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A Project Report ON / IN

Marketing in I.T. Sector


SUBMITTED BY (Viky raj srivastava)



I, Viky raj srivastava hereby declare that this project report is the record of authentic work carried out by me during the period from 15th May 2011 TO 14th July 2011 and has not been submitted earlier to any university or institute for the award of any degree/diploma etc.

Name of the Student: Viky raj srivastava Date:


This project has been an honest and dedicated attempt to make the analysis on marketing material as authentic as it could. And I earnestly hope that it provides useful and workable information and knowledge to any person reading it. During this period, I had the pleasure of working closely with accomplished organization people who shared with me their experience and helped me in completion of my research. I express my sincere thanks to my project guides and my institute faculty for guiding me. Lastly I am grateful to my parents who been my mentors and motivators. I am also thankful to all my batch mates who have been directly or indirectly involved in successful completion of this project.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Topics Sr.No. 1. Objectives And Scope Of The Project. 2. Background Introduction / Synopsis Of The Project. a) Company profile, b) Basic introduction of the project, c) Organizational hierarchy, d) Department. Page no.s

3. Research Methodology. a) Methods & Tools adopted for analysis, b) Data collection, c) Techniques for analysis, d) Pictorial / Graphic / pie charts, presentation of data. 4. Observations / Findings. 5. Limitations. 6. Suggestions / Recommendations. 7. Conclusion. 8. Bibliography.

o Objectives And Scope Of The Project Objectives:I have made the project on the topic MARKETINMG IN INFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES The objective of this project is to find, what are the steps Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Is adapting to be market leader and to differentiate itself from its competitors.

Most of the product of Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. comes in the category of IT products. There is large no. of players in the market, who are Providing similar product to the same sector. Now, customers have become smart, they have great knowledge of market, product and suppliers. So, they are looking for the product which is providing something extra. Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has a wide range of product in IT sector, covering almost every needs and wants of the customers. It has products forLarge scale industries , small scale industries , shops etc. So, it has to differentiate its products taking into account the needs and demands of all the sectors of the society Not, only product but it has to look upon the services and feed back from customers also. It should do something to give after sales service and collect feed back from the customers.

The basic objective of this project is as mentioned above to find ways so that Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. To be market leader by considering all the needs & wants and fulfilling their demand.


The IT industry has great scope for people as it provides employment to technical and non technical graduates and has the capability to generate huge foreign exchange inflow for India. India exports softwares and services to approximately 95 countries in the world. By outsourcing to India, many countries get benefits in terms of labour costs and business processes. Also, the Indian companies are broadening the range of services being provided to the customers, which is resulting in more off shoring. Talent acquisition, development and retention initiatives taken by the companies have brought down the employee attrition rates, thereby providing more stability to the employees and increasing their job commitment. Many financial institutions are providing funds for the expansion of IT and ITeS businesses. In order to support IT and ITES, the Indian Government is also taking many steps. For example: 1. The Govt. has provided incentives including tax holiday up to 2010 and competitive duty structures. 2. The Govt. is trying to reduce the international communication cost. 3. It is providing infrastructure support through organizations such as software technology parks. All these factors collectively create a number of opportunities in the IT sector.

Future of Information Technology

IT will continue to gain momentum; telecom and wireless will follow the trend. The immense expansion in networking technologies is expected to continue into the next decade also. IT will bring about a drastic improvement in the quality of life as it impacts application domains and global competitiveness. Technologies that are emerging are Data Warehousing and Data Mining. They involve collecting data to find patterns and testing hypothesis in normal research. Software services that are being used in outsourcing will go a long way.

o Background Introduction / Synopsis Of The Project.

