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Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Trade, Production, and Management of Botanical Resources

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Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Trade, Production, and Management of

Botanical Resources

Dagmar Lange
University of Landau, Institute of Biology
Im Fort 7, D-76829 Landau, Germany
Telephone: ++49-6341-280-188
Fax: ++49-06341-280-367

Keywords: Geographical origin, wild-collection, trade volumes, threat factors, threatened
species, conservation concepts, trade monitoring

Medicinal and aromatic plants are offered in a wide variety of products on the
market. At least every fourth flowering plant is used. The enormous demand in
botanicals results in a huge trade from local to international level. In the 1990s, the
reported annual world-wide importation of pharmaceutical plants amounted on
average to 400,000 t valued at USD 1,224 million. The international trade is
dominated by only few countries. About 80 % of the world-wide imports and exports
are allotted to only 12 countries with the dominance of temperate Asian and
European countries. Whereas Japan and the Republic of Korea are the main
consumers of pharmaceutical plants, and China and India are the worlds leading
producing nations, Hong Kong, the USA and Germany stand out as important trade
centres. Until now, the production of botanicals relies to a large degree on wild-
collection. However, utilization and commerce of wild plant resources are not
detrimental in themselves, but, for example, the increasing commercial collection,
largely unmonitored trade, and habitat loss lead to an incomparably growing
pressure on plant populations in the wild. World-wide an estimated 9,000 medicinal
plant species are threatened. Conservation concepts and measures which have to
meet future supply and the provisions of species conservation range from resource
management, cultivation, shifting processing from consumer to source countries,
species conservation to trade restrictions or even trade bans. Medicinal and aromatic
plants are of high priority for conservation action, as wild-crafting will certainly
continue to play a significant role in their future trade: the sustainable commercial
use of their biological resources may provide a financial instrument for nature

Phytopharmaceuticals, also some pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, dietary
supplements, homeopathics, medicinal and herbal teas, liqueurs, spirits, sweets, aromas
and essences, perfumes, cosmetics, colouring agents, varnishes, fireworks, and detergents
plant-based products offered in a wide variety on the market. Whereas in some goods
the herbal ingredients are evident, e.g. in teas or in herbal remedies where they are
declared on the packaging, in other products the botanically source is more secret: the
bitter taste of Campari is based on the Common Centaury (Centaurium erythraea), and
the fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) contains steroid-saponins which are extracted
for use in oral contraceptives. The use of botanical raw material is in many cases much
cheaper than to use chemical alternative substances.
As a consequence, there is an enormous demand in botanicals resulting in a huge
trade, on local, regional, national and international level - for domestic use and for
commercial trade. Different aspects are associated with the trade in medicinal and
aromatic plant material, the trade structure, trade volumes and values, the herbs used and
their production, the ecological and socio-economic impacts of the trade, and the
management of the botanical resources.
Proc. XXVI IHC Future for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Eds. L.E. Craker et al.
Acta Hort. 629, ISHS 2004
Publication supported by Can. Int. Dev. Agency (CIDA)

Species in Use
World-wide, it is estimated that up to 70,000 species are used in folk medicine
(Farnsworth and Soejarto, 1991). The WHO reports over 21,000 plant taxa used for
medicinal purposes (Groombridge, 1992). Unfortunately, there is no idea how many
species are used in the other areas of use, like cosmetics, spirits or aromas which makes
determining exactly the number of all medicinal and aromatic plant species used world-
wide impossible. However, it can be stated, that at least every fourth plant is in use, a
calculation based upon the estimated total number of 300-350,000 flowering plants.
The number of medicinal and aromatic plant species used in some regions are
impressive: In India, which is said to have probably the oldest, richest and most diverse
cultural traditions in the use of medicinal plants, about 7,500 species are used in
ethnomedicines (Shankar and Majumdar, 1997) which is half of the countrys 17,000
Indian native plant species. In China, the total number of medicinal plants used in
different parts of the country add up to some 6,000 species according to Xiao (1991) and
to over ten thousand according to He and Sheng (1997). Of these, approximately 1,000
plant species are commonly used in Chinese medicine, and about half of these are
considered as the main medicinal plants (He and Sheng, 1997). In Africa, over 5,000
plant species are known to be used for medicinal purposes (Iwu, 1993).
In Europe with its long tradition in the use of botanicals, about 2,000 medicinal
and aromatic plant species are used on a commercial basis (Lange, 1998). In Germany,
Lange (1996) identified not less than 1,500 taxa as sources of medicinal and aromatic
plant material. In Spain, it is estimated that 800 medicinal and aromatic plant species are
used of which 450 species are associated with commercial use (Blanco and Breaux, 1997;
Lange, 1998).

