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PSFK Report

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PSFK presents



This report examines 28 key trends that are driving
the sustainable development and efficient operation
of modern cities as they respond to the unique challenges
posed by rapid urbanization. Aided by connected






thinking, cities at the forefront of these progressive

solutions are creating a compelling blueprint for ensuring
that their citizens, businesses and public institutions
thrive. As we plan for the future, PSFK Labs is excited
for the opportunity to contribute its point of view to this


ongoing conversation.

150 page report

Featuring five macro themes and 28 key trends

80+ examples of innovation described in detail
Relevant experts to follow in the space
Ideas for putting the trends into action
Spanish translation

The Future Of Cities



1. Pop-Up Culture

7. Citizen Sensor Networks

13. Crowd Planned

19. Derelict Revival

25. Clean Air Everywhere

2. Elastic Environments

8. Hyperlocal Reporting

14. Community Currency

20. Infrastructure Reboot

3. Snap-On Housing

9. Just-In-Time Alerts

15. Collaborative Economy

21. Enhanced Facades

26. Recycled Resource


4. Micro Living

10. Proximity Services

16. Social Pairing

22. Culture Hacking

5. Multi-Modal Transit Hubs

11. Data Transparency

17. Micro Financing

23. Landscape Narratives

6. Creative Clusters

12. Intelligent Transportation

18. Shared Transport

24. Architectural Infographics

The Future Of Cities Report





27. Micro Parks

28. Compact Farming



Creative design solutions for making

urban lifestyles feel limitless within a
finite amount of space.

Soluciones creativas de diseo para

la fabricacin de estilos de vida
urbanos sin sentir lmites dentro de
un espacio limitado.



1. Pop-Up Culture

1. Cultura Itinerante

2. Elastic Environments

2. Espacios Flexibles

3. Snap-On Housing

3. Edificios Ensamblados

4. Micro Living

4. Micro Viviendo

5. Multi-Modal Transit Hubs

5. Centros de Transporte Integrado

6. Creative Clusters

6. Clsteres Creativos

The Future Of Cities Report


Architects and planners are experimenting with temporary venues
designed to be quickly deployed and assembled to host temporary
events like performances and films. These flash experiences connect
with an ever changing audience, while highlighting locally sourced
content and bringing cultural enrichment into peoples lives.

Debido a que algunas ciudades no pueden tener acceso inmediato
a los fondos disponibles o bien en el espacio para apoyar la
infraestructura cultural permanente dentro de los entornos pblicos,
los arquitectos y los planificadores estn imaginando escenarios
flexibles y rpidamente desplegables diseados para acoger eventos
temporales de actuaciones para el cine. Estas son las experiencias
flash de conectar con un pblico en constante cambio, adems de
destacar el contenido de origen local y la inyeccin de disfrute en
da a da la gente.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Tendencies

Collapsible Movie Theater

Can Be Transported
By A Single Truck
The Moveable Movie Theater is a portable movie theater that is
designed to be transported on a single truck. The theaters rectangular
structure is composed of several sections, each layer housed within
another, much like a nesting doll. When in use, the accordion-like
layers are simply pulled out into a functional, multi-level theater.
Created by Japanese designer Yusuke Yamamoto, the current design
is able to fit approximately 30 people. The design is also lined with
bookshelves to double as a moveable library. Yamamoto has said that
he hopes his design will bring smiles to the faces of those currently
living in the tsunami-ravaged Tohoku region of Japan.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Pop-Up Culture

To keep pace with the changing face of downtown areas as they
transition from understated business and commerce centers by
day into lively areas for social and cultural engagements by night,
developers are designing infrastructure that can adapt to meet
an evolving set of needs. These flexible solutions accommodate a
range of potential uses, transforming any environment into a multiuse destination that attracts a mix of demographics.

Para mantener el ritmo con el rostro cambiante de los centros
urbanos en la transicin desde negocio discreto y centros de
comercio del da a da a las animadas zonas de compromisos sociales
y culturales por la noche, los desarrolladores estn diseando una
infraestructura que puede adaptarse para satisfacer en conjunto la
evolucin de las necesidades. Estas soluciones flexibles dan cabida
a una serie de casos de uso, ya que pueden transformar cualquier
ambiente en un destino de uso mltiple, que atrae a una mezcla de

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Tendencies

Parking Garage By
Day Converts into Event
Space By Night
11 11 is a multipurpose, premium parking garage in Miami Beach, Florida
that doubles as a venue for weddings, wine tastings, yoga classes and
more. Developed by art collector, Robert Wennett, and the architects
of Londons Tate Modern and the Beijing 2008 Olympic Stadium,
Herzog & de Meuron, the oversized loft-looking building features
extraordinarily high ceilings, mixed retail and parking services and
venue rental space that, thanks to the absence of exterior walls, offers
event guests sweeping views of the city. The project showcases the
potential for creating civic spaces through mixed-use environments.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Elastic Environments

As a way to accommodate an increasing influx of urban residents,
architects and planners are experimenting with construction
techniques that allow for the rapid assembly of housing and other
structures, often onto the footprints of existing buildings. These
modular, prefab designs can be used as standalone dwellings or
stacked together to create multi-unit buildings that can be adapted
for a variety of uses. Whether created in pieces or, in some cases,
pre-assembled units, the on-demand nature of this style of architecture
is changing the pace at which areas can be developed and expanding
available real estate, while reducing associated labor and costs.

