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Trends in Non-Dairy Probiotic Beverages: Fla Vera C. Prado, Jose L. Parada, Ashok Pandey, Carlos R. Soccol

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Trends in non-dairy probiotic beverages

Flavera C. Prado
, Jose L. Parada
, Ashok Pandey
, Carlos R. Soccol
Laboratory of Biotechnology Process, Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Parana, 81531-970 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Biotechnology Division, Regional Research Laboratory, CSIR, 695 019 Trivandrum, India
Received 30 May 2007; accepted 24 October 2007
In recent times, there has been an increased interest to adapt healthy diets, which help in preventing diseases, and as a consequence,
the study and development of new functional foods has gained much importance. Food additives as probiotics and prebiotics may exert
positive eects on the composition of gut microbiota and are subject of intensive research. The allergy to dairy products aect negatively
some persons. Lactose intolerance and the cholesterol content are two major drawbacks related to the fermented dairy products. Tra-
ditions and economic reasons that limit the use of dairy fermented products in some developing countries promote the idea of reduction
of milk components as vehicles for the probiotic agents. At present, some non-dairy probiotic beverages are being commercialized and
are discussed in this review. Probably, beverages such as fruit and vegetable juices would be the next food category where the healthy
probiotic bacteria will make their mark.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Functional foods; Probiotics; Prebiotics; Fermented milks; Non-dairy beverages
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2. Probiotics as functional foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
3. Achievements of dairy probiotic beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4. Non-dairy probiotic beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5. Perspectives of probiotic beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
1. Introduction
The development of probiotics in the last two decades
has signaled an important advance in the food industry.
The number of scientic publications on probiotics has
increased a lot stimulated by factors as exciting scientic
and clinical ndings using well-documented probiotic
organisms. Some concerns over the limitations and side
eects of the pharmaceutical agents and consumers
demand for the natural products have been discussed by
Reid (2006).
Probiotic is a relatively new word meaning for life and
it is generally used to name the bacteria associated with the
benecial eects for the humans and animals. The term
probiotic was technically dened by an Expert Committee
as live microorganisms which upon ingestion in certain
numbers exert health benets beyond inherent general
0963-9969/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 41 33613191; fax: +55 41 33613674.
E-mail address: (C.R. Soccol).
Available online at
Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123
nutrition (FAO/WHO, 2001; Guarner & Schaafsma,
1998). This means that the microorganisms must be alive
and present in high numbers, generally more than 10
per daily ingested dose. Each product should indicate the
minimum daily amount required for it to confer specic
health benet(s). The probiotic microorganisms consist
mostly of strains of the genera Lactobacillus and Bidobac-
terium, but not exclusively (Table 1). These types of lactic
acid bacteria have been used since recorded history in the
production of fermented dairy products (FAO/WHO,
2001; Gorbach, 2002). No pathogenic, or virulence proper-
ties have been found for the lactobacilli, bidobacteria, or
lactococci (Aguirre and Collins, 1993). But, in terms of
safety of the probiotics, FAO/WHO Expert Consultation
believes that principles and practical criteria need to be
generated to provide the guidelines as to how any given
potential probiotic microorganism can be tested and pro-
ven to have a low risk of inducing, or being associated with
the etiology of some disease, versus conferring a signicant
health benet when administered to humans (FAO/WHO,
There are some ideal properties of the probiotic strains,
which would benet the human health and could be used in
probiotic industry: resistance to acid and bile; attachment
to the human epithelial cells; colonization in the human
intestine; production of antimicrobial substances, called
bacteriocins (Jack, Tagg, & Ray, 1995); good growth char-
acteristics and benecial eects on the human health, such
as presented in Fig. 1. One of the most important charac-
teristics of a probiotic strain is that it must be non-patho-
genic and GRAS Generally Regarded As Safe (Collins,
Thornton, & OSullivan, 1998; Gorbach, 2002; Havenaar
& Huis Int Veld, 1992). The probiotic must also present
some desirable characteristics, such as low cost, maintain
its viability during the processing and storage, facility of
the application in the products, resistance to the physico-
chemical processing of the food.
There are dierent degrees of evidence supporting the
health eects of the probiotics (FAO/WHO, 2001). These
Table 1
Probiotic microorganisms
Lactobacillus species Bidobacterium
Lb. acidophilus Bf. adolescentis Bacillus cereus
Lb. amylovorus Bf. animalis Clostridium botyricum
Lb. brevis Bf. breve Enterococcus faecalis
Lb. casei Bf. bidum Enterococcus faecium
Lb. casei sp.
Bf. infantis Escherichia coli
Lb. crispatus Bf. lactis Lactococcus lactis sp.
Lb. delbrueckii sp.
Bf. longum Lactococcus lactis sp. lactis
Lb. fermentum Leuconostoc mesenteroides sp.
Lb. gasseri Pediococcus acidilactici
Lb. helveticus Propionibacterium
Lb. johnsonii Saccharomyces boulardii
Lb. lactis Streptococcus salivarius sp.
Lb. paracasei
Lb. plantarum
Lb. reuteri
Cited by Collins, Thornton and OSullivan (1998), Gorbach (2002), Hol-
zapfel and Schillinger (2002) and OSullivan et al. (1992).
Increase of the lactose
tolerance and digestion
Positive influence in the
intestinal microflora
Reduction of
intestinal pH
Improvement of the
intestinal functioning
Cholesterol reduction
Reduction of ammonia and
other toxic compounds
Production of the B
vitamins (folic acid)
Restoration of the normal
intestinal microflora after
antibiotic therapy
Treatment and prevention of
acute diarrhoea by rotaviruses
Stimulation of the
immune response
Fig. 1. Probiotic benecial eects on human health. Adapted from Gibson & Roberfroid (1995).
112 F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123
have been established by the scientic testing in the
humans, performed by the legitimate research groups and
published in peer-reviewed biomedical journals (Gorbach,
2002). Several examples are shown in Table 2, with some
specic strains and clinical outcomes. Some of them are
in the market (Table 3) and make good prots for the
2. Probiotics as functional foods
The concern in consuming innocuous foods free of path-
ogenic microorganisms, or their toxins, or containing the
microorganisms, which can alter their chemical compo-
nents, has emerged in the developing countries. Moreover,
they must not be contaminated with any undesirable sub-
stances or, at least, they must fulll the maximum limits
