs and system crashes, should have
AUTOMATIC PP set to true in the SCRIPT file. This is the default in the UMUI.
The autopp tidyup script has been written to tidy up archiving after a system or archive server failure for the
previous run. The tasks that it performs depend on whether the previous run has crashed or failed.
If the model has stopped cleanly
When a run fails, because of a model or archiving error, the job closes down cleanly, leaving all unprocessed
files listed in the runid.failure file. Files which have been copied to the secondary system will have entries in
a trigger file.
Users should check that the runid.failure file contains all the files to be archived before re-starting as a continuation run.
If the model has crashed
A model stopping suddenly leaves behind a runid.thist file in the $DATAM directory. If this is present, it is
possible for the system to do most of the tidying up necessary. Users should check that a runid.thist file exists.
If this is missing it may not be possible to restart the run. The user will need to create a runid.failure file to
archive any data files remaining on the primary system and restart the job as a continuation run. No processing
is done in a new run; any runid.failure files are deleted.
Construct a $RUNID.failure file under $DATAM, using the format in the example below, starting each line
in the first column. Each archive request is followed by a delete request that removes the now transferred
file from $DATAM. Daily dumps that are not archived should just have a delete request if they are no longer
needed, BUT

Do not delete the last safe re-start dump.

Do not include a delete request for the latest dump on-line, even though this may need to be archived.
A delete request for these dumps will be sent by the model when the next dump of this type is created.

Example: file aawkq.failure Note, there should be no blank spaces at the beginning of the lines
** WAKEUP **
%%% aawkqa.daj16d0
%%% aawkqa.daj16d0
%%% aawkqa.p1j16d0
%%% aawkqa.p1j16d0


Tasks performed by autopp tidyup

Automatic check for inconsistancies between files and trigger files. In a normal model run, and entry
is made in the runid.requests file as soon as the request is read from the model. The last entry in the
runid.requests file is normally the file which was being processed when the system crashed. This entry
is checked and then if the file is still on the primary system, an entry is made to the runid.failure file. If
the file has been copied to the secondary system, then an entry is made to the trigger file.



Automatic trigger file checks. The users experiment directory $DATAM, is searched for trigger files for
the runid. If the current job is a new run, the trigger files are deleted, otherwise the trigger files are
copied to the secondary system. All empy trigger files are deleted.
Input contents of runid.failure file (archive requests from failed run) into qsserver in order to process
unarchived data files.
The automatic tidyup system creates a trigger file for the last file copied across to the secondary system
if it is not already included.

Checks before re-submitting run

If any old trigger files from a previous run with the same $RUNID, rather than the one that has just
failed, are residing in your $DATAM directory, then they will be copied to the secondary system; they
must be DELETED.
Finally, do not copy backup versions of Trigger Files in your $DATAM directory, as the scripts perform
a grep command to find all files containing the pattern CRACER. If these files also have the correct
jobid letter for the current run the files are copied to the secondary system and deleted.



4.17 File Utilities

Author: D.M. Goddard, Last Updated: 28 Jan 98

The utilities are a collection of standalone executables. Most are located both on the Cray T3E and on workstations. They require small amounts of memory and can be used interactively.
The majority are run by scripts located in directory $UMDIR/vnn.m/utils where n.m is the UM version number, eg. 4.4. The environment variable UMDIR is automatically initialised at logon time. bigend is only
found in $UMDIR/bin on the workstations. The syntax for all the utilities is given in UMDP F5 (see [35])
except for bcreconf, makebc and pptoanc (see table below for documentation).
Unified Model data files are binary files in a format described in UMDP F3 (see [34]). They include model
dumps, fieldsfiles (.pp files output by the UM), ancillary files, boundary datasets and observation files.
Most of these utilities will manipulate files created by earlier versions of the model. Any exceptions are stated
explicitly in UMDP F5.
Table 4.2 lists the utilities which are available.

Cray T3E/ws


Cray T3E/ws
Cray T3E


Cray T3E/ws


Cray T3E/ws




Cray T3E/ws


Cray T3E
Cray T3E/ws


Cray T3E/ws


Cray T3E/ws

Compares two UM files. Useful in testing for bit comparison or highlighting differences between dumps
Prints out contents of a UM file. Useful for checking headers.
(1) Converts Cray T3E UM files to 32-bit IEEE format for transfer to workstations.
(2) Converts Cray C90 UM files to 64-bit IEEE format after transfer from Cray
(3) Converts Cray T3E UM files to Cray format for use on Cray C90
Converts fieldsfile into sequential PP-file for PP processing. Allows users to display dump data on workstations using PP based software.
Appends a UM file onto another at a place specified by the user Useful for combining two boundary data for use in long runs of the model.
Reverses the order of bytes in each word of a UM file. Needed for DEC Alpha
Performs simple mathematical functions on UM dumps and fieldsfiles. e.g. subtract, add, multiply etc.
Thin/scale/convert/select/reject fields in a UM fieldsfile
Reconfigure a boundary dataset including vertical interpolation if required. For
details, see (http://fr0500/frdr/bcreconf/bcreconf.html)
Create a boundary dataset from model analyses or dumps. For details, see
Create a UM Ancillary File or Dump from PP files.
For details, see
Table 4.2: File Utilities





Author: Rick Rawlins, Last Updated: 26 Jun 98


So you have problems with running the model?

The UM is a large and complex system with many opportunities for mistakes to occur and errors can become apparent at a number of stages. The logical sequence of a successful run of the model starts with the
experiment being defined through accessing the user interface. Once experiment files have been created, a
job is launched on the target machine and UM program scripts are initiated. A standard pattern for a job is
first to invoke the reconfiguration program, then compile the model to generate a new executable file, and
finally run the model, possibly with automatic post-processing. For any particular run, each execution stage
is optional. Of course, these stages may all complete successfully but the model integration may still contain
serious errors, as evident by an inspection of model output fields.
For Met. Office users, errors within the UM system for successive versions are entered in a Technical Problems
Reporting system available from the UM Documentation page via Technical and Meteorological Reported
A number of topics are covered in the following sections which may give clues to the source of the problem.
Where comments predominantly refer to findings with the Cray T3E as target machine to run the model, then
this is indicated by the section title. Considering problems in the different stages separately:
Problems during set-up in the UMUI
There is a significant level of verification of users entries within the UMUI. Each variable within a
window has explicit ranges that are checked against, and the validity of the users responses is checked
each time a window is exited. A facility is available to pass through the entire set of variables for the
model, providing cross-checking of consistency between the entries of different sections. In addition
there are similar tools to inspect the list of STASH output diagnostic requests and profiles for consistency. Most inappropriate settings of UMUI entries will be captured by this method, and Help panels
will generally provide guidance. The last line of defence comprises any error messages generated when
the job is processed to generate its library of files for the target machine. Although the UMUI can be
relied on to create the correct file content in nearly all cases, there may be occasions when a rare combination of options is processed, that wrong values are generated - which should be borne in mind for
error investigations.
The most common error for users, having copied a working experiment is:

Picking up environment variables defined personally from the previous job,

eg USERR=$HOME/myancil may be valid for the previous user but not for you. Environment
variables are set in window subindep FileDir
Sub-Model Independent
-> File and Directory Naming

Problems during model initialisation: reconfiguration and compilation

A script to reconfigure the initial model dump is executed first and will be the first contact with real
data, failing if initial dump or ancillary files are absent. This will be revealed by generic error messages
this message could refer to any dump format file, which includes ancillary and boundary files. Note
also that the I/O routines will not necessarily point to an error when file opening is first attempted: a
**WARNING: FILE NOT FOUND message is produced if the file does not exist. There will often
be a number of such messages in a standard valid reconfiguration, since all potential ancillary files are



opened and the logic to decide which ancillary files are needed is only introduced at a later stage, before
explicitly reading the files.
Model scripts initiate an nupdate step that introduces user changes in source code from the basic release
(see section 3.1: Modifying source code). Conflict can occur between competing changes - these are
signalled by explicit nupdate messages. The model can fail to compile - again explicit messages point
to the offending subroutine in the job output.

