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SabayonLinux Extradoc Rev.A

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Extra documentation Rev.

Users' Passwords:
User root sabayonuser Pass root sabayonuser

Installation Modes:
Live Copy: No particular info needed. If you're in troubles and the installer does not pass

"Preparing..." step, please verify your networ connection or disable !irewire devices.

Stage3: N"# $%# &'&I(&)(% Upgrade: N"# $%# &'&I(&)(%

Internet *ios !eatures:

What is Internet Kiosk? Internet *ios is an auto+ated Internet navigation syste+ based on ,entoo ,NU-(inu., */% and !reeN0, developed by +e. $ou can not only surf the internet, you can listen to +usic across the N0 networ , burn 1/-/'/ fro+ your ter+inal, print your photo, play 2/ ga+es, use your !lash Pen, write and read "ffice docu+ents 3"pen/ocu+ent and M4"ffice ones5.

How it works:
Internet Kiosk Syste

starts i! you

eet these re"uire ents:

& !reeN0 678.9.9 4erver 3that will be the real loc ed:in user des top5 & #hin 1lient with N0 1lient or an "(/ 1o+puter with at least ;<2M) of =&M, a /'/ =eader and 2M) of non:volatile +e+ory li e U4) flash +e+ory or I/% >/. odes:

#here are two $perationa%

Internet Kiosk &': & +e+ory device -dev-sda; or -dev-hda; +ust be available. #his can be

for+atted in e.t?, reiserfs, .fs, reiser9, e.t2 or !&#?2 3very i+portant because +ost of U4) eys are pre:for+atted with this filesyste+5. If you don't have this partition, you can boot 4abayon(inu. (ive/'/ nor+ally and then use Partition %ditor on the des top 3a a ,Parted5 to create it. Priority is given to -dev-sda;. 4o, if you have -dev-sda; and -dev-hda;, -dev-sda; will be used. &t boot ti+e, init scripts change /efault /es top %nviron+ent to !, stop

so+e services, li e 44>, 4yslog, 1la+av, !reeN0 4erver, and autostart N0 1lient with the configuration files created-stored 3auto+agically by 4abayon(inu.5 on our non:volatile +e+ory. In addition, a script "startinternet ios .sh" can be placed on it and will be called in the boot runlevel. !ro+ 2.@8.2, another script "startinternet ios", can be called before 0 load and +ust be placed in the sa+e directory of startinternet ios .sh.
Internet Kiosk: #he difference is that it will only call "startinternet ios .sh" 3boot runlevel5

and "startinternet ios" 3before 0 start5 fro+ your non:volatile +e+ory and no other changes are +ade.

4afe Modes are used when you have proble+s with hardware detection or 0:server startup.

0sisten1e Mode:
What is 'sistenCe? "ne =e+ovable /evice 3U4) flash +e+ories or U4) >/5 B 4abayon(inu. ?.8 7 your data and settings everywhere. In other words, you can use your >o+e directory 3-ho+e5 in read-write +ode and your data will be stored on your e.ternal non:volatile re+ovable device.

An example:
I a+ (i%%. I have SabayonLinu) 3*+ /'/, one ;2CMb U4) !lash Me+ory and I wor for I)M. I a+ an I# Manager and I often wor on different 1o+puters. I put 4abayon(inu. /'/ into the /'/ reader, and I boot 4abayon(inu. using Dgentoo )sisten,eE 3or Ds+p .sistenceE or D.en .sistenceE5. I wait ? +inutes and I'+ ready to download .yF.tar.bF2 fro+ the Internet because I need this file on another 1o+puter. Ghen I finish, I shut down the 1o+puter, I eHect the /'/ and the U4) +e+ory and I go to another P1 because I need to use .yF.tar.bF2 on it. #his other 1o+puter has no Internet connection. I boot 4abayon(inu. /'/ 3in the sa+e way as above5 and here I a+. #hat's +y des top, that's +y .yF.tar.bF2 file loaded fro+ +y +agic U4) +e+ory. &nd I a+ the happiest person in the Gorld.

