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Review Lactic Acid Encapsulation

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Probiotic encapsulation: A review on lactic acid bacteria as probiotics and different

technologies used for their encapsulation

Manel Sebouai1

Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology and Ethnobotany, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University
of Bejaia, Algeria


Probiotics are live microorganisms that are primarily lactic acid bacteria. They change the

human digestive system's microorganisms, particularly the intestinal microbiome. They

provide a number of biologically active substances with demonstrated pharmacological

activity such as anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of these

qualities, lactic acid bacteria have long been employed as a functional ingredient in food

products as well as pharmaceutical applications. Nevertheless, LAB's sensitive nature and

vulnerability to harsh and harmful circumstances in the human digestive system, getting into

the human gut alive and in enough cells to exert favorable health effects is still a significant

challenge. Encapsulation has thus been used and researched as a promising and emerging

strategy for good and dependable protection. Therefore, this review focuses primarily on

health potentials of probiotics as well as their bioactive substances. Moreover, the advantages

of encapsulation of probiotic bacteria have been emphasized, as well as different technologies

and matrices used for the encapsulation.

Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, encapsulation, probiotics, health potential, matrices

Table des matières

Health advantages and therapeutic potential of lactobacillus plantarum.................................................4
Probiotics and Immune Response.......................................................................................................5
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)...................................................................................................5
Anti-cancer activity 6
Effect on Cholesterol 6
Allergies and Probiotics Therapy.......................................................................................................6
Diabetes 7
Active Biomolecules produced by lactic acid bacteria...........................................................................7
Bacteriocin 8
Fatty acid 8
Organic acid 8
Hydrogen peroxide 9
Exopolysaccharide 9
Phenyl lactic acid 10
Enzymes 10
Superoxide dismutase...................................................................................................................10
Glutathione peroxidases 11
Encapsulation of Probiotic Bacteria.....................................................................................................11
Encapsulation techniques used for encapsulating probiotics................................................................13
Extrusion 13
Emulsification 14
Coacervation 14
Spray Drying 14
Freeze drying 15
Electrospinning 15
Matrices used for the encapsulation.....................................................................................................16
Alginate 16
ĸ-Carrageenan 16
Chitosan 17
Gelatin 17
Starch 17
Xanthan 18


Functional foods and nutritional interventions usually contain beneficial microorganisms that

can be consumed orally as probiotics. This applies to both people and livestock animals that

are given microorganisms directly to enhance health and reduce pathogen loads.
Food and Agriculture Association of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health

Organisation (WHO) define probiotics as 'live microorganisms which when administered in

adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host . Several Lactobacillus species,

Bifidobacterium species, Saccharomyces boulardii, and other microbes have been proposed

and are used as probiotic strains 2. Due to their long history of use in conjunction with

fermented foods, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally recognized as safe, functional, and

active food ingredients. Their metabolic byproducts, like lactic acid and bacteriocin, can also

be used as natural preservatives and antimicrobial agents to prevent contamination and food

spoilage 3. In general, a probiotic isolated from one animal performs less well in another

animal. However, because many probiotics are of unknown origin, probiotic use across

species is widespread 4. The human body contains thousands of different types of

microorganisms, but the presence of harmful microbes leads to a variety of diseases and

illnesses because toxic substances build up during digestion as a result of the bad microbes.

The immune system begins to weaken at this point. In these circumstances, consuming

probiotics in higher doses is an alternative to using antibiotics to treat the issue 5. According to

studies, probiotics can improve lactose tolerance, lower cholesterol, modulate immunity, and

even prevent some cancers 6. The most used probiotic strains are Lactobacillus and

Bifidobacteria; to be effective in promoting health, the population of viable bacteria must be

greater than 107 CFU/mL or g end products at the time of consumption 6. A potential probiotic

strain is predicted to possess several desirable traits to exert its beneficial effects. The

probiotic’s functional requirements should be determined using in vitro techniques. It must be

able to function in the gut environment, survive through the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract,

arrive alive at its site of action and has a reputation for not being pathogenic. Also, it has no
antibiotic-resistance genes that can be passed on . However, several factors, including pH,

hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, and storage temperature, have been reported to affect probiotic
viability 9. Several approaches for increasing the resistance of these sensitive microorganisms

to adverse conditions have been proposed, including the use of oxygen-impermeable

containers, two-step fermentation, stress adaptation, incorporation of micronutrients such as

peptides and amino acids, and encapsulation . Encapsulation is one of the most efficient

methods and has received special consideration and investigation. Encapsulation is the

process of retaining cells within an encapsulating membrane to reduce cell loss in a way that
results in the release of appropriate microorganisms in the gut . Some advantages of cell

microencapsulation include: protection from bacteriophages and harmful factors, increased

survival during freezing, storage, and converting them into a powder form that is easier to use

because it improves their homogeneous distribution throughout the product 12.

