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Epigeneration 14

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Epigeneration 14

The Greek prefix epi- (ἐπι- "over, outside of, around") in epigenetics implies features that
are "on top of" or "in addition to" the traditional genetic basis for inheritance.

Epi 14
The Quest for SELF
within The Energetic
Conscious Memory

EL’gon Jahii’el

Induction 2020

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This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere with
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Published by 5d World Media in associate with Amazon/Kindle direct

Publishing Ebook
ISBN: 9798631721494
Imprint: Independently published

Title: Epigeneration 14; Epi14

The Quest for Self Within The Energetic Conscious Memory

Author: EL’gon Jahii’el

Release Date: April 16, 2020 [EBook# B082ZTPDLY]

Language: English

Produced by Earl Anderson and the Online Distributed

Proofreading Team at (This work was
produced from thoughts and teachings generously made available by The
Energetic Conscious Memory).

Other publications under 5d World Media Books
by El’gon Jahii’el

Epigeneration 14 Series books 1-3

Book 1. The Quest for Self
Book 3. Conscious Guerillas
How Aliens Abducted Black folk

Table of Contents
From the AUTHOR page 6
Why this book was written 10
Consider 12
How to use this Series 14
EPI14: The Meaning! 15
Let’s begin the Quest. Epigenetics: “The Science of Change” 17
Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA 19
Collective consciousness IMPRINT 22
Programmed Cell Death 27
Generational naming convention: Of the Realm 32
Are you an EPI 14? 34
Epi14s Under Attack 37
Etheric Download 39
EPI14 Morphogenetic field 42
New EPI14 Blueprints 43
Feminine Masculine Integration 46
EPI14’s Greatest Common Symptoms 47
Health 50
EPI14 System of Reward & Punishment Structure 59
Deprogramming EPI14 60
Personal Conclusion 63
Psychospiritual Inheritance Distortions 65
EPI14 ascension phase 67
Supernatural Anomalies 74
You are a 14? 76

This work was completed during the
2020 Coronavirus Pandemic

From the Author
I would like to welcome you, EPI14, to the World of

Let’s get straight to the point! I realized that

things were not as I was taught in school or at home for
that matter. I found that there was always a
contradiction to what I thought things should be and how
things really ARE.
Friends were not really friends, but people that
wanted something from you, and would be willing to hurt
you to get it. I found that friends that were really friends
either moved away or I moved away, and the new so-
called friends were never quite like I thought a friend
should be.
This is where I began to notice a difference but let
me back tract here for a moment. When I entered this
organic machine, human sleeve, the recording of my
experience in this continuum was made official with the
overlay of my current awareness with that of the first
expression. I will explain deeper, or let’s say you will
understand, as we descend on this ascension through
this manual.
I have managed to experience many rolls since
I’ve been here in this reality. I was newspaper boy, sold
fruit on the streets of Los Angeles, musician, accounting

clerk, auditor, a Veteran of the Armed Forces,
information technology professional, organic soap and
coffee distributor and creator, salon owner, truck driver
and many, many other trades and entrepreneurships.
But throughout this whole experience, the Religious or
Spiritual aspect of reality has always been the bases of
my existence, so I became a Minister. I have always been
able to phase in and out of the realms of society and the
anomalies that surrounded…GOD, or the existence of a
supreme creator. Now I know that there is something
much heavier and I am an aspect or manifestation of
that. Just like you, maybe, if you choose to accept your
With that connection, I needed to understand why
these anomalies in my experience seems to be, just ME.
The patterns of events, the ugliness of beings, the
deceptions of others, the violence to women in my
family, how simple school was, so I formed the term
“interesting” to express the emotion of noticed patterns
that the “energies” perform.
Although they perform the same pattern but in
different expressions, the result, was for me to have
some type of altercation or repercussion from those that
had been placed over me. But as our minds have been
trained to respond, I, like many others, tend to look at
the negative things that happen rather the positive. The
negative events seem to always stand out in comparison
to the positive events.

No matter what the subject was there was always
a pattern that matched, and the crazy thing, I still fell for
the frekin crap! That is called the Kontrol Pattern. I
noticed about age 8 that every Wednesday I would get in
trouble with my parents, which would end with a
whopping, or restrictions, in other word, GROUNDED! No
matter how I tried to cover all the bases, there would be
something and there it is, the reoccurrence.
This is where Epigeneration 14 began to develop
into an actual subject that would not be defined until
today. To be a 14, there is no age limit, no color code,
not gender specific, but an ability to remain photon
strong in an continuum that is designed to keep you
captured…in other words, EPI 14s have broken the
customs of family, that span back more than 14
generations. How is that for out of the box…?

Generation 14 individuals are people that will

continue to change the course of multi-generational
imprinting, restoring the altered DNA expressions back to
Original configuration state prior to the marking of the
I have seen many anomalies in this existence, I
have been directly involved in many supernatural, and
advanced technologies that would have many “normal”
people questioning their mental condition. I am one of
many Generation 14s.

The time for total control is now ended. We are
only controlled by that which we choose to be controlled
by. There will be no savior coming to free you from the
bonds of this continuum, world, government, society,
realm, reality. You must come to realization that you are
the limit no matter what direction. Free yourself, free
your mind, free your soul…do not go to the Light!!!

Why this Book was written
As I continue on this quest to gain memory of my remote
past, my relation to this existence, I found that searching
for information was very confusing, to say the least.
Many are searching for TRUTH from religion, science,
school, people trusted, YouTube, and the alike, to only
find themselves even more confused. This book will assist
in your quest by giving, the search for information,
direction and places to assist with this endeavor.
If you are an advanced, logical, and critical thinker, the
quest for Self-Mastery, GOD-Self, Personal Origin,
including "Junk" DNA Upgrade, the pool of information is
unlimited and can become very confusing and quite
However, with the "Epigeneration 14 Series",
specific highly searched topics, and compelling questions
that can only been answered by Personal Research will
be explored, with personal accounts of the writer's
interactions with Government entities, Other worldly
beings, Religious Affiliations, DNA code expressions and
much more.
Epigeneration 14 Series is for those that are of advanced
thought. The change in DNA is expressed through the
changes in the "Implanted" idea dispositions, Specific
view of world affairs and institutions, family and
generational norms, Health applications, and the alike,

which all will be outlined to support the theory of
Epigeneration 14. We will explore the systems that have
been controlling humanity. We will expose the
individuals behind these systems. We will explore the
ways to identify entities that are causing disruption in
your thought expressions and the way DNA plays a roll
and how spirituality has been hijacked.

There is much to learn on your quest, and can become
very overwhelming when trying to draw conclusions from
information available, so I will present some guidelines
for you to CONSIDER during your research.