Geographical Origin of the Species in Use
Herbs used in a country can be either indigenous or native to other regions or even
continents. The share of both plant groups depends on the countrys cultural preferences,
importance of traditional medicines, history, trade relations, and of course of the wealth
or poverty of a country.
Traditional medicines are playing an important role in many parts of the world. In
south and southeast Asia, the Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha medicines are widely distri-
buted and based on not less than 400, 500 respective 1,800 native Indian plant species
(Shankar and Majumdar, 1997). The TCM, the traditional medicine of eastern Asia, relies
in most cases on indigenous plant species. Traditional healers in many African countries
rely on local or at most regional plant material (Marshall, 1998). In Bulgaria, about 750
native plant species, or 20 % of the total flora, are used in folk medicine. Of these, 200-
300 species are most commonly used (Hardalova, 1997). Further, in Albania, 205 native
plant species are used as sources of botanicals (Vaso, 1997; Lange, 1998). In Hungary,
some 270 native medicinal and aromatic plant taxa are used, 180-200 of which are
officially recognised by the Hungarian Pharmacopoeia (Bernth, 1996). zhatay et al.
(1997) list a total of 337 native taxa that have been commercially traded in Turkey since
at least 1990 (Lange, 2001). From the French pharmacopoeia and lists of medicines Goi
et al. (1997; Lange, 1998) noted some 900 taxa, of which almost half are native to
Europe. This means, that many countries rely on a major part on their own plant diversity.
Many of them cannot afford to import foreign botanicals, finished herbal products or even
phytopharmaceuticals and the countrys own biodiversity is mainly offered in a crude
form or at most as little processed products on the market.
On the other side, there are the developed countries which use besides indigenous
plant species a lot of non-native species and process them in their well developed
pharmaceutical, cosmetic and extract-producing industry. Accordingly, the plant material
is offered to the consumers as mainly packed and finished products, and the crude
material plays a minor role in the retail trade. This features apply above all to the highly
industrialized countries of temperate Asia (e.g. Japan and the Republic of Korea), of the
Americas and of Europe.
The geographical origin of the botanicals used in Germany (Lange, 1996) may
illustrate the kind of use of non-native and native species (Fig. 1). In general, the
medicinal and aromatic plants are coming from all geographical regions of the world, and
many of these species show a wide geographical range. The high figure of 849 species
occurring in temperate Asia of which 248 are restricted to this region is due to the TCM
botanicals increasingly used in Germany. 454 species grow in North America, many of
them are used in homeopathy. Species with their distribution area restricted to Africa,
South America, Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific play a minor role in Germanys
industry. A high number of not less than 605 species are native to Europe. The majority
of them is distributed across several geographical units, e.g. Eurasia or even the Northern
Hemisphere; only 16 species are limited to Europe. Many of the 605 species are growing
in Mediterranean countries like Italy, France, Spain and Greece, and more than two third
of them occur in east and southeast Europe, in Romania (451 species), Bulgaria (421
species), Hungary (415 species), Albania (391 species), and in Poland (386 species). In
general, both regions are rich suppliers for botanicals within Europe (Lange, 2001).
Based on this analysis, an astonishing fact is revealed: In Germany not less than 5
% of the European plant diversity is used, but the share of the South American plants used
is less than 0.2 % of the total plant inventory of that continent which shows with more
than 100,000 plant species the worlds most diverse flora. Farnsworth and Soejaerto
(1991) came to a comparable result when analysing the geographical origin of the worlds
c. 121 clinically useful prescription drugs used in the USA: 80 % of them derived from
plants other than the tropics, mainly the north temperate and subtropical regions, while
only the remaining 20 % or 23 drugs had been processed from tropical plants. In general,
the knowledge of the medicinal and aromatic plants of the temperate regions with a
poorer flora, is better than that of the tropics. Two facts may play a role in this field: (1)
Phytochemical studies and medical advances in the temperate areas have taken place for a
much longer period than those in the tropical regions, and (2) the problems of
accessibility, logistical and political problems, in the collection of plant samples from the
tropical rain forests (Farnsworth and Soejaerto, 1991).
The use of native species is documented also for other industrialized countries:
Two thirds of the 2,000 plant taxa used in Europe on a commercial basis are native to this
region. In the United States, at least 180 native plant species are offered on the non-
prescription medicinal market (Robbins, 1999); this figure does not include those species
used at regional or local level.
To summarize it, in most countries native species are used, but the ratio
native:non-native species differs from country to country and coupled with this, the plant
material offered ranges from the majority offered as crude material to the offer of mainly
packaged and finished products.


Botanicals in International Trade Statistics
The analysis of international trade figures of botanicals gives an overview on the
main features of the world-wide trade in this commodity, in particular on the significance
of this market, the main acting countries and the main trade streams (see also Lange,
1997, 1998). For this purpose, the international trade figures of the commodity group
pharmaceutical plants, SITC.3 292.4
, compiled in the UNCTAD COMTRADE database
by the United Nations Statistics Division, New York, have been evaluated. Principally, the
presented global trade figures are based on the export and import statistics of 162 countries
for the period 1991 to 2000, in which 110 countries reported an import and/or export of

Standard International Trade Classification Revision 3
pharmaceutical plants. Commodity group 292.4 equates to HS
1211 plants and parts of
plants (including seeds and fruits), of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or
for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed
or powdered.

Traded Forms of Botanicals
The plant raw material in trade consists of mainly dried plant parts, roots, leaves,
bark, wood, flowers, or seeds, or sometimes, of several plant parts or even the whole plant
if the demanded constituents are concentrated in several plant organs or even in the whole
plant body. To a small extent, the plant material is traded fresh or preserved in alcohol
(Lange, 1996). The bulk of traded plant material is not or only little processed, which is in
general cheaper than that which has been further processed, i.e. cut, rubbed, powdered or
even extracted.

Characteristics of the Trade
The global importance of the commodity pharmaceutical plants is enormous. In
the 1990s, its reported annual overall importation amounted on average to 400,000 t valued
at USD 1,224 million
. The international trade is dominated by only few countries: 8 2 % of
the world-wide importation was channelled to just 12 countries (Fig. 2), and 12 countries
were responsible for 80 % of the overall worlds exportation. The role of temperate Asia
and Europe in this trade is dominant, as the countries of temperate Asia are responsible for
42 % of the annual global importation and Europe for one third (Fig. 2). Regarding single
countries, the import share of the USA is 13 % and of Germany 11 %. The list of the
worlds top 12 countries of import (Table 1, left column) shows that Hong Kong
is by far
the most important importer of pharmaceutical plants with an annual average of
approximately 67,000 t. It is followed by Japan with an average import of about 51,350 t
and the USA with 49,600 t a year. Germany follows on 4
place importing on average
45,350 t per year. No fewer than five European countries, all of them European Union
Member States, are among the top 12 countries of import. On the export side (Table 1, right
column), China heads the list of the worlds top 12 countries of export. It exported on
average about 147,000 t of pharmaceutical plants in the period 1991-2000. This figure is
more than double as high as the quantities exported from Hong Kong (including re-exports,
see below), more than four times as high as the quantities exported from India, and ten
times as high as those from Germany and the USA. Further important exporters are Mexico,
Egypt, Chile, and Bulgaria. Three countries, namely the USA, Germany, and Hong Kong,
are among the 12 leading countries of export and the 12 leading countries of import. All
three countries stand out as important trade centres for botanicals, showing both high
import and high export quantities, which are, in the case of Hong Kong, mostly re-exports.
The net imports of all countries highlight the consumer and the source countries of
botanicals (Fig. 3). Accordingly, Japan is by far the most important consumer country,
followed by the USA, Germany and the Republic of Korea, and by four further European
countries, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Spain. In these countries, the raw material
is mainly processed in each countrys enormous industry, and then sold as finished products
either on the domestic market or exported as such. On the other side, Fig. 3 reveals China as
most important supplier of the raw material to the worlds medicinal and aromatic plants
market, followed by India on second place. Within Europe, Bulgaria and Albania are
important source countries for pharmaceutical plants, within North America, Mexico, and
in Africa, Egypt and Morocco.
Europe as a whole as well as many European countries are important actors in the
world-wide botanicals trade (Lange, 1998, 2001, 2002). All European countries together

Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
These figures do not include the quantities purchased and used within a country which are in
some countries, like China or India, very high.
Hong Kong = China HK SAR
imported annually on average 127,230 t of pharmaceutical plants in the period 1991-2000.
About 85 % of them were destined to European Union countries. On the other hand, the
annual European export average amounted to 75,900 t. During this period, the exports
have been destined to more than 150 countries all over the world, but, only a small share
of the overall European export, only 20 % was directed to non-European destinations,
above all to North America. The exports were dominated by eastern and south-eastern
European countries which account for at least 50 % of the overall exports regarding
quantities (Fig. 4), but only to one third in the case of value. Most of these countries, like
Bulgaria, Albania, Poland, and Hungary, mainly former Eastern Bloc countries, are
important supply countries of botanicals within Europe (Lange, 1998, 2001, 2002). The
dominance of Germany in the intra-European drug trade is evident: (1) One third of the
overall quantities of pharmaceutical plants imported into Europe are destined to Germany
(Fig. 5); (2) the share of the countrys exports is approximately one fifth in terms of
quantities; (3) moreover, Germany acts as a link between the markets of eastern and
south-eastern Europe and those of west and central Europe: It imports two third of the
plant material exported from south and southeast European countries (Fig. 6; Lange,
1998), and exports it above all to central and western European countries (Fig., 7; Lange,
Besides Germany, there are two further important trade centres for botanicals (see
above). Similar to Germany, the USA imports the commodity pharmaceutical plants from
all over the world, but the main destinations of the exports are Canada, the United
Kingdom, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, and Kuweit. Hong Kong is the third
important trade centre playing a pivotal role in the east and southeast Asian trade. In
contrast to Germany and the USA, 95 % of the imports of Hong Kong are re-exported.
Further, 80-90 % of the countrys imports are from a single country, namely China, the
remaining from Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand, and Macau (=China
MC SAR). The exports have been destined to many countries all over the world with
preference to east and southeast Asian countries. However, its importance declined during
the 1990s, as the exports and imports of Hong Kong decreased from some 80,000 t in 1991
to 38,000 t in 2000.

Major Traded Botanicals
There are no or only few reliable trade data available for single botanicals (Lange,
1996, 1998). The commodity group pharmaceutical plants includes those used only in
small quantities as well as bulk material with great industrial importance. In Germany, the
most used medicinal plant is Gingko (Gingko biloba), followed by i.a. Horse-chestnut
(Aesculus hippocastanum), Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.), St John's-wort (Hypericum
perforatum), Nettle (Urtica dioca), Echinacea (Echinacea spp.), Saw Palmetto (Serenoa
repens), and Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) (Grnwald and Bttel, 1996). Some of
these plants are also highly used in the USA, like Echinacea, St John's-wort, and Saw
Palmetto, but the preferences are somewhat different: Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus
senticosus), Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), Cat's Claw (Uncaria species), Astragalus
membranaceus, Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) and Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus
purshianus) are listed among the top-selling botanicals (Laird, 1999).

