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Business Report Writing Skills

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The document discusses business and report writing skills and provides tips, templates and resources for improving writing abilities.

The key objectives of the program are to help participants understand business writing, report writing and business reporting language at CSU, get familiar with CSU documents and templates, and identify resources to build writing skills.

Some tips discussed are using clear structure and layout, using plain English, being concise yet comprehensive, and reflecting on examples of your own writing to improve.

Business and Report Writing Skills

Version 1.0 2008

Charles Sturt University, 2008

B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8


Workplace Productivity Program (WPP) grant from DEEWR.
Organisational Development Resources from Hedy Bryant, Narelle Marr and Judy Doulman.
Business and Report Writing programs developed by Stacey Flanagan for CSU in 2007.
Special thanks to Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) for permitting use of and
reference to online resources.

This module will also be available as an online resource on CSU Interact in the later half of

Charles Sturt University, 2008

Learning resource Owner Version: Summary/Overview of changes
Business and Report
Writing Skills
Carissa Michel 1.0 September

B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8


To continue to reinforce your learning from this workshop, when you return to your team use the table
below to assist you to reflect on the concepts introduced. Your reflection may also incorporate other
behaviours that you have observed from other leaders within your workplace as well. You should aim
to identify at least 10 different situations.

As part of your reflection, identify some of your key strengths and opportunities for improvement in the
way you apply business and report writing skills within the workplace. What steps might you
be able to take to improve your own practice?
















































B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8

This program is designed to introduce some of the key concepts and skills supporting
business and report writing at Charles Sturt University (CSU).

Although this program does highlight many important areas of business and report writing,
further application of the concepts, principles and skills will help to refine and reinforce your
practice. To this end, you are encouraged to expand your knowledge and skills by taking
up work based or other, more formalised learning opportunities at the programs conclusion.

Program Objectives:

The key objectives of this program are to assist participants:

1.) To develop or continue their understanding of Business Writing, Report Writing and
Business Reporting Language (BRL) at CSU;
2.) Familiarisation with CSU Business documents, templates and current workplace
practices at CSU;
3.) Identify resources and strategies to help build greater business and report writing


The following icons appear within this learning resource. They highlight important information
as well as activities that can be completed:

These are the outcomes that relate to a section of the resource.

An Individual or group exercise.

A key message or important point


This is a workplace activity

B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8
Time 6-7 hours Activity Critical Points

09.00 09.10
Introduction and
Objectives, session
Trainer and Training Intro
Emergency Evacuation / housekeeping
Objectives of session.

09:10 9.30
Purpose of Effective
Activity (10 min plus discussion) What your messages reveal about
you and your company. Groups discuss, feedback and facilitator
writes up on butchers paper.

09.30 10.30
Different styles of
correspondence and
CSU templates
In this section we will discuss briefly the memo, email, business letters,
business cases, minutes and agendas, as well as media releases.
Examples of CSU templates are provided for all when available. LINK
to CSU templates. Style manual:
Business Case:

10.30 10.40

10.40 11.00
Writing for a
purpose, getting
started, planning.

HANDOUT Key Points to writing a document
Exercise Using the 5W-H Plan for Writing template formulate a plan
for a new idea or proposal you have been thinking about discussing
with your area and ask your group to review and give feedback. Key
points whole group discussion by facilitator/participants.

11.00 11.30
GRAMMAR: Quick grammar exercise (handout)
HANDOUT Some basic Grammatical Ideas (Appendix 4)
Writing Powerful and Engaging Sentences. Creating Logic and Flow
Be clear, be concise, be complete, be correct, be concrete, be
convincing, be courteous.

11.30 11.40
Common Business
Define Common Business Language: Link to language document
on GOVT website:

11.40 11.55
Effective Emails HANDOUT: Appendix 1 Email Best Practice Guidelines, outline
points from presentation

11.55 12.30

Reviewing and
proofreading CSU
styles and standards
Link to Media website resources to help during the editing phase
including a glossary of terms and a Quick spelling guide:
HANDOUT - Quick tips

12.30 1.00

1.00 1.30
RMIT exercise,
Learning skills

Preview Workplace Activity - RMIT Interactive web resources

Preview Workplace Learning activity: Student services learning
skills website:

1.30 2.00

Report Writing,
purpose, planning,
Go over structure of reports as per notes and DLS guidelines.
Link to Project Status Report Template, other templates on PSC

2.00 2.30

Process at CSU.
Representing Data
Referencing Styles at
Link to Initiatives Management Process at CSU online form:

Go over different examples of visual data, pros and cons . Go
over CSU referencing doc Appendix 6:

B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8

Time 6-7 hours Activity Critical Points
2.30pm 2.40

quotations and
admitting biases,
quick tips
Go over as per manual, quick tips doc page 71

2.40 3.00


3.00pm 3.15
Critique your report Group Exercise Critique your report:

3.15pm 3.45
Draft a brief report GROUP ACTIVITY Draft a Brief Report Outline and if time the
beginnings of your report : Nominate a scribe to write on butchers
paper. Group discussion to follow.

3.45 3.55
(Conclusion) and
Application, further
Conclusion, key points from the day
Group Exercise: What have you learned today that you can take
back to your team and put into practice in your workplace?
Further reading and resources. ANY Questions?

3.55 4.00
Evaluation Complete evaluation forms

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Activity What your messages reveal about you and your company 9

Exercise Critique and then create a CSU memo 12
Exercise Critique then create a CSU letter 16
Workplace Learning Activity Creating a business case made simple 18

Exercise How to start: Planning your writing 22

Exercise Quick Grammar Exercise 25


Exercise Email Best Practice Guidelines 34

Quick tips to help in editing your writing 38
Workplace Learning Activity RMIT Writing tips interactive exercise 40

Workplace Learning Activity Student Services Learning Guides 43
Reading Division of Library Services Guidelines on Monthly Quarterly and Annual Reports 45
Group Exercise Critique a Report Example 61
Workplace Activity Initiative Proposal Web Form 63

Group Exercise Draft an Outline & Monthly Report 69









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Why write?
In business, in the workplace, and in our personal lives, we all stand to benefit from more
effective communication skills. Writing is essential to communicate your message clearly and
professionally and to incite action in those who you supervise, work with and require action

Many in the workforce today struggle with the basics of writing including grammar, spelling and
punctuation and this is what can hold them back and reduce their confidence when it comes to
business documents. The style and skills required for formal business writing are best
developed by practice and experience, but with the right tools and know-how it is not hard to

Adjusting writing style to suit topic and reader requirements

You must adapt the content, tone and language of your documents to the situation (context)
and intended audience of your communication.

Some business documents and topics require more formal language than others. If unsure
seek clarification before starting. For example, documents such as briefing notes, proposals,
operational reports and scientific/research reports will require more formal language than
memos to the social committee or emails to colleagues.

Use you more than you use I or we.
Use a writing style that is appropriate to the reader
Write from the readers point of view, focus on their needs as well as benefits to them.


Our copier makes the best
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Consider these factors about your readers before composing your draft:

Personality type: Technical level: Operational role:
detail-oriented expert ultimate authority
pragmatic informed user
consensus-oriented initiated gatekeeper.
visionary. uninitiated.

Based on: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. For CSU Division of Human Resources Page 9.
The objective of communication is not the transmission but the reception.
Source: Dr Gerard M Blair (1991 1993)
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Activity What your messages reveal about you and your company

With business writing, the pressure is on to communicate a clear and concise message with
consideration for the reader in mind.

When you are writing a business letter, you want to enhance not only your image but your
companys image as well. Although it seems unfair, the truth is readers will equate weaknesses
in your letters with weaknesses in you, or your company. What impressions do you get from
business writing with the following characteristics?

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. For CSU Division of Human Resources Page 7.

Characteristic Impressions
Typographical and spelling errors

Stiff & formal writing style

Lots of big, complex words

Very short, concise sentences

Smudges on paper, tiny margins and weird
spacing between lines

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In this section we will discuss briefly the memo, email (covered in more detail later in the
module), business letters, business cases, minutes and agendas, as well as media releases.
Examples of CSU templates are provided for all when available.

A memorandum (memo) is a piece of correspondence used within an organisation or among
various branches or divisions of the same organisation. A memo is usually sent through internal
mail or via e-mail.

Structure of the Memo
Organisation name, usually contained in the letterhead.

Memo or Memorandum at or near the top of the page.

To: Use the readers full name with any professional title such as Dr but without the
complimentary titles of Mr, Ms or Mrs.
If you are sending the memo to several people, list them after To. If the list is longer than a
dozen names, place it at the end of the memo and reference it on the To line. For example:
To: See distribution list on page 6.

From: The writers name and professional title go after this heading.

Date: Dating a memo gives the organisation a record of its correspondence.

Subject: State the topic in a few words but make sure it communicates the point of the
memo. E.g. Changes in Employee Medical Benefits is more specific than
Employee Benefits Program.

NOTE: The order and placement of these headings may vary from organisation to organisation.

The To line eliminates the need for a salutation (e.g. Dear Mrs. Bernstein).

The content of the memo should consist of a concise introduction, one or more middle
paragraphs conveying the details, and perhaps a brief conclusion. Some memos are as short
as one paragraph, or even one sentence. Memo length is determined by the purpose and

Memos longer than two pages generally have a more formal structure than shorter ones. A long
memo should have the following sections:

A summary, placed at the beginning of the memo, should condense the subject to five or
ten lines. It should not contain jargon or highly technical language.
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The introduction states the memos purpose and scope. You may add a paragraph or two
of background material if the reader needs more information. The introduction may also be
used to ask or answer key questions, thank the reader, or give good news such as the
approval of a proposal. If you must refuse a request or reject an offer, use the introduction
to establish your reasons before saying no.

Discussion. You can use various headings to separate your information into sections: e.g.
statement of the problem, approach to the problem, analysis, evaluation, conclusion and
recommendations. The facts of a situation need to be accurately identified and presented,
and the arguments need to be reasoned and supported carefully.

The conclusion summarises the main points and discusses what action is required of the

The From line eliminates the need for a complimentary close (e.g. Yours faithfully).

Writers initials a memo is completed by the writers initials, not his/her signature,
immediately after the last sentence.

Distribution list names on the distribution list are usually typed in alphabetical order.
However, if one of the individuals clearly outranks the others, place that name first.

Attachments if you have attachments, you may list them at the top of the memo or at the

Copies a duplicate copy of the memo should be held for future reference.

Barrass, R. 2002, Writing at Work: A Guide to Better Writing in Administration, Business and Management, Routledge, London, pp.
Baugh, L.S., Fryar, M. & Thomas, T. 1986, Handbook for Business Writing, National Textbook Company, Lincolnwood, Illinois, pp.
Searles, G.J. 1999, Workplace Communications: The Basics, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, pp. 32-33.

What a CSU memo should look like
Read carefully the CSU Style Manual guidelines and view the memo template overleaf which
can be found at:
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Exercise Critique and then create a CSU memo

Using the documents you have sourced from your area during the preparation
for this module, critique your example memo with your group. Review and
provide feedback as if you were the writers supervisor. Re-write the memo as
you believe it should be.
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Emails have quickly become the communication mode of choice as it is quick, reliable and you
have the ability to send attachments and/or links to documents.

What a CSU Email Should look like
When composing an email please carefully consider sensitivity and discretion. CSU Guidelines
for Email Best Practice are available in the CSU Administration Manual. See Appendix 1.

To maintain a minimum standard visual presentation in the use of email for internal and external
University communications, staff are advised to establish official email contact details (also
known as an email signature) that are consistent in format, well-presented, easy to read and
portray the professionalism appropriate to the University. See excerpt below outlining correct
email signature format from the CSU Style Manual.

