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Guide To Motivating Employees: University of Colorado Boulder

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University of Colorado Boulder

Guide to Motivating
Developed by the Department of Human Resources
Updated July !"
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
Table of Contents
I. Introduction 4
I. Introduction......................................................................................................................4
II. Elements of a Successful Motivation Program.............................................................6
"# General $rinciples of Motivating Employees#####################################################%
# Employee &nvolvement #####################################################################################'
(# Business )iteracy ###############################################################################################'
*# +or,-life &nitiatives############################################################################################.
III. Practices to Inspire Motivation in Your Work Unit..................................................9
"# /ay 01han, 2ou3#############################################################################################4
# Get to 5no6 Employees##################################################################################4
(# Developing an 7lternate +or, /chedule for 2our Unit#################################4
8# Up6ard 9eedbac, #########################################################################################"!
*# )/& and :C& :rgani;ational &nventories##########################################################"!
%# <ominate /taff##################################################################################################"!
'# Create 2our :6n Departmental 76ards $rogram###########################################""
.# Encourage /taff $articipation on Campus########################################################""
4# Creative Recognition &deas###############################################################################""
I. !reat "ools to !et You Started#...............................................................................$%
"# Developing a Departmental Recognition $rogram= /teps##############################"(
(# Motivation /urvey= Ho6 to 9ind :ut +hat Employees +ant#####################"8
8# Motivation &deas to Enhance the +or, Environment####################################"8
. Practices to &uild Motivation for Individuals...........................................................$4
# Create a /uccessful Business )iteracy 1raining $rogram ############################"*
(# Department Mentoring $rogram####################################################################"%
8# Course :fferings by :rgani;ational and Employee Development ###############"%
*# University $erspective $rogram#######################################################################"'
%# &nterest 1esting##################################################################################################"'
'# 9aculty and /taff 7ssistance $rogram >9/7$? ################################################"'
I. W'at You (an and (an)t *o+ Policies, Procedures and !uidelines at t'e
Universit- of (olorado.......................................................................................................$9
"# 7dministrative $olicy /tatement >7$/?###########################################################"4
# 1he $rocurement /ervice Center >$/C? $rocedural /tatement= Recognition and
(# 7dministrative )eave########################################################################################"4
8# /pot 76ards ####################################################################################################"4
*# Ho6 to Enter Cash 76ards in $eople/oft HRM/ ##########################################"4
%# 1a@ability of &ncentive 76ards #######################################################################!
'# Donations as the /ource for &ncentive Re6ards###############################################!

University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees

II. ./0)s..........................................................................................................................1$
III. &i2liograp'-34eading 5ist......................................................................................1%
*eveloping a *epartmental 4ecognition Program.........................................................16
/ppendi7 &+ Emplo-ee Motivation Surve-....................................................................18
/ppendi7 (+ /9ards /vaila2le at (U:&oulder.............................................................19
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
I. Introduction
1he Guide to Motivating Employees is intended to provide effective ideas and tools for
supporting employee motivation# Campus supervisors and managers are 6or,ing hard to create
and maintain a positive 6or, environment among staffA 6hile also facing budget and
management challenges# 1he guide=
:ffers concrete ideas to enhance morale and performance B many of 6hich can be
implemented readilyA 6ith little or no cost to the department#
/ummari;es current research on employee involvement and motivationA offering fresh
ideas on ho6 to retain and recogni;e staff using motivational programs and concepts#
&ncludes policy information on 6hat is and is not allo6ableA under the fiscal and
administrative guidelines at CU-Boulder#
&ncludes practices to help motivate individual employees andCor a 6hole 6or, unit#
7 Motivation /urvey can help you find out 6hat employees valueA in terms of personal interests
and incentives and annual a6ards programs# 7 sample motivation survey is available on the
Human Resources 6ebsite#
W'- Motivate Emplo-ees;
7 successful organi;ation can generally trace its success to motivated employees# 7 loo, at the
synonyms for the 6ord DmotivatedE such as induceA moveA provo,eA promptA and causeA sho6s
that 6ithout motivation at some levelA nothing really gets started#
Ho6everA motivating people can be difficultF there are no magic formulas or programs to
motivate individuals# Motivation is also personal# +hile one employee may appreciate time offA
the ne@t may enGoy ne6 challenges# 1he basic rule is to discover 6hat your employees 6ant and
create a 6ay to give it to them or encourage them to earn it# 9ollo6ing this principle should
motivate your employees and allo6 them to become engaged in the success of the campus and
your department#
&n !!%A and again in !"A classified and e@empt professional staff on the Boulder campus
participated in an Employee Engagement /urvey# 1hrough this processA the campus has been
able to identify 6hat it is doing 6ell and 6here it can improve#
Results and ,ey trends from the surveys are highlighted belo6#
&n !"A 4!H of employees sa6 their Gob as vital to the overall purpose of the UniversityA an
increase from ..H in !!%#
&n !!%A .!H of employees 6ere 6illing to go above and beyond their normal 6or, duties#
&n !"A this number increased to nearly .4H#
9rom !!% to !"A the percentage of employees 6ho believe they are utili;ing their talents
increased by 4H >'*H overall?#
CurrentlyA 'H of employees 6ould recommend a friend to 6or, here >an increase from %!H
in !!%?#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
Employees 6ith a shorter length of service >under t6o years? have been consistently more
positive and optimistic about the 6or, environment# &t is vital that campus capture and build
on this optimism
+hile employee opinions have improved in regards to recognition programs and re6arding
employeesA the !" survey highlighted that this is still a ,ey area to focus on improving# :ur
hope is that this guide 6ill help you start recogni;ing those individuals 6ho are 6illing to go
above and beyond to ma,e the campus and your department a better place# By effectively
recogni;ing employeesA you can help supportA develop and retain great employees 6ho have
chosen to 6or, for the University of Colorado Boulder# +ithout recogni;ing and motivating
employees in 6ays that are meaningful to them there is a ris, that you 6ill lose them#
&n their bestselling boo, on employee retentionA Love Em or Lose EmA Beverly 5aye and
/haron Jordan-Evans ran,ed the top reasons emplo-ees remain 9'ere t'e- are+
