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Linearity and Speed Optimization in SOI LDMOS Using Gate Engineering

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Radhakrishnan Sithanandam and M.

Jagadesh Kumar “Linearity and speed optimization in

SOI LDMOS using gate engineering,” Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol.25,
Article No. 015006, January 2010.

Linearity and Speed Optimization in SOI

LDMOS using Gate Engineering
Radhakrishnan Sithanandam and M. Jagadesh Kumar1


The major challenge the RF LDMOS faces today is the linearity and switching delay. In this
paper, we propose a new, gate engineered SOI LDMOS device to overcome this problem. The
proposed device has three gates arranged in stepped manner, from channel to drift region. The
first gate uses p+ poly (near the source), whereas the other two gates have n+ poly. The first gate
with a thin gate oxide achieves good control over channel charge. The third gate with a thick gate
oxide at the drift region achieves reduced gate to drain capacitance. The arrangement of second
and third gate in stepped manner in the drift region spreads the electric field uniformly. Using
two dimensional device simulations, the proposed LDMOS is compared with the conventional
LDMOS. We demonstrate that the proposed device exhibits significant enhancements in
linearity, switching delay, breakdown voltage, on-resistance, peak transconductance and gate-
drain charge making it highly suitable for RF power amplifiers.

Index Terms

LDMOS, SOI, linearity, breakdown voltage, transconductance, gate charge, switching speed.

 The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 110 016, India (e-mail:

Laterally double-diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) technology is the dominant
technology used for radio frequency (RF) power amplifier applications [1]. Especially, LDMOS
on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate, gained significant importance because of its inherent
dielectric isolation, improved RF performance and reduced parasitics [2]. But due to stringent
linearity requirements for future wireless standards, there is a continuous need to improve the
linearity and switching delay of LDMOS based power amplifiers [3]. Traditionally, linearity is
achieved using circuit level linearization techniques like feed-forward and pre-distortion. These
techniques are quite complex, expensive and power hungry. If the linearity requirements are
achieved at the device level, the overhead of linearization at circuit level reduces, resulting in
huge savings in cost and power [4]. Another important challenge, the RF power amplifier faces
is the switching delay from input to output. Since the present day RF power amplifiers use
multistage amplication, switching delay from input to output becomes a key factor. These two
requirements (linearity and switching delay) have to be achieved without much tradeoff’s and if
possible, with simultaneous improvement in other performance parameters of LDMOS like
breakdown voltage, on-resistance, gate-drain charge and peak transconductance. But achieving
all these enhancements is tricky because of the tradeoffs among them [5]. Therefore, the
motivation of this work is to explore structural changes in SOI LDMOS to enhance its
application as a RF power amplification device with improved linearity and reduced switching

In this paper, we propose a new dual-material stepped gate (DSG) LDMOS for improved
linearity and delay. The proposed device has three gates arranged in a stepped manner from
channel to drift region. The stepped gate structure improves the gate control over channel charge
and reduces the gate-drain capacitance. Using two dimensional device simulations, the proposed
device is compared with the conventional LDMOS. The proposed device exhibits enhanced
linearity, breakdown voltage and peak transconductance, and reduced switching delay, on-
resistance and gate-drain charge making it highly suitable for RF power amplifier applications.


The schematic cross section of the conventional and the proposed device are shown in Fig.1.
Both the conventional and the proposed LDMOS are partially depleted SOI LDMOS with the

source tied body structure to reduce the floating body effects and improve the RF performance
[2]. The conventional LDMOS has a single gate with an oxide thickness of 50 nm and has a field
plate to enhance high voltage capabilities [6]. The proposed DSG LDMOS has three steps in the
gate oxide i.e. 25 nm, 50 nm and 150 nm from the source end to drift end respectively. The first
gate uses p+ poly as gate material and the other two gates use n+ poly as gate material. The first
gate having the higher work function material (p+ poly) tries to increase the threshold voltage,
but the thinner first gate oxide (compared to conventional LDMOS) reduces it. Thus, the design
of DSG LDMOS is done in such a way that the combination of thinner gate oxide and higher
work function material results in the same threshold voltage as that of the conventional device.
Using a metal contact, all three gate sections are shorted to form a single gate contact. We have
optimized the drift region doping for maximum breakdown voltage by varying the drift region
doping and it is found to be 2×1016 cm-3 for both the conventional and the proposed LDMOS.
The device dimensions and parameters used in our simulation for both the conventional and the
proposed device are given in Table 1.

