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Name: RAVI Mobile: +91-9591371947 Objective

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Name: RAVI Email: Mobile: +91-95913 19!

"b#ective Seeking an opportunity in a challenging environment within which I can utilize my experience and skills in contribution effectively to the success of the organization and also for the improvement of my skills. $%mmar& Having 3 years of professional experience in Information Technology 'eradata. domain! "ith progressive experience In development of various pro#ects. $ood %nowledge in Teradata concepts and &rchitecture. 'xtensive experience in writing and executing (T') scripts for validation and testing of the sessions* data integrity between source and target database and for report generation. 'xtensive experience loading of data into teradata from legacy systems and flat files using complex +,-&. scripts and /&ST,-&. scripts. "orked extensively on Teradata tools Teradata S), assistant. 'xperience in 'xtracting0,oading data by Teradata utilities like +ulti,oad* /ast,oad* (T')* /astImport and /ast'xport* Tpump. Seeks to use the latest technology to solve business problems and business intelligent solutions efficiently. Have $ood communication skills* Inter personal relations* hardworking and result oriented as an individual and in Team.

Ed%catio( .egree +.4.& (.Sc. 4omputers! E)*erie(ce "orking as a software 'ngineer in +I,ER I(dia- ,a(galore from 5uly :887 to till date. 1niversity 56T1 &.6.1 2ercentage of marks 789 ;89 3ear of passing :887 :88<

'ec.(ical /0ill/ -perating Systems ,anguages .atabases $1I "indows :8880=2* 16I= 4 * 4>>* 5ava Teradata* -racle HT+,* 5ava Script

1ro#ect 21: ,ioge( Idec.

+lie(t R4,M$ 1lat5orm 1eriod 4e/cri*tio(:

: : : :

,ioge( Idec- 3$A. 'eradata. 6i(do7/ 81-3(i). A%g 9::9 to 'ill 4ate.

(iogen Idec is among the world?s leading global biotechnology companies. It@s a /ortune A88 company with more than B< billion in revenue. 2atients in more than C8 countries benefit from (iogen products.(iogen create new standards of care in neurology* oncology and immunology through pioneering research.It has products &D-6'= and T3S&(EI and more than :8 products in 2hase : clinical trials. Role/ a(d Re/*o(/ibilitie/: Interaction with the -nsite coordinator regarding the reFuirement. .eveloping +ulti,oad and /ast ,oad scripts to populate data into teradata database. .eveloping S), 5oin indexes to solve strategic and tactical Fueries. Eetrieving data from Teradata database. 4reated proper 2rimary Index 2I! talking into consideration of both planned access of data and even distribution of data across all the available &+2S. Eesolving the critical issues in time and handled the -ffshore Team.

1ro#ect 29: 4ial +or*oratio( I(tegrated 46 +lie(t 4ataba/e 1lat5orm 1eriod 4e/cri*tio(: 4ial +or*oratio( * one of &merica?s leading manufacturers and sells consumer products .ial soaps* 2urex laundry detergents* Eenuzit air fresheners and &rmour Star canned meats! and employs more than :*388 people worldwide. The -,T2 -nline Transaction 2rocessing! system contains data about sales* distributions* manufacturing and finance. .ata collected from -racle .atabase and .ata "arehouse is built using Informatica. The 'T, tool is being run on this database and data is extracted and put in the warehouse for future trend analysis and reporting. This assignment is based on Informatica and : : : : 4ial +or*oratio(. 'era4ata. 6i(do7/ 81. $e* 9::; to <%l& 9::9.

-racle Gi.This has enabled .ial to improve sales performance* establish more effective sales promotions and product distribution strategies and creating a more sophisticated method for conducting enterprise business analysis.

Role/ a(d Re/*o(/ibilitie/:

"orked closely with (usiness &nalysts and clients to understand the business reFuirements. 'xtracted data from various source systems like -racle* SFl Server and flat files as per the reFuirements. 'xtensive experience in writing and executing (T') scripts for validation and testing of the sessions* data integrity between source and target database and for report generation. Involved in loading of data into teradata from legacy systems and flat files using complex +,-&. scripts and /&ST,-&. scripts. 4reated Teradata 'xternal loader connections such as +,oad* 1psert and 1pdate* /astload while loading data into the target tables in Teradata .atabase. 4reated proper 2rimary Index 2I! talking into consideration of both planned access of data and even distribution of data across all the available &+2S.

1ro#ect 23: $ale/ Mo(itori(g $&/tem +lie(t 4ataba/e 1eriod 4e/cri*tio(: $iant /ood Store is one of the worlds /ood 2roviders and it symbolizes )uality* Selection and Savings. The -,&2 pro#ect was to provide an analysis report for the Higher -fficials. The pro#ect is designated to know the sales and distribution of the 2roducts manufactured by the 4ompany. The reports are used to analyze the sales and profits. The Higher officials to know the effort put by the down line officials till distributor and sales executives. Role/ a(d Re/*o(/ibilitie/: .eveloping +ulti,oad and /ast ,oad scripts to populate data into teradata database. 4oding Teradata Stored 2rocedures based on the (usiness reFuirement and design documents. 1sing Teradata Transformation and &ggregations to load data from landing tables to Target tables. +oving the code into the production environment after the code matches the business reFuirement and approved by the client. : =IAN' >ood $tore/- 3$A. : 'era4ata. : <%l& 9:: to A%g 9::;

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