The standard white background should be used for all emails sent on behalf of the University.
Coloured backgrounds, pictures, patterns, decorative motifs such as scrolls or leaves can be
distracting to the reader and may detract from a professional impression.
Acceptable fonts are Times New Roman (preferred) or Arial in 10, 11 or 12 point. Font should
be navy blue or black only.
Contact details
The contact details on an email amount to sending an electronic University business card.
They give an email a professional appearance, and provide appropriate official contact
information. The standard white background should be used for all emails sent on behalf of the
University. Coloured backgrounds, pictures, patterns, decorative motifs such as scrolls or
leaves can be distracting to the reader and may detract from a professional impression.
Personal statements and messages are discouraged.
First name and surname
These are written in bold in the same font as the email, two points larger. Cursive fonts for the
name should be avoided.
Job title
This and all categories that follow are written in the same font as the email, plain text.
Division, School, Faculty, Centre or area
Charles Sturt University
Postal address
External telephone number
External fax number
Email address
CSU web address or URL that directs users to your area
An example:
Joe Bloggs
Division of Marketing
Charles Sturt University
Panorama Avenue
Bathurst NSW 2795
Ph: 02 6338 4411
Fax: 02 6338 4378
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A letter is a message written on letterhead paper and addressed to someone outside the
organisation. It is usually sent through the mail.

The body of the letter is made up of the introduction, middle and conclusion. The introduction
opens the letter, establishes rapport and acknowledges any previous correspondence or
contact. The middle of the letter contains all details and information. The conclusion outlines
any actions and/or information required along with a polite ending.

Types of letters
good news letters inquiry, request, acknowledgement, introduction to
cover, thank-you and acknowledgement letters
letter to refuse an invitation or request - start with your appreciation for the invitation or
request, give a full explanation of why you are refusing, close by expressing interest in
the person/organisation or with well wishes for the event.
bad news letter - open with a courteous greeting, explain the situation, state the bad
news, close with a positive paragraph ie how they could improve, encouraging them to
apply again in the future.
Problem, denial or complaint letter.
The following paragraph should appear at the end of your email signature in standard font, 8
This email has been sent by Charles Sturt University (CSU) (ABN 83 878 708 551, CRICOS
00005F). This email (and any attachment) is confidential and is intended for the use of the
addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not copy,
distribute, take any action in reliance on it or disclose it to anyone. Any confidentiality is not
waived or lost by reason of mistaken delivery. The views expressed in this email are not
necessarily those of CSU. Email should be checked for viruses and defects before opening.
CSU does not accept liability for viruses or any consequence which arise as a result of this
email transmission. Email communications with CSU may be subject to automated email
filtering, which could result in the delay or deletion of a legitimate email before it is read at
If your email has any relevance to CSU courses offered to international students within
Australia, please include this optional sentence.
Optional: The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
(CRICOS) Provider Numbers for Charles Sturt University are 00005F (NSW), 01947G (VIC)
and 02960B (ACT).
Source :
Optional parts to a business letter may include an attention line (if you wish to use an
attention line place it two returns below the readers address), subject line/reference
initials/reference number (placed two returns below the salutation), enclosure, file
number, senders telephone number, email or website details.
Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. For CSU Division of Human Resources Page 16
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General Letter Template
Organisation name
Telephone number
30 September, 2008
Readers name
Attention: Readers name and position (optional)
Private and confidential (optional)
Dear Mr/Ms [readers name]

Your ref.As/ceZZ/2. Our ref. QWE/99 (optional)
Subject: (optional)
Introduction, Body, Conclusion.
Yours sincerely
Writers signature
GK:jp (optional)
Enclosures (3) (optional)
Copies: R. Hanlin, Treasurer (optional)
M.McKenna, Secretary

See Appendix 2 for examples of CSU Letters from the Division of Human Resources.

The AIDA formula of Writing persuasive letters

1. (A) Attention open with a sentence that catches the readers attention - hook
2. (I) Interest show the reader features, benefits or develop an idea that may be
of interest to the reader
3. (D) Desire use the middle paragraphs to build up a picture that moves the
reader to action
4. (A) Action state the action the reader needs to take to achieve what you have

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. For CSU Division of Human Resources Page 20
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What a CSU business letter should look like
The CSU letterhead has been designed for use in accordance with the following guidelines for
the layout of letters:
Preferred typeface for typing is Times New Roman (preferred) or Arial in 10,11, or 12
Left margin aligns with the logo typeface, 25 mm from edge of page
Right margin is 12.5 mm from edge of page
Top margin is 60 mm from top of page
Bottom margin is 20 mm from bottom of page
The letter can be left justified only
The pre-printed small dots on left side of paper are guides for folding
Read carefully the CSU Style Manual guidelines and view the letter template:

Exercise Critique then create a CSU letter

Using the documents you have sourced from your area during the preparation
for this module, critique your example letter with your group. Review and
provide feedback as if you were the writers supervisor. Re-write the letter as
you believe it should be.

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Business Cases/Proposals/Briefing Notes
The purpose of a business case or proposal is to identify the needs and objectives of an
organisation and outline beneficial strategies for meeting these needs. The Business case
should also present a way of evaluating results in order to ensure a high chance of success.
Business cases at CSU are written to obtain funds for research, to solve problems, express
interest in a project and to ask for approval for a change or new course of action.

What a CSU Business Case/Proposal should look like
All new commercial activities are governed by the Interim Guidelines for Commercial Activities.
These Guidelines state that a Scoping Proposal and Business Case need to be completed prior
to an activity being approved or commencing. These guidelines can be viewed on the
Administration Manual Website at:

CSU Business Case templates are also available on the Administration manual website and
give comprehensive descriptions and walk you step-by-step through requirements of each

In order to make this an efficient business process, the Office of Corporate Governance (OCG)
has developed various categories of commercial activities. These are listed below with a
definition and examples of what that category includes, and should be taken into account when
writing your Business Case.
Collaboration - A general Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with another
education provider, or public or private industry, which will be supplemented by
additional formal notes of agreement in respect of specific initiatives. The memorandum
is a non-binding agreement that aims to facilitate academic cooperation between the
parties in the areas of teaching, learning, research, student and staff exchange and a
range of other areas of mutual benefit.
Consortium - Activities in which the University has joined with other organisations to
form a consortium to develop and/or deliver and/or provide programs to a third party.
Consultancy - Activities where the University, or a Faculty or Division, or an employee
(OPA), is providing contracted services to third parties, eg. Government funding
Community Education - Provision of: non-award weekend/short courses; study
activities to visiting external parties to the University where the University provides
lectures and recreational tours; study activities to University staff and students visiting
external parties where the external party provides lectures and recreational tours; non-
award workshops/seminars through Faculties and Schools to High School students,
industry groups and others.
Industry Training - Provision of VET training programs and Professional Attainment
Programs through the Universitys Registered Training Organisation (CSU Training) and
through the Faculty of Commerce Professional Development Unit, including training
funded by industry partners.
Third Party Course Offering - Provision of fee-paying courses through Australian or
International third party institutions onshore or offshore for Australian and international
Employer Reserved - Provision of award places under agreement with an employer,
e.g. the Diploma of Policing Practice.
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Entity Activities include:
Enterprise - those organisations within the University who operate on E funds,
excluding research centres.
Company - company limited by guarantee - a company formed on the principle of
having the liability of its members limited to the respective amounts that the
members undertake to contribute to the property of the company if it is wound
up; company limited by shares - a company formed on the principle of having the
liability of its members limited to the amount (if any) unpaid on the shares
respectively held by them.
Controlled Entity - company of the University established for the provision of
infrastructure and other services across the campuses.
Trust/Charitable Fundraising - activities where assets are held and managed by
trustees on behalf of an individual or group.
Joint Venture - activities involving a business owned jointly by the University and
one or more other independent organisations who continue to function
separately in all other respects but pool their resources in a particular line of
Partnership - activities whereby the University has entered into a partnership
agreement to own and control a company with one or more other organisations.
These activities do not have a limited liability.
Hiring - Hiring equipment and/or rooms to and/or from external parties.
Lease - Activities involving the University leasing facilities and/or equipment and/or land
and/or buildings to and/or from external parties.
Sales - Selling goods and/or services to external parties.

Workplace Learning Activity Creating a business case made simple

Proposals come in all shapes and sizes however there is a standard layout to follow
when structuring your proposal:
An accepted rule is to keep the body of the report to four parts:
two pages on how the project will be managed
two pages for selling the idea and the qualities of the proposing organisation.
two pages for costs
two pages for scheduling.
Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. For CSU Division of Human Resources Page 24

Using the categories of commercial activities outlined above by the OCG, formulate a
simple business case using the template provided in the CSU Administration Manual: Ask your mentor or supervisor
to review and give feedback. Would they authorise your idea or purchase based on the
information you have provided?

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Agreements, Joint Ventures or Collaborative Ventures
Legal Policy and Procedures on Agreements, Joint Ventures or Collaborative Ventures and
Delegations for the signing of documents are available in the CSU Administration Manual
under: Appendix 3 shows an example template
for a Memorandum of Understanding from the CSU Office of Corporate Governance.

Minutes and Agendas
The Office of Academic Governance (AG) has developed a style manual including templates for
Minutes and Agendas to be used by University Committees. The template is available at the
following link:
For more information or for professional development on writing minutes and agendas contact
AG 02 6338 4185 or email For learning resources go to:

CSU Templates
Other templates available to staff can be found throughout various sections of the CSU website
including within the Administration Manual:, the
CSU Style Manual:, and on the Media

Media Releases
The CSU Media style guide provides guidance, links and a number of resources for writing,
spelling and editing copy when working with the media, and as required by CSU.
Refer to these templates which include fonts and layouts, when preparing an official release to
ensure consistency:

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When beginning to write you need to consider:
Who are you writing to?
What is the primary purpose of your document?
Why should the reader care about your message?
When and where does the action take place?
What are your expected outcomes?

Get started
Start by brainstorming and writing down any ideas that come into your mind. Logical order and
sequence can be looked at further on but the most important thing is to let the ideas flow at this
Once you start doing this you may find that the ideas start coming into your mind quite quickly
as one topic brings to mind another related thought or idea and so on.
Write everything down no matter now frivolous as it may turn out to be a brilliant idea down the
track when developed more.
The idea of any business correspondence is to convey your thought that will set off some kind
of action - instantly or remotely. There are two important points for writing effective
communication. The first is, you should know what you want to say and the second is, say it.

Planning and Structure
All documents should have a structure or format a logical beginning, middle and end.
Include a sequential argument
Adjust the content to suit your audience and their different learning styles
Study different communication styles ie: Neuro Linguistic Programming (Grinder and
Bandler) the visual, the auditory, Kinaesthetic, Auditory-Digital (AD).
Keeping your focus and the desirable outcomes in mind
Organise your material into manageable chunks

To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail Anon

How to begin:
- research - write down the facts
- opinions
- brainstorm and write down any
idea that comes to you no
matter how ridiculous
- fragments are allowed - no editing allowed
- discuss it with someone else, a
colleague or peer
- initially write as though youre
writing to your best friend
- relaxation techniques - put it all in perspective
- sleep on it.
- Look at previously developed
Once you have planned your document, write your first draft without attempting to correct
yourself as your write. Once youve finished, it would be ideal to set your writing aside for a
while before you begin to edit. Otherwise, youll see what you meant to write, not what you
actually wrote.
Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development Page 12 & 26.
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Key Points to writing a document:

Use of language
Plain English

Simple sentences and or statements
Use of dot points
Everything to the point
This is job specific use experts in the area, as a trainer I have no idea.

Living Documents
Must be written to be changed
Open mind required
What triggers change?
Every time the document is used it is tested.
Constant continuous improvement

What triggers change
Change in procedure
Change in equipment
Better way to do the same job
Organisational change
Wanting to deliver Best practice

Writing the documents
What to write
How long to write
Start point and finish point
Answer the who what when questions

What to do with the finished draft
Test the document using someone else to red pen it dont be precious
open mind
Discuss the suggested changes and include the agreed changes
Final quality check

Implement the document
Sign off Who? How? Where?
Document control how where electronic or hard copy?
Storage and use
Archiving of old documents using S drive?

Review documents
Who? When? How?
What triggers review?
Is there a set time or ongoing?

Cross Campus use of Documents
Are your systems the same as other campuses?
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The 5W-H Plan for Writing
The template below can be useful to help you start initial preparation or peer discussions for
outlining your writing plan.

