Tims Project On Derivative
Tims Project On Derivative
Tims Project On Derivative
BATCH ROLL NO : PGDM SEM II. 2010 : 09071 T D!"#$% "&PGDM' I( )*"%!*+ ,-+,!++.#(% , %/# "#0-!"#.#(% , T +*(! I(1%!%-%# , M*(*2#.#(% S%-!#13 A4!)-" 5 " %/# *6*"4#4 , %/# 4#2"## , P 1% G"*4-*%# D!)+ .* !( M*(*2#.#(%
We, under signed CHIRAG K.PADALIYA & CHIRAG G KAPURIYA students of PGDM S M.II !ere"# de$%&re t!&t t!e 'ro(e$t )or* 'resented in t!is re'ort is our $ontri"ution &nd !&+e "een $&rried out under t!e su'er+ision of Mr. ASU,-SH .A.HA/I of TOLANI INSTITUTE O5 MANGEMENT STUDIES3 ADIPUR &KUTCH'. ,!e o"(e$ti+e of tr&ining undert&*en is to get s'e$i&%i0ed *no)%edge in s'e$i&%i0ed fie%d, )!i$! furt!er s!&r'en t!e s*i%% &nd 'r&$ti$&%%# in t!e s'e$i&%i0&tion.
We )is! to in$%ude t!&t it )ou%d not !&+e "een 'ossi"%e to $o5'%ete t!is 'ro(e$t )it! out !e%' &nd su''ort of 5&n# 'eo'%e. I &5 t!&n*(u% to &%% of t!e5. We &re t!&n* fu%% to Mr. As!o* H. Ko#&ni, C - of SKS S CURI,I S L%IMI, D for gi+ing us t!is +&%u&"%e o''ortunit# to gi+e us Pro(e$t 'er5ission &t SKS S CURI,I S LIMI, D. )e t!&n* !i5 to t&*e *een interest in our )or*, &nd guide us t!roug! out our 'ro(e$t. We &re t!&n*fu% to Mr.Pr&+in So(itr&, !e&d of DP )!o !e%'ed us "ot! for5&%%# &nd infor5&%%#. We &re &%so t!&n*fu% to Mr.L&%it Lun&g&ri#&, !e&d of de5&t &nd 5odifi$&tion de'&rt5ent for gi+ing us +&%u&"%e *no)%edge &nd su''ort t!roug!out our tr&ining. I &5 &%so re&%%# t!&n*fu% to ,o%&ni Institute of M&n&ge5ent Studies for gi+ing us &%% *ind of su''ort re6uired for $o5'%etion of our 'ro(e$t re'ort &nd t!&n*s t!e AIC, for in$%uding fin&% tr&ining &s & '&rt of s#%%&"us for PGDM. ,!us I !e&rti%# t!&n* "ot! t!ese institutions )!o !&+e t!e 'ri+i%eged o''ortunit# to $&rr# on t!e 'ro(e$t &nd to re&%i0e t!e 'otenti&% )!i$! )&s ti%% no) !idden )it!in ourse%+es
: : R*;< %
PGDM is & 'rofession&% $ourse )!erein for & student to 'osses on%# t!eoreti$&% *no)%edge &%one is not enoug! "ut &%so to i5'ro+e 'r&$ti$&% s*i%% )!i$! is !e%'fu% to t!e5 in e+er# fie%d of %ife in t!eir future. Students need to !&+e & 'r&$ti$&% i5'%e5ent&tion in t!e $urrent s$en&rio. We fe%t t!&t t!is unit is "eing run su'er"%# "# e7$e%%ent 5&n&ge5ent te&5s &nd e5'%o#ee $o2o'er&tion. It is our '%e&sure to 'resent )or* &fter I !&d finis!ed 5# tr&ining &t SKS SL. ,!is tr&ining !&s e7'&nded our !ori0on of *no)%edge in 'r&$ti$&% &s )e%% &s t!eoreti$&% )!i$! &re +it&% for &n# student in 5&n&ge5ent %e+e% studies. After $o5'%etion of t!is tr&ining )e $o5e to *no) t!&t )!en )e stud# t!eor# "ut 'r&$ti$e it is +er# diffi$u%t to underst&nd. ,!erefore to ser+e du&% 'ur'ose of 'r&$ti$&% tr&ining !&s "een 5&de $o5'u%sor# for t!e students of PGDM Su$! tr&ining 'ro5otes & students to "oost t!eir 'otenti&%s &nd t!e inner 6u&%ities, &nd t!ere"# students $o5e to *no) &"out t!eir re&%it# t!&t !o) t!e t!eoreti$&% *no)%edge )or*s in &$tu&% sense in &n# unit. ,!is !&s indeed 'ro+ed to "e +er# usefu% to 5e. A%% infor5&tion furnis!ed !ere &re $orre$t &nd true &$$ording to 5e, &nd sin$ere%# &'o%ogi0e if in$orre$t d&t&.
4 5 6
regu%&tes t!e o'er&tions of sto$* e7$!&nges, "&n*s &nd ot!er fin&n$i&% institutions. ,!e '&st 'erfor5&n$es in t!e $&'it&% 5&r*ets es'e$i&%%# t!e se$urities s$&5 "# :H&srs!&d Me!t&8 !&s %ed to tig!tening of t!e o'er&tions "# S .I. In &ddition t!e intern&tion&% tr&ding &nd in+est5ent e7'osure !&s 5&de it i5'er&ti+e to "etter o'er&tion&% effi$ien$#. Wit! t!e +ie) to i5'ro+e, dis$i'%ine &nd "ring gre&ter tr&ns'&ren$# in t!is se$tor, $onst&nt efforts &re "eing 5&de &nd to & $ert&in e7tent i5'ro+e5ents !&+e "een 5&de.
se$urities, de"t &nd deri+&ti+es u'!o%ds t!e interests of t!e in+estors &nd ensures redress&% of t!eir grie+&n$es )!et!er &g&inst t!e $o5'&nies or its o)n 5e5"er2"ro*ers. It &%so stri+es to edu$&te &nd en%ig!ten t!e in+estors "# $ondu$ting in+estor edu$&tion 'rogr&5 &nd 5&*ing &+&i%&"%e to t!e5 ne$ess&r# infor5&ti+e in'uts. A Go+erning .o&rd !&+ing <= dire$tors is t!e &'e7 "od#, )!i$! de$ides t!e 'o%i$ies &nd regu%&tes t!e &ff&irs of t!e 7$!&nge. ,!e Go+erning .o&rd $onsists of B e%e$ted dire$tors, )!o &re fro5 t!e "ro*ing $o55unit# 3one t!ird of t!e5 retire e+er #e&r "# rot&tion4, t!ree S .I no5inees, si7 'u"%i$ re'resent&ti+es &nd &n 7e$uti+e Dire$tor & C!ief 7e$uti+e -ffi$er &nd & C!ief -'er&ting -ffi$er.
te$!no%og# !&s "een !&rnessed to de%i+er t!e ser+i$es to t!e in+estors &$ross t!e $ountr# &t t!e $!e&'est 'ossi"%e $ost. It 'ro+ides & n&tion2)ide, s$reen2"&sed, &uto5&ted tr&ding s#ste5, )it! & !ig! degree of tr&ns'&ren$# &nd e6u&% &$$ess to in+estors irres'e$ti+e of geogr&'!i$&% %o$&tion. ,!e !ig! %e+e% of infor5&tion disse5in&tion t!roug! on2%ine s#ste5 !&s !e%'ed in integr&ting ret&i% in+estors on & n&tion2)ide "&sis. ,!e st&nd&rds set "# t!e e7$!&nge in ter5s of 5&r*et 'r&$ti$es, Produ$ts , te$!no%og# &nd ser+i$e st&nd&rds !&+e "e$o5e industr# "en$!5&r*s &nd &re "eing re'%i$&ted "# ot!er 5&r*et '&rti$i'&nts. Wit!in & +er# s!ort s'&n of ti5e, /S !&s "een &"%e to &$!ie+e &%% t!e o"(e$ti+es for )!i$! it )&s set u'. It !&s "een '%&#ing & %e&ding ro%e &s & $!&nge &gent in tr&nsfor5ing t!e Indi&n C&'it&% M&r*ets to its 'resent for5. ,!e Indi&n C&'it&% M&r*ets &re & f&r $r# fro5 )!&t t!e# used to "e & de$&de &go in ter5s of 5&r*et 'r&$ti$es, infr&stru$ture, te$!no%og#, ris* 5&n&ge5ent, $%e&ring &nd sett%e5ent &nd in+estor ser+i$e.