Failures during model execution

Can arise (most likely first) from:
1. User errors in model set-up.

Incorrect filenames specified;

Logic errors in user updates;
Inappropriate parameter values chosen.

2. UM system errors in control.

3. Science formulation errors.
4. Input data errors.
5. Computer operating system/hardware problems.
Methods are described for investigating failures during model execution (see section 4.18.3) and discovering sources of error.
Errors in results only apparent after successful completion of the job
This is the trickiest problem! Cause(s) could lie in one of many areas and may require much detective
work to resolve. Later sections gives hints on some tools that may help attacking the problem, using
run-time diagnostics (see section 4.18.4). Inspection and comparison of model dumps, boundary and
ancillary files, and output pp files, can be achieved by the use of UM utilities such as pumf and cumf,
described in section 4.17 (File Utilities).


Inspecting output listings from a model run

A standard model compilation and run can easily produce 10k lines of printout, and it is useful to have some
idea of the overall structure of the information and know what to search for.
A job output listing will consist of: i) Unix messages from scripts; ii) output from Fortran and C routines
- labelled with a banner OUTPUT; iii) Unix housekeeping and job accounting information. [On MPP
machines, note that an OUTPUT file is generated for each processor and held temporarily on separate files,
optionally deleted at end of job. Only the file corresponding to PE0 is included in the job output listing, with
banner PE0 OUTPUT.]
Output will appear in the following order in job output files. The variables starting % can be used for
searching but are also in the listing of SCRIPT if requested.

Script output:
updscripts: nupdate for script modifications
qsprelim: reconfiguration output

compile system nupdate extraction



compile system linking to prebuilt code

make (compile/link) control/modified decks
output from executable including tracebacks (possibly from all PEs)
location of corefile if applicable

qsfinal: tidy up history files from run

Listing of all job library files if requested in UMUI

%UPDATES : script nupdate output
%RECONEW : reconfiguration pre-processing and compile output
%recona and/or %recona: atmos/ocean reconfiguration output
%UPDATE : model nupdate output
%QSMNCOMPILE: pre-processing required for compilation
%MAKE: make command (compilation/link step) output
%MODEL : output from all PEs - mainly from C I/O
HISTORY FILE PRINTOUT : printout of all history file records
%PE0 : all output from PE0 (except a small amount in %MODEL)
set-up information from STASH processing routines
READING UNIFIED MODEL DUMP : details of the input starting dump
ATMOS TIMESTEP : initialisation completed, atmosphere time-stepping started
FLOW TRACE SUMMARY: timing information

%AUTOPP TIDYUP : archiving server tidy up of old files

%SERVER : archiving server output
List of files in $DATAW, $DATAM and $TEMP directories
Job accounting listing, full then summary

Sdout and sderr output streams from scripts are intermingled so that if an error occurs that initiates a Unix
message, say a traceback in qsmain, this will place the Unix message after the Starting script : qsmain line.


Investigating failures during model execution

If an internal model check perceives that a gross error has occurred, an integer error code indicator is set and
the model exits via a soft failure in which control is passed back to the top level control routines in an ordered
way. A partial error message is passed to the Unix level giving the name of the routine in which the error was
trapped and an explanatory comment. A fuller error message is written to the Fortran output, and this can
point immediately to the problem or offer no guidance or be downright obtuse! Bear in mind that the model is
relatively robust to field values extending outside their normal range and that it may require some iterations of
extreme values before an error is detected, such as by a negative absolute temperature being calculated. Also
the error may be flagged in a routine some distance away in the calling tree from where the error originated.
The atmosphere model will generally fail in routines LSP FORM or SWRAD when meteorological prognostic
fields become contaminated with wild values, leading to catastrophic growth of instabilities.



What to look at first

Obviously the output to see where the error occurred. The output should be scanned from the top to see
what system messages are generated. The next place to look is from the bottom of the listing backwards, to
determine how far the integration reached and where the error was trapped if a soft failure occurred. Note that
in perverse cases with some hard failures the last buffer written to the output stream may be lost and the error
point could be further on than indicated.
System messages on Cray platforms:

floating point exception indicates that an attempt has been made to use an illegal value (NaN) in a
floating point operation, usually because an element of an expression has not been initialised. ie this
requires illegal values of A or B in:

! can generate floating point exception

! but a simple assign will not: no fail

ARLIB Maths library error, or similar, is invoked when an illegal value is input to a maths library
routine such as LOG or SQRT.
Operand range error normally indicates corruption or mis-alignment of argument list pointers for
subroutine calls.
Failed %ALLOC... states that too much memory is required. Valid increases in memory may arise
from a change of science routine, or extra output diagnostics, or increased model field sizes, of course.
However dynamic allocation of local arrays may pick up a corrupted dimension length, perhaps through
incorrect initialisation or, more seriously, through overwriting of the address contents by an earlier error.
For the atmosphere model it is possible to juggle performance and memory by changing the number of
segments for physics calculations. With MPP, simply increasing the number of processors may solve
the problem.

[On Cray machines a traceback using the debug utility is automatically invoked by UM scripts after a model
failure; other platforms need this to be done manually. Searching for A STEP will show which timestep the
atmosphere model failed on. If this points to a failure in the first or second timestep, it is almost certain that
there is an error in set-up, which could be small but serious.]
In MPP mode each processor continues independently until a barrier is reached. When a failure occurs on one
processor, abort signals are sent to the remaining processors, which will usually be waiting at a barrier. The list
of process states will indicate which processor initiated the abort, and will give some traceback information.
Messages from other processors can be ignored.
Further investigations (for Cray users)
Tracebacks are only provided for routines compiled with the debug option z enabled with the Cray f90 compiler; relevant routines need to be explicitly re-compiled. Compiler options are set - via override files on the
target machine - in window subindep Compile User
Sub-Model Independent
-> Compilation and Modifications
--> User defined compile overrides
Enabling the Cray f90 compiler option -ei sets unintialised variables to an indefinite number for every call
to the routine. This provides a useful check for real variables since it forces a run-time error when an uninitialised local variable is used in a floating point or assign operation, although dummy arguments and common



block variables are not included. Errors in integer variables cannot be trapped in the same way since all bit
combinations are legal for integers. Other f90 compile or load options may also be relevant here.
The Cray f90 compiler run-time check option -R can also give useful information: -Rbc produces messages if
array bounds are exceeded within a routine. -Rabc additionally compares the number and type of arguments
passed between calling and called routines. However note that the UM produces a large number of messages
pointing to inconsistencies between real and integer arguments across a routine call - these are due to the
widespread practice of invoking extra arguments to access elements of mixed type arrays such as in lookup
tables or the main D1 data array.
Problems still unresolved?
There is usually no alternative but to include an increasing number of write statements within the code to try
to home in on the error. You may prefer to use a more sophisticated debug utility such as Crays totalview
but these need familiarisation and the size of the UM code can overwhelm some applications. Overwriting
problems can be very difficult to track down. One useful technique is to include a write statement and/or calculations within routine TIMER, since this is called repeatedly throughout the control code and can sometimes
identify when a problem begins. Otherwise go back to a model run that worked before you made your changes
and gradually isolate components that are associated with the failure. The file comparison utility cumf may
be useful in this exercise, see section 4.17.
Note that for MPP, UM code has been designed to give bit reproducible answers when a model run is repeated.
This also holds true for repeated runs with different numbers of processors, with the exception of assimilation
code. Comparing runs with different numbers and configurations of processors is a useful technique for
exposing errors in new code.


