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Min FCBCC 140318

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FCBOCC Regular Meeting 3/18/2014 Page 2 of 4

%(m B$o1"#)) 3 Em#$,#"4+ M("(,#m#"& Action Items As!ing Boar" a##ro$al or re%ection for t&e Fran!lin Count' (ail retrofit roof assem)l' o$er t&e A"ministration Buil"ing an" a ne* mem)rane roof s'stem o$er t&e Facilit' +ouse, -&e total grant is for .//01/04, -&e Fe"eral s&are is .28212283 t&e local s&are is .14411/0, Information Items 1, 5mergenc' Management on Marc&121 2014 con"ucte" its training an" e6ercise nee"s *it& t&e "ifferent agencies in count' for t&e 7tate -raining an" 56ercise tem#late, 2, 5mergenc' Management on Marc& 131 2014 atten"e" t&e Region 2 meeting in -alla&assee, 3, On Marc& 121 2014 I met *it& P&il 8orle' an" Rostan 7olutions 99C to start t&e "raft for t&e count' :e)ris Monitoring contracts, 4, On Marc& 181 2014 I *ill #artici#ate in t&e final #lanning session for t&e 7tate +urricane 56ercise sc&e"ule for Ma', 2, 5mergenc' Management &as a 9M7 meeting sc&e"ule for Marc& 201 2014 at t&e 5OC at 4 00am, A""# B $4'1#)) 3 L 2$($+ D $#4&o$ 8 m E!&#! 3 F5C 3 D !40!! o" o/ F#*#$() F !'#$ #! F( )0$# F0"* O-#" B *! 3 O(6 S&$##& 7 M(,"o) ( B)0// %(. ", %$o9#4& A*. !o$+ Bo($* o/ A*90!&m#"& Co"!#"& A,#"*( 1 ; Consi"eration of a re<uest for a 7#ecial 56ce#tion to locate a communication to*er on a 1006100 ft #arcel out of a 20,8 acre #arcel on #ro#ert' =one" R;0 Rural Resi"ential, -&is #ro#ert' is "escri)e" as l'ing in 7ection 81 -o*ns&i# 8 7out&1 Range 2 8est )et*een 5ast#oint an" Carra)elle1 nort& of +ig&*a' 48, -&e a##licant is also re<uesting a $ariance to t&e 4/ ft, &eig&t limit to construct a 200 ft, to*er, Re<uest su)mitte" )' Blac!*ater >rou#1 9ane 8rig&t1 agent for A-?-, APPRO@5: )' ABOA *it& t&e follo*ing Contingencies 1; Must )e com#lete" *it&in t*o 'ears 2; Must allo* co;locations *it& ot&er #ro$i"ers 3; :onate co;location to Fran!lin Count' 7&eriffAs :e#t, 411 7'stem an"

FCBOCC Regular Meeting 3/18/2014 Page 3 of 4

4; 7#ecial 56ce#tion Fin"ing of Fact >ranting of t&e s#ecial e6ce#tion is not a"$erse to t&e #u)lic interest, @ariance A##ro$e" @ariance for &eig&t is grante" an" ma' )e assigne", 2 ; Reconsi"eration of a re<uest for an after;t&e;fact $ariance to install a s*imming #ool 0,2 feet into t&e rear set)ac! line an" 4 feet into t&e 22 ft set)ac! line off of 11 t& 7treet 5ast on #ro#ert' "escri)e" as 1080 5ast >ulf Beac& :ri$e1 9ot 111 Bloc! (1 Bnit 21 7t, >eorge Islan"1 Fran!lin Count'1 Flori"a, Re<uest su)mitte" )' 8illiam ? :onna Cic&ols1 o*ners, APPROVED )' ABOA, M($4 ( M: 8o'"!o" 3 C)#$6 o/ Co0$&! 3 R#-o$& A)(" % #$4# 3 D $#4&o$ o/ A*m " !&$(& .# S#$. 4#! 3 R#-o$& 1; Boar" action to #roclaim A#ril 211 2014 as Po*er-al!21 :a' as re<ueste" )' MA::; Mot&ers Against :run! :ri$ing, MA:: is #romoting A#ril 211 2014 as t&e "a' for #arents an" caregi$ers of t&e 'oung to em)race t&eir role in influencing AmericaAs 'out& an" t&eir "ecisions a)out "rin!ing alco&ol, -&ere *ill )e a free communit' #arent *or!s&o# on A#ril 21 )' MA:: Cort&*est Flori"a to gi$e #arents t&e tools in a #arent &an")oo! to effecti$e tal! to t&eir teens a)out alco&ol, 2; -&e Air#ort A"$isor' Committee an" t&e air#ort consultants1 A@COC1 unanimousl' re<uest t&e Boar" reconsi"er t&e re%ection of t&e one )i" for air#ort "rainage an" securit' im#ro$ements, -&e #ro%ect *as )i" out in unit #rices *&ic& allo*s for t&e consultants to negotiate *it& t&e one )i""er to )ring t&e #ro%ect *it&in t&e )u"get, -&e *or! #ro#ose" in t&is )i" is using mone' t&at *ill e6#ire on (une 301 20141 an" )ot& t&e contractor an" t&e consultant )elie$e t&at t&ere is not time to re;)i" t&e #ro%ect an" get t&e *or! "one )efore t&e "ea"line, M' comment at t&e last Boar" meeting *as inaccurate regar"ing *&at t&e consultant *as "oing in negotiating *it& t&e one )i""er, 3; Boar" action to a*ar" t&e one )i" to RAM Construction to im#ro$ements at t&e &anger no* occu#ie" )' Mr, Ran"' Ran"ol#&, -&e grant fun"s to #a' for t&is #ro%ect also e6#ire on (une 301 2014, .8214/4 is t&e lo* )i" an" t&ere are a"e<uate grant fun"s to #a' for t&e #ro%ect, 4; Inform t&e Boar" t&at t&e Air#ort A"$isor' Committee &ear" a #resentation at its Marc& 10 meeting from B7 Air Force Ci$il 5ngineer Center1 Mr, :ic! 7mit&1 on t&e structural t&ic!ness of t&e concrete at t&e air#ort, It &a" )een assume" in Air Force "ocuments t&at t&e concrete *as )et*een 8 to 10 inc&es t&ic! in all areas *&ere #lanes *oul" lan" or ta6i, 8it& t&at assum#tion t&e Air Force *as consi"ering "esignating t&e A#alac&icola air#ort as a For*ar" Area Refueling Point DFARPE for $arious training e6ercises an" missions, +o*e$er1 after t&e Ci$il 5ngineer Center "i" some 42 core sam#les aroun" t&e air#ort it *as "etermine" t&at t&e actual concrete

