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Awo Training

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The key takeaways are that the Ifa International Training Institute aims to make Ifa knowledge more accessible and apply it to various areas of human endeavour. It offers a 5-stage training programme in Ifa from foundation to adept levels.

There are 5 stages from Grade I to Grade IV, with the first 3 conferring Junior Adept status and the last 2 conferring full Agba Awo diplomat status. Each grade focuses on a different Odu and may take 9-12 months to complete, with exams after each grade.

It offers services like marriage counselling using Ifa divination, rites of passage for births and deaths, workshops/seminars on Ifa topics, and assistance with infertility using herbs/ritual. All services are offered at affordable fees.


In the course of the conception of International Ifa Training Institute, we observed

that for so long a time, the knowledge of Ifa has been restricted to occult and
divination practices among the privileged few, which had created a wide gap
between the Ifa Priests/Practitioners and the ordinary man on the street. People
more often than not, do not seem to understand the application of Ifa knowledge
to other areas of human endeavour than the divinatory occult aspects mentioned
above. The situation becomes worse owing to the dearth of adequate
information relating to Ifas overview and relevance in human development.

Ifa, as we all know, is an embodiment of knowledge and wisdom which explains
all things and the basis for their existences. Researches have also shown that
there is virtually nothing on earth and even beyond that Ifa does dwell on. On this
note, it behoves us to make an exposition of all other human endeavours with
which Ifa can be applied with a view to making the world a better place to live in
according to the Will of Olodumare(Almighty).

In the light of this, an Ifa Training Programme was put in place in October, 2004
to bridge the wide knowledge gap by training interested people as movers and
shakers in the society. At the end of the training, graduates will be able to
become Ifa scholars, researchers and resource persons; Ifa priests/practicing
Babalawos; Herbal/Nature Therapists; Moral instructors; Counselors;
Comparative spiritual analysts; Ifa historians; Community leaders and Opinion
formulators and moulders.

IFA TRAINING PROGRAMME ( From Foundation Adept Stages)

As far as we are concerned, a graduate of this training programme should have
been made to go through series of tutelages starting from the Foundation stage
to the Final Adept stage. There shall be five stages from Grade I to Grade IV
which is categorized as follows with their guiding Odu:

Grade Stage Guiding Odu
I Foundation = Ipilese Eji Ogbe
II Basic = Ileke Oyeku Meji
III Intermediate = Agbeka Obara - Okanran
IV Advanced Studies = Imo Ijinle Ose - Otura
V Adept = Agba Awo Ofun - Ose

The first three grades are designed for the award of Junior Adept (Awo) after the
completion of the Intermediate stage. He may then proceed to higher levels of
grades IV and V if he so desires which confers on him the full diplomat of Agba
Awo (Aaw.) In grade IV, a student is at liberty to choose any area of
specialization in which he has comparative advantage. The final graduation and
conferment of Diplomat will take place at the Headquarters in Ile Ife, Nigeria with
the Araba Agbaye in attendance.

At the end of each grade, exams are taken and certificates issued for successful
students. Lecture notes are prepared in form of monographs by seasoned Ifa
Adepts and Professionals in various disciplines. Monographs will be sent by post
on payment of subscription fees for lecture notes. The only pre-requisite is to get
registered as a student Awo with the Center. Admission will be processed within
one week of payment of registration fee after which a letter of admission and
other insignia will be mailed to him.

It is noteworthy that all topics have been carefully selected according to the
respective grades in order to give qualitative tutorials as far as Ifa pedagogy is
concerned. Each of the grades may run for nine to twelve months after which a
student moves to the next grade. Each student is allowed to proceed according
to his/her own pace. The training is open to both sexes.

This training programme is being organized by the International Centre for Ifa
Studies (ICIS) and endorsed by the International Council for Ifa Religion.

GRADE I Foundation = Ipilese = Ejiogbe

This grade is the foundation stage of Ifa Priesthood when a neophyte has just
been introduced to begin to learn Ifa tutorials. It is the beginning of the whole
tutelage. Eji Ogbe is the guidind Odu for this stage. Eji Ogbe is the first and the
father of all Odus. It is the foundation of Ifa upon which all other Odus are built.
The foundation, per definition, is a weight-bearing structure and it has to be firm,
sturdy and calculated to carry load. As it is said in Ofun-Owonrin that one cannot
build a house, establish a product or programme without laying a good
foundation, Ifa asserts that no venture can succeed on a faulty foundation. The
stanza reads thus:

Ori orule ni o see rin
Gbaragada, gbaragada, gbaragada
A difa fun Ipilese
Tii se Baba Ileke
Won ni ko rubo
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje bi o ba si Ipilese
Emi la ba fi Ileke se.