,!e Se$urities M&r*et $onsists of t)o seg5ents, +i0. Pri5&r# 5&r*et &nd Se$ond&r# 5&r*et. Pri5&r# 5&r*et is t!e '%&$e )!ere issuers $re&te &nd issue e6uit#, de"t or !#"rid instru5ents for su"s$ri'tion "# t!e 'u"%i$9 t!e Se$ond&r# 5&r*et en&"%es t!e !o%ders of se$urities to tr&de t!e5. Se$ond&r# 5&r*et essenti&%%# $o5'rises of sto$* e7$!&nges )!i$! 'ro+ide '%&tfor5 for 'ur$!&se &nd s&%e of se$urities "# in+estors. In Indi&, &'&rt fro5 t!e Region&% Sto$* 7$!&nges est&"%is!ed in different $enters, t!ere &re e7$!&nge %i*e t!e /&tion&% Sto$* 7$!&nge 3/S 4 &nd t!e -+er t!e Counter 7$!&nge of Indi& 3-,C I4, )!o 'ro+ide n&tion )ide tr&ding f&$i%ities )it! ter5in&%s &%% o+er t!e $ountr#. ,!e tr&ding '%&tfor5s of sto$* e7$!&nges &re &$$essi"%e on%# t!roug! "ro*ers &nd tr&ding of se$urities is $onfined on%# to sto$* e7$!&nges. ,!us, t!e se$urities 5&r*et !&s t)o inde'endent, inse'&r&"%e seg5ents, t!e ne) issues 3'ri5&r#4 5&r*et &nd t!e sto$* 3se$ond&r#4 5&r*et. ,!e 'ri5&r# 5&r*et 'ro+ides
$!&nne% for s&%e of ne) se$urities )!i%e t!e se$ond&r# 5&r*et de&%s in se$urities 're+ious%# issued. ,!e issuer of se$urities se%%s t!e se$urities to t!e 'ri5&r# 5&r*et to r&ise funds for in+est5ent &ndJor to dis$!&rge so5e o"%ig&tions. ,!e se$ond&r# 5&r*et en&"%es t!e5 )!o !o%d se$urities to &d(ust t!eir !o%dings in res'onse to $!&nge in t!eir &ssess5ent of ris* &nd return. ,!e# &%so se%% se$urities for $&s! to 5eet t!eir %i6uidit# needs. ,!e $or'or&te se$urities 5&r*et d&tes "&$* to t!e >? ,H $entur# )!en t!e se$urities of t!e &st Indi& Co5'&n# )ere tr&ded in Mu5"&i &nd Ko%*&t&. ,!e "ro*ers used to g&t!er under & "&n#&n tree in Mu5"&i &nd under & nee5 tree in Ko%*&t& for t!e 'ur'ose. Ho)e+er, t!e re&% "eginning $&5e in t!e >?D=s )it! t!e introdu$tion of t!e (oint sto$* $o5'&nies )it! %i5ited %i&"i%it#. ,!e >?E=s )itnessed "e&ris! de&%ings in se$urities &nd se$urities s'e$u%&tion. ,!is "roug!t "ro*ers to .o5"&# toget!er in Hu%# >?FD to "oo5 t!e first org&ni0ed sto$* e7$!&nge in t!e $ountr#, +i0. ,!e Sto$* 7$!&nge, Mu5"&i, A!5ed&"&d Sto$* 7$!&nge in>?BC &nd << ot!ers fo%%o)ed )it! <=,H $entur#. ,!e Sto$* 7$!&nges &re t!e e7$%usi+e $enters for tr&ding in e6uities &nd t!e
tr&ding '%&tfor5 of &n e7$!&nge is &$$essi"%e on%# to "ro*ers. ,!e regu%&tor# fr&5e)or* !e&+i%# f&+ors t!e re$ogni0ed sto$* e7$!&nges "# &%5ost "&nning tr&ding &$ti+it# outside t!e sto$* e7$!&nges. ,!e se$urities &re di+ided into t)o '&rts +i0. Cor'or&te se$urities &nd Go+ern5ent Se$urities
Corporate Securities:
,!e no of sto$* e7$!&nges in$re&sed fro5 >> in>BB= to <@ no). A%% t!e e7$!&nges &re fu%%# $o5'uteri0ed &nd offer >==K on2%ine tr&ding. BECC $o5'&nies )ere &+&i%&"%e for tr&ding on sto$* e7$!&nges &t t!e end of M&r$! <==<. ,!e tr&ding '%&tfor5 of t!e sto$* e7$!&nges )&s &$$essi"%e to BE?F 5e5"ers fro5 o+er C== $ities on t!e s&5e d&te.
,!e se$tor&% distri"ution of turno+er !&s undergone signifi$&nt $!&nge o+er %&st fe) #e&rs. ,!e s!&re of 5&nuf&$turing $o5'&nies in turno+er of to' :D=8 $o5'&nies, )!i$! )&s ne&r%# ?=K in >BBD2BE, de$%ined s!&r'%# to &"out EK in <=>2=<. During t!e s&5e 'eriod t!e s!&re of I, $o5'&nies in turno+er in$re&sed s!&r'%# fro5 ni% in >BBD2BE to EFK in <==>2=<.
Government Securities:
,!e &ggreg&te turno+er in $entr&% &nd st&te go+ern5ent d&ted se$urities, in$%uding tre&sur# "i%%s, t!roug! SGL tr&ns&$tions in$re&sed @> ti5es "et)een >BBC2BD &nd <==>2=<. During <==>2=< it re&$!ed & %e+e% of Rs. >,DF@,?B@ $rore, !ig!er t!&n $o5"ined tr&ding +o%u5es in e6uit# seg5ents of &%% t!e e7$!&nges in t!e $ountr#, ref%e$ting dee'ening of t!e 5&r*et. ,!e s!&re of outrig!t tr&ns&$tions in go+ern5ent se$urities in$re&sed fro5 <@.<K in >BBD2BE to FFK in <==>2=<. ,!e s!&re of re'o tr&ns&$tions de$%ined $orres'onding%# fro5 FE.?K in >BBD2BE to <@K in <==>2=<. ,!e S!&re of d&ted se$urities in turno+er of go+ern5ent se$urities in$re&sed fro5 EBK in >BBE2BF to BCK in <==>2=<. ,!e ,2"i%%s &$$ounted for re5&ining SGL turno+er.
Derivatives Market:
Deri+&ti+es tr&ding $o55en$ed in Indi& in Hune <==. ,!e tot&% e7$!&nge tr&ded deri+&ti+es )itnessed & +o%u5e of Rs. CC<,@C@ $rore during <==<2=@ &s &g&inst Rs. C=>? $rore during t!e 're$eding #e&r. W!i%e /S &$$ounted for &"out BB.DK of tot&% turno+er, .S &$$ounted for &"out =.DK in <==<2=@. ,!e 5&r*et )itnessed !ig!er +o%u5es fro5 Hune <==> )it! introdu$tion of inde7 o'tions, &nd sti%% !ig!er +o%u5es )it! introdu$tion of sto$* o'tions in Hu%# <==>. ,!ere )&s & s'urt in +o%u5es in /o+e5"er <==> )!en sto$* futures )ere introdu$ed. It is "e%ie+ed t!&t Indi& is t!e %&rgest 5&r*et in t!e )or%d for sto$* futures. ,!e sto$* 5&r*et or se$ond&r# 5&r*et ensures free 5&r*et&"i%it#, negoti&"i%it# &nd 'ri$e dis$!&rge. ;or t!ese re&sons t!e sto$* 5&r*et is referred to &s t!e ner+e $enter
of t!e $&'it&% 5&r*et, ref%e$ting t!e e$ono5i$ trend &s )e%% &s t!e !o'es, &s'ir&tions &nd &''re!ensions of t!e in+estors. Sto$* M&r*et is &%so $&%%ed t!e "&ro5eter of t!e e$ono5#
,!e Centr&% Go+ern5ent !&s notified S .I 3Sto$* .ro*ers & Su"2.ro*ers4 Ru%es, >BB< in e7er$ise of t!e 'o)ers $onferred "# se$tion <B of S .I A$t, >BB<. ,!ese ru%es $&5e into effe$t on <=t! August, >BB<.
>=. A%)&#s in+est for t!e %ong ter5. Does t!e "usiness !&+e f&+or&"%e %ong ter5 'ros'e$tsN
Placin O!"#!
T!an(ac$i&n C,cl#
T!a"# E)#c*$i&n
A 'erson !o%ding &ssets 3Se$uritiesJ;unds4, eit!er to 5eet !is %i6uidit# needs or to res!uff%e !is !o%dings in res'onse to $!&nges in !is 'er$e'tion &"out ris* &nd return of t!e &ssets, de$ides to "u# or se%% t!e se$urities. He se%e$ts & "ro*er &nd instru$ts !i5 to '%&$e "u#Jse%% order on &n e7$!&nge. ,!e order is $on+erted to & tr&de &s soon &s it finds & 5&t$!ing se%%J"u# order. At t!e end of t!e tr&de $#$%e, t!e tr&des &re netted to deter5ine t!e o"%ig&tions f t!e tr&ding 5e5"er8s se$uritiesJfunds &s 'er sett%e5ent $#$%e. .u#erJse%%er de%i+ers fundsJ se$urities &nd re$ei+es se$uritiesJfunds &nd &$6uires o)ners!i' of t!e se$urities. A se$urities tr&ns&$tion $#$%e is 'resented &"o+e. Hust "e$&use of t!is ,r&ns&$tion $#$%e, t!e )!o%e "usiness of Se$urities &nd Sto$* .ro*ing !&s e5erged. And &s &n e7tension of
sto$* "ro*ing, t!e "usiness of -n%ine Sto$* "ro*ingJ -n%ine ,r&dingJ e5erged
2.ro*ing !&s
>. SKSE SECURITIES LIMITED&))).s*ses%.$o54 <. ANGEL BROKING LTD. 3))).&nge%"ro*ing.$o54 @. RELIGARE SECURITIES LTD. 3))).re%ig&reon%ine.$o54 C. S. S. KANTILAL ISH:ARLAL SECURITIES P>T LTD. 3www.sharekhan.com4 D. ICICI :EB TRADE LTD. 3www.icicidirect.com4 E. 9 PAISA.COM 3www.5paisa.com4 F. KOTAK SECURITIES LTD. 3www.kotakstreet.com4 ?. INDIABULLS 3www.indiabulls.com4 B. MOTILAL OS:AL SECURITIES LTD. >=. HD5C SECURITIES LTD. 3www.hdfcsec.com4 >>. UTI SECURITIES LTD.
,!e S&ur&s!tr& Kut$! Sto$* 7$!&nge 3 rst)!i%e4 Ltd., !&s t!erefore f%o&ted & su"sidi&r# n&5e%# SKS Se$urities Li5ited &nd on >> t! ;e"ru&r#, <=== it &$6uired 5e5"ers!i' of t!e .o5"&# Sto$* 7$!&nge &nd st&rted $o55er$i&% tr&ding fro5 >>t! A'ri%, <===. More t!&n >== 5e5"ers of t!e S&ur&s!tr& Kut$! Sto$* 7$!&nge !&+e "e$o5e su"2"ro*er of t!e su"sidi&r# &nd st&rted tr&ding in .S C&s! seg5ent. At 'resent SKS SL !&+e &"out @BB su"2"ro*ers &nd &"out E= su"2"ro*ers out of tot&% !&+e t!eir offi$e in t!e s&5e &5"ien$e. -ut of tot&% su" "ro*ers >=D &re t!e registered 5e5"er of SKS SL.
