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Lipstick Mystics Guide To Time Traveling Excerpt

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Travel to a Happier Timeline and Leave Doom and Gloom Behind You

Take a Trip with the Lipstick Mystic Are you allergic to doom and gloom prophecies? Do predictions about the Rapture, Armageddon, and the End of Everything give you an itchy rash? Do you fervently wish that those ET channelers who are preparing to leave this dimension and ascend in their light bodies would just get on with it and leave you in peace? Have you figured out that people who promote fear on a professional basis are simply selling you more fear instead of giving you real world solutions, options, and strategies for living a happy life? Congratulations! Youre refusing to be affected by religious mind control or mass New Age/sewage hypnosis, and youre reclaiming your spiritual sovereignty. I invite you to meet me in a far better reality. Join me for a tasty Cosmic Cosmopolitan (or a nice cup of herbal tea), some home-cooked rants (complete with spicy four letter words) and my detailed guidance about how you can avoid that contagious gloom stuff. Ill also show you my sneaky techniques for healing your time body, teach you how to live on shaman time (instead of artificial man-made time), and give you tips on how to choose a truly happy and prosperous timeline. Come along! Lets have some fun.



(While Others Do the Apocalypso Dance)

Jennifer Shepherd
Bromley Lippincott Publishing Princeton, NJ

Published by: Bromley Lippincott Publishing, LLC 103 Carnegie Center, Suite 300 Princeton, NJ 08540 Copyright 2013 by Jennifer Shepherd The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling, Healing the Time Body and Finding the Best Possible Timeline (While Others Do the Apocalypso Dance) First Edition All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, in any manner except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles and reviews. Requests for such permission should be submitted in writing and addressed to the publisher. Permission may also be requested by emailing the publisher at the company website. Reproduction of any part of the book at online discussion forums, Facebook pages, and all other websites is specifically prohibited except for brief excerpts unless permission has been granted from the publisher as is all file sharing between computers and electronic devices. To report illegal copying contact the publisher at their email address or physical address. Book cover and all photographs and illustrations copyright 2013 Jennifer Shepherd except for the photograph on page #258 copyright 2013 Steven D. IBSN 978-0-9832699-0-8 Library of Congress Control Number: 2012954023 Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents
Preface: A Brief Series of Rambling Thoughts, Plus I Seduce You with Alcohol and Soften You Up with Cookies ....................................................................................11 Part One: Why Those End of the World and Other Doom and Gloom Prophets Should Be Poked with Sharp Sticks Until They Knock It Off and Agree to Enter Rehab and Why the Book of Revelation Is Spiritual Rape ... 27 Some People Choose to Let Life Just Happen to Them .........32 Were Not Running Out of Humans, Despite What the Old Racist Guys on Fox News or Those White Christian Fundamentalists Tell You ...........................................35 Resist Disaster Programming..................................................36 What Mother Earth Has Told Me ...........................................39 The Moon Used to Be a Planet, Now Its a CyborgHalf Planet, Half Spaceship .............................................................42 The Moon Was Once Called Telos or Thallos .........................44 Sometimes Mother Earth Needs to Release a Fart or Two ....46 The World Economy is Mainly Funded by Crime ..................48 Todd Palin and His Prostitutes ...............................................50 Sex Is Big Business ..................................................................53 A Culture of Cover-Ups............................................................54 Michael Jackson Was a Lifelong, Unrepentant Child Molester .. 57 A Culture That Protects Evil Will Attract Evil ....................... 60 Blood on the Dollar..................................................................64 The Old Ones Walk Among Us in Sacred Places and Natural Vortices...........................................................66 You Can Help Stop the Weather Wars ....................................68 Orgone Devices Are Bad News ................................................ 72 Stick to Simple, Safe Healing Techniques ..............................74 Its Time to Do Some White Magic .........................................76 The Real Deal About the Mayans ............................................78 The Book of Revelation is Spiritual Rape .............................. 80 The Book of Revelation Clearly Tells of Johns Encounter with a UFO ...........................................................................82 A History of Insanity and Mass Hysteria................................85 Decide Which Species You Want to BeCow or Human.......87

