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3PS Gaw 017

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Bechtel France S.A.S.

Reliance Petroleum Limited

Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
&Pre'iou(ly )((ued a( 229*$-PS-!"#-$1%+
-at.odic Protection /e(ign P.ilo(op.y
3 28/06/06 Reissued for Construction GD RS DH MAM
2 10/04/06 Issued for Construction GD RS DH MAM
1 31/01/06 Issued for Design GD RS RL MAM
0 13/01/06 Issued for Aro!"# GD RS RL
Rev Date Revision By Chkd Appr Client
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 1 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
1$ Reference Docu%ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3
2$ Scoe$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&
3$ Gener"#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6
4$ M"rine 'ett($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
&$ *iing "nd *ie#ines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8
6$ At Gr"de Stor"ge +"n,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$14
)$ -uried Stor"ge +"n,s/.esse#s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$16
8$ Site Conditions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$18
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 2 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
1. Reference Documents
+/e Re#i"nce *etro#eu% Li%ited0 '"%n"g"r 12ort Refiner( *ro3ect c"t/odic rotection
/i#oso/( s/"## 4e in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e #"test editions of t/e fo##o5ing codes0 st"nd"rds0
"nd ro3ect docu%ents6
-SI0 -S )3616 *"rt 1 C"t/odic *rotection Code of *r"ctice for L"nd "nd M"rine
7AC1 R*0168 Contro# of 12tern"# Corrosion of 9nderground or
Su4%erged Met"##ic *iing S(ste%s
7AC1 R*0286 +/e 1#ectric"# Iso#"tion of C"t/odic"##( *rotected
7AC1 R*028& Corrosion Contro# of 9nderground Stor"ge +"n, S(ste%s
4( C"t/odic *rotection
7AC1 R*0388 I%ressed Current C"t/odic *rotection of Intern"#
Su4%erged Surf"ces of Stee# :"ter Stor"ge +"n,s
7AC1 R*0183 12tern"# C"t/odic *rotection of ;n Gr"de Met"##ic
Stor"ge +"n, -otto%s
D7. R*<-401<83 C"t/odic *rotection Design
C1D1 = 004 7ote >or '1R* C* S(ste% Design "nd 12ecution
3*S<CD<001 Dr"in"ge design "nd construction
2&184<3*S<GA:<00& S/o ? >ie#d *"inting
2&184<3*S<GA:<008 Co"ting "nd :r"ing 9nderground C"r4on Stee#
2&184<3*S<GA:<011 Intern"# Lining of Se"5"ter Int",e "nd ;utf"## *iing
2&184<3*S<GA:<013 C"t/odic *rotection of -uried *iing "nd +"n,s
2&184<3*S<GA:<018 *ro3ect Secific"tion for Co#d Ser!ice Insu#"tion
*re<Co%%issioning "nd Co%%issioning of C"t/odic
*rotection S(ste%s for -uried *iing0 +"n,s ? -uried
C"t/odic *rotection Design Reort @co!ering stor"ge t"n,
e2tern"# 4"se #"te reAuire%ents on#(B
2&184<3*S<GA:<026 Secific"tion >or M"rine Structures6 Corrosion *rotection
C"t/odic *rotection Design Reort for *iing "nd -uried
2&184<3GS<GA:<001 +"n, 12tern"# -"se *#"te C"t/odic *rotection Inst"##"tion
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 3 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
*rocedure @"#ic"4#e for 9ndert"n, grid s(ste%B
C"t/odic *rotection Inst"##"tion rocedure @for -uried
*iing "nd .esse#sB
+r"nsfor%er Rectifiers "nd Current Distri4ution
1Aui%ent for C"t/odic *rotection
+ec/nic"# Secific"tion for I%ressed Current C"t/odic
*rotection S(ste% for 9nderground *#"nt *iing @Design0
Su#(0 Inst"##"tion0 +esting ? Co%%issioningB
M"teri"# Secific"tion for C"t/odic *rotection S(ste% for
+"n,s @Intern"# ? 12tern"# C*B0 .esse#s @12tern"# C*B
"nd Se"5"ter *ie#ine @Intern"# C*B
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 4 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
2. Scope
+/is docu%ent descri4es t/e gener"# str"teg( "nd secific "r"%eters t/"t 5i## 4e "#ied to
t/e det"i#ed design of t/e corrosion contro# s(ste%s @co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotectionB0 for
t/e Re#i"nce *etro#eu% Li%ited '"%n"g"r 12"nsion Refiner( *ro3ect0 Indi"$
+/e reAuire%ents in t/is docu%ent "#( to corrosion rotection of t/e fo##o5ing "re"s6
1$ 12tern"# rotection of stee# 4uried in or in cont"ct 5it/ soi# i$e$ 4uried %et"##ic iing0
4uried %et"##ic !esse#s "nd t"n,s0 "4o!e gr"de t"n, 4"ses$
2$ Stee# structures/ie#ines in corrosi!e i%%ersion ser!ice$ +/e 4uried0 5etted "nd 5"!e
Dones of t/e %"rine 3ett( "nd t/e su4se" ie#ine/outf"##$
3$ Intern"# rotection of stee# in corrosi!e "Aueous i%%ersion ser!ice0 i$e$ t"n,s
cont"ining corrosi!e 5"ter /"se "nd se"5"ter int",e "nd outf"## iing$
At%os/eric rotection of stee# iing0 eAui%ent "nd structures 5i## 4e "c/ie!ed 4(
"inting 5/ic/ is co!ered 4( t/e referenced ro3ect secific"tion$ In "re"s 5/ere det"i#ed