1. Do not draw conclusions your first read, give your
mind time to digest new ideas, remain neutral.
2. Do not look for personal association, this will
stagger your ability to remain neutral.
3. You must CONSIDER the FANTASTIC, which is
where the answers are hidden, coded, embedded.
4. Write down your personal experiences, this helps
you to come to terms with your own anomalies.
5. Do not share your information while researching,
this will encourage others to impede your quest.
6. Remember you will not find answers to everything
in a book, or online.
7. You will start to change your current thinking
pattern, and realize your error in thought.
8. Complete the labs.
9. Do not debate others, this research is about your
10. Believe in yourself, you have all knowledge and
wisdom embedded in your DNA.

How to us this Series
This is a new style of research manual designed to assist
you with your research into the world of EPI14 thought
and conclusion.
If you are engaged with the material enclosed in this
manual then you are more than likely a 14, so with that
be excited!!
There will be definitions, word associations, photographs,
and interactive links that will assist you in focused
research rather than randomness.
In the books of this series I will be adding video links to
explain certain topics.
This Neo-Research Manual will change the entire world
of research E-books.
Remember, it’s time for the gate keepers to step aside
and we as EPI 14s must continue to assist in that effort.

EPI14: The Meaning!
What does EPI14 mean? Epigeneration 14

What is EPI14?

EPI Generation 14 is the name I have given to the

concept that DISTINCT individuals contain certain
qualities relating to advanced thinking process that has
been activated based on the EPIGENETIC foundation
principle governing energetic conscious memory.

What is epigeneration?

EPIGENERATION is a term that explains or coins an

individual or group of the energetic collective memory
consciousness manifested or remains in conscious
memory energy. To be an EPI14 means; the generation
that the control systems, reality, self-awareness, that we
have carnated in, has been broken and no longer control
us through thought, system management, ultimately.
Innerstand the deeper meaning as we continue thru the

Many are still under the influence of the past system,

meaning, what has been taught by Family is what’s
believed. Many are afraid to venture or research on their

own, for they fear to be wrong, or ridiculed by others.
They basically do not possess the ability to stand on their
own thought. Now that can be very scary with historic
events where individuals have been killed, jailed, or not
allowed to participate in certain functions of their social
groups, imposed by the rules for those individuals.

First, we must remember the only ones that really

have control over the society are those that control
PUBLIC POLICY. Those individuals and groups have been
controlling all aspects of society…not wanting to go too
far on that subject, that will be a part of your research
and detailed thru the series.

But let’s talk a little about EPI14s. (side bar: I have had
numerous computer failures at this point, 6 in all. I have
loss many writings, very frustrating, but I know it’s the
energy. You will innerstand soon.)

Naming generational groups is not something new. This

is done all over the planet, because I’m in the US, I will
talk about this group, but I must inform you first of what I
found while beginning this book. The topic lined up with
the sprit realm without me actually being aware of the
full extent of the generational naming structure. I based
my writings and conclusions on World scientific
experimental conclusions that I innerstood what was
happening in the energetic conscious memory
conciseness with me, and others like me. Which is where
Epigeneration was derived.

Let’s begin the Quest
Epigenetics: “The Science of Change”
United States year 2020.

I want to provide a “Worldly intuitional scientific” foundation,

as appose to Spiritual Metaphysical exostanding to Epi-14
Theory. Based on research from Governmental agencies
offering scientific studies concluded and ongoing, regarding

The Greek prefix epi- (ἐπι- "over, outside of, around")

in epigenetics implies features that are "on top of" or "in
addition to" the traditional genetic basis for inheritance.

… “epigenetic explanation.” Imprinting was first identified in

1910 in corn, and first confirmed in mammals in 1991.
Researchers have identified about 80 human genes that can
be imprinted.
Weinhold B. (2006). Epigenetics: the science of change. Environmental health perspectives, 114(3),
A160–A167. doi:10.1289/ehp.114-a160

…The idea is that trauma can leave a chemical mark on a

person’s genes, which then is passed down to subsequent
generations. The mark doesn’t directly damage the gene;
there’s no mutation. Instead it alters the mechanism by which
the gene is converted into functioning proteins, or
expressed…link NY times 2018

Epigenetics most often involves changes that affect gene activity
and expression, but the term can also be used to describe any
heritable phenotypic change.

Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is the

transmission of genetic markers from one organism to
the next (i.e., parent–child) that affects the traits of
offspring without alteration of the primary
structure of DNA.

Collective Consciousness IMPRINT
Examining my personal development and those in
society, researching, I have concluded that the collective
consciousness has changed, it has been alter from its
original state, imprinted with a dysfunction, and now that
imprint has degraded, and in some cases, have
completely failed.

Collective consciousness defined: Collective

consciousness is a group’s cumulative thought pattern
individualized as singular expressed conclusion.

Collective consciousness will be discussed in “Book 3:

Consciousness Guerrilla; The War against Spiritual

What is happening now? Your research for discovery is

the last throws of Collective consciousness IMPRINT.

You are seeking answers to reasons why you feel

differently than the people surrounding you.

Why your idea of how things should be, are not.

You begin thinking, “Why do we have to pay for water?”

“Why do I not believe in god like other?”

“Are there other dimensions?”

“How do I see with my eyes, when my eyes are view
devices made up of ‘flesh’, which means a BODY is a
Biological machine?”

Researchers found:

For nearly a century after the term “epigenetics” first

surfaced on the printed page, researchers, physicians,
and others poked around in the dark crevices of the
gene, trying to untangle the clues that suggested gene
function could be altered by more than just changes in

Today, a wide variety of illnesses, behaviors, and other

health indicators already have some level of evidence
linking them with epigenetic mechanisms, including
cancers of almost all types, cognitive dysfunction, and
respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, autoimmune,
and neurobehavioral illnesses.

Known or suspected drivers behind epigenetic processes

include many agents, including heavy metals, pesticides,
diesel exhaust, tobacco smoke, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, hormones, radioactivity, viruses, bacteria,
and basic nutrients…

…Many types of epigenetic processes have been

identified—they include methylation, acetylation,
phosphorylation, ubiquitylation, and sumolyation…
Epigenetic processes are natural and essential to many

organism functions, but if they occur improperly, there
can be major adverse health and behavioral effects… In
general, tightly folded chromatin tends to be shut down,
or not expressed, while more open chromatin is
functional, or expressed.

One effect of such processes is imprinting. In genetics,

imprinting describes the condition where one of the two
alleles of a typical gene pair is silenced by an epigenetic
process such as methylation or acetylation. This becomes
a problem if the expressed allele is damaged or contains a
variant that increases the organism’s vulnerability to
microbes, toxic agents, or other harmful substances.
Imprinting was first identified in 1910 in corn, and first
confirmed in mammals in 1991, So THEY say!

