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ABAP Join Wizard - ReadMe

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1 Install Source Code via SAPlink

The ABAP Join Wizard was developed on NetWeaver 7.0. Since it is a much smaller and simpler
application, in comparison to the ABAP eport Wizard, it is possi!le that it will wor" on earlier
releases, !ut that has not !een con#irmed.
The #irst step is to import the SAPlin" nu$$et #ile into %our s%stem. &# %ou do not have SAPlin"
installed on %our s%stem, %ou can download it #rom http'((code.$oo$"(. )ou will
also need the #ollowin$ plu$*ins which can !e downloaded #rom http'((code.$oo$"*
e+uired Plu$*ins
,unction -roups
.ocumentation /.012 * S345 .ocumentation docv/
0nce %ou have SAPlin" and the re+uired plu$*ins installed, %ou can run the e6ecuta!le pro$ram,
7SAP8&N9. Select the radio!utton #or /&mport Nu$$et:, and select the nu$$et #ile #rom the #ile
location. 8astl%, clic" the /36ecute: !utton, or hit ,;.
to 'ave t'e AAP Re(ort !i)ard installed since t'is tool uses so*e o+,ects delivered it.
Please install t'e AAP Re(ort !i)ard #irst. -(lease c'eck:
<ope#ull%, the #ollowin$ screen will %ield all success messa$es, si$ni#ied !% the $reen li$hts.
Notice that most o# the imported o!=ects #ollow a similar namin$ convention, and hope#ull% these
o!=ects do not con#lict with e6istin$ o!=ects in %our s%stem.
>P.AT3' )ou mi$ht !e re+uired to enter a pac"a$e. )ou will pro!a!l% never transport this to
other s%stems ?since it is used onl% in .32@, !ut it is a $ood idea to add to a speci#ic sel#*
containin$ pac"a$e.
See? It works on 0.1.4
1.5 Activation o# I*(orted O+,ects
Ne6t, %ou need to activate all o!=ects which have !een imported. 0# course, there are a #ew wa%s
to do this, !ut in order to insure a clean activation, #ollow these steps.
5@ -o to SE36, and select /&nactive 0!=ects: #rom the o!=ect navi$ator drop down.
A@ 0pen the 1lass 8i!rar%. Select 718BBTBABAPBJ0&N, then ri$ht*clic" and choose,
C@ epeat the previous step #or class 718BBTB J0&NBS3831T&0NB,&38.SD
E@ Ne6t, open the ,unction -roups, select 7W&7BBTBJ0&NBW&7A., ri$ht clic" and
select A1T&2AT3D
1.2 Creatin/ t'e Pattern -7ER8 IMPORTANT 9994
&n SE36, choose :tilities ;< More :tilities ;< Edit Pattern ;< Create Pattern.
&n the dialo$ enter, "=>OIN=!I"ARD and clic" the $reen chec".
&n the pattern editor, enter *$&$MUSTER and clic" /Save: and then the /Bac": !utton.
5 Ho$ to use t'e >oin !i)ard
5.1 Startin/ t'e !i)ard
Now that the pattern has !een created, %ou can now use the wizard. &n SE36, put %our cursor on
an empt% line within the source code editor, and clic" the pattern !utton.
&n the dialo$, select the radio!utton #or /Pattern: and enter the name o# the pattern as
"=REPORT=!I"ARD and clic" the $reen chec". The wizard will then !e tri$$ered.
5.5 :sin/ t'e AAP Re(ort !i)ard
This #irst screen o# the wizard is simpl% #or in#ormation purposes, clic" continue to $o to the #irst
step o# the wizard. &n this step, %ou will de#ine the data source. )ou can either do a sin$le ta!le
read, or a ta!le =oin. &# %ou select /Ta!le:, %ou will !e as"ed to enter the name o# the ta!le. &# %ou
select /Ta!le Join:, %ou will !e as"ed to de#ine the ta!le =oin !% clic"in$ the /.e#ine: !utton.
When %ou clic" the /.e#ine: !utton, %ou will !e presented with a $raphical =oin editor. 1lic" the
/&nsert Ta!le: icon on the application tool!ar. 3nter the name o# the #irst ta!le in the =oin.
The ta!le will then !e added to the displa%.
Ne6t, clic" the /&nsert Ta!le: icon on the application tool!ar a$ain to add the second ta!le in the
=oin. A$ain, $ive the name o# the ta!le and hit enter. The $raphical editor will then displa% !oth
ta!les as well as the =oin condition !etween the two. 1lic" the /Bac": !utton to leave the editor.
1ontinuin$ to the ne6t step o# the wizard, %ou will need to de#ine the selection criteria. 1lic"
/1ontinue: when #inished de#inin$ %our selection screen.
The ne6t step o# the wizard is to de#ine the output #ields in %our report. 0pen the node o# the
speci#ic ta!le an select the #ields that %ou want to !e displa%ed in the A82 0utput. 1lic"
/1ontinue: when #inished selectin$ %our output #ields.
The last screen is a /1ompletion: screen. Simpl% clic" the complete !utton.
The re+uired source code will then !e written to %our pro$ram. 36ample !elow'
* Code generated by ABAP Join Wizard v. 1.0 *
* Report Name: *
* Created by: E!"1# *
* Created on: $00#%0$%1& at $':0#:1# E(!) *
* * A ! A * E C + A R A ! , - N *
* !ype.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_target,
mara_matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
ersda TYPE mara-ersda,
ernam TYPE mara-ernam,
laeda TYPE mara-laeda,
werks TYPE marc-werks,
marc_pstat TYPE marc-pstat,
marc_l!rm TYPE marc-l!rm,
EN" OF ty_target#
* ,nterna/ tab/e. and 0or1 area.
%t_data TYPE T$B&E OF ty_target,
wa_data &I'E &INE OF %t_data#
* * A ! A ( E + E C ! , - N *
SE&E(T a)matnr a)ersda a)ernam a)laeda *)werks *)pstat *)l!rm
F+O, - mara $S a
INNE+ .OIN marc $S * ON a)matnr / *)matnr 0
INTO T$B&E %t_data 2 3-- Attention 4 5ie/d .e67en8e 4
12E+E a)matnr IN s!_matnr $N"
a)ersda IN s!_ersda $N"
a)ernam IN s!_ernam $N"
*)werks IN s!_werks #.

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