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Dokumen - Tips RF Online GM Guide Commands

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This is list of all GM commands that work in 2.1.6 and in 2.3.3 of rf online.

%xyz (Give oneself coords.

%res!rrect ("es!rrect oneself.

%lv (#et oneself lvl.

%trans$arent (T!rn & oneself invisi'le.

%no trans$arent (T!rn  oneself invisi'le.

%matchless (T!rn & oneself )od kill.

%no matchless (T!rn  oneself )od kill.

%$ass d!n)eon (inish oneself entered 'attle d!n)eon.

%neverdie (T!rn & oneself invinci'le.

%no neverdie (T!rn  oneself invinci'le.

%allskill *+++++++++, (#et oneself skills level.

%f!ll force (#et oneself s$ells to max level.

%show me the dalant *123, (Give oneself 3.---.---.--- money or in$!t amo!nt.

%show me the )old *123, (Give oneself /--.--- )old or in$!t amo!nt.

%die (0ill oneself.

%miracle (#ort of healin).

%f!llmiracle (#ort of healin).

%contri'!te$ *123, (dd 45 $oints to oneself.

%contri'!tem *123, (dd 55 $oints to oneself.

%$ass 7!est (5ass oneself o'tained 7!est and )ive yo! reward.

%min attack $oint (8eal minim!m dama)e of yo!r attack ran)e.

%max attack $oint (8eal maxim!m dama)e of yo!r attack ran)e.

%normal attack $oint (#et dama)e 'ack to normal.

%effect time *123, (#et '!ff d!ration on oneself max +--- seconds.

%effect clear ("emove oneself '!ffs.

9tems ect

%clear inven (8elete oneself inventory.

%)od hand (T!rn & )od !$)rade mode.

%chicken hand (T!rn  )od !$)rade mode.

%'e))ar (8ro$ all the tar)eted mo' items max amo!nt and max items.

%no 'e))ar (Make tar)eted mo' dro$s normally.

%cashamo!nt (4ash sho$ related.

%cs'!y *9T:M98, (;!y cash sho$ item.


%kick *<#:"&M:, (0ick $layer o!t of )ame.

%chat'an *!sername, (M!te ==== $layer

%circle (8is$lay amo!nt of $layers near yo!.


%total (8is$lay amo!nt of !sers online for each race.

%servertime (8is$lay server !$time.


%#et G!ild Grade (#et oneself )!ild )rade.

%#et G!ild Grade ;y &ame (#et )!ild )rade.

%#et G!ild Grade ;y G!ild#erial (#et )!ild )rade.


%monset *&, (T!rn nff mo's res$awnin).



town (Tele$ort oneself to >?.

move *<#:"&M:, (5ort to a 5layer

%$ort (Tele$ort oneself to new ma$.

%)oto mine (5ort yo! in front of mine core

%@!m$ (Tele$ort to =AB coords.


%charcall ($ort a $layer to yo!

%$artycall *<#:"&M:, (4all whole $layer $arty to oneself.

%)!ildcall *<#:"&M:, (4all whole $layer )!ild to oneself.


%eder - (;ellatoC'ase

%eder 1 (4oraC'ase

%eder 2 (ccretia 'ase

%)oto shi$ (Tele$ort oneself to trans$ortation shi$.

:lan Ma$

%@!m$ :lan C/2D2 D2+ C26//

%@!m$ :lan 3/D+ 21+ C3+ED


%)oto stone - ('ellato

%)oto stone 1 (cora

%)oto stone 2 (accretia


%@!m$ 5latform-1 12/DD 13/E C321/ (4ora ether sky @ail

%@!m$ 5latform-1 CDE3E 3D-6 11-EE (;ell ether sky @ail

%@!m$ 5latform-1 C1111 3E-- CD3- (cc ether sky @ail


i$'n$- C - sec h$ $ots

i$'h$- C $ots (h$f$s$decoaeexn$

4har)ers ect

i$csa-1 C -3 (1 'ell 2 coral 3 acc '!st $otions

i$csa2 C 3+ (1 sec is 3+ c!re char)ers

i$csa3- C stealth (3- acc 2+ cora 2 'ell

:&#: 4>"G:"

i$'ae-1 C 'elato

i$'ae-2 C cora

i$'ae-3 C accretia

8::&#: 4>"G:"

i$'de-1 C 'elato

i$'de-2 C cora

i$'de-3 C accretia


i7ell-1 C :lan #crolls

i7res-1 C 4ra) Mine ield #crolls

i7$v$-1-2 C ;east Mo!ntain I o!tcast ma$ instant tele$orters


immmm-D C !$)rader item

rd$v$-1-2-3 C satalite scanners

ircht-1 C 'l!e $owder

iy)em-D C s$arklin) )em (exchan)e for master )ift 'oxes )ood for $layer rewards JJ

