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May 2007

No. 469

In this $4.00


Image from
(page 13). Read about
Adamski, page 8.

France, Chile
Release UFO Files 7

Living Among Us? 8

Calendar 12

Puerto Rico
Airport Sighting 17

State Director
CMS Rankings 21

UFO Marketplace 23

Night Sky 24


Director’s Message 2
Book Review 13
Stan Friedman 14
Ted Phillips 16
Filer’s Files 18
The Hawaii House of Representatives recently drafted a resolution addressed to the
United Nations, to promote a “search for intelligent life and a definitive answer to
whether or not it has come to Earth or is in our reach.” Read the Resolution and
MUFON’s testimony on page 3.
May 2007 Number 469
Director’s Message
By James Carrion

MUFON MUFON Headquarters has edited and will be available for sale at
UFO Journal initiated a number of new projects that
will come to fruition over the months
the MUFON Symposium. The new
manual takes a forensic step by step
(USPS 002970)
leading up to the August Symposium. approach to UFO investigation and
(ISSN 02706822)
MUFON State Directors now have a has been updated to include
written set of MUFON’s Case Management System
Mutual UFO Network
guidelines for (CMS).
Post Office Box 279
managing their MUFON is now issuing
Bellvue, CO 80512-0279
state chapters, professional picture ID cards to
Tel: 888-817-2220
neatly packaged members. You can request one by
Fax: 866-466-9173 in the new emailing a professional looking portrait
MUFON State photo of yourself in electronic form,
International Director Directors’ along with your MUFON ID number
Handbook. to If you don’t have
James Carrion, M.A.
P.O. Box 279 Each State an electronic copy, you can also mail
Bellvue, CO 80512-0279 Director will be James Carrion the photo to: MUFON, PO Box 279,
Tel: 888-817-2220 mailed a copy Bellvue, CO 80512. If you volunteer in
Fax: 866-466-9173 of the handbook and it will also be a MUFON leadership position (State available for download from the Director, Assistant State Director,
MUFON web site. Chuck Reever, State Section Director, Field
Editor MUFON’s Director of Investigations, Investigator), you must use the new
Sally Petersen, M.A. did an excellent job putting the ID card when representing yourself as handbook together. a MUFON member.
Tel: 888-817-2220, 4-4-1 The Fifth Edition of the MUFON Field Investigator’s Manual is being
Continued on page 22
Columnists Change of address and subscription/extra copies inquiries should be
George Filer, M.B.A. sent to MUFON, P.O. Box 279, Bellvue, CO 80512-0279.
Stanton Friedman, M.S.
Copyright 2007 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
Gavin A. J. McLeod
Ted Phillips No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Copyright
Owners. Permission is hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one article, provided the author is
credited, and the statement, “Copyright 2007 by the Mutual UFO Network, P.O. Box 279, Bellvue, CO 80512-
Staff artists 0279” is included.
The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editor, and do not necessarily reflect
John Egerton the official position of the Mutual UFO Network. Opinions expressed are solely those of the individual authors
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MUFON’s mission is the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit

of humanity through investigation, research, & education.
Hawaii House Drafts Resolution to United Nations
Supporting Extraterrestrial Studies
The Hawaii House of Representa- that those objects of apparent technological manufacture
tives recently drafted a resolution that cannot be prosaically explained are being manufac-
addressed to the United Nations, to tured by one or more world governments or by covert
promote a “search for intelligent life elements thereof. These power groups are testing these
and a definitive answer to whether or objects in public airspace, which is not publicly disclosed
not it has come to Earth or is in our because they are being kept in strategic reserve for
reach.” The committee heard the national security reasons. These power groups conve-
resolution on March 21, 2007 but niently use the popular media and cultural view that
unfortunately due to some dissenting Continued on page 4 Rep. Cabanilla
committee members, the resolution
was deferred for a period of two HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
MUFON was asked by Daniel de STATE OF HAWAII
H.R. NO. 65
Gracia, Community Liaison for Repre-
sentative Rida T.R. Cabanilla—Chair HOUSE RESOLUTION
tives Committee on International TO REQUEST BY RESOLUTION THAT the United Nations Office for Outer Space
Affairs— to submit testimony regard- Affairs PROACTIVELY ADVANCE the cause of WORLD PEACE AND COOPERA-
ing the resolution. De Gracia stated TION BETWEEN NATIONS.
that “since MUFON’s mission is to WHEREAS, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is the
study UFOs, I was hoping that possi- United Nations office principally responsible for promoting international coopera-
bly you could offer comments regard- tion in the peaceful uses of outer space; and
ing this matter in support, and possibly WHEREAS, Planet Earth is much like an island in a great and fathomless ocean,
inform the Committee about some of separated from other planets and celestial bodies by thousands, millions, billions,
your findings.” and in some instances trillions of miles; and
WHEREAS, astronauts, cosmonauts, and numerous other brave souls who have
MUFON’s Testimony
ventured into outer space during the last 47 years have marveled at how special,
The Mutual UFO Network unique, and wonderful our Planet Earth is from space, including NASA astronaut
(MUFON), Inc. has been investigating Roger Chaffee who remarked, “The world itself looks cleaner and so much more
and studying the mystery of Unidenti- beautiful. Maybe we can make it that way – the way God intended it to be – by
fied Flying Objects (UFOs) for 38 giving everyone, eventually, that new perspective from out in space”; and
years, taking over where the U.S. Air
WHEREAS, on September 21, 1987, before the United Nations General Assembly,
Force left off when it terminated President Ronald Reagan remarked, “In our obsession with antagonisms of the
Project Blue Book in 1969. The moment we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity”; and
hypothesis that these strange objects
represent a visiting non-human intelli- WHEREAS, when one considers the vastness of space and the relatively small size
of our Planet in comparison to the scale of the Universe, even our most massive
gence is called the Extraterrestrial
conflicts and violent political disputes among nations seem minor; and
Hypothesis or ETH.
Unfortunately, ETH has not been WHEREAS, we as a human race have much to learn, not only from one another, but
explored by the scientific community from exploration of the planets, stars, and solar systems beyond our own; and
because it is not subject to the tenet of WHEREAS, statistically speaking, there are four hundred billion stars just in our
hypothesis falsifiability, which states galaxy alone, and if only one in a million of those had planets, and if just one of a
that a hypothesis that cannot be million of those had life, and if just one out of a million of those had intelligent life,
disproved is not considered a viable there would be literally millions of civilizations out there, making our conflicts with
hypothesis. our fellow man seem irrelevant and petty in the grand scheme of things; and
A hypothesis that can be explored WHEREAS, the expansion of knowledge and the humility from discovering new
is the Human Manufacture hypothesis worlds and unlocking secrets of the stars could greatly impact the progress of
or HM. The HM hypothesis states Continued on page 4
May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 3
Hawaii House Resolution calls for United Nations to Search
for Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life
Continued from page 3 wrote a study examining the CIA’s agency has written a review of its
UFOs are extraterrestrial craft as cover interest and involvement in UFO involvement with UFOs.
for these covert projects. That the U.S. investigations from 1947 until 1990. Haines claims that many UFO
Government has been implicated in this Haines’s study was published in sightings in the late 1950s and 1960s
practice is a matter of national record. Studies in Intelligence, a classified were actually misidentified secret
In late 1993, inquiries from several journal published quarterly for the U.S. American spy planes. Moreover, he
UFO researchers led then CIA intelligence community. The article, alleges that the U.S. Air Force’s
Director R. James Woolsey to order a “CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, Project Blue Book purposely misled
review of all CIA files on UFOs. 1947-1990,” ( the public by concocting UFO expla-
Taking advantage of this opportunity, studies/97unclass/ufo.html) appeared nations for what it knew to be secret
National Reconnaissance Office in the first semiannual unclassified military missions. Note that the CIA is
(NRO) and government historian edition for 1997, and is a rather not accused of deception by Haines;
Gerald K. Haines reviewed the important document because it is the rather, it is the U.S. Air Force that
documents, conducted interviews, and first time that a U.S. Government willingly made up the bogus explana-
tions. After Haines article was re-
leased, media reporters asked the U.S.
Continued from page 3
Air Force for comment, and on August
mankind, possibly leading to decreased violence against one’s own kind and even 4, 1993, Brigadier General Ronald
an end to warfare and strife altogether; and Sconyers told the press, “I cannot
WHEREAS, the House of Representatives is deeply concerned about the future of confirm or deny that we lied. The U.S.
our keiki, our ohana, and our Planet; now, therefore, Air Force is committed to providing
accurate and timely information within
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-fourth Legisla-
ture of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2007, that in the name of connecting
the confines of national security.”
humanity, bridging divides of conflict and bringing about peace, that this body Haines also points out that the
respectfully calls upon the United Nations General Assembly to request by 1953 classified U.S. Government
resolution that the UNOOSA proactively advance the cause of world peace and sponsored Robertson Panel study of
cooperation between nations through space exploration; and UFOs and the panel’s recommenda-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the United Nations General Assembly is also
tions that UFO reports be routinely
humbly requested to include its resolution to the UNOOSA a call to unite the debunked and that UFO groups be
nations in not only the pursuit of new peaceful uses of space, but also a search for watched for subversive activities was
intelligent life and a definitive answer to whether or not it has come to Earth or is evidence that the spy plane deception
in our reach; and was just a small part of an overall
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted
strategy to mislead the public.
to: The Robertson Panel report was
later declassified (available for online
(1) The President of the UN General Assembly; viewing at
(2) The President of the United States; documents/ufos/cia/robertson0.htm )
(3) The Vice President of the United States;
and it concluded that:
“The Panel’s concept of a broad
(4) The Speaker of the US House of Representatives; educational program integrating efforts
(5) The President pro tempore of the US Senate; of all concerned agencies was that it
should have two major aims: training
(6) The Executive Director of NASA;
and debunking.
(7) The Commander of the United States Air Force Space Command; The training aim would result in
(8) The Director of SETI; and proper recognition of unusually
illuminated objects (e.g., balloons,
(9) The Director General of the European Space Agency.
aircraft reflections) as well as natural
You can also view the resolution online at http:// Continued on page 5

