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MUFON UFO Journal - February 1996

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THE MYSTERY OF AVIANO Jerry Rolwes, Lt. Col. USAF Ret. 3



--------------·- --------- -----
ABDUCTION NOTES John Carpenter 13

CURRENT CASES T. David Spencer 14 ·,[

--------------·- -------------------
NEWS& VIEWS Items by Don Berliner and others 15
THE UFO PRESS Reviews by Dennis Stacy, Jerome Clark i 7 I'
MUFON FORUM Letters by Cope, Jeffers and Marshall 20



DIRECToR·s MESSAGE Walter Andrus 24 i

COVER Courtesy Richard F. Haines 1I

MUFON UFO JOURNAL Cop!1rigl1t 1996 by tile M11hlal UFO Network. Alt Rights Resen•cd.
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I Av1wu, Air 8,1.w sus ,11 the h<1w 1)( lta/_1, ·-~ D,,/1m1ift:' Mo1111wi,1s I USAF 1,lw/())


by Jerry Rolwes. Lt. Col., USAF Ret.

n July I. 1977, Aviano Air Base (AB1. Italy ex- friends and a first sergeant assigned 10 the civil engi-

O perienced an encounter with a UFO. The object

was first observed beyond the perimeter fence
off base. northwest of the Victor Alert facility at ap-
neering squadron contacted me and asked 1f we could
meet. He indicated that he had been on duty as a security
police communications controller the night of the event.
The Security Police Control Center was only a few
proximately J:00 AM. The Victor Alert compound was
[ an aircraft ready alert facility where aircraf1. crews, yards from the Victor Alert Aircraft Facility. Near the
i maintenance •ind support personnel were housed for end of his tour. I had the opportunity to discuss the
I the purpose of immediate launl·h of the aircraft in the event with him at length and tape recorded the conver-
event hostilities occurred with the Warsaw Pal'I mem- sation. His knowledge of the event and proximi1y to
bers. Aviano Air Base CAB). Italy is a shared NATO the object allowed him to make observations which
base operated by the USAF under the control of the were detaikd and thorough. We are keeping his name
Italian Defense Ministry. Aviano is currently 1he anonymous to protect his privacy. The gentleman·s
Headquarters 16th Air Force and the 31 s1 Fighter Wing. name is on file with Mr. Walt Andrus at the Mutual
Due to the downsizing of the United Slates Air Forces UFO Network Inc. For the sake of the article. I will re-
Europe and the Bosnian Conflict. the base has increased fer to the NCO as Sg1. Robert Frank. Today Senior
in mission and responsibility. Master Sergeant Frank remains on active duty and is
I, Aviano AB has recently been in the spotlight of in-
ternational news as a result of the Bosnian Conflict and
currently assigned stateside.
In July 1977. Aviano was home to the 401h Tac1ical

r the rescue of Air Force Captain Scotty 0-Grady. The

base today serves as a vital link in the NATO and
Group which served as a forward basing installation
for F-4 fighter aircraft from the 401st Tactical Fighter

I Southern European Defense chain. Aviano sits about

an hour's train ride nonheas1 of Venice at the foot of the
picturesque Dolomite Mounwins. From June 1991 until
Wing, Torrejon AB. (Madrid) Spain. Tht.~se fighters pro•
vided tactical air support for the southern European
NATO members against the Warsaw Pact coumries due
my retirement in July 1993.1 was assigned to the base. lo Aviano·s close proximity to the Yugoslavian border.
While there. I served as the logis1ics officer Deputy During this period Sgt. Robert Frank was an E-5 mem-
Commander for Resource Management and as the ber of the security police squadron working in the
Deputy Commander for the Regional Support Group Security Control Center Building 1170 which was only
which placed me in contact with all base agencies. a few yards from the Victor Alert facility.
With my private interest in UFO research, I would oc- I began the interview by asking Sgt. Robert Frank
casionally bring up the story of the July 1. 1977 UFO in- t R.F.) to describe the weather conditions and how the se-
ddent as is described in Mr. Timothy Good's book curity facility had been alerted the night of the inci-
Abo,·e T(Jp Secret. Eventually word spread among my dent.

I had no special night vision equipment or anything else because it was a very bright light. It was
binoculars. I just observed it with my eyes. circular. In Above Top Secret it indicates it had a domed
top. Because of the intensity of !he lights especially
you didn't need anything else because it around the rim, it was k:ind of hard to see beyond the
was a very bright light. It was circular ... glare. From my vantage point, I could not detennine if
there was any silhouette of a dome like shape or the _like.
It seemed to have multiple lights. In Mr. Good's book,
R.F It was about 3:00 AM, the weather was very clear, he described the lights going through different colors
warm, yet was the coolest of the evening hours. I recall from white to green and then to red. As I recall, it was
there was a full or quarter moon which was still fairly more from yellow to orange to red. I didil't notice any \
high in the sky. There was no ground fog present due to green lighting on the craft. While I was observing the
the temperature. The security control center was ini-. object you could hear a sound like bees buzzing or a
tially .ilerted when our control sensors activated. The humming sound. There was also a high amount of static
Victor Alert facility had a high hurricane type fence electricity in the air and you could feel it on the hair on
with concertina wire mounted on top. The fence was your arms. You could definitely feel the static. Outside
also reinforced by mrtgnetic and motion detectors. Ase- of that phenomena, there were no other changes to the
curity control tower wns located in the comer of the fa- atmosphere when the object changed color.
cility and manned by a security police member. He con-
tacted us reporting that arr alarms had gone off at the J.R. For the purpose of setting the record straight in re-
same tlme. He quickly searched the area visually and no- lation 10 what was reported in Mr. Good's book Above
ticed a light off to the northwest (off base), beyond the Top Secret, was the object ever above the Victor Alert
perimeter fence in an adjoining soybean field. When the Area or above the Aviano runway or flight line?
alarm activation occurred the alert facility also experi-
enced a power outage simultaneously. The Victor Alert R.F. I had no reports ofit and I never saw ir above the
facility is designed to deal with an outage and the aux- base myself. It was always over the field off the base.
iliary power back-up system k.icked in immediately.
There were some minor power fluxes for the next 15 to J.R. So it stayed over the soybean field. Did it ever
20 minutes. As was established procedure, I notified make any motion towards the base?
the Wing Command Post that we had a security situation
in progress and that a security response team had been R. F. Not that I know of. No one reported any such
dispatched in and around the facility to detennine if movement toward the base proper.
anyone was intruding into the area. The only thing they
reported back to us was that there were lighls off in the J.R. Was any type of security response team dispatched
direction of the northwest beyond the base perimeter off base to the location of the object?
fence. The lights were towards the mountains on what
we called the back comer of the flight line. By my own R.F. Because it was a NATO base, a combined USAF
observation 1 would estimate that the lights were roughly Security Police and Carabinieri (National Italian Police)
200 meters beyond the fence line. unit was dispatched off base on patrol to detennine the
nature of the object. As a result of the layout of the
Jerry Ro{wes (J.R.) When did you first see the lights? base, the combined police response team was required to
take a long route around the base through a couple of
R.F. Once I completed all my reporting responsibilities small villages. By the time they arrived, the object had
to the Command Post, one of the security teams came departed. It just gradually inclined and took off towards
down and relieved me so I could go up on top of my the cornier nt the mountains. When it started moving
building to cake a look. Our Security Control Center was .iway 1f ;.!-lln<:'d altitude in a gradual slope.
an underground facility. The time that had elapsed from
When I first received the reports to when l wus relieved JR \\1~1:- Lhere any increase in the static in the air,
in order to observe the object from outside our facility ( h 111~<'" ,n the coloration or sound of the craft when it be-
was approximately 15 minutes. t:in "' lkpart the are.i?

J.R. Did you observe the object with any optical equip- R.F I don't recall any increase in the static. The buzzing
ment such as binoculars or night vision scopes? What sound increased. It got just a little louder and a little
can you tell us about the visual appearance or sound of higher pitched. When the buzz increased in pitch the
the object? color started to fluctuate, it went from yellow, orange to
red in a gradual manner. Tt stayed more coward the red-
R.F. I had no special night vision equipment or binocu- dish color as it moved away.
lars. J just observed it with my eyes, you didn't need

J.R. How long did you observe the object? Please de- Because of the intensity of the lights espe-
scribe the objec!. cially around the rim, it was kind of hard to
R. F. I observed the object for a total of about five minutes see beyond the glare. From my vantage
while it was over the soybean field and about anmher point, I could not determine if there was
minute when it started to depart the area. We all lost any silhouette of a dome /Ike shape or the
sight of it when it headed 1oward the comer of the moun-
tain range. It might have dropped down below the edge like. It seemed to have multiple lights.
of the mountain crest. For the sake of explanation,
Avian□ AB flight line is situated apprmtimately three R.F No one from security police investigations or
kilometers south of the base of the Dolomite AFOSI comacred me or any of the other witnesses and
Mountains.The mountains rise to about 6000 feet above there were no secutity oaths requested or signed.
sea level with the mountdin range to the northwest slop-
ing down to almost the level of the plain and then raising J.R. What was 1he general consensus on the base after
back ro a higher elevation. As the er.aft left rhe <1rea, it the event occurred?
picked up speed and maintained a consistent straight
course wward the mountain pass. From where J ob- R.F There was a lot of speculation about some sort of
served the object, I was about 500 meters from the craft UFO or something around the base. But the talk just kind
and well inside the perimeter fence. The objecr was ap- of died away and the incident was more or less ignored.
proximately 200 meters beyond the fence line to the
northwest. 1.R. In both Tim Good's book Abol!e Top Secret, and
Jenny Randles' book The UFO Compiracy, they refer to
J.R. Did the craft pick up speed the further it got away an NCO or soldier by the name of James Blake who had
from Avian□ ? leaked the im·ident to locaJ investigators. In that context
they allude to a cover-up by the local base authorities at
R.F ft seemed to accelerate a lirtJe faster the further it Aviano concerning the incident. Did you know a James
went away, but at night, it's kind of hard to tell when Blake and again did you encounter any Air Force efforts
something is moving directly away from you. The angle to cover or minimize the incident?
between where I was and the corner of the mountain was
a straight line. lts flight characteristic was very straight R.F. I have a slight memory of an Airman James Blake
and stable until we lost i1 visually in the distance. who was a security cop. r had seen him a couple of
times, but had no relationship with him. As to a cover-up
J.R. Could you estimate the diameter of the craft when it as I said before, there were no securiry oaths requested
was the closest to you? or taken. The base experienced a situation and we
couldn't expJWn what it was. The Security Police law
R.F. As Tsaid previously, I estimate that 1 was about 500 enforcement personnel with the ltalian Carabiniefl
meters from the object. It appeared to be somewhere in National Police went out, looked around the field and
the vicinity of 35 meters; maybe 75 to IOO feet in di- found nothing of significance. The object did not intrude
ameter. That's about the bes! I can do. on or over the base and did not really affect anything off~
base from what could be determined. It was just a report
JR C'ould you please di.scuss for a moment the power of a weird incident and they le1 it go at that.
Olit,,~L· in relation to what was described in Above Top
:, \1, /( r The book refers to a total power outage when it J.R. Did you observe the Carabinieri and the USAF
kfL Lhc .irea. ls this an inaccuracy? Security Police approaching the acea or rhe object before
• it departed the area?
• R.F When the event occurred, J was only concerned
with the Victor /\krl f.1cility. We had a power loss, but R.F. I know the Security Police were dispatched out, bul
then the back-ul' ~<:'11<c·-rators kicked in and we only had ro get to the back side of the base to where it w::is over
some minor po\\cl llu~es which is characteristic with the soybean field took them ten to fifteen minutes dri-
back-up gener.ttun,. A~ far as the rest of the base, to my ving time. lt was necessary for them to go through some
memory, Jr was not completely blacked out. J could see of the smaller villages north of the flight line base fa-
some lights across the field from where I was located. cility. By the time they arrived the craft had departed.
We could see them out there when they arrived at the
J.R. Were there any after action reports you had to fill site. They were not operating in an emergency mode
out as a result of the evem? Did the Air Force Office of with their blue emergency lights flushing. They pulled
Special Investigations (AFOSI), or security police in- up quietly, looked around the area. They did not find any
vestigations require security oaths from the witnesses? damage to the field and lhen !hey lefr.