Source: Eunson, B. 1996, Writing at Work, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane, p. 46.

Exercise How to start: Planning your writing


Using the 5W-H Plan for Writing template above formulate a plan for a new idea
or proposal you have been thinking about discussing with your supervisor or

Discuss your notes within your group and ask them to review it and give you
feedback for further ideas or points to remember.

deas: New equipment, new software, new staff member, casual
assistance, starting weekly team meetings with action sheets, updating
procedures documents.
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Steps in Writing Workplace Documents

Why are you writing? For example, the purpose may be to:
o inform
o persuade
o present a point of view
o propose ideas
o report findings
o recommend a course of action

What action or outcome are you hoping for?

Readers requirements
To whom are you writing?
What does the reader want to know?
What does the reader know about the topic already?
What is the readers attitude to the topic?
What specific requirements or limitations are there?
How much detail is required?
When is the document required?

What information do you need to include?
Brainstorm and record all ideas that come to mind about the topic. Brainstorming
methods include:
o Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? questions;
o A mind map of the main concepts, sub-concepts and minor concepts.

What type of document will be the most appropriate? (e.g. memo, letter or report)
What is the most effective way of sending the message? (e.g. personal delivery,
mail, e-mail or fax)

You may need to research the topic.
Record the main points and relevant details.
Record the source details (i.e. author, title and publishing details) of your research.

Evaluate each point against the topic and purpose of your document.
Only retain relevant information.
Group like points and arrange them under appropriate headings, sub-headings and minor
Arrange the headings, sub-headings and key points into a logical order. This creates a
content outline.

Talk your ideas through with someone else before you start writing. This helps you to
express your thoughts clearly.
Type your first draft quickly. Write what you can, then fill in the missing information later.
Follow the appropriate document structure.
Follow your content outline, and use headings, sub-headings and minor headings.
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If desired, use decimal numbering and indentation for the headings, sub-headings and
minor headings. For example:


1.1 Sub-heading

1.1.1 Minor heading

Add tables and/or illustrations, if applicable.
Add layout and formatting features.

When you have completed the draft, lay it aside for a day or two if possible. You can then
criticise it objectively, keeping in mind the desirable qualities it should have.
Evaluate, correct and improve the draft. Read every word, sentence and paragraph with a
view to making constructive changes.

o Make sentences clearer, tighter, unambiguous and more polished.
o Remove unnecessary details or words.
o Add any necessary details that have been omitted.
o Check that the tense is consistent.
o Use active voice and first person where possible.
o Correct the spelling, grammar and punctuation.
o If the flow needs to be improved, re-arrange the sequence of sentences or paragraphs.

Check that the writing style is appropriate.

Several drafts are usually required in the editing stage.
An editing checklist is useful for reviewing the final draft.
It may also be helpful to ask actual or potential members of your audience to provide
feedback about the final draft. It should be tested by two groups:

o people who have been chosen because of their expertise; and
o people who have been chosen because of their lack of expertise.

Revise the final draft in line with the feedback.

Type the final copy of the document.
Proofread word by word, and figure by figure.
Sign and/or type your name or initials at the end of the document.
Keep a copy of the final version for your own records.
Send the document to the reader.
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Exercise Quick Grammar Exercise

Grammar Basics

Term Function Examples
Nouns Names of persons, places, things,
qualities or concepts
Clinton, child, Jerusalem, plateau,
bicycle, sadness, freedom
Verbs Express action or being Fly, transmit, be, appear
Pronouns Substitute for nouns and function as
I, me, myself, mine
Adjectives Describe or qualify or modify nouns
or pronouns
Tall, angry, first
Adverbs Modify verbs, adjectives, other
adverbs or groups of words
Quickly, here, soon
Prepositions Show relationships between a noun
or pronoun and other words in a
Across, on, during
Conjunctions Link words and groups of words And, but, because
Interjections Express feelings or attitudes. Wow! Hey! Say!
Tense Describes when an action takes
I type/ I typed/ I will type/ I have typed/ I
was typing/ I will be typing
Find the error in the following sentences:
1. Because fragments make it hard to understand your sentence
2. Proofreading your writing can be very interesting you can find out what you have
3. While procrastinating and worrying, the exam came closer and closer.
4. The essay had to be handed in to the lecturer that had to be a certain length.
5. Students has to have a good understanding of grammar.
6. Anyone who has not done their grammar assignment must have had something
better to do.
7. Studying can be exciting, rewarding and sometimes really annoyed.
8. The only excuse their was , was that there exam had started early.
9. When you use an apostrophe, make sure you know its proper use. Its often used
10. The student didn't get no marks for the assignment.
To find answers go to:
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Grammar Basics continued

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development Page 27

Note: For more comprehensive information on Grammar, read Appendix 4 which is an excerpt
from Effective Writing workshop 2004 with CSU Human Resources. This excerpt includes
comprehensive information on correct grammar, punctuation such as quotations, colons,
parentheses, present and past tense, and use of the apostrophe.

Writing Powerful and Engaging Sentences
A letter that is well written always contains a friendly undertone, polite terms and is written in
common language without jargon. To write well aim to appeal to the readers interest, engaging
them by presenting the information in a logical sequence and in an accurate and concise way.
There are four main types of sentence; Simple, compound, complex and a combination.

Term Function Examples
Subject The word or group of words that
receives the action.
She spoke at the meeting. The two
managers attended the function.
Object The word or group of words that
receives the action.
She spoke at the meeting. The two
managers attended the function.
Active voice The subject in the sentence
performs the action.
I typed the document.
The subject is acted upon, or
receives the action.
The document was typed by me.
Simple sentences
A simple sentence has a subject, a verb and an object. This type of sentence is used for
direct and clear sentences. It is the most powerful type of sentence there is.
Compound sentences
A compound sentence links two simple sentences together because they are part of one
idea. These are also called comma,and sentences because you always need to place a
comma before a conjunction (such as and, but, so, for, yet) that links the two sentences.
The media heads have been appointed, and they have almost completed the
Complex sentences
A complex sentence is one that adds some explanation to your primary statement. It links a
main clause with a dependent clause (a clause is a part of a sentence containing a verb
and a noun).
The managing director of Coles Myer announced a new advertising strategy
that would enable the companys supermarkets to undercut their competitions
ratings. (This clause explains the strategy)
Complex-compound sentences
Be careful when using these sentences, as it can be easy to lose the sense of what you are
trying to say.
Country Road, which has survived two takeovers, had completed designs for
overseas markets so that new stores could be opened in the USA which was a
hotbed of competition and also subject to the changes in the Australian dollar
exchange rate.
Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development Page 29
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Creating logic and Flow


Your writing must be understood at the first reading.
A business document is clear when it means exactly what the writer intends.
Avoid technical jargon, unfamiliar words or formal language.

Payment has been duly noted We received your cheque
Attached hereto please find Attached is
Pursuant to your request As requested
Acquaint you with the facts Tell you

Our facilitator will interface with the new
communication systems network.
Our administrative assistant will operate
the new telephone system.

Eliminate ambiguity, i.e. avoid using a word with a double meaning or misplacing a phrase
within a sentence.

Examples: Ambiguity
We are committed to eliminating all traces of discrimination in the law against women.
(Is there a law against women?)

Staff members who had been hired unofficially complained to the union.
(Were they hired unofficially, or did they complain unofficially?)

Avoid colloquialisms, clichs and hackneyed expressions.

Examples: Clichs
Bottom line Situation, essence, final position, total, goal
In a nutshell In short
In the long run Finally
In this day and age Today, presently
Name of the game The heart of the matter, the true purpose
Off the record To speak confidentially
State of the art Best

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Avoid wordy expressions.

Prior to the event Before
At this point in time Now
Subsequent to After
For the purpose of To
In the event that If
In view of the fact that / Due to the fact that Because of
Until such time as Until

Avoid unnecessary repetition.

Examples: Repetition (Tautology)
Absolutely essential
Advance planning
Close scrutiny
Combine together
Completely empty/full
Exactly identical
My personal opinion

Include only relevant information.
Come to the point quickly and without waffle.
Omit unnecessary background information.
Use short, familiar words instead of long words.

Utilise Use
Commence Begin / Start
Terminate End

Keep sentences short and simple 17 words or less. However, vary the sentence length or
structure to avoid monotony and create interest.

In this letter we have attempted to answer
all of your questions, and we hope that if
you have any additional questions
whatsoever, you will not hesitate to contact
If you have additional questions, please
call us.

Revise your first draft, looking for ways to reduce the number of words or to cut out
unnecessary information.

Check that all the information the reader will need is included:
Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
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Check your work for accuracy of punctuation, grammar and spelling (especially the names
of people and places).

He done it. He did it.
She brung it. She brought it.
He could of done it. He could have done it.
She practices typing. She practises typing.
He hanged the certificate on the wall. He hung the certificate on the wall.
She loaned it to him. She lent it to him.
These items compliment each other. These items complement each other.
How much further is it? How much farther is it?
He is the best of the two. He is the better of the two.
Its colour has faded. Its colour has faded.

Do not rely on the computer spell check function to pick up all spelling errors. It wont
detect the mistake if it has been written as another acceptable word (e.g. no/on, to/too,
then/than, quite/quiet, lose/loose), or if a word has been omitted and the sentence still
makes sense.
Check for accuracy of information: e.g. times, dates, figures and telephone numbers.
Check for consistency of layout.


Give specific details.

Your study package will be delivered soon. Your study package will be delivered in two
weeks time.
Your superannuation plan will earn high
Your superannuation plan will earn 10%
Photocopiers should have appropriate
performance parameters.
Photocopiers should be able to produce 50
stapled copies of 20 double-sided sheets in
less than 3 minutes.

Try to substitute exact facts or figures for vague generalities.
Use concrete examples to clearly illustrate the point you are making.


Use language that is believable.
Avoid exaggeration and superlatives.
Suggest possibilities or probabilities rather than making forceful assertions.

Always Usually
Never Rarely
Everyone/everything/all Most
No-one, nobody A few, some
Must, should, will Could, might, may
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Whenever possible, use active voice to let the subject perform the action.
Record enrolments were received by the
University this year.
The University received record enrolments
this year.
The report was completed by Sue. Sue completed the report.

Provide supporting arguments for your point of view e.g. provide examples, statistics or a
quote from a respected authority.


Display good manners and a caring attitude in your writing.
Whenever possible, phrase your writing positively with a pleasant tone.

We cannot deliver your study package
before 1
Your study package will be delivered as
soon as possible after 1
We cannot agree to the present terms and
conditions outlined in your contract.
Some discussion regarding the terms and
conditions will need to be entered into
before we can reach a mutually satisfying
You failed to enclose a cheque with your
order; therefore, it is impossible to send
you the merchandise.
As soon as your cheque arrives, well send
your order through express delivery.

Write tactfully with the reader firmly in mind. A tactful writer does not offend, is not sexist or
insulting, and is never condescending

Spokesman Spokesperson, representative
Manpower Staff, workforce
Chairman Chair, Chairperson
Man the counter Staff the counter, serve

Examples: Condescension
Of course, as anybody would know,
With respect, what you said is
Obviously, the situation is

Passive voice should be used when communicating bad news. This avoids negative
overtones and personal criticism.

John Smith gave an inaccurate report
about the Universitys plans to the media.
An inaccurate report about the Universitys
plans appeared in the media.
John made three mistakes in the report. Three mistakes were made in the report.

Use language that is rational and unemotional.

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Using Bullet Points

Communicates your message in a succinct and clear manner
Quick and easy to both read and write
Highlights the most important information.

Rules for using bullet points
Write in complete sentences or part sentences as required, be consistent. Use a consistent type
of bullet or symbol remembering fancy symbols may take away from your message.

Full stops or not?
Bullet points are often incorporated into a sentence structure, generally preceeded by :. If this is
the case, there are no capital letters on each line and the full stop goes at the end.


All supervisors will need to review their staffs performance in the following areas:

Interpersonal relationships
Conflict management.