%threeseven war (8ro$ D "ace 'ack$acks.

irres-1 C "ed #tone (com'inein) for 4 Grade rmor

ir'ls-1 C ;l!e #tone (Gem <$)radein)

iyyyy2/ C silver catalyst

iyyyy26 C )old catalyst

ixkey-1 C ixkey2D normal )ateway key

ixkey2/ C dark hole )ateway key


KT# (iyyyy-1Ciyyyy2D

iyyyy-6 C lo!is mika

iyyyy-3 C )reaf

iyyyy21 C $ly 'lidend

iyyyy1E C sol zid



i$csaE3 C 4lass 4han)e $ill

"ecovery 5ills

re'''-1 C re'''11

i$drw-1 C 4oncintradted 5oision

i$drw-2 C ;eserkers ile

i$drw-3 C 4rem!l #natchers


(Larnin) some 'oxes may ca!se 4lient to crash when o$ened

'xcsa-1 C -3 (2 for sock 'ox -3 l!cky lar)e 1 fav lar)err

'x)em-D C 'oxes

'xc@h-1 C 'oxes

'xxts-D C 'oxes




'x'ch-1 C 'elato 'ox item

'xcch-1 C cora 'ox item

'xach-1 C accretian 'ox item





4han)e (-1C-D

io'l!-D C 'l!e ore ND

iored-D C red ore ND

io'la-D C 'lack ore ND

io)re-D C )reen ore ND

ioyel-D C yellow ND


(chan)e -1 for -2-3  ;4

ire'!-1 C 'l!e excelsior

irere-1 C red excelsior

ire'l-1 C 'lack excelsior

ire)r-1 C )reen excelsior

ireyl-1 C yellow excelsior

ire$!-1 C $!r$le excelsior

irewh-1 C white excelsior

ire'w-1 C 'rown excelsior

ireol-1 C olive excelsior

irena-1 C navy excelsior


T2 Gems




T3 Gems





TD Gems







(Lea$ons are lowered 'y /lvl

chan)e /- for (D/D-3/3-

4>&G: OeP to a letter 'etween  to K (see a'ove for $!r$le o!t$!ts

a Q 1.-- #$eed 9ncrease

' Q 2-% 5 8ecrease

c Q 3- imin) 9ncrease

d Q 1-% 8ama)e voidance

e Q 1-% ttack 9ncrease

f Q 1-% 8efense 9ncrease

) Q /--% 5 "ecovery "ate

h Q Maxim!m 5 9ncrease

i Q 2-% 8ama)e 4onvert to >ealth

@ Q 1% 8ama)e 4onvert to 5

k Q 9ncrease 4ritical 4hance 'y /

l Q 9ncrease ttack "adi!s"an)e 'y 2-

iwaze/- la!nchers

'ows iw'ze/-
swords iwsze/-

maces iwmze/-

)!ns iwfze/-

knives iwkze/-

s$ears iw$ze/-

staffs iwtze/-

axes iwxze/-

"elic Lea$ons

(lvl D/

iwstz-2 C "elic staff (ccelleon

iwl!z-D C "elic la!ncher (4er'er!s

iwflz-D C "elic la!ncher (9nferno

iwfad-D C "elic la!ncher (Titan

iw'oz-1 C "elic 'ow (alkyrie

iw'oz-2 C "elic cross ;ow (4himera

iwfiz-D C "elic firearm (8!al >itter

iwfid-6 C "elic firearm (MCE2 8ark ;!llet

iwmad-2 C "elic mace (4retin Toel

iwmad-3 C "elic mace (;l!nt of 'livion

iwaxd-2 C "elic axe (rmor 0iller

iwswd-1 C "elic sword (Man :ater

iws$z-2 C "elic s$ear (en)eance

iwknd-2 C "elic knife (9zen "itterHs ;lack ;lade

GM Lea$ons

iwstd-1 C #taff (FM #taff

iwkna++ C 0nife (4: #word

Misc Lea$ons

iwswdD/ C 8!al :vent #words (lvl 1 

iwl!'/1 C 9nt >ora keron Ka!ncher (lvl /-

iwhkn-1 C ;lack #i)nHs Man :ater (lvl /3

iwfi'// C 9nt 8ark Gatlin) (lvl //

iwl!'/- C :$ochal Ka!ncher for Kvl/-

iwchr-1 C :lemental 8!al #words


ncient rmor (lvl /- armor