of the residues allowed after exhausting studies demon-
strating the risks. On the other hand, the interest of the
consumers to ingest diets to maintain the health and pre-
vent the degenerative, or chronic diseases such as diabetes,
cancer, hypertension and others, has been inuenced more
and more, by the current of favorable opinions towards the
consumption of the natural foods and limit processed
foods. Since the 1980s, this and other factors have con-
duced to the study and development of the so-called func-
tional foods. The interest in developing these products is
rising day-by-day, driven by the market potential for the
foods and beverages that can improve the health and
well-being of the consumers (Hilliam, 2000).
The functional foods have also been termed as medicinal
foods, nutraceuticals, prescriptive foods, therapeutic foods,
super-foods, designer foods, foodiceuticals and medifoods
Table 2
Examples of probiotic strains used in prevention and treatment of some diseases
Disorders Strains Clinical outcomes References
Diarrhea caused by
pathogenic bacteria and
Lb. rhamnosus GG, Lb.
casei Bf. lactis BB-12, Bf.
bidum Sc. thermophilus
Prevention and treatment of
acute diarrhea caused by
rotaviruses in children
Guarino, Berni, Spagnuolo, Albano, and Di Benedetto
(1997), Guandalini et al. (2000), Isolauri, Juntunen,
Rautanen, Sillanaukee, and Koivula (1991), Majamaa,
Isolauri, Saxelin, and Vesikari (1995), Perdone, Bernabeu,
Postaire, Bouley, and Reinert (1999), Saavedra, Bauman,
Oung, Perman, and Yolken (1994), Shornikova, Isolauri,
Burkanova, Lukovnikova, and Vesikari (1997) and
Szajewska, Kotowska, Mrukowicz, Armanska, and
Mikolajczyk (2001)
Helicobacter pylori infection
and complications
Lb. johnsonii La1, Lb.
salivarius, Lb.
acidophilus LB
Inhibition of the pathogen
growth and decrease urease
enzyme activity necessary for the
pathogen to remain in the acidic
environment of the stomach
Aiba, Suzuki, Kabir, Takagi, and Koga (1998), Coconnier,
Lievin, Hemery, and Servin (1998), Luo and Grayson
(1995), Michetti et al. (1999) and Midolo, Lambert, Hull,
Kabir et al. (1997)
Inammatory diseases and
bowel syndromes
Lb. rhamnosus GG Remediation in inammatory
conditions through modulation
of the gastrointestinal microora
Giochetti et al. (2000), Gupta, Andrew, Kirschner, and
Guandalini (2000) and Shanahan (2000)
Cancer in gastrointestinal
Lb. rhamnosus GG, Lb.
rhamnosus LC-705, Lb.
casei Shirota, Lb.
acidophilus LA-2,
Bidobacterium sp.,
Propionibacterium sp.
Prevention or delay of the onset
of certain cancers
Aso et al. (1995), El-Nezami, Mykkanen, Kankaanpaa,
Salminen, and Ahokas (2000), Hosada, Hashimoto, He,
Morita, and Hosono (1996) and Oatley, Rarick, Ji, and
Linz (2000)
Mucosal immunity Lb. casei Shirota, Lb.
rhamnosus HN001, Lb.
acidophilus HN017, Bf.
Lactis HN019
Enhancement of immune
Arunachalam, Gill, and Chandra (2000), Donnet-Hughes,
Rochat, Serrant, Aeschlimann, and Schirin (1999), Gill,
Rutherfurd, Prasad, and Gopal (2000), Gill, Cross,
Rutherfurd, and Gopal (2001), Matsuzaki and Chin
(2000), Sheih, Chiang, Wang, Chuh, and Gill (2001) and
Perdigon, Vintini, Alvarez, Medina, and Medici (1999)
Allergic symptoms Lb. rhamnosus GG, Bf.
lactis BB-12
Prevention of allergic diseases
Isolauri, Arvola, Sutas, Moilanen, and Salminen (2000),
Kalliomaki et al. (2001) and Majamaa and Isolauri (1996,
Cardiovascular disease Lactobacillus sp. Prevention and therapy of
ischemic heart syndromes
De Roos and Katan (2000) and Oxman, Shapira, Klein,
Avazov, and Rabinowitz (2001)
Bacterial and yeast vaginitis Lb. acidophilus, Lb.
rhamnosus GG
Eradication of vaginitis through
restoration of dominated vaginal
Hilton, Isenberg, Alperstein, France, and Borenstein
(1992), Hilton, Rindos, and Isenberg (1995), Reid et al.
(2001a), Reid, Beuerman, Heinemann, and Bruce (2001b)
and Sieber and Dietz (1998)
Urinary tract infections Lactobacillus GR-1,
Lactobacillus B-54,
Lactobacillus RC-14
Lower risk of urinary tract
infections through restoration of
dominated vaginal ora
Reid, Bruce, and Taylor (1995) and Reid et al. (2001b)
Adapted from FAO/WHO (2001).
F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123 113
(Finley, 1996). Because of the good amount of information
available currently, it is convenient to dene the concept of
the functional foods and dierentiate them from other
terms such as nutraceutics, or fortied and special formu-
las. The functional food concept was developed during
the 1980s in Japan and it gained legal status in 1991, being
described as FOSHU, or Foods for Specied Health
Use. The country has formulated a specic regulatory
process for the functional food approval. And it has more
than 100 products with FOSHU license (Sanders, 1998).
Functional foods, as they are known in Japan, do not exist
in either Europe, or the United States because in these
countries, no regulation, or policy statements exist, specif-
ically for them (Stanton et al., 2001). Legislation in Brazil is
recent. Functional foods are regulated by ANVISA
National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance through Govern-
mental Decree n. 15 e Resolutions n.16, 18 and 19 dated
April 1999 (Brasil, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 1999d; Oliveira,
Sivieri, Alegro, & Saad, 2002).
The norms that regulate functional foods must consider
the following aspects in relation to the probiotics: the prep-
aration should remain viable in large-scale production; it
should be stable and viable during the storage and use;
the preparation should be able to survive in the intestinal
ecosystem; and, the host must get benets to lodge
Functional foods are dened as the foods that in addi-
tion to nutrients, supply the organism with components
that contribute to cure the diseases, or to reduce the risk
of developing them. They are foods like the conventional
ones, which produce proved physiological eects and/or
reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and could
be similar in physical appearance to the conventional food,
consumed as part of the daily dietary, but able to produce
proved metabolic, or physiological eects, useful in the
maintenance of a good physical and mental health and to
able to help in the reduction of the risk of degenerative
chronic diseases, besides to contribute to its basic nutri-
tional functions. They could be foods with functional com-
pounds, which have physiological eects on the consumer,
besides their basic nutritive value. The main aim of these
products is to prevent chronic diseases and to maintain
the natural balance of vitamins and electrolytes of the
body. According to the International Life Science Institute
(ILSI), a food can be considered functional if it can demon-
strate satisfactorily that it has a benecial eect on one, or
several specic functions in the organism, beyond the nor-
mal nutritional eects that improve the state of health and
well-being, or reduce the risk of a disease. It is necessary to
know what is meant by beyond the normal nutritional
eects. The feeding dened in the recommended daily
dose can contain, in addition to usual foods, restored foods
(restoration of the initial content of vitamins and minerals)
and enriched foods; the dietetic foods respond to the spec-
ify necessities of some consumers. The functional foods are
beyond these basic necessities. However, they must con-