I do feel the craft was observing us. I did Headquarters I had access 10 the Wing's historical office
not have any feelings it was hostile or that records through the Air Force sergeant in charge of the :
program. She researched both the classified and un- ,,,,
we were threatened by the object because it classified records for the July l, 1977 date and the quar-
made no movements or actions toward us. ter's history it would have appeared in. In both cases she
We certainly took no hostile actions toward found no references 10 the incident.
My knowledge of required inputs to a wing history
it. leaves 1he administrators quite a degree of nexibility.
Certain standardized information and reports are re-
quired such as sortie/maintenance rates and budgetary
J.R. Did you feel the object was sitting on the ground or actions to name a couple. An incident recorded on a
was it hovering above the ground or could you really USAF security police blotter may or may not end up in
tell? the wing history. The security police blotter would be re-
tained in an active file for the calendar year it was pre-
R.F. From my location it looked like ii was above the pared. It would 1hen be retained in an inactive file for an
ground, but the exact height I'm not sure, maybe 30 feet. additional year. Once this period ended it would be de-
maybe a little lower. stroyed per IAW USAF directives.
In light of the fact that no intrusion or hostile ac-
J.R. Do you have any final comments concerning this in- tions were made over or into the Victor Alert facility or
cident? over the flight line it is very logical and consistent with
administrative procedures that no reference from the
R.F. I felt at the time the craft was nothing we knew blotter would have been entered into the wing·s quarterly
about. I don't feel it was an experimental aircraft from history. It is obvious something of an unknown nature
our Air Force or anyone else's for tha1 matter. If it were did occur at Aviano AB, Italy on July 1, 1977. As a re-
an experimental craft, I doubt they would have flown i1 sult of nothing serious ensuing, there was no need to el-
in unannounced and then hover it over a soybean field evate the security response or administrative reporting of
next to an active alert facility. If it was a classified tech- 1he incident. I feel this is an example where partial in-
nology encountering flight troubles there would have formation was ob1ained and faulty conclusions were
been more security involvement through secure com- drawn by other investigators as to an "alleged cover-up,"
munications channels. I do feel the craft was observing ·which was non-exis1ent. Even for a non-military mem-
us. I did not have any feelings it was hostile or that we ber it would be easy to seek information on the incident
were threatened by the object because it made no move- as I did. When further information was not found ir
ments or actions toward us. We certainly took no hostile was also easy to de1ennine why and what the lack of that
actions coward it. Those of us who observed it were in a informa1ion meant.
stand-off mode. We were observing it and trying to fig-
ure out whal it was. II was near the ground a very short REFERENCES
time and to my knowledge there were no photos taken of I. Good, Timothy, Abol'e Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO
it. I'm not sure if the incident appeared in the Italian Cover-up, New York: Quill; William Morrow and Co.
press because I don't read Italian. I can say, it did not ap- Inc, I 1988), pps. 144-145.
pear in the base paper or the Armed Forces Stars and 2. Randles, Jenny, The UFO Conspiracy: The First Forry
Stripes. Years, New YOrk: Barnes and Noble Books, ( 1993), pps.
The astronomy program "The Sky for Windows 2.0
1994" by Software Bisque described the following sky
Jeriy Rolwes is MUFON's Assistant State Director
for Washington State. He retired as a Lt. Colonel
conditions the night of the event. On July I, 1977, there from the Air Force on October 1, 1993. Mr. Rolwes
was almost a full moon setting in the SW approximately holds a BA degree in 20th Centuiy American Histoiy
14.5 degrees above the horizon in the constellation from Drake University and an MS in Human
Sagittarius al about 3:00 AM. The craft appeared NW of Resource Management from Gonzaga University.
the Vic1or Alert facility hovering near the ground.
He is also a graduate of Squadron Officer School,
SMSgt Frank made it very clear there were no secu-
rity oaths requested or post incident briefings conducted
concerning the incident. He said there were a1 leas1 18
and the associate's programs from Air Command
and Staff College and Air War College, Air
personnel in the Victor Alert area at the time who ob- University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. He appeared '
served the craft. Ten personnel were standing across on the Fox "Sightings" program March 5, 1995 in a
the street against the outer perimeter fence in order to get segment entitled "UFO's of the Northwest." He cur-
a better view of the object. While I worked in Wing rently resides in Spokane, WA.




l Photoanalysis and text prepared by Dr. Richard F. Haines

I Investigated by Francis Ridge, Linda Dahlkemper, Bruce Engstrom, Robert Taylor,

Roger Sugden and John Timmerman


Eight adult witnesses saw a self-luminous across the sky at a campground in northern Indiana at 9:30 pm
( EDT) on August 31, 199.J on a clear dark night. Five 35 mm. color photographs were taken over about a 25-second
imerval with a Kodak K-40 camera. Four of the frames show an angularly large object. This paper describes the re-
sults of measurements, calculations, and various digital quantifications. Knowledge of the approximate maximum dis-
lance to the object from two different ground vantage points and the angular size of the aerial object shows that it was
about 19 Jeer in length and 8.5 j'eet thick (at an assumed range of 2300 feet). Further analysis suggests the object tra\'•
e/ed approximately 3900 feet over a JO.second time span. Assuming a constant velocity, its ground speed would hm·e
been approximately 192 mph - significantly faster than a blimp in calm air. The suggestion that the object
was an internally illuminated advertising blimp is rejected on other grounds as well. The object remains unidentified.

IGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS RESULTS: the American Blimp Corporation of Hillsboro, Oregon.

D Frames 4. 7 were scanned with a LaCie Ltd.,

Silver Scanner II and analyzed by Dr. Richard F.
Haines using Adobe Photoshop software on a Power
Four variations are sold which vary in length but not in
width-to•length ratio. The overall length of the A- 150
model is 128 feet and its maximum diameter is 30' 10''
Macintosh model 7100/66. for a width to length ratio of0.24 (about one•half of the
measured width to length ratio of the UFO seen in
THE ADVERTISING BLIMP HYPOTHESIS: It was frames 4 and 5; viz. 0.444 and 0.452, respectively J.
suggested that the UFO was an internally illuminated ad• One shorter and 1wo slightly longer models than the
vertising blimp on the basis of the fact that a blimp A· 15O are manufactured by this company. The top
definitely was in the area· that evening ( Anon., 1994 speed of this model is 55 mph using 1wo 68 hp German
[a]: Anon.,1994 [b]) and similarities in general shape of Limbach engines, each operating at 2900 RPM.
j video images obtained previously in other geographic lo· The maximum rate of climb for this blimp is 1600
cales by several people (Kelley,1995; Sainio, 1993). feet per minute and 1400 fpm maximum rate of de·
i We will evaluatf this suggestion in light of each piece of scent. Its rated service ceiling is 7800 feet and maximum
II evidence. Mr. J. K. said that he went hunting the next
day and saw the "Family Channel Blimp" flying nearby.
range without refueling at 40 mph is 560 nautical miles.
Its minimum turn radius is 375 feet. Needless to say, its
!1 He remarked to the investigator, Francis Ridge, ''There's ability to accelerate is very limited. More importantly.
I: noway in hell (that.) we saw a blimp that night." As will the outer skin of these blimps is made from a tough
I be seen, several different avenues were followed to test woven fabric and plastic film that is translucent.
,,"' this personal assessment by the eyewitness. Spotlights located inside it make the entire blimp glow
relatively evenly. The advertising panels on the sides of

Ridge and Mr. John Timmerman of the J. Allen Hynek
Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) separately contacted
the blimp do not move relative to the blimp itself but are
attached by numerous tie-down cords.
A blimp was in the area. (Ridge: "One newspaper ac·
" various lighter·than·air ship manufac1urers for specifi• coun1 said that The Family Channel blimp was respon•
cations, illustrations, and flight schedules. Figure 12 sible for reports in northern Indiana a1 that time.")
(not shown here)is a drawing of the ·'Lightship" built by Kelley ( 1995) reported that a blimp owned by the Virgin



Figure I
Drawing of General Area of Sighling

... ,. ""'"

Tall tree

, Th<! Virgi11 Ughtship Co. blimp

,' !••
\ ,
, I
.... ♦•
••...... ,
as a bulge beneath the oval-shaped Object. Each flash is
seen in only one frame indicating thai its duration is less
than I/30th of a second. (8) and tC) the generally oval-
• Estimated •
,, path ol aerial obj&C1
,, Oepanure \"• • shaped blimp image is composed of several horizontal
, '' Dlrecllon \ :r._
,, ,
' 100011 '
{raster) TV lines separated by blank. lines whose ends
stair-step in order to produce the overall image. The
'' overall width to length ratio of these images is 0.42
(ool 10 scale) ~
and no prominent dome is seen on the top.
Est. location
of IWO hunlefS Contradictory film image si:.e. If the object was one
of the American Blimp Corporation airships (128 feet
long) for instance, it would have had to be 21,395 feet
(about 4 miles) away to produce the small image length
found on these photographs! This large a distance con-
tradicts the testimony of the main group of witnesses at
Lightship Co. (Orlando, Florida) !raveled from the campsite. as well as that_ of two hunters who said
Minneapolis, Minnesota to Lakehurst, New Jersey in 31. they saw the object to the north of' their estimated posi-
hours, including that evening. tion. ·
No sound heard. If a blimp was the source of these Other arguments. 1) the lack of any visible protuber-
photographs its reciprocating engines would probably ance on the top of the blimp which is clearly visible in
also have been heard at distances under about 2,000 to all of these photographs, 2) the presence of a small
3,000 feet in the calm night air. No such sounds were gondola below the blimp which is not 1 isible on these

heard by anyone. photographs, 3J the presence of a dark, opaque (struc-

Blimp shape. Several previously recorded VHS seg- tural) tip at each end of these blimps which is not seen in
ments of positively identified blimps were analyzed by any of the eyewitness drawings or phot~graphs, 4) the
Jeff Sainio, chief photo analyst for MUFON. He pro- probable average velocity calculatioll.s presented below
vided the a_uthor with a copy of these VHS clips and still tend to exceed the maximum ground speed of a blimp.
frame photographs for comparison with the present pho- 5) the reported high acceleration departure exceeds the
tographs. While they appear to be similar in shape to the capability of blimps, 6) only one of the six witnesses at
present images they also differ in interesting ways. the main campground saw a flashing light on the object
Figure 14 (not shown here) shows three consecutive as it departed to the SE. However. FAA apJ)roved anti-
1/30 sec. video frames from a camcorder recording collision strobe lights on flight certified blimps must be
taken by Mr. John Stanolevich on August 23, 1995 at visible from all possible viewing positions relative to the
Rego Park (near Shea Stadium), New York, which were blimp so that everyone in the group should have seen the
conclusively identified as an advertising blimp. These strobe light.
three video frames show: (A) the one-flash-per.second
white, anti-collision strobe light on the bottom appearing