Para acomodar el creciente influjo de personas hacia zonas
urbanas arquitectos y planificadores urbanos estn experimentado
con tcnicas constructivas que les ayuden a ensamblar edificios
fcilmente, as como la fabricacin de mdulos que puedan
aadirse a la propia estructura del edificio. Estos diseos modulares
prefabricados pueden usarse para crear edificios independientes
o multi unitarios que se pueden adaptar para diversos usos. La
naturaleza on demand de este estilo de arquitectura con mdulos
prefabricados est acelerando la velocidad en que reas pueden ser
desarrolladas y est ayudando a expandir el terreno construible a la
vez que se reducen los costes de mano de obra y produccin.
The Future Of Cities Report

Maximized Space / Tendencies

Prefab Housing Additions

Stack Vertically Onto
Existing Infrastructure
The MuReRe housing concept adds prefabricated units on top of
existing structures in order to enhance and expand a citys built
environment. Created by Argentine architect Adamo Faiden, the
prefabricated concept features steel framed structures that are
relatively light, fast to deploy, and adaptable to the underlying
building. Once installed, the units can improve the buildings existing
infrastructure by collecting rainwater or by incorporating solarpanels. The concept utilizes the flat rooftop architecture predominant
in most Argentine cities as a basis for its design, but its modular
offering is scalable worldwide.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Snap-On Housing

As a larger percentage of the population chooses to reside in
cities, a greater emphasis has been placed on the importance
of space. As a result, there has been a shift towards living
spaces that are designed to take up a smaller footprint without
sacrificing on functionality or comfort. These creative solutions
rely on multipurpose furniture, adaptive interior environments
and the efficient use of resources to accommodate a range of
living styles and needs.

Dado que un nmero elevado del porcentaje de la poblacin reside
en las ciudades, ha habido un mayor nfasis en la importancia
del espacio. Como resultado, se ha producido un cambio hacia
espacios vivos que se han diseado para desarrollarse sobre
un espacio ms pequeo sin sacrificar la funcionalidad o la
comodidad. Estas soluciones creativas se basan en los muebles
multiusos, adaptables para crear ambientes interiores haciendo
un uso eficiente de los recursos para dar cabida a una amplia
gama de estilos de vida y necesidades.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Tendencies

Transformer Furnishing
Collection Saves Space
Resource Furniture has successfully designed a 300 square foot
apartment through the use of transforming furniture. Resource offers
space saving pieces like the Box Table used in the adAPT mock-up;
the table converts from a coffee table to an eight person dining table.
Resource Furniture is seeking to redefine the possibilities of urban
living with a line of space-saving furnishings hand-selected for their
ability to transform a space with both beauty and functionality. With
pieces designed to cleverly unpack or stow-away on command, the
line is designed to unlock potential in small spaces.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Micro Living

City planners and transportation agencies are considering multiuse transit centers as a way to reduce congestion and increase
transportation efficiency. These hubs combine multiple forms of
public transportation such as trains and buses with shared systems
like bikes and cars, allowing people to access the best form of
transportation based on their current needs. In addition, these
spaces typically contain parking for personal vehicles, as well as
additional travel services such as repair, retail and changing facilities.

Los urbanistas y las agencias de transporte estn considerando
formas de simplificar las soluciones de transporte a los centros de
multi-uso en un esfuerzo por reducir la congestin y permitir a las
personas moverse de manera ms eficiente. Estos centros suelen
combinar mltiples formas de transporte pblico, como trenes
y autobuses con sistemas compartidos como bicicletas y coches,
permitiendo a la gente a acceder de la mejor forma de transporte
en funcin de sus necesidades actuales. Adems, estos espacios
suelen contener aparcamiento para vehculos particulares, as como
servicios adicionales de viaje.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Tendencies

Chinas City Of The Future

Links Multiple Transit Options
In Strategic Hubs
A design for Chinas Beijing Bohai Innovation City establishes a multimodal transportation solution intended to spur the use of public
transit at an unprecedented urban scale. The award winning design by
architects Skidmore, Owings & Merrill uses transportation hubs linking
trains, bikes and pedestrians to urban activities and businesses as
well as nearby seaports, airports and metropolitan areas. In addition,
the plan calls for an advanced multi-modal transportation network
that unites high-speed rail with metro lines, bus rapid transit, local
streetcar and a state-of-the-art electric car fleet.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Multi-Modal Transit Hubs


As a way to breathe life back into forgotten corners of a city,
there has been a renewed push to develop an artistic and
cultural infrastructure like galleries, studios and workshops
within transitional neighborhoods. By highlighting educational
programming and creative self-expression, these grassroots efforts
seek to build a strong anchor for the surrounding community that
is attractive to both residents and visitors. As these areas establish
themselves as destinations, they open the door for further social and
business ventures, adding to the collective benefit of a place.

Una de las maneras de reactivar algunos rincones olvidados de
la ciudad es desarrollar una infraestructura artstica y cultural
mediante galeras, estudios y workshops en barrios emergentes.
El nfasis en los esfuerzos para desarrollar programas educativos
en que se promueva la autoexpresin, tiene como objetivo crear un
sustrato para la comunidad que atraiga tanto a residentes como a
visitantes. Estas reas aspiran a establecerse como destinos en si y
pueden abrir la puerta a futuras iniciativas empresariales y aadir
beneficios colectivos al barrio.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Tendencies


Chinese Art District

Attracts Community Of
Cultural Tastemakers
The Dashanzi Art District (798 Art District) in Beijing is a neighborhood
of Communist-era factories and warehouses converted into art
galleries, boutiques, coffee shops, and restaurants. The district is
re-nowned for artists renting out, and remaking the factory spaces,
gradually developing them into galleries, art centers, artists studios,
design companies, restaurants, and bars. Attracting talent and
attention from all around, this district of the city is bringing together
contemporary art, architecture, and culture with a historically
interesting location and an urban lifestyle. For example, 798 Space
is a new rising, avant-garde and trendy space that hosts high-level
cultural, artistic and commercial activities that can hold more than
1000 guests with ease.

The Future Of Cities Report


Maximized Space / Creative Clusters




Bringing intelligence to the city and

its citizens through the free flow of
information and data, helps improve
both immediate and long-term decision

Llevar inteligencia a la ciudad y a

sus ciudadanos a travs de la libre
circulacin de informacin y datos,
que ayudan a mejorar tanto de
inmediato como a largo plazo, la
toma de decisiones.



1. Citizen Sensor Networks

1. Sensores Dentro de las Redes


2. Hyperlocal Reporting
3. Just-In-Time Alerts
4. Proximity Services
5. Data Transparency
6. Intelligent Transportation

The Future Of Cities Report


2. Reportes Hiperlocales
3. Alertas Justo a Tiempo
4. Servicios De Proximidad
5. Transparencia de Infomacin
6. Transporte Inteligente


Sensor-laden personal electronics are collecting data that, when
analyzed, provides insight and real-time intelligence to improve
communities. By routinely monitoring environmental and other
forms of data, communities can contribute to a public pool of
knowledge, enabling any interested party to make more informed
choices about their surroundings. These feedback systems require
little infrastructure, transforming people into sensory nodes with
little effort on their part.


