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ArmA II GAME Guide

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Game Guide

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Table of Contents:
Main advices ......................................................................................................................... 4
Main advices - Description................................................................................................................4
Main advices - Gameplay..................................................................................................................5
Campaign .............................................................................................................................. 6
Campaign - Mission 1 - First to Fight ................................................................................................6
Campaign - Mission 2 - Into the Storm..............................................................................................8
Campaign - Mission 3 - Amphibious Assault...................................................................................12
Campaign - Mission 4 - Harvest Red ..............................................................................................13
Campaign - Mission 5 - Razor Two.................................................................................................15
Campaign - Mission 6 - One Week Later ........................................................................................18
Campaign - Mission 7 - Manhattan .................................................................................................19
Campaign - Mission 8 - Bitter Chill ..................................................................................................24
Campaign - Mission 8a - Delaying the bear ....................................................................................27
Campaign - Mission 9 - Badlands ...................................................................................................28
Campaign - Mission 10 - Dogs of war .............................................................................................31
Campaign - Endings........................................................................................................................34

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In game guide for ArmA II youll find detailed descriptions for each mission in single-player
campaign and many advices for beginners. Bohemia Interactives military simulator allows
player to feel free on battlefield, so all actions and shootouts are unforeseeable. This is not a
typical solution which helps user to complete all scenarios step by step. Remember dont
get discouraged after few simple mistakes. Experience gained in first hours is most
important. Guide was written on 1.02 version with some additions for 1.03 and its good
source for users playing on Regular mode.
Adam eJay Kaczmarek

Thanks to:
T_bone for his great and patient leadership during online battles
Mateck for catching bugs
Volt for extraordinary hints for missions
Garbol discussions...a lot of
Tygrys205 for outstanding work in missions and looting enemies
My parents theyve got patience :)
Bohemia Interactive for releasing so good and so bad game :)

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Main advices
Main advices - Description

In this guide I used colored text, because its easier to recognize what function and how
important he is:
Bold font describes details of missions like coordinates, important elements (quests
additional info, weapon etc.)
Text looking like 1# read this guide means name of task in the guide (not in the
Font with green color means that task has been completed its connected with form
in previous mark
Numbers and task names with blue color means that task in unable to complete (few
quest ends in this form!)
Longer text with bronze color its decision, that you must make in few seconds during
Tasks can be divided into main and additional. The first one are essential to complete
mission. Additional shows only in our notes when we accepted them. Main tasks are
marked in guide as Task and additional as Additional task
Picture numbering: [1] left top, [2] right top, [3] left bottom, [4] right bottom

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Main advices - Gameplay
Complex and vast game as ArmA II offers almost infinite variants and situations during
battles. It is connected with your gear and units using it, and of course tactical maneuvers.
There three elements are a base for games philosophy. In single player mode everything is a
little bit clichd for new users. Take a look on below advices before your adventure on
Chernarussian (and others) lands will start:
Dont care about your ammo. Enemy has plenty of other weapons and magazines.
Search bodies and change gun as you like.
In few missions you can switch between units! Using Sykes gear will give you a profit
by DMR rifle.
The myth about bush providing cover is not sure. Enemy troops dont see you lying in
the grass but... cover fire can hurt you. Use standing tree-trunks for maximal cover.
Not only Fuel trucks refuels your vehicle but also barrels.
Gravity on Chernarus still works! So if you are aiming with rocket launcher make sure
you wont hit the dirt. Javelin breaks this rule.
From time to time order your soldiers to Hold Fire. Unnecessary use of firepower is a
worst thing.
Keep you squad in formation. Dont let your soldiers going away for 150-300 meters,
except snipers and normal orders.
In Warfare mode heavier vehicles like BRDM or LAV-25 can be captured shoot the
tires, kill ejecting crew and take Repair truck.
In Warfare missions Supply trucks gathering some money for you and your enemy.
Destroy few trucks to cut him from enlarging army.
Just before enter urban area take a deep look on it! Use your binoculars or mounted
sight on sniper rifle.
Dont be an aviator king because enemy has ZSU-23 or other Anti-Aircraft weapon.
AI uses cover fire, so order your squad to keep low and flee from area if its possible.
Always heal your units, even if they arent marked as injured. They can bleed out
during fights.
Never climb on big rocks!
Be a reasonable leader destroy BMPs only with rocket launchers
If scenario allows this buy AT units for your main squad.
Dont drive a tank by from up to down style. Its essential to learn about 3-step tank
fight: put your cannon slightly from hill, hit the target, get back. Its safe move.
Enemy without night vision goggles is blind but he sees muzzle flash.
Game has well projected autosave system, which activates only when user is safe. On
regular Mode you have 7 slots for saves, on Veteran only 1.
In ArmA II we dont use real geographic coordinates. Information about locations is
given in specific numbers like 134078. First three means latitude, next three
longitude. Check map for proper square.
Bullet penetration could be useful. Wooden fence doesnt guarantee full cover.
Fleeing enemy is flanking enemy.Complete all training missions theyll prepare you
for proper battles, commanding etc. Do not dismiss them at start!
Familiar yourself with all gear in editor (create small mission with one unit and few
ammo boxes) or Armory.

