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Michael A. Principe (1991). Hegers Logic and Marxs Early Development. Internati
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N. Riemer (1991). Book Reviews : Philip J. Kain, Marx and Ethics. Oxford Univers
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Sean Sayers (1991). Contradiction and Dialectic. Science and Society 55 (1):84 91.
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Serge Cantin (1990). Grandeur et limites du Marx de Michel Henry. Dialogue 29 (0
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Wayne Cristaudo (1990). Theorising ideas: idee and vorstellung from Kant to Hege
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David Duquette (1990). Hegel, A Communist? A Response to David MacGregor. The Ow
l of Minerva 22 (1):122-125.
Fred Evans (1990). Language and political agency: Derrida, Marx, and Bakhtin. So
uthern Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):505-523.
Dennis J. Fuller (1990). Marx and Philosophy. Social Philosophy Today 3:457-459.
Phillip Gasper (1990). Marxs Theory of Scientific Knowledge. Radical Philosophy
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Jean-Joseph Goux (1990). Symbolic Economies: After Marx and Freud. Cornell Unive
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Colin M. Harper (1990). Marx and Contradiction. Irish Philosophical Journal 7 (1
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Thomas M. Jeannot (1990). Marxs Use of Religious Metaphors. International Philo
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Elias L. Khalil (1990). Rationality and social labor in Marx. Critical Review 4
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c Knowledge. Humanities Press International, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1988. Pp. 3
00, $49.95 (cloth. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (4):508-512.

Edward L. Mowatt (1990). Marx, Marxism, and alienation in history. In Philip Win
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y Press.
Michael A. Principe (1990). The Scientific Marx. Social Philosophy Today 4:432-4
Tom Rockmore (1990). Marx and perestroika. Philosophy and Social Criticism 16 (3
Sean Sayers (1990). Review of R. Szporluk, Communism and Nationalism - Marx,Karl
Versus Friederich List. History of European Ideas 12 (4):552-554.
Sean Sayers (1990). Review of KM Brien, Marx, Reason, and the Art of Freedom. Sc
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Chris Sciabarra (1990). From Aristotle to Marx. Critical Review 4 (1-2):61-73.
V. N. Shevchenko (1990). The Social Philosophy of Marxism. Russian Studies in Ph
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Tony Smith (1990). The Debate Regarding Dialectical Logic in Marxs Economic Wri
tings. International Philosophical Quarterly 30 (3):289-298.
Tony Smith (1990). Analytical Marxism and Marxs systematic dialectical theory.
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Tony Smith (1990). The Logic of Marxs Capital: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.
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Lawrence S. Stepelevich (1990). The End of Philosophy, the Origin of "Ideology":
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N. Scott Arnold (1989). Marx, Central Planning, and Utopian Socialism. Social Ph
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O. Balaban (1989). The Hermeneutics of the Young Marx: According To Marxs Appro
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Gregory Baum (1989). Jesus and Marx. Thought 64 (4):412-413.
David Baxter (1989). Marx, Lukes, and Human Rights. Social Theory and Practice 1
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Rodger Beehler (1989). Marx on Freedom and Necessity. Dialogue 28 (04):545-.
John P. Clark (1989). Marxs Inorganic Body. Environmental Ethics 11 (3):243-258
Loyd D. Easton (1989). Essentialism In the Thought of Karl Marx. Idealistic Stud
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l Sciences 19 (2):232-235.
R. Hudelson (1989). Book Reviews : Marxs Method, Epistemology, and Humanism: A
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Joseph Margolis (1989). The novelty of Marxs theory of praxis. Journal for the
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M. Rubel (1989). The French Revolution and the Education of the Young Marx. Diog
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U. Santamaria & A. Manville (1989). Review: Howard, From Marx to Kant. Philosoph
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Robert Ware & Kai Nielsen (eds.) (1989). Analyzing Marxism, New Essays on Analyt
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Mark Warren (1989). Liberal constitutionalism as ideology: Marx and Habermas. Po
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David A. Duquette (1988). Methodology and Development in Marx and Hegel. The Owl
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David Felix (1988). Meaningful Marx and Marxology. Critical Review 2 (4):82-90.
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Richard Gervais (1988). Retour sur le jeune Marx. Deux tudes sur le rapport de Ma
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Richard Gervais (1988). 1983: Loeuvre de Marx, un sicle aprs Georges Labica, direc
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Susan James (1988). An Introduction to Karl Marx By Jon Elster Cambridge Univers
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Philip J. Kain (1988). Marx and Ethics. Oxford University Press.