design is 5it/in " su4<contr"ctors scoe of 5or, t/is docu%ent gi!es on#( 4"sic criteri"
5/ic/ s/"## 4e used 4( t/e su4<contr"ctors to design " suit"4#e corrosion contro# s(ste% 4(
%e"ns of co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection$
Codes0 St"nd"rds0 "nd *ro3ect Secific"tions "re #isted in Section 1$
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 5 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
3. General
Corrosion contro# of t/e ite%s #isted in section 2 5i## 4e ro!ided 4( t/e co%4ined
"#ic"tion of co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection$
Co"ting s(ste%s "nd t(e of c"t/odic rotection 5i## 4e deendent uon "#ic"tion$ Design
s/"## 4e co%#i"nt 5it/ 4est industr( r"ctice "nd ref#ect re!ious Re#i"nce '"%n"g"r
e2erience @ref$ C1D1 = 004B$ H(droc"r4on stor"ge t"n,s 5/ic/ cont"in " 5"ter /"se 5i##
4e rotected intern"##( using distri4uted s"crifici"# "nodes "nd co"tings$ >ire5"ter "nd ot/er
t"n,"ge storing corrosi!e 5"ter s/"## 4e rotected 5it/ i%ressed current c"t/odic
rotection$ +e%or"r( c"t/odic rotection s/"## 4e ro!ided for t"n,"ge during /(drotest
@5/ere t"n,s %"( cont"in r"5 5"ter for ro#onged eriodsB$
I%ressed current c"t/odic rotection s(ste%s for t/e e2tern"# surf"ces of "t gr"de stor"ge
t"n, f#oors 5i## 4e of t/e c#ose#( distri4uted t(e inst"##ed 4ene"t/ t/e t"n, "nd 5it/in t/e
t"n, ring 4e"% found"tion$ -uried !esse#s 5i## "#so 4e rotected using i%ressed current in
co%4in"tion 5it/ co"tings$
-uried %et"##ic iing 5i## 4e rotected e2tern"##( using t/e secified co"ting s(ste% in
con3unction 5it/ c#ose distri4uted i%ressed current "node c"t/odic rotection$ +(e0
#oc"tion "nd orient"tion of t/e "node %"teri"# se#ected 5i## 4e deter%ined using "!"i#"4#e
soi# resisti!it( "nd geotec/nic"# d"t"$ +e%or"r( c"t/odic rotection 5i## 4e ro!ided 4(
g"#!"nic s"crifici"# "nodes$ S"crifici"# "nodes 5i## 4e "#so 4e used for intern"# rotection of
iing cont"ining se"5"ter$
+/e 3ett( 5i## 4e rotected in its 4uried0 5etted "nd 5"!e Dones 4( t/e "#ic"tion of "
co"ting s(ste% of co"# t"r eo2( in co%4in"tion 5it/ " c"t/odic rotection s(ste% of
"#u%iniu% "##o( s"crifici"# "nodes$ +/e "t%os/eric Done 5i## 4e rotected 5it/ " co"ting
s(ste% of co"# t"r eo2( "nd 5/ere "#ic"4#e "ddition"# i%"ct resist"nt co"tings or 5r"s$
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e & o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
4. Marine Jetty
4.1. Jetty Structure
*i#es 5i## 4e e2tern"##( co"ted in t/e 5etted0 s#"s/ "nd "t%os/eric Dones 5it/
" ro3ect "ro!ed co"# t"r eo2($ >urt/er rotection is to 4e ro!ided in t/e
5etted "nd 4uried Dones 4( t/e inst"##"tion of "#u%iniu% Dinc indiu% "##o(
s"crifici"# "nodes /"!ing "n "ro!ed c/e%ic"# co%osition "nd
e#ectroc/e%ic"# erfor%"nce$ Co"ting "nd inst"##"tion of "nodes 5i## 4e t/e
resonsi4i#it( of t/e 3ett( contr"ctor$
In t/e e!ent of i#es 4eing of reinforced concrete in #"ce of stee# i#es0 or "
co%4in"tion of 4ot/0 "n "nti<corrosion /i#oso/( 5i## 4e de!e#oed for t/e
re4"r in t/e 4uried0 5etted "nd "t%os/eric Dones of t/e i#e for "ro!"#$ Suc/
" /i#oso/( 5i## "ddress t/e ossi4i#it( of "tt"c/%ent of s"crifici"# "nodes "nd
co"ting of concrete in t/e s#"s/ "nd "t%os/eric Dones$
4.2. Design Life
+/e design #ife for t/e i%ressed current corrosion contro# s(ste%s s/"## 4e not
#ess t/"n 2& (e"rs$
4.3. AntiCorrosion Coatings
4$3$1$ *i#es
A## surf"ces of i#es in t/e "t%os/eric0 5etted "nd su4%erged Dones 5i## 4e
co"ted 5it/ "n "ro!ed "%ine "dduct cured /ig/ 4ui#d co"# t"r eo2($ +/e
su4str"te 5i## 4e re"red in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e co"ting %"nuf"cturerEs d"t"
s/eets "nd t/e co"ting "#ied 5it/out ri%er to " %ini%u% dr( fi#% t/ic,ness
of 400 %icrons$
:/ere 4o"t i%"ct or 5"!e "ction %"( "ct to "cce#er"te degr"d"tion of t/e co"#
t"r #"(er consider"tion 5i## 4e gi!en to t/e inst"##"tion of /e"!( dut( s#"s/ Done
co"tings or 5r"s$
4$3$2$ Dec, stee# 5or,
A## structur"# stee#5or, e2osed to "t%os/eric conditions under t/e 3ett( dec,
or trest#e5"( 5i## 4e co"ted 5it/ "n "ro!ed "%ine "dduct cured /ig/ 4ui#d
co"# t"r eo2($ +/e su4str"te 5i## 4e re"red in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e co"ting
%"nuf"cturersF d"t" s/eets "nd t/e co"ting "#ied 5it/out ri%er to " %ini%u%
dr( fi#% t/ic,ness of 300 %icrons$
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e ! o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
4$3$3$ Anode Design
A s(ste% of c"t/odic rotection 5i## 4e designed @4( 3ett( su4<contr"ctorB to
su#e%ent t/e co"ting s(ste% in t/e 5etted "nd 4uried Dones$ +/e design 5i##
4e 4"sed uon t/e current densities "nd co"ting 4re",do5n figures det"i#ed in
t/e referenced codes "nd st"nd"rds$ In "## c"ses t/e "node 5i## 4e c"st in "n
