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Bridgeside Bulletin: Sunday 27th April, 2014 Second Sunday of Easter, Year A

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Fr Andrew Doohan (Parish Priest)

Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate)
Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administraon Associate)
Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Oce is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is
staed on Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 4pm.

Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bullen should be
received by midday on Thursday.

33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428

P: (02) 6554 6304
F: (02) 6554 6425

Fr Andrew can be emailed directly using the address: (NB this has changed)

Holy Name Parish School (K6)
Ms Brooke Schumann (Acng Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428

P: (02) 6554 6504
F: (02) 6554 8895

The Parish is also served by
St Clares High School, Taree (712)
Mr Peter Nicholls (Principal)

Davis Street, Taree NSW 2430

P: (02) 6552 3300
F: (02) 6552 3656
Sunday 27th April, 2014
Second Sunday of Easter, Year A
Bridgeside Bulletin
The weekly bullen of the
Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church
33 Lake Street, Forster
St Mary, Star of the Sea Church
Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry
Proclaiming Christ to the communies of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts
Celebrang the Sacraments
Reconciliaon is available on Saturday mornings at
Tuncurry from 8am unl the beginning of the 9am
Mass, on Saturday aernoons at Forster from 4:15pm
unl 5:15pm, or other mes by contacng Fr Andrew.

Bapsms are celebrated on Sundays, either during
any of our Sunday Masses or aer the 9am Mass. The
next Bapsmal Preparaon meeng will take place in
the Parish Halls meeng rooms on Monday 12th May
commencing at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Oce
for more details, or visit the Parish website.

Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at
least three (and preferably more) months noce.
Please contact Fr Andrew for more details, or visit the
Parish website.

A Sacramental Preparaon process runs each year in
the Parish for children wishing to complete the
celebraon of the Sacraments of Iniaon as part of
the Parish community. Please contact the Parish Oce
for more details, or visit the Parish website.

The Parish hosts the Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of
Adults process for those adults wishing to be
bapsed or be received into the communion of the
Catholic Church. Please contact the Parish Oce for
more details, or visit the Parish website.
The Parish can also be found online:

Search for us on Facebook as
Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry

Follow us on Twier: @catholic

Tur Pnnisu Dinnv(for the week ahead)
Second Week of Easter

Monday28th April
Memorial of St Peter Chanel

Tuesday29th April
Memorial of St Catherine of Siena
9am Chrisan Meditaon (Bob 6555 5914)
3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry
4:30pm Mass @ Tuncurry
5:30pm Chrisan Meditaon (Bob 6555 5914)

Wednesday30th April
9am Mass @ Forster
11:15am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help @
5:30pm Parish Social Jusce Group meeng @

Thursday1st May
9am Mass @ Forster

Friday2nd May
Memorial of St Athanasius
9:30am Mass @ Forster

Saturday3rd May
Feast of Sts Philip and James
8:30am Reconciliaon @ Tuncurry
9am Mass @ Tuncurry
4:45pm Reconciliaon @ Forster (unl 5:15pm)
6pm Mass @ Tuncurry

Sunday4th May
7am Mass @ Tuncurry
9am Mass @ Forster
5:30pm Evening Prayer & Benedicon @ Tuncurry
Rrcutnn Ac1ivi1irs iN 1ur Pnnisu
Secular Franciscan Fraternity
The Secular Franciscans Fraternity will next meet on
Wednesday 7th May, coming together for Mass at
9am, followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the
meeng 10am to 12pm.

The menALIVE Groups
Our Parish currently hosts two menALIVE groups. The
morning group will next meet on Wednesday 14th
May aer the 9am Mass, while the evening group
will next meet on Thursday 29th May at 7:30pm.

Maintenance & Gardening Group
The Parish is lucky to be served by a very dedicated
band of volunteers who tend to the upkeep of the
grounds and gardens of our two church sites. They do
a fabulous job, and are always ready to welcome new
members to the group. The next date is Thursday 15th
May starng at Tuncurry at 8am and then on to
Forster. Contact Howard 6557 6826 for more

Singing Pracce
The Singing Group will be having a well deserved
break over the next few weeks and will resume on a
date to be advised.

Collecon of Foodstus for Homebase
On the rst Sunday of each month we undertake a
collecon in order to support Homebase. The next
collecon will next take place on Sunday 4th May.