" ,,,
,-• C

_,'.~\1~--"f" '·-','
I .,,
'{ ;,

·-·~f:? _:-~fifi:
-·,,,, :·~\t1;
, ~, ")'
.·,.,';-:-, ~.; - .
-, . ' ...:::,"

I ·'-'_;-~-- .-:(: -'i}

B & W pmll ufframe -1. ·" ,,,1,,0:d al 6()1) d11i

loci1y can be calculated. Mr. J. K. thought the sighting

Ifa blimp was the source of these pho- las1ed about 15 seconds while D. B. had a longer es1i-
tographs its reciprocating engines would mate of from 60 to 180 seconds. The other three primary
witnesses {one of the six did not report) did not make
probably also have been heard at distances tenlporal duration estimates. The total horizontal angle
under about 2,000 to 3,000 feet in the calm through which the object Lravelled {as measured from the
night air. No such sounds were heard by main campsite) is approximately that shown in Figure I.
although its distance from the observers is not known for
anyone. sure.
Assuming the flight path of the object was that shown
by the heavy dashed line in Figure I and it was in sight
T he results presented in Table 6 (not shown) also
support the opinion of Mr. J.K. wherein the angular
size of a 128-foot-long blimp was calculated for each of
fort = 60. 90. or 1:20 seconds. its average (constant) ve-
locity is 65.3. 43.5. or 3:2.6 ft/sec, (95.J. 63.8. or47.9
four hypothetical viewing distances. The leng1h of the mph), respectively. Only the slowest of these values is
image of 1he object on 1he original nega1ive represents wi1hin the 55 mph maximum speed of the commer-
only 0.86 percent of the width of 1he frame which is con-

sideni.bly smaller 1han any of 1he values given in Table 6.
Finally, the majority of blimps have a wid1h to length
ratio of from 0.25 to 0.30 which is approximately one-

half of the ratio of the present aerial object (not includ-

ing its dome on top). '
Disco111i111101ts object motiom. All bm one of the
main group of witnesses indicated that the object wasn't
a blimp. It moved relatively fast. stopped, changed di-
rections (appearing to approach the witneS$t'S). stopped
again. and then accelerated away in a matter of sec-
onds. Blimps do not behave this way!
Object i•elocity. Assuming certain values for total
disiance traveled (d) and sighting duration (I), object ye-

cially produced Lightship Blimp discussed above. If CONCLUSIONS

the ac;tual night pa1h of the object was far more of an The self-luminous aerial object seen and photographed
acute angle V with its initial and final distances much at Mango. Indiana on August 31. 1994. has remained
greater than are shown in Figure I. i.e .. an assumed to- unidentified after the various evaluations cited above. On
tal flight path length of about 10.740 feet. with the near- the one hand. its overall shape and flight characteristics
est point as illustrated. the object's average velocity are not unlike many scores of other UFOs reported for
(also assuming a constant velocity) fort= 60. 90. or 120 more than fifty years from around the world. many of
seconds would be 262. 175. or lJ I mph. respectively. which were captured in photographs. On the other hand,
All of these velocities are significantly faster than this a blimp definitely was seen during the night of August
blimp can fly. And so for .i blimp. comparable to the 3 I. 199-1 in the Mon go area. The aerial object pho-
Lightship Blimp. lo have caused this repon it would tographed cannot be positively identified at this time. It
have had to do all of the following: I ) fly at its maxi- remains a UFO.
mum speed and never stop moving. 2J fly along the
approximate path shown in Figure I or nearer to the COMMENTS BY STAT£ DIRECTOR RIDGE
campsite, 3) remain in sight for about a hundred seconds We have been unable to obtain any official flight records
or more (traveling at a constant speed), 4) somehow for any blimp flights explaining the Mongo event. Two
appear to accelerate at a high rate of spee<l. and 5 J re-
main silent the entire time! Since most of the witnesses
different blimp companies were "identified" (Family
Channel & Virgin Lightship I by "authorities." A current I,.
said thal the object moved discontinuously and actually and separate investigation is underway involving a video
seemed to stop once or twice. its actual vdocity would taken the same evening at Hamilton. Indiana. just a few I
have had to be even faster than calculated above to miles SE of Mango! The witnesses also claim the object
make up for the time it had stopped. Finally. no witness at one point was less th,.m 100 feet over them. was as big
indicated that the object changed shape. If it were a as a football field. and made no noise!
blimp and changed heading. its length would seem to
shorten somewhat without changing thickness.

The good news is that the Jou ma I has a surplus of excellent material ... the bad news is that we can't fit it into a
single issue. So look forw.ird to these coming highlights: Kent Jeffrey of The Roswell Initiative on the Santilli
"alien autopsy" film: the third installment of T. David Spencer's continuing examination of MUFON's UFO
sightings database: Jan Aldrich on historical cases. and the usual much more!

' by Dan Wright, Project Manager
MUFON Abduction Transcription Project


ne of the more intriguing aspects of Ray
Santilli's recently alleged Roswell "alien au- In 33 cases (15 percent of the Project's total), one or
topsy" film is what certainly appears to be fe- more entities appeared without clothing of any sort. A
maJe genitals at the individual's groin. Do entities from majority of those were of white-to-grey skin tone. Pale,
another world really have sex organs of a type and func- greenish, blue or bluish-green, greyish-tan, and dark-
tion likened to that of humans? If so, what might that skinned beings were likewise described. Most naked
suggest in terms of a common heritage? Alternately, entities were said co be of short stature and part of the
do "hybrid" beings (somehow a mix of human and alien "away team," restricted to delivery and return of the hu-
genes) possess human-like sexual features? man subject. However, the total included taller "doctors''
The following synopsis, offered as a background and others in authority onboard.
briefing, derives from MUFON's Abduction In none of the 33 relevant cases was such an entity
Transcription Project (hereinafter the Project). This noticed to have.male or female genitals at the groin.
analysis of specific anatomical factors contained in 750
hypnosis and interview transcripts. involving 215 sepa- FEMALES AND BREAST MASS
rate cases dating from the 1940s to the present, ad- Human-like mammary glands have been noted on one
dresses the question of whether or not the image in the entity (of yellowish-grey skin cone) and one hybrid in the
purported 1947 film reflects reality as related by re- study. !As noted later in this paper, each proceeded to
ported close encounter percipients. (See the February engage in sex with the human male subject.)
and March 1994 issues of the MUFON UFO Journal By contrast, in 49 other cases (23 percent of the total).
and the MUFON 1995 /11ternatio11al UFO Symposium wherein at least one entity was assumed by the human
Proceedings for an overview of the Project and general subject to be female - by reason of softer facial fea-
findings.) tures, specific mannerisms or other conclusion - none
were characterized as displaying obvious breast mass.
Among the Project's cases, involving over 2,000 de- THE HYBRIDS
scriptive factors indexed thus far, three characteristics So-called hybrid beings are, by all accounts, the byprod-
stand out vis-a-vis the autopsied cadaver: ucts of alien reproductive intervention with human cap-
tives. Accounting for about half of all cases in the
• In no case was an entity or (human-alien I hybrid de- Project, such reports typically relate the· extraction of
scfibed as having six digits, as was apparent in the spenn from boys and men, as well as eggs from the
alleged autopsy film. Three and four digits were ovaries Of girls and women. Many of the latter cases de-
the norm; a few were attributed five. scribe a later implantation of what was assumed to be an
I • Only three entities were said to have more than a embryo of unknown parentage.
vestigial nose: one a "beak," the second a "pointed" Note: Precise numbers are not available, especially in
I nose. the third a "projection." At least two of the terms of female subjects unsure whether a needle in-
three, then, would not seem to be a human nose as serted into the abdomen was to remove an egg from an
• shown in the film. In the remainder of the 215 cases, ovary or that an embryo was what was vaginally im-
entities were portrayed as having either an indistinct
nose bridge or no nasal appendage whatsoever. Only Regardless, the resultant offspring have seemingly
one adult hybrid was reported to have a human- been gestated, either from conception to birth or at least
like nose. in the latter stages, in a "test tube" setting. This is at-
• No classical entity or even hybrid was ascribed full tested to by numerous subjects shown rows of aquarium-
humanlike lips as seen in the Santilli film. Only a like tanks, filled with liquid, in which partially formed
slit-like mouth was claimed in the overwhelming fetuses were floating.
majority of cases. Some men but more women recall being presented a
newborn or older infant that, by appearances. was not
entirely human. Most related that the child was his/hers
with phrasings such as "my baby," a "product of me," or