A travs de mtodos pasivos de recoleccin de datos, las personas
estn encontrando formas innovadoras de reunir y compartir
informacin para ayudar a mejorar sus comunidades. Un nmero
cada vez mayor de tecnologas personales estn equipadas con
sensores que tienen la capacidad de reunir datos etiquetados
geogrficamente mientras la gente va sobre su da a dael
establecimiento de una red en tiempo real, de sensor humanoMonitoreando regularmente las formas ambientales y otro tipo de
datos, las comunidades pueden contribuir a una piscina pblica de
conocimiento, para que cualquier interesado pueda disponer de
informacin y as tomar decisiones sabiendo lo que ocurre en su
The Future Of Cities Report

*Image copyrighted to Propeller

Health (formerly Asthmapolis)

Sensible City / Tendencies


Sensor Detects Potholes And

Reports Them To City Officials
Street Bump is a crowdsourcing project that helps residents improve
their neighborhood streets by collecting data around real-time road
conditions while they drive. Using the mobile applications motiondetecting accelerometer, Street Bump is able to sense when a bump
is hit, while the phones GPS records the location. The system filters
out things like manhole covers and speed bumps using a series of
algorithmsincluding one that can tell if the initial motion is up
over a speed bump, as opposed to down into a pothole. If at least
three people hit a bump in the same spot, the system recognizes it
as a pothole. City planners believe that this aggregated information
cannot only be utilized to fix immediate problems, but also plan longterm infrastructure investments.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Citizen Sensor Networks


Crowdsourced information platforms are changing the top-down
nature of how news is gathered and disseminated by placing
reporting tools in the hands of citizens, allowing any individual to
instantly broadcast about the environment around them. Often
using mobile phone technology, these information monitoring
systems not only provide real-time, location-specific data, but
also boost civic engagement by establishing direct channels of
communication between an individual and their surrounding

Las plataformas de informacin, crowd- sourced, estn cambiando
en cuanto ala naturaleza de cmo las noticias se recopilan y
difunden mediante la colocacin de instrumentos de informacin
en manos de los ciudadanos, lo que permite a cualquier persona
poder transmitir en ese instante acerca de la situacin que les
rodea. A menudo utilizando la tecnologa de telefona mvil, estos
sistemas de monitoreo no slo proporcionan informacin en tiempo
real con los datos especficos de la localizacin, sino que tambin
impulsan la participacin ciudadana mediante el establecimiento de
canales de comunicacin directos desde cero, mientras que ayudan
a garantizar el bienestar comunitario.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Tendencies


Twitter Reported Crimes

In Mexico Get Mapped
In Real-Time
Retio is a mobile application that allows Mexican citizens to report
on organized crime and corruption using social media. Platform
contributors use the Twitter handle that corresponds with the
city they are in (e.g. @RetioMID for Mrida), and then tweet out a
description of the issue at hand, and if possible, an accompanying
photo. Each issue is plotted on a map, allowing users and authorities
to get an overall idea of what has been reported or narrow results
down to specific incidents. Retios Twitter feeds are available in
multiple cities throughout every Mexican state and the creators hope
to bring it to other countries as well, giving citizens a tool to actively
combat problems in their communities.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Citizen Sensor Networks


As an increasing number of city services are networked with the
cloud, the management and flow of information between various
agencies, officials and citizens becomes more responsive, quickly
disseminating important messages and alerts throughout a
population using a combination of phone calls, SMS texts, or emails.
The just-in-time nature of these notification systems ensures that
every person has the most current and accurate news at hand,
helping provide an intelligent basis to form opinions or make


Un nmero cada vez mayor de servicios de la ciudad estn
conectados en la red con la nube, la gestin y el flujo de informacin
entre los distintos organismos, funcionarios y ciudadanos se vuelve
ms sensible, rpida difusin de los mensajes importantes y alertas
a travs de una poblacin que utiliza una combinacin de llamadas
telefnicas, correos electrnicos o textos SMS . La naturaleza de
JUSTO EN ESE MOMENTO de estos sistemas de notificacin nos
aseguran que cada persona tiene la noticia ms actual y precisa
en la mano, ayudando a proporcionar una base inteligente para la
formacin de opiniones o tomar decisiones.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Tendencies


Citizens Warned Of Impending

Earthquakes On Mobile Device
The government in Mexico city has launched a mobile-phone
application that will give citizens a one minute advance notice of
impending quakes. The free app will emit a Seismic Alert in the form
of a sound when an earthquake is on its way, allowing residents to
evacuate buildings or engage in emergency preparations. Tremors
striking the city tend to originate near the coast, allowing officials to
receive early warning and alert mobile users.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Just-In-Time Alerts


Mobile technology platforms are leveraging location as a key
metric for helping citizens seamlessly access a host of services
to help them better navigate their urban environments. Whether
providing a real-time map of available parking spots or instantly
connecting nearby people around location-specific conversations
and meetups, these solutions make it easier for anyone to easily find
and tap into services and information when they need them most.

Las plataformas mviles de ltima tecnologa estn aprovechando
la ubicacin como una medida clave para ayudar a los ciudadanos
acceder sin problemas a una serie de servicios para ayudar a
navegar mejor sus por entornos urbanos. Ya sea proporcionando
un mapa en tiempo real de plazas de aparcamiento disponibles o
instantneamente conectando a las personas cercanas en torno
a una ubicacin concreta conversaciones y cumplir-ups, estas
soluciones hacen que sea ms fcil para que cualquiera ya que
se puede encontrar fcilmente y aprovechar los servicios y la
informacin cuando ms los necesitan.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Tendencies


Parking App Reveals

Available Spaces Nearby
ParkMe is a parking application that helps drivers find real-time
parking availability in color coded maps that highlight the most
likely availability for parking on a block-by-block basis. Drawing
from a comprehensive parking database detailing 25,000 worldwide
locations in more than 500 cities and 19 countries, factors such as
street sweeping schedules, hour limits and pricing are available for
street parking, metered parking, parking lots and parking garages. For
drivers, the service includes in-app rate calculators, route navigation
and a timer. For businesses, the ParkMe widget allows merchant sites
to feature real-time parking availability near their location.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Proximity Services


City administrators, institutions, and companies are publicly
sharing data generated within their systems to add new levels of
transparency and accountability. Access to this information not only
strengthens civic engagement, but also establishes a collaborative
agenda at all levels of government that empowers citizens through
greater access and agency.

