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Concept of Motivation

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The concept of motivation
In its general sense, the concept of motivation, psychology introduced in
the early twentieth century, designates the energy aspect, the dynamic
aspect of human behavior.
Motivation is defined as "a state of dissociation and tension that puts the
body in motion until it reaches the blood and retrieval reducing its integrity."
Therefore, we cannot speak of the existence of reasons as dynamic forces
only by themselves, but always in relation to objects, outcomes, statements
that satisfy the requirements which correspond, as reflected in the human
mind in the form of images, ideas, beliefs, aspirations.
iven that the reason is the result of a process of reflection, awareness of
needs !innate or acquired", in interaction with the means to satisfy them,
motivation is internal, intrinsic to individual.
The existence of these relationships creates the necessary internal
conditions that cause and sustain human activities, ensuring dynamic
#earning activity the individual is under the influence of a broad system of
material and social stimuli !spiritual" involved in the motivation of these
$etween reason and purpose of learning is established multiple and
complex relationships. Thus, in general, the goal is subordinate to the
reason and, once established, strengthens motivation which led.
%ost times, however, the learning goals are set externally in the form of
requirements that become tasks. The problems that arises is to take on
these tasks, and reali&e them !a process done using cognitive functions",
accepting them as if they were our own purposes. This means that they
should be a motivation that keeps the internal nature of personality.
If goals are set by others from outside, the tasks do not meet this
requirement, the work that claim and its outcome will remain more or less
foreign to the learner and will give them an experience of success or
Motivation is all internal motives of behavior, innate or acquired, conscious
or unconscious, simple physiological need or abstract ideals.
Thus, the motivation is behind all decisions, attitudes and human actions
and is therefore called "internal causation" of human behavior.
%otivation is a function of internal activation, broadcast and signaling
physiological or psychological imbalance !need", mobile !trigger" the action
that justify, the self'behavior, motivation print energi&ing and dynamic
conduct or character table and directional vectors of rebalancing the
relationship between humans and the environment.
(rgani&ation and functioning of human motivation can be characteri&ed by
the following features motivational diversity, the conflict motivational
hierarchy of motivation and motivational variability.
)iversity motivational shows that man often acts under the impulse of a
single reason but under the influence of several reasons organi&ed in
assemblies !"constellations"" motivational.
%otivation will have an intensity, the more powerhouse built on personal
conduct, as, in the same subset will be attracted motivational reasons more
numerous and diverse.
*or example, an adult who is preparing for an exam is multiple reasons+ on
the one hand shows !interest" for the job and future profession !intrinsic
motivation", and on the other hand, providing the prospect of income
!positive extrinsic motivation" or coercion of external factors !extrinsic
motivation negative".
(n the conflict motivational faced with a decision or specific engagement
activities one can be mastered by a motivational conflict represented by+
a" positive motivations that push him and encourages him in that
employment decisions or activities,
b" negative motivations, inhibit it.
Hierarch motivation
The motivation is organi&ed in a hierarchical system in which the primary
reasons why subordinated upper !lower". Thus, in their diversity reasons
are not equal or equivalent to each other, the force !value, intensity"
propulsion human conduct !see %aslow-s hierarchy of needs".
.ariability motivational highlights differences between humans and
variations "constellations" and motivational hierarchies at one and the
same person. Thus+
/ (ne and the same motivation lead to different behaviors and different
activities people. *or example, the need to obtain money to survive and
lead a comfortable life honest work onerous, illegal activities,
/ $ehind one and the same type of behavior and activity we find, from
person to person, we can find different "constellations" motivational. *or
example motivated learning behavior is different from person to person.
/ "0onstellations and motivational hierarchies" changes over time in the
same person, whether under the influence of age !some were "ideals" of
adolescence and other those of youth, etc." or under social and historical
The concept of learning motivation of school means all internal factors that
determine the student-s personality, directs, organi&es and supports the
efforts in learning. These internal factors are the reasons, that the causes
of mental order ' images, judgments, ideas ' that occur as a result of
reflection in consciousness school of objects, situations and environmental
requirements and enters into relationship with its general needs, causing
emotional tensions.
1uch reasons that cause students to learn are several ways+ social,
cognitive, affective, professional, of self'fulfillment, success or failure of
school, special skills.
/ In category of social motives enter also the reason that have a social
purpose, like "duty to teach the class," "learning contribute to the prestige
class," "I want to be as useful to people." 2ow and why reciprocity
expressed by students in different forms+ "I like to learn at school for being
with others", "3hen you learn more easily with colleagues because it is
more pleasant", "1ometimes others learn faster than one", "(ther know
more and can learn from them."