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Campaign - Mission 1 - First to Fight

History start on small island called Utes, where CDF repels Chedaki attack. Your squad
holds church. You hit the ground and lost conscious, but teammate emerges you in fight. In
few seconds enemy tank will hit into entrance. One of buddies dies under your knees [1].
Take few steps back and search for small hole in wall [2]. Try to kill few Chedaki. Bravery
wont give you anything grenade kills you.

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Action changes place you are on USS Khe Sanh. As member of elite Razor Team you are
listening commanders speech. Shaftoe will request meeting meeting on board [1]. On
briefing you will become familiar with Chernarussian conflict and several problems including
evil guy calling Akula. Leader will also prepared plan for next mission [2]. Ask him one
question. At the end of briefing 2 you will be given 2 options:
end of lecture
First one include several tutorials, second takes us to next mission. Practice course starts
next to briefing room. Move over obstacle, then crouch and crawl under boxes obstacle
course complete!

Now its time to complete another tasks. Talk to first instructor and ask for weapon [1], then
choose practice type (all shooting exercises are highly recommended). Its unavailable to fail.
Shootout training complete. Theres another instructor here. He offers skeeting training. Ask
him for shotgun and destroy as many skeets as possible. Skeeting training complete. Now go
to pilot Maddox he is near Venom [2].

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Campaign - Mission 2 - Into the Storm

Date: 9th October 2009
Time: 5:10 AM

Main tasks:
1# search radio station in Pusta
2# ensure air attack
3# reach Liquid point
4# reach evacuation point
5# find evidence

Phase 1
USA invasion has been suspended until Razor team provide secure landing on the beach.
After short talk with Miles gather Laser Marker with battery. In few moments pilot will
change helicopters course. Disembark from Venom and go to Keyhole Point. Miles wants a
clean and silent attack on village.
Phase 2

Run to Pusta freely from western side [1]. As soon as you hear party sounds choose crawl
mode. Place next to building on crossroad is full of guards [2]. Take a close look and youll
notice hostage. You must choose do you want help him or not? If you take care of 5#
find evidence, you should hang on it, but now keep focus on silent sweeping.
Additional task: 6# rescue Sova

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Phase 3
Now use your gun. Kill guards near hostage but be still aware of enemies running from
street. Radio station is in square 091/115. Miles will order you to escape from village
because of air attack. But its up to you how we going to deal with it. Accept it and 2#
ensure air attack will end as completed and you wont be able to rescue hostages. So move
to Phase 5. If you like more humanitarian method move to Phase 4.
Additional task: 7# put satchel charges on radio station

Phase 4

Barn on the left hides some civilians [1]. Go there (after successful sweep) and talk with
young woman. You can scare away her (1st option) or force to calm down and join your
squad you must escort her to small house in forests [2] (square 089/117). Also doctor
Sova should be dropped there.
Additional task: 7# rescue Valentina Galkina
Deal with it and Valentina will mark you on map place where civilians were killed by Chedaki
one evidence required in task 5# find evidence. Help doctor Sova. Hell mark another grave
location. Anyway rescue these 2 persons and visit graves (you can do it in next phase) to
complete tasks 5# find evidence, 6# rescue Sova and 8# rescue Valentina Galkina.

