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Wa1916 Websphere Esb 7.0 Programming Using Wid: Classroom Setup Guide

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Classroom Setup Guide

WA1916 WebSphere ESB 7.0 Programming

Using WID
Classroom Setp !i"e
Web Age Soltions In#.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 1
Classroom Setup Guide
$able o% Contents
Part 1 !inimum "ard#are $e%uirements .........................................................................................&
Part 2 !inimum So't#are $e%uirements ...........................................................................................(
Part & So't#are Pro)ided....................................................................................................................*
Part ( Important Ghosting or Imaging In'ormation............................................................................+
Part * Instructions...............................................................................................................................,
Part + Installing WebSphere Integration -e)eloper ),.0.....................................................................
Part , /eri'ication o' the installation o' WI- ,.0.............................................................................1*
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 2
Classroom Setup Guide
Part 1 & 'inimm (ar")are *e+irements
1000 !h0 Pentium III
1.* G1 $A! minimum2 2 G1 recommended
10 G1 'ree on the C dri)e
3et#or4 connecti)ity to the internet
5S1 Port
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. &
Classroom Setup Guide
Part , & 'inimm So%t)are *e+irements
!icroso't Windo#s 2000 SP( or Windo#s 6P 7SP1 or SP28
Adobe Acrobat $eader +.0
Win0ip .
Internet 9:plorer +.0
WebSphere Integration -e)eloper ,.0 ;
; indicates so't#are pro)ided as part o' the course#are.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. (
Classroom Setup Guide
Part - & So%t)are Pro.i"e"
3umber o' 5S1 memory stic4s that you #ill recei)e< 3
3ame o' the 'iles containing in the memory stic4s 7one 'ile per memory stic48<
All other so't#are listed under !inimum So't#are $e%uirements is either commercially licensed
so't#are that you must pro)ide or so't#are that is 'reely a)ailable o'' the Internet.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. *
Classroom Setup Guide
Part / & Important !hosting or Imaging In%ormation
Some o' the so't#are installed 'or this course #ill not 'unction a'ter changing the computer hostname.
As such2 cloning or imaging should not be used on a 'ully installed system.
=ou can sa)e time by e:tracting the contents o' the 5S1 memory stic4 to C<> on a clean ?S install 7no
other so't#are installed8 and then imaging that hard dri)e. A'ter restoring the image to the other
computers and changing the hostnames2 you can then install the so't#are on each computer
indi)idually by 'ollo#ing the instructions that are detailed later in this document.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. +
Classroom Setup Guide
Part 0 & Instr#tions
@@1. Arom a 5S1 memory stic42 e:tract the WA1916_1.ZIP 'ile to C:\
@@2. Arom a 5S1 memory stic42 e:tract the WA1916_2.ZIP 'ile to C:\
@@&. Arom a 5S1 memory stic42 e:tract the WA1916_3.ZIP 'ile to C:\
@@(. $e)ie# that the 'ollo#ing 'olders #ere created<
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. ,
Classroom Setup Guide
Part 6 & Installing WebSphere Integration De.eloper .7.0
War"i"#: $o% &a""ot %se #'osti"# or (is) i*a#i"# to i"stall t'is software. $o%
*%st i"stall t'e software o" ea&' *a&'i"e se+aratel,. Do "ot &'a"#e t'e
&o*+%ter 'ost"a*e after t'is software is i"stalle(. Also- (o "ot i"stall t'is
software fro* a "etwor) s'are. It will o"l, f%"&tio" +artiall, if ,o% (o.
Appro:imately time 'or installation o' WI- ,.0< B0 minutes
@@1. Arom C:\Software\WID.! run la%"&'+a(.e.e
Che Welcome to WebSphere Integration -e)eloper Installation page #ill open.
@@2. Clic4 on I"stall I/0 WebS+'ere I"te#ratio" De1elo+er 2.!