"# Career gro6thA learningA and development
# E@citing and challenging 6or,
(# Meaningful 6or,A ma,ing a difference and a contribution
8# Great people
*# Being part of a team
%# Good boss
'# Recognition for 6or, 6ell done
.# 9un on the Gob
4# 7utonomyA sense of control over my 6or,
"!# 9le@ibilityA for e@ampleA in 6or, hours and dress code
""# 9air pay and benefits
"# &nspiring leadership
"(# $ride in the organi;ationA its missionA and Iuality of product
"8# Great 6or, environment
"*# )ocation
"%# Job security
"'# 9amily-friendly employer
".# Cutting-edge technology
1his list provides a hint of 6hat matters to employeesA 6hich is a ,ey point in employee
motivation# <o9 9ould ans9ers from emplo-ees in -our unit matc' or differ from t'is list;
9ind out 6hat matters to them by as,ing B one on oneA in a groupA or using the sample
Motivation /urvey# 1hen use principles and ideas from the HR Guide to customi;e an approach
to motivating your staffA based on 6hat you learn#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
II. Elements of a Successful Motivation Program
$. !eneral Principles of Motivating Emplo-ees
&n a recent research studyA personal congratulations by managers of employees 6ho do a
good Gob 6ere ran,ed first from %' potential incentives evaluated# /econd 6as a personal
note for good performance B 6ritten by the manager# /imple approaches provide some
of the most effective strategies for motivating staff# :ther fundamentals include=
=no9 -our staff. 7s, 6hat they value and 6hat motivates them#
!ive feed2ack. /pecificA on-the-spot praise is goodJ 0$raise in publicCcritici;e in
private3 demonstrates respect and achieves results#
Partner 9it' staff in ac'ieving t'eir goals. 7s, employees about their career goals
and offer related assignments 6henever possible#
Educate emplo-ees about the 0business3 of the department and the university# /uch
learning can be fulfilling for employeesA and can ma,e them more valuable assets#
=eep emplo-ees informed and involved 6ith the big picture at the university and
6ithin the department# /eeing ho6 hisCher role serves the greater mission increases
hisCher feeling of connectedness at 6or,#
Use re9ards t'at 'ave mutual 2enefitA such as s,ill training and professional
Use monetar- re9ards sparingl-A and al6ays in conGunction 6ith feedbac,A
personal recognitionA etc#
Effective motivation enhances the employeeEs intrinsic sense of accomplishmentA
contributionA involvementA and satisfaction# Re6ards that facilitate this usually relate to
the mission and values of the organi;ation# >Self Actualization and Self Esteem are the
Highest Order of Incentive, 9# Hudet;=
http=CCbat.#inria#frCKlangChotlistCfreeClicenceCpapersCre6ardChudet;#html#? Motivators
lin,ed to our mission at CU-Boulder might include=
Education C professional development
Release time to attend classes andCor training sessions
Release time to volunteer or participate in campus events
Career advancement opportunities
Career counseling
7 culture of open communication
1ogether 6ith verbali;ed appreciationA these opportunities say loud and clear to
employeesA 02our contribution is highly valuedA and your Iuality of life matters to the
/ome may be surprised to learn that monetary re6ards often do not produce long-term
performance and productivity results# &n factA some research sho6s that re6ard programs
6hich solely emphasi;e cash incentives can actually 0de-motivate3 staffA by changing the
employeeEs focus from hisCher inner sense of accomplishment and contribution to
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
attaining the 0carrot3 of the incentive a6ard# >Dump the ash, Load on the !raiseA B#
1. Emplo-ee Involvement
/upervisors can help employees broaden their perspective by regularly discussing
strategic issuesA and by supporting involvement in campus organi;ationsA committeesA
and training programs such as the University $erspective $rogram # +ith a broadened
vie6pointA the employee better reali;es ho6 hisCher Gob supports the mission and vision
of the university# 7n employeeEs feeling of 0contributing to the 6hole3 enhances hisCher
sense of belonging and satisfaction#
1imes of economic constraint present supervisors 6ith financial challenges as 6ell as an
increased sensitivity to employee morale# 9ocusing motivation efforts on enhancing the
employeeEs sense of contribution and involvement can be an effective 6ay to ,eep staff
%. &usiness 5iterac-
Business literacy is a popular concept in employee motivation research# Business
)iteracy is defined as employees 0thin,ing li,e strategic business partnersA3 or in higher
educationA thin,ing li,e department heads# 1he university has an effectiveA business-
literate 6or,force 6hen=
Employees understand the big picture of the university
Employees become literate in the business of higher education
Employees receive direct feedbac, about their impact on customers and on the
organi;ational mission
Employees ,no6 ,ey contact persons and 6or, procedures on campus
/upervisors play the role of coach to develop business literacy among staff# 1he leader
can create systems that enhance strategic thin,ing# Coaching can include financial ,no6-
ho6A political a6areness >campus and state level?A shared decision-ma,ingA etc#
7 research study by the Business )iteracy &nstitute sho6s ho6 business literacy training
impacts organi;ational success# >"eaching Employees the #asics of #usiness$ An
O%nership Imperative, 5# BermanA :nlineMagA 7pril !!"#? Results included=
(ommunication improved 4"H
=no9ledge of t'e 2usiness improved 4"H
"rust improved '"H
E7penses decreased '8H
(as' flo9 improved %.H
Profit improved %%H
9or more information on creating a business literacy training programA see p "*#
8# ision and alues
+hen employees are involved in developing operational strategies to carry out the vision
and values of their 6or, unitA a ne6 level of engagement is achieved# $articipating in a
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
group process to6ard this end can be highly motivatingA and it lends itself to strengthened
team6or,# /uch a process allo6s individuals to lin, their o6n values and 6or, to the
strategic vision of the unit# +hen the supervisor follo6s up this process 6ith ongoing
opportunities for participationA it can prove to be a ne6 source of stimulation for the staff
member# Lision and values initiatives can also energi;e a de-motivated 6or, group# &t is
the role of the leader to create a strategic vision that guides employees in their 6or,#
Creating a shared vision ta,es timeA and managers on campus may feel this is the last
thing they have time to pursue# But it is an opportunity for all supervisors and managers
to rise to the call for leadership# 1his proactive approach is the long-term ,ey to success#
+hile this offers challengesA it promotes ne6 involvementA enthusiasmA and productivity
on the part of staff# +hen the leader engages everyone in the enterpriseA and generates a
shared visionA employees are inspired to do the best they can do#
1he Department of :rgani;ational M Employee Development offers departments a
LisionA MissionA and Lalues 9acilitation# Call :ED to set up a session (!(#84#."!(#
6. Work:life Initiatives
:ffering 6or,-life related per,s and benefits is another strategy to increase employee
productivity and morale# >A &e% 'eans to Improve !roductivity, !rofita(ility, and
Employee 'orale, R# Harrington) :nlineMag?
7t Johnson M JohnsonA employees 6ho used fle@ible 6or, options and family leave
policies averaged *!H less absenteeism than among the 6or,force as a 6hole#
7 survey of nine employers in the /mart Lalley &nitiative in California found
telecommuters to be *H more productive on the days they 6or,ed at home and !H
more productive overall#
7 Nero@ customer service center turned decisions about 6or, schedules over to
employees# Employee 6or, teams no6 control the schedulingA resulting in improved
moraleA better customer serviceA and a (!H reduction in absenteeism#
Many 6or,-life benefits and discounts are available for CU-Boulder staff# 1hese are
available on the Human Resources 6eb site# &nformation on initiating a fle@-schedule
option for your 6or, unit is available on p# 4#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
III. Practices to Inspire Motivation in Your Work Unit
$. Sa- >"'ank You?