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Now lets move to station. If you cleared area just put satchel charges near radio [1]. Run
away 50 meters and detonate. Go back to Miles [2]. Task 7# put satchel charges on radio
station complete.
Phase 5

Run to Liquid point. If you rescuied civilians Miles asks you to check mass grave location
[1]. Go there as fast as you can. Then go to point Madison [2]. You need to erase few Chedaki
guards. Tasks 3# reach Liquid point and 4# reach evacuation point completed. But its
not over yet. USA needs support duing beach assault. You can reach Pik Kozlova or end
Additional task: 8# reach Pik Kozlova

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Going on Pik Kozlova is sheer, there are some enemies on top of the hill [1]. Keep focus all
the time and make sure that guards wont take you so easily. Go on top and use Laser
Marker [2]. You should feel safe because patrols dont see you.
Additional tasks: 9# destroy house, 10# destroy Shilka, 11# destroy tank

Targets are marked. Look for red smoke near house [1], Shilka is under big tent and
patrolling tank... in only one in area [2]. After destroying all objects go back to Miles. Tasks
9# destroy house, 10# destroy Shilka, 11# destroy tank completed.

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Campaign - Mission 3 - Amphibious Assault
Date: 9th October 2009
Time: 6:15 AM
Main tasks:
1# Reach Czernogorsk
Phase 1

At beginning you will be given a new coordinates. Run with your squad through trees. Youll
spot a small house with few Chedaki soldiers [1]. Prepare for hard shootout. Then watch
whole area from hideout position and move to village [2]. Kill all escaping and panicked
Chedakis. Watch for Shilka next to barn. If she is still on move wait in trees for Cobra
Phase 2

Left your cover and go on foot. You will face some close battles so watch carefully and use
leaning as well. Search dead bodies for SVD Dragunov. There are some enemies near
railroads [1]. Dont miss a small hill on the right where Chedaki are running from city. Reach
beachhead where allies are preparing for next phase [2]. Task 1# Reach Czernogorsk

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Campaign - Mission 4 - Harvest Red

Date: 9th October 2009
Time: 8:20 AM

Main tasks:
1# support attack on Czernogorsk

Phase 1

On morning briefing commander will give you an order to assist in attack on Chernogorsk
[1]. Chedakis are outnumbered, so it should be pretty easy to wash them out. Miles has left
your squad, so now you are the leader. Walk down on street. Every single move should be
prepared by observation and reasonable thinking [2].

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Phase 2

In few minutes you should hear radio chat. Enemy sniper slaughters Americans and you
need to kill him.
Task: 2# kill sniper
You have 5 minutes (or less) to complete it. Its uneasy especially where your soldiers are
dying around. Sniper is in square 065/128. If main street has been cleared by your tanks
just use sprint to factory [1]. Walk to wall and you should notice sniper on the roof. Switch
on Sykes with his DMR or get close to solve problem individually [2]. Remember speed and
resolution are important. Task 2# kill sniper completed.
Phase 3

Dealing with sniper will end with another task. Cooper received information about Lopotev
hiding in one of warehouses. Warehouse is in square 065/126. Go back to crossroad [1] and
run to Lopotev hideout (its secure to use clear way). Move your squad near blue doors and
watch cutscene [2]. Chernarussian commander orders you to use Ural truck for prisoner.
Tasks: 3# catch Lopotev, 4# transport prisoner
Travel goes well at the moment. Suddenly driver changes route. Russians are attacking your
truck. You will get up in small, unknown warehouse. Lopotev has become a partner with
Russian leader. Soon, Americans will help you out, but its too late - Miles has bullet in his
Task 3# catch Lopotev completed.
Task 4# transport prisoner failed.

