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Codex Orks Update: For Use With Warhammer 40,000 2 Edition

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Codex Orks

For use with Warhammer 40,000 2
This document is meant to allow players with newer models to use them when playing 2nd edition
Warhammer 40,000.
Burna (Ranged) Flamer Template Flamer Template 4 !2 d"#4 Target $urns on 4#
Burna (%%) %lose %om$at " !& d"#d2#"
'law o( )or*+,or* %lose %om$at 0 2d4 !- d20#2d4#0 .ehicle mount only
Ro**it /auncha 0!20 2!240 # ! - d0 !" d"#d0#-
)rot1oo*a 0!"0 "!-0 # ! " !2 d"#" 2ustained Fire ()
3 4 $last
0!-0 -!&"0 ! ! " d4 !& d"#d4#" 2ustained Fire (6)
0!20 2!240 # ! - d" !4 2d"#-
0!20 2!&"0 # ! - d2 !4 d"#d2#- 20 Blast
,o7e or Fire
'ill*annon 0!20 2!240 ! ! 8 d4 !& d"#d4#8 &0 Blast
,o7e or Fire
"U#NA "O$%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2' Points per mode(
Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Burna Boy 4 & & & 4 2 8
SQUAD The squad consists of between 5 and 20 Burna Boyz.
WA!"#S Burna$ a%e and fra& sti''bo(z.
A)*"U) +,a' ar(our -./ sa0e1
WA)2A) U3 to 4 (ode,s (ay re3,ace their burna with a *issi,e 5auncher with fra& and 'ra' (issi,es for
6. 3oints.
S!78A5 A Burna is a basic wea3on which (ay be used in the shootin& 3hase or hand9to9hand co(bat
Whene0er a Burna Boy is 'i,,ed there is a chance his e%tre(e,y 0o,ati,e wea3on wi,, e%3,ode as his 3recarious
contro, of it is ,ost. When a Burna Boy is 'i,,ed ro,, a d.. "n a ro,, of 5 or . 3,ace the 2: te(3,ate o0er the
dead (ode,. Anythin& co0ered wi,, be hit auto(atica,,y$ and anythin& 3artia,,y co0ered wi,, be hit on a ;/.
The hit has a stren&th of; with a 92 sa0e (odi<er.
)AN*"US)AS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&4+ Points per mode(
Troop Type
Tan*$usta 4 & & & 4 2 8
SQUAD The squad consists of between 5 and 20 Tan'bustas.
WA!"#S )o''it 5auncha$ a%e and 'ra' sti''bo(z.
A)*"U) +,a' ar(our -./ sa0e1
WA)2A) U3 to two (ode,s (ay re3,ace their )o''it 5auncha with a Thunder =a((er for free.
U3 to three (ode,s (ay ta'e a Bo(b9Squi& for /65 3oints.
A Bo(b9Squi& is a one9shot >(o0e or <re> wea3on$ which (ay be used in the shootin& 3hase. When it is
re,eased ro,, a d..
"n a 29. it (o0es u3 to 6?: towards the nearest ene(y 0ehic,e. 8f it reaches a 0ehic,e it wi,, detonate$ hittin&
a rando( ,ocation with an ar(our 3enetration of d./d20/?.
"n a ro,, of 6 it (o0es u3 to 6?: towards the nearest friend,y 0ehic,e instead.
8f there are no 0ehic,es on the tab,e$ or if it fai,s to reach a 0ehic,e the squi& wi,, run o@ and be ,ost.
'0 points
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 -0
Fast 2peed9 260
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 -, d2 5amage, !6 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d2#-)
<r* 5ri7er
:ny num$er o( models that can (it or $alance on the Battlewagon
can $e carried $y it. :ny models which (all o(( during play are
=udged to ha7e actually (allen o(( and the normal rules apply.
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The Battlewagon may $e armed with up to 4 o( the (ollowing weapons. >ach weapon?s (ield o( (ire will
depend on its location on the 7ehicle9
Rokkit Lau!"a at &0 points each@
Hea#y Bo$ter at 0 points each.