A Brief Weather Working Guide ............................................ 89 Quick and Dirty Guide to Weather Working ....................... 90 The Exact Process in Detail................................................... 90 WillpowerThe Underused Organ ........................................105 Part Two: Running Out of Time, Living on Shamanic or Organic Time, and the Mysterious Case of the Reverse Rooster .................................................................................. 111 Letter from a Reader: Is Time Collapsing? (And Where Did Wednesdays Go?) ...................................................... 114 Timepieces No Longer Work Properly.................................. 116 Twelve Hours Disappear Every Wednesday ......................... 118 Tasks That Used to Take a Highly Predictable Amount of Time Now Take Longer Because It Feels Like There Is Less Time Somehow .................................................. 122 Ask Yourself: Is It Taking You Longer to Complete What Used to Be Predictable, Routine Tasks?............................. 125 The Overshare ........................................................................ 127 The Reverse Rooster ..............................................................130 Living on Shaman Time......................................................... 132 Some Examples of Moments When I Was Operating on Shaman Time ........................................................................... 133 1989 Washington, D.C. Trip................................................ 133
Running Into People You Want to See, but in Odd, Unscheduled Places......................................................................... 134 Manifesting Help on the Road ............................................ 136


on Shamanic Time Allows Synchronicities to Happen....................................................................... 136 The Time Angels Weigh In ....................................................138 The Many Mysteries of DNA ................................................. 141 DNA Can Be a Tool for Communication and Transportation .................................................................... 142 Our DNA Can Be Manipulated or Locked Down by Negative Frequencies................................................................ 145 My Experiments with Adjusting and Changing the Flow of Time ...........................................................................150 Ron, the Gray Witch ...............................................................151 Terry Pratchetts Books About Time ..................................... 156 Brief Explanation About Angels ............................................160 Were Creator Beings Who Chose Bodies to Create Things . 162

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling

College is the Worst Place to Learn How to Be Creative ...... 164 People Are Conditioned to Let Their Creative Abilities Atrophy ...................................................................... 166 We Can Live in These Bodies Much, Much Longer .............. 169 What Would It Be Like to Live a Really Long Time?.............171 Healing Our Spiritual DNA ................................................... 174 How to Remember Past Lives ............................................... 175 Meditate on Those Pieces of the Puzzle to Discover More.. 175 Pay Attention to Your Fears and Passions ......................... 176
Memories of Past Lives Are Meant to Be Discovered Organically, at the Right Time.................................180

What is a Soulmate? (And How Do I Find My Soulmate?).. 181

Some Common Ways People Screw Up Meeting Their Soulmate or Screw Up Soulmate Relationships....................... 182 How to Meet a Soulmate ..................................................... 187 Here Are Some Ways I Have Met Soulmates .....................188

Parallel Worlds and Alternate Realities.................................191 Some of the Dimensions Ive Seen ....................................... 195 The Borderlands Dimensions or Dungeon Dimensions .. 196 Going Back to the Healing DNA Stuff................................... 199 Part Three: Secret Military Technology, Time Travel and Remote Viewing................................................................ 203 Time Machines Are Real, but They Didnt Work as Anticipated................................................................ 206 Sniffing Around the Edges of the Philadelphia Experiment .................................................................211 What the Philadelphia Experiment Was............................... 213 The Use of Insiders to Lead You Down the Path of Despair and Victimhood ................................................................ 217 Oh, Fuck .................................................................................223 Experiments at Princetons Engineering Anomalies Lab.....225 David Morehouse and the CIAs Stargate Program............. 228 Psychic Uri Geller ..................................................................229 CIA Remote Viewers Try to Recruit Me................................ 231 A Mysterious Figure in Black ................................................234 Connecting the Dots ............................................................. 238 How Psychics Voices Are Silenced ...................................... 240 Psychics Can Be Recruited by Negative Etheric Entities, Too .............................................................................244 Earth Energies Can Keep You Safe .......................................246
Table of Contents