A:- Company profile:FAZAR Infotech Pvt. Ltd. is an emerging IT consulting company providing an end-to-end ebusiness solutions and software development services, which combines cutting-edge technology with keen business acumen to deliver high quality, "e"nnovative Web solutions and business process automation tools for global enterprises. Our primary focus is to provide affordable software solutions for our clientele with an edge of technological advancement and change driven ideology. FAZAR Infotech has consulting practice and service oriented delivery with experienced IT professionals in Software Engineering, Business process transformation, software quality assurance, Off-the-shelf technology solutions on a case by case basis to satisfy specific requirements of our clients. FAZAR Infotech is a leading software development company in India providing Offshore Software Development Services & solutions with services such as outsourcing software development in India. We leverage our proven expertise in developing technology to drive business efficiency and productivity to satisfy customers increasingly demanding requirement to improve operational efficiency, higher employee productivity, faster go-to market, and maximized customer satisfaction FAZAR Infotech Pvt. Ltd. specializes in Specialize in Offshore Website Designing, Software Development , Web Promotion, Graphic Designing, Multimedia Flash Development and SEO Services. We have Skilled IT Professionals who constantly worked for the IT Projects and furnish exceptional results within time bound. FAZAR is committed to our partners (client) to all kinds of thin and thick solution to clients from individual needs to, firm, and to corporate enterprise necessity and as a result we welcome you with both hands if you want to hire us. Our custom-built business solutions help clients improve their reliability, speed, and agility enabling them to achieve sustainable advantages over their competitors.

Mission To provide utmost technology services to customers to get the most from their investment in technology deriving optimal performance during its life cycle and to make our customer delighted.

Vision To become the most reputed and trusted Software Consultancy & Internet Marketing company, through unique, custom-tailored services, matching our client's requirement, in order to expand the business of both of our clients and of ourselves.

B:- Basic introduction of the project

Web Development in India With constant improvements in programming technology, professional web development services are fast becoming the preferred option for many companies. There are several different ways that a website can be developed, and although some methods may be unsuitable for a particular project, all are aimed at increasing a websites functionality. The management of these dynamic websites can sometimes be perceived as difficult and time consuming, especially when compared to their static counterparts. When properly developed, however, they are easier to manage than most people think i.e. you wont need a computer specialist to maintain your website. At Complete Web Solutions, we recognise that you need to have this element of control over your own web presence. In line with this philosophy, any developments made or recommended by us will always be for the benefit of your business, not ours. Listed below are brief descriptions of the web development services we provide. Database Driven Websites These are websites that contain stored data i.e. available flights, stock lists etc. When the user requests certain information, it will be retrieved and displayed to them dependant on the specific criteria they have entered into a search. The data can be administered by you from a secure, password protected administration area.


Content Management Systems Websites with content management systems make it possible to manage the content of certain or all pages from a secure administration area. This gives you the freedom to change your website's content as you see fit, without having to contact your web design company.

Online Shop and Shopping Cart Facilities Online shop and shopping cart facilities provide the owner with a secure system to add, edit and delete products from an online shop which is fully integrated into the main website. Customers have the option to add products to a shopping cart, checkout and finally make their purchase; all services secure within the confines of a fully automated system.

Online Payments Systems Online payment systems usually work in conjunction with online shops, but do not always have to do so. They can be used to take annual membership fees for clubs and associations etc., and are very useful for receiving credit card payments. Transactions can be processed online and received funds can be lodged straight into a bank or online merchant account.


Online shopping basically provides the way consumers go shopping and purchase services and goods with reasonable price on the Internet. For some consumers, shopping and purchasing online have become part of their daily lives, while others may not even care about it. At this point, I wonder what factors influence online purchasing behavior and explain the difference in online buying behavior among Internet users.


STRATEGIES Putting the enablers in place

One strategy that is extremely relevant in the circumstances is to identify and put in place the enablers, which catalyze and foster a rapid growth of IT on all fronts. It is necessary for us to study the factors that were responsible for such rapid growth of IT sector in areas like the Silicon Valley, Route 128 , Singapore, Taiwan and China. The following are believed to be the set of enablers that would be requir Building Infrastructure :

One of the most important pre-requisites for fostering the growth of IT industry is the building up of the required infrastructure in the government sector to the extent necessary and in the private sector to the extent desirable. The infrastructure for IT is broadly in the form of the following .

Creating the right social environment:

The development of IT industry in a region is an evolutionary process. It happens over a period of time typically a decade or two. This continuous process of evolution needs a continuity also in the policy environment, which , in turn, depends on the socio-economic milieu. A climate conducive to the development of IT has, fortunately, emerged in India in general and in Andhra Pradesh in particular. It is the firm intention of the Government to exploit these climatic conditions fully on one hand and take steps that would ensure its consolidation on the other. The creation of confidence in society in the capability of IT to manage its day to day affairs and the generation of the wide spread belief that IT can be an effective instrument for the economic well being of a people are essential in this context. Fortunately for the State, such a confidence and belief have already begun to take root due to the successful and visible effects of some of the projects taken up or promoted by the State. Examples are the Hitec city, the IIIT, CARD and TWINS projects, which have fired the imagination of not only the citizens of the state but also of the other States and countries. This is an excellent and highly conducive situation.



