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BVTC-Labor Law (Repaired)

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Chapter 1
Art.1. Name of Decree, This decree shall be known as the
Labor Code of the Philippines
Art.. Date of !"ecti#it$, This Code shall take e"ect sis%
&'( months after its prom)l*ation.
Q: What is labor la a!" hat "oes it ai# to a$hie%e&
Labor las ha%e h'#a! a!" e$o!o#i$ e!"s( The) are
passe" to a""ress so$ial i!e*'ities+ #i!i#i,e so$ial
-ri$tio!s a!" 'pli-t the $o##o! #a!( To i#pro%e so$ial
$o!"itio!s( Labor las are so$ial le.islatio! b't !ot all
so$ial le.islatio!s are labor las( Its #ai! ai# is to
a$hie%e SOCIAL /0STICE(
So$ial 1'sti$e 2 #ea!s the pro#otio! o- the el-are o- the
people+ the a"optio! o- the Go%er!#e!t o- #eas'res
$al$'late" to i!s're e$o!o#i$ stabilit) thro'.h the
#ai!te!a!$e o- proper so$ial 3 e$o!o#i$ e*'ilibri'#(
Constitutional mandates pertaining to labor and
labor-management relations
Declaration of State and Policies
Section 9. The State shall pro#ote a 1'st a!" ")!a#i$
so$ial or"er that ill e!s're the prosperit) a!"
i!"epe!"e!$e o- the !atio! a!" -ree the people -ro#
po%ert) thro'.h poli$ies that pro%i"e a"e*'ate so$ial
ser%i$es+ pro#ote -'ll e#plo)#e!t+ a risi!. sta!"ar" o-
li%i!.+ a!" a! i#pro%e" *'alit) o- li-e -or all(
Section 10. The State shall pro#ote so$ial 1'sti$e i! all
phases o- !atio!al "e%elop#e!t( Section 11.
The State %al'es the "i.!it) o- e%er) h'#a! perso! a!"
.'ara!tees -'ll respe$t -or h'#a! ri.hts(
Section 13. The State re$o.!i,es the %ital role
o- the )o'th i! !atio!4b'il"i!. a!" shall pro#ote a!"
prote$t their ph)si$al+ #oral+ spirit'al+ i!telle$t'al+ a!"
so$ial ell4bei!.( It shall i!$'l$ate i! the )o'th
patriotis# a!" !atio!alis#+ a!" e!$o'ra.e their
i!%ol%e#e!t i! p'bli$ a!" $i%i$ a5airs(
Section 14. The State re$o.!i,es the role o-
o#e! i! !atio!4b'il"i!.+ a!" shall e!s're the
-'!"a#e!tal e*'alit) be-ore the la o- o#e! a!"
Section 18. The State a6r#s labor as a pri#ar) so$ial
e$o!o#i$ -or$e( It shall prote$t the ri.hts o- or7ers a!"
pro#ote their el-are(
Section 20. The State re$o.!i,es the i!"ispe!sable
role o- the pri%ate se$tor+ e!$o' pri%ate e!terprise+
a!" pro%i"es i!$e!ti%es to !ee"e" i!%est#e!ts(
rt. !!!. Sec 3. "uaranteed basic rig#ts of $or%ers.
819 To or.a!i,e the#sel%es
8:9 To $o!"'$t $olle$ti%e!i!. or !e.otiatio!
ith #a!a.e#e!t
To e!.a.e i! pea$e-'l $o!$erte" a$ti%ities
i!$l'"i!. to stri7e i! a$$or"a!$e ith la
To e!1o) se$'rit) o- te!'re
To or7 '!"er h'#a!e $o!"itio!s
To re$ei%e a li%i!. a.e
8;9 To parti$ipate i! poli$) a!" "e$isio!4
#a7i!. pro$esses a5e$ti!. their ri.hts a!" be!e<ts as
#a) be pro%i"e" b) la
Other pro%isio!s hi$h prote$t the ri.hts or el-are
o- or7ers:
Art( =II Se$( > 19 The o- the people i!$l'"i!.
those e#plo)e" i! the p'bli$ a!"
pri%ate se$tors+ to -or# '!io!s+
asso$iatio!s or so$ieties -or p'rposes
!ot $o!trar) to la shall !ot be
Art( =I4? :9 The o- sel-4or.a!i,atio! shall
!ot be "e!ie" to .o%er!#e!t
e#plo)ees( No o6$er or e#plo)ee o-
the $i%il ser%i$e shall be re#o%e" or
s'spe!"e" e@$ept -or $a'se pro%i"e"
b) la( Te#porar) e#plo)ees o- the
Go%er!#e!t shall be .i%e! s'$h
prote$tio! as #a) be pro%i"e" b) la(
Art( =III Se$ A4
>9 Re.'lar -ar# or7ers shall ha%e the to o! "ire$tl) or $olle$ti%el) the
la!"s the) till( Other -ar#or7ers
shall re$ei%e a 1'st share o- the -r'its
o- the la!" the) till( The State
re$o.!i,es the o- -ar#or7ers+
alo!. ith the .ro'ps+ to ta7e part i!
the pla!!i!.+ or.a!i,atio! a!"
#a!a.e#e!t o- the a.raria! re-or#
pro.ra#( La!"less -ar#or7ers #a)
be resettle" b) the Go%er!#e!t i! its
o! a.ri$'lt'ral estates(
Art( =II Se$ C The State+ shall b) la+ a!" -or the
$o##o! .oo"+ '!"erta7e i!
$ooperatio! ith the pri%ate se$tor+ a
$o!ti!'i!. pro.ra# o- 'rba!la!"
re-or# a!" ho'si!. hi$h ill #a7e
a%ailable at the a5or"able $ost "e$e!t
ho'si!. a!" basi$ ser%i$es to
'!"erpri%ile.e" a!" ho#eless $iti,e!s
i! 'rba! $e!ters a!" resettle#e!t
areas( It shall also pro#ote a"e*'ate
e#plo)#e!t opport'!ities to s'$h
Social Justice and Human Rights
1( it is i!$orre$t to sa) that sel-4or.a!i,atio! is
li#ite" i! p'rpose to C?A(
:( it is i!$orre$t to sa) that Da#b'la!t+ i!ter#itte!t
a!" iti!era!t or7ers+ sel-4e#plo)e" people+ r'ral
or7ers a!" those itho't a!) "e<!ite e#plo)ers
Eho D#a) -or# labor or.a!i,atio!s -or their
#'t'al ai" a!" prote$tio!FG "o !ot ha%e the
to sel-4or.a!i,atio!( The) too are $o%ere" b) the
i!1'!$tio! that DIt shall be '!la-'l -or a!) perso!
to restrai!+ $oer$e+ "is$ri#i!ate!st or '!"'l)
i!ter-ere ith 8sai"9 e#plo)ees i! their e@er$ise o-
the to sel-4or.a!i,atio!F( 8at least o!