Wild or Cultivated Origin?
In general, cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plant species is known since
some thousand years. For example, Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) has been known
from cultivation since about 2700 B.C. (Heeger, 1989). In central Europe there is a long
tradition of growing medicinal plants, dating back to the medieval gardens of
Christendom (Hobhouse, 1992). Within in the European Union, medicinal and aromatic
plants are cultivated today on an area of about 70,000 ha which a recent study on behalf
of the European Commission has shown (Verlet and Leclercq, 1997). France (25,000 ha)
and Spain (19,000 ha) are the countries with the largest areas under cultivation, followed
by Germany (5,700 ha), Austria (4,300 ha) and Greece (4,000 ha). Outside the European
Union, Hungary and Poland are important suppliers of botanicals to the European drug
market sourced from cultivation. In Poland, 30,000 ha are under cultivation (Lutomski
and Gorecki, 1999) and in Hungary 34,000-40,000 ha (Kupke et al., 2000). These figures
are comparably low to the 300,000 ha under cultivation in India and 460,000 ha in China
(Xiao, 1991).
Important crop species are, for example, pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), lavender
(Lavandula spp.), mint (Mentha x piperita), Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum),
Caraway (Carum carvi), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Chamomile (Matricaria recutita),
and Parsely (Petroselinum crispum) (Verlet and Leclercq 1997; Lange, 1998; Pank 1998).
In India, namely Psyllium (Plantago ovata), Senna (Cassia angustifolia), Atropa
belladonna and A. acuminata as well as Cinchona species are cultivated (Atal and Kapur,
1982). In China important crops are Panax ginseng, Angelica sinensis, Coptis chinensis,
and Paeonia suffruticosa (Xiao, 1991). In all, more than 100 species are cultivated on a
commercial scale (Xiao, 1991; more than 250 species according to He and Sheng 1997),
and in Europe, about 130-140 species (Pank, 1998). These figures include besides native
also non-native plant species, a few plant species known only from cultivation, such as
Mentha x piperita, as well as plant species which are obtained both from cultivation and
from wild stock. For example, Gingko biloba native to southeast China and Echinacea
purpurea and E. pallida indigenous to North America, are cultivated in Europe or the
North American Panax quinquefolius and Strychnos nux-vomica native from south Asia
to northern Australia are cultivated in China (Xiao, 1991). Examples for cultivated and
wild-collected plant species are Mountain Tobacco (Arnica montana), Yellow Gentian
(Gentiana lutea), and St. Johns-wort (Hypericum perforatum). In addition to these some
hundreds plant species cultivated on a large scale, there are a lot of medicinal plants
used in homeopathy which are cultivated on a small or even a very small scale, either in
small beds in the companies own gardens or glasshouses to fulfill the annual demand of
sometimes only some kilograms of often fresh plant material.
The figure of 130-140 cultivated plant species in Europe is very little compared to
the 2,000 commercially used. Consequently, in terms of numbers, about 90 % of the
1,200-1,300 European native species are primarily harvested from the wild - a
surprisingly high share (Lange, 1998). Also in China, the major part of plant material
used in TCM is sourced from wild populations. Among the 1,000 commonly used
medicinal plants, 80 % in terms of numbers originate from the wild (He and Sheng,
To calculate the share of wild-collected botanicals in terms of quantities, is much
more difficult. Unfortunately, there are no exact figures available of the total production
of herbs within a country including plant material collected for own purposes, purchased
for the domestic market, or destined for export either as raw material or processed
commodity. Moreover, there are no exact figures of the medicinal and aromatic plant
material produced under cultivation. Thus, a global estimation of the share of wild-
collected plant material is impossible. However, there is few information available: In
China, 60 % of the quantities in trade are sourced from the wild (He and Sheng, 1997).
Theoretically, on average over 80,000 t of the annual exports of pharmaceutical plants
are wild-harvested. But, the botanicals exported are only a small part of the huge annual
domestic production which approached 700,000 t in the early 1990s (Xiao, 1991). In
Nepal, every year more than 15,000 t of herbs are taken from the wild (Bhattarai, 1997).
Dozens and possible hundreds of medicinal and aromatic plants are collected in large
amounts from wild lands in Canada, Mexico and the United States (Robbins, 1999) and
Fuller (1991) published a list of 71 taxa in commercial demand which are primarily wild-
In Europe, the production of herbs relies also to a large degree on wild-collection
but the ratio wild-collection:cultivation differs from country to country (Lange 1998). In
particular, in eastern and south-eastern European countries, wild-crafting is still playing a
pivotal role (Lange, 1998, 2001, 2002). For example, according to Vaso (1997; see also
Lange 1998), in Albania most of the raw plant material in trade is sourced through wild-
collection. The same applies to Turkey (zhatay et al. 1997; Atay, in litt. to D. Lange,
19.2.1998; Lange 1998). In Bulgaria, not less than 75-80 % of the quantity of medicinal
and aromatic plant material in trade is obtained from wild stock (Hardalova,1997), and in
Hungary the share amounts to 30-50 % (Bernth, 1996), which means that each year
some 10,000-15,000 t of dried biomass are produced from wild Hungarian medicinal and
aromatic plant populations for industrial use. According to Lutomski and Gorecki (1999),
in Poland, although being a country where medicinal and aromatic plants are cultivated
on a huge area, some 5,000 t of plant material is sourced annually from the wild. In
Slovakia, Kupke et al. (2000) estimate the wild-collected plant material to 60-70 %.
Accordingly, the quantity of wild-collected botanicals in east and southeast Europe in the
late 1990s is estimated to a minimum of 30,000-45,000 t of dry plant material (the fresh
material weights two to three times more).
The choice of wild or cultivated plants is not dependent upon the market catered
for, but upon species. For example, rose hips demanded in large quantities are harvested
in the wild, in Chile and in Turkey (Lange, 1996, 1998). Also thyme, gums, algae needed
in great amounts are sourced from the wild. Liquorice roots greatly demanded for the
liquor and sweets industry are obtained from cultivation and from wild-collection.