"#u%iniu% Dinc indiu% "##o( @4is%ut/ cont"ining "##o(s 5i## not 4e consideredB$
Anodes 5i## 4e inst"##ed on t/e i#e i%%edi"te#( "fter i#e inst"##"tion 4( "n
"ro!ed "tt"c/%ent rocedure$ In "## c"ses t/e %et/od of connecting t/e "node
to ro!ide e#ectric"# continuit( is critic"# "nd 5i## 4e re!ie5ed fu##($
It is intended t/"t e"c/ i#e 5i## 4e rotected 4( " dedic"ted "node of sufficient
siDe "nd 5eig/t to %eet st"rt0 %e"n "nd end of #ife current de%"nds$ +/e "node
5i## "#so /"!e sufficient 5eig/t of "##o( to %eet t/e #ife reAuire%ents 4"sed
uon %e"n current de%"nd$ Anode 5eig/t0 geo%etr(0 "nd Au"ntit( se#ection
s/"## 4e in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e reAuire%ents of Dn. R*<-401<83 5it/ resect
to "node resist"nce0 dri!ing otenti"#0 "nd "## ot/er criteri"$ Anodes 5i## 4e of
eit/er 4r"ce#et0 tr"eDoid"# or c(#indric"# geo%etr($
:/ere interconnected "nd 5e#ded stee# 5or, gu"r"ntees e#ectric"# continuit( for
" grou of i#es t/ese 5i## 4e rotected 4( s%"##er nu%4ers of #"rger "nd /e"!ier
"nodes$ +/ese #"rger "nodes 5i## 4e #"ced on "n indi!idu"# i#e0 or nu%4er of
indi!idu"# i#es 5it/in t/e grou0 to reduce t/e o!er"## Au"ntities of "nodes
reAuired on t/e 3ett($ In t/ese circu%st"nces %onitoring f"ci#ities 5i## 4e
ro!ided to de%onstr"te "deAu"te current distri4ution$
1st"4#is/ing continuit( 4( c"4#e 4onding 5i## not 4e considered$
4.4. Monitoring
4$4$1$ *otenti"# Monitoring
Monitoring t/e effecti!eness of t/e c"t/odic rotection s(ste% 5i## 4e 4(
otenti"# %e"sure%ents$ A nu%4er of er%"nent#( inst"##ed Dinc reference ce##s
5i## 4e inst"##ed$ Suc/ %onitoring de!ices 5i## 4e #"ced "t oints on t/e
structure 5/ic/ "re reresent"ti!e of t/e o!er"## s(ste%$ +/ese 5i## inc#ude
s/"##o5est "nd deeest 5"ter "nd 5/ere "node concentr"tions c/"nge "s in t/e
c"se of e#ectric"##( continuous i#e grous$
4$4$2$ Monitoring of :e#ding
4$4$3$ Str"( currents gener"ted 4( 5e#ding 5i## 4e considered "nd "n( #i,e#(
detri%ent"# effects "!oided 4( design or insection of correct return "t/ c"4#e
connection during t/e construction /"se$
4$4$4$ *rotection *otenti"# R"nge
+/e %ini%u% otenti"# !"#ue for rotection of stee# in se"5"ter 5i## t",en "s
0$80 !o#t neg"ti!e 5it/ resect to " si#!er/si#!er c/#oride e#ectrode$ +/is !"#ue is
t/e #o5er #i%it for stee# in "ero4ic conditions "nd s/ou#d 4e s/ifted " furt/er
100%! in t/e neg"ti!e direction if "n"ero4ic conditions "re ,no5n to e2ist in t/e
4uried Dones$
!. "iping an# "ipelines
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e % o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
!.1. $%ternal Surfaces &'urie# "iping(
A## 4uried %et"##ic iing "nd ie#ines 5it/in t/e refiner( @5it/ t/e e2cetion
of ie in cu#!erts un#ess s"nd fi##edB 5i## 4e e2tern"##( rotected fro% corrosion
4( t/e "#ic"tion of co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection$ M"2i%u% design
te%er"tures "nd en!iron%ent"# conditions 5i## 4e "ddressed during det"i#ed
design "nd co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection current densit( reAuire%ents
"ddressed "ccording#(
&$1$1$ Anti<Corrosion Co"tings
A## 4uried ie#ines "nd iing 5i## 4e e2tern"##( co"ted 5it/ one of t/e s(ste%s
det"i#ed in t/e co"ting secific"tion 5/ic/ /"!e 4een se#ected to %eet t/e
reAuire%ents of t/e oer"ting conditions "nd en!iron%ent in 5/ic/ t/e( "re to
4e 4uried$
>ie#d 3oint co"ting 5i## 4e c"rried out 5it/ " s(ste% co%"ti4#e 5it/ t/e "rent
&$1$2$ C"t/odic *rotection @*er%"nentB
C"t/odic rotection s(ste% design for t/e e2tern"# co"ted "nd 4uried surf"ces of
ie#ines "nd iing 5i## 4e c"rried out "t det"i#ed design st"ge in "ccord"nce
5it/ t/e re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds 5it/ recognition of t/e ser!ice conditions
"nd co"ting t(es$ 9se of i%ressed current c#ose distri4uted "node s(ste%s is
en!is"ged in gener"# for unit "re"s$ Ho5e!er0 dee 5e## "nodes s/"## 4e
ro!ided for underground iing in offsite "re"s "nd in uncongested "re"s
surrounding t/e units$ +/e t"4#e<1 4e#o5 c"n 4e considered for reference in
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 9 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
Ano#e Groun# 'e#s **
+(e of
Anode -ed
Dist"nce of
fro% iing
Anode to
dist"nce @%B
"nd *"!e%ent
1 :it/in 9nit
/ .ertic"#
@3% deeB
3<6% 6%H8% Congested
"nd "!ed
Are"s e$g$
4et5een ie
R"c,0 7e"r
*ie R"c,0
*i#e etc$
MM; 5ire
"node @in
2D or
"r"##e# to
of iing
2 Surrounding
9nit Are"s
Anode -ed
@6% DeeB
4 H 8% 10<12% 9ncongested
? *"!ed
Dee 5e##
Anode -ed
10<1&% 20<2&%
3 Surrounding
unit "re"s
Dee 5e##
Anode -ed
1&<20% 2&<30% 9ncongested
? 9n"!ed
Anode -ed
@6% DeeB
4 H 8% 10<12%
4 ;ffsite
Dee 5e##
Anode -ed
2&% 3&<&0% Congested ?