Secondary Attacks................................................................. 248 Remote Viewing in Dreams ...................................................253 Cloaking Technology and Making Ships or Planes Invisible......................................................................257 The Army Developed Edge Technology ............................ 262 Academi/Xe/Blackwater .......................................................267 A Guy from the Department of Defense Shows Up at My Door............................................................................275 Bypass Negative Interference by Reclaiming Your Sovereignty and Revoking Contracts with Negative Entities ...... 282 The Seventh Sense by Lyn Buchanan....................................287 Part Four: Healing the Time Body, Closing Off Negative Timelines and Shifting Probabilities ...........................295 Go Beyond Simple Positive Thinking................................ 299 All Illness Happens Because of Suicidal Feelings and SelfDestructive Intentions.............................................. 305
When Youre Ill You Need to Heal Internal Negativity as Well as Change Your Life Externally.................................................. 306 Case Histories of People Who Died and Had Suicidal Feelings and Intentions................................................................................... 309 Rooting Out Self-Attacking and Suicidal Feelings ........................... 314

You Can Unchoose Illness and Death ................................ 315 We Exist Across Multiple Frequencies .............................. 317 We Vary Our Attention Between the Physical Body and the Energy Body............................................................... 321 We Have More Than One Energy Body ................................322 Understanding the Time Body ..............................................333 How the Time Body Works................................................... 336 Some Signs That You Have a Lot of Damage to Your Time Body .......................................................................... 338 My Friend Steven .................................................................. 340 Preparing to Heal the Time Body ......................................... 346 Healing the Dents in the Time Body .....................................347 A Quick Note: The Time Body is Not a Merkaba Field........ 349 Learning to Access Light Whitish Silver .............................. 350 More Details About Light Whitish Silver..............................353 Smoothing Out the Dents, Ridges, and Bumps in the Time Body ...........................................................................355 Tread Lightly While You Integrate This Healing................. 360

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling

Combine This Energy Healing Work with Taking Action on the Physical Plane ............................................................363 Lets Talk About Positive Thinking and Creating Your Own Reality Again..............................................................365 Healing Your Time Body Expels Chaos and Invites Harmony ....................................................................369 How to Go Invisible ............................................................... 371 How Healing My Time Body Helped Me Switch to Happier, Safer, and More Abundant Realities.........................378 Learning to Live on Shamanic Time, Not Artificial Time ....383 Figure Out If Youre an Addict ..............................................387 People Will Freak Out When You Demand Quiet Time ...... 389 Turning Off Your Cell Phone Means You Will Be Harassed ................................................................... 390 What Happens After This? ....................................................397 The Psychic Talent of Psychometry Can Get Stronger ......401 You Might Be Able to Access Information About Past Lives ......... 402 Becoming Allergic to the 24/7 Workweek ........................... 403 Moving Within the World in a Progressive Way .................. 412 Excerpt from My Next Book: The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Healing Money Problems and Overcoming Negative Financial Conditioning Lesson 12: When Doing Affirmations Crosses Into Black Magic Territory..................................................................... 417 Some Articles for You to Read ......................................439 Why Cant I Meditate? ........................................................... 441 Understanding the Difference Between Prayer and Meditation . 442 Remove the Props and Ritual That Arent Working for You..........443 If Youre a Parent, You Need to Face Facts........................................445 Dont Be Rigid and Force Yourself to Meditate Each Day............. 446 Whats It Like Being Psychic? .............................................. 448 Learn to Access Your Subconscious Mind Consciously..... 449 Alpha Brain Wave States Produce Psychic Perception..... 450 Anatomy of a Psychic Moment..............................................453 A Moment of Clairsentience or Clear Knowing ........... 454 Pay Attention to Those Subtle Signals or Moments of Knowing.456 Karma DefinitionIts Not What You Think ........................458 Youre Both a Waveform and a Particle with Dual Natures......... 458
Traditional Understandings About Karma Are Inaccurate and Will

Table of Contents

Hold You Back from Experiencing True Healing .............. 460 The Inaccurate but Popular Notions About Karma........... 461 Change Your Resonance ..................................................... 467 Karma is Adjustable and Changeable ............................... 468