The purpose of this article is to review the health advantages and therapeutic potential of

probiotics, the methods and matrices used for their encapsulation and their benefits.

Health advantages and therapeutic potential of probiotics

Probiotics’ beneficial effects on human health are diverse and exerted through a variety of

complex mechanisms, and these effects can be local or systemic (extraintestinal effects).

Research suggests that certain variations in the composition of the gut microbiota are linked
to a variety of diseases . To identify the microbiota imbalance in human diseases like

inflammatory bowel disease or obesity, this was confirmed by comparing the microbiomes of
healthy individuals with those of diseased individuals . Some of the health advantages and

therapeutic potential of lactobacillus strains are discussed below, with an emphasis on in vivo

and clinical trials.

Probiotics and Immune Response

The ability of probiotic bacteria to modulate the immune system is well established. The

probiotics can interact with lymphocytes, dendritic cells (DCs), monocytes/macrophages, and
epithelial cells. The majority of pathogens share common structures called pathogen-

associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which are recognized by the innate immune system.

In contrast, the adaptive immune response, which is highly specific for particular antigens,
depends on B and T lymphocytes . Pattern recognition receptors (PPRS) that bind with

pathogen-associated molecular patterns activate the initial defense against pathogens

(PAMPs). Pattern recognition receptors have been the subject of extensive research.

Typically, these receptors are toll-like receptors (TLRs). Extracellular C-type lectin receptors

(CLRS) and intracellular nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein

(NOD)-like receptors (NLRS) are known to transmit signals upon interaction with bacteria in
addition to pattern recognition receptors . The host cells that interact with probiotics are

well-established to be intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Probiotics may also come into contact

with dendritic cells (DCs), which are important for both innate and adaptive immunity.

Through their pattern recognition receptors, IECS and DCs can both react to gut microbes 17,18.

Probiotics can also alter the quality of intestinal mucins to prevent pathogen binding.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Two idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The

gastrointestinal tract as a whole, from the mouth to the anus, can be affected by Crohn's

disease, whereas ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon 19. Patients with IBD frequently use

probiotics, and their doctors frequently suggest them as an adjunctive treatment 20. Although

little is known about the mechanisms underlying probiotics' positive effects, these are

probably immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory, as evidenced by the expression of toll-

like receptors and the down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines . Lactiplantibacillus

plantarum subsp can be found in the normal gut of healthy individuals as well as in a number

of ecological niches like vegetables and fermented foods 23.

Anticancer activity

Probiotic lactobacilli may activate anticancer mechanisms in the human gut by either

preventing the carcinogenesis process or directly inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells, as
24 25,26
suggested by several in vitro studies . while some strains have been demonstrated to
have powerful immunomodulating properties . Studies have shown that bacterial

byproducts can change the environment in the gut and influence the development of cancer
. By scavenging reactive intermediates and producing carcinogen-deactivating and

antioxidative enzymes such as glutathione-S transferase (GTS), glutathione, glutathione

reductase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase, LAB can reduce the

activity of carcinogens such as Methylnitronitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and DMH 31.

Effect on Cholesterol

Consumption of probiotics is expected to lower blood cholesterol levels. A high level of

cholesterol in the bloodstream puts humans at risk of coronary heart disease . Probiotics'

cholesterol-lowering effects could be achieved through a variety of mechanisms, including

bile acid deconjugation by bile salt hydrolase (BSH), cholesterol assimilation by probiotics,

cholesterol co-precipitation with deconjugated bile, cholesterol binding to probiotic cell walls,

and cholesterol incorporation into probiotic cellular membranes during growth 33.

