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Generation of Outbound EDI Purchase Orders and PO Changes (850/860)

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Generation of Outbound EDI Purchase Orders and PO Changes (850/860)

Creation - Outbound Purchase Orders (850) and Purchase Order Changes (860) are created by the program PPURED ! "h#ch may be ca$$ed as an o%er$ay or &rom the PO pr#nt program '(!00R0!) *h#s program creates+ or adds to e,#st#ng+ output &#$es conta#n#ng PO #n&ormat#on that can be &urther processed &or e$ectron#c transm#ss#on) *he &#$e(s) created are names ,,,,,,,,)850+ "here ,,,,,,,, #s the trad#ng partner (%endor) account number) *hese &#$es are d#rect$y readab$e by the -*RE./ #nbound ED PO process#ng program) *he program "#$$ on$y a$$o" ED POs to be created &or %endors that ha%e an 0E0 #n the PO1/E*2OD &$ag #n the#r %endor master record) .s se$ect#on on the 0Pr#nt POs0 report a$$o"s &#$ter#ng o& %endors by PO1/E*2OD) File Storage: *he ED &#$es created by PPURED ! are stored #n the subd#rectory 850OU* under the d#rectory po#nted to by the system parameter /2-OU*) *h#s #s norma$$y a d#rectory named CO(EOU* under the /2- d#rectory) File Format - *he &ormat o& the the ED &#$es created by PPURED ! #s descr#bed #n the attached document) *he &#$e cons#sts o& 384 bytes &#,ed $ength records term#nated by a Carr#age Return and 5#ne 'eed to a$$o" easy %#e"#ng o& the &#$e "#th a te,t ed#tor) Transport - *he '(085OU*)ED &#$e created by the system #s e#ther transported d#rect$y to another -*RE./ system &or #nput process#ng us#ng /2-+ or processed by ED mapp#ng so&t"are and then sent out) 6orma$$y the /2- transport mechan#sm #s used "hen send#ng ED orders bet"een t"o -*RE./ systems and the ED map#ng so&t"are #s used "hen send#ng POs to a th#rd party system) t #s the respons#b#$#ty o& the transport mechan#sm to #dent#&y the dest#nat#on o& the ED messages based on the &#$e name(s) and &or"ard them to the appropr#ate dest#nat#on) *he transport process shou$d proceed as &o$$o"s7 !) chec8 &or the e,#stance o& a 9account number:)850 &#$es #n the 850OU* d#rectory+ #& any e,#s#t then ))) ;) Create a &#$e #n the 850OU* d#rectory named 5OC<)ED ) *he PPURED ! program "#$$ $oop=pause unt#$ th#s &#$e #s remo%ed "hen process#ng to a%o#d a con&$#ct "#th the transport $ayer) 3) Rename the &#$e #t #s about to process+ to prec$ude anyone "r#t#ng to #t+ then de$ete the 5OC<)850 &$ag+ "h#ch "#$$ a$$o" the creat#on program to cont#nue) Transmission Control - n order to a%o#d POs be#ng transm#tted t"#ce the ED record creat#on program PPURED ! sets the PR 6*ED &$ag #n the PO header and $#ne #tem to 0E0 as the PO #s transm#tted) & the PO #s se$ected &or transm#ss#on a second t#me the system send an 860 ED message+ #nstead

o& an 850 message+ to #nd#cate that #t #s a PO change+ and not a ne" PO) t #s the respons#b#$#ty o& the rece#%#ng program to process the 860 message d#&&erent$y &rom the 850)

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