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Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Final Examination (2004 - 2005) F.2 Integrated Science

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Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School

Final Examination ( 2004 - 200!

F"2 #ntegrated Science
Name: _________________( ) Date: 20 / 06 / 05
Class: __________________ Time: 8:40am-9:50am
($! Multiple Choice (20%!
Choose the best option and ill in the bo! on the "#ltiple Choi$e ans%e& sheet'
(' )hi$h o the ollo%in* is the %o&d e+#ation o& b#&nin*,
-' #el . $a&bon dio!ide o!/*en . %ate&
0' #el . o!/*en $a&bon dio!ide . %ate&
C' #el . $a&bon dio!ide o!/*en . %ate& . ene&*/
D' #el . o!/*en $a&bon dio!ide . %ate& . ene&*/
2' )hi$h o the ollo%in* a$tions C-NN1T ma2e a home i&e sae,
-' 3nstall a smo2e and i&e ala&m'
0' 4#t a i&e e!tin*#ishe& in the 2it$hen'
C' -llo% the $hild&en to pla/ %ith mat$hes and li*hte&s'
D' Dispose o ne%spape& and pape& %aste p&ope&l/'
5' 6oo2 at the $i&$#it dia*&am belo%' 3 %e %ant to meas#&e the 7olta*e a$&oss the b#lb8 %he&e sho#ld
%e $onne$t the 7oltmete&,
-' -t position (3)'
0' -t position (33)'
C' -t position (3) o& (33)'
D' -t position (333)'
3 33
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 2
4' The $olo#& $odes o the ne#t&al8 li7e and ea&th %i&es in a 5-pin pl#* a&e
-' b&o%n8 bl#e and /ello% /*&een &espe$ti7el/'
0' &ed8 b&o%n and /ello% / *&een &espe$ti7el/
C' bl#e8 b&o%n and /ello% / *&een &espe$ti7el/
D' /ello% / *&een8 bl#e and b&o%n &espe$ti7el/'
5' - &i$e-$oo2e& has a po%e& &atin* o =220> 2000)?' That means
-' #nde& a 7olta*e o 220>8 the&e a&e 2000 @ o ele$t&i$al ene&*/ t&anse&&ed to it in a se$ond'
0' #nde& a 7olta*e o 220>8 the&e a&e 2000 ) o ele$t&i$al ene&*/ t&anse&&ed to it in a se$ond'
C' #nde& a 7olta*e o 220>8 the&e a&e 2000 @ o ele$t&i$al ene&*/ t&anse&&ed to it in a min#te'
D' #nde& a 7olta*e o 220>8 the&e a&e 2000 ) o ele$t&i$al ene&*/ t&anse&&ed to it in a min#te'
6' T%o li*ht b#lbs ha7e the po%e& &atin*s o =220> 60 )? and =220> (00 )? &espe$ti7el/' The/ a&e
s%it$hed on o& 4 ho#&s ea$h da/ in a month %ith 50 da/s' 3 the $ost o ea$h #nit o ele$t&i$it/ is
A0'98 %hat is the $ost o the ele$t&i$it/ #sed o& the month,
-' A (9'20
0' A (B'28
C' A (0'80
D' A 4'52
B' )e $an ma2e an ele$t&oma*net st&on*e& b/ #sin*
(() a la&*e& $#&&ent
(2) a $oil %ith mo&e t#&ns o %i&e
(5) *old instead o i&on as the $o&e
-' (() onl/
0' (2) onl/
C' (() and (2) onl/
D' (()8 (2) and (5)
8' )hi$h o the ollo%in* is/a&e $o&&e$t statement(s) abo#t ma*nets,
(() "a*nets $an att&a$t ea$h othe&'
(2) 6i2e poles att&a$t and #nli2e poles &epel'
(5) "a*nets att&a$t i&on and steel'
-' (() and (2) onl/
0' (() and (5) onl/
C' (2) and (5) onl/
D' (()8 (2) and (5)
To be $ontin#ed'
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 5
9' "o&e t&ai$ a$$idents happened in the &ain/ da/s' This is be$a#se ______________'
(() )ate& on the &oad s#&a$e &ed#$es the &i$tion bet%een the $a& t/&es and the &oad'
(2) The d&i7e&s $annot see $lea&l/ in the &ain'
(5) The d&i7e&s #s#all/ d&i7e $a&elessl/ in &ain/ da/s'
-' (() onl/
0' (5) onl/
C' (() and (2) onl/
D' (2) and (5) onl/