Run-time diagnostics

Point prints of meteorological fields

Atmosphere model only. It is possible to obtain simple printed output of the primary meteorological variables
for specified timestep intervals and located at a specific grid location, with neighbouring values also being
optionally included. Maxima and minima of fields for each level of the model may also be obtained and is
a useful monitoring facility. These are set up through windows atmos Control Output Writes Patch and
atmos Control Output Writes MaxMin
-> Control
--> Diagnostic (Point) writing
---> Patch writes AND Max-min prints
and can be switched on without re-compilation. More experienced users can insert code based on this method
to obtain point prints after various stages of execution of the model timestep. For MPP, note that the diagnostics refer to the local domain of each processor separately, ie maxima and minima are not global values.
Timestep increments
Atmosphere model only. Selection of the UMUI window atmos Control Output Writes Incr
-> Control
--> Diagnostic (Point) writing
---> Increment writes



allows the user to request a printout of statistics of field increments between a specified number of timesteps.
This is useful for identifying the onset and location of the growth of instabilities. It adds significantly to the
cost of execution and so should only be used in investigative mode. For MPP, results are gathered on a single
processor and so the statistics refer to fields for the whole model domain.
Bit comparison of dumps
Testing for exact bit comparison between model dumps generated with and without a modification is a very
stringent check on system only changes. [This test is strictest if prognostic fields written to dumps are specified
as 64 bit rather than packed at 32 bit.] An option is provided to write out to disk model dumps at various stages
through the model timestep, making it easier to pinpoint where a loss of comparability was first introduced.
Select window atmos Control Output Writes D1
-> Control
--> Diagnostic (Point) writing
---> Dumps from WRITD1
but beware that a large amount of data may be written out to files. The same facility is available in the ocean
model from window ocean Control Output Writes D1. It is possible to extend this technique with user
modification sets, allowing dumps to be written during execution of other model routines.
Note that bit comparison can be lost with:

different compile optimisations (but a judicious use of brackets can force the compiler to evaluate in a
particular order);
different compiler options such as debug or runtime checking, which may affect optimisation;
compiler upgrades;
a change in order of any calculation;
summations of a variable in a different order - care is needed for gathering results from processors in
MPP mode;
changing the dumping frequency of the model - conversion of moist conserved variables is not reversible.


Performance diagnostics (Cray users)

A UM timing routine (TIMER) records how much cpu and elapsed time is spent in major model routines, controlled by software calls at the control level. Timings are given for the sum of calculations for called routines
at a lower level and so the output refers to the cost of sections of code rather than individual routines. For
MPP users, TIMER also returns statistics on all processors which gives some information on load balancing.
Elapsed time is the most significant measure here, but may be distorted by contention with other jobs handled
by the operating system.
Cray tools (Met. Office)
More information on Cray T3E tools for Met. Office users for general programs is available online . The most
useful tool for debugging is totalview, which can show the contents of all variables at the point of failure from
a core file and can also be set up to step through a program incrementally.




Test diagnostics

Atmosphere model only. A set of analytic fields can be calculated and produced as standard output through
the STASH pp system. The diagnostic names and analytic formulae used for generated the fields are described in UMDP D7: Test diagnostics for output [33]. These special fields can be generated as individual
diagnostics through STASH output panels of the user interface in the standard way. Alternatively, a macro has
been set up to create a standard set of the test diagnostics and this can be initiated by accessing the window
atmos STASH Macros Test
-> Control
--> STASH macros
---> Test diagnostic macro
Analytic diagnostics are useful when a system is being set up that requires a number of transfer or intermediate
stages between UM runs and the final display of output.


Appendix A

The Portable UM
Author: Mussadiq Ahmed, Last Updated: 5 Aug 98



Whenever the Met. Office upgraded their supercomputer, development of the UM was concentrated on optimising the performance of the model on that platform. In effect, the UM became hardwired to that computer.
This made the UM impossible to run on other platforms, but this was not an issue as there were a very limited
number of expensive computers that could run the UM.
As computers increased in power with more memory and faster processors, it was possible to run low resolution climate models and limited area models on workstations. As the cost of supercomputers decreased in real
terms, more scientific organisations were purchasing such computers for research.
The decision was taken to create a portable version of the UM that would run on different supercomputer
platforms and workstations. The portable UM is of great benefit to the Met. Office and to scientists around the
world. Its distribution to the scientific community for a small licensing fee has increased the global awareness
of the Met. Office and its major product, the UM. The portable UM has allowed the scientific community to
run their own weather models for the first time and carry out important research work. For some countries,
the portable UM has been the first step in the feasibility of running their own limited area forecast model.
Feedback from the scientific community to the Met. Office and to each other has resulted in enhancing the
performance of the UM with scope for further improvement for the benefit of all. The Met. Office also acts as
a point of contact to provide support for users.
The portable UM is used all over the world such as Poland, USA, Thailand, New Zealand, South Africa and
Brazil. The portable UM has run on IBM and Fujitsu supercomputers and HP, SGI and Digital workstations.
With each release of the portable UM, new developments have improved the scientific capability, functionality
and user-friendliness of the UM. The first available release of the portable Unified Model was vn3.2. It was
based on a given set of fixed experiments which had been previously set up on the UKMO IBM mainframe
User Interface. Vn4.0 of the Unified Model was the next release with the X-Windows based Unified Model
User Interface. The UMUI gave users the ease and flexibility to modify the supplied experiments or design
their own personal experiments. Vn4.4 is the current release with the ability to run the UM in MPP or nonMPP mode. This version also made extensive use of the make facility for compiling and creating the UM
executables. Make allows users to carry out scientific research efficiently as they modify the UM source code
with minimum effort.
As personal computers become more powerful and catch up with workstations in terms of speed and memory,
one day the UM will run on a pc using public domain software for the Unix operating system and language
compilers. Thus making the UM truly portable.