Administradores de la ciudad, instituciones y compaas comparten
pblicamente informacin generada en sus sistemas para aadir
nuevos niveles de transparencia y fomentar su responsabilidad
democratizadora. El acceso a la informacin no solamente fortalece
la colaboracin ciudadana, sino que establece unos lazos de
colaboracin entre los distintos estratos del gobierno que da ms
poder y mayor voz a los ciudadanos.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Tendencies


Transparency Driven App

Shows Citizens How Their
Taxes Are Being Spent
OpenSpending is a mobile and web-based application that allows
citizens in participating cities to examine where their taxes are
being spent through interactive visuals. Citizens can review their
personal share of public works, examine local impacts of public
spending, rate and vote on proposed plans for public spending and
monitor the progress of projects that are or are not underway. Tax
contributions can be broken down to the language of personal daily
expenses and, via the mobile app, project data can be reviewed
onsite in real time. By providing citizens an easy to understand
overview of publicly funded projects, and their personal funding
share, local governments are held more accountable to waste,
duplication, inefficiency and corruption.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Data Transparency


The continuous flow of information being gathered by a network
of sensors coupled with seamless communication platforms and
sophisticated, autonomous systems is streamlining the movement
of people and things across cities. This data is being leveraged
to solve any number of transportation challenges from real-time
traffic management to the creation of less dangerous roadways for
pedestrians and bicyclists. By automating certain processes and
alerting drivers with real-time information, these technologies not
only ensure a safer, more efficient commute, but remove a principal
source of stress from daily urban life, helping to improve health and
overall well-being.

Tecnologa Barato, fiable sensor se integra en entornos urbanos,
tales como edificios, puentes y carreteras, que generan cantidades
masivas de datos. Este acceso a la informacin en tiempo real
permite a las agencias municipales, las comunidades y las personas
a recibir informacin en tiempo real y tomar decisiones ms rpidas
y ms informadas. Funcionando como un sistema nervioso central
para el entorno construido, estos sistemas inteligentes de conectar
el mundo real con el virtual, y utilizar el conocimiento recogido de
datos para optimizar y automatizar todo tipo de procesos de gestin
de las condiciones del trfico en el flujo de los recursos.
The Future Of Cities Report

Sensible City / Tendencies


Stoplight Senses Traffic

Patterns To Reduce
Technology company Virtual Traffic Lights has patented an algorithm
designed to ease traffic by intelligently dictating the flow of cars
passing through a four-way intersection. When cars approach the
intersection, dedicated short-range communication equipment relays
back information about how many cars are approaching and which
direction they are headed. The largest group of vehicles is prioritized,
and once the group has passed through the intersection, the next
largest group will be given the green light to proceed. Simulations
over the past three years have shown the system could reduce
commute time for urban workers between 40 to 60 percent during
rush hour.

The Future Of Cities Report


Sensible City / Intelligent Transportation




Harnessing the power of citizens to

raise the collective resources and
benefits available across communities,
neighborhoods and entire cities.

Aprovechar el poder de los

ciudadanos para aumentar los
recursos colectivos y los beneficios
disponibles a travs de las
comunidades, barrios y ciudades



1. Crowd Planned

1. Sensores Dentro de las Redes


2. Community Currency
3. Collaborative Economy
4. Social Pairing
5. Micro Financing
6. Shared Transport

The Future Of Cities Report


2. Reportes Hiperlocales
3. Alertas Justo a Tiempo
4. Servicios De Proximidad
5. Transparencia de Infomacin
6. Transporte Inteligente


Participatory online platforms and visual tools are lowering the
barriers to participation and empowering citizens to design their
communities. These systems facilitate an open dialogue between
city agencies and the people they serve, establishing a structured
process for collaboration and encouraging a higher level of
participation. By seeking input throughout the development
process, these systems help ensure greater transparency and
buy-in that ultimately results in an end solution that meets the
actual needs of the population.


Las agencias municipales, estn aprove- chando la sabidura y la
creatividad de los residentes del crowdsourcing, con nuevas ideas
sobre la manera de mejorar sus vecindarios y comunidades. Nuevas
herramientas en lnea y plataformas permiten la conversacin de
dos vas para fomentar una mayor colaboracin, conseguir la
aceptacin de todas las partes y garantizar que la solucin final
responda a las necesidades reales de la poblacin. La promesa de
un punto de vista compartido puede empoderar a las personas a
participar, estimular la innovacin y ayudar a ver ms ideas a travs
de la accin. Esto no slo puede conducir a nuevas formas de
pensar acerca de la superacin de retos, sino que tambin permite
a las ciudades aprovechar estos conocimientos y entregar mejores
resultados a sus ciudadanos.
The Future Of Cities Report

Citizen Sourced / Tendencies


UN-Backed Planning Game

Enlists Citizens To Design
Their Communities
Block by Block is an urban planning game allowing people to
participate in the reconstruction process of their own neighborhoods
through playing Minecraft. Working in partnership with UN Habitat,
the gaming company behind Mojang invites citizens to enter
Minecraft servers and modify their own neighborhood and visualize
it on screen. The game allows citizens to submit their own urban
planning ideas without necessarily having architectural training, and
can provide the groundwork for political decisions. The first Block by
Block site, in Nairobi, Kenya, is already in the planning phase.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Crowd Planned


A number of businesses and municipalities are experimenting
with alternative forms of currency to encourage local spending.
Whether creating a local currency that encourages spending at
area businesses or accepting less tangible payments such as good
deeds as viable tender, these emerging payment systems hope to
raise the collective prosperity of a population by placing greater
importance on personal relationships, rather than material assets.

