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Mufon Ufo Journal

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The document discusses the history and leadership of the MUFON UFO Journal publication over the past 17 years.

The publication focuses on reporting on UFO sightings and investigations. It also discusses UFO related news and events.

This issue, number 200, is celebrating 17 years of the publication and highlighting past editors and their contributions.



Founded 1967 $1.50



By Hilard Evans
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
The December 1984 edition marks the two hundredth issue of
103 Oldtowne Rd. SKYLOOK and the MUFON UFO JOURNAL, since its founding in
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 September 1967. Starting as a five page mimeographed newsletter,
SKYLOOK gradually expanded to a twenty-page monthly magazine
DENNIS W. STACY under the leadership of its editor, Mrs. Norma E. Short. After
Editor nurturing SKYLOOK from its inception, Mrs. Short relinquished
WALTER H. ANDRUS, JR. the editorship with her last issue number 74 in January 1974.
International Director and SKYLOOK, The UFO Monthly, adopted a more professional
Associate Editor magazine appearance with the February 1974 issue when Dwight
THOMAS P. DEULEY Connelly became editor and publisher. Under Dwight's direction,
Art Director SKYLOOK was recognized as one of the leading monthly UFO
MILDRED BIESELE publications.
Contributing Editor With the June 1976 edition, the name of the magazine was
ANN DRUFFEL changed to the MUFON UFO JOURNAL to better identify the
Contributing Editor purposes and work of the Mutual UFO Network under Dennis W.
Hauck as editor. Typesetting of the Journal at this time further
TED BLOECHER upgraded the caliber of our publication. Mr. Hauck turned the reigns
of editorship over to Richard H. Hall after the August 1977 issue
Humanoid Study Group number 117. The Journal reached new heights of professionalism,
thanks to Dick Hall, who spearheaded our publication from
Promotion/Publicity September of 1977 through July 1983. From October 1983 through
September 1984, Robert V. "Bob" Pratt, a professional UFO
Public Relations
investigator/journalist, served as the Journal editor.
All of us in MUFON would like to take this opportunity to thank
Religion and UFOs these wonderful people for their dedicated service as we mark this
significant milestone in ufology — our two hundredth edition.
In this issue
Promotion/Publicity UFO SIGHTING BY PILOT OVER PENNSYLVANIA By Stan Gordon . .5
THE NEW YORK CITY AREA, By Budd Hopkins . .7
Staff Artist By Stan Gordon " 9
TOWARDS TRUTH, By Walt Andrus 11
Landing Trace Cases By Joe Kirk Thomas 12
Medical Cases IN OTHERS' WORDS, By Lucius Parish .15
THE NIGHT SKY, By Walter N. Webb 16
UFO Crash/Retrieval COVER ARTWORK By Simone C. Mendez
The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly
DWIGHT CONNELLY supported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2). Donors
DENNIS HAUCK may deduct contributions from their Federal income tax." In addition,
RICHARD H. HALL bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federal
ROBERT V. PRATT estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of
Editor/Publishers Emeritus Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.

The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do
published by the Mutual UFO not necessarily represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of contributors
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas. are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON.
Membership/Subscription rates: Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles may
$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.; $16.00 be in a Letter to the Editor (up to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about
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Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155. statement "Copyright 1984 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
Texas" is included.
By Hilary Evans
Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena London, England

There is one category of phenomenon is the product of a their reports at face value would be
unidentified flying something which has technology that integrates physical and equally naive. What we have to do is to
been reported for decades, even psychic phenomena." Some of us may pick out, both from the reports and
centuries; long enough to pass into not be too happy about Vallee's use of from our knowledge of what processes
folklore. Variously known as mountain the word "psychic" where may be involved, the requisite elements
lights, spook lights and the like, it is a "psychological" might have served; no for creating a testable working
recognized anomaly which, though doubt it's just a matter of definition. hypothesis. And if it seems unavoidable
most researchers would attribute it to . What is regrettably true is that many of that such a hypothesis will contain
natural causes of some kind, continues us need to be reminded to be open- some ingredients that are purely
to defy research. Knowing into which minded in these matters, and to p h y s i c a l and some t h a t are
pigeonhole it is most likely to eventually recognize that some kind of synthesis psychological, and even some that
fit is a long way from saying what it is between the f e e t - o n - t h e - g r o u n d would be classified by many as
made of and what causes it. physical and the head-in-the-clouds parapsychological, well, that too is
A number of researchers have of psychological is essential if we aren't to something we must be prepared to
course speculated that these lights get bogged down, in futile debate accept.
may be linked with the UFO between the good old nuts-and-bolts
phenomenon. Some investigators, boys and the smart-ass skeptics of the TOWARDS A VALID SYNTHESIS
such as Ralph Lael, have allegedly psychosbcial persuasion.
traced an extraterrestrial connection; The futility of such all-or-nothing I use the word "must" advisedly,
but their evidence is not such as to win debate has been demonstrated recently not out of any desire to dragoon UFO
instant credibility with the scientific in regard to two potentially important researchers into a course of action they
establishment. cases, the' on-going sightings in may be reluctant to pursue,, but
More persuasively, Michael Hessdalen, Norway, and Rutledge's because 1 cannot see how any ufologist
Persinger, a psychologist, and Paul Project Identification which seems to can deny, on the one hand, the physical
Devcreux, a respected anomaly have faltered to a standstill without reality of some UFOs, and on the other,
researcher, have offered us interesting anyone taking up the challenge. In both the action of psycholgocial processes in
speculations based on statistical cases there are many debatable issues; modifying the way in which those UFOs
correlations. Some researchers have what is dismaying is the failure of many are perceived. The Hessdalen
enthusiastically espoused their researchers to get beneath these photographs are sufficient evidence of
hypotheses as the breakthrough we superficial issues , to the underlying the first, the findings of Allan Hendry of
have all been waiting for: others argue significance of the phenomena. Just by the second.
that even if valid their models could way of example: a representative of Those of us who are willing to
accounts for. only a small percentage of Norway's ulta-skeptical NIVFO wrote accept the necessity for some kind of
reports. me "the UFOs are now IFOs: the lights synthesis will surely find that the
At this early stage of the debate, in Hessdalen were....airplane lights, prospect, while daunting, is extremely
either viewpoint can be justified. There stars, inversions, ball lights, plasma promising. It could even be that
is probably no area of UFO research so lights, etc." No doubt some can be breakthrough which is always just
vulnerable to criticism as its statistical dismissed as aircraft and stars; but to around the corner; maybe at last we
base; but Devereux has persuasively dismiss, just as casually, others as "ball have turned that corner.
established at least a degree of lights" or "plasma lights," supposing Let us start with the reported
correlation between geophysical events that you have explained them from phenomenon, an object, generally seen
and UFO reports. He has been less UFOs into IFOs, is absurdly naive. in the act of flying, which we can
successful at winning adherents for his Fortunately, his statement has not reasonably assume to be physical in
model of how the first, lead to the convinced the dedicated researchers of nature. and either geophysical or
second. UFO-Norge that they can pack up their meteorological (maybe the terms are
However, who will blame him for detectors and go home. interchangeable here) in origin. Let us
that, in the present state of our At the same time, the NIVFO provisionally call it a Ball-of-Light, BOL
ignorance? He deserves our thanks, skeptics also have some validity in their for short. There is no reason for us to
rather, for providing some support for view that many of the Hessdalen doubt that the BOL is generated by a
the viewpoint expressed back in 1975 witnesses saw something other than
by Jacques Vallee, that the "UFO what they reported seeing. To accept (continued on following page)
Earthlight Enigma, Continued tentatively • identified a component of • Reluctant as we may be to accept such
the brain which seems to function as a a notion, it has been reported by so
perfectly natural process: we don't kind of switch from the "reality mode" many people that we would be acting
know what that process is, but we don't to the "fantasy mode." As is well unscientifically to dismiss it altogether.
have to presuppose anything that known,.the brain is an electro-chemical Hendry has shown that IFOs generate
science, in the fulness of time, won't feel device, requiring minuscule quantities the same kind of subjective feelings as
able to take to its bosom without of power to operate: it is plausible, "true" UFOs; but before we discount
compunction. therefore, that the input generated by the whole idea we must explain how
Most of us, seeing a BOL,.will say the aforementioned atmospheric both Rutledge in Missouri and Havik in
Look, there's a ball of light, how odd, effects could be sufficient to activate Norway became convinced that their
and start looking for an explanation in Rifat's switch: in which case the UFOs. .were responding to the
geophysical or meteorlogical terms, geophysical or meteorological event investigators' activities.
because we are sensible, level-headed could, directly cause the percipient to *Another possibility we should
people. But if Devereux is right, there hallucinate. consider is whether the BOL itself may
are others who see these BOLs as At first it looks as though we now effect the atmosphere in its. vincinity,
UFOs, by which they don't just mean have not one but two hypotheses on modifying it in just the same way as the
amorphous shapes, but something our hands: one says that a geo/meteo geo/meteo . event which caused the
structured,, of, the order of alien event can create a physical BOL which BOL itself? After all, we don't know
spacecraft. We all know, after reading may be mistaken by some percipients what exactly it is in the geophysical or
Hendry, that this kind of extrapolation for an alien spacecraft; the other says meteorological event which causes the
happens; we know that people can see that a geo/meteo event can so affect the variation in charged particles; but
the Moon, or Venus, and suppose it to brains of some people that they are whatever it is, it may be no less inherent
be a metallic disk with rotating lights; liable to hallucinate. in the BOL. In which case it will be the
w i n d o w s and all m a n n e r s of Well, you don't have to be "BOL-UFO" itself which causes one
accessories. So there is, nothing frightfully clever to see how these two percipient in three to see it, not as the
implausible about the Devereux. hypotheses could be telescoped, as 'ball of.light which it really is, but as
proposal that a geophysical BOL may follows: the geo/meteo event puts a something else. That "something else"
do what the Moon does, and trigger off certain number of people — about one will be determined by factors operating
such a delusion. person in three — into a state of mind within the subconscious mind of the
Of course that still leaves a number where they are liable to hallucinate. .At percipient, and will be shaped by
of unresolved questions; one of those the same time, it may generate a psychological and cultural expect-
is, Why do some people think they see a physical BOL which may act as a trigger ations, hopes, fears and preoccupa-
structured craft while others see just an for such a hallucination. So while two tions. For some at least, it will resolve
amorphous light? (As has happened on out of three people see a perfectly itself into an alien spaceship.
countless occasions at He'ssdalen, for natural object, their companion sees a It is, at this early phase of our
example.) structured artifact from Outer Space. research, a confusing picture. But it
Well, one possible answer is possesses one important merit: it is
supplied when we turn to an apparently NO OFFENCE TO SCIENCE made up entirely of elements which are
quite separate train of conjecture, either reported facts or proven
involving a whole new set of factors. It As a starting-point for further processes. In other words, there is
has. been clearly established that our research, this proposal may, I suggest, nothing among the component parts of
brains can be affected by atmospheric provide an explanation for a limited the model which could cause offence to
effects, such as imminent storms, and number of UFO reports: I am far from current science. It is only the
by geophysical events, such as suggesting that it offers any kind of combination of these component parts
imminent earthquakes. The modus blanket explanation for the entire which takes us into unexplored
operand! of these effects appears to be phenomenon. And in any case there are territory. It is a territory which promises
a modification in the proportion of several, questions which arise. For to. repay exploration, '.but only if
charged particles in the atmosphere, instance: explorers from various disciplines are
involving either an alteration in the *Are there any other circumstances in willing to join forces. There are physical
balance between negative and positive which similar double effects may occur? forces involved which are nominally the
ions, or a reduction or increase of one For example, such electromagnetic province of the geologist or the
or the other. Sulman has demonstrated field effects as might be encountered meteorologist; but there are also
that about one person in three is close to power lines, or in the vicinity of mental processes at work which are the
"weather-sensitive" to such effects, to high-tech government projects which domain of the psychologist, the
the extent that their behavior will be could involve electromagnetic forces? neurologist and the sociologist. In
unconsciously affected. *Should we take into account the short, here is a phenomenon which
It is indeed possible that these subjective impressions of many reminds. us that the categories into
effects could go so far as to trigger off a percipients, that the BOLs respond to
hallucination. Claude Rifat has them with signs of .intelligence? (continued on next page)
Earthlight Enigma, Continued
which we humans are apt to separate OVER PENNSYLVANIA
our knowledge are largely artificial. The By Stan Gordon, State Director
earthlight enigma is one which
recognizes no conventional