SKS SL 5&# registered 5e5"ers of SKS &s &ut!ori0ed 'ersonJre5isiers for tr&ding in ;uture & -'tion seg5ent of .S &ndJor /S &nd $&n &%so register t!e5 &s $%ients. SKS SL 5&# &%so register $%ients introdu$ed t!roug! su$! &ut!ori0ed 'ersons on%# &nd 5&# tr&de on t!eir "e!&%f. SKS SL )ou%d not tr&de for in+estors dire$t%#, e7$e't for ;utures & -'tion Seg5ent of .S &ndJor /S .
Core Competence
Ret&i% fo$used rese&r$! 'rodu$ts Ro"ust internet tr&ding f&$i%it# De'ositor# ser+i$es t!roug! CDSL We" "&sed <C 7 F "&$* offi$e soft)&re Good underst&nding of t!e su"2"ro*er &nd ret&i% $usto5er needs Profession&% )or* $u%ture )it! & 'erson&% tou$! Cost2 effe$ti+e 'ro$esses St&te2of2t!e2&rt te$!no%og# Sing%e $onne$ti+it# &nd s'eed# e7e$ution of tr&des. -n%ine te$!ni$&% su''ort & !e%' des*.
Uniqueness Of SKSESL
>==K ret&i% fo$us .S J /S $&s! & ;&- on & sing%e s$reen
f%e7i"%e 5&rginsJ e7'osure %i5its Person&%i0ed ser+i$es t!roug! $entr&%i0ed !e%' des* &nd <D "r&n$!es. $ost effe$ti+e te$!no%og#
Services of SKSESL
P&%ue Added .&$* offi$e Ser+i$es O We" en&"%ed $entr&%i0ed "&$*2offi$e O Centr&%i0ed !e%' des* ser+i$es O 2$ontr&$t notes $u5 4i55
O Mu%ti'%e e7$!&nges on sing%e s$reen O Intr&2d&# $&%%s & f%&s! ne)s O Histori$&% $!&rts )it! te$!ni$&% too%s
De5&t Ser+i$es O H&ss%e free &uto5&ted 'in O Wide "r&n$! $o+er&ge O Centr&%i0ed "i%%ing & &$$ounting
B*$< ,,!$# !(,"*1%"-$%-"#: SKS SL 'ro+ide &n &uto5&ted )e" en&"%ed $entr&%i0ed "&$*2offi$e )!ere"# t!e $%ients $&n !&+e &$$ess to t!eir tr&de $onfir5&tion re'orts,
!o%ding st&te5ent, t!eir net 'osition, t!e 5&rgins &nd t!e st&te5ent of &$$ounts &nd %edgers on & <C I F "&sis. E 7 C (%"*$% ( %#1 $-. C!++1: We 'ro+ide $ontr&$t notes $u5 "i%%s in e%e$troni$ for5 resu%ting in e&se of &$$ess to tr&des $&rried out "# t!e $%ients on &n# '&rti$u%&r d&#. E7$ (%"*$% N %#1 $-. B!++1
Ange% 'ro+ide $ontr&$t notes $u5 "i%%s in e%e$troni$ for5. ,!e soft)&re f&$i%it&tes do)n%o&ding of re%e+&nt $ontr&$t notes &nd "i%%s.
Ange% !&+e t&*en &de6u&te $&re &nd 're$&ution &"out t!e d&t& se$urit#, so t!&t &%% our $%ients &re &ssured t!&t t!e d&t& is on%# &$$essed "# t!e5 &nd not s!&red )it! &n#one e%se.
CDSL8s s#ste5 is "&sed on $entr&%i0ed d&t&"&se &r$!ite$ture )it! on2%ine $onne$ti+it# )it! DP8s. .e$&use of t!is $entr&%i0ed &r$!ite$ture. ,!e $ost for setting u' & DP outfit under CDSL s#ste5 is signifi$&nt%# s%o)er. Si5i%&r%#, t!e re$urring $osts to "e in$urred "# & CDSL2DP in ter5s of 5&int&ining "&$*2u's &nd t!e re%&ted d&t& stor&ge &re 5ini5&%. ,!is en&"%es & CDSL2DP to offer de'ositor# ser+i$es to in+estors &t &nd &ttr&$ti+e 'ri$e &nd &t t!e s&5e ti5e &$!ie+e "re&*2e+en f&ster &t 5u$! %o)er +o%u5es. ,!e $entr&%i0ed &r$!ite$ture &%so &%%o)s CDSL2DP to 5&*e &+&i%&"%e to t!e in+estors & to t!e 5inute st&tus of t!eir &$$ount &nd tr&ns&$tions. CDSL2DPs $&n &%so set u' "r&n$!es )it! dire$t e%e$troni$ $onne$ti+it# )it! CDSL. SKS SL is & $or'or&te DP in s&ur&s!tr&. As on d&te SKS ser+i$e @@=== '%us $%ients t!roug! & )e%%2e6ui''ed "r&n$! net)or*. SKS SL is '%&nning to offer on%ine ser+i$es, )!i$! is offered "# /SDLJCDSL. SKS SL is &ffi%i&ted to CDSL in order to gi+e o'ti5u5 $ost so%ution to t!eir $%ients *ee'ing in +ie) t!e in+estors needs. SKS SL '%&$e & !ig! 're5iu5 o+er $usto5er ser+i$e &nd 'ro5't re'orting in order to ensure integrit# of tr&ns&$tion. SKS SL8s $usto5er $entri$ s$!e5es !&+e "een designed to e%e5ent 3su$! &s tr&de e7e$ution de5&teri&%i0&tion &nd re25&teri&%i0&tion4 &t e$ono5i$&% 'ri$es 7$e't De5&t, &n# De'ositor# P&rti$i'&nt 'ro+ides fo%%o)ing ser+i$es1 >. A$$ount -'ening <. De5&teri&%i0&tion @. Pro$essing De%i+er# &nd Re$ei't Instru$tion C. A$$ount St&te5ent D. Re25&teri&%i0&tion E. P%edging F. /o5in&tion ?. ,r&ns&$tion of Se$urities
Pu"%i$ ;in&n$i&% Institution .&n*s in$%uding ;oreign .&n*s St&te ;in&n$i&% Cor'or&tion An Institution eng&ged in 'ro+iding fin&n$i&% ser+i$e 'ro5oted "# &"o+e Mentioned (oint%# &nd se+er&%%# Custodi&n of Se$urities C%e&ring Cor'or&tion or C%e&ring House of & Sto$* 7$!&nge Sto$* .ro*er /on2.&n*ing ;in&n$i&% Co5'&n# Registr&r & ,r&nsfer Agents
SKS Se$urities Li5ited is & Sto$* .ro*er &s )e%% &s C%e&ring Cor'or&tion or C%e&ring House of & Sto$* 7$!&nge.
A De'ositor# is &n org&ni0&tion fir5 to 'ro+ide e%e$troni$ de'ositor# f&$i%ities for se$urities tr&ded. Se$urities &re t!en !e%d in t!e e%e$troni$ for5 t!roug! t!e 5ediu5 of DP. ,!e /SDL is t!e first de'ositor# in Indi&. ,!e fun$tions of /SDL &re regu%&ted "# t!e Se$urities &nd 7$!&nge .o&rd of Indi& 3S .I4.
,!e De'ositor# is not (ust ¬!er $ustodi&n. ,!e De'ositor# $&n %eg&%%# tr&nsfer "enefi$i&% o)ners!i', )!i$! & $ustodi&n $&nnot. ,!e $!ief o"(e$ti+e of & de'ositor# is to redu$e sett%e5ent ris* "# 5ini5i0ing t!e '&'er)or* in+o%+ed in tr&ding, sett%ing &nd tr&nsferring se$urities. ,o uti%i0e t!e ser+i$es offered "# & de'ositor#, #ou 5ust o'en &n &$$ount )it! t!e de'ositor# t!roug! & DP. ,!e DPs &re t!e %in* "et)een t!e s!&re!o%ders &nd t!e $o5'&n# &nd /SDL. De'ending on t!e DP, t!ere 5&# or 5&# not "e &n o'ening &$$ount fee. ,!e DPs %e+# fees to)&rds tr&ns&$tion &nd $ustod#. .&n*s, fin&n$i&% institutions, $ustodi&ns &nd sto$* "ro*ers $&n "e$o5e DPs su"(e$t to t!eir 5eeting $ert&in re6uire5ents 'res$ri"e "# /SDL &nd S .I. /SDL 'u"%is!es t!e %ist of DPs registered )it! t!e5 fro5 ti5e to ti5e. ,!e DP )i%% 'ro+ide #ou )it! & '&ss"oo* or st&te5ent of &$$ount 'eriodi$&%%# to infor5 #ou on #our !o%dings. You $&n e+en !&+e & 0ero "&%&n$e in #our &$$ount
P*A -% P" $#11 W!en tr&ns&$tion is done "et)een t!e t)o 5e5"ers of s&5e DP t!en it is $&%%ed intern&% '&#out 'ro$ess, "ut it $&n "e *no)n on%# &fter C o8$%o$* )!en tr&ding gets o+er. It $&n "e *no)n t!&t )!et!er t!e tr&ns&$tion is done intern&%%# or not. -t!er)ise &%% t!e tr&ns&$tions &re done t!oroug! e7$!&nge on%#. /o) if t!e situ&tion &rises in )!i$! one of t!e 5e5"er of DP !&s so%d & definite 6u&ntit# of s!&res, "ut &g&inst )!i$! no one !&s 'ur$!&sed t!e s&5e &5ount of 6u&ntit# of s!&res "e%onging to s&5e $o5'&n# t!en t!e )!o%e %ot )i%% go to t!e e7$!&nge. -n t!e ot!er !&nd if one of t!e '&rties !&s "oug!t $o5'&r&ti+e%# %ess 6u&ntit# t!&n so%d "# ¬!er '&rt# t!en it is $&%%ed 1/ "%,*++ , 1/*"#1.