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Campaign - Mission 5 - Razor Two

Date: 9th October 2009
TIME: 11:00 AM

Main tasks:
1# find evidence
2# talk to Dressler
3# find and catch Bardak
4# find and catch Lopotev
Miles death certainly affects on your teammates. Talk with Shaftoe and choose Well stay,
because second option restarts mission. Best vehicle is Humvee with M2, so use it well.
Remember that you can also call for air transport for faster but also dangerous traveling.
First task is to meet with Dressler in Elektrozavodsk military base. Task 2# talk to Dressler
WARNING: Its the first of free roaming scenarios. Location of targets could be different
every time. For this reason I described only possible clues to finish it. Mission ends with
Bardaks capture. Also there are some Chedaki groups in area. Dont bother them until they
open fire. Drive only in Humvee with M2 and take care of fuel (gas station in Staroye is
recommended). Lopotev is unable to catch and this task ends with failure.

Clue 1

Talk to Dressler [1]. Ask him for everything. He will mark 3 locations where Lopotev car was
noticed. Drive thru Chernarus. Go to eastern point. As you can see its American patrol. Go
to next spot its empty tent. Third spot (northern point) is small Chedaki camp [2]. Thats
where Bardak should be. Watch on road (and of course tent). Stop him (If he discover your
team hell run) and arrest.

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Clue 2

Talk to Dressler. Ask him for everything. He gives you and advice to talk with Tomas Marny.
Marny is just behind you [1]. Do not mention who screwed because he wont give you
essential details. Ask him few questions. He instructs you to move to Staroye, where you will
receive another clue. Go there. In the middle of the road you will meet Olegich a local
warrior [2]. He wants you to take part in village defend. Watch and observe NW and SW
direction. Help poor villagers. After fights Olegich indicates place where Bardak can be
power plant in Elektrozavodsk [3] and quarry in Solnichniy [4]. Visit both. Near quarry
prepare for shootout with 3 guards. You can also notice escaping car Its Bardak. In power
plant talk with guard on gate. He can confirm/deny that he saw him.

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Clue 3

Talk with Dressler then with Tomas Marny. Do you remember Lopotev mentioning Vyshnoye?
Move to village quickly. Meet with Pep near well [1]. Villager will disclose that he saw some
army trucks in Maleks farm (square 067/097). Visit Malek, but dont push him so hard,
just threat with jail. Guy will mark you Vyshnoye castle [2]. There are few Chedaki soldiers
and (maybe) Bardak.
Task 3# find and catch Bardak completed
Task 4# find and capture Lopotev failed
WARNING 2: Its possible that long and unsuccessful search end with time trial. You will be
given about 20 minutes to catch Bardak. Dont think too much and call for air transport.
Command gives you some hints. Patrol area around Gorka village and watch for car. If you
failed to catch him youll end mission but this failure will have impact on plot.
WARNING 3: Pursuit task makes it difficult to find evidence. If you you air transport smart
you can collect all elements. Required are: map from castle in Vyshnoye (tent), photos
from Chedaki camp (table), dogtag in Solnichniy quarry (ley watch for guard with mask)
and Bardak.
Task 1# find evidence completed

WARNING 4: In power plant (in small magazine) you will find golden AK-74 true treasure
for fans [1]. Catching Bardak could be difficult because guy likes run from time to time [2].
Save game then move to him with all your squad. Cooper will start shout on him.

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Campaign - Mission 6 - One Week Later

Date: 16th October 2009
Time: 10:20 AM

Main tasks:
1# Go to LZ Oregon

Task is pretty easy. Youll start on AAV P7A1. In half way youll manage to go on bicycle [1].
Dont be nervous, theres no enemy. Keep going to landing zone and get in Osprey [2]. Task
1# Go to LZ Oregon completed.

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Campaign - Mission 7 - Manhattan

Date: 16th October 2009
Time: 10:30 AM

Main tasks:
1# talk to Shaftoe
2# find evidence

Move to guard post. Theyll welcome you as a hero. After some chat drive Humvee to hill top
[1]. You are in base Manhattan gear, vehicle and intelligence source. Shaftoe sits on chair
under net. Talk to him [2]. Task 2# talk to Shaftoe completed. Commander will add new
tasks to your mission:
3# search Gorka
4# arrest Lew Nicolayev
5# arrest Antonina Lagushina
6# kill weapon smuggler
7# find Chedaki main base
8# clear Chedaki sentry posts
9# kill Chedaki leader
WARNING: All tasks excluding 7# find Chedaki main base and 9# kill Chedaki leader can
be completed in any order. These 2 quests should be left at the moment. In base we have
access to better gear. So, change Humvee with M2 with LAV-25. Also Shaftoe guarantee
additional support air transport and artillery strike.