Allergies and Probiotics Therapy

The possibility of getting a food allergy disease is increasing globally. Preventing allergies

and treating them symptomatically are management strategies. According to reports,

probiotics can help with the treatment and prevention of food allergies 34. Lactic acid bacteria

have been shown to be potential human therapeutic agents. They have been discovered to alter

the human digestive system's intestinal microflora. The term "probiotics" refers to a living

microorganism that promotes health, specifically lactic acid bacteria. Probiotics should be

given to human newborns as a preventative measure to strengthen their immune systems.

Nonetheless, an increasing number of studies have demonstrated the importance of the

mother's microbial environment during pregnancy, and how it may influence the offspring's

immune development even before birth. The lack of microflora in babies' intestines during the

early stages of life causes their digestive systems to be disturbed. Perhaps this explains why

pediatricians advise taking a probiotic to restore normalcy to the digestive system. Probiotics

are a good, all-natural alternative for the prevention and treatment of many diseases because

of their immunomodulatory qualities and safety in use. Additionally, allergic patients receive

probiotic therapy for the treatment and future prevention of allergic issues 35,36.


Type 2 diabetes is a major modern disorder that costs governments a lot of money. Individual

health is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Individuals with this pathology

have milder gut dysbiosis than patients with inflammatory bowel disease. However, there was

a decrease in the proportion of the phylum Firmicutes and the Clostridia class 37. Furthermore,

butyrate-producing bacteria are declining, which may be linked to an increase in opportunistic

pathogens. These bacteria have been shown to protect against a variety of diseases 38. Even

more interesting is the increase in intestinal permeability seen in obese and diabetic mice

when fed a high-fat diet 39. Such a diet results in a decrease in the presence of Bifidobacteria,

which normally hydrolyzes intestinal lipopolysaccharides and, as a result, a less effective

intestinal barrier function. 40,41.

Active Biomolecules produced by lactic acid bacteria

Different antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal substances, including organic acids, hydrogen

peroxide, diacetyl, and antimicrobial peptides as bacteriocins, are known to be produced by

various Lb. plantarum strains. Due to their potential use in food preservation to increase shelf

life and reduce or even eliminate chemical additives, as requested by consumers, the choice of

antagonistic strains has been extensively studied 42.


Bacteriocins are antibacterial peptides or proteins produced by bacteria such as Lactobacillus

and Bifidobacteria. Bacteriocins have a high antibacterial activity and have been used by

humans for thousands of years in the production of fermented foods. Bacteriocins are

classified according to their size, mode of action, and inhibitory spectrum. Bacteriocins have

many beneficial effects, including inhibiting the growth and development of pathogenic

bacteria and being heat and pH resistant. Bacteriocins' antibacterial mechanism is primarily

observed through their effect on bacterial cytoplasmic membranes. Bacteriocins are linked by

affecting sensitive components such as bacterial peptides and inhibiting spore growth and

pore formation in pathogenic bacteria's cell membrane 43,44.

Fatty acid

Fatty acids are among the most important metabolites of probiotic bacteria. These compounds

have numerous beneficial effects (such as antibacterial and antiviral properties). The antiviral

effect of fatty acids is due to their unique structural properties. Fatty acids are made up of a

saturated and unsaturated carbon chain that is joined by a carboxylic (hydrophilic) group.

Lauric and meristic acids are two fatty acids that are particularly effective against bacterial

growth and development. Short-chain fatty acids (FACs) produced by probiotic bacteria have

become increasingly popular in recent years. Because of their high antibacterial activity, they

can be used as suitable antibiotic alternatives 45,46.

Organic acid

Organic acid from probiotics can be used as antimicrobial, antiviral agents. Organic acids are

well-known as important postbiotics. The most important acids produced by probiotic bacteria

are citric acid, acetic acid, and tartaric acid, all of which have strong antibacterial properties.

Lactic acid, acetic acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid inhibit pathogens by lowering
pH significantly. Lactic acids' inhibitory effect is related to their effect on bacterial cell

membranes. Organic acids' antibacterial mechanism is primarily observed by lowering

intracellular pH and reducing membrane integrity. Lactic acid can be found in two isomers: L

and D. The L-shape is better at preventing viral infections. Citric acid and acetic acid also

prevent the infection of viruses by creating an acidic environment. The antiviral mechanism

of organic acids produced by probiotic bacteria is observed through the binding of organic

acids to the glycoprotein (S) of viruses, thereby preventing viruses from binding to the

angiotensin-converting enzyme 46–49.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is produced primarily by all bacteria, but it is most visible in aerobic
cultures of catalase-negative bacteria and is the major metabolite of lactic acid bacteria .