Porting the UM

The main criteria of the portable model is for the Fortran and C code to remain the same as that of the Unified
Model. In other words, the Portable Unified Model is the Unified Model as used in the Met. Office.
The UM is tested in non-MPP mode on the different workstation platforms available in the Met. Office.
First the UM is compiled on a workstation and then standard experiments are used for testing the UM. Such
experiments are global climate runs and limited area models. This gives the opportunity to test aspects of
the UM such as reconfiguration, STASH output, dumping and meaning. After successful execution of the
experiments, output is compared with the equivalent Cray T3E experiments to look for differences in model
output. The UM is also created and run on the Cray T3E in MPP and non-MPP mode using public domain
software (ie. message passing utilities and fast fourier transforms) instead of Met. Office and Cray proprietary
When porting the UM issues to consider include:
1. The Operating system of the platform
2. Fortran and C code compiler
3. The source code management tool : Portable and Cray Nupdate
4. The Fortran code / C code interface
5. The MPP mode of the UM
6. Replacing proprietary code such as message passing utilities and fast fourier transforms with public
domain equivalents
7. The data format of the platform
As external users use different combinations and versions of operating systems and code compilers, it is
impossible to forsee all porting issues and difficulties that may arise. A user may come across a problem not
seen by the Met. Office. So it is important for a user not to treat the portable UM as a black box, instead they
will develop the skills to have a good understanding in how the UM operates and solve problems that occur
on their computer.


Appendix B

The UK Met. Office UM

This section contains information which is only relevant to users at the Met. Office. This information will not
be of interest to external users.

B.1 File Transfer

Author: D.M. Goddard, Last Updated: 19 May 98

B.1.1 Introduction
There are several routes for transferring UM data from the Cray T3E to other machines in the UKMO. Transfers are available to workstations both directly and via COSMOS. Section B.1.2 describes interactive methods
for transferring UM dump files or fieldsfiles. Section B.1.3 describes batch methods for transferring UM


Interactive methods for transferring UM dumps and Fieldsfiles

These procedures are described in UMDP F5 [35].

Transfers from the Cray T3E to workstations
The following will transfer a UM file file.64 into the home directory of frxx on fr0600.

Convert UM file from 64-bit IEEE numbers to 32-bit IEEE numbers

$ /u/um1/vn4.4/utils/ieee -32 file.64 file.32

Send 32-bit IEEE file to workstation.

$ rcp frxx@fr0600:frxx/workstation_filename

If output is required in PP format run convpp see section 4.17 for details.



Transfers from the Cray T3E to COSMOS

Convert UM file from 64-bit IEEE numbers to 32-bit IEEE numbers

$ /u/um1/vn4.4/utils/ieee -32 file.64 file.32

Send 32-bit IEEE file to COSMOS. Note: quotes are important.

$ /u/um1/vn4.4/scripts/cray2hds file.32 cosmos_filename

Transfers from COSMOS to Workstations

On a DECNET server workstation:

Copy IEEE file from COSMOS to workstation.

$ hds2hp cosmos_filename dump.file

If output is required in PP format run convpp see section 4.17 for details.

In NWP, the DECNET server workstations are fr0500, fr0800 and fr1300.


How to Transfer UM Fieldsfiles

There are a number of useful UNICOS and JCL routines for transferring data from the Cray T3E to COSMOS
and on to the workstations. All the routines are set up to transfer the file scaab.pp4 from your home directory
on the Cray T3E, to MS15.XXSCAAB.PP4 on COSMOS and thence to /temp/fr0600/frxx/scaab4.pp on the
workstations. It is assumed throughout that your programmer letters are xx, your workstation account is on
fr0600, your COSMOS prefix is MS15, your group is M11 and your TIC is zzzzz. Some or all of these will
have to be changed before the routines can be used.
Transfers from the Cray T3E to COSMOS
The following job should be submitted on COSMOS to the Cray T3E (ISPF option N.R.1) after the model run
is complete.
# QSUB -lT 60
# QSUB -lM 7Mw
# QSUB -q express
# QSUB -eo
cat >nlist <<EOF



# PROGRAM to copy UM PP output to vbs fieldsfile #####

#Set up default aliases.
# Input file
# Output file
echo "Cray file to copy " $CRAYFILE
echo "IBM file
/u/um1/vn4.4/exec/qxfieldcos < nlist >outfc
cat outfc
#### check fieldcos o/p in case no fields have been transferred #####
#### search on line .....THE VALUE OF NENT IS
0 (if no.=0)####
head outfc | grep NUMBER | cut -f3 -d"S" > outfc1
read <outfc1 NENTRIES
if test $NENTRIES -eq 0
echo "Number of fields is $NENTRIES so abort file transfer and o/p"
#### end of fields no. check
putibm $TEMPFILE $IBMFILE,stat=new,df=tb,$UI,$vbstext
if test $CC -ne 0
echo " error in copy to vbs file on IBM "
echo $vbstext
exit $CC
rm $TEMPFILE nlist outfc*

Transfers from COSMOS to Workstations

The following JCL should be submitted to COSMOS. It will then transfer the file MS15.XXSCAAB.PP4 to
the workstations, creating the file /temp/fr0600/frxx/scaab4.pp. In the job card PROGRAMMER.XTN should
be replaced with your own name and extension number, eg, ANOTHER.4829. Towards the end of the job,
SER=05 should be replaced with the number of your own server.



// STRING=fr0600,
// TIMESPAN=temp,
// FILENAME=scaab4.pp,
// SPACE=(10,10),
// HPUID=frxx,
// SER=05
Automatic Transfers
PP files can be transferred to COSMOS and/or the workstations automatically by inserting a script at the end
of a UM run. The script is defined by going into the UMUI window subindep PostProc ScrIns
Sub-Model Independent
-> Post Processing
--> Top and bottom script inserts
Here the user must specify both a top and bottom script both of these must be resident on the machine on
which the model is being run. The top script should just be a dummy script, the bottom script follows.
If transfers are required to COSMOS or an HP then IBMTR or HPTR respectively should be set to be true.
This script uses getibm (see man page) to pull another script across. It is these which actually carry out
the transfers. They are assumed to be in MS15.XXUM.JOBS. They are also given here, the last two of the
following three scripts. As quoted here this job transfers scaab.pp4 to both the workstations and COSMOS
and scaab.pp2 to COSMOS only.
######### start of hp rel
if $HPTR
echo "Release scripts fppthp to output pp files"
getibm "" fpp
if test $CC -eq 0



echo " error in getibm fpp"

rm fpp
######## end of hp release
######## start of ibm release
echo "Release scripts fpptibm to output pp files"
getibm "" fpp
if test $CC -eq 0
echo " error in getibm fpp"
rm fpp
######## end of ibm release
The following script should be in MS15.XXUM.JOBS(FPPTHP).
echo "Release script fpp to output pp$PP file"
cat >nlist <<EOF
# PROGRAM to copy UM PP output to vbs fieldsfile #####
# Input file
# Output file
# Diagnostic file
# cos file
$EXEC/qxfieldcos < nlist >outfc



cat outfc
#### check fieldcos o/p in case no fields have been transferred #####
#### search on line .....THE VALUE OF NENT IS
0 (if no.=0)####
head outfc | grep NUMBER | cut -f3 -d"S" > outfc1
read <outfc1 NENTRIES
if test $NENTRIES -eq 0
echo "Number of fields is $NENTRIES so abort file transfer and o/p"
#### end of fields no. check
putibm $TEMPFILE $IBMFILE,df=tb $vbstext
if test $CC -ne 0
echo " error in copy to vbs file on IBM "
echo $vbstext
exit $CC
#####Get lower case runid and convert to uppercase in RUNIDUC
cat >runlc <<EOF
tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ <runlc >runuc
read <runuc RUNIDUC
#####Get current second to generate IBM job name so not identical
date +%S > date_second
read <date_second IBMNO
#####Generate dataset datename
date +%d%m > date_daymon
read <date_daymon DAYMON
########## IBM job ##############
cat >jclfile <<EOF
// SPACE=(10,10),
// STRING=fr0600,
// TIMESPAN=temp,
// HPUID=frxx,
// SER=05