It is difficult to walk on a rooftop
With wanton recklessness
That was the message of Ifa to Ipilese (Foundation)
The father of Ileke
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Behold, without Ipilese (foundation)
Of what use is Ileke (building)

Topics to be covered under this grade include as follows:

1. Ifa
2. Olodumare
3. Ori
4. Iseda (Creation)
(i) Universe
(ii) Earth
(iii) Man
5. Eniyan
6. Irunmole
7. Orisa
8. Obi = Parents
9. Emi = I
10. Ede Ifa
11. Babalawo, Apetebi, Iyanifa, Omo Ikofa/akekoo awo, Awo,(Ifa
12. Eko ijinle, nipa Imo, Ogbon ati Oye ( Epistemology)
13. ODU - Identification of Odu symbols and tools of babalawo
- Reading of Opele and determinants (Ibo)
14. Examination/Tests

GRADE II = Basic Studies = Ileke = Oyeku Meji

The Basic Studies shall commence exploration into the bowels of Ifa studies. At
this stage, it is supposed to break the Akekoo Omo Awo into the dawn of
knowledge, and Oyeku Meji is the guiding Odu. According to this Odu:

pl lo yo tan
Lo dakun dele
Difa fun Peregede
Tii se Yeye Ojumo mo
Ojumo to mo mi lonii o
Ojumo ire gbogbo ni
Peregede, iwo ni Yeye Ojumomo


pl ate satisfactorily
Then reclined peacefully with face down
This was message to Peregede
The mother of Dawn
May this dawn usher in good tidings for me
Peregede, you are the begetter of Dawn.

Peregede who was the mother or begetter of dawn symbolises the state of
moving from darkness (ignorance) into light (knowledge). This Odu, Oyeku Meji
follows Eji Ogbe according to the order of seniority and significance. It also
complements Eji Ogbe to represent the opposite in order to form the binary
principle from where other Odus derive their symbols. This stage is tagged
Ileke which represents the platform or raft spread on a firm foundation upon
which the entire structure is built.

The following will be covered:

1. Odu - Interpretation of messages Methods and Techniques
- The study of Eji-Ogbe Irosun Meji
2. Prayers
3. The Kingdom of Olodumare and Ogba Itero
4. Purity (Iwa mimo) and Purification (Iwenumo) of rites and rituals
5. Leadership Morals (Eko iwa asiwaju) - Ifas teachings
6. Advanced Studies of Living and Non-Living things (Ilosiwaju ninu eko
ohun elemii ati ohun ti ko lemii) - Mystical/ Magical properties,
composition, etc.
7. The study of Owonrin Meji Osa Meji
8. Destiny and Freewill
9. Birth and Death/Cycles of life
10. Human Character
11. Counselling Techniques
12. Elementary Principles of Orisa Worship
13. General Principles of Shrine Design, Construction, Lustration and
14. The study of Ika Meji Ofun Meji
15. Examination/Tests

GRADE III = Intermediate = Agbeka = Obara Okanran

After the completion of the first two grades, Akekoo Omo Awo is expected to
proceed to this stage and on completion; he/she is supposed to have attained the
position of a Junior Adept (Omo Awo). He/she can then be admitted into the
Priests Council (Igbimo Awo) as Assistant Priest (Asiwaju Isin III). The
Governing Odu is Obara Okanran. In this Odu, Ifa states the need for the
evaluation of a student Awo in order to test his tenacity and level of
understanding in the various topics treated so far. Therefore, this grade is
expected to direct and introduce the student Awo into the midst of more complex
systems and concepts. The stanza reads thus:

Omode gbofa, ko gbofa
E je ka fi Obara-Okanran loo wo
Obara-Okanran soroo ki wiriwiri lenu Omo Awo
A difa fun Osunfunleyo
Tii saya Agbonniregun
O feyinti o menu nsunrahun Omo
Kope, ko jinna
E wa ba ni jebutu Omo.


Whether a junior adept understands Ifa or not
Let him recite Obara-Okanran
Obara Okanran is surely not easily recitable by a student Awo
This was the message revealed for Osunfunleyo,
The wife of Agbonniregun
When she was lamenting for want of Children
In due course
The barren shall be blessed with children.