& ;ffsite
Dee 5e##
Anode -ed
3&% 4&<60% 9ncongested
? 9n"!ed
IIDocu%ent 2&184<3*S<1C<002 t",es recedence
Current densities 5i## 4e se#ected to roduce t/e reAuired otenti"# s/ifts "nd
"node distri4ution considered to ro!ide t/e %ost unifor% current dissi"tion$
+o "##o5 t/e s(ste% to 4e designed " co%re/ensi!e #ist of "## 4uried %et"##ic
iing 5i## 4e reAuired fro% t/e iing grou$
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 1 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
&$1$3$ C"t/odic *rotection @+e%or"r(B
In "ddition to ro!ision of er%"nent c"t/odic rotection0 te%or"r( c"t/odic
rotection s/"## 4e "#ied in order to %itig"te corrosion 4et5een inst"##"tion
"nd suc/ ti%e "s t/e er%"nent s(ste% c"n 4e co%%issioned$ 7o%in"# design
#ife of t/e te%or"r( s(ste% s/"## 4e one (e"r un#ess ot/er5ise st"ted in t/e
design reort$
:/ere!er ossi4#e0 inst"##"tion of t/e er%"nent i%ressed current s(ste% s/"##
4e coordin"ted in suc/ " 5"( t/"t it %"( 4e co%%issioned i%%edi"te#( "fter
ie#"($ In secific c"ses of de#"(0 s"crifici"# "nodes s/"## 4e connected !i"
te%or"r( connections to t/e ie#ine "t neg"ti!e dr"in oints0 "nd er%"nent#(
inst"##ed test f"ci#ities$
+e%or"r( s(ste%s s/"## eit/er 4e dedic"ted s"crifici"# @Dinc or %"gnesiu%B0 or
i%ressed current0 uti#ising cross 4onds to e2isting s(ste%s suc/ t/"t current c"n
4e 4#ed onto t/e ne5 #ines$
&$1$4$ 1#ectric"# Iso#"tion
Iso#"tion of underground in #"nt iing fro% e#ectric"##( continuous #"nt s/"##
gener"##( not 4e considered to #i%it t/e ris, of s"r,ing "cross f#"nges during
%"inten"nce oer"tion$ :/ere e#ectric"# iso#"tion is used0 it s/"## 4e #i%ited to
t/ose #"ces 5/ere " e2cessi!e current dr"in 5i## resu#t in t/e reAuire%ent for "
gre"t#( incre"sed outut fro% t/e c"t/odic rotection s(ste%$ +/ese #oc"tions
s/"## 4e identified during det"i#ed design$
&$1$&$ 1ffect of C"t/odic *rotection on Reinforcing Stee#
+/e effect of c"t/odic rotection on t/e corrosion r"tes of stee# 5it/in concrete
found"tions0 #"nt e"rt/ grid0 "nd ot/er structures 5i## 4e considered "nd
"##o5"nces %"de for current #osses$ Gener"##( in t/e c"se of refiner( "nd ot/er
congested #"nt situ"tions it is "d!"nt"geous to use unco"ted reinforcing stee# so
t/"t inter"ction 4et5een indi!idu"# sections is ,et to " %ini%u%$
&$1$6$ Monitoring
Monitoring of t/e effecti!eness of t/e ie#ine c"t/odic rotection s(ste%s 5i##
4e 4( otenti"# %e"sure%ent using ort"4#e test eAui%ent$ +est st"tions 5i## 4e
inst"##ed "t regu#"r inter!"#s o!er t/e ie#ine$ :/ere ie#ines 5/ic/ "re
su43ect to c"t/odic rotection "re 4ene"t/ "!ed "re"s0 test "ccess oints 5i## 4e
&$1$6$1$ *rotection *otenti"# R"nge
+/e !"#ue of rotection otenti"# for iing used 5i## 4e <0$8& !o#ts0 or %ore
neg"ti!e0 %e"sured in t/e IR free condition$ +/is !"#ue is t/e #o5er #i%it for
stee# in "ero4ic soi#s "nd s/ou#d 4e s/ifted " furt/er 100%! in t/e neg"ti!e
direction if "n"ero4ic conditions "re ,no5n to e2ist$
12cess o!errotection0 t/"t is0 !"#ues signific"nt#( %ore neg"ti!e t/"n t/ose
gi!en "4o!e0 s/ou#d not 4e gener"##( "##o5ed to occur$ +/e %ore neg"ti!e !"#ue
er%issi4#e 5i## 4e t",en "s < 1$2 !o#ts inst"nt"neous off$ Ho5e!er due to t/e
co%#ic"ted n"ture of t/e finis/ed #"nt0 "nd t/e inf#uence on otenti"# #e!e#s
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 11 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
cre"ted 4( t/e co%4in"tion of %"teri"#s found in #"nt "nd refiner( #oc"tions0
so%e f#e2i4i#it( in t/e figures gi!en 5i## 4e reAuired$
+/e 100%. o#"ris"tion dec"( test %et/od %"( "#so 4e used to deter%ine t/"t
"deAu"te rotection /"s 4een "c/ie!ed$
A## otenti"# re"dings "re to 4e %e"sured 5it/ resect to " coer/coer
su#/"te reference e#ectrode$
!.2. $%ternal Surfaces &Su+sea "ipelines,-utfalls(
:/ere ie#ines "re inst"##ed su4se" t/e( 5i## 4e e2tern"##( co"ted "s " ri%"r(
%e"ns of corrosion contro#$ In "ddition to t/e "nti<corrosion co"ting ie#ines
5i## 4e 5eig/t co"ted to ro!ide se"4ed st"4i#it( "nd ri%"r( co"ting rotection
fro% i%"ct d"%"ge$ In "## c"ses t/e ie#ines 5i## "#so 4e ro!ided 5it/ "
s(ste% of c"t/odic rotection$
&$2$1$ Anti<Corrosion Co"tings
12tern"# co"ting of su4se" ie#ines in "## c"ses 5i## 4e 4( %e"ns of g#"ss %"tt
reinforced co"# t"r en"%e#$ >ie#d 3oints 5i## 4e %"de using co#d "#ied /ig/
te%er"ture t"e "nd /ot "#ied %"stic fi##$