<r*s in the Battlewagon may use any weapons that they are carrying. The (ield o( (ire is $ased on the
position o( the indi7idual <r* model within the 7ehicle.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( W"ee$) (* (*
+ , - Hu$$ +. (/
* , % Pa00e1er0) , ,
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er.
Chinork Warkopta
40 points 2 weapons&
2low 2peed9 80
%om$at 2peed9 200
Fast 2peed9 260
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !& 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
<r* ;ilot, and )retchin )unner
0 models
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
<ne o( the (ollowing weapons (ired $y the ;ilot with a C0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront9
Hea#y Bo$ter (or #0 points@
Hea#y &$a'er (or 26 points@
Rokkit Lau!"a (or &0 points@
2u0to' Me1a,B$a0ta (or - points.
<ne o( the (ollowing weapons (ired $y the )unner with a C0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront9
T3i,$iked Auto!ao (or #&2 points@
T3i,$iked Hea#y Stu44er (or 4 points@
The War*opta may also $e eEuipped with a 2u0to' B$a0ta (or &0 points, which has a &"0F (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Side5Rear Ar'our
( Pi$ot T-6 W(6 S# %7
+ , 8 Pa00e1er0) ) )
- , % Warkopta (( ((
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er. G( no passengers are on $oard, count this as a hit on the War*opta
20 points 2 weapons
2low 2peed9 00
%om$at 2peed9 200
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !& 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
<r* ;ilot
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The 5e((*opta must $e armed with one weapon (rom the (ollowing.9
Twin!lin*ed Hea#y Bo$ter0 (or 20 points@
Twin!lin*ed Mi00i$e Lau!"er0 with (rag and *ra* missiles (or "0 points@
2u0to' Me1a,B$a0ta (or - points.
>ach has a C0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront.
The 5e((*opta may also $e eEuipped with a 2u0to' B$a0ta (or &0 points, which has a &"0F (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( , + Pi$ot T-6 W(6 S# %7
8 , % De99kopta (. (.
4' points 2 weapons
- WS "S S 5 A 6d
" 6 4 " & 4 "
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 8, d0 5amage, !4 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d0#8)
)retchin ;ilot
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The 5readnought has 2 upper arms eEuipped with Po3er C$a30 (;ower Fists)
Gn addition it has 2 lower arms which must $e eEuipped with weapons (rom the (ollowing list (or the listed
points. Both ha7e a C0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront9
Hea#y Bo$ter #0 points@
Hea#y Stu44er #8 points@
Hea#y &$a'er #26 points@
La0!ao #&0 points@
Mi00i$e Lau!"er :9ra1 ; krak< # &0 points@
2u0to' Me1a,B$a0ta (or - points.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( Le10 (/ (/
(/+ Le9t Ar') (% (%
8 Ri1"t Ar') (% (%
- , % Body +. (=
A Roll a d". !&H upper arm, 4!"H lower arm.
82' points
- WS "S S 5 A 6d
" 6 4 - & & -
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 -, d2 5amage, !6 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d2#-)
<r* Io$ ;ilot
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The )or*anaut?s right arm is eEuipped with a 2$a3 o9 Gork, and its le(t arm is eEuipped with a De990tor'
Me1a,0"oota, which has a -0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront.
The )or*anaut is also armed with 2 twin!lin*ed Hea#y Bo$ter0 and a Hea#y Flamer, which ha7e a -0D
(ield o( (ire to the (ront, and 2 Rokkit Lau!"a0, which ha7e a &"0D (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( Le10 +. +.
+ Le9t Ar' (/ (/
8 Ri1"t Ar' (/ (/
- , % Body ++ (>
7rot "om9 6aun:ha
4' points&
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed92 0
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 6, d4 5amage, !2 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d4#6)
<r* 5ri7er
)retchin ?;ilot?
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The 7ehicle is armed with a single Gro4 Bo'4. <nce the $om$ has $een launched the 7ehicle may not (ire
again, though the rider is armed with a Bo$t Pi0to$.