Holy Hour
The Parish community observes a Holy Hour each
Tuesday aernoon in the Tuncurry Church from
3:30pm unl the beginning of Mass at 4:30pm.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
The Novena is prayed every Wednesday in the Forster
church commencing at 11:15am and is followed by a
cuppa in the Parish Hall. Contact Shioney (6554 9468)
for more informaon.

Evening Prayer & Benedicon
The Parish community celebrates on the rst Sunday
of each month at 5:30pm in the Tuncurry church. It
will next be celebrated on Sunday 4th May. All
DiviNr Mrncv Drvo1ioN
Devoons to the Divine Mercy, including the praying
of the Chaplet, Adoraon, etc will be held today
Sunday 27th April commencing at 11am in the
Tuncurry church.

The praying of the devoon on this day carries a
Plenary Indulgence when associated with the usual
Fn ANonrw 1o Ctrncv CoNrrnrNcr
Fr Andrew will be away from the Parish this week in
order to aend the Diocesan Clergy Conference in
Kincumber. Your prayers for the clergy during the
week would be very much appreciated.

Fr Dennis will preside at Masses on weekdays, and you
are asked to contact Greg Byrne in the rst instance
for any other pastoral need.

FnoM Tur Pns1ons Drsk...
With the arrival of the Second Sunday of Easter (or
Low Sunday as it used to be called in the old
calendar) our celebraon of Easter Day has come to
end, yet the Easter Season will connue unl the great
Solemnity of Pentecost, which in 2014 falls on Sunday
8th June.

Easter, despite secular belief to the contrary, isnt
overand there is much more celebraon to be had
in connecon with this central Feast of the Chrisan
life. The queson we need to ask ourselves today, and
indeed everyday, is how are we going to connue to
celebrate Easterthe Passion and Resurrecon of
Jesusin our lives this minute, this hour, this day.

And more importantly than celebrang Easter, how
are we going to live in the light of Easter, the light of
Jesus, not just during the Easter Season that stretches
before us, but also across the rest of our lives that
stretches out before us from what we celebrated last
Sunday, and every me the Church gathers to
celebrate, well, anything.

The place of Easter in each of our lives will ulmately
dependent upon who we are and where we are in our
lifes journey, but Easter willor shouldhave a place
in our lives. We are, aer all, an Easter People, and it
behoves us to live as an Easter People.

Over the coming Easter Season, I would encourage
you to spend some me reecng and praying on how
you might give evidence to the world of your identy
as a member of the Easter People, and how we might
together witness to that reality here in the Great
Lakes area.

I would like to again thank those who were associated
with the celebraons of the Easter Triduum: the
sacristans, readers, ministers of communion, and
musicians; those who prepared our liturgical spaces,
and the Gardening group who made sure our physical
environs were dy and welcoming; those who
welcomed our visitors; and, most importantly, you,
the worshipping community of the Parish, without
whom there could be no celebraons.

As menoned elsewhere in Bridgeside Bullen I will
be away from Monday to Friday this week in order to
take part in the annual Clergy Conference & Gathering
at Kincumber. This is an important opportunity for the
clergy of the Diocese to get together and receive
some input on a range of topics, and spend some me
sharing each others company. Your prayers would be

Unl next week Fr Andrew
Vocn1ioN Virw
As the Father has sent me, so I send you. As Jesus
commissioned his disciples so he commissions us to
be his witnesses to the end of the world, do not be
afraid to proclaim him in thought, word and deed
(John 20:21). For more informaon regarding
Vocaons contact Fr Brian Mascord on 4979 1112 or
by email to
Pnnisu Hntt Ki1curN
The Kitchen in the Parish Hall is currently being
renovated (with some new stainless steel benches)
and will not be accessible unl this is completed. We
apologise for any inconvenience.
CunNcr or EMnit ron Fn ANonrw
Please note that Fr Andrew has changed his email
address at which he can be contacted directly.

The new address is and
is eecve immediately.

The older address will redirect emails for the next few
months before being cancelled.
Pnnisu DiNNrn
This years event will be held at the Reef Bar & Grill on
Wharf Street, Forster at 6pm on Friday 16th May. Our
guest speaker is Brendan Guiney from Mid Coast
Water who will talk about Twinning and Water Aid
in Samoa.