ihawc/- C cc Melee

iharc/- C cc "an)er

ihafc/- C cc Ka!ncher

ihcwc/- C 4ora Melee

ihcrc/- C 4ora "an)ed

ihcsc/- C 4ora #$irit

ih'wc/- C ;ell Melee

ih'rc/- C ;ell "an)ed

ih'fc/- C ;ell #$irit

8ra)on rmor (lvl // armor

i!'wd-1 C ;ell C Melee C ire

i!'rd-1 C ;ell C "an)ed C ire

i!'fd-1 C ;ell C orce C ire

i!cwd-1 C 4ora C Melee C ire

i!crd-1 C 4ora C "an)ed C ire

i!cfd-1 C 4ora C orce C ire

i!awd-1 C cc C Melee C ire

i!ard-1 C cc C "an)ed C ire

i!afd-1 C cc C Ka!ncher C ire

i!'wd-2 C ;ell C Melee C 7!a

i!'rd-2 C ;ell C "an)ed C 7!a

i!'fd-2 C ;ell C orce C 7!a

i!cwd-2 C 4ora C Melee C 7!a

i!crd-2 C 4ora C "an)ed C 7!a

i!cfd-2 C 4ora C orce C 7!a

i!awd-2 C cc C Melee C 7!a

i!ard-2 C cc C "an)ed C 7!a

i!afd-2 C cc C Ka!ncher C 7!a

&ormal rmor orm!la

ihaw'DE C armor (a Q acc ! Q !$$er R ' Q int R w Q warrior f Q la!ncher

(ttz Q end!rance x Q )!rdian y Q shar$ v Q $rotect

(! Q stren)th t Q solid s Q stron) r Q $ain

(7 Q adv str


Ty$e ; #hieldsS

idaa'/- C ccrecian 9ntense #hield KevelS /-

ida''/- C ;ellato 9ntense #hield KevelS /-

idac'/- C 4ora 9ntense #hield KevelS /-

Ty$e 4 #hieldsS

idata/- C idati/-


idaa'D/ C shields acc

id'c'D/ C shields ccc'cc

idih (may'e

#ie)e 0its

skl!--3 C "ed tk 0it

skl!--D C "ed 8ef 0it

skl!--/ C ;l!e 0it


--1C--/ (lvlD- --6C-1- (lvl/-

ikaa--6 C acc

ik''--6 C 'ell

ikcc--6 C cora


ir@ad-1 K!cky

ir@ad-2 5romise

ir@ad-3 Lealth

ir@ad-D Talk
ir@ad-/ ;oost

4hristmas FadesS

irchr-1 :=5 x1-- 5T I Minin) x/- 8ro$ x2

irchr-2 nly !sa'le 'y 4hristmasevent (lvl relaxes



-1 9)norant (atk

-2 8estr!ction (vam$ire

-3 8arkness (C'lock

-D 4haos (crit

-/ >atred (Nran)e

-6 avor (Ndef

-E Lisdom (Cde'!ff time

- #acredfire (fire

-+ ;elief (water

1- G!ard (earth

11 Glory (wind

12 Grace (acc!racy

13 Mercy (dod)e

1D "estoration (remove talic


(for some chan)e OaP O'P OcP for acc'ellcora

ia'h'-/ C am$iric (3- atk C / >5 drain

ia'hd-/ C lame (2/ atk C 2- acc

ia'hs-/ C M!tant (2/ atk C 2/ def

ia'ht-/ C #tormknife (2/ atk C 2- dod)e

iid)n-1 C 8a)n!Hs "in) (3- atk C 1- def C / >55

iid)n-2 C 8a)onHs "in) (1- atk C 1- def C 2- >55

iad)n-1 C 8a)onHs Keash (1- atk C 3- def C / >55

iad)n-2 C ;;; leash (3- atk C 3- def C 1- >5 drain C detect 4om'ined m!let

!tcasted Mara!derHs :arin) (for rin)s re$lace first OaP with OiP ii'na1-

(for some chan)e OaP O'P OcP for acc'ellcora

ia'na1- C 22 atk C 1- def C 1 >5 drain

ia'na11 C 2D atk C 12 def C 3 >5 drain

ia'na12 C 26 atk C 1/ def C / >5 drain

Ki'erated !tcastHs :arin) (for rin)s re$lace first OaP with OiP ii'na1-

(for some chan)e OaP O'P OcP for acc'ellcora

ia'na13 C 16 dod)e C 16 ran)e C 1- de'!ff assist time

ia'na1D C 1 dod)e C 1 ran)e C 12 de'!ff assist time