Building public awareness

However good the objectives of the IT policy may be, its successful implementation depends to a large extent on the extent to which the citizens in general and the benefit groups in particular appreciate its usefulness and derive the fruit it provides. Very well implemented IT projects could not achieve the desired objectives due to the disinterest bordering on apathy and ignorance of 12 what benefit the project could offer to the citizen. A well designed campaign to continually enhance the public awareness of the benefits of the various programs is quite relevant and essential in this context. This campaign could be in several forms like Advertisements through press and media Electronic Display Boards Project-specific seminars and workshops Press conferences Web-sites Mega IT Events Road shows Participation in exhibitions The cost and effort required to create the right degree of awareness among the user groups - be it the citizens, the entrepreneurs, the employees has to be built into the design of all IT projects.

Leverage private sector initiative

One other strategy critical to drive massive investments into the IT sector that it rightly needs at this point, is to leverage the financial, managerial and technological strengths of the private sector. For such a strategy to take root and work, it is necessary for the Government to spell out the areas in which such investments are invited and to spell out the ground rules for private initiatives. Some of these areas are Creation of IT infrastructure Implementation of e-Governance Projects on BOO and BOOT basis Development of software for e-governance projects Facilities Management Distance education & healthcare Community Internet Infrastructure E-commerc 14

Continue. Strategic alliances and partnerships

One of the key objectives of the policy is to make the State globally competitive in the IT sector. This requires emulation of global best practices. Strategic alliances and partnerships with global leaders in specific thrust areas of IT , especially in IT infrastructure and IT education, is ideally suited to achieve this end. This strategy will have several distinct advantages. Firstly, the global player would bring to the table the state-of-the-art technology and skill set. The Government need not invest its resources on a technology hunt. Secondly, the financial and managerial resources of the State are not put to undue strain. This strategy has already been successfully used in the development of Hi-tec city , IIIT and the international IT schools around IIIT and the Indian School of Business. The government intends to take up more such projects through the alliance / partnership route in diverse areas. While it is not possible to straightjacket the policy or the norms for arriving at and concluding such alliances / partnerships, it is certainly possible to indicate the areas in which proposals are welcome. The following is the list of priority areas in which the government intends to follow the alliance / partnership route. i. IT-enabled education ii. Data centers /server farms iii. Digital libraries iv. Smart cards v. Electronic Payment systems Approach to Computerization of all departments

Given the resource constraint, it is not possible for the Government to attempt computerization of all the departments and agencies at one time. A thin spread of the resources is likely to result in a large number of failures and non-starters. The government , therefore, considers it a better strategy to prioritize its departments and agencies on rational criteria and focus on the priority areas so as to computerize all of them over the next 3 years. The objective of an e-governance project could be any or all of the following : Improve the quality of citizen services Improve the internal efficiencies of the Govt dept or agency Better enforcement of law Promotion & Outreach activities Education & Information


Why do need a website?

Increasingly, in today's business world, the first point of contact between a business and potential customers will take place on the internet. When people are interested in a particular product or service, a high percentage will choose to use the internet to find information relevant to their needs. How important is my website's image?

On the internet, customers are merely 'clicks' away from a range of competitors all vying for their business. In most cases, each company will offer similar, if not identical, service propositions to the viewer. So, what's the differentiator? If your website presents a fresh, easy to use design, you will succeed in making a good first impression. You will show yourself to be professional and organized, and you build the customer's confidence to do business with your company. Conversely, if you present the viewer with a dated, disorganized and all round sub standard design, (remember, they will have a basis for comparison) your company will appear likewise. On the internet, a first impression can quite often be the last.


What are the main benefits of having a website?

You are providing potential customers with specific information, relevant to their needs. Much more than name, address and telephone number. Your company / business has a presence in an ever growing, worldwide marketplace, 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can use your website to sell products / services online; you are no longer confined to operating within normal hours of trade.