/o) %et us underst&nd t!e &"o+e $on$e't )it! t!e !e%' of & 'r&$ti$&% e7&5'%e. Su''ose, one of t!e 5e5"ers of Ange% in RAHK-, !&s so%d ?== s!&res of Re%i&n$e L,D., "ut &g&inst )!i$! 5e5"er of Ange% &t Mu5"&i "r&n$! !&s 'ur$!&sed on%# @== s!&res of t!e s&5e $o5'&n# t!en it is $&%%ed SHORT5ALL . /o), &fter t!e $%osing of tr&ding &$ti+it# 3i.e. &fter C o8$%o$*4. 7$!&nge )i%% 're'&re & s!ortf&%% re'ort & t!is )i%% "e dire$t%# sent to H.-. /o), de'&rt5ent )i%% 're'&re & su55&r# fro5 t!e re'ort. After t!&t if DP !&s &$$ess t!en de&%ing )i%% "e done intern&%%# ot!er)ise &u$tion )i%% "e done "# e7$!&nge in )!i$! e7$!&nge )i%% 'ur$!&se or se%% s!ortf&%% of s!&res fro5 t!e 5&r*et. P&#out 'ro$ess 5&in%# indi$&tes &$$ess &5ount to "e '&id "# DP i.e. )!en 'ur$!&se of s!&re is $o5'&r&ti+e%# !ig!er t!en se%%ing.
P*A I( P" $#11 /o) if )e %oo* fro5 t!e ot!er side t!e s&5e $on$e't, t!en it is $&%%ed PAY IN PROCESS . In t!is 'ro$ess if se%%ing is done $o5'&r&ti+e%# !ig!er t!en 'ur$!&se, t!en DP )i%% e&rn i.e. DP )i%% get re%&ti+e%# 5ore &5ount &g&inst )!i$! it !&s to '&# %ess &5ount. In "ot! t!e tr&ns&$tion i.e. in '&#ing & '&#out t!e 'ent )i%% "e done t!oroug! $!e$*s on%#. C (%"*$% ( %# Contr&$t note is & $onfir5&tion of tr&des done on & '&rti$u%&r d&# for &nd on "e!&%f of & $%ient. Ange% s!&%% issue & $ontr&$t note to !is $%ient for tr&des 3'ur$!&seJs&%e of se$urities4 e7e$uted )it! &%% re%e+&nt det&i%s &s re6uired t!erein to "e fi%%ed in 3refer to S .I $ir$u%&r no. SMDJS DJCIRJ<@@<> d&ted Hune ?, <==D4. A $ontr&$t note s!&%% "e issued to & $%ient )it!in <C !ours of t!e e7e$ution of t!e $ontr&$t du%# signed "# t!e ,M or !is &ut!ori0ed sign&tor# or $%ient &ttorne#
De"itJCredit se$urities inst&nt&neous%# to t!e .enefi$i&% -)ner8s &$$ount, t!ere"# &+oiding &n# tr&nsit 'osition. CDSL8s uni6ue $%ient ID nu5"er ensures de"itJ$redit of se$urities on%# to t!e intended &$$ount &s t!e s#ste5 does not &$$e't & tr&ns&$tion, )!ere &$$ount nu5"er is *e#ed in in$orre$t%#. CDSL offers f&$i%ities to t!e C%e&ring House. C%e&ring Cor'or&tion under )!i$! se$urities so%dJ'ur$!&sed "# &n# .- on .S t!e5 t!roug! t!e "ro*er8s 'oo% &$$ount. CDSL does not $o%%e$t &n# $ustod# fees fro5 DPs, t!us, .-s $&n e7'e$t & %o)er $!&rge in res'e$t of se$urities !e%d in CDSL &$$ounts. ,!e tr&ns&$tion $ost for sett%e5ent of se$urities t!roug! CDSL &s %o)er in 5ost $&ses. $&n "e dire$t%# de%i+ered fro5J re$ei+ed in t!e .- &$$ount, )it!out routing
D#"!@*%!@#1 D#,!(#4
Deri+&ti+e is & 'rodu$t )!ose +&%ue is deri+ed fro5 t!e +&%ue of one or 5ore "&si$ +&ri&"%es, $&%%ed "&ses 3under%#ing &sset, inde7, or referen$e r&te4, in & $ontr&$tu&% 5&nner. ,!e under%#ing &sset $&n "e e6uit#, fore7, $o55odit# or &n# ot!er &sset. ;or e7&5'%e, )!e&t f&r5ers 5&# )is! to se%% t!eir !&r+est &t & future d&te to e%i5in&te t!e ris* of & $!&nge in 'ri$es "# t!&t d&te. Su$! & tr&ns&$tion is &n e7&5'%e of & deri+&ti+e. ,!e 'ri$e of t!is deri+&ti+e is dri+en "# t!e s'ot 'ri$e of )!e&t )!i$! is t!e Lunder%#ingM. 7&5'%e12 A +er# si5'%e e7&5'%e of deri+&ti+es is $urd, )!i$! is deri+&ti+e of 5i%*. ,!e 'ri$e of $urd de'ends u'on t!e 'ri$e of 5i%*, )!i$! in turn de'ends u'on t!e de5&nd, &nd su''%# of 5i%*. See it t!is )&#. ,!e 'ri$e of Re%i&n$e ,ri'%e -'tion Con+erti"%e De"entures 3Re%i&n$e ,-CD4 used to +&r# )it! t!e 'ri$e of Re%i&n$e s!&res. And t!e 'ri$e of ,e%$o )&rr&nts de'ends u'on t!e 'ri$e of ,e%$o s!&res. Do A5eri$&n de'ositor# re$ei'tsJ g%o"&% de'ositor# re$ei'ts of ICICI, S&t#&5 &nd Infos#s tr&ded on sto$* e7$!&nges in t!e USA &nd ng%&nd !&+e t!eir o)n +&%uesN /o. ,!e# dr&) t!eir 'ri$e fro5 t!e under%#ing s!&res tr&ded in Indi&. Consider !o) t!e +&%ue of 5utu&% fund units $!&nges on & dto2d&# "&sis. Don8t 5utu&% fund units dr&) t!eir +&%ue fro5 t!e +&%ue of t!e 'ortfo%io of se$urities under t!e s$!e5esN Aren8t t!ese e7&5'%es of deri+&ti+esN Yes, t!ese &re. And #ou *no) )!&t9 t!ese e7&5'%es 'ro+e t!&t deri+&ti+es &re not so
ne) to us. /ift# o'tions &nd futures, Re%i&n$e futures &nd o'tions, S&t#&5 futures &nd o'tions et$ &re &%% e7&5'%es of deri+&ti+es. ;utures &nd o'tions &re t!e 5ost $o55on &nd 'o'u%&r for5 of deri+&ti+es. In t!e Indi&n $onte7t t!e Se$urities Contr&$ts 3Regu%&tion4 A$t, >BDE 3SC3R4A4 defines Lderi+&ti+eM to in$%ude >. A se$urit# deri+ed fro5 & de"t instru5ent, s!&re, %o&n )!et!er se$ured or unse$ured, ris* instru5ent or $ontr&$t for differen$es or &n# ot!er for5 of se$urit#. <. A $ontr&$t )!i$! deri+es its +&%ue fro5 t!e 'ri$es, or inde7 of 'ri$es, of under%#ing se$urities. Deri+&ti+es &re se$urities under t!e SC3R4A &nd !en$e t!e tr&ding of deri+&ti+es is go+erned "# t!e regu%&tor# fr&5e)or* under t!e SC3R4A.
in t!e 5ont! of Hu%# &nd /o+e5"er res'e$ti+e%#. ,!e 5&r*et %ots *ee's on $!&nging fro5 ti5e to ti5e
I't&%& t
A for)&rd $ontr&$t is t!e si5'%est 5ode of & deri+&ti+e tr&ns&$tion. It is &n &gree5ent to "u# or se%% &n &sset 3of & s'e$ified 6u&ntit#4 &t & $ert&in future ti5e for & $ert&in 'ri$e. /o $&s! is e7$!&nged )!en t!e $ontr&$t is entered into. I++-1%"*%! (: 7 S!#&5 )&nts to "u# & ,P, )!i$! $osts Rs >=,=== "ut !e !&s no $&s! to "u# it outrig!t. He $&n on%# "u# it @ 5ont!s !en$e. He, !o)e+er, fe&rs t!&t 'ri$es of te%e+isions )i%% rise @ 5ont!s fro5 no). So in order to 'rote$t !i5se%f fro5 t!e rise in 'ri$es S!#&5 enters into & $ontr&$t )it! t!e ,P de&%er t!&t @ 5ont!s fro5 no) !e )i%% "u# t!e ,P for Rs >=,===. W!&t S!#&5 is doing is t!&t !e is %o$*ing t!e $urrent 'ri$e of & ,P for & for)&rd $ontr&$t. ,!e for)&rd $ontr&$t is sett%ed &t 5&turit#. ,!e de&%er )i%% de%i+er t!e &sset to S!#&5 &t t!e end of t!ree 5ont!s &nd S!#&5 in turn )i%% '&# $&s! e6ui+&%ent to t!e ,P 'ri$e on de%i+er#.
$ositive Aspects of #or+ar Contracts! , >. A "usiness org&ni0&tion or institution $&n use t!e for)&rd 5&r*et to !edge or %o$* in t!e 'ri$e of 'ur$!&se or s&%e of & $o55odit# or fin&n$i&% &sset on & future $o55it5ent d&te. <. M&rgins &re not gener&%%# '&id on for)&rd $ontr&$ts9 t!ere is &%so no u' front 're5iu5 so t!ese $ontr&$ts do not re6uire &n initi&% $ost. @. As for)&rd $ontr&$ts &re t&i%or 5&de, t!e ris* of 'ri$e $&n "e !edged u' to >== 'er $ent. ,!is f&$i%it# 5&# not "e 'ossi"%e in futures or o'tions.