ia'na1/ C 2- dod)e C 2- ran)e C 1/ de'!ff assist time

8ead !tcastHs :arin) (for rin)s re$lace first OaP with OiP ii'na1-

(for some chan)e OaP O'P OcP for acc'ellcora

ia'na16 C 16 8od)e C 1- >55 C 12 def

ia'na1E C 1 8od)e C 12 >55 C 1D def

ia'na1 C 16 8od)e C 1- >55 C 12 def

iaxxx-D C din 5endant (2/ >55



rin) 3-2/ iiaad- ;cc ii''d- .. 3-3- iiaad/-

headset 3-2/ iaaad2/  3-3- iaaad/-

iiaad-/ C "9&G new eles (3-/- $er attdef R - $er attdo) (aa '' cc middle two letters

iaaad-/ C ># new eles (/- $er attdef R - $er attdo)  (aa '' cc middle two letters



iachr-1 C christmas elemental am!let atk D-%

iachr-2 C christmas elemental am!let atk D/%

iachr-3 C christmas elemental am!let def D-%

iachr-D C christmas elemental am!let def D/%

iachr-/ C christmas elemental am!let avoid D-

iachr-6 C christmas elemental am!let avoid D/


iichr-1 C christmas elemental rin) atk D-%

iichr-2 C christmas elemental rin) atk D/%

iichr-3 C christmas elemental rin) def D-%

iichr-D C christmas elemental rin) def D/%

iichr-/ C christmas elemental rin) avoid D-%

iichr-6 C christmas elemental rin) avoid D/%



iaxxx-1 C 4: >eadset (1k #5 C ++ 5 cons!m$ C 1-- acc C 1-- dod)e


iixxx-1 C 4: "in) (1k >55 C 1-k atk C 1-k def C lvl skill !$ 6

acc rin) C iiaa'/ 2/2/ atkdef

iiaa'/- 2/2- atkavoid

iiaa'ED 2/2- defavoid

acc hs C iaaa'/- 2/2- atkavoid

iaaa'/ 2/2/ atkdef


ikxxx-1 C 4: Mantle (4a$e C #tealth C 8etect C 1- r!n s$eed

ikxxx-2 C M!n))!Hs Mantle (4a$e C #tealth C 8etect C 2/ r!n s$eed

ikxxx-3 C GM Mantle (4a$e C #tealth C 8etect C 1k #5 C 1- r!n s$eed


%recallex$ U (sets the =5 on KK anim!s that are $!t away

%recallex$ - (resets all of them to lvl 1

%recallex$ E/-------- ()ive yo! a level /- $et


%moncall (98

%monset *&, (T!rn nff mo's res$awnin).


(D acc / 'ell 6 cora

-13-D C ice ;lock K!nker 5;

-+E-D C aras

-1-D C Gaff

-1--D C #$linter

-11-D C "ook
-12-D C Lar'east

C K!nker

-1/-D C "atmoth

-16-D C 8rone

-1E-D C afer

-2--D C Tweezer

-2D-D C Gr!m'le

-24-D C 0in) 4rook

-D--D C na'ola

-D1-D C ;r!tal

-D2-D C Meat 4lod

-D3-D C ;lood 4rawler

-DD-D C ;lood afer

-D/-D C #natcher "ex

-/1E C 4alliana ?!een

13-E C Thor

-;;-E C 8raco 5;

16/1E C 8raco lame@ante

-+2-E C hora ;=

163-E C "ind Keader ;lood xe

-/2-E C >ora rmored >o'o ;lade

-;D-E C 4armen

V12E-E C Keon olv

V123-E C =ich

-/+-6 C 8evil4hooty

1D8-E C :ldi 4roche

1/D-E C 0wele

V1/2-E C :disil&arwen

-D31E C :sma)ador #an)!>orae

-3+-4 C "ainha &aiade ndina G!erreira >orae

-+D3E C ;aal >amon >orae (d'os

163-E C Keder dos Machados

-:8-E C ;l!e ;=

-68-E C 'el$

-;-E C r@

--E C taravan

-4-E C 'link

-8-E C sinder

-;2-E C da)on

-;1-E C 8a)an

-;--E C 8a)n!