"partly mine." But also, the child's oversized eyes, ex- Genitalia, therefore, have been attributed
tremely pale skin, frail structure or other features con- to entities and hybrids, but Infrequently,
vinced the person that it was not from the joining of 1wo
humans. and without anything remotely approaching
In 38 cases ( 18 percent of all cases in the study), absolute certainty on the subject's part. In I,,
human subjects have encountered one or more fully this Project, that feature is restricted to the
gestated hybrid newborns, older children or adults. A to-
tal of 41 hybrids of various age categories were men- ten cases of reported rape, plus one case of 1)
tioned (i.e., a few subjects observed hybrids of multiple
age ranges). Borrowing colloquial terms to approxi-
an infant hybrid. lf'
mate ages. they can be expressed as follows:
human captives afterward to depict those moments in-
• 24 infants (These included four referred to as boys, cluded ''aroused," "energy goes in," "sensual," "sexual
three called girls, 16 with no gender indicated, and feelings," "coax me to feel sexual" and "climax.''
one with an observed absence of genitals. In only Various techniques were employed by entities to achieve
one case did a transcript indicate that genitals were that result, including close-up staring, a hand-held in-
definitely viewed - a boy.) strument, an apparatus placed over male genitals and,
• Eight toddlers or pre-schoolers more directly, "claws in my crotch."
• Four of school age In a few instances of non-penetrative sexual en-
• Five adults counter. the person·specifically noticed a total absence of ":i
sex organs on the part of the entity eliciting the re- ii
ln none of the latter three age types was the hybrid sponse. In fact, in no such incidents were same evident 11
being's sex determined with confidence. Most were though. again, most of the beings responsible were !i
clothed throughout in some manner - from a simple clothed throughout.
nightgown worn by infants and young children to jump- Note: These 15 cases involving the captive's sexual
suits or plain dresses by adults. response are separate from eight other cases in which an
Confusing the issue ar~ not infrequent ac_counts apparatus was used to extract spenn from a male captive
wherein the man or woman described an infant. older for apparent reproductive purposes- with no associated
pleasurable feeling. Also excluded are dozens of cases in I
child or even adult as human in every way. And, cer-
tainly, it would appear ea<;ier to gestate children from hu- which female abductees reportedly endured the removal '1
man spenn and ova somehow (a) combine either of ova, implantation of an embryo, or abortion of a par-
with its alien counterpart - if such even exists or (b) in- tially gestated fetus. ,1
troduce an alien version of DNA into one or the 01her
Genitalia, therefore, have been attribu1ed to entities and
RAPE VERSUS SEXUAL AROUSAL hybrids, but infrequently, and without anything remotely
In ten cases 1he human subject claimed under hypnosis approaching absolute certainty on the subject's part. In
to have been raped, including physical penetration, by a this Project, that feature is restricted to the ten cases of
nonhuman being: reported rape, plus one case of an infant hybrid.
Harkening back to the cadaver in the "alien autopsy,"
• Three females by human-sized, male entities of un- one can argue the incongruity of an unearthly being
with a vagina but neither a navel nor breast mass and
stated anatomical detail
• Two females by human-sized, hairy/furry male be- nipples. If it was indeed a hybrid, the bald cranium
ings does not mesh with typical reports of patchy or wispy Ii

One female by a (6-foot or taller) "Nordic" male -
her "mate.,
One male by a tallish "reptilian" female of unstated
hair generally associated with hybrid children and adults.
A database of 215 separate cases, of course, cannot be
claimed to represent abduction experiences in their en-
skin tone or other detail 1irety. Yet, given the repetition of descriptive factors so
• One male by a short, greyish-yellow-skinned fe- prominent in more recent transcripts, it does appear to ,,I:
male (otherwise associated with grey-green reptil- cover most groups of entities allegedly operating with
ians) any regularity on this planet. i,
• One male by a pale-skinned, wispy-blonde-haired In sum, the author would be greatly surprised if it were '
female with breasts, apparently a hybrid somehow proved that the individual in the film is other
• One mafo by an u_ndescribed female being than the creation of someone, some group, or some I,,,
government agency whose intention is to embarrass the
sexual element not involving forced intercourse UFO research community at a time when its accep-
A was present in 15 additional cases. Phrasings by the tance among the general populace has never been greater.

been removed either since she had bought it or since I

had had the cards printed! Karla still had the only busi-
ness card that she had ever gotten from me, and she was
the only possible link to Barbara at all. Karla was ex-
cited. Could this mean that Barbara was supposed to
Odds and Ends meet me at the Eureka Springs Conference for some un-
known benefit or purpose? Apparently, Barbara was
A SAD FAREWELL similarly impressed by the mystery of this event and did
Dr. Karla Turner passed away.on January JO. 1996. as attend the conference just days later. We met and this
most UFO followers already know.] had the privilege of card wa~ returned to me-my never knowing how it
knowing her for a number of years and throughout her could have travelled to Tulsa somehow and later become
research efforts. She was a bold, compassionate, and de- lodged between her broken dishwasher and its chopping
tennined woman who reported events without softening block top. I remember staring at the card and getting an
the impact of her infonnation. She wanted others to eerie feeling - like I should pay more attention to
know the whole truth in every aspect us she discovered anomalous events like this: because it had now hap-
it for herself and through others. She worked as hard as pened to me without any logical or reasonable explana-
anybody in the field, cranking out three intriguing books tion whatsoever.
in quick succession: Into The Fringe, Taken and I then shared a drawing of a Reptilian creature with
Masquerade of Angels. A number of my colleagues Karla and Barbara, who were_ astounded. They said it
viewed her reports as "dark. negative, or gloomy." In was the closest match to the many descriptions they
knowing Karla I did not feel that this was her wish or had received of Reptilian creatures in cases they had
how she wanted the information to appear. She merely been working on. Perhaps this was an important moment
felt that she was reporting the truth as she discovered it for their research - we may-never know. But I got my
- whatever that would be. She certainly did not al- card back, and I still look at it occasionally and ponder
ways like what she uncovered in her research. I view her the meaning of-that peculiar incident.
work as an honest effort to provide us with informmion
that may balance our views more realistically as we ALIEN AUTOPSY BODIES
continue to seek understanding regarding these con- The controversy rages on with opposing views digging
tacts with other beings. I sincerely hope that she has al- their trenches deeper. George Wingfield continues to
ready learned all the answers in the life beyond this try to narrow the field of possible hoaxers to three likely
one. We will miss you very much, Dr. Karla Turner! candidates from his detective efforts in England. Most
researchers continue to believe that this is a clever fake
with more holes in the story than Swiss Cheese.
K arla and I shared one fascinating anomalous event
in our years of knowing each other. Perhaps it is
time to share this puzzling story. Karla had worked
Abduction data. computer studies, and abductees theni-
selves have similarly rejected the televised images of the
closely with hypnotherapist Barbara Bartholic in Tulsa. alleged alien autopsy. Clever photo analyses are going
Oklahoma. She had alWays encouraged Barbam to at- on with computers aiding the effon. It seems far from
tend UFO conferences whenever possible. but Barbara decided yet.
tended to shy away from such public conventions and Perhaps the real gain is that people are genuinely in-
stayed closer to home. A couple of days prior to the terested and willing to believe it is not a hoax - even if
1991 Eureka Springs, Arkansas UFO Conference hosted researchers are not convinced. Is that not a weird twist in
by Lou Farish. Barbara's son suddenly appeared and of- the history of ufology? The public believes, while the
fered to fix her dishwasher. which had been broken for UFO crowd doubts! The greatest benefit is that this
4-5 years. Jn fact. she had used it as a pantry for storage will undoubtedly draw more people into the field of re-
for several years, having given up on its usefulness as a search. You can even rent the complete "Alien Autopsy..
dishwasher. 1 had never met Barbara Bartholic. nor had from Blockbuster Video now! Of course we always
I ever been to Tulsa. B~t as her son removed the chop- want the public to fea$t on the best and most scientifi-
ping block cover from this dishwasher. which she had cally sound information. The whole debate over this
purchased at a garage sale about five years previously, film may just draw those hungry newcomers into the
he discovered one of my UFO business cards squarely in better areas of data anyway. And all of it intensifies the
the center! notion that the government is hiding something about
My business cards had been printed at least two years UFOs from all of us. Whether or not this film is genuine.
after she had bought the dishwasher from the garage it could add to the growing pressure from the general
sale! Puzzled, they tried to see if the card could have population to force Congress or the President to have to
been slid under this chopping block top once it was respond in some fashion. The film has not yet been
bolted back on. There was no way to get the card in easily proven to be a fake, therefore the debate will
there without taking this top off - which had never hardly die soon.
FEBRUARY 1996 NUMBf.R334 PAGf.13

nd ... just when you thought the hype over this The viewing lasted less than 30 seconds
A alleged alien autopsy film might be dying down,
we are about to be thumped with another set of alien
from start to finish, but one witness had
autopsy photos - allegedly from Hong Kong or the presence of mind to use his automatic
Japan. The body in these three photos is much thin- exposure camera and snap several pic-
ner. with longer arms, four very long finger/claws. no tures. Most of the investigation involved
nose, a flatter face, and definitely more features akin
to the "standard" little gray beings than the present the photos and their negatives.
autopsy film depicts. Researchers Yvonne Smith of
Los Angeles, and Katharina Wilson of Portland,
Oregon, viewed these new photos at the same 1ime I At 2130 hours on August 31, 1994, at a hunter's
did. We were all more impressed and in1rigued with campground in northern Indiana, six adults sitting
the new photos. Yet veteran researcher Ted Phillips, around a fire observed an object brightly glowing
best known for his years of close contact wi1h Dr. J. through the treetops, like the moon. The object silently
Allen Hynek and his work on physical ground rraces but quickly moved to an open area, where it was viewed
worldwide, told me in January that Dr. Hynek had as a self-illuminating, domed disc about 19 feet long and
shown him alleged photos of a genuine alien body 8.5 feet thick. When it was about one-third of a mile
years ago. The head was much larger and the body away it appeared to begin hovering, and the glow
much thinner. He states that neither the present au- "changed from a bright white to transparent." One wit-
topsy film, nor the new photos from the Orien1. look ness noticed a strobe light at the top just before the ob-
at all like what he had seen during his research with ject f<l:ded and disappeared.
Dr. Hynek. It was discovered that four cii- more other persons
So prepare for a new debate - and more public in- had also observed the object's movement. Two, who
terest! The biggest question of all is this: "How will we were just entering the campgrounds·, gave directional in-
know when we actually receive a real photo of an au- formation useful for a triangulation when combined
thentic alien being? What can we actually use 10 au- with that from the camp fire witnesses.
thenticate any image previously unknown 10 man?" (f The viewing lasted less than 30 seconds from start to
would be interested in your responses!) finish, but one witness had the presence of mind to use
his automatic exposure camera and snap several pictures.
NEXT COLUMN: ..IlLEPATHY VS. CHANNELING" Most of the investigation involved the photos and their
Carpenter's column appears In the Journal every As with most photos and videos of such objects.
other month. He can be contacted via E-mail at clear definition was not possible, and this fact compli- cated and delayed the analysis. It was finally concluded
by Dr. Haines that the photos could not have been of an