Ecological Impacts of the Trade in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Threat Factors
The utilization of botanicals raises questions about the environmental implications
of the practice on wild populations, species and the ecosystems from which they are
sourced. However, utilization and commerce of wild plant resources are not detrimental
in themselves. But, a growing pressure on plant populations in the wild can be observed.
Threats facing medicinal and aromatic plants and their wild populations are (1) the
intensive and increasing commercial collection, often concentrated in few areas, (2) the
largely unmonitored trade, (3) destructive harvesting techniques, (4) trade structure
changes in countries of the former Eastern Bloc, and (4) global habitat loss and alteration.
During the 1990s the demand in raw material increased due to the increasing
demand in plant-based remedies and products a result of the increasingly global nature
of the trade, the world-wide population growth and the increasing popularity of herbs and
herbal products in industrial nations and their effective marketing. This has resulted in
some countries, above all in the USA and Japan, in explosive demand and consumption of
medicinal plants (Table 2; Laird, 1999); in particular, the demand in St. Johns-wort
increased by several hundred per cent in the USA in the middle of the 1990s.
Additionally, more and more people in industrialized countries are increasingly interested
in foreign traditional medicines like Ayurveda and TCM. In all, the imports of
pharmaceutical plants increased from about 270,000 t in 1991 to almost 400,000 t in 2000
(Table 2). In general, on regional and country level, the imports increased until 1996-
1998, sometimes considerably as in the case of the temperate Asian countries (Table 2).
Between 1996 and 1998, the market in pharmaceutical plants broke down in particular in
the USA and in temperate Asia, but has already started to recover (Table 2). In many of
the major supply countries of botanicals, the exports have increased significantly in the
1990s (Table 3). In China, the exports of pharmaceutical plants doubled almost from
107,500 t in 1991 to 186,450 t in 2000, and the domestic demand for botanicals has
grown at an annual rate of 9 % over the past decades (He and Sheng, 1997). Also, Europe
has doubled its export during this period, and Mexico have shown very high export
increases since the midth of the 1990s (Table 3). Although huge efforts have been done in
the area of cultivation, the increasing demand has been and is still covered by a major part
through wild-collection.
The drastic decline of a species is often due to the demand in international trade
and not to the supply needed by the indigenous population. The roots of the Himalayan
Rauvolfia serpentina, Serpent wood, have been used for 4,000 years in the Ayurvedic
medicine, but the discovery of reserpine in the roots, has led to a thoughtless exploitation
of this species. Recent examples are Pygeum, Prunus africana (Cunningham et al., 1997),
and Taxus wallichiana, the Himalayan Yew (Laird and ten Kate, 1999; see below). All
these species have become listed on CITES Appendix II.
The trade in botanicals is largely unmonitored. Only in a few cases, resource
management takes place. In general, medicinal or aromatic plants are collected in few
countries rather within their whole area of distribution. Wild-collection takes place in
countries with low income level, or in countries with great unprivileged social groups
where collection is often an additional or even the only income. Examples are Nepal,
Mexico, Turkey, Albania and Bulgaria. As a result, plant populations are often locally
over-exploited (see also Laird, 1999). In general, these countries are a very cheap source
for botanicals. The relatively low prices for wild-harvested plant material is one fact to
prevent the increase of the share of cultivated plant material in trade which is, in general,
much more expensive.
There is a very particular impact on wild medicinal and aromatic plant populations
in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc (Bernth, 1996; Bernth and Nmeth, 1999). It
is the change of the trade after the end of the communism and its subsequent deregulation.
The formerly centrally organised herb trade and the country-wide networks enabled a
high control of the collection, purchase and export of herbs. After the fall of communism,
the former legal structures did not longer apply, and the governmental instruments to
control ceased to exist. This and the recent privatisation of rural lands, the high number of
new evolved companies in this trade and their fluctuation, the influx of unspecialised
labour to the business of collecting or dealing in the commodity have been leading to
unregulated exploitation of medicinal and aromatic plants and unmonitored export of
botanicals. As a result, an enlarging number of plant species has become threatened.
Many of them had to be placed under legal protection, which ranges from controlled
gathering to strictly protection (Bernth, 1996; Nmeth, 1997; Lange, 1998).
A further threat may be destructive harvesting techniques. To harvest the bark by
felling the whole tree, or to collect the fruits by cutting whole twigs may damage the plant
significantly or even destroy it. An example is Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus), a small
tree of which the bark is used. Owing to felling the whole tree for to obtain the bark the
species became rare in Romania, Bulgaria and in Turkey (zhatay et al., 1997; Lange,
1998). Cunningham (1997) reported Griffonia simplicifolia vines and Voacanga africana
and V. thouarsii trees to be chopped down in order to obtain the fruits. Harvesting the
roots or rhizomes of a plant is destructive per se. Many plant species of which the
underground parts are used are threatened, for example Gylcyrrhiza species (He and
Sheng, 1997; zhatay et al., 1997; Lange, 1998), the source of liquorice. Further, the
roots or rhizomes of many of the medicinal plants explicitly listed on CITES Appendices
I and II due to their over-exploitation for medicinal use and trade are collected (Lange,
1999; Lange and Schippmann, 1999). Appendix II examples are the ginsengs, Panax
quinquefolius and P. ginseng, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Himalayan Mayapple (Podophyllum
hexandrum), and the Indian Nard (Nardostachys grandiflora). The Costus root, Saussurea
costus, is listed on Appendix I.
An essential factor that poses a significant threat to wild populations and species is
the continuing global destruction of habitats. This is often discussed in the context of the
vanishing tropical and subtropical rainforests. However, habitat loss and alteration also
affects the populations of medicinal plants in Europe or North America. It is largely a
result of changing agricultural practices during the past 100-200 years. In Europe, there
was a steady degradation of the relatively rich, pre-industrial countryside to a
monotonous, large-scale, fully mechanised agro-industrial landscape. Habitats that are
especially endangered in Europe are bogs, marshlands, and wet meadows. Their decline
affects the populations of the medicinal plants Round-leaved Sundew, Drosera rotundi-
folia, or Bogbean, Menyanthes trifoliata.
Over-exploitation of medicinal plant resources may result in a decline in genetic
diversity. In areas with a high diversity in medicinal and aromatic plants this may lead to
problems of genetic erosion. This applies to regions such as Mexico, parts of South
America, west Asia and India. The loss of genetic diversity may cause enormous
problems in the context of cultivation aspects.