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Go to church [1]. Search for weapon cache behind building. In few seconds father Fyodors
will try to stop you and explain that guns are needed for NAPA warriors to fight against
Chedaki. You can report it to your commander or keep in secret if Fyodor reveal NAPA
plans. Father orders you to move to Novy Sobor and talk with NAPA. Task 3# search Gorka
completed. Do it. Theyre working on small farm, if you get close to them conversation will
start [2]. Cooper convinces boys that American army can handle with Chedaki. One of
farmers will show you possible location of Chedaki main base.
Lew Nicolayev
The first suspect is living in Khelm village on eastern side of country. If you get close to his
house he will explode and assassin run away (even if you catch him, you wont gather
information). Theres nothing you can do. Army will send some soldiers to explore ruins.
Task 4# arrest Lew Nicolayev completed.
Antonina Lagushina

Secondary suspect changes place during all day. Check your watch. From 11:00 AM to 12:30
PM you will find her in Krasnystav. On evening she meets her boyfriend in Olsha, but most
time she spends in hometown Gvozdno. Try to catch her in Krasnystav [1]. Talk to her, then
transport to LZ Jersey, make sure she will get in Hind. You can also prepare for some action
with 2 UAZs [2]. Its easy to waste them with your LAV-25. Task 5# arrest Antonina
Lagushina completed. In addition, Lagushina is one of the two elements necessary to
complete 2# find evidence.

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Weapon smugglers

Smuggler moves along with partner in white car. You can meet them on route Gvozdno-
Grishino (but he travels throughout area) [1]. Kill them and search bodies. Task 6# kill
weapon smuggler completed. Youll find the address of the hideout in Dobruvka.
Additional task: 10# check hideout
Drive to the village. Local residents are working for Chedaki. Kill them and enter the house
[2]. Cooper will report discovery to command and you, and you receive another element
needed to complete 2# find evidence. Task 10# check hideout completed. Go back to
Manhattan and talk to Shaftoe, then go back to work.

Sentry posts
Posts are not well defended. Theyre made up with 3-4 men. Attack them with LAV-25. There
are 6 possible locations in area, but only 4 are required to complete task. Sentry posts
coordinates: 103/039, 102/033, 108/025, 129/025, 096/060, 081/051. Task 8# clear
Chedaki senrty posts completed.

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Chedaki base

To search Chedaki base its necessary to know possible location taken on the occasion of the
task 3# search Gorka. One of NAPA warriors talked about it. Before action rearm with rocket
launcher (search Chedakis death bodies). Base is certainly on open areas, especially near
Pobeda Dam on north and Gvozdna on south. If you want fly a helicopter to discover it
from air. Then land on the ground and sneak to camp but left your squad behind you. Its
importnat because you will call artillery strike in few moments. Task 7# find Chedaki main
base completed.
Task: 11# destroy Chedaki main base
Set on position and use your binoculars to examine facility and patrol paths [1]. Dont wait
for Boomerang squad (hes too weak for action) and send a proper call for artillery on base
marker Fire for Effect HE. Be aware of patrolling armored vehicle (youll wait about 45-60
seconds from call to strike). Kill marauders and regroup your squad [2]. Also, check
abandoned T-72 with working cannon. Destroy every single base object, including small
Task 11# destroy Chedaki main base completed

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Chedaki leader

Leader is in base, so after artillery strike look for body with Search action. Its hard to
recognize target on photos in Notes section. Its next element in task 2# fin evidence. Task
9# kill Chedaki leader complete.

