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Stakeholder Value Workbook: John Latham PHD Founder - Organization Design Studio, LTD

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Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value


Founder | Organization Design Studio, Ltd.

Version 18.11.20

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

You Are Here

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved


The first step is to understand the key concepts. Then you are ready to apply the
concepts to your organization and assess how well your organization is doing
incorporating those concepts. The next step is to identify what you as a leader need
to do to help improve the application and deployment of these concepts in your
organization. Finally, reflect on what you have learned and develop your action

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

List of Worksheets
● Stakeholder Value Notes (2-1-1
● Stakeholder Map (2-2-1)
● Stakeholder Requirements (2-2-2)
● Stakeholder Listening Methods (2-2-3)
● Stakeholder Empathy Profile (2-2-4)
● Stakeholder System Diagram (2-2-5)
● Stakeholder Value – Quantitative Assessment (2-3-1)
● Stakeholder Value – Qualitative Assessment (2-3-2)
● Stakeholder Value Leadership Style (2-4-1)
● Stakeholder Value Leadership Activities (2-4-2)
● Stakeholder Value – Leadership Assessment (2-4-3)
● Stakeholder Value Leadership Improvement Plan (2-4-4)
● Stakeholder Value Reflection Questions (2-5-1-1, -2, and -3)
● Stakeholder Value Reflection (2-5-2)
● Stakeholder Value Action Plan “Logic” (2-5-3)
● Stakeholder Value Action Plan (2-5-4)
● Stakeholder Value Journal (2-5-5).

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Introduction An underlying assumption is

that sustainable excellence
There are six key stakeholder
groups. For any given
requires the creation of value organization these can be
for ALL key stakeholders. In segmented into sub-categories
other words, designing an with different needs, wants, and
organization that creates desires.
“Win-Win” for all stakeholders
vs. taking from one to serve Workforce
another. The good news is a
zero-sum game of trade-offs is Depending on the type of
not needed to create value for organization the workforce
multiple stakeholders. High stakeholders could be
performing organizations take a employees, volunteers,
systems approach to design that contractors, or partners.
focuses on developing a
workforce that creates and Customers
delivers great products and
services that result in satisfied Depending on the type of
customers who buy more organization the customers
(repeat business) and tell their might be paying recipients of
friends (referral business) which products and services, primary
improves the top line making the beneficiaries of non-profit or
investors happy. Also, systems government services, patients,
thinking has also enabled or students.
designs that create value for
other key stakeholders such as
suppliers and partners, society
and the environment.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Investors stakeholders in many aspects of

organization operations.
For-profit investors provide
capital and expect a monetary Natural Environment
return on their investment.
Non-profit investors (a.k.a. Finally, the environment and
donors) provide capital and future generations find a voice
expect the most benefit to the in the other five stakeholders
primary beneficiaries of the and public policy and regulation.
non-profit services. Government
investors (a.k.a. taxpayers) The focus on stakeholder needs
provide capital and expect the and relationships helps provide
best government services for a common alignment point for
the least amount of tax burden. the strategy, execution and
learning and innovation. Also, a
Suppliers and Partners systems perspective combined
with design thinking provide the
Inputs to the organization are basis for organization designs
provided from a variety of that create value for multiple
external organizations from stakeholders. An Empathy Map
component product suppliers to is a useful tool to capture the
partners that share both risk and needs, challenges, etc. of the
reward. stakeholders.

Community Enjoy the journey!

The public and local

communities in which the
organization operates are

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

The Book

Begin by reading Chapter 2 - Stakeholder


This workbook will help you apply the

concepts in Chapter 2 to improve your
organization and your leadership.

If you don’t have a copy of the book you can

read Chapter 2 online at:

NOTE - You have to be signed in to access

the page.

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“Never delegate understanding.”

Charles Eames

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Key Concepts

Chapter 2 - Stakeholder Value

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Objectives Activities
Understand the concepts, components, and Video
relationships of Stakeholder Value and how they
contribute to leadership and organization Watch the Stakeholder Value - Key Concepts
[re]design for sustainable excellence. Video

NOTE - You have to be signed in to access the

page and watch the video.


Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value Notes


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Stakeholder Value - Notes

Key Concepts Notes


Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Learn and Improve Compelling Directive Focused Strategy

Stakeholder feedback The needs of stakeholder Strategies are developed to

informs the leaning and segments inform the choices address the unique needs,
improvement processes. made when developing the wants, and desires of the
mission and vision. individual segments.