Threatened Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
In many cases several threat factors intensify the overall threat to a species. There
is an increasing number of publications reporting on the shortage in natural resources of
many medicinal and aromatic plants all over the world (i.a. Jain and Sastry, 1980; Fuller,
1991; Cunningham, 1997; He and Sheng, 1997; Lange, 1998, 2001; Bajaj, 1999; Robbins,
1999; Bhattarai et al., 2002). Many of them have to be assessed as endangered or even
critically endangered or have to be put under legal protection. The question arises, how
many medicinal and aromatic plant species are threatened as a result of their demand in
trade? To ascertain exactly the number is impossible. The reasons are lack of information
on many species biology, ecology, distribution, population status, regeneration after
harvest, use, supply and demand, as well as their availability. Leaman (1998) of the
Medicinal Plants Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission estimates
the number of medicinal plants which are threatened world-wide to at least 10,000
The threat to medicinal plants from over-collection is not a new phenomenon. It
can be observed since the Roman period. However only few examples are known from
the past. The oldest written record of an extinct medicinal plant species concerns a plant
named Silphium (Koerper and Kolls, 1999). Ancient texts provide an extensive list of
purported medicinal benefits for it. Between 570 and 250 B.C. many coins of the ancient
Cyrene, in north Libya, depict the plant, which maybe belonged to the genus Ferula,
similar to the Giant Fennel (Ferula communis) growing in the Mediterranean region. In
the first century, according to Plinius, there was only one plant still found in north Africa.
Attempts to cultivate the plant failed. It is most probably, that the plant was harvested to
Within Europe, at least 150 species are reported to be threatened at least in one
country (Lange, 1998), which is more than 1/10
of the European native medicinal and
aromatic plant species and 1.2 % of the total European flora. Examples are well-known
medicinal plants like Arnica montana, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Gentiana lutea
(Lange, 1998). Oregano is a spice appreciated for its value in flavouring cookery, in
particular for pizza. Many of the 36 species which are widely distributed in Eurasia and
the Mediterranean area are used and collected for local use (Lange, 1998). Although,
oregano is cultivated on a large scale in Poland and Chile, in Turkey and the Balkan
region thousands of tonnes are sourced from the wild each year (Lange, 1996, 1998;
zhatay et al., 1997). These huge amounts of wild-harvested plant material have massive
impacts on the populations resulting in decreasing population sizes of the common and
widely distributed species. Endemics which are collected together with the common
species, may be especially impacted by harvest (zhatay, 1997; Lange, 1998). The genus
Sideritis with its approximately hundred species is distributed in southern Europe and
Asia Minor with centres of diversity in Spain and in Turkey. In particular, in Spain,
southeast Europe and Turkey, a lot of Sideritis species, including many endemics are
favoured as herbal tea (Blanco and Breaux, 1997; Lange, 1998). Threats facing these
species today are apart from local and national demand, the increasing demand in
international trade: Recently, it has become fashionable in Germany where it is sold as
Greek mountain tea. Decline of population sizes are reported (Blanco and Breaux, 1997;
Vaso, 1997; Lange, 1998), resulting in Red book-listing in Bulgaria and Albania. The
rhizomes of Butchers Broom, Ruscus aculeatus, a species ranging from the
Mediterranean area to the Black Sea, are used increasingly in remedies for venous
insuffiency. The plant material is mainly sourced from wild stock in Turkey where 2,000 t
of fresh roots are collected per year. Owing to over-collection, the species has become
locally extinct in Turkey (zhatay et al., 1997; Lange, 1998). The Bearberry,
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, is a subshrub of high commercial value. Its leaves are used to
treat inflammatory disorders of the lower urinary tract. Whereas the species is common in
northern Europe, Asia and North America, distribution in the south is relictic and limited
to mountainous areas and the impact of any exploitation in this area may be serious.
Nevertheless, Bearberry is collected in Romania, Bulgaria and in Spain, and indeed it is
reported to be threatened in many central and southeast European countries (Blanco and
Breaux, 1997; Lange, 1998). To monitor the trade, the species has been listed on Annex D
of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 338/97 which implements CITES in the European
Union. However, this does not affect the trade with Spain.
TRAFFIC North America identified some 70 native North American medicinal and
aromatic plants showing declining populations in the 1990s (Robbins, 1999). Examples
include Virginia Snakeroot, Aristolochia serpentaria, Blue Cohosh, Caulophyllum
thalictroides, May Apple, Podophyllum peltatum, and Yellow Wild-indigo, Baptisia
tinctoria. The bark of the Pacific Yew tree (Taxus brevifolia), contains paclixatel (taxol),
discovered and developed as a promising anti-breastcancer substance from the 1960s to the
1980s (Laird and ten Kate, 1999). 6,000 kg bark obtained from 1,000 trees were necessary
for the production of 1 kg taxol. After over-exploitating the stands of the Pacific Yew and
the subsequent ban, trade shifted to exploit the Himalayan Yew, Taxus wallichiana, which
were over-exploited to such a degree that it became listed on CITES Appendix II in 1994.
Nowadays, Baccatin 3, a prestage of taxol is processed from the needles of varies Yew
species, and recently the company Bristol-Myers Sqibb informed that it is possible now to
process Paclitaxel through cell tissue culture (Anon., 2002).
The Asian Ginseng, Panax ginseng, is obviously the worlds most well-known
medicinal plant, and which in general is not known, one of the rarest medicinal plant
(Lange, in preparation). The roots of the Asian Ginseng are regarded as a tonic with
antistress, antifague and antiaging properties, and heighten the resistance of the organism
to various environmental influences (Wichtl 1994; But et al., 1995). Ginseng is offered in
lots of varieties: from the root itself, fresh or dried, instant tea, to tablets and tonics
(Wichtl, 1994; Lange, in preparation). Originally, P. ginseng was distributed in
northeastern China, Korea, and in parts of east Russia, but owing to the long use of the
Asian Ginseng, the species became extinct in many areas. Today, the main area of the
species lies in the Russian Far East where it grows mainly in very shady stands of old and
dense mixed Korean Pine-forests (Zhuravlev and Kolyada, 1996). Although Panax
ginseng is widely cultivated today, and most of the commodities in trade are sourced from
cultivation, wild harvesting takes still place. Wild Ginseng roots are highly valued as
medicine. During time of communism, collection of wild roots of P. ginseng in Russia
was regulated and controlled according to well-established traditions. Since the beginning
of the 1990s ginseng collection has changed dramatically in Russia: Suddenly, there was
a great Chinese demand for wild Asian Ginseng roots. About 1-10 USD were paid for 1 g
fresh root on the black market. In Hong Kong very old roots may achieve even prices of
USD 20,000. Such a high price is an important incentive in a country with a lot of
unemployed people. The traditional way of collection was replaced by uncontrolled
harvesting carried out by mostly unskilled people. The excessive and illegal exploitation
of wild Asian Ginseng has led to an alarming decrease of its population sizes during the
1990s. Loss of genetic diversity is the result, an alarming fact as Ginseng is an important
crop species. On the 11
COP, the Russian populations of Panax ginseng were listed on
CITES Appendix II.