(0' )hi$h o the ollo%in* sho#ld be #sed to test o& the li+#id o&med in the test o& h/d&o*en,
-' d&/ pC pape&
0' d&/ litm#s pape&
C' d&/ $obalt $hlo&ide pape&
D' d&/ $oppe& $hlo&ide pape&
((' )hi$h o the ollo%in* has a pC 7al#e *&eate& than B,
-' >ine*a&
0' 17en $leane&
C' &ain %ate&
D' apple D#i$e
(2' )hi$h o the ollo%in* is N1T a p&ope&t/ o an #ni7e&sal indi$ato& sol#tion,
-' 3t $ontains onl/ one $olo#&ed d/e'
0' 3t is *&een %hen ne#t&al'
C' 3t appea&s bl#e in st&on* al2alis'
D' 3t appea&s &ed in st&on* a$ids'
(5' )hi$h o the ollo%in* is/a&e $o&&e$t %hen dil#tin* a $on$ent&ated a$id,
(() -dd the $on$ent&ated a$id into %ate& slo%l/'
(2) :ti& the sol#tion $ontin#o#sl/'
(5) %ea& saet/ *lasses and *lo7es'
-' (() and (2) onl/
0' (() and (5) onl/
C' (2) and (5) onl/
D' (()8 (2) and (5)
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 4
(4' )hi$h o the ollo%in* $an &ed#$e a$id &ain,
(() Ese lo% s#lph#& $ontent #el'
(2) Fepla$e ossil #el po%e& plants %ith n#$lea& po%e& plants'
(5) Ese less ma&ble $onst&#$tion mate&ials'
-' (() and (2) onl/
0' (() and (5) onl/
C' (2) and (5) onl/
D' (()8 (2) and (5)
(5' )hi$h o the ollo%in* s#bstan$es &ea$ts %ith %indo% $leane&,
-' 3&on
0' 6imestone
C' 6emon D#i$e
D' :alt sol#tion
(6' 4ete& has no&mal e/esi*ht' Co%e7e&8 he %ea&s a pai& o *lasses %ith $on7e! lenses and he inds that
the ima*e is bl#&&ed' -t %hi$h point %ill the ima*e o an obDe$t all,
(B' )hi$h o the ollo%in* mat$hin* bet%een the st&#$t#&e o the e/e and its #n$tion is C1FF;CT,
:t&#$t#&e 9#n$tion
-' p#pil $ont&ols the thi$2ness o the lens
0' $o&nea t&ansmits messa*e to the b&ain
C' o$#sin* m#s$le adD#sts the siGe o the p#pil
D' &etina $ontains &ods and $ones that dete$t li*ht
To be $ontin#ed'
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 5
(8' The dia*&ams belo% sho% 4ete&?s e/e in die&ent $onditions'
)hi$h o the ollo%in* is the best des$&iption abo#t 4ete&?s e/e in $ondition H,
-' 4ete& is #sin* mi$&os$ope to st#d/ a plant $ell'
0' 4ete& has ente&ed a da&2 &oom'
C' 4ete& is lon*-si*hted'
D' 4ete& is %o&2in* o#tdoo& #nde& st&on* s#nli*ht'
(9' )hi$h o the ollo%in* is N1T the #n$tion o a b&ain,
-' 3t $ont&ols the mo7ement o the m#s$les'
0' 3t inte&p&ets si*nals &om the sense o&*ans'
C' 3t $oo&dinates senso&/ and moto& #n$tions'
D' 3t dete$ts stim#li'
20' The dia*&am belo% sho%s a ton*#e' )hi$h &e*ion o the ton*#e dete$ts bitte& taste most sensiti7el/,
-' (
0' 2
C' 5
D' 4
(B! &rue or False ( '0%!
Choose the best option and p#t a () in the bo! p&o7ided'
(' I&een plants need ene&*/ to $a&&/ o#t photos/nthesis'
2' The &ate o &espi&ation is as ast as that o b#&nin*'
5' Jineti$ ene&*/ in a d&/ $ell is #s#all/ $on7e&ted into ele$t&i$al ene&*/'
4' The mains so$2ets $onne$ted to the &in* mains in o#& home a&e $onne$ted in pa&allel'
5' The mass o an obDe$t is the o&$e o *&a7it/ a$tin* on it'
6' 3 /o# p#sh a bo! on a &o#*h s#&a$t8 the &i$tion o&$e is e+#al and opposite to the p#shin* o&$e'
B' The de*&ee o a$idit/ and al2alinit/ $an be e!p&essed b/ its pC'
8' 6itm#s pape& $an be #sed to indi$ate ho% st&on* o& ho% %ea2 an a$id is'
9' The &an*e o a#dible &e+#en$ies o h#mans is sho&te& than that o bats'
(0' - t#nin* o&2 o lo%e& &e+#en$/ is lon*e& and $an p&od#$e a note o hi*he& pit$h'
(C! Matching ('0%!