<othing can beat receiving personal than,s 6hen an employee has put in e@tra effort on a
proGect or achieved a goal that you mutually set# &mmediateA specific ac,no6ledgement
>01han,s for staying late to finish those calculations & needed# 1hey 6ere critical for my
meeting this morning#3? )ets the employee ,no6 6hat heCshe did and 6hy hisCher effort
6as of value# 1his could be follo6ed up by ac,no6ledging the employee at a
departmental or 6or, unit staff meeting# Ma,e sure to be deliberate in ac,no6ledging
your employeesA 6hich you can do by setting aside time in your day or 6ee, for saying
0than, you#3
1. !et to =no9 Emplo-ees
1a,e the time to meet 6ith and listen to employees# :ne incentive or approach may not
6or, 6ith allA so itEs important to as, staff 6hat motivates them# DonEt be afraid to as,
direct IuestionsA li,e 0+hat motivates you to stay hereO3 0+hat 6ould lure you a6ayO3
and 0+hat ,inds of incentives 6ould be meaningful to youO3 /uch Iuestions give you
insight into the employeeEs valuesA 6hich you can use in designing incentive programs
that 6or,# Using the Motivation /urvey to stimulate dialogue 6ith the employee can also
accomplish this goal#
%. *eveloping an /lternate Work Sc'edule for Your Unit
7lternate 6or, schedules >fle@ schedules? provide a po6erful tool for management that
can be used to fulfill business needsA accommodate a changing 6or,forceA assist 6ith
recruitment and retentionA and help employees achieve a better 6or,-life balance# 9le@
schedules reIuire a high level of consideration in vie6 of the operational needs of the
university# Developing a fle@ schedule reIuires the support of the appointing authorityA
and the program must ta,e into account overtime regulations to ensure compliance 6ith
the 9air )abor /tandards 7ct >9)/7?# 7 fle@ schedule may be available to some or all
employeesA depending on the needs of the 6or, unit#
7lternate 6or, schedules include options such as=
P9our tensP - the employee 6or,s four "!-hour days per 6ee,
P<ine-eightyP - the employee 6or,s .! hours over a t6o 6ee, period 6ith one
day off every other 6ee,# 1he 6or,6ee, is adGusted to ensure compliance 6ith
9)/7. @ote
+ Please consult 9it' Emplo-ment Services 2efore implementing
t'is option.
Determine if this participation is 6or,-related and can thus be incorporated into an employeeEs set 6or,
hours# &f notA create fle@ibility that 6ill allo6 them to rearrange their 6or, schedule to support
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
PCore HoursP - all employees 6or, coreA reIuired hours >such as 4 a#m#-( p#m#?
but are granted fle@ibility to schedule the rest of their shift >such as % a#m#-( p#m#A or
4 a#m#-% p#m#?#
&mplementing a fle@ schedule reIuires appointing authority support# &f you
6ish to initiate a programA please 6or, directly 6ith Employment /ervices
>(!(#84#%8'*?A to ensure compliance 6ith 9)/7 regulations and chec, the Human
Resources 6ebsite for more guidance#
4. Up9ard .eed2ack
Up6ard feedbac, allo6s employees the opportunity to provide constructive input about
business practices in your 6or, unit# 1his process can help build trust 6ith staffA
especially if their suggestions are implemented to ma,e improvements 6ithin the
department# Up6ard 0evaluations3 can help supervisors assess areas for improvement#
7n e@ample of ma,ing this possible is to 0/hado6 a Manager3 or 0/hado6 an
Employee3 and learn about the 6or, carried out in other areasCdepartments
6ithin a unit#
1his process can produce e@cellent resultsA but can be challenging# &t should be
conducted 6ith the support of professional assistance# :rgani;ational and Employee
Development >:EDA (!(#84#."!(? can provide facilitators to help you conduct the
processA and ensure it is handled 6ithin university and legal reIuirements# :ED has a
template to use for soliciting up6ard feedbac,#
6. 5SI and A(I ArganiBational Inventories
1he )ife /tyles Inventory
(LSI) and Organizational Culture Inventory
(OCI) are tools
available through Organizational and Employee Development (OED !"!#$%&#'("!)#
The LSI assists individuals in identi)ying and understanding their thin*ing patterns and sel)+,on,epts#
-sing this in)ormation they ,an improve the e))e,tiveness o) their behavior# The OCI analyzes thought and
behavior patterns asso,iated .ith an organization or so,ial unit measuring (& di))erent ,ultural styles# The
OCI analysis in,ludes an overvie. o) .hat ,ultural styles are most e))e,tive based on the organization/s
purpose# These tools have been used su,,ess)ully by many departments at C-+0oulder# OED )a,ilitators .ill
assist you in utilizing these inventories#
6. @ominate Staff
Recogni;ing employees for one specific achievement or for ongoing contributions is an
e@cellent 6ay to let them ,no6 they are valued# CU-Boulder has numerous opportunities
throughout the year to nominate staff to recogni;e accomplishments in a variety of areas#
+hen you nominate employees for campus-6ideA universityA or state-6ide a6ardsA it
brings recognition to the individual and the department# +hether or not the employee
06ins3 the a6ardA they ,no6 that you recogni;e and value their contribution# /ee p# .
for a list of campusA universityA and state a6ards for 6hich you might nominate staff#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
8. (reate Your A9n *epartmental /9ards Program
&nvolving staff in creating departmental a6ards is a great opportunity to engage them in
defining 06hat ma,es a good employee#3 By creating a6ards that relate to the mission of
your areaA you increase a6areness and motivation among staff#
&n !!"A the CU-Boulder Department of Human Resources initiated a formal recognition
program for its staff# 1he program 6as designed by staff to recogni;e e@cellence in
performance and service 6ithin the Department of Human Resources# 1he primary goal
of the program is to encourage the best from employees 6hile providing incentives for
continued e@cellence# 1he a6ard categories are lin,ed to departmental values#
Categories used by Human Resources include= Building Community and Respecting
DiversityF E@cellence in Customer /erviceF Creativity and 9le@ibilityF 1eam6or, and
CooperationF &nternal /piritCBright :utloo, 76ardF <e6 &deas and 1echnologyF the 1ao
76ard M Roo,ie of the 2ear# 7ssistance in creating your o6n departmental a6ards
program is available through Human ResourcesF contact Employment /ervices at
C. Encourage Staff Participation on (ampus
Becoming involved in campus committeesA organi;ationsA and events is a ,ey 6ay for
staff to become more ,no6ledgeable about the university# By supporting and
encouraging involvementA you are helping employees create a sense of connection that
e@tends across departmental boundaries# 7 fe6 e@amples of ho6 and 6here staff can get
involved include=
Boulder Campus /taff Council
Lolunteer as a Commencement Marshall
7ttend the annual ChancellorEs Diversity /ummit
7ttend moviesA and musical or theatrical performances on campus
$articipate in training opportunities on campus
Use release time to attend Conference on +orld 7ffairs sessions or other campus
9. (reative 4ecognition Ideas
Even 6ith practices in place to develop intrinsic motivation among staffA sometimes you