“Articles from Environmental Health Perspectives are provided here courtesy of National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences EHP @

Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA

Mitochondrion, membrane-bound organelle found in the

cytoplasm of almost all eukaryotic cells (cells with clearly

defined nuclei), the primary function of which is to

generate large quantities of energy in the form of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).Jan 1, 2020 › science › mitochondrion

Image credit: Delia Walsh of

Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in

a cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus.
In species on this planet, Mitochondrial DNA preforms
protein biosynthesis, which means they have their own
genetic material, the mechanism to manufacture their

own RNAs and new proteins, and is inherited solely
from the mother. Protein biosynthesis refers to the
process whereby biological cells generate new sets of
proteins. Without properly active Mitochondrial DNA,
organisms cannot efficiently generate new proteins for
DNA synthesis.

Therefore the storing proper levels of ATP required to

engender the light from the cell to embody our mystical
cognizance. We going to be getting deeper as we move
along, so please bare with the foundational
information. So, because of damage to Mitochondrial
DNA, humanity is unacceptably addicted to consuming
everything in the external world to fill this energy void
within our cells.

Because we have been imprinted, know nothing else in

our current history, and have erased memories, we are
basically unaware that we have existed with severely
dysfunctional Mitochondrion DNA. This event,
dysfunctional Mitochondrion DNA, or, invasion of
Planetary Logos through controlling the magnetosphere
and magnetic field, magnetic principles and proton
structure, extracted from this earth and a synthetic
unfamiliar version that was put into the planetary
architecture to copycat its functions. We have been
without true Female Principle functioning on the planet

and unmistakably this is recorded in the cells of our
Mitochondrial DNA.

Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA in mitochondria structures
within cells that convert chemical energy from material food
and light from sun food into a form that cells can use,
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

ATP measures the amount of light proportions held by the

cell and body tissues and is directly related to the
incarnation of nonphysical realization of the Soul Matrix and
Ultimate Atom, which is energy.

The inner mitochondrial membrane is sorted into numerous

cristae, the surface area of the inner mitochondrial
membrane, increasing its ability to produce ATP. Once
functioning properly, this area of the Mitochondrion
increases the ATP energy and generates light into the cells
and tissues of the organism. The cristae’s higher function in
the mitochondrion DNA is being activated in the EPI 14s.
Mitochondrial diseases are from genetic mutations
imprinted into the DNA sequences.

Mitochondrial diseases take on exceptional characteristics
of congested energy in the body simply because of the way
the disease accumulated through inherited maternal
genetics from inherited bloodlines. Thus, severely limiting
the amount of operational energy existing for brain
development and all neurological system purposes. Energy
is deactivated, depleted, the body ages and gets diseases
faster, stunting development and spiritual growth,
promoting neurodegeneration and other brain processing
deficiencies (Racism, Hate, Sociopaths, Fanatics, etc.).

In other words, organisms that function in a hive mentality,

lacking the ability to process individual thinking, reasoning,
logically without being coached, lead or directed with
someone else’s idea, tradition, custom, or normality.

Diagram of chakras and Kundalini in a human being

Programmed Cell Death

Staged Kundalini Apoptosis is controlled programmed cell
death which is directly related to the mitochondrial
instruction set of the cell.
Spiritual Epi 14 ascension is directly related to
mitochondria as being the principal orchestrator of the
complete Kundalini transformation process; meaning
"subsiding off or dropping off", Cell death.
Incursion of water thru osmosis into the mitochondria
concluding rift of the outer mitochondrial membrane,
resulting in the release of apoptotic proteins from the
mitochondrial intermembrane into the cytoplasm.
This process is commonly felt during the reclaiming stage
and effects of kundalini initiation and Dark Night of the
Soul. You are what you eat on a physical note but more
accurately expressed, multidimensional energetic bodies
are the main source of energy in cells of bodily tissues,

and when a human being chooses to develop their
spiritual bodies, they gain increasing access to higher
forms of spiritual energy, consciousness intelligence
inside their physical body.
Mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death is a function of
EPI 14 Expanding Consciousness which occurs through
the embodiment of advanced spiritual layer growth and
concentration of new light and energy into the cellular
matrix and tissues of the fleshly body.

The Activation of Crystal Core, is a planetary initiation
that flare up a being’s nonphysical body into a catalytic
process which initiates the liquid crystal cells, both
mitochondrial cristae, and within the diamond Crystal
Heart which contains the Permanent Seed Atom.
A person has inner seeds which are called Bindus in
The three seeds are:

1. The Physical Seed of Life (Permanent Seed);

2. The Emotional Permanent Seed;
3. The Seed of Consciousness (Mental Permanent

DNA code (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each
other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth
and reproduction of all known organisms)

is a passed and/or learned, imprinting, genetic signature

that is in the DNA chain. DNA structure that individuals
are either born with, handed down from generation to
generation, MOTHER/Father to child, that is already a
part of the genetic code blend of both parents, or a
change that was inserted, imprinted into the DNA chain
from outside conditions, either with intent or for the
purpose of adjusting to external conditions, sourced from
one or both parents. These anomalies can express
themselves through biological attributes, for example,
“The Belief in God”. The Scientific world has stated that
“VMAT2” is the vehicle for the GOD GENE. See article
noted to begin research on the topic GOD GENE:

As you continue your research you may conclude that

“inserted” or “Imprinted” genetic DNA CODE can be from
many different stimuli, for example, environmental, such
as everyday living conditions, This marker can be
impressed upon the DNA code in order to adapt to the

condition, regardless if it is considered good or bad, right
or wrong.

Generational naming
convention: of the Realm
Chart insert by:

West Midland Family Center

History of generational name in US society: A Brief History of Naming

Historians generally agree that generational naming began in the 20th-century.

It was deceased American writer Gertrude Stein who coined the term "Lost
Generation" in her work. She bestowed this title on those born around the turn
of the 20th-century who devoted their lives to service during World War I. In the
epigram to Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises", published in 1926, Stein
famously wrote, "You are all a lost generation."

This side bar is what the sprit realm showed me…I found this tid bit of
information and here, I know this was meant for the EPI14 people…taken from

(” Did You Know? Generational theorists Neil Howe and William Strauss
suggested the name Thirteeners (for the 13th generation born since
the American Revolution) for Generation X, but the term never caught on.”
Howe and Strauss

Neil Howe and William Strauss define generational cohorts in the U.S. from 1900
to 2015 as follows.

• 2000-: New Silent Generation or Generation Z

• 1980 to 2000: Millennials or Generation Y
• 1965 to 1979: Thirteeners or Generation X
• 1946 to 1964: Baby Boomers
• 1925 to 1945: The Silent Generation
• 1900 to 1924: the G.I. Generation)

For additional research on this subject go to:
Population Reference Bureau

However, Generation 14 is not a part of that naming

convention, but I am considered a GERNERATION x. which as
you read, is Thirteeers…so to be a EPI14 means you are not
on the naming convention, which means you have deviated
from, not included, not considered, under the radar, yet you
are known.