/ In the category of co!nitive motives enter the desire to know !in a
general sense ' curiosity" stated that basic dynamic factor of learning
activities !"I teach because I want to know as much" "I learn from all that
learning gives me satisfaction "," teaching interests me, I like "", and at the
same time, chemistry !theoretical interest" expressed by students for one or
more learning objects !" solving math problems gives me great satisfaction,
"" physical particularly interest me "," me music high "".
/ Group affective motives includes affective reasons why a
predominant emotional basis, both positive and negative+ love and respect
for parents, a sense of duty towards parents, the desire to create
contentment !joy" parents, teacher sympathy, respect to the teacher
!because "explains good", "is understanding", "helps us"", fear of
punishment in parenting, anxiety caused by rigid attitude of the teachers,
the feeling of regret or shame from teachers, parents or colleagues.
4ll these reasons are emotional experiences of students surging
relationships with different stakeholders in their school learning process+
teachers, peers, parents. They reflect students- attitude to these factors, for
the tasks and requirements that come from them, in terms of their learning
every day.
/ "rofessional motives are students aspirations to a professional ideal
!role model" more or less clear, as is apparent from the very way in which
they express+ "learn to become something in life", "learn for school
prepares you for the profession that you choose "" learn to become a good
teacher. "1uch reasons are the trends experienced by students who learn
to determine and provide the necessary training for choosing future
profession. 3ith the transition from one class to another, the more they
approach the crossroads situation, the clarification and increase the
intensity of these reasons.
4lthough, generally self'reasons aimed to achieve "aspiration toward
competency" and engage while the other two components of "competence"
' "desire for self" and "desire for identification." The students motivate their
learning in this aspect, as follows+ "learn to surpass me", "I can only
outdone me reali&e I", "I learn to become a good doctor like my father", "I
teach because I want to be well prepared to get as many people to know",
"I learn to satisfaction of making", "I learn that I can be proud of my results",
"I teach because I want to be happy."
This category of reasons is directly related to a certain level of training
process of self'awareness in students. 4s a result, their awareness
involves somewhat, correct knowledge and appreciation of their own
abilities to lead them to translate desires into reality. (f course, the
possibility of students in this direction increases with age and as a result of
educational influences that reflect on them.
The reasons included in the cate!or of school success# failure in
school are grouped around the desire for success or avoid failure. *rom
students- responses shows that "favorable outcome" that they want to
obtain it targets three direct+ school situation !good grades, awards,
promotion entrance exam, etc." prestige in the group !class" they belong
and favorable appreciation teachers, parents, respectively !the latter two
directions depending to a great extent the reali&ation of the former, closely
related to desire affirmation of each of the students".
1ame direction is outlined in terms of avoiding failure. Therefore, in the
"success'failure in school have included very different shapes but still
express the same tendencies+" learn to get good grades ", "I learned not
underperforming !bad grades"", "#earn to be among the first "I learn
because they want to have success in school admission", "I want to exceed
others-, "I learn to be an example for colleagues", "I want to gain
appreciation colleagues", "I would like to give opportunity colleagues
despise me", "I want to make an impression teachers".
Therefore, this category includes the various forms of reasons that dress
desire to obtain success, namely to avoid failure, and those expressing
himself feeling of success or failure !failure" in which the student expects to
obtain by himself or others.
Teenage motivational value is still little awareness skills in students. The
situation is explained by the fact that these traits are not yet fully formed,
and the limited possibilities of self'knowledge. 2owever, we have included
special skills category, because, especially learning the subjects that
interest them, some students motivates the presence of these traits+ "I-m
better at this object", "I abilities", "I have talent", ".ery easily learn some
discipline", etc..
#earning as a general property of human psychic system is an expression
of the ability of self'organi&ation and self'development, based on a
potential hereditary and conditions of business. $ut physical activity,
consists of a report or relationship between organism and environment,
energy consumption occurs purposeful adaptive, process that achieves a
certain relationship of man to the world corresponding to the specific need,
all outdoor events or mental conduct leading to adaptive outcomes. $ut still
learning is the task of assimilating or acquiring knowledge and intellectual
operations constitution of cognitive systems and operational structures.
$etween mental processes and learning process are interdependent
relationships. In one hand, the work of #earning Train and involve all
processes and mental functions such as perception observation images
representation and overall imagination, especially thinking and memory,
motivation and emotions, and especially language, and attention will . (n
the other hand, learning more of them in intensive forms contribute to the
shaping, structuring, even psychical constitution because it enriches not
only the content but also the building requires new ways of structuring and
organi&ing special operators across the system human psyche. Therefore,
we believe that learning is different generative and formative and
constructive frameworks.