Align Coach Appreciate E3 People

Stakeholder needs inform Workforce segment needs

Purposes the behaviors we need to
Stakeholder Value inform the plans, systems,
and practices to enable,
Why stakeholder value? empower, and engage.

What roles does stakeholder

value play in your journey to
sustainable excellence?
Org Performance Review Comp Scorecard [Re]Design Systems

Stakeholder needs inform Stakeholders are integrated The needs of the stakeholder
the analysis of the into the design of the segments inform the design
comprehensive scorecard measures, data collection, of the systems, products,
results and outcomes. organization, and analysis. and processes.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved


Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Investors
System Risk

Resources Natural Revenue

Resources Decision
Suppliers Operations
Products Benefits Customers
& Inputs: Services
Partners Materials
Information Purchase
Effort and Decision
Collaboration Engagement

Relationship Society &

Members of

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Identify and
Identify Needs,
Segment Uses
Wants, Desires

Focus Groups
1 on 1 Interactions
• Mission and
Social Media Vision

and Learning • Customers

Empathy Maps • Strategy
Methods • Workforce
• Suppliers and
• Product
High performing organizations Partners Quantitative:
use a variety of qualitative and • Product
• Investors Surveys
quantitative methods to Improvement
Purchase Patterns
understand the stakeholder • Society and Repeat Business • Process
needs and requirements. Communities Referral Business Improvement
• Natural • Workforce
Environment Development
• Supplier
External Sources: Improvement
Media & Analysts
Activists Groups

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Input Processing Action

Empathy Experiences Head + Heart Behavior


What People See What People Think What People Do

What People Hear What People Feel What People Say

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved


Chapter 2 - Stakeholder Value

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Objectives Activities
Apply the key Stakeholder Value concepts to Video
your particular organization using the
downloadable Worksheets. Watch the Stakeholder Value - Application Video

1. Identity the key stakeholder groups and

sub-groups for each of the six stakeholder /2-stakeholder-value/2-2-application/
2. Identify the requirements for each Worksheets
stakeholder group and sub-group.
3. Identify the listening methods for each ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Map
stakeholder group and sub-group. (2-2-1)

4. Develop an Empathy Profile for a key ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder

stakeholder group. Requirements (2-2-2)

5. Develop a Stakeholder System diagram. ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder

Listening Methods (2-2-3)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder
Empathy Profile (2-2-4)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder
System Diagram (2-2-5)

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Map - Instructions

Investors Society & Community Natural Environment

5. What communities and 6. What aspects of the

4. Who are the investors, aspects of society have a natural environment are
donors, or taxpayers? stake in your operations impacted by your
and products? operations and products?

Suppliers & Partners Workforce Customers

3. Who works with you or 2. Who works to produce 1. Who are the primary
provides products and the products, services, users and beneficiaries of
services to help you and support for the your products, services,
operate? customers? etc.?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Map - Example

Investors Society & Community Natural Environment

Donors Communities Wildlife Land
Taxpayers Water
near facilities

Members of
Private Stockholders society in Air / Plants /
Owners general Atmosphere Agriculture

Suppliers & Partners Workforce Customers

Material and Frontline Product /

Partners who component Production
Customer Service Users
are integral to suppliers Service

Administration Patients Students

Professional and Staff
Services Research and

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Map.

2. Identify the stakeholder groups and sub-groups for each of the six sections in the
worksheet by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your Stakeholder groups and sub-groups that you identified to your
colleagues, boss, and subordinates and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Map - Worksheet

Investors Society & Community Natural Environment

Suppliers & Partners Workforce Customers

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Requirements - Instructions

Stakeholder Requirements

Identify the
What does this stakeholder segment want?
What influences their initial decision (e.g., purchase)?
What influences their decisions to repeat or stay?
Segment from
What influences their decision to refer?
the map

Repeat the process answering the same four questions until all
stakeholder segments are addressed

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Requirements - Example

Stakeholder Requirements

Zero Defects Delivery
Features and
Customer Appearance
Functions Responsive
“Menu” Customer
Durable +
Reliable Service

Workforce Training + Pay and Working

Leadership +
Segment Development Benefits conditions +

Responsive to
Suppliers & Clear Timely issues and
Partners expectations payment of challenges

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Requirements - Example

Stakeholder Requirements

Expected Reasonable Most impact Most impact

Investors return on risks for the for donor $$ for taxpayer
investment return $$

Jobs and Product and Well-being of

Society &
Economic $$$ Operations citizens
Flow Safety

Energy Usage
Carbon Energy Waste and
Natural and
Footprint Sources Recycling
Environment Efficiency

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Requirements Worksheet.