Our Obsession with Violence and Why Video Games and Porn Are Bad For You........................................................ 469 How Video Games Make You Sick ...................................... 470
Entire Generations Are Tuning Out and Wondering Why Their Lives Suck ........................................................ 471 How Porn Screws Up the Natural Flow of Sexual Energy and Sexual Healing Between Two People....................... 472 Video Games and Porn Create Negative Psychic Doorways .......474

My Real Zombie Encounters .................................................475 What Are Real Zombies?..................................................... 476 How to Fight Real Zombies................................................. 478 Avoid Becoming a Zombie .................................................. 481 Wings of Light: Communicating with the Angels................ 482 How Angels Communicate..................................................482 Angelic Language................................................................482 Guidelines to Specific Angels ..............................................483 Michael the Archangel and Protector of Spiritual Warriors......... 483 Gabriel the Archangel, Herald of Divine Truth .................484 Raphael the Archangel, Powerful Angel of Healing ..........484 Haniel the Archangel, Transformation and Reality Shift Angel.. 485 Final Thoughts About the Angels ....................................................... 485 Archangel Haniel .................................................................. 486 The Five Main Things You Need to Know About Angels ... 487
Stop Opening Up Negative Psychic Doorways and Giving Permission for Dark Things to Come In .................. 491

Do We Only Get One Guardian Angel? ................................ 492 Some Misconceptions About the Angels and How They Communicate............................................................ 494 Some Common Misconceptions About the Angels .............496 ApocalypsoThe Dance Everybody Seems to Be Doing...... 500 All Your Power Comes from This Present Moment............. 504 Recommended Reading and Other Goodies .............507 A Request ............................................................................. 513 About the AuthorA Little About Me .......................... 515

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


A Brief Series of Rambling Thoughts, Plus I Seduce You wi th Alcohol and Soften You Up with Cookies

Here, Im handing you your favorite cocktail (or a nice cup of tea, if youre in a health-conscious mood). Im so happy you stopped by! I have all these cool things I want to tell you about. Ive been checking in with Mother Earth during some meditations and getting the scoop on all the Mayan Prophecy/New Age Earth changes/Biblical End Times rigmarole, and believe me, if you want to find out what the Earth has in store for us, its very useful to go to the source and find out the real deal directly from her. Put it this way. I dont know what some of those Apocalypse prophets and Mayan calendar promoters have been smoking, but their ideas dont correlate with anything Mother Earth has going on at the moment. Can you say, A bunch of deluded little drama queens whose brains have been fried from doing too much ayahuasca? You see, if you take enough mind-bending psychedelics, it fractures your psyche, and you can end up entertaining all manner of End Times delusions as you experience the collapse of your own ego. The urgency of those visions can seem so real that you feel compelled to share your predictions with others, and


you might even form a cult and gather followers who become devoted to listening to your dire warnings about humanitys ill-fated future. But none of it is real. Its just the residue from a bad drug trip clouding that persons psychic perception. And it has nothing to do with what Mother Earth is really doing. I know, because I talk to her on a regular basis! Actually, I spend most of the time just trying to listen and shut my busy little monkey mind up, so I can really comprehend what shes trying to tell me. Mother Earths presence is very soft and her intelligence is flowing and calm, quite different than how we humans hold our energy. Its taken me some 27 years to develop my Earth speak talents since its really like learning a different language. And sometimes, things still get lost in translationbut Im making progress. Anyway, rest assured that all of that doom and gloom prophecy thats out there in the culture is just a warning sign that humanity still has a hell of a lot of healing to do. Were all very damaged, and apocalyptic fantasies are a sign of severe psychic woundedness. When youve been kicked in the teeth, spiritually speaking, as all humans have been throughout their lives, its easy to give up and start believing the worst about yourself and others. And its very sad that so many people are choosing to embrace oblivion and sitting around waiting for the end to come instead of taking action to create better, healthier lives for themselves. These days chronic, paralyzing depression is a huge problem amongst spiritual seekers and the broader metaphysical community because folks have spent so many years investing belief in this nonsense and it just wears them down after a while.

