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Project Human Resource Management: HR Records

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Project Human Resource Management

Human Resources


HR rds Reco

HRD is about improved performance and productivity through increased know edge! competencies! ski s! and attitudes" In other words! HRD is about earning! its effects on emp oyees! and its impact on the organi#ation" $he manager of HRD is the person responsib e for the management of earning within the organi#ation and the deve opment of programs and activities that foster growth" $his ro e is often viewed as the primary ro e of a manager of HRD" It consist% the five basic e ements of management&p anning! organi#ing! staffing! contro ing! and marketing"

(nvironment P anning
1"Importance of strategic p anning to the HRD department 2" )taff recruitment! se ection! hiring! eva uation! and deve opment *" HRD po icies! procedures! and standards +" ,inancia management -" Management of e.uipment and faci ities /" )upervision of staff and operation 0" Program schedu e 11" (nvironmenta maintenance

Resource Method
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (mp oyee Deve opment (mp oyee )e ection Methods 3ision and mission $raining and deve opment Documentation and standards 4eeping a 5orporate 5u ture 6 ive Performance 6ppraisa

2 HR Po icy and Manua

(mp oyee Deve opment

2 2 2 2 2 (mp oyee )atisfaction (mp oyee Motivation (mp oyee 5areer 5oaching (mp oyee Deve opment (mp oyee )atisfaction with $raining Program 2 (mp oyee 5ost

(mp oyee )e ection Methods

2 2 2 2 6pp ication ,orms (mp oyment Interviews $ests of 6bi ities! 6ptitudes! and )ki s Persona ity $est

Documentation and standards

2 Maintaining personne fi es that meet your needs and your emp oyees7 privacy rights" 2 Making performance eva uations he p emp oyees grow and deve op 2 Maintaining job descriptions! search! and interview documentation" 2 Meshing emp oyee documentation with your handbook and other po icies"

3ision and mission

2 2 2 2 $o be amongst the $op + consumer e ectronics and home app iances companies g oba y and number 1 in India by 2111" $o ead the identity of 3ideocon by 9ean Manufacturing and Ma:imum Profit" $hrust on ;ua ity 5ost De ivery Innovation Production <;5DIP= through training and deve opment" 3ideocon>s mission e:pression has been crafted to enve ope both e:tant and emerging rea ities" $o de ight and de iver beyond e:pectation through ingenious strategy! intrepid entrepreneurship! improved techno ogy! innovative products! insightfu marketing and inspired thinking about the future"

$raining and deve opment

2 $raining being the corner stone of )uccess makes emp oyees more effective and productive" It is an integra part of the who e e management programme! with a its many activities functiona y inter re ated" 2 Deve opment process covers not on y those activities which improve job performance but a so those which bring out growth of the persona ity" In our organi#ation !it is intended to e.uip persons to earn promotion and ho d greater responsibi ity"

4eeping a 5orporate 5u ture 6 ive

2 ?nce a corporate cu ture is in p ace! there are practices within the organi#ation that act to maintain it by giving emp oyees a set of simi ar e:periences" ,or e:amp e! many of the human resource practices reinforce the organi#ation7s cu ture" $he se ection process! performance eva uation criteria! reward practices! training and career deve opment activities! and promotion procedures ensure that those hired fit in with the cu ture! reward those who support it! and pena i#e <and even e:pe = those who cha enge it" $hree forces p ay a particu ar y important part in sustaining a cu ture& se ection practices! the actions of top management! and 11 socia i#ation methods" 9et7s take a c oser ook at each

)ome )uggestions for a )uccessfu Management 5areer

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Deve op a @etwork Remembering your manners" Maintain a positive working environment" )upport Aour Boss Reso ve prob ems .uick y" Present $he Right Image" Do Cood Dork