need Iuic, ideas to re6ard employees in the moment# Employees feel more valued 6hen
incentives and feedbac, are given throughout the year# Here are some ideas for no-cost
and lo6-cost 6ays to motivate staff#
@o:(ost Ideas
1han, or congratulate the employee in person or in 6riting
+rite a letter to the employeeEs family telling them about hisCher accomplishments
and 6hat it means to you and the department
<ominate the employee to serve on a committee or special proGect
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
<ominate employees for a university or campus a6ard
<ominate employees to participate in a mentoring program
<ominate employees to participate in the University $erspective $rogram
Grant release time for staff to participate in the tuition 6aiver benefit for CU courses
Grant release time for staff to ta,e free courses offered on campusA li,e
*undamentals of SupervisionA +enerations in the ,or-placeA etc#
Celebrate the successes of the 6or, unit 6ith a potluc, lunch
&nclude 0,udos3 as an agenda item in staff meetings
Encourage staff to appreciate each other
Get a proclamation or note of than,s from a higher level supervisor to recogni;e the
employeeEs accomplishment
$ost inspirational messages around the office
7s, staff ho6 they 6ant to be recogni;ed
5o9:(ost Ideas
&mplement a peer recognition program in staff meetings by utili;ing nomination
sheets that serve to nominate employees for their 6or, based on the departmentEs
oCan be read aloud at meetings for public praise and could do a dra6ing to 6in a
small pri;e
oCreate a creative title for your program such as 0Buff Buc,s3
Create bulletin board space to laud employees publicly
1reat the employee to coffee or soda and a chat
Celebrate the completion of proGects
Develop a departmental recognition program
)eave a flo6erA balloonA candyA or note in the personEs 6or, area
1a,e picturesA and post 6ith captions describing the great efforts employees ma,e
for your department
Q"-"! ideas= coffee shop certificateA lotto tic,etA magnetA insulated mugA des,
calendarA lunch gift certificateA picture frameA plant
Create a Bright &deas a6ard= $aint a light bulb gold or silverA mount it on a clay or
6ooden baseA and label 0Bright &dea 76ard3
$at on the Bac,= Dra6 an outline of your hand on a sheet of colored paper and 6rite
a short message that tells employees 6hy they deserve a pat on the bac,
Buy staff a boo, related to an area of professional interest
/end an employee to a seminar related to hisCher career goals
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
I. !reat "ools to !et You Started#
$. *eveloping a *epartmental 4ecognition Program+ Steps
Getting /tarted=
a# Use the Developing a Recognition $rogram guide to find out the reIuirements and the
available resources for developing a recognition program#
b# Contact Employment /ervices >(!(#84#%8'*?#
c# /ee, support and commitment from your appointing authority#
d# Use input from employees to develop your program# Create a staff committee for this
purposeA or as, for input in other 6ays#
e# &ncorporate your departmental mission and valuesA to determine 6hat
accomplishments and behaviors should be re6arded#
f# Use the Motivation /urvey to determine 6hat incentives are valued by staff#
g# Revie6 the 7dministrative $olicy /tatement >7$/? on $ropriety of E@penses and the
$rocurement /ervice Center >$/C? $rocedural /tatement= Recognition and 1raining )
7ll recognition and training activities should be Gudged against the 1ests of $ropriety
and are subGect to the $/C $rocedural /tatement /ensitive E@penses)
Revie6 and approval of formal recognition programs is the responsibility of Human
Resources and the appropriate :fficer# Departments must submit a draft program to
HRCEmployment /ervices prior to distributing a document for signatures# HR revie6 and
approval provides reasonable assurance that the program complies 6ith $/C rules and
5eep in mind that prior to spending University funds for a6ardsA re6ardsA or pri;esA a
recognition program must be in place and approved by HR and your Lice Chancellor# Be
sure to develop a program before handing out any a6ards#
1. Elements of a Successful 4ecognition Program+
9or details on creating recognition programs see the Developing a Recognition $rogram
a# 7 statement of the departmental mission and values#
b# 7 statement of the purpose of the recognition program#
c# 7 description of the specific programs and practices your department has decided to
implement to enhance motivation 6hich include=
7 description of 6ho is eligible to receive the a6ard >must be more than " eligible
Clear description of the recognition a6ard criteria >of the behavior or
accomplishment being recogni;ed?#
7n e@planation of the method used to select the 6inner of the a6ard#
7 description of the a6ard itselfA including the a6ard limit or ranges as 6ell as
the total aggregate of all a6ards in a given year#
7nd the time line for 6hich the program 6ill be in placeA either continually or for
a defined period#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
%. Motivation Surve-+ <o9 to .ind Aut W'at Emplo-ees Want
1he staff in Human Resources developed a Motivation /urvey that can be used to identify
6hat employees in your area value most# 1he survey includes open-ended Iuestions
about the employeeEs goals and interestsA as 6ell as a chec,-list in 6hich the employee
ran,-orders those motivators that have the greatest value to himCher# 1his information can
be used to better understand employees and to identify effective incentives for
individuals# &deallyA supervisors might use a completed survey to initiate dialogue 6ith
individual employeesA in order to deepen communication and set goals# "'e surve- is
availa2le on p. 16. Departments can modify or tailor this survey to suit their needs#
4. Motivation Ideas to En'ance t'e Work Environment
1he follo6ing practices assist in creating a 6or, culture that enhances employee
Create a 6or, environment that is openA trusting and fun
Encourage ne6 ideasA initiative and creativity
&nvolve staff in decisions that affect themA and provide opportunities for feedbac,
Give employees reasonable control of their 6or, processes and environment
-empo6er themJ
Continually praise your best employees and deal 6ith lo6 or marginal performers
Help individual employees lin, personal goals 6ith organi;ational goals
$rovide ne6 and interesting 6or, assignments 6hen possible
Hold 0rap sessions3 6ith staff to find out their vie6s and ideas
7ccommodate personal needs and problems 6hen possible
Create a fle@ible 6or, schedule that meets the business needs of your unit
Ensure a safe 6or, environment
+rite your departmentEs biggest challenge on a piece of poster board in a common
area# &nvite staff to 6rite solutions on the sheet and revie6 in one 6ee,
$rovide immediate feedbac,
Help employees prioriti;e and organi;e their 6or,#
1o ma,e ne6 employees feel 6elcomeA develop a formal 6elcome program#
Determine 6hat employees are motivated by >this is 6here the motivation survey
Consider implementing creative compensation for e@cellent employees >i#e# paid
par,ing for a certain number of monthsA fle@ible 6or, hoursA etc#?