US generational naming conventions are purely used for

workforce placement, for analyzing attitudes and dispositions
of workforce for reason of economic.

One question you must ask is “HOW do they know, what they
know about the generations, currently and yet to come. To
know specific attributes, that means there is a certain
awareness, or access to information that is not common to
the everyday person…like you….SO it’s Believed!

Are you an EPI 14?
So, now it’s time to realize who and what you are! you
decide if you are a G Fourteen! EPI14s are those that
have stripped DNA CODE handed down from XY
generator of Hive mentality, group suggestion, “our way
or the highway”, “do as I say not as I do” contradiction.
We stripped away the thought actions of “Cause they
said so!”

EPI14s are not guided or governed by anytime line. We

seek truth, fairness, we decided if we go to church out of
obligation or obedience, or desire to do so.

We are not governed by age: EPI14 is anyone that has

advanced Psychic thought, breaking the plane of lunism,
we are the generation that has been re classed,
renamed, because we are the unique DNA CODE
structure that has finally been restored to the original

We have transferred this new CODE to the new offspring.

EPI14 are ages 0 to 135 years, thus coined the term “She
was before her time”. “He’s a man in a baby’s body”.
EPI14 come in all groups, all sexes, all ages, from
everywhere on the planet and the realms.

The Population Reference Bureau chronology of generational names 1889 to 2001, United States .

• 1983 to 2001: New Boomers

• 1965 to 1982: Generation X (formerly known as gen 13)
• 1946 to 1964: Baby Boomers
• 1929 to 1945: Lucky Few
• 1909 to 1928: Good Warriors
• 1890 to 1908: Hard Timers
• 1871 to 1889: New Worlders

Jason Dorsey > Research > About The Center for

Generational Kinetics

Each DNA strand is composed of patterns and light

spectrum of one dimensional frequency band. These
multidimensional crystalline are referred to as DNA Germ
Codes templates. The DNA Germ Codes, the template for
one DNA strand is composed of 12 magnetic particle
element units and 12 electrical anti-particle element

units. Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Code program
sequence corresponding to one
dimensional frequency band of Consciousness. (24 Seed
Codes = 1 DNA strand). The level of frequencies that are
accreted into the personal Morphogenetic Field will
determine the level of DNA strand assembly that you
EPI 14 posses. Epi 14 person pulls in more frequency
bands from the dimensional Unified Fields, the personal
frequency accretion level rises, and thus, more DNA
codes can assemble and activate.

Epi 14s Under Attack
How is this possible? The attack come from everywhere,
starting with yourself! You have to believe in yourself
before anything else.

“It’s time for a new direction, it’s time for the Sheep to Die”.

The attack is on our everyday lives, “THEY” know who we

are, so the idea is to keep us “thinking” we are only our
Work/action capacity: “I’m a light worker, I’m a god, I’m a
professor, book writer, driver, teacher, preacher, dog
catcher, money advisor, car washer, rich, poor, black,
yellow, red, white, African, American, Asian, catholic,
protestant, voter, union member, mayor, president,
movie personality, DJ, drug user, gangbanger, preppy,
ladies’ man, god digger, pretty, lazy, fat, skinny, do-
gooder, I think you get the picture!

These and many other words are used to define us”, but
we are so much more!

However, EPI14s can acknowledge the fact that we are

awaking, that’s the point, we are aware that we are here,
aware that there are systems that govern our day to day
that we love and hate. We are aware that there is energy
life all around us, and in us. We are aware that the
powers that control the gates of this realm and they
operate outside of what we know as reality. We seek

remembrance of our former DNA CODE that was, has
been, altered by circumstances beyond our control and
desire. This is why EPI14s DNA CODE has changed based
on the natural occurrences, associated with the planets,
the dimensions, just as they were altered in an anti life
way, they will realign for those that have not and
continue to evolve for advanced Epi 14s. This change is
no different than you change with the rise and fall of the
sun, you cannot stop it but you can embrace it. The fact
is, it’s simply the way it is!

However, our conditioning was GREAT and Filthy. We

have been not only been encoded but imprinted as well
with an agenda not of this world

It is important to innerstand that the initiated potential

of the celestial human energy field and DNA template is
an extremely powerful spiritual technology. It is this
incarnation Form that overrides the energetic divergence
system, both within the planetary and human hologram.


If you have made it this far you are either a fourteen, or a

part of the vile forces that seem to be in all areas of this
realm. You both have rolls to play, so … now what?

Etheric Download…
--- 1970. RED BRICK BUILDING. TOP FLOOR. XY and her Xx
offspring. Many energies surround them both. XY 22, Xx
off spring, age 2. XY gateway for physical Xx physical
expression of combined XX-XY DNA CODE.

EPI14 DNA CODE change of offspring Xx.

Societal construction inferences pressed and applied,

attempt to imprint to maximum agenda, indoctrinate,
thru food, water, pharmacies, interaction with biological
material and non-material life forms.

Internal acknowledge of DNA CODE realignment,

observed thru visual experience, loss of time, time
progression, age progression, mental change, unaware
by outside observers.

Observers are not from realm.

Xx off spring non etheric photon is not from realm,

physical expression qualifies, from realm, non-etheric
photon will observe, minimum intent, but guidance, free
thought despite indoctrination in to simulated family.
XX-XY combine Xx expression aware.

EPI14. Non-etheric photon of Xx host. Host Xx expression

will continue to replicate DNA CODE modification with
gradual awareness of replicated events to enhance

awareness. XX DNA CODE neutralized during combine,
reabsorbed, condensed, extracted into physical
expression Xx combined. ---

That was an etheric download during the time I was

researching topics in this book. You can down load
information from the either also. No special talent or
guru you need to sit under.

The either will feed back to you what you are thinking,
but in a much computerized way or non-emotional way.
It can only express in the way you think, thinking at the
time of entrance, or the vocabulary you have built in you.
It will talk to you as yourself but keep on topic.

As you have read, the question of “my memory” of my

beginnings with my mother, the question was a thought,
a picture, or scenes at a location with my mother. I was
feeling attached to her, in other words I went back and
felt the emotion of a child’s attachment to mother and
the either gave me that statement.

It gave me a breakdown of the attachment I had to

mother, as a biological energetic action that created the
entire reality of our co-existence. It also explained or
acknowledged the fact that, memory had been recorded
as observed and affected by the social system in place. It
talked about why my Father was not in that memory. You
have to look at these etheric downloads from a very
different perspective. Many people cannot, EPI 14s can.