$o!nitive learnin! is based on the development of analysis and
synthesis, abstraction and generali&ation, the comparison and
classification, the algorithmic and heuristics, a logical systemati&ation and
organi&ation of thought. *ocus of cognitive learning is assimilated
cognitive'informational content. Therefore, programmatic, cognitive
learning is hostile superficiality and formalism. It can teach something to
reproduce orally or in writing by words without meanings correctly
understood well and conceptual ideas without mastering system properly.
Therefore cognitive learning is integral with full and thorough understanding
of the material to study and propose cultivating intelligence. The most
active and useful problem solving strategy is cognitive learning
!presentation of material in the form of problems" and, in general, problem'
solving activity.
In contrast, by resorting to heuristics can reach creative performance
because cognitive learning is not limited to acquiring scientific knowledge
correct, but tends to develop their consistency and their recovery
4lthough strictly necessary, storing knowledge to be reproduced then there
must have precedence. 0ognitive learning is focused on thinking and all its
possibilities. It is therefore necessary that, despite some poor practices of
school learning, cognitive learning be given priority in the sense that,
mainly to organi&e learning so as to clarify issues, to be well understood
and systematically reformulated material and personnel for then to take
action to control memory and merits of his dominion. (therwise, when
learning begins and reduces the memory, there is a risk that students learn
and retain formal and fix faulty knowledge and even fragmentation.
Motivation should not be considered and interpreted as an end in itself,
but put in the service of obtaining high performance. 5erformance is a
higher level of fulfillment of purpose. *rom the perspective of the various
forms of human activity !playing, learning, work, creative" what I want is the
value of motivation and its propulsive efficiency. In this context, the
relationship between motivation and performance is not only an important
theoretical but also a practical one.
The relationship between motivations, more accurately, the intensity of
motivation and the performance is dependent on the complexity of the
activity !task" that the subject has to fulfill. 5sychological research has
shown that in simple tasks !repeated, routine, with the behavior automated
with few alternatives to solve" as you increase the intensity of motivation,
and increase the performance. In complex tasks but !creative, rich in
content and alternative solutions" intensity of motivation is associated, to a
point, with increasing performance by the latter decreases. It happens so
because in simple tasks there is one, maximum two correct answers easily
differentiate them is not influenced negatively by increasing motivational
impulse. In complex tasks, the presence of several alternative motivational
impulse action hinders action, increasing the intensity of which is
unfavorable discrimination, discernment and critical evaluation.
6fficiency of activities depends not only on the relationship between
motivation intensity and complexity of the task !which can be a task of
learning, or creative work", but the relationship between motivation intensity
and difficulty of the task facing the individual. 4s the maximum intensity
between motivation and the difficulty of pregnancy there is a greater
correspondence and adequacy, the activity and efficiency will be ensured.
In this context, in psychology emerged, the optimum motivational that is
an optimal intensity of motivation that allows obtaining high performance or
at least to those expected. *or optimum motivation, we can talk in two
7 %hen tas& 'ifficult is perceive' (appreciate') properl .
In this case the optimum motivational means of correspondence
relationship even equivalence between the si&es of the two variables. If
task difficulty is in %arch, means that it takes a high intensity motivation to
accomplish them, if task difficulty is medium, a medium intensity is
sufficient motivation for solving them,
* %hen tas& 'ifficult is perceive' (appreciate') incorrectl +
In this case we are dealing with two typical situations+ either the under'
appreciation of the significance and difficulty of the task or the over'
appreciation of them. 4s a result, the subject will not be able to mobili&e the
energies and corresponding efforts to fulfill the task. In one case he will be
sub'motivated, work in conditions of energy deficit, leading ultimately to
failure load. In the second case, the subject is supra'motivated working in
conditions of energy surplus that could disrupt, stress, might spend energy
just before experiencing workload.
Optimum motivation is achieved by action on the two variables that come
into play+ getting used to charge individuals as fairly difficult task !by calling
attention to its importance by highlighting its heavier moments, etc.." (r by
manipulating the intensity of motivation for increasing or decrease it
!induction of strong emotions, anxiety or fear, could increase the intensity
of motivation, students or subordinates announcement that soon there will
be an inspection chiefs translates the same effect".
4s part of it we have not to thank just any performance, but with higher
performance, as high, that meant not simply a reali&ation of personality, but
a self'improvement of its possibilities.
%otivational stimulus that pushes towards further progress and obvious
self'improvement called aspiration level. This should be reported to the
capabilities and skills of each individual. *or weak students and mediocre,
relatively low levels of aspiration is successful, while those with skills
regress, they will regress even in terms of capitali&ation capacities
Therefore, it is good that the level of aspiration ' to have a positive effect '
to be a little over the possibilities of the moment.
3e must always remember that too much discrepancy between the
capacities and aspirations is dangerous.

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