How it works:
'sistenCe -ode is enab%ed i! SabayonLinu) Kerne% !inds:

& re ovab%e U4) device D)sisten,eE I4"(INU0 boot option. .sistenceA+b7;88 indicates that you want to create an i+age on your non:volatile U4) +e+ory that is ;88Mb big. #here's no li+it, you can even create a ;888Mb i+age. &n e+pty 3but even not5 file called D)sisten,e. odeE on the root directory of your favourite U4) Me+ory partition. 30!4,%0#2-?,=%I4%=!4,!&#?2 are fully supported and tested5

Ghen 0sisten1e boot services start, you have ;8 seconds 3plus @ e.tra seconds5 to insert your U4) e.ternal device. If you read the output of the init script, you'll be noticed about it. &t that ti+e, 4abayon(inu. scans the content of /sys/b%o,k and creates an array that contains the devices that +eet these reIuire+ents:

they can't be -sys-bloc -fdJ8:<<K or -sys-bloc -srJ8:<<K they +ust have re ovab%e !%ag set to D;E

#hen, 4abayon(inu. tries to +ount the+, in seIuential and alphanu+erical order. #hree tests are +ade:

.sistence:+ode file +ust be found the device can support both read and write +odes the device +ust have !ree spa,e if )sisten,e0 b is not specified the default value will be ?8Mb.

#he first partition that +eets these reIuire+ents will be used and 0sisten1e Mode will be enabled. If the partition, does not contains an already created e.t? i+age by 4abayon(inu., it will try to create it. "thewise, it will +ount the available one.

I-P$1#2&#: if you don't want to lose your data, when you use 0sisten1e Mode, please shut down 4abayon(inu. correctly without forcing a hardware reset or a hardware shutdown.

1heat codes:
IS$LI&U' ($$# C-3 no) noproprietary nohdpar vesaon%y no!re"s,a%ing nodh,p non)server nop, ,ia K47-2P899 L2&;899 res89 re!resh8999 )sisten,e )sisten,e0 b8>?.'@ ins od8)yAB)yACB*** r od8)yAB)yACB*** openg%89999 session899999 )driver8999999 sound8 ute edia,enter gee)bo) ,o%dwar ,o%dwars p 4!!e,t ' Server is not %oaded ' Proprietary drivers won5t be %oaded 3-2 is not !or,ed ' Server run in 64S2 ode 3isab%e CPU dyna i, !re"uen,y s,a%ing 3isab%e 3HCP 3isab%e &' Server 3isab%e PC-CI2 servi,es :or,e a spe,i!i, key ap :or,e a spe,i!i, %anguage Set ' Server reso%ution :or,e a spe,i!i, ' 6erti,a% 1e!resh Persistent Ho e dire,tory <read be%ow= Set 'sistenCe i age siAe <when ,reating= #o %oad a spe,i!i, kerne% #o re ove a spe,i!i, kerne% odu%e odu%e

#o !or,e a spe,i!i, $pen;L ,on!iguration 2uto%ogin into spe,i!ied 3esktop 4nviron ent #o :or,e '*$rg to use a spe,i!i, ' driver #o disab%e sound i)ers auto,on!iguration It is a kerne%B not a para eter D to boot into :reevo It is a kerne%B not a para eter D to boot into ;ee'bo) It is a kerne%B not a para eter D to boot Co%dWar 3e o Sa e as aboveB but using S-P kerne%

L 7 what you want, in this way ::6 res7;2C8.;829 or 3another e.a+ple5 res7289C.;M?@ ....etc LL 7 deA/%,itAI#,enAU4,enA,),frA!=, ....etc.... LLL 7 CM 37CM>F5, or NM 37NM>F5, etc... LLLL 7 nvidia or ati or .org:.;; 3for M%4& "pen,( support5 LLLLL 7 de,gno+e,.fce,,e;@ LLLLLL 7 0."rg driver +odule na+es.

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