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Ale-Idoc S: by Arjun

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ALE- Application Link Enabling
ALE NETWORK (SAP TO- SAP Communication)
It is a network which is used to create a connection between the servers available at
different geo-graphical locations is called as ALE NETWOR!
The data transfer is alwa"s done through a #ocu$ent called as I#O%
IDOC- Inter$ediate Docu$ent!
Typs o! "ata t#ans!#
&! Outbound data transfer
'! Inbound data transfer
When ever we sn" t$ "ata !#om on SAP s#%# to anot$#( it is called O)T*O)N#
data transfer!
When ever & #ci% t$ "ata in to SAP s#%# fro$ re$ote server is called
IN*O)N# data transfer!
ALE is a technolog" or network which is used to co$$unicate fro$ one +A, server to
another +A, server!
+ince both are +A, server-s the data transfer is alwa"s done through I#O%-s
Electronic Data Interchange
EDI (SAP To -NON SAP communication)
I#O% is inter$ediate docu$ent which is a container of the data!
Technicall" I#O% is a group of seg$ents
Each seg$ent is a group of fields
+eg$ent is si$ilar to structures
All the standard +A, seg$ents will start with E&!
All the custo$ +A, seg$ents will start with .&!
WE/0 1 is the T%O#E for I#O% t"pes
WE/& 1 is the T%O#E for +eg$ent definition
#E*2A+03 is the I#O% t"pe for custo$er data
E&NA& fields are )NNR( LAN#&( and NA2E&
E&N* fields are )NNR( *)R+
E&N*& fields are )NNR *AN+( *ANT
%RE2A+03 is the I#O% t"pe for 4endor data
2AT2A+03 is the I#O% t"pe for $aterial data
Runtim componnts o! IDOC
When ever we trans$it the I#O% fro$ one server to another server auto$aticall" so$e
co$ponents were added at runti$e!
The co$ponents are(
&! %ontrol - +tored in table E#I#%
'! #ata - +tored in table E#I##
/! +tatus - +tored in table E#I#+
'ssa( Typ
It identifies the t"pe of the application for which I#O% is used
That is sa$e I#O% is used for different applications
+o to identif" each application uni5uel" we use $essage t"pes
2AT2A+ 2essage T"pe
2at$as0' I#O% T7,E
%RE2A+ 2essage T"pe
%re$as0' I#O% T7,E
#E*2A+ 2essage T"pe
#eb$as0' I#O% T7,E
8irst we have to create the I#O% with seg$ents then we should create $essage t"pe
Then we have to link $essage t"pe and I#O% t"pe!
Stps to c#at SE)'ENTS
- 9o to T%O#E we/&
- 9ive the seg$ent na$e as .&N*& then click on create
9ive the description and field na$es and data ele$ents as below
Then click on save button it shows
Then click on back button then fallow as below
Once "ou release the seg$ents onl"( it can be used in the I#O%
+i$ilarl" create the $ore seg$ents .&NA&( .&N*!
Stps to c#at IDOC*S
- 9o to T%O#E WE/0
- 9ive the I#O% na$e as .#E*2A+03 and click on create
Then give the description as below

Then put the cursor on I#O% na$e and click on create as below
Then put the cursor on .&NA& then click no %reate button as below
Then auto$aticall" its added under
And sa$e for .&N*& seg$ents
%lick on save and back
%lick on edit release
Now the I#O% is read" to use to trans$it the data!
Sn"in( mat#ia+ mast# !#om sou#c systm to (,--) to #ci%# (,.-)
Sn"# Systm
+tep &: #efine Logical s"ste$ ;+ALE<
+tep ': Assign client to Logical +"ste$
+tep /: 2aintain R8% destinations ;+23=<
+tep >: 2aintain ,ORT ;WE'&<
+tep 3: 2aintain outbound partner profile ;WE'0<
+tep ?: 2aintain #istribution $odel ;*#?><
+tep @: Run the Outbound ,rogra$
Rci%# Systm
+tep &: #efine Logical s"ste$ ;+ALE<
+tep ': Assign client to Logical +"ste$
+tep /: Optional
+tep >: Optional
+tep 3: 2aintain inbound partner profile ;WE'0<
+tep ?: Not Re5uired
+tep @: Not Re5uired
- 9o to +ALE transaction
&! E6pand the *asic settings( Logical +"ste$s
It gives the below screen click on new entries button as below
Enter logical s"ste$ na$es as ..A00 and ..A&0
%lick on save button
%lick on back( back
Then click on assign client to logical s"ste$
#ouble click on A00 client
And give the logical s"ste$ na$e as BBA00
,ress enter( click on save then back
Then double click on A&0 client and give the RC Logical +"ste$ na$e as ..A&0
%lick on save
Then $aintain the R8% destination in +23=
- 9o to +23= follow as below
- 9ive R8% #estination na$e as A'0D%ONNE%T
,rovide EO+TNA2E A+ 9%EE%%'
Then click on Re$ote Logon auto$aticall" u ill switch to A&0 client!
2aintaining the ,ORT
- 9o to WE'&
+elect the Transaction R8% then click on create
+elect the own port na$e Radio *utton
9ive the na$e as .,ORT&
9ive the description and R8% destination here A'0D%ONNE%T
Then click on save it shows as below
Then $aintain the distribution outbound partner profile in we'0
9oto WE'0
+elect the folder partner t"pe L+ folder then click on create
+pecif" the partner no as ..A&0 ;Receiver L+< click on save i$$ediatel"
Then give the outbound para$eters b" clicking on F s"$bol as shown below

Eere specif" $assage t"pe as 2AT2A+
Receiver port as .,ORT&
+elect Transfer I#O% I$$ediatel"
*asic t"pe as 2AT2A+03
Then click on save!
Then go to receiver A&0 client -- 'aintain t$ In/oun" Pa#tn# P#o!i+
Login in to A&0 client
- 9o to WE'0
9ive the ,artner no as ..A00
%lick on save i$$ediatel"
Then create the inbound para$eters b" clicking on F s"$bol!
Eere specif" $assage t"pe as 2AT2A+
,rocess code as 2AT2
Then $aintain the distribution $odel in *#?> as below
- 9o to *#?>
- %lick on change *utton or %TRLF8&
- Then click on create $odel view button
Eere select the "d$v& 2O#EL 4IEW as above and click on add $essage t"pe button as
Add sendor na$e ( receiver na$e and $essage t"pe
,ress enter and click on save!
Then run the outbound progra$
- 9o to *#&0 Tcode
- +pecif" $aterial no ( $essage t"pe ( logical s"ste$ and select checkbo6 as below
Then click on e6ecute ;8A< button
%hecking the status
- 9o to WE0'
- %lick on e6ecute of 8A
- Then the I#O% infor$ation is displa"ed below
E6pand #ATA RE%OR#+(+TAT)+ RE%OR#+ 8OL#ER TO check data
%hecking the +tatus of receiver s"ste$
- 9o to WE0'
- %lick on e6ecute of 8A
- Then the I#O% infor$ation is displa"ed below ;#ouble click it<
#ouble click on error record nu$ber 3&
Then click on Application log button
The errors will be clearl" defined as below
Eere the error is plant does not e6ist!
0NIT Tst Cas . !o# co##ct "ata 1
Lts c#at a n& mat#ia+ an" sn" it2
- 9o to 220&
,ress enter select the *A+I% #ATA & check bo6 press enter
Then click on sa% button!
A $aterial will be created
Then go to +EN#OR +7+TE2 ;A00< E6ecute the *#&0 T%O#E
9ive the $aterial nu$ber as &>&@
Then go to WE0' click on e6ecute

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