2. Identify the requirements for each key stakeholder group and sub-group by yourself or with
your group.
3. Present and explain your stakeholder requirements that you identified to your colleagues,
boss, and subordinates and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Requirements - Worksheet

Stakeholder Requirements

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Stakeholder Listening Methods - Examples

Stakeholder Listening Method Frequency Users Uses

Marketing Product
Customers Surveys Annual
R& D Development

Purchase Marketing Product

Customers Monthly
Patterns R& D Development

Repeat Marketing Product

Customers Continuous
Business R& D Improvement

Referral Marketing Product

Customers Continuous
Business R& D Development

Media Leadership Strategy

Investors Monthly
& Analysts Team Development

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Listening Methods Worksheet.

2. Identify the listening methods, frequency, users and uses for each key stakeholder group
and sub-group yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain the listening methods that you identified to your colleagues, boss, and
subordinates and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Listening Methods - Worksheet

Stakeholder Listening Method Frequency Users Uses

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Empathy Profile - Instructions

See Think Do

What do you SEE other

Based on your THINKING
people doing at work What do you THINK about
and FEELINGS about what
(boss, coworkers, what you SEE and HEAR at
you SEE and HEAR what
customers, competitors, work?
do you DO?

Hear Feel Say

What do you HEAR other Based on your THINKING

How do you FEEL about
people say at work (boss, and FEELINGS about what
what you SEE and HEAR at
coworkers, customers, you SEE and HEAR what
competitors, etc.? do you SAY?

Issues & Challenges Aspirations & Goals ???

What are your biggest What do you NEED in

What didn’t I ask about
FEARS, FRUSTRATIONS, order to achieve your
that I should have or you
and CHALLENGES at GOALS and succeed in the
wish I had?
work? future?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

When asking the questions in the Empathy Profile pick a particular context to help “frame” their
thinking and use that frame throughout the interview. For example, if you are working on a new
expense reimbursement process you can ”set the stage” by asking them to think about the last
time they filed an expense report.

1. Download the editable version of the Empathy Profile Worksheet and the Facilitators
2. Identify a representative from a key stakeholder group to interview and complete the
empathy profile by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your empathy map to your colleagues, boss, and subordinates and get
their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Empathy Profile - Worksheet

See Think Do

Hear Feel Say

Issues & Challenges Aspirations & Goals ???

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder System Diagram


Resources Natural Revenue

Resources Decision
Suppliers Operations
Products Benefits Customers
& Inputs: Services
Partners Materials
Information Purchase
Effort and Decision
Collaboration Engagement

Relationship Society &

Members of

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder System Diagram Worksheet.

2. Identifying the key stakeholder groups and draw arrows to show relationships between the
stakeholders by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your stakeholder system to your colleagues, boss, and subordinates
and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder System Diagram - Worksheet

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved


Chapter 2 - Stakeholder Value

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Objectives Activities
Evaluate how well your particular organization Video
applies the key concepts of Stakeholder Value to
achieve sustainable excellence. Watch the Stakeholder Value - Assessment Video

1. Evaluate your Stakeholder Value

application using the quantitative /2-stakeholder-value/2-3-assessment/
2. Identify what is working well and is not Worksheets
working well.
3. Identify ways to improve. ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
– Quantitative Assessment (2-3-1)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
– Qualitative Assessment (2-3-2)

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Quantitative Assessment

Based on the Application

Complete the Quantitative

Application Worksheets

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Quantitative Assessment - Instructions

LTSE 2 Stakeholder Value Questions

10. We have identified the stakeholders for each group including customers,
workforce, suppliers/partners, investors, society, natural environment.