tinue being foods and must be consumed in compatible
amounts with a balanced and diversied normal feeding.
A functional food can be a natural one; or foods added
of components; or foods of which component have been
eliminated by means of technological or biotechnological
procedures. It also can be a food, in which the nature of
one or more of its component has been modied, or a food
in which the bio-availability of one or more of its compo-
nents has been modied, or any combination of the possi-
bilities as above. The development of functional foods on
the part of food industries and the clinical tests that are
made to evaluate their eects will help the national and
international sanitary authorities to establish clear criteria
to classify this type of foods.
Nutraceuticals are dened as the foods manufactured
from common foods and sold in the form of prepared like
pills, capsules, powder, syrups, drinks, etc. They are medic-
inal formula, which are not associated generally with the
foods and can exert a benecial physiological eect, or
assure protection against the chronic diseases. Fig. 2 shows
a graphical representation of nutraceutical foods. Func-
tional foods, design foods and nutraceuticals are expres-
sions that can be used indierently to talk foods, or
isolated ingredients that provide determined non-nutri-
tional benecial physiological eects that can improve the
health. The foods are composed by thousands of biologi-
cally active constituents that can have a benecial eect
on the health.
The rst generation of functional foods involved supple-
mentation of the constituents such as calcium, or vitamins,
for their recognized health attributes (Ziemer & Gibson,
1998). Fermented dairy products can be included in the cat-
Table 3
Probiotic lactic acid bacteria marketed worldwide
Strains Origin
Lactobacillus casei Shirota Yakult, Japan
Lactobacillus crispatus CTV05 Gynelogix, USA
Lactobacillus reuteri MM53 BioGaia, Sweden
Lactobacillus casei F19 Arla Foods, Denmark/
Bidobacterium lactis HN019 Danisco, France
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Valio, Finland
Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp.
shermanii JS
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM Rhodia, USA
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFB 1748
Lactobacillus johnsonii LA1 (NCC 533) Nestle, Switzerland
Lactobacillus acidophilus LA10 (NCC 90)
Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14 Urex, Canada
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1
Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 Danone, France
Bidobacterium animalis DN-173 010
Lactobacillus plantarum 299v Probi AB, Sweden
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 271
Lactobacillus casei CRL 431 Chr. Hansen, USA
Bidobacterium lactis BB-12
Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5
Lactobacillus bulgaricus LBY27
Streptococcus thermophilus STY-31
114 F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123
egory of functional foods because of their content of cal-
cium (which can reduce the osteoporosis, hypertension
and colon cancer) and other health-enhancing components.
In the recent decades, there is a greater interest in the
potential benecial eects of the fermented milk on the
health, resulting in the increase of the available variety
and amount consumed around the world. Dairy products
have been used traditionally like vehicle for the probiotic
bacteria in humans. Lactic acid bacteria are the more
important group of microorganisms used in the fermented
milk elaboration and much of them are considered probio-
tics. Fermented milks are result of the metabolism of lactic
acid bacteria that grow in milk. Its excellent nutritional
quality can be attributed mainly to the milk, which oers
an important source of calcium, proteins, phosphorus
and riboavin. The additional benets on the health are
result of the fermentation process, which supplies fer-
mented milk with a large number of microorganisms and
products of fermentation. Fermented milks have probiotic
eect because their consumption takes to the ingestion of
high amounts of live bacteria that exert benets in the bal-
ance of the intestinal microora and the health, beyond the
basic nutrition. Probiotic dairy foods containing health-
promoting bacteria are an important segment of the func-
tional-food market (Batish & Grover, 2004). It represents a
strong area in the growth within the group of functional
foods and intense investigation to develop the dairy prod-
ucts with the probiotic microorganisms is in active
In fact, the concept of functional foods has become
more directed towards food additives that may exert a posi-
tive eect on the gut microbiota composition. This has lar-
gely concentrated on the probiotics, but more recently
interest in prebiotics has increased (Ziemer & Gibson,
1998). Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that
benecially aect the host by selectively stimulating the
growth and/or activity of one, or a limited number of bac-
teria in the colon. This denition overlaps with the deni-
tion of dietary ber, with the exception of its selectivity
for certain species (Gibson & Roberfroid, 1995; Schrezen-
meir & De Vrese, 2001). Food ingredients classied as pre-
biotics must not be hydrolyzed or absorbed in the upper
gastrointestinal tract, need to be a selective substrate for
one, or a limited number of colonic bacteria, must alter
the microbiota in the colon to a healthier composition
and should induce luminal, or systematic eects that are
benecial to the host health (Gibson & Roberfroid,
1995). Peptides, proteins and lipids contain prebiotics char-
acteristics, but some carbohydrates have received the most
attention, including lactulose, inulin, and a range of oligo-
saccharides that supply a source of fermentable carbohy-
drate for the benecial bacteria in the colon (Crittenden,
1999; Ziemer & Gibson, 1998). The inulin and oligofruc-
tose are carbohydrates stored in the plants, presented in
the foods as garlic, bananas, cereals, onions, and in high
amounts in the root of the chicory. Oligofructose is a nat-
ural component of inulin (De Bondt, 2003). Symbiotics are
mixtures of the probiotics and prebiotics that benet the
host by improving the survival and implantation of the
selected microbial supplements. Because of the nutritional
benets associated with microora management
approaches, foods are the main vehicle for pro-, pre- and
symbiotics (Gibson & Roberfroid, 1995; Ziemer & Gibson,
3. Achievements of dairy probiotic beverages
Fermented beverages make up an important contribu-
tion to the human diet in many countries because fermen-
tation is an inexpensive technology, which preserves the
food, improves its nutritional value and enhances its sen-
sory properties (Gadaga, Mutukumira, Narvhus, & Feresu,
1999). Traditional fermented beverages have been docu-
mented in dierent countries, especially in Africa. Kule
naoto, or Kwerionik, for example, are fermented milks pro-
duced and consumed in Kenya and Uganda, respectively
(Pinto, Franz, Schillinger, & Holzapfel, 2006). Amasi
(mukaka wakakora or zifa) is a traditional fermented milk
consumed in Zimbabwe. It is produced by leaving fresh
raw bovine milk to ferment naturally at ambient tempera-