Fig. 2 shows the proposed fabrication procedure of the DSG LDMOS. We will show only the
gate formation on a stepped insulator. The rest of the transistor fabrication is similar to the
standard LDMOS fabrication. The fabrication process begins with an SOI wafer with the p-
substrate doping of NA = 1×1015 cm-3. Initially, a 25 nm thick first gate oxide is thermally grown
and a p+ poly layer is deposited and patterned using standard photolithography to form a 0.3 μm
long first gate (Fig. 2(a)). Subsequently, a 50 nm thick low temperature oxide (LTO) and over
that a 0.7 μm thick n+ polysilicon are deposited. Using blanket reactive ion etching (RIE), the
polysilicon layer is etched leaving a sidewall polysilicon layer as shown in Fig. 2(b) which will
now act as the second gate of 0.7 μm length. We now deposit a 100 nm LTO followed by a 0.4
μm thick n+ polysilicon and a blanket etching of polysilicon by RIE will give rise to the
multigate structure shown in Fig. 2(c). A chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process will
planarize the gate as shown in Fig. 2(d). This multi-gate formation on a stepped insulator is
similar to that proposed by Xing et al. [7]. Once the gate is patterned, the rest of the fabrication is
similar to that of any conventional LDMOS. After the metallization process, the source, drain
and the gate contacts are formed with all the three gates shorted resulting in the final DSG
LDMOS structure shown in Fig. 1(b). The additional steps encountered by the DSG LDMOS are
deposition, etching and CMP process steps compared to the conventional device. The

improvements obtained by the proposed device (discussed in next section) are at the cost of the
additional process steps which are not complex.


We have created the conventional and the proposed DSG LDMOS using two dimensional device
simulator ATLAS [8]. Appropriate models are invoked for impact ionization, SRH and Auger
generation and recombination, carrier velocity saturation, concentration dependent mobility,
transverse and vertical electric field dependent mobility [8].

A. Linearity

Any power amplifier, which works in RF range, should fulfill linearity requirements. At device
level, this can be seen as the linear relationship between the drain current and gate voltage or
constant transconductance in the operating range [9]. For finding how linear the proposed device
is, we have taken the operating range as follows, quiescent gate voltage (VGS) = 5 V, gate swing
to be 5±1 V and drain source voltage (VDS) = 20 V. Fig. 3 shows the transfer and
transconductance characteristics of the DSG LDMOS and the conventional LDMOS. It can be
seen that the proposed device has a flat transconductance or linear transfer curve compared to the
conventional LDMOS. The change in transconductance of the DSG LDMOS over the operating
range is only 3% as compared to 19% variation in the transconductance of the conventional
LDMOS. This enhancement is achieved by two design techniques. First, the channel and the drift
region are designed to operate the LDMOS channel in linear region and the internal drain
potential (at the channel/drift-region junction) is made insensitive to the gate swing. Second, the
drift region length is chosen such that at the operating voltages, the carriers move in velocity
saturation mode. This ensures that the carriers are transported from the channel to the drain with
a linear relationship to the gate potential. To know whether the LDMOS is operating in linear
region or not, we need to know the internal drain voltage (VDi) at the channel/drift-region
junction and its threshold voltage. From Fig. 4, we can see that both the DSG LDMOS and the
conventional LDMOS are in linear mode since for both the devices VDi < (VGS – VT). However,
with the gate swing (VGS = 5±1 V), the variation in VDi for DSG LDMOS is only 0.03 V where
as it is 0.3 V for the conventional LDMOS. Since the change in VDi reflects the change in
transconductance in linear region, the DSG LDMOS shows improved linear transfer
characteristics compared to the conventional LDMOS.