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e 1
$o!$erte" a$ti%ities9
Sel-4or.a!i,atio! is a -'!"a#e!tal
.'ara!tee" b) the Philippi!e Co!stit'tio! a!" the
Labor Co"e( E#plo)ees ha%e the to -or#+ 1oi!
or assist labor or.a!i,atio!s -or the p'rpose o-
$olle$ti%e!i!. or -or their #'t'al ai" a!"
prote$tio!( The $o!stit'tio!al to sel-4
or.a!i,atio! is better '!"erstoo" i! the $o!te@t o-
ILO Co!%e!tio! No( H; 8Iree"o# o- Asso$iatio! a!"
Prote$tio! o- to Or.a!i,e9+ to hi$h the
Philippi!es is a si.!ator)( E)S* +acult, )nion -.
'itonio. /r., G(R( No( 1>1:>J+ No%e#ber 1B+ 1CCC+
>1H SCRA 1HJ+ Pan*aniban, /(G Wor7ers a!"
e#plo)ers+ itho't "isti!$tio! hatsoe%er+ shall
ha%e the to establish a!"+ s'b1e$t o!l) to the
r'les o- the or.a!i,atio! $o!$er!e"+ to 1ob
or.a!i,atio!s o- their o! $hoosi!. itho't
pre%io's a'thori,atio!K EStandard C#artered
'an% 0mplo,ees )nion 1&)'02 -. Confesor.
G(R( No( 11AC;A+ /'!e 1B+ :LLA+ A>: SCRA >LH+
>:L4>:1G a!" that or7ersM or.a!i,atio!s shall
ha%e the to "ra 'p their $o!stit'tio! a!"
r'les a!" to ele$t their represe!tati%es i! -'ll
-ree"o#+ -ree -ro# a!) i!ter-ere!$e -ro# p'bli$
a'thorities( E)S* +acult, )nion -. 'itonio. /r.,
Section 3. The State shall a5or" -'ll prote$tio!
to labor+ lo$al a!" o%erseas+ or.a!i,e" a!"
'!or.a!i,e"+ a!" pro#ote -'ll e#plo)#e!t a!"
e*'alit) o- e#plo)#e!t opport'!ities -or all(
It shall .'ara!tee the ri.hts o- all or7ers to
sel-4or.a!i,atio!+ $olle$ti%e!i!. a!"
!e.otiatio!s+ a!" pea$e-'l $o!$erte" a$ti%ities+
i!$l'"i!. the to stri7e i! a$$or"a!$e ith la(
The) shall be e!title" to se$'rit) o- te!'re+
h'#a!e $o!"itio!s o- or7+ a!" a li%i!. a.e(
The) shall also parti$ipate i! poli$) a!" "e$isio!4
#a7i!. pro$esses a5e$ti!. their ri.hts a!"
be!e<ts as #a) be pro%i"e" b) la(
The State shall pro#ote the pri!$iple o- share"
respo!sibilit) betee! or7ers a!" e#plo)ers a!"
the pre-ere!tial 'se o- %ol'!tar) #o"es i! settli!.
"isp'tes+ i!$l'"i!. $o!$iliatio!+ a!" shall e!-or$e
their #'t'al $o#plia!$e thereith to -oster
i!"'strial pea$e(
The State shall re.'late the relatio!s betee!
or7ers a!" e#plo)ers+ re$o.!i,i!. the o-
labor to its 1'st share i! the -r'its o- pro"'$tio! a!"
the o- e!terprises to reaso!able ret'r!s to
i!%est#e!ts+ a!" to e@pa!sio! a!" .roth(
Section 14. The State shall prote$t or7i!.
o#e! b) pro%i"i!. sa-e a!" health-'l or7i!.
$o!"itio!s+ ta7i!. i!to a$$o'!t their #ater!al
-'!$tio!s+ a!" s'$h -a$ilities a!" opport'!ities that
ill e!ha!$e their el-are a!" e!able the# to
reali,e their -'ll pote!tial i! the ser%i$e o- the
2. Ci-il Code
Contract of Labor
rticle 1300. The relatio!s betee! $apital
a!" labor are !ot #erel) $o!tra$t'al( The) are so
i#presse" ith p'bli$ i!terest that labor $o!tra$ts
#'st )iel" to the $o##o! .oo"( There-ore+ s'$h
$o!tra$ts are s'b1e$t to the spe$ial las o! labor
'!io!s+ $olle$ti%e!i!.+ stri7es a!" lo$7o'ts+
$lose" shop+ or7i!. $o!"itio!s+ ho'rs o-
labor a!" si#ilar s'b1e$ts(
Labor Le.islatio! 2 $o!sists o- stat'tes+ re.'latio!s
a!" 1'rispr'"e!$e .o%er!i!. the relatio!s betee!
$apital a!" labor(
Labor La a!" So$ial Le.islatio! 2 those las that
pro%i"e parti$'lar 7i!"s o- prote$tio! or be!e<ts to
so$iet)+ I! -'rthera!$e o- Social /ustice as t#e
Principles underl,ing t#e Code
19 Labor relatio!s #'st be #a"e respo!si%e a!"
respo!sible to !atio!al "e%elop#e!t+
:9 Labor las "'ri!. the perio" o- !atio!al
e#er.e!$)+ #'st s'bstit'te ratio!alit) -or
>9 Labor 1'sti$e $a! be #a"e e@pe"itio's itho't
sa$ri<$i!. "'e pro$ess(
A9 Ma!poer "e%elop#e!t #'st be"e" as a
#a1or "i#e!sio! o- labor poli$)(
J9 There is .lobal labor #ar7et a%ailable to *'ali<e"
B9 Labor las #'st $o##a!" a"e*'ate reso'r$es
a!" a$*'ire $apable #a$hi!er) -or e5e$ti%e a!"
s'stai!e" i#ple#e!tatio!K
;9 There sho'l" be pop'lar represe!tatio! i! poli$)4
#a7i!. 8tripartis#9
Art.+. D!CLA,AT-.N ./ 0A1-C P.L-C2
The 1tate shall a"ord protection to labor, promote
f)ll emplo$ment, ens)re e3)al work opport)nities,
re*ardless of se%, race or creed, and re*)late the
relations between workers and emplo$ers. The
1tate shall ass)re the ri*hts of workers to self4
or*ani5ation, collecti#e bar*ainin*, sec)rit$ of
ten)re and 6)st and h)mane conditions of work.
4 Goals o- the !atio!al e$o!o#)+ are a #ore
e*'itable "istrib'tio! o- opport'!ities+ i!$o#e a!"
Art.7. Constr)ction in fa#or of Labor
All do)bts in the implementation and interpretation
of the pro#isions of this Code, incl)din* its
implementin* r)les and re*)lations, shall be
resol#ed in fa#or of labor.