If bullet points are used without a lead in, they have a capital letter at the start of each line and a
full stop at the end as in the sections Why and Rules for using bullet points above.
These rules apply to all uses of bullet points. They are a very useful way of listing important

Policy and Procedure Writing

CSU has comprehensive Guidelines for the preparation of Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and
Forms in the Administration Manual:
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Common CSU business language includes those frequently used words and abbreviations in
CSU reports, websites and other documents distributed both internally and externally. Some
common terms can be found on the Media Website:

The definition of common business language is those words that are used throughout our
business documents to communicate a common message and strategic direction for the
Organisation. Some of these words relevant to CSU are contained in the Business Reporting
Language Glossary on the Work Process Improvement website (in development).

The following is information from the Australian Government Department of Finance and
Deregulation. They have identified the benefits of adopting common business language below.

For information to be shared successfully, it should be documented in a way that allows
users to:
understand its meaning;
accept its format; and
have confidence in its quality.
Agencies should adopt standard definitions and formats for information objects that they
commonly share with other agencies. They need to use a common language and
standardised approach to information exchange. This will:
promote information sharing;
reduce costs and confusion;
reduce the risk of information misuse; and
improve the readiness of agencies to exchange and share information.
Standards may be established in a number of ways. They may be:
endorsed by a recognised standard setting authority;
enacted by legislation;
agreed voluntarily; or
established through protocols and common practice.
Source: Australian Government Information Interoperability Framework retrieved September 2008 from

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Source: Australian Government Information Interoperability Framework retrieved September 2008 from

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Emails are one of the most important business communication tools we have today. There are
many issues regarding computer security and email security. There are the issues of personal
security, company liability and viruses to name a few. In the workplace, the email system is
meant for business use, but most companies allow for some private use of email. You need to
be aware of your company's email policy. See CSU Charter for Electronic Messaging:, as well as the CSU Policy for the Use
of Computing and Communication Facilities:
Exercise Email Best Practice Guidelines

Appendix 1 is a copy of CSUs Email Guidelines for Best Practice available in the
Administration Manual:

After reading the guidelines answer the following questions:

Is it best practice to send an attachment or include a hyperlink in the text of the email?


Should I send both the Executive Director and his/her Admin Assistant an email?


Are emails subject to the same retention and disposal requirements as electronic and
paper-based records?


What is the best way to save emails?


Name 3 other methods you could use to communicate your message to CSU?







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Emoticons and Netiquette

CSU Student Services have information on the use of emoticons and netiquette. "Netiquette"
is network etiquette; the do's and don'ts of online communication. Netiquette covers both
common courtesy online and the informal "rules of the road" of cyberspace.

Netiquette is explored on the CSU Student Services website:
The core rules of Netiquette are explained in more detail on the following website:

10 tips for effective emails
1. Think before you write. Plan your message.
2. Use the subject line to capture your reader's attention.
3. Keep your message short and clear. Remember that the screen shows only about
half of what you see on hard copy.
4. If your message is long, give a summary at the start.
5. You are accountable for what you write. Always write your message as if your boss
were going to read it.
6. Do not send angry messages. Take a few minutes to cool down before you start your
7. Don't type your message in capitals. Capitals are considered to be SHOUTING and
are rude.
8. Respect common grammar & spelling conventions. Don't type your entire message
in lower case, and run a spell / grammar check over the message.
9. Send messages only to people who need to read them. Respect other people's time
and don't forward junk email to them. Use CC: and BCC: sparingly.
10. Proofread your message before sending it. You should always reread your message
before you send it and correct any mistakes.
Source: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (2008): Writing Skills for Business online training.
Even though email is quick and easy to use, sometimes another form of communication
might be more suitable. Think about your message and the purpose it is meant to achieve.
If a phone call would be better, don't use email. It would be better to think of an alternative
to email when:
your message is personal or confidential
the news you have to give is bad. It is easy to sound unconcerned when you deliver
unpleasant news by email
you are worried that your message might not be clearly understood
you need an immediate response
Language barriers and time difficulties may also be factors you need to consider.
When writing business emails a professional yet conversational tone is the most effective.
Imagine you are attending a function attended by your colleagues and supervisors. In this
situation you would need to be polite, positive and friendly. At the same time you need to be
professional. Also you need to consider who you are speaking to and their position and
level in the organisation. Email communication is similar but with an important exception,
your communication is electronically transmitted so it can be passed on to anyone within or
external to the organisation.
Based on: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (2008): Writing Skills for Business online training:
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Legal risks of emails
There have been legal cases regarding the use of email where a company has been found
guilty of libel over email content. Email is a business tool and users are expected to use it in a
responsible, effective and lawful manner.
Keep legal and Equal opportunity regulations in mind by visiting the EEO website, privacy legislation on
the Legal Website and by being
aware of the CSU Web Policy:
You need to be careful that you do not send emails that offend another person. Listed below are
some items that outline the legal risks of email:
if you send emails with any libellous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks,
you and your company can be held liable
if you forward emails with libellous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks,
you and your company can be held liable
if you unlawfully forward confidential information, you and your company can be held
if you unlawfully forward or copy messages without permission, you and your company
can be held liable for copyright infringement
if you send an attachment that has a virus, you and your company can be held liable.
it is strictly forbidden to send or forward emails that contain libelous, defamatory,
offensive, racist or obscene remarks. If you receive an email like this, or are the subject
of an email like this, you must immediately notify your supervisor.
You must have permission from the sender to forward an email to another person .
do not forge or attempt to forge email messages.
do not disguise or attempt to hide your identity when sending email.
do not send email messages from someone else's account
do not copy a message or an attachment belonging to another person without the
permission of the originator.
Source: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (2008): Writing Skills for Business online training.

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It is essential to review and proofread your document before printing, distributing or publishing
to ensure quality. Go back over your initial outline and requirements to ensure you have
covered all information required and answered all questions asked by your audience. Perhaps
the most tragic mistake any manager could make is to fail to proofread his correspondence
properly - one spelling error can do irreparable harm to your credibility. Your name is on the
document and therefore you are the one to be held responsible for its content. Ensure all parts
of your document are in the correct format and properly written, that there are no errors in
punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, or grammar. If there is a template required or available
ensure your content has been transcribed correctly. Make sure that others material is properly
referenced throughout and in the final bibliography.
While still in draft stage, all editing changes should be completed in MS Word using tracking
feature so changes can be seen or second read by other CSU staff prior to sign off.
In the CSU Media Office the standard for editing guidelines for CSU material is based on the
Style Manual for authors, editors and printers , Australian Government Printing Service,
Canberra, sixth edition, 2002. The Macquarie Dictionary (Australian National Dictionary,
Revised Third Edition) is the reference dictionary of choice. Correct official nomenclature and
spelling in reference to campuses, facilities, position titles and third parties can be seen on the
media website:
CSU media office has guidelines for special terms:
When Campus is used to officially name that campus, eg., Bathurst Campus, Campus
starts with a capital C.
Senior staff positions take capitals: Executive Director, Head of Campus, Director of
Research Centre, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor;
Vice-Chancellor takes a hyphen, as do Pro Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-
"University", when referring to Charles Sturt University, should be a capital U.
The Media website has further resources to help during the editing phase including a glossary
of terms and a Quick spelling guide:

Editing and revising your document
The final step in ensuring professional writing is to edit and revise your copy to maintain
consistency and quality. Make sure you read over carefully and remove any unnecessary
conjunctions (and, but, etc). Remove unnecessary words - words that do not add to your main
point(s), and remove unnecessary punctuation (eg, commas). Editing involves second reading
your document to check for completeness, conciseness, clarity, tone, accuracy and
effectiveness. The document can then be improved upon by re-writing sections, and adding or
deleting text where required.

Have someone else read your work and ask them to either highlight suggestions in red pen if in
hard copy and/or use the track changes option in a word-doc soft copy.
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Quick tips to help in editing your writing

through the
document to
check for
logic and
Does the opening paragraph set the background or purpose for the correspondence?
Is the information set out in a logical order?
Is all the necessary information included?
Is any information unnecessary? Should this information be in a separate attachment
or enclosure instead?
Have linking or transition words been used to show connections between ideas?
Is the action you want from the reader clear?
Now youre
ready to look
at your
writing style
Have you used the you approach as appropriate?
Could any words, phrases or sentences be replaced by shorter ones?
Could some information be set out in a list using bullet points?
Is there one main idea per paragraph?
Could any paragraphs be further subdivided?
Is there enough white space in the document?
Have you used specific language to say what you mean?
Have you used the right level of language for your reader?
Have you avoided using clichs, tautologies, pompous expressions, and unnecessary
jargon in your document?
Have you used a positive and friendly tone?
Have you personalised your writing as appropriate to your reader and the type of
So lets
prepare to
write your
second draft.
Once you have finished, review all the points above to check you are satisfied with
what you have written.
Now you can
start to
Lets begin
Run your computer grammar check if you have one.
Read each sentence aloud. Check that it sounds right.
Check for any particular errors you know you often make.
Check that you have not used any incorrect words.
Lets now
proofread for
Are your capitals correct?
Are your sentences complete?
Are there sufficient commas to avoid ambiguity?
Are your lists punctuated?
Are your numbers presented in the correct format?
Its time to
check your
Run your computer spell check program if you have one.
Read your words one at a time. If it is at all possible, ask someone to read through
your document and check your spelling as well as other points for proofreading.
Focus particularly on words you frequently misspell.
check your
If you have headings or sub-headings in your document, are they consistently
Have you used the correct format for the type of correspondence you have written?
Have you addressed your reader in the appropriate manner?
Does it look attractive and readable?

Based on: Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 37 & 38
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Important things to remember when editing:

1. Does the message say all I want it to say?
2. Does it answer all the questions the reader may ask?

3. Has unnecessary information been removed?
4. Is it expressed in the fewest words necessary for completeness,

5. Will the reader understand the wording?
6. Is the intended meaning clear?
7. Is each paragraph one complete thought?
8. Are the ideas presented in the most effective order?
9. Do sentences and paragraphs flow logically?
10. Is the desired reader action specific?

11. Are the statements true and accurate?
12. Have I distorted any of the facts?
13. Is the information (e.g. data, statistics) accurate?
14. Is the grammar correct?
15. Is the spelling correct?
16. Is the punctuation correct?

Appropriate in tone
17. Will the tone get the desired response?
18. Is it free from antagonistic words or phrases?
19. Is it free from hackneyed or stilted phrases which will amuse or irritate the reader?
20. Is the language positive?
21. Is the language gender-neutral?
22. Is the tone conversational?
23. Is the correct approach (direct, indirect) being used?
24. Is the tone varied and readable, or flat and monotonous?

25. Is the layout correct?
26. Is the layout pleasing to the eye?
27. Are there noticeable corrections?

Sources: Checklist for Written Communication, source unknown.
Moore, R. 1994, High-Impact Business Writing (video workbook), CareerTrack, Boulder, Colorado, p. 47.

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Proofreaders Marks

Source: Smith, D. & Sutton, H. 1994, Powerful Proofreading Skills, Crisp, Menlo Park, California, p. 19.

Workplace Learning Activity RMIT Writing tips interactive exercise

Q. Take some time to complete the online exercises on Writing tips on the RMIT website:
s/index.html . Take note of areas you may need to pay special attention to or to increase your
skills in. There are further resources and readings listed at the end of this module.


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Source: Liew, Z, Flying Solo: Seven Layout Mistakes to Avoid (2008).
Seven layout mistakes to avoid

Seven common layout mistakes in documents, web pages and PowerPoint slides. Avoid these
mistakes and you'll produce more professional documents.

1.Dont just fill up space

Just like you need darkness to appreciate light, you need white space to make your documents more
legible. You dont have to fill up every square centimetre with text or images: less IS more. Increasing
the margins of your typical A4 document by 2cm will often improve the layout greatly. Being aware of
white space takes practice. The next time you come across a nice layout, make a point to notice just
how much white space is used.