G. N. Kitching (1988). Karl Marx and the Philosophy of Praxis. Routledge.
Sonia Kruks (1988). Marx. International Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):120-121.
Clayton Morgareidge (1988). Teaching Marx with Platos Cave. Teaching Philosophy
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Patrick Murray (1988). Marxs Theory of Scientific Knowledge. Humanities Press I
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R. Nordahl (1988). Book reviews : Essentialism in the thought of Karl Marx. By S
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Michael G. Smith (1988). Marx, technocracy, and the corporatist ethos. Studies i
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Paul Thomas (1988). Marx demythologized or remythologized? Critical Review 2 (4)
Steven Vogel (1988). Marx and Alienation From Nature. Social Theory and Practice
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Andrzej Walicki (1988). Karl Marx as philosopher of freedom. Critical Review 2 (
Mark Warren (1988). Marx and methodological individualism. Philosophy of the Soc
ial Sciences 18 (4):447-476.
Rick B. A. Wise (1988). Religion & Marx. American Atheist Press.
Krzysztof Wojciechowski (1988). Marks i moralno w oczach Anglosasw (Kai Nielsen, St
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Hermann J. Cloeren (1987). Marx on Religion. International Studies in Philosophy
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James Daly (1987). Totality and Infinity In Marx. Irish Philosophical Journal 4
Martin J. de Nys (1987). Marx and Justice. Review of Metaphysics 40 (4):761-762.
James Farr (1987). Marx, science, and the dialectical method. Philosophy of the
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Eugene Kamenka (1987). Vico and Marx: Affinities and contrasts. Journal of the H
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Daniel Little (1987). Dialectics and science in Marxs capital. Philosophy of th
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Nancy S. Love (1987). Class or mass: Marx, Nietzsche, and liberal democracy. Stu
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Douglas Beck Low (1987). The Existential Dialectic of Marx and Merleau-Ponty. P.
Michael Maidan (1987). Marx on the jewish question: A meta-critical analysis. St
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David Miller (1987). Marx, communism, and markets. Political Theory 15 (2):182-2
Gayne Nerney (1987). On the Philosophical Use of Ad Hominem Argument in Nietzsch
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Kai Nielsen (1987). Rejecting egalitarianism: On Millers nonegalitarian Marx. P
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Kai Nielsen (1987). The generality of norms and Millers Marx. Philosophy of the
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Hans Pelger (1987). The inauguration of the historical study exhibition on the l
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Terry H. Pickett (1987). Historiography and Revolution. The Historical Writings
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Jeffrey Reiman (1987). The Marxian critique of criminal justice. Criminal Justic
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Warren E. Steinkraus (1987). Schiller, Hegel, and Marx. International Studies in
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Andr Tosel (1987). Marx and the innocence of science. Graduate Faculty Philosophy
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Harry Van der Linden (1987). Dick Howard, From Marx to Kant (review). Journal of
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Harry Van der Linden (1987). Review: Howard, From Marx to Kant. Journal of the H
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Avraham Yassour (1987). The later Marx and the fate of the russianobina. Studies i
n East European Thought 33 (1):3-17.
Michael Zilles (1987). The politics of modernity: A review of Dick Howards from
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Andrew Collier (1986). Aristotelian Marx . Inquiry 29 (1-4):459-470.
Mark Corner (1986). Did Marx have an ethics? Heythrop Journal 27 (4):438441.
G. Jones (1986). Book reviews : Nature, human nature, and society: Marx, Darwin,
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Philip J. Kain (1986). Marx, justice, and the dialectic method. Journal of the H
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Philip J. Kain (1986). Marx Method, Epistemology, and Humanism. D. Reidel.
Philip J. Kain (1986). The young Marx and Kantian ethics. Studies in East Europe
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Nancy Sue Love (1986). Marx, Nietzsche, and Modernity. Columbia University Press
Graham Macdonald (1986). Essentialism in the Thought of Karl Marx. Philosophical
Books 27 (2):93-95.
Merab Mamardavili (1986). Analysis of consciousness in the works of Marx. Studies
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George McCarthy (1986). German social ethics and the return to greek philosophy:
Marx and Aristotle. Studies in East European Thought 31 (1):1-24.
Scott Meikle (1986). Making nonsense of Marx. Inquiry 29 (1-4):29 43.
Tadeusz Mendelski (1986). Aktualno Marksa (Peter Singer, Marx). Etyka 22.