LOG# 951229cc, MA-1, 12/??/94. Investigator: Ann


Starting from their house at 1700 hours to drive to a

By T. David Spencer small tbwn in western Kentucky, a couple and their
grown daughter saw a bright object "hanging" in the
MUFON Deputy Director, Investigations northeastern sky. They viewed it for over a minute be-
fore it began moving southward toward them. As it ap-
LOG # 960103C, MA-1, 08/31/94. Investigator: proached, the object appeared to be a large, white sphere
Francis Ridge having multiple red lights circling and bisecting it at an
angle. The object turned eastward, and the family fol-
At significant personal costs of both money and time, lowed until it "entered a thick cloud bank" and disap-
Mr. Francis Ridge (State Director, Indiana) and Dr. peared from view.
Richard Haines spared no effort to assess the likeli- At midnight, the daughter again saw the object. She
hood that this sighting was of an unidentifiable object. attempted to follow in her car but lost it at a tum in the
Mr. Ridge began the investigation early in October, road.
1994 and concluded his efforts at the end of September
1995. Only one month went by during the year in which
he was not addressing aspects of the investigation. (See
anicle elsewhere in this issue.) Continued on Page /6

the balloons which would have borne any similarity to

what the Marcels described finding. Or would even
have been noticed by ranch foreman "Mac" Brazel or
anyone else.
All that would have been left would have been the re-
AF HISTORIAN Off-BASl mains of several radar reflectors made from l/4"x l/4"
glue-covered balsawood sticks and some metalized pa-
Don Berliner per. No one in his right mind could have described these
as unusually light and unusually strong. Nor would the
younger Marcel have looked at the flowered tape the Air
T he interview of Air Force historian Bruce Ashcrofl
(''Wright-Patterson AFB Historian Investigates
Roswell Saucer Crash Story," November, 1995) gives a
Force says was used to reinforce the radar reflectors, and
then described it as mysterious embossed symbols on the
seriously distorted impression of the legitimacy of any web of I-beams, unless that is what it was. Again, the
suggested connection between Project Mogul and the Air Force_ claimed he saw flowered tape. but produced
Roswell crash. [n fact it reads a lot like government pro- nothing to support the· claim: not a single photo of tape
paganda. that allegedly was a commercial product.
Suggesting that wreckage from a Mogul balloon train
or cluster may have been responsible for the Roswell 4. The Air force insists that the security of the highly
crash is simply preposterous. and counter to all the evi- classified Project Mogul explains the great concern for
dence. and to logic. To those of us who have been in the secrecy described by many witnesses. But other Mogul
UFO field for a long time, it reads for all the world balloon test rigs landed elsewhere, and there is no sign of
like .~he nonsense once spread by the Air Force's Project any special security precautions. Flight #6 landed south
Blue Book. of the Alamogordo launch site, and was found by a
The following is therefore offefed in rebuttal to the rancher who called A_lamogordo as instructed to do by
claim: the tag which Prof. Moore said was attached to all
launched devices. This resulted in a crew being sent to
1. The Air Force has never said that a Project Mogul recover the remains. No ring of guards around the area.
balloon assembly was responsible for the Roswell no secrecy of any sort. Either Project Mogul was so
wreckage. only that this may have been the case. secret it had to be protected with great care, or it wasn't.
You can't have it both ways.
2. No evidence has been produced to support the
claini that any Mogul wreckage landed on the Foster 5. Maj. Marcel described the debris field as 2/3 of a
Ranch, only that it could have. There are no documents mile long and several hundred yards wide which was lit-
offered to support the contention that any balloon was tered with scrap material, all of it unfamiliar. Could a
found there. The suggestion that test flight #4 landed on veteran intelligence officer possibly have described the
the sheep ranch is pure. unsupported theory. This early remains of a bunch of weather balloons and radar re-
test flight was not tracked. as tracking data was not flectors in this way? There would have been little or
considered of importance. The k1lloons could have nothing visible of the deteriorated balloons, which leaves
flown off in any direction, and landed anywhere. only the reflectors. But they would have still been at-
Claiming they landed on what has become known as the tached to the braided line on which they had been
"debris field"' is no more than wishful thinking on the hoisted aloft in the first place. And so they would have
pan of the Air Force propagandists and their supponers. covered precious little of the 50 or more acres esti-
mated by Maj. Marcel. And he would certainly have
3. Even if test flight #4 landed on the Foster Ranch. it mentioned their being connected to a common line.
could not have accounted for the materials found there
by USAAF Intelligence Officer Maj. Jesse Marcel. and 6. Much of the l,000-page USAF Project Mogul
handled by his precocious 11-year-old son. They de- Report published in September, 1995. consists of
scribed materials of unusually light weight and unusually schematic diagrams of radio receivers and installation
great strength. characteristics never known for balloon drawings for valves and ocher apparatus used on Project
materials. Mogul test flights. Yet no one has ever described finding
One of the Air Force's main sources of information, anything remotely similar at the crash. Not a piece of
Prof. Charles Moore. makes it clear chat the off.the- mechanism of any sort, mechanical, electrical, or elec-
shelf neoprene weather balloons used in the early test tronic. Why was this material included if it couldn't
flights rapidly disintegrated in the bright sunlight to answer any questions?
"dark brown or grey flakes or ashes ... This means the
winds would have made sure there was nothing left of 7. Even more obviously irrelevant was the inclusion
of more than 100 pages of data on Project Mogul test

flights which occurred long after the debris was found. 35 out of 50 for Presentation, and 41 out of 50 for
What does this explain? Can a fumble in the third quar- Experience. Point Survey's online review of The
ter explain a touchdown in the first quarter? Anomalist home page reads as follows:

8. Why does the ·report treat ocher possible explanations "Beginning with the premise that 'there is more mys-
in such an unbalanced way? In a single page it disposes tery than knowledge in the world,' the editors offer this
of the possibilities chat the wreckage could have had oriline mini-version of their monthly magazine "The
anything to do with the crash of a military airplane, the Anomalist." This is a showcase for all kinds of 'enig-
impact of a test missile or rocket, and any ki.nd of nuclear matic data and radical ideas,' from the mysteries of the
accident. Hundreds of pages of supporting documenlS and animal world to those of outer- and inner space. Some
testimony are offered for the Project Mogul explana- subjects covered by the magazine include 'fire suicide
tion, but not a single doc\.lment to support any of the oth- clusters' and 'Daytona Beach Mystery Wave.' (Too bad
er comentions. There are references to the availability of the two don't coincide - that'd be handy!) Articles
documents, but none is reproduced or even quoted. are excerpted at this site, along with the regular features
In the case of five military planes which crashed in 'High Strangeness Reports' and 'Quotable (Charles)
New Mexico, the period covered is June 24 through Fort.' The approach here is pretty even-handed, and
July 28, 1he latter dale being almost three weeks after the should be appreciated by skeptics and believers alike.
debris was found! A minor example of poor research is After alt these guys just think it's time 10 look at all the
1he claim that one of the crashed airplanes was a P- 1hings that have been cast out of scientific theory be-
51N Mustang fighter, when a check of any of a hundred cause they won't fit. Food for thought? This is the be-
sources would have revealed that no such version of the ginnings of a banquet, catered by a competent crew."
famous fighter ever existed.
Unfortunately, 1he review is wrong in at least one
9. The cover of the huge repor1 is an impressive regard - The Anomalisr is published only two times a
painting of a brilliant white "somelhing" streaking down year in a quality paperback format, with The Anomalist
from the pre-dawn or pos1-dusk sky toward a desert 3 (_expanded to 176 pages) having just appeared. For or-
populated by a cactus and a cowboy on horseback. This dering details, see ad this issue.
obviously is not a balloon or a cluster of balloons, as bal- Along with Charles McGrew, Stacy also contributes
loons do not appear brilliant against a dark sky, nor are to the MUFON WWW home page, which has now reg-
they capable of streaking anywhere, under any condi- istered over 3200 hits. The Anomalist is at:
tions. It looks like something completely unrelated to http://www; Journal read-
Project Mogul. And if it couldn't have been an airplane ers are invited to visit
or a rocket or a missile, what could it be?
You don't suppose it might be a ... ? Could the Air CURRENT CASIS - Cominued from Page I 4
Force be trying in an uncharacteristically subtle way LOG # 951229aC, FB-1, 08/30/95, Investigator:
to express something it doesn't want to come right out Beverly Trout
and say?
The moon was still below the horizon in northwestern
Berliner is with the Maiyland-based Fund for UFO -Iowa on August 30, 1995, and Nathan; who was later
Research and a member of the UFO Research joined by his sister, was outside his house taking ad-
Coalition. vantage of the moonless sky to stargaze. For over an
hour beginning at 2300 hours, the two watched multiple
unusual objects --other than me1eors - fly across the
HOME PAGE TOP-RATED! sky. The objects appeared to be twice the size. of a full
Dennis Stacy, Journal editor, is proud to announce that moon and "very high." Each sighting lasted only a few
The Anomalist WWW home page has been "rated seconds, but there were many (11-20) different sightings
among the top 5% of all si1es on 1he Internet by Point made during the period.
Survey." According to the E-Illail announcement re- A few objects were blurry and shapeless, even when
ceived on January 25, "Point is a free service which viewed through binoculars. Most were translucent.
rates and reviews only the bes1 sites on the World Wide isosceles (not equilateral) aiangles that were wider at the
Web. We provide surfers with a standard of excellence: back end than the sides. There was a light at each apex.
a catalog of the most lively, useful and fun sites on the Their surfaces looked like refractive heat waves that
Net." did not block the stars.
The Web site was created by Dennis Stacy and Lastly, six or seven red lights swept by very quickly,
Patrick Huyghe {co-editors and publishers of The four of them seeming to weave around each other.
Anomalist) with help from art director, Ansen Seale. The witnesses "had seen enough" and went into their
The Web site was rated 39 out of 50 points for Content, house.


MEIER STORY by Kai K. Korff

Prometheus Books, 439 pages, illus., he. $25,95

Reviewed by Dennis Stacy

t a conference several years ago I was having break-

A fast with a scientist from a major university. h
wasn't a UFO conference per se. but over granola in his
case and ham and eggs in mine. the talk soon turned to
that subject. To my surprise. he reached into·his brief-
case and pulled out a small portfolio Of UFO pho-
tograph:;. - the clearest I had ever seen. The pho-
tographs were taken by one Eduard ·'Billy" Meier: the
scientist had purchased them on a personal visit to
Meier's headquarters (now known as the Semjase Silver
Star Center) near the small village of Wetzikon.
My gut reaction - in which I was hardly alone at the
time - was that the pictures were simply too good to be
true. In general, UFO photographs are a haphazard busi-
ness at best, one reason why they remain so controver-
sial. But part of the early Meier mystique was not only
the quality of pictures involved. but their sheer quantity.
Visitors to the Semjase Silver Star Center, named after
an alleged female saucer pilot from the Pleiades. can
now pick and choose among (and pay for) over l000 By not policing ourselves, by not requir•
''UFO'' photographs taken by a on_e-armed fanner with
a reportedly defective 35mm camera. Many of the pic- ing airtight evidence and critical thinking,
tures were so good that they appeared posed, which, in- we leave ufology (and the public perception
deed, is just what Meier and his followen, would even- of same) wide open to pseudoscience, ru•
lUally claim, particularly for an impressive series of
photographs taken at nearby Fuchsbuel on July 9, I 975. mor and tabloid innuendo of every sort and
Reportedly, at Meier's request for the definitive UFO stripe.
photograph, Semjase flew her Pleiadian "beamship"
around a large tree overlooking Lake Pfaffikon. When
researchers later noted that the tree had mysteriously dis- destruction of San Francisco. to dinosaurs, cave men and
appeared from view, it was patiently explained that it the alleged "Eye of God." They culminated, if that's the
had been sent back in time because of radioactive cont- word, in Meier's publication of the Talmud Immanuel,
amination! which, according to Kai Korff, ·'professes to be the last
My scientist friend wasn·t the only one who swal- true testament of Jesus Christ written after his crucifix-
lowed this story without so much as a single antacid - ion." In it. Meier claims that Jesus was not the Son of
or attempt at corroboration. Two glossy. coffeetable- God. but a Pleiadian, of all people.
sized collections of the Meier photographs by Tucson- Over the years. I corresponded with the scientist and
based Genesis HI Productions quickly became high- again bumped into him on occasion. Each time I ex-
priced collector's items among the UFO community. pected him to recant. or at least pull back slightly from
More books followed, including Gary Kinder's ostensi- his public support of the Meier ''mystery" in the interest
bly impartial Light Years: An Investigation int() the of science, but his belief only grew stronger. The last
Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard Meier. from The time I saw him he was working on an English translation
Atlantic Monthly Press. The pictures and claims esca- of the Talmud Immanuel.
lated from snapshots of the planet Venus and the future