2. Beware of stuff overload

Volume does not equal quality. So edit ferociously to keep your content tight. Refrain from gratuitous
decorations. As a general rule, use at most two typefaces and no more than three different heading
sizes. Avoid colours and images unless they are pertinent to your material. Remember, your intention
is not to show off the weirdest typefaces you have, or the vastness of your clipart collection.

3. Dont overuse symmetry

Using centring and symmetrically arranged elements tends to create boring layouts. If you have a
column of text and a column of images, make their widths obviously different. Left-justified headings
are neater and easier to read than centred headings. On some web pages, centred headings can
become disconnected from their body copy. Unless you are working in a right-to-left language, dont
right-justify any body copy. On web pages, right-justified text can be invisible on smaller screens.

4. Pay attention to detail

Many documents are marred by unintended changes in typeface or type sizes. Use document styles,
instead of manual spot formatting, to reduce the likelihood of this. Other layout mistakes to watch are:
heading sizes, margins and orphans and widows (single lines of text at the top or bottom of a new
page). Also, use your spell checker!

5. Avoid unclear hierarchy

Documents are generally consumed in a linear fashion, so set up a clear hierarchy of reading. Put the
most important information first. Use different heading sizes to differentiate between sections and
subsections. Not everything is equally important. Many ineffective websites are filled edge to edge with
minimally prioritised material. Do not put your logo on every page or every slide. Your logo should not
be a space filler. If your message is useful or interesting, people will remember you.

6. A word processor is not a typewriter

Unless you work in a mono spaced typewriter font like Courier, hitting space twice after punctuation
creates ugly gaps in your paragraphs. It also screws up the Full Justification algorithm. Use Paragraph
Styles to specify the gap between your paragraphs, instead of hitting Enter twice. Each stroke of the
Enter key adds an unnecessary Paragraph Mark to your document. Dont use spaces to line up bits of
text that should be in a table. A space is used to separate words and nothing else.

7. Multimedia is annoying!

Just because you can, does not mean you should. When used inappropriately, animations, videos and
sound all scream Amateur. And they are usually poor quality, to boot. Common examples are
websites that unexpectedly play sound, PowerPoint presentations with a spinning logo on every page
and Word documents that use those blinking fairy-sprinkles Text Effects. Keep it simple. When in
doubt, dont format anything! The styles in the various default MS Office templates do tend to produce
good results. The result will be documents that are easier to read, transfer between computers, share,
upload to information systems and integrate into workflows.
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Making your documents attractive
Avoid dull or monotonous language and make sure your first paragraph grabs the readers
attention inciting them to read the second, third and even last section. Try to use positive and
affirmative language and make sure the focus is on the recipient's needs, interests, or purposes
and not purely your own.
Increase the probability of holding your readers attention by ensuring you use the proper
materials such as templates, binders and folders. Printers should have clean black ribbons,
and all outgoing correspondence should be drafted on the companys letterhead clear of
smudges or errors. Dont overcrowd or add text just to fill in the page, the use of white space
can be helpful to define inportant topics.
Whenever possible, reproduce your business documents in colour. The added impact will be
well worth the extra expense involved. Keep in mind at all times that your documents must
exhibit the upmost professionalism.

There can be at best only a few helpful suggestions to help you formulate effective written
communication skills that when applied can help make the process simpler and more
efficient. It takes years of practice and experience to overcome the obstacles, but through
patience and perseverance you will eventually find the process a natural extension of your
personal communication skills.

Source: Smith,W A & Kleiner,B H, How to improve business writing skills Managerial Auditing Journal (1995). P6.
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What is a report?

A report is a structured written document in which a specific issue is examined for the purpose
of conveying information, in order to report findings, to answer a request, to put forward ideas
and make recommendations or offer solutions.
An effective report is one that is written appropriate to its purpose and audience, accurate,
logical; clear and concise; and is well organised into clear section headings. These sections
enable readers to find and focus on specific pieces of information.

Purpose, audience and types of Reports
Keep in mind what your audience needs to know, this will dictate what type of report you will
need to write and the amount of detail to be contained therein. Some questions you need to
keep in mind include:
Who is the report written for?
How is it relevant to them?
Why has the report been written?
Why should they read the report?
What will the audience do with the information?
What are the topics covered?
What are the recommendations or outcomes?

It is most important to think about your reader(s) in terms of heir wants, needs and
expectations. The level of knowledge they have on the topic and their individual areas of
expertise could impact greatly on how your report is received.

Workplace Learning Activity Student Services Learning Guides

Its always important to make a note on the report itself which outlines who the report was
prepared for. If it is not possible to narrow your focus, and you are required to write a report that
is accessible for differing audiences, it may be appropriate to write several different versions of
the same report.

What type of report am I writing?
Objective reports: The primary purpose of an objective report is to present both sides of an
argument in a balanced non-biased way. Persuasive reports are usually quite one sided:
stressing the benefits of one side of the argument and the pitfalls of the other. For this reason,
persuasive reports are structured quite differently.

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 8
Q. Various report and writing tips for students (and staff) are found on the student services
learning skills website: . When you get
back to your office take some time to read through and refresh your skills. Consider using
the resources on the site for group work or discussions at your next team meeting or in-

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Planning your report

1. Defining the purpose - read the brief carefully
- identify key words
- make sure you know what's really being
2. Defining the audience - determine your audience's level of
- determine what your audience needs to
3. Establishing parameters - determine the scope and level of detail
- determine the length of the report and what
can be covered in that length
4. Gathering information - make sure the information you gather is
relevant, contemporary and factually correct
- make sure that you transcribe facts and
figures correctly
Source: Curtin University: Study Skills on Report Writing:

Research the topic

In order to produce a high quality report, it is essential to include accurate, relevant and up to
date information collected from a wide variety of sources. Examples of where to collect
information include: interviews or discussions with experts, surveys, observations, a compilation
of statistics and company or industry data this is called primary data. You may also find
secondary data in books, theses, on the Internet, in journals or newspapers, reports,
conference papers, brochures etc.
Report writers also consult secondary sources in order to get ideas for writing a report. It is
always useful to not only consult sources but also refer to them directly in the body of the report.
Why would a report writer refer to secondary resources in their
Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 8
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Create the outline

Reading Division of Library Services Guidelines on Monthly Quarterly
and Annual Reports

To begin an outline, start by jotting down a list of topics that you know you need to cover.
break the topics down into subsets

When creating an outline:
1. allow chaos to reign
2. give structure to your brainstorming by deciding on the topics you wish to cover
3. create sub topics under your main headings
4. arrange the topics and sub topics in a logical order
5. add appropriate introductions and conclusions to your structure
6. you may wish to circulate your outline for feedback at this stage.

The next step is to arrange the headings into a logical sequence. It may help to follow an
argument development method:

development method
Chronological From one point in time until another
Inductive From the particular to the general
Deductive From the general to the particular
Geographical From one area/campus/section/state/country to another
Topical From one subject or item of discussion to the next
Problem/solution The problem issolutions/options arethe outcome will beor
the problem wasthe action taken wasthe result was
Pros/cons Advantages aredisadvantages are
5 Ws 1 H Explanation of what, where, when, why, who, how
Ideal/reality What our current reality iswhat our vision isa

Write the draft
Once you have created an outline, the next step is to create a draft. It is important not to
worry too much about details such as punctuation and spelling at this point. The most
important thing is to establish a logical flow and ensure you have enough evidence to support
the ideas you are presenting. For each section and sub-section ensure you lead with a
summary sentence that immediately flags to the reader what the main idea of the section is.

Impartiality is imperative in the drafting stage. As the researcher and writer you must express
your ideas in an objective manner. This is why report writers often express themselves in the
third person. For example, they may write: The research reflectedrather than: Our
research reflected.

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 11
The CSU Division of Library Services have developed Guidelines on Monthly Quarterly and
Annual Reports. See Appendix 6. Read through this document thoroughly before
continuing on with this section.

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Types of Reports

There are numerous types of reports that are widely used in business. These range from short
informal or semi-formal reports to longer formal reports. The format is determined by the
purpose of the report, the amount of detail required, and the audience for whom it is intended.


The short report is generally less than four pages or 1200 words in length. It has fewer parts
than a longer report and may use headings to guide the reader through the ideas being
presented in the body of the text. Because the report is written in an informal or semi-formal
style, first person and active voice are preferred (e.g. I consider that rather than It is
considered that ).

Introductory statement what the report is about and why it is being written
Body of the report findings and discussion
Conclusions and recommendations

Other formats may also be used for short reports. For example:

Pre-Printed Report Form
A report form usually consists of questions to gain specific information that can be stored
manually and/or entered onto a computer.

Letter Report
If a short report is written for a reader outside the organisation in which it was written, it may be
written as a letter report. This report is usually written in the first person and active voice (e.g. I
consider that rather than It is considered that ) and is more informal than a long report.

A letter report shares certain features with normal letters features that would not normally be
found in a report: it is written on letterhead and includes the address of the reader, salutation
(Dear ), close (Yours Sincerely/faithfully) and signature.

On the other hand, a letter report is more structured than a normal letter. It has a subject line,
which is sometimes seen in letters, and an introduction and conclusion which are similar to
those of a letter in that neither is prefaced by a heading. The body of the letter, however, is in
report format, with headings and sub-headings clearly defining the sections and sub-sections.

Memo Report
A memo report may be written to a reader who works in the same organisation as the writer.
Because the writer is likely to know something about the reader and his/her requirements and
level of knowledge of the subject matter, the memo report does not need to contain detailed
background information about all of the things to which it refers.

This report is written on memo paper and follows the memo format. However, it is longer than
the conventional memo (two pages or more) and is therefore divided into separate, labelled
sections. The memo report is usually written in the first person and active voice (e.g. I consider
that rather than It is considered that ) and is more informal than a letter report.
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Longer informal or semi-formal reports contain more information and deal with the material in
much greater detail than short informal reports.

The longer report is more structured and has more sections than the short report. Headings and
sub-headings are used to guide the reader through the sections and sub-sections. Because it is
informal or semi-formal, first person and active voice are preferred.

Title page
Body of the report - findings and discussion
Conclusions and recommendations
Appendices (if applicable)
Layout of an Informal Report

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Formal reports are rarely less than ten pages long and can often run into hundreds of pages.
They are commonly written for a large audience who do not know the writer, and are sent
outside an organisation. Third person and passive voice should be used (e.g. It is considered
that rather than I consider that ).

Cover letter/memorandum
Title page
Table of contents
Table of illustrations, figures, tables, etc. (if applicable)
Body of the report methodology, findings and discussion
Appendices (if applicable)
Glossary or list of abbreviations (if applicable)
Index (optional)

Cover Letter/Memorandum
Write a cover letter if the report is to be sent to a reader outside the organisation.
Write a cover memo if the report is to be sent to a reader inside the organisation.
The letter/memo should contain a salutation (Dear for a letter), statement of purpose
(Here is the report on that you requested), a brief overview or summary (In this report
you will find ), acknowledgements (Several people proved to be of great assistance to
me), and a courteous close (Thank you for the opportunity to investigate If you have
any questions about the report, please contact me).
A report may be bound into a folder or professionally produced as a book.
The cover should be attractive.
The report title should be on the cover and spine.

The title should be complete and comprehensive, without being so long that it is difficult to

E.g. Report on the Proposed Realignment of CSUs Division of Human Resources 2008

Title Page
Title of the report.
Name and position of the person who wrote the report.
Name of the person (or organisation) for whom the report was written.
An alternative to having a separate title page is to set out this information at the top of the
first page.
The summary is a quick overview of the aim, conclusions and most important aspects of the
The summary is designed to be read by people who are too busy to read the whole report. It
is therefore essential that it be brief, comprehensive and interesting.
The summary is usually written last.

Table of Contents
The table of contents is a systematic list, in page order, of all the parts of a report.
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Page numbers are listed next to each heading and sub-heading.
If desired, a numbering system may be used for organising the table of contents and report:

Table of Illustrations, Figures, Tables, etc. (if applicable)
Include separate tables of illustrations, figures (i.e. graphs and diagrams) and/or tables if the
report is four or more pages long and contains a number of graphics, figures or tables.