Tickets are $30 and include a 2 course meal. They are
available for purchase today and over the next few
weeks outside the churches aer Mass, or,
alternavely, you can contact the Parish Oce.
SrcoNonnv Scuoot ENnotMrN1s
St Clares High School, Taree is now accepng
enrolments for Year 7, 2015. Forms for enrolment
may be collected from the School Oce, or an
informaon pack can be posted to you by contacng
the School on 6552 3300.

Families with students enrolled in a Catholic primary
school will receive an enrolment form via their school.
TniDiocrsnN CovrNnN1 Srnvicr
The TriDiocesan Covenant Ecumenical Service will be
held on Thursday 29th May beginning at 7:45pm at St
Peter's Anglican Church, East Maitland.

All are very welcome to aend this joyful and popular

We welcome to our community of faith Aiva Bolt, the
daughter of Jake and Hannah who will be bapsed
with water and the Holy Spirit next weekend.
Cn1uotic Nrwsrnrrns Avnitnntr
Both The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and The Catholic
Weekly (Sydney) newspapers are available at a cost of
$2 each from our churches.
Li11tr Wui1r Books
Six minute daily reecons for the Easter Season,
beginning on 21st April and connuing through to
Pentecost on 8th June. Get yours before they are sold
out $5 each.
Pnnisu Socint FuNc1ioNs ron 2014
The Parish Pastoral Team organizes four social
funcons for the Parish each year. The dates for the
remaining for 2014 are:

INTERNATIONAL LUNCH to be held on Saturday 2nd

this year on Sunday 5th October.

Please note these dates in your calendars now.
Further details will be published closer to each event.
SitrNcr iN 1ur Li1uncv
We observe silence during our liturgy (on Sundays and
weekdays) at the following mes:
1. During the Penitenal Act, aer the Presider invites
us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred
mysteries in order to recollect ourselves;
2. During the Collect, aer the invitaon of the
Presider to Let us pray again in order to recollect
3. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the rst reading in order that we might meditate
on what we have heard;
4. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the second reading in order that we might
meditate on what we have heard; and
5. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the homily in order that we might meditate on
what we have heard.
Pnnisu Socint Jus1icr Gnour
The next meeng of the Parish Social Jusce Group
will be held on Wednesday 30th April at 5:30pm in the
Parish Hall Meeng Room.

Everyone is welcome to aend and take part in
exploring this aspect of the Churchs teaching and life.
Kios ConNrn



Socint Jus1icr nNo HuMnN Ricu1s
You are invited to a free public talk by Mark Isaacs
about the Nauru Detenon Centre to be held on
Sunday 4th May 2014 at at 2pm in the Holy Name
School Hall, Lake Street, Forster.

"How long will we be here?" one man asked. Nobody
could answer him. Nobody knew. The intenon was
clear: this was the No Advantage policy. Take them to
a distant island, lock them away, punish them, forget
about them. Criminals were given a sentence to serve,
these men were not even given that. Lost hope ebbed
out of the men in uncontrollable sobs and tears.
Queue jumpers, boat people, illegals........... Asylum
seekers are contenous front page news, but
obtaining informaon about Australia's regional
processing centres is increasingly dicult. We only
learn what the government wants us to know.

Mark Isaacs worked for the Salvaon Army inside
Nauru Detenon Centre soon aer it reopened in
2012. He provided humanitarian aid to the men
interned in the camp. What he saw there moved him
to speak out. Mark's confronng book, entled The
Undesirables, chronicles his me in Nauru, detailing
daily life and the stories of the men held there; the
selfharm, suicide aempts and riots; the rare
moments of joy; the moments of despair. Mark's
eyewitness account humanises a polical debate
usually ruled by misleading rhetoric.

"I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Mahew
25:35. Now more than ever, it is vitally important for
faith communies to foster a culture of hospitality,
encounter and acceptance. How do we nurture the
spirit of jusce within us? How are we moved to act
for peace and jusce? Learn more about the social
jusce teachings of Christ and follow the
commandment to welcome the stranger.

The Great Lakes Rural Australians for Refugees invites
local communies to Forster on Sunday 4 May to hear
a compelling account of the human reality of
Australia's Pacic Soluon.
We also evangelize when we aempt to confront the
various challenges which can arise. On occasion these
may take the form of veritable aacks on religious
freedom or new persecuons directed against
Chrisans; in some countries these have reached
alarming levels of hatred and violence. In many
places, the problem is more that of widespread
indierence and relavism, linked to disillusionment
and the crisis of ideologies which has come about as a
reacon to anything which might appear totalitarian.
This not only harms the Church but the fabric of
society as a whole. We should recognize how in a
culture where each person wants to be bearer of his
or her own subjecve truth, it becomes dicult for
cizens to devise a common plan which transcends
individual gain and personal ambions.