4 I!terpretatio! 3 Co!str'$tio!K Liberal approa$h
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e :
4 Altho'.h it -a%ors labor+ it "oes!Nt #ea! that
e%er) labor "isp'te ill be a'to#ati$all) i! its -a%or(
E#plo)erOMa!a.e#e!t also ha%e its o! ri.hts(
4anagement 5ig#ts
19 to ROI 8ret'r! o- I!%est#e!ts9
:9 to pres$ribe r'les
4 ?e$o#es part o- the $o!tra$t o- e#plo)#e!t+
Pe!$e+ .e!erall) bi!"i!. '!less .rossl) oppressi%e
or $o!trar) to la(
>9 to sele$t e#plo)ees
A9 to tra!s-erO"is$har.e e#plo)ees
Art.8. ,9L!1 AND ,!:9LAT-.N1
The D.L! and other *o#ernment a*encies char*ed
w; the administration and enforcement of this Code
or an$ of its parts shall prom)l*ate the necessar$
implementin* r)les and re*)lations. 1)ch r)les and
re*)lations shall be e"ecti#e <fteen &18( da$s after
anno)ncement of their adoption in newspapers of
*eneral circ)lation.
4 R'le4#a7i!. poers he! i!%ali"K i! e@$ess
Art.'. APPL-CA0-L-T2
All ri*hts and bene<ts *ranted to workers )nder this
Code shall, e%cept as ma$ otherwise pro#ided
herein, appl$ alike to all workers, whether
a*ric)lt)ral or non4a*ric)lt)ral
*o "o-ernment Corporations
&on-applicabilit, to "o-t6 gencies
4 Ior .o%er!#e!t e#plo)ees are '!"er the Ci%il
Ser%i$e la
78o 0mplo,er-0mplo,ee 5elations#ip- #a) still
appl)+ pro%i"e" that the 7i!" o- iss'e i!%ol%e" is
Chapter :
Art.=. 1tatement of .b6ecti#es
Art.>. Transfer of Lands to Tenant4?orkers
Art.@ Determination of Land Aal)e
Art.1B. Conditions of .wnership
Art.11. -mplementin* A*enc$
4 The s'b1e$t o- a.raria! re-or# is .o%er!e"
pri!$ipall) b) R(A No( BBJ; 8Co#prehe!si%e
A.raria! Re-or# La o- 1CHH9
Art.1. 1TAT!C!NT ./ .0D!CT-A!1
-t is the polic$ of the 1tateE
&a( to promote and maintain a state of full
employment thr) impro#ed manpower trainin*,
allocation and )tili5ationF
&b( to protect every citizen desirin* to work
locall$ or o#erseas b$ sec)rin* for him the best
possible terms and condition of emplo$mentF
&c( To facilitate a free choice of a#ailable
emplo$ment b$ persons seekin* work in conformit$
with the national interestF
&d( To facilitate and re*)late the mo#ement of
workers in conformit$ with the national interestF
&e( To re*)late the emplo$ment of aliens, incl)din*
the establishment of a re*istration and;or work
permit s$stemF
&f( To stren*then the network of p)blic emplo$ment
oGces and rationali5e the participation of the
pri#ate sector in the recr)itment and placement of
workers, locall$ and o#erseas, to ser#e national
de#elopment ob6ecti#esF
&*( To ins)re caref)l selection of /ilipino workers for
o#erseas emplo$ment in order to protect he *ood
name of the Philippines abroad.
4 QOLE 8Qepart#e!t o- Labor a!" E#plo)#e!t9
pri#ar) respo!sibilities:
19 Pro#otio! o- .ai!-'l e#plo)#e!t opport'!ities
:9 The a"%a!$e#e!t o- or7erNs el-are
>9 The #ai!te!a!$e o- i!"'strial pea$e
Title I
Chapter I
1. 5ecruitment of 9ocal and 4igrant 7or%ers
1.1. 5ecruitment and placement:
Art !" #e$nitions%%%%%
&b( HRecruitment and placementH refers
to an$ act of can#assin*, enlistin*, contractin*,
transportin*, )tili5in*, hirin* or proc)rin* workers,
and incl)des referrals, contract ser#ices, promisin*
or ad#ertisin* for emplo$ment, locall$ or abroad,
whether for pro<t or notE Pro#ided, That an$
person or entit$ which, in an$ manner, o"ers or
promises for a fee, emplo$ment to two or more
persons shall be deemed en*a*ed in recr)itment
and placement.
sai" "e<!itio! as i!terprete" i! People #s Panis
r)lin* that the !'#ber o- perso!s is !ot a!
esse!tial i!.re"ie!t o- the a$t o- re$r'it#e!t a!"
pla$e#e!t o- or7ers( The pres'#ptio! is that the
i!"i%i"'al or e!tit) is e!.a.e" i! re$r'it#e!t a!"
pla$e#e!t he!e%er he or it is "eali!. ih to or
#ore perso!s to ho# i! $o!si"eratio! o- a -ee+ a!
o5er or pro#ise o- e#plo)#e!t is #a"e i! the
$o'rse o- D$a!%assi!.+ e!listi!.+ $o!tra$ti!.+
tra!sporti!. 'tili,i!.+ hiri!. or pro$'ri!. o-
or7ers( The !'#ber o- or7ers "ealt ith is !ot
a! esse!tial i!.re"ie!t i! the a$t o- re$r'it#e!t
a!" pla$e#e!t o- or7ers(
I! People #s :oce, to pro%e that a$$'se" as
e!.a.e" i! re$r'it#e!t a$ti%ities+ it #'st be sho!
that the a$$'sse" .a%e the $o#plai!a!t the
i#pressio! that she ha" the abilit) to se!" the
$o#plai!a!t abroa" -or or7+
Art. 17 !CPL.2C!NT P,.C.T-.N
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e >
Art 18. 09,!A9 ./ !CPL.2C!NT 1!,A-C!1
Art 1J re*'ires QOLE to pro#ote e#plo)#e!t
opport'!ities( Pe!$e+ the 5( a.e!$ies are tas7 to
attai! this .oal:
19 PRPA 8Pri%ate Re$r'it#e!t a!" Pla$e#e!t
A.e!$)9 2 e!tit) e!.a.e" i! the re$r'it#e!t
a!" pla$e#e!t o- perso!s -or lo$al
:9 PESO 8P'bli$ E#plo)#e!t Ser%i$e O6$e9 2
i!te!"e" to ser%e as e#plo)#e!t ser%i$e a!"
i!-or#atio! $e!ter i! its area o- operatio!
Art 1'. P,-AAT! ,!C,9-TC!NT. !%cept a pro#ided
in Chapter -- of this title, no person or entit$ other
than p)blic emplo$ment oGces, shall en*a*e in
the recr)itment and placement of workers.