The introduction is the beginning of the major part of the report. Its aim is to provide all the
necessary information so that the reader can understand the main discussion and the body
of the report.
It is the place for a broad, general view of your material. Avoid details that belong properly
to the body of the report or the appendices.
Authorisation or terms of reference:
What is the problem or issue being reported on?
Who asked for the report?
Why is the report being written?
Background information:
What was the sequence of past events leading to the present problem or issue?
What aspects of the topic will be dealt with? What will be excluded?
What kind of information will be presented?
Definitions of technical terms and words that you intend to use in a special sense.

Outline the method of investigation or research:
When and how was the information obtained?
Outline the sources of information:
Where was the information obtained?

Present the facts and results that were obtained through the investigation or research.
Restrict the content of this section to factual information of high credibility. Opinions should
be located in the discussion section of the report.
Divide the section into sub-topics and use sub-headings.
Arrange the sub-topics in accordance with a basic plan or logical progression. For example:
Order of time
Order of location
Order of importance

Order of process
Parallel order.

Analyse and evaluate the facts already presented.
Present your expert opinions. Avoid emotional statements or opinions expressed in a
parent tone.
Based on the results of your research, argue the case for and against various courses of
action, estimate the possible effects, and then recommend a suitable course of action.
If you wish, briefly include some additional material to support your argument, e.g. graph,
diagram, table, picture.
Throughout the discussion, refer to any appendices you have attached to supplement the
information in the body of the report.

Summarise the discussion.
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Summarise your findings and inferences.
Emphasise the significance of your subject matter.
Refer briefly to any wider consideration, outside your terms of reference, on which your
report may have a bearing.

Make recommendations based on your findings and inferences.
Be as specific as you possibly can.
State clearly what action should be taken as a result of your recommendations, and by
Use subjunctive mood, e.g. That be [past tense of verb]
Set your recommendations out step by step and in a logical sequence.
Do not put more than one step in each recommendation.
Always number your recommendations.
Keep your explanations out of the recommendations. If it needs explaining, do so in the
discussion section of the report.
If you expect a knockback on some of your recommendations, include some alternatives in
the recommendations.
Dont be afraid to recommend further investigation if you feel you still dont have the answer
when it is time to write the report.

Printed name.
Name of organisation or committee.
Date that the report was completed or signed.

Bibliography (if applicable)
Record the bibliographic details (i.e. author, title, edition, publisher, place of publication, and
year of publication) for the sources of information used.
List the sources of information alphabetically by author.

Appendices (if applicable)
The appendices contain data (such as charts, tables, photographs, maps and statistics) that
support the body of the report. These are located in a separate section to avoid disrupting
and cluttering the flow of the discussion.

Glossary or List of Abbreviations (if applicable)
If the report is particularly complex and involves terminology that the reader may not be
familiar with, include a glossary (mini-dictionary) to explain the meaning of words and terms.
If there are a number of abbreviations (acronyms, initials or shortened words), create a list
of abbreviations and what they stand for.

Index (if applicable)
If the report is over 20 pages long, an index will help the reader find specific information
contained within the report more easily than is possible with the table of contents.
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Layout of a Formal Report

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Source: Elder, B. 1994, Communication Skills, Macmillan, South Melbourne, pp. 369-376.
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Example of a CSU Simple Report

Source: Charles Sturt University 2008, Division of Human Resources, NSW.

Form 3:


Registration Number:


Office Use Only
Version: 2.7
13 July 2005
Next Form Review:
January 2006

A hazard is any unsafe occurrence or unsafe condition which could result in injury, illness or damage

Part 1: Report by Originator
ALL campuses - complete and forward to HR Administration Assistant (EHS) Graham Building Wagga Wagga Fax 34005 (EHS) or 32886 (HR)
Your Details:


Hazard Details:

HAZARD LOCATION: Building 000 Room 1

DESCRIPTION OF HAZARD: Edging strip on stairs trip hazard


CONTRIBUTING FACTORS: Edging strip is broken


Part 2: Action by Human Resources Office
Register Form and log details, contact originator to advise receipt, then forward original to appropriate area for action
DATE RECEIVED: 20 August 2008
FORWARDED TO: John Doe, Facilities Management (For Actioning) Fred Smith, Supervisor (For Manager Information)
DATE FORWARDED: 20 August 2008 REVIEW DATE:25 August 2008
Part 3: Action by Area Head
Complete details of actions taken to control hazard, then return original to Human Resources Office
DATE RECEIVED: 21 August 2008

ACTIONS TAKEN: Edging strip has been replaced all stairs checked

DATE COMPLETED: 25 August 2008
SIGNATURE: ................................................
Part 4: Review and Filing
Contact originator and advise of actions, complete details in hazard register

DATE RECEIVED: 26 August 2008



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Memo Report


Memo to: Stewart Jensen, CEO
From: Gary Pence
Date: 23 October 19XX
Subject: Report to Reduce Communication Problems and Increase Sales Overview

Last quarter, our sales dropped 14%. I believe a communication breakdown between sales
associates and buyers has contributed to the decline.

In our company, most sales associates do not know their buyers. The sales associates I spoke
with felt intimidated by and did not communicate with the buyers. The buyers, on the other
hand, aren't receiving the information they need to purchase the merchandise that the
customers want.

In this report, I'll provide more information on the problem and offer a solution that I believe will
help improve communication and increase sales.

Statement of the Problem

Simply stated, the problem is a lack of communication between the buyers and sales
associates. The sales associates, who work directly with the customers, know what shoppers
are looking for and what they request. Now that the company is emphasising customer
satisfaction, it is more important than ever to have the merchandise that customers want.

For example, I have worked in the Young Men's Department for 18 months, yet no buyer has
asked me what my customers want. I've noticed that the buyers for Young Men's clothing are
middle-aged men who are busy trying to get the best clothing deals they can, rather than finding
out what the customers are requesting. As a result, we get good prices on clothing, but
customers aren't buying because the merchandise doesn't suit young male shoppers' tastes.
Because I get direct feedback from the customers on their preferences, I'm in a good position to
help buyers purchase clothing that will sell. Unfortunately, we have no formal way for me to
communicate with the buyers.

Proposed Solution

To ensure that our customers receive the merchandise they want, we need to set up a regular
exchange of information between the buyers and the sales associates. This can be
accomplished by having regular meetings and by conversations over the phone.

We could arrange meetings, which would require each department's buyers to go to three
stores monthly. Since there are 22 stores and two buyers per department, one buyer would
visit each department about once every quarter. The meetings could be held in either the
department's office or in the store training room.

Between meetings, I recommend that sales associates call their buyers directly at least

Advantages and Disadvantages of Adopting the Solution

To save time and costs, I considered communication solely by mail or telephone, but I rejected
these options because they lack timeliness, direct feedback, and face-to-face interaction.
Without meeting and brainstorming, the quality of the discussions is diminished. Sales
associates are used to working directly with customers, and they feel more comfortable meeting

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Communicating by mail would be less expensive than having meetings, but it creates a time
delay in any interaction. This delay could frustrate both the associates and the buyers, which
could lead to reluctance in writing and a return to the original problem.

Communication only during the meetings between buyers and sales associates would not be
effective simply because of infrequent interaction (every 3-4 months).

Other benefits of improving communication between the buyers and the sales associates follow:

Improved customer relations because we'll be responding to their merchandise requests.
A mutually beneficial working relationship between buyers and sales associates.
Increased sales because we'll be stocking merchandise that customers want.

An added benefit could result when the buyers actually visit the departments of the sales
associates and see the floor plans. With their merchandising experience, buyers might suggest
alternative ways of arranging the products on the floor to increase customer traffic and
encourage sales.

With direct interaction between buyers and sales associates leading to more frequent
communication, we should notice a better and more productive working relationship.


Our sales have dropped 14% in the last quarter, and I believe that lack of communication
between sales associates and buyers has contributed to the drop-off. To resolve the lack of
communication, I recommend establishing regular meetings and telephone conversations
between buyers and sales associates as described in this report.

If communication between sales associates and buyers takes place, buyers should begin to
understand the needs of customers through their sales associates. From this, customer
satisfaction will increase as well as sales.

Source: Brock, S. 1992, Writing Business Proposals and Reports, Crisp, Menlo Park, California, pp. 41-43.

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Feasibility Study


Memo to: Stewart Jensen, CEO
From: Cheryl Babcock
Date: 18 November 19XX
Subject: Studying the Feasibility of Establishing Regular Meetings Between Sales Associates
and Buyers


At your request, my staff and I have concluded our study of the feasibility of our sales
associates and buyers meeting regularly. In our meeting last month, we all agreed with Gary
that lack of communication has contributed to the decline of sales.

The primary purpose of this study is to explore the logistics of establishing the meetings. To do
this, weve included a description of the details of our project, drawn conclusions to our findings,
and offered recommendations for implementing the meetings.


According to our financial statement, our sales dropped 14% last quarter and our accounting
department reports another decline so far this quarter. Gary reports that a communication
breakdown between sales associates and buyers has contributed to the decline. From this
experience as a sales associate, he states that most sales associates do not know their buyers,
and those who do, feel intimidated by and do not communicate with the buyers.

The problems created by this lack of communication lead to the buyers not receiving the
information they need from the sales associates to purchase the merchandise that the
customers want.

Project Details

Our first step was to survey a cross section of buyers and sales associates to find out their
perceptions. We sent a questionnaire to the 125 sales associates and 44 buyers in the mens
wear departments. Surprisingly, we received 111 responses from the associates and 34
responses from the buyers. Generally, in surveys we consider a 40% response to be excellent.
Our responses with this survey ranged from 77% to 88%. A consensus agreed that regular
communication between the two groups would help improve merchandise selection and display.

After we reviewed the responses to our survey, we interviewed by telephone a cross-section of
both buyers and sales associates. Then we compiled and analysed their comments. The
results of both the survey and the interviews will be sent to you next week.

The majority agreed that regular communication would improve the relationship between the
two groups and should increase sales. The problem was how to set up the new communication
systems. We studied the possibility of communication by telephone because it would be faster
and less expensive than any other method.

Communicating by mail or fax would be cost effective, but mailing creates a time delay and not
every mens wear department has a fax machine yet although we understand that each
department will have fax machine by early 2003.

Communication through meetings between buyers and sales associates would accomplish
more than by any other method simply because both groups respond well through face-to-face
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interaction. We encounter time and cost problems if we consider meeting more than every 3
4 months, and meeting less often would not permit the regular dialogue we need between the
two groups.


To ensure that our customers receive the merchandise they want, we agree with Gary that we
need to set up a regular exchange of information between the buyers and the sales associates.

As a result of our survey and interviews, we can accomplish this new communication by
combining media having regular quarterly meetings and semi-monthly conversations over the

If communication between sales associates and buyers takes place as Gary suggested, buyers
should begin to understand the needs of customers through their sales associates. Responses
to our survey suggested that customer satisfaction will increase as well as sales.


Regular meetings would require each departments buyers to go to three stores quarterly.
When the buyers visit the stores, they will also have an opportunity to suggest alternative ways
of displaying the merchandise. Generally, sales associates have fewer than 5 years
experience in merchandising while buyers have an average of 9 years experience. We believe
that each store will benefit from the buyers merchandising knowledge.

Between meetings, sales associates should call their buyers semi-monthly, and by early 2003,
when each department gets its own fax machine, buyers who are in the field can keep in touch
with the associates.

With your approval, we will draft a memo to all buyers and sales associates and include a
tentative schedule of meetings for next year.

With direct interaction between buyers and sales associates leading to more frequent
communication, we should notice a more productive working relationship and, most important,
increased sales in future quarters.

Source: Brock, S. 1992, Writing Business Proposals and Reports, Crisp, Menlo Park, California, pp. 45 - 47.
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A Project Status Report Template (below) as well as other resources and information are available on the Project Service Centre website:

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Monthly Reports


A long report will usually have a title page, which should include the title, the author, the reader
for whom the report is intended, and the date of completion.

Because the purpose of the title is to make it clear what the report is about, a good title may be
quite long. Remember that using a complete and concise title helps writers to clarify their terms
of reference.