The author would be very pleased to The Pennsylvania Association For on the aircraft instrumentation. The
receive comments, suggestions and the Study of the Unexplained (PASU) is pilot has been flying for 8 years and has
criticisms of the foregoing. His address investigating the sighting of an never seen anything like this before.
is 1 Tranquil Vale, London SE3 OBU, Unidentified Flying Object by a pilot One thing that baffled the two
England. and co-pilot of a corporation Lear jet, observers was that even though they
on the night of .July 27, 1984, over were moving in the opposite direction
REFERENCES Clarion County, Pennsylvania. The two of the UFO, the object still seemed to
Corliss, William R. The volumes of his observers, who wish not to be keep pace with them. When asked how
Sourceboofc Project are an indispensable guide to identified (this information is on file with they could see the object for that length
natural phenomena of every kind.
Devereux, Paul, Ear/h/ighfs, Wellingborough, MUFON), were enroute from New of time if they were moving in opposite
UK, 1982. York state to Pittsburgh when the directions, the pilot replied "I don't
Evans, Hilary, "BOLS," in Probe Report, Bristol, sighting occurred at about 11:30 PM. understand it myself unless it could go
UK. 1982. Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors, From information extracted from backwards. Cause the flames that
Wellingborough, 1984, for a detailed account of the taped interview with the pilot, the seemed to keep it moving was behind it.
hallucinations and many of the processes referred
to in this article. crew was looking out the right, We were on a heading towards
Frizzell, Michael A , "Investigating the Brown windshield, toward the west when they Pittsburgh, and it was going in the
Mountain Lights," in UFO Journal 43, 1984. noticed a bright streak of light opposite direction towards the
Hendry, Allan, The UFO Handbook. New York, descending down at a 45 degree angle northwest. As we were descending in
Persinger, Michael A, "Possible Infrequent
then leveling out. At first they thought it altitude it was just always with us. Like it
Geophysical Sources of Close Encounters," in was a bright meteor but after they saw it was going backwards. The flame would
Haines, Richard F., UFO Phenomena and fhe level out, they noticed more detail and shoot out and it would just stay with
Behavioral Scientist, Metuchen, 1979. realized that the object seemed to be us." n
Rifat, Claude, "Is the Locus Coeruleus Involved in keeping level at the same altitude with
the Most Bizarre Aspects of UFO Reports?" in them, as though it was pacing their
UFO Phenomena Vol. l l n o l . 1978, and interview
in OV/M Presence 25, Marseille, 1983. aircraft. The object appeared to be
Rutledge, Harley. Pro/eel Identification, New between 40 to 50 feet long, shaped like a
Jersey, 1981. cylinder (or rocket as mentioned in the
Soyka. Fred, with Edmonds. Alan, ThelonEffect, pilot's signed statement), solid and
New York, 1977.
Sulman, Felix Gad, The Effects of Air lonization,
black in appearance. As they watched
Electric Fields. Atmospherics and Other Electric the object, from the rear section a
Phenomena on Man and Animal. Springfield, bright reddish-orange burst of flame
1980. was emitted. This flame was very bright
Tnbutsch, Helmut. When the Snakes Awake, in color "like the flame of a torch," was
Cambridge, Mass., 1982.
UFO-Norge, Project Hessdalen, Tonsberg, 1984. of a pointed shape and extended out
Vallee. Jacques, "The Psycho physical Nature of about 50 to 60 feet from the object. This
UFO Reality." in Thesis Anfi'hesis. AIAA Los bright flame was seen to burst on and
Angeles, 1975. off 3 to 4 times during the two minute
observation. Each burst seemed to last
between 3 to 5 seconds.
. After, each burst of flame there
were numerous sparks observed that
lasted s e v e r a l seconds t h e n
disappeared. Another aircraft in the
same vicinity radioed to the air traffic
control center at Cleveland, Ohio, just
after our witnesses did. Both requested HILARY EVANS
information on any other air traffic in
their vicinity. They were told that radar
indicated no other traffic. The sighting
occurred in the vicinity of the Clarion,
STAN GORDON Pa., VOR. No interference was noted
By T. Scott Crain, Jr.
State Section Director for Pennsylvania

On the night of October 23, 1984, Chief Cooper and Morrissey drove to
Melvin Morrissey was driving along another vantage point on Wbpson-
Route 453, one-and-a-half miles north of onock Mountain for clues to what may
Tyrone, Pennsylvania, when he saw an have caused the lights Morrissey saw
object he described as "a circular shape near the ground. Cooper concluded the
like a saucer." UFO seen in the Gamelands was the
Morrissey was on his way to spot red lights on the WTAJ-TV tower
for deer in his pick-up truck at 8:18 PM located on top of Wopsononock. A
EST along the Jamesville Pike Road spokesman for WTAF informed me
, one mile from his home, when he saw a some added lights were attached to the
series of lights in the sky out of his tower several months before, and with
passenger side window. the fall leaves coming off, those lights
Morrissey said the saucer-looking are visible from the Gamelands.
craft had a rim of "red lights on top of it Morrissey confirmed to this
going in sequence around the object," .investigator on Sunday (October 28),
and at least three amber lights that he went back to the point where he
underneath the craft that were was Tuesday night at the Gamelands
stationary. According to Morrissey, the and he too, saw those lights again.
object was "the size of a football field," However, the misconception of
and "was roughly 100 feet above the the lights in the. Gamelands does not
treetops, maybe a little higher." explain the saucer-shaped object
The witness pulled off to the side of Morrissey said he saw fly over his car on MELVIN MORRISSEY
the road, turned off his engine, and Jamesville Pike. Completing MUFON Sighting Questionnaire
leaned his head out the truck window to
get a better look. "I couldn't hear a INVESTIGATIVE NOTES
thing. It was moving faster than a plane, check if any military aircraft were in
but not as fast as a jet" Morrissey said. I interviewed Melvin Morrissey by their area at 6:00 AM on October 23,
He observed the object for at least two telephone on October 24, and had a the same day as Morrissey's UFO
minutes before it coasted over the road personal visit with him on October 28, sighting. Apparently, their were reports
in front of him and disappeared over the 1984. He seemed like a level-headed of UFO's that morning in Illinois. Local
ridge in a northwesterly direction.. person to me, and not one to make up radar stations reported no large aircraft
Several minutes later, Morrissey this' kind of story. His credibility as in the area that night. Unconfirmed
returned home to get his two children someone who would tell the truth was reports circulated that a government or
and go look for the object. They all supported by his friends who knew him. military truck was allegedly in the area
proceeded back on to the Jamesville He was very sensitive to the news of the Gamelands the day following the
Pike, and turned off on the first dirt road media following his sighting and refused s i g h t i n g w h i c h could not be
past Wild Goose Road. About three an invitation to appear on WTAJ-TV or substantiated. This investigator was in
miles back in the Gamelands Number to comment on his sighting to local the Gamelands area between 1:30 and
158 Morrissey saw unusual lights near radio stations. I was the first person to 3:30 PM the next day and saw nothing
the ground which he said he never saw reach Morrissey the day following his unusual.
before. He was observing them through sighting with whom he was willing to . Other UFO sightings were
binoculars from the bed of his pick-up discuss the incident. He has since reported in the vicinity the night of
truck. Morrissey returned to Tyrone released details of his sightings to the Morrissey's sighting. Morrissey himself
and reported his sighting to Tyrone newspapers. received calls on three separate
Police who then informed Holidaysburg Tom Shannon of WVAM radio in sightings seen the same night as his. As
State Police. Tyrone Police Chief J. Altoona, Pa., called NORAD in far as I could ascertain, none of the
Thomas Cooper, Morrissey, and Colorado to check if any large military other UFO reports were similar to that
members of the State Police returned aircraft were in the area the night of the of Morrissey's.
to the area where Morrissey said he saw sighting. The answer was no; however, Morrissey's original sighting
the lights. None could be found. the lady at NORAD said that the press remains unidentified at the time of this
The next day (October 24), Police were calling from Central Illinois to writing. , a
Earthlight Enigma, Continued
which we humans are apt to separate OVER PENNSYLVANIA
our knowledge are largely artificial. The By Stan Gordon, State Director
earthlight enigma is one which
recognizes no conventional