(' Ne&7e endin*s a' Fe+#i&ed o& b#&nin*
2' 3&on b' - #nit o the lo#dness o so#nd
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 6
5' -i& $#shion $' )ea2 al2ali
4' 6emon tea d' - #nit o &e+#en$/
5' 1!/*en e' :olid $ond#$to&
6' C/d&o*en ' 6ime %ate& test
B' ;le$t&i$ $#&&ent *' Fed#$e &i$tion
8' Ce&tG (CG) h' Cit&i$ a$id
9' 0ee stin* $an be t&eated b/ i' 0'05K in ai&
(0' Nit&o*en D' Dete$tin* to#$h8 p&ess#&e and pain
2' :t&on* a$id
l' -b#ndant in ai&
m' is a lo% o ele$t&ons'
n' 9o& saet/
o' 6i*htest *as
p' Dete$tin* s%eet8 salt/8 so#& and bitte& tastes
(*! Fill in the +lan,s ('%!
(' The 7ol#me $ont&ol in a &adio is a a)________________'
2' )hen the thi$2ness o a $ond#$tin* %i&e b) ________________8 its &esistan$e de$&eases'
5' - $) ________________ in a $i&$#it is de7i$e that melts and b&ea2s the $i&$#it %hen the $#&&ent
passin* th&o#*h it &ises abo7e a $e&tain 7al#e'
4' - $ommon a#lt in a $i&$#it is d) ________________8 %hi$h is 7e&/ dan*e&o#s and ma/ $a#se a
5' The ea&th %i&e m#st be $onne$ted to the e) ________________ o an ele$t&i$al applian$e'
6' :t&on* a$ids $an &ea$t %ith metals and atta$2 /o#& s2in and $lothin*' That means the/ a&e
B' *)____________ s#bstan$es ha7e a pC 7al#e o B'
8' The main $a#ses o a$id &ain a&e h)____________ and nit&o*en o!ides *i7en o#t b/ moto& $a&s'
9' i)_______________8 %hi$h a&e sli*htl/ al2aline8 $an ne#t&aliGe stoma$h a$id'
(0' D)_______________is somethin* that p&od#$es die&ent $olo#&s in a$ids and al2alis'
((' -ll so#nds a&e p&od#$ed b/ 2) __________ o obDe$ts' :o#nd $annot t&a7el th&o#*h a l) _________'
3t m#st t&a7el th&o#*h a medi#m' 3n the h#man ea&8 the m)__________ $olle$ts so#nd %a7es8 the
n)____________ $han*es so#nd %a7es into 7ib&ation and the o)______________ t&ansmit and
ampli/ the 7ib&ations'
(E! -uestions ( 4% !
(' Ci&$#its -8 0 and C belo% sho% die&ent $onne$tion o an ammete& to meas#&e the $#&&ent lo%in* in
die&ent pa&ts o the same $i&$#it'
To be $ontin#ed'
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' B
a' D&a% the $i&$#it dia*&am o& $i&$#it C8 ma&2 in the dia*&am the positi7e te&minal o the ammete&'
b' The ollo%in* i*#&e sho%s the ammete& &eadin* o& $i&$#it 0' )hat sho#ld be the $o&&e$t
$' 3 the &eadin* o the ammete& o& $i&$#it - is 0'(8 -8 %hat sho#ld be the $o&&e$t &eadin* sho%n in
$i&$#it C, :ho% /o#& %o&2in*' (2K)
Circuit B
Circuit C
Circuit $
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 8
2' The ino&mation abo#t th&ee 2inds o plant e!t&a$ts is listed in the ollo%in* table'
These plant e!t&a$ts $an a$t as nat#&al indi$ato&s'
;!t&a$t 1&i*inal $olo#& in
distilled %ate&
Colo#& %hen added into an a$id Colo#& %hen added into an al2ali
- Fed 1&an*e 0l#e
0 I&een Colo#&less I&een
C Colo#&less Colo#&less 4in2
a' )hi$h plant e!t&a$t(s) C-NN1T be #sed %hen an al2ali is bein* tested, ((K)
b' )hat is the $olo#& $han*e to the ollo%in* %hen a e% d&ops o - is added to (2K)
i' Co$a-$ola ii' salt sol#tion
$' The&e is no $olo#& $han*e %hen 0 is added to an #n2no%n sol#tion' 3 a pie$e o bl#e litm#s
pape& is d&opped into anothe& po&tion o the #n2no%n sol#tion8 %ill the litm#s pape& $han*e