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


In the first part of this book I debunk all of that doom and gloom crap and show you why its a bunch of bullshit. I mean, it really is bullshit. You can trust me on this. Im talking stinky, festering piles of poo. After I wrote that part of the book, I was guided to create what I thought would be a brief section about the nature of time and probability. This is really exciting stuff that the time angels taught me. (Ill tell you more about them further up ahead.) For now, Id just like you to entertain the idea that time and probability are one, and that you really can choose to be on a happier and more abundant timeline even when others around you are promoting End Times philosophies and conditioning people to remain passive, hopeless and miserable. Its all about focusing on a different probability and a better set of circumstances. So many spiritual teachers and prophets these days seem to be invested in sending humanity down the worst possible timeline, toward chaos and destruction. Its very toxic stuff operating almost like a contagious mind virus. For your own health and for the well-being of our planet, its critical to cast out these lies and reclaim your spiritual sovereignty. This is what the time angels have shown me. So I began writing about time and probability and some of what Ive learned on these subjects. To my surprise, that short section kept expanding as I remembered all the things that I wanted to share about time. It became a bigger, fatter and more intense exploration of time, and it expanded to more than 500 pages. So thats the book youll be reading here. Originally this book was going to be one of my case files types of books with material about many



different subjects, but it morphed into a book about time. Youll find information about my other books, including my courses, case files, and healing protocols at my website: And while youre there, please do check out my blog, which I update regularly with cool stuff. You never know when youll find candid photos of my enormous cats daydreaming about mice sandwiches or images of some of the gorgeous local butterflies Ive been bothering out in the garden. Plus I post articles about self-healing, psychic development, overcoming negative societal conditioning and more. Theres always something cool happening in the Mystic Zone! I should warn you that, unlike many members of the metaphysical/self-help/spirituality community, Im an irreverent and snarky chick. Im more of a mystic in the sense of someone who takes a hard look at the absurdity and contradictions inherent in the whole New Age/sewage world and pokes her finger at problems rather than a mystic who is sitting solemnly and silently on a mountaintop with her goats. I have opinions and I like to rant. Dont get me wrong. Goats do have their place. I love me some goats! Im just not going to abandon my material existence in the real world to withdraw to a Himalayan peak and meditate with themno matter how cute and adorable they are. And I wont sit back and let people be misled and misguided by some of the more destructive and dangerous trends that are always arising in the whole alternative spirituality movement. That stuff bothers the shit out of me, probably because Ive had to deprogram so many cult members, and I get furious at the spiritual violation and horrific

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


brainwashing these people have gone through. Anything that hypnotizes you into believing that you must sit beneath a Lord, guru, god (with a small g) or master, prostrating yourself and becoming a spiritual slave, is bad news, people! And beliefs that condition you into lying down and waiting for the end to come are equally as dangerous. So, um, where was I again? Oh, yes. I was talking about this book. I got a little distracted by the goats. Some of the information youll find here includes teachings Ive been given by the time angels, who are a very real group of angelic beings with unique knowledge. Over the years theyve been kind enough to teach me a few things. And then after they show me stuff, I attempt to apply these ideas to my life until I master the concepts theyve given me. I make many mistakes along the way because Im still a crash test dummy, evolutionally speaking. But theyre very patient with me as I mess things up, shake off the debris, and start over again. The time angels are truly loving beings who mostly exist as subtle waveform energy, and they interact with our universe in benevolent, intelligent ways. Theyre not some crappy ascended masters hanging out in the lower astral planes. Those manipulative characters are channeled by many psychics and followed by some people in the alternative spirituality community, and theyre a bunch of rat bastardsthe entities, that is. Not the psychics. The psychics are usually sweet and well-intentioned. Youll find more juicy details about why those deceptive astral critters are rat bastards throughout this book and all of my other writings. Basically, theyve infected and warped all religions and most