How could such a scenario unfold? How could a

man of reason, trained in physics and other scientific
disciplines, take leave of his senses so uncautiously
and completely? How could logic be so assiduously
abandoned for the blatantly unbelievable claims of a
charlatan? The answer, as far as my scientist friend is
concerned, is probably purely a personal one, involv-
ing something akin to religious faith. Yet he was hard-
ly alone in his acceptance. Another part of the answer,
as made painfully clear in Kai Korff's stunning
expose of the Meier cult, Spaceships of the Pleiades:
The Billy Meier Story, is that ufologists must share at
least some of the blame - if for no other reason than
that of not demanding enough of ourselves and our
field of study. By not policing. ourselves, by not
requiring airtight evidence and critical thinking, we
leave ufology (and the public perception of same)
wide open to pseudoscience, rumor and tabloid innu-
endo of every sort and stripe. Of which the Roswell
"alien" autopsy film is but likely the most recent, if
hardly the last, example. Everyone's pockets are
enriched by the process but ours.

his is not to say that mainstream ufology as a

T whole ever accepted or promoted Meier's pho-
tographs and his other claims cif so-called evidence,
but certainlY some fringe figures who style themselves
ufologists did, and it is unfortunately with the same tar
that we are all ultimately feathered. Spaceships of the
Pleiades was delayed several times while in press, and
it's my personal suspicion that the delays were proba-
bly due to the publisher's legal department, for author
Korff certainly doesn't treat his subjects with silk
gloves. Dissemblers are called dissemblers, sloppy (or
no) investigation is so named, and so on. (In an The Anomallst
increasingly familiar and disturbing trend, falsely
claimed college degrees are the least of sins revealed Edited and published by Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy:
here.) Duplicity and incompetence ev~rywhere $9.95 + $2.50 postage/issue or $25/year from ei1her Huyghe
abound. In short, the whole sordid story of Meier and (Box 577. Jefferson Valley. NY 10535) or Stacy (Box 12434.
his many misguided supporters is laid out in often San Amonio. TX 78::!J~J: ISBN 1076-4208
excruciating detail for the reader to see and judge for
him or herself. If anyone's reputation has been injured R~viewed by Jerome Clark
thereby, more often than not that damage has been
wholly self-inflicted.
At 439 pages, Spaceships of the Pleiades is a big
bruising book - it's also a long overdue and neces-
T he third issue of The Anomalist (dated Winter 1995-
96.J makes a welcome appearance, proving once
more - fashionable cranky pessimism notwit~standing
sary one. The year is young yet, but if you care about - that this is the Golden Age of UFO/Fortean literature.
the field and buy and read only one book this year, As someone who spends many of his waking hours
you could do considerably worse. Don't be put off by reading the literature of earlier decades. I ought to know.
the fact that Prometheus Books. a sort of CSICOP Sure. there's plenty of junk around. There'll always be
clearing house for long, self-referencing manuscripts, plenty of junk around. So what? History will judge us by
is the publisher. Korff isn't out to demolish or debunk the best. nOt the worst. of what we managed to accom-
ufology so much as to improve it. Whether from with- plish, and these days we anomalists are accomplishing
in or without, however. probably remains to be seen. two refereed Journals (of UFO Studies and of Scientific
Since when do exposes, for example, ever sell as well Erplorarion). the magnificent Fortean Studies (edited by
as the original pose? Steve Moore and published by Fortean Times). and
Huyghe/Stacy's cheeky, entertaining Anomalist. Perish

the thought, but could it be that we are actually growing were followed, of course, it would be curtains for many
up? extraordinary debunking claims.
The Anomalisl boasts a distinctive character which
renders it unlike any other Fortean periodical I have 0 speaking of which: In "UFO Flaps·• skeptic Martin
seen. It is certainly no, a fonnal scientific joumaJ, though Kottmeyer makes some fairly incredible ones him-
each issue carries a paper or two or three that could self, for example that the famous summer 1952 wave
fairly be called formal and scientific; it is indisputably was a sort of hysterical response to a steel strike. As a
well-written and -edited and smart. unpredictable enough matter of style and principle, I use exclamation points al -
to give a forum to everybody from professional disbe- most never, but you will have to excuse my inability to
liever Robert A. Baker(#2) t0 Donna Higbee who in the resist italics. Koumeyer commits the usual errors of the
new issue reports on something even I. who usually psychosocial 1heorist, namely the dubious cause-and-ef-
think [ have heard everything (and am invariably fect relationships and unfalsifiable hypotheses without
wrong), had not encountered heretofore: "Involuntary which this particular school of ufological guesswork
Spontaneous Human Invisibility." Huh? you ejaculate. would have little claim on our attention. Eddie Bullard,
Well, hold on. According to Higbee: much the better scholar of the wave phenomenon, is
"My research has shown the people who have expe- nowhere cited.
rienced this to be well adjusted. well educa1ed and taken To be fair, however. Kottmeyer's piece is two-thirds
totally by surprise at the occurrence of invisibility. Often of a fine piece of work. Rare for psychosocial writing.
it rakes several such occurrences before they realize which is not much inclined to fret over its own obvious
that they are 1ruly invisible during certain times lo other shortcomings, it effectively critiques the failings of ear-
people. They attempt 10 interact with those around them lier wave theories (not excluding it's-all-in-the-psyche-
and simply can't be seen or heard. This produces frus- or-in-Lhe society speculations) before the inevitable let•
tration and, in many cases, a sense of fear at something down. when Kottmeyer unloads his own theory, which
which they don't understand." turns out to be no less flawed than those he has just
I should think so. I have experienced involuntary in- skewered. Still, if he is often unconvincing, he is usually
visibility more than once. Always, for some reason, in interesting. Few if any ufologists know more about
restaurants. Space Age pop culture than Kollmeyer does.
Okay, dumb joke. Seriously: the experiences of hu- Unfortunately, as a UFO theorist, Kollmeyer is an en-
mans can be ragged, confusing, and sometimes passing gaging and imaginative historian of entertainment-in-
strange, and I respec1 Huyghe and Stacy for opening up dustry ephemera.
their journal to scuff such as this. for precisely the same Hilary Evans, Britain ·s best-known psychosocial the-
reason I admired my late friend D. $coll Rogo's will- orist, addresses, more successfully than one suspects
ingness to listen to persons who claimed to have re- Kottmeyer would if he took up psychical research, the
ceived phone calls from the dead. Perhaps human intriguing question of why ghosts clothes. In his
events, various and multitudinous though they be, are fi- analysis Evans adroitly avoids the reductionist traps.
nally finite, but human experiences seem numberless. Perhaps the most interesting revelation here is that there
More conservatively, Huyghe contributes a pointed are some, albeit rare. reports of unclad apparitions.
short essay on how science receives extraordinary claims Evans writes with humor and insight. It's this sort of es-
which seem to have met the measure of proof the skep- say, literate, intelligent, unexpected, and good-natured.
1iCs demanded at the initiation of play. The poor that gives Anomalist its particular charm.
claimant/sap who believes he has abided by the rules The other psychical-research paper is by Michael
suddenly finds that the rules have been rewritten. Grosso. whose notions about Mind at Large. expressed
Huyghe observes, "This practice, often referred to as here and in his own books (and in Kenneth Ring's
'Moving the Goal Posts,' is an extraordinary phenome- Omega Pmject [1992]), fail to persuade me bur do awe
non in itself and deserves recognition ... Extraordinary me with their ingenuity. "The Anomalies of Death" is a
proof often seems to mean ... a change in the standards of thoroughly enchanting mental exercise even for unbe-
proof... All of which gives a truly extraordinary meaning lievers like the undersigned. Besides, one can only be
to the phrase 'extraordinary proof_,,. grateful to the creator of a sentence and concept such as
Huyghe could also have noted that Marcello Truzzi, this: "Humans are metaphysical amphibians who si-
who coined the often quoted (and often abused) maxim multaneously inhabit physical and mental dimensions."
about extraordinary claims and extraordinary proof, did Cryptozoology, my favorite anomalous pursuit after
not mean that only proponents are answerable for their ufology, is covered in a splendid 33-page paper by Gary
propositions. He remarks that "the rules of scientific S. Mangiacopra and Dwight Smith on Connecticut's
method demand that those w·ho shift from merely ex- mystery felines, including those ever-vexing black pan-
pressing doubt to outrightly expressing denial must bear thers (which one wildlife biologist, not quoted by the au-
a burden of proof for their negative claims just as do
proponents for positive claims." IfTruzzi's admonition Continued on Page 22