$olo#&, )h/, (2K)
d' ;!plain8 %ith &easons8 %h/ e!t&a$t - is a bette& a$id-al2ali indi$ato& than 0, ((K)
5' (0 $m
o sodi#m h/d&o!ide is pla$ed in a $oni$al las2' Dil#te h/d&o$hlo&i$ a$id is then added to it
%ith a s/&in*e8 ( $m
at a time' - pie$e o pC pape& is #sed to test the pC 7al#e o the &es#ltin*
sol#tion ate& ea$h addition' The e!pe&iment is inished %hen the &es#ltin* sol#tion be$omes a$idi$'
a' )hat happens to the pC 7al#e o the sol#tion %hen h/d&o$hlo&i$ a$id is *&ad#all/ added, ((K)
b' Des$&ibe the $olo#& $han*e o the pC pape&s' (2K)
$' )&ite a %o&d e+#ation o& the ne#t&aliGation p&o$ess' ((K)
d' :tate an e7e&/da/ #se o ne#t&aliGation' ((K)
e' :#**est anothe& indi$ato& that $an be #sed in this e!pe&iment to indi$ate the $han*e o pC' ((K)
4' The ollo%in* dia*&am sho%s the st&#$t#&e o the ea&'
a' Ii7e the names o pa&ts D and ;' (2K)
b' )hat a&e the #n$tions o D and ;, (2K)
$' )hi$h pa&t o o#& e/e *i7es simila& #n$tion o pa&t ;, ((K)
To be $ontin#ed'

9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 9
d' )hat is &e+#en$/, ((K)
e' )hat is the &an*e o &e+#en$ies a#dible to h#mans, ((K)
5' The &a/ dia*&ams belo% sho% t%o e/es %ith dee$ts'
a' )hi$h e/e is lon*-si*hted, )h/, (2K)
b' )hat 2ind o lens sho#ld be #sed in $o&&e$tin* lon*-si*ht, ((K)
$' D&a% a simple &a/ dia*&am to sho% ho% the lens $an $o&&e$t lon*-si*ht' (2K)
6' -lbe&t %as *i7en t%o *as Da&s' Ce %as told that one is illed %ith b&eathed ai& and anothe& one is
illed %ith #nb&eathed ai&' Co%e7e&8 he did not 2no% %hi$h Da& $ontains %hi$h 2ind o ai&'
-lbe&t did t%o tests and the ollo%in* table sho%s the &es#lts:
Test Ias Da& - Ias Da& 0
Time it ta2es o& a b#&nin* splint to *o
o#t ate& bein* p#t into the *as Da&
8 s 5 s
Colo#& o sol#tion C ate& bein* added
to the *as Da&
Fed Data missin*
a' )hi$h Da& $ontains b&eathed ai&, )h/, (2K)
b' i' )hi$h *as does sol#tion C test o&, ((K)
ii' )hat is the $olo#& o sol#tion C ate& bein* added to *as Da& 0, ((K)
$' )hat is the pe&$enta*e o the *as mentioned in b' i' in ai&, ((K)
B $
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' (0
B' T%o st#dents8 A and B8 a&e as2ed to do an e!pe&iment'
:t#dent - is as2ed to sit on a t&olle/ a$in* st#dent 0 as sho%n'
a' :t#dent - is as2ed to p#ll the &ope' )hat happens, (2K)
b' ;!plain %hat is obse&7ed in (a)' (2K)
8' 4ete& a&&an*ed an e!pe&iment to in7esti*ate the a$to&s ae$tin* the &esistan$e o %i&es' Ce #sed 5
die&ent %i&es made o 2 die&ent mate&ials in this e!pe&iment' Ce desi*ned a $i&$#it o& this
e!pe&iment' The table belo% sho%s the &es#lt'
.ire A .ire B .ire C
len*th ($m) 20 (5 20
thi$2ness (mm) 5 5 5
mate&ial mate&ial H mate&ial H mate&ial L
C#&&ent th&o#*h
the %i&e
('0- ('5- 0'B-
a' 4ete&?s tea$he& told him that the mate&ials a&e $oppe& and ni$h&ome' )hi$h mate&ial is $oppe&8
mate&ial H o& mate&ial L, ;!plain /o#& ans%e&' (5K)
b' 3n this e!pe&iment8 4ete& in7esti*ated 2 a$to&s that ae$t the &esistan$e' 1ne o them %as the
mate&ial that made the %i&e' )hat is the othe& a$to&, ((K)
;nd o pape&
To be $ontin#ed'
student A student B

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