ture in earthenware pots, or any other suitable containers.
The microorganisms inherent in the milk, the container and
the surrounding air are assumed to ferment the milk within
13 days, depending on the ambient temperature. From
these, bacterial strains belonging to Lactococcus, Lactoba-
cillus, Leuconostoc and Enterococcus have been identied
(Gadaga et al., 1999).
Ergo is traditional fermented milk produced in Ethiopia.
It is thick, smooth, of uniform appearance and has some
resemblance to yoghurt. Usually it has a white milk color
when prepared carefully. The product is semi-solid and
has a pleasant odor and taste. Several microorganisms
are present in ergo such as Gram-positive bacteria. Yeasts
and moulds were also isolated but were not identied. The
LAB included Streptococcus thermophilus, Streptococcus
acidominus, Streptococcus bovis, Streptococcus mitis, Strep-
tococcus agalactiae, Enterococcus faecalis var. liquefaciens,
Lactococcus cremoris, Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc dex-
tranicum, Leuconostoc lactis and Lactobacillus xylosus
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of a nutraceutic.
F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123 115
(Gonfa, Fite, Urga, & Gashe, 1999; Gonfa, Foster, & Hol-
zapfel, 2001).
The original observation of the positive role played by
some selected bacteria is attributed to Eli Metchniko,
the Russian born Nobel Prize winner working at the Pas-
teur Institute at the beginning of the last century, who sug-
gested that the dependence of the intestinal microbes on
the food makes it possible to adopt measures to modify
the ora in human bodies and to replace the harmful
microbes by useful microbes (FAO/WHO, 2001). Almost
at the same time, the rst formulae for deliberate adminis-
tration of live lactic acid bacteria was launched in Paris,
which was a yogurt based on a culture of Sc. thermophilus
and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. With this
successful introduction, the incorporation of probiotic bac-
teria in foods was focused on milk-based products (Molin,
Macedo (1997) developed a probiotic beverage with a
mix of 35% bualo cheese whey, 30% soymilk and 35%
cow milk fermented by a mixed culture of Lactobacillus
casei Shirota and Bidobacterium adolescentis. The con-
comitant use of these two strains resulted both in a pleas-
ant taste and avoured product besides an expected
association with health-promoting eects. The fermenta-
tion was carried out at 37 C for 8 h keeping a 1:5 propor-
tion between the lactic acid and bidobacteria in a 5%
inoculum amount. The fermented beverage with a light
extra-avoring with vanilla essence was evaluated during
a 28 days storage period at 4 C, thus conrming the pres-
ervation of its chemical, microbiological and sensorial sta-
bilities, although, a slight variation in the acidity prole the
desirable balance for the viable cells of the bacterial strains
(6.8 10
cells/mL for Lb. casei Shirota and 2.3 10
mL for Bf. adolescentis) was found in the sensorial charac-
teristics of the fermented milk beverage allowing its good
acceptability in all time course of the storage period.
Vinderola, Gueimonde, Delgado, Reinheimer, and De
Los Reyes-Gavilan (2000) evaluated the carbonation of
pasteurized milk as a method for improving the fermenta-
tion conditions and/or bacterial viability in the fermented
milk added with Lactobacillus acidophilus and/or Bido-
bacterium bidum. The fermentation time was signicantly
lowered in carbonated milk. The use of CO
had no detri-
mental eects on the sensory properties of the fermented
milk and did not exert any inuence on the viability of
Lb. acidophilus. Oliveira et al. (2002) studied the combined
eect of milk supplementation and culture composition on
acidication, textural properties, and the microbiological
stability of the fermented milks containing probiotic bacte-
ria. Whey, casein hydrolysate and milk proteins were tested
as supplementation. Two strains of probiotic bacteria, Lb.
acidophilus LA5 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC35, were
used in pure culture, and in mixed culture with Sc. thermo-
philus (ST7). The results showed that fermented products
texture was not dependent on the culture composition,
but strongly dependent on milk supplementation. Sodini,
Lucas, Tissier, and Corrieu (2005) studied the physical
properties and the microstructure of the yoghurts contain-
ing probiotic bacteria and supplemented with milk protein
hydrolysates. Three casein hydrolysates and three whey
protein hydrolysates were added to the milk. The milks
were fermented with either of the two dierent cultures
and compared to the control yoghurt without supplemen-
tation. For both the cultures, the addition of the hydroly-
sates reduced the fermentation time but negatively
aected the texture, decreasing the complex viscosity and
graininess in the yoghurts.
The ingestion of the selected strains of the probiotic bac-
teria and the nutraceuticals has the protential to benet the
consumer but little information is available regarding the
eect of nutraceuticals on the viability of probiotic species
of bacteria in a foodstu. Awaisheh, Haddadin, and Rob-
inson (2005) studied the eect of dierent concentrations of
three nutraceuticals (x-3-fatty acids, isoavones and phy-
tosterols) on the viability of two probiotic cultures (Lacto-
bacillus gasseri and Bidobacterium infantis), which were
incorporated into the yoghurt. The sensory qualities of
the yoghurt and the viability of the probiotic species were
evaluate during the storage at 4 C. The combination of
the three nutraceuticals gave signicantly higher counts
than the control milk. In particular, Bf. infantis count
was higher in the combination than in the presence of indi-
vidual nutraceuticals.
Some strains of LAB as Lactobacillus ssp. SLH6 and Sc.
thermophilus ST4 were used as unocula to ferment experi-
mental mixtures of milk powder (3 g%) plus cassava starch
(6 g%), or inulin (6 g%) as prebiotic. The use of this type of
milkoligosaccharides mixtures oers the possibility to
reduce the use of milk to 1/3 of that used in regular
yogurts, which can also serve as vehicles for the probiotic
and prebiotic agents. The product is yogurt-like and the
taste is fairly good. It can be oered to those countries that
have shortage of milk and are good producers of cassava
starch and other starchy products. The bioavailability of
many nutrients in vegetable diets is usually low, and this
will signicantly contribute to the nutritional inadequacy.
In poor countries animal foods and milk although of excel-
lent nutritional value, are not available in enough quantity
to these populations, due to their customs and high coasts
(Parada, Sambucetti, Zuleta, & Rio, 2003).
The eect of ranose family oligosaccharides (RFOs)
addition on probiotic viability of Bidobacterium lactis
Bb-12 and Lb. acidophilus La-5 in the fermented milk
was evaluated by Mart nez-Villaluenga, Fr as, Go mez,
and Vidal-Valverde (2006) during 21 days of storage at
5 C. Viability retention of both strains were higher in
the fermented milk with RFOs, which had benecial eects
on the survival of these probiotic cultures in the dairy prod-
ucts. Stored products containing the probiotics and the
prebiotics have synergistic actions in the promotion of