The author would be very pleased to The Pennsylvania Association For on the aircraft instrumentation. The
receive comments, suggestions and the Study of the Unexplained (PASU) is pilot has been flying for 8 years and has
criticisms of the foregoing. His address investigating the sighting of an never seen anything like this before.
is 1 Tranquil Vale, London SE3 OBU, Unidentified Flying Object by a pilot One thing that baffled the two
England. and co-pilot of a corporation Lear jet, observers was that even though they
on the night of July 27, 1984, over were moving in the opposite direction
REFERENCES Clarion County, Pennsylvania. The two of the UFO, the object still seemed to
Corliss, William R. The volumes of his observers, who wish not to be keep pace with them. When asked how
Sourceboo/c Project are an indispensable guide to identified (this information is on file with they could see the object for that length
natural phenomena of every kind
Devereux, Paul, Earthlights. Wellmgborough, MUFON), were enroute from New of time if they were moving in oppgsite
UK, 1982. York state to Pittsburgh when the directions, the pilot replied "I don't
Evans, Hilary, "BOLS," in Probe Report. Bristol, sighting occurred at about 11:30 PM. understand it myself unless it could go
UK, 1982. Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors, From information extracted from backwards. Cause the flames that
Wellingborough, 1984, for a detailed account of seemed to keep it moving was behind it.
hallucinations and many of the processes referred
the taped interview with the pilot, the
to in this article. crew was looking out the right We were on a heading towards
Frizzell, Michael A., "Investigating the Brown windshield toward the west when they Pittsburgh, and it was going in the
Mountain Lights," in UFO Journal 43, 1984 noticed a bright streak of light opposite direction towards the
Hendry, Allan, The UFO Handbook. New York, descending down at a 45 degree angle northwest. As we were descending in
Persinger, Michael A, "Possible Infrequent
then leveling out. At first they thought it altitude it was just always with us. Like it
Geophysical Sources of Close Encounters," in was a bright meteor but after they saw it was going backwards. The flame would
Hames, Richard F., UFO Phenomena and the level out, they noticed more detail and shoot out and it wou|d just stay with
Behavioral Scientist. Metuchen, 1979. realized that the object seemed to be us." D
Rifat, Claude, "Is the Locus Coeruleus Involved in keeping level at the same altitude with
the Most Bizarre Aspects of UFO Reports?" in them, as though it was pacing their
UFO Phenomena Vol II no 1.1978, and interview
in OV/M-Presence 25. Marseille, 1983. aircraft. The object appeared to be
Rutledge, Harley. Protect Identification, New between 40 to 50 feet long, shaped like a
Jersey, 1981. cylinder (or rocket as mentioned in the
Soyka. Fred, with Edmonds, Alan, The Ion Effect, pilot's signed statement), solid and
New York, 1977.
Sulman, Felix Gad, The Effects of Air lonization,
black in appearance. As they watched
Electric Fields, Atmospherics and Other Electnc the object, from the rear section a
Phenomena on Man and Animal. Springfield, bright reddish-orange burst of flame
1980. was emitted. This flame was very bright
Tributsch, Helmut. When the Snakes Awake, in color "like the flame of a torch," was
Cambridge, Mass., 1982.
UFO-Norge, Project Hessdalen, Tonsberg, 1984.
of a pointed shape and extended out
Vallee, Jacques, "The Psycho physical Nature of about 50 to 60 feet from the object. This
UFO Reality," in Thesis-/Wi/hesis. AIAA Los bright flame was seen to burst on and
Angeles, 1975. off 3 to 4 times during the two minute
observation. Each burst seemed to last
between 3 to 5 seconds.
After each burst of flame there
were numerous sparks observed that
l a s t e d s e v e r a l seconds t h e n
disappeared. Another aircraft in the
same vicinity radioed to the air traffic
control center at Cleveland, Ohio, just
after our witnesses did. Both requested HIU\RY EVANS
information on any other air traffic in
their vicinity. They were told that radar
indicated no other traffic. The sighting
occurred in the vicinity of the Clarion,
STAN GORDON Pa., VOR. No interference was noted
By T. Scott Crain, Jr.
State Section Director for Pennsylvania

On the night of October 23, 1984, Chief Cooper and Morrissey drove to
Melvin Morrissey was driving along another vantage point on Wopson-
Route 453, one-and-a-half miles north of onock Mountain for clues to what may
Tyrone, Pennsylvania, when he saw an have caused the lights Morrissey saw
object he described as "a circular shape near the ground. Cooper concluded the
like a saucer." UFO seen in the Gamelands was the
Morrissey was on his way to spot red lights on the WTAJ-TV tower
for deer in his pick-up truck at 8:18 PM located on top of Wopsononock. A
EST along the Jamesville Pike Road spokesman for WTAF informed me
onetmile from his home, when he saw a some added lights were attached to the
series of lights in the sky out of his tower several months before, and with
passenger side window. the fall leaves coming off, those lights
Morrissey said the saucer-looking are visible from the Gamelands.
craft had a rim of "red lights on top of it Morrissey confirmed to this
going in sequence around the object," investigator on Sunday (October 28),
and at least three amber lights that he went back to the point where he
underneath the craft that were was. Tuesday night at the Gamelands
stationary. According to Morrissey, the and he, too, saw those lights again.
object was "the size of a football field," However, the misconception of
and "was roughly 100 feet above the the. lights in the Gamelands does not
treetops, maybe a little higher." explain, the saucer-shaped object
The witness pulled off to the side of Morrissey said he saw fly over his car on MELVIN MORRISSEY
the road, turned off his engine, and Jamesville Pike. Completing MUFON Sighting Questionnaire
leaned his head out the truck window to
get a better look. "I couldn't hear a INVESTIGATIVE NOTES
thing. It was moving faster than a'plane, check if any military aircraft were in
but not as fast as a jet" Morrissey said. I interviewed Melvin Morrissey by their area at 6:00 AM on October 23,
He observed the object for at least two telephone on October 24, and had a the same day as Morrissey's UFO
minutes before it coasted over the road personal visit with him on October 28, sighting. Apparently, their were reports
in front of him and disappeared over the 1984. He seemed like a level-headed of UFO's that morning in Illinois. Local
ridge in a northwesterly direction. person to me, and not one to make up radar stations reported no large aircraft
Several minutes later, Morrissey this kind of story. His credibility as in the area that night. Unconfirmed
returned home to get his two children someone who would tell the truth was reports circulated that a government or
and go look for the object. They all supported by his friends who knew him. military truck was allegedly in the area
proceeded back on to the Jamesville He was very sensitive to the news of the Gamelands the day following the
Pike, and turned off on the first dirt road media following his sighting and refused s i g h t i n g w h i c h c o u l d not be
past Wild Goose Road. About three an invitation to appear on WTAJ-TV or substantiated. This investigator was in
miles back in the Gamelands Number to comment on his sighting to local the Gamelands area between 1:30 and
158 Morrissey saw unusual lights near radio stations. I was the first person to 3:30 PM the next day and saw nothing
the ground which he said he never saw reach Morrissey the day following his unusual.
before. He was observing them through sighting with whom he was willing to Other UFO sightings were
binoculars from the bed of his pick-up discuss the incident. He has since reported in the vicinity the night of
truck. Morrissey returned to'• Tyrone V released details of his sightings to the Morrissey's sighting. Morrissey himself
and reported his sighting to Tyrone newspapers. received calls on three separate
Police who then informed Holidaysburg Tom Shannon of WVAM radio in sightings seen the same night as his. As
State Police. Tyrone Police Chief J. Altoona, Pa., called NORAD in far as I could ascertain, none of the
Thomas Cooper, Morrissey, and Colorado to check if any large military other UFO reports were similar to that
members of the State Police returned aircraft were in the area the night of the of Morrissey's.
to the area where Morrissey said he saw sighting. The answer was no; however, Morrissey's original sighting
the lights. None could be found. the lady at NORAD said that the press remains unidentified at the time of this
The next day (October 24), Police were calling from Central Illinois to writing. Q
By Budd Hopkins