4 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

From the Field: MUFON Investigative Report—Bethpage, NY
Date of sighting: 8/1/2006 7:45 PM over the phone and in person, I found draw attention to the strange objects,
Reported: 8/1/2006 him to be a person of solid character, but their father has requested anonym-
who is intelligent, cheerful, good- ity for them, and so they will not be
Location: Bethpage, New York natured, down to earth, and a family discussed further in this report except
Duration: 2 minutes man. He replied to my emails as soon as in the retelling of the UFO encounter.
Source of report: MUFON CMS possible, and did not hesitate to answer Both Robert and Gina came across as
Database any and all questions about the case that honest, sincere people who were
I posed to him over the phone and/or genuinely puzzled by what they had
Investigated by: Brian Gaugler,
through email and in person. I also was witnessed, and who initially assisted me
MUFON Field Investigator for Long
able to speak to his mother Gina, who in my investigation to the best of their
Island, New York State
struck me as being someone who is ability.
Witnesses: Robert (last name with- busy with family and other practical Robert, in particular, has been
held), the main witness and the submit- matters, and so has little time for more greatly affected by his sighting, becom-
ter of the initial report, is 34 years old “fantastic” things such as UFOs. ing deeply interested in UFOs and other
and at the time of the sighting was on Robert’s two daughters, aged four anomalous phenomena, although there
disability leave from work due to several and six, were also present at the time of is no reason to believe that his subse-
broken bones suffered during a motor- the sighting, and were even the ones to quent research into the subject has
cycle accident. Upon speaking to him Continued on page 6

