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Business Plan: Sikom Technologies SDN BHD

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Subsidiaries of Camar Unggul Hotel !esort Sdn"B#d


Table of Contents Contents Summary Company Objective Company Info Manpower and Payroll E timated E!penditure Operation proce #u ine Summary "" "$ "3 $age 3 4 5 8


Summar& SI&OM 'EC()O*O+IES S,) #(, i a ub idiary company of Camar -n..ul (otel and /e ort Sdn #0d1 '0e company bu ine activitie are to provide I' Sy tem2 (ardware2 Software and I' upport ervice wit0in C%M%/ (otel and .roup affiliate 1 Si3om ' Sdn #0d bu ine activity i c0annel into 4 main operational divi ion 4 Main a'ti(ities are)* a5 ,i tributor 6 Si3om ' Sdn #0d will be a one6 top6centre company in providin. Sy tem2 (ardware and Software and ervice i1e1 Property Mana.ement Sy tem 7PMS52 Sale 8 Mar3etin. oftware2 7POS y tem5 a well trainin. and tec0nical upport ervice 1 More and more companie are reali9in. t0e value of y tematic data analy i to upport it trate.ic deci ion ma3in.1 '0e data analytic play a 3ey role in 0elpin. to provide data mana.ement2 cu tomer in i.0t2 a well a product mana.ement2 and pricin. deci ion1 'ec0nolo.y will be t0e 3ey inve tment area will 0elp reduce co t2 en0ance interaction wit0 cu tomer and upplier 2 and accelerate time to mar3et1 Commercial #uildin. 2 0otel and re ort 2 re taurant 2 and t0e in titutional ub6 ector repre ent t0e be t potential for di tribution1 b5 Commercial divi ion activity encompa admini trative2 ale and mar3etin. divi ion w0o e activity i to promote and increa e mar3et 0are t0rou.0 direct mar3etin.2 media adverti in.2 promotion2 public relation a to create awarene of t0e product2 ervice and nurturin. a winnin. networ3 of partner and buildin. mutual loyalty1 /etail cum S0owroom will be under t0e preview of t0e commercial divi ion a to 0owca e t0e company product line2 (ardware and oftware olution 1 c5 Product ,evelopment : to do mar3et re earc0 8 .at0er re;uirement for t0e propo ed bu ine olution2 devi in. a plan or de i.n for t0e oftware6 ba ed olution2 implementation of t0e oftware codin.2 te tin. t0e oftware2 ite deployment and in tallation and maintenance 8 bu. fi!in.1 d5 '0e I' department i re pon ible for upportin. and maintainin. t0e company< I' y tem and for providin. efficient de 3top upport to all bu ine u er 1 '0e department i re pon ible for re olvin. any I'6related fault ;uic3ly and efficiently2 includin. a broad ran.e of ;uerie from 0ow to et up an email account to y tem tic 2 plu en0ancin. and developin. t0e I' provi ion e!tended wit0in t0e bu ine 1

Cor+orate Offi'es SI&OM 'EC()O*O+IES Sdn1 #0d =nerve centre> or corporate office2 0ou ed a S0owroom cum /etail2 /e earc0 and ,evelopment lab2 I' upport centre and Corporate Office will be located at StarParc Point2 Setapa32 Selan.or 7 !efer a++endi, -. StarParc Point i an e!cellent location for promotin. and mar3et our product a well a ea y acce and a meet point for all bu ine entity urroundin.1 ?rontin. t0e @alan +entin. &lan. i an e!cellent acce ibility of t0i area1 'o acce StarParc Point2 you 0ave a c0oice of u in. @alan +entin. &lan.6@alan 'un /a9a3 from &uala *umpur city centre via @alan Pa0an.A w0ile from %mpan.2 C0era or Petalin. @aya via t0e Middle /in. /oad II1 Public tran portation2 bu e re.ularly via @alan +entin. &lan.1 '0e area i al o erved by */' tation li3e t0e Ban. a Maju and Melawati tation %ll advanta.e found in t0e area will upport t0e .rowt0 of t0e bu ine 3 unit of 36Storey S0op office4 Per unit 36Storey S0op officeA Si9e $4<!CD< $Dft 0i.0 ceilin. on .round floor 7fle!ibility for additional me99anine floor5 #uilt6up from 4288D f to E2FD4 f

+round floor and fir t floor will be u ed a 0owroom and econd floor will be u ed for mar3etin. and mana.ement office1

Com+an& Ob/e'ti(e Our Mi ion ='o be t0e mo t ucce ful I' Company at deliverin. t0e be t cu tomer e!perience in mar3et we erve> Our Gi ion 'o produce 0i.0 ;uality2 low co t 8 ea y to u e product t0at incorporate 0i.0 tec0nolo.y for our client 1


Com+an& Info 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 #%)& M-%M%*%' H #%)& IS*%M H CIM# H %* /%@(I "1 Camar -n..ul (otel 8 /e ort Sdn #0d $1 ,irector "1 ,irector " $1 ,irector $ Employee 44 8t0 @une $D"$ Starparc Point2 @alan +entin. &lan.2 Setapa32 &uala *umpur Starparc Point2 @alan +entin. &lan.2 Setapa32 &uala *umpur Software 8 (ardware Solution 8 Service /M 52DDD2DDD1DD 7/ Malay ia 5 Million5 /M 52DDD2DDD1DD 7/ Malay ia 5 Million5