In t/e #"ndf"## section 5/ere t/ere %"( 4e " tr"nsition fro% su4se" to
underground to "t%os/eric conditions consider"tion 5i## 4e gi!en to
seci"#ised co"ting reAuire%ents$
&$2$2$ C"t/odic *rotection
C"t/odic rotection s(ste% design for t/e e2tern"# 5etted surf"ces of su4se"
ie#ines 5i## 4e s"crifici"# in n"ture uti#ising 4r"ce#et "nodes of t/e "#u%iniu%
Dinc indiu% "##o( t(e @4is%ut/ cont"ining "##o(s 5i## not 4e consideredB$
+/e c"t/odic rotection 5i## 4e designed t",ing into consider"tion t/e
te%er"ture "t t/e stee# "nd "node surf"ce induced 4( t/e roduct or %edi"
cont"ined 5it/in t/e ie#ine "nd inf#uenced 4( se"4ed conditions0 det/ of
4uri"#0 roc, du%ing etc$
Se#ection of "node geo%etr( "nd s"cing 5i## 4e %"de "t det"i#ed design st"ge
in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds 5it/ recognition of t/e
ser!ice conditions "nd co"ting t(es$ Current densities 5i## 4e se#ected to
roduce t/e reAuired otenti"# s/ifts "nd "node distri4ution considered to
ro!ide t/e %ost unifor% current dissi"tion$
&$2$3$ 1#ectric"# Iso#"tion
1#ectric"# iso#"tion of su4se" ie#ines is on#( reAuired "t t/eir oint of #"ndf"##$
+/e e2"ct #oc"tion "nd t(e of "n( iso#"tion 5i## 4e deter%ined during t/e
det"i#ed design /"se$
&$2$4$ Monitoring
Monitoring of su4se" ie#ine c"t/odic rotection erfor%"nce 5i## 4e
considered$ :/ere ossi4#e0 %onitoring 5i## 4e 4"sed uon t/e inc#usion of "
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 12 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
corrosion %onitoring ro4e on "n( R$;$.$ t/"t %"( 4e e%#o(ed to c"rr( out "
ost #"( su4se" ie#ine sur!e($
!.3. .nternal Surfaces of "iping,"ipeline
:/ere ferrous ie#ines or iing c"rr( corrosi!e @untre"tedB 5"ter t/e( 5i## 4e
intern"##( #ined$ If t/e ser!ice is considered to 4e "rduous "nd0 or0 critic"# "s in
t/e c"se of se"5"ter int",e/disc/"rge iing t/e co"ting 5i## 4e su#e%ented 4(
s"crifici"# "node c"t/odic rotection$ M"2i%u% design te%er"tures "nd
conducti!it( of t/roug/ ut 5i## 4e "ddressed on " c"se 4( c"se 4"sis during
det"i#ed design "nd co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection current densit(
reAuire%ents "ddressed "ccording#($
&$3$1$ Anti<Corrosion Co"tings
Intern"# co"ting of se"5"ter int",e iing s/"## co%#( 5it/ t/e referenced
ro3ect secific"tion$
>ie#d 3oint co"ting 5i## 4e c"rried out 5it/ " s(ste% co%"ti4#e 5it/ t/e "rent
co"ting$ :/ere f#"nged ie 3oints "re used co"ting of t/e f#"nge f"ces is
&$3$2$ C"t/odic *rotection
C"t/odic rotection s(ste% design for t/e intern"# 5etted surf"ces of ie#ines
"nd iing0 5/ere "#ic"4#e0 5i## 4e s"crifici"# in n"ture uti#ising Dinc "##o(
"nodes$ Anode se#ection 5i## 4e c"rried out "t det"i#ed design st"ge in
"ccord"nce 5it/ t/e re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds 5it/ recognition of t/e ser!ice
conditions "nd co"ting t(es$ Current densities 5i## 4e se#ected to roduce t/e
reAuired otenti"# s/ifts "nd "node distri4ution considered to ro!ide t/e %ost
unifor% current dissi"tion$
In "## c"ses 5/ere "nodes "re inst"##ed t/e referred %et/od 5i## 4e 4( 4o#ted
&$3$3$ 1#ectric"# Iso#"tion
Gener"##( e#ectric"# iso#"tion 4( %e"ns of f#"nge insu#"tion ,its "nd %ono#it/ic
iso#"tion 3oints 5i## 4e "!oided$ Ho5e!er 5/ere it is reAuired to #i%it current
distri4ution due consider"tion 5i## 4e gi!en to #i%iting current #e","ge t/roug/
t/e e#ectro#(tic "t/ 4( ensuring correct se#ection of t/e non %et"##ic
co%onents of t/e iso#"tion de!ices$
&$3$4$ Monitoring
As t/e ie#ine "nd iing "re se"#ed s(ste%s 5/en oer"ting it 5i## not 4e
ossi4#e to %onitor t/e c"t/odic rotection s(ste%s in oer"tion$ Ho5e!er t/e
ri%e corrosion contro# %et/od in e"c/ c"se 5i## 4e t/e /ig/ integrit( co"ting
s(ste% su#e%ented 4( s"crifici"# "nodes$ +/e "nodes 5i## 4e inst"##ed to
o#"rise "n( 4"re stee# 5/ic/ %"( 4e e2osed "t co"ting /o#id"(s0 or 5/ic/ %"(
de!e#o in ser!ice0 "nd 5i## ro!ide "##o5"nce for "n( incre"se in co"ting
conducti!it( 5/ic/ %"( occur o!er t/e s(ste% #ife$ *otenti"# %onitoring 5i##
t/erefore not 4e ro!ided "nd s(ste% ser!ice"4i#it( c/ec,s 5i## 4e confined to
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 13 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
o4ser!"tion of "node de#etion r"tes %"de during s/utdo5ns0 or 4( designing
