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Bridgeside Bulletin: Sunday 29th March, 2015 Palm Sunday of The Passion of The Lord, Year B

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Bridgeside Bulletin

The weekly Bulletin of the

Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church
33 Lake Street, Forster

St Mary, Star of the Sea Church

Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry

Proclaiming Christ to the communities of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts

Sunday 29th March, 2015

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year B
Fr Greg Barker (Parish Priest)
Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate)
Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administration Associate/Bulletin)
Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Office is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is

normally staffed on Monday, Thursday and Friday
from 10am to 4pm.
Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bulletin should be
received by midday on Thursday.
33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428

(02) 6554 6304

(02) 6554 6425

Bulletin Notices:

Search for us on Facebook as Catholic Parish of
Forster Tuncurry

Follow us on Twitter: @ftcatholic

Celebrating the Sacraments

Reconciliation is available on Saturday mornings at
Tuncurry from 8:30am until the beginning of the 9am
Mass, on Saturday afternoons at Forster from 4:45pm
until 5:15pm.
Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays, either during any
of our Sunday Masses or after the 9am Mass. The next
Baptismal Preparation meeting will take place in the
Parish Halls meeting rooms on Monday 13th April
commencing at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Office
for more details, or visit the Parish website.
Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at
least three (and preferably more) months notice.
Please contact Fr Greg for more details, or visit the
Parish website.
A Sacramental Preparation process runs each year in
the Parish for children wishing to complete the
celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation as part of
the Parish community. Please contact the Parish Office
for more details, or visit the Parish website.
The Parish hosts the Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults process for those adults wishing to be baptised
or be received into the communion of the Catholic
Church. Please contact the Parish Office for more
details, or visit the Parish website.

Holy Name Parish School (K-6)

St Clares High School, Taree (7-12)

Mr Chris Waters (Principal)

Mr Peter Nicholls (Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428

PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428

Davis Street, Taree NSW 2430


P: (02) 6552 3300

F: (02) 6552 3656

(02) 6554 6504

(02) 6554 8895

The Parish Diary(for the week ahead)

church commencing at 11:15am and is followed by a

cuppa in the Parish Hall. For more information contact
Shioney on 6554 9468.

Holy Week & Easter Triduum

Monday30th March

Singing Practice
Singing group will meet at Forster Church on Tuesday
31st March at 5:30pm.

Tuesday31st March
Christian Meditation (Bob 6555 5914)
3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry
4:30pm No Mass @ Tuncurry
5:30pm Christian Meditation (Bob 6555 5914)
5:30pm Singing Practice @ Forster

The menALIVE Groups

Our Parish currently hosts two menALIVE groups. The
daytime group will next meet on Wednesday 8th April
after the 9am Mass and the evening group meets on
the last Thursday of each month at 7.30pm.

Wednesday1st April
Mass @ Forster
9:30am menALIVE Morning Group @ Forster
11:15am Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help @
4.30pm Pastoral Parish Team Meeting @ Forster

Secular Franciscan Fraternity

The Secular Franciscans Fraternity will next meet on
next Wednesday 1st April 2015, coming together for
Mass at 9am, followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then
the meeting 10am to 12pm.

Thursday2nd April (Holy Thursday)

10am Reconciliation @ Tuncurry
Evening Mass of the Lords Supper @
10pm Night Prayer @ Forster (Parish Hall)

Maintenance & Gardening Group

Need some therapy and a little exercise? Then you
should consider joining the Gardening Group. They
are not only fun to be around but always have the
most delicious cake available to share at morning tea,
following their endeavours. Please consider getting
involved. Their next reunion will be on Thursday 16th
April. Contact Howard 6557 6826 for more

Friday3rd April (Good Friday)

10am Stations of the Cross @ Tuncurry
Celebration of the Lords Passion @
Saturday4th April (Holy Saturday)
10am Morning Prayer @ Forster
6:30pm Easter Vigil @ Tuncurry

Evening Prayer & Benediction

The Parish community celebrates on the first Sunday
of each month at 5:30pm in the Tuncurry church. It
will celebrated on Sunday 3rd May 2015. All welcome.
(Not celebrated in AprilEaster Sunday)

Sunday5th April (Easter Sunday)

Ecumenical Sunrise Service @ The Tanks,
Mass @ Tuncurry
10am Mass @ Forster

Childrens Liturgy of the Word

The next Liturgy of the Word for children aged 4-12
will be on Sunday 3rd May 2015 at the 9am Mass. A
morning tea will follow Mass.