These substances have potent antiviral properties. These compounds disinfect materials by

interacting with vital components of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, such as enzymes and nucleic

acids (DNA and RNA), preventing replication and infection 50.


EPSs are bacterial components produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that have been shown

to play an important role in probiotic activity such as survival, adhesion, and anti-tumor

effect. LAB EPSs have a wide range of sugar compositions, which can be classified as

homopolysaccharides (one type of monosaccharide) or heteropolysaccharides (a backbone of

repeating units made up of two or more types of monosaccharides). LAB is primarily

responsible for the production of heteropolysaccharides, which are composed of various

sugars such as glucose, galactose, mannose, rhamnose, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-

acetylgalactosamine 30. Exopolysaccharide derived from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactic as a

postbiotic capable of antioxidant activity by increasing anti-oxidant enzyme levels (e.g.,

catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase activities) while decreasing lipid

peroxidation (e.g., malondialdehyde) in mouse serum and livers 51.



Catalase, a naturally occurring enzyme found in probiotics and other living organisms,
degrades hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen and water . Catalase is a Reductase

Oxidase enzyme that suppresses ROS. As a result, it acts as an antioxidant and protects the

cell from oxidative stress by inhibiting active oxygen species. Catalase is made up of four

polypeptide chains, each of which contains more than 500 amino acids. It has four porphyrins

(iron) in it that allow it to react with oxygenated water. The pH range for this enzyme's

activity is 4-11 53,54.

Superoxide dismutase

Superoxide dismutase can catalyze and facilitate the radical decomposition of superoxide
(O2) molecules into ordinary oxygen (O2) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) molecules . In

living organisms, there are three superoxide dismutase isoforms: cytosolic SOD1 (copper,

zinc-SOD), mitochondrial SOD2 (Mn-SOD), and extracellular SOD3 (EC-SOD), each of

which plays a different role in cell health. SOD1 protects the cytoplasm of cells, SOD2

protects the mitochondria of cells from free radical damage, and SOD3, as an antioxidant

compound, plays an important role in the development of immunity against inflammatory

diseases. With its antioxidant activity, this enzyme protects tissues from the effects of

oxidative stress 56,57 Superoxide dismutase is a critical enzyme in living organisms' antioxidant

systems. Probiotics, like all living organisms, have this enzyme, which, as a probiotic

metabolite, is a type of postbiotic that can be used as an antioxidant compound 58,59.

Glutathione peroxidases

Glutathione peroxidases are an enzyme family with peroxidase activity whose main biological

function is to protect organisms from oxidative damage. H2O2 is neutralized by glutathione

peroxidase [69]. Another important function of glutathione peroxidase is to convert peroxides

to alcohol, thereby preventing the formation of free radicals, because cellular lipid compounds

are sensitive to free radicals and produce lipid peroxide as a result of the reaction. Glutathione

peroxidase isoenzymes are encoded by different genes 60. These isoenzymes are distributed

throughout the cell and have distinct substrate properties. Glutathione peroxidase 1 is the most

abundant isoenzyme found in the cytoplasm of almost all mammalian tissues, and hydrogen
peroxide is its preferred substrate . Glutathione peroxidase 2 is an extracellular enzyme

found in the intestine. Glutathione peroxidase 3 is also extracellular and found in high

concentrations in plasma. Glutathione peroxidase 4 prefers lipid hydroperoxides and is

expressed in almost all mammalian cells, albeit at low levels 62.

Encapsulation techniques used for encapsulating probiotics

Before delivering materials into a system, encapsulation can be thought of as a technique for

enclosing materials into capsules. There are many encapsulation technologies available

nowadays. Encapsulated materials can be created by packing bioactive molecules like

enzymes, polyphenols, enzyme parts, antioxidants, and micronutrients inside wall materials.

Encapsulation technology is referred to as micro- or nano-encapsulation, depending on the

particle size (between 3 and 800 µm) (from 10 to 1000 nm). In addition to protecting

bioactive substances from harmful environments, nano/microencapsulation can help deliver

those substances directly to the target site, increasing their bioavailability 63.


The most popular method is extrusion because of its simplicity, low cost, and gentle
formulation conditions that ensure high cell viability . A hydrocolloid solution is simply
made, microorganisms are added to it, and then the cell suspension is extruded through a

syringe needle in the form of droplets to fall freely into a hardening solution or setting bath.