Milton Mueller (1986). Coming to Grips with Marx. Critical Review 1 (1):36-42.
Kai Nielsen (1986). Marx, Engels and Lenin on justice: The critique of the gotha
programme. Studies in East European Thought 32 (1):23-63.
Richard Nordahl (1986). Marx on evaluating pre-capitalist societies. Studies in
East European Thought 31 (4):303-319.
Douglass C. North (1986). Is it worth making sense of Marx? Inquiry 29 (1-4):57
William M. OMeara (1986). The Social Nature of Self and Morality for Husserl, S
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J. E. Roemer (1986). Book Review:Understanding Marx: A Reconstruction and Critiq

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Margaret A. Rose (1986). Theories of nature from Hegel to Marx. British Journal
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Hans-Martin Sass (1986). Teaching Hegel and Marx in China. The Owl of Minerva 17
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Pierre Adler (1985). Neither consciousness, nor matter, but living bodily activi
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Shlomo Avineri (1985). Truth and Reality in Marx and Hegel. International Studie
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Richard A. Brosio (1985). One Marx, and the Centrality of the Historical Actor(s
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Bud Burkhard (1985). D. B. rjazanov and the Marx-Engels institute: Notes toward
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Bud Burkhard (1985). Bibliographic annex to d. B. rjazanov and the Marx-Engels
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Bernard Cullen (1985). Karl Marx. Irish Philosophical Journal 2 (1):67-68.
Hal Draper (1985). The Marx-Engels Register: A Complete Bibliography of Marx and
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Richard W. England (1985). Morishima on Marx: A retrospective review. Philosophy
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Richard Gervais (1985). Marx: du vol de vois la critique du droit Pierre Lascoum
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ialogue 24 (01):187-.
A. Giles-Peters (1985). Objectless activity: Marxs theses on Feuerbach. Inqui
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Eduard Huber (1985). On progress, values, and Marx. Studies in East European Tho
ught 30 (4):365-377.
R. Hudelson (1985). Book Reviews : Marx and Mead: Contributions to a Sociology o
f Knowledge. BY TOM W. GOFF. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980. Pp. 166. $2
7.95. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (1):87-88.
Thomas W. Keyes (1985). Does Marx have a concept of justice? Philosophical Topic
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Teodros Kiros (1985). Alienation and aesthetics in Marx and Tolstoy: A comparati
ve analysis. Man and World 18 (2):171-184.
Steven Lukes (1985). Marxism and Morality. Oxford University Press.
George McCarthy (1985). Development of the concept and method of critique in Kan
t, Hegel, and Marx. Studies in East European Thought 30 (1):15-38.
John McMurtry (1985). Karl Marx. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):339-361.
Alex C. Michalos (1985). Book Review:Epistemology, Methodology, and the Social S
ciences Robert S. Cohen, Marx W. Wartofsky. Philosophy of Science 52 (1):170-.
Kai Nielsen (1985). On finding ones feet in philosophy: From Wittgenstein to Ma
rx. Metaphilosophy 16 (1):111.
Richard Nordahl (1985). Marx on moral commentary: Ideology and science. Philosop
hy of the Social Sciences 15 (3):237-254.
Tom Rockmore (1985). Review: Hoffman, The Anatomy of Idealism: Passivity and Act
ivity in Kant, Hegel and Marx. Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (1):118-1
Sean Sayers (1985). Reality and Reason: Dialectic and the Theory of Knowledge. B
J. Schuler (1985). Book reviews : Lukacs, Marx and the sources of critical theor
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Joel Schwartz (1985). Liberalism and the jewish connection: A study of Spinoza a

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William R. Shea (1985). Book Review:Hegel and the Sciences Robert S. Cohen, Marx
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Karol Soltan (1985). Book Review:Theoretical Logic in Sociology. Vol. 1: Positiv
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im. Jeffrey Alexander ; Theoretical Logic in Sociology. Vol. 3: The Classical At
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W. A. Suchting (1985). Marx, Hegel and contradiction. Philosophy of the Social
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S. P. Turner (1985). Book Reviews : Theoretical Logic in Sociology, Volume 2: Th
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Hans J. Verweyen (1985). Hegel and Marx. Structure and Modality of their Concept
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Robert Ware (1985). Marx. Teaching Philosophy 8 (1):92-94.