The following shall be covered in this grade:

1. History of early Temples/Shrines of Ifa and other Orisa.
2. Homiletics - The art and science of preaching, embracing all that pertains
to the study and delivery of sermons.
3. Pneumatology - Study of Spirits/Spiritism - Eko nipa awon emi airi, oro,
iwin, ebora, abl.
4. Faith (Igbagbo ati Igbekele) Definition, Dynamics, Purpose/Significance.
5. Concepts of Worship and Sacrifices Ijosin, Ibo, Ebo, Ipese/etutu etc.
6. Mode of Worship, Child naming and Ikosedaye, Marriage, Chieftaincy and
7. Forgiveness and Judgement
8. Re-incarnation/The hereafter
9. Family Life
(i) Origin/Meaning of Family
(ii) Types of Family
(iii) Significance of Family
(iv) Family Responsibilities
(v) Widowhood and inheritance Ifas approach
10. The study of the combination Odu
11. Ebo riru - Techniques and Methods
12. Opele - Types, Potency, Preparations
13. Ikin - Types, Potency, Preparations
14. Term Paper/Project thesis to be written at the end of this grade.
Thereafter, examination for the award of a Junior Adept will take place.
15. Examination/Tests

N.B Graduation ceremonies can be organized for the successful students.

GRADE IV = Advanced Studies = Imo Ijinle = Ose Otura

This is the fourth grade which marks the beginning of Advanced/Post Graduate
Studies in Ifa priesthood. The graduate of Junior Adept may be admitted for
higher studies after completion of at least one year priestly experience in a
recognized Ifa Temple. This stage leads the student to the understanding of the
role of supernatural phenomena in the affairs of man. This is the knowledge that
the student is expected to pick in the following series of lectures:

1. Theology and Theodicy
2. Classification of Ifa stanzas
- Historical stanzas (Dealing with history, cosmogony &
- Prophetical stanzas (That tell future events)
- Poetical stanzas (Dealing with proverbs, poems & wise
- Scientific/Technological stanzas
- Literary stanzas (Dealing with figures of speech, etc.)
3. The Healing Art
- Physical using medicinal plants
- Spiritual sacrifices (ebo/ipese)
- Mystical Ohun enu to heal minor cases (Ori fifo, Inu rirun,
Ina, Arariro etc).
4. Magic, Sorcery and Witchcraft
5. Divination The art, types and practice of Divination
6. Advanced Techniques of Orisa worship and sacrifice
7. Life and Blood
8. The study of combined Odu contd.
9. Further Technicalities in Ifa and Ebo riru
10. Term Paper
11. Tests/Examination

N.B: It is expected that students should study combined Odu up to at least
Okanran-Ofun before the end of this grade.

GRADE V = Adept = Agba Awo = Ofun Ose

Ofun-Ose (256) is the last Odu. This does not denote the size or potency, but
here it stands for the last tale of the tape. It is the Guiding Odu for this grade.
This grade is the final of the Post Graduate studies; therefore the student should
prepare his mind towards the final conferment for the award of the full Diplomat
of Agba Awo, (Aaw.) At the end of this stage, the student must have performed
excellently well in the hydra-headed pedagogy of Ifa. According to this Odu:

Ofun see, Ifa tan lorun
Dia fun Aje
Tii somo won lode Ibini
Abu fun Okun
Tii somo won lode Irada
Won nsunkun alaini Ibudo
Aje wa fi ile e mi sode
Aje wa fi ile e mi sodede
Aje je nri e mu rokun
Ki nri e mu rade o


Ofun see, the tail end of Ifa in heaven
This was the message revealed to Aje (wealth),
The offspring in the land of Ibini
Also declared for Okun (Affluence)
Their offspring in the land of Irada
They were lamenting for lack of place to settle
Aje, please come and settle in my house
Aje, please come and use my house as your abode
Aje, please let me use you as my purchasing power

The topics for the course are:

1. Statistics, Research and Documentation
2. More Studies of combined Odu
3. Advanced Ifa Mysticism Summoning the dead, Ayajo, Aasan, Ogede,
Ofo, Ifobaje, Ifa-Ilu, Levitation, and Clairvoyance.
4. Comparative Studies of Ifa and other contra lateral mysticism
5. Limiting and Restricting the evil and Negative forces in Nature
6. More studies of combined Odu
7. Ancient communications/transportation systems Iyere, Aroko, Egbe,
kanako, Afeeri, Telepathy, Teletravel, Astral traveling,etc. etc.
8. Project
9. Examination
10. Graduation ceremonies and Award of the full Diplomat Agba Awo,
11. Ceremony at Ile Ife in person (no proxy).