The diameter of the needle and the length of free fall, respectively, determine the beads' size

and shape 65.

Fig 1. Schematic presentation of the extrusion procedure. Created with


Emulsification is a chemical technique that uses hydrocolloids (alginate, carrageenan, and

pectin) as encapsulating materials to encapsulate probiotic living cells. This technique's

principle is based on the relationship between discontinuous and continuous phases. An

emulsifier and a surfactant are required for encapsulation in an emulsion. Emulsifiers are used

to make a more effective emulsion because they reduce surface tension, resulting in smaller
particles. The emulsion is then treated with a solidifying agent (calcium chloride) . The

emulsion technique has a high rate of bacterial survival and is simple to scale up 67.


Coacervation is a modified emulsification technology. The concept is straightforward. A

complex is formed when a solution of bioactive components is combined with a matrix

molecule of the opposite charge. The size and characteristics of the capsule can be altered by

varying the pH, ion concentration, matrix molecule-to-bioactive component ratio, and matrix

type. The technique is primarily driven by electrostatic interactions, but it also involves

hydrophobic interactions. Furthermore, because this is an immobilization rather than an

encapsulation technology, it is mostly proposed and used for bioactive food molecules rather

than bioactive living cells. The method is used for flavors, oils, and some water-soluble

bioactive molecules 68.

Spray Drying

Spray drying is one of the industrial encapsulation techniques that are most frequently used.

Both living probiotics and bioactive food molecules are being used in their application. When

properly carried out, it is a quick and reasonably inexpensive procedure that is also very

reproducible. The core is dissolved in a matrix material dispersion according to the spray

drying principle. After that, the dispersion is atomized in heated air. This encourages the

solvent to be removed quickly (water). Then, at the outlet, the powdered particles are

separated from the drying air at a lower temperature. The widespread use of spray drying in

industrial settings is primarily due to its relative simplicity and low cost. The technology does,

however, have some significant drawbacks. The first is its limited range of use. Since it is an

immobilization method rather than an encapsulation method, some biological components

might be exposed. This is particularly troublesome when taking into account the method used

to encapsulate probiotics, as the bacteria may leak into the product when some hydration takes

place. Another drawback is the required high temperature for immobilization, which is

incompatible with the survival of all probiotic species. Bifidobacteria, for instance, was found

to be extremely sensitive to high inlet temperatures 70.

Freeze drying

Freeze-drying is a process that involves freezing the probiotic bacteria, usually in the presence

of cryoprotectants, and sublimation of the water under a vacuum. The cryoprotectants

increase microorganism survival and stabilize the product during storage. The lack of

oxidation and water phase transition is the main advantage of this technique. This greatly

increases the probiotic bacteria's survival rate. In comparison to spray drying, the equipment

and operating costs are high 71.


Electrospinning is an electrohydrodynamic process in which a liquid droplet is electrified to

create a jet, which is then stretched and elongated to create fibers 72. It has been used as an

alternative encapsulation method for sensitive foods and bioactive substances in recent years
due to its numerous advantages . It is a typical process for producing nanofibres with

diameters of 100 nm or less 74, which was initially introduced by Formhals in 1934 75.

Fig.2 Schematic representation of electrospinning

Matrices used for the encapsulation


Alginate is a naturally derived polysaccharide made up of b-D-mannuronic and a-L-guluronic

acids that are extracted from various algae species. The amount and sequential distribution of

the polymer chain vary depending on the source of the alginate, and this influences the

functional properties of alginate as a supporting material. Calcium alginate hydrogels are

widely used in the encapsulation of cells because it is simple, non-toxic, biocompatible, and

inexpensive. Another benefit is the solubilization of alginate gels in the human intestines by

trapping calcium ions and releasing trapped cells. The sodium alginate and calcium chloride

ratios used to make the beads range from 1 to 3% alginate with 0.05 to 1.5 M CaCl 2 67,76. The

benefit of alginate is that it can easily form gel matrices around bacterial cells, it is safe for the

body, it is inexpensive, mild process conditions (such as temperature) are required for its

performance, it can be easily prepared and properly dissolve in the intestine and release

entrapped cells. However, there are some drawbacks to using alginate beads. For example,

alginate microcapsules are sensitive to acidic environments, which is incompatible with the

beads' resistance in stomach conditions. Another disadvantage of alginate microparticles is

that the microbeads produced are very porous, making it difficult to protect the cells from

their surroundings 77.