1ype the follo6ing phrases into Google 0Motivating Employees3A 0Employee Recognition3A
0&nspiring Employees3A 0Employee 7ppreciation3A and 0Employee Engagement3 you 6ill find a
variety of additional information about this topic#
. Practices to &uild Motivation for Individuals
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
$. Motivating 9it' Performance Management
/upervisors should 6or, individually 6ith each of their employees to find out 6hat
motivates them and develop a plan to6ards implementing those motivations# By
allo6ing the employee to describe their o6n personal goals and incentives the supervisor
has the opportunity to tie them to performance and supervisorEs e@pectation of a
successful employee#
Engaging employees in the $erformance Management process can be an effective
motivational tool# 1he $erformance Management $rogram 6as designed to be a 6or,ing
document that allo6s for appropriate collaboration bet6een the employee and supervisor
in developing goals and encouraging communication and dialogue during the coaching
and evaluation aspects of the process# +hile collaboration is not a reIuired element of
developing a performance planA allo6ing an employee to develop or have input on one or
more of their goals can send a strong message to the employee that their supervisor is
supportive of their professional gro6th and development and genuinely interested in their
success# Employees 6ho are engaged in the process of developing their o6n goals often
challenge and hold themselves accountable to attain greater successA sometimes even
more than a supervisor 6ould 6hen unilaterally developing a plan# 7llo6ing input on and
incorporating goals that encourage employees to develop professionally in areas for
6hich they are most interested or passionate is one of the best 6ays to attractA developA
motivate and retain outstanding employees# 1his can be accomplished through
incorporating goals in a performance plan that 6ill e@pand their ,no6ledge of current Gob
duties or encourage them to develop ne6 s,illsA often through training and the application
of that training in the 6or,place#
9or more information on the performance management process and ho6 it can be used as
an effective motivational tool in the 6or,placeA please consult 6ith the :ffice of )abor
Relations by calling (!(#84#!4*% or visiting the Human Resources 6ebsite at
1. (reate a Successful &usiness 5iterac- "raining Program
/hare critical numbers and reports that reflect your departmentEs progress to6ard
goals and obGectives and reflect the impact of individuals# Discuss this information
6ith staff#
Revie6 the mission and vision# 1his provides everyone 6ith a sense of 6here they
belongA 6here they are goingA and ho6 they are going to get there# &t is a critical
element in ensuring everyone feels a part of the organi;ation#
Communicate freIuently# /hare information being discussed at higher levels of your
organi;ation and other places on campus#
Discuss ho6 decisions at the state and university levels impact your area#
Encourage professional development and participation in training opportunities#
>$lease visit the Human Resources 6ebsite for a list of courses and seminars offered
by :rgani;ational and Employee Development# $rovide immediate feedbac, about
staff performance# )et the positive out6eigh the negativeA but communicate fran,ly
about both#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
&nvolve :rgani;ational and Employee Development or Human Resources as a
strategic partner in your planning#
%. *epartment Mentoring Program
Mentoring programs provide effective succession planning strategies that benefit an
organi;ation in many 6ays# Mentoring programs can be valuable tools in recruitmentA
retentionA ,no6ledge transferA and 6or, force development# Mentoring can also
contribute to the promotion of diversity in an organi;ation# Mentoring involves a mentor
and mentee 6or,ing together to help develop the menteeEs ,no6ledgeA s,illsA and
abilities in a particular area# 1he mentorEs role is to serve as a teacherA coachA and advisorA
and offer their insight and e@perience#
Employment mentoring programs are most successful 6hen the purpose and process for
the program are clearly defined# /ome e@amples of a mentor programEs purpose include=
assisting the department 6ith succession planning activitiesF providing learning
opportunities for ne6 and ne6ly promoted employeesA increasing retention of valuable
employeesA improving representation of underrepresented employees in management
positionsA and enhancing morale and productivity#
/ome tips and best practices from organi;ations 6ith mentor programs include the
- &nvolve employees in the design of the program as this allo6s for program clarity and
buy-in# 7dditionallyA setting up a pilot program may help to develop a 6or,ing
model and refine guidelines and reIuirements#
- /uccessful mentoring programs reIuire support from upper administration in order to
sustain themselves# 9or e@ampleA have top leadership involved in the program
through their participation and through other forums#
- Ma,e the program transparent and available to all employees#
- /et a specific duration for the mentor relationship 6ith a beginning and end date >it is
fine if the mentor relationship naturally e@tends beyond this time?#
- :ffer guidelines or a trainingCmeeting for mentors and mentees in order to provide
guidelines and tips that might be helpful#
- 9le@ibility is ,ey B provide mentors and mentees 6ith the ability to reevaluate the
program and their o6n progressR,eep the process simple and informal#
- Encourage mentors and mentees to avoid 6or, conflicts by infusing mentoring into
oneEs e@isting 6or, i#e# via Gob shado6ingA special assignmentsA teleconferencingA
field tripsA readingA 0home6or,3A and 0problem area3 chats as mentoring tools#
- &nvolve supervisors by letting them ,no6 about the programA inviting them to
orientationsA and encouraging mentees to share their mentoring progress#
- Recogni;e mentors and mentees services via an a6ard or gathering once per year#
4. (ourse Afferings 2- ArganiBational and Emplo-ee *evelopment
Many development opportunities for staff e@ist right here on campus# :rgani;ational and
Employee Development >:ED? offers a variety of multi-day courses ranging from basic
computer s,ills to fundamentals of supervision at no cost to employees or departments#
9or those unable to attend a multi-day formatA shorter s,ills-development 6or,shops are
presented by ,no6ledgeable campus staff and are generally t6o to four hours in length#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
1hese 6or,shops cover such topics as Customer /erviceA Emotional &ntelligenceA 1ime
ManagementA and Communication# # Lisit the Human ResourcesC :rgani;ational and
Employee Development .ebsite for more information#
6. Universit- Perspective Program
1he University $erspective program is sponsored by the 0oulder Campus 1i,e Chan,ellors
Chan,ellor and System 2dministration# The program/s ob3e,tive is to e4pand sta)) *no.ledge beyond their
individual department and ,ampus to provide a broader understanding o) the -niversity o) Colorado system#
5arti,ipants engage in discussions 6ith various ,ey administrators to learn about the
universitySs internal processesA and its interactions 6ith the legislatureA Board of RegentsA
etc# +ith their ne. perspe,tive and insights parti,ipants ,an ,ontribute more meaning)ully to C-+
0oulder/s mission and goals# 6or in)ormation on ho. to nominate an employee )or this program ,onta,t
!"!#$%&#'("! or visit the Human Resources 6ebsite#
6. Interest "esting
Counseling and $sychological /ervices offers interest testingA including=
M-ers:&riggs "-pe Indicator DM&"IE
7ssesses an individualSs preferred 6ays of ta,ing in information and ma,ing
decisionsA based on JungEs theories of personality type#
Strong Interest Inventor- DSIIE
Compares an individualEs interests 6ith those of people 6ho li,e their
occupationsA based on the Holland :ccupational Codes#
Counseling and $sychological /ervices is located in the Center for Community >C8C?A
Room /88!# $hone= (!(#84#%'%%# <ominal fees are assessed for interest testing#
:rgani;ational and Employee DevelopmentA 6ithin the Department of Human Resources
4eal (olors
9or centuriesA people have searched for 6ays to pee, into the human mind# 1he
Gree, philosopherA scientist and physicianA Hippocrates 6rote that all human
beings could be divided into four distinct personality types# Real Colors is an
instrument based on the more modern 1emperament theories developed by David
5eirsey# &t is designed to help people recogni;eA acceptA learn to value and
understand human behaviors to improve empathy and communication in the
8. .acult- and Staff /ssistance Program D.S/PE
9aculty and /taff 7ssistance $rogram >9/7$? is a confidential counselingCconsulting
service designed to provide assistance to faculty and staff for personal or 6or, related
concerns that may interfere 6ith Gob performance# 1he 9/7$ staff can help you deal
more effectively 6ith a variety of concernsA 6hich may include depressionA problem