EPI14 Morphogenetic field

A way to describe an organic spiritual Morphogenetic
Field from the energetic conscious memory is that it is a
blueprint that stores information for how a materialized
and non-materialized forms of consciousness will

Morphogenetic Fields are comprised of templates of

energetic conscious memory to include vibration, which
serve as the blueprints on which matter and conscious
identity manifest. This action occurs at a microcosmic
and macrocosmic point of union and is a part of the
mechanics of all creation. Witnessing the creation in
action is always incredible and is never as its portrayed in
Clearly the way of this evolution is revealed only on a
Need to Know situation! Many surprises are yet to come!
Profound cycles of Rebirth into the New Energy Worlds
and realms of reality, these dynamic templates are
planetary and dimensional, creational blueprints for a
New reality structure. EPI14 energy is assisting in this

I would like to discuss in more detail these templates,

and then discuss some of the symptoms you will
experience, physically, in the dynamic creational process.

New EPI14 Blueprints

All energy collective memory, matter forms and forms of

consciousness, including planetary bodies and non-
matter entities that are manifested, develop with a
morphogenetic blueprint. These blueprints exist as a
quantity of energetic substance that is composed of
specific patterns of crystalline frequency.

Because the omni universe is one massive field of energy

memory consciousness containing all forms, consisting of
all experiences of manifestation, layers upon layers of
morphogenetic fields exist at every level of existence, at
each dimensional realm.
Through the research of this book, spiritual energy
revealed to me that our singular morphogenetic field has
been replicating from our own DNA genetic material and
is being used to evolve other forms of creation.
Therefore, many of us are having discomfort and
symptoms as we are undergoing some energetic
blueprint modifications. Our genetic material held in our
local blueprints or individual energetic morphogenetic
field is being utilized as the creational templates for
other life forms. Some blueprints or morphogenetic field
designs are allowing less evolved life forms, fragments of

consciousness, or the genetically damaged to use these
templates to manifest forms they can evolve into.

EPI14s hold greater levels of frequency needed to

activate certain DNA, so they too can evolve to the
higher reality fields and ascend beyond their dimensional
consciousness realm.

This process, energetic Matrix Transplanting, is referring

to assisting those that need to be imprinted with certain
genetic material that they are missing, or that have been
damaged to prohibit the ability to ascend. This process
allows exposure to extremely high frequencies and
passage through dimensional portals without being
damaged or destroyed.

These new energetic Matrix Transplanting will contain

original patterns which are devoid of all cellular memory
of past transgressions, and imbalance. These
morphogenetic fields affect everything in their
environment and as more and more morphogenetic
fields are being created, holding these patterns of the
energetic systems continue to change.

DNA in the personal and unified morphogenetic fields

govern levels of frequency access to the information
stored of hidden history embodying the blueprint of

mother earth, her lineages, and species. This has allowed
more and more EPI14s to become activated and
interested in information relating to their transformation
and Ascension.

Feminine Masculine Integration

Since EPI14s have been involved in the new creational,

new blueprints, Matrix Transplanting and personal
Ascension, there has been a lot of clearing in patterns to
integrate masculine and feminine energies. Reflecting
the subject of kundalini charka energy, the 2nd chakra
imbalances are clearing rapidly, along with 5th chakra
which is a vital part of spiritual awakening. And as EPI14s
awaken to the authentic aspect of their eternal self, that
5th chakra is masculine energy and the 2nd chakra is
feminine energy, these two energies are experiencing
integration points which unify and clear the old patterns.

The 5th chakra is our vocal expression that we use to

command conscious memory energy into form or
manifestation. When EPI14s are aligned, they create and
speak into manifestation, throat chakra is open and clear,
meaning EPI14s are evolving to be comfortable speaking
truth in each circumstance. That truth is vibration, which
is to speak, circumstance result, is manifestation. This is
mentioned in the Bible as”…The word became flesh”.

EPI14’s Greatest common

Dehydration although liquids are being consumed

Extreme thirst, dry mouth, pasty lips or parched
Constipation, feeling intestine dilating
Bowel fluctuations, dark, black and tarry bowels
Water weight gain, edema, swelling, especially in the
lower abdomen
Female PMS-similar symptoms
Shifting from Sun to moon cycle periods to erratic
Headaches, third eye, top bands of skull
Neck and Shoulder stiffness and discomfort
Lower back pain
PMS like symptoms
kidney dehydration
Throat tension or narrowing

EPI14 advice is:

Drink alkaline water! The intake must continue. Consider
it or not the frequencies need water to conduct through
EPI14’s energy field.
Find a mineral base or Vitamin C, like Alacer-Emergen-C
with minerals, and try calcium magnesium water, with
liquid iodine and silica.

Sea Water! Get in Sea water when you can, stick your
feet in the ocean. Bodywork! Get a Thai type of massage
or stretching, with extremely deep acupressure or
massage. Any bodywork is very helpful.

Liquid type of Fasting. This seems to give our digestion

and organs a break. Eat as simply and cleanly as you can
if you do eat solid food. Now I extostand why spring
cleaning in late April, to do your cleanses! I think if I had
done a more serious cleanse, I probably would have had
an easier time.

Humor! For goodness sakes, laugh. The body needs as

much humor as it can get!

EPI14, pay attention to your inner guidance that emerge

to support clearing. And remember soul groups are
sharing this work. Follow that intuition to know there is a
larger purpose. Allow yourself play, sleep, and rebuild

Those EPI14s that have been clarifying their new
distinctiveness move into the next stage of emergence
are starting to sense that they are being pushed the
limits, to be propelled into the higher reaches of the
realms. The big push. Some are getting pushed to get up
to speed, to re-educate self-belief system, get out of the
Some of us are having physical mishaps, business
dissatisfactions, individual chaos and emotional
Some EPI14s are being pushed hard, in whatever level of
identity-mastery signed up for. Many EPI14s feel like they
have not had peaceful sleep for a very long time, with all
this energetic tension and forcing. All this activity, no
matter what form it takes in your life, remember one
There are incredible forces pushing vigorous chaos and
disruption in this environment.
Do not fall asleep at the wheel and let the vehicle get
hijacked, again!
What is it that eludes you in the clarity of the self, your
mission and purpose?

Finding the right material regarding consumption is a
very dauting subject. EPI14s have a unique approach to
food and liquid consumption. Blood type with astrology
is one method to consider while on your quest. While
there are many methods that you will find and combine
to create what works for you will be concluded from the
results of your study.

Blood type

Blood typing as a diet regiment is a known subject but

perhaps one that you have heard of or NOT, has been
found to actually work. We have two babies that are
Blood type diet offspring, Xy and Xx.