Regular Activities in the Parish

Collection of Foodstuffs for Homebase

The next collection of foodstuffs in support of
Homebase is Sunday 5th April 2015.

Christian Meditation
Our Parish hosts opportunities for the practice of
Christian meditation on Tuesdays at two distinct
times, 9am and 5:30pm. Phone Bob on 6555 5914 for
further information.

Pacific Emergency Appeal

Womens Bible Study Group

Our Parish hosts a Womens Bible Study Group that
meets every Thursday evening from 7pm to 8pm. For
more information contact Natasha on 0407 589 935.

By now you are well aware of the devastating cyclone

to hit Vanuatu. Caritas has opened a Pacific
Emergency Appeal to respond to the urgent and
immediate needs such as food, shelter and clean
water to support the devastation.

Holy Hour
The Parish community observes a Holy Hour each
Tuesday afternoon in the Tuncurry Church from
3:30pm until the beginning of Mass at 4:30pm.

We will be accepting contributions over the coming

weekends after Mass. Please give generously.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

The Novena is prayed every Wednesday in the Forster

Alternatively, donations can be made directly at the

Caritas website

From the Pastors Desk

of it all?

Dear Parish Family,

We dont have to do much to be palm wavers or room

preparers. The R U Ok? initiative is a great way to
begin the process for building a better community. We
are the experts on who is sitting with you in church, at
your dining tables, in your clubs and groups or in your
work places. We just have to notice someone who
might need us to engage them; notice someone who
normally sits with you in Mass and is missing today;
notice someone who might be doing it tough and
need us to ask them Are you ok? Lets put our faith
into action and call them to life as Jesus call us.

In 2009 Gavin Larkin and Janina Nearn co-founded the

R U OK? as a way of raising awareness and hopefully
to bring down the number of people who attempt
suicide in Australia, reportedly to be on average about
65,000 people annually. Its not only about suicide
prevention though, it can also assist in reducing the
incidence of domestic violence, child and elder abuse,
youth homelessness and homelessness in general,
feelings of loneliness and actually being alone or
isolated. The basic premise , as the name suggests, is
that when we know that someone is having a tough
time, appears not to be themselves or is experiencing
some extra stressers in their lives we pluck up the
courage to ask, Are you Okay? And as importantly as
the question itself that we take time to hear the
answer. In Australia we have this cultural norm which
sees many of us operating as satellites circling each
other but not truly encountering to any great depth
our brothers and sisters.

Have a very blessed week as we prepare together for

Fr Greg

Ignite Praise & Worship

Thanks to everyone who attended Ignite Praise and
Worship last Sunday evening. The atmosphere and
sense of community was wonderful. Young and (not
so) old enjoyed the evening. Thanks especially to all
the families who contributed significantly to make this
evening possible.

The cultural norm of shell be right mate still

somehow pervades our modern culture even though
so many of us are new to Australia and we know
psychologically that very rarely without some support
or assistance our life issues will ever be simply right.
There is a perception that much of what happens next
door is largely none of our business. Thankfully as
Christians and Catholics this is not our way. We are
acutely aware of the need to be active involved in the
lives of the members of our community. Jesus reflects
this as his brothers and sisters who are our brothers
and sisters. He doesnt leave it there though when he
calls us to his new commandments: love of God, love
of neighbour, love of self. Not only does he draw
those who worship with us into our loving awareness
but also those beyond the walls of our physical church
buildings and our spiritual church the fabricated walls
of our friendship groups, our special interest groups or
prayer groups. We dont give lip service to the call to
be Church.

We will continue the event monthly with the next

date set for Sunday 26th April, 5.30pm.
There is plenty of room for more young people. If you
are interested in having your children, grandchildren,
nieces and nephews involved in this inspiring and
wholesome environment, then please encourage
them to come along. The more the merrier!

Palm Sunday gives us our last opportunity before the

Triduum to make the final adjustments to our
personal processes as Christians. During the reading of
the Passion and indeed from the moment we gather
for the blessings of palms we will be asked to reflect
just exactly where we stand as a member of the
Church. Will we be the ones laying down the palms for
the King to walk on and crying Hosanna? Will we be
preparing the upper room? Will we be the ones
yelling Crucify him in the Praetorium? Will we be the
ones turning a blind eye to the injustices and sadness

Washing Machine and Double Bed

Sr Kathryn is in need of a washing machine and a
double bed, if anyone can assist please phone 6554
Kathryn would also like to thank those who responded
to requests previously.