ĸ-carrageenan is a natural polymer widely used in the food industry. The cells must be added

to the polymer solution at a temperature of between 40 and 50 °C according to the technology

using the compound. The gelation takes place when the mixture is cooled to room

temperature, and the microparticles are then stabilized by adding potassium ions.

Chitosan is a glucosamine-based linear polysaccharide that can be extracted from fungi, insect

cuticles, and crustacean membranes. It can polymerize by forming a cross-link when anions

and polyanions are present. This ingredient has not demonstrated a strong ability to increase

cell viability through encapsulation, and it is best used as a coat rather than a capsule.

Probiotic bacteria can be delivered to the colon in a viable state by being enclosed in an

alginate and chitosan coating, which offers protection under simulated GI conditions 78,79.


Gelatin is a protein that is formed from the partial hydrolysis of collagen. It has a unique

structure and versatile functional properties, and it forms a viscous solution in water that cools

to form a gel. Because of its amphoteric nature, it can have synergistic effects with anionic

polysaccharides such as gellan gum. At pH greater than 6, the two polymers mentioned are

miscible because they both have net negative charges and repel one another. When the pH is

reduced below the isoelectric point of gelatin, the net charge on the gelatin becomes positive,

resulting in an interaction with the negatively charged gellan gum. Gelain-toluene

diisocyanate mixture produces strong capsules that are resistant to cracking and breaking,

especially at higher concentrations. This is due to the formation of cross-links between these

polymers 69.


Starch is a polysaccharide, which is made up of D-glucose units linked together by glycosidic

bonds, produced by green plants. It is made up of two constitutionally identical but

structurally distinct molecules: amylose and amylopectin. Amylose refers to the linear and

helical chains of glucose polymer, whereas amylopectin refers to the highly branched chains.

The content of each fraction varies depending on the origin of the starch, but in general, it

contains 20-30% amylose and 70-80% amylopectin 77. The starch granule is an ideal surface
for probiotic cell adhesion, and resistant starch which can not be digested by pancreatic
enzymes in the small intestine, can reach the colon and be fermented . As a result, the

resistant starch has a good enteric delivery characteristic, resulting in a better release of

bacterial cells in the large intestine. Furthermore, resistant starch can be used by probiotic

bacteria in the large intestine due to its prebiotic functionality. It has been shown to be

protective against colorectal cancer 77,81.


Xanthan is a heteropolysaccharide with a primary structure made up of repeated

pentasaccharide units made up of two glucose units, two mannose units, and one glucuronic

acid unit. The polysaccharide is made by fermenting the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris

and then filtering or centrifuging it. This polymer is soluble in cold water and quickly

hydrates. Even though xanthan is primarily non-gelling, a mixture of xanthan and gellan gum

has been used to encapsulate probiotic cells 11,67.


In general, identifying and selecting probiotics is a safe choice for ingesting drugs and other

therapies to control health imbalances in humans and animals. Probiotics are protected by

encapsulation during food processing and storage as well as during gastrointestinal

conditions, making them one of the most efficient ways to maintain viability and stability.

New materials are being tested, and new technologies, like electrospinning, are being

developed, in addition to the polysaccharides that have traditionally been used as a matrix in

encapsulation. To produce homogenous particles for industrial uses, new methods or

apparatus are needed. More research is also needed to identify appropriate carrier matrices

and bacterial strains. Microencapsulation incurs additional expenditures that must be

anticipated in order to be minimized. Simpler methods, less bacterial waste, and greater

product health effects can all result in cost reductions. The research, on the other hand,
intends to promote the usage of encapsulated probiotics in various food matrices.

Furthermore, few in-vivo studies have been conducted to investigate the beneficial effects of

probiotics that have been encapsulated. Despite the excellent results, these research were only

conducted on animals. Large-scale clinical trials involving a large number of patients will be

required to obtain solid proof of the preventative and therapeutic efficacy of encapsulated

probiotics in medical practice. These microorganisms' ability to colonize their niche, as well

as information on the optimal formulations in terms of bacterial viability and number, will be

required. The administration schedule must be standardized in order to get uniform and

comparable results.


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