echo "runid is $RUNIDUC"
ibmsub jclfile
if test $CC -eq 0
echo " T11XXH$IBMNO job sent to IBM"
echo "condition code=$CC"
rm $TEMPFILE $DIAGFILE jclfile nlist runlc runuc outfc*
The next file should be placed in MS15.XXUM.JOBS(FPPTIBM).
echo "Release script fpp to output pp$PP file"
cat >nlist <<EOF
# PROGRAM to copy UM PP output to vbs fieldsfile #####
# Input file
# Output file
# Diagnostic file
# cos file
$EXEC/qxfieldcos < nlist >outfc
cat outfc
#### check fieldcos o/p in case no fields have been transferred #####
#### search on line .....THE VALUE OF NENT IS
0 (if no.=0)####
head outfc | grep NUMBER | cut -f3 -d"S" > outfc1
read <outfc1 NENTRIES
if test $NENTRIES -eq 0
echo "Number of fields is $NENTRIES so abort file transfer and o/p"
#### end of fields no. check
putibm $TEMPFILE $IBMFILE,df=tb $vbstext
if test $CC -ne 0


echo " error in copy to vbs file on IBM "
echo $vbstext
exit $CC
echo "condition code=$CC"
rm $DIAGFILE $TEMPFILE1 nlist outfc*




B.2 Operational Archives

Author: Anette Van der Wal, Last Updated: 1 Apr 98


Whats Available

There seem to be so many different operational archives, that even the experienced user might be daunted by
the task of retrieving model output. A full list is available from the COSMOS dataset
Many of these are temporary (less than 1 week) and are primarily for operational purposes.
Some of the most useful archives are:
1. The WGDOS Packed Archive (see section B.2.2) contains limited model output fields.
2. The WGDOS Fieldsfile Archive (see section B.2.3) contains all model output fields.
3. The 18-Month Cray (or Re-run) Archive (see section B.2.4) contains initial analyses, acobs and boundary conditions which can be used for model reruns.
4. The Observation Archive (see section B.2.5) contains 30 days of observations which were used in operational runs.
5. The MOPS Archive (see section B.2.6) contains MOPS data for use in mesoscale model runs.


The WGDOS Packed Archive

This archive is provided by the Working Group on the Development of the Operational Suite (WGDOS) .
Details of the available fields are given in the following COSMOS datasets:
Model Type
UM Analysis
UM Background
UM Forecast
Fine Mesh
Global Wave
Lim. Wave

COSMOS Dataset

There are 3 formats which the model data can be restored to:
Fieldsfile: The file is of the same format as model diagnostic output.
PP format: This is probably the most useful form to restore archived data to, since the UKMO plotting
facilities deal with files of this format.
VBS format: Try this format if you dont need a lot of data description (the header is only 16 words long).
See mcf.wgdos.cntl(painfo) for more details.



Technical information on these options is available in UMDP F3 [34] or UMDP Y8 [40], or you may want to
read more about diagnostic output (see section 4.14).
A Basic Example
Suppose you want to restore a weeks worth of PMSL and H500 forecast fields (01/08/97 to 07/08/97, say), at
T+0 and T+24, from a 00Z global forecast, and write them to a PP style dataset. The following is a step-by-step
guide to do this:
1. Enter the WGDOS panels
Log on to COSMOS and type tso wgdos on the command line. If this doesnt work, try tso exec
mcf.master.clist(wgdos). This will bring up the WGDOS title panel. Hit Enter, to give the main
WGDOS menu.
2. Find the field type and level code
Choose option 1 - WGDOS, option 1 - WGDOS again, and then option F - Fields. Select the type of
data you require . . . in this example, it is option 3 - UM Fcst. This is a complete list of all the fields
archived. In the first column, to the left of the field name, is a number. This is the field type and will be
coded as ITYP in the extraction job. So, for pressure, ITYP=12 and for height, ITYP=2. Along the top of
this table is a list of levels (coded as LEV), and an X indicates which levels are archived for a particular
field. For height, the A beneath the 500 signifies that this field is also available at T+96 and T+120. Next
to pressure there is an A in the column headed 8888 (indicating mean sea level), which means that there
are 2 additional forecast times for this field too. We require LEV=8888 (mean sea level) for pressure
and LEV=500 (500hPa) for height.
3. Check for missing data
Before you go any further, it is imperitive that you check that the fields required are not missing. To do
this, go back 2 panels, and choose option M - Missing followed by the type of fields you are interested
in (3 in this case). This list gives the dates and times of any fields which have been omitted from the
archive, but be warned, it is not comprehensive. If you discover a field which is missing, but not on the
list, let the archive manager know! Neither of the fields in this example are missing.
4. Look up cartridge details
The next step is to find out which cartridges contain the dates which you want to restore. From the top
level menu, choose option 3 - Extract2. On this panel we would enter:
AGF for global forecast, Y for one month only, and then fill in the details of the month (MM=08,
You will then be presented with a list of cartidge volumes and dataset names. Since these files are
catalogued, you only need to remember the name, the last part of which tells you the first date that is on
the tape. For the first week in August, we require 1 tape, namely cop.paagf.j970729.
5. Preparing the namelists
There are 2 namelists which are used to extract the fields from the archive.


The first defines the data time of the restore and the second defines the fields. Each &DT can have
several &REST namelists associated with it. See option 4 - Examples on the top level menu, and then
option 5 - Further Hints for more details. In this example, we would set them up as follows:



There are some parameters which we havent mentioned yet . . .

IU : the logical unit number attached to the output file in the JCL.
ALL : specify as true if you want to restore all dates from a dataset. This is often quicker than
specifying each date separately, if you want several dates from one tape.
LAST : this should be set to true on the last &REST namelist.

6. Setting up the JCL

The restores are done on the IBM, so JCL is needed. Check out the example in WGDOS panel 4.2.
You need a separate EXEC statement for each dataset (or cartridge) you are trying to access. The final
syntax for our restore job looks like this:
//GO.FT05F001 DD *
Items in bold typeface should be replaced by your own account details. Retrieving fields is quite an
expensive process, so its best to use priority 5 whenever possible.
7. Restoring from UABRF
Only the most recent years of data is kept on CA-1 cartridge, which enables convenient access. Data
older than about 18 months is archived to UABRF. This means that before use, it must first be restored
to disk. The disk dataset is then entered on the GO.FT81F001 step of the job above and the job is run
as before.
Naming convention for UABRFd data is the same as for CA-1 datasets except the high level qualifier changes from COP to CFPROD. In this example, COP.PAAGF.J970729 would be renamed CFPROD.PAAGF.J970729.
The JCL for restoring from UABRF can be generated by choosing option P - Restore from the second
level menu.