11. We use systematic (repeatable) methods to identify and prioritize the needs of
our stakeholders. Use the “Agree” Scale to assess
your organization.
12. We understand the needs of each key stakeholder group and communicate
those needs to all levels of the organization. SD (Substantially Disagree) = 1

13. Feedback from our investors (incl. donors, taxpayers) indicates they are very MD (Moderately Disagree) = 2
satisfied with the value our organization creates for their investment.
PD (Perhaps Disagree) = 3
14. Feedback from our customers (including students, patients) indicates they are
very satisfied with our products and services for the money spent. PA (Perhaps Agree) = 4

15. Feedback from our workforce (employees, contractors, volunteers) indicates MA (Moderately Agree) = 5
they are happy to be part of our organization.
QA (Quite Agree) = 6
16. Feedback from our suppliers and partners indicates they are happy to work
with our organization.

17. Feedback from our communities (public, society) indicates they are happy to
have our operations, products, and services in their community.

18. Our products, services, and operations make a positive impact (or at least
neutral impact) on the natural environment.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Quantitative Assessment - Example

LTSE 2 Stakeholder Value Questions

10. We have identified the stakeholders for each group including customers,
workforce, suppliers/partners, investors, society, natural environment.

11. We use systematic (repeatable) methods to identify and prioritize the needs of
our stakeholders.

12. We understand the needs of each key stakeholder group and communicate
those needs to all levels of the organization. 5
13. Feedback from our investors (incl. donors, taxpayers) indicates they are very 3
satisfied with the value our organization creates for their investment.

14. Feedback from our customers (including students, patients) indicates they are
very satisfied with our products and services for the money spent.
15. Feedback from our workforce (employees, contractors, volunteers) indicates
they are happy to be part of our organization. 6
16. Feedback from our suppliers and partners indicates they are happy to work 4
with our organization.

17. Feedback from our communities (public, society) indicates they are happy to
have our operations, products, and services in their community.

18. Our products, services, and operations make a positive impact (or at least
neutral impact) on the natural environment. 2

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the “Quantitative” Stakeholder Value Assessment

2. Complete the assessment worksheet by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your assessment to your colleagues, boss, and subordinates and get
their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised assessment.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Quantitative Assessment - Worksheet

LTSE 2 Stakeholder Value Questions

10. We have identified the stakeholders for each group including customers,
workforce, suppliers/partners, investors, society, natural environment.

11. We use systematic (repeatable) methods to identify and prioritize the needs of
our stakeholders.

12. We understand the needs of each key stakeholder group and communicate
those needs to all levels of the organization.

13. Feedback from our investors (incl. donors, taxpayers) indicates they are very
satisfied with the value our organization creates for their investment.

14. Feedback from our customers (including students, patients) indicates they are
very satisfied with our products and services for the money spent.

15. Feedback from our workforce (employees, contractors, volunteers) indicates

they are happy to be part of our organization.

16. Feedback from our suppliers and partners indicates they are happy to work
with our organization.

17. Feedback from our communities (public, society) indicates they are happy to
have our operations, products, and services in their community.

18. Our products, services, and operations make a positive impact (or at least
neutral impact) on the natural environment.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Quantitative Assessment

Based on the Application

Worksheets AND the
Quantitative Assessment…
Complete the Qualitative

Application Worksheets
Qualitative Assessment

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Qualitative Assessment - Instructions

Characteristics to Keep Areas to [Re]Design [Re]Design Ideas

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

What is working well with What is not working or What are some things that
your Stakeholder Value missing in your Stakeholder you could do to address
Applications? Value Applications? the areas for
improvement identified in
What parts of the What parts of the Step 2?
Application exercise are Application exercise need
working to help you move to be changed or revised
forward and make to be effective and
progress? sufficient to help move
you forward?
What should you keep,
communicate, and

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the “Qualitative” Stakeholder Value Assessment

2. Complete the assessment worksheet by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your assessment to your colleagues, boss, and subordinates and get
their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised assessment.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Qualitative Assessment - Worksheet

Characteristics to Keep Areas to [Re]Design [Re]Design Ideas

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leader as
Organization Architect

Chapter 2 - Stakeholder Value

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Objectives Activities
Apply collaborative leadership concepts to the Video
organization architect leadership activities
associated with creating stakeholder value. Watch the Stakeholder Value - Leader as
Organization Architect Video
1. Identify the key leadership behaviors of an
organization architect associated with
creating stakeholder value. /2-stakeholder-value/2-4-leader-as-org-architect
2. Assess your leadership style associated /
with creating stakeholder value.
3. Develop a personal leadership
improvement plan associated with creating
stakeholder value. ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
Leadership Style (2-4-1)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
Leadership Activities (2-4-2)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
– Leadership Assessment (2-4-3)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
Leadership Improvement Plan (2-4-4)

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leadership Style

How do the nine behaviors of a

collaborative leadership style apply to the
leadership activities associated with
creating sustainable value for multiple

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value - Leadership Style Example

Role Model Treat stakeholders how I want everyone to treat them.