(mp oyee )atisfaction

2 $he management perspective is simp eE Happy emp oyees he p create happy customers" (mp oyees who service happy customers are more ike y to emerge from the interaction happy " " " 6nd so on and on the interaction spira s! virtua y feeding on itse f" $his effect has been popu ari#ed in the concept of the Fsatisfaction mirrorF <i"e"! emp oyee satisfaction eads to customer satisfaction and business resu ts=! first described in an artic e in the Harvard Business Review" $he artic e! written by a number of high y respected Harvard professors! estab ished a theory of inkage between the eve of service provided by businesses and their profitabi ity" It served as an impetus for a ree:amination of how emp oyees were treated within their workp aces" $he argument was arge y intuitive! stimu ating others to e:p ore it more scientifica y"

(mp oyee Motivation

2 here is an o d saying you can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink% it wi drink on y if it7s thirsty G so with peop e" $hey wi do what they want to do or otherwise motivated to do" Dhether it is to e:ce on the workshop f oor or in the 7ivory tower7 they must be motivated or driven to it! either by themse ves or through e:terna stimu us" 6re they born with the se fGmotivation or driveH Aes and no" If no! they can be motivated! for motivation is a ski which can and must be earnt" $his is essentia for any business to survive and succeed" Performance is considered to be a function of abi ity and motivation! thusE Job performance =f (ability) (motivation)

2 2 2

(mp oyee 5areer 5oaching

2 Identifying and deve oping strong eaders for future ro es is critica to the ongoing success of an organi#ation" Dithout an effective succession p anning program in p ace! companies wi face greater cha enges than those incurred during the imp ementation of a program! inc udingE 2 Daging the IDar on $a entJ 2 ,ewer eaders prepared to take on new ro es 2 ?bstac es to achieving strategic goa s

(mp oyee 5ost

2 KPI for Meas rin! "mployee Prod ctivity 2 KPI for Meas rin! "mployee #ost

KPI for Meas rin! "mployee Prod ctivity

2 average sa es turnover per emp oyee 2 average profit per emp oyee 2 va ue added per emp oyee

KPI for Meas rin! "mployee #ost

2 emp oyment costs as K of sa es turnover L profit 2 emp oyment costs per emp oyee 2 emp oyment costs as K of operating costs

Performance 6ppraisa
2 1 job resu tsLoutcome 2 essay method ' Ranking * ,orced Distribution + Craphic Rating )ca e - Behaviora 5heck ist 8 Behaviora 6nchored Rating )ca es <B6R)= / Management by ?bjectives <MB?

HR Po icy and Manua

2 2 2 2 2 2 Principles $taffin! and development "mployee relations M t al control %erms and conditions "& ality of opport nity

2 $his is a statement about the genera view by the management of emp oyment in the organi#ation" It is ike y to carry ringing phrases about teamwork! fairness! innovation and opportunity! but may a so inc ude a dec aration about the degree and method of emp oyee invo vement and the security of emp oyment in different parts of the workforce"

$taffin! and development

2 Here wi be the specific undertakings to emp oyees and the management strategies to be fo owed in appointing the most appropriate peop e! providing the opportunities for career growth and ensuring that emp oyees deve op their ski s and capacities in ine with the growth of the business" $he main features of this po icy area are how vacancies wi be determined! where app icants wi be sought and how decisions wi be made in se ection" $here wi be further sections on how promotions are made! training opportunities and re.uirements! as we as the use of performance appraisa and assessment centers"

"mployee relations
2 Po icies in the area of emp oyee re ations wi depend on the union recognition situation! but typica features are arrangements about recognition! bargaining units and union membership agreements! agreeMments re ating to negotiation! consu tation! shop steward representation! membership of joint committees! safety matters and points of reference! such as fo owing nationa engineering agreements on the number of days7 annua ho iday"

M t al control
2 )evera features of po icy and re ated procedure dea with the working re ationship between the organi#ation and the emp oyee or emp oyees" $hese are main y to dea with the approach to matters of grievance and discip ine"

%erms and conditions

2 6spects of terms and conditions po icies are approaches to determining differentia s in payment! eve s of sick pay! pension provision! ho idays! study eave and hours of work"

"& ality of opport nity

2 6 different type of HR po icy is that re ating to ity of opportunity" $heoretica y! i#ing opportunity shou d be subsumed in a the other areas! but egis ation and pressure groups have tended to identify this as an area needing separate treatment"

