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Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Assembly Language Program Development with MASM

7.1 Assembly Language Program Development A program is written to solve a particular problem (application). We will use assembly language software to write programs. Development of an application is a multistep process, known as program development cycle. Each step of the development cycle has been examined below: Describing the problem: The programmer needs to have a clear idea of the problem to be solved and should be able to describe it. He should know what the input data are, what operations are to be performed on the data, the sequence of operations, time constraints. For these reasons, most applications are described with a written document called application Specification. This document is taken help of by software programmers before they start to define the solution to the problem. Planning the solution: This is the second step in program development. The programmer should carefully analyze the problem description. The problem is broken down into a series of basic operations, which when carried out in the specified sequence will yield the solution to the problem. This solution plan is called an Algorithm. An Algorithm is usually defined by the software specification. The proposed solution is presented in the form of a flowchart. It is an outline that documents the operations that must be performed by the software to implement the proposed solution. It also shows the sequence in which they are performed. The operations identified in the flowchart identify the functions that can be implemented with assembly language instructions. A flowchart uses a set of symbols to identify both the operations required in the solution and the sequence in which they are performed. The solution is then tested to see if it works. This can be done by specifying test cases with known inputs and outputs. Next, tracing through the operation sequence defined in

the flowchart for these input conditions, the outputs are found and compared to the known test results. If the results are not the same, the cause of the error must be found, the algorithm modified, and the tests rerun. When the results match, the algorithm is assumed correct and the programmer is ready to move on to the next step in the development cycle. Coding the solution with Assembly Language The next step is translating the flowchart solution into its equivalent assembly language program. This requires the programmer to implement the operations described in each symbol of the flowchart, with a sequence of assembly language instruction. These instructions sequences are then combined together to forma handwritten assembly language program called the source program. Two types of statements are used in the source program. There are assembly language instructions which tell the microprocessor what operations are to be performed to implement the application and another type of statement called the directive which is the instruction to the assembly language program used to convert the assembly language program into machine code. To do this step of the development cycle, the programmer must know the instruction set of the microprocessor, basic assembly language programming techniques, the assemblers instruction syntax and the assemblers directives. Creating the Source Program The fourth step of program development is the enter/edit source program stage. After having handwritten the assembly language program, the next step is to enter it into the computer using an editor. Assembling the Source Program into an Object Module The fifth step is the point at which the assembly language source program is converted to its corresponding machine language program. To do this, a program called assembler is used. The assembler program reads as its input, the contents of the assembler source file; it converts the program statement by statement to machine code and produces a machine

code program as its output. This machine code output is stored in a file called object module. If during the conversion, errors are found, then they are automatically flagged. The corrections are then made using the editor program. Producing a Run Module The object module produced by the assembler cannot be run directly on the microcomputer. The module must be processed by the LINK program to produce an executable object module known as run module. The linker program converts the object module to a run module by making it address compatible with the microcomputer on which it is to be run. Another purpose to the linker is that it is used to link together different object modules to generate a single executable object module. This allows program development to be done in modules which are later combined to form an application. Verifying the Solution PC DOS provides us with a program called DEBUG, which runs the executable program on the microcomputer. DEBUG provides an environment in which we can run the program instructions one by one or as a group. The DEBUG program permits us to trace the operation as instructions are executed and observe each element as it is copied form source to destination block.

7.2 Statement Syntax for a Source program

Assembly Language Statement Syntax

Syntax refers to the rules according to which statements must be written. The general format of an assembly language statement is LABEL: OPCODE OPERAND (S); COMMENT (S) The label field is used to give a symbolic name to an assembly language statement. When a symbolic name is given to an assembly language statement the instructions can refer to that statement by simply referring to that symbol instead of the actual address. The label is arbitrarily selected string of alphanumeric characters followed by a colon. The restriction is that reserved symbols such as those used to refer to the internal registers cannot be used. Each of the basic operation that can be performed by the microprocessor is identified with the 3 to 6 letter mnemonic called opcode. For example, the mnemonics for add, subtract and move operations are ADD, SUB, and MOV. These mnemonics are entered into the opcode field during writing the assembly language instruction. The entries in the operand field tell where the data to be processed is located and how it is to be accessed. An instruction may have zero, one or two operands. A number of addressing modes are provided for the 8080/8086 processor to help us specify the location of operands. The comment field is used to describe the operation performed by the instruction. The assembler program ignores comments when it assembles a program. Directive Statement Syntax The syntax used to write directive statements for MASM is essentially the same as that for an assembly language statement. The general format is LABEL: DIRECTIVE OPERAND (S); COMMENT (S) The only difference is that the instruction opcode is replaced with a directive. Constants in a Statement Constants in an instruction or directive can be expresses in any one of the many data types. Examples are binary, decimal, hexadecimal, octal and character data types.