Steven Yearley (1985). Imputing intentionality: Popper, Demarcation and Darwin,
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Thomas Atwater (1984). Marx and a Credible Form of Eudaemonism. Southwest Philos
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Laurence Baronovitch (1984). German Idealism, Greek Materialism, and the Young K
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Louis A. Barth (1984). Marxism and Alternatives. By Tom Rockmore, William J. Gav
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Richard Brockhaus (1984). Review of Carol C. Goulds Marxs social ontology. Phi
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Catherine Colliot-Thlne (1984). Rousseau, Hegel, Marx: Variations sur lIde Dmocrate
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Ronald Commers (1984). Marxs Concept of Justice and the two Traditions in the E
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Daniel J. Cook (1984). Hegel, Marx and Wittgenstein. Philosophy and Social Criti
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David H. DeGrood (1984). Hegel, Marx, and Dialectic. The Owl of Minerva 15 (2):2
William Gavin (1984). Dewey, Marx, and James will to believe. Studies in East
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Norman Geras (1984). The controversy about Marx and Justice. Philosophica 33.
Fan Gongcai (1984). Marx on the Return of Man to Himself. Contemporary Chinese T
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Agnes Heller (1984). Marx, Justice, Freedom: The Libertarian Prophet. Philosophi
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M. Henry & R. S. Walker (1984). Life and Death: Marx and Marxism. Diogenes 32 (1
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Michael H. Shenkman (1976). Commodities and value: Categorial production in Marx
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Ulrich Steinvorth (1976). I. Marxs analysis of commodity exchangea reply to Carv
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Lawrence S. Stepelevich (1976). Marxism and Hegel. The Owl of Minerva 7 (4):5-7.
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Andrzej N. Wonicki (1976). Nature and Human Praxis in Karl Marx. Dialectics and H
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Edward Andrew (1975). A note on the unity of theory and practice in Marx and Nie
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Terrell Carver (1975). Marxs commodity fetishism. Inquiry 18 (1):39 63.
James Doull (1975). Hegels Philosophy of Right, with Marxs Commentary. The Owl

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Alan G. Nasser (1975). Marxs ethical anthropology. Philosophy and Phenomenologi
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John Petrov Plamenatz (1975). Karl Marxs Philosophy of Man. Clarendon Press.
David M. Rasmussen (1975). The symbolism of Marx: From alienation to fetishism.
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Tom Rockmore (1975). Fichtes idealism and Marxs materialism. Man and World 8 (
James Leroy Smith (1975). On Whitehead, Marx, and the Nature of Political Philos
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Paul Thomas (1975). Karl Marx and Max Stirner. Political Theory 3 (2):159-179.
Edmund Howell Volkart (1975). Images of Society: Essays on the Sociological Theo
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Mihailo Markovi (1974). The Contemporary Marx: Essays on Humanist Communism. Spok
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Jean-Guy Meunier (1974). Langage et idologie Chez le Jeune Marx. Dialogue 13 (02)
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Arend Theodoor van Leeuwen (1974). Critique of Earth: The Second Series of the G
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Louis A. Barth (1973). "Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto," by D. A. Drennan. The
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Ren Champagne (1973). Jacques DHondt, De Hegel Marx. Dialogue 12 (04):741-743.
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Donald A. Cress (1973). "Portrait of Marx: An Illustrated Biography," by Werner
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Klaus Hartmann (1973). A Critique of Marxs Theory of Value. Philosophy and Hist
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Harald Holz (1973). Marxs Theory. A Philosophical Investigation concerning the
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Tadeusz M. Jaroszewski & Lech Petrowicz (1973). The Definition of the Notion of
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Mary B. Mahowald (1973). Marxs `gemeinschaft: Another interpretation. Philosop
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Anthony Richards Manser (1973). The End of Philosophy: Marx and Wittgenstein. So
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Karl Marx (1973). Karl Marx, Frederick Engels on Literature and Art: A Selection
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Paul Santilli (1973). Marx on species-being and social essence. Studies in East
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Louis Althusser (1972). Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and M
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Louis Dupr (1972). Dialectical Philosophy Before and After Marx. New Scholasticis
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Louis Joseph Halle (1972). The Ideological Imagination: Ideological Conflict in
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Donald Clark Hodges (1972). Marxs theory of value. Philosophy and Phenomenologi
cal Research 33 (2):249-258.
Dick Howard (1972). The Development of the Marxian Dialectic. Carbondale,Souther
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Eugene Kamenka (1972). The Ethical Foundations of Marxism. Boston,Routledge and
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Betty A. Sichel (1972). Karl Marx and the rights of man. Philosophy and Phenomen
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Howard L. Parsons (1971). Humanism and Marxs Thought. Springfield, Ill.,Thomas.