(Valio, Finland) is the rst blood pressure

reducing fermented milk drink developed in Finland in
October 2000. Its benecial eect is due to the bioactive
116 F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123
peptides that are generated when Lactobacillus helveticus
decomposes milk casein. A host of clinical tests have shown
these peptides to have a positive inuence on lowering the
blood pressure (Valio, 2006).
Faced with the market saturation in the third world and
stock dumping in advanced countries, dairy organizations
that produce traditional fermented products must explore
new avenues of the product diversication. New trends
are becoming apparent with regard to consumers accep-
tance of the fermented milks. The selection of the microor-
ganisms used as starters in the manufacture of the
fermented milks is now based on the interaction with the
gastrointestinal microora and the metabolic properties.
Genetic engineering of the microorganisms and new tech-
nological possibilities is expected to create new fermented
milks in which desired properties would be emphasized.
New products should be developed and traditional ones
should be maintained and improved. Hence, the introduc-
tion of new technologies assumes added signicance. Other
potential areas include special fermentation products, such
as probiotic milk foods with immunomodulating activity.
These products could receive greater consumer attention
as the market demand for the value-added fermented prod-
ucts is expected to be very high in the near future. Simi-
larly, Bidobacterium-derived fermented products have
shown excellent physiological activity in infant digestion
metabolism and nutrient utilization. Milk-based formulae
with bioactive peptides of immunological signicance can
be prepared by fermentation process to mimic the biologi-
cal attributes of breast milk.
These examples are only few applications of the potenti-
ality of probiotics. However, other vehicles such as non-
dairy raw materials may be used to deliver into the host
the benec lactic acid bacteria and other microorganism.
Evidently, the fermented milk products continue to be sub-
ject of intensive researches to enhance their inherent nutri-
tional and healthful attributes. Unsoundly, these products
represent an exciting area of commercial interest for the
dairy industry. The commercial stability of the fermented
milks allows the expansion and coverage of the needs of
dierent consumer categories. With the growing interest
of consumers in health-related foods, the market for probi-
otic health microorganisms would have a bright and prom-
ising future (Batish & Grover, 2004).
4. Non-dairy probiotic beverages
Probiotic products are usually marketed in the form of
fermented milks and yoghurts; however, with an increase
in the consumer vegetarianism throughout the developed
countries, there is also a demand for the vegetarian probi-
otic products. Furthermore, lactose intolerance and the
cholesterol content are two major drawbacks related to
the fermented dairy products (Heenan, Adams, Hosken,
& Fleet, 2004; Yoon, Woodams, & Hang, 2006). There
are a wide variety of traditional non-dairy fermented bev-
erages produced around the world. Much of them are
non-alcoholic beverages manufactured with cereals as prin-
cipal raw material.
Boza is a beverage consumed in Bulgaria, Albania, Tur-
key and Romania. It is a colloid suspension, from light to
dark beige, sweet, slightly sharp to slightly sour, made from
wheat, rye, millet, maize and other cereals mixed with
sugar, or saccharine. Boza has become a very popular bev-
erage consumed daily by people of all ages due to its pleas-
ant taste, avour and high nutritional values. Microora
identication of Bulgarian boza shows that it mainly con-
sists of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria, in an average
LAB/yeast ratio of 2.4. The lactic acid bacteria isolated
were Lactobacillus plantarum, Lb. acidophilus, Lactobacil-
lus fermentum, Lactobacillus coprophilus, Leuconostoc re-
nolactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus
brevis. The yeasts isolated were Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Geotrichum penicilla-
tum and Geotrichum candidum (Blandino, Al-Aseeri, Pandi-
ella, Cantero, & Webb, 2003; Gotcheva, Pandiella,
Angelov, Roshkova, & Webb, 2000).
Bushera is the most common traditional beverage pre-
pared in the Western highlands of Uganda. The product
is consumed by both the young children and the adults.
The sorghum, or millet our from the germinated sorghum
and millet grains is mixed with the boiling water and left to
cool to ambient temperature. Germinated millet or sor-
ghum our is then added and the mixture is left to ferment
at ambient temperature for 16 days. The lactic acid bacte-
ria isolated from Bushera comprised of ve genera, Lacto-
bacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Enterococcus and
Streptococcus. Lb. brevis was more frequently isolated than
other species (Muianja, Narvhus, Treimo, & Langsrud,
Mahewu (amahewu) is a sour beverage made from the
corn meal, consumed in Africa and some Arabian Gulf
countries. It is prepared from the maize porridge, which
is mixed with the water. The sorghum, millet malt, or
wheat our is then added and left to ferment. The sponta-
neous fermentation process is carried out by the natural
ora of the malt at the ambient temperature. The predom-
inant microorganism found in African mahewu is Lactococ-
cus lactis subsp. lactis (Blandino et al., 2003; Gadaga et al.,
Pozol is a refreshing beverage, consumed in the South-
eastern Mexico, made by cooking maize in an approxi-
mately 1% (w/v) lime solution, washing with water,
