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Company Overview: Check Point Software Technologies LTD Fact Sheet November 2013 Page 1 of 5

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Company Overview

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (, the worldwide leader in sec ring the !nternet, provides c stomers with ncompromised protection against all types of threats, red ces sec rity comple"ity and lowers total cost of ownership. Check Point first pioneered the ind stry with #ire$all%& and its patented statef l inspection technology. Today, Check Point contin es to develop new innovations 'ased on the Software (lade )rchitect re, providing c stomers with fle"i'le and simple sol tions that can 'e f lly c stomi*ed to meet the e"act sec rity needs of any organi*ation. Check Point is the only vendor to go 'eyond technology and define sec rity as a ' siness process. Check Point +, Sec rity ni- ely com'ines policy, people and enforcement for greater protection of information assets and helps organi*ations implement a 'l eprint for sec rity that aligns with ' siness needs. C stomers incl de tens of tho sands of organi*ations of all si*es, incl ding all #ort ne and .lo'al &// companies. Check Point0s award%winning 1one)larm sol tions protect millions of cons mers from hackers, spyware and identity theft.

#acts 2 ) .lance
CO3P)45 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. STOC6 T!C678 S53(OL 4)S,)9: C;6P #O<4,7, &==+ <.S. ;7),9<)8T78S San Carlos, California !4T784)T!O4)L ;7),9<)8T78S Tel )viv, !srael 73PLO577S )ppro"imately >,=// 3!SS!O4
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd #act Sheet 4ovem'er >/&+ Page & of ?

Check Point Software Technologies is the worldwide leader in sec ring the !nternet. 3aking !nternet comm nications and critical data sec re, relia'le and availa'le everywhere has 'een and contin es to 'e o r ongoing vision. $e are committed to staying foc sed on real c stomer needs and to developing new and innovative sec rity sol tions that redefine the sec rity landscape. CO3P)45 3!L7STO47S 7sta'lished in &==+, 'y Chairman and C7O .il Shwed, Check Point first pioneered the !.T. sec rity ind stry with #ire$all%& and its patented Statef l inspection technology, which is still the fo ndation for most network sec rity technology today. 7ver since the company 'egan, Check Point@s p re foc s has 'een on !.T. sec rity. )dapting to c stomers@ changing needs, the company has developed n mero s technologies to sec re the se of the !nternet 'y corporations and cons mers when transacting and comm nicating. !n >//A, Check Point created a nified sec rity architect re, sing a single management console, nified sec rity gateways and the first and only single agent for endpoint sec rity. !n early >//=, Check Point introd ced another 'reakthro gh sec rity innovation with its Software (lade architect re: a dynamic, revol tionary architect re that delivers sec re, fle"i'le and simple sol tions that can 'e f lly c stomi*ed to meet the e"act sec rity needs of any organi*ation or environment. (y )pril >//=, the Company completed the ac- isition of the sec rity appliance ' siness from 4okia, after more than a decade of colla'oration in delivering ind stry% leading enterprise sec rity sol tions. !n 4ovem'er >//=, Check Point ac- ired #aceTime Comm nications0 application data'ase, adding sec rity controls for over ?/,/// $e' >./ widgets and more than B,?// !nternet applications to o r sec rity gateways. Today, Check Point contin es to develop new innovations 'ased on the Software (lade )rchitect re, providing c stomers with fle"i'le and simple sol tions that can 'e f lly c stomi*ed to meet the e"act sec rity needs of any organi*ation. Check Point is the only vendor to go 'eyond technology and define sec rity as a ' siness process. Check Point +, Sec rity ni- ely com'ines policy, people and enforcement for greater protection of information assets and helps organi*ations implement a 'l eprint for sec rity that aligns with ' siness needs. C stomers incl de tens of tho sands of organi*ations of all si*es, incl ding all #ort ne and .lo'al &// companies. Check Point0s award%winning 1one)larm sol tions protect millions of cons mers from hackers, spyware and identity theft. The fo ndation of o r s ccess is o r c stomer%driven philosophy, o r contin o s technological innovation, as well as o r relentless and p re foc s on providing comprehensive, innovative sec rity.
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd #act Sheet 4ovem'er >/&+ Page > of ?

P)T74TS Check Point@s prod cts contain the world@s most advanced sec rity technology. The Company c rrently holds +? <nited States patents, more than &= <.S. patents pending, and additional patents iss ed and patent applications pending worldwide.