By the end of 1977 Ted Bloecher Group 3 consists of thirteen Group 4 consists of eleven
and I had received a few UFO sighting individuals, each of whom has recalled subjects who have been hypnotized,
accounts which contained intriguing under hypnosis events which strongly yet seem clearly not to have had any
pieces of "missing time." We came to suggest buried abduction experiences, kind of abduction experience. Thus, of
suspect that some of these reports though for these thirteen the "full the 43 individuals comprising the last
concealed unremembered UFO scenario" was incompletely recalled. three groups of hypnotized subjects,
abduction experiences, and in January One woman, for example, recalls fully 25% produced no abduction
of 1978 we began to use hypnosis to waking one night, feeling paralyzed, account, nor any sign of any buried
unlock any hidden memories that may and then sensing "a presence" in the experience. Despite their — and
lay buried in the witnesses' bedroom. Next she recalls being sometimes our — suspicion that they
unconscious. Many investigators have flooded with white light, and lying in a may have been abducted, and despite
asked for some kind of statistical brightly-lit space with a high ceiling. their obvious, unavoidable,
breakdown of our ongoing case studies, Because she does not remember unconscious interest in producing such
and this short article is an attempt to "beings" or any other specific visual an account, 25% of our hypnotized
answer their requests. detail, her case falls into group 3. (There subjects came up with no such
This investigative team — the are other indications, in this and each of recollections. It is possible, of course,
"New York Group" — included, the other twelve cases that an that some of these. eleven are
centrally, Bloecher, Martin Jackson abduction did take place, though time repressing real abduction experiences,
and myself.1 In addition six people have and space limitations preclude my but that is neither their, nor my,
served as hypnotists — three detailing them here). Included in this opinion. This finding is a powerful
psychiatrists, two psychologists, and group are several cases in which the rebuke to those who constantly insist
one psychologically-trained police subjects appear to have profound upon the "lead-ability" of hypnotic
hypnotist. Two other psychiatrists, two resistance to hypnotically-produced subjects in UFO investigations. In truly
psychologists and a neuro-surgeon recollection, despite a wealth of clues marginal cases, where only a few clues
have also served as consultants at pointing to an abduction: missing time exist to suggest a buried UFO
various times. Since our beginnings in associated with a UFO sighting, abduction, a few genuine abduction
1978, twenty-five subjects have physical traces, "abduction dreams," accounts do surface, but the majority of
presented us with relatively full UFO etc. The thirteen subjects included in hypnotic subjects in such cases do not
abduction accounts. 2 It is very this group are, in my opinion, almost recall any such experience. A few have
important to note that 20% of these certainly victims of the UFO abduction been supplied mundane explanations
gave full accounts of their experiences experience. for their memories or "feeling traces."
with no hypnosis having been employ-
ed; they simply remembered their ABDUCTION PARAMETERS ABDUCTEES
experiences consciously, "normally" as
it were. There are no apparent One of our most persistent quests Group 5 includes thirty people
differences in abduction accounts is the search for limits — for edges arid whom I, alone or with Ted Bloecher or
recalled naturally and those recalled b o u n d a r i e s to the abduction Martin Jackson, have interviewed in
with the aid of hypnosis. A majority of phenomenon. We have consequently person, often at their homes or at the
the remaining twenty also had either employed hypnosis in what might seem sites of their experiences, and whom we
partial recollection or dream-like to be marginal cases, instances in which believe have most probably had
"flashback" recall of portions of their the subject might have had only a abduction encounters. None of these
abduction experiences. Hypnosis, "vague feeling" that he or she has had people, h o w e v e r , h a v e been
however, helped bring back relatively an abduction experience, or may have hypnotized for a variety of reasons, yet
full recollections of their abductions; nothing more than a fear of a certain in all thirty cases there are clear
And so: location or stretch of highway, and so indications of buried abduction
Group 1 consists of five abductees on. Some of these vague feelings have experiences. For example, one man
who recalled their abductions fully, yielded what we believe are genuine recalls seeing a UFO descending over
without the use of hypnosis. abduction experiences; some have his parked automobile, after which he
Group 2 consists of twenty yielded nothing. The result of our experienced a two-hour period of
subjects who recalled their abduction having spread so wide a net is a fourth
experiences with the aid of hypnosis. group. (continued on next page)
Statistical Report, continued from upon my sample, the numbers of magazine was changed from
page 7 abduction accounts abroad in the land SKYLOOK to the MUFON UFO
must be enormous. The implications, if JOURNAL with the June 1976 issue.
missing time and a "flash-back" these accounts turn out to be largely The following back issues of the
memory of being carried into a landed genuine, are truly staggering. Journal are available:
UFO. (Separately, his companion in the To recapitulate our statistics: Issue No. Month/Year
same car recalled a full abduction Abduction cases investigated:
scenario, and so I have included him in 103 June 1976
1. Those recalled without the use of
Group 1.) 106 September 1976
hypnosis 5
Another man has a childhood scar 2. Those recalled with the aid of 107 October 1976
of unknown origin associated with a hypnosis 20 108 November 1976
UFO sighting and time lapse, and two 3. Highly probable, though as yet 109 December 1976
subsequent periods of missing time, unresolved cases investigated with 110 January 1977
plus flash-back recollections of a landed the aid of hypnosis 13 111 February 1977
UFO and its occupants. At least eight of 4. Cases investigated with the use of 112 March 1977
these thirty have childhood scars hypnosis which strongly suggest no 113 April 1977
associated with periods of missing time. abuction experience 11 117 August 1977
The evidence in each of these thirty 5. Highly probable, though as yet 118 September 1977
cases is very strong. inconclusive cases, investigated 119 October 1977
Some of these people, however, without, the use of hypnosis.... 30 120 November 1977
resist any further investigation into TOTAL OF INVESTIGATED, 121 December 1977
their cases, and/or reject the idea of HIGHLY PROBABLE ABDUCTION 122 January 1978
undergoing hypnosis. Some have ACCOUNTS 68. 123 February 1978
moved away from the New York area, 124 March 1978 ,
and a .few are now unavailable for 1. Ted Bloecher is no longer active in this group.
134 March/April 1979
reasons of health. The remainder .we A number of other investigators have helped us 137 July 1979
at various times, including some, like SBI's Pete 141 November 1979
intend to investigate fully, as time
Mazzola, not associated with MUFON or 142 December 1979
CUFOS. 146 April 1980
Group 6, the largest, consists of 2. This is not the place to discuss the evidence in 152 October 1980
those whom I have only interviewed by these various accounts, nor how we arrived at
our various evaluations. For a fuller view of these 155 January 1981
telephone, or written to, in answer to
issues, see my book Missing Time in which a 157 March 1981
their letters or calls to me. As a result of
the note at the end of my book Missing
number of the cases included in these statistics 160 June 1981
are described at length. A "full abduction 177 November 1982
Time, I have received hundreds of scenario" is meant to include descriptions of the
178 December 1982
letters from people around the world. physical circumstances before the abduction, a
description of the UFO and its occupants, and 179 January 1983
Many have questions or observations
some description of the quasi-medical 180 February 1983
to make, but many relate their own procedures carried out on the abductee. All the 188 October 1983
possible UFO abduction experiences. cases described in this paper are abduction 189 November 1983
A number of these have been reports whose validity I have found no reason to 190 December 1983
investigated first hand, and are included doubt.
in the earlier groups, but many, many You will note that consecutive
other cases have yet to be looked into. I issues are available from 106 thru 113
have appeared on various radio call-in BACK ISSUES OF THE and from 117 through 124.
programs, where still other possible MUFON UFO JOURNAL AND To simplify orders, all back issues
abduction cases have surfaced. I have SKYLOOK ARE AVAILABLE will be sold for $1.00 per copy and
no record of how many such phone and MUFON will pay the postage. Payment
letter exchanges have taken place, but Here is an opportunity for must be made in U.S. Funds. Members
a conservative guess is that over one members and readers to obtain back in foreign countries should secure an
hundred of these deserve to be issues of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL International Postal Money Order to
investigated as possible abduction and its predecessor SKYLOOK to cover the cost of the back issues
cases. All of this convinces me that the either complete your library or to ordered. We have an ample supply,
phenomenon is not a rare one. obtain details of cases occurring within therefore feel free to order as many
Incredible though it may seem, the past ten years. The following back monthly issues as you desire. When
thousands upon thousands of UFO issues of SKYLOOK are available: #79 placing your order please specify the
abduction accounts apparently litter June 1974, #85 December 1974, #95 issue number, month and year.
the psychic landscape. I once discussed October 1975, #97 December 1975, #98 All orders should be mailed and
these statistical categories with veteran January 1976, #99 February 1976, #100 checks made payable to MUFON, 103
poll-taker Daniel Yankelovich, and he March 1976, #101 April 1976 and #102 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas.78155
was in complete agreement; based May 1976. The name of our monthly U.S.A.
By Stan Gordon, State Director

The November 1983 edition of the

MUFON Journal detailed the October
15, 1983, UFO encounter near
Bellwood. To recap some of the basic
information on the case for those
readers not familiar with it, Mrs.
Catherine Burk, 67, was returning to.
her home in Bellwood after visiting with
her family in Altoona. It was about 8:30
or 9 PM, the sky was dark and overcast
as if going to rain. She was driving her
1976 Chevrolet Malibu north on Route
220 and had reduced her speed to
about 35 miles per hour as she
approached the Bellwood turnoff.


It was at this point that she became

aware of a loud, whirling sound coming
from her right side. She looked through
the passenger window and observed a
bright, silvery, saucer-shaped object CATHERINE BURK, Note Neck Support Due To Injury
that was flat on top, but having a
protruding hemisphere on the middle of Mrs. Burk feels that at this point the and go in the head area, pain in the right
the bottom. The object was estimated object made a slight turn forward and arm and shoulder as well as the neck
by the witness as being approximately released its hold of the car. The car area, severe headaches that sometimes
24 feet in diameter, and about 30 feet off came down with a strong thud, forcing last for days, small blisters on various
the ground. There were no windows or Mrs. Burk under the steering wheel and parts of the body which are red in color,
lights apparent and the silver hitting her shoulder on the dashboard. and burn until they go away, irritation
luminescent color of the object She feels the entire time the car was and swelling of the feet, extensive
remained at the same intensity. lifted in the air was only three to four nervousness arid dizziness, black and
The object then passed over the seconds. The car stalled out blue marks that appear unaccountably,
car moving right to left, causing the immediately after it hit the ground. vision problems such as small black
right side of the car to be lifted off the After Mrs. Burk regained her dots appearing in front of the eyes and a
ground about two to three feet. Mrs. composure she attempted to start the worsening heart condition.
Burk was forced against her side of the car. Mrs. Burk has been under the cars
car at this point, as the car continued of several doctors due to the various
forward at a slow speed. Mrs. Burk PHYSICAL EFFECTS conditions described. She feels most of
grabbed the steering wheel and tried her physical problems are a result of her
the brakes but neither mechanism It took between 20 to 25 minutes to UFO encounter. Due to the substantial
would respond. The headlights of the start the car engine. Mrs. Burk saw no medical bill that resulted from her
car were blinking on and off when the other cars pass during the incident. hospitalization after the incident, Mrs.
vehicle was in the air. During this time Other possible sightings of UFOs were Burk filed a physical injury claim with a
Mrs. Burk attempted to slide over to reported in the same area during the major insurance company. She told
the passenger side of the car to use her night of the sighting. Since the incident, them that her injury and the damage
weight to bring the car back down, but Mrs. Burk has suffered from various done to her car were caused by an
she could not overcome the incline and physical ailments. Some of these Unidentified Flying Object. In
kept sliding back over onto her seat. ailments have included loss of hearing November of 1983,1 was contacted by
The car did go down for an instant, then in her right ear, loss of hair from the
went back up into the air a second time. head area, sores that frequently come (continued on next page)
Bellwood Update, Continued

the insurance company asking my

opinion of the case. They also •K- 24'
requested copies of all investigative
information that we had obtained on
the incident so that they could better DIRECTION!
evaluate the matter. All requested
material was submitted to their office. Bright silver disc.. .
The insurance representative informed Flat on top.
me that this was the strangest claim Hemisphere on bottom.
that had ever crossed, his desk.
Unfortunately he met with Mrs. Burk a 30 FT.
short time later and stated that it was
the decision of the company that what-
ever happened to her was an act of
I have been in touch with Mrs.
Burk continually since the occurrence.
As of October of 1984, she still
continues to have medical problems.
She'has regained partial hearing in her Car lifted on 2 wheels .
right ear but has sharp pains in it at for 3 seconds approximately
times. She still experiences severe 2 to 3 feet 'off the road
•headaches as well as many of the other
symptoms mentioned previously. In
September another type .of unusual He proceeded to attach the strips to stern.and let her know that he was the
skin ailment began to plague Mrs. Burk. various sections of the car, then took boss. He told Mrs. Burk to go back
. Bright red patches that do not itch but them off and put them into the tray. inside that they would not harm her car.
burn have been appearing on her arms, Mrs. Burk's neighbor was the first to She watched them from the window the
legs and back. After the red patches ,see this man and call him to the entire time they were there. They spent
disappear,, they leave behind a brown attention of Mrs. Burk. She then went between Y2 to % of an hour working
mark that remains a long time on the outside and asked him what he was around the car.
skin. Mrs. Burk has gone to two doing. He said that he didn't need her Both men had metal trays and rolls
dermatologists as well as her family assistance, that he would be done of tape. One man started in the front of
doctor, but they have been unable to shortly and he wasn't going to hurt her the car, while the other man worked
find what is causing it. Mrs; Burk claims car. A few minutes later he left the area. from the back. They covered every
that one doctor told her "to be honest In early November Mrs. Burk was section of the .car, including the
with you, I've never seen anything like it awakened by noise outside her home at windows. Their procedure was to tear
before." We have attempted to obtain 6:30 AM. She looked outside to see two off a section of .tape, place it over a
medical records from the hospital and men dressed in suits who once again specific area of the car, then remove it
the doctors involved. We have now were attaching sections of tape to her and place it in the tray. When the tray
.made formal requests with the aid of car. One man was described as being was full, they would put it in the trunk of
Mrs. Burk so that these records might about 30 years old, dressed in a blue the car,, then start a new tray. After the
be studied by specialists in this field. suit with a blue shirt and tie. The other men left on they have not
man, who did all the talking, was about returned.
OTHER INVESTIGATORS? 50 to 55 years old and dressed in a blue Another interesting note is that all
suit with a white shirt and tie. He correspondence from Mrs. Burk either
On a more unusual note, it is seemed to have a broken English to myself or other known investigators
apparent that someone other than accent that Mrs. Burk couldn't place. dealing with the case never arrived by
civilian UFO researchers are interested The men arrived in a dark, navy blue mail. This happened on several
in this case. A few days after the UFO car with a white license plate. She said it occasions. Only recently did I receive
encounter, a story on the incident was definitely not a Pennsylvania my first letter from Mrs. Burk and this
appeared in the Altoona paper: That license, but she could not see any other was sent by return receipt, certified
same night a man in a suit driving a detail since it was barely light outside. mail. D
dark, navy blue car arrived outside of She said that neither of these men was
the residence where Mrs. Burk had her the same one who had visited her
car parked. The man was carrying a earlier. She again asked them what they
tray with numerous strips of tape in it. were doing. The older man was very
By Walt Andrus