drin,ingA drug abuseA interpersonal conflictsA career e@plorationA and Gob-related stress#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
/ervices are free of chargeF si@ sessions per calendar year# Detailed information is
available on the Human Resources 6ebsite#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
I. W'at You (an and (an)t *o+ Policies, Procedures and !uidelines at t'e
Universit- of (olorado
$. /dministrative Polic- Statement D/PSE
$ropriety of E@pense provides guidance for the appropriateness of e@penses made using
university funds#
1. "'e Procurement Service (enter DPS(E Procedural Statement+ 4ecognition and
1his $/C $rocedural /tatement= a? sets forth University rules and reIuirements for using
university funds to pay for training and recognition activitiesF b? is designed to provide
reasonable assurance that recognition a6ardsA re6ardsA and pri;es distributed by the
University are properly categori;ed and subGect to appropriate ta@ reportingF and c? is
designed to ensure the proper capture and reporting of recognition a6ardsA re6ardsA
pri;es given to employeesA associates and other individuals >including students?# 7ll
recognition and training activities should be Gudged against the 1ests of $ropriety and are
subGect to the $/C $rocedural /tatementA /ensitive E@penses#
%. /dministrative 5eave
7dministrative leave >described in Colorado Department of $ersonnel DirectorEs
7dministrative $rocedures *-"4 and *-!? is discretionaryF it provides for the appointing
authority to grant paid time to employees for reasons determined to be for the good of the
state# 9or e@ampleA if an employee has performed e@ceptionally 6ell B above and beyond
e@pectations B on a departmental or campus proGectA this 6or, might be considered for
the good of the stateA and the appointing authority could choose to grant the employee
administrative leave on this basis# More information about 7dministrative )eave is
available on the Human Resources 6ebsite#
4. Spot /9ards
/pot a6ards and other types of cash a6ards must be prudently managed in times of
financial challenge# +hen a department develops its o6n re6ardCincentive programA it
may include the use of immediate cash or non-cash incentive re6ards in recognition of
special accomplishments or contributions throughout the year# /uch a6ards could also
augment annual performance a6ard payments# >$ersonnel DirectorEs 7dministrative
$rocedure (-"#? Developing such a program reIuires appointing authority approvalA and
the departmentEs criteria for receiving an a6ard must be clearly communicated to all
employees in advance of implementationA in order to assure the policy is applied
consistently# 9or more information on ho6 to develop a departmental recognition
programA see Developing a .ecognition !rogram +uide #
6. <o9 to Enter (as' /9ards in PeopleSoft <4MS
7 cash a6ard is entered in $eople/oft HRM/ as a one-time paymentA through time
collection# &nformation on processing monetary a6ards for staff through the $eople/oft
system is available on the $ayroll and Benefit /ervices 6ebsite=
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
Detailed information on 76ards >9or /pecial Recognition or 7chievement? is provided
on pages * and % of the $B/ $rocedures Guide# Cash a6ards 6ill sho6 up in the
employeeEs monthly pay stub and 6ill affect the rate of ta@ation# 1he :ne 1ime $ayment
form can be do6nloaded at= https=CC666#cu#eduCpbsCformsCdo6nloadsCadditional-
6. "a7a2ilit- of Incentive /9ards
1he value of the recognition a6ardCpri;e generally is considered as being income to the
receiving employee andA as suchA is subGect to reporting and ta@ation on the employeeSs
9orm +-# &mplementation guidelines related to employee recognition at the University
of Colorado and information about Reporting and Recording Recognition 76ardsA
Re6ards and $ri;es can be found 6ithin the $/C $rocedural /tatement= Recognition and
@A"E+ 7ll cash a6ards are reportable on an employeeSs +- regardless of dollar
amount# <on-cash a6ards of Q"!! or less are <:1 reportable on the +-A unless they
e@ceed Q"!! in aggregate in any calendar year# 1he Q"!! threshold does not apply to gift
certificates# 7ll gift certificatesA regardless of the dollar amountA are reportable on an
employeeSs 9orm +- and must be entered into $eople/oft HRM/#
'a-e sure to notify your employees of these reporting re/uirements)
8. *onations as t'e Source for Incentive 4e9ards
&n times of financial constraintA there are still creative 6ays to procure incentive a6ards
for employees# Many restaurants and other businesses in Boulder rely on the patronage
of CU facultyA staffA and students for their survival# Many vendors are 6illingA 6hen
as,edA to contribute to staff recognition programs# 1a,e the initiative to inIuire about gift
certificates or other items that a local business might contribute to use for staff incentive
re6ards# <:1E= 7ll gift certificates >purchased or donated?A regardless of the dollar
amount are reportable on an employeeSs 9orm +- and must be entered into $eople/oft
HRM/# /ee &mplementation Guidelines in the $/C $rocedural /tatement= Recognition
and 1raining#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
II. ./0)s
Q: What are the advantages of an employee motivation program?
/+ Emplo-ee motivation programs can 'elp -ou improve and en'ance
emplo-ee performance and morale. Employees e@perience greater
satisfaction from their 6or, 6hen they feel valued and are generally
recogni;ed for their contributions# Motivation programs can help an
employee understand hisCher role in fulfilling the mission of the
department and the university# Motivation programs can also assist 6ith
recruiting and retaining top Iuality staff#
Q: What are the disadvantages of employee rewards programs?
/+ Emplo-ee re9ards can 2e de:motivating 9'en emp'asis is placed
solel- on attaining t'e re9ard. 1o be effectiveA a re6ards program must
enhance employeesE feelings of connection 6ith the underlying purpose of
their 6or,A such as ,no6ing ho6 their efforts relate to the mission of their
department and of CU-Boulder# &nstilling a sense of employee o6nershipA
increasing participationA and teaching business literacy are all 6ays to
cultivate intrinsic motivation# /ee section on Elements of a Successful
'otivation !rogramA p# "(#
Q: What are the top motivators for employees?
/+ (urrent researc' lists t'e top motivators as+
Challenging 6or,
Employee involvement
Job security
1he most effective employee motivation programs solicit input from
employees about 6hat has value to them# /ee template for the Employee
Motivation /urvey# 9or more motivatorsA see p# *#
Q: Where do I begin? Where can I get help?
/+ "'is Guide To Motivating Employees is a good start. Read the sections
that interest you# 1here are numerous boo,sA professional GournalsA and
other resources available about employee motivation and other
management-related topics# 1here are also free resources available to you
through /,illsoft and Boo,s 8C'# 1he Department of Human Resources
6ants to support your effortsA and can provide strategic consultingA ideasA
and information on the practices described in the H. +uide# )et us be a
resource to youJ >(!(#84#%8'*?
Q: an I use rewards to augment performance management?
/+ Yes, if -ou esta2lis' -our departmental a9ards program and criteria
in advance and implement it consistentl-. /ee Developing a
Departmental .ecognition !rogram)
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
Q: an time off be granted as a reward?
/+ Yes, a supervisor 'as t'e discretion to grant administrative leave. /ee
section on Administrative LeaveA p# ".#
Q: !ow do I get management buy"in?
/+ Emplo-ee motivation programs promote ne9 involvement,
ent'usiasm, and productivit- on t'e part of staff. $resent your
supervisor 6ith compelling information about the results of implementing
employee motivation strategies# /ee section on Elements of a Successful
'otivation !rogramA p# "(# 7lsoA read a fe6 of the recommended boo,s
or articles to support your case 6ith data#
Q: What rewards are allowable in terms of state and university rules?
/+ Immediate cas' or non:cas' incentive re9ards are allo9a2le in
recognition of special accomplishments or contributionsA as long as the
department had previously established such an a6ards program >see
section on /pot BonusesA p# ".?# &n such a caseA the departmentEs criteria
for granting an a6ard must be clearly communicated to all employees in
advance of implementationA in order to ensure the policy is applied
consistently# /ee Developing a .ecognition !rogram +uide)
Q: What ta# rules apply to cash and non"cash awards?
/+ /ll cas' a9ards, regardless of dollar amount, are reporta2le on an
employeeEs 9orm +- and must be entered into $eople/oft HRM/# <on-
cash a6ards greater than Q"!! >individually or in aggregate? during the
calendar year are reportable on the +-#
Q: $re gift certificates reportable on an employee%s &orm W"'?
/. /ll gift certificates Ddonated or purc'asedE, regardless of dollar amountA
are reportable on an employeeEs 9orm +-# Departments are reIuired to
enter the information into $eople/oft HRM/# /ee section on "a0a(ility of
Incentive A%ards, p# "4#
Q: !ow do I process a cash award?