A'thori,e" e!tities:
a( p'bli$ e#plo)#e!t o6$es
b( pri%ate re$r'it#e!t e!titiites
$( pri%ate e#plo)#e!t a.e!$ies
"( shippi!. or #a!!i!. a.e!ts or represe!tati%es
-( Co!str'$tio! $o!tra$ters a'thori,e" to operate
.( Me#bers o- "iplo#ati$ $orps
h( Other perso!s as #a) be a'thori,e" b) QOLE
Art 1=. .A!,1!A1!CPL.2C!NT D!A!L.PC!NT
P<0( <=05=!07 <+ !*S +)&C*!<&S &D
i!$l'"e the -or#'latio!+ i#ple#e!tatio! a!"
#o!itori!. o- poli$ies a!" pro.ra#s o! o%erseas
e#plo)#et o- Iilipi!o or7ers
POEA per-or#s administrati-e. regulator,
and enforcement as ell as li#ite" a"1'"i$ator)
The 0mplo,er-0mplo,ee relations cases
tra!s-erre" to NLRC
4 It $o!sists o- all $lai#s arisi!. o't o-
e#plo)er4e#plo)ee relatio!ship
1( Violatio! o- the ter#s a!" $o!"itio!s o-
:( Qisp'tes relati!. to i#ple#e!tatio! o-
e#plo)#e!t $o!tra$ts
>( Mo!e) $lai# o- e#plo)ers!st their
e#plo)ers a!" "'l) a'thori,e" a.a!ets i!
the Phils( Or %i$e %ersa
A( Clai#s -or "eath+ "isabilit) arisi!. o't o-
J( Violatio!sO!o! $o#plia!$e ith a!)
$o#pro#ise a.ree#e!t e!tere" i!to
/)5!SD!C*!<& 50*!&0D 7!*> P<0
1.2. !llegal 5ecruitment. rt. 38 19ocal2.
Sec. ?. 4igrant 7or%ers ct.
5 8042 : Labor Code
Art "& 'llegal recruitment
a An$ recr)itment acti#ities, incl)din* the
prohibited practices en)merated )nder Article +7
of this Code, to be )ndertaken b$ non4licensees or
non4holders of a)thorit$, shall be deemed ille*al
and p)nishable )nder Article +@ of this Code. The
Department of Labor and !mplo$ment or an$ law
enforcement oGcer ma$ initiate complaints )nder
this Article.
b -lle*al recr)itment when committed b$
a s$ndicate or in lar*e scale shall be considered an
o"ense in#ol#in* economic sabota*e and shall be
penali5ed in accordance with Article +@ hereof.
-lle*al recr)itment is deemed committed b$ a
s$ndicate if carried o)t b$ a *ro)p of three &+( or
more persons conspirin* and;or confederatin* with
one another in carr$in* o)t an$ )nlawf)l or ille*al
transaction, enterprise or scheme de<ned )nder
the <rst para*raph hereof. -lle*al recr)itment is
deemed committed in lar*e scale if committed
a*ainst three &+( or more persons indi#id)all$ or as
a *ro)p.
c The 1ecretar$ of Labor and !mplo$ment
or his d)l$ a)thori5ed representati#es shall ha#e
the power to ca)se the arrest and detention of
s)ch non4licensee or non4holder of a)thorit$ if after
in#esti*ation it is determined that his acti#ities
constit)te a dan*er to national sec)rit$ and p)blic
order or will lead to f)rther e%ploitation of 6ob4
seekers. The 1ecretar$ shall order the search of
the oGce or premises and sei5)re of doc)ments,
paraphernalia, properties and other implements
)sed in ille*al recr)itment acti#ities and the
clos)re of companies, establishments and entities
fo)nd to be en*a*ed in the recr)itment of workers
for o#erseas emplo$ment, witho)t ha#in* been
licensed or a)thori5ed to do so.
seeE Se$( B+ RA HLA:
1.2.1. 9icense -s. ut#orit,
Art !" #e$nitions %%%
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e A
&D P9C040&*
A!) a$t o- $a!%assi!.+ e!listi!.+
$o!tra$ti!.+ tra!sporti!.+ 'tili,i!.+
hiri!.+ or pro$'ri!. or7ers+
A!" i!$l'"es re-errals+ $o!tra$t ser%i$es+
pro#isi!. or a"%ertisi!. -or
e#plo)#e!t+ lo$all) or abroa"+ hether
-or pro<t or !ot(
9!C0&S0 Qo$'#e!t iss'e" b) QOLE a'thori,i!. a
perso!Oe!tit) to operate a pri%ate -ee4
$har.i!. a.e!$) Ert. 131c2 a!" 1d2+
)*><5!*@ Qo$'#e!t a'thori,i!. a
perso!Oasso$iatio! to e!.a.e i!
re$r'it#e!t a!" pla$e#e!t a$ti%ities as
a pri%ate re$r'it#e!t e!tit)+ i.e.+ !ot -or
a -ee( Ert. 131f2G
&d( HLicenseH means a doc)ment iss)ed b$
the Department of Labor a)thori5in* a person or
entit$ to operate a pri#ate emplo$ment a*enc$.
&f( HAuthorityH means a doc)ment iss)ed
b$ the Department of Labor a)thori5in* a person
or association to en*a*e in recr)itment and
placement acti#ities as a pri#ate recr)itment
&<*0S :
It sho'l" be !ote" that the "e<!itio! o-
Dre$r'it#e!t a!" pla$e#e!tF i! Art( 1>8b9+ "oes
!ot #a7e a!) o- the ele%e! 8119 a$ts e!'#erate"
therei! per se( What #a7es it a $ase o- re$r'it#e!t is he! a!) o- sai" re$r'it#e!t
a$ti%ities are Dunderta%en b, non-licensees or
non-#olders of aut#orit,F( Ert. 381a2G S'$h
that a! e#plo)ee+ ho i!tro"'$es a! appli$a!t to
o!er4e#plo)er a.e!$)+ $o##itte" a! a$t o-
re-erral+ a Dre$r'it#e!t a$ti%it)F( There is a!
re$r'it#e!t he! o!e .i%es the i#pressio! o-
ha%i!. the abilit) to se!" a or7er abroa"(
E(eople vs )oce, 243 SC5 380. 389 1199A2G
A !o!4li$e!see #ea!s a perso!+ $orporatio! or
e!tit) to hi$h the labor se$retar) has !ot iss'e" a
%ali" li$e!se or a'thorit) to e!.a.e i! re$r'it#e!t
a!" pla$e#e!tK or hose li$e!se or a'thorit) has
bee! s'spe!"e"+ re%o7e"+ or $a!$elle" b) the
POEA or the labor se$retar)( A li$e!see a'thori,es
a perso! or a! e!tit) to operate a pri%ate
e#plo)#e!t a.e!$)+ hile a'thorit) is .i%e! to
those e!.a.e" i! re$r'it#e!t a!" pla$e#e!t
a$ti%ities( ERodolfo vs (eople, ".5. &o.