To (ire the )rot Bom$ the $i*e must remain stationary. First nominate a target, which must $e within the
$i*e?s C0F (ront (ire arc. Jou can aim anywhere on the ta$le that you thin* is in range, regardless o(
whether the target is 7isi$le! the )rot Bom$ is not su$=ect to the %hoosing a Target rules. <nce you ha7e
pic*ed the target the $om$ is launched and it?s all up to the )retchin pilot. Roll the scatter and artillery
dice, and consult the ta$le $elow9
S!atter Di!e Arti$$ery Di!e Re0u$t
Bit Ium$er Remar*a$ly the pilot steers the $om$ directly to the target.
;lace the 20 $last o7er the target and resol7e damage as normal.
:rrow Ium$er 5espite his $est e((orts, the pilot doesn?t Euite ma*e it. ,o7e
the target point the num$er o( inches shown on the artillery
dice in the direction shown on the scatter dice. ;lace the 20 $last
o7er the target and resol7e damage as normal.
:rrow ,is(ire The poor )retchin panics at the last minute, and pulls up. The
$om$ disappears o7er the hori1on, ne7er to $e seen again.
Bit ,is(ire 2omething goes horri$ly wrong during the launch. ;lace the
$last mar*er o7er the )rot Bom$ 7ehicle and resol7e damage as
)rot Bom$
)uess 240!820 2pecial
- 2d" !& &d"#- 2: B,ast
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Side5Rear Ar'our
( , + Rider T-6 W(6 S# %7
8 , - Bike (. (+
* , % Grot Bo'4) :Weapo< (. (.
AG( the $om$ has $een launched count 6 K " as $i*e instead.
7rot )ank
20 points 2 weapons&
2low 2peed9 80
%om$at 2peed9 200
Fast 2peed9 260
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !& 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
)retchin 5ri7er
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The 7ehicle must $e eEuipped with one o( the (ollowing weapons, which is mounted in the turret with a
&"0D (ield o( (ire9
2u0to' 2o'4i,Weapo (or 6 points@
Hea#y Stu44er (or 8 points@
Hea#y &$a'er (or 26 points@
Grot?ooka (or 0 points@
Rokkit Lau!"a (or &0 points.
The )rot Tan* may also $e eEuipped with a pintle!mounted Bo$ter with a &"0D (ield o( (ire (or & points.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Side5Rear Ar'our
( S!rap See 4e$o3 See 4e$o3
+ Tra!k) (. (.
8 , - Hu$$ (( (.
* , % Turret (- (-
ABit the nearest to the attac*er.
S!rap@ )rot tan*s are rolling scrap piles. G( a is rolled on the damage location chart the shot has hit
something which doesn?t seem to $e important, or e7en necessary. The shot is wasted.
*i((a *an
4' points
- WS "S S 5 A 6d
" 4 & 6 2 2 "
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !& 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
)retchin ;ilot
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The 'illa 'an is armed with a Po3er C$a3 (power (ist) and one weapon (rom the (ollowing list (or the listed
points, which has a C0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront.
Hea#y Stu44er #8 points@
Hea#y &$a'er #26 points@
Mi00i$e Lau!"er :9ra1 ; krak< # &0 points.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( Le10 (% (%
+ Le9t Ar' (- (-
8 Ri1"t Ar' (- (-
- , % Body (/ (*
6i3ta "att(ewa,on
;' points
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 -0
Fast 2peed9 260
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 -, d2 5amage, !6 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d2#-)
<r* 5ri7er, 2 )retchin )unners
:ny num$er o( models that can (it or $alance on the Battlewagon
can $e carried $y it. :ny models which (all o(( during play are
=udged to ha7e actually (allen o(( and the normal rules apply.
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* and one Runtherd in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The Battlewagon is armed with a S'a0"a Gu which has a &"0D (ield o( (ire.
The Battlewagon may $e armed with up to 4 o( the (ollowing weapons. >ach weapon?s (ield o( (ire will
depend on its location on the 7ehicle.
Rokkit Lau!"a at &0 points each@
Hea#y Bo$ter at 0 points each.
<r*s in the Battlewagon may use any weapons that they are carrying. The (ield o( (ire is $ased on the
position o( the indi7idual <r* model within the 7ehicle.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( W"ee$) (* (*
+ , 8 Hu$$ +. (/
- , * S'a0"a Gu (. (.
