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Great Treatise Congo, Yoruba and Creole of Vegetation
Great Treatise Congo, Yoruba and Creole of Vegetation
Great Treatise Congo, Yoruba and Creole of Vegetation
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Great Treatise Congo, Yoruba and Creole of Vegetation

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The author of this book, rich and organized has gather plenty information and with his heart full of joy the fruits of the Cuban medical folklore, that reflects the richness of our traditional medicine, to rescue from the forgetfulness and present it to the new generations to come and the whole humanity.

This study matter contained in this book is for the apprenticeship of those initiated in the Yoruba religion and those initiated in the religion of the Congo.

Since they were initiated in both religious cultures they contract a compromise

With the God of the religious cultures they belong, that consist in the intention to cure the physicals and spirituals illness of their godsons and others persons that seek for relief and cure for their illness. This book contains a treasure of knowledge about the kingdom of the plants, holder of an infinite source of energy,

Increasing the field of power and work, by teaching them to exploit so valuable source for the good of the human race and the Universe.

Release dateJul 18, 2005
Great Treatise Congo, Yoruba and Creole of Vegetation

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    Great Treatise Congo, Yoruba and Creole of Vegetation - Armando Duran

    © 2005 Armando Durán. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 07/08/05

    ISBN: 1-4208-5387-2 (e)

    ISBN: 1-4208-5386-4 (sc)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    This book is printed on acid-free paper.


    It is a duty and pleasure to mention in this book, that its elaboration would not be possible if it would not be for the kindness of a man who possessed a great deal of knowledge about the spiritual healing powers and medicinal of the plants. This man was native of Palmyra, province of Las Villas, Cuba, land of OZAINISTAS. Thanks to this magnificent donation, the raders will have the opportunity to use the healing powers of nature for their well-being. This book is dedicated to whom in was JUAN FRANCISCO DURAN REYES, so that with its reat power of the spirit it will help to accomplish the purpose of its donation and this book, which is to help the humanity.

    Light and Progress

    To the spirit of




    The goal of this book is to take either the practitioners of the YORUBA culture, CONGO O KARABALI culture even to the Catholics or to those that do not believe in any religious kingdom the healing powers that posses the plants, spirituals as medicinal.

    This book has been made complementing the appreciation of the Africans religious rules relative to the spiritual and medicinal influence of the vegetation as an indispensable source of human life.

    We offer a broad and documented relation of a variety of plants and their magic and healing powers and to the deities that each of them belongs in either the YORUBA PANTHEON as well as the CONGO PANTEON.

    We hope this book serves as guide either to those who religiously have the responsibility of GODFATHERS or GODMOTHERS as well as those who seek for some relief to a spiritual illness or medicinal remedy.

    It is good to emphasize that in order to achieve a complete result and a positive one, in the practice should exist in order to grant us a favor or miracle, an endless trust in GOD and in OZAIN AYA master of the natural medicine.



























    About the Author



    By means of this book the author (defending activist of the terrestrial flora) wants to ask those who in one way or the other destroy or help to destroy the plant kingdom, that become aware that if they eliminate the flora, they will exterminate the human kind. This exemplary clearly reflects and teaches us the importance of our trees and plants for both, medicinal and spiritual properties, those properties help us to avoid and fight the diferents diseases and bad influences that exist in the world.

    I want to bring all the institutions and pertinent groups their attention to this matter, I want them to watch over the preservation of our plant kingdom, that do every thing possible to stop the practice and frantic devastation of our forests,they are an unequaled source of oxygen in our planet, they also absorb the increasing heat of the earth that threat to melt the glaciers and flood islands and continents.

    Lastly represent a shelter for many species of animals, in particular a great deal of birds, some of them are under risk of extintion, and others are already extinted.

    Because of the disappeareance of their habitat. We ask those organizations that keep building more natural reserve areas and preserve them. Those who love life and spirituality should not forget that each plant species represent life and spirit.

    I personally ask you whenever you have a chance to plant a tree,creating a balance that help to improve our way of living. In this way will obtain the blessing from God and Mother Nature.

    The author.

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    Complementing the appreciation of the rules of the African religion related to the determinant material and spiritual influences of the vegetation as an indispensable source of human life. We offer an extensive and documented relation of multiples plants with their curative faculties and magic’s, and to the divinities that they belong respectively.




    If there is not inflammation, ELEGGUA gives his ACHE To the leaves and to the roots to be well boiled, refreshed and they alleviate with bath, the tired feet of the walker. Their leaves are applied. In addition, as remedy toe paralysis.


    In infusion results, a great purification of the blood with is leaves and roots. Their seeds are used for vaginal douche to contain hemorrhages and in the treatment of the leucorrhoea.


    Also, belong to OGGUN and OSAIN

    It is a restoring food of the NGANGAS. The CHAMBA, the rum the fathers and Majordomos spill upon the pot, casserole and charms of MAYOMBE, and shed upon the neck of the cock or animal sacrificed when the have bleed upon the NGANGAS, it is loaded with AJI-GUANGUAO so that be more powerful.

    This Aji, reduced to dust, it is one of the important elements, in any sorcery of the strong and most effective. The juice in atomizations is good to fight the hoarseness. As the mature Aji-Guagoao, consumed in pills, fight the hemorrhoids.

    To provoke abortion: three roots of Aji-Guaguao are thrown in a pitcher with five cups of water that will remain reduced to three cups. However, if the woman is six months pregnant, it should be boiled days after drinking this medicinal extraction, it is given boiled saffron with a good dry wine from Jerez, Spain, and… that is it.

    In rubbing against rheumatism. For the fever from a common cold, very well minced mixed with a medicinal extraction of orange well hot.


    Also attributes to OGGUN and OSAIN

    The sap of the root, of the leaves and its fruit, battle the typhus in its beginnings.

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    Also belongs to CHANGO.

    The cooking of its cogollos cut the intestinal cold. The cooking of the roots, bark and heart is used for the bloody diarrhea. The (Rosina) applies in plaster upon the wounds produced by nails, cans or rusty objects to preserve from the tetanus. To remove the air: A plaster behind the ear. For the common cold: A medicinal extraction at bedtime and bedsides put four or five a cross leaves, under the pillow. For the children cold: Wrap up their feet with warm leaves. For the belly, diarrhea, colic and heartburn, a GUATALPLASMA of mastic tree is more effective than the one of panada and dry wine. The fresh leaves should be spread on the bed, where the patient lays down.

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