Passion Sunday HymnEntrance

Vocation View

All glory, praise and honour to you, Redeemer King!

To whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Blessed is she who gives her life in the name of the
Lord. Blessed are they who live their united life in the
name of the Lord. For more information regarding
Vocations contact Fr Brian Mascord on 02 4979 1112

You are the King of Israel, and Davids royal Son,

now in the Lords name coming, our King and Blessed
The company of angels are praising you on high;
and mortals, joined with all things created, make

Little White Books

Enjoy six minutes of daily reflections for the Easter
season with a little white book. Available from the
rear of the church for $5.

The people of the Hebrews with palms before you

our praise and prayers and anthems before you we

Flowers Required for Easter

We would be grateful to receive fresh flowers this
Easter from parishioners. We would appreciate if it
they could be delivered to Tuncurry Church at 8am on
Holy Saturday.

To you before your passion they sang their hymns of

to you, now high exalted, our melody we raise.
Their praises you accepted, accept the prayers we
bring, great source of love and goodness, our Saviour
and our King.

Guiding Childrens Faith Journey

Are you interested in guiding children on part of their
faith journey? Catholic Special Religious Education
(SRE) / Scripture classes continue in this Parish

Tuncurry 11.20am 12.30pm and Pacific Palms PS.
Currently, because of family, health and work the
current SRE teachers require enthusiastic, caring,
supportive volunteers to help with classes on Fridays
of the school Term. All support will be offered to assist
the volunteer. Mentoring is offered to new recruits
contact / 0408 895 951
or parish office 65546304.

Australian AgentLicenSing Online Lic No. 624844.

Easter Services 2015

Holy Thursday 2 April:
7pm Forster - Mass of the Lords Supper
10pm Forster Parish Hall Night Prayer
Good Friday 3 April:
10am Tuncurry Station of the Cross
3pm Tuncurry The Lords Passion
Holy Saturday 4 April:
10am Forster Morning Prayer
6.30pm Tuncurry Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 5 April:
8am Tuncurry Easter Mass
10am Forster Easter Mass

Australian AgentLicenSing Online

Lic No. 624844.

Direct Debit Planned Giving

From Horseback to Hatchback

We now have direct debit facilities available at the

office. We would like to encourage you to use this
option for your weekly planned giving, particularly if
you think you will be spending time away during the
year. Application forms can be found at the rear of the
church. If you have any questions please contact the
Parish office.

Living an Authentic Pastoral Ministry Today

Join with clergy, pastoral associates, parish pastoral
council members, other parish ministers and workers
at 9am on Tuesday 5th May to 3pm and Wednesday
6th May at Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club, Sydney.
Explore our Catholic missionary origins in Australia,
and apply our discoveries to our new missionary fields
today. What mode of transport do we need for today
and tomorrow? Where are the new fields and
paddocks and laneways where we are called to serve?
The ongoing challenge of Pope Francis, is to smell like
the sheep. Who are the sheep? Where are sheep
these days? And what about the shepherds? Keynote
speakers include: Bishop Eugene Hurley, Fr Ed
Campion, Sr Kari Hatherell OSU and Mr Richard
Early bird $150 until April 24. Full fee $175 until May
enquiries to Christine 0450 371 983. Conference
organised by NSW Association of Pastors, Pastoral
Associates and Parish Workers.

Womens Community Shelters

The Forster Neighbourhood Centre will be hosting a
an event on how our community can secure shelter
for women and children who need to leave a domestic
or family violence situation. There will be discussion
about potential opportunities to prevent the need for
families to relocate out of the area or remove their
children from their stable school environment. The
guest speaker presenting on the day is WCS CEO
Annabelle Daniel. The event will take place on
Thursday 9th April at Club Forster, from 10am to
1pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

Peace Pole Vigil on Palm Sunday

Great Lakes Rural Australians for Refugees supporters
will be gathering for a vigil at the Peace Pole beside
Wallis Lake in Lone Pine Memorial Park, Coral Street,
Tuncurry, at 5 pm on Palm Sunday, 29th March 2015,
to remember all asylum seekers still held in detention
by the Australian Government.