Hawaii House Drafts Resolution to UN

Continued from page 4
phenomena (meteors, fireballs, mi- strange category, non-human occu- tion. If we consider that humanity’s
rages, noctilucent clouds). pants emerge from these objects and technological progress spans a short
The debunking aim would result in sometimes interact with witnesses 200 years, and then entertain that a
reduction in public interest in flying (sometimes using telepathic communi- non-human technological civilization
saucers which today evokes a strong cation). The objects observed in these may have started their technological
psychological reaction. This education close encounters are of a physical journey thousands, if not millions of
could be accomplished by mass media nature as evidenced by the physical years before us, the means of travel,
such as television, motion pictures, and traces left in the environment (burned harnessing of energy, etc employed by
popular articles. Basis of such educa- vegetation, imprints in the soil, etc.). these other civilizations would be
tion would be actual case histories These highly strange cases could be beyond our comprehension.
which had been puzzling at first but evidence of ETH or could be related It is a travesty that the scientific
later explained. As in the case of to another hypothesis not yet formu- community has not adequately ad-
conjuring tricks, there is much less lated. dressed the UFO phenomenon, but
stimulation if the secret is known. The Search for Extraterrestrial instead has relegated it to the status of
Such a program should tend to reduce Intelligence (SETI) Institute has been Pseudoscience. In this vacuum of
the current gullibility of the public and actively searching for signs of other intellectual curiosity, MUFON has
consequently their susceptibility to civilizations in the Universe. It should operated for the last 38 years, assisted
clever hostile propaganda.” be stressed that MUFON and the by a small group of interested academ-
HM however cannot explain all of SETI Institute do agree that there is ics who form an “invisible college.”.
the UFO cases that MUFON has non-human intelligent life in our MUFON implores the United Nations
investigated, many of which fall in a universe—where we differ is whether Office for Outer Space Affairs to take
category deemed “highly strange.” representatives of those other civiliza- action and promote the widespread
These are cases where the observed tions have visited planet earth. SETI scientific study of these mysterious
objects temporarily immobilize witness rejects this possibility outright whereas objects.
vehicles and even the witnesses MUFON is open to the possibility. The James Carrion, MUFON Interna-
themselves (temporary paralysis), or SETI Institute believes that the vast tional Director
emit rays of light that abruptly end in distances between stars in the Uni-
the atmosphere, or bend light rays verse is too great for other civilizations The SETI Institute was also asked
around objects. In the same highly to travel. This is a failure of imagina- to submit testimony to the committee.
May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 5
From the Field—Bethpage, NY Sighting Report
Continued from page 5 passing close overhead in the sky. He the sighting revealed a skeptical point of
looked up to where she was pointing, view about UFOs. Thus, I unfortu-
contaminated the original report in any and saw a strange object passing over nately wasn’t able to reach her to ask
way. Prior to the sighting, Robert was his house from the west and traveling to her further about the experience, and so
the only witness to have been mildly the east, which was later estimated to be only have a little bit of information to
interested in the subject, having read traveling at least 50 mph. The UFO, as put down in this report.
Whitley Streiber’s Communion and a described above, flew over the house Robert told me about a sighting that
few other books on UFOs and con- and passed over their heads at a height his father-in-law had experienced in
spiracy theories, but did not have an in of what was later estimated to be one Brooklyn in 1945, when he was just 15
depth knowledge on the subject. His thousand feet in the air, traveling in a years old. His father-in-law and his
level of interest is about average for a straight line as it passed silently over- sister (Robert’s aunt-in-law) had been
member of our society, but seems too head. sitting on a stoop in Brooklyn when a
superficial to be able to make up some After about two minutes, a second disc-shaped object descended from the
of the finer details surrounding his object appeared in the sky and followed sky and hovered over them momen-
experience, as will be detailed further on the path that the first craft had taken, tarily before ascending back into the
in the report. In speaking to him about appearing identical in every way to the sky and disappearing from view. Robert
his sighting, I do not feel that he first UFO but instead spinning end over stated that his father in-law was a
embellished the details in any way to in end so that the top and bottom of the straight-laced, no-nonsense person who
order to make it more sensational, and I object constantly alternated and was not prone to making things up, and
do not feel that he, or the other wit- switched position in a fluttering motion. who in fact was extremely hesitant to
nesses, are of the character to fabricate At this point, Robert got out of his speak about the event, only doing so
a hoax, though of course the possibility pool and stood on a picnic table to get a after being relaxed with some alcohol. I
always exists. closer look at the two UFOs, watching tried to get Robert to speak to his father
The craft: The UFOs were described as as the second object gradually caught up in-law about the possibility of an
being oval-shaped from left to right, to the first object until they both interview, but Robert failed to follow
described by the witness as being suddenly vanished, as if they were a through, so I decided to cease my
similar in appearance to a “lopsided light that someone had suddenly turned efforts and present the information
egg.” The two objects were estimated to off. During the event, a small plane had already gathered.
be between 12 and 15 feet in diameter, flown into the area and came close to Another interesting aspect of the
with no windows or doors, and ap- the objects before suddenly diverting his case is that all of the witnesses involved
peared to be silver colored on the top of course, so it is entirely possible that spoke of hearing and witnessing jet
the craft and a charcoal-grayish color there is an additional witness to the fighters taking off near their house, so
on the bottom. No lights were seen at event that has yet to be tracked down. close that Robert spoke of seeing
any time on either of the two craft, and In addition, there is a possible landing gear fold up into the belly of
they could safely be compared to other electro-magnetic effect concerning one jet. He told me that other people
UFOs reported around the world in Robert’s cell phone, which had lain open around the neighborhood had also
what Hynek termed Close Encounters of during the sighting and had one of its witnessed the take off of the jet fight-
the First Kind (CE-I). No sounds or lights inexplicitly short out, although the ers, and that the loud booming sounds
smells of any kind were associated with question remains as to why the entire from the engines had actually shaken
the UFOs, and no electro-magnetic cell phone itself wasn’t affected, and so his house. He said he had never wit-
effects were reported, with the possible the link to the UFO sighting remains nessed any of the jets return back to
exception of a defective cell phone light, slim at best. their take-off point, and could only
which will be discussed further on in surmise that they had landed some-
Other Related Events: After his UFO
the report. where else.
sighting, Robert spoke with his neighbor
Robert’s house is located behind
Sequence of events: On the evening of who lives in the house behind him, a
the remnants of the Grumman Aero-
August l, 2006, Robert was in his young woman in her mid-20s who told
space Corporation, which used to be
backyard along with his mother Gina him that, the night before his sighting,
one of the leading producers of civilian
and his two daughters, enjoying the nice she actually witnessed a UFO fly over
and military aircraft in the 20th century
weather and just generally relaxing after her house. She told him that it had been
until its merger with the Northrop
having eaten dinner. While Robert a black triangular object that had passed
Corporation in 1994 to form Northrop
floated on his back in his pool, his over her house on the night of July 31,
Grumman. This would be considered a
daughter suddenly shouted “Daddy, look which was the night before Robert’s
at that,” pointing up at something sighting, but her manner in talking about Continued on page 22
6 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007
French CNES Releases 1,600 UFO Files
Compiled from online reports
France became the first country to classified. You needed special French documents are not filled with
open its files on UFOs March 22 authorization to see them, and it was black censors’ marks, according to
when the national space agency, rarely given. Only a few cases have online source Associated Content.
CNES, unveiled a website been evaluated as significant, and “We do not have the least proof
documenting more than 1,600 those have already been published in that extra-terrestrials are behind the
sightings. Sources differ on whether some detail: Trans-en-Provence, unexplained phenomena,” said
these cases span 30 years or 50+ L’Amaranthe, and a few others that Jacques Patenet, the aeronautical
years. will be described again in the engineer who heads the CNES office
The agency went public because forthcoming book by GEIPAN.” for the study of “non-identified
people were concerned about secrecy The online archives, which will be aerospatial phenomena.” But then he
and conspiracies, says Jacques updated as new cases are reported, added, “Nor do we have the least
Arnauld of GEIPAN, the CNES unit include detailed cases ranging from proof that they aren’t.”
set up to investigate UFOs in 1977, the easily dismissed to the very Those who read French can go to
according to New Scientist magazine. perplexing. The released files include To select
Known as OVNIs in French, UFOs pictures of possible UFOs, eyewitness English, begin with the home page,
have always generated intense interest accounts, field journals, scanned police, and click on the tiny
along with countless conspiracy reports and inter-governmental word “English” at the upper left below
theories about secretive government documents on those sightings. These the CNES logo.
Other reports say that the aim was
to make it easier for scientists and Chilean Army Discloses Recordings and Secret UFO Contacts
other UFO buffs to access the data
for research. CHILE—Santiago de Chile - The kilometres away from the Chilean capi-
So far, the GEIPAN website Chilean Army revealed to the UFO com- tal a Citation 2 military aircraft came
( contains just a munity, in early February 2007, classi- across a UFO measuring 40 meters in
quarter of the more than 6,000 eye- fied material of recordings and encoun- length, at an altitude of 1000 meters.
witness UFO reports sent to the unit ters between the military and UFOs over Disclosure of this information was
by police over 30 years, according to the past 30 years, according to the El authorized by Oscar Izurieta, Com-
New Scientist magazine. Typically, Mercurio newspaper. The evidence was mander in Chief of the Armed Forces,
such reports are followed up by police presented at the 10th International UFO and forms part of an official investiga-
and scientific and military experts. Congress, highlighting a video that shows tion undertaken by Rodrigo Bravo, cap-
GEIPAN has debunked about 75 surface vessels and helicopters of the tain of the Army’s 5th Division.
percent of them, according to New Chilean Navy pursuing an UFO seven Translation S. Corrales, IHU. Special
Scientist. years ago, according to Rodrigo thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO.
Fuenzalida, director of the Agrupacio de From The Canadian newspaper http://
Although some early reports
claimed France was releasing “secret Investigaciones Ovnilogicas (AION).
UFO files,” in fact, no military files Another UFO chase took place on Submitted by Steve Reichmuth
have been released, according to March 27, 2000, when about 100
astronomer and UFO researcher
Jacques Vallee,
“France does have secret UFO
files and they are NOT available. In MUFON has a new
fact nobody knows where they are—
same as in the US.
phone system and
“The files that are made available phone number.
now by GEIPAN are the CNES files,
mostly consisting of reports from
Gendarmes, which will be very useful
to researchers, but they were never
May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 7
Are Extraterrestrials Already Among Us?
A Review of Historical Accounts
By Warren P. Aston itself—has increased over the last downstream. Coe helped the injured
century and seems to be following a young man into the disc-shaped craft
Although some polls show a before it floated away. This initiated a
gradually unfolding program of
majority of Americans now accept an series of regular meetings that Coe
conditioning and disclosure. These
extraterrestrial explanation for some claimed lasted for more than five
accounts remind us that—like it or
UFOs (the percentages would be even decades. As trust developed, Coe
not—claims of alien contact is an
higher in countries where the media is claimed he was told that his friend
integral aspect of ufology that must be
less controlled), it is also true that posed as an engineering student who
considered. What gives weight to this
many people have yet to make the enjoyed fishing and that from 1904
eyewitness testimony is its
leap to onwards his group had a hundred
consistency. When a great range of
accepting that “observers” living among us in small
people from many places tell
there could be teams, monitoring our atomic
essentially the same thing over a long
direct contact research.
period of time, it is more likely to be
with the Howard Menger (b.1922)
beings in claimed to have had a series of
This article will be presented in
them. For contacts from 1932 onwards with
three parts. This month’s segment is
many it is several space people living among us,
about well-known contact cases that
now eventually becoming well known for
are possibly fabrications. Next month
acceptable to his claims. His unearthly friends were
I’ll discuss cases which seem more
think of craft Warren Aston able to pass themselves off as earth
from other people in a variety of situations
worlds flying in the sky, but for them The “contactees” reconsidered including real-estate agents and GIs.
the concept that they might land and First, I will discuss briefly the Menger helped them with haircuts,
attempt contact belongs strictly to best-known of all claims that some earth clothing and food supplies. Later
Hollywood. extraterrestrials live and work among he claimed to have flown with them.3
This article is NOT about us on earth. To mention the names of George Adamski (1891-1965)
“contactee” or “channeling” claims George Adamski, Howard Menger, was the first person to make public
per se. Nor do I deal with the “abduc- Albert Coe, Frank Stranges and claims of contact and remains the best
tion” phenomenon that sometimes Daniel Fry is to commit the equivalent known of all the contactees. From his
seems to have also abducted Ufology of professional suicide in some circles. first meeting with aliens in 1952,
in recent years. Instead, here I discuss Like most researchers I have studied Adamski claimed to have frequent
the next level of contact by examining what may be termed the “classic” meetings with space people who could
the evidence that some extra-terres- contactee cases at great length over pass themselves off as businessmen,
trials may actually live among us in our many years. Like many researchers, I spoke vernacular English, drove cars
communities, undetected as being have usually dismissed them out of and claimed to live among us. His
anything other than our fellow hand as delusional and fraudulent. rendezvous with them often took place
humans. Those contactees I am However, perhaps these claims have in hotel lobbies and at least one
aware of who have claimed that this sometimes been dismissed too quickly; apparent encounter took place at a
happens are referenced. I will then there may be lessons to learn from theatre in Switzerland with a witness
examine what I consider is much more them. present. Although his claims became
credible evidence that ET is already Albert Coe (1904- ) claims the so extreme that most of his followers
here. earliest experience, although his book deserted him, Adamski’s original
The following evidence convinces was not published until 1969.1,2 Coe story and photographs established a
me that some extraterrestrial groups was sixteen and on a canoeing trip in kind of paradigm in contactee circles
have maintained a covert presence on 1920 with a friend in the remote and in the broader world of ufology.4
earth for a very long time, perhaps for Ontario wilderness when he helped From 1954 onwards, Daniel Fry
as long as we have been here. rescue a young man who had slipped (1908-1992) claimed to have flown in
Furthermore, it suggests to me that into a crevasse. Coe had to assist him
this presence—like UFO activity back to his “aircraft” parked
Continued on page 9
8 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007
Extraterrestrials Living Among Us?
Continued from page 8 then claimed a series of trips in
The same can be said of Eduard saucers piloted by Pleiadians and by
a remote-controlled disc in 1949 while
“Billy” Meier (b. 1937), whose beings from Mercury and Jupiter, a
working as a technician at White
claims I essentially reject. A former visit to a secret base high in the Andes
Sands. He maintained telepathic
Cambodian diplomat recently affirmed where other people were being taught
contact for some years with an entity
that she saw Meier with an apparent and a trip to an underwater alien base.
he called “Alan,” assisting him for five
extraterrestrial woman and witnessed But in the process, a fairly straight-
years to prepare to live undetected on
regular UFO appearances while he forward, perhaps-believable account
lived in India prior to becoming well spirals downwards into a quasi-
Frank Stranges, (b.1927) a
known.10 Other witnesses swear that religious, mystical morass of vague
California minister of religion, claimed
they have seen his Pleiadian ships prophecies and Christ-like figures
that the U.S government had a num-
near his Swiss base. Meier however, emerging from caves making ludicrous
ber of Venusians as its guests in the
so far as I am aware, has never statements.11
1950s, the leader being “Valiant Thor.”
claimed that any extraterrestrials live Aside from deliberate fraud,
The group was here to help us avoid a
among us, so is only mentioned here insanity or CIA manipulations, a
bleak future. Photographs of some of
because the trajectory of his story possible reason for this pattern among
the group, dressed in western clothing,
matches the others so well. contactees has been suggested:
were published in Strange’s 1967
In all but the Coe case, deliberate disinformation from the
book.6 Stranges remains active in the
something changed and eventually the extra-terrestrials. Dr. James Dear-
field today.
claims made by each person reached dorff has theorized that introducing
Almost unremembered today,
such a level of absurdity and farce absurd claims may merely be an
Brazilian “Dino Kraspedon,” the
that the entire case was discredited. extraterrestrial strategy to control the
pen name for Aladino Felix, told of
Fry produced one of the most pace of release.12
meeting a human-like man from
obviously faked films of a hovering For example, at least one person
Jupiter’s moons in 1952. The man
flying saucer. Menger flew to the has claimed that Adamski’s original
later visited him at his home, imparting
moon and walked unprotected on its experiences had been authentic, but
voluminous and often—from a 2007
surface along with “hundreds” of that he divulged something confiden-
perspective—absurd claims about
other earth tourists. Adamski enjoyed tial, obliging the extraterrestrials to
physics, our solar system and space
a morning walk on a brisk sunny day discredit him.13 Perhaps this is so. And
travel. Perhaps it was not all in vain,
on Venus. Stranges visited Valiant we should be mindful that charlatans
for Felix claimed to have embraced
Thor’s home inside Venus. Not to be are found, still, in ufology today.
religion as a result of his encounter.
outdone, Billy Meier flew to another The UFO research community has
However, he also developed a cult
universe altogether, where he to consider the possibility that perhaps
following and was eventually con-
photographed blurry dinosaurs and some of these contacts may have been
victed of political terrorism, ending
primitive beings and later, a poorly genuine, but that when the contacts
behind bars in an asylum in 1971.7
constructed small model “starship” ended, human pride and ego had the
In the case of Menger, Adamski
sitting outside his compound. need to keep it going, to embroider and
and Fry, the original claims were not
We see a similar pattern with a expand? Is it conceivable that the
totally unbelievable and offered
more recent contactee, Enrique experiences sparking these cases
witnesses and photographic evidence
Castillo Rincon. Castillo was were so transforming that the recipient
to back them up. Menger and Fry
befriended by a young man outside a was unable to return to “normal” life
produced some impressive photo-
movie theatre in 1969 in Caracas, and had to perpetuate it by any means
graphs and movie film that lend some
Venezuala, where he was working. possible, even faked evidence? Are
credence to their claims. Some of the
They became friends and socialized a we learning more about ourselves, our
eyewitness testimony in particular is
lot in various settings. Eventually his psyche and perhaps our innate cosmic
hard to dismiss. Multiple witnesses
friend, who claimed to be Swiss, was loneliness than we are learning about
said they watched Adamski’s first en-
transferred. Years later, Castillo was extraterrestrials in these instances?
counter in the desert with “Orthon,”8
while others said they saw Menger’s led to make physical contact with a
large craft and found that his former Next month: Credible Cases Explored.
other-worldly friends performing
amazing feats.9 friend was a member of the crew. He References and Notes, page 10