advertently, are mistreating their patients and subjects. A

legal initiative to compel the recognition of abduction-re-
lated stress as an insurance-reimbursed diagnosis would
go a long way toward making UFOs a real-life problem
rather than an eccentric diversion. Third, the Hess-
FELBER-HESS C_ASE Felber saga indicates that inquiries are needed into the
Sean Casceel's report on Ron Felber's investigation of non-benevolent activities of benevolent institutions (for
the Steve and Dawn Hess case (MU FON UFO Journal, example, questions should be raised whe.n a major uni-
December 1995) draws attention to an overlooked di- versity with government and military contracts cracks
mension of the UFO phenomenon: the role of benevo- down on a researcher who takes up ufological topics).
lent or public-interest institutions in the suppression of Fourth, it encourages further research into the cross-
UFO-related discoveries. Casteel reports that attorneys cultural, ideological dimensions of the UFO phenome-
employed by the M0rmon Church asked investigator non (for example, anthropological inquiries into the re-
Felber "co discontinue his relationship with the Hesses," s1s1:mce or openness within different types of cultures
and that church officials advised the Hesses to disregard and institutions to ideas about the paranormal). And,
Felber's book as ''the work of Satan." fifth, the Felber case stimulates further work in the
The ufological world tends to assume that cover-ups study of UFO-related secrecy as not simply secrecy per
and conspiracies express ·themselves as polarities: the se, but as a rhetoric of censorship and even institutional
government against the people, investigators against _vigilantism.
the military, or abductees aga.inst unbelieving friends and -Kevin L. Cope
··relatives. In the standard UFO narrative. helpful insti- Professor of English & Comparative Literature
tutions such as charities. foundations. institutions. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
churches, and mental health facilities eventually fall E-mail:
into the "good" category. The paradigmatic case is that
of the public-interest journalist, municipal police de- UFO CYCLES
tective, or university psychologist who is initially skep- Here it is January 1996, and I have just finished reading
tical about a UFO event but who, after independent in- the March 1995 issue of the MUFON Journal. I was par-
quiry or service as a counselor, comes to believe the ticularly interested in the article "Analyzing UFO
story and to help the experiencer involved overcome as- Waves" by Joseph Ritrovato. He should have been made
sorted obstacles, from stonewalling government offi- aware of the study done by David Sallnders and (I be-
cials to peer pressure. In this Utopian narrative. the lieve) Mark Rodeghier, and published in the Proceedings
"helping·· professions and institutions play a helpful or of the 1976 CUFOS Conference. It covered all the coun-
at least benign role; often, they even provide research tries then providing infonnation on UFO sightings and
funding. Felber's case, however, is at least the second offered some good data to predict where and when the
one this year in which a major philanthropic, religious, next flap would occur. Well, my conclusion has been
or publjc-interest organization has aggressively ob- that with this phenomenon, once you identify a pattern,
structed ufological research. The other case is that of the pattern changes. In my 52 years (since 1943) of do-
psychiatrist John Mack, who faced sanctions and ha- ing investigation and research on UFO sighting reports,
rassment from America's premiere research university as this is the only pattern which has remained consistent.
a result of his unorthodox inquiries. If this has been addressed in subsequent issues. for-
At the least, the Felber case warns ufologists to be give my late entry. Sub-zero temperatures and four feet
cautious about stereotyping or caricaturing the players of snow on the ground, at my age, mean time to catch up
and the stories in the theatre of ufology. Because no on my reading!
one knows who is who in the UFO mystery. researchers -Joan L. Jeffers
should not assume that public-interest organizations are Bradford, PA
public-spirited when it comes to this highly controversial
A story like Felber's could stimulate a number of I applaud your excellent December issue. II has in it the
initiatives. First, it suggests that MUFON should con- type of articles that I expected to find when I subscribed
tinue its efforts to increase public awareness of "legiti- co the Journal. Please extend my subscription for another
mate" UFO counseling so that puzzled experiencers year. Thank you.
like the Hesses can find proper assistance. Second. it -Richard Marshall
suggests that MUFON might want to look into the ques- Walker. WV
tion of malpractice in the caregiving community, with
special attention to those providers (priests. psychia- Address any comments to the editor, Dennis Stacy, al
trists, academic professionals) who refuse to consider ab- PO. Box 12434, San Antonio, TX 78212.
duction in their diagnoses-who therefore. however in-
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are the days of back orders for theSe items. Many, many new
THE ANOMALIST 3 designs and products for 1996. Send $1.00 to: IUFOC Box 7.
Quality, illumated paperback, expands'd to 176 pages, ~till Yalaha, FL 34797.
only $9.95 + $2.50 p/h. Articles by Michael Grosso, Hilary
Evans, Peter Jordan, Doug Skinner, Manin Koumeyer, Donn.i THE BILLY MEIER STORY
HigDee & others on ghosts, death anomalies, mys1ery t'JK Spaceships of the Pleiades by Kai Korff. Book $27.95 + $5
human invisibility, UFO flaps, Mars rod,s on Earth & more. p/h. Preliminary video $29.95 + $5 p/h. Save $8 & get free
Checks payable to Dennis Stacy, Bo:>. 12434, San Antonio. audio tape ($15.95 value) when you order both for only
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money order to: Underground Video POB 527, Beverly Hills,
CA 90213-0527. Credit card orders 1-800-769-7077.
VIDEO/AUDIO TAPES on UFOs, crop circles, aviation my:,.ter-
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sample newsletter from The Edec1ic Viewpoinl. Box 802735-M,
Dallas. TX 75380. Fu1ure lecture hotline t214) 601-7687.
400 books, tapes, including: Pleidian Connection II; The
ALIEN GREYS T-SHIRTS: For free brochure call 1-800-561- Miami ContaC/s (videotape); Alien Update (Good); Divine
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06088. Cosmic Voyage (Brown); A Common Sense Approach to
GULF BREEZE UFO SPRING CONFERENCE on the be.ich of UFOs (Beuy Hilh. Also, we sell 500,000 U.S. books, tapes,
the beautiful Gulf of Mexico, March 15-17. 1996. Confirmed tapes on all subjects. 1-800-905-UFOS.
~peakers: Whitley Strieber, Dr. John Ma..:k, Edith Fiore. Ph.D.,
Michael Lindemann, Michael Gros~o, Ph.D., Barry D~>wning,
Ph.D., & Stanton Friedman. Information 190-ll -132-8888 or Fax: GREENVILLE UFO CONFERENCE
t904J 438-1801 or write Project Awareness, PO Box 7JO. Gulf Second annual UFO & Alien Abduclion Research
Breere, FL 3::!562. Conference, May 4-5, 1996, Holiday Inn. Confinned speakers
include Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, Jesse Marcel, Jr.,
FOR SALE: UFO/UNEXPLAINED phenomena books. mJga-
Yvonne Smith, Ka1harina Wilson, Kim Carlsberg, and Darryl
zines, etc. For Free list send SASE to J. Fi~her, PO Box 383. Lake
Anka. For 1icket info & registration, call or write Shannon
Kluge, I02 Woodridge Circle, Greenville, S.C. Ph: (803) 675-
5rh New Hampshire MUFON lntema1ional UFO Confrrence.
Colin Andrews (1995 patterns), Michel Bnugard !Belgium
hovering triangle!, Stanton Friedman talien autopsy film). ELECTROGRAVITICS SYSTEMS
Budd Hopkins (abduction trends), Nk'k Pope (British gov·, New Propulsion Methodology! Reports about T. T. Brown's
UFO research I, and Pe1er Geremia (1995 NH CE I case 1: $2~ work after his UFO research: 120-page pb $15. The
each, all five $90, includes shipping. NH MUFON. Bo\ 453. Homopolar Handbook: 175-page pb, $20. Free Energy and
Rye, NH 03870. Propulsion: video from UFO Congress, $25. Integrity
Research lns1i1t1te, 1413 K St. NW, Ste. 204, Washington, DC
20005. 1-800-295-7674, MC/VISNAmEx.
Mia Adams' true story about her contac1s with e,ma1errestri-
als & romance with an intelligence agent. Included is the NOTE NEW AD RATES!
agent's report outlining 1he agendas of alien confederations on Effectively immediately: 50 words or less for $20 per issue, add
Earth & the intelligence agencies network created to deal with $10 for box and bold heading. Send ad copy & check, made out
them. Send $16.95 + $2 s/h 10 Excelta Publishing, PO Box to MUFON to Dennis Stacy, Box 12434, San Antonio, TX
4530, F1. Lauderdale, FL 33338. 78212. Must be MU FON member or Journal subscriber.



March 1996 March 15-17- Gulf Breeze UFO Spring Conference on the beach
of lhe beautiful Gull of Mexico. Speakers have been confirmed. For
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): information: Call 904-432-8888 or Fax 904-438-1801 or write:
Venus (magnitude -4.3) is the most conspicuous object in Project Awareness. P.O. Box 730, Gull Breeze, FL 32562.
the evening sky except for Ihe Moon. It is a dazzling sighl in March 16-17- The Meadowlands UFO Conference &
the WSW, not setting until nearly 10 PM (midmonthJ. Our Metaphysical Expo, Holiday Inn Harmon Meadows, Secaucus, New
planetary neighbor reaches its farthesl point E of lhe Sun on Jersey. Please call 800-741-5795 for tickets and information.
March 31. On the 22nd a crescent Moon can be seen 5° S of April 12-14 - Eighth Annual Ozark UFO Conference, Inn of the
the planet Ozarks Conference Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. For further
information write to: Ozark UFO Conference, #2 Caney Valley
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): Drive, Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 or call (501) 354-2558.
Jupiter (-2. l), in Sagittarius, rises in the ESE about 2:30 AM April 19-21 - The Seventh UFO/ET/Humanoids/Visitors/Alien &
in mid-March and remains visible in the SE into the moming Abduction Congress in Trenton, NJ at the Days Inn on Route 206
twilight. On the 6th the giant occults (covers) the 4th-magni- (Bordentown, NJ). For further inrormation contact Pat J. Marcattilio
tude star Nu' Sagittarii for abouI an hour and a half. This event at Tel: 1-609-888-1358.
requires optical aid and can be seen only from western North April 20 - BUFORA presents ~A Day of Abduclionst Pennine
America except Alaska. The occultation occurs at dawn Theater, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England. For infor-
around 5:30 PST. mation write to BUFORA (Abduct), 1 Woodhall Drive, Batley, West
Yorkshire, WF17 7SW. England.
Moon Phases: May 4-5 - 2nd Annual UFO & Alien Abduction Research
Full moon-March 5 0 Conference, Holiday Inn, Greenville, South Carolina. For further
information, call coordinator Shannon Kluge at (803) 675-9328.
Last quarter-March 12 0

July 5-7 - Twenty-seventh annual MUFON International UFO
Symposium, Holiday Inn Four Seasons/Joseph H. Koury
New moon-March 19 Convention Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. For advanced
registration write to MUFON 1996 UFO Symposium, P.O. Box 5149,
First quarter-March 26 () Greensboro, NC 27403-5149.
July 27-28 - Great Plains UFO Conference, Howard Johnson
The Stars: Convention Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. For information call
This month Leo the Lion ascends closer to the celestial merid- 603-497-2633 or write P.O. Box 84131, Sioux Falls, SO 57118.
ian in the S, appearing to chase the bright patterns of winter October 12-13- The UFO Experience - North Haven,
into the SW. Ten I st-magnitude stars are visible in the sky at Connecticut at the Holiday Inn. For further information write Omega
9 PM. They are, from E IO W, Spica, ArcIurus, Regulus, Communications, P.O. Box 2051. Cheshire, CT 06410-5051.
Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran. and

With binoculars or a telescope, carefully examine the dim

patch in the faint and obscure Cancer the Crab, located right THE ANOMALIST - Continued from Page /9
on the meridian in midevening. It is a V-shaped cluster of sev-
eral hundred stars called the Beehive. The object's distance is thors, once called the "'flying saucers of the animal
nearly 600 light years-in miles. 600 x 6 trillion! world") - critters far more anomalous than even
Mangiacopra and Smith, who eventually lose at least
The Big Dipper is becoming more prominent high in Ihe NE
as it turns its bowl almost upside down.
some of their nerve, can bring themselves to acknowl-
edge. Well, I don't blame them. A note at the end of the
issue informs us that Mangiacopra is at work on two
cryptozoological books, whose completion and publi-
,,. cation I eagerly awai1.
UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT: There's more, but you'll have to find it for yourself.
A Report on Government Involvement in May The Anomalist Ii ve long and prosper.
the UFO Crash Retrievals (113 pages)
by Grant Cameron and T. Scott' Crain
Clark is the editor of the International UFO Reporter.
The third volume of his UFO Encyclopedia, the 800·
Price: $19 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.
Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099 page High Strangeness, is scheduled to be pub·
lished in March by Omnigraphics.