Internet Marketing Our internet marketing services aim to give your business prominence on the internet, and will ensure that your website is relevant to the customers you are targeting. To accomplish this, we research the market that you are involved in and, based on the information gained, we tailor a marketing plan and strategy specific to your company and relevant to your needs Listed below are some of the internet marketing services / strategies we provide.


Pay per click advertising: As the name suggests, pay per click is a form of advertising whereby you pay for each time a viewer clicks on your internet advertisement. Structuring your pay per click campaign on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN gives you the chance to have your website found under whatever search terms you choose. This type of internet advertising can be closely controlled and is extremely cost effective when compared to other forms of media marketing. Link popularity: Inbound links are best described as direct links between heavily indexed websites and your own. They play a key role in a search engine's decision to place certain websites ahead of others following a particular keyword search. These inbound links are placed on carefully selected websites and directories across the internet, ensuring they will be continually indexed by the major search engines. Writing content copy for your website Written copy is important to both search engines and website viewers. Search engines use content to learn about a website and index it appropriately, while visitors will view poorly written text as a reflection of the business it represents. This is why most successful websites put structured, well worded copy to use; professionally written content shows your company in the best possible light and also serves to improve your rank in search engine listings. In the words of the 3 major search engines, Content is King


C:- Organizational hierarchy

Company Director / MD

Marketing Department

Development Department

Account Department HR Department

Marketing Head Business Development Manager Marketing Executive / Management Trainee

Software Developer Website Developer Testing Department

Head HR Relationship Manager

Head Accountant Ass. Accountant


D:- Department.

Multimedia Department Fazar uses macromedia technology to design 2D and 3D cartoons, and uses the latest technology in the field to produce high quality Compact Discs (CDs) that include animated cartoons, Islamic songs, games, comic strips, fables, and novelties, combined with Islamic cultural and educational subjects. The Multimedia Department is divided into various technical sections: 2D and 3D multimedia program design, webpage design, and publications. All sections keep up-to-date with new trends developments in design techniques and use the latest technology including: Macromedia Director, Macromedia Authorware, and Macromedia Flash. Programs, websites, and publications are designed using: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiare, Macromedia Flash, 3D Studio MAX, Corel Draw, and Macromedia FreeHand. In the near future the Multimedia Department is looking forward to customizing its multimedia technology to include special applications for mobile phones, handheld devices, and internet sites following which it will develop a special website for children using the latest in multimedia technology. This will be done in


Introducing the Electronic Publishing Department It supports all the departments in the company, as it receives the written and audible texts and prepares it for the other departments, in addition to some special projects of the company, prepared by the talented members of the electronic publishing team. The department includes more than two hundred and fifty researchers graduated from faculties of standard Language and To achieve accuracy at work with this large number, the Head of the department divides the researchers into groups led by the most senior members of the team as regards language, legislation and administration. Contact with researchers goes through team leaders, so as to give the chance to the head of the department to accomplish his duties.

Digitization cycle: The digitization process passes through several stages to prepare the data and send it to the database. The stages start with scanning the documents, so as to change them from hard copies to soft files. As these files are not editable, then comes the electronic reading stage in which the scanned documents become editable electronic texts, where the language and legislation may be processed . Letters are linked and the form of the letter changes according to its position in the beginning, middle, or end of the word. The accuracy of the electronic reader program reaches 98%; this technology saves almost 50% of time. If the printed texts are old or not clear, their input is done manually.


Indexation stage: In this stage, input is made of the data related to the indexation fields, where further information may be added to the document. For example, project title, book title, authors name, page number in the book, document title and any other necessary information. This information is used in searching and indexation. The importance of this information is first checked, as the document cannot be sent the next stage without filling in these fields, though it may be optional. This information may be added in a previous stage, then revised it this stage. Here the text is revised after electronic reading, as we see there is a link between the word in the text and its copy to facilitate revision.

Correction unit: In this stage, mistakes are highlighted with different color; the number of mistakes in the document may be known using the statistics option in the program. When a certain word is clicked, a list of options, of meanings, appears that mostly likely have the correct word. The linguist plays an important role in choosing the correct word depending on his understanding of the context. The operation of correcting the word, by choosing the meaning from the list of options, writing it manually or ignoring it, has 3 levels: either in this position only, in this document only or in all the next documents. You can therefore change the concerned word only, change it in the opened document using the option change all or change it in all the documents using the option always change as the electronic corrector keeps this word in its dictionary. We apply this operation in case we have a wrong word and it has to be changed, but if the word was correct, you will have three options: Ignore: Ignores the word in this position only. Ignore all: Ignores the word in the opened document only.