The first four types of data are defined by ending the number with the letter B,D,H or Q. Decimal numbers need not be followed by D. Typically data and addresses are expressed in hexadecimal form and the count for shift, rotate and string instructions is more commonly expressed in decimal form. Operand Expressions using Arithmetic, Relational and Logical Operators It is possible to have an expression as an operand. Arithmetic, Relational and Logical Operators can be used to form operand expressions for use with the assembler. Expressions that are used for operands are evaluated as apart of the assembly process. Value Returning and Attribute Operators The value-returning operators return the attribute (segment, offset or type) value of a variable or label operand. The attribute operators give the programmer the ability to change attributes of an operand or label.

7.3 Assembler Directives

Directive Directives are statements written in the source program but are meant for use by the assembly language program. Directives may be data directive, conditional Directive, macro directive and listing directive. Data Directives The primary function of the directives in the data group is to define values for constants, variables and labels. Other functions that can be performed by them are assigning a size to a variable and reserving storage locations in memory. The directive equate and equal to are used to assign a constant value to a symbol. The value of the operand may also be assigned using the arithmetic, relational and logical expressions. The other directives are define byte(DB), define word (DW) and define double word(DD). The functions of these directives is to define the size of the variables as being byte, word or double word of memory. Segment Control Directives

Memory of the 8088/8086-based microcomputer is portioned into the code, data and stack segment. Using segment control directives, the statements of the source program can be portioned and assigned to a specific memory segment. These directives can be used to specify the beginning and end of a segment in a source program and to assign to them attributes such as a start address, the kind of segment and how the segment is to be combined with other segments of the same name. The beginning of the segment is identified by the segment directive and the end is marked by the end of segment directive. Modular programming Directives For the purpose of development, large programs are broken down into small segments called modules. Each module implements a specific function and has its own code segment and data segment. However it is common that during execution of a module, some other part of the module may need to be accessed for processing. MASM provides modular programming directives. A section of a program that can be called from other modules is called a procedure, the beginning of the procedure is marked by the procedure directive and its end by the end of procedure. There are 2 kinds of procedures Near procedure which can be called only from the same code segment. Far procedure which can be called form any code segment. If a procedure is called from other modules, the name must be made public by using the public directive. Directives for memory usage: If the machine code generated by the assembler must reside on a specific part of the memory address space, an origin (ORG) directive can be used to specify the starting point of that memory area. End of Program Directive The (END) directive tells the assembler when to stop assembling. It must be included at the end of the source program. Directive for Program Listing Control The purpose of listing control directives is to give the programmer some options related to the way in which source program listings are produced by the assembler.

The page directive lets us set the page width and length of the source listing produced as a part of the assembly process. 7.4 Creating a source file with an Editor Source program files are generated using a program called an editor. The following figure shows the sequence of events that take place when a source program file is created with an editor program called EDIT. Assembling and linking programs When the program is assembled with MASM, the source listing is produced as the output. A symbol table is also produced as a part of the source listing. It is a list of all of the symbols used in the program. in this table, each symbol is listed along with its type, value and attribute. The types of symbols are label, variable, number and procedure. If the assembler program identifies syntax errors in the source file when it is being assembled, the location of the errors is marked in the source-listing file along with an error number and error message. The total number of errors is given at the end of the assembly process. Object Module The most important output produced by the assembler is the object-code file. The contents of this file are called object module. The object module is the machine code for the source program; it is still not the executable file that can be run directly on the microcomputer. To convert an object module into an executable machine code file we must process it with a linker. The LINK program performs the link operation for the object code. Link program and Modular programming The link program is the software tool that is used to combine modules together. The input to the link program is the object code for the individual modules. Execution of the linker combines these programs into a single run module. Modular programming has the following benefits:

-- Several programmers work simultaneously and so the program can be completed in a shorter period of time -- Smaller sizes of the modules require less time to edit and assemble. -- It makes it easier to reuse old software Initiating the assembly and linking processes To assemble and link a program we must first ensure that there is a path to the directories that contain the assembler and linker programs. The command that is used to initiate both assembly and linking of files with MS assembler ver6.11 is ML [options] file name [[options] file name] [/link link-options] In this command, file name is the file that is to assembled and linked. The options allow one to specify assembly variations and the link options specify link variations.

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