-;-E C waln!t

&ormalce ty$esS

-/6-; Q 4alliana

-D1-- Q ;r!tal

-+1-; Q Ka@. Tower

-/21; Q >o'o 8efender

-32-- Q #natcher

-33-- Q >eller

-1-; Q T4 8es$erado

-11; Q T4 9nfiltrator

-2-; Q T4 4aster

-21; Q T4 8ark 5riest

-3-; Q T4 5sy$er

-31; Q T4 4handra

-/-1; Q 5asser l$ha

-/11; Q 5asser Gamma

-+2-; Q ssasin ;!ilder 

-+3-; Q ssasin ;!ilder ;

-/+-; Q 4hooty

-66-; Q ;o)i ;olt

-6E-; Q Gravestone

-6-; Q ;lade 5on

-3+-- Q &aiad >eller

-/--3 Q >o'o Troo$er

-D-3 Q #$ell Kazh!wardian

-D6-3 Q Kazh!wardian Larrior

-E/1; C t!rncoat hidden soldier


9''ow-1CD C ;ows4ross ;ows;eam ;ows

1-- 4o!nt mmo


-1 C $oint

-2 C $oint C fire

-3 C $oint C water

-D C $oint C earth

-/ C aoe

-6 C $oint C wind

-E C aoe C fire

4ross ;ow

- C $oint

-+ C $oint C fire

1- C $oint C water

11 C $oint C earth

12 C aoe

13 C $oint C wind

1D C aoe C fire

;eam ;ow and 4ross ;ow

1/ C $oint

16 C $oint C advanced

/-- 4o!nt mmo (Gi)a


1E C $oint

1 C $oint C fire
1+ C $oint C water

2- C $oint C earth

21 C aoe

22 C $oint C wind

23 C aoe C fire

4ross ;ow

2D C $oint

2/ C $oint C fire

26 C $oint C water

2E C $oint C earth

2 C aoe

2+ C $oint C wind

3- C aoe C fire

;eam ;ow and 4ross ;ow

31 C $oint

32 C $oint C advanced

3---- 4o!nt mmo (Terra


33 C $oint

3D C $oint C fire

3/ C $oint C water

36 C $oint C earth

3E C aoe

3 C $oint C wind

3+ C aoe C fire

4ross ;ow

D- C $oint

D1 C $oint C fire

D2 C $oint C water

D3 C $oint C earth

DD C aoe

D/ C $oint C wind
D6 C aoe C fire

;eam ;ow and 4ross ;ow

DE C $oint

D C $oint C advanced

W'Xi'fir-1C2 C irearmsKa!nchersW'X

1-- 4o!nt mmo


-1 C norm

-2 C norm C wind

-3 C 'eam

-D C 'eam

-/ C rifmach

-6 C norm C earth Caoe

-E C norm C fire C aoe

- C l!a C fire C aoe

-+ C l!a C wind C aoe

1- C l!a C fire C aoe

11 C l!a C earth C aoe

12 C l!a C water C aoe

13 C l!a C fire

1D C l!a C fire

1/ C flame C fire C aoe

16 C l!a

6E C rifmach C aoe

6+ C flame C water C aoe

E2 C flame C earth C aoe

E/ C flame C wind C aoe

E C norm C water

/-- 4o!nt mmo (Gi)a


1E C norm
1 C norm C wind

1+ C 'eam

2- C 'eam

21 C rifmach

22 C norm C earth Caoe

23 C norm C fire C aoe

2D C l!a C fire C aoe

2/ C l!a C wind C aoe

26 C l!a C fire C aoe

2E C l!a C earth C aoe

2 C l!a C water C aoe

2+ C l!a C fire

3- C l!a C fire

31 C flame C fire C aoe

32 C l!a

6 C rifmach C aoe

E- C flame C water C aoe

E3 C flame C earth C aoe

E6 C flame C wind C aoe

E+ C norm C water

3---- 4o!nt mmo (Terra


33 C norm

3D C norm C wind

3/ C 'eam

36 C 'eam

3E C rifmach

3 C norm C earth Caoe