In November 1983, Bob Pratt, then b e c a u s e C o r a l ' has c l e a r l y demise of APRO. Coral's condescend-
Editor of the MUFON UFO Journal, demonstrated her ability to ignore the ing remarks in her article referring to
asked John F. Schuessler to write an facts by substituting pure fabrication, a Walt Andrus as a "pest" and
article stating his personal evaluation or distorted imagination of "how she "nuisance," but not a "threat" is
an estimate of the situation of Ufology would like for it to be," and faulty supposed to be cute.
in 1984. Mr. Schuessler's article was r e c o l l e c t i o n s of past events. John Schuessler clearly identified
featured in the January 1984 edition of Knowledgeable UFO researchers and the basic problem at APRO in his article
the Journal (issue number 191). The investigators will recognize her obvious — failure to develop leadership and
title of the article was aptly selected as distortions, however it is conceivable potential management for the future.
"Estimate of the Situation 1984--The that newcomers might accept her From 1979 through 1981, when the
(Sad?) State of Ufology." Based upon libelous statements as true. APRO office was being operated by
John's nineteen years of UFO I will not denigrate myself by people that Coral prefers to call
experience and his professional status addressing each and every one of her "hangersron," "moles," etc., this
in the aerospace industry, who is better falsehoods and misrepresentations, obviously confirms their lack of
qualified to provide an un-biased view? because our Journal readers'are not management. In her article, Coral
Even though he is.the Deputy Director receptive to replies to such obnoxious excuses her husband, Jim, the
of MUFON, he was critical of trivia. However, I am very reluctant to International Director of APRO, from
weaknesses within the Mutual UFO allow her to continue to slander the managing since "he was as usual
Network. As the International Director leaders of Ufology by "turning the other working a full-time job." The majority of
of MUFON, I have taken John's cheek," and ignoring her unjust tirades the members in UFO organizations all
constructive criticism under that could destroy Ufology as we know have full-time positions, but they
a d v i s e m e n t and heeded his it. • . • . delegate their time whereby they can
recommendations for improvement, perform their leadership responsibili-
thus making our organization even ATTITUDE ties. If one was to believe her, Coral
better and closer to the "grass roots" has indeed confirmed the subtitle of Mr.
level that has made us so successful Since APRO's "claim to fame" is Schuessler's article — "The (Sad?)
during the past fifteen years. that it is the oldest UFO organization in State of Ufology."
the U.S.A. (1952), Coral is so egotistical If "Towards Truth" is the motto
APRO ARTICLE as to believe there is no reason for any and editorial philosophy of the APRO
other UFO organization to exist. She Bulletin, as depicted on the front page,
In the most recent issue of the fails to comprehend that being the Coral Lorenzen's latest article has set
APRO Bulletin Volume 32 No. 7, two oldest does not qualify the organization that obective back more years than she
and three-fourths pages of the eight- as "the authority" in the field of Ufology. may realize. My only reason for
page issue are devoted to an article Her continuous practice of slandering responding to her disparaging remarks
titled "Ufology-According to Whom?" competent members who entered her is to prevent Ufology, as we know it,
by Coral Lorenzen in which she claims so-called "domain," alienated these from sinking to the levels that Coral has
to "correst some of the glaring errors" people, whereby they resigned' and taken APRO as their spokeswoman.
in John Schuessler's article. In the past, formed other UFO organizations such When some of us dedicate our lifetime
I have simply ignored the prevarications as NICAP, MUFON, GWS, CUFOS to resolving this baffling mystery, it is
made by Mrs. Lorenzen about and SBI, just to name a few. The discouraging to see one person,
MUFON and Walt Andrus published in Lorenzens still do not understand that through internal dissension, attempt to
the APRO Bulletin, knowing that they they cannot treat their members so destroy the scientific credibility that has
were prompted by a deep-seated shabbily in a volunteer organization. finally been achieved. n
jealousy due to the success of MUFON. On the other hand, they resorted to
In her latest tirade I could address each insincere flattery to try to achieve their
point individually where my name is objectives, which is readily apparent to
mentioned, and provide written the recipients. I am sorry to say that the
evidence of malicious equivocation. leaders of each of the above groups has
However, I am not going to stoop to been subjected to this same
that journalistic level. I definitely harassment over the past fifteen or
recommend that people read the article more years, thus explaining the gradual
By Joe Kirk Thomas

In the July/August, 1984, issue of Because sulphurous odors are ufology, and I think I know Ann well
the MUFON Journal, Ann Druffel sometimes reported with sightings, the enough to say that she would not have
commenced a two-part article entitled synthesis, by McMasters .University used this material had she realized its
"Mercury A Possible Clue to UFO chemists, of a mercury compound source.
Propulsion?" Having read both,parts, I using sulphur dioxidej becomes In Part I, Ann points out that her
find myself unable to resist : making a s i g n i f i c a n t . This is somewhat background was in sociology, and
few comments. tantamount to saying salt smells of . muses as to whether a non-technical
Ann would seemingly have us chlorine. It certainly does not indicate person should theorize about possible
believe that there is a growing body of an association of mercury with UFOs. modes of UFO propulsion. I personally
evidence linking UFOs to the metal Nor does the rather common, use of have no objection as long as two
mercury. As I have followed the UFO mercury in electrical switching devices, provisos are met.
literature rather closely for many years discussed in Part II. The first is • simply that the
this came somewhat as a surprise. In Part II, Ann showcases an investigator seek out professional
Nevertheless, I was certainly prepared alleged abduction case where the expertise and opinion. In the sourthern
to examine the anecdotal evidence 1 percipient purports to have been given California study group of which Ann is a
assumed Ann would muster linking the an interstate ride. But the case is far part, there are three physicists and two
two. My contention is that no real from convincing, being filled with rather engineers, three of whose training and
evidence to that effect was presented. standard psuedo-scientific fare. Even experience includes plasma physics.
the percipient's description ;of the They certainly would have been helpful
EVIDENCE "mercury" is erroneous. Having chased in assessing the teenager's claim of "an
many a globule of mercury across incomplete MIT concept," and perhaps
The first evidence adduced, for laboratory tables and floors, I can prevented a number, of technical
example, was a sighting at Rio Vista, assure the reader that it is anything but misconceptions that appeared in the
California, in May of 1964. The primary "jelly-like." article. Beyond the study group, there
source of information appears to have was the UCLA Fusion Laboratories,
been two newspaper accounts. DUBIOUS REFERENCE and the physics and engineering
Subsequent information turned up that departments of many junior and 4-year
a northern California investigator, not Ann discusses briefly ancient colleges in the southern California area.
referenced, claimed that mercury was Sanskrit writings alleged to describe Similar resources exist throughout the
discovered missing from an oilfield over wars between two antediluvian country for other ufologists.
which the craft hovered. That's it? civilizations fought with nuclear-like The second proviso is that some
That's the evidence? Weak as it is, it is weapons and flying vehicles called attempt be made to assure oneself a
perhaps the strongest presented in the "vimanas." Mercury was supposed to basic science education. Not all lay
entire article. be an essential element in their ufologists have a problem with basic
The second sighting offered as propulsion systems. As I vaguely science, but for those who do, I have,
evidence was made by a 16 year old in recalled hearing such tales before, I for several years now, recommended
1973. The sighting itself did not involve checked the reference given — Ivan T. taking high school or college freshman
mercury, but the percipient theorized Sanderson's Invisible Residents. And level courses in physics, chemistry, and
that the UFO was powered by "an indeed, Appendix B of the book math. With the plethora of adult
incomplete MIT concept" involving two c o n t a i n s t r a n s l a t e d passages schools and junior colleges in most
mercury pools, rotating in opposite, describing airships powered with iron parts of the country, it really isn't a very
directions, as part of nuclear fusion engines that contained mercury. But tall order, and is a reasonable
device. Ann admits not knowing if the where did Sanderson get his material? prerequisite for the rigors of ufology.
case proved genuine, but that point is By kind permission of Desmond Leslie Perhaps for the c o n t r i b u t i n g
strangely irrelevant. Clearly, the and his publishers. The name Desmond subscriber, who is concerned primarily
percipient's theorizing that the UFO Leslie immediately raised a red flag of with keeping abreast of developments
may have used mercury does not caution. Checking Sanderson's only in ufology, such training is unnecessary.
mean that it did! reference on this matter, I found, as But I truly believe that basic science can
Much of the "evidence" culled up reference 261, "Leslie, Desmond and be of significant value in shielding the
in support of a possible link between Adamski, George, Flying Saucers investigator from the occasional
UFOs and mercury is in a similar vein. Have Landed, etc." This is not an ravages of pseudo-science and in
acceptable reference in legitimate assessing the anecdotal evidence. a
LETTERS TO reference to mercury in UFQ literature. knowledge is incomplete. Many
The two newspaper accounts were, in researchers extend their search
THE EDITOR the List of References to demonstrate beyond a narrow, physical universe,
that the case had been published. My and others do not. This is the basic con-
knowledge of. the case, was more flict existing among individuals in the
Dear Editor, extensive than was contained in the UFO field today! We would all benefit
newselips. - . from a more open-minded tolerance of
After discussing the matter of Joe , . 4. The M.C. case is not solidly each other's ideas and contributions.
Thomas' "Comments on Druffel's .convincing. All the researchers who 8. Regarding Joe's contention that
M e r c u r y , :Theory" w i t h Vince have worked on it know, that. But it was researchers must study physics,
Uhjenkott, I believe a "dialogue is in well-investigated and interesting chemistry and math, I did study these
order. Contrary to what Joe wrote,;he enough to draw the- attention of subjects long ago in high school and
did not read the. complete article to professional scientists and engineers have a slight acquaintance with some
Vince. He shared a few ideas in it with interested in UFO propulsion. Even aspects of these. I could just as well
him, and Vince agreed with some though they couldn't prove her report, insist that Joe study transpersonal
points, advising Joe to write his some felt the case might be based on psychology and the art of interviewing
criticisms if he felt this was appropriate. reality. Until a case is proved fraudulent because lack of knowledge of these
I concur with Vince's opinion. it should not be discarded. The .case holds him back from an adequate
No one who writes can expect to contained a reference- to mercury,- so understanding of UFO witnesses. But I
be free from criticism. I certainly don't. it was the article. . will not do that; who can judge what any
Anyone is free to think or write what 5. The term "jelly-like" was M.Ci's, researcher needs to do effective work
they wish, except when their material not mine. I report what witnesses ;say in this field?
itself holds inherent errors. Joe's but don't try to judge their semantical 9. All elements in the mercury
"Comments...." has such errors. accuracy. I have chased blobs of article . were presented adequately
•:... l.:In the title of his "Comments...'' mercury, too, and am well acquainted qualified. There was no intention to
Joe "refers to -"Druffei's..Mercury ,-',. with its appearance and behavior. present it as a technical article. Perhaps
Theory" and said I was trying to make 6. I was aware1 the reference to a disclaimer at the beginning shoujd
others-believe in a body of "evidence". Desmond Leslie's writings could be have been added to prevent anyone
The two-part article giving references traced to Flying Saucers Have Landed, from mistaking my intentions.
to mercury nr UFO literature was very but was not disturbed by this. 1 reject
speculative; it was never meant to be a Adamski's, writings but nqt.Desrhond Air good wishes
technical discussion of anything. It did Leslie's. He is a respected English
not claim to be presenting "evidence". '•• .ufolqgist who has contributed much; qf Ann Druffel
It never used the word "theory" or even value to the-field. Flying Saucers Haye
"hypothesis". I am not qualified to write' v Landed is composed of two "books",
a technical article dealing with UFO. -one. by Leslie, the other by Adamski. Dear Editor,
propulsion and stated so plainly. Leslie's ideas were entirely separate
Throughout, the main contention was from Adamski's in that book; there I have today received from Ann a
that the various bits and pieces, gleaned were three short references to Adamski copy of her,' letter in response to
from various sources, and all referring toward the end of Leslie's Book I, "Comments on Druffel's Mercury
to .mercury, might contain possible referring to him as an individual with a Theory".
clues which would strike a responsive story to tell. Leslie made no in-depth Ann's remarks about communica-
chord in other researchers' minds. suppositions about the value of tion between Vince Uhlenkott and
When the article was misinterpreted toy Adamski's claims. There are, indeed, myself about the article are less than
a few as an attempt at a technical rumors I have heard to the effect that accurate. I called Vince on either
discussion, I was surprised. Leslie didn't even know his publisher Saturday or Sunday afternoon
2. Patrick Thrush's theorizing was was planning a joint book and was (September 29 or 30) and discussed
his own. Some portions of the case dismayed when he saw the final with him my concerns about writing the
were included because there were product, but I have no written reference article. At that time, I had composed
references to mercury. Of course the to back this up. about 1 and 1/2 handwritten pages,
facts of that report don't prove the 7.. From the viewpoint of some, which I read to him. Vince agreed with
UFO used mercury, but Thrush only science can provide the answers as both the content and the style, and felt
thought it did, to what UFOs are. Although the work that there'was nothing inappropriate
3. Likewise, the Rio Vista case was of hard science is admirable, I don't about the article so long,as I continued
presented because of the reference to agree fully with this view. We cannot in the same vein. I completed the article
mercury being missed from an oil field say where the answer will be found. during my lunch hour Monday, and that
over which the UFO had hovered. Science, in its present state of evening called Vince just as he was
There was no claim that this was knowledge, seems inadequate to the
"evidence"; it was simply another full task. Science has its limits; its (confinueo1 on next page)
Letters To The Editor, Continued