Please Pray for the Children participating

in the Sacrament of Confirmation in May

GLRAR invite people of all faiths to take this

opportunity to stand together, reflect, pray and share
discussion of human rights and social justice issues as
we seek a way forward to a more humane policy for
people suffering persecution and exclusion.
Palm Sunday is an appropriate day to consider the
persecuted and if you feel you would like to make a
banner or poster expressing your opinion or bring a
candle you are welcome to do so.
Palm Sunday marches and rallies are being held in
cities and towns throughout Australia. The Forster
Tuncurry Parish Social Justice Group supports this
community vigil and invites you to gather at the Peace
Pole at 5 pm.

Reading Glasses Lens Lost

If anyone found a reading glass lens in Tuncurry
Church could they please contact Frank on 6555 8739.
Thank you.

Catholic Newspapers Available

Both The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and The Catholic
Weekly (Sydney) newspapers are available at a cost of
$2 each from our churches.

Mark Allan

Olivia Keen

Zoe Allen

Harrison Le Rougetel

Leteesha Amato

Bridan McNamara

Izaac Boag

Savannah Murray

Georgia Daley

Cooper Payne

Ruby Daley

Mitchell Provost

Madison Darcy

Mauro Ragno

Rhyan Dodds

Joseph Reardon

Rory Falk

Amelia Robertson

Alice Fowle

Amy Rowell

Ashleigh Harris

Clare Rozario

Keegan Herb

Clary Russell

Kade Hickson

Rory Russell

Lily Hodges

Olivia Van Haren

Bayley Joughin

Genevieve Wayte

Amelia Joughin

Grace Wicks

This man really was the Son of God!

Kids Corner




Mk 15:1-39

1: the soldiers beat Jesus with one of these
4: a _ _ _ _ _ of thorns was placed on Jesus head
7: the chief _ _ _ _ _ _ _ made fun of Jesus
8: the soldiers gambled for Jesus _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9: the soldiers hit Jesus on the _ _ _ _ with a stick
10: the sky became _ _ _ _ at noon until three oclock
1: someone soaked a sponge in this and gave it to Jesus
2: this man freed Barabbas and ordered that Jesus be
nailed to
a cross
3: Jesus was nailed to the cross at this place
5: Jesus died on one of these
6: a large group of people
11: Pilate called Jesus the _ _ _ _ of the Jews

Opportunities Outside The Parish

1944 assassination plot against Hitler, is preaching on

Romans 5:5 and the Anglican Bishop of Newcastle, the
Rt Revd Greg Thompson, will deliver the blessing.
E P 0411 406 522.

Ecumenical Way of the Cross

All are welcome to attend the annual Ecumenical Way
of the Cross at Kilaben Bay on Sunday 29th March
from 3pm at St Joseph's Church, 140 Wangi Rd,
Kilaben Bay. Picnic facilities are available from 1pm.
will be held will be held on Sunday 29th March from
3pm at St Joseph's Church, 140 Wangi Rd, Kilaben Bay.

Mini Lunch
A lunch will be held every second Wednesday in each
month at the Anglican Parish, St. Albans Church Hall,
Forster at 12pm, cost $7. All welcome to attend. A
delicious meal and a warm and friendly greeting await
you. Includes lucky door prize and raffles. For further
information contact Helen Barber on 6554 5920.

Fine Music Concert

Sacred Spaces Fine Music Concert Series will be held
on Sunday 29th March at 2pm at Sisters of Mercy
Convent, 30 Queen Street, Singleton. Tickets for each
concert include afternoon tea and are $25 (adult) and
$5 (school student). Reservations are always
recommended to guarantee seating. Tickets are also
available at the door from 1.30pm on the day of each
concert (cash only). For tickets and information,
Sacred Spaces Office (open Mon-Thurs mornings) P
6572 2398.

Parish Formation Program

A Formation Program for Parish and other ministries is
running again in 2015.
The Ministry of Adult Faith Formation, supported by
Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and the Tenison Woods
Education Centre, is offering the Formation Program
in two locations this year: Muswellbrook from
February to April and Broadmeadow from August to

Chrism Mass
Chrism Mass will be held on Tuesday 31st March
beginning at 7pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral, followed
by refreshments in the Davis Courtyard. All welcome
to this joyous celebration.

In the past, you may have attended a Safe

Ministry course, picked up a few units of
the Formation Program or maybe shown an interest in
doing the program at a later date. If so, you might be
interested in continuing with the program this year.