Conservation Concepts and Management of Botanical Resources
In the case of medicinal and aromatic plants, conservation concepts and
management measures have to meet both (1) future supply, and (2) the provisions of
species conservation. Measures on local, regional, national or international range from
resource management, cultivation, adequate species conservation programmes, and
shifting processing from consumer to source countries, to trade restrictions or even trade
bans. In the following, some selected conservation aspects and resource management
issues will be briefly discussed.
According to IUCN, WHO and WWF (1993) the cultivation of medicinal and
aromatic plants is the best and promising way to satisfy the markets expanding demand
for these raw materials. But, up to now cultivation has not proved to be profitable for the
majority of taxa in trade (Lange, 1998): (1) Many plants are difficult to cultivate, (2) to
take a plant into cultivation, if possible, will often last many years, (3) many plants are
only required in small quantities, (4) in some cases the quality of wild-harvested material
is supposed to be superior, and (5) the costs for wild-crafted plant material is in general
lower than for cultivated material (Lange, 1997). Further, there is a socio-economic
aspect which supports future wild-collection, as wild-collection may be an additional
income or even the only income of rural or poor people in some countries. However, in
the case of highly demanded medicinal and aromatic plants and those critically
endangered through over-exploitation or habitat loss cultivation is certainly the only
method to stop the decline of their population sizes and to secure the species long term
Medicinal and aromatic plants are of high priority for conservation action, as their
wild-crafting will certainly continue to play a significant role in future trade. Accordingly,
it is necessary to ensure the sustainability of their wild-collection through developing and
implementing adequate general and species-specific management programmes which
should cover trade monitoring and guidelines for sustainable collection, maybe supported
by an adequate certification (Walter, 2002). This requires co-ordinated conservation work
at regional, national or even global level involving conservationists, scientists,
governmental authorities, producers, traders and the processing industry.
The protection of species through restrictions on trade, or, in the case of critically
endangered plant species, a complete ban may be measures for improving the population
status of the medicinal and aromatic plants concerned. In Bulgaria, a major supply
country for botanicals within Europe, wild-harvesting of, and trade in medicinal and
aromatic plants are governed by several ordinances (Lange and Mladenova, 1997).
Several threatened plant species are subject to restrictions and prohibitions and their
collection and trade is subject to prior authorisation. For this purpose a scientific based
quota-system has been set up each year since 1992, fixing the species, quantities, and
parts of plants allowed to be collected from which districts. The quantities vary
considerably from year to year according to species and region. The ordinances include
annual bans on the exploitation of regional populations of some taxa and the share
allowed for the internal versus external market. Botanicals governed by these ordinances
are, for example, the flowers and roots of Cowslip (Primula veris), Bearberry leaves
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), and the herb of Yellow Pheasants-eye (Adonis vernalis)
(Mladenova and Lange, 1997; Lange, 1998).
On international level, CITES regulates the international trade in endangered
species. Species listed on CITES Appendix II are allowed to commercial trade provided
that certain biological and legal requirements are satisfied before export; Appendix I-
listing prohibits commercial trade in specimens harvested from wild populations. About
232 medicinal and aromatic plant species are listed on Appendix II and two on Appendix
I (Lange and Schippmann, 1999) of which at least some are significantly traded, e.g.
Pygeum, the bark or the bark extract of Prunus africana, Costus root (Saussurea costus),
and American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) (Schippmann, 1999). However, there is a
great implementation deficit, as there is insufficient trade data reported in the official
CITES records (Lange and Schippmann, 1997; Lange, 1999; Schippmann, 2001). It is
very difficult to detect CITES-listed commodities in trade, as the trade names often differ
considerably from the accepted scientific names and the traded commodities, the dried
roots, leaves, flowers, bark etc., are difficult to recognize (Lange and Schippmann, 1997;
Lange, 1999). Efforts are done to train Customs and CITES authorities. This is
increasingly necessary, because more and more medicinal and aromatic plant species
have become listed on the CITES Appendices at the CITES Conferences of the Parties
during the 1990s, e.g. Red Stinkwood (Prunus africana) in 1995, Goldenseal (Hydrastis
canadensis) and Indian Nard (Nardostachys grandiflora) in 1997, and Yellow Pheasants-
eye (Adonis vernalis) and the Russian populations of the Asian Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
in 2000 (Lange and Schippmann, 1999). A big problem is the similarity of species
between listed and non-listed species. For example, two Pockwood tree species
(Guaiacum sanctum, G. officinale) are listed, but recently came up that at least one further
species, the Mexican G. coulteri is also traded (Grow and Schwartzman, 2001). It is
impossible to distinguish the trade commodity for medicinal and aromatic purposes, the
heart wood or the extract made thereof, originating from these three species. Thus, the
wood of G. sanctum or G. officinale may be traded as G. coulteri or the trade will shift to
exploit or even over-exploit G. coulteri populations which already has happened.
In situ and ex situ protection are measures for threatened medicinal and aromatic
plants in order to protect them in their natural habitats, and to maintain their genetic
diversity. For example, India has established some 36 nature reserves for medicinal
In many cases the raw plant material is exported and the benefit for it is relatively
low. The processing mainly takes place in consumer countries. The prices on export
support this. The average export price per tonne amounted to USD 2,800 in the period
1991-2000. The most important supply countries show lower prices: Turkey 2,400
USD/tonne, Bulgaria 1,540/tonne, Hungary 1,550/tonne, Morocco 1,640 USD/tonne,
Albania 1,450/tonne, and Egypt 1,150 USD/tonne. The lowest price, only 850
USD/tonne, were paid for the commodities exported from Mexico. On the other hand, the
plant material exported from the USA cost 7,900 USD/tonne, from Germany USD
4,580/tonne, and from France USD 4,950/tonne. The Swiss export price amounted even
to USD 8,770/tonne, the Japanese to 27,500 USD/tonne and the Korean to 31,500
USD/tonne. A contribution to decrease the pressure on wild populations may be to
increase the value of the plant material exported by establishing at least primary
processing stages in the countries of origin.
The idea that the sustainable commercial use of biological resources, here the
medicinal and aromatic plant material, may be an incentive for the conservation of some
ecosystems came up in the frame of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This idea is
often discussed within the context of tropical forests (i.a. Laird, 1999; Laird and ten Kate,
1999). Instead of deforestation, a revenue is achieved from non-wood forest products (i.a.
Laird, 1993). A well-known and often and controversely discussed example for the
commercialisation of medicinal and aromatic plant material as a financial instrument for
nature conservation, are projects of the Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio) in
Costa Rica. As an important component in its work to promote the sustainable use of
Costa Rican biodiversity, INBio co-operates in its programmes on bioprospecting with
pharmaceutical companies like Merck (USA), Bristol-Myers Squibb (USA) and Indena
(Italy) (Laird, 1993; Sidler, 1994; Laird and ten Kate, 1999; ten Kate 1999).
A widely unknown, but very interesting example, is the commercial use of Arnica
flowers obtained from Mountain Tobacco (Arnica montana) growing on extensive
pastures on top of the Vosges in France within the borders of a nature park (Parc Naturel
Rgional des Ballons des Vosges). These poor meadows on acid soils, developed through
traditional grazing, are threatened here, as well as all over Europe, by alteration, soil
improvement, application of fertilizers, woodland encroachment, afforestation, and over-
grazing. Arnica montana, a typical element of these mountainous grasslands, became rare
in many European countries, and was consequently protected (Lange, 1998). Besides
habitat loss the species is threatened due to collection for medicinal use. In the Vosges,
the collection of fresh Arnica plants and flowers by the Swiss pharmaceutical company
Weleda, contribute to the favourable population status of the Arnica populations through
financing adequate habitat management measures which include extensively grazing, no
application of fertilizers, and habitat improvement measures such as mowing to force
back shrub invasion with above all Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) (Ellenberger and
Leuenberger, 2000; Ellenberger, pers. commun., 2002). This is accompanied by scientific
investigations in developments in Arnica populations due to environmental changes in
this area (Alnot, 1998; Alnot and Ellenberger, pers. commun., 2002) Here, the sustainable
commercial use of the biological resources contributes to the protection of a typical
landscape and to maintain its characteristic flora and vegetation, and the necessary habitat
management measures provide a financial instrument for nature conservation.
The international trade in botanicals may have a favourable effect on the wild
medicinal and aromatic plants populations. Medicinal and aromatic plants are well
suitable to implement the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the
conservation of biological diversity. There is a great chance for to protect both the species
and their habitats. It is of great interest to secure the long-term survival of the populations
for further generations use.