The purpose of the report should be clearly stated and, if necessary, the reader should be
reminded of the general goals of the organisation.


State clearly and concisely what the goals for the month were. These should be as specific as
possible and may be set out in point form. For example:

The goals for this month were:
(a) To finalise the plans for the May youth camp.
(b) To increase hospital visitations by 10% over last month.
(c) To prepare a draft budget for 2002.


This will be a description of how you went about trying to achieve the goals that had been set
for the month. For example:

In order to finalise the plans for the May youth camp, meetings were
scheduled for 1 3pm each Monday. Those invited were . An agenda
for the first meeting was circulated one week prior to the meeting. At the
conclusion of each meeting, a list of points was identified as the agenda
for the following meeting.


This will be a summary of the successes you had in meeting the goals for the month and details
of achievements that had not been planned. For example:

Plans for the May youth camp were finalised after three meetings. An
outline of the program for the camp is attached. All arrangements for
accommodation and food have been finalised and deposits have been
collected from all who will be attending.

It will sometimes be appropriate to include some simple statistics to help explain your
achievements for the month. These can be as simple as a list of activities showing how many
people participated, or they may be more detailed summaries such as those given as examples
in the earlier section on using visual materials to support your report.


Not everything will go according to your plans each month. It is important to record why goals
were not achieved so that the reader can appreciate the constraints under which you were
operating. The information in this section of your report can provide very valuable background
information for your future plans or for recommendations that you might make. For example:
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The major reason that the draft budget for 1993 could not be finalised
was that the information on funding from is not yet available. This
meant that we were unsure of the number of staff who could be
employed. It is anticipated that the information will be available by 15



Here you identify, as precisely as possible, what you intend to achieve during the next month.
The more specific you make these statements, the more use they will be in guiding your
activities, and the easier it will be to determine whether or not you achieve your objectives. For

During June our objectives are to:
(a) Purchase a new computer and word-processing package.
(b) Conduct six one-day training programs for new youth counsellors.
(c) Evaluate our telephone counselling service.


These are your suggestions for what action should be taken by the person or persons reading
your monthly report. The general guidelines given previously also apply here.

Source: Killen, R. & Killen, A. 1992, Report Writing, Hunter Educational Services, Newcastle, pp. 19-20.

Structure of a Research Report

1. Introduction
An outline of the area, problem or issue studied, its scope and aims.

2. Literature review
A critical account of existing studies in the area.

3. Methodology
An account of how you went about the study, and why you adopted this approach.

4. Results
A report on what you found.

5. Discussion
A critical analysis of your findings in the light of other work.

6. Conclusion
A brief summary of your conclusions.

7. References
A complete list of all the works referred to in a standard format.

Source: University of Warwick 1994 cited in Blaxter, L. Hughes, C. & Tight, M. 1996, How to Research, Open University Press,
Buckingham, p. 217.

Write your research paper in third person voice that avoids I believe ... or It is my opinion that
... However, use first person I when speaking of personal efforts, as with: I attempted to
identify... or In this experiment I... Attribute human functions to yourself, but not to non-human
sources. For example, The total study considered several findings would be inaccurate.

Source: Lester, J.D. 1987, Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 5
edn, Scott, Foresman & Co., Glenview, Illinois, 1987,
p. 96.
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Group Exercise Critique a Report Example

Looking at the report you have brought with you to todays session or examples
provided along with what you have learned so far about report writing, give a
critique of this report and its messages. Whilst doing this think about:
* does the opening paragraph set the background or purpose for the
* How well does it communicate its message?
* Does it contain all the sections required?
* Is it set out in a formal or informal fashion?
* Has the document been properly proofread or are there grammatical or
spelling errors that detract from its professionalism?
* Is there enough white space?
* Does the report use visual data effectively?

prepare an monthly report for your team outlining progress, activities and any
issues. Group discussion to follow.


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CSU Division of Library Services have developed guidelines for the development of monthly,
quarterly and annual reports for their area as Appendix 6. This is an excellent resource for
other department to use in the coordination of reports required in their area. The below diagram
is a excerpt from the guidelines that shows an example of reporting cycles and how they may
occur within various Faculties and Divisions of CSU.

Individual Statistics
Data entry by
designated operating
Monthly Team
(Confirm data and
note patterns, trends,
Operating Teams
Draft Monthly
Statistics Report
(To Director, Manager
Business Services)
(To Executive
(to Executive
(e.g. CAUL statistics)
Design data collection
(Section Manager
signs off in
consultation with team
managers and
Individual Monthly Functional Reports
to direct supervisor
(Note activities undertaken and
planned, difficulties and issues)
Operating Teams Monthly Functional
Reports to Section Manager
(Note activities undertaken and
planned, difficulties and issues,
relating to operational area)
Consolidated Monthly Function
Report Section Manager
(Note progress towards strategic
priorities, operational goals, major
activities undertaken and planned,
significant achievements, emerging
difficulties, trends and issues)
Design report templates
(To ensure required content is
included consultative process
between person providing and person
receiving report)
Quarterly Function Report
(To Executive Director, describing
progress towards organisational
objectives, operational Plan priorities,
and significant achievements;
highlighting emerging trends and
issues and analysing Quarterly
statistical data to identify emerging
trends, risks and opportunities)
Annual Function Report
(To Executive Director, organised to
reflect University Strategic Goals and
Divisional Operational Plan Priorities,
highlighting significant achievements,
emerging trends, risks and
opportunities in the operating
environment and analysing Annual
statistical data to identify emerging
trends, risks and opportunities)

Source: CSU Division of Library Services Guidelines on Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports 2008.
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Initiatives Management Process at CSU

The Register of Initiatives is administered by the CSU Project Service Centre and is the central
register of process improvement, innovation or compliance initiatives whether, proposed, in
progress, deferred, or pending consideration. The Register is a key component of the Initiatives
Handling Process (IHP).

The Initiatives Advisory Committee (IAC) was established as the key advisory body operating
within the Initiatives Handling Process (IHP).

The Initiatives handling process does not replace traditional committee processes for
considering discussion papers or proposals in other formats, however the initiative should only
be registered after the proposal has been considered by one of the following authorities:

The University Plan committees, namely:
- The Learning and Teaching Committee
- The University Course Planning Committee
- The Research Planning Committee
- The Institutional Development Committee
The Academic Senate
Faculty Deans
Executive Directors and Directors of Offices
The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellors

Workplace Activity Initiative Proposal Web Form

Case Study: CSU has decided that it would be more efficient for staff to have an
Online Travel Requisitions and Acquittals system available to staff on the CSU

Prepare a mock funding submission for this new initiative using the Initiative Proposal
Web Form and information provided on the Initiatives webpage: .

Ensure that the proposal links with the objectives of the University Strategy found .

Print off the page being careful not to press final submit button. Ask your supervisor,
peer or mentor to review and provide feedback.

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Guidelines on Presenting Visual Data

1. Graphs and diagrams are known as figures (e.g. 'Figure 28(a) shows...). Tables are known,
unsurprisingly, as tables (e.g. 'Table 4 shows ). Photographs are known as plates (e.g.
'Plate 2 shows.') or figures.

2. Number all visuals. If visuals are part of a document, ensure that visuals are numbered
consistently with the rest of the document - for example, if a bar chart is the third figure in
the second section or chapter of your document, it will be figure 2.3.

3. Consider providing lists of figures, tables and plates at the front of the document,
immediately after the table of contents.

4. Label all visuals. Place numbering and labelling above tables, and below figures or plates.

5. Ensure that all components of visuals are identified.

With graphs and diagrams, labels may be written, typed or printed onto the visual. Such
labels may be near or over the part of the visual they are identifying, or connected to
those parts by arrows or lines (callouts).
Alternatively, a key or legend may be used. Such a key or legend will explain to the
viewer what identifying systems of colour or cross-hatching mean.
6. Ensure that units of measurement on axes are clearly labelled.
Once you have collected your primary and secondary information, you may find that
it enhances the credibility, visual appeal and accessibility of your report if you
represent the data visually.

Always bear in mind that a visual representation of the data should not compete with
your written report. The idea is to make them complementary. It is important to
always discuss any findings you believe the visual data reflects never include it as
a substitute for discussion and expect it to speak for itself. For example:

In table 6.2 we can see the dramatic decline in

Here are some pros and cons to representing data visually:

It can be a great way of summarising information so that it can be accessed
quickly and by a wider audience
It can had to your argument or recommendations in a powerful manner
It conveys a lot of information in a small space
It makes your report more visually appealing (and more likely to be read).
It can reveal trends, allow comparisons and reflect possibilities
It adds to the professionalism of your report.

It can inaccurately represent information if the wrong type of visual
representation is chosen by the report writer
It can be distracting if the visual data is distorted or it is too decorative

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 12
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7. Cite the source of your data: where did they come from? If the visual material is protected
by copyright, and if your document will have wide circulation, obtain written permission to
reproduce it from the copyright holder.

8. Place any explanatory information in footnotes below the visual.

9. Lay out visuals to ensure maximum clarity.

Ensure that there is a fair amount of white space around the visual, separating it from
the surrounding text of the report.
With tables, use white space, lines, shading and typography or fonts to make blocks of
data more digestible.
With graphics, follow guidelines on colour use.

10. Position visuals with care.

If possible, place visuals in the middle of the page, with text above and below.
If a visual or group of visuals is so large that it could break up the flow of the text,
consider placement in an appendix at the back of the document.
Place a visual close to the part of the text where you are discussing it. Don't compel
your reader to shuffle back and forth between pages.
Refer to visuals in the text. 'For example, in table 6.2 we see...'

Source: Eunson, B. 1995, Writing Technical Documents, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane, p. 53.

Below is a summary of different visual representations and their strengths and

Type of visual representation Strengths Weaknesses

XY graph

often used to
information that
changes over
can be used to
plot several
variables on
one graph

not relevant
where time is
not a variable

Pie graph

often used to
show the
components of
one sample of
data when the
add up to 100%

if the
dont add up to
100% - this type
of graph will
distort your
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Type of visual representation Strengths Weaknesses

Simple bar graph

often used to
information that
changes over
can be used to
variables on
one graph
can be
horizontally or

not relevant
where time is
not a variable
not very precise
and only
relevant simple
discrete figures
ie those that
do not interact
or rely on other
figures or

Multiple bar graph

see above and:

useful for
showing sets of

see above

Stacked bar graph

see above

see above

100% bar graph

shows the
quantities to the
100% variable

if the
dont add up to
100% - this type
of graph will
distort your
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Type of visual representation Strengths Weaknesses

3D bar graph

attractive and

the value of any
layer of data
should not
shadow out any
lesser value

Variation/deviation bar graph

enables you to
negative values

not relevant if
negative values
are not to be

Area graphs

enables you to
represent area
can reveal
and overall

the value of any
layer of data
should not
shadow out any
lesser value

Pictograms (also called pictorial
chart, pictorial graph, or picture
Figure 2. Purchasing power of the
Canadian dollar, 1980 to 2000

can be two or
a very simple
way of

can be difficult
to read
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Type of visual representation Strengths Weaknesses


more accurate
than graphs in

trends and
are sometimes
not immediately

Organisational charts

a great way to
hierarchies and
between staff

Flow charts

useful for
analysing or
processes or
useful for
decision points

can sometimes
redundant due
to the
complexity of
the procedures

Gant charts

allows its user
to plot complex
and related
information over

some people do
not understand
Gant charts

Based on: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 13,14,15 & 16
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Important points when representing information visually

1. When labelling and referencing your visual representations graphs, charts and
diagrams are known as figures; tables are known as tables; and photographs are
known as plates.
2. Be sure to number all visual representations in a consistent easily referenced
manner with both a number and title.
3. List your figures, tables and plates under individual titles on your contents page
4. Always cite the source of your data.
5. If explanatory information is needed either make reference to it in the body of
your report or as a footnote or both.
6. If the visual representation is cumbersome or interrupts the flow of your report,
consider adding it as an appendix to your report.
7. When using colour keep the number of colours to a minimum the general rule
is five per diagram. Also consider the message your colours are sending for
example, when representing financial data, red as a connotation it may not have
when representing data of a different kind.
8. Avoid red/green patterns those who are colour-blind have trouble with this
colour combination.