t/e s(ste% suc/ t/"t t/e "nodes "re retrie!"4#e "nd re#"ce"4#e in ser!ice$
/. At Gra#e Storage )an0s
/.1. $%ternal Surfaces
+/e e2tern"# surf"ces of t/e 4"ses of "t gr"de stor"ge t"n,s 5/ere constructed on
" ring 4e"% "re reAuired to 4e c"t/odic"##( rotected$ +o i%ro!e current
distri4ution "nd to decre"se current de%"nd t/e underside of t"n, #"tes @c"r4on
stee# on#(B 5i## 4e co"ted 4efore #"(ing$ +/is 5i## 4e "c/ie!ed using " co"# t"r
eo2( co"ting %"teri"# "#ied direct#( o!er " re"red su4str"te 5it/out
ri%er0 "s det"i#ed in t/e ro3ect co"ting secific"tion$
/.2. Cat1o#ic "rotection
C"t/odic rotection s(ste% design for t/e e2tern"# co"ted surf"ces of "t gr"de
stor"ge t"n,s 4"ses 5i## 4e 4( i%ressed current c"t/odic rotection$ :/ere
t"n,s "re constructed on concrete found"tions or 5/ere t/er%"##( insu#"ted
c"t/odic rotection 5i## not 4e considered$
+/e "ctu"# n"ture "nd "node distri4ution of t/e i%ressed current s(ste%s 5i##
4e "ddressed "t ti%e of det"i#ed design 4ut 5i## 4e " c#ose#( distri4uted #ine"r
"node0 %es/ or grid s(ste% constructed 5it/in t/e t"n, found"tion "nd sitting
direct#( 4ene"t/ t/e t"n, f#oor #"tes$
Det"i#ed design 5i## 4e in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds "nd
5i## t",e recognition of ser!ice conditions #i,e#( to 4e encountered$ Current
densities 5i## 4e se#ected to roduce t/e reAuired otenti"# s/ifts "nd "nodes
ositioned to ro!ide t/e 4est distri4ution of rotection current$
6$2$1$ 1#ectric"# Iso#"tion
1#ectric"# iso#"tion 4( %e"ns of f#"nge insu#"tion ,its "nd %ono#it/ic iso#"tion
3oints "t "4o!e ground stor"ge t"n,s 5i## 4e "!oided$ +/is "ro"c/ 5i## #i%it
t/e ris, of o!er"## s(ste% inter"ction "nd t/e otenti"# for s"r,ing "cross
f#"nged 3oints during %"inten"nce oer"tions$
6$2$2$ 1ffect on Stee# "nd 1#ectric"# Grounding M"teri"# @uninsu#"ted coer or stee#B
+/e effect of c"t/odic rotection on t/e corrosion r"tes of stee# 5it/in concrete
found"tions "nd ot/er structures 5i## 4e considered "nd "##o5"nces %"de for
current #osses "s "rori"te$ Gener"##( in t/e c"se of refiner( "nd ot/er
congested #"nt situ"tions it is "d!"nt"geous to use unco"ted reinforcing stee# so
t/"t inter"ction 4et5een indi!idu"# sections is ,et to " %ini%u%$ Deending
uon t/e "node t(e "nd distri4ution used t/e reinforcing stee# "nd e#ectric"#
grounding %"( 4e %"de de#i4er"te#( continuous 5it/ t/e t"n, to ensure
inter"ction "nd "cce#er"ted corrosion of eit/er one is "!oided$ Det"i#s s/o5ing
ring4e"% reinforce%ent 4"r continuit( 4onding 5it/ t/e t"n, s/e## s/"## 4e
s/o5n on Ci!i#s found"tion dr"5ings "s "rori"te$
6$2$3$ Monitoring
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 14 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
Monitoring of t/e effecti!eness of t/e c"t/odic rotection s(ste%s 5i## 4e 4(
otenti"# %e"sure%ent using er%"nent reference e#ectrodes inst"##ed "t
construction 4ene"t/ t/e t"n, f#oor$ 1#ectrodes 5i## 4e #"ced "s c#ose "s
ossi4#e to t/e t"n, f#oor to re%o!e "s %uc/ of t/e !o#t dro in t/e soi# "t/ "s
is ossi4#e$ 7u%4ers "nd distri4ution of e#ectrodes s/"## 4e det"i#ed on
indi!idu"# t"n, found"tion dr"5ings @4( Ci!i#sB "nd in *ro3ect Secific"tion
>urt/er %onitoring f"ci#ities 5i## 4e ro!ided "t t/e t"n, eri/er( in t/e for%
of test ce## "ccess tu4es enetr"ting t/e t"n, found"tion$ +/ese "ccess oints 5i##
4e used in con3unction 5it/ ort"4#e %onitoring eAui%ent$
6$2$3$1$ *rotection *otenti"# R"nge
+/e !"#ue of rotection otenti"# for stee# used 5i## 4e <0$8& !o#ts0 or %ore
neg"ti!e0 %e"sured in t/e IR free condition$ +/is !"#ue is t/e #o5er #i%it for
stee# in "ero4ic soi#s "nd s/ou#d 4e s/ifted " furt/er 100%! in t/e neg"ti!e
direction if "n"ero4ic conditions "re ,no5n to e2ist$
12cess o!errotection0 t/"t is0 !"#ues signific"nt#( %ore neg"ti!e t/"n t/ose
gi!en "4o!e0 s/ou#d not 4e gener"##( "##o5ed to occur$ +/e %ore neg"ti!e !"#ue
er%issi4#e 5i## 4e t",en "s <1$2 !o#ts inst"nt"neous off$ Ho5e!er due to t/e
co%#ic"ted n"ture of t/e finis/ed #"nt0 "nd t/e inf#uence on otenti"# #e!e#s
cre"ted 4( t/e co%4in"tion of %"teri"#s found in #"nt "nd refiner( #oc"tions0
so%e f#e2i4i#it( in t/e figures gi!en 5i## 4e reAuired$
+/e 100%! o#"ris"tion dec"( test %et/od %"( "#so 4e used to deter%ine t/"t
"deAu"te rotection /"s 4een "c/ie!ed$
A## otenti"# re"dings "re to 4e %e"sured 5it/ resect to " coer/coer
su#/"te reference e#ectrode$