% Pa00e1er05Guer0) , ,
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er.
82' points
- WS "S S 5 A 6d
" 6 4 - & & -
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 -, d2 5amage, !6 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d2#-)
<r* Io$ ;ilot
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The )or*anaut?s le(t arm is eEuipped with a 2$a3 o9 Mork, and its le(t arm is eEuipped with a 2u0to'
Me1a,2ao, which has a -0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront.
The )or*anaut is also armed with 2 twin!lin*ed Hea#y Bo$ter0 and a 2u0to' Me1a,B$a0ta, which ha7e a
-0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront, and 2 Rokkit Lau!"a0, which ha7e a &"0D (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( Le10 +. +.
+ Le9t Ar' (/ (/
8 Ri1"t Ar' (/ (/
- , % Body ++ (>
No9< "ike
20 points 2 No9
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 20
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 6, d4 5amage, !2 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d4#6)
<r* 5ri7er
<r* Io$
The $i*e is unarmed, though the Io$ may (ire any o( his weapons in a &"0F arc.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( , 8 Rider T-6 W(6 S# %7
- , % Bike (. (+
'0 points
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 200
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !2 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
<r* 5ri7er, <r* )unner, 2notling
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The 2corcher is armed with a Hea#y &$a'er, which has a &"0D (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( Dri#er T-6 W(6 S# %7
+ Turret (+ (+
8 , * S!or!"er (. (+
% &ue$ Tak (+ (+
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er
( The trac* is $lown o((. The 2corcher mo7es out o( control neLt turn then comes to a permanent halt.
+ , 8 The controls are damaged. Roll a d" at the start o( each o( the 2corcher?s mo7ement phase. <n a 4, 6 or " the dri7er is
a$le to control the 7ehicle and it mo7es normally. <n a , 2 or & it mo7es out o( control that turn.
- The (ront wheel is $lown o(( and the 2corcher (lips o7er, *illing the crew. The wrec* crashes down d"0 away in a random
direction. :nything hit su((ers d" strength 8 hits with a !2 sa7e modi(ier.
* The engine eLplodes, *illing the crew. The wrec* goes out o( control neLt turn then comes to a permanent halt.
% The (uel catches (ire, *illing the crew. The (laming wrec* mo7es out o( control neLt turn then eLplodes, causing d&
strength - hits with a !& sa7ing throw modi(ier to all models within &0.
( , + The hea7y (lamer is destroyed and may not $e used (or the rest o( the game.
8 , % The gunner is hit. Be has a toughness o( 4, wound and a "# sa7e. G( *illed the hea7y (lamer may no longer $e used.
&ue$ Tak
( The 2notling pump attendant is *illed and the (uel tan*?s pressure starts running down. IeLt turn the 2corcher may (ire
as normal. The turn a(ter that it is treated as a normal (lamer rather than a hea7y (lamer. The turn a(ter that it is treated
as a hand (lamer, and the turn a(ter that it may not (ire at all.
+ The (uel tan* starts lea7ing a trail o( $urning (uel $ehind the 7ehicle. This is not a pro$lem as long as the 7ehicle *eeps
mo7ing. Bowe7er, i( the 7ehicle stops (or any reason then the $urning (uel will catch up causing an eLplosion as
descri$ed (or a roll o( & K " $elow.
8 , % The (uel eLplodes, destroying the 2corcher and *illing the crew. :ny models within 2d"0 o( the 7ehicle are caught in the
eLplosion, su((ering damage eLactly as i( hit $y a hea7y (lamer.
4' points
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 20
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 6, d4 5amage, !2 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration d"#d4#6)
<r* Rider
The War$i*e is armed with t3i,$iked Auto!ao06 which ha7e a C0D (ield o( (ire to the (ront.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( , + Rider T-6 W(6 S# %7
8 , % War4ike (. (+
War "u,,0
2' points 2 weapons
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 "0
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !& 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
<r* 5ri7er, <r* )unner
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The War Buggy must $e armed with one weapon (rom the (ollowing (or the )unner to operate9
Twin!lin*ed Hea#y Bo$ter0 (or 20 points@
La0!ao (or &0 points@
T3i,$iked Auto!ao (or &2 points@
Hea#y P$a0'a Gu (or 2" points@
Mu$ti,'e$ta (or &C points.