However, the blood type diet was not our first option
when we began the EPI14 diet change. Again the reason
I call it EPI14 diet change is because we first noticed that
we simply did not want the passed down style of foods
we were accustom to consuming, such as Milk, potatoes,
all types of meats, just to name a few. A change that was
not specifically done as a result of a health issue or
cosmetic, but a change in the desire, CRAVING,
conditioning of family, tradition, Ethnic grouping, but
DNA change.

Spiritually or DNA, your physical body will tell you when
the time for change WILL occur. You don’t have to be
specific in picking a diet regimen, but a combination of. I
would suggest you first find out what your blood type is,
then all family members, because you will need to know
for the purpose of proper innerstanding of blood type
attributes, meaning, Ethnic group(s), male/ female.

Genetic instructions are passed down from generation to

generation, but the environment we live also can imprint
on our DNA code, in other words the environment you
live can make genetic changes to your physical body.

Environmental epigenetic inheritance and

transgenerational epigenetic inheritance...gametes:
sperm cells, ova: Female eggs, SEX cells or haploid cells
carry a copy of each chromosome, combining, fusing
reduction division creates the diploid zygote.

Epigenetic reprogramming (genome wide) environmental

epigenetics inheritance method is the system by which
parents transfer to their offspring about the environment
they exist in or experienced. disruption of the
heterochromatic is caused by some form of stress or
shock. when Stress is applied or experienced by embryos
the affect can last multiple generations but will

eventually return to normal operations unless the stress
is continued. But one stress, implanting becomes so
normalized, that it no longer has an effect, but has
become a part of the new DNA structure, epigenetic
adaptation, Imprinting onset, can last 40 generations or
longer, epigenerational imprinting.

To incarnate, to take on flesh, on or in the earth, or in the

Realms, can take many forms, not always human
archetype. Which they come from different realms,
galaxies, star systems, multiverses, planets or
dimensions. To incarnate is to simply to learn,
experience, and be multiple lifeforms. Many of you are
here to keep the so-called checks and balances of the life
forces, but you have been traumatized, of added trauma
from environmental, and genetic donors. it is spoken of
in eastern studies that to become human is a good thing,
considering you will or have been many other types of
life forms such as plants, animals, other entries, based on
LIFE actions.

Incarnate: palingenesis, disambiguation, transmigration,

metempsychosis, rebirth.

The physical body is in constant change, every 7-10 years

the body completely has regenerated, but the

consciousness of who we believe or think we are does
not change...usually. on a physical level, the
degeneration of cells on the body in the body does not
mean that the self-consciousness changes, it can remain
fixed or static. the immortal self or consciousness
energy, the presumed development of likes and dislikes
over the centuries, move from body to body, carnate to

Never has there been a time where you did not exist, nor
in the future will you ever cease to exist or to be!

A sober being or person will not be bewildered by what I

have stated.

Eventually the worn-out sleeve, garment, body donned

will need to be replaced or shredded by you, the dweller
of that suit. Some continue to desire to be carnated in
bodies because they enjoyed the experience, but can
never be in deep lasting peace or happiness, therefore
many after carnating multiple times they become
dissatisfied, and seek elevated forms of happiness,
eventually through metaphysics, spiritual awareness,
religious sects, higher thought processes and
experiences. but through the environment they can also
be influenced or imprinted. epi 14 are anomalies to the
collective and begin breaking the patterns of tradition,
socialism, transcending the snares that trap others in this

realm, breaking the trans of reincarnation ignorance of
the true nature of the only one, self, or ego
consciousness; the never ending perpetual chain, eternal

Seeking the level soul for EPI14s the transmigrational

epigeneration rebirth is formed in the DNA, (only those
willing to seek the level soul, the fusion of matter, with
that of unnamed energy, "GOD", that energetic material,
vibrational psychic, emotional frequency spheres that
surround us) are all cosmic manifestation of the supreme
soul, Truth.

Just as violence, nonviolence has its consequences,

some immediate and some delayed, even into future
carnations, pure thinking and moral behavior is simply a
matter of; where did the entity’s original source begin. in
other words, where the sprit began, or formed is its
attribute. some considered good other not good but is
relative to the situation presented. it has been taught
that we pass thru 4 stages when advancing the Level
soul, to supreme soul.

4 stages of EPI14 or transgression categories

1. deva (demigod) living beings and those without

animated life, or with life as we have come to know it.

2. Manusya (humans or the a like)

3. Naraki (Demonic beings)

4. Tiryanca (animals, plants, microorganisms).

It has been stated that there are millions of

transmigrations of consciousness energy.

The stream of consciousness: one flame lights the wick of

the next flame, therefore one dies, and another is born.

although it was from the flame of the previous light, the

indenity will not be the same, or expressed the same, but
form a migration of the two creating a new
consciousness, and infusion. Like that of a child which is
an infusion of both parents.

The Thing of consciousness: consciousness is an energy,

energy that holds intelligence, life awareness, in material

It’s a being of some sort, like you, a material collective

from the pool of conscious energy, memories energized
into a material formation, expressed as physical body,
with bits and pieces of memory from the collective,

you are a materialized form of consciousness energy
forming and reforming, dissolving and recreating, in this
continuum, not reincarnating, but regenerative energized
memory, throbbing in and out of burst of material, non-
material existence, living and non-living.

you are an expressed form of memory energy, a dejavu.

EPI14, you are only memories from the collective energy

that is in a material expression. regenerated not

EPI14 you are not individuals but expression from the

stream of consciences, energy excruciating, in and out of
presence, entities only in terms of material and non-
material self-awareness, awareness consciousness
memory, materializing in this continuum or realm,
consciousness memory Expression.

In this Epigeneration 14 Series, we will go further into
subjects such as;

Without-light Matter

Template Frequency Spectrum

Delusions and False realities

Rape of Spiritual Forms

Energetic Fragmented Bodies

Breeding Programs

The influences of bioware

metatronic reversals

Trinity waves

vesica Pisces

unnatural inorganic energy

imposter sprits

12-fold grid

entropic system

Devine blueprint

soul matrix and the central nervous system

Loosh, the Food of the Alternate Ones

Suppressor Parasite Entities

Agenda: Transhumanism

EPI14 System of Reward &
Punishment Structure
1. Violent deeds, the killing of beings with multiples
senses leads to a demonic structure.

2. Deception and false hood lead to animal, plant and

lower microorganism structures.

3. Kindness or compassion leads to humanoid or the

alike structures.

4. Keeping vows made to omni-self leads to repower

or salvation or heaven, loka, in stay of the supreme being
or supreme creator of energies of life and non-life in
whatever form.