The WGDOS Fieldsfile Archive

This archive is basically a straight dump of fieldsfiles output from the UM. It contains all fields which are
output operationally. See the COSMOS dataset cop.core.fflist to see whats available.
Depending on how much and what type of data you require, you may wish to use this archive. It is good for
daily restores of fields not on the packed archive, but becomes expensive and time consuming if you want to
restore data to form a monthly mean, say. Only 4 years worth of output is retained (on a rolling archive basis).
A Basic Example
Imagine the same example as in section B.2.2, but for just one day . . . 01/08/97. Heres what to do:
1. Enter the WGDOS panels as in section B.2.2
2. Restore Data
Choose option N - WGDNEW to go into the new archive. Select option 3 - Restore, which will take
you through a set of panels designed to generate the JCL required. Remember that it is the full model
fieldsfile which is restored, which can use anything up to 1,150 cylinders depending on model domain
and resolution. In our example, we want the global 00Z fieldsfile, so we would enter the following
(where the values in bold type should be replaced by your account details):
DAY ===> 01
MONTH ===> 08
YEAR ===> 97
. . . then hit Enter. At the next panel, hit Enter again, to get a list of all fieldsfiles available, or just enter
CFPROD.FFCLGM.ARCHQG00.FF970801. Type sub on the command line to move on. At this next
panel, you should fill in your jobcard details. The JCL can then be stored and edited before submitting.
It should look like this . . .
Items in bold will be replaced with your own account details if you go through the panels.
3. Extract required fields
You may already have a routine which extracts fields from a fieldsfile; it probably uses FFREAD. If
not, then you can find out details of FFREAD and other access routines by selecting option 5 - Access.



Alternatively, Clive Jones has written a program which takes namelist input, to extract any number of
fields. The namelist is called &FIND, and any of the pp header codes can be used to search for a field.
In our example, the job would look like this . . .
//FT05F001 DD *
Unlike the &REST namelists in section B.2.2, each &FIND namelist must be for a single field only i.e.
lists for any of the parameters, such as MSFT=0,24,48,..., are not acceptable.
Note: The dataset attached to unit 10 is the input dataset i.e. the one that has just been restored in step
2. The dataset MS15.AVNEW.DATASET is a new dataset which will be created, and will contain the
fields you have extracted from the fieldsfile. It is important that you delete the fieldsfile as soon as you
have finished with it as it uses a large amount of disk space.


The 18-Month Cray Archive

This is the place from which to retrieve your data if you wish to do a model re-run. The latest 18 months worth
of analyses, acobs, boundary conditions and MOPS data are stored for global, LAM and mesoscale models
on a rolling archive. If you are running a case which is not on the archive, i.e. older than 18 months, then you
will have to bring back the ECMWF analyses (see section B.3). The easiest way to set up a job to restore the
data is to use the Observations User Interface (Obs UI, see UMDP U3 [38]) on COSMOS. This JCL can be
stored and ammended for subsequent retrievals, although you are strongly advised to go back through the Obs
UI panels, to ensure that the code is up to date, as developments are ongoing.
A Basic Example
Suppose you require analysis for a global 00Z re-run from 01/08/97. The following steps show you how to
restore such data:
1. Enter the Observations User Interface
Log on to COSMOS. If you are in FS, CR or NWP, then the Obs UI will be on your branch applications
panel (as specified in UMDP U3 [38]). If you are in any other division then you will need to change
a parameter on one of the COSMOS log in panels, which will enable you to access the NWP Division
branch menu, and enter the Obs UI. On the 3rd log in panel (entitled: Welcome to Time Sharing
Option), change the PROCEDURE to M11LPROC.



WARNING: By changing the PROCEDURE parameter, you may find that you are no longer able
to access some applications specific to your branch. Once you have restored the required data, it is
advisable to restart your COSMOS session, by logging off, and on again.
The screen size is important. If you are using a COSMOS emulator (from an HP for instance), you will
need a screen with 43 lines or more.
2. Create the JCL
Once you have gained access to the Obs UI, it is only a matter of filling in answers to the relevant
questions. Firstly, choose option 2 - Restore Datasets from the Cray Model Archive , and then use the
operational version of the panels. Once you have set up the JCL, you will be asked if you want to save
it. It is a good idea to do so, since you will then have a reference point if a problem occurs. For our
example, the JCL looks like this:
//* Front End Job to restore datasets from Cray Model
//* Archive.
3. Tips
(i) The NEWN parameter is the dataset to which the restored data will be copied. Note that the Obs
UI generates the same dataset name for restores of different dates, but similar field types. For instance,
global 00z analysis for 01/08/97 will be copied to MS15.AVANAL.QG00 (for me), as will global 00z
analysis for any other date. Watch out for this, as trying to create a dataset which already exists will
cause a failure.
(ii) Datsets created from this archive are large; it is best to transfer them to the Cray T3E asap, and
remember to delete the copy on the IBM.
4. Useful Contacts
If you have any questions about the Obs UI, or if you are a first-time user, please contact Adam Maycock.




The 30-day Observation Archive

The primary use of the observation archive is to allow exact re-running of the operational OPS in order
to investigate any operational failures. It is becoming more redundant as OPS improvements allow easier
retrieval of observations from the MetDB.
For more information, contact the OPS system manager.


The MOPS Archive

MOPS data is used in the mesoscale model, and is processed satellite and radar imagery. The processing is
done by Nimrod. Forecast data from a mesoscale run is sent over to Nimrod, who use that data plus Meteosat
IR imagery and UK radar data to produce a 3d cloud cover analysis and a precipitation rate analysis. These
analyses are then interpolated to the mesoscale UM grid (to produce a MOPS fieldsfile), converted to an
ACOBS file, and used in the assimilation.
Files that are archived for each mesoscale run are..
Cloud analysis from Nimrod
Precip analysis from Nimrod
MOPS fieldsfile (Nimrod analyses interpolated to mes grid)
The MOPS data archive is similar to the 18 month rerun archive (section B.2.4), the only differences are the
names of datasets which can be found in section 8 of




Obtaining Data from the ECMWF Archives

Author: Anette Van der Wal, Last Updated: 30 Mar 98


The ECMWF MARS Archive

ECMWF store all of their observational, analysis and forecast data on a central file store. This archive contains
operational and research data going back over ten years. A software interface known as MARS (Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System) provides a facility for accessing this data. Details on the contents of the
ECMWF archive and how to use the MARS interface can be found in the MARS User Guide [43].


Running the UM from ECMWF Analyses

This section explains how to extract data from MARS and return the resulting file to the Met. Offices Unix
systems. Only those programmers who have accounts on the ECMWF computer system can access MARS
The following is an example of the MARS request required to extract ECMWF analysis data. It will later be
referred to as the MARS request:
mars <<EOR
For Y2K compliance, it is important that the year is a 4 figure value. The user is reminded that the $HOME
disk space at ECMWF is small. Hence it is good practice to keep restored data in the $SCRATCH area.
The job accesses the pressure level archive at ECMWF via the Met. Office-ECMWF link. The horizontal grid
resolution and the analysis time and date may be changed via the parameters grid, time and date respectively.
In addition, for dates prior to 15/7/86 where the surface geopotential is unavailable, param=st/msl/lsm must
be coded for the surface field extraction.
If data on ECMWF hybrid vertical coordinates are required, then levtype=ml and param=t/u/v/q should be
coded for upper air fields. Note that this option will not work if surface pressure and surface geopotential are
not available.