The weapon has a &"0D (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( , 8 Cre3) T-6 W(6 S# %7
- , % War Bu11y (. (.
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er
80 points 2 weapons
2low 2peed9 00
%om$at 2peed9 200
Fast 2peed9 2-0
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !2 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
<r* 5ri7er, <r* )unner
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The Wartra* must $e armed with one weapon (rom the (ollowing (or the )unner to operate9
Twin!lin*ed Hea#y Bo$ter0 (or 20 points@
La0!ao (or &0 points@
T3i,$iked Auto!ao (or &2 points@
Hea#y P$a0'a Gu (or 2" points@
Mu$ti,'e$ta (or &C points.
The weapon has a &"0D (ield o( (ire.
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( , 8 Cre3) T-6 W(6 S# %7
- , % Wartrak :Bike< (. (+
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er
40 points
2low 2peed9 -0
%om$at 2peed9 "0
Fast 2peed9 &00
#am 1a(ue/
2trength9 ", d" 5amage, !& 2a7e
(:rmour ;enetration 2d"#")
<r* 5ri7er, <r* )unner
:ny num$er o( models that can (it or $alance on the Tru** can
$e carried $y it. :ny models which (all o(( during play are =udged
to ha7e actually (allen o(( and the normal rules apply.
The <r* army must include at least one ,e*ania* in order to ha7e any o( these 7ehicles.
The Wartru** is armed with a Hea#y Bo$ter which has a -0D (ield o( (ire. For an additional 0 points this
may $e upgraded to a twin!lin*ed Hea#y Bo$terA
D% Lo!atio &rot Ar'our Rear Ar'our
( , 8 Cre35Pa00e1er0) T-6 W(6 S# %7
- , % Wartrukk :Hu$$< (+ (+
A Bit the one nearest the attac*er
7eneri: 1ehi:(e !ama,e )a9(es
For use with Warhammer 40,000 2
Ve"i!$e Lo!atio :d% Ro$$<
( The arm is hit M partially paralysed. :ny ranged weapons incorporated into the arm may still $e used, $ut the arm
cannot $e used to (ight in hand!to!hand com$at. Reduce the model?s :ttac* characteristic $y point.
+ :ny weapons mounted on the arm are =ammed or partially damaged M can only $e used i( you (irst roll a 4# on a d".
8 , * The arm is torn o((. :ny weapons mounted on it are destroyed, M the model?s :ttac* characteristic is reduced $y point.
% The arm is destroyed and any weapon on it eLplodesN The eLplosion causes a (lash$ac* resulting in a secondary
eLplosion. Roll on the damage ta$le representing the 7ehicle?s main $ody, hull or engine.
Body or Head :Dreadou1"t6 Wrait"$ord<
( The 7ehicle?s controls are damaged ma*ing it di((icult to control. The 7ehicle may only mo7e or attac* i( you (irst roll a 4
or more on a d". Gt may still shoot normally.
+ The controlling entity is $adly damaged. :ll the 7ehicle?s characteristics are hal7ed (or the rest o( the game.
8 , - The engine $ursts into (lames M the 7ehicle is immo$ilised, though it may still shoot normally. Roll a d" at the $eginning
o( each player?s turn. <n a or 2 the 7ehicle eLplodes. :ny models within &0 su((er d" 20 hits with a !& sa7e.
* The entity controlling the 7ehicle is destroyed. The 7ehicle staggers d&0 in a random direction , colliding with anything
mo7ed into, M then collapses to the ground.
% The 7ehicle?s ammunition eLplodesN The 7ehicle is destroyed M any models within &0 su((er d" 20 hits with a !& sa7e.
Bike6 or War4ike or War Bu11y
( The 7ehicle?s mounted weapon, (the weapon (ired $y the pilot) is destroyed M may no longer $e used. G( it has no such
weapon then the 7ehicle itsel( is damaged. From now on the 7ehicle?s maLimum speed is reduced to its slow rate only.