May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 9

OPUS and MUFON Aston: ETs Among Us
to Collaborate on Continued from page 9 Stranges confirmed that his 1965 visit to
Venus was “physical” in an email to me
Abduction Reporting References and Notes
dated March 31, 2007.
1. Coe, Albert, The Shocking Truth (New 7. Kraspedon, Dino, transl J. B. Wood, My
MUFON has initiated an abduction Jersey: The Book Fund, 1969). I have Contact With UFOs (London: Sphere
experiencer referral relationship with also used a transcript of a 1977 Books, 1977).
interview with Coe by psychiatrist Dr 8. Good, 108.
the Organization for Paranormal
Berthold Schwarz. The Coe case is also 9. Good, 186-189.
Understanding and Support or OPUS. summarized in Timothy Good, Alien
When an individual calls MUFON to 10. Transcript of talk given by Phobol
Base. Cheng (ret) of the Cambodian UN
report an alien abduction experience, 2. Good, Timothy, Alien Base (London: delegation at the International UFO
the call is automatically routed to Century, 1998): 30-39. Congress, Laughlin, Nevada February
Lester Velez, who is not only 3. Menger, Howard, From Outer Space to 23, 1999, available at www.tjresearch.
MUFON’s Northern California You (Clarksburg WV: Saucerian Boooks, info/Phobal_plain_text.htm . This
Assistant State Director but is also the 1959). Good’s summary 177-196 includes endorsement must somehow be
OPUS Vice President. supporting testimony of witnesses. reconciled however with the devastating
The stated mission of OPUS, a 4. Adamski, George, Inside the Space and heavily-documented expose of the
Ships (London: Spearman, 1956). Good, Meier claims in Kal K. Korff, Spaceships
501(C)3 nonprofit organization, is: To
pp. 100-157 includes a useful of the Pleiades (Amherst, NY:
develop a network of people dedicated comprehensive bibliography. See also
to a better understanding of the overall Prometheus, 1995).
Lou Zinststag & Timothy Good, George 11. Castillo Rincon, Enrique, UFOs: A
nature of unusual/anomalous personal Adamski: The Untold Story Great New Dawn for Humanity (Nevada
experiences and to support those who (Beckenham, UK: Ceti, 1983). For a City CA: Blue Dolphin, 1997).
have them. skeptical, but still insightful, 12. Dr James W. Deardorff, “Possible
Such experiences may include examination of Adamski see Colin extraterrestrial strategy for earth,” Royal
extraordinary states of consciousness, Bennett, Looking for Orthon (Paraview Astronomical Quarterly Journal 27
fortean, spiritual, or parapsychological Press, 2001), although it seems clear that (March 1986): 94-101.
phenomenon, close encounters with the definitive biography of Adamski has 13. Good, 151.
yet to be written. Copyright 2007 by Warren T. Aston
non-human entities, and/or UFO
5. Fry, Daniel, To Men of Earth (Merlin Warren Aston is a researcher and
activity. OR: Merlin Publishing, 1973). See also
Through its educational services writer who divides his time between
Good 57-78, including details of an Australia and the U.S. He has been a UFO
and position of neutrality, OPUS apparently genuine UFO Fry researcher for more than 30 years and is a
provides a meeting ground for people photographed. former speaker at the annual MUFON
and groups of opposing and often 6. Stranges, Frank, The Stranger at the Symposium and at other conferences in
controversial views, in the hope that in Pentagon (Van Nuys: IEC, 1967). the U.S, UK and Australia.
working together we can further our
overall knowledge in these areas and
promote scientific research with the SGRA gives discounts to MUFON members
ultimate goal of helping humankind. To The Smoking Gun Research only package to the 9th Annual Paran-
that end, OPUS networks with many Agency (SGRA) has announced special ormal Conference (ParaCon) being
like-minded organizations such as John discounts for MUFON members for held June 9–10 in Milford, Connecti-
Mack Institute (JEMI), Budd Hopkins their newsletter and for their upcoming cut. The package includes an All-
and the Intruders Foundation, Dr. Leo conference, according to SGRA Access Pass to all ParaCon Special
Sprinkle and ACCET, (Academy of Director Jon Nowinski. Events, a ParaCon Program Book,
Clinical Close Encounters Therapists, MUFON Members can receive copy of the ParaCon Issue of The
Inc.), Yvonne Smith and CERO, 10% off a yearly subscription to the Dispatch, 15 raffle tickets, VIP
(Close Encounter Research SGRA monthly newsletter, The Dis- seating at the conference, and more.
Organization), and Dr. David Jacobs patch, in printed or electronic format. See conference ad on page 11.
and I.C.A.R., (International Center for MUFON Members who subscribe will For more information, contact Jon
Abduction Research). also receive a free gift. Nowinski at (203) 247-0310, or at
For more information on OPUS go MUFON members can also
to . receive a special MUFON Members-

10 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 11
60 Years Since Roswell Incident
March 8–Aug. 15—Alien Images: This summer’s Michael Heiser PhD,
UFOs, Photography and Belief. 13th Annual Roswell Tom Horn, Guy
Photographic Exhibit at Arizona State UFO Festival on Malone, Nick
University, Tempe, AZ. 480-965-6224. July 5–8 marks the Redfern, John; 60th anniversary of Rhodes, Peter the famous 1947 Robbins, Rob
Roswell UFO Simone and more.
June 9–10—ParaCon Conference. Crash Incident. For Attendees can
Milford, CT. See ad on page 11. the first time, the enjoy a new event
Contact Jon at 203-2247-0310 or at City of Roswell, New called “UFO-Spotting Website: Mexico, and several with your Favorite national sponsors are backing Researchers.” On July 5, 6 and
the event. This year’s 60th Anniver- 7, one hundred people each evening
July 5–8—60th Anniversary of the sary UFO Festival celebration is not to will go to a designated site north of
Roswell Incident, 2007 Roswell UFO be missed! Roswell to spend the night searching
Festival. Roswell Museum & Art The Roswell Incident went the sky for UFOs with world-famous
Center, Roswell, NM. Featuring dormant a few days after it occurred UFO researchers. They will enjoy a
Dennis Balthasar, Donald Burleson, and stayed that way for 31 years until gourmet dinner, drinks and snacks
PhD, Nicholas Redfern, Peter Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist throughout the night, and a full-service
Robbins, Guy Malone, Richard Dolan, and the original civilian researcher, breakfast before returning to Roswell.
John Greenewald Jr., Steven Bassett, interviewed the 1947 Roswell Army Attendees can view stars and planets
Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Dr. Roger Air Field Intelligence Officer, Major through the commercial 20" and 11"
Leir, John Rhodes, Adam GoRightly, Jesse Marcel. The story is so intrigu- telescopes on site, and can ask ques-
Greg Bishop, Paola Harris, Tom Horn, ing that hundreds of books and docu- tions of Peter Lipscomb, published
Rob Simone. 1-888-ROS-FEST mentaries have been produced about astrophotographer, stargazer and life- the Roswell Incident, and Roswell has long student of the sky. The deadline
become a UFO center. to sign up for this event is May 31st.
Aug. 10–12—MUFON International Walter Haut (the Roswell AAF Plenty of activities are planned: a
UFO Symposium. Marriott Denver Base PR officer) and Glenn Dennis spectacular 4th of July fireworks
Tech Center, Denver, CO. Theme: joined local businessman Max Littell to display; the world-famous Murphy
“An Estimate of the Situation: The found the International UFO Museum Bros. Exposition Carnival; musical
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.” Speakers: & Research Center in 1991, which entertainment by The Alan Parsons
Stanton Friedman, Richard Dolan, now draws over 150,000 visitors Project and 20 other national and
Kathleen Marden, John Greenewald, annually. regional bands; and appearances by
Sam Maranto, Timothy Good, Michael In 1997, for the 50th anniversary Dean Haglund (“Langley” from the X-
Nelson, Robert Salas, more. See celebration of the Roswell Incident, Files) and cartoonist Doug Ogg the population of Roswell almost introducing his new book.
doubled with Festival attendees plus For fun you can enjoy helicopter
October 27—Mysteries of Space & media from around the globe. Organiz- rides, hot-air balloon rides, the Alien
Sky IV, featuring Don Berliner, Rob ers promise the 60th Anniversary will Costume Contest, the annual night
and Sue Swiatek, Carl Feindt, and Dr. be even bigger and better. parade and invasion, Laser-Tag,
S. Peter Resta, near Annapolis, MD. Speakers coming for their first theatrical plays, running events, static
Contact Dr. Resta at 410-544-4927 X Roswell appearance include five air displays and about 30 more events.
8, or at researchers from Mexico, who will For up-to-date information about
give bilingual lectures. The over 30 the Festival, go to
Submissions for the July 2007 issue speakers include: Dennis Balthasar,
of the MUFON UFO Journal should Greg Bishop, Donald Burleson PhD, Submitted by Dennis G. Balthaser
reach us by May 25. Submit articles Stephen Bassett, Richard Dolan, Website:
to: Adam GoRightly, John Greenewald, Email:

12 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

Book Review
Valley of the Skookum—Four Years of Valley of the Skookum is a She also associated, apparently in
Encounters with Bigfoot by Sali Sheppard- personal account of the author’s four a dream state, with another Native
Wolford, Forward by Autumn Williams, years of experiences with the American, a spiritual guide she calls
2006, Pine Winds Press, Idyll Arbor, Inc.,creatures and the people who live Dream Walker, who showed her
P.O. Box 720, Ravensdale, WA 98022, ISBN along the Carbon River in a sparsely scenes from the past and provided
0-937663-11-56x9 soft cover, 286 pages, settled area of western Washington glimpses of the future.
$18.00. State in the 1970s. Thus this is an account which
Reviewed by Dwight Connelly Bigfoot—Skookum—comes features both the paranormal and the
Instances of UFOs appearing in across as frightening, due to its size, its more “normal,” including physical
conjunction with Bigfoot are rare, the strangeness, its disgusting odor, and its tracks left by Bigfoot and multiple
best example being the Oct. 25, 1973, habit of showing up near dwellings. sightings by former “non-believers,”
case in Fayette County, PA, investi- However, the author suggests that it is including the author’s husband.
gated by veteran researcher Stan more curious than dangerous. Tracks, The author’s daughter, Autumn,
Gordon. While there are no flying sightings and peculiar sounds suggest who wrote the Forward, was a small
saucers in this book by Sali Sheppard- it frequently observed the human child during the four years described in
Wolford, it does include strange balls of residents in the area. this book, but the events made such an
light—both near and far—plus The author feels she has a special impression on her that she has been a
numerous encounters with what the quality that enables her to relate to Bigfoot researcher for the past 17
Native Americans call Skookum. Skookum, although she was certainly years (
The author also tried to research a not the only person to see the Bigfoot She says that there are “two types
reported airplane crash related to a families. She is not a Native of witnesses to this phenomenon:
UFO, but discovered that the news- American, but has a strong affinity for incidental and long-term.” She
papers describing the event had mys- them, and became good friends with concludes that her time is better spent
teriously disappeared. Her research Youdi, a Native American lady who interviewing the long-term witnesses
also seemingly triggered an appearance taught her various crafts and helped “who, like my family, claimed ongoing
by Men in Black. her to understand Skookum. encounters near their residences.”

UFO Images Gallery UFOPOP Contains over 5,400 Images

In March 2007, the website The Merchandising Gallery now (Flying Saucers in has 1,600 ads, products, and promo-
Popular Culture) marked its second tional items which clearly show the
anniversary. extent to which UFO/Flying Saucer
The purpose of UFOPOP is to and alien imagery have permeated our
preserve and display images of UFOs culture.
and Flying Saucers as presented in the A Toy Gallery is under construc-
media of our “popular culture” tion, to be followed by a
including comic books, magazine and Miscellaneous Gallery for those things Saturday Evening MUFON UFO
book covers, advertising and products, which just don’t fit elsewhere. Post Journal # 173
toys and games, and more. If you are interested in UFOs, December 1966 July 1983
Beginning with a thousand comic Flying Saucers, popular culture,
book images, the site has grown to spacecraft artwork, or just want to Klotz and Les Treece-Sinclair.
over 5,400 images. stroll down memory lane, visit Klotz, a UFO researcher since 1959,
Over 1,300 books from 1950 to the . The site has served as the System Operator for the
present are pictured. The Magazine been written about in the Interna- Computer UFO Network. Treece-
Gallery includes images of over 1,362 tional UFO Reporter and Britain’s Sinclair became interested in UFOs in
magazine covers, from 1915 to the Fortean Times Magazine. 1957, and since then has collected
present—yes, the MUFON UFO New items are constantly being over 11,000 items on the subject.
Journal is included. added.The site was created by Jim
May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 13
By Stanton T. Friedman

On Petitions and Petitioners, and UFO Technology

Maybe I just have an aversion to Russia, China, India, Israel, Pakistan, If we have, why have we not used
signing UFO petitions. Perhaps I am Iran, etc. have no more incentive than these new super special vehicles in all
appalled by the incredible naivety and do U.S. researchers to release the wars we have been engaged in
Chutzpah of those circulating them. classified data. over the last 60 years? I don’t think
The most recent request for gathering The basic rule for security is that Christopher Columbus, if he had been
millions of one cannot tell one’s friends without given an unlimited budget and an SR
signatures telling one’s enemies. There are 71 or a nuclear submarine or a Saturn
comes from clearly a lot of enemies out there, or 5 rocket or my home computer, could
the Exopolitics why else is the United States spending have built any of these in 1493 or even
movement roughly half a trillion dollars per year 1893.
with a “World on things military? Does it really make Some people think that the reason
UFO sense to put any technological secrets for the rapid and incredibly extensive
Disclosure which have been obtained from study development of new technology since
Campaign.” of UFO behavior and wreckage out World War II must be the result of
Its aim is “To where the Osama Bin Ladens of the back engineering UFO technology. I
Have U.N. world can buy them? strongly disagree. I think the major
General Stanton Friedman Yes, I certainly agree with the reason has been the huge expenditures
Assembly to petitioners that “it is a well established of money (and people) in advanced R
hold open and secrecy-free hearings fact that UFOs are a world-wide and D programs—many of them, at
on the UFO/ET presence on Earth. phenomenon.” For decades I have least temporarily, black budget
And to hold open hearings on been demonstrating that the subject of programs.
advanced energy and propulsion flying saucers represents a kind of People are shocked when I point
systems related to the subject that, Cosmic Watergate, and indeed that out that the General Electric Aircraft
when publicly released, will provide some few people within the US and Nuclear Propulsion program on which
solutions to global environmental and other governments know that Earth is I worked from 1956-1959 had a 1958
other challenges.” being visited. I have also noted that I budget of $100 million. We employed
Since when did the U.N. General did not believe new technical data 3,500 people of whom 1,100 were
Assembly have any power to compel should be put out that is readily engineers and scientists. We also took
testimony from individuals covered by accessible to terrorists, petty dictators advantage of government-owned
national security arrangements? I and other “bad guys.” If we have facilities and equipment and of
worked under security for 14 years for learned new techniques for tracking government-supplied enriched
several companies working on alien invaders in our skies, should they uranium; and, so far as I have been
government-sponsored classified be shared with countries who would able to tell, there are no nuclear-
research and development programs. use them to detect and track our powered airplanes flying around even
There was certainly not the slightest military aircraft responding to an though we actually did operate jet
indication that the U.N. had a role in attack? engines on nuclear power.
determining whether or not I could Many people seem to believe. . . The annual black budget is
reveal classified information. variously estimated at 30-50 billion
Has some magic event occurred I have found that many people
dollars. The three nuclear weapons
that would cause national governments seem to believe—since we have
labs employ more than 20,000 people
to abandon all security? It is precisely wreckage from Roswell and other
in total and spend over $3 billion per
advanced propulsion systems with crashes of alien craft—that we have
year. That is more than the total
which I was concerned. Surely necessarily learned out to duplicate the
budget of the National Science
researchers in the U.K., France, craft. I have seen no evidence of that.
Foundation. Other countries such as

14 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

Friedman: Does the US Have UFO Technology?
Continued from page 14
Russia and China have large classified of the atomic bomb wasn’t the theory, involved in Roswell, or other events
development programs. There was but obtaining plutonium and enriching prior to 1950, to speak without
never a time before WWII when so uranium. At one time the Manhattan penalty? After all, the USAF has
much money, effort and resources Project was using almost 10% of the persistently claimed that no UFO
were devoted to developing advanced electrical power in the United States reported, evaluated or investigated by
military and other technology. UFOs to provide enriched uranium. the US Air Force gives any threat to
certainly might have stimulated a It would, for example, be useful to National Security. They have also
variety of research programs. develop more efficient refrigerators, claimed that what was recovered near
but how could people afford to replace Roswell in July, 1947, was not an alien
No evidence we are using UFO
the old ones? The sun and wind are spacecraft. How could they prosecute
free but they are not available all the anybody for talking about a Mogul
I am, of course, not saying that we time and the converters are definitely Balloon and crash test dummies?
and other countries haven’t learned not free. The United States has Speaking of Roswell, 60 years
anything of interest from studying both certainly not shown a great will to after the event, another petition that I
wreckage and measurements of flight build more nuclear power plants to didn’t sign was one distributed by
characteristics on board satellites and replace burning fossil fuels in a hurry. Airline Pilot Kent Jeffrey a number of
aircraft chasing UFOs. I suggest some China plans to build about thirty. years ago after he had become
examples in my book Top Secret/ Furthermore, have we really worked convinced that Roswell represented
Majic. But where is there any hard at improving the rail systems of the crash of an alien spacecraft. Of
evidence of any sort that we have the country? course, he became disillusioned, partly
come up with solutions—now being Perhaps I should add that I was because he had bought into the false
covered up—that will provide solutions one of a number of scientists who testimony of the late Frank Kaufmann
to global environment and other presented papers about UFOs at the that Roswell was real. Unfortunately,
challenges?? General Assembly of the United he pulled a bait and switch. He spoke
The Disclosure Project has Nations in 1978. We were very well about Roswell, but the petition was to
frequently claimed that, in effect, the received. The primary purpose as get the government to release any and
secret of free energy has been introduced by Eric Gairy of Granada all UFO information it had, rather than
obtained from study of UFOs. was to have the UN establish a just about Roswell. Understandably
Certainly I have seen no such central clearing house for UFO Kent never had a security clearance.
evidence. For example, if we have reports from all over the world. There Again this would include any technical
learned to build and operate a was interest, but the United States put data that had been obtained. I didn’t
magnetoaerodynamic propulsion the kibosh on that. Certainly there then and don’t now think such data
system that works by ionizing the air were no presentations by anybody of should be out there. I didn’t sign his
around a craft in the atmosphere and classified government data from the petition despite my strong conviction
interacting with that electrically US or anywhere else. that indeed the US government
conducting fluid to create lift, drag, recovered two crashed flying saucers
prevention of sonic boom production, More helpful to release the data
in New Mexico in July, 1947, as
heating, etc., without using fossil fuels, I think it would be far more reported in “Crash at Corona.”
why weren’t such systems used in productive to push the US government The exopolitical types claim in
recent wars? The Stealth Fighter was to release all the data it has on UFO their request for signatures that “We
developed in secret at great cost… sightings that could effect National should all together concentrate our
and was used in the Gulf War. Security, but that, according to General efforts on one goal: to bring the truth
Remember, it isn’t enough to Carroll Bolender in his memo of 1969, about the UFO phenomenon to light.”
determine theoretically how advanced were not part of the Blue Book That sounds good. What does it
systems for atmospheric flight and System, but were reported under Joint mean? Who decides what is truth? I
interstellar travel (almost certainly two Army Navy Air Force Publication 146 know that the movement people seem
different systems) might work, but the or Air Force Manual 55-11. How to have accepted every whistleblower
theory must be reduced to practice. about pushing for amnesty to allow tale that has come out.
The hard part about the development military persons who had been
Continued on page 20
May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 15
By Ted Phillips