,ate Of Incorporation Main Office /etail Outlet )ature Of #u ine %ut0ori ed Capital Paid6 -p Capital Company Secretary 'radin. #an3 S0are0older %ppointed ,irector )o1 of Employee

Organi1ation C#art
Management Division

Software Development Division

Management Di(ision General Manager

Operation Manager

Finance Manager

Admin & Human Resource Manager

Account Receivable E ec

Account !a"able E ec

!a"roll E ecutive

Mar$eting E ecutive

Safet" & Securit" Officer

Admin E ecutive

HR E ec

Account Receivable #ler$

Account !a"able #ler$

!a"roll #ler$

Mar$eting Assistant


Admin #ler$

HR #ler$

Soft2are De(elo+ment Di(ision

General Staff 6

Head of Software Development

!ro%ect Manager

Software &ec'nician


S"stem Anal"st

Assistant &ec'nician

&ec'nical (riter


Si4om Te'#nologies Sdn B#d Man+o2er and $a&roll

Mana.ement and Commercial : StarParc Point Estimated Mont#l& Salar& "D2DDD 52DDD 32DDD "245D "245D 82DDD 42DDD 42DDD 42DDD "25DD "25DD "25DD Estimated Total Mont#l& Salar& "D2DDD 52DDD E2DDD $2FDD "245D 82DDD 42DDD 42DDD 42DDD 32DDD 32DDD "25DD

Designation Management +eneral Per onal % i tant %dmin % i tant +eneral Cler3 ,i patc0 Finance Department ?inance %ccount Payable E!ec %ccount /eceivable E!ecutive Payroll E!ecutive %ccount Payable Cler3 %ccount /eceivable Cler3 Payroll Cler3 Human Resource Department %dmin 8 (uman /e ource %dmin 8 (/ % i tant %dmin E!ecutive (/ E!ecutive %ccount E!ecutive %dmin Cler3 (/ Cler3 %ccount Cler3 +eneral Staff Sub*total


" " $ $ " " " " " $ $ "

" " " " $ $ $ $ 4 0-

52DDD 325DD $25DD $25DD 32DDD "245D "245D "25DD "245D

52DDD 325DD $25DD $25DD E2DDD $2FDD $2FDD 32DDD 528DD 678697

Software ,evelopment ,ivi ion

Designation Software Development Division (ead of Software ,evelopment Project Pro.rammer Sy tem %naly t Software 'ec0nician 'ec0nical Briter % i tant 'ec0nician Sub*total Grand Total


Estimated Mont#l& Salar&

Estimated Total Mont#l& Salar&




" $ $ $ $ $


$25DD $2DDD $2DDD "28DD


0:8;77 ::-8397

9" Estimated E,+enditure


O+eration +ro'ess <!efer a++endi, -.

Si3om ' Sdn #0d received order to upply y tem2 0ardware and ervice from Camar -n..ul (otel 8 /e ort Sdn #0d1 ,irective to develop y tem Commercial ,ivi ion 0andle purc0a e order Copy of purc0a e order to di tributor divi ion for delivery and in tallation ,eliver to Cu tomer


Business Summar&

Si3om ' Sdn #0d bu ine plan are to penetrate 0otel and re ort2 .olf club 2 caterin. ervice 2 in titution and retail outlet 1 '0e company will operate t0rou.0 it $ mar3etin. e.ment " <!efer a++endi, 0. a5 Corporate ector %ffiliate *a3 amana Selatan Sdn #0d will wor3 clo ely wit0 it 4 affiliate to fulfil t0eir need and re;uirement of our cu tomer1 Camar -n..ul Propertie Sdn #0d Iaya an (j Mo0d Salle0 (arta Camar Camar Infra

Be provide eac0 of our cu tomer wit0 a peciali t and a uni;ue databa e2 w0ic0 provide acce to t0eir client < ac;ui ition 0i tory2 w0ic0 include p0oto inventory and certified apprai al1 '0i information will a i t in matc0in. future piece wit0 e!i tin. dJcor and mar3et new addition to t0e line1 Commercial Mar3et Si3om ' Sdn #0d employ ale per on for it retail ale facilitie 1 '0e e individual are trained a profe ional in t0e product indu try1 '0ey are tau.0t t0e pecific nic0e t0at Company product in t0e mar3et2 and learn 0ow to carefully identify t0e need of cu tomer 2 and to recommend appropriate product 1 b5 +overnment Sector 7*on. 'erm #u ine Plan5

Si3om ' Sdn #0d will wor3 clo ely wit0 all .overnment ector to fulfil t0eir upplie '0e mar3etin. team will join t0e Malay ian +overnment International 'rade Mi ion to .at0er international networ3in. of product di tributor a well a to promote t0e brand name1




%++endi, : SHO>!OOM8 M%!KETING %ND M%N%GEMENT O??ICE %T ST%!$%!C $OINT

*ocation Map

StarParc Point *ayout Plan

%++endi, 14

Si4om Te'#nologies Sdn B#d O+eration $ro'ess

%++endi, 15

Si4om Te'#nologies Sdn B#d Business ?lo2


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