FCBOCC Regular Meeting 3/18/2014 Page 4 of 4

t&ic!ness *as reall' )et*een 4 an" / inc&es, -&is t&ic!ness of concrete is not a"e<uate to su##ort t&e t'#e of #lanes t&e air force *as consi"ering using so t&e air#ort *ill not )e #art of an' e6#ansion of FARP training missions )' t&e B7 Air Force, -&e air#ort *ill continue to )e use" for training )' 7#ecial Forces in t&e manner *&ic& is alrea"' occurring, -&e concrete *ill su##ort all of t&e t'#es of #ri$ate aircraft t&at currentl' use t&e air#ort so t&ere *ill )e no restriction on #ri$ate aircraft, 2;Boar" action to a*ar" )i"s on t*o Alligator Point #ro%ects, C8 Ro)erts *as t&e lo* )i""er *it& .12/1102,22 for relocating t&e last segment of Alligator :ri$e, C8 Ro)erts *as t&e lo* )i""er on re#airing t&e re$etment east of -om Ro)erts *it& a #rice of ./41442,00, -&e )i" is goo" for 00 "a's1 an" t&is is t&e #ro%ect *&ic& :5P &as a"$ise" us *e "o not &a$e aut&ori=ation to mo$e for*ar", 0; Remin" Boar" *e *ill )e o#ening )i"s for t&e remo$al of "e)ris from t&e "estro'e" re$etment in front of 7out& 7&oal on A#ril 1, Boar" action to aut&ori=e Pre)le;Ris& to com#lete t&e "esign an" &an"le t&e )i""ing of t&e #ro%ect, F5MA *ill #a' t&ese costs, /;Boar" action to a##ro$e "ocument insertions into contracts for Bluff Roa" an" t&e Carra)elle Multi;use Pat& as "irecte" )' :O-, -&e "ocuments title"1 FRe<uire" Contract Pro$isionsG *ere reference" in t&e original contracts )ut :O- no* *ants t&em incor#orate" in t&e contracts "irectl', Future :O- contracts *ill &a$e t&ese re<uire" "ocuments as #art of t&e contract, 8; Inform t&e Boar" t&at :O- &as announce" 7COP a##lications are o#en until Ma' 4, In t&e announcement :O- states1 Fsignificant re$isions to t&e 7COP #rogram *ere a##ro$e" )' t&e 2004 9egislature *&ic& allo*s $arious t'#es of #ro%ects Din a""ition to resurfacingE to )e fun"e" t&roug& t&is #rogram, Can"i"ate #ro%ects ma' inclu"e #a$ing un#a$e" roa"s1 a""ressing roa" relate" "rainage1 re#airing count' )ri"ges,G Onl' 2 #ro%ects can )e su)mitte" from eac& count', Boar" "irection on &o* to #rocee" *it& "e$elo#ing #ossi)le #ro%ects, 4; Inform Boar" t&at Congress "i" re#eal t&e increases in floo" insurance #remiums, Congress "i" not re#eal t&e ne* ma#s, M 4'(#) S'0)#$ 3 Co0"&+ A&&o$"#+ 3 R#-o$& Comm !! o"#$! ("* %02) 4 Comm#"&! A*9o0$"

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