/+ (as' a9ards are processed as a one:time pa-ment t'roug' PeopleSoft
<4MS >time collection?# /ee section titled Ho% to Enter ash A%ards in
!eopleSoftA p# ".#

University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees

III. &i2liograp'-34eading 5ist
"'e follo9ing 2ooks 9ere used as resources in developing t'e <4 !uide to Motivating
BlanchardA 5en and Michael :EConnor# 'anaging #y 1alues# Berrett-5oehler $ublishersA "44'#
Bloc,A $eter# Ste%ardship$ hoosing Service Over Self2Interest) Berrett-5oehler $ublishersA "44(#
CohenA 7llan and David Bradford# Influence ,ithout Authority$ A &e% ,ay to +et "hings Done at
,or-) John +iley M /onsA "44!#
CollinsA Jim# +ood to +reat$ ,hy Some ompanies 'a-e the Leap and Others Don3t# HarperCollinsA
HarrisA Jim# +etting Employees to *all in Love %ith 4our ompany# 7merican Management
7ssociationA "44%#
HesmathA Dave and )eslie 2er,es# 567 ,ays to Have *8& at ,or-# Berrett-5oehler $ublishersA "44'#
Jordan-EvansA /haron and Beverly 5aye# Love Em or Lose Em$ +etting +ood !eople to StayA

Edition# Berrett-5oehler $ublishersA !!#
<elsonA Bob and 5enneth Blanchard# 7667 to 'otivate Employees# +or,man $ublishing CompanyA
<e6 2or, /tate Mentoring Report >/eptember !!?# 'entoring$ .eport of the
'entoring ,or- +roup) Retrieved :ctober (!A !!4 from=
<ielsenA Du,e# !artnering %ith Employees$ A !ractical System for #uilding Empo%ered .elationships#
Jossey-Bass $ublishersA "44(#
$ryorA Jeff >!!?# Regis University Master of <onprofit Management Characteristics of Best
and +orst Jobs /urvey# Retrieved 7ugust ("A !!4 from
"'e follo9ing articles 9ere used as resources for t'is Guide.
"eaching Employees the #asics of #usiness$ An O%nership Imperative, 5aren Berman
A &e% 'eans to Improve !roductivity, !rofita(ility, and Employee 'oraleA Robert J# Harrington
Self2Actualization and Self2Esteem are the Highest Order of IncentivesA9ran, C# Hudet;
8sing 1ision and 1alues to reate a High !erformance OrganizationA Michele Hunt
Instilling a Sense of O%nership Among EmployeesA Dr# Ed6ard )a6lerA &&&
Asset Appreciation !roduces #est .eturnsA Bob <elson
#e reative ,hen .e%arding EmployeesA Bob <elson
Intrinsic 'otivation in 4our Incentive !rogramsA Bob <elson
Dump the ash, Load on the !raiseA Bob <elson
Involving ustomers in Employee .ecognitionA Bob <elson
Simple +estures ount the 'ostA Bob <elson
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
A Literate #usinessA John /chuster
Do Employee .e%ards and .ecognition !rograms ,or-O /mall Business 9orum
reating an O%nership ultureA Matt +ard
Robert 1anner
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
*eveloping a *epartmental 4ecognition Program
1he Developing a .ecognition !rogram +uide is a comprehensive resource on developing a recognition
program 6ithin the rules of the University as 6ell as e@plaining the best practices in employee
recognition# 1he guide includes ample e@planations and e@amples of all the elements reIuired in a
recognition program as outlined belo6 in the basic recognition model#
Basic Recognition Program Template
Recognition Program Name:
Program Duration: (Is this a one-time program or ongoing?)
Department Mission, Vision, Values: (While including this in the program document is
optional, it is critical that your program align with your departments mission, vision and values.)
Recognition Awards: (List as many as determined with the following information)
Recognition Category: (ay include one or more of the following categories! erit
(e"cellence), Length of #ervice, #afety, or $articipation) %eep in mind these have
specific definitions according to the $#& $rocedural #tatement! '(ecognition and
)raining.* erit (or e"cellence) is the most common category for recognition.
Who is Eligile !or the Award: ((emem+er to +e specific, e.g. classified and e"empt
professional staff, faculty, students, or several types.)
Recognition Description and Criteria to meet: (&riteria should +e specific and easily
identifia+le. (efer to the $#& $rocedural #tatement! (ecognition and )raining for
"ndi#idual Award to e $i#en, "ndi#idual Cost %imits or Range: (What is to +e
awarded, e.g. cash, gift card, etc., and what is the award limit or range)
&ow o!ten Award is $i#en: (,nnually, onthly, as needed. It can +e a com+ination of
Description o! '#erall Nomination and (election Method: ()his can +e used for all of the
recognition awards, or can +e descri+ed for each individual award to allow variation in the
selection method.)
Description o! '#erall Program Cost, %imits and)or Range: (#ome -& areas re.uire
description of the source of funds for awards).
Departmental Appro#al: (signature)
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
&uman Resources Appro#al: (signature)
'!!icer Appro#al: (signature)
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
/ppendi7 &+ Emplo-ee Motivation Surve-
Universit- of (olorado at &oulder
Emplo-ee Motivation Surve-
<:1E= Completing this survey is voluntary# 2our ans6ers may help determine methods to
re6ard and recogni;e your efforts on behalf of our department and the University in the future#
"# +hat s,ills are you interested in developingO
# +hat 6ould you li,e to be doing in five yearsO
(# +hat classes are you interested in ta,ingO
8# +hat do you li,e best about the 6or, environmentO
*# +hat changes could be made in the 6or, unit to improve your 6or,ing conditions or Gob
%# +hat changes could be made to improve the productsCservices 6e provide to customersO
'# Ho6 do you li,e to be recogni;ed for your effortsO Choose your recognition style
a# formally recogni;ed by the departmentCunit
b# informally recogni;ed by the manager
c# both
.# &n 6hat hobbies or special activitiesA if anyA do you li,e to participateO
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
Emplo-ee Motivation Surve-, page 1
Please c'eck all items t'at appeal to -ou as recognition for an accomplis'ment+
Money Job promotion
$rofessional developmentCconference $laIueCcertificate
1ime off 7dmin )eave for /chool or Lolunteer 7ctivities
1han, you note 9le@ible 6or, schedule
$ublic praiseCthan,s 7utonomy over daily 6or, schedule
EducationCclasses or seminars 1elecommuting
&ncreased responsibilities 6ithin current Gob Campus or departmental committee 6or,
Please rank order t'e top five incentives -ou listed a2ove+
<o- and lo6-cost motivation strategiesA li,e most of the options aboveA are both effective and
fiscally responsible options for campus departments# :n occasionA thoughA a department may
recogni;e an outstanding achievement 6ith a gift certificate or similar a6ard# &n the event you
should be recogni;ed for an accomplishment in this 6ayA please ans6er the follo6ing Iuestions=
W'ic' t'ree stores39e2sites 9ould make t'e 2est gift certificates for -ou;
W'at are -our t'ree favorite restaurants;
"'ank -ou for completing t'e surve-#
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
/ppendi7 (+ /9ards /vaila2le at (U:&oulder
<ominating an employee for an a6ard is significant recognition# +inning an a6ard is
6onderful and sometimes provides a monetary incentive# 1here are several campus and
university a6ards that are available to recogni;e and re6ard deserving faculty and staff# 1he
follo6ing is a list of some available a6ards# 9or more information on selection criteria and
application processesA please contact the specific a6ard committee or contact person#
/lumni 4ecognition /9ard