New Research Sites

The past several columns have Thomas Ferrario—
described in some detail the Moon- Missouri MUFON
shaft Artifact and Structure located in Assistant Director of
northeastern Slovakia. After 37 years Investigations. He has
of research you might imagine the file been an independent
is thick; it is. My Polish and Slovakian investigator and re-
friends and I have located information searcher for over 35
which begins to shed some light on years, and is the Co-
possible origins and possible connec- Founder of the MUFON
tions to other events dating back Dive Team along with
beyond 1663. Debbie Ziegelmeyer.
New information is being checked Adam Johnson—
at this time and updates will be given MUFON Field Investiga-
in this column as the information is tor and Missouri MUFON Ted Phillips and Tom Ferrario at Marley Site
confirmed credible. Assistant State Director for Public Certification in Electronic Engineering.
I have two new web sites. The Information. Adam has researched the The SIU Journal will be updated
first site,, deals UFO phenomenon for over ten years. as investigations are conducted. The
with cases from the Center for He is a student at St. Charles Commu- current SIU activity is posted on the
Physical Trace Research files, the nity College in St. Louis. site often. Both
Slovakian Artifact, and the Special Ted Phillips—Director of the sites are under construction on a daily
Investigation Unit (SIU), a new Center for Physical Trace Research. basis so please check them.
project within CPTR. Ted is Missouri MUFON Director of The team is currently investigating
The other site, moonshaftartifact. Investigations, and has investigated two sites of ongoing activity. Full
com, will contain the history of the UFO landing cases for the past 39 reports will be submitted to MUFON
project and will be updated as addi- years. on a regular basis and updated on the
tional information can be released. My Debbie Ziegelmeyer—Missouri web site and in this column.
goal is to report by electronic journal MUFON State Section Director for Site One, designated as Marley
the next expedition when funds Jefferson and St. Genevieve Counties. Woods, is located in Missouri. Names
become available. Individuals will be She is the Co-Founder of the MUFON and locations are on file but not
able to “go along” on the expedition Dive Team. Deb is a PADI Assistant released at the request of the wit-
via our daily reports to the journal, Instructor and YMCA Dive Master nesses. I have been investigating these
along with digital images and video. for Scuba Shop USA in St. Louis. many sightings of aerial and ground
Special Investigations Unit Chuck Zukowski—Chuck lives events since December 1998. From
in Colorado Springs, CO and is a this small rural area, I have on file
The Special Investigation Unit is a
Senior Mask Design Engineering over 400 reported events from 184
team of five with the primary objective
Consultant with over 20 years of MIX witnesses. Videos and still images
of inserting itself into areas of devel-
Signal Microchip design. He has a have been taken of aerial displays,
oping activity. The team is composed
Bachelors degree in Business, and a physical traces, cattle mutilations, just
16 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007
Phillips: Puerto Rican Airport Employee Reports
New Research Sites UFO Sighting over Control Tower
about everything except humanoid Date: Since early 2007. Cases they’ve been told not to speak for fear
sightings. reported in March 2007 of dismissal).
Observations this year, as of April The triangular UFO impresses the
25, 2007, took place on the following Location: Luis Munoz Marin
International Airport, Carolina, P.R. witness greatly for its size, shape and
dates, all observed by witnesses. brightness. When he realized that, at
January 2, 3, 4, and 25 - all aerial. Time: Daylight hours; at night the time that his sightings usually
March 1, 5, 7, 22 - all aerial. between 8:20 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. occur, there is also a scheduled
April 16 - two observations, both Witness: Airport worker (The American Eagle flight at 8:20 pm
aerial. pseudonym “Mr. Rodriguez” is used toward Vieques, he decided to board
Tom Ferrario and I were at the here, as the witness is fearful of being this flight with a skeptical friend to see
site on March 23 collecting informa- dismissed should his real name the object more closely and to get his
tion, but we had no sightings at the become known.) friend to believe him.
time. Rodriguez says that as the
Evidence: None
Site Two, designated as WM, is American Eagle flight gained altitude,
located in Arkansas. Witnesses Brief Description of Object: Round
it was necessary to look toward Route
request that no names or locations be light larger than an airplane, very
#3, as this is where the light appears
released, although all are on file. In bright; other lights of greater intensity
to emerge from, toward the beach
this area small circular objects have and size, white in color, triangle
area. The UFO approached the plane
been seen and photographed in shaped.
sufficiently [for him to realize] that it
daylight and at night. The objects Summary: Mr. Rodriguez was larger than the airliner. It then
appear bright metallic in daylight, (pseudonym) works at one of the made a U-turn, heading toward
glowing a dull orange at night. airport’s offices. He has a view of the Fajardo, and then Vieques, as though
In a typical daylight observation, new airport control tower from his heading for nearby islands. Rodriguez
multiple witnesses photographed a window, as well as of El Yunque and says that he alerted all of the passen-
small metallic object leaving what other landmarks. Rodriguez claims gers and asked the co-pilot about the
appears to be a pulsing trail. The that this year, some lights have been strange light. The pilot replied [in
photograph clearly shows the object seen hovering over the new tower, English]: “Forget about it,” which led
making a right-angle turn from vertical remaining static and then disappearing. Rodriguez to believe that the pilots are
to horizontal. The objects have been These lights are either white or red in forbidden to discuss what is going on,
seen flying from the primary location color (Note: researcher Ana Rios has or else did not want to alarm them.
at altitudes of less than 100 feet, seen lights similar to those described
Comments: Rodriguez wants a group
making several right-angle turns. In by Mr. Rodriguez from her apartment
of researchers to go with cameras and
one case a small circular object landed in Isla Verde, and which appear to be
turn them on as soon as the passenger
less than 300 feet from two witnesses triangular when making a turn).
plane gains altitude, focusing them on
in daylight. It remained on the ground Rodriguez also claims to see a
Route #3 and El Yunque in order to
for several minutes and then vanished very large, powerful light between
record it. He added that the same
instantly. 8:20–8:30 PM, white and triangular
event happened on the return trip from
Currently we are investigating two shaped. He compares this light to the
Vieques to San Juan.
April 2007 cases from southwest brightness of an airliner belonging to
Report forwarded to MUFON by John
Missouri and central Missouri; one San Martin Air, adding that the UFO’s Schuessler
involves video of multiple light sources light is even stronger than the lights on Incident reported to: Lucy Guzman,
and repeat sightings. These are also this aircraft. He says that whenever Ovni.Net.
multiple witness events involving very he’s with a customer and sees the Sources: ,
credible individuals. lights, he points them out and they too
I can be contacted by email at are startled. When he makes inquiries Translation (c) 2007, Scott Corrales, IHU if you among pilots, they always say they’ve
have questions or information. seen nothing at all. (He believes program/

May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 17

Filer’s Files
By George Filer
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Note: These reports are presented in

order to keep readers informed of some of the than anything I have ever seen.” A triangle and one by one they turned on
vast number of sightings being reported.
However, these cases have not been officially
week later he saw something again. with multicolored lights in the middle.
investigated, unless noted. He said he turned away and looked The first object was hovering in one
back and it was still there, hovering spot and was pretty low to the ground
K Illinois Hovering Red Light just to the left of the Taconic trail and too, maybe five hundred feet above
ALGONQUIN—I was running on a the “trees lit up green.” He watched the trees! We kept driving and I could
Thursday night to see if it would take off again but it see it was still there. Then we saw
April 5, 2007 at never did. “It was unnerving this time. another object in the shape of a cross
around 8:30 PM, it I could tell it was red and green lights with a glowing light on each end. It
was cold but clear blinking. With my binoculars, I could looked like a big box was on top of it,
and I saw a red see the lights but couldn’t see the and it had two weird flashing lights
light hovering in shape.” Thanks to Christopher with abnormally large white lights on
the distance about Montgomery, Editor-in-Chief http:// the ends of the cross.
1000 feet in This object was also hovering and
height. I stopped Michigan Cylinder did not move from the spot it was in!
running for a When we passed by I looked back and
moment [to Pattie Donahue writes, “My I saw both of the objects still in the
George Filer daughter and I observed a white
watch]. It was same place above the highway. At
bright and had a humming sound. It tubular/cigar-shaped object on many 8:45 PM, near our destination I could
dropped something out of it, a light or different dates, times, and locations. I see two really bright lights with a third
a probe-like thing. It went to the would be outside, when I would get object coming towards us. So there
ground and seemed to go underground, the very clear familiar feeling/thought was a total of three craft. We arrived
then the craft dimmed in light and to “Look Up,” and there would be a at our friends house but they had not
moved to the left very fast and made a white tubular cigar-shaped object just seen anything. After three hours we
quick turn straight up almost an instant sitting there in the sky. It would drove back on the same highway and
90 degree turn. I know an airplane always be no more than maybe 3-4 saw three bright blue objects in
cannot do this. I felt like I was being stories above me. The first few times different parts of the sky. Thanks to
watched, so I continued running and it would just sit there for ten seconds, MUFON CMS
went home. Was this a meteor, UFO then just vanish, disappear. I never had
time to run in and get my camera. Montana Orange Lights
or what? Please let me know because
a lot of people around here are seeing Other times, I would look up, it would HAVRE—My daughter was driving
things but they are too embarrassed to be just sitting there, suddenly start home shortly after dark on April 12,
admit it. Thanks to MUFON CMS moving, then vanish into thin air.” 2007, from her boyfriend’s ranch in
Minnesota One Triangle and the the Bears Paw Mountains outside of
Massachusetts Trees Lit Up Havre, when she noticed an unusual
Green Other Cross
light in the sky. She said the color was
WILLIAMSTOWN—The reporter EDEN PRAIRIE—My friend and I fire like orange and very bright. She
states: “I was hunting coyotes at 6:00 were driving almost to Apple Valley on pulled the truck up and watched it as it
AM on April 13, 2007, when I glanced Highway 77, around 8:30 pm, on April split into two orange lights. One flew
to my left and saw a bright white 8, 2007, and we looked up and saw away and then flew quickly back
object hovering halfway up the lights. The three lights on the corners together and joined the one it had left.
mountain. Five minutes later it moved of this UFO looked like a plane at first, She said the head lights, and the
left slowly and then took off, faster but when we got closer it was a weird dashboard lights went out, but she said