N#2*%!@# A1)#$%1 , 5 "6*"4 C (%"*$%1: 7 >. As t!ere is no 'erfor5&n$e gu&r&ntee in & for)&rd $ontr&$t, t!ere is &%)&#s $ounter2'&rt# ris*. In &ddition, t!e 'ossi"i%it# t!&t t!e $ounter2 '&rt# $ou%d f&i% to 'erfor5 !is o"%ig&tion on t!e due d&te $re&tes &ddition&% ris*. <. ;or)&rd $ontr&$ts do not &%%o) in+estors to deri+e g&in fro5 & f&+or&"%e 'ri$e 5o+e5ent or to un)ind & tr&ns&$tion on$e t!e $ontr&$t is 5&de. At t!e 5ost, t!e $&n "e $&n$e%%ed on ter5s &greed u'on "# t!e $ounter2 '&rt#. @. It is diffi$u%t to get $ounter2'&rt# on one8s o)n ter5s. In &ddition, &s & for)&rd $ontr&$t is not tr&ded on &n e7$!&nge, it offers no re&d# %i6uidit#. C. In 5ost $&ses, one $ounter2'&rt# of & for)&rd $ontr&$t is & "&n* or & tr&der )!o )i%% s6u&re u' !is 'osition "# entering into re+erse $ontr&$t. ,!ese tr&ns&$tions do not t&*e '%&$e si5u%t&neous%#, so t!e "&n* of tr&der )i%% nor5&%%# *ee' %&rge "id2&s* to &+oid &n# %oss due to 'ri$e f%u$tu&tions. ,!is 'ro$edure in$re&ses t!e $ost of !edging. Ho)e+er, for)&rd $ontr&$ts in $ert&in 5&r*ets !&+e "e$o5e +er# st&nd&rdi0ed, &s in t!e $&se of foreign e7$!&nge, t!ere"# redu$ing tr&ns&$tion $osts &nd in$re&sing tr&ns&$tions +o%u5e. ,!is 'ro$ess of st&nd&rdi0&tion re&$!es its %i5it in t!e org&ni0ed futures 5&r*et. ;or)&rd $ontr&$ts &re +er# usefu% in !edging &nd s'e$u%&tion. ,!e $%&ssi$ !edging &''%i$&tion )ou%d "e t!&t of &n e7'orter )!o e7'e$ts to re$ei+e 'ent in do%%&rs t!ree 5ont!s %&ter. He is e7'osed to t!e ris* of e7$!&nge r&te f%u$tu&tions. .# using t!e $urren$# for)&rd 5&r*et to se%% do%%&rs for)&rd, !e $&n %o$* on to & r&te tod&# &nd redu$e !is un$ert&int#. Si5i%&r%# &n i5'orter )!o is re6uired to 5&*e & 'ent in do%%&rs t)o
5ont!s !en$e $&n redu$e !is e7'osure to e7$!&nge r&te f%u$tu&tions "# "u#ing do%%&rs for)&rd. If & s'e$u%&tor !&s infor5&tion or &n&%#sis, )!i$! fore$&sts &n u'turn in & 'ri$e, t!en !e $&n go %ong on t!e for)&rd 5&r*et inste&d of t!e $&s! 5&r*et. ,!e s'e$u%&tor )ou%d go %ong on t!e for)&rd, )&it for t!e 'ri$e to rise, &nd t!en t&*e & re+ersing tr&ns&$tion to "oo* 'rofits. S'e$u%&tors 5&# )e%% "e re6uired to de'osit & 5&rgin u'front. Ho)e+er, t!is is gener&%%# & re%&ti+e%# s5&%% 'ro'ortion of t!e +&%ue of t!e &ssets under%#ing t!e for)&rd $ontr&$t. ,!e use of for)&rd 5&r*ets !ere su''%ies %e+er&ge to t!e s'e$u%&tor. In 5ost 5&r*ets, 5idd%e5en &re re6uired to "ring "u#ers &nd se%%ers of for)&rd $ontr&$ts toget!er. ,!ese 5idd%e5en $!&rge & fee, for t!eir ser+i$es.
5-%-"# $ (%"*$% ;utures 5&r*ets )ere designed to so%+e t!e 'ro"%e5s t!&t e7ist in for)&rd 5&r*ets. A futures $ontr&$t is &n &gree5ent "et)een t)o '&rties to "u# or se%% &n &sset &t & $ert&in ti5e in t!e future &t & $ert&in 'ri$e. .ut un%i*e for)&rd $ontr&$ts, t!e futures $ontr&$ts &re st&nd&rdi0ed &nd e7$!&nge tr&ded. ,o f&$i%it&te %i6uidit# in t!e futures $ontr&$ts, t!e e7$!&nge s'e$ifies $ert&in st&nd&rd fe&tures of t!e $ontr&$t. It is & st&nd&rdi0ed $ontr&$t )it! st&nd&rd under%#ing instru5ent, & st&nd&rd 6u&ntit# &nd 6u&%it# of t!e under%#ing instru5ent t!&t $&n "e de%i+ered, 3or )!i$! $&n "e used for referen$e 'ur'oses in sett%e5ent4 &nd & st&nd&rd ti5ing of su$! sett%e5ent. A futures $ontr&$t 5&# "e offset 'rior to 5&turit# "# entering into &n e6u&% &nd o''osite tr&ns&$tion. More t!&n BBK of futures tr&ns&$tions &re offset t!is )&#.
T/# 1%*(4*"4!D#4 !%#.1 !( * ,-%-"#1 $ (%"*$% *"#: Ru&ntit# of t!e Under%#ing. Ru&%it# of t!e Under%#ing. ,!e d&te &nd 5ont! of de%i+er#. ,!e units of 'ri$e 6uot&tion &nd 5ini5u5 'ri$e $!&nge. Lo$&tion of sett%e5ent.
D!1%!($%! ( C#%6##( ,-%-"#1 *(4 , "6*"41 $ (%"*$%1: 7 ;or)&rd $ontr&$ts &re often $onfused )it! futures $ontr&$ts. ,!e $onfusion is 'ri5&ri%# "e$&use "ot! ser+e essenti&%%# t!e s&5e e$ono5i$ fun$tions of &%%o$&ting ris* in t!e 'resen$e of future 'ri$e un$ert&int#. Ho)e+er futures &re & signifi$&nt i5'ro+e5ent o+er t!e for)&rd $ontr&$ts &s t!e# e%i5in&te $ounter2'&rt# ris* &nd offer 5ore %i6uidit#. 5-%-"#1 ,r&de on &n org&ni0ed e7$!&nge St&nd&rdi0ed $ontr&$t ter5s ter5s Hen$e 5ore %i6uid Re6uires 5&rgin 'ents ;o%%o)s d&i%# sett%e5ent 5 "6*"41 -,C in n&ture Custo5i0ed
!en$e %ess %i6uid /o 5&rgin 'ent Sett%e5ent !&''ens &t end of 'eriod
HO: DOES 5UTURE TRADING :ORKSE ,!ere &re t)o "&si$ $&tegories of futures '&rti$i'&nts1
In gener&%, !edgers use futures for 'rote$tion &g&inst &d+erse future 'ri$e 5o+e5ents in t!e under%#ing $&s! $o55odit#. ,!e r&tion&% of !edging is "&sed u'on t!e de5onstr&ted tenden$# of $&s! 'ri$es &nd futures +&%ues to 5o+e in t&nde5. Hedgers &re +er# often "usinesses, or indi+idu&%s, )!o &t one 'oint or ¬!er de&% in t!e under%#ing $&s! $o55odit#. ,&*e, for inst&n$e, & 5&(or food 'ro$essor )!o $&ns $orn. If $orn 'ri$es go u', !e 5ust '&# t!e f&r5er or $orn de&%er 5ore. ;or 'rote$tion &g&inst !ig!er $orn 'ri$es, t!e 'ro$essor $&n L!edgeM !is ris* e7'osure "# "u#ing enoug! $orn futures $ontr&$ts to $o+er t!e &5ount of $orn !e e7'e$ts to "u#. Sin$e $&s! &nd futures 'ri$es do tend to 5o+e in t&nde5, t!e futures 'osition )i%% 'rofit if $orn 'ri$es rise enoug! to offset $&s! $orn %osses.
S)#$-+*% ":
S'e$u%&tors &re t!e se$ond 5&(or grou' of future '%&#ers. ,!ese '&rti$i'&nts in$%ude inde'endent tr&ders &nd in+estor. ;or s'e$u%&tors, future !&+e i5'ort&nt &d+&nt&ges o+er ot!er in+es5ents. If t!e tr&der8s (udg5ent is good, !e $&n 5&*e 5ore 5one# in t!e future 5&r*et f&ster "e$&use futures 'ri$es tend, on &+er&ge, to $!&nge 5ore 6ui$*%# t!&n re&% est&te or sto$* 'ri$es, for e7&5'%e. -n t!e ot!er !&nd, "&d tr&ding (udg5ent in future 5&r*ets $&n $&use gre&ter %osses t!&n 5ig!t "e t!e $&se )it! ot!er in+est5ents.
H 6 5-%-"#1 6 "<
.u# & $ontr&$t
W!en s!&res &re "oug!t, it $&n "e "oug!t in &n# nu5"er, e+en if it is (ust one s!&re. In ;utures, & $ontr&$t )!i$! )i%% !&+e & s'e$ifi$ %ot si0e de'ending on t!e sto$* $&n "e "oug!t. LetAs s&#, &n Infos#s ;utures $ontr&$t is "oug!t. ,!is )i%% $o5'rise >== s!&res. -r, HPCL ;utures $ontr&$t is "oug!t. ,!is )i%% "e & %ot of ED= s!&res. In ;utures, %ot is "oug!t. ,!e %ot si0e is set for e&$! futures $ontr&$t &nd it differs fro5 sto$* to sto$*. M&rgin 'ent
W!en & ;utures $ontr&$t is "oug!t, t!e entire +&%ue of t!e $ontr&$t is not '&id "ut (ust t!e 5&rgin. ,!is 5&rgin &5ount too is 'res$ri"ed "# t!e e7$!&nge.
LetAs s&# & HPCL ;utures $ontr&$t is "oug!t. And t!e 'ri$e of e&$! HPCL s!&re is Rs @>>. ,!is )i%% &5ount to Rs <,=<,>D= 3Rs @>> 7 ED= s!&res4. t!e entire &5ount of Rs <,=<,>D= is not '&id. -n%# '&# >DK to <=K of t!&t &5ount is '&id &nd t!is is $&%%ed t!e 5&rgin &5ount.