3+ C norm C fire C aoe

D- C l!a C fire C aoe

D1 C l!a C wind C aoe

D2 C l!a C fire C aoe

D3 C l!a C earth C aoe

DD C l!a C water C aoe

D/ C l!a C fire

D6 C l!a C fire

DE C flame C fire C aoe

D C l!a

E1 C flame C water C aoe

ED C flame C earth C aoe

EE C flame C wind C aoe

- C norm C water

Grenade Ka!ncher mmo

/1 C cid

/2 C 5iklin

/3 C #mo)

/D C #hock

// C Mental

/6 C #t!n

/E C cid #hower

/ C ;reakin) #tren)th

/+ C Microrom Gas

6- C "esist ;reak

61 C Kimited orce

62 C 9m$act :x$losion

63 C lash Lave

6D C >oldin) Le'

6/ C ir!s 9n@ect

66 C Mind 4ontrol

1 C 4!re

2 C >ealin)


%start holy (#tart chi$ war.

%kee$er 'ye (0ill >#0 !ntil next 4L.

%start kee$er  (Make >#0 a$$ear friendly for 'ellato.

%start kee$er 1 (Make >#0 a$$ear friendly for cora.

%start kee$er 2 (Make >#0 a$$ear friendly for accretia.

ario!s ther 4ommands



%rateCinfo (8is$lay c!rrent rates

%rateoff (#et rates 'ack to x1

%res$awn sto$ (#to$ mo's res$awnin)

%res$awn start (#tart mo's res$awnin)

%itemdro$Crate 6 (9tem8ro$"ateS6 x

%itemdro$Crate / (9tem8ro$"ateS/ x

%itemdro$Crate D (9tem8ro$"ateSD x

%itemdro$Crate 3 (9tem8ro$"ateS3 x

%itemdro$Crate 2 (9tem8ro$"ateS2 x

%itemdro$Crate 1 (9tem8ro$"ateS1 x

%ex$ertCrate 6 (:x$ert"ateS6 x

%ex$ertCrate / (:x$ert"ateS/ x

%ex$ertCrate D (:x$ert"ateSD x

%ex$ertCrate 3 (:x$ert"ateS3 x

%ex$ertCrate 2 (:x$ert"ateS2 x

%ex$ertCrate 1 (:x$ert"ateS1 x

%forceCrate 6 (orce 5T "ateS 6 x

%forceCrate / (orce 5T "ateS / x

%forceCrate D (orce 5T "ateS D x

%forceCrate 3 (orce 5T "ateS 3 x

%forceCrate 2 (orce 5T "ateS 2 x

%forceCrate 1 (orce 5T "ateS 1 x

%ex$Crate 6 (:x$"ateS6 x

%ex$Crate / (:x$"ateS/ x

%ex$Crate D (:x$"ateSD x
%ex$Crate 3 (:x$"ateS3 x

%ex$Crate 2 (:x$"ateS2 x

%ex$Crate 1 (:x$"ateS1 x

%mineCrate 6 (Minin) "ateS 6 x

%mineCrate / (Minin) "ateS / x

%mineCrate D (Minin) "ateS D x

%mineCrate 3 (Minin) "ateS 3 x

%mineCrate 2 (Minin) "ateS 2 x

%mineCrate 1 (Minin) "ateS 1 x


%eventCinfo (8is$lay :vent rates

%eventoff (T!rn off events

%eventCitem (#et event $rice

%eventCrace = (#et event for = race

%eventCmine (#et mine event rates

%eventCex$ert (#et event rates

%eventCex$ (#et event rates

::&T 9T:M#

i$eex-1 C i$eex-


KTN; ($ens o'server men! which ena'les flynocli$ mode.

add *<#:"&M:, (dd the !ser to yo!r $layer list only !sa'le in o'server mode m!st have $layer
tar)eted when yo! do it.

remove *<#:"&M:, ("emove $layer from o'server list.

add (<se this command to add a 'lank '!tton and 'ein) a''le to leave the follow mode.

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