+ The 7ehicle?s mounted hea7y weapon, (the weapon (ired $y the gunner) is destroyed and may no longer $e used. G( it
has no such weapon then the 7ehicle itsel( is damaged. From now on the 7ehicle?s maLimum speed is reduced to its
slow rate only.
8 The controls are damaged ma*ing it di((icult to control. Roll a d" at the start o( each o( the 7ehicle?s mo7ement phases.
<n a 4,6 or " the rider is a$le to *eep control and the 7ehicle mo7es normally. <n a ,2 or & the 7ehicle mo7es out o(
control (or that turn.
- The 7ehicle?s wheel is $lown o(( and it (lips o7er, *illing the rider. The wrec* comes crashing to the ground d"0 away in a
random direction. :nything under it when it lands ta*es d& 2" hits with a !2 sa7ing throw modi(ier.
* The engine eLplodes, *illing the rider. The wrec* hurtles out o( control neLt turn $e(ore coming to a permanent halt.
% The 7ehicle?s (uel catches (ire, *illing the rider. The (laming wrec* hurtles out o( control neLt turn then eLplodes, causing
d& 2- hits with a !& sa7ing throw modi(ier on all models within &0.
Cre3 or Co!kpit
( , % Roll to see i( the crewman is damaged using the normal shooting rules.
G( the dri7er+pilot is *illed the 7ehicle will mo7e out o( control (or the remainder o( the game unless another crew
mem$er ta*es o7er, or until it hits terrain it cannot cross, collides with another 7ehicle or $uilding, or lea7es the ta$le.
G( a gunner is *illed then his weapon may no longer $e (ired unless another crewman ta*es o7er.
( The 7ehicle?s controls are damaged ma*ing it di((icult to control. The 7ehicle may only mo7e or attac* i( you (irst roll a 4
or more on a d". Gt may still shoot normally.
+ , 8 The cooling system (or the engine is damaged and the 7ehicle starts to o7erheat. Roll a d" at the $eginning o( each
player?s turn. <n a roll o( or 2 the 7ehicle eLplodes. :ny models within &0 su((er d" 20 hits with a !& sa7ing throw
- , % The engine eLplodes, destroying the 7ehicle M causing d& 2- hits with a !& sa7ing throw modi(ier on all models within &0.
( The leg holds, $ut the (orce o( the $low slows it down. The 7ehicle may not mo7e in it?s neLt turn.
+ The 7ehicle is *noc*ed sprawling. Gt staggers d&0 in a random direction, colliding with anything it mo7es into.
8 , - The leg is seriously damaged. The 7ehicle may now only limp d&0 per turn.
* , % The leg is $lown o(( and the 7ehicle crashes to the ground. Gt may not mo7e or attac* (or the rest o( the game, and is
e((ecti7ely destroyed.
( :ny hull mounted weapon is destroyed and may not $e (ired (or the rest o( the game. G( there are no weapons mounted
on the hull, count this result as 2!& instead.
+ , 8 : large eLplosion tears through the crew compartment. Roll a 5" (or each crew mem$er9 <n a roll o( 4# they *illed.
- The 7ehicle?s engine eLplodes, *illing the crew. The 7ehicle is spun around to (ace in a random direction $y the (orce o(
the $last and then comes to a permanent halt.
* : spar* ignites the (uel tan* and it $ursts into (lames, *illing all o( the crew. The (laming wrec* mo7es out o( control neLt
turn and then eLplodes. :nything within &0 o( the point where it ends up is caught in the eLplosion, su((ering 5" 20 hits
with a !& sa7e modi(ier.
% The 7ehicle?s ammunition or (uel tan* eLplodes, destroying it and all models on $oard. :ny models within &0 5" 20 hits
with a !& sa7e modi(ier.
Ski''er Body :Lad Speeder6 Bet4ike6 Vyper6 Va$kyrie<
( The 7ehicle?s mounted weapon, (the weapon (ired $y the pilot) is destroyed and may no longer $e used. G( it has no such
weapon then the 7ehicle itsel( is damaged. From now on the 7ehicle?s maLimum speed is reduced to its slow rate only.