/.3. .nternal Surfaces
:/ere stor"ge t"n,s cont"in corrosi!e @untre"tedB 5"ter or ot"4#e 5"ter0 or
5/ere 5"ter ingress is "ntici"ted @e$g$ f#o"ting roof t"n,sB t/e( s/"## 4e
rotected 4( %e"ns of co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection$ ;er"ting te%er"tures
"nd conducti!it( of 5"ters cont"ined 5it/in e"c/ t"n, 5i## 4e "ddressed on "
c"se 4( c"se 4"sis during det"i#ed design "nd co"tings "nd c"t/odic rotection
current densities "ddressed "ccording#($
+e%or"r( s"crifici"# rotection for t"n,s s/"## "#so 4e ro!ided for t"n,"ge
during /(drotest0 @5/ere t"n,s %"( cont"in r"5 5"ter for ro#onged eriodsB$
/.4. AntiCorrosion Coatings
A## t"n,"ge 5i## 4e intern"##( #ined 5/ere " 5"ter /"se is e2ected "s det"i#ed
in t/e referenced ro3ect co"ting secific"tion$ +/e e2tent of t/e co"ted "re" 5i##
4e det"i#ed in t/e t"n, d"t" s/eets$
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 15 o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
/.!. Cat1o#ic "rotection
C"t/odic rotection s(ste%s designed for t/e intern"# 5etted surf"ces of t"n,"ge
5i## 4e of t/e manually contro##ed i%ressed current t(e for 5"ter stor"ge
t"n,s "nd t/e s"crifici"# t(e uti#ising A#u%iniu%<Indiu%<Jinc "##o( "nodes
@4is%ut/ cont"ining "##o(s 5i## not 4e consideredB for f#o"ting roof t"n,s$ Anode
t(e se#ection "nd distri4ution 5i## 4e 5i## 4e %"de "t det"i#ed design st"ge in
"ccord"nce 5it/ t/e re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds 5it/ recognition of t/e ser!ice
conditions "nd co"ting t(es$ Current densities 5i## 4e se#ected to roduce t/e
reAuired otenti"# s/ifts "nd "node distri4ution considered to ro!ide t/e %ost
unifor% current dissi"tion$
+e%or"r( s"crifici"# rotection s/"## "#so 4e ro!ided @5/ere t"n,s 5i## cont"in
r"50 or se"5"ter for ro#onged eriods during /(drotestB$
In "## c"ses 5/ere s"crifici"# "nodes "re inst"##ed t/e referred %et/od 5i## 4e
4o#ted fi2ing$
/./. Monitoring
Monitoring of t/e effecti!eness of t/e c"t/odic rotection s(ste%s inst"##ed in
stor"ge t"n,s 5/ic/ "re 5"ter fi##ed 5i## 4e 4( otenti"# s/ift$ +/e S(ste%s 5i##
4e %"nu"##( contro##ed "nd %onitored using #o5 ion se"#ed Ag/AgC# reference
:/ere s"crifici"# "nodes "re to 4e designed for intern"# rotection of
/(droc"r4on roduct stor"ge t"n,s cont"ining " 5"ter /"se no %onitoring 5i##
4e ro!ided$ Ho5e!er "## s(ste%s 5i## 4e designed for " %ini%u% #ife
co%%ensur"te 5it/ insection "nd %"inten"nce sc/edu#es$
2. 'urie# Storage )an0s,3essels
2.1. $%ternal Surfaces
+/e e2tern"# surf"ces of 4uried stor"ge t"n,s/!esse#s 5i## 4e co"ted or 5r"ed
"nd c"t/odic"##( rotected$
2.2. AntiCorrosion Coatings
+/e e2tern"# surf"ces of "## 4uried stor"ge t"n,s 5i## 4e co"ted 5it/ eit/er " co"#
t"r eo2( s(ste% or ri%ed "nd t"e 5r"ed using " co#d "#ied %"stic
4"c,ed t"e0 un#ess e#e!"ted te%er"ture ser!ice roerties "re secified$
2.3. Cat1o#ic "rotection
C"t/odic rotection s(ste% design for t/e e2tern"# co"ted surf"ces of 4uried
stor"ge t"n,s/!esse#s 5i## 4e %e"ns of i%ressed current c#ose distri4uted "node
s(ste%s$ Anode distri4ution 5i## 4e "ddressed "t ti%e of det"i#ed design$
Det"i#ed design 5i## 4e in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds "nd
5i## t",e recognition of t/e ser!ice conditions #i,e#( to 4e encountered$ Current
densities 5i## 4e se#ected to roduce t/e reAuired otenti"# s/ifts "nd "nodes
ositioned to ro!ide t/e 4est distri4ution of rotection current$
)$3$1$ 1#ectric"# Iso#"tion
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 1& o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
1#ectric"# iso#"tion 4( %e"ns of or %ono#it/ic iso#"tion 3oints %"( 4e considered
so t/"t e"c/ 4uried t"n, /"s " dedic"ted s(ste% of c"t/odic rotection$
1#ectric"##( dri!en u%s "ssoci"ted 5it/ 4uried t"n,s %e"n t/"t t/ere is "
ossi4i#it( of e#ectric"# connection to #oc"# or net5or,ed grounding s(ste%s$ In
suc/ situ"tions inst"##"tion of so#id st"te d$c$ 4#oc,ing de!ices @so#id st"te
o#"ris"tion ce##sB %"( 4e considered to re!ent c"t/odic rotection current #oss
"nd e"r#( or re%"ture de#etion of "node %"teri"#$ 9se of so#id st"te d$c$
4#oc,ing de!ices s/"## on#( 4e "rori"te 5/ere %otor is %ounted "4o!e
ground "nd is iso#"ted e#ectric"##( fro% t/e ground @e$g$ M;.EsB$
:/ere %otor "nd u% "re direct#( %ounted on ground0 con!ention"# so#id