En un esfuerzo por redefinir cmo el valor y la riqueza se
mide en una comunidad, una serie de empresas y municipios
estn experimentando con formas alternativas de moneda y el
intercambio. Si la creacin de una moneda local para alentar el
gasto en reas de negocios o aceptar pagos con menos tangibles,
como las buenas acciones como moneda de curso viable, estos
sistemas emergentes esperan recaudar la prosperidad colectiva de
una poblacin mediante la colocacin de mayor importancia en las
relaciones personales ms que bienes materiales.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Tendencies


Exchanged For Veggie Credits
Municipal organizations in both the cities of Jundia, Brasil and Mexico
City, Mexico offer citizens fresh produce in exchange for recyclables.
In Jundia, the citys utilities department runs a program called
Delcia de Reciclagem, where aluminum cans and plastic bottles are
the only currency accepted in a publicly run vegetable garden. In
Mexico Citys Mercado de Trueque, citizens swap out glass, plastic,
aluminum, paper and cardboard waste for credits, which in turn can
be exchanged for fresh produce and seedlings from local farmers. By
exchanging trash for fresh foods, both programs forge strong links
between recycling habits, sustainable food supply and healthy eating.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Community Currency


New person-to-person commerce systems are enabling citizens to
harness the potential of underused resources such as excess space
and Wi-Fi bandwidth, transforming them into valuable services that
can be traded with both neighbors and visitors. These platforms
help generate extra wealth for enterprising individuals and reduce
waste, while providing crucial and affordable infrastructure to
underserved communities.

Existen nuevos sistemas de persona a persona, estos son sistemas
de comercio que estn permitiendo a los ciudadanos a aprovechar el
potencial de los recursos infrautilizados, como el exceso de espacio
y ancho de banda Wi-Fi, transformndolas en servicios valiosos
que pueden ser objeto de comercio con ambos pases vecinos y
visitantes. Estas plataformas ayudan a generar riqueza adicional
para las personas emprendedoras y reducir los residuos, al tiempo
que proporciona la infraestructura fundamental y asequible a las
comunidades marginadas.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Tendencies


Platform Allows Users To

Rent Out Their Internet
Connection When Not In Use
New York-based KeyWifi allows anybody who pays for Internet
access to rent out their connection to those who need it for a nominal
fee. The peer-to-peer platform is a web-based solution meaning that
users dont need any additional software or hardware to get online.
By simply logging into the KeyWifi website, users with a connection
can specify when exactly they arent using their Wi-Fi, how many
people can log onto it and for how long. Users without connections
can join the temporarily vacated network for about $10 a month using
web payment platform PayPal. KeyWifi takes about a third of that
money for operating costs, but the other two-thirds will be divided
proportionally among the owners of the various Internet connections.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Collaborative Economy


New services are using a mix of social, location and demographic
data to match people around similar interests, activities, and needs,
allowing for the creation of temporary connections in a way and
at a speed that was previously not possible. These systems foster
a feeling of community based-on activities and geography and
create opportunities for people to work together toward common
business, social or civic-minded goals.

Nuevos servicios usan un conjunto de datos sociales, geogrficos
y demogrficos para aglomerar a las personas segn sus intereses,
actividades y necesidades, ayudando a la creacin de conexiones
temporales de una manera, y a una velocidad, que previamente
no eran posibles. Estos sistemas ayudan a crear una sensacin de
comunidad entre personas que tienen intereses y goles comunes
tanto a nivel empresarial, social como cvico.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Tendencies


Startup Matches Designers

With People To Help Solve
Everyday Problems
Fixperts is a online service platform that connects designers with
people who need help solving everyday problems. The idea behind
the project is to match designers who have practical know-how
with disabled people and the elderly who need assistance with
specific challenges. Designers pay house visits with the intention of
developing a solution to the problem in no more than three weeks.
Design solutions so far have included a device to help an MS sufferer
put in her earrings and fixing the broken joystick on an electric
wheelchair. The process is filmed and uploaded to their website
so the lessons learned can be transferred to the wider community.
Fixperts positions itself as part of a wider return to fixing or hacking
products, rather than replacing them.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Social Pairing


A number of social platforms are creating new avenues for people
who are seeking funding for their business or creative endeavors.
These peer-to-peer models allow a community of like-minded
individuals to contribute small amounts of money to the ideas
and projects theyd like to see succeed. The platforms serve as
viable alternatives to traditional financial institutions, encouraging
experimentation by lowering the barriers to participation and
providing more opportunities for people to get their ventures off of
the ground and into their communities.

Un numero elevado de plataformas sociales estn creando nuevas
vas para personas que quieren financiar sus proyectos o empresas.
Estos modelos peer-to-peer permiten a la comunidad de personas,
que piensan de manera similar, contribuir econmicamente, en
pequeas cantidades, a los proyectos u ideas que les gustara
que tuvieran xito. Estas plataformas sirven como alternativas
viables a las formas tradicionales de financiacin y promueven la
experimentacin al rebajar las barreras de participacin y proveer
de mas oportunidades a las personas para que puedan desarrollar
sus iniciativas y acercarlas a la comunidad.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Tendencies


Skyscraper Is Funded
By City Residents
BD Bacata is a crowdfunded skyscraper in Bogota, Colombia that has
been funded by its citys citizens. Thousands of ordinary Colombian
citizens have invested their own money to be shareholders in what
will be the tallest building in Colombia. Citizens bought small shares
called FiDis, which entitle them to a portion of ownership and, also,
portions of profits. The project will be realized by 2014, and the
campaign has already raised over $145,000,000 through 3,000+

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Micro-Financing


Digital technologies are connecting travelers through their shared
needs, enabling drivers to coordinate carpooling efforts during
busy commuting times or individuals to rent their vehicles when not
in use. By distributing the costs associated with transportation or
ownership, these peer-to-peer exchanges not only save money, but
also improve the overall community by removing excess cars off the
road, limiting the amount of resources used, and connecting people
around shared experiences.