New Age/alternative practices and made it harder for people to come into their natural psychic abilities and to access their spiritual natures. Its a big subject that merits its own Fire Your Gods book. (And believe me, Im working on it!) Anyway, in this book Ill also be sharing some details about how time is changing at a fundamental level. Recently the time angels have been bringing me a lot of teachings about how time is collapsing or changing its operating system, and this backs up my recent personal observations about time behaving oddly (including the mysterious case of the reverse roostermore details later). The time angels are rather like guardians of time. Theyre basically assistants who help humans experience creation in a linear way, so we can finetune and optimize our creations. As it turns out, we need time to help us become more powerful creators, so its wrong to think of time as the enemy. Instead, time is necessary so that we can fully appreciate, perfect, and take note of our creations, tweak our miscreations (fixing things that didnt work out optimally for us) and then use what weve learned through that analytical stage to create in a better, more informed and expert way. Im told that thats the game here in this universethe game of creation. Its why were all here. Most of us just havent gotten the memo yet about this Big Picture since we ascribe to the erroneous teachings of so many false gods and custodial beings who prefer that we remain helpless and ignorant of our true natures. We get caught up in being slaves instead of being powerful creators. Operating within time is something that beings in

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


our universe like to do, but we dont all experience time the same way. And there are changes going on right now where were moving from artificial, manmade time to experiencing a more organic or shamanic awareness of time. I talk about this a lot throughout this book and give you concrete examples of what it feels like when youre operating on shamanic time. Shamanic time is when synchronicities or spiritual coincidences happen and you begin to move through life in a more spontaneous way. And this allows the Universe to bring helpful people and experiences to youevents that can seem miraculous because theyre so perfectly aligned with what you desire to happen. This moves into the realm of instant manifestation, where things occur at the exact moment when its best for them to happenand not a moment before or a moment later. Ill give you examples of moments when I was living on shamanic time and seemingly impossible, magical things happened, so you can identify when these events start to happen in your own life. These types of experiences will become more and more common for everybody over the next few decades. The time angels also shared details about how to heal the time body, and Ill be showing you what they taught me. I first learned this information from them some years ago, but recently they fleshed out the details a bit more. The time body is one of our subtle energy bodies that connects to the world of time and probability. Its one of many energy bodies we have like our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies. And it turns out that if you heal the dents in the time body, those little bumps and ridges caused by



past trauma, youll start to hold your energy very differently. And then its easier to change how you navigate through life, and you can start manifesting more happy probabilities and fewer problematic ones. So healing the time body is very effective if you want to change your life circumstances from negative to positive. Doing regular positive thinking will only take you so far because if your time body is damaged from past trauma it will be difficult to change your overall resonance or vibration, and youll still have some subconscious booby traps and self-sabotage going on. Ill outline how you can heal your own time body with some very simple self-healing techniques. Artificial, man-created perceptions of time seem to have been put in place by various negative beings who feed off our emotional loosh and want to keep us bound up in dense emotional states like fear, anger, dependency and anxiety. When were stuck in those emotions, were more easily manipulated. We become a commodity controlled by others and we stop acting independently as spiritually sovereign beings. So thats why were forced to live on a very unnatural type of schedule with the five day (or seven day) workweek, vacations and breaks are rare, and were programmed to always be rushing around feeling time-starved and deprived of rest. It throws us off balance, and this is what the negative humans (and negative not-so-humans) who think they own this planet want, because then the populace can be better controlled and humanitys energies can be harvested. It makes us tasty food for the psychic vampires who think that theyre in charge. The trick is to stop being a food source for them by moving out of artificially created notions of time

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


and returning to a more organic, intuitive way of moving through life. Then our energies will return to a more peaceful and natural state and well cease being a commodity to those who want to control our energy. Well push past those limiting vibrations and expel those forces that have tried to enslave us on a spiritual and emotional level. Artificial time is a relatively modern invention, and its not the way people used to perceive time. But now we have a huge, global society built around the widely accepted construct that you always have to worry about keeping appointments or fretting about getting fired or losing status or money if you dont rush around and adhere to a strict, artificially imposed schedule. So things have really gotten off track for us as a species, damaging our health in many ways. This is because nobody is moving in an authentic, joyful way from one experience to the next anymore. Instead, fear becomes the main motivating factorfear of what might happen to you if you dont do things at a certain specific time. Humanity was never meant to live this way. And the conflict between our innate, organic way of experiencing time and the artificial way that were all forcing ourselves to move through time has created a real spiritual crisis for all of us, making us more prone to physical and mental illness. Our bodies are literally screaming out to live along a more natural time framework, in organic, flowing time instead of artificial time. This conflict is likely to feel more intense in the coming years as time begins to assert itself in a more flowing and natural way on our planet, prompting us to step into a different way of experiencing time. Some