For vn4.4 of the model, the reconfiguration expects land-sea mask (lsm) to be the 3rd field in the analysis file.
Use the eccopy command as follows to send data back to the Met. Office:
eccopy -u $userid -h $ip_address $rfile
where the ip address is that of the Met. Office host machine (from hereon referred to as the host machine),
and userid is the users ID on that machine.
Currently, the host machines running eccopy are:
Cray T3E

The user must have an account on the machine they wish to use as a host. If in doubt, check with Unix support.
Setting Up
A few things need to be set up before data retrieval and transfer can begin.
1. Create an eccopy directory
Using the eccopy command, data will automatically be returned to a directory called $HOME/eccopy
on the host machine. This should be created by the user.
2. Create a .echosts file
In order for eccopy to work, the user requires a file called $HOME/.echosts on the host machine which
should contain the line: frc
where frc is the ECMWF userid.
3. Create a .nqshosts file
In order for batch submission to work, the user requires a file called $HOME/.nqshosts on the ECMWF
machine. It should contain some or all of the following:
hades frc
styx frc
ecgate1 frc
ecgate2 frc




nimbus FRC
cirrus FRC
The important entries are those starting ec. FRC or frc should be replaced by the users ECMWF
userid in the correct case.
4. A Warning about Shells
The default shell at ECMWF is the C shell, whereas most users at the Met. Office are more familiar
with the Korn shell. Be aware of this when submitting jobs, especially if doing so in batch.
Interactive Retrieval
1. Telnet to ecgate1
This should work from any host machine, but currently does not work from the Cray T3E. Commands
(especially editors) behave more predictably using an xterm (rather than HPterm). Enter userid and
passcode at the prompt.
2. Access MARS
Create a Unix script which contains the MARS request and the eccopy command; make sure it is
executable (chmod 755 script file). Run the script. The data will be sent back to the host machine
Batch Retrieval
1. Create a valid certificate
The file $HOME/.eccert, on the host machine, contains userid and encrypted passcode information
which is used in the batch commands. To create a new certificate, or update an old one, type eccert at
the host prompt. At the time of writing, batch submissions are not possible from the Cray T3E.
2. Send a Batch Request
The command used for batch submission is ecqsub.
A simple submission would be something like
ecqsub -q ecgate -s /bin/ksh script_file
where script file contains the MARS request and eccopy command.
Output, including stdout and stderr go into the users $HOME/eccopy directory by default. Unless
renamed, stdout and stderr are given names like aaaaaaa.onnnn and aaaaaaa.ennnn where aaaaaaa are
the first seven characters of the script file name, and nnnn is a unique 4-digit identifier (not controlled
by the user).
3. Check or Delete a Queued Batch Request
This is done using the ecqstat and ecqdel commands.



Using the Data

If the data is on the HP, it can be copied to the Cray T3E using the rcp command. Alternatively, the user could
get it sent to the Cray T3E directly using -h in the eccopy command.
The data is in GRIB format, and as such can be read directly into the reconfiguration. From the UMUI choose
Window: atmos InFiles Start
-> Ancillary and input data files
--> Start dump
and under Using the reconfiguration, select The dump is in ECMWF GRIB format.


3DVAR: Three dimensional variational analysis (the next generation data assimilation system being developed to replace the analysis correction scheme)
ACOBS: Observation files used for the analysis correction data assimilation component of the UM
ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
AVHRR: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
BUFR: Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data. It is a standard developed by
WMO for the efficient storage of meteorological observations in a machine independent form, where
all the information to describe the observations is contained within the data.
C90: Cray 90 Supercomputer
CERFACS: European Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Scientific Computing
CFO: Central Forecasting Office
COSMOS: Front end computing system at the Met. Office, residing on an IBM mainframe computer, and
separate from the HP workstation networks and Cray C90 supercomputer.
CR: Climate Research (Hadley Centre)
ELF: Equatorial Lat-long Fine-mesh
ECMWF: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ERS: European Research Satellite
FOAM: Forecasting Ocean Atmosphere Model
FR: Forecasting Research (defunct), see NWP
FS: Forecasting Systems (old), see OS
GLOSS: Global locally-processed satellite soundings
GRIB: WMO standard for GRIdded Binary data. It is designed to provide efficient storage on data on a
variety of grids
HP: Hewlett Packard. Brand of workstation currently used at the Met. Office.
JCL: Job Control Language (IBM)
JCMM: Joint Centre for Mesoscale Meteorology
LAM: Limited Area Model



LASS: Local Area Sounding System

MARS: Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System
MES: Mesoscale Model
MetDB: Meteorological Data Base (of observations prior to processing for the UM)
MLD: Mixed Layer Depth
MOPS: Moisture Observation Pre-processing System
MPP: Massively Parallel Processors
MSL: Mean Sea Level
MSLP: Mean Sea Level Pressure (see PMSL)
MVS: Multi Virtual Storage IBM mainframe operating system - in use at the Met. Office since 1979
NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NWP: Numerical Weather Prediction
OASIS: Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil; a distributed O-AGCM coupler developed at CERFACS.
OPS: Observation Processing System
OS: Operational Services
PL: Programmer Letters
PMSL: Pressure at Mean Sea Level
SST: Sea Surface Temperature
STASH: Spatial and Temporal Averaging and Storage Handling (storage handling and diagnostic system)
TKE: Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TIC: Task Identification Code (for administrative accounting)
UARS: Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
UI: User Interface
UKMO: United Kingdom Meteorological Office
UM: Unified Model
UMACS: Unified Model Analysis Correction Scheme
UMDP: Unified Model Documentation Paper
UMUI: Unified Model User Interface
WBPT: Wetbulb Potential Temperature
WGDOS: Working Group on the Development of the Operational Suite
WGDUM: Working Group on Development of the Model
WMO: World Meteorological Organisation


[1] Introduction to the Unified Forecast/Climate Model ,
M.J.P. Cullen,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 1, version 7, 30 Aug 90.
[2] Change Control Management of the Unified Model System,
R. Rawlins,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 2, version 1.4, 26 Jan 95.
[3] Software Standards for the Unified Model: Fortran and Unix,
P. Andrews,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 3, version 7.2, 5 Feb 98.
[4] Maintenance of Frozen Versions of the UM for Climate Users,
F. Rawlins,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 4, version 2, 2 Nov 94.
[5] Conservative Finite Difference Schemes for a Unified Forecast / Climate Model,
M.J.P. Cullen, T. Davies, M.H. Mawson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 10, version 27, 29 Mar 93.
[6] Positive Definite Advection Scheme,
M.J.P. Cullen, R.T.H. Barnes,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 11, version 6, 24 Jun 97.
[7] Vertical Diffusion,
C.A. Wilson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 21, version 4.0, 12 Nov 92.
[8] Gravity Wave Drag,
C.A. Wilson, R. Swinbank,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 22, version 1, 1 Sep 91.
[9] Radiation,
W.J. Ingram, S. Woodward and J. Edwards,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 23, version 3, 25 Feb 97.
[10] Subsurface, Surface and Boundary Layer Processes,
R.N.B. Smith,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 24, version 2, 31 Mar 93.
[11] Canopy, Surface and Soil Hydrology,
D. Gregory, R.N.B. Smith, P.M. Cox,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 25, version 3, Nov 94.