In the prevailing culture, priority is given to the
outward, the immediate, the visible, the quick, the
supercial and the provisional. What is real gives way
to appearances. In may countries globalizaon has
meant a hastened deterioraon of their own cultural
roots and the invasion of ways of thinking and acng
proper to other cultures which are economically
advanced but ethically debilitated. This fact has been
brought up by bishops from various connents in
dierent Synods. The African bishops, for example,
taking up the Encyclical Sollicitudo Rei Socialis,
pointed out years ago that there have been frequent
aempts to make the African countries parts of a
machine, cogs on a giganc wheel. This is oen true
also in the eld of social communicaons which,
being run by centres mostly in the northern
hemisphere, do not always give due consideraon to
the priories and problems of such countries or
respect their cultural makeup. By the same token,
the bishops of Asia underlined the external
inuences being brought to bear on Asian cultures.
New paerns of behaviour are emerging as a result of
overexposure to the mass media As a result, the
negave aspects of the media and entertainment
industries are threatening tradional values, and in
parcular the sacredness of marriage and the stability
of the family.

Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 6162.

If you would like to read more of Evangelii Gaudium,
copies are available for purchase ($10) or borrowing
from the Parish Oce. The Exhortaon is also
available for downloading from the Vacan website by
vising hp://
Associn1ioN or Cn1uotic PnorrssioNnts
The next Assembly of Catholic Professionals Luncheon
with guest speaker Phil Glendenning will be held on
Thursday 29th May beginning at 12pm at The
Newcastle Club, 40 Newcomen St, Newcastle.

There is no cost for ACP members; guests cost $99
(plus GST). For bookings please contact the Diocesan
Fundraising Oce by phone (4979 1124), by email
(, or by vising the ACP
webpage (

Orron1uNi1irs Ou1sior Tur Pnnisu
SRE Encouragement Day
A SRE Encouragement Day will be held on Monday
28th April beginning at 10am at Cessnock. The theme
for the day is Making the Most of SRE. To RSVP
phone 4979 1328 or email manysuessmeier@mn.

Taste and See Scripture Course
Taste and See is a systemac scripture course which
has been found to be wonderfully useful for those in
any kind of teaching or catechesis, for being nourished
by the Liturgy of the Word and for preparing
reecons for liturgies. The course will be held on
Wednesday 30th April beginning at 4:30pm at St
Laurence OToole Centre, Broadmeadow. For more
informaon contact Patricia Boland on patricia.boland or by phone to 4960 8831. You can also
contact Margaret Smith at the TWEC Oce on 4930
9601 (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Easter Journeys HalfDay Retreat
Living Waters "Easter Journeys" HalfDay Retreat will
be held on Monday 5th May beginning at 9:30am at
34 Kenrick Street, The Juncon. Enjoy some silence,
reecon and prayer. For more informaon contact
Carmel Moore by email ( or
by phone (0412 122 297).

SRE Encouragement Day
A SRE Encouragement Day will be held on Friday 9th
May beginning at 10am at Newcastle City. The theme
is "Posive Correcon". Please RSVP by phone (4979
1328) or email

TWEC Mums Night Out
TWEC "Mum's Night Out" will be held on Wednesday
14th May beginning at 5:30pm at Holmesville Hotel,
21 George St, Holmesville, and will be hosted by Sally
Lavis & Benita Tait (Mums and Seasons for Growth
facilitators). Please RSVP by 9th May to the TWEC
Secretary by phone (4930 9601) or by email
( A donaon is appreciated.

An Evening with Dr John Irvine
Dr John Irvine is one of Australias most prominent
child psychologists, and will be presenng a public
lecture entled Anxiety K12: Red ags & what
parents can do to support their children on
Wednesday 14th May from 6:30pm at The Factory, St
Pius X High School, Park Avenue, Adamstown. Please
RSVP to Cath GarreJones, Parent Liaison and
Resource Oce by phone to 4979 1303 or by email to

CatholicCare Masquerade Ball
The 2014 CatholicCare Masquerade Ball will be hold
on Saturday 17th May beginning at 7pm at Wests
Leagues Club, New Lambton. The event is a fundraiser
for CatholicCare Social Services HunterMannings
Child & Family Services, and coincides with Naonal
Families Week (15th21st May). The Ball is a great way
to celebrate the vital role families play in our
community. Tickets are $140ea (plus booking fee) and
are available from www.sckyckets.
or by phoning 4979 1120.