Las tecnologas digitales estn conectando a los viajeros en
torno a las necesidades comunes, permitiendo a los conductores
poder coordinar los esfuerzos para un uso compartido del coche
durante los tiempos de desplazamiento o bien permite a personas
poder alquilar sus vehculos cuando no estn en uso. Mediante
la distribucin de los costos asociados con el transporte o la
propiedad, estos intercambios peer-to-peer de igual a igual no
slo ahorrarn dinero, sino que tambin mejorarn la comunidad
en general, mediante la eliminacin de exceso de vehculos fuera
de la carretera, lo que limita la cantidad de recursos utilizados, y se
pues entonces, conectar a las personas del mismo entorno a vivir
experiencias compartidas.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Tendencies


Social Bike Network

Pairs Riders With Owners
For Rentals
Spinlister is a matchmaking site started in New York and San
Francisco that has created a bike rental market out of idle bicycles
owned by individuals. Matching those that want to ride a bike with
bike owners not using their bikes, the social rental network matches
desired bike type, location, size and accessories - like helmet, lock,
lights, etceterawith bike owners who have listed their rides for
self-set hourly, weekly and monthly rates. Liquid, in turns, insures
participating bicycles, facilitates the payment transactions and
markets listed bikes.

The Future Of Cities Report


Citizen Sourced / Shared Transport




Artistic endeavors and considered

redevelopments that make the city
landscape feel more vibrant and alluring,
while engaging citizens around shared
experiences and conversations.

Actividades artsticas y de
reurbanizacin considerando que
conforman el paisaje de la ciudad
para que se sienta ms vivo y
vibrante el entorno, mientrasque
involucran a los ciudadanos en
torno a experiencias compartidas y



1. Derelict Revival

1. Abandonados Renacimiento

2. Infrastructure Reboot

2. Reacitvar la Infraestructura

3. Enhanced Facades

3. Renovacin de Fachadas

4. Culture Hacking

4. Hackear la Cultura

5. Landscape Narratives

5. Paisajes Que Narran

6. Architectural Infographics

6. Infografia Arquitectnica

The Future Of Cities Report



As cities struggle to find available land for new development
projects, there is a counter-movement taking place that seeks
to reinvigorate existing urban environments that have been
neglected. The reimagination and rehabilitation of these decaying
urban environments enhances existing structures and makes them
suitable for public use, while retaining the original character of the
past. These modern hybrids can serve as burgeoning civic centers,
bringing new opportunities for commerce and cultural exchange.

Igual que existe la constante lucha de las ciudades para encontrar
tierras disponibles para nuevos proyectos de desarrollo,
paralelamente hay un contra-movimiento que tiene lugar, en la
bsqueda de formas para revitalizar los entornos urbanos que
se enfrentan al desuso y deterioro. Esta reinvencin del paisaje
construido, mejora las estructuras existentes y diseos con avances
creativos, hacindolas adecuadas para el uso pblico, mientras que
conserva el carcter original del pasado. Estos hbridos modernos
pueden servir como un rebrote de centros cvicos, generando
nuevas oportunidades para el comercio y el intercambio cultural.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Tendencies


Entrepreneurs Take Over

Vacant Storefronts To Spur
Retail Revival
Popuphood in Oakland, San Francisco was an urban initiative offering
free retail space in unused buildings to local entrepreneurs. Launched
by two local entrepreneurs to encourage urban renewal in Oakland
where retail is struggling, the project allows local artists, designers,
and retailers the opportunity to open their own stores in previously
vacant storefronts for six months, rent free. The projects main focus
is to provide the local community with a vibrant shopping area, and
has led to five new retail shops, including a jeweller and art gallery.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Derelict Revival


As consumer technologies grow more advanced and the needs
of a population evolve, much of a citys existing infrastructure can
become outmoded and therefore go underutilized. As a way to
inject relevancy back into these older systems and environments,
artists and developers are creating intelligent solutions for bringing
them up-to-date, while keeping their original uses and designs

Como consumidor se desea el avance de las tecnologas para cubrir
las necesidades de una poblacin y as evolucionar, gran parte de
la infraestructura existente de una ciudad puede llegar a quedar
obsoleta y por lo tanto subutilizada. Una manera de inyectar la
relevancia de nuevo en estos sistemas ms antiguos y sus entornos,
es invitar a los artistas y desarrolladores a crear soluciones
inteligentes para criarlos hasta la fecha, conservando sus usos y
diseos originales intactos.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Tendencies


Reinvented Bus Stop Allows

Citizens To Post Virtual Notes
Eyestop is a bus stop that has been partially covered with touchsensitive e-ink and digital screens to deliver a wide range of
information. Developed by MITs SENSEable City Lab, the concept
provides bus passengers in Fukoka, Mexico City and Rome with a
range of interactive information. Passengers and passers-by will be
able to post ads and community announcements to a moderated
bulletin board on the bus stop. Ads can be displayed, and the solarpowered bus shelter also collects data about the local environment
for scientific use. The concept aims to enrich the city with state of
the art sensing technologies, interactive services, community information and entertainment.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Infrastructure Reboot


Artworks and other creative design solutions are being added to
building facades and other structures to enhance the overall beauty
of the urban environment. These efforts are inviting artists and even
brands to help contribute to the cityscape by helping refresh drab
exteriors, hide ongoing construction, and complement the existing

Obras y otras soluciones de diseo creativo que se aaden a las
fachadas de edificios y otras estructuras para realzar la belleza
general del medio ambiente urbano. Estos esfuerzos estn invitando
a artistas e incluso marcas para ayudar a contribuir al paisaje urbano,
ayudando a los exteriores de actualizacin montona, ocultar
construccin en curso y complementar el entorno existente.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Tendencies


Uninviting Spaces
Become Safer With
Rainbow Hued Lights
To transform a desolate pathway and motorway beneath a San
Antonio, Texas highway into a more pedestrian and motorist friendly
passageway, artist Bill Fitzgibbons has installed lighting that converts
the highway underpass columns into a rainbow display of illumination.
The LED lighting system flashes through a range of color spectrums
that, repeating in a 20 minute loop, are projected onto the highways
structural columns capped with aluminum. By layering bright lighting
and cheerful hues into an otherwise dubious space, safety and
comfort are improved attractively and playfully.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Enhanced Facades


Communities are using various forms of street art as a way to make
statements about and bring attention to larger social, political and
economic issues. These playful and sometimes provocative displays
are designed to make people question the status quo, creating an
open discourse around important topics that often go overlooked
within the context of the city.