[12] Large-scale Precipitation,
R.N.B. Smith, D. Gregory, J.F.B. Mitchell, A.C. Bushell, D.R. Wilson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 26, version 4, 25 Feb 98.
[13] Convection scheme,
D. Gregory, P. Inness,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 27, version 2, 1 Mar 96.
[14] Energy Correction,
D. Gregory,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 28, version 1, Nov 98.
[15] Calculation of Saturated Specific Humidity and Large-scale Cloud,
R.N.B. Smith, D. Gregory, C. Wilson, A.C. Bushell,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 29, version 3, 3 Nov 97.
[16] The Analysis Correction Data Assimilation Scheme,
R.S. Bell, A.C. Lorenc, B. Macpherson, R. Swinbank, P. Andrews,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 30, version 4, 3 Mar 93.
[17] The Ocean Model ,
S.J. Foreman,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 40, version 1.
[18] Ocean Model Mixed Layer Formulation ,
S.J. Foreman,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 41, 17 Sep 90.
[19] Penetrative Solar Radiation ,
S.J. Foreman,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 42, 17 Sep 90.
[20] The Thermodynamic / Dynamic Sea Ice Model ,
J.F. Crossley, D.L. Roberts,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 45, version 1, 2 Oct 95.
[21] Lateral Boundary Conditions in the Ocean Model ,
D.J. Carrington,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 48, Version 1.0, 9 Oct 90.
[22] Application of Surface Heat and Fresh Water Fluxes ,
S.J. Foreman,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 50, 14 Sep 90.
[23] Ocean Model Isopycnal Diffusion Scheme ,
D.J. Carrington,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 51, 10 Oct 90.
[24] Specification of Ancillary Fields,
C.P. Jones,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 70, version 4, 4 Dec 95.
[25] Ancillary File Creation for the UM,
D. Robinson, C.P. Jones,
Unified Model Documentation Paper 73, version 4, 24 Feb 98.




[26] The Top Level Control System ,

T.C. Johns,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C0, version 9, 18 Nov 92.
[27] Dynamic Allocation of Primary Fields,
F. Rawlins,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C1, version 1.0, 6 Aug 93.
[28] Atmosphere - Ocean coupling: technical overview,
R. Rawlins,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C2, version 1.0, 30 Jun 97.
[29] Storage Handling and Diagnostic System (STASH),
S.J. Swarbrick, K. Rogers,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C4, version 13.1, 6 Sep 98.
[30] Control of Means Calculations,
N.S. Grahame, R.A. Stratton,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C5, version 2, 20 Aug 92.
[31] Updating Ancillary and Boundary Fields in the Atmosphere and Ocean Models,
M.J.P. Cullen, C. Wilson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C7, version 15, 8 Sep 94.
[32] OASIS Coupling: Technical Overview,
J-C Thil,
Unified Model Documentation Paper C8, version 1.
[33] Test Diagnostics for Output,
F. Rawlins,
Unified Model Documentation Paper D7, 19 Feb 93.
[34] Format of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Wave Dumps, Fieldsfiles, Ancillary Data Sets, Boundary
Data Sets and Observation Files,
D. Robinson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper F3, version 24, 18 May 98.
[35] Unified Model File Utilities,
A. Dickinson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper F5, version 9, 9 Jul 96.
[36] Technical Details of the Unified Model Data Assimilation Scheme,
R.S. Bell, B. Macpherson, D. Robinson, P. Andrews,
Unified Model Documentation Paper P3, version 6, 22 Jun 95.
[37] Interpolation Techniques and Grid Transformation Used in the Unified Model,
A. Dickinson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper S1, version 11, 18 Feb 98.
[38] Introduction to the Observations User Interface ,
G. Bason,
Unified Model Documentation Paper U3, version 2, 17 Jan 95.
[39] The Nupdate Source Code Manager,
R. Krishna,
Unified Model Documentation Paper X2, version 2, 9 Nov 93.



[40] Obtaining Output from the Unified Model ,

P.J. Trevellyan,
Unified Model Documentation Paper Y8, version 1, 31 Aug 90.
[41] System Maintenance Procedures,
G. Henderson,
Unified Model Documentation Paper Z5, version 4, 25 Apr 96.
[42] OASIS 2.0 Users Guide and Reference Manual,
Laurent Terray et al.,
CERFACS, 42 av. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex
[43] MARS User Guide,
ECMWF Computer Bulletin 6.7/2
[44] A numerical method for the study of the circulation of the world ocean
K. Bryan,
J. Comp. Phys., 3, pp. 347-376. (1969)
[45] Accelerating the convergence to equilibrium of ocean climate models
K. Bryan,
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 14, pp. 666-673. (1969)
[46] A primitive equation, three-dimensional model of the ocean
M.D. Cox,
GFDL Ocean Group Technical Report no. 1, Princeton, NJ, USA. (1984)
[47] Isopycnal mixiing in ocean circulation models
P.R. Gent and J.C. McWilliams,
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 20, pp. 150-155. (1990)
[48] Isoneutral diffusion in a z-coordinate ocean model
S.M. Griffies, A. Gnanadesikan, R.C. Pacanowski, V.D. Larichev, J.K. Dukowicz and R.D. Smith,
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, pp. 805-830. (1998)
[49] The Gent-McWilliams skew flux
S.M. Griffies,
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, pp. 831-841. (1998)
[50] A one-dimensional model of the seasonal thermocline. Part II.
E.B. Kraus and J.S. Turner,
Tellus, 19, pp. 98-105. (1967)
[51] Ocean vertical mixing: a review and a model with a nonlocal boundary layer parametrization
W.G. Large, J.C. McWilliams and S.C. Doney,
Rev. Geophys., 32, pp. 363-403. (1994)
[52] A stable and accurate convective modelling procedure based on quadratic upstream interpolation
B.P. Leonard,
Cmput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 19, pp. 59-98. (1979)
[53] Parameterisation of vertical mixing in numerical models of tropical oceans
R.C Pacanowski and S.G.H Philander,
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 11, pp. 1443-1451. (1981)



[54] On the parameterization of equatorial turbulence

H. Peters, M.C. Gregg and J.M. Toole,
J. Geophys. Res., 93, pp. 1199-1218. (1988)
[55] A fast and complete convection scheme for ocean models
S. Rahmstorf,
Ocean Modelling, 101, pp. 9-11 (Unpublished Manuscript). (1993)
[56] Ocean isopycnal mixing by coordinate rotation
M.H. Redi,
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[57] Do we require adiabatic dissipation schemes in eddy-resolving ocean models?
M.J. Roberts and D. Marshall,
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[58] A scheme for predicting layer clouds and their water contents in a General Circulation Model
R.N.B. Smith,
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[59] On the specification of eddy transfer coefficients in coarse resolution ocean circulation models
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[60] Timestep sensitivity and accelerated spinup of an ocean GCM with a complex mixing scheme
R.A. Wood,
J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 15, pp. 482-495. (1998)
[61] Modelling of land surface processes and their influence on European climate
D.A. Warrilow, A.B. Sangster and A. Slingo,
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[62] A global archive of land cover and soils data for use in general circulation climate models
M.F. Wilson and A. Henderson-Sellers,
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[63] The impact of new land surface physics on the GCM simulation of climate and climate sensitivity
P. Cox, R. Betts, C. Bunton, R. Essery, P. Rowntree and J. Smith,
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[64] Experiments with the assimilation of thermal profiles into a dynamical model of the Atlantic Ocean
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