,!e 5&rgin de'ends on )!&t t!e e7$!&nge sets for t!e d&#. .&sed on $ert&in '&r&5eters, it de$%&res t!e 5&rgin for e&$! sto$*.
So t!e 5&rgin for Infos#s )i%% +&r# fro5, s&#, HPCL. LetAs s&# t!e 5&rgin for t!e HPCL ;utures is >DK. So on%# Rs @=,@<< 3not Rs <,=<,>D=4 is '&id. Ho) #ou 5&*e or %ose 5one#
A HPCL ;utures $ontr&$t is "oug!t &nd t!e under%#ing 'ri$e is Rs @>> 'er s!&re. LetAs s&#, t!e ne7t d&# it 5o+es to Rs @><. ,!e differen$e is Rs > 'er s!&re 3@>< 2 @>>4 Rs ED= 3Rs > 'er s!&re 7 ED= s!&res4 is $redited. ,!e fo%%o)ing d&#, it di's to Rs @>=. ,!e differen$e is Rs < 'er s!&re 3@>< 2 @>=4 Sin$e t!e 'ri$e !&s di''ed, Rs >,@== 3Rs < 'er s!&re 7 ED= s!&res4 is de"ited fro5 &$$ount. ,!is )i%% go on ti%% ;utures $ontr&$t is so%d or it e7'ires 3%&st ,!ursd&# of t!e 5ont!4. So, on & d&i%# "&sis 5one# is 5&de or %ost.
,!ere is no de%i+er#. W!en 'ur$!&se is 5&de in t!e $&s! seg5ent 3)!ere in+estors "u# &nd se%% &n# nu5"er of s!&res &nd !o%d t!e5 in de5&t &$$ounts4, t!e s!&res &re de%i+ered &nd sent to de5&t &$$ount. -+er !ere, t!ere is no de%i+er# so de5&t &$$ount is not needed.
Lo)er "ro*er&ge
,!e "ro*er&ge in ;utures is 5u$! %o)er. It )i%% "e &round =.=@K to =.=DK of t!e tr&ns&$tion. ,!ese &re t!e r&tes gi+en to regu%&r in+estors. An o$$&sion&% in+estor 5&# end u' '&#ing u' to =.>K &s "ro*er&ge. In t!e $&s! seg5ent, t!e "ro*er&ge )i%% "e &round =.<DK to =.FDK. M&rgin 'ent
W!en 'ur$!&se is 5&de in t!e $&s! seg5ent, #ou !&+e to 5&*e t!e entire 'ent to #our "ro*er. LetAs s&# ED= HPCL s!&res &re "oug!t for Rs @>> 'er s!&re. Rs <,=<,>D= !&s to "e '&id. Wit!in t)o d&#s, fu%% 'ent to "ro*er is to "e 5&de. In ;utures, (ust t!e 5&rgin is '&id, not t!e entire &5ount. C&n effe$ti+e%# s!ort se%%
W!en s!&res &re so%d )it!out o)ning t!e5, it is *no)n &s s!ort se%%ing. It is done if it is "e%ie+ed t!&t t!e 'ri$e of t!e sto$* is going to dro'. ,!is )&#, it is so%d &t & !ig!er r&te &nd "oug!t &t & %o)er r&te %&ter. Wit! ;utures, tr&ns&$tions &re not s6u&red &t t!e end of t!e d&#. ,r&ns&$tion $&n "e s6u&red )!ene+er )&nted or )&it ti%% it e7'ires on t!e %&st ,!ursd&# of t!e 5ont!. .ut, in t!e $&s! seg5ent, tr&ns&$tion !&s to "e s6u&red u' &t t!e end of t!e d&#, so s!ort se%% $&n "e done (ust for one d&#.
It is )ort! noting t!&t t!e 'ri$e of t!e s!&res in t!e $&s! seg5ent is 5ost%# %o)er t!&n t!e ;utures 'ri$e.
So, if it is &+&i%&"%e for Rs @>> in t!e ;utures seg5ent, it $&n "e "oug!t for Rs @=? in t!e $&s! seg5ent. ,!oug!, on o$$&sions it 5&# e+en "e s%ig!t%# !ig!er. ,&7
In ;utures, t&7 of @@K on 'rofit is '&id. In e6uit#, it is & f%&t r&te of >=K 3s!ort ter5 $&'it&% g&ins4 if it is so%d )it!in & #e&r &nd no t&7 if so%d &fter & #e&r 3%ong ter5 $&'it&% g&ins4. ;%e7i"i%it# in 'ur$!&ses
In t!e $&s! seg5ent, &n# no. of s!&res $&n "e 'i$*ed !o)e+er 5&n# s!&res #ou )&nt st&rting fro5 (ust one s!&re. In ;utures, it $&nnot "e "oug!t %ess t!&n t!e %ot si0e 'res$ri"ed. If 5ore s!&res &re "oug!t, "ut t!e# 5ust "e in 5u%ti'%es of t!e %ot. So, one or t)o $ontr&$ts &re "oug!t. Ris* in ;utures is !ig!er
If &n in+estor )&nts to "u# s!&res &nd !o%d on to it, !e s!ou%d in+est in t!e $&s! seg5ent. Sin$e ;utures is & tr&ding too%, t!e ris* is &%so 5u$! !ig!er.
LetAs s&# t!e s!&res of Infos#s &re going &t Rs <,F== 'er s!&re. And, !e "u#s >== s!&res in t!e $&s! seg5ent. !e ends u' '&#ing Rs <,F=,===. ,!e 'ri$e di's to Rs <,<==. If !e se%%s t!e s!&res &t t!is r&te, !e 5&*es & %oss of >?.DK /o) %etAs s&# !e 'ur$!&ses &n Infos#s ;utures &t t!e under%#ing s!&re 'ri$e "eing t!e s&5e. He '&#s t!e <=K 5&rgin of Rs DC,===.
LetAs s&# t!e 'ri$e di's to Rs <,<==. He !&s to '&# out Rs D=,===. Sin$e !e in+ested on%# Rs DC,===, !e !&s in$urred & %oss of B<.DK. Hen$e, !is %osses $&n "e 5u$! !ig!er in ;utures. :/#"# $*( A - %"*4#E A%% sto$*s &re not 'er5itted for tr&ding in deri+&ti+es. .ut do note, to tr&de in futures, #ou )i%% !&+e to &''ro&$! & "ro*er )!o is &ut!ori0ed to tr&de in deri+&ti+es
A4@*(%*2#1 , 5-%-"#1 T"*4!(2 !( I(4!* ,!ere &re 5&n# in!erent &d+&nt&ges of tr&ding futures o+er ot!er in+est5ent &%tern&ti+es su$! &s s&+ings &$$ounts, sto$*s, "onds, o'tion, re&% est&te &nd $o%%e$ti"%es. 1. H!2/ L#@#"*2#: ,!e 'ri5&r# &ttr&$tion, of $ourse, is t!e 'otenti&% for %&rge 'rofits in s!ort 'eriod of ti5e. ,!e re&son t!&t futures tr&ding $&n "e so 'rofit&"%e is t!e !ig! %e+er&ge. ,o :o)n8 & future $ontr&$t &n in+estor on%# !&s to 'ut u' & s5&%% fr&$tion of t!e +&%ue of t!e $ontr&$t 3usu&%%# &round >=2<=K4 &s :5&rgin8. In ot!er )ords, t!e in+estor $&n tr&de & 5u$! %&rger &5ount of t!e se$urit# t!&n if !e "oug!t it outrig!t, so if !e !&s 'redi$ted t!e 5&r*et 5o+e5ent $orre$t%#, !is 'rofit )i%% "e 5u%ti'%ied 3ten2fo%d on & >=K de'osit4. ,!is is &n e7$e%%ent return $o5'&red to "u#ing &nd t&*ing '!#si$&% de%i+er# in sto$*s. 2. P" ,!% !( C %/ C-++ F C#*" .*"<#%: In future tr&ding, it is e&s# to se%% 3&%so referred to &s going s!ort4 or it is to "u# 3&%so referred to &s going %ong4 sto$*. .# $!oosing $orre$t%#, #ou $&n 5&*e 5one# )!et!er 'ri$es go u' or do)n. ,!erefore, tr&ding in t!e futures 5&r*ets offers t!e o''ortunit# to 'rofit fro5 &n# 'otenti&% e$ono5i$ s$en&rio. Reg&rd%ess of )!et!er )e !&+e inf%&tion or def%&tion, "oo5 or de'ression, !urri$&nes, droug!ts , f&5ines or free0es, t!ere is &%)&#s t!e 'otenti&% for 'rofit 5&*ing o''ortunities.