3)867T L7),78S;!P ) leader in .artner0s C7nterprise 4etwork #irewall 3agic 9 adrantC (.artner, &===% >//>, >//B%>/&+) ) leader in .artner0s C3o'ile ,ata Protection 3agic 9 adrantC (.artner >//&% >/&+) ) leader in .artner@s D<nified Threat 3anagement (<T3) 3agic 9 adrantC (.artner >/&/%>/&+) 3arket share leader in !,C@ s $orldwide Sec rity )ppliance Eendor according to !,C (!,C 9> >/&+ Tracker) 4SS La's D8ecommendF 8ating for 4e"t .eneration #irewall (4SS La's >/&& G >/&+) 4SS La's D8ecommendF 8ating for 4etwork #irewall (4SS La's >/&> G >/&+) 4SS La's D8ecommendF 8ating for !PS (4SS La's >/&+) O<8 C<STO378S Check Point@s prod cts and services are sold to enterprises, service providers, small and medi m si*ed ' sinesses and cons mers. $e sec re more than &//,/// ' sinesses and millions sers worldwide, incl ding: &//H of #ort ne &// companies &//H of #ort ne ?// companiess &//H of .lo'al &// companies =IH of .lo'al ?// companies ,!ST8!(<T!O4 Check Point prod cts are distri' ted worldwide via: ,istri' tors, O73s, 8esellers, OPS7C Partners, 3SPs Check Point sol tions are sold, integrated and serviced 'y a network of tho sands of certified partners Check Point head- arters are located internationally in Tel )viv, !srael, and in the <nited States in San Carlos, California. The Company has offices in the <.S. in )la'ama, )ri*ona, 4orthern and So thern California, Colorado, #lorida, .eorgia, !llinois, 3assach setts, 3ichigan, 3innesota, 4ew 5ork, 4ew Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Te"as, Eirginia, $ashington and $isconsinK as well as in Canada, in the Ontario area. The Company also has international s 'sidiaries located in ) stria, (elar s, (elgi m, C*ech 8ep 'lic, ,enmark, #inland, #rance, .ermany, .reece, ; ngary, !taly, the
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd #act Sheet 4ovem'er >/&+ Page + of ?

4etherlands, 4orway, Poland, Port gal, 8omania, 8 ssia, Spain, Sweden, Swit*erland, T rkey, the <nited 6ingdom, ) stralia, 4ew 1ealand, !ndia, Japan, ;ong 6ong, P.8. China, Philippines, Singapore, So th 6orea, Taiwan, Thailand, )rgentina, (ra*il, Colom'ia, 3e"ico and Canada. )$)8,S )4, !4,<ST85 ;O4O8S )s an ind stry leader, Check Point has received recognition from aro nd the glo'e. Please refer to http:LLwww.checkpoint.comLawardsLinde".html

#!4)4C!)L !4#O83)T!O4
8even e #5 >/&>: N&,+B>.O million #5 >/&&: N&,>BO million #5 >/&/: N&,/=O.= million #5 >//=: N=>B.B million #5 >//I: NI/I.? million #5 >//O: NO+/.= million #5 >//A: N?O?.& million #5 >//?: N?O=.B million #5 >//B: N?&?.B million #5 >//+: NB+>.A million #5 >//>: NB>O./ million #5 >//&: N?>O.A million #5 >///: NB>?.+ million #5 &===: N>&=.A million #5 &==I: N&B&.= million #5 &==O: NIA.B million #5 &==A: N+B.A million #5 &==?: N&/.& million 7arnings per Share .))P (,il ted) N >.=A N >.?B N >.&+ N &.AI N &.?/ N &.>? N &.&O N &.>O N /.=? N /.=A N &.// N &.>? N /.IB N /.+= N /.+/ N /.&O N /./O N /./> 7arnings per Share 4on%.))PM (,il ted) N +.&= N >.IO N >.BI N >./? N &.OI N&.?=M N&.+?M N&.+/M N&./OM N /.=A N &.// N &.>? N /.IB N /.+= N /.+/ N /.&O N /./O N /./>

M #inancials e"cl de amorti*ation of intangi'le assets, ac- isition related e"penses and stock%'ased compensation. )C9<!S!T!O4 ;!.;L!.;TS Octo'er >/&&: ,ynasec
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd #act Sheet 4ovem'er >/&+ Page B of ?

J ne >/&/: Li- id 3achines )c- isition ,ecem'er >//=: #aceTime Comm nications0 application data'ase 3arch >//=: 4okia Sec rity )ppliance ( siness Jan ary >//O: Protect ,ata )c- isition Jan ary >//O: 4#8 Sec rity )c- isition 3arch >//B: 1one )larm )c- isition

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd #act Sheet 4ovem'er >/&+ Page ? of ?

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