6pp ication ,orms

2 6pp ication forms are a means of co ecting written information about an app icant7s education! work and nonGwork e:periences! both past and present" 6 most a organi#ations re.uest app icants to comp ete an app ication form of some type" 6pp ication forms typica y re.uest information on an app icant7s home address! ast emp oyer! previous work e:perience! education! mi itary service! and other information pertinent to emp oyment! such as names and addresses of references" $he app ication form a so serves as a guide for the emp oyment interview

"mployment Intervie's
2 $he emp oyment interview is a vehic e for information e:change between app icant and interviewer regarding an app icant7s suitabi ity and interest in a job the emp oyer seeks to fi " Information provided in an app icant7s app ication for emp oyment can be probed more deep y in the interview! and other information re evant to an app icant7s .ua ifications can be e icited" )ince interviews can be rather f e:ib e! any missing pieces of information about an app icant can be co ected at this time"

%ests of (bilities) (ptit des) and $*ills

2 $ests used for screening app icants on the basis of ski s! abi ities! and aptitudes can be c assified as either paper and penci tests or job samp e tests" Both kinds are scored! and minimum scores are estab ished to screen app icants" $he FcutGoffF score can be raised or owered depending on the number of app icants" If se ection ratios are ow! the cutGoff score can be raised! thereby increasing the odds of hiring we ified emp oyees"

Personality %est
2 Peop e often be ieve that certain jobs re.uire uni.ue persona ities or temperaments" ,or e:amp e! an accountant may be thought of as conservative! meticu ous! and .uiet! whi e a usedGcar sa esman may be pictured as aggressive! f ashy! and smooth ta king" Dhi e it is probab y true that some FtypesF of peop e occupy certain jobs! there is itt e evidence that peop e must have a specific persona ity type to be successfu at a particu ar type of job" It is more common that the job itse f shapes the job ho der7s behavior! and peop e stereotype others by their job behavior

4eeping a 5orporate 5u ture 6 ive

2 $"+"#%I,2 %,P M(-(."M"-% 2 $,#I(+I/(%I,-

$"+"#%I,2 $he e:p icit goa of the se ection process is to identify and hire individua s who have the know edge! ski s! and abi ities to perform the jobs within the organi#ation successfu y" But! typica y! more than one candidate wi be identified who meets any given job7s re.uirements" Dhen that point is reached! it wou d be naive to ignore that the fina decision as to who is hired wi be significant y inf uenced by the decision maker7s judgment of how we the candidates wi fit into the organi#ation" $his attempt to ensure a proper match! whether purpose y or inadvertent y! resu ts in the hiring of peop e who have va ues essentia y consistent with those of the organi#ation! or at east a good portion of those va ues"

%,P M(-(."M"-%
2 $he actions of top management a so have a major impact on the organi#ation7s cu ture" $hrough what they say and how they behave! senior e:ecutives estab ish norms that fi ter down through the organi#ation as to whether riskG taking is desirab e% how much freedom managers shou d give their subordinates% what is appropriate dress% what actions wi pay off in terms of pay raises! promotions! and other rewards% and the ike"

$,#I(+I/(%I,2 @o matter how good a job the organi#ation does in recruiting and se ection! new emp oyees are not fu y indoctrinated in the organi#ation7s cu ture" Maybe most important! because they are unfami iar with the organi#ation7s cu ture! new emp oyees are potentia y ike y to disturb the be iefs and customs that are in p ace" $he organi#ation wi ! thereMfore! want to he p new emp oyees adapt to its cu ture" $his adaptation process is ca ed socia i#ation

Job Res lts

2 $hough not an appraisa method per se! job resu ts are in themse ves a source of data that can be used to appraise performance" $ypica y! an emp oyee7s resu ts are compared against some objective standard of performance" $his standard can be abso ute or re ative to the performance of others"

"ssay Met0od
2 $he essay method invo ves an eva uator7s written report appraising an emp oyee7s performance! usua y in terms of job behaviors andLor resu ts" $he subject of an essay appraisa is often justification of pay! promotion! or termination decisions! but essays can be used for deve opmenta purposes as we "