2014 TWEC Dinner
The 2014 TWEC Dinner will be held on Friday 13th
June 2014 at The Therry Centre, East Maitland,
6:30pm for 7pm. The special guest speaker will be Mr
Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister and more
recently the rst resident Australian Ambassador to
the Holy See, well known train enthusiast, writer and
much more! The cost for hors doeuvres, drinks, main
meal and dessert is $60 per person For more
informaon call 4930 9601 or email

2014 Diocesan Youth Retreat
Be, Grow, Show is the tle of the 2014 Diocesan
Youth Retreat which will be held from Friday 27th
June to Sunday 29th June at Camp Elim, The Lakes
Way, Forster. Save the date! For more informaon

Chisholm Region RCIA Anniversary
On Pentecost Sunday 2014 the Chisholm Region will
celebrate 21 years of RCIA ministry. If you have had
any experience of RCIA in the parishes of the Chisholm
Region, especially in the parishes of East Maitland,
Morpeth, Maitland, Rutherford or Lochinvar, we hope
you will bring a picnic lunch on Sunday 8th June 2014
to the Corcoran Centre, George St, Morpeth and
celebrate with us. For more informaon please
contact Loreo Lynch on 4933 7425 or loreo.lynch@

Marriage Encounter Weekend
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be
held beginning Friday 13th June at Mt Carmel Retreat
Centre, Varroville. The weekend oers married
couples a special kind of me out, a dierent kind of
weekend getaway. Contact Ardell or Bill Sharpe on
4283 3435 or for more
Just as the Father sent
me, I am sending you.

Ministers this Weekend... ...of the Word ...of Communion
6pm Tuncurry A: Neil Pye
B: Lou Hope
Michael Amato, Maureen Pye, Neil Pye, Maureen
Stevens, Owen Carroll.
7am Tuncurry A: Tony Knight
B: Edna Tucker
Lorraine Clark, Patricia Cornish, Cushla Drake, Cecile
Malone, Alex Matuszny.
9am Forster A: Barbara Dolahenty
B: Kyla Loring
Alan McCarthy, Coral McCarthy, Sharon Fowle, Barbara
Kermode, Genevieve Williamson.
Ministers next Weekend... ...of the Word ...of Communion
6pm Tuncurry A: Monica Hunt
B: Neil Pye
Jeanee Goodacre, Pat Hooker, Kathryn McCabe,
Carolyn Ollie, Margaret Smith.
7am Tuncurry A: Maree Gapps
B: Bronwyn Morse
Lorraine Clark, Patricia Cornish, Cushla Drake, Graham
Griths, Mark Mowbray.
9am Forster A: Greg Byrne
B: Sharon Fowle
Greg Byrne, Lauranne Byrne, Alan McCarthy, Coral
McCarthy, Trevor Turner.
Please note: The above informaon reects the rosters as originally published,
and doesnt take account of any swaps that may have been organised between individuals.
Scnir1unr RrnoiNcs Tuis Wrrk

Today Acts 2:4247
1 Peter 1:39
John 20:1931
Monday Acts 4:2331
John 3:18
Tuesday Acts 4:3237
John 3:715
Wednesday Acts 5:1726
John 3:1621
Thursday Acts 5:2733
John 3:3136
Friday Acts 5:3442
John 6:115
Saturday 1 Corinthians 15:18
John 14:614
Sunday Acts 2:14, 2233
1 Peter 1:1721
Luke 24:1335
Toonvs Li1uncv or 1ur Wono

Responsorial Psalm
Response: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is everlasng.

Gospel Acclamaon
Alleluia, alleluia!
You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen
happy those who have not seen me, but sll believe!
IN voun cunni1v, rtrnsr rnnv ron:

Those recently deceased

Those whose anniversaries occur about now:
Frank OSullivan, Ross Presgrave, Raymund Lyndon.

All those in our community who are sick.
Text: Excerpts from the English Translaon of the Roman Missal 2010, Internaonal Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL); Music: From the
Mass of St Francis 2010, Paul Taylor. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Australian AgentWord of Life Internaonal Licence no 195E.

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