Elements neede to complete this task are: arrested Antonina Lagushina, hideout in
Dobruvka, documents in body of Chedaki leader.
Task 2# find evidence completed
WARNING 2: If you saved previously doctor Sova and Valentina Galkina, youll meet them
here. Sova lives in Krasnystav. Valentina is on move in red car. Both have some information
about sentry posts. If you wont meet them in advance some bad guys will kill them.

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Campaign - Mission 8 - Bitter Chill

Date: 17th October 2009
Time: 16:00 PM

Main tasks:
1# find evidence

Manhattan base is now past and back to Khe Sanh. But Razor Team has another mission to
do secure documents in Spukayev house.
Task: 2# secure documents

Get in Humvee with M2 and drive near some barrels to refuel. Now go to Spukayev house
(few clicks from base, near Krasnystav) [1]. Village is calm. Left your squad in front of hut,
move Cooper inside. Take documents from the table [2]. Task 2# secure documents
Task: 3# destroy Spukayev house
Put satchel charge in room and run out from house. In this moment (its not certain) you
should be attacked by few Chedaki patrolling forrest at NW. Kill them and get in Humvee.
Blow up house from safe distance and drive to base. Task 3# destroy Spukayev house
completed. Meantime, youll hear disturbing radio message. Broken transmission can mean
only one thing troubles.
Task: 4# check Manhattan base

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Save game, because this phase of mission is difficult. Base entrance is full of Chedaki
soldiers and technicals with DSzKM [1]. First, take out group of infantry. Drive to guard post,
shoot, and go back. Watch for DSzKM and engage gunner. Its time to check what happened
in base. Drive on hill [2]. Task 4# check Manhattan base completed.
Dying Simmons says that Russians attacked Manhattan. Youll need to choose on which
side youll fight against Chedaki. Its easier to make an agreement with NAPA, but you will
not have a good gear in next missions. CDF has base much further, but also guarantee better
equipment. You can come to this situation in two ways.
Task: 5# contact with NAPA or 5# contact with CDF
Task: 6# reach Elektrozavodsk
Method 1

After Simmons death some NAPA guys appears in base. Theyll offer some help. You can
ignore them, or accept their proposition. Run through the forrest to road and red car with
driver [1]. Unfortunately all roads are guarded by Russians, so youll disembark near Novy
Sobor. You must choose NAPA base (about 1 km away) or CDF forces (5 km away, but
youll reach them in Rogovo/Vyshnoye and mission ends). If you want join NAPA run
quickly to their leader, hide in scrubs and avoid unnecessary gun fire. If you want join CDF
forest is you cover, use them well. Avoid villages and armor patrols [2]. Use woodlands on
southern part of Novy Sobor.

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Method 2
Ignore help from NAPA and call chopper. After few minutes Venom will suffer damage from
SAM missile. Crash site is near Kabanino. One of civilians will help you get up and warn
about massive patrols in area. Escape to nearest forest. Now, make your decission Razor
wants to join NAPA or CDF? Situation is similar reaching Chernaussian Fores base is
more difficult.
Task 5# contact with NAPA or 5# contact with CDF completed
Task 6# reach Elektrozavodsk failed
WARNING: Choose between CDF and NAPA could be changed during mission just click on
current task in briefing section called Tasks.
WARNING 2: Its unable to reach Elektrozavodsk. After 7 kilometers car which is on your use
can explode or empty. If you choose go on foot invisible sniper will take you out. Kind of
scenario protection I think...

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Campaign - Mission 8a - Delaying the bear

Date: 18th October 2009
Time: 06:30 AM

Main tasks:
1# meet with friendly convoy

WARNING: This mission is reserved only to NAPA side.

Talk with Little John and move out on road. Order your squad to get in V-35 [1]. Convoy
moves with plan, but before reaching Msta village some Chedaki guys prepared trap. Task 1#
meet friendly convoy failed.
Task: 2# reach support convoy
Disembark from truck and run to forest. If you can avoid battle. There are too many
enemies at this time. Sneak at eastern part of Msta and meet with support NAPA convoy on
road [2].