Blood element: the physical fluid in biological organism

that delivers the necessary substances to cells and
remove waste. 33+ human blood groups, which leads to
the genome editing, engineering, in which DNA is
inserted, deleted, modified or replaced based on the
objective of agents applying these principles. Observing
the diversity of the planet, it would be an obvious
conclusion that we are not all from the same ATOMIC or
material place of origin, blood groups. Therefore, EPI14
are not all the same, some are humanoids, some non-

material, some are animals, some are plants so on and so
forth. Therefore, love and tolerance must be observed.
Interestingly in the alternative realms and dimensions
that truth is the polar of what we perceive to be here in
this realm.

Deprogramming EPI14
This section you must extostand, it gets very deep.

EPI14 innerstand that the transmigration of the genetic

structure has changed within this continuum which will
directly affect the operation of the altcontinum. This
means that the epigenetics implants and variable stimuli,
will also evolve.

Those that have the combined DNA structures will

restore to the original 5 point designed beings and
extradimensional beings, altering the hold of the three
layers of the ego: unconscious mind, instinctual, and
overt consciousness.

These DNA pattern changes are or have been called

biological spiritual evolution, spiritual awakening,
expanded consciousness, ascension, kundalini activation,
high energy energetic bodies.

Because DNA communicates with each other to mutate

into new patterns of DNA, this means that many EPI14s
will begin or have to mutate as we come into contact
with each other, but that is also to say we can be
affected, if not well fortified, by other non EPI14 beings
as we come within range of their frequencies.

Spiritual phase extraction implant tentacles (SPEIT), 4th
charka complex systems (heart), hijacks, will be fully
discussed in Book 3: Conscious Guerillas, and Book 2:
R.U.N Safe Mode.

Know this:

In organic: not consisting of or deriving from living

matter, forming or belonging to inanimate world not
arising from natural growth.

Inanimate: not alive, especially in that manner for

animals, humans, other living lifeforms.

Unnatural or Artificial programming adapts to our

condition; mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Artificial constructs capture organisms’ condition,

mentally, emotionally, physical state, and expressions.
Adjusting programming to keep organisms in a pre-
determined state, and or create and apply adjustments
to biological, and environmental agents to manipulate or
confirm a specific desired condition.

Artificial Neural Network Technology Advancements in

memory capturing, through communication or computer
systems of the current realm, created in non-material
realms. These material themes, wireless, storage, thru
geological and natural materials, interfacing with
biological material, using electrical, magnetic vehicles

and non-perceived structures. Vibrational themes;
vibrational resonance, patterns, energetic cycles of a
particular entity, your DNA resonance, or mac address,
your ip address, your source code.

Personal Conclusion
During research of this book, I could not innerstand why
is this life filled with bullshit. I’ve come to extostand that I
have reentered into this material expression that is
completely webbed for the exploitations of every aspect
of an organism’s existence.

That is to say that the physical body and the sum of its
configuration, is harvested for some purpose, food,
energy supply, organs and other physical parts, creativity
in a dimensional sense support. It appears that we are in
an individualized complex linked to others to form a grid
of sorts, that provides resources to other alternative

We are not just physical resources but energetic

resources for beings that are not or cannot materialize in
a physical form, if they choose to do so, and for those
that can appear, they come in an array of forms and

It appears that there are beings that can move thru

several aspects of existence from light, non-light,
frequencies, matter and non-matter. Life or social,
systems are merely acts of programs that are similar to a
safari or tour, fantasy island of sort, you can be the
players in the game or tour with are real experiences,

that really do not exist, but are memories of interactions
connected to a matrix, with ever changing algorithms.

To what purpose doe this creation exists?

Is this experience merely articles of energic memory,

darting thru multiple points of experience?

Every conscious and non-conscious thing around you,

your children, your work, your desires, your religion, your
education, your history, are all simply aspects of a whole
program “software” suite?

Are you lightwired into a system, that is a live feed,

functioning in a matter of your state of condition, the
quality of your existence, experience, reality holds true?

Psychospiritual Inheritance Distortions
Psychospiritual Inheritance Distortions: Trauma, abuse,
fear, fragmentation patterns.

EPI14s operate under the soul retrieval program, imprint

reversal restabilizational patterns thru our DNA. Repair
damaged energetic body, working or not, the more
damage the more altered behavior manifest as
addictions, altered personalities, and variable moods or

These distortions have been labeled as narcissism,

schizophrenia, disassociated persona, sociopaths and
other hard coded phycological distortions that can lead
to insanity, allow the soul matrix to be completely
infiltrated, deteriorated, affecting the imagination,
feelings, and perceptions of expressions.

Genesis Point of Union is the point of non-material to

material, or existence as we know it, reality, being, alive,
consciousness, or whatever you have named it, has
multiple attributes, and participants. EPI14s resist the
design to be altered to non-empathic density, which
means the non-empathic have the capacity to also be
compassionate. Good to evil to good. We see this all the
time someone that is known to be a bad person suddenly

turn over new leaf, and the vise versa. That means EPI14
are neutral mode beings. DNA clock of destiny changes
the capacity of the epi 14. A skunk smells if they spray or

In other words, you are what you are from your soul
matrix genesis, your wardrobe of identity, your harmonic
point of union. Creation. Energetic Conscious memory

EPI14 Ascension Phase
Because energy is intelligent, and that intelligent energy
is consciousness all things within this complex and elusive
mechanics governing energy, and the shifting of these
energies, all things relative to these energies will shift.

The alternative to EPI14 are also shifting their complex

energy systems, which is where the creation unionizes.
Gradual frequency changes of DNA energy activation
exposure affect an assortment of planes, realms,
dimensions. Transformations commence to alter the
state or condition of complex attached systems. To keep
things simple, I will say we are referring to Humans
organism or the alike, since nonhumans will be affected
by these changes as well.

EPI14s dimensional entryways in the consciousness

memory System has opened and begun their systematic
layered reconnection to the Continuums and Alternate
Dimensions. This has major impact on the 3D paradigm
and reality conscious awareness, as we now observe the
disintegrating systems of the old imprints.

These structures cannot exist within the new

frequencies, not to mention the human’s natural minds.
For example, the ending of long relations of multiple

kinds; professions, personal, family, activities and ect. A
completely new level of clarity, self-determination and
achievements is now forming and only the few will have
the abilities to perceive, as collapsing realities fault out
and new dimensional energies stream in, we are
constantly making adjustments to maintain equilibrium
and regulate ourselves on an ongoing basis.

EPI14s are the acupuncture points of conscious memory

frequencies and anchor into the reality grid. Our physical
body frequencies are the technology that plainly anchors
location into the precise spin positions on the planetary
axis or grid line shells, vortex.

EPI14, the current holographic style or manifestation

pattern of reality, bubbles form around you, you see the
patterns of themes connecting individuals or
circumstances in this hologram. Belief systems fail.
Experiencing that awareness allows an interruption from
the artificial intelligences existing within this 3D illusion.

Become the observer as the holographic architecture

changes and is overhauled. Memory frequency code
records are being accessed moving energy for each
dimension from one dimension to another.