Respect for People Treat stakeholders with respect, build positive relationships.

Collaborative Involve key stakeholder reps in strategy discussions.

Communication Talk with stakeholders to understand them, share plans.

Persistence Be patient with stakeholders, relationships take time.

Hold Accountable Require everyone treat all stakeholders with respect.

Systems Thinking Understand the connections between the stakeholders.

Personal Involvement Spend time with stakeholders - See Personal Involvement.

Personal Learning Learn something new about the stakeholders everyday.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Value Leadership Style Worksheet.
2. Describe how your personal style addresses the nine behaviors when working on
stakeholder value activities.
3. Present and explain your Stakeholder Value Leadership Style to your colleagues, boss, and
subordinates and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

How do the nine behaviors of a collaborative leadership style apply to the

leadership activities associated with creating sustainable stakeholder value?

Describe how your personal leadership style addresses the nine behaviors of a
collaborative leadership style when you are involved in leadership activities
associated with creating sustainable stakeholder value?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value - Leadership Style Worksheet

Role Model

Respect for People




Hold Accountable

Systems Thinking

Personal Involvement

Personal Learning

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Leadership Activities - Instructions

Stakeholder Activities Hours Spent per Month

Step 3 – Identify
Step 1 – Identify the Step 2 – Identify the Stakeholder activities how many hours
Stakeholder Group that you as a leader are involved in for per month you
or Segment this Stakeholder Group or Segment spend doing these

Repeat for each Stakeholder Group or


Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Personal Involvement - Stakeholders Worksheet.

2. For each stakeholder group identify the activities and time spent.
3. Present and explain your Personal Involvement - Stakeholders to your colleagues, boss, and
subordinates and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised version.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Leadership Activities - Worksheet

Stakeholder Activities Hours Spent per Month

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leadership Assessment

Based on the Leadership Style

Worksheets… Complete the
Leadership Assessment.

Leadership Style Worksheets

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leadership Assessment - Instructions

LOA 9 x 9 Stakeholder Value Questions

1. I set the example by regularly spending time building positive relationships with
our stakeholders.

10. I show respect to all stakeholders regardless of their position or ability to

directly influence our success. Use the “Agree” Scale to assess
your organization.
19. I involve stakeholders (or their input) in setting the direction of the organization
and evaluating our performance. SD (Substantially Disagree) = 1

28. I communicate (two-way dialogue) with stakeholders to gather information and MD (Moderately Disagree) = 2
communicate the direction of the organization.
PD (Perhaps Disagree) = 3
37. I consistently schedule and spend time building relationships with
representatives from all our key stakeholder groups. PA (Perhaps Agree) = 4

46. I hold people accountable for creating value for all our key stakeholders. MA (Moderately Agree) = 5

QA (Quite Agree) = 6
55. I avoid taking from one stakeholder to serve another and instead develop
win-win solutions that create value for all the key stakeholders.

64. I spend time with stakeholders, building relationships and developing a deeper
understanding of their needs.

73. I continuously learn from stakeholders and develop new and innovative ways
to meet their needs.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leadership Assessment - Example

LOA 9 x 9 Stakeholder Value Questions

1. I set the example by regularly spending time building positive relationships with
our stakeholders. 4
10. I show respect to all stakeholders regardless of their position or ability to
directly influence our success.

19. I involve stakeholders (or their input) in setting the direction of the organization
and evaluating our performance.
28. I communicate (two-way dialogue) with stakeholders to gather information and
communicate the direction of the organization.

37. I consistently schedule and spend time building relationships with

representatives from all our key stakeholder groups.
46. I hold people accountable for creating value for all our key stakeholders.