starting a BBQ. I read the complete Brenda Butler

article to Vince, whose impression was
favorable. That article was exactly the Dot Street &
article submitted to MUFON two days
later except for one paragraph. Later Jenny Randies
that evening, I discovered the source of
the Sanskrit tales to be Desmond
Leslie. I decided to delete a paragraph
detailing some of Ann's technical
misconceptions and insert a paragraph
discussing the alleged ancient
references. I gave the written
manuscript so modified to a typist the
next day, and I believe I mailed the
proofed manuscript to MUFON
A cosmic conspiracy
Ann has seized upon the fact that
one paragraph in the article submitted
to MUFON differed from the version I
read to Vince, perhaps as evidence of
dishonesty or deceit on my part. That
simply is not the case. It was an honest
error, and 1 apologize for it. Ann is
simply grasping for straws, and in point
of fact, Vince did concur with the
contents of the article (except for the
one paragraph that obviously did not
exist at the time I spoke with him) and
thought it was well written. May I
suggest that if you really have any
questions on this matter, you discuss
them with Vince directly.
Insofar as Ann's response is
concerned, I would point out that it is in
violation of the 50% Rule as explained in
the Journal.} do not know the length of Sometime towards the end of The thing from the sky which crashed
Ann's two-part series, but my response December 1980 a quiet clearing In into the forest may well have been a
Rendlesham Forest, Eastern England, UFO.
to that article was 846 words long. was the unsuspecting host to a major
Under the 50% rule, Ann is entitled to event which was so dramatic that Its The evidence is undeniable and
423 words. Her response to consequences are difficult to grasp. supported by official confirmation
horn both the Pentagon .and the
"Comments..." is 759 words. The On that night, around the midnight British Ministry of Defence. It is
editor, of course, can wave such hour, something came out of the sky impossible to confront this evidence
restrictions, and though I would prefer and crashed into that Suffolk pine and conclude that these events did
a reduction, in conformity with journal forest. What that something was, and not take place.
the three-year fight to break the
policy, I do not insist upon it. conspiracy, Is the subject of this Sky Crash la backed up by documen-
Otherwise, I have no objections to spellbinding story. And throughout tation and testament and demon-
Ann's response. the Investigators have met the British strates without quibble that there
Joe Kirk Thomas and American Governments head on, was an official cover-up from the
who in turn have endeavoured to moment it happened.
withhold the facts and the truth. For
the researches strongly suggest Sky Crash has all the ingredients of a
something truly incredible. spy thriller, fear spiced with mystery.
MUFON Intrigue and a devastating theory.

103 OLDTOWNE RD. Published By: Neville Spearman Limited PRICE:

The Priory Gate, Friars Street 7.50 Pounds
SEGUIN, TX 78155 Sudbury, Suffolk
Lucius Farish

In Others' Words
Spanish UFO researcher Juan work of pilots flying their aircraft in
Jose Benitez is profiled in an article in formations at night. Hardly an
t h e S e p t e m b e r 11 issue of acceptable answer for all the reports,
NATIONAL ENQUIRER. Benitez, . although it may be a valid explanation
the author of 20 books on the UFO for some of them.
subject, tells of UFO photographs, The late Isabel Davis was one of
encounters with UFO occupants and the pioneer UFO researchers and her
other incredible cases he has writings are always of interest.
discovered in his investigations. The Publisher Armand A. Laprade has
ENQUIRER'S September .18 issue recently put together a booklet which
quotes researchers Brad Steiger and reprints one of Ms. Davis' lengthy
Henry Morton with respect" to UFO articles, first published in November
encounters which seem to have had 1957. MEET THE EXTRATER-
positive effects on the lives of . RESTRIAL, is an attempt to discredit
witnesses. A UFO abduction case from the contact stories. of Adamski, Fry, LUCIUS FARISH
.Argentina is featured in the September Bethurum, Angelucci and others of that
25 ENQUIRER issue. A businessman era who claimed to have communicated
claims to have been taken aboard a, with UFO occupants. Laprade has UFO NEWSCLIPPING
UFO and to have had blood taken from added numerous photos of the SERVICE
him by alien beings. Another abduction contactees and others involved with
account is reported in the October 16 their claims. This is a nicely-done will keep you informed of all the latest
ENQUIRER, this one allegedly having publication which is available for $3.25 United States and World Wide UFO
occurred in'1976 during a trip from postpaid from Laprade at Route 4, Box activity, as it happens1 Our service was
Phoenix, Arizona to Lubbock, Texas. 156, Marshall, AR 72650. The booklet started in 1969, at which time we
Under hypnotic regression, the witness also c o n t a i n s i n f o r m a t i o n on c o n t r a c t e d with a r e p u t a b l e
subscribing to Laprade's periodical, international newspaper-clipping
told how she and her 4-year-old
bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
daughter were taken aboard a UFO, WOULD YOU BELIEVE?, which
find UFO reports (i.e , little known
where she was given the "standard" contains material on all types, of photographic cases, close encounter
physical examination. More UFO unexplained phenomena. and landing reports, occupant cases)
reports from the files of Spanish Those interested in theories of and all other UFO reports, many of
Ufplogist J. J. Benitez are detailed in the UFO propulsion will be intrigued by the which are carried only in small town or
October 30 . ENQUIRER issue. ideas set forth by Dr. Jan Pajak in his foreign newspapers.
Sightings by airline pilots and ground book, THEORY OF THE MAGNO- "Our UFO Newsclipping Service
issues are 20-page monthly reports,
controllers are described by Benitez. CRAFT. Briefly, Dr. Pajack seeks to
reproduced by p h o t o - o f f s e t ,
UFO sightings in New York and explain the actions attributed to UFOs, containing the latest United States and
Connecticut are ; the subject of an as well as their attendant phenomena Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
article in the September 11 issue of ("angel hair," etc.), by proposing a our foreign section carrying the latest
STAR. Photographs and a drawing of theory which, he says, is "wholly based British, Australian, New Zealand and
the reported objects are included. on the current state of our knowledge," . other foreign press reports. Also
The "Anit-Matter/UFO Update" with no new laws of physics being included is a 3-5 page section of
"Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
column of October OMNI has an necessary to duplicate a UFO;s
other "monster" reports). Let us keep
interestingJook at the famous Delphos, performance. This is a large softcover you informed of the latest happenings
Kansas, UFO landing case, some 13 volume containing 96 pages of text and in the UFO and Fortean fields."
years after the event. This issue of an additional 39 pages of illustrations For subscription information and
OMNI also has a good profile of writer relating to the basic theory. For the sample pages from our service, write
John G. Fuller, author of three books technically-minded, it should make for today to:
on UFOs. most interesting reading. Copies may
be obtained for $15.00 from Dr. Pajak at UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
'.. A predictably-skeptical article on
Route 1 — Box 220
UFOs can be found in the November P.O. Box 1705, Invercargill, New Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
issue of DISCOVER. The autrror Zealand. Payment by International
attempts to explain all the recent New Postal Money Order is suggested. °
York and Connecticut sightings as the
THE NtGHT SKY: Summer Triangle is approaching
the NW horizon. The southern_sky
DECEMBER at this season is devoid of bright
CONSULTANT Investigator's Manual for monthly
star maps and bright star rise/set
BRIGHT PLANETS (Evening Sky): times.