18 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

Filer’s Files
Continued from page 18 just sitting there bigger than the house
triangular configuration. The three
the music on the CD player kept lights were followed by a red light (at it was rotating above. Then it looked
playing. She came home hysterical, times). The light configuration (object) like the sun was shining off it and it
shaking, crying and scared. She is a moved erratically side to side and was gone.
brave girl when rafting and hunting made a few circles. The witness MEXICO: Cross shaped UFO
grizzly bears. She isn’t the hysterical heard no sound and observed the videotaped
kind. I’m kind of a UFO buff after object for about 5 minutes. The object
then shot off rapidly to the south and TEPEXPAN—On Good Friday, April 6,
having many sightings in my life, but
disappeared. Jupiter was visible in the Mr. Victor Gabriel Gonzalez managed
she always treats me like I’m weird.
southwest at the time of sighting. to record the transit of several
Well, now this is her third sighting, but
Investigator’s Notes: The witness unidentified flying objects. Several
the only one so close up and while she
was quite excited by what he saw. He spheres crossed the sky at two
was alone. She was scared! Thanks to
said that he routinely looks at the sky o’clock in the afternoon, heading
when he gets up in the morning. He at south. Later a large cross-shaped
TROUT LAKE—James Gilliland
once noticed the bright light. I don’t object approached and slowed but
writes, “On Tuesday April 10, 2007
think that the sighting was the result of increased its glow, before heading
from 9:30 to 10:45 PM, anomalous
Jupiter given what the witness toward the sun, where it was lost from
lights were spotted all crossing the
reported. Given available information I sight. Therefore, both Victor and Ana
same point near the handle of the Big
have no explanation of what the Luisa Cid prefer to remain objective
Dipper. According to Heavens-Above
witness saw. Thanks to Bill Pluckett and present the material as a possible
satellite and space station schedules
UFOs Northwest. UFO, without ascribing religious or
there was only one iridium flare
fantastic connotations to it. Thanks to
scheduled for the evening. One of the Canada Sightings Increase Inexplicata The Journal of Hispanic
ships fired a beam which lit up an
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario—On March Ufology (Translation (c) 2007, Scott
object near the handle of the Big
30, 2007, I went out to smoke in the Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana
Dipper causing it to disappear. There
balcony at around 4 AM, and noticed a Luisa Cid and Victor G. González.)
were what looked like two military jets
lighted flying object approaching my
which vectored in on the same area on
apartment building from the
the same course of two of the larger
southwest. As it flew nearer I saw
UFOs. One of the ships powered up
one bright white light. It turned left
just in front of the jet and there is no
and remained in one position for about
way the pilot could have missed it.
15 minutes. I woke up my wife to
Most of this was caught on film, all but
witness this peculiar object. We both
the beam due to not showing up in the
could clearly see a flying saucer with
view finder. We are still working on
three beams of light emitting from its
the technology and expertise to
base. My 11-year-old daughter also
capture the footage and send it out on
woke up, and saw the object swinging
the net. I would suggest going out over
left, then right. It zoomed up with its
the next few days and watch the
light fading above the clouds. It flew
handle of the Big Dipper for your own
back to its original position, and stayed
personal experience. Something very
glued till 6 AM when it again shot
strange is unfolding there. Thanks to
upwards above the clouds.
James Gilliland
GRIMSBY, Ontario—I was driving
Texas Three Lights in Triangular home from Grimsby on Thursday or
Shape Friday evening March 29 or 30, 2007, MUFON Members
SLOCUM—About 130 Miles east- when I chanced to glance to the north
southeast of Dallas, the witness was of the QEW Highway and saw a Message Board
outside “star gazing” and saw a bright metallic floating object about five
light towards the southwest on April meters above a house by the lake. It
was not what I expected, as it looked Password: Hynek1947
11, 2007, at 5:10 AM. The light went
like a rotating metal fly strip. It was (case sensitive)
out and then three lights appeared in a
May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 19
Friedman: On Petitioners, UFO Technology
Continued from page 15
Their willingness to accept copies of any of the eight diplomas there, but only at Pierce Junior
everything—without evidence—is they supposedly have between them. College, near LA where Bob was
based on the strange notion that, The legal counsel at MIT assured me indeed in one of his courses at the
because the government is all- that it is not possible to wipe out all same time when he was supposedly at
powerful and is covering up UFOs, it records of an individual who had a MIT 2,500 miles away! Somehow the
would, of course, cover up all degree from there. Furthermore MIT forces of evil missed that one.
substantiation of educational and other doesn’t admit people from high school I suspect many people will sign
records for people like Robert Lazar who finished in the bottom third of the petitions. I certainly won’t be one
and the late Michael Wolf who their class and had only one science of them.
supposedly had six degrees in Physics, course, as was the case for Lazar. Stan Friedman
Law, Medicine, ad nauseum. Their The physicist he claimed would
claims are definitely phony. Kind of remember him from California
amazing that neither could provide Institute of Technology never taught

Letter to the Editor We have checked our sources

Dear Editor, and the rank of Sergeant Major in
Regarding the April 2007 Journal the article was an error, as this is a
article on the Cisco Grove Bow & Ar- rank used in the U.S. Army. There is
row case from 1964. a Master Sergeant E7 that is equiva-
On page 5 it states that declassified lent to a Sergeant Major. The Air
Blue Book documents detail [that] Don Force official that interviewed the
and Judy Shrum were interviewed by Air Shrums was a sergeant. Incidentally,
Force Captain McCloud and Sgt. Major Judy Shrum’s father was a Senior
Barnes. This got my attention because Master Sergeant in the USAF.
the USAF has no such rank. A Sgt. Major Two more corrections:
is grade E-9 in the U.S. Army. The date of the Donald Shrum
The article also mentions an episode experience in the Journal is incorrect.
of the 1977-78 NBC program about Air Donald Shrum’s experience occurred
Force Blue Book investigations. The on September 4-5, 1964. In the his-
correct name of the program was tory of this case, the actual date was
Project UFO, not Project Blue Book. questioned and clarified early on.
James E. Delehanty, USAF (Ret.) The Journal also states the Shrum
Jeffersonville, Indiana family never met personally with
Leave a Legacy
NICAP/later MUFON Chief Investiga- to MUFON
Author Steve Reichmuth responds to tor Paul Cerny. [In fact, they] never
Mr. Delehanty’s comments. met personally with [Investigator] Allow your work to live on. . .
Thank you to Mr. Delehanty, Richard Hall, but the Shrum family
USAF (Ret.) for kindly pointing out were in personal contact with the late Please remember MUFON in your
these issues. I wish to express some Paul Cerny many times. They had de- will. In addition to monetary bequests,
disappointment and concern that cer- veloped a close trust. Mr. Cerny’s in- you can also donate your UFO case
tain points of my article as edited may volvement should be praised in his files, books, periodicals, etc. Don’t let
have created some confusion. objectivity, attention to detail, and the your valuable research end up at a
The correct title of the 1970s tele- great amount of time over his life that flea market or estate sale.
vision series that highlighted the he devoted to this particular case,
Shrum case in one series episode was important in the history of ufology.
Please contact MUFON HQ at 970-
indeed called Project UFO, not Respectfully, Steven Reichmuth
221-1836 for more information.
Project Blue Book. SSD- MUFON - Northern California