Mini-Retreat and Healing Prayer

Mini-retreat will be held on Thursday 9th April
beginning at 10am at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 841
Hunter Street, Newcastle West. Mini-Retreat and
Healing Prayer with Fr Terrence Kithsiri Perara
Thursday 9th April 10-11:30 AM & 7-8:30 PM,
Wednesday 15th April 10-11:30 AM, Thursday 16th
April 7-8:30 PM, all at Sacred Heart Cathedral. For
more information P Vino Fernando 0412 060 990.

Dont delay, register now at: Maitland-Newcastle

Diocese at
4979 1134 or Tenison Woods Education Centre
at 4930 9601.
Program details are as follows:
Formation for Leadership:
Saturday 11th April (Sr Patricia Egan)
9:30am12:30pm Leadership as Ministry
1pm-4pm Leadership Style and Dynamics
Saturday 18th April (Mr Sean Scanlon/Mrs Teresa Brierley)
9:30am12:30pm Management Skills
1pm-4pm Leadership of Foundation Areas

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Remembrance Service

Service of Remembrance for Dietrich Bonhoeffer will
be held on Thursday 9th April beginning at 6pm at
Christ Church Cathedral, Church St, Newcastle to mark
the death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer 70 years ago. Fr Erich
von Dietz, a former chaplain at UoN and a relative of
one of those who plotted with Bonhoeffer in the failed

Text: Excerpts from the English Translation of the Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL); Music: From the Mass of St Francis
2010, Paul Taylor. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Australian AgentLicenSing Online Lic No. 624844.

Ministers this Weekend...

...of the Word

...of Communion

6pm Tuncurry

A: Colleen Cashman
B: Bob Cashman

Carolyn Olliffe, Kylie Hall, Margaret Smith, Owen

Carroll, Ruth Pearson.

7am Tuncurry

A: Patricia Cornish
B: Mary Greig

Cecile Malone, Mark Mowbray, Mary Greig, Patricia

Cornish, Peter Wicks.

9am Forster

A: Anne Hartman
B: Barbara Kermode

Alan McCarthy, Barbara Dolahenty, Barbara Kermode,

Coral McCarthy, Elle Cairns-Cowan.

Ministers for Easter Services ...of the Word

...of Communion

7pm Forster, Holy Thursday

A: Barbara Dolahenty
B: Maree Gapps

5 Volunteers required.

3pm Tuncurry, Good Friday

A: Maureen Stevens
B: Fred Liackman
Gospel: Patricia Cornish
Gospel: Bob Cashman

1 Volunteer required.

Ministers next Weekend...

...of the Word

...of Communion

6.30pm Tuncurry
Easter Vigil

A: Monica Hunt
B: Colleen Cashman
C: Michael Siddle
D: Lou Hope

Owen Carroll, Valarie Ross, Maureen Stevens, Monica


8am Tuncurry

A: Lorraine Clark
B: Maria Armitage

Lorraine Clark, Patricia Cornish, Cushla Drake, Alex

Matuszny, Edna Tucker.

10am Forster

A: Robyn Ryan
B: Barbara Kermode

Josie Beech, Elle Cairns-Cowan, Anne Moloney, Robert

Moran, Robyn Ryan.

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad

Scripture Readings This Week


Holy Thursday

Good Friday

(Easter Vigil)


Psalm 118:24

Todays Liturgy of the Word

Isaiah 50:4-7
Philippians 2:6-11
Mark 14:115:47
Isaiah 42:1-7
John 12:1-11
Isaiah 49:1-6
John 13:21-33, 36-38
Isaiah 50:4-9
Matthew 26:14-25
Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15
Isaiah 52:1353:12
Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9
John 18:119:42
Genesis 1:1-2:2
Exodus 14:1515-1
Ezekiel 36:16-28
Romans 6:3-11
Acts 10:34, 37-43
Colossians 3:1-4
John 20:1-9

Responsorial Psalm
Response: My God, my God, why have you
abandoned me?
Gospel Acclamation
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!
Christ became obedient for us even to death dying on
the cross.
Therefore God raised him on high and gave him a
name above all other names.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!

In your charity, please pray for:

Those recently deceased.
Judy Said, Joan McLaughlin.
Those whose anniversaries occur about now.
David Campbell, Les Gapps, Christina and Alexander
All those in our community who are sick.

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