. Venus is. low in the SSW and

brightening. The most brilliant of
all the planets (and a prime "UFO"
culprit) now sets more than 3
hours after sunset in midmonth.

Mars, in Capricornus, and

Aquarius, remains: low in the SW
as it continues to fade, setting
about 9 PM.

Jupiter, in Sagittarius, is situatec

very low in the SW and sets aboul
6 PM;in midrnonth.


Saturn, in Libra, emerges from the /•.-; - • v , r n - • *-v ^^r j$^^.^&

solar glare and becomes visible ' • ( : ,=^--^r>;-,/'--^^ *sft
during the latter half of the month
low in the SE. It rises about 4:30
AM in midmonth.
METEOR SHOWERS: By Paul C. Ccrny, Western Regional Director

The annual Geminids peak on the

morning of December 14 at a rate EXPRESS-NEWS, Son Antonio, Texas
of about 50 per hour. The shower
lasts from about the 7th to the Tuesdoy, Dec. 11,1984
, 15th. The .Ursids, radiating from
Ursa Minor, reach maximum on
the morning of the 22nd, about 15 Giant planet found
. per hour. Its duration is from about WASHINGTON (AP) - The first
the 17th to the 24th. planet directly observed outside tto
solar system has been discovered or-
biting a faint star 21 light-years away
MOON PHASES: from Earth, astronomers announced
Monday. A team of scientists said
the giant planet, estimated to be SO to
Full moon — December 8 83 times more massive than Jupiter
Last quarter — December 15 — the biggest planet in our solar
New moon — December 22 T. SCOTT CRAIN, JR.
system — was the first of Us class
First quarter — December 30 Author of article in this issue titled
ever found.

The entire Winter Circle ofrbright

stars is well established in the SE
sky during the midevening. Sirius
rises in the ESE at 8 PM .at
midmonth'. At the same time the
Lucius Parish

In Others' Words
Spanish UFO researcher Juan work of pilots flying their aircraft in
Jose Benitez is profiled in an article in formations at night. Hardly an
the S e p t e m b e r 11 issue of acceptable answer for all the reports,
NATIONAL ENQUIRER. Benitez, although it may be a valid explanation
the author of 20 books on the UFO for some of them.
subject, tells of UFO photographs, . The late Isabel Davis was one of
encounters with UFO occupants and the pioneer UFO researchers and her
other incredible cases he has : writings are always of interest.
discovered in his investigations. The Publisher Armand A. Laprade has
ENQUIRER'S, September 18 issue recently put together a booklet which
quotes researchers Brad Steiger and reprints one of Ms. Davis' lengthy
Henry Morton with respect to UFO articles, first published in November
encounters which seem to have had 1957. MEET THE EXTRATER-
positive effects on the lives of RESTRIAL is an attempt to discredit
witnesses. A UFO abduction case from the contact stories of Adamski, Fry, LUCIUS PARISH
Argentina is featured in the September Bethurum, Angelucci and others of that
25 ENQUIRER issue. A businessman era who claimed to have communicated
claims to have been taken aboard a with UFO occupants. Laprade has UFO NEWSCLIPP1NG
UFO and to have had blood taken from added numerous photos of the SERVICE
him by alien beings. Another abduction contactees and others involved with The UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
account is reported in the October 16 their claims. This is a nicely-done will keep you informed of all the latest
ENQUIRER, this one allegedly having publication which is available for $3.25 United States and World Wide UFO
occurred in 1976 during a trip from postpaid from Laprade at Route 4, Box activity, as it happens! Our service was
Phoenix, Arizona to Lubbock, Texas. 156, Marshall, AR 72650. The booklet started in 1969, at which time we
Under hypnotic regression, the witness also contains i n f o r m a t i o n on contracted with a reputable
subscribing to Laprade's periodical, international newspaper clipping
told how she and her 4-year-qld
bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
daughter were taken aboard a UFO, WOULD YOU BELIEVE?, which
find UFO reports (i.e., little known
where she was given the "standard" contains material on all types of photographic cases, close encounter
physical examination. More UFO unexplained phenomena. and landing reports, occupant cases)
reports from the files of Spanish Those interested in theories of and all other UFO reports, many of
Ufologist J.J. Benitez are detailed in the UFO propulsion will be intrigued by the which are carried only in small town or
October 30 ENQUIRER" issue. ideas set forth by Dr. Jan Pajak in his foreign' newspapers.
book, THEORY OF THE MAGNO- "Our UFO Newsclipping Service
Sightings by airline pilots and ground
issues are 20-page monthly reports,
controllers are described by Benitez! CRAFT. Briefly, Dr. Pajack seeks to
reproduced by photo o f f s e t ,
UFO sightings in New York and explain the actions attributed to UFOs, containing the latest United States and
Connecticut are..the subject pf an as well as their attendant phenomena Canadian UFO newsclippmgs, with
article-in the September 11" issue of ("angerhair," etc.), by proposing a our foreign section carrying the latest
STAR.: Photographs and a drawing of theory which, he says, is "wholly based, British, .'Australian, New Zealand and
the reported objects are included. • on the current state of our knowledge," other foreign press reports. Also
with no new laws of physics being included is ; a 3-5 page section of
. • • • ' • The "Anit-Matter/UFO -Update"
"Fortean" • clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
column of October OMNI Has an necessary to duplicate a UFO's
other "monster" reports). Let us keep
interesting look at the famous Delphos, performance. This is a large softcover you informed of the latest happenings
Kansas, UFO landing case, some 13 volume containing 96 pages of text and in the UFO and Fortean fields." • '
years after the event. This issue of an additional 39 pages of illustrations For subscription information and
OMNI also has a good profile of writer relating to the basic theory. For the sample pages from our service, write
John G Fuller, author of three'books technically-minded, it should rriake for today to:
on UFOs. most interesting reading. Copies may
A predictably-skeptical article on be obtained for $15.00 from Dr. Pajak at
\ Route 1 — Box 220
UFOs can be found in the November . P.O. Box 1705, Invercargill, New Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
issue of DISCOVER. The author Zealand. Payment by International
attempts to explain all the recent New Postal Money Order is suggested. °
York and Connecticut sightings as the 15
THE NiGHT SKY: ' Summer Triangle is approaching
the NW horizon. The southern sky
DECEMBER .at this season is devoid of bright
CONSULTANT Investigator's Manual for monthly
star maps and bright star rise/set
BRIGHT PLANETS (Evening Sky): times.

Venus is low in the SSW and

. brightening. The most brilliant of
all the planets (and a prime "UFO"
..culprit), now. sets more than 3
,/•' hours after sunset 'in midmonth.

Mars, in C a p r i c o r h u s and
Aquarius, remains low in the SW
as' it continues to fade, settinc
about 9 PM. •

Jupiter, in Sagittarius, is situatec

very low in the SW and sets about
6PM in.midmonth.

BRIGHT PLANETS (Morning Sky):, •

Saturn, in Libra, emerges.from the,

splar glare and becomes visible
during the latter half of-the month
low in the SE. It rises about 4:30
AM in midmonth. ,
METEOR SHOWERS: By Paul C. Cerny, Western Regional Director

• "• The annual Geminids peak on the

.:, morning of December 14 at a rate EXPRESS-NEWS, Son Antonio, Texas
• of-'about 50. per hour. The shower
lasts from about the 7th to the Tuesday. Dec. 11,1984
, ' 15th. The Ursids, radiating from
Ursa Minor, reach maximum on
•: the morning of the 22nd, about 15 Giant planet found
; per hour. Its duration is from about WASHINGTON (AP) — The first
the :17th to the 24th. planet directly observed outside thft
solar system has been discovered or-
biting a faint star 21 light-yean away
MOON PHASES: from Earth, astronomers announced
' i•
Monday. A team of scientists said
the giant planet, estimated to be SO to
Full moon — December 8 80 times more massive than Jupiter
Last quarter — December 15 — the hlggest planet in our solar
New moon — December 22 system — was theflrst of Us class
T. SCOTT CRAIN, JR. ever found.
First quarter — December 30 Author of article in this issue titled

The entire Winter Circle of bright

stars is well established in the SE
sky during the midevening. Sirius
rises in .the ESE, at 8 PM. at
midmonth! At the same time the
Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood
Due .to popular demand, ten
copies of the 1972 MUFON UFO
Conference Proceedings have been
reprinted and bound in a Duo-Tang
clear, front maroon folder for collectors
of this rare and out of print edition (156
'pages), in 8y2 x 11 format. This is the
third annual MUFON UFO
Conference (Symposium) held at the
Holiday Inn in Quincy, Illinois, on June
17 and 18,:1972. The speakers and their
published papers were Dr. David R.
Saunders, "Some New Lines for UFO
Research"; John F. Schuessler,
"UFOs-A Product of Alien Intellect";
Ted Phillips, "Landing Traces --
Physical Evidence for the UFO"; Dr; R.
Cedric Leonard, "UFOs in Antiquity";
Brad Steiger, "Flying Saucer
Missionaries"; Joseph M. Brill, "UFOs
Behind; the Iron Curtain"; and Walter
H. Andrus Jr., "An-Introduction to the
Midwest UFO Network (MUFON)."
Published ; papers' were .submitted by
Dr. Barry,H. Downing, "UFOs As a
Religious Phenomenon," and George
D. Fawcett, "Quarter Century of UFOs
in North Carolina." Not previously
published, these ten copies contain the What does the government know
address by the Keynote Speaker, Mr. about UFOs and why won't it tell us?
,Charles E. Barnum, Executive Editor of
the , Quincy Herald-Whig Newspaper
titled "UFOs-As Viewed by the News With a foreword by Dr. J. Allen Hynek
Media." This paper is as appropos
today as it,was in 1972.
The price for this special edition is
$12.00, which includes fourth class Don't wait for your local book store to order a, new
'postage. Payment must be made in supply of CLEAR INTENT. MUFON has a stock of
U.S. funds. An International Postal ' the third printing ready to ship for $8.95 plus $1.50
Money Order is required for our for postage and handling (paperback). Foreign
foreign members, since the collection > members must send ah International Postal Money
'cost of checks written against foreign Order or a check drawn upon a U.S. Bank.
banks exceed their face value
when they are submitted for collection.
Please order now since the supply is
limited. All orders should be mailed and
checks made payable to MUFON[ 103
Oldtowhe Road, Seguin, Texas 78155
U.S.A. Orders received after the small
supply is exhausted will have a choice of
applying the $12.00 to (1) an extension
of their membership/subscription, (2) a
Fund for Research Inc.
credit toward other MUFON
publications, or (3) your check will be
returned. PO Box 277 Mount Rainier. Maryland 20822