14?9?4. ugust 10. 200?G
Whe! a perso! or e!tit)+ i! a!) #a!!er+ o5ers
or pro#ises -or a -ee e#plo)#e!t to to or #ore
perso!s+ that perso! or e!tit) shall be "ee#e"
e!.a.e" i! re$r'it#e!t a!" pla$e#e!t( E(eople
vs Laogo, ".5. &o. 13?2?4. /anuar, 10. 2011.
Aillarama, D.G
1.2.2. 0ssential elements of illegal
Esse!tial Ele#e!ts o- Re$r'it#e!t
819O5e!"er is:
8a9 a !o!4li$e!see or a !o!4hol"er
o- a'thorit)K or
8b9 a li$e!see or hol"er o- a'thorit)K
8:98a9 No!4li$e!seeO!o!4hol"er o- a'thorit)
$o##its a!) o- the :A i!-ra$tio!s 811 i! Art( 1>8b9+
a!" 1> i! Se$( B+ RA HLA:9
8b9Li$e!seeOhol"er o- a'thorit) $o##its a!) o- the
1A i!-ra$tio!s '!"er Se$( B+ RA HLA:(
1.2.3. Simple illegal recruitment re$r'it#e!t #a) be $o##itte" he! a
!o!4li$e!see or a !o!4hol"er o- a'thorit) per-or#s
a!) o- the 11 a$ts o- re$r'it#e!t a!" pla$e#e!t
'!"er Art( 1>8b9 o- the Labor Co"e( While Art( >A
#a7es a "isti!$tio! betee!:
8a9 Prohibite" pra$ti$es 2 he!
$o##itte" b) a li$e!see or hol"er o- a'thorit)K a!"
8b9 re$r'it#e!t 2 he! s'$h
prohibite" pra$ti$es ere $o##itte" b) a !o!4
li$e!see or !o!4hol"er o- a'thorit)(
RA HLA: re#o%e" this "isti!$tio! a!" re"e<!e" re$r'it#e!t as -ollos:
8a9 $har.i!. a! a#o'!t .reater tha!
that spe$i<e"K
8b9 p'blishi!. -alse !oti$e i! relatio! to
8$9 .i%i!. aa) -alse i!-or#atio! or a!)
a$t o- #isreprese!tatio! -or se$'ri!. a
8"9 i!"'$i!. a or7er to *'it prese!t
or7 i! pla$e o- a!other
0NLESS+ to -ree the or7er -ro# oppressi%e ter#s
a!" $o!"itio!sK
8e9 i!S'e!$i!. a!) perso!Oe!tit) !ot to
e#plo) a or7er ho has !ot applie" thro'.h the
-or#erNs a.e!$)K
8-9 re$r'iti!. or7ers i! 1obs that are
har#-'l to p'bli$ health or #oralit)K
8.9 obstr'$ti!. i!spe$tio! b) the
Se$retar) o- LaborK
8h9 -aili!. to <le reports as re*'ire" b)
the Se$retar)K
8i9 s'bstit'ti!. or alteri!. QOLE4
appro%e" e#plo)#e!t $o!tra$tsK
819 be$o#i!. a ?oar" #e#ber o- a
tra%el a.e!$)+ "ire$tl) or i!"ire$tl)K
879 ithhol"i!. appli$a!t or7erNs
tra%el "o$'#e!ts -or #o!etar) $o!si"eratio!sK
8l9 -aili!. to a$t'all) "eplo) a or7er
itho't a %ali" reaso!K a!"
8#9 i! $ase o- !o!4"eplo)#e!t o- or7er
itho't his -a'lt+ -aili!. to rei#b'rse e@pe!ses the
latter i!$'rre"(
!n sum+
a !o!4li$e!see $a! be .'ilt) o- :A re$r'it#e!t a$ts:
o 11 a$ts '!"er Art( 1>8b9
o 1> re$r'it#e!t a$ts
'!"er Se$( B+ RA HLA:
a li$e!see $a! be liable o!l) -or 1> re$r'it#e!tOprohibite" a$ts 8'!"er Se$( B+
RA HLA:9+ 0NLESS he $o!spires ith a !o!4li$e!see
i! the $o##issio! o- a!) o- the a$ts i! Art(
1.2.4. !llegal recruitment in large scale
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e J
95"0 SC90 S@&D!C*0
> or #ore -ictims > or #ore
conspirators re$r'it#e!t is a #atter o- e%i"e!$e(
E(eople vs (anis, 142 SC5 ??4 1198?2G re$r'it#e!t be$o#es Deconomic
sabotageF i-:
I- o!l) 1 %i$ti#+ the b'r"e! o- proo- is o! the
a$$'ser( ?'t i- there are : or #ore %i$ti#s+ the
a$$'se" is "isp'tabl) pres'#e" to ha%e $o##itte" re$r'it#e!t( ESec. ?. 5 8042. $ite" i!
(eople vs (anis, supraG
1.2.A. !llegal recruitment as economic
S*C+',- . #e$nition /%% %%%
&m( -lle*al recr)itment when committed b$ a
s$ndicate or in lar*e scale shall be considered an
o"ense in#ol#in* economic sabota*eF and
1.2.?. !llegal 5ecruitment -s. 0stafa
rt. 31A. S0indling 1estafa2( T A!) perso!
ho shall "e-ra'" a!other b) a!) o- the #ea!s
#e!tio!e" herei!belo shall be p'!ishe" b):
@@@ the -ra'" be $o##itte" b) a!) o- the -olloi!.
1( With '!-aith-'l!ess or ab'se o- $o!<"e!$e+ !a#el):
@@@ @@@ @@@
8b9 ?) #isappropriati!. or $o!%erti!.+ to the pre1'"i$e
o- a!other+ #o!e)+ .oo"s+ or a!) other perso!al
propert) re$ei%e" b) the o5e!"er i! tr'st or o!
$o##issio!+ or -or a"#i!istratio!+ or '!"er a!) other
obli.atio! i!%ol%i!. the "'t) to #a7e "eli%er) o- or to
ret'r! the sa#e+ e%e! tho'.h s'$h obli.atio! be totall)
or partiall) .'ara!tee" b) a bo!"K or b) "e!)i!. ha%i!.
re$ei%e" s'$h #o!e)+ .oo"s+ or other
@@@ @@@ @@@
:( ?) #ea!s o- a!) o- the -olloi!. -alse prete!ses or
-ra'"'le!t a$ts e@e$'te" prior to or si#'lta!eo'sl) ith
the $o##issio! o- the -ra'": 8a9 ?)