+ The 7ehicle?s mounted hea7y weapon, (the weapon (ired $y the gunner) is destroyed and may no longer $e used. G( it
has no such weapon then the 7ehicle itsel( is damaged. From now on the 7ehicle?s maLimum speed is reduced to its
slow rate only.
8 The controls are damaged ma*ing it di((icult to control. Roll a d" at the start o( each o( the 7ehicle?s mo7ement phases.
<n a 4,6 or " the rider is a$le to *eep control and the 7ehicle mo7es normally. <n a ,2 or & the 7ehicle mo7es out o(
control (or that turn.
- The engine cuts out and it crashes to the ground 2d"0 away in a random direction. :nything under it when it lands ta*es
d& 2" hits with a !2 sa7ing throw modi(ier. The crew are a$le to leap to the ground $e(ore it crashes, $ut will su((er
damage i( the 7ehicle was mo7ing at more than 00 in its pre7ious mo7e.
* The 7ehicle?s engine $lows up, *illing the crew. The wrec* plummets to the ground 2d"0 away in a random direction.
:nything under it when it lands ta*es d& 2" hits with a !2 sa7ing throw modi(ier
% The 7ehicle?s (uel eLplodes, *illing the crew. The wrec* plummets to the ground 2d"0 away in a random direction. When
it hits the ground its ammunition eLplodes, causing d& 2- hits with a !& sa7ing throw modi(ier on all models within &0.
Tra!k or W"ee$
( The trac* is damaged, $ut *eeps running. The 7ehicle may only mo7e at slow speed (or the rest o( the game.
+ , * The trac* is $lown o((. The 7ehicle mo7es out o( control neLt turn and then comes to a permanent halt.
% The trac* is $lown o(( and the resulting damage smashes the 7ehicle?s dri7e sha(t causing it to (lip o7er. The wrec*
comes to rest 5"0 away in a random direction, and any model it lands on ta*es 5" 28 hits with a !2 sa7e modi(ier. Roll a
5" (or each model on $oard, they are *illed on a 4,6 or ". 2ur7i7ing models may dismount using the normal rules.
( The weapon mounted in the turret is damaged and may only $e (ired i( you (irst roll a 4 or more on a d".
+ The turret is =ammed and may no longer rotate. :ny weapon mounted in it may only (ire in a straight line at targets that
are directly in (ront o( it.
8 The turret gunner is *illed. Onless manned $y another crew mem$er any turret weapons may no longer $e (ired.
- , % The ammunition stored in the turret eLplodes and the 7ehicle is destroyed. :ll the crew and passengers are *illed and
the turret is $lown o((, (lying 2d"0 in a random direction $e(ore it crashes to the ground. :nything under the spot where
it lands ta*es d" 2C hits with a !" sa7ing throw modi(ier.
Weapo or Spo0o
( The weapon is damaged and may only $e (ired i( you (irst roll a 4 or more on a d".
+ , * The weapon is destroyed, and may not $e (ired (or the rest o( the game.
% The weapon is destroyed as a$o7e, $ut the eLplosion causes a (lash$ac* resulting in a secondary eLplosion. Roll on the
damage ta$le representing the 7ehicle?s main $ody, hull or engine.
Wi1 or Tai$
( The wing is clipped, ma*ing mo7ement di((icult. The 7ehicle may only tra7el at slow speed (rom now on.
+ , 8 The 7ehicle?s tail is damaged ma*ing it di((icult to control. Roll a 5" at the start o( each mo7ement phase. <n a roll o( 4 !
" the 7ehicle mo7es normally. <n a roll o( ! & it mo7es out o( control (or that turn.
- The tail is $adly damaged. The 7ehicle ma*es an emergency crash landing 25"P away in a random direction. :nything
under it when it lands ta*es 5& 2" hits with a !2 sa7e. The crew can leap to the ground $e(ore it crashes, $ut i( the
7ehicle mo7ed o7er 0P in its last turn they su((er damage as normal.
* , % The 7ehicle?s wing is $lown o((. The wrec* plummets to the ground 25"P away in a random direction. When it hits the
ground it?s ammunition eLplodes, causing 5& strength - hits with a !& sa7e to all models within &P.

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