grinding to make a dough known as nixtamal, shaping into
balls, wrapping in banana leaves and leaving to ferment at
ambient temperature for 0.54 days. The fermented dough
is suspended in he water and drunk. Some brous compo-
nents are not completely solubilized by nixtamalization and
sediment is present in the beverage when the dough is sus-
pended in the water (Wacher et al., 2000).
Togwa is a starch-saccharied traditional beverage con-
sumed in Africa. In the southern part of Tanzania, togwa is
usually made from the maize our and nger millet malt.
In this region, it is consumed by the working people and
F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123 117
also used as a refreshment as well as a weaning food (Oi &
Kitabatake, 2003). Togwa is also regularly consumed by
the young children. The cereal, or cassava our is cooked
in the water. After cooling at 35 C, starter culture (old tog-
wa) and cereal our from the germinated grains are added.
The fermentation process nishes at pH 4.03.2 (Molin,
Lactic acid bacteria can rarely convert starch into lactic
acid. However, some strains of Lactobacillus and Strepto-
coccus can do it (Parada, Zapata, De Frabrizio, & Marti-
nez, 1996). For example, Lb. plantarum A6, isolated by
Giraud, Grosselin, Parada, and Raimbault (1993), showed
extracellular amylase activity. Sour cassava starch is
obtained by a natural fermentation and this product is lar-
gely appreciated in Africa, South America and other devel-
oping countries. Lb. plantarum D34 was isolated in
Colombia, which showed an amylolytic property. Santos
(2001) developed a probiotic beverage with the fermented
cassava our (liquid phase + solid) using mixed culture of
Lb. plantarum A6, which were amylolytic strains of Lb.
casei Shirota and Lb. acidophilus. The best parameters of
the fermentation were 8% inoculation rate, incubation tem-
perature and period as 35 C and 16 h, respectively, and
20% of cassava our. At the end of the fermentation, the
amount of bacteria was 2.8 10
cells/mL of lactic amylo-
lytic bacteria and 2.3 10
cells/mL of probiotic bacteria.
The nal lactic beverage had 36% of guava juice, 10% of
sugar and 54% of fermented lactic beverage. The lactic bev-
erage maintained its microbiological and physico-chemical
quality for 28 days storage period at 4 C.
Angelov, Gotcheva, Kuncheva, and Hristozova (2006)
produced a symbiotic functional drink from the oats by
combining a probiotic starter culture and whole-grain oat
substrate. The oats and barley are the cereals with highest
content of beta-glucan, recognized as the main functional
component of the cereal bers. Studies have indicated the
hypocholesterolemic eect of this compound, leading to
2030% reduction of LDL-cholesterol, and to an expected
overall eect of reduced cardiovascular disease risk (Stark
& Madar, 1994; Wrick, 1994). The substrate was fermented
with Lb. plantarum B28. The levels of starter culture con-
centration, oat our and sucrose content were established
for completing a controlled fermentation for 8 h. The addi-
tion of aspartame, sodium cyclamate, saccharine and Hux-
ol (12% cyclamate and 1.2% saccharine) had no eect on
the dynamics of the fermentation process and on the viabil-
ity of the starter culture during the product storage. The
beta-glucan content in the drink of 0.310.36% remained
unchanged throughout fermentation and storage of the
drink. The viable cells counts reached at the end of the pro-
cess were about 7.5 10
CFU/mL. The shelf life of the
oat drink was estimated to 21 days under refrigerated
Since few decades ago, the soybean has received atten-
tion from the researchers due to its protein quality. Because
of their functional properties, it has a great application
potential in the food industry. The soymilk is suitable for
the growth of the lactic acid bacteria, especially bidobac-
teria (Chou & Hou, 2000; Matsuyama et al., 1992). Several
studies have mentioned the production and use of the fer-
mented soymilk drinks as probiotic, mainly soybean
yogurt, which further can be supplemented with oligofruc-
tose and inulin (Fuchs, Borsato, Bona, & Hauly, 2005; Shi-
makawa, Matsubara, Yuki, Ikeda, & Ishikawa, 2003;
Wang, Yu, & Chou, 2002).
Despite potential sensory challenges, there is a genuine
interest in the development of fruit-juice based functional
beverages, fortied with the probiotic and prebiotic ingre-
dients. The fruit juices have been suggested as an ideal
medium for the functional health ingredients because they
inherently contain benecial nutrients, they have taste pro-
les that are pleasing to all the age groups, and because
they are perceived as being healthy and refreshing (Tuorila
& Cardello, 2002). The fruits and vegetables are rich in the
functional food components such as minerals, vitamins,
dietary bers, antioxidants, and do not contain any dairy
allergens that might prevent usage by certain segments of
the population (Luckow & Delahunty, 2004a).
Hardaliye is a lactic acid fermented beverage produced
from the natural fermentation of the red grape, or grape
juice with the addition of the crushed mustard seeds and
benzoic acid. This beverage can be found in the Thrace
region of Turkey. It is very well known and has been pro-
duced and consumed since ancient times. The mustard
seeds eteric oils aect the yeasts and also give avor to
the nal product. Benzoic acid inhibits, or decreases alco-
hol production by aecting the yeast. Once fermented,
the hardaliye is stored at a temperature of 4 C and con-
sumed either fresh, or aged. The lactic acid bacteria found
in the beverage were Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paraca-
sei, Lactobacillus casei subsp. pseudoplantarum, Lactobacil-
lus brevis, Lactobacillus pontis, Lactobacillus acetotolerans,