Che I"stall Pa&)a#es page #ill open.
@@&. Dea)e all the de'aults selected as sho#n abo)e and clic4 3e.t.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. .
Classroom Setup Guide
@@(. Accept the license terms and clic4 3e.t.
@@*. Dea)e the de'ault directories 'or the installation and clic4 3e.t.
@@+. Dea)e the de'ault directories 'or the installation o' WID and clic4 3e.t.
@@,. Dea)e the de'ault language and clic4 3e.t.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. B
Classroom Setup Guide
Che 'eatures to install page #ill open.
@@.. Clic4 3e.t.
@@B. Clic4 I"stall to start installing the product. Chis #ill ta4e some time.
@@10. /eri'y that installation completed success'ully.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 10
Classroom Setup Guide
@@11. Clic4 Fi"is'.
@@12. 1ac4 in the launchpad #indo#2 clic4 I"stall WebS+'ere A++li&atio" Ser1er
@@1&. A message that the Installation !anager is running #ill open2 clic4 45.
@@1(. Doo4 at the bottom o' the screen. A green bar #ill sho# the progress o' the installation. Wait 'or
installation to 'inish. It ta4es about (0 minutes to complete.
@@1*. Clic4 45 #hen you get this message.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 11
Classroom Setup Guide
@@1+. 3o# clic4 I"stall t'e WebS+'ere test e"1iro"*e"t.
@@1,. Installation manager #ill open. Dea)e the de'aults as sho#n belo# and clic4 3e.t.
@@1.. Accept license agreement and clic4 3e.t.
@@1B. In the Pac4ages page2 lea)e the de'aults and clic4 3e.t.
@@20. In the Aeatures page2 e:pand I/0 WebS+'ere Pro&ess Ser1er .!.!.! 6 WebS+'ere Pro&ess
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 12
Classroom Setup Guide
@@21. 5nchec4 Sta"(7alo"e (e1elo+*e"t WebS+'ere Pro&ess Ser1er Profile 89w+s:.
@@22. Chec4 Sta"(7alo"e (e1elo+*e"t WebS+'ere ;"ter+rise Ser1i&e /%s Profile 89esb:.
/eri'y that the screen matches the image belo#.
@@2&. Clic4 3e.t.
@@2(. Dea)e the <ser "a*e and Passwor( as a(*i" in the Common con'igurations page as sho#n
belo# and clic4 3e.t.
Che Summary page #ill open.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 1&
Classroom Setup Guide
@@2*. /eri'y that 9nterprise Ser)ice 1us pro'ile 79esb8 pac4age is selected.
@@2+. Clic4 I"stall.
Installation #ill start2 loo4 at the bottom 'or the progress.
@@2,. At the end o' the installation2 ma4e sure that you see this page<
@@2.. Select 3o"e in the right pane.
@@2B. Clic4 Fi"is'.
@@&0. Close the Daunchpad.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 1(
Classroom Setup Guide
Part 7 & 1eri%i#ation o% the installation o% WID 7.0
@@1. Go to directory C:\Pro#ra* Files\I/0\WID_W=;\r%"ti*es\bi_1\lo#s\i"stall.
@@2. ?pen lo#.t.t.
@@&. Go to the end o' the 'ile. !a4e sure that you see the message< INSTCONFSUCCESS as sho#n
@@(. Close the 'ile.
@@*. Daunch WI- using the 'ollo#ing Windo#s start menu< Start76All Pro#ra*s 76I/0 WebS+'ere
I"te#ratio" De1elo+er76I/0 WebS+'ere I"te#ratio" De1elo+er 2.!76WebS+'ere I"te#ratio"
De1elo+er 2.!.
@@+. Change the #or4space to C:\wor)s+a&e as sho#n belo#.
@@,. Clic4 45.
@@.. At the bottom o' the screen2 clic4 on the Ser1ers tab.
@@B. $ight clic4 the WebS+'ere ;S/ Ser1er 1.! and select Start.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 1*
Classroom Setup Guide
@@10. Che Ser1er Lo#s )ie# #ill open sho#ing some messages during the start.
@@11. A'ter the ser)er 'inishes starting2 #hich can ta4e se)eral minutes2 the Ser1ers )ie# #ill sho# the
state o' the ser)er as Starte( and its status as S,"&'ro"i>e(.
@@12. Select the ser)er and stop it by clic4ing on the Sto+ t'e ser1er button.
@@1&. Wait 'or the ser)er to stop. Stopping the ser)er is much 'aster than starting the ser)er. ?nce the
ser)er is stopped2 the state #ill change to Sto++e(.
@@1(. 9:it WI- by choosing File76;.it 'rom the menu bar.
@@1*. Close all the open 'iles.
CongratulationsE Che product has success'ully been installed.
Copyright 2011 Web Age Solutions Inc. 1+

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