8. L 6#" %"*(1*$%! ( $ 1%: Anot!er &d+&nt&ge of futures tr&ding is 5u$! %o)er re%&ti+e $o55issions. Your $o55ission for tr&ding & futures $ontr&$t is one tent! of & 'er$ent 3=.>=2.<=4. Co55issions on indi+idu&% sto$*s &re t#'i$&%%# &s 5u$! &s one 'er$ent for "ot! "u#ing &nd se%%ing. G. H!2/ +!0-!4!%A: Most futures 5&r*ets &re +er# %i6uid, i.e. t!ere &re !uge &5ounts of $ontr&$ts tr&ded e+er# d&#. ,!is ensures t!&t 5&r*et orders $&n "e '%&$ed +er# 6ui$*%# &s t!ere &re &%)&#s "u#ers &nd se%%ers for 5ost $ontr&$t.
does not end t!ere. Anot!er t#'e of se$urit#, $&%%ed &n o'tion, 'resents & )or%d of o''ortunit# to so'!isti$&ted in+estors. ,!e 'o)er of o'tions %ies in t!eir +ers&ti%it#. ,!e# en&"%e #ou to &d&'t or &d(ust #our 'osition &$$ording to &n# situ&tion t!&t &rises. -'tions $&n "e &s s'e$u%&ti+e or &s $onser+&ti+e &s #ou )&nt. ,!is 5e&ns #ou $&n do e+er#t!ing fro5 'rote$ting & 'osition fro5 & de$%ine to outrig!t "etting on t!e 5o+e5ent of & 5&r*et or inde7. ,!is +ers&ti%it#, !o)e+er, does not $o5e )it!out its $osts. -'tions &re $o5'%e7 se$urities &nd $&n "e e7tre5e%# ris*#. ,!is is )!#, )!en tr&ding o'tions, #ouA%% see & dis$%&i5er %i*e t!e fo%%o)ing1 -'tions in+o%+e ris*s &nd &re not suit&"%e for e+er#one. -'tion tr&ding $&n "e s'e$u%&ti+e in n&ture &nd $&rr# su"st&nti&% ris* of %oss. -n%# in+est )it!
risk capital
Des'ite )!&t &n#"od# te%%s #ou, o'tion tr&ding in+o%+es ris*, es'e$i&%%# if #ou donAt *no) )!&t #ou &re doing. .e$&use of t!is, 5&n# 'eo'%e suggest #ou steer $%e&r of o'tions &nd forget t!eir e7isten$e. -n t!e ot!er !&nd, "eing ignor&nt of &n# t#'e of in+est5ent '%&$es #ou in & )e&* 'osition. Per!&'s t!e s'e$u%&ti+e n&ture of o'tions doesnAt fit #our
st#%e. /o 'ro"%e5 2 t!en donAt s'e$u%&te in o'tions. .ut, "efore #ou de$ide not to in+est in o'tions, #ou s!ou%d underst&nd t!e5. /ot %e&rning !o) o'tions fun$tion is &s d&ngerous &s (u5'ing rig!t in1 )it!out *no)ing &"out o'tions #ou )ou%d not on%# forfeit !&+ing ¬!er ite5 in #our in+esting too%"o7 "ut &%so %ose insig!t into t!e )or*ings of so5e of t!e )or%dAs %&rgest $or'or&tions. W!et!er it is to hedge t!e ris* of foreign2e7$!&nge tr&ns&$tions or to gi+e e5'%o#ees o)ners!i' in t!e for5 of sto$* o'tions, 5ost 5u%ti2n&tion&%s tod&# use o'tions in so5e for5 or ¬!er. :/*% *"# )%! (1E An o'tion is & $ontr&$t )ritten "# & se%%er t!&t $on+e#s to t!e "u#er t!e rig!t Q "ut not t!e o"%ig&tion Q to "u# 3in t!e $&se of & call o'tion4 or to se%% 3in t!e $&se of & put o'tion4 & '&rti$u%&r &sset, &t & '&rti$u%&r 'ri$e 3Strike price / Exercise price4 in future. In return for gr&nting t!e o'tion, t!e se%%er $o%%e$ts & 'ent 3t!e premium4 fro5 t!e "u#er. 7$!&nge tr&ded o'tions for5 &n i5'ort&nt $%&ss of o'tions )!i$! !&+e st&nd&rdi0ed $ontr&$t fe&tures &nd tr&de on 'u"%i$ e7$!&nges, f&$i%it&ting tr&ding &5ong %&rge nu5"er of in+estors. ,!e# 'ro+ide sett%e5ent gu&r&ntee "# t!e C%e&ring Cor'or&tion t!ere"# redu$ing $ounter'&rt# ris*. -'tions $&n "e used for !edging, t&*ing & +ie) on t!e future dire$tion of t!e 5&r*et, for &r"itr&ge or for i5'%e5enting str&tegies )!i$! $&n !e%' in gener&ting in$o5e for in+estors under +&rious 5&r*et $onditions. ,!e ide& "e!ind &n o'tion is 'resent in 5&n# e+er#d&# situ&tions. S&#, for e7&5'%e, t!&t #ou dis$o+er & !ouse t!&t #ouAd %o+e to 'ur$!&se. Unfortun&te%#, #ou )onAt !&+e t!e $&s! to "u# it for ¬!er t!ree 5ont!s. You t&%* to t!e o)ner &nd negoti&te & de&% t!&t gi+es #ou &n o'tion to "u#
t!e !ouse in t!ree 5ont!s for & 'ri$e of S<==,===. ,!e o)ner &grees, "ut for t!is o'tion, #ou '&# & 'ri$e of S@,===./o), $onsider t)o t!eoreti$&% situ&tions t!&t 5ig!t &rise1 >. ItAs dis$o+ered t!&t t!e !ouse is &$tu&%%# t!e true "irt!'%&$e of %+isT As & resu%t, t!e 5&r*et +&%ue of t!e !ouse s*#ro$*ets to S> 5i%%ion. .e$&use t!e o)ner so%d #ou t!e o'tion, !e is o"%ig&ted to se%% #ou t!e !ouse for S<==,===. In t!e end, #ou st&nd to 5&*e & 'rofit of SFBF,=== 3S> 5i%%ion 2 S<==,=== 2 S@,===4. <. W!i%e touring t!e !ouse, #ou dis$o+er not on%# t!&t t!e )&%%s &re $!o$*2 fu%% of &s"estos, "ut &%so t!&t t!e g!ost of Henr# PII !&unts t!e 5&ster "edroo59 furt!er5ore, & f&5i%# of su'er2inte%%igent r&ts !&+e "ui%t & fortress in t!e "&se5ent. ,!oug! #ou origin&%%# t!oug!t #ou !&d found t!e !ouse of #our dre&5s, #ou no) $onsider it )ort!%ess. -n t!e u'side, "e$&use #ou "oug!t &n o'tion, #ou &re under no o"%ig&tion to go t!roug! )it! t!e s&%e. -f $ourse, #ou sti%% %ose t!e S@,=== 'ri$e of t!e o'tions. ,!is e7&5'%e de5onstr&tes t)o +er# i5'ort&nt 'oints. ;irst, )!en #ou "u# &n o'tion, #ou !&+e & rig!t "ut not &n o"%ig&tion to do so5et!ing. You $&n &%)&#s %et t!e e7'ir&tion d&te go "#, &t )!i$! 'oint t!e o'tion "e$o5es )ort!%ess. If t!is !&''ens, #ou %ose >==K of #our in+est5ent, )!i$! is t!e 5one# #ou used to '&# for t!e o'tion. Se$ond, &n o'tion is 5ere%# & $ontr&$t t!&t de&%s )it! &n under%#ing &sset. ;or t!is re&son, o'tions &re $&%%ed deri+&ti+es, )!i$! 5e&ns &n o'tion derives its +&%ue fro5 so5et!ing e%se. In our e7&5'%e, t!e !ouse is t!e under%#ing &sset. Most of t!e ti5e, t!e under%#ing &sset is & stock or &n index.
C*++ O)%! ( 12
A $*++ )%! ( is &n o'tion to "u# & sto$* &t & s'e$ifi$ 'ri$e on or "efore & $ert&in d&te. In t!is )&#, C&%% -'tion &re %i*e se$urit# de'osits
W!en #ou "u# & C&%% o'tion, t!e 'ri$e #ou '&# for it, $&%%ed t!e o'tion 're5iu5, se$ures #our rig!t to "u# t!&t $ert&in sto$* &t & s'e$ified 'ri$e $&%%ed t!e stri*e 'ri$e. If #ou de$ide not to use t!e o'tion to "u# t!e sto$*, &nd #ou &re not o"%ig&ted to, #our on%# $ost is t!e )%! ( )"#.!-.. P-% O)%! (1 12 Are o'tions to se%% & sto$* &t & s'e$ifi$ 'ri$e on or "efore & $ert&in d&te. In t!is )&#, Put o'tions &re %i*e insur&n$e 'o%i$ies. Wit! & Put -'tion, #ou $&n GinsureG & sto$* "# fi7ing & se%%ing 'ri$e. If so5et!ing !&''ens )!i$! $&uses t!e sto$* 'ri$e to f&%%, &nd t!us, Gd&5&gesG #our &sset, #ou $&n e7er$ise #our o'tion &nd se%% it &t its GinsuredG 'ri$e %e+e%. If t!e 'ri$e of #our sto$* goes u', &nd t!ere is no Gd&5&ge,G t!en #ou do not need to use t!e insur&n$e, &nd, on$e &g&in, #our on%# $ost is t!e 're5iu5. ,e$!ni$&%%#, &n o'tion is & $ontr&$t "et)een t)o '&rties. ,!e "u#er re$ei+es & 'ri+i%ege for )!i$! !e '&#s & 're5iu5. ,!e se%%er &$$e'ts &n o"%ig&tion for )!i$! !e re$ei+es & fee.
W!en #ou "u# & $&%% o'tion, t!e 'ri$e #ou '&# for it, $&%%ed t!e o'tion 're5iu5, se$ures #our rig!t to "u# t!&t $ert&in sto$* &t & s'e$ified 'ri$e, $&%%ed t!e stri*e 'ri$e. If #ou de$ide not to use t!e o'tion to "u# t!e sto$*, &nd #ou &re not o"%ig&ted to, #our on%# $ost is t!e o'tion 're5iu5.
In e. options! ,!ese o'tions !&+e t!e inde7 &s t!e under%#ing. In Indi&, t!e# !&+e & uro'e&n st#%e sett%e5ent. g. /ift# o'tions, Mini /ift# o'tions et$. Stoc0 options! Sto$* o'tions &re o'tions on indi+idu&% sto$*s. A sto$* o'tion $ontr&$t gi+es t!e !o%der t!e rig!t to "u# or se%% t!e under%#ing s!&res &t t!e s'e$ified 'ri$e. ,!e# !&+e &n A5eri$&n st#%e sett%e5ent. "u-er of an option! ,!e "u#er of &n o'tion is t!e one )!o "# '&#ing t!e o'tion 're5iu5 "u#s t!e rig!t "ut not t!e o"%ig&tion to e7er$ise !is o'tion on t!e se%%erJ)riter. &riter 1 seller of an option! ,!e )riter J se%%er of & $&%%J'ut o'tion is t!e one )!o re$ei+es t!e o'tion 're5iu5 &nd is t!ere"# o"%iged to se%%J"u# t!e &sset if t!e "u#er e7er$ises on !i5. Option price1premium! -'tion 'ri$e is t!e 'ri$e )!i$! t!e o'tion "u#er '&#s to t!e o'tion se%%er. It is &%so referred to &s t!e o'tion 're5iu5. E.piration ate! ,!e d&te s'e$ified in t!e o'tions $ontr&$t is *no)n &s t!e e7'ir&tion d&te, t!e e7er$ise d&te, t!e stri*e d&te or t!e 5&turit#. Stri0e price! ,!e 'ri$e s'e$ified in t!e o'tions $ontr&$t is *no)n &s t!e stri*e 'ri$e or t!e e7er$ise 'ri$e. Open Interest 7 Open interest is t!e nu5"er of o'tions $ontr&$ts t!&t &re o'en9 t!ese &re $ontr&$ts t!&t !&+e neit!er e7'ired nor "een e7er$ised. A.#"!$*( options! A5eri$&n o'tions &re o'tions t!&t $&n "e e7er$ised &t &n# ti5e u' to t!e e7'ir&tion d&te.