'si!. <$titio's !a#e+ or -alsel) prete!"i!. to possess
poer+ i!S'e!$e+ *'ali<$atio!s+ propert)+ $re"it+
a.e!$)+ b'si!ess or i#a.i!ar) tra!sa$tio!s+ or b)
#ea!s o- other si#ilar "e$eits(
A!) re$r'it#e!t a$ti%ities to be '!"erta7e! b)
!o!4li$e!see or !o!4hol"er o- $o!tra$ts shall be "ee#e" a!" p'!ishable '!"er Art( >C o- the Labor Co"e(
E(eople vs Jamilosa, A12 SC5 340 120032G
Abse!$e o- #o!e) or a!) %al'able $o!si"eratio!
as pa)#e!t -or ser%i$es o- the re$r'iter still $o!si"ers
the re$r'it#e!t '!"er Art( 1>8b9 o- the Labor
Co"e as re$r'it#e!t #a)be -or pro<t or !ot( E(eople
vs Jamilosa, supraG
1.2.3. 9iabilities
S0C*!<& 10. 3oney claims
The liabilit) o- the pri!$ipalOe#plo)er a!" the
re$r'it#e!tOpla$e#e!t a.e!$) -or a!) a!" all
$lai#s '!"er this se$tio! shall be 1oi!t a!"
se%eral( This pro%isio! shall be i!$orporate" i!
the $o!tra$t -or o%erseas e#plo)#e!t a!" shall
be a $o!"itio! pre$e"e!t -or its appro%al( The
per-or#a!$e bo!" to be <le" b) the
re$r'it#e!tOpla$e#e!t a.e!$)+ as pro%i"e" b)
la+ shall be a!serable -or all #o!e) $lai#s or
" that #a) be aar"e" to the or7ers( I-
the re$r'it#e!tOpla$e#e!t a.e!$) is a 1'ri"i$al
bei!.+ the $orporate o6$ers a!" "ire$tors a!"
part!ers as the $ase #a) be+ shall the#sel%es be
1oi!tl) a!" soli"aril) liable ith the $orporatio! or
part!ership -or the a-oresai" $lai#s a!"
S'$h liabilities shall $o!ti!'e "'ri!. the e!tire
perio" or "'ratio! o- the e#plo)#e!t $o!tra$t
a!" shall !ot be a5e$te" b) a!) s'bstit'tio!+
a#e!"#e!t or #o"i<$atio! #a"e lo$all) or i! a
-orei.! $o'!tr) o- the sai" $o!tra$t(
1a2 local emplo,ment agenc,
1b2 foreign emplo,er
*#eor, of imputed %no$ledge 4 The so4$alle"
theor) o- i#p'te" 7!ole".e+ that is+ 7!ole".e
o- the a.e!t is 7!ole".e o- the pri!$ipal( ENe
Li-e %s( CA+ G(R( No( CAL;1 Mar$h >1+ 1CC:G Ior
the liabilit) o- the a.e!t to atta$h+ this theor)
states that the a.e!t 7!e o- a!" $o!se!te" to
the e@te!sio! o- perio" o- e#plo)#e!t(
Otherise+ the liabilit) o- the re$r'it#e!t a.e!$)
shall e@pire -ro# the ter#i!atio! o- the or7erMs
ori.i!al $o!tra$t( ES0NACE INTERNATIONAL
/a!'ar) :J+ :LLB+ Carpio Morales+ /(G
1.2.8. Pre-termination of contract of
migrant $or%er
R'les o! Repatriatio! o- O%erseas Wor7ers
819 7it#out fault of t#e $or%er+ his
repatriatio! shall be bor!e b) the lo$al a.e!$)
a!"Oor pri!$ipal o%er the:
a( or7er a!" his perso!al belo!.i!.sK
b( re#ai!s o- the "e$ease" or7er a!" his
perso!al belo!.i!.s ESec. 1A. par. 1. 5 8042G
Repatriatio! "'e to the fault of migrant
$or%er shall be bor!e b) the #i.ra!t or7er(
ESec. 1A. par. 1. 5 8042G
Repatriatio! i! $ases o- $ar. epidemic.
disasters8calamities+ or other si#ilar e%e!ts
shall be bor!e b) OWWA+ itho't pre1'"i$e to
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e B
rei#b'rse#e!t b) the pri!$ipal or lo$al a.e!$)(
ESec. 1A. par.2. 5 8042G
8A9 Repatriatio! o- underage migrant $or%er shall
be #a!"ator) 'po! "is$o%er)+ "o!e b) the
respo!sible o6$ers o- the -orei.! ser%i$e here
the '!"era.e #i.ra!t or7er is -o'!"( ESec. 1?.
5 8042G
8J9 Repatriatio! o- seafarerT
POEA Me#o Cir$'lar No( JJ4CB pro%i"es that a
sea#a! $a! be repatriate" $it#out cause i- the
%essel arri%es at a $o!%e!ie!t port ithi! >
#o!ths be-ore the e@piratio! o- his $o!tra$t+
')* o!l) 'po! pa)#e!t o-:
a( all his ear!e" a.esK
b( lea%e pa) -or the entire $o!tra$tK
$( termination pa, of 1 mont# basic
salar,. !+ seaman #as at least 10 mont#s
original contract. B(CL Shipping (hils vs
-LRC, ".5. &o. 1A3031. December 14. 200?.
Austria%3artinez, JC
1.3. Direct #iring
Art !& 4an on direct%hiring No emplo$er
ma$ hire a /ilipino worker for o#erseas
emplo$ment e%cept thro)*h the 0oards and
entities a)thori5ed b$ the 1ecretar$ of Labor.
Direct4hirin* b$ members of the diplomatic
corps, international or*ani5ations and s)ch other
emplo$ers as ma$ be allowed b$ the 1ecretar$ of
Labor is e/empted from this pro#ision.
2. 5egulation and 0nforcement
Art !. (rivate recruitment !%cept as
pro#ided in Chapter -- of this Title, no person or
entit$ other than the p)blic emplo$ment oGces,
shall en*a*e in the recr)itment and placement of
Art 56 (rivate sector participation in the
recruitment and placement of 0or7ers
P)rs)ant to national de#elopment ob6ecti#es and
in order to harness and ma%imi5e the )se of
pri#ate sector reso)rces and initiati#e in the
de#elopment and implementation of a
comprehensi#e emplo$ment pro*ram, the
pri#ate emplo$ment sector shall participate in
the recr)itment and placement of workers,
locall$ and o#erseas, )nder s)ch *)idelines,
r)les and re*)lations as ma$ be iss)ed b$ the
1ecretar$ of Labor.
Art 5. +ravel agencies prohibited to
recruit Tra#el a*encies and sales a*encies of
airline companies are prohibited from en*a*in*
in the b)siness of recr)itment and placement of
workers for o#erseas emplo$ment whether for
pro<t or not.