During and all through the courses from grades I to IV, various techniques
shall be applied relevant to transfer and acquisition of information and skill.
These shall include but not limited to:
1. Homework = HM
2. Classwork = CL
3. Groupwork = GW
4. Demonstration = DM
5. Dramatisation = DR
6. Questions and Answers = Q&A
7. Practical = PR
8. Fieldwork = FW
9. Audio Visual = AV
10. Distant Learning Technique = DLT
11. Internship = IN
12. Seminars/Workshop = SM/W

Sources and References shall be from:
1. Books
2. Literatures
3. Oral sources from Adepts and advanced Adepts
4. Audio/ Video & other electronic devices

Evaluation shall be based on continuous assessment and examinations as at
when due and approved.

Mystic Temple
After the graduation from the Adept stage and the award of Aaw, it is expected of
the graduates to begin to practice. During this period, his track record will be
monitored. Two years after, he can then apply for admission into the MYSTIC
TEMPLE of the Ifa International Training Institute. This is the highest spiritual,
occult, mystical and preter-natural body whereby all what had been taught,
policies, guidelines and tenets are formulated, supervised, coordinated and
implemented. Initiation ceremony for new members of the Mystic Temple is done
before being allowed into the Temple. Membership of this Temple accords the
member an unfettered and unrestricted access to information, policies, ideas and
other thing that may be of assistance to the member in the day-day performance
of his calling. Each member of the Temple will be given a password with which to
access any information within the Temple.
In the Mystic Temple, there are three chambers as follows:
i. Outer Chamber
ii. Main Chamber
iii. Inner Chamber
i. Outer Chamber: This is where cross fertilization of ideas where
spiritual knowledge, advance mysticisms are accessed by the
privileged members as at when required. Members are free to bring
forward any problem encountered in the course of their calling and
cross fertilize ideas with a view to finding lasting solutions. They can
also initiate ideas, policies, rules, guidelines, etc. and send their
recommendations to the members of the Main Chamber for
endorsement. As a member of the Outer Chamber, it takes a minimum
of three years to graduate to the Main Chamber.
ii. Main Chamber: Apart from the fact that members of this Chamber
also have unfettered and unrestricted access to information, they can
examine, discuss and endorse matters or issues sent to them by the
Outer Chamber, and forward same to the Inner Chamber for final
approval. Members in this chamber have a minimum of five years
before moving to the Inner Temple. Part of their responsibility is to look
for uncommon information or sources of energy and ensure, together
with other members of the Chamber the availability of such information
or energy for the usage of the Temple.
iii. Inner Chamber: This is the apex of all chambers where all matters,
policies and decisions are ratified for implementation. They are the
custodian of values and tenets of Ifa.

Auxilliary Services

1. Ifa consultation
2. Initiation
3. Guided Ikosedaye
4. Marriages and Mate selection
5. Information of Rites of Passage & Burial Ceremonies
6. Workshops, seminars lectures symposia etc.
7. Infertility problems

In addition to Ifa training, IITI provides the following:-

Ifa Consultation: It is a notable fact that Ifa consultation is one major area
that has sustained Ifa practice and knowledge up till this present date.
In as much as the Institute is meant primarily to cater for training of
prospective Babalawo/Iyanifa/Babalorisa/Iyalorisa. We are equally aware of
the fact that the day-day needs of individuals and groups must as a matter of
course, be catered for. In this wise, the Institute has assembled a crop of well
tested, trusted, competent and reliable Ifa and Orisa practitioners who are
ready to undertake appropriate consultations for whomever so desire their
Ifa can be consulted on any aspects of life such as travel, opening business
concern, improvement on business endeavours, birth, marriages, illness,
chieftancy, coronations, death and general well being.

Initiation (Itenifa): It takes more than entering Ifa grove for initiation. For
proper Ifa initiation, such initiate must be able to find in his guiding Odu that
will be revealed during the Ifa initiation rites the revelation of his/her destiny.
Not only this, he /she must be properly guided on ways and means of
following his/her destiny based on the guiding Odu. Lastly, he/she must be
given the challenges on how to fulfill his/her destiny still based on the guiding
Odu. By so doing, the original and uniqueness of each individual will be
revealed. He/she will be able to gauge his/her achievements based on the
revelations contained in his/her guiding Odu. Pursuing the wrong or
inappropriate goals will thereby be eliminated.
At the Ifa International Training Institute, an initiate will be assisted to find, to
follow and to fulfil his/her destiny.
For those who had already been initiated, the Institute can assist in writing a
synopsis on his/her guiding Odu should he/she requests. This will enable
him/her to be equipped with adequate information with regard to finding,
following and fulfilling his/her destiny.
The institute also can arrange initiation for those who are yet to be initiated.
For such initiates the institute has the following package in addition to the Ikin
Ifa and Esu in order to make it complete.

i. Ibori (Receptacle for Ori propitiation)
ii. Iroke/irofa (Beaded Ifa staff)
iii. Irukere (Beaded horse tail)

Guided Ikosedaye: Ikosedaye is not, and can not be done by proxy.
Accordingly, the parents / guardian of the new born baby shall be guided on
how to handle the ceremony. Thereafter, the guiding Odu revealed for the
new born baby can be forwarded to the Institute for in-depth analysis. This will
facilitate proper and adequate nurture and training of the new born. Hence,
this will make the new born useful person to the society in future.