1he 7lumni Recognition 76ard honors CU-Boulder alumni 6ho celebrate the 9orever
Buffs tenets of engagingA contributing and celebrating their CU pride through their
e@traordinary service to CU-Boulder# Contact the 7lumni 7ssociation at (!(#84#.8.8
for more information# 9orms are also available on the 7ssociationEs +eb page at
&./ E7cellence /9ards for .acult-
Each year the Boulder 9aculty 7ssembly presents up to t6elve a6ards for faculty
e@cellence# Up to four a6ards each 6ill be presented for e@cellence in the areas of=
1eachingF /erviceF and ResearchA /cholarly M Creative +or,# DetailsA including
nomination instructionsA are available by calling (!(#84#%'" or on the B97 6ebsite=
&uff Energ- Star /9ard
1he Buff Energy /tar 76ard $rogram is a voluntary program to sho6caseA recogni;e and
re6ard building proctors that reduce energy 6aste and improve efficiency 6ith the
assistance of the Campus /ustainability :ffice M 9acilities staff# 1o nominate your
building for the a6ardA call (!(#84#"8* or get information from the follo6ing 6ebsite=
('ancellorFs (ommittee on Minorit- /ffairs Service 4ecognition /9ard
1his a6ard recogni;es the continuing efforts of CU-Boulder campus units to create a
diverse and supportiveA learningA 6or,ingA and living environmentA as 6ell as their
commitment to promoting an understanding of multicultural issues# 1his a6ard is
presented during the 7nnual Campus Diversity /ummit# 9or more information contact
the :ffice of DiversityA EIuity and Community Engagement at (!(-'(*-"(( or
('ancellor)s (ommittee on Women /9ards
1he CC+ a6ards recogni;e individuals or units on campus that sho6 a clear
commitment to supporting 6omen and 6omenEs issues in several areasA such as
providing 6omen 6ith promotion and training opportunities for leadership roles and
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
creating mentoring opportunities# 9or detailed information
('ancellor)s Emplo-ee of t'e Year
1his is presented annually to one CU-Boulder classified or professional e@empt staff in
recognition and appreciation for e@ceptional Gob performance# 1he a6ard includes a pri;e
of Q"A*!! and a plaIue# Contact= :ffice of )abor RelationsA (!(#84#!4*%#
EGuit- and E7cellence /9ard
1his a6ard is given to students 6ho have demonstrated academic achievementA
outstanding service to the university communityA and service to racially andCor culturally
diverse communities# 9aculty and staff 6ho receive this a6ard have made significant
accomplishments in and efforts to6ard promoting the principles of academic e@cellence
and cultural pluralism and diversity# $resentation of this a6ard ta,es place each year at
the EIuity and E@cellence BanIuetA usually in 7pril# Contact= :ffice of DiversityA EIuity
and Community Engagement at (!(-'(*-"((#
!eorge @orlin /9ard
1he George <orlin 76ard honors alumni of the University of Colorado at Boulder for
distinguished lifetime achievement# &t recogni;es outstanding alumni 6ho throughout
their lives have demonstrated a commitment to e@cellence in their chosen field of
endeavor and a devotion to the betterment of society and their community# Contact the
7lumni 7ssociation at (!(#84#.8.8 for additional information# 9orms are also available
on the 7ssociationEs +eb page at 666#cualum#orgCa6ards#
=alpana ('a9la Autstanding 4ecent !raduate /9ard
1his a6ard recogni;es CU-Boulder alumni 6ho have made e@ceptional contributions to
their field 6ithin ten years of leaving CU# 1he 76ard recogni;es outstandingA career
achievement as 6ell as significant contributions to the community andCor the University# #
Contact the 7lumni 7ssociation at (!(#84#.8.8 for additional information# 9orms are
also available on the 7ssociationEs +eb page at 666#cualum#orgCa6ards#
"'e President)s *iversit- /9ard
Up to one a6ard per campus is given for the best implementation of the diversity plan at
the academic or administrative unit level# 9acultyA staffA andCor students of any unit that
has a diversity plan may be eligible to be nominated for this a6ard on behalf of the unit#
<ominations must come from the ChancellorSs office# 1he deadline for receipt of the
nomination and all supporting documents is typically in 9ebruary# 9or more informationA
please contact= :ffice of the 7ssistant Lice $resident of 7cademic 7ffairsA
(!(#84#.4""A https=CC666#cu#eduCcontentCpresident!(4sdiversitya6ard
4o2ert 5. Stearns /9ard
1he /tearns 76ard recogni;es outstanding members of the current CU-Boulder faculty
and staff# &t honors e@ceptional achievement or service in any oneA but usually a
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
combination of the follo6ing areas= outstanding teachingA e@traordinary service to the
UniversityA e@emplary 6or, 6ith studentsA significant research andCor off-campus service
to the community# 1he 76ards Committee considers the Iualifications of staff nominees
separately from the Iualifications of faculty nominees# Contact the 7lumni 7ssociation
at (!(#84#.8.8 for additional information# 9orms are also available on the 7ssociationEs
+eb page at 666#cualum#orgCa6ards
"'omas Hefferson /9ard
1his University a6ard is given to persons 6ho advance the ideals of 1homas JeffersonA
6hich include=
broad interests in literatureA arts and sciencesA and public affairsF
a strong concern for the advancement of higher educationF
a deeply seated sense of individual civic responsibilityF and
a profound commitment to the 6elfare and rights of the individual#
<ominees should be members of the teaching facultyA student bodyA or staff >classified or
professional e@empt? 6hose achievements reflect superior performance in their normal
6or, or scholarship and notable participation in humanitarian activities# 1he a6ard is one
of the UniversitySs highest honors and includes an engraved plaIue and a cash
honorarium for each recipient# +inners are invited to a $residential ceremonial banIuetA
and the campus of the a6ard 6inner provides additional recognition at commencement#
1he nomination deadline occurs early in the spring semester# 1he nomination pac,et is
limited to ! pages and must include a current resume and at least three supporting
letters# More complete information on deadlines and the nomination process may be
obtained from the 1homas Jefferson 76ards CommitteeA D6ire (*A University of
ColoradoA Colorado /pringsA C: .!4((#
Universit- of (olorado Staff (ouncil Service E7cellence /9ard
1his is an annual a6ard for one classified or professional e@empt staff at the University#
1he a6ard is given to one Iualified individual per campus and to one person from
University system administration and includes a pri;e of Q"A!!!# 1he purpose of this
a6ard is to recogni;e individuals 6ho have provided outstanding volunteer service to
their campus# Contacts include= CU-Boulder /taff CouncilA (!(#84#*8'(F and /ystem
/taff Council#
Women W'o Make a *ifference
1his annual a6ard is sponsored by the +omenEs Resource Center and is designed to
recogni;e the staffA students and faculty 6omen at CU-Boulder 6ho have made a
difference in the lives of others# Contact= +omenEs Resource CenterA at (!(#84#*'"(#
7dditional information is available at=
University of Colorado Boulder Guide to Motivating Employees
:ther a6ards may e@ist at departmentalA schoolCcollege or division level for 6hich you may 6ant
to nominate employees#

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