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Campaign - Mission 9 - Badlands
Date: 18th October 2009
Date: 07:05 AM

Main tasks:
1# find evidence
2# capture Pogorevka / 2# capture Novy Sobor
WARNING: Depending on whether you chose NAPA or CDF, the mission starts on opposite
sides of map. You have 4 villages to conquer Pogorevka, Rogovo, Stary Sobor, Novy Sobor.
Its also first time when youre using High Command. If you dont feel confident with him
go back to Boot Camp. Remember to be active on battlefield earn money for every kill.

The key to success is to seize first village as quick as possible. Bloodless fight will result in
greater impact on next battles. Left your men behind and conquer village lonely. Dont seize
small posts around city. Hit main center [1] (highlighted with greater icon). Fight on CDF side
is easier Pogorevka seems to be no real challenge. Its harder to capture Rogovo, but taking
center of village should end your problems this time. Fight on NAPA side requires some flair
moves, because youre starting near Novy Sobor with not-so-well equipped soldiers. Crawl
into building and try catching centre. After capturing first location youll see small cutscene
where father Fyodor forcing civilians to left their weapons [2]. Its also one piece of evidence
in CDF scenario youll get him at the end.
Task 2# capture Pogorevka or 2# capture Novy Sobor completed
Task: 3# conquer region
As soon as BMP HQ reaches a designated point build headquarters and light vehicles factory
(or barracks if you dont have cash). Buy a least one BRDM. Using UAZs/Technicals run on
Stary Sobor. Engage BTRs by shooting tires. Remember that enemy can still respawn in next
village which is oppressive. As far as possible rearm your squad and buy new units,
especially with RPG-7 and few rockets. Also get some sniper rifle, for example SVD Dragunov,
which is cheap.

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After conquering first village youll meet 2 guys in white car [1]. They ask you for help in
defending village Vyshnoye against guy called Kalverovich. Go there on foot. This task
could be solved in 2 ways.
Additional task: 4# defend Vyshnoye
First fair talk with village mayor [2], then hide your squad behind buildings (or run on hill
to the left, but theres no enough time to prepare). You need a massive fire power to destroy
BMP-2, Ural and 2 Technicals [3]. Second method unfair is based on bug. Dont go to
village but to Vyshnoye castle and look on road from Malek farm [4]. You should notice whole
squad prepared to attack. Destroy BMP-2 (AI should do it, but use your launcher in case of
failure) and technicals with DSzKM. Then destroy Ural with soldiers on back. Move to
ceive evidence. Vyshnoye and talk with mayor. Youll re
Task 4# defend Vyshnoye completed
During battles in Stary Sobor/Rogovo you should receive some info about Prizrak leader of
NAPA. He is responsible for lack of agreement with CDF. You can kill him or left it. This
choice is crucial, because after Prizrak death NAPA and CDF will be allies against Chedaki.
Otherwise, you will fight alone.
Additional task: 5# kill Prizrak

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Meet with NAPA spy and talk with him about action details [1]. He will show you location
where Prizrak is waiting for comrades square 067/087. Go there. Youll meet Father
Fyodor, who... is Prizraz actually [2]. Hes crazy, unbreakable anarchist. Kill him or not
its your will. Hell try run after chat so you have limited time to shoot him.
Task 5# kill Prizrak completed
Move to last city BRDM AT. Attack town centre quickly region is yours. Watch for UAZa
with DSzKM.
Task 3# conquer region completed

Parts needed for this task are: mayor report in Vyshnoye and small chat with civilians in
Novy Sobor.
Task 1# find evidence completed

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Campaign - Mission 10 - Dogs of war

Date: 19th October 2009
Time: 15:30 PM

Main tasks:
1# deal with Russians
2# destroy Chedaki main base

WARNING: As a result of decisions taken earlier you start the mission as NAPA or the CDF.
More, if you killed Prizrak in Badlands scenario - NAPA and CDF are fighting together against
Chedaki, so mission will be not tough as usual. If Prizrak still exists - fight for freedom
country pending between three factions.
WARNING 2: At the beginning on mission you must choose who will command whole
operation you or AI. In case of very high hardware requirements of DoW I prefer AI on
commanders chair its not bad solution. Mission description is based on this style of play.