Always ignore: Ignores the word in all the documents as the electronic corrector saves the word in its dictionary and ignores this word whenever its mentioned. There is also an option to search in the opened document, you can control the search option by comparing the letters , select the word according to the calligraphy or just choose the whole word regardless to the calligraphy and the third option is search the determined (highlighted) text. To facilitate the task of the user, the electronic corrector has buttons to move from a mistake to the following, to move to the last mistake in the document, or to return to the first mistake. Beside these buttons appears a word count of the mistakes in the document. The mistakes are counted automatically when you move from a mistake to the next. The number of the mistakes is displayed compared to the total mistakes in the documents.

Diacritic stage: After the electronic correction of the words and languages texts, comes the stage of diacritic, which has two kinds: 1- Optional, to put the diacritic on words that helps the reader to understand the text well. 2- Analyze the word morphologically, and link it to the linguistic root and the morphological measurement that is necessary to the search tools to get a high level of accuracy.

The electronic diacritic: in which accuracy reaches a level of 95%, and the linguist covers the rest of the mistakes.


The advantages of this stage: 1- The program provides the linguist with the word declension. This advantage helps the searcher to choose the right syntax to the word through the available context, even in the case of the indeclinable words if they are added to the context and the searcher wants to use them in a wrong way syntactically, the program will alert him with a message. 2- The program provides the searcher with the measurement and morphological measurement of the words through measuring the words morphologically in a correct way - this advantage is important to search the syntax of the word - to enable the searcher to use the diacritic easily. 3- The program provides the linguist with the accumulative experience by always adding the word to the dictionary in the document or the book, always replacing the word or editing it. 4- The program provides the linguist with the option of searching the words and going to the next words and so on. 5- The program provides the linguist with the option of going to the diacritic text or word. 6- The program provides the ability to modify the diacritic of the word by adding or removing regarding to the context.

Exploring the text elements: By this tool you can arrange the text, titles, paragraphs, choose the font and its size. It edits web pages, which is the most important thing because the elements of the text are explored and then classified to proper name, prophets, placesetc. A legislation researcher does this operation. When he finds a proper name, he determines it and adds it to the list of the proper names


These lists are used in building indexes: The electronic linking of subjects: In this stage, pages are linked with the subject tree, which was prepared earlier using the key words. The page can be linked with more than one subject. We arrange these subjects and set a percentage to their relation to the main subject. The juristic specialist revises this link between all the subjects. The juristic specialist can see the key words that the link is based on by a double click, with the mouse, on the subject to modify the order, remove or add subjects to the subject tree and determine its order. The subject tree is built only by the system manager or by the person in charge. The linking may be done automatically without revision, and in that case it may reach a percentage of accuracy that is accepted by the client.

Subject Manual Division program and how it works: Program functions:

1- display the subject tree: It contains various branches: jurisprudence, principles of Islamic jurisprudence, Muslim creed, eloquence, grammar and other braches using a button at the top right. 2- display the files of the pages their subjects to be linked using the button [FILES LOAD]. 3- display the pages titles once you highlight the pages file. 4- The link between the branch and the pages title can be done using the button [ADDNODE]. 5-you can search the subject tree by using [TREESEARCH] 6- you can remove the link by using [DELETME] 7- you can display the contents of the page you want to link its subjects by using [VIEWPAGE] 8- you can search to know the titles that have been linked to a certain branch in the tree using the button [SEARCH].


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

a) Basic SEO Keyword Research including clients selected keyword up to 10 keywords Optimizing Title Tag, Meta Tag and Description, Images Alt Attributes Heading Tag Optimization Submission into Various Search Engine and Free Directories Keyword Report Generation Optimization of 5-10 Pages Sitemap and Robot.txt generation

b) Advanced SEO All Services of Basic Plans, plus 30 mins free consultation with our experts via online conferencing Dedicated Staff Support (24x7) Website Analysis Prior to SEO Operations On-Page Website Optimization Content Optimization Content Creation Setup tools like Blogs, FAQs etc Press Release Creation and Submission Paid Directory Submission