55. I avoid taking from one stakeholder to serve another and instead develop
win-win solutions that create value for all the key stakeholders.
64. I spend time with stakeholders, building relationships and developing a deeper
understanding of their needs.
73. I continuously learn from stakeholders and develop new and innovative ways
to meet their needs.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Value – Leadership Assessment

2. Complete the assessment by yourself.
3. Present and explain your assessment to your colleagues and boss and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised assessment.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leadership Assessment - Worksheet

LOA 9 x 9 Stakeholder Value Questions

1. I set the example by regularly spending time building positive relationships with
our stakeholders.

10. I show respect to all stakeholders regardless of their position or ability to

directly influence our success.

19. I involve stakeholders (or their input) in setting the direction of the organization
and evaluating our performance.

28. I communicate (two-way dialogue) with stakeholders to gather information and

communicate the direction of the organization.

37. I consistently schedule and spend time building relationships with

representatives from all our key stakeholder groups.

46. I hold people accountable for creating value for all our key stakeholders.

55. I avoid taking from one stakeholder to serve another and instead develop
win-win solutions that create value for all the key stakeholders.

64. I spend time with stakeholders, building relationships and developing a deeper
understanding of their needs.

73. I continuously learn from stakeholders and develop new and innovative ways
to meet their needs.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Leadership Assessment

Based on the Leadership

Style Worksheets AND the
Leadership Assessment…
Complete the Leadership
Improvement Plan.

Leadership Style Worksheet

Leadership Improvement Plan

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Leadership Improvement Plan - Instructions

Strengths to Leverage Opportunities for Improvement Development Activities

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

What is working well with What is not working or What are some things that
your Leadership Style missing in your Leadership you could do to improve
associated with Style associated with the areas identified in Step
Stakeholder Value Stakeholder Value 2?
activities? activities?

What behaviors should you What needs to change?

keep and reinforce?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Value – Leadership Improvement Plan
2. Complete the improvement plan by yourself.
3. Present and explain your improvement plan to your colleagues and boss and get their
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised improvement plan.

Based on the Leadership Style Worksheets and the Leadership Assessment,

identify the strengths to leverage and the opportunities for improvement.

Then based on all the inputs, identify developmental activities that you can do to
leverage your strengths and address the opportunities for improvement.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Leadership Improvement Plan - Worksheet

Strengths to Leverage Opportunities for Improvement Development Activities

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved


Chapter 2 - Stakeholder Value

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Objectives Activities
Apply what you have learned about creating Video
sustainable stakeholder value to improve your
organization and leadership. Watch the Stakeholder Value - [Re]Create Video

1. Reflect and identify what have you learned

about creating sustainable stakeholder /2-stakeholder-value/2-5-recreate/
value, your organization, and your
leadership. Worksheets
2. Apply what you have learned about
creating stakeholder value to develop an ● Complete Worksheet - Stakeholder Value
action plan to improve your organization Reflection Questions (2-5-1-1, -2, and -3)
and leadership. ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
3. Track your progress in your [Re]Create Reflection (2-5-2)
Journal. ● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
Action Plan “Logic” (2-5-3)
● Complete Worksheet – Stakeholder Value
Action Plan (2-5-4)
● Complete Stakeholder Value Journal Entry

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Reflection Questions #1

Think back on the application and assessment exercises in the previous lessons.

Who are your key

stakeholders and why?

How do you segment

(sub-groups) your
stakeholder for each of the
six types of stakeholders?

What are the stakeholder

needs and desires for each

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Reflection Questions #2

How do you identify and validate the needs and desires for each stakeholder segment?

How do we systematically
gain the data and insights
needed to understand our
stakeholders’ needs and

How do we use stakeholder

information to develop
strategies to create value for
our stakeholders?

How does empathy for

stakeholders inform our
product, service, and
operations improvement

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Reflection Questions #3

How well are you doing today serving the needs of your key stakeholders?

How satisfied are our investors (owners, donors,

and taxpayers) with the value our organization
creates for them?

How satisfied are our customers (primary

beneficiaries, students, patients) with the value
our organization creates for them?

How satisfied are our workforce (employees,

contractors, volunteers) with the value our
organization creates for them?

How satisfied are our suppliers and partners with

our organization?

How satisfied are our communities (public,

society) with the value our organization creates
for them?

How environmentally friendly are our products,

services, and operations?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Reflections - Instructions

Key Takeaways Questions

What are the most important lessons What questions do you still have about
learned from this module? creating stakeholder value?