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H. B. (1970). Marshall, Marx and Modern Times. Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):744745.
J. Coulter (1970). Image of Man in Marx. Social Theory and Practice 1 (2):69-84.
Louis Dupr (1970). Studies on Marx and Hegel. The Owl of Minerva 1 (4):3-3.
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Henry Laycock (1970). Jean Hyppolite, Studies on Marx and Hegel. Dialogue 9 (02)
Kurt Marko (1970). Marx and Hegel. From Speculation to Dialectics. Philosophy an
d History 3 (1):35-36.
Karl Marx (1970). Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right. Cambridge Universit
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Kenneth A. Megill (1970). The community in Marxs philosophy. Philosophy and Phe
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Stefan Morawski (1970). The aesthetic views of Marx and Engels. Journal of Aesth
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Zvi Rosen (1970). The Influence of Bruno Bauer on Marx Concept of Alienation. S
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Hermann Weber (1970). Communism. From Marx to Mao Tse-tung. Texts, Illustrations
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Louis Althusser (1969). For Marx. Verso.
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R. J. B. (1969). The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx. Review of Metaphysics 23 (1)
Donald Marvin Borchert (1969). Marx, social change, and humanization. Zygon 4 (2
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James C. Dybikowski (1969). Activity in Marxs Philosophy. By Norman D. Livergoo
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Patrick L. Gardiner (1969). Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. New York, Free Press.
Jean Hyppolite (1969). Studies on Marx and Hegel. New York, Basic Books.
George L. Kline (1969). Was Marx an ethical humanist? Studies in East European T
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David McLellan (1969). The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx. Melbourne [Etc.]Macmil
I. S. Narskii (1969). The Logic of Marxs Capital. Russian Studies in Philosophy
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J. W. Swanson (1969). Book Review:Conceptual Foundations of Scientific Thought:
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Andr Vachet (1969). Note sur Le Marxisme aprs Marx . Dialogue 8 (02):304-307.
Hermann Weber (1969). Karl Marx and Marxism. From the Philosophy of the Proletar
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Theodor W. Adorno (1968). Is Marx obsolete? Diogenes 16 (64):1-16.
R. J. B. (1968). Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society. Review of
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R. J. B. (1968). The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx. Review of Metaph
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Frederick C. Copleston (1968). Words and Marx. Heythrop Journal 9 (1):005-016.
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R. C. Tucker (1968). Marx and the End of History. Diogenes 16 (64):165-174.
Denys Turner (1968). On the Philosophy of Karl Marx. Dublin, Scepter Books.
Franz Vonessen (1968). The Great Dialecticians of the 19th CenturyHegel, Kierkega
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R. J. B. (1967). Marx and the Western World. Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):170-17
Yvon Blanchard (1967). Marx et la religion. Dialogue 5 (04):592-602.
Ludwig W. Kahn (1967). Marx, Engels, and the Poets; Origins of Marxist Literary
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Thomas Langan (1967). "From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Revolution in Nineteenth Cen
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Nikolaus Lobkowicz (1967). Theory and Practice: History of a Concept From Aristo
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Gerald Dworkin (1966). Marx and mill: A dialogue. Philosophy and Phenomenologica
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Donald Clark Hodges (1966). The young Marx--a reappraisal. Philosophy and Phenom
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Joe Edward Barnhart (1964). Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx. Southern Journal o
f Philosophy 2 (3):143-144.
Joe Edward Barnhart (1964). Review of Robert Tucker,Philosophy and Myth in Karl
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John ONeill (1964). The concept of estrangement in the early and later writings
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Howard L. Parsons (1964). Value and mental health in the thought of Marx. Philos
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Yvon Blanchard (1963). De Karl Marx Robert Tucker. Dialogue 1 (04):417-430.
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Lars Roar Langslet (1963). Young Marx and alienation in western debate. Inquiry
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Gajo Petrovi (1963). Man as economic animal and man as praxis an interpretation
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Gajo Petrovi (1963). Marxs theory of alienation. Philosophy and Phenomenological
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Gajo Petrovic (1963). MarxS Theory Of Alienation (Translation). Philosophy and
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Gajo Petrovi (1963). Man as economic animal and man as praxis an interpretation o
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Thomas Sowell (1963). Karl Marx and the freedom of the individual. Ethics 73 (2)
Yvon Blanchard (1962). Note sur le caractre philosophique de la pense de Karl Marx
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Erich Fromm (1962). Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Fr
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Sidney Hook (1962). From Hegel to Marx. [Ann Arbor]University of Michigan Press.