Mate Selection and Marriages:_ Due to lack of adequate spiritual guidance, a
lot of well celebrate marriages have hit the rocks. Some marriages collapsed
sooner after being contracted while some could not stand the test of time, even
after many years of marital endurance. All these tanners can be avoided if Ifa
traumas had been consulted for guidance. Ifa has shown that the character of
individuals involved in the marriage, the time of the day and the day of the week
of contracting the marriage, those involved in the contractual agreement may
make or mar the relationship Ogbe Yonu (24:19) Ogbe Weyin (18:25) Iwori
Wodin (49:17) etc.
It is therefore part of the responsibilities of this institute to give proper guidance
for successful marriage to those who so desire.

Rites of Passage and Burial Ceremonies:- It is as natural to die as to born. It
will not be complete greeting new born with happiness and according it with
necessary rites without also treating death with respect and according it with
necessary rites of passage. Failure to accord the deceased with rites of passage
in accordance to his/her faith may even affect his/her spirit in the journey to the
great beyond. Ifa International Training Institute can arrange for those interested
to give well deserved and befitting burial rites.

Workshops, Seminars, Lectures, Symposia . :- With abundant human and
material resources available to the Institute, workshops, seminars, lectures etc
can be effectively organized in a well conductive atmosphere for individuals,
groups/temples or corporate bodies on several topics as related to Ifa, Orisa,
Africa Tradition and Culture.

Infertility Problems:-This is one of the major problems besetting certain homes
all over the world. In some cases, it has led to divorce, separation or ever untold
pain just because either of the couple had become sterile and unable to
procreate. Children we all know are of great value as far as family unit and
happiness are concerned. In Ogbe ka, Ifa says that children are not sold in the
market otherwise only the rich would receive the blessing. On the other hand, Ifa
says that children are sold but only at Orunmilas house. At Ifa International
Training Institute there are competent and tested adepts who are always on hand
to assist people of both sexes on problems relating to infertility in achieving this,
application of roots, herbs, ritual and above all, power of the spoken word will be

All these services above can be arranged for those interested at affordable fees,
and we guarantee good value for your money. The Institute has fully experienced
scholars and adepts to meet your demand using natural, esoteric and power of
the spoken word. We will show you that we really care and all personal matters
will surely be treated with confidentiality. Get in touch with us today through our
e-mail and you will be glad you did.

Aboru, Aboye, Abosise.


1. Oluwo Italeke Akangbe - Grand Patron/Spiritual father
(Aladikun of Ilua)
2. Prof. I. B. Odeyemi - Chairman, Governing Council
3. Chief A. Oyesanya - Patron
4. Chief Ademola Fabunmi - Adviser
5. Chief Awodiran Agboola - Adviser
6. Chief (Ms) Bukola Odunfa Popoola Aworeni - Spiritual Mother

Resource Persons in charge
1. Chief Solagbade Popoola Rector/Oluwo
2. Chief Fakunle Oyesanya Registrar/Religious Studies/Comparative
3. Chief Gbolahan Okemuyiwa Prayer and Power of the Spoken Words
(With special interest in Family, Kinship &
4. Chief Fagbenga Oyesanya Bursar / Circulation Manager
5. Chief Adebamiji Omoniije Higher Studies & Esoterism
6. Faleke Dosumu Yoruba Language Studies
7. Dasola Fadiran Orisa / Irunmole
8. Dubi Imevbore Coordinator - Europe
9. Chief Fashina falade Coordinator - North America / Diaspora
10.Dr. Awopetu Adeyemi Student Affairs
11. Chief Fakolade Atinumo Preter-natural / Supernatural Forces
12. Chief Fagbemileke Gbadegesin Orisa Comparative Studies.
13. Mr Bankole Aderibigbe
14. Oluwo Basiru Aniyalorun Herbs / Pharmacy


1. Comparative Religious Studies
2. Higher Studies and Esoterism
3. Prayer/ Power of The Spoken Words
4. Yoruba Language Studies and Yoruba Philology
5. Orisa Studies
6. Preter-natural / Supernatural Studies
7. Herbs and Pharmacy (, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics)
8. Bursary and Finance
9. Student Affairs

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