Social Media Marketing and Optimization(SMM-O)

a) Basic SMM-O: Research & Creation of Social Media Outlets according to clients target audience profiles Linking and Integrating the Social Media Outlets with Clients Website Monthly Reporting on Clients Social Media Buzz Metrics

b) Advanced SMM-O All services of Basic Plan, plus Customized and Branded Facebook Fan Page Creation Customized and Branded Twitter Page Creation Customized YouTube Page Creation Wikipedia Content Creation and SEO Optimization Viral Contents Development RSS Feed Development Advanced Buzz Reporting and Analysis by our experts Social Media Team 24 x 7 Customer dedicated support


Conversion Optimization: ConvertX We offer following services under ConvertX plan: Setup of Google Web-Master Account Site Error Removal Services Finding out how Google sees Client site Analyze search data of Clients Site Receive alerts in your inbox Check who links to Client Submitting Clients Site into Googles Index

Setup and Integration of Google Analytics Account E-commerce Tracking Report Generation Setting up Goals and Sales Funnel Improving the sites performance through analytics by pivoting Click stream data with multiple filters and criteria

Content Management System Development ClickOn Web Design offer tailored development of content management systems to meet you companys specific needs. All our CMS systems are easy to use, allowing non technical people within your company to easily update or change the web sites content, add new categories and pages and upload images, documents or presentations. We design every system with search engine optimization in mind, allowing you to implement on-page and off-page search engine optimization features as well subsequent messaging as a result, increases the scale and effectiveness of the online campaign.


Setup and Launch of Google Website Optimizer Account Eliminate guesswork from site design. Improve landing pages. Increase time spent on Clients site. Increase in Leads Increase sales and conversion rates. A/B Testing Multivariate Testing Incorporating Analysis back to website design to further lift the conversion metric till the clients objective conversion rate has been achieved or till the last subscription period. Reporting and Further Website

Projects: No project in the company starts without an effective participation of this department, unless it is a pure programming project. Important projects the department participated in: - Customized Software - ERP (Enterprises Recourse planning) -E-commerce Website -SEO


Our Services FAZAR Infotech specializes in plethora of services ranging from the desktop based software development to high-end Web-based ERP Solution provider.

Programming Languages C, C++, Java, C#, VB and J2e

Web Technology ASP, VBScript, COM, DCOM Microsofts .Net Technologies, Php, Jsp , Ruby, Flash

RDBMS (Relational Database Tools) MS-SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 MS-Access, MySQL and Oracle 10g

Operating Systems UNIX, LINUX ES 3.0, Microsoft Windows

Web Server Apache 1.3, IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0 ERP (Enterprises Resource Planning) ERP 2.0 Consultation, Installation and Support Services


Special skills of the departments employees: The electronic publishing departments employee performs his normal tasks , In addition to other tasks: projects managing, group managing, develop text sites using :( HTML DHTML JavaScripts XML XSL)

The relation between the department and other departments: The administration of the department provides all the companys departments (Development - Multimedia- Internet and Testing) with all the required materials and texts related to the projects and according to standards, it also provides the departments and administrations, if required, with some researchers to accomplish some juristic or language tasks inside that department.

Developing Department In accordance with Fazars policy of using new technology , and in order to provide with correct and authenticated knowledge wherever they are, they have developed their software to function on various new technical platforms.

Testing Department The Testing Department is one of the most important departments on which Fazar InfoTech relies in order to improve and assure the quality of its software whether produced for the Company itself or for a project of a client.


Company's support of the Testing Department The Company always cares about the development and improvement of the testing team through specialized courses in the fields of testing and providing them with related books and references in order to assure the high quality of the product, and therefore, satisfying the customers, which is the primary aim of the company.

Types of testing performed by the Testing Team: The Testing Department conducts several procedures of testing on the product before delivering it to the client or releasing it for use. Besides, the product has to be in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards Organization.

Customer Requirements Testing Installation Testing Unit Testing Functionally Test Graphic Interface Test Integration Testing Regression Test Security Test Computability Test Usability Test Stability Test Performance Testing

Quality Department The company regularly updates its working environment to achieve the challenging balance between high quality products, customer satisfaction, increases productivity, and accuracy while keeping costs down.


Continue ..

