Mini Project ON Smart Card
Mini Project ON Smart Card
Mini Project ON Smart Card
According to Customer Requirements the customer choose card. During the card validity
period, if the customer joined the hospital, the customer gets the discount of the total Hospital
bill, depending on the card discount. The hospital must be tie up with the Hospital Group.
If the Hospital not tie up with the Hospital Group, the patient do not get the any Discount.
Customer gets the discount if the card is valid.
Branch Manager
Hardware Specification:
RAM : 512MB
Software Specification:
Language : C#.NET
Chairman Module:
In this System Chairman is the super User. The activity of the chairman is to create a
New Branch in different locations depending on requirement. And also assign a New Branch
Manager to New Branch.
According to Requirements Chairman generate a New Health Card and also define Card
Specifications i.e. card number, card name, Group capacity, validity, Discount, amount.
Chairman has a capacity to remove a Branch Manager and also modify the card
Chairman to see the reports based on the branch, state, card, and district wise. These
reports helpful to improve his business.
The Main Roles of the Chairman are:-
• Create a New Branch Assign a Branch Manager
• Generate a new Type of Health Card
• Assigning of Health Card Specifications
Sub Modules:
According requirement the Hospital Group launch a Branches in different Places
i.e. (inside Andhra Pradesh and also a outside Andhra Pradesh).And also assign a Branch
Manager to New Branch. Chairman enters the all the details of Branch Manager in
database through project. Mainly Manager name, Father’s name, Permanent Address,
Telephone number, email address. These types of information enter into Data Base by the
Chairman. After that, the Chairman gives to Manager his username and password.
Managers login to system with their username and password. This type of Authentication
Information will be give to Managers by Chairman. The chairman has full privileges on
Managers, i.e. transfers to managers to another places, remove the Managers, if a
Manager changed his phone number, then chairman has a privilege to update his details.
The Chairman defined the card specifications, i.e. Card Name, Card Number, Group
Limit, Time duration, Discount, Amount. These types of specification only defined by Chairman.
Card number is generated dynamically. Here Group limit specification means that maximum
number of registrations per Card depending on the type of the card.
Any modifications regarding to card specifications, the chairman only the person
modified the card specifications. According to the requirement, the chairman generates the new
cards and also defines the specifications.
The chairman has a authority to delete the card or modifications of card specifications
depending on requirement.
The smart card value defined by the Chairman. The customer must have to pay full card
amount. In future, the customer will suffer any disease, then the customer will join any Hospital
belongs to Hospitals Group, the customer will get discount on total Hospital Bill.
These types of smart cards are very helpful to customers. Once Customer get a smart
card, then the customer get discount of any Hospital, that hospital belongs to Hospital Group.
The customer registers any one of Branch, then customer will get discount any Hospital.
Here the all branches will share database.
The main activity of the manager is to register the customer details, i.e. card name,
cardholder name, age, sex, registration number, phone number, and also relation details
depending cardholder.
Branch Manager generates reports according branch wise, district wise, state wise and
also card wise. These reports are helpful to improve the branch.
Sub Modules:
In this Module, Branch Manager first enters the customer details, for future
correspondence and also estimates the static’s of business.
Every Branch has a one Branch Manager. Branch Manager has a Superior of the
Branch. Branch manager register the customer details.
I-DFD for Chairman
d Health
Assign a Branch
Chairman Security
Implementation literally means to put into effect or to carry out. The system implementation
phase of the software deals with the translation of the design specifications into the source code.
The ultimate goal of the implementation is to write the source code and the internal
documentation so that it can be verified easily. The code and documentation should be written in
a manner that eases debugging, testing and modification. System flowcharts, sample run on
packages, sample output etc. Is part of the implementation?
• Minimization of Hard-Coding.
Various types of bugs were discovered while debugging the modules. These ranged from
logical errors to failure on account of various processing cases.
Documentation is a method of communication. A satisfactory documentation of the
system should be objective, factual and complete. Thus its adequacy is not determined by format,
length, volume or complexity. In documentation, there are no uniform standards that are
applicable to all system projects. Documentation is essential to the development, implementation
and operation of any system. Documentation is necessary as it helps in maintaining the system
and also acts as a reference for the user. Embedding Comments in the executable portion of the
code did proper documentation of each module. To enhance the readability of the comments,
indentation, parenthesis, blank lines and spaces, proper lineation of the loops were used around
the block of comments. Care was also taken to use descriptive names of tables, fields, modules,
forms etc. The proper use of indentation, parenthesis, blank lines and spaces were also ensured
during coding to enhance the readability of the code.
Admin Login page:
Chairman login success:
Branch head:
Branch modification:
Branch delete:
Add new card:
Modify a card
Delete a card
Card report:
Branch head report
The main objective of the project is to automate the "Oraganization management". By
using ORACLE as back-end and Java as front-end under WINDOWs environment.
The efficiency of any system designed to suit an organization depends cooperation during
the implementation stage and also flexibility of the system to adopt itself to the organization.
This project "Smart Card" is very useful and helpful because the effiency will improve
with better way of communication among Chairman-Manager, Manager- Customer. Reliable and
accurate reports could be available with in a very short time, which is not possible if done
For increasing the Business World wide we may globalize the site.