En un esfuerzo para criticar la cultura dominante, las comunidades
estn utilizando diversas formas de arte callejero como una manera
de hacer declaraciones sobre y llamar la atencin a los grandes
problemas sociales, polticos y econmicos. Estas exhibiciones
ldicas y provocativo a veces estn diseados para hacer que la
gente a cuestionar el statu quo, la creacin de un dilogo abierto
en torno a temas importantes que a menudo pasan por alto en el
contexto de la ciudad.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Tendencies


Ugandan Artists Create A

Local Park Out Of Garbage
Artist and teacher Ruganzu Tusingwire has built an amusement park
using recycled materials including repurposed plastic bottles. In
designing the park he notes that this initiative was a conscious effort
to create a space for local children. The park is multi-faceted in that
it allows a safe area for children to play all the while encompassing
traits to psychologically and emotionally stimulate the children.
In addition, by using recycled material to create this playground,
Tusingwire is sparking creative ways for the children to actively
participate in environmental initiatives. The project was awarded the
2012 TED Prize at the TEDxSummit in Doha, Qatar.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Culture Hacking


Digital technology is enabling people to attach stories, information,
and thoughts to specific locations and moments in time. These
can be shared, followed, and interacted with by others through
their mobile devices, bringing more meaningful and engaging
experiences to our physical environments.


La tecnologa digital est permitiendo a la gente para unir historias,
informacin y pensamientos a lugares y momentos especficos en
el tiempo. Estos pueden ser compartidos, seguido e interactuaron
con los dems a travs de sus dispositivos mviles, con lo que
las experiencias ms significativas e interesantes para nuestros
ambientes fsicos.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Tendencies


Website Creates Digital Notes

For Others To Find Anywhere
In The World
Findery is an online platform that allows users to move throughout
their cities and pin virtual notes on a map for others to interact with
and experience. Notes can be private or made available to the general
public, allowing citizens to discover stories, advice, and information
as they move throughout their environments. Information can be
organized into categories like, Best Spots for Butterfly Hunting or
Find me a Nearby Toilet NOW allowing users to contribute to a
database being built up over time. In future versions, the app will
include an instant notification system that would push messages to
users as they travel throughout a city.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Landscape Narratives


As a way to connect citizens with their fellow residents, their
immediate surroundings and wider world events, designers and
architects are working together to transform buildings and other
structures into large- scale information displays. These platforms
use lighting and other visual reporting to relay real-time data to
the population such as environmental conditions, social sentiments
and election results, bringing people together around a shared

Es una manera de conectar a los ciudadanos con sus compaeros
residentes y de su alrededor inmediato de los mayores eventos
mundiales, los diseadores y los arquitectos estn trabajando
juntos para transformar los edificios y otras estructuras en grandes
pantallas de informacin de escala. Estas plataformas utilizan
iluminacin y la informacin visual ofreciendo datos a tiempo real a
la poblacin, tales como las condiciones ambientales, el sentimiento
social, y los resultados electorales, en definitiva, reunir a la gente en
torno a una experiencia compartida.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Tendencies


Iconic Landmark Projected

With Pie Chart Expressing
Public Sentiment
To report on the mood in Great Britain surrounding the 2012 Olympics,
the energy company EDF Energy partnered with branding agency
Ignite and MIT graduates to create a light installation on the London
Eye, the citys iconic Ferris wheel on the banks of the River Thames,
that visualized the nations daily mood as Olympic activities ensued.
In a campaign called Energy of the Nations, people were invited to
tweet responses to the question, How are you feeling today, Great
Britain? Taking an emotional read of the tweets, algorithms analyzed
collected adjectives, emoticons and punctuation to estimate the
share of daily energy which was positive or negative. Visualized
as a simple pie chart projected on the circular Ferris wheel form,
illuminated portions in yellow expressed positive energy while purple
expressed negative.

The Future Of Cities Report


Urban Canvas / Architectural Infographics




Designs for urban environments that

promote natural landscapes and the
sustainable use of resources.

Los diseos de entornos urbanos

que promueven los paisajes
naturales y el uso sostenible de los



1. Clean Air Everywhere

1. Aire Puro en Todas Partes

2. Recycled Resource Systems

2. Sistemas de reciclaie de

3. Micro Parks
4. Compact Farming

The Future Of Cities Report


3. Micro-Parques
4. Agricultura en Espacios


A combination of advanced materials and living walls are
being incorporated into buildings and other structures to help
remove harmful pollutants from the air. In addition to health and
environmental benefits, these material choices can contribute to
the overall aesthetics of the surroundings, creating safer and more
enjoyable places for people to work and live.

Una combinacin de materiales avan- zados y las paredes vivientes
se estn incorporando en los edificios y otras estructuras para
ayudar a eliminar contaminantes peligrosos del aire. Adems de
los beneficios para la salud y el medio ambiente, estas opciones
de materiales pueden contribuir a la esttica del entorno, creando
espacios ms seguros y ms agradable para las personas que
trabajan y viven.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Tendencies


Five-Story Mural In Italy

Helps Clean City Air
A 59-foot mural located in Bologna, Italy was painted using
photocatalytic paint, which is capable of converting nitrogen
monoxide (smog) into clean air. Created by Italian artist Andreco, the
five-story piece of public art called Philosophical Tree, demonstrates
how artwork can increase quality of life by contributing to the
environment and improving urban spaces.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Clean Air Everywhere


Engineers and architects are rethinking the current design
of architectural and environmental infrastructure, in favor of
regenerative systems that are capable of harnessing wasted energy
and resources and redistributing them where needed. Whether
converting the kinetic energy from foot traffic into electricity or
recycling grey water for other residential uses, these closedloop designs help deliver greater efficiencies that lower resource
consumption and cut back on costs.