Within this framework, procedural control and quality assurance of the companys projects go hand-in-hand with implementation, as follows: 1- Project Initiation: At this stage of the project the customers requirements are established along with the plans to meet the desired standards of quality. 2- Project Planning: Once the different tasks to achieve the projects goal are identified the time frame for each task is determined. This stage is completed by the drawing up of a detailed plan for the project and the quality control procedures to be followed. 3- Project Implementation: In this stage the required software is designed and developed, and the quality control procedures that are to be followed are established by the project team according to the project plan. The Quality Control Department undertakes a review to ensure compliance with the original plan. 4- Project Control: It is crucial that this is maintained throughout all the projects stages in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks according to the budget and the timeframe for the project. 5- Project Completion: The project is delivered according to the required quality to meet the customers satisfaction. Lessons learnt throughout the implementation period are documented and circulated for the benefit of other project managers.


o Research Methodology.

RESEARCH DESIGN It consists of clean statement of the research problem procedures and information processing and analysis of data collected. It includes hypothesis also. I have used Descriptive Research which includes survey and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The main characteristics of this method are that the researchers have no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or what is happening. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as exists as present. Problem to organisation with their respective IT Company. Taste and preference of service provider and consumers towards the products Strategy of different players in the market. Different schemes of different products

Descriptive research design: Along with some exploratory research was applied which descriptive the state of affairs as they subsists. Descriptive research was used in the study of marketing strategies for the sale of companys product also studying about the parameters which affect the competitiveness of the product.

Analytical research:In this kind of research researcher uses facts or information which are already available and analysis these for critical and rational facts of the past and present tends in the demand and consumption, quality of product, packaging methods, supply and distribution and analyzed them for critical result and suggestion some recommendation.


Sampling methods:Snow ball sampling has been used for the purpose of those consumers and prospective customers as it helped in knowing the no. of users of product and convenient sampling methods was used for distributers in distance place as accessibility had emerged as a problem in some cases.

Sampling unit: It defines the target population that will sample together for carrying out the analysis. Here it includes different areas and households. Sampling size: For conducting the study distribution channel system of fazar infotech some region like KOTHRUDE , AUNDH , CHINCHWAD MIDC , TALEGAON MIDC , BHOSARI MIDC and BANER was selected.


Questionnaire is distributed to different households in the different areas. Respondent have responded correctly. Information collected through various source is correct.


The questionnaire is by far the most common instrument in collecting primary data & the questionnaire consists of question presented to respondent for their answers. The questionnaire used a set of open-ended question.

Sample size is 100 households Type of research - Descriptive research (it includes facts findings service) Statistical tools - Pie charts, bar diagrams etc. Data collection Through questionnaire

In the data of the sampling, large sample units are preferred to get the accurate outcome of the research. I took two place as a sample for survey i.e. CHINCHWAD MIDC and BHOSARI MIDC IN PUNE.



Q.1. Are you aware about IT products ? Yes No


yes no



I through my questionnaire infront of the 100 respondents , I came to know most of the people are aware about the IT products


Q2. Do you know that most of the customer search product by internet websites ?


60% 40% 20% 0% yes customer no not aware customer

INTERPRETATION I through my questionnaire infront of the 100 respondents , I came to know most of the people are aware about the IT products 60% of the people are aware that most of the customer search product by internet websites. 30%of the peoples say that they do not search product by internet websites 10% of the people are not aware about websites


Q3. While buying any IT product , what comes to your mind first?
o Price o Quality o Both











INTERPRETATION I through my questionnaire infront of the 100 respondents , I came to know most of the people are prefer price and quality 40% of the people are prefer price and quality 35%of the peoples are prefers cost of the product 25% of the people prefers quality of the product


Q4. Which IT Companies products do you use and prefer to buy it?
o microsoft o Tech mahindra o TCS o Cognizent o imfosis o Others
35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% microsoft Tech mahindra TCS Cognizent imfosis Others Series1

INTERPRETATION I through my questionnaire infront of the 100 respondents , I came to know most of the people are prefer price and quality 30% of the people are prefer microsoft 25% of the peoples are prefers others company 11% of the people prefers imfosys


A:- Methods & Tools adopted for analysis

Seek customer commitment Help the customer to close the sale. Take the order.
Manage customer resistance
Handle the customer objections Motivate the customer to make a decision in you favour Advocate your solution Recommend your products as a solution Sell benefits of your products You profile the customer Define the needs of the customer Probe the customers Determine the customer needs
Introduce yourself to the customer. Approach the customer Create interest for the customer Grab the attention of the customer Establish rapport with the customers


B:- Data collection Its the way by which we collected data and used it to analysis the available fact for arriving at a particular results and suggestion. Basically there are two ways of collecting the data primary & secondary.