D. R. G. Owen (1962). Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx. By Robert C. Tucker. Cam
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W. A. Suchting (1962). Marx and Hannah Arendts the human condition. Ethics 73 (
R. J. B. (1961). Marxs Concept of Man. Review of Metaphysics 15 (1):191-191.
Edward L. Burke (1961). Karl Marx. New Scholasticism 35 (2):191-201.
Loyd D. Easton (1961). Alienation and history in the early Marx. Philosophy and
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R. L. J. (1961). K voprosu o formirovanii filosofskikh vzgljadov K. Marksa (On t
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J. M. W. (1961). Der Identittsgedanke bei Feuerbach und Marx. Review of Metaphysi
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Daniel Bell (1959). The "rediscovery" of alienation: Some notes along the Quest
for the historical Marx. Journal of Philosophy 56 (24):933 - 952.
P. J. Bindley (1957). Marx: The Poverty of Philosophy. Lawrence and Wishart (for
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Eugene Kamenka (1957). The primitive ethic of Karl Marx. Australasian Journal of
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C. L. (1957). Etudes sur Marx et Hegel. Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):721-721.
R. G. S. (1956). Marx and the Marxists. Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):177-177.

D. A. Rees (1955). Werner Marx: The Meaning of Aristotles Ontology. Pp. X+67.
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Kishorlal Ghanshyamlal Mashruwala (1951). Gandhi and Marx. Navajivan Pub. House.
Sidney Hook (1950). From Hegel to Marx. New York, Humanities Press.
Nathan Rotenstreich (1949). Between Rousseau and Marx. Philosophy and Phenomenol
ogical Research 9 (4):717-719.
Abram L. Harris (1948). The social philosophy of Karl Marx. Ethics 58 (3):1-42.
H. H. Gerth & C. Wright Mills (1942). A Marx for the managers. Ethics 52 (2):200
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Joseph P. Fitzpatrick (1937). Lenin, Heir of Marx. Thought 12 (2):211-224.
Theodore B. Brameld (1935). Book Review:Letters to Kugelmann. Karl Marx; Ludwig
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J. H. Tufts (1935). Book Review:Morals and Politics: Theories of Their Relation
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Cyril Bailey (1928). Karl Marx on Greek Atomism. Classical Quarterly 22 (3-4):20
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Rebecca Cooper (1925). The Logical Influence of Hegel on Marx. Gordon Press.
Benedetto Croce (1914). Historical materialism and the economics of Karl Marx. N
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Karl Marx (1913). The Poverty of Philosophy. Prometheus Books.
W. M. Lindsay (1905). Marxs Lucilius C. Lucilii Carminum Reliquiae. Recensuit,
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S. J. Chapman (1899). Book Review:Value, Price and Profit. Karl Marx. Ethics 9 (
F. Tnnies (1894). Neuere Philosophie der Geschichte: Hegel, Marx, Comte. Archiv fr
Geschichte der Philosophie 7 (4):486-515.
Morgan A. Brown, 11. Review of Eagletons Why Marx Was Right.
Robert Guay, Surprised by reason: Naturalism and historical agency in the early
Karl Marx, Marxists.Org library.
Karl Marx, Das kapital.
Karl Marx, La libert speech.
Karl Marx, The communist manifesto.
Karl Marx, Manifesto of the communist party.
Karl Marx, Eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.
Karl Marx, Marx texts.
Tony Smith, Karl Marx.
Matti Eklund, This social phlogiston, justice.
Douglas Kellner, Review of Walter L. Adamson. Marx and the Disillusionment of Ma
rxism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. x + 258 pp. ISBN 0-520-05

Douglas Kellner, Engels, Modernity, and Classical Social Theory.
John Kilcullen, Historical Materialism.
John Kilcullen, Marx on capitalism.
Peter King, Did Marx hold a labor theory of value?
Karl Marx, Letter to J b Schweizer on proudhon.
Sean Sayers, Dialectic in western marxism.
David Schweickart, Marxs democratic critique of capitalism, and its implication
s for chinas developmental strategy.
Tony Smith, The place of the world market in Marxs systematic theory.
Martin McQuillan, Karl Marx and the philosophers stone, or, On theory and pract
Zulfiqar Ali, Foucault s conception of power: Questioning the relevance of Marx.
Karl Marx, Kapital.
Douglas Kellner, Herbert Marcuse.
Tony Smith, Review: Kouvelakis, Philosophy and Revolution: From Kant to Marx.

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