IN ST. Louis, MO ON JUNE 28, 29 AND 30, 1985





Dr. J. Allan Hynek, Scientific Director John P. Tlmmermen, Chairman

Research & Investigation Office Associates Education & Business Office
P.O. Box 1402 P.O. Box 1621
Evanston, IL 60204, U.S.A. Lima, OH 45802, U.S.A.
(312) 491-6666 CENTER FOR UFO ' STUDIES (419) 223-2531
Not-For-Proflt Illinois Corporitlon
.Director's Message Madison County and the support of MUFON will provide a copy of our
(continued from .back page) William G. Willman, State Section I.R.S. Tax Exempt Status to all donors
Director for St. Clair and Monroe for their 1984 Federal Income Tax
are extended to John in his new job Counties. Known as Quad County returns. These gifts help make it
responsibility. Mr. Schuessler was one MUFON, they meet the second possible for us to purchase capital
of the founding members of MUFON in Tuesday of each month at Rascals equipment items so as to expand our
1969. Restaurant, Highway 157 and Mall research capabilities.
*•*•* Road, in Collinsville, Illinois, at 6:30 PM Nominations for candidates for the
On July 7, 1984, Dr. J. Allen for dinner and followed by their meeting Central Regional Director election to
Hynek, John Timmerman, Richard H. at 7:30 PM. The public is invited. the MUFON Board of Directors must
Hall, John F. Schuessler and Walt Additional information may be obtained be submitted in writing before April 15,
Andrus met in San Antonio to discuss from Ms. Tellor at (618) 345-7460. 1985. Wherever this has not been done,
the potential future of the North MUFON encourages the formation of State Directors are requested to select
American UFO Federation (NAUFOF) such investigative teams as Karen and appoint Assistant State Directors
as it concerned CUFOS, MUFON, and Tellor has organized. The UFOSG of and State Public Relations Directors to
the Fund for UFO Research. The St. Louis is to be commended for complete their state organizations.
Board of Directors of CUFOS had helping establish this new group across The MUFON Board of Directors
already made a decision not to support the Mississippi River. On September and the Journal Staff would like to take
NAUFOF and Dr. J. Allen Hynek 8th, John Rappolo was elected this opportunity to extend a very Merry
resigned from the NAUFOF Board. President of the UFOSG for the 1984- Christmas and Holiday Greetings to
With the resignation of Dr. Richard F. 85 year. our members throughout the world for
Haines as Director in September, 1984, During a vacation trip to Honolulu their loyalty and volunteer dedication to
the f u t u r e looked very bleak and the island of Oahu, Jeanne and resolving the UFO phenomenon. Your
considering who would automatically Walt Andrus arranged to meet with continued interest, enthusiasm, and
ascend to the directorship. MUFON, MUFON members in the islands on talent are essential if we are to solve the
SKYNET and the Fund for UFO October 5th. We were the dinner greatest scientific mystery of our time.
Research were the only organizations guests of Dr. David W. Swift, his wife We can all be proud of the
who paid membership dues in 1983- Lois and daughter Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. accomplishments of the Mutual UFO
84. After due consideration, MUFON David Crockett joined us for dessert. Network in our fifteen years of
has elected not to provide financial (Mr. Crockett is best known for his operation. A vote of thanks and
support to the NAUFOF for 1984-85, motion picture of a UFO filmed from an gratitude to each of you for helping to
since it has deteriorated to an airfreighter between the North and establish MUFON as the leading UFO
association of UFO splinter groups that : South Islands of New Zealand in 1978.) membership organization in the world
are not interested in cooperation We visited by telephone with Don E. today.
except on their terms. Such an Avery, Ph.D. in Kaneohe and John
organization is not qualified to Napier in Kihoi. Michael Brein, State
represent the N o r t h American Director for Hawaii, was with his father
Continent in international UFO circles, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who was
therefore Richard H. Hall and Walt undergoing heart surgery, therefore we
Andrus proposed that the NAUFOF be missed visiting with Michael as well as
dissolved through a vote of the Board of Paul McCarthy, former Assistant State
Directors. Insufficient votes were cast
for the dissolution of the Federation.
Director and Kalani Hanohano (David
Jacobson) former State Director for
MUFON and CUFOS are already
member o r g a n i z a t i o n s of the
International Committee for UFO
Research (ICUR), .therefore our
Utilizing the donation from
MUFON of San Antonio, the Mutual
happy times
financial and research activities will be
directed to this prestigious
UFO Network purchased a JVC model
HR-D22OU VHS video cassette
decorate your
international body. Michael Sinclair, recorder for use in public relation
events and analysis of UFO
holiday season.
International Coordinator, has been
MUFON's representative to ICUR and documentaries and video films in our May wanp, special
has attended all board meetings. library. May we express our
*** appreciation to Tom Deuley and the memories brighter? your
With the continued growth of Symposium committee who made this
the UFO Study Group of Greater St. possible. Gifts were also received new year. May the wonder
Louis, a new Illinois MUFON group has during October from Dr. Gary Levine
been organized under the leadership of in Kingston, New York and Mrs. Louise of Christmas be with you forever.
Karen Tellor, State Section Director for Deadman of Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Walt Andrus

The UFO Study Group of Greater Washington, D.C., and with your were referred to local MUFON officers
St. Louis is hosting the MUFON 1985 Director in Seguin, Texas. Both articles so personal interviews could be
UFO Symposium at the Chase Hotel in will probably be published in the UFO conducted.
St. Louis, Missouri, on June 28,29, and Newsclipping Service by Lucius Parish. Several months ago Norman S.
30, 1985. Cliff Palmberg is the This is the type of favorable UFO Bean, State Director for Florida,
Chairman, and Kenneth and Helen publicity that is vitally needed for public advised your International Director
Hanke are the Assistant Chairpersons education so as to remind the populace that he was contemplating resigning his
for this upcoming annual event. The that the UFO enigma still represents position because of his inability to travel
following speakers have been one of the most significant scientific and advancing age. At that time Donald
confirmed: Joseph M. Brill, George D. problems facing the governments of M. Ware agreed to be the Assistant
Fawcett, Stanton T. Friedman, Peter A. this planet. State Director. On October 21st, Mr.
Gersten, William L. Moore, Ted Since a person must be eighteen Ware met with Mr. Bean in Miami, to
Phillips, John F. Schuessler, Leonard years of age to be a Field Investigator or coordinate plans for the future of
H. Stringfield and David F. Webb. Each Trainee in MUFON, Shirley C. Fox has MUFON in Florida and the transition in
of these gentlemen will utilize their proposed and started an associate leadership. Donald M. Ware has now
particular expertise to present group of talented teenagers, who will be been appointed as the State Director
evidence to meet the challenging known as Junior Investigators. Many of for Florida succeeding Mr. Bean who
theme: "UFOs: The Burden of Proof." our present' officers in MUFON has held that position for nearly four
Marge Christensen will announce the became interested in the UFO years, originally joining MUFON in
details for the National UFO phenomenon while in Junior and Senior 1974. Mr. Ware is a retired U.S.A.F. Lt.
Information Week prior to the High School, therefore we heartily Colonel with a Masters Degree in
speakers' presentations. In addition to endorse Shirley's proposal. Nuclear Engineering, a fighter pilot and
the chairpersons already named, the *** a graduate of the Air War College. Don
' following people are heading up The syndicated national TV attended the last two MUFON UFO
individual committees: Barbara program, PM Magazine, featuring a Symposia, since retiring from the
Becker, Frank Brown, Myrtle and segment about the Mutual UFO U.S.A.F. and returning to live in Ft.
Walter Palmer, Mike Shannon, Karen Network that was aired on October 18, Walton Beach, Florida. He has plans to
Teller, Bruce Widaman and Spencer 1984, produced"very positive responses revitalize our investigative and research
Wolfing. John Schroeder, State Section from people from coast-to-coast in team in Florida through correspond-
Director, will be the Master of reply to our telephone number shown ence. Michael A. Chamblee, an
Ceremonies. on the TV screen for viewers. A partial architect in Llano, Texas has been
*** list of the telephone calls received in the appointed the State Section Director
Congratulations to Shirely C. Fox, MUFON office came from the following for Llano County. After two UFO
State Section Director and Everette R. cities: Costa Mesa, Los Angeles, San sightings by Mr. Chamblee and his
Walter, Ph.D., Consultant in Electrical Diego, and San Francisco (California); family, he has kept his camera
Engineering for their full page spread in Azle, Garland, and Ft. Worth (Texas); immediately available for future
the Fort Myers (Florida) News-Press Salt Lake City (Utah); Bush, opportunities. Michael and two of his
with photographs of each. George D. (Louisiana); Louisville, Crestwood, and sons a t t e n d e d t h e M U F O N
Fawcett, Assistant State Director for Shepardsville (Kentucky); Albuquer- Symposium in San Antonio. He has a
North Carolina, had UFO window que and Deming (New Mexico); B.A. in architecture and is also a
displays set up in two storefronts in Oakville, Meriden, and West Hartford builder.
Lincolnton, North Carolina, during (Connecticut); East Waterford and After serving as the Project
their recent Apple Festival. A fine Lancaster (Pennsylvania); New York Manager for Space Shuttle Flight
article by Beth Burrell, Staff Reporter City, South Glen Falls, Brooklyn, Operations, John F. Schuessler was
for the Gasronia Gazette (North Albany, Monsey, and North Babylon recently promoted to the position of
Carolina) with a picture of George and (New York); Fredericksburg (Virginia); Director for Engineering for the
one of his displays was recently St. Charles (Missouri); Kula, (Hawaii); McDonnell Douglas Technical Services
published. Ms. Burrell not only Emerson (New Jersey); Longwood and Company, Inc., Houston Operations.
interviewed Mr. Fawcett for her story, Avon Park (Florida); and Oakburo Our congratulations and best wishes
but conducted telephone interviews (North Carolina). Many of these people
with Captain Miles Wiley, U.S.A.F. in shared UFO experiences and some (continued on page 19)

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