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Table 1. The worlds top 12 leading countries of import and export of pharmaceutical
plants, according to average quantities and values for the period 1991-2000. Figures
based on commodity group pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3: 292.4 = HS 1211). Export
figures include re-export. The quantities are given in tonnes [t]. The main trade
centres are underlayed grey. Source: UNCTAD COMTRADE database, United
Nations Statistics Division, New York.

Country of
Country of
Hong Kong 67,000 291,200,000 China 147,000 281,800,000
Japan 51,350 136,000,000 Hong Kong 63,150 228,800,000
USA 49,600 135,500,000 India 33,900 56,650,000
Germany 45,350 110,200,000 Germany 15,100 70,050,000
Rep. Korea 32,250 52,300,000 USA 13,500 115,500,000
France 21,350 52,000,000 Mexico 13,000 11,250,000
China 13,650 41,600,000 Egypt 11,750 13,850,000
Italy 11,700 42,850,000 Chile 11,600 28,200,000
Pakistan 11,050 11,150,000 Bulgaria 10,050 14,500,000
Spain 9,100 27,650,000 Singapore 9,600 56,600,000
United Kingdom 7,650 27,000,000 Morocco 8,000 13,300,000
Singapore 6,300 50,600,000 Pakistan 7,800 4,950,000
Total 326,300 978,150,000 Total 344,400 893,400,000

Table 2. Import quantities of pharmaceutical plants of selected regions during the period 1991-2000. Figures based on commodity group
pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3:292.4 = HS 1211). The quantities are given in tonnes [t]. Source: UNCTAD COMTRADE database,
United Nations Statistics Division, New York.

Table 3. Export (including re-export) quantities of pharmaceutical plants of selected regions during the period 1991-2000. Figures based
on commodity group pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3: 292.4 = HS 1211). The quantities are given in tonnes [t]. Source: UNCTAD
COMTRADE database, United Nations Statistics Division, New York.

Region or
country of
World 268,750 368,700 372,800 390,650 430,050 476,950 503,500 411,150 379,200 395,650
Europe 96,550 109,100 108,100 113,200 122,000 134,900 146,400 160,700 138,150 143,150
Asia temperate 142,400 166,350 162,350 180,150 196,250 233,750 221,850 129,050 120,050 137,000
USA 328 ? 50,750 44,900 50,850 55,000 56,400 71,900 62,300 53,100 50,350
Germany 37,850 42,350 39,450 44,000 49,650 51,450 48,650 53,350 42,2500 44,250
Region or
country of
World 377,450 385,450 400,250 427,200 445,700 453,250 454,000 427,500 497,200 448,000
China 107,500 113,350 126,050 155,450 142,550 165,000 165,200 143,150 165,250 186,450
Europe 46,900 55,200 58,500 65,600 93,850 80,750 83,250 99,400 86,750 88,600
Mexico 8,9500 7,850 4,700 0 ? 6,250 15,150 17,600 13,850 13,000 42,550








Fig. 1. Geographic range of the medicinal and aromatic plants used in Germany based on
1,464 analysed species (Lange, 1996).

45.350 t
49.600 t
127,230 t
400.000 t
326.300 t
169.000 t
Total import TOP 12
countries of
Asia temperate Europe USA Germany
Quantity [t]

Fig. 2. The dominating actors in the international trade in pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3:
commodity group 292.4) and their average import quantities (in t) for the period
1991-2000. Source: UNCTAD COMTRADE database (United Nations Statistics
Division, New York).

Quantity [t]

Fig. 3. Average net imports of pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3:292.4) of selected countries
for the period 1991-2000. The worlds top trade centres are shaded dark grey. The
quantities are given in t. Source: UNCTAD COMTRADE database (United
Nations Statistics Division, New York).

other countries
Hungary 5%
Turkey 5%
Poland 8%
France 9%
Spain 5%
Ireland 4%
Czech Rep. 3%
Italy 4%

Fig. 4. Export of pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3:292.4) from European countries for the
period 1991-2000. Total average export quantity 1991-2000: 75,900 t. Source:
UNCTAD COMTRADE database (United Nations Statistics Division, New
United Kingdom
Russian Federation
other countries

Fig. 5. Import of pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3:292.4) to European countries for the
period 1991-2000. Total average import quantity 1991-2000:127,230 t. Source:
UNCTAD COMTRADE database (United Nations Statistics Division, New

Italy 10%
other countries
United Kingdom 1%
Spain 6%

Fig. 6. Destination countries of the exports of pharmaceutical plants (SITC.3:292.4) from
south and southeast European countries in 1996. Total export 32,000 t. Sources:
Lange (1998); UNCTAD COMTRADE database (United Nations Statistics
Division, New York).


United Kingdom
countries 22%
E- & SE-European
countries 15%
other European
countries 11%

Fig. 7. Destination countries of the German exports of pharmaceutical plants
(SITC.3:292.4) in 1996. Total export 15,300 t. Sources: Lange (1998);
UNCTAD COMTRADE database (United Nations Statistics Division, New

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