Lactobacillus sanfransisco and Lactobacillus vaccinostercus.
This characterization allowed the selection of appropriate
strains for the manufacture of hardaliye using pasteurized,
or sterile ltered grape juices (Arici & Coskun, 2001).
Yoon, Woodams, and Hang (2004) determined the suit-
ability of the tomato juice as a raw material for the produc-
tion of probiotic juice by Lb. acidophilus LA39, Lb.
plantarum C3, L. casei A4 and Lb. delbrueckii D7. The
tomato juice was inoculated with a 24 h-old culture and
incubated at 30 C. The lactic acid cultures reduced the
pH to 4.1 and the viable cell counts reached nearly (1.0
9.0) 10
CFU/mL after 72 h fermentation. The viable cell
counts of the four lactic acid bacteria in the fermented
tomato juice raged from 10
to 10
CFU/mL after 4 weeks
of cold storage at 4 C. Yoon, Woodams, and Hang (2005)
also evaluated the potential of red beets as the substrate for
the production of probiotic beet juice by the above four spe-
cies of lactic acid bacteria. All the lactic cultures were capa-
ble of rapidly utilizing the beet juice for the cell synthesis
and lactic acid production. Lb. acidophilus and Lb. planta-
rum produced higher amount of lactic acid than other cul-
tures and reduced the pH of the fermented beet juice from
118 F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123
an initial value of 6.3 to below 4.5 after 48 h of fermentation
at 30 C. Although the lactic cultures in fermented beet juice
gradually lost their viability during the cold storage, the via-
ble cell counts of these bacteria, except for Lb. acidophilus,
in the fermented beet juice still remained at 10
mL after 4 weeks of cold storage at 4 C.
Yoon et al. (2006) also developed a probiotic cabbage
juice using lactic acid bacteria. Cabbage juice was inocu-
lated with a 24 h-old lactic culture and incubated at
30 C. The cultures (Lb. plantarum C3, Lb. casei A4 and
Lb. delbrueckii D7) grew well on cabbage juice and reached
about 1 10
CFU/mL after 48 h of the fermentation. Lb.
casei produced a lower amount of titratable acidity,
expressed as lactic acid, than Lb. delbrueckii, or Lb. planta-
rum. After 4 weeks of the cold storage at 4 C, the viable
cell counts of Lb. plantarum and Lb. delbrueckii were
4.1 10
and 4.5 10
CFU/mL, respectively. Lb. casei
did not survive at low pH and lost cell viability completely
after 2 weeks of the cold storage. The fermented cabbage
juice could serve as a healthy beverage for vegetarians
and lactose-allergic consumers.
Rakin, Vukasinovic, Siler-Marinkovic, and Maksimovic
(2007) enriched beetroot and carrot juices with the brewers
yeast autolysate before lactic acid fermentation with Lb.
acidophilus. The addition of the autolysate favorably
aected the increase of the number of lactic acid bacteria
during the fermentation (Aeschlimann & Von Stocar,
1990), reduction of the time of fermentation and enrich-
ment of the vegetable juices with amino acids, vitamins,
minerals and antioxidants (Chae, Joo, & In, 2001). The
use of spent brewers yeast from the brewery was important
for the economic optimization of the fermentation. A mix-
ture of beetroot and carrot juices has optimum proportions
of pigments, vitamins and minerals (Rakin et al., 2007).
Luckow and Delahunty (2004a) evaluated the con-
sumers acceptance for the appearance, aroma, texture
and avour of the probiotic fruit juices. Novel blackcur-
rant juices containing the probiotic cultures were compared
with the conventional blackcurrant juices by the descriptive
analysis. The probiotic juices contained aroma and avors
characteristic of the functional ingredients. Subsequent
testing took place in a local shopping center, where the
consumers were presented with two randomly coded black-
currant juice samples. One of the products was a natural
blackcurrant juice, and the other was a commercially pro-
cessed blackcurrant juice containing probiotic cultures.
The consumers were instructed that one of the juice sam-
ples contained special ingredients designed to improve
their health. They were asked to assess their overall impres-
sion of both the juices, and to rate their acceptance of the
sensory characteristics. Furthermore, based on their overall
impressions and guided by their individual expectations,
the consumers were asked to identify the juice they per-
ceived to be the healthiest (e.g., containing the special
ingredients). The juice preference was dependent on the
gender and the age. In general, the consumers selected their
most preferred juice product as the healthiest sample.
Luckow and Delahunty (2004b) examined the sensory
impact of functional ingredients (e.g., probiotics, prebiot-
ics, vitamins, and minerals) on the aroma and taste of
orange fruit juices. A trained panel (n = 10) performed a
descriptive sensory analysis on four functional orange
juices and seven conventional orange juices. The functional
juices were described as possessing perceptible dairy,
medicinal and dirty avors, distinguishing them from
the conventional juices. Subsequently, 100 consumers par-
ticipated in a preference test, whereby ve orange juices
(three conventional and two functional) were ranked in
order of the consumer preference. The ranking decisions
were based solely on the sensory characteristics of the
juices, since product information was not provided. On
an overall basis, the consumers preferred the sensory char-
acteristics of conventional juices. However, cluster analysis
identied a small consumer segment (11%) that signi-
cantly preferred the sensory attributes of functional juices.
Evidently, there are already some relatively new non-
dairy probiotic beverages in the market. Grainelds
Wholegrain Liquid