old structures will need to collapse or transform as we move into demanding a more humane and gentle way of moving through time. The 24/7 workweek, or the pressure to provide something like customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is artificial time at its worst. Nobody can live like that, and we shouldnt require our companies to operate like that, either. I mean, whats the worst that can happen when a business closes for two days on the weekend? People get to rest, and then they can create better products and provide better, happier, and more efficient service after they reopen the following week. And customers will better appreciate that business because theyll no longer take it for granted, and they have to make a conscious effort to visit that business during its open hours, which means they will value that business and its goods or services even more. But we dont let ourselves rest anymore, either as individuals or within companies or other worldly structures. Instead we do things like demand that our news reporting occur on a 24-hour cycle, which means that media organizations cant afford to do real reporting anymore because they dont have enough staff to do in-depth writing and research on a 24hour basis. So the news that we do end up getting is diluted, distilled, and frequently inaccurate. In our demands for 24/7 service or 24/7 news we end up getting half-assed, slipshod, and incomplete results. If we built more rest and more processing time into all of society, which is what living on shamanic time allows us to do, there wouldnt be so much stress and strain across all of those structures. Everything in life needs to breathe. We need

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


resting time as well as doing or action-based time. For too many years weve been moving toward less and less rest and less and less reflective time, and its made society more dysfunctional. And people have become more stressed and prone to illnesses of all kinds. A lot of modern illnesses like chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation, and depression are directly related to us forcing ourselves to constantly be doing, doing, doing, instead of doing some stuff, resting for a while, and then doing some more stuff. This never-ending whirlwind of activity sets up a chronic release of stress hormones in the body, which prematurely ages us and makes even young people much sicker and prone to things like allergies and emotional problems. Were going against the natural, cyclical nature of life, imposing a false overlay or unhealthy ideology about how we all should function, and it completely goes against what our bodies and spirits need. But now there are some new time pathways opening up, and as we move into a more natural experience of time, things can start to flow in our lives in a much more joyful and abundant way. Its all about having less fear and more fun! And its also about building more give into the system, where people can have more time off and businesses and worldly structures can move into providing stellar services and products because they can do so without being on the constant gerbil wheel of constantly cycling on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week schedule. And theyre taking days for true rest, to reset their mental and physical and emotional energy. Unfortunately, the anti-life, anti-love forces that think theyre in control of life here on Earth are



pushing back and making things temporarily worse while natural, organic time tries to gain traction. Im told that this is one of the reasons why so many energies of control and fear and violence are getting stirred up on the planet right now. The negative critters and repressive structures that want to retain control over us are finding that their hold is growing weaker, so theyre trying to make us feel more enslaved and victimized and demoralized, forcing us to rush around morebehaving like mindless chickens running around with our heads cut off. The good news is that its not working, people are waking up, and wonderful energies are streaming onto the planet to help heal us and encourage us to evolve into happier, healthier, and more self-aware beings. And this is true for every kingdom on Earth the animal kingdom, the plant and mineral kingdom, and the world of humans. Making the shift from artificial, fear-generated time to more organic, natural time is a big part of these wonderful changes that are setting in. And as these changes happen, life will begin to be more sane, more joyful, and a hell of a lot more fun! Ill be discussing this and more throughout this book. Anyway, I wanted to give you a brief rundown about what this book is about so you know what youre getting into as you begin reading! Thanks very much for joining me in this exploration of time, probability, and navigating down the most optimal timeline for you. I really hope these ideas can help you and serve as a takeoff point for your own research and healing experiences, because my fondest dream is for all of my readers to be inspired to reclaim their creativity, spiritual sovereignty, and joyand learning

The Lipstick Mystics Guide to Time Traveling


how to operate in more natural, organic time can be an important and helpful first step. So, are you ready for another cocktail or cup of tea? How about a cookie? Ive got gingersnapsyou like those, right? I mean, who doesnt love gingersnaps!


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