20 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

Field Investigator’s Corner
by Chuck Reever Rank State Director Weighted Assigned Completed
MUFON Director of Investigations Rank (50/50)
1 Texas Kenneth E. Cherry 91 % 42/51 35/35
Each month we publish the CMS 2 Kansas Tracey C. Smith 90 % 9/11 10/10
3 New Mexico Donald R. Burleson 87 % 20/27 20/20
Ranking Report for all State Directors. 4 Florida Bland Pugh 86 % 45/61 72/72
Congratulations to Kenneth E. Cherry 5 South Carolina Cheryl Ann Gilmore 83 % 2/3 5/5
6 Iowa Jim King 80 % 3/5 1/1
(Texas), Tracey C. Smith (Kansas), 7 Oklahoma Charles L. Pine 75 % 5/10 11/11
Donald R. Burleson (New Mexico) for 8 Georgia Walter Sheets 73 % 10/19 20/21
being 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in the 9 Illinois Samuel Maranto 65 % 20/47 31/35
10 California Georgeanne Cifarelli 65 % 53/78 42/66
month of April. 11 Wisconsin David J. Watson 63 % 9/14 5/8
The report is based on our two 12 Oregon Thomas Bowden 61 % 27/39 12/22
13 Washington Laurence Childs 60 % 12/24 14/20
measures of UFO Investigation 14 Utah Elaine Douglass / 56 % 3/6 5/8
effectiveness. Assigning reports within Ronald Regehr
15 North Carolina James (Jim) Sutton, Sr. 53 % 1/13 26/26
48 hours of receipt, and completing all 16 Tennessee Kim Shaffer 53 % 7/20 13/18
17 Nevada Mark Easter 52 % 7/24 21/28
investigations within 60 days of being 18 Delaware Ralph P. Flegal 50 % 0/1 1/1
assigned. The “Assigned” column is a 19 Nebraska John C. Kasher 50 % 0/4 5/5
20 Hawaii Puuloa M. Teves 50 % 0/6 6/6
six month running average of the 21 Massachusetts Greg S. Berghorn 50 % 0/19 13/13
number of cases assigned within 48 22 New Jersey George A. Filer, III 46 % 8/19 7/14
23 Colorado Leslie H. Varnicle 42 % 30/42 7/49
hours divided by the total number of 24 Michigan William J. Konkolesky 38 % 7/49 35/56
cases received in that six month 25 California Ruben J. Uriarte 28 % 16/53 12/45
26 Minnesota Richard D. Moss 27 % 0/14 6/11
period. The “Completed” column is 27 Vermont Dan Lavilette 25 % 2/4 0/6
28 Maryland Bruce S. Maccabee 20 % 0/12 5/12
the number of cases completed 29 Indiana Jerry L. Sievers 20 % 4/29 6/22
beginning sixty-two (62) days back 30 Washington Gerald E. Rolwes 20 % 1/6 1/4
31 New York James G. Bouck, Jr. 13 % 8/34 1/28
and going back six months from there 32 Alaska J. Glen Harper 12 % 1/4 0/1
(for a total of eight months back) 33 Wyoming Richard Beckwith 12 % 0/3 1/4
34 Arkansas Norman D. Walker 12 % 0/5 1/4
divided by the total number of cases 35 New Hampshire Peter R. Geremia 12 % 2/8 0/11
36 Connecticut Anastasia Wietrzychowska 8% 0/9 1/6
reported in the same period. The 37 Virginia Susan L. Swiatek 3% 0/15 1/14
“Weighted Rank” is just the average 38 Rhode Island Janet L. Bucci 0% 0/6 0/3
39 Missouri Bruce A. Widaman 0% 0/23 0/17
of the two columns expressed as a 40 Ohio William Edward Jones 0% 0/35 0/31
percent. 41 Montana Jeff W. Goodrich 0% 0/4 0/5
42 Idaho Robert Gates 0% 0/2 0/4
State Directors can improve their 43 North Carolina George E. Lund, III 0% 0/10 0/11
scores by being sure to assign all 44 Alabama William H. Weeks 0% 0/8 0/6
45 Pennsylvania Wayne G. Gracey 0% 0/22 0/20
cases within 48 hours, and by follow- 46 Kentucky Earle T. Benezet 0% 0/14 0/9
47 Arizona George C. Parks 0% 0/40 0/28
ing up with their Field Investigators to
48 North Dakota Jeffrey L. Wachter 0% 0/2 0/2
ensure all reports are completed within
60 days. To be considered complete a
report must have been investigated MUFON
and placed in one of the three com- Field Investigators Manual
pleted status codes (Unknown, Hoax
or IFO) by you the State Director.
If you have any questions or need
The official Mutual UFO Network
help with your investigations please guidelines for in-depth
contact Chuck Reever at 530-414- UFO investigation
4341 or 530-582-8339 or via e-mail at Price includes shipping and handling: Member U.S. or Canada: $28.50
Non-Member U.S. or Canada $38.50
Member Foreign: $49.50
Non-Member Foreign: $59.50

Order online at:

May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 21

MUFON Director’s Message Field Report—Bethpage
Continued from page 2 Continued from page 6
The MUFON Pandora Project is page after you make changes. possible taking off point for the jets,
still going strong. Recently MUFON but the airstrips are no longer in use as
New HQ Phone System
converted to electronic format all of the Grumman headquarters in Bethpage
the authentic government documents MUFON has a new phone no longer exists. The airstrips have long
and MJ-12 related files from the system. When you call the new phone since been overgrown with vegetation,
MUFON archives. We will next scan number at 888-817-2220, a voice preventing their usage even if the
the special collections in our archives response system will provide options to Grumman headquarters was still active.
including crop circles, Roswell, etc. All have your phone call directed to the The initial take off point of the jet
MUFON State Directors or their appropriate person. fighters remains a mystery, as does
their purpose and ultimate destination,
designated representatives attending Position Announcements and so one can only theorize that there
the August MUFON Symposium will
Lin Simpson has been appointed are hidden airstrips somewhere that are
receive a computer CD with all the
as the MUFON Director of Special enabling the jets to take off in the area.
historical cases for their states. The
Projects. Conclusions: After speaking to the
CD will only be given out in the State
New State Directors: Tracey witnesses and analyzing the informa-
Director’s meeting held on the first
Smith is the new Kansas State tion, I feel that this is an authentic UFO
day of the Symposium.
Director. Michael Sandras is the new case, as no conventional explanation
Speaking of the Symposium,
Louisiana State Director. could be reached regarding the identity
MUFON will be sponsoring a special
New Assistant State Directors: of the two objects. Any kind of known
exhibit on the McMinnville, Oregon meteorological phenomena can be
Thomas H. Nicholl, Kansas, John
UFO photos. On display will be copies safely ruled out, as the objects did not
Skare, Kansas, Steve Hudgeons,
of the original photo negatives taken by remain stationary in the sky but flew in
North Texas
Paul Trent in 1950. a straight path over the house of the
State Section Directors: George
Also, George Knapp is now main witness. Any explanation of
Parks, Arizona State Director reports
confirmed as the Symposium banquet meteors or comets can be discounted,
the passing of State Section Director
keynote speaker and will be speaking as the reported UFOs bore no resem-
Ken Kerber. Ken was a dedicated
about his experiences at the Bigelow blance to either of those natural
MUFON member and he will be
Ranch that was the subject of the phenomena, and there was no “tail”
book Hunt for the Skinwalker. George reported as would be expected from a
is a delightful and humorous speaker New Field Investigators meteor.
and we are looking forward to hosting Chuck Reever, MUFON’s Director It is highly unlikely that the objects
him as well as all of our other excellent of Investigations is pleased to announce were any conventional aircraft due to
speakers at the Symposium. that the following MUFON members the descriptions that were given.There
is the possibility that the two UFOs
Administrative Matters have passed their field investigator
were blimps of some kind, but it would
exam and are now MUFON Certified
Attention State Directors, Assis- probably be safe to rule it out. While
Field Investigators: Ronald Zack of
tant State Directors, State Section there is always the possibility of a hoax
Tucson, AZ, Douglas Wilson of or delusion, all of the witnesses
Directors and Field Investigators:
Denver, CO, Connie Isele of Divide, appeared to be psychologically stable
Make sure you update your CMS
CO, Anthony Gosser of Fruita, CO, and honest. If it was a hoax being
profile at with
George Chance of Muncie, IN, played on them, then it would be one of
your latest contact information. It is
Joseph Di Eduardo of Wildwood immense complexity, and isn’t very
especially important that we always
Crest, NJ, Doug Hartley of Hillsboro, likely. As far as any possible additional
have your current email address so
OR, Sigmund Witkowski of Denver, witnesses, I phoned Republic Airport
you can be notified when new UFO
PA, Eddie Middleton of Memphis, and inquired about any reported UFO
reports are made in your area of
TN, and Les Paul Beard of Oak sightings, receiving a negative, and
responsibility. To change your contact
Ridge, TN. called the Bethpage Police Department
information, log on to CMS at and received the same answer from
Bill Konkolesky, Michigan State and click on them, so the identity of the pilot in the
Director has appointed Sunny Young
“Edit My Profile” at the top of the private plane remains a mystery, as
as the new Michigan MUFON Chief
screen. Make sure you click the does the identities of anyone else who
“Save” button at the bottom of the might have also witnessed the objects.
22 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007
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For advertising, contact James Carrion at Blvd., Suite #104-373, Firestone, CO 80505-6427. 303-, 888-817-2220. 651-7136. Web store:

May 2007 MUFON UFO Journal 23

The Night Sky
By Gavin A. J. McLeod

June 2007 Sky

Moon Phases:
Full Moon—June 1st
Last Quarter—June 8th
New Moon—June 15th
First Quarter—June 22nd
Bright Planets (Evening Sky)
Mercury (magnitude 0.4 to 3.7).
In Gemini. For northern and southern
hemisphere observers Mercury will
begin the month well above the west-
northwest horizon but will descend into
the glare of the Sun as the month
Venus (magnitude -4.1 to -4.2).
Moving from Gemini through Cancer
to Leo. For northern hemisphere
observers Venus will be easily ob- After Sunset on June 30, 2007
served shining brightly high above the
western horizon at sunset. For south- Bright Planets (Morning Sky) June 18: Saturn 0.4 degrees south
ern hemisphere observers Venus will Mars (magnitude 0.8). Moving of the Moon
be easily observed shining brightly high from Pisces into Aries. For northern June 28: Antares 0.5 degrees north
above the northwest horizon at sunset. hemisphere observers Mars will rise of the Moon
Jupiter (magnitude -2.6). In above the eastern horizon about 2 ½ June 30: Saturn 0.5 degrees north
Ophiuchus. For northern and southern hours before the Sun and will be high of Venus
hemisphere observers Jupiter will rise above the east-southeast horizon as
above the east-southeast horizon as the Sun rises. For southern hemi-
the Sun sets and will descend below sphere observers Mars will rise above
the west-southwest horizon as the Sun the eastern horizon about 3 hours
rises. before the Sun and will be very high
Saturn (magnitude 0.5). In Leo. above the northeast horizon as the Sun
For northern hemisphere observers rises.
Saturn will be very high in the west- Other Celestial Phenomena
northwest at sunset and will set about
4 ½ after the Sun at the beginning of June 21st will mark the Summer
the month and 2 ½ hours after the Sun Solstice (beginning of summer).
at the end of the month. For southern Planetary Conjunction
hemisphere observers Saturn will be Conjunction of Venus and Saturn
very high in the north-northwest at
sunset and will set about 5 hours after Conjunctions and Occultations:
the Sun at the beginning of the month June 1: Antares 0.4 degrees north
and 3 hours after the Sun at the end of of the Moon
the month. June 18: Venus 0.6 degrees south
of the Moon

24 MUFON UFO Journal May 2007

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