Based on: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 13,14,15 & 16

Group Exercise Draft an Outline & Monthly Report

Looking at the report you have brought with you to todays session or examples
provided along with what you have learned so far about report writing, prepare a
monthly report and its outline for your team. Communicate progress, activities
and any issues facing you now and into the next quarter. Where appropriate use
visual data and statistics.

Whilst doing this think about:
* does the opening paragraph set the background or purpose for
the report?
* How well does it communicate its message?
* Does it contain all the sections required?
* Is it set out in a formal or informal fashion?
* Has the document been properly proofread or are there
grammatical or spelling errors that detract from its professionalism?
* Is there enough white space?
* Does the report use visual data effectively?
* Does the report need statistics and/or reference to outside
sources to substantiate its message?

Nominate a scribe to write on butchers paper. Whole group discussion to follow.

R E F E R E N C I N G V A R I O U S P U B L I C A T I O N S P a g e | 7 0

B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8
At a University like CSU correct referencing is a very important part of academic writing.
The academic world is all about knowledge building and the primary reason for citation,
therefore, is that it encourages and supports the collective construction of academic knowledge
(Walker & Taylor, 2006, pp. 29-30). Referencing also forms an essential part in avoiding any
tendency towards plagiarism.
Referencing Styles at CSU
Due to some differences from one School to another CSU students are advised that the
important thing is to use the style of referencing required by their particular School or Faculty
and to use it consistently.
Student Services have provided CSU Students and Staff have access to a comprehensive
guide to the referencing protocol and procedures primarily accepted at Charles Sturt University
which is the APA or American Psychological Association Style of referencing. See Appendix 7
for a copy of this guide.

Topics covered include:
Principles The Reference List
In-text Citations
Page and Paragraph Numbers
Print resources
CSU Subject Outlines and Readings
Periodicals (Journals, Newspapers, and
Audiovisual Media
Electronic Media
Online Journal Articles
Electronic Books, Curriculum Material,
Book Reviews, Reference Materials
Gray Literature, General Interest Media
Secondary and Other Sources
References: Sources used for this Summary

A copy of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style guide can also be found on the
CSU website at:

C O MMO N A B B R I E V I A T I O N S P a g e | 7 1

B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8
Below is a summary of some common abbreviations which may also help in your
Abbrieviation Description
Anon. Anonymous
App. Appendix
Biblio. Bibliography
c. chapter; circa, about, approximately
cf. confer, compare
ed. Editor
eg for example
esp. especially
et al. et alii, and others
etc et cetera
f. and following
fn. Footnote
fig. Figure
ibid ibidem, in the same place
id idem, the same
ie that is
infra below (in the text)
intro introduction
loc. cit loco citato in the place cited
n. note
nd no date
no. number
n.p no publisher
op cit in the work cited
p page
par. Paragraph
passim throughout (the text)
qv quod vive see (something referred to)
QED quod erat demonstrandum here demonstrated
S., sect., section
Sic thus (to show that a word or phrase has been quoted
correctly; used to alert the reader that this is not a
Supra above (in the text)

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 29

Q U O T A T I O N S P a g e | 7 2
B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8

Quotations consist of someone elses words. A major part of referencing, they are used
primarily to bolster an argument by providing a detailed, formal reference to an authoritative
piece of writing and/or research.
If you are quoting less than four lines of text simply incorporate the quote into the body of the
report and set off the quoted material in quotation marks. For example:
Evans admits that timing had a hand in the Purist Companys success: My concerns about
chemicals coincided with the growing concerns of consumers.. His goal is to now increase the
companys business overseas
If you are quoting more than four lines of text, lead into the quotation with a colon, leave two
lines, indent at least ten spaces and run the quote as a block separate to your text. For
Our volunteers have a wide range of skills, but the core of them is business skills. They
would include everything from business planning and financial management, to sales
and marketing, production processes, and IT management. The assignments on offer to
business volunteers are a many and varied as the skills they require. They could be
developing a marketing plan for a publisher in Fiji, or people in restaurant operations in
In the above example quotation marks are unnecessary quotation marks are only necessary
when the quote is quoted within the body of the text. If the quoted passage does not begin with
a sentence beginning or a capital letter, indicate this with an ellipsis. For example:
In selecting staff to operate our customer support lines, we have to be on the lookout for people
who have the patience of a Saint, and the general wisdom of The Dalai Lama
If you alter the quote in any way be sure to indicate the missing matter with ellipsis marks. For
In recent years volunteering has become more popularThe 2006 census, which measured
volunteerism for the first time, found that 18 per cent of over-15s had done voluntary work in the
year before the survey was taken
If you need to change a quote so that its grammatically correct place the correction in brackets.
For example:
Support reps understand that A strong sense of humour, may be the only thing standing
between (them) and a nervous breakdown.
Always ensure that your introductory text and the quotation are grammatically matched. Be alert
for sloppy mistakes such as:
Support staff will have to understand that they will be continually struggles with an unending
barrage of questions covering every conceivable aspect of their product.
Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 30 & 31
A D MI T T I N G B I A S E S A N D W E A K N E S S E S P a g e | 7 3
B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8


Identify any biases or weaknesses in the introduction of the report, for example:

This report has been commissioned by Charles Sturt Universitys Faculty of Education to
highlight the potential market for a Masters of Education degree at Ontario Campus.
The possible weakness herein is that the only data available is from 2005.

Its important to declare your biases (if you have them). This type of contextual
information is important because, without it, you run the risk that your readers may
be suspicious about your motives. This suspicion can damage your credibility.

Source: Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development. Page 36.

Q U I C K T I P S F O R R E P O R T WR I T I N G P a g e | 7 4
B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8


Use this checklist to ensure your report is complete and includes all relevant sections:
Based on:
Title page
The title of the report
The authors name and title
The date the report was written
Contents page
A contents heading
All headings and sub-headings and their page numbers correspond
with the actual contents
A list of tables and their page numbers
A list of figures and their page numbers
A list of graphs and their page numbers
References and appendices sections and their page numbers.
Executive summary/Abstract
A separate page
A heading
A summary of the main points in the report
executive Summary
A definition of the topic and key terms
Set out the scope and focus of the topic
Present a plan of the argument
Show the writers stance.
Body of the report
Stick to the scope and focus of the topic
Flow in a logical manner
Expand on the argument set out in the report
Back up all claims with facts and evidence.
Restate the main ideas
Give the writers stance on the topic
State any implications
Make the necessary recommendations: interpret, analyse and and
Headings and subheadings should be consistent in size, number,
font and colour
Enclosed in quotation marks
Less than three lines long
Sourced with the authors name, page number and date in brackets
Correct (they must be verbatim)
Sourced accurately.
Tables & figures
Be referenced in the body of the text
Be framed
Have a heading
Be numbered correctly
Be on a separate page
Under the appropriate heading
Listed alphabetically by surnames
Edit for jargon, avoid personal pronouns and contractions and Lead
with your most convincing or most important material
Have I fulfilled the purpose of the report?
Are the facts correct?
Is the report comprehensive and relevant? Lead with your most
convincing material.
Are the layout and presentation well thought out, is the style clear,
concise and professional
Proofread and check spelling, grammar and punctuation
R E F L E C T I O N A N D W O R K S H O P D E B R I E F P a g e | 7 5
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Reflection Taking it back to the Workplace

What was your key learning, and what ideas will you take back to your workplace?

Considering the importance of effective business and report writing, what will you do
differently in the future?

What are you already doing that you wish to hold and to build on?

Try some of the exercises/tools with your leadership or management team.

F U R T H E R T O O L S , T E MP L A T E S A N D R E S O U R C E S
P a g e | 7 6
B u s i n e s s a n d R e p o r t W r i t i n g S k i l l s a t C S U V e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 8

1. Charles Sturt University (CSU) Guidelines for Email Best Practice
2. Examples of CSU Letter from the Division of Human Resources
3. Example template for CSU Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
4. Basic Grammatical Ideas
5. CSU Division of Library Services (DLS) Guidelines on reports
6. CSU Referencing Style (APA).


Anderson, L. K. 1990, Handbook for Proofreading, NTC, Lincolnwood, Illinois.

Angell, D. & Heslop, B. 1994, The Elements of E-Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via
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Australian Government Printing Service (2002) Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers
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Azar, B. 1981, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
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Baugh, L.S., Fryar, M. & Thomas, T. 1986, Handbook for Business Writing, National Textbook
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Brock, S. L. 1992, Writing Business Proposals and Reports: Strategies for Success, Crisp,
Menlo Park, California.

Brock, S. L. 1996, Better Business Writing: Techniques for Improving Correspondence, 3
Crisp, Menlo Park, California.

Charles Sturt University Administration Manual (2008).Homepage. Retrieved July 2008 from

F U R T H E R T O O L S , T E MP L A T E S A N D R E S O U R C E S
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Charles Sturt University Administration Manual (2008) Business Case Guidelines. Retrieved
July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Administration Manual (2008) Guidelines for Preparing Policies,
Procedures, Guidelines and Forms. . Retrieved July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Division of Marketing website (2008) CSU Style Manual. Retrieved
July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Media Website (2008) Information and templates for Media Releases.
Retrieved July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Media Website (2008) Quick Spelling Tips. Retrieved July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Media Website (2008) Writing, Grammar, Copy & Editing (media style).
Retrieved July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Project Service Centre (2008) Project Management Templates & Tools.
Retrieved July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Project Service Centre (2008) CSU Project Management Framework.
Retrieved July 2008 from

Charles Sturt University Student services (2008): How do I write a report. Retrieved July 2008

Curtin University (2008). Study Skills on Report Writing. Retrieved July 2008 from

Davies, M., Kreis, K., Nutting, J. & Tronc, K 1981, The Business of Communicating, McGraw-
Hill, Sydney.

Eagleson, R. D. 1990, Writing in Plain English, Australian Government Publishing Service,

Elder, B. 1994, Communication Skills, Macmillan, South Melbourne.

Eunson, B. 1994, Writing and Presenting Reports, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

Eunson, B. 1994, Writing Skills, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

Eunson, B. 1995, Writing Technical Documents, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

Eunson, B. 1996, Writing at Work, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

Eunson, B. 1996, Writing in Plain English, Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

Flanagan, S. (2007), Business Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development.

Flanagan, S. (2007), Report Writing Skills. CSU Organisational Development.

F U R T H E R T O O L S , T E MP L A T E S A N D R E S O U R C E S
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Johnson, R. 1998, Layout, Student Services, Charles Sturt University, NSW,, version 1.0, September.

Killen, R. & Killen, A. 1992, Report Writing, Hunter Educational Services, Newcastle, NSW.

Lannon, J. 1997, Technical Writing, 7
edn, Longman, New York.

Lester, J. D. 1987, Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 5
edn, Scott, Foresman &
Co. Glenview, Illinois.

Liew, Z (July 2008) Flying Solo online article. Retrieved July 2008 from

Marr, N. (2004), Effective Workplace Writing. CSU Organisational Development.

Mc Hugh, S. & Pollard, J. 1988, Pitman Business Communication, Pitman, Melbourne.

Moore, R. 1994, High-Impact Business Writing: Program Workbook (for video), CareerTrack,
Boulder, Colorado.

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NSW Government Department of Premier and Cabinet (2008): Business Case Guidelines.
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Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (2008): Writing Skills for Business online
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/index.html .(Used with permission).

Searles, G. J. 1999, Workplace Communications: The Basics, Allyn & Bacon, Boston.

Shmerling, L. 1996, Communication in the Workplace, Macmillan, South Melbourne.

Siedle, R. 1996, Writing for Business Success, Prentice Hall, Sydney.

Smith, D. A. & Sutton, H. R. 1994, Powerful Proofreading Skills: Tips, Techniques and Tactics,
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Wadsworth, Y. 1984, Do It Yourself Social Research, Victorian Council of Social Service &
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