What did you learn about creating What questions do you still have about
stakeholder value? about your organization related to
creating stakeholder value?
What did you learn about your
organization? What questions do you still have about
leadership related to creating stakeholder
What did you learn about your value?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Value Reflections Worksheet.

2. Identify the key lessons learned from the Stakeholder Value Module.
3. Identify the questions that you still have about the Stakeholder Value and where you will
look for answers.

Based on everything that you have experienced in this Stakeholder Value Module
(key concepts, application worksheets, assessments, etc.) identify the key lessons
learned or “takeaways” and the questions that you still have.

Identify the sources you will use to find answers to your questions.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Reflections - Worksheet

Key Takeaways Questions

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Actions Reactions Results

Make the
Behind Your Management Individual Individual & Group
Plan Actions Reactions Behavior and
Explicit • Leader What they SEE Changes.
For each opportunity that you Behavior and HEAR.
identify, describe the actions • Strategies What they DO and
you will take. Next, identify the • Policies What they THINK SAY.
expected reactions from the • Practices and FEEL about
stakeholders involved. What • Resource what they see and The results and
will they SEE and HEAR related Allocations hear. outcomes due to
to the actions? What will they • Decisions the changes in
THINK and FEEL about the • Processes… behavior.
actions? How will that influence
their behavior? How will those
changes in behavior change the
results and outcomes?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Action Plan Logic - Instructions

Expected Results &

Opportunity Actions Expected Reactions

4. Describe the
1. Identify & 2. Identify &
3. Describe the results and
describe each describe the
reactions you outcomes that you
opportunity for actions that will
expect from the expect from the
improvement on a address each
stakeholders. actions and
separate row. opportunity.

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Value Action Plan Logic Worksheet.
2. Complete the action plan logic by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your action plan logic to your colleagues and boss and get their
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised action plan logic.

Based on everything that you have learned in this Forces for Change Module (key
concepts, worksheets, assessments, etc.), develop an action plan with the rationale
or “logic” for the each opportunity and the associated actions.

What are the stakeholder reactions and subsequent results and outcomes that you
expect based on the actions identified?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Action Plan Logic - Worksheet

Expected Results &

Opportunity Actions Expected Reactions

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Action Plan - Instructions

Next 7 Days Next 30 Days Next 90 Days

What organization change What organization What organization

related to creating change(s) related to change(s) related to
stakeholder value will you creating stakeholder value creating stakeholder value
make in the next 7 days? will you make in the next will you make in the next
30 days? 90 days?
What leadership change
related to creating What leadership change(s) What leadership change(s)
stakeholder value will you related to creating related to creating
make in the next 7 days? stakeholder value will you stakeholder value will you
make in the next 30 days? make in the next 90 days?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Steps to Complete the Worksheet

1. Download the editable version of the Stakeholder Value Action Plan Worksheet.
2. Complete the action plan worksheet by yourself or with your group.
3. Present and explain your action plan to your colleagues and boss and get their feedback.
4. Incorporate their feedback into your revised action plan.

Based on the opportunities identified in the Action Plan “Logic” exercise, develop
an action plan including key actions for the next 90, 30, and 7 days.

Note: Stretch yourself but be realistic. You will have an action plan for each major

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Action Plan - Worksheet

Next 7 Days Next 30 Days Next 90 Days

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value Journal

Opportunity - Identify and describe

the opportunity that you are working

Actions Taken - Identify and

describe the actions that you have
taken or are now taking to address
the opportunity.

Expected Reaction & Results -

Identify and describe the
stakeholder reactions and the
subsequent results that you expect
based on the actions.

Status & Actual Reactions and

Results - Identify and describe the
status of the actions, and the actual
reactions and results.

Lessons Learned – Reflect on your

experiences and identify the lessons
learned along the way. What
worked, what didn’t work, and why?

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

References and Resources

Latham, J. R. (2013). A framework for leading the transformation to performance excellence part I: CEO
perspectives on forces, facilitators, and strategic leadership systems. Quality Management Journal, 20 (2),

What is Great?

Why Stakeholder-Centered Design?

Empathy Maps - The Key to Creating Value

Business Logic of Sustainability

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved

Stakeholder Value

Copyright © 2016-2018 by John R. Latham

All rights reserved.

Organization Design Studio, Ltd.

P.O. Box 64319
Colorado Springs, Colorado USA

Copyright © 2018 | JOHN LATHAM | All Rights Reserved


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