En un esfuerzo por bajar el consumo de recursos y reducir costos,
los ingenieros estn diseando sistemas regenerativos que son
capaces de aprovechar la energa desperdiciada de una variedad
de fuentes y redistribuir donde sea necesario como una forma de
poder suplementario. Ya sea que la captura de la energa cintica
de los residentes caminando por una acera ocupada para operar
farolas o redirigir el calor de transporte subterrneo para calentar
edificios de apartamentos, los diseos de circuito cerrado ayudar a
ofrecer una mayor eficiencia.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Tendencies


Leaf-like Pavilion Concept

Doubles As Rainwater
Harvesting Site
An award-winning architectural concept created for the city of
Cassablanca, Morocco, features a leaf-like pavilion that will store
and recycle rainwater for use in public toilets. Created by Tom David
Architecten, the design consists of enormous petal-shaped structures
that collect rainwater and channel it into underground tanks for future
use. In addition to providing, the structure will provide infrastructure
for markets operating in the neighboring streets.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Recycled Resource Systems


In an effort to inject more greenery into the urban environment,
artists and planners are getting more creative with how they
use available space, trans-forming underutilized aspects of the
landscape into small parks and gardens. These reclaimed places not
only make the surroundings feel more vibrant through the use of
natural greenery, but also help people redefine public space within
cities, creating more opportunities for people to gather.

En un esfuerzo por inyectar ms zonas verdes en el entorno urbano,
los artistas y los planificadores son cada vez ms creativos con la
forma en que utilizan el espacio disponible, la transformacin de los
aspectos infrautilizados del paisaje en pequeos parques y jardines.
Estos lugares recuperados no slo hacen que el entorno se sienta
ms vibrante a travs de la belleza natural, sino tambin ayudar a
la gente redefinir el espacio pblico en las ciudades, creando ms
oportunidades para que las personas se renen y congregan.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Tendencies


Project Aims To Replace

Billboards With Wi-Fi-Enabled
Bamboo Gardens
Urban Air is a project created by Los Angeles-based artist Stephen
Glassman that aims to turn existing billboards into urban gardens
filled with bamboo. The suspended gardens will feature Wi-Fienabled sensors, transforming them into global nodes capable
of monitoring the climate. Working with a team of environmental
engineers, planners, technologists, billboard fabricators, bamboo
growers, and plumbers, Urban Air is developing a DIY kit that could
change any billboard into a garden oasis no matter the city, further
spreading the idea of urban sustainability.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Mirco Parks


In an effort to bring city centers closer to their food sources,
developers and architects are experimenting with various methods
for constructing farms and gardens that maximize yield within a
limited amount of space. Whether incorporating their designs into
existing structures or reducing physical footprints by building
vertically, these compact solutions are making urban agriculture a
viable model for supplementing the current food system.

En un esfuerzo por llevar los centros urbanos ms cerca de sus
fuentes de alimento, los desarrolladores y arquitectos estn
experimentando con diversos mtodos para la construccin
de parques y jardines que maximizan el rendimiento dentro de
una cantidad limitada de espacio. Tanto la incorporacin de sus
diseos en las estructuras existentes o la reduccin de las huellas
fsicas de la construccin en vertical, estas soluciones compactas
estn haciendo de la agricultura urbana un modelo viable para
complementar el sistema alimentario actual.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Tendencies


Vertical Farm Opens For

Commercial Use In The Busy
Streets Of Singapore
With the aim of decreasing dependence on food imports, Singapore
implemented the worlds first commercial-scale vertical farm. The
vertical farm, which has been developed by Sky Green Farms, consists
of 120 aluminum towers, each extending up almost 30 feet in height.
It can produce over 1,000 pounds of vegetables per day, all of which
are sold in the local FairPrice Finest supermarkets. Although the cost
of the vegetables is more compared to other produce, the farm has
had success selling its product to local consumers. Until now, the
country imported 93% of its vegetables, and the farm is estimated
to more than double in size and output by the end of 2013.

The Future Of Cities Report


Green Scaping / Compact Farming





1. Pop-Up Culture

7. Citizen Sensor Networks

13. Crowd Planned

19. Derelict Revival

25. Clean Air Everywhere

2. Elastic Environments

8. Hyperlocal Reporting

14. Community Currency

20. Infrastructure Reboot

3. Snap-On Housing

9. Just-In-Time Alerts

15. Collaborative Economy

21. Enhanced Facades

26. Recycled Resource


4. Micro Living

10. Proximity Services

16. Social Pairing

22. Culture Hacking

5. Multi-Modal Transit Hubs

11. Data Transparency

17. Micro Financing

23. Landscape Narratives

6. Creative Clusters

12. Intelligent Transportation

18. Shared Transport

24. Architectural Infographics

The Future Of Cities Report





27. Micro Parks

28. Compact Farming


This report examines 28 key trends that are driving
the sustainable development and efficient operation
of modern cities as they respond to the unique challenges
posed by rapid urbanization. Aided by connected






thinking, cities at the forefront of these progressive

solutions are creating a compelling blueprint for ensuring
that their citizens, businesses and public institutions
thrive. As we plan for the future, PSFK Labs is excited
for the opportunity to contribute its point of view to this


ongoing conversation.

150 page report

Featuring five macro themes and 28 key trends

80+ examples of innovation described in detail
Relevant experts to follow in the space
Ideas for putting the trends into action
Spanish translation



This report would not have been possible without the help of two valuable
sponsors who share our forward-looking vision. PSFK would like to kindly
thank Prodigy Network and BD Bacata for their support.

PSFK Labs creates thought leading content that provides its clients and their
audiences with ideas and inspiration. Our trends research helps companies
evolve their products, services and communications to meet the changing behaviors and expectations of their customers, partners and society. Our unique
methodology to describe the future has been employed by a client list that
includes American Express, BMW, Microsoft, Target and Pepsi.

Prodigy Network.
Real Estate marketing and development company based on Wall Street with
outlets in Miami and Bogota. Its projects are the best in all of their markets
and are recognized for their inspirational qualities. Rodrigo Nio, Prodigy Networks president, is the creator and director of My Ideal City.
BD Promotors.
BD Promotors is a real estate development company based in
Barcelona, Spain. They are responsible for construction of BD Bacata, an
architectural complex that is being built in Bogota, Colombia through
crowdfunding. The first crowdfunded initiative of its scale, the building will be
66 stories tall, making it the tallest building in Bogota.


Piers Fawkes

Scott Lachut

42 Bond Street, 6th

floor New York, NY
10012 USA

CEO & Founder

Director, Consulting

+1 646.520.4672

+1 646.520.4672

The Future Of Cities Report


Version 1.1.2


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