is a refreshing, eervescent liquid that

delivers active, friendly lactic acid bacteria and yeasts as
well as vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. It is made
from organic ingredients including the grains, beans, and
seeds such as the malted organic oats, maize, rice, alfalfa
seed, pearl barley, linseed, mung beans, rye grain, wheat,
millet. The liquid is fermented to achieve high levels of
active probiotic bacteria sustained in a liquid medium
immediately available for the use within the digestive sys-
tem. Grainelds Wholegrain Liquid

is fermented with lac-

tobacili and yeasts cultures: Lb. acidophilus, Lb. delbreukii,
Saccharomyces boulardii and Sc. cerevisiae. The liquid is
dairy-free, contains no genetically modied ingredients
and has no added sugar (Superfoods., 2006).
Vita Biosa

is a mixture of aromatic herbs and other

plants, which are fermented by a combination of lactic acid
and yeast cultures. This beverage contains no sugar and
can produce carbon dioxide. The bacteria are selected
based on the criterion of their providing the microora of
the intestines with the best possible conditions. During
the fermentation, the lactic acid formed produces a low
pH value of about 3.5. The low pH prevents the develop-
ment of harmful bacteria in the nished product. Vita

also contains a high number of antioxidants. The

reason for this beverage becoming so popular is its ability
to quickly restore the natural balance in the digestive sys-
tem. The liquid restricts harmful bacteria and thus gives
the benecial bacteria a better possibility to multiply and
create healthy intestinal ora. Vita Biosa

is manufactured
in Denmark (Superfoods, 2006).

was the rst probiotic food that does not con-

tain milk, or milk constituents. It was launched in Sweden
by Skane Dairy (Sweden) in 1994. The active component
comprises lactic acid bacteria fermented oatmeal gruel.
Malted barely is added to enhance the liquefaction of the
product and Lb. plantarum 299v carries out the fermenta-
tion. The nal product contains 1 10
F.C. Prado et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 111123 119
units (CFU) of L. plantarum/L. This formula is used as the
active ingredient in the food product in which 5% of the oat
meal gruel is mixed with a fruit drink. The consumer prod-
uct contains 5 10
CFU/L (Molin, 2001).
Valio Ltd. began developing non-dairy drinks with Lb.
rhamnosus GG in 1996 and the rst product was launched
in 1997. Gelus

fruit drinks have a shelf life of 5 weeks

when refrigerated (Leporanta, 2005a, 2005b). The latter
was from Valios commercial Bioprot

product, with
Lb. rhamnosus GG and Propionibacterium freudenreichii
ssp. shermanii JS (Daniells, 2006). Biola

juice drink is a
new probiotic juice manufactured by Tine BA in Norway.
It contains added Lb. rhamnosus GG. Tine is using this
strain under license from Finnish dairy company Valio
Ltd. The juice drinks contain more than 95% fruit and
no added sugar and are available in orangemango and
applepear avours (Leporanta, 2005b). Rela

is a fruit
juice with Lactobacillus reuteri MM53 manufactured by
the Biogaia, Sweden.
In recent years, the consumer demand for non-dairy-
based probiotic products has increased (Shah, 2001) and
the application of probiotic cultures in non-dairy products
and environments represents a great challenge (Mattila-
Sandholm et al., 2002). Juice manufacturers in particular
were considered to lead new product development activities
for gut benet beverages as line extensions of existing func-
tional drinks such as Valios Gelus

. Fruit juice-based
probiotic drinks would become an increasingly important
category in future years (Dairy Industries International,
2004; Leatherhead Food Research Association, 2004).
5. Perspectives of probiotic beverages
There is every reason to believe that beverages would be
the next food category where the healthy bacteria will make
their mark. Likely candidates are chilled fruit juices, bot-
tled water, or fermented vegetable juices. The probiotic
microorganisms also have been directly incorporated into
the drinks. The key to the development of this second gen-
eration of the probiotic products is a special Direct Liquid
Inoculation system. It allows food producers to add the
probiotic bacteria directly to the nished food product.
The technology uses Tetra Paks aseptic dosing machine
Flex Dos that allows the bacteria to be added to liquids just
before they are lled into the cartons. The innovation is
expected to signicantly boost the market for the probiotic
beverages, which have so far been restricted by the delicate
nature of the ingredient and concerns over the contamina-
tion. The probiotic bacteria must be live to exert their
health benets but they can be destroyed by a number of
processing situations. In beverages, for example, the heat
treatment in a standard production run would kill the live
bacteria (Chr Hansen, 2006; Shah, 2001).
Adding probiotics to the juices is more complex than for-
mulating in the diary products because the bacteria need
protection from the acidic conditions in the fruit juice.
However, with microencapsulation technologies, the probi-
otics can become an important ingredient in the functional
foods, expanding the probiotic application outside the
pharmaceutical and supplement industries. Microencapsu-
lation technologies have been developed and successfully
applied using various matrices to protect the bacterial cells
from the damage caused by the external environment (Del
Piano et al., 2006). It is the process by which small particles
or droplets are surrounded by a coating to produce the cap-
sules in the micrometer to millimeter range known as micro-
capsules. The microencapsulation allows the probiotic
bacteria to be separated from its environment by a protec-
tive coating. Several studies have reported the technique
of the microencapsulation by using gelatin, or vegetable
gum to provide protection to acid-sensitive Bidobacterium
and Lactobacillus (Chandramouli, Kailasapathy, Peiris, &
Jones, 2004; Lee, Cha, & Park, 2004; ORiordan, Andrews,
Buckle and Conway, 2001; Sultana et al., 2000).
New product development requires detailed knowledge
of both the products and the customers. The high reported
failure rates for new international functional beverages
suggest a failure to manage the customer knowledge eec-
tively, as well as a lack of the knowledge management
between the functional disciplines involved in the new
product development process. The methodologies that
advance both a rms understanding of the customers
choice motives and the value systems, and its knowledge
management process, can increase the chances of new
product success in the international functional beverages
market (Bogue & Sorenson, 2006). The commercial success
of the probiotic products ultimately depends on taste and
appeal to the consumer (Heenan et al., 2004; Yoon et al.,
2006). The consumer needs to receive a comprehensible
and reasonable message about probiotics, without appear-
ing to be exaggerated. The health claims must be defen-
sible when placed under the scrutiny by the controlling
authorities. In the coming years of the new Millennium,
changes would occur in the interface between the scientic
studies and the acceptance by the consumers (Gorbach,
2002). With increasingly competitive markets, the func-
tional foods and the beverages manufacturers have tar-
geted functionality as an extremely important marketing
tool to create competitive advantages in the marketplace
(Sorenson & Bogue, 2005).
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