The theme for the MUFON 1996 In1erna1ional UFO
Richard P. Granson, M.A. (Pensacola, FU was re- Symposium is "UFOLOGY: A Sciemific Enigma." We
cently appoimed Florida Chief Investigator by Charles endeavor to depict this 1heme in the cover artwork.
D. Flannigan, State Director. Obviously, this requires considerable ingenuity and
something unique in design. The 8 1/2" x 11" size will
MUFON NATIONAL UFO HOTLINE be printed in black on a ligh1 pastel color leatherette
MUFON has been introducing its National UFO Hotline stock. Since small and intricate details do not print well
1-800-UFO-.2166 or l-800-836-2166 to the public. on a leatherette stock, please take this into consideration
Designed to ob1ain UFO sigh1ing reports from police in your design. The winning design may also be used on
agencies nationwide, we are now prepared 10 expand its the symposium program in Greensboro, NC. The dead-
coverage. All State Directors were advised by a leuer line for submission is April 15, 1996. The winner will
nearly a year ago to utilize this number for filing hot receive an honorarium of $100 cash plus $100 worth of
UFO cases that came to their auention. A letter an- MUFON publications of your choice. Good luck
nouncing 1he 800 number was mailed to all sheriff's of-
fices and police chiefs in Texas last spring as a means of fllLD INVESTIGATOR'S EXAMS
testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the system. Anyone who has purchased and studied the 4th edition
The majority of our calls, to-date. have been from of the MU FON Field lnvestigawrS Manual is eligible to
people who called the 800 directory and asked for take the exam via mail when 1hey feel they are ready.
"UFO'' to repot1 sightings or to seek UFO infonnation. The 100-question test may be secured from MUFON
To send letters to every police depanment and sher- headquarters in Seguin and remrned to this office for
iff's office 1hroughout 1he U.S.A. would obviously be grading. In localities where field inves1igator ,raining
both expensive and rime-consuming. We would like classes are being conduc1ed, 1he instructor may order
for every Slate Director. State Section Director, Field sufficient quantities of the test and administer the exam
Investigator, and Field Investigator Trainee to notify at 1he completion of the training classes. For current
your local sheriff, police chief, and state highway patrol members, the new manual may be purchased for $25
office of MUFON's 800 number via a postcard that plus $3.50 for postage and handling from MUFON in
they may post on 1heir bulle1in boards or at 1he dis- Seguin.
patcher's desk.
Presently, we are altempting 10 answer all calls "live." MUFON MOTIO CONTEST
An answering box records the calls received late at Believe it or not, MUFON is now in its twenty-sev-
night or early mornings. These sighting repons will be enth year and does not have a motto describing our
mailed or telephoned to the nearest State Section goals and purpose. Yes, we are endeavoring to resolve
Director, State Director, or Field Investigator for a per- the UFO phenomenon in a scientific manner. but we
sonal interview. Brief replies to these cases under in- need a serious and "catchy" motto to use in the Journal,
vestigation may be made 10 MUFON on the 800 num- stationery. symposium programs, etc. It should be short,
ber. (The answering box is limited to three minutes.) but yet very meaningful, such as "Scientific Resolution
However, this number is not 10 be used for other MU- of the UFO Phenomenon." A prize of $100 in MUFON
FON communications. The MUFON business office publications will be awarded to the winner. The deadline
number is 1210) 379-9216. Please advise Walt Andrus for submission of your motto is June l, 1996. Puc on
by postcard or letter to which agencies you filed the your "thinking-cap'" and come up with a unique and
UFO hotline number 1-800-UFO-2166. Your help is exciring mouo for MUFON. (MUFON could also be
sincerely appreciated. used in the motto if this would make it more attrac-
MUFON recently purchased thirty quartz wall clocks EDWARD J. ZELLER
(battery operated) for sale in the UFO Information Wesley Ellison advised MUFON of the passing of
Center. The black wall clocks have. a white face with Edward J. Zeller, Ph.D., a Consultant in Geology and
black numerals and the MUFON logo and name promi- a faculty member at the University of Kansas in
nently displayed on the front. The clocks are eleven Lawrence, KS. Dr. Zeller was very interested in UFO
inches in diameter and are very fitting for any appro- landing site effects and their implications. He spent a
priate room in your home, your UFO study and library. large part of his time doing research at Antarctica in the
or your business. The clocks are being sold for $20 at years prior to his passing.
the Center, but are also available by mail for an addi-
tional $3.50 for shipping and handling.




Indiana State Director. Mr. Sievers has been a MUFON
MUFON 1996 UFO SYMPOSIUM member since 1972 and former Assistanl State Director.
MUFON"s twenty-seventh International UFO Thomas R. Taylor (Tempe) has selec1ed Paul F.
Symposium will be held July 5. 6 and 7. 1996. at the Ankeny I Phoenix) to be his Assistam State Dirc~ctor
Holiday [nn Four Seasons/Joseph H. Koury Convention for Arizona. Charles E. Ratliff (New Brunswick) has
Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. The symposium been appointed Assistant State Director for Northern
co-hosts are MUFON North Carolina and FSG (the Full New Jersey. replacing Susan Van Slooten.
Story Group in Greensboro). George E. Lund. II will The following twelve State Section Directors were ei-
serve as host chairman: Nick Summers, coordinator: ther newly appointed or had their areas reassigned:
Kent Senter. treasurer: Mike McCurry, vendors coor- Donald E. Flickinger (Billings. MTJ for Yellowstone.
dinator: Nick Summers. advance registrations; Robert Stillwater. Carbon, and Bighorn Counties: Kyle D.
Hair. registration desk: George Fawcett, advance pub- Lovern (Williamson. WV) for Mingo. Wayne. and
licity: Fred Chaffee. press room manager: and Natalie Logan Counties: Gloria Roche ( Yuma. AZ) for Yuma
•'Ginger..Richardson. mistress of ceremonies. County; Don W. Lovett B.S. (Smithville. VA1 for Isle of
The following speakers have been confinned; Carlos Wight, York, and James City Counties 1Mr. Loven is
A. Guzman, Mexico: Chris Styles, Canada: Philip also the Assistant State Director for Virginia I: William
Mantle, England: John S. Carpenter: Jeffrey W. C. Powell. Jr. 1Willard. NC) for Carteret. Craven.
\ Sainio: John W. White; Kevin D. Randle; Budd Duplin. Jones. Lenoir. Onslow. Pamlico. and Pender
Hopkins: Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D.; Vincent F. Di Counties: Marc C. Seguin (Frecpon. TX) for Brazoria,
Pietro; John E. Mack, M.D.; Whitley Strieber; and J. Fort Bend. and Waller Counties: Johnny M. Gonzalez
Antonio Huneeus. (Midland. TXl for Midland. Ector. Andrews, Martin.
Advance registration is $55 per person before June Howard. and Glasscock Counties: Mrs. Clydie S. Prince
29th and $60 after June 29, 1996. or at the door. Each of 1Pra11. KSl <Amateur Radio Operator AA0YMJ for
the five sessions is $15 per session at the door. Advam:e Pratt. Stafford. Kiowa. Barber. and Kingman Counties:
tickets for the reception on Friday evening. July 5 from Robert G. Turner, B.S. (Santa Fe, NMJ for Santa Fe
6 to 9 p.m. is $10 per person. Advance registration may County; Mrs. Mary Beth Wren (Concord. NCJ for
be secured by writing to MUFON 1996 UFO Cabarrus. Stanly. and Montgomel)' Counties: J. Douglas
Symposium, P. 0. Box 5149, Greensboro. NC 27403- Brown (Twin Falls. ID) for Twin Falls, Jerome. and
5149 and making a i.:heck payable to "MUFON 1996 Gooding Counties: and A. Curtis Crawford. Jr.
UFO Symposium." (Credit cards are not accepted. I ICharlottesville. VAJ for Albem:irle. Green. Fluvanna.
Vendor table infonnation will be available in the March and Louisa Counties.
l 9961011rnal.
The cost of rooms per night at the Holiday Inn Four NEW CONSULTANTS AND RESlARCH SPECIALISTS
Seasons is $n flat for a single. double, triple or quad Six new Consultants volunteered their expertise during
plus applicable taxes. The Holiday Inn Four Seasons is January: Helmut Lammer. Ph.D. (Bruck/Mur, Austria)
located at 3121 High Point Road, Greensboro. NC in Geophysics: Richard J. Mooney, M.D. (Redding.
27407. The Reservations telephone number is 1910) CAI in Medicine: Julia E. Moones. M.D. tRedding.
292-9161.1-800-242-6556 or FAX (9101 292-08 [9. Your CA) in Pathology; Venke Sletbakk Ph.D. (Paris.
reservations must be made no later than June 3, 1996. France) in Anthropology; Stephen T. Hero, D.D.S.
After that date, they will continue to take reservJtions (Duluth, MN) in Dental Surgery: and James E. Burn.
only as rooms are available. The hotel rates art' de- Ph.D. (Oceanside, CA) in Counseling.
signed for family accommodmions. Please make your New Research Specialists recently joining the MU-
reservations early to guarantee a room for the sympo- FON team are Carter P. Pfaelzer, M.S. (Weston. MA)
sium. in Physics: Karyn L. Cremeens, M.A. (Fairfax. VA) in
Psychology: Frank Burns, M.S. (Charlotte. NC) in
NEW OFFICERS Civil Engineering: Eva S. Gordon. M.A. (Belmont,
We are proud to announce that Marco A. Reynoso 8. CAJ in Biology: Richard D. Davis. M.S. (Placentia.
( Monterrey) has accepted the position of State Director CA) in Counseling Psychology. Frank D. Meglio. M.S.
for Nuevo Leon in Mexico. He is also President of (Cranston. RI) in Clinical Microbiology; and Mrs. Mary
Fundacion Cosmos. A.C. In order that he may assume Ann Cooney, M.A. (Forest Hills, NY) in Theology.
additional responsibilities, Francis L. Ridge (Mt.
Vernon) has promoted Jerry L. Sievers (Vincennes) 10 Continued on Page 23

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