2 Ranking methods compare one emp oyee to another! resu ting in an ordering of emp oyees in re ation to one another" Rankings often resu t in overa assessments of emp oyees! rather than in specific judgments about a number of job components" )traight ranking re.uires an eva uator to order a group of emp oyees from best to worst overa or from most effective to east effective in terms of a certain criterion" 6 ternative ranking makes the same demand! but the ranking process must be done in a specified manner <for e:amp e! by first se ecting the best emp oyee in a group! then the worst! then the secondG best! then the secondGworst! etc"="

1orced 2istrib tion

2 ,orced distribution is a form of comparative eva uation in which an eva uator rates subordinates according to a specified distribution" Nn ike ranking methods! forced distribution is fre.uent y app ied to severa rather than on y one component of job performance

.rap0ic Ratin!
2 Craphic rating sca es are one of the most common methods of performance appraisa " Craphic rating sca es re.uire an eva uator to indicate on a sca e the degree to which an emp oyee demonstrates a particu ar trait! behavior! or performance resu t" Rating forms are composed of a number of sca es! each re ating to a certain job or performanceGre ated dimension! such as job know edge! responsibi ity! or .ua ity of work" (ach sca e is a continuum of sca e points! or anchors! which range from high to ow! from good to poor! from most to east effective! and so forth" )ca es typica y have from five to seven points! though they can have more or ess" Craphic rating sca es may or may not define their sca e points"

Mi3ed $tandard $cales

2 Mi:ed standard sca es are a re ative y recent innovation in rating sca es" $hey contain statements representing good! average! and poor performance based on behaviora e:amp es obtained from know edgeab e persons! usua y supervisors" 6n eva uator7s task is to indicate whether an emp oyee either fits the statement! is better than the statement! or worse than the statement

4e0avioral #0ec*list
2 6 behaviora check ist is a rating form containing statements describing both effective and ineffective job behaviors" $hese behaviors re ate to a number of behaviora dimensions determined to be re evant to the job"

6 Creat P ace to Dork

2 2 2 2 ( 1riendly Place %0ere Isn5t M c0 Politics (ro nd Here 6o .et a 1air $0a*e 1eel +i*e 1amily

( 1riendly Place
2 It may sound trite! but friend iness appears to be one of the distinguishing characteristics of good workp aces" Peop e seem to enjoy each other7s company" $his is not an insignificant issue" Dork for an organi#ation is! after a ! work in a group setting" It7s very different! for instance! from the most y so itary work of a nove ist or a painter" Dhen you work for an organi#ation! other peop e don7t disappear" Aou are forced to interact with others! with your coGworkers and your boss or your subordinates" Dhat you think about your workp ace has to do arge y with the .ua ity of those interactions"

%0ere Isn5t M c0 Politics (ro nd Here

2 6t good workp aces! emp oyees don7t seem concerned about backstabbing" It7s in this conte:t that one e:pression heard repeated y at good workp aces takes on meaningE F$here isn7t much po itics around here"F By that! peop e mean emp oyees aren7t constant y jockeying for position! trying to curry favor with the highGups! worrying about the impact of their actions on their chances for moving up in the company! or ooking over their shou der to make sure someone e se isn7t setting them up to destroy their career"

6o .et a 1air $0a*e

2 )uch statements must be taken serious y" It7s e:treme y difficu t to foo peop e into be ieving they are being treated fair y when they7re not" Most of us! especia y in workp ace situaMtions! have a high y trained sense of injustice" De carefu y note e:amp es of favoritism! bias! ine.uity! and abuse! even if we don7t e:press our outrage" )o we don7t gratuitous y say something is fair when we know it7s not" De norma y offer that judgment sparing y! and on y when it7s genuine y deserved"

1eel +i*e 1amily

2 Oust what is meant by fami yH ?f course! there are fami ies and then there are fami ies" )ome have oving parents! whi e others have wife beaters and chi d abusers" )o to suggest that a company is ike a fami y may suggest wide y different interMpretations" Cenera y speaking! peop e who work for good emMp oyers mean something very positive when they say their workp aces have a fami y ike atmosphere" 6mong other things! they meanE

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