Art 58 Citizenship re9uirement ,nly
:ilipino citizens or corporations,
partnerships or entities at least seventy%
$ve percent 186;2 of the authorized and
voting capital stoc7 of 0hich is o0ned and
controlled by :ilipino citizens shall be
permitted to participate in the recruitment
and placement of 0or7ers, locally or
Art 5& Capitalization All applicants
for a)thorit$ to hire or renewal of license to
recr)it are re3)ired to ha#e s)ch s)bstantial
capitali5ation as determined b$ the 1ecretar$ of
Art 5< -on%transferability of
license or authority No license or a)thorit$
shall be )sed directl$ or indirectl$ b$ an$ person
other than the one in whose fa#or it was iss)ed
or at an$ place other than that stated in the
license or a)thorit$ be transferred, con#e$ed or
assi*ned to an$ other person or entit$. An$
transfer of b)siness address, appointment or
desi*nation of an$ a*ent or representati#e
incl)din* the establishment of additional oGces
an$where shall be s)b6ect to the prior appro#al
of the Department of Labor.
Art "= Registration fees The
1ecretar$ of Labor shall prom)l*ate a sched)le
of fees for the re*istration of all applicants for
license or a)thorit$.
Art "! 4onds All applicants for license
or a)thorit$ shall post s)ch cash and s)ret$
bonds as determined b$ the 1ecretar$ of Labor
to *)arantee compliance with prescribed
recr)itment proced)res, r)les and re*)lations,
and terms and conditions of emplo$ment as ma$
be appropriate.
Art "5 :ees to be paid by 0or7ers
An$ person appl$in* with a pri#ate fee4char*in*
emplo$ment a*enc$ for emplo$ment assistance
shall not be char*ed an$ fee )ntil he has
obtained emplo$ment thro)*h its e"orts or has
act)all$ commenced emplo$ment. 1)ch fee shall
be alwa$s co#ered with the appropriate receipt
clearl$ showin* the amo)nt paid. The 1ecretar$
of Labor shall prom)l*ate a sched)le of
allowable fees.
Art "" Reports on employment
status ?hene#er the p)blic interest re3)ires,
the 1ecretar$ of Labor ma$ direct all persons or
entities within the co#era*e of this Title to
s)bmit a report on the stat)s of emplo$ment,
incl)din* 6ob #acancies, details of 6ob
re3)isitions, separation from 6obs, wa*es, other
terms and conditions and other emplo$ment
2.1. 5emittance of foreign eDc#ange
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e ;
Art 55 3andatory remittance of foreign
e/change earnings -t shall be mandator$ for
all /ilipino workers abroad to remit a portion of
their forei*n e%chan*e earnin*s to their families,
dependents, and;or bene<ciaries in the co)ntr$
in accordance with r)les and re*)lations
prescribed b$ the 1ecretar$ of Labor.
2.2. Pro#ibited acti-ities
Art "> (rohibited practices -t shall
be )nlawf)l for an$ indi#id)al, entit$, licensee, or
holder of a)thorit$E
&a( To char*e or accept, directl$ or
indirectl$, an$ amo)nt *reater than that
speci<ed in the sched)le of allowable fees
prescribed b$ the 1ecretar$ of Labor, or to make
a worker pa$ an$ amo)nt *reater than that
act)all$ recei#ed b$ him as a loan or ad#anceF
&b( To f)rnish or p)blish an$ false
notice or information or doc)ment in relation to
recr)itment or emplo$mentF
&c( To *i#e an$ false notice,
testimon$, information or doc)ment or commit
an$ act of misrepresentation for the p)rpose of
sec)rin* a license or a)thorit$ )nder this Code.
&d( To ind)ce or attempt to ind)ce a
worker alread$ emplo$ed to 3)it his emplo$ment
in order to o"er him to another )nless the
transfer is desi*ned to liberate the worker from
oppressi#e terms and conditions of emplo$mentF
&e( To inI)ence or to attempt to
inI)ence an$ person or entit$ not to emplo$ an$
worker who has not applied for emplo$ment
thro)*h his a*enc$F
&f( To en*a*e in the recr)itment or
placement of workers in 6obs harmf)l to p)blic
health or moralit$ or to the di*nit$ of the
,ep)blic of the PhilippinesF
&*( To obstr)ct or attempt to
obstr)ct inspection b$ the 1ecretar$ of Labor or
b$ his d)l$ a)thori5ed representati#esF
&h( To fail to <le reports on the
stat)s of emplo$ment, placement #acancies,
remittance of forei*n e%chan*e earnin*s,
separation from 6obs, depart)res and s)ch other
matters or information as ma$ be re3)ired b$
the 1ecretar$ of Labor.
&i( To s)bstit)te or alter
emplo$ment contracts appro#ed and #eri<ed b$
the Department of Labor from the time of act)al
si*nin* thereof b$ the parties )p to and incl)din*
the periods of e%piration of the same witho)t the
appro#al of the 1ecretar$ of LaborF
&6( To become an oGcer or member
of the 0oard of an$ corporation en*a*ed in tra#el
a*enc$ or to be en*a*ed directl$ or indirectl$ in
the mana*ement of a tra#el a*enc$F and
&k( To withhold or den$ tra#el
doc)ments from applicant workers before
depart)re for monetar$ or <nancial
considerations other than those a)thori5ed )nder
this Code and its implementin* r)les and
2.3. 5egulator, and -isitorial po$ers of
t#e 9abor Secretar,
Art !> *mployment promotion The
1ecretar$ of Labor shall ha#e the power and
&a( To or*ani5e and establish new
emplo$ment oGces in addition to the e%istin*
emplo$ment oGces )nder the Department of
Labor as the need arisesF
&b( To or*ani5e and establish a nationwide
6ob clearance and information s$stem to inform
applicants re*isterin* with a partic)lar
emplo$ment oGce of 6ob opport)nities in other
parts of the co)ntr$ as well as 6ob opport)nities
&c( To de#elop and or*ani5e a
pro*ram that will facilitate occ)pational,
ind)strial and *eo*raphical mobilit$ of labor and
pro#ide assistance in the relocation of workers
from one area to anotherF and
&d( To re3)ire an$ person,
establishment, or*ani5ation or instit)tion to
s)bmit s)ch emplo$ment information as ma$ be
prescribed b$ the 1ecretar$ of Labor.
Art ". Regulatory po0er The
1ecretar$ of Labor shall ha#e the power to
restrict and re*)late the recr)itment and
placement acti#ities of all a*encies within the
co#era*e of this Title and is hereb$ a)thori5ed to
iss)e orders and prom)l*ate r)les and
re*)lations to carr$ o)t the ob6ecti#es and
implement the pro#isions of this Title.