One more interesting observation from Fig.3 is that there is no current compression at higher
gate potential and higher drain potential. It is well known that conventional LDMOS transistors
exhibit a reduction in gm or drain current compression in saturation region of operation. This
happens for current densities at which the electron concentration nearly equals the n-drift region
concentration. This behaviour is called the Kirk effect [6]. However, in our structure, at high gate
voltages and high drain voltages, impact ionization increases with an accompanied increase in
the hole current. This generation of impact generated holes increases the drain current resulting
in an unusual expansion of drain current at these potentials. This concept is known as two carrier
saturation [6]. As a result, gm in the proposed structure increases at higher gate voltages and
drain voltages as shown in Fig. 3.   

B. Switching Delay

Switching characteristics play an important role in high frequency multi-stage power amplifier
circuits. For calculating the switching delay, we have constructed the inverter circuit shown in
the inset of Fig. 5 using ATLAS mixed mode option. The device width is chosen to be 15 µm for
both the conventional and the proposed device. We have applied a 5 V input pulse with 50 ps
rise time to the input terminal to observe the output. The switching delay is calculated as the time
difference between the input and output signal at 2.5 V (50% of applied voltage). It can be seen
from Fig. 6 that the switching delay of the DSG LDMOS is 20.1 ps compared to 27.7 ps for the
conventional LDMOS. This is approximately 38% reduction in switching delay. This
improvement is primarily due to the reduced on-resistance and gate-to-drain capacitance (CGD) in
the proposed device (as discussed in subsequent sections).

C. DC Characteristics

The output characteristics of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS are shown in Fig. 6. From
the characteristics, it is observed that the proposed device has 45 % enhancement in drain current
than the conventional device at VGS = 5 V and VDS = 20 V. The difference in the work function
of the gate materials results in a change in surface potential. Saxena and Kumar [10] have shown
that the change in surface potential leads to a modified electric field profile providing higher
acceleration and higher velocity to the charge carriers injected into the channel from the source
leading to an enhancement in the drain current. Increased drain current implies that for a given
current rating, the chip area of the proposed device can be made smaller than the conventional

LDMOS. Specific on-resistance, which is inversely proportional to the drain current, reduces due
to the enhanced drain current as shown in Fig. 7. The reduction in on-resistance is 32% at VGS =
6 V. We have calculated the specific on-resistance as the ratio of drain voltage to drain current
per unit area at maximum gate drive potential. Improved channel charge density and dual
material gate contributes to better gate control or transconductance. DSG LDMOS shows 13%
enhancement in peak transconductance than the conventional device as shown in Fig. 8.

D. Gate Charge

Gate charging transient analysis is important in understanding the switching speed of LDMOS as
it reveals the behavior of input capacitance Ciss (parallel combination of CGS and CGD) [11]. It is
desired to have high CGS for higher gate control and lower CGD for higher switching speed. Both
these requirements are expected to be met in the DSG LDMOS since the proposed device has
thin gate oxide at the source end and thicker gate oxide at the drift region. The gate charging
simulations are carried out using the mixed mode option in ATLAS device simulator. The circuit
configuration used in the simulation is shown in the inset of Fig. 10, which has a constant current
source charging the gate. The width of the device is chosen to be 10,000 µm. Fig. 10 shows the
gate charge analysis. The initial part of the curve till the slope changes determines the CGS, the
next part of the curve with lesser slope determines CGD (miller capacitance). The charging time
multiplied by the constant current gives the charge per unit area. It can be seen from Fig. 9, that
the gate charge (QGS) of the DSG LDMOS and the conventional LDMOS is 265 pC/mm2 and
171 pC/mm2, respectively. This is approximately 55% improvement in the QGS of the DSG
LDMOS compared to the conventional device. Similarly, the gate to drain charge (QGD) of the
DSG LDMOS is 920 pC/mm2 and for the conventional device, it is 1048 pC/mm2. This is a 14%
reduction in the gate to drain charge, which also suggests why switching delay is less for the
DSG LDMOS than conventional device.