European options! uro'e&n o'tions &re o'tions t!&t $&n "e e7er$ised on%# on t!e e7'ir&tion d&te itse%f. In,t2e,mone- option! An in2t!e25one# 3I,M4 o'tion is &n o'tion t!&t )ou%d %e&d to & 'ositi+e $&s! f%o) to t!e !o%der if it )ere e7er$ised i55edi&te%#. A $&%% o'tion on t!e inde7 is s&id to "e in2t!e25one# )!en t!e $urrent inde7 st&nds &t & %e+e% !ig!er t!&n t!e stri*e 'ri$e 3i.e. s'ot 'ri$e U stri*e 'ri$e4. If t!e inde7 is 5u$! !ig!er t!&n t!e stri*e 'ri$e, t!e $&%% is s&id to "e dee' I,M. In t!e $&se of & 'ut, t!e 'ut is I,M if t!e inde7 is "e%o) t!e stri*e 'ri$e. At,t2e,mone- option! An &t2t!e25one# 3A,M4 o'tion is &n o'tion t!&t )ou%d %e&d to 0ero $&s! f%o) if it )ere e7er$ised i55edi&te%#. An o'tion on t!e inde7 is &t2t!e25one# )!en t!e $urrent inde7 e6u&%s t!e stri*e 'ri$e 3i.e. s'ot 'ri$e V stri*e 'ri$e4. Out,of,t2e,mone- option: An out2of2t!e25one# 3-,M4 o'tion is &n o'tion t!&t )ou%d %e&d to & neg&ti+e $&s! f%o) if it )ere e7er$ised i55edi&te%#. A $&%% o'tion on t!e inde7 is out2of2t!e25one# )!en t!e $urrent inde7 st&nds &t & %e+e% )!i$! is %ess t!&n t!e stri*e 'ri$e 3i.e. s'ot 'ri$e W stri*e 'ri$e4. If t!e inde7 is 5u$! %o)er t!&n t!e stri*e 'ri$e, t!e $&%% is s&id to "e dee' -,M. In t!e $&se of & 'ut, t!e 'ut is -,M if t!e inde7 is &"o+e t!e stri*e 'ri$e. Intrinsic value of an option: ,!e o'tion 're5iu5 $&n "e "ro*en do)n into t)o $o5'onents 2 intrinsi$ +&%ue &nd ti5e +&%ue. ,!e intrinsi$ +&%ue of & $&%% is t!e &5ount t!e o'tion is I,M, if it is I,M. If t!e $&%% is -,M, its intrinsi$ +&%ue is 0ero. Putting it ¬!er )&#, t!e intrinsi$ +&%ue of & $&%% is Max [0, (St K)] )!i$! 5e&ns t!e intrinsi$ +&%ue of & $&%% is t!e gre&ter of
= or (St K). Si5i%&r%#, t!e intrinsi$ +&%ue of & 'ut is Max [0, K Q StX, i.e. t!e gre&ter of = or (K St). K is t!e stri*e 'ri$e &nd St is t!e s'ot 'ri$e. Time value of an option! ,!e ti5e +&%ue of &n o'tion is t!e differen$e "et)een its 're5iu5 &nd its intrinsi$ +&%ue. .ot! $&%%s &nd 'uts !&+e ti5e +&%ue. An o'tion t!&t is -,M or A,M !&s on%# ti5e +&%ue. Usu&%%#, t!e 5&7i5u5 ti5e +&%ue e7ists )!en t!e o'tion is A,M. ,!e %onger t!e ti5e to e7'ir&tion, t!e gre&ter is &n o'tionAs ti5e +&%ue, &%% e%se e6u&%. At e7'ir&tion, &n o'tion s!ou%d !&+e no ti5e +&%ue.
H#42!(2 ,!e ot!er fun$tion of o'tions is !edging. ,!in* of t!is &s &n insur&n$e 'o%i$#. Hust &s #ou insure #our !ouse or $&r, o'tions $&n "e used to insure #our in+est5ents &g&inst & do)nturn. Criti$s of o'tions s&# t!&t if #ou &re so unsure of #our sto$* 'i$* t!&t #ou need & !edge, #ou s!ou%dnAt 5&*e t!e in+est5ent. -n t!e ot!er !&nd, t!ere is no dou"t t!&t !edging str&tegies $&n "e usefu%, es'e$i&%%# for %&rge institutions. +en t!e indi+idu&% in+estor $&n "enefit. I5&gine t!&t #ou )&nted to t&*e &d+&nt&ge of te$!no%og# sto$*s &nd t!eir u'side, "ut s&# #ou &%so )&nted to %i5it &n# %osses. .# using o'tions, #ou )ou%d "e &"%e to restri$t #our do)nside )!i%e en(o#ing t!e fu%% u'side in & $ost2effe$ti+e )&#.
S2ort $osition
/ift# S'ot P&%ue of ><D= C&%% Pre5iu5 re$ei+ed /et Profit J 3Loss4 C=== C=D= C>== C>D= C<== C<D= C@== C@D= CC== CCD= CD== = = = = = = 2D= 2>== 2>D= 2<== 2<D= >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== D= >== = >== >== >==
2>== >D=
2>== >==
2>== D=
2>== =
2>== 2D=
2>== 2>==
S2ort $osition
/ift# S'ot C=== C=D= C>== C>D= C<== C<D= C@== C@D= CC== CCD= CD== P&%ue of ><D= 2<D= 2<== 2>D= 2>== 2D= = = = = = = C&%% Pre5iu5 re$ei+ed >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >== >==
2>D= 2>==
A'3&5 '&&( t! $a#& it $a%#&ti'3 t&a$ t%!'3 a'( a5 ! it h!+5( i'"%&a & $a%#&ti'3 a"ti8iti& +"h a 6%!$!ti!' "a$6ai3' 0 C!$6a', h!+5( h!7 th& 4&'&9it !9 t%a(i'3 !' !'5i'& t%a(i'30 A'3&5 h!+5( t+%' &)i ti'3 "+ t!$&% /7h! a%& t%a(i'3 i' &:+it, !'5,1 t!7a%( !'5i'& t%a(i'30 A'3&5 "a' a5 ! + & '&7 6a6&% a'( 5!"a5 '&7 "ha''&5 a a $&(i+$ !9 a(8&%ti i'30 A'3&5 $a, a5 ! + & it h&565i'& '+$4&% 9!% 3i8i'3 &(+"ati!' !' t%a(i'30
,!e &)&reness &nd *no)%edge &5ongst t!e in+estors is %ess reg&rding t!e
in+est5ent &%tern&ti+es &+&i%&"%e "efore !i5. So, t!e $o5'&n# s!ou%d $ondu$t +&rious se5in&rs &nd 'resent&tion to guide t!e in+estor &nd in$re&ses t!eir *no)%edge.
,!e !ig! e5'%o#ees turn o+er is & "ig $on$ern for t!e $o=5'&n# s!ou%d
re$ruit su$! 'ersons )!o $&n ser+e t!e org&ni0&tion for & %ong ti5e.
,!e $o5'&n# s!ou%d send t!eir re'resent&ti+e to t!e in+estor &nd 5&*e
t!e5 &)&re of t!e +&rious ser+i$es & "enefits t!e# get $o5'&re to ot!er $o5'&nies.
,!e $o5'&n# s!ou%d &%so tr# to $o5e )it! so5e ne) 'rodu$ts )!i$! &re
not #et %&un$!ed in t!e 5&r*et. ,!is is 'ossi"%e )it! so5e rese&r$! &nd de+e%o'5ent. So $o5'&n# s!ou%d s'Yend on R&D
I got &n o''ortunit# to )or* &s & su55er tr&inee in Ange% .ro*ing Li5ited, R&(*ot. M# 'ro(e$t guide )&s Mr. Pi5&% H&ni. He g&+e 5e t!e %i"ert# to $!oose )!&t I )&nted to )or* on. I de$ided to go t!roug! different de'&rt5ents of t!e org&ni0&tion &nd stud# t!e )or*ing of different de'&rt5ents. Initi&%%# I did not *no) fro5 )!ere to st&rt. I si5'%# %e&rnt &"out t!e $o5'&n# "# re&ding t!eir different Report and asking about my doubts to the people around me. My guide introduces me to the employees of the company wherever there is a need to work with them. There was formal induction done for me. For another week or so, I spent my time getting acquainted with how all the departments work. I would introduce myself to people who did not know me and ask them to help me out. I would then ask them a few questions that I had prepared before hand. These whole e!ercise was learning in itself for me. Most of the time, my guide introduced me to the other employees. I would be asked to wait or come another time. "ut I would wait with patience and get my doubts cleared. #s my summer internship was in marketing department, but I also learnt that it is not only enough for an employee to work only in his department rather he should have a sound knowledge of the other departments as well. My guide helped me a lot in this. $e e!plained me each and every step how I have to go for the process but this is the field where you have to do a lot of home work for understanding the function. More important than all this, I got to see how an organi%ation works from up close.
.--KS1 Kot!&ri C.R., Rese&r$! Met!odo%og#, /e) De%!i, Pi*&s