Art "8 ?isitorial (o0er The
1ecretar$ of Labor or his d)l$ a)thori5ed
representati#es ma$, at an$ time, inspect the
premises, books of acco)nts and records of an$
person or entit$ co#ered b$ this Title, re3)ire it
to s)bmit reports re*)larl$ on prescribed forms,
and act on #iolation of an$ pro#isions of this
The S'pre#e Co'rt "e$lare" Art( >H+
par( 8$9 '!$o!stit'tio!al a!" !'ll a!" %oi"+
stati!. that o!l) a 1'".e #a) iss'e arra!ts o-
sear$h a!" arrest( EHortencia Salazar vs
+omas # Achacoso and :erdie 3ar9uez,
".5. &o. 81A10. 4arc# 14. 1990G
2.4. Penalties for illegal recruitment
Art "6 Suspension and@or cancellation of
license or authority The Cinister of Labor shall
ha#e the power to s)spend or cancel an$ license
or a)thorit$ to recr)it emplo$ees for o#erseas
emplo$ment for #iolation of r)les and re*)lations
iss)ed b$ the Cinistr$ of Labor, the .#erseas
!mplo$ment De#elopment 0oard, or for #iolation
of the pro#isions of this and other applicable
laws, :eneral .rders and Letters of -nstr)ctions.
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e H
Art "< (enalties
&a( The penalt$ of life imprisonment
and a <ne of .ne J)ndred Tho)sand Pesos
&P1BBB,BBB.BB( shall be imposed if ille*al
recr)itment constit)tes economic sabota*e as
de<ned hereinF
&b( An$ licensee or holder of
a)thorit$ fo)nd #iolatin* or ca)sin* another to
#iolate an$ pro#ision of this Title or its
implementin* r)les and re*)lations shall, )pon
con#iction thereof, s)"er the penalt$ of
imprisonment of not less than two $ears nor
more than <#e $ears or a <ne of not less than
P1B,BBB nor more than P8B,BBB, or both s)ch
imprisonment and <ne, at the discretion of the
&c( An$ person who is neither a
licensee nor a holder of a)thorit$ )nder this Title
fo)nd #iolatin* an$ pro#ision thereof or its
implementin* r)les and re*)lations shall, )pon
con#iction thereof, s)"er the penalt$ of
imprisonment of not less than fo)r $ears nor
more than ei*ht $ears or a <ne of not less than
PB,BBB nor more than P1BB,BBB or both s)ch
imprisonment and <ne, at the discretion of the
&d( -f the o"ender is a corporation,
partnership, association or entit$, the penalt$
shall be imposed )pon the oGcer or oGcers of
the corporation, partnership, association or
entit$ responsible for #iolationF and if s)ch
oGcer is an alien, he shall, in addition to the
penalties herein prescribed, be deported witho)t
f)rther proceedin*sF
&e( -n e#er$ case, con#iction shall
ca)se and carr$ the a)tomatic re#ocation of the
license or a)thorit$ and all the permits and
pri#ile*es *ranted to s)ch person or entit$ )nder
this Title, and the forfeit)re of the cash and
s)ret$ bonds in fa#or of the .#erseas
!mplo$ment De#elopment 0oard or the National
1eamen 0oard, as the case ma$ be, both of
which are a)thori5ed to )se the same e%cl)si#el$
to promote their ob6ecti#es.
a9 Li$e!si!. o- a!" A"#i!istrati%e Co#plai!ts!st Re$r'it#e!t A.e!$ies
* "0&C@
to <le:
POEA Qire$tor o-
Li$e!si!. 3
Re.'lator) O6$e
8LRO9+ hi$h o6$e
is '!"er the i!. o-
the Qep't)
A"#i!istrator -or
A"1'"i$atio! a!"
POEA Qire$tor o-
4 ?LE $op)
-'r!ishe" o- all
Or"ers -or
POEA Qire$tor o-
0EC0P*. i! $ase o- !990"9 50C5)!*40&*:
1 0!"er the POEA R'les o! O%erseas La!"4base"
E#plo)#e!t 8:LL:9+ both the POEA
A"#i!istrator a!" QOLE!al Qire$tor has
the poer to iss'e a CLOS0RE ORQER!st a!
erri!. o%erseas re$r'it#e!t a!" #a!!i!.
2 ')*. 0!"er the !e O#!ib's R'les I#ple#e!ti!.
RA 1LL:: 8a#e!"#e!t to RA HLA:9+ it is t#e
P<0 dministrator $#o #as t#e aut#orit,
to issue a C9<S)50 <5D05 'po! preli#i!ar)
<!"i!. o- .'ilt!st a! o%erseas re$r'it#e!t
a.e!$)( ESe$( 11G
Prior to the iss'a!$e o- a CLOS0RE ORQER+ a!
i!%esti.atio! ta7es pla$e hereb) the P<0
dministrator ma, issue a pre-enti-e
suspension 'po! the re$o##e!"atio! o- the
POEA Qire$tor o- LRO( ESe$( C+ O#!ib's R'les
i#ple#e!ti!. RA 1LL::G
Clos're Or"er #a) be lifted upon ;ling a 4otion
before t#e P<0 Director o- LRO+ hi$h #otio! shall
be resol-ed b, t#e P<0 dministrator( ESe$( 1H+
O#!ib's R'les I#ple#e!ti!. RA 1LL::G
b9 Cri#i!al Co#plai!ts i!%ol%i!. Mi.ra!t Wor7ers
!990"9 50C5)!*40&* S 0C<&<4!C S'<*"0
!llegal recruitment in large scale 2 i- committed
a*ainst three or #ore perso!s i!"i%i"'all) or as a .ro'p(
!llegal recruitment b, a s,ndicate 4 i- carried o)t b$
a .ro'p o- three or #ore perso!s $o!spiri!. a!"Oor
$o!-e"erati!. ith o!e a!other(
Whe! o!l) o!e $o#plai!a!t <le" i!"i%i"'al $o#plai!ts+
there is no re$r'it#e!t i! lar.e s$ale ')* the
three $o!spiri!. re$r'iters $a! be hel" .'ilt) o-
re$r'it#e!t b) a s)!"i$ate( EPeople %s( Per!a!"e,+ R(
Rei$hl+ a!" Y(G( "e Rei$hl+ G(R( Nos( 1A1::14>B+ Mar$h ;+
Where re$r'it#e!t is pro%e" b't the ele#e!ts o-
Dlar.e s$aleF or Ds)!"i$ateF are abse!t+ the a$$'se" $a!
be $o!%i$te" o!l) o- FsimpleG illegal recruitment.
=0&)0( The 5*C o- the pro%i!$e or $it) here the
o5e!se as $o##itte" or here the o5e!"e" part)
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e C
a$t'all) resi"es at the ti#e o- the $o##issio! o- the
?VTC4 Labor La Pa.e 1L

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