E. Breakdown Voltage

We have estimated the breakdown voltage from the simulated current-voltage characteristics
shown in Fig. 10 as the drain voltage at which the drain current exceeds 1 pA/µm when the gate
and source of the LDMOS are shorted to ground [10]. It can be seen that in the proposed device,
the breakdown voltage is enhanced by 29% compared to the conventional LDMOS. This is

primarily due to the formation of additional electric field peaks by the stepped gate as shown in
Fig. 11. These additional peaks reduce the main electric field peak from 7.6 × 105 V/cm to 4.8 ×
105 V/cm and also smear the electric field uniformly resulting in improved breakdown voltage.

The enhancements in peak transconductance, QGD, linearity, breakdown voltage, on-resistance,

and switching delay are summarized using the bar chart shown in Fig. 12.

We have proposed a new DSG LDMOS with three gates having different work functions and
oxide thicknesses. These gates are arranged on a stepped insulator in the increasing order of
oxide thickness from the channel to the drift region. The dual workfunction material gate
introduces a step in surface potential of the channel which improves linearity, drive current and
transconductance. The stepped gate architecture introduces additional peaks improving the
breakdown voltage. The thin gate insulator improves the transconductance, gate charge and
reduces on-resistance. The thick gate insulator in the drift region end reduces the gate to drain
capacitance improving switching speed. By using two dimensional device simulations, we have
demonstrated that we are able to simultaneously improve all the LDMOS. Hence the proposed
DSG LDMOS is very attractive for RF power amplifier applications in wireless systems.

This work was supported in part by the IBM Faculty Award.

Table 1



Gate oxide thickness,

25 nm, 50 nm and 150 nm
(tox1, tox2 and tox3)
Gate length,
0.3 µm, 0.7 µm and 0.4 µm
(LG1, LG2 and LG3)
Channel length, L 0.5 µm
Drift region length 2.3 µm
Silicon film thickness 1 µm
Buried oxide thickness 400 nm
Source/Drain doping 1×1019 cm-3
P-doping 1×1017 cm-3
Drift region doping 2×1016 cm-3
Threshold voltage ≈1.85 V

Figures Captions:

Fig. 1. (a) Cross-sectional view of conventional LDMOS (b) DSG LDMOS.

Fig. 2. Process steps for forming the multi-gate structure on a stepped insulator for the DSG

Fig. 3. Transfer characteristics and transconductance variation of the conventional and the DSG

Fig. 4. Surface potential variation in the channel of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS at
VDS = 20 V and VGS = 5±1 V.

Fig. 5. Switching characteristics of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS in an inverter

Fig. 6. Output characteristics of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.

Fig. 7. On-resistance variation of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.

Fig. 8. Transconductance variation of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.

Fig. 9. Gate charging transient behaviour for the conventional and the DSG LDMOS. The gate
charging current is 10 µA.

Fig. 10. Breakdown voltage of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.

Fig. 11. Electric field distribution along the surface of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS at
breakdown voltage.

Fig. 12. Bar chart indicating the percentage improvement in various parameters of the DSG
LDMOS compared with the conventional LDMOS.

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Fig. 1. (a) Cross-sectional view of conventional LDMOS (b) DSG LDMOS.

Fig. 2. Process steps for forming the multi-gate structure on a stepped insulator for the DSG


Fig. 3. Transfer characteristics and transconductance variation of the conventional and the DSG


Fig. 4. Surface potential variation in the channel of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS at
VDS = 20 V and VGS = 5±1 V.


Fig. 5. Switching characteristics of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS in an inverter


Fig. 6. Output characteristics of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.


Fig. 7. On-resistance variation of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.


Fig. 8. Transconductance variation of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.


Fig. 9. Gate charging transient behaviour for the conventional and the DSG LDMOS. The gate
charging current is 10 µA.


Fig. 10. Breakdown voltage of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS.


Fig. 11. Electric field distribution along the surface of the conventional and the DSG LDMOS at
breakdown voltage.


Fig. 12. Bar chart indicating the percentage improvement in various parameters of the DSG
LDMOS compared with the conventional LDMOS.


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