e"rt/ing s/"## 4e used "nd d$c$ 4#oc,ing de!ices need not to 4e ro!ided$
)$3$2$ Monitoring
Monitoring of t/e effecti!eness of t/e c"t/odic rotection s(ste%s 5i## 4e 4(
otenti"# %e"sure%ent using er%"nent reference e#ectrodes inst"##ed "t ti%e of
construction "t se#ected #oc"tions$ 1#ectrodes 5i## 4e #"ced "s c#ose "s ossi4#e
to t/e 4uried !esse# to re%o!e "s %uc/ of t/e !o#t dro in t/e soi# "t/ "s is
ossi4#e$ 7u%4ers "nd distri4ution of e#ectrodes 5i## 4e deendent uon t"n,
siDe "nd roduct te%er"ture "nd 5i## 4e fu##( defined during det"i#ed design$
>urt/er %onitoring f"ci#ities 5i## 4e ro!ided "t t/e surf"ce direct#( "4o!e t/e
t"n, to "##o5 t/e use of ort"4#e eAui%ent$
)$3$2$1$ *rotection *otenti"# R"nge
+/e !"#ue of rotection otenti"# for stee# used 5i## 4e <0$8& !o#ts0 or %ore
neg"ti!e0 %e"sured in t/e IR free condition$ +/is !"#ue is t/e #o5er #i%it for
stee# in "ero4ic soi#s$
12cess o!errotection0 t/"t is0 !"#ues signific"nt#( %ore neg"ti!e t/"n t/ose
gi!en "4o!e0 s/ou#d not 4e gener"##( "##o5ed to occur$ +/e %ore neg"ti!e !"#ue
er%issi4#e 5i## 4e t",en "s <1$2 !o#ts inst"nt"neous off$ Ho5e!er due to t/e
co%#ic"ted n"ture of t/e finis/ed #"nt0 "nd t/e inf#uence on otenti"# #e!e#s
cre"ted 4( t/e co%4in"tion of %"teri"#s found in #"nt "nd refiner( #oc"tions0
so%e f#e2i4i#it( in t/e figures gi!en %"( 4e reAuired$
+/e 100%. o#"ris"tion dec"( test %et/od %"( "#so 4e uti#ised to deter%ine
t/"t "deAu"te rotection otenti"#s /"!e 4een "c/ie!ed$
A## otenti"# re"dings "re to 4e %e"sured 5it/ resect to " coer/coer
su#/"te reference e#ectrode$
2.4. .nternal Surfaces
A## t"n,s/!esse#s 5i## 4e intern"##( #ined 5/ere " 5"ter /"se is e2ected "s
det"i#ed in t/e referenced ro3ect co"ting secific"tion$
M"2i%u% design te%er"tures "nd conducti!it( of 5"ters cont"ined 5it/in e"c/
t"n, 5i## 4e "ddressed on " c"se 4( c"se 4"sis during det"i#ed design "nd co"ting
"nd c"t/odic rotection current densities reAuire%ents "ddressed "ccording#($
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 1! o$ 1%
Reliance Petroleum Limited
Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
2.!. AntiCorrosion Coatings
A## t"n,"ge 5i## 4e intern"##( #ined 5/ere " 5"ter /"se is e2ected to 4e
resent 5it/ one of t/e s(ste%s det"i#ed in t/e referenced ro3ect co"ting
2./. Cat1o#ic "rotection
C"t/odic rotection s(ste%s designed for t/e intern"# 5etted surf"ces of 4uried
t"n,"ge 5i## 4e of t/e s"crifici"# t(e uti#ising "#u%iniu% indiu% Dinc "##o(
"nodes @4is%ut/ cont"ining "##o(s 5i## not 4e consideredB$ Anode t(es "nd
distri4ution 5i## 4e 5i## 4e %"de "t det"i#ed design st"ge in "ccord"nce 5it/ t/e
re#e!"nt codes "nd st"nd"rds 5it/ recognition of t/e ser!ice conditions "nd
co"ting t(es$ Current densities 5i## 4e se#ected to roduce t/e reAuired
otenti"# s/ifts "nd "node distri4ution considered to ro!ide t/e %ost unifor%
current dissi"tion$
In "## c"ses 5/ere s"crifici"# "nodes "re inst"##ed t/e referred %et/od 5i## 4e 4(
4o#ted fi2ing$
)$6$1$ Monitoring
Monitoring of t/e effecti!eness of t/e i%ressed current c"t/odic rotection
s(ste%s 5i## 4( otenti"# s/ift$ Ho5e!er t/e c/oice of er%"nent or ort"4#e
s(ste%s of otenti"# %onitoring 5i## 4e %"de during det"i#ed design 4"sed on
roduct t(e0 5"ter conducti!it(0 c/#oride content0 te%er"ture "nd intended
:/ere s"crifici"# "nodes "re to 4e designed for intern"# rotection of /(dro<
c"r4on roduct 4uried stor"ge t"n,s cont"ining " 5"ter /"se no %onitoring 5i##
4e ro!ided$ Ho5e!er "## s(ste%s 5i## 4e designed for " %ini%u% #ife
co%%ensur"te 5it/ insection "nd %"inten"nce sc/edu#es$
4. Site Con#itions
+o est"4#is/ t/e soi# corrosi!it( "nd its suit"4i#it( for t/e construction of s(ste%s
of c"t/odic rotection " soi# "nd geotec/nic"# sur!e( to deter%ine its resisti!it(
5i## 4e reAuired$
A re!ie5 "nd "udit of e2isting c"t/odic rotection f"ci#ities s/"## "#so 4e c"rried
out to est"4#is/ function"#it( or ot/er5ise of e2isting s(ste%s$
Addition"##( t/e conducti!it( "nd %",e u of 5"ters to 4e cont"ined 5it/in "##
t"n,"ge 5i## "#so 4e reAuired for design uroses$ +/e 5"ter %",e u d"t"
reAuired s/ou#d "s " %ini%u% s/ou#d cont"in +$D$S$0 Conducti!it(0 H "nd
c/#oride content$ -ot/ t/ese su43ects 5i## 4e "ddressed during t/e det"i#ed
design /"se$
25194-3PS-GAW-1! Rev 3 Pa#e 1% o$ 1%

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