Chief designates you a few town to conquer. First few villages are easy, you shouldnt
encounter massive enemy resistance. One capture is worth 500-750$ (depending on location
importance), in addition youll notice some supply trucks driving through conquered area
its another source of money. Dont worry if comrades are quicker. Buy two BMP-2 [1] in case
of enemy counterattack. Continue expansion to east and south. You can also use Fast Travel
option to save some time [2].

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WARNING 3: Shaftoe will contact you after Chernogorsk capture. He sends few tanks,
Blackhawks and infantry groups of course if you collected necessary evidence in previous
missions. Also he will mark Lopotev hideout Skalisty Island (square 133/121). Take this
task at the end of mission, now try capture some more towns. On NAPA scenario you will
gain info about Lopotev in Mogilevka where you meet prisoner.
Task: 3# check Skalisty Island
Note that capturing Elektrozavodsk is more difficult [1], because of armor vehicles patrolling
city. Left your squad in base and use extra units. Also, you should spend some cash for Mi-
24D. Order pilot to get out, board in and fly. Use Pik Kozlova as cover and try sight first
targets. If you cant fly closer. If enemy hit you hard use hill for cover. Send all BMP-2 to
centre and engage few armors in area. If you take care of bigger targets fly around city and
kill all infantry units [2]. Prepare for next difficult piece of land Msta village. Its certainly
Chedaki main base. Left chopper on ground (theres too many AA vehicles) and buy tanks T-
72. Capturing Msta ends task 2# destroy Chedaki main base.

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Capturing Lopotev

Its time to arrest our evil guy. Fly to Skalisty Island. Its essential to clear at first Lopotev
guards before entering. You can do it in Mi-24D (kill ale units near radio tower), but be aware
of small hut on top it is Lopotev mansion. Sneak from eastern side of island [1]. On right
side of hut you will notice another guard. Dont engage unit in black tracksuit! This is
Lopotev. Kill all enemies (use house as cover and shoot every single unit running to you [2])
and capture quickly Lopotev using conversation option [3]. Wait for transport. Lopotev will
board chopper, do it also [4]. In few minutes youll discover that Lopotev must be transported
to Russia. Drive to northern part of country. Near Vybor village (square 035/068) some
Spetsnaz units prepared trap, get out from vehicle and go on hunting. After small shootout
youll get informed about successful prisoner deportation.
Task 1# deal with Russians completed
Task 3# check Skalisty Island completed

WARNING 4: capturing Lopotev could be full of trouble for low-end computer users. Whole
action is based on some scripts. It may happen that use of proper action takes few minutes
(or more)! Meantime Lopotev will try to kill you. Shoot him on leg. Move behind house and
wait. Force him to clear all AK-74 magazines (use leaning). Then arrest him.

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Campaign - Endings

Youll end campaign with one of predefined outro. This is list of possible endings:
War that never was

Its optymistic one. You are going back to Khe Sanh. Prizrak is dead, NAPA and CDF are
allies, and deported Lopotev is evidence for Chedaki assassinations on Red Square.

Setting Sail

Everything is broken. You are on NAPA side, which is conflicted with CDF. Prizrak is alive,
Lopotev not. You must escape Chernarus. Drive truck to Elektrozavodsk. City is seized by
Russians [1]. Disembark and go on foot on hill to your left. Theres a lot of BMP-2 moving
towards street. Search for boat in harbor. Move around city and cover in scrubs near [2]. If
you see clear piece of land run on boat with your squad!

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Missing in action

Your fight was useless. NAPA dream falls, Chedaki rule the country, Lopotev is free, and you
are in mess. Move ahead. Youll meet small patrol [1]. Ignore BMP-2 and run to destroyed
church. Watch cutscene [2].


You end it as CDF but Prizrak is still alive and Russians didnt get Lopotev Rosjanom, which
made them worried. Talk to Stavovich [1], get in UAZ and drive to location of NAPA spy.
Discussion with Olegich [2] ends when Russians dropped nuclear bomb on Chernarus.

Newborn Republic
Prizrak escaped. But deported Lopotev gave Russians necessary evidence.

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