A. Primary data. These are the fast hand information as observation in leads to collect through surveying as interviewing using questionnaire and schedules.

Secondary data these are the data which are already available in data which are already available in usable forms various type secondary data used. Literature from various papers, journals, and magazines. E.g. News and paper India. Annual report (previous record of the company.) Internet surfing. Other official sources. Personal reference Views and

Data become useful only affect they are properly analyzed. Data analysis involves coverings as series of recorded observation i.e. data into descriptive statement and inference about relationship. This task is helpful in identified the areas where the company each improve further collected data was analysis by the use of simple statistic tools like percentage and ( analysis) result have been represented by using bar chart columns and pie chart.



Descriptive research design: Along with some exploratory research was applied which descriptive the state of affairs as they subsists. Descriptive research was used in the study of marketing strategies for the sale of companys product also studying about the parameters which affect the competitiveness of the product.

Analytical research:In this kind of research researcher uses facts or information which are already available and analysis these for critical and rational facts of the past and present tends in the demand and consumption, quality of product, formet, methods, supply and analyzed them for critical result and suggestion some recommendation.


C:- Techniques for analysis

Indias Population

140 Crores
9,67,52,247 Crores 72.24 Lacs

Maharashtras Population
Punes Population


Target Market

38,208 Companies

50% - 19,000 approx 21% - 4000 approx 10% - 400

40% - 160 50% - 80

Outreach & Promotion

Potential Customers
Prospects Meeting

Evaluation Marketing


Yield Retention

Accept 50% - 80


SWOT Analysis of Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Strength Low cost High Quality Fast Service provider Team work

Weakness Market is B2B only

Opportunity -Changing customer Preference -increasing demand of internet marketing - Globalization of company

Threats - Entry of new entrant -Increasing software & hardware cost -Internet Hacking -


a) Pictorial / Graphic / presentation of data.



This survey report is also not free from limitations as usual. However the absence of such limitation would have improved the quality of report as given.

Limited time period restricted to go in for more details the period survey such a large area.

was very short to

Many respondents were not interested to give the required time for the discussion. Respondents sometimes act artificially when know their information is noted down. There was only some certain hours in a day in the idle hours in which the respondents was ready to talk. This project was done on the basis of questionnaire through survey, so it may possible here that some of them might have not provided the correct information.


o Suggestions / Recommendations. As per the survey done following were the findings and recommendations of the survey:. o Customer service is something which company should pay more attention at. o All models not available for display in small companies and also brochures should be made available. o Marketing Executive person at the small organization should have proper knowledge about the product. o Should focus more on brand awareness. o TV advertisements can be renewed explaining the product feature and aggressive marketing will help the company. o Awareness of the product is less among the people. So, the company may take several steps to create such awareness regarding its values to the customers. o The company can adopt new strategies and policies to overcome the competition.


Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd.. Is a leading IT company in India and from last one consecutive years has shown accelerated growth in IT portfolio. Customers in India are also spending more in IT as their standard of living is growing. Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has placed itself successfully in the position of market leader in IT products. Though there was some downfall in sales and profit of the company in the beginning of this decade but after that Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has shown considerable rise in both sales and profit. The future of the company is also looking bright as IT market in India is still expanding and so we can safely conclude that Fazar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. will be able to secure its number one position in IT product \ With constant improvements in programming technology, professional web development services are fast becoming the preferred option for many companies. There are several different ways that a website can be developed, and although some methods may be unsuitable for a particular project, all are aimed at increasing a websites functionality. The management of these dynamic websites can sometimes be perceived as difficult and time consuming, especially when compared to their static counterparts. When properly developed, however, they are easier to manage than most people think i.e. you wont need a computer specialist to maintain your website. At Complete Web Solutions, we recognise that you need to have this element of control over your own web presence. In line with this philosophy, any developments made or recommended by us will always be for the benefit of your business, not ours. Listed below are brief descriptions of the web development services we provide








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