EPI14s DNA dimension signatures are a grouping of

energy elements geometrically arranged and built upon a
energetic memory blueprint, that alters sound and light
into a manifested form. We are also expressing the

identity and the historical record of what is and has
happened on specific realities correcting and enhancing
all lifeforms on all planes of the realms of existence.

The relationship between the wave notes within the

dimensional frequency bands are what create the
holographic refraction of light and sound that allows
consciousness to perceive the illusions of the physical or
materialized worlds.

So to recap, it is EPI14 current structure of

dimensionalities, holographic architecture and its
matrices, that control the collective consciousness
perception of this reality system and all associated with it
in all aspects.

Now that I have introduced and exposed some of these

elements, I will speed everything up, and this will open
up more information to be relayed to you EPI14s. One
such level of information that is becoming available is
governments history and involvement in imprinting DNA
stimuli on humanity. Which has had an unbelievably long
history and conflict regarding control over and between
both human and non-humans within distorted
dimension, damaged reversal black hole systems and
phantom matrix portal systems. Disconnecting these
systems, prompting EPI14 healing of soul fragments thus
allowing ascension reconfiguration and artificial reality
canceling. Information regarding these technological

histories and subjects has and will become increasingly
more difficult suppress.

Dimensional blending projects with Alien technologies

has allowed negative nature, to include genetic
experiments, developing mind control programs and
perfecting psychotronic warfare and this is just the
beginning of the subject matter.

As certain EPI14 energy fields are pulled closer together

in this physical dimension, memory energy condenses to
form into new physical matter condensation.

This phenomenon is special because inorganic beings

cannot survive in same dimension physically with EPI14s.
Inorganic entities and other races will be returned, to be
merged into the Source energetic memory.

Things previously unseen will become visible to this

dimension merging anti-particle and particle existence.

The energetic Conscious memory knows that many

humans are susceptible to fear of the unknown,
therefore The Guardian EPI14s are a specific result of the
collapsing and clearing of distorted dimensions and
distorted historical human records that created DNA
damage in the past, present and future. It has come to
past in order to repair energetic memory consciousness
integrity back into the original genesis configuration, trail

back to Zero Point matrix, the point of our creational
genesis, manifest EPI14 ascension phase.

At this point of activation until the exostanding that

frequency is being accessed from inside your own body,
chakra column becomes one huge ray of platinum, with
crystalline frequency. EPI14 you will be put to the test to
understand how to handle this level of energetic power
as it emanates from your consciousness.

EPI14s can clear and support the direction of healing

frequency with the focus of conscious mind. The
vibrational impact and influence are amplified from
perceiving consciousness and is relative to the strength
and clarity of EPI14 conscious mind focusing, there is no
way to circumvent this unless you decide to stop your
evolution EPI14.

Additionally, through mind control agendas from the

more technologically advanced races, not meaning
spiritual advancement, humanity was and is subject to
enslavement without their conscious realization or
informed consent. This resulted in damage to DNA that
required repair to be activated during the EPI14

This tid bit is from R.U.N Safe Mode book 2:

Alternative spiritual Attachment technology complex is
exactly identical to Satellite style technology. It links the
sender and the receiver “multiplexer” routes to the signal
of the sender through microwave towers or the
capturing energetic grid to a very specifically defined
location. The “receiver” is located and tracked with
pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location.
But the receiver is not a communication machine, It’s a
human brain, the conscious the blood filled matrix.

Mind Control, Neurotechnologies! Brain reading

computers, brain-remote, neural monitoring,

Uploading Minds?

Sleep can be disrupted.

Thoughts derailed.

Dreams can be invaded.

“Mind Rape” (Neuro Computing)

Nano Implant Microchip Devices, Mind Control; “Brain

Control” and Brain Cloning ! Imagine a “magic cell
phone” that allowed the ability to dial into the heads and
the private thoughts of anyone.

The temptation to choose a person, guilty pleasure
would be vast, compelling a natural reaction.

Radiating voices into the brain of humans is happening

now, right now. I have had the experience of “hearing

A bio-electronic attack by unseen stalkers.

Artificial telepathy mind rape victims quickly learn not to

discuss their “psychological problems” with family and

Surprisingly, there is a tremendous amount of scientific

literature and circumstantial evidence to back up this
information. Do you research EPI14.

Supernatural Anomalies
Paranormal events are purported phenomena described in popular
culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose
existence within these contexts is described as beyond normal
experience or scientific explanation.[1][2][3][4]

• Astral projection
• Astrology
• Aura
• Bilocation
• Clairvoyance
• Close encounter
• Cold spot
• Conjuration
• Cryptozoology
• Demonic possession
• Demonology
• Ectoplasm
• Electronic voice phenomenon
• Exorcism
• Extrasensory perception
• Forteana
• Ghost hunting
• Indigo children
• Magic
• Mediumship
• Occult
• Orb
• Paranormal fiction
• Paranormal television
• Precognition
• Preternatural
• Psychic
• Psychic reading

• Psychokinesis
• Psychometry
• Remote viewing
• Retrocognition
• Spirit photography
• Spirit possession
• Spirit world
• Spiritualism
• Stone Tape
• Supernatural
• Telepathy
• Ufology

Other types of Beings

What is considered a being?
A being is any living creature, from a person to a bug. Being also
refers to the state of existing. "To be, or not to be" — that is the
question when you're talking about being. Things that exist are in a
state of being: this meaning of being is a little vague, but it has to
do with the way things are alive and real.

You are a 14?
To be a 14, you must be of ADVANCED THOUGHT! There has been a
change in your DNA and is expressed through the change in your
"Implanted idea" dispositions. You must be of independent and keep
critical views of world affairs and those institutions aligned, you have
family and generational norms that you have challenged, Health
applications you have challenged, and the alike.

You are an advanced and logical critical thinker, the quest for Self-
Mastery, GOD-Self, Personal Origin, including "Junk" DNA Upgrade, the
pool of information is unlimited and can become very confusing and
quite overwhelming.

However, with the "Epigeneration 14 Series", specific topics, and

compelling questions that can only be answered by Personal Research,
will be explored, with personal accounts of the writer's interactions with
Government entities, Other worldly beings, Religious Affiliations, DNA
code expressions and much more.

What is epigeneration 14? EPIGENERATION 14 is a term, and theory that

explores the expressive DNA change in an individual, or group, within the
energetic consciousness memory. To be a 14 simply means that you are
the "generation", DNA based, that the World/Realm Control Systems,
that we have been born into, has been broken and no longer controls
through your thought, but through a series of artificial constructs
designed to keep you GENERATIONALLY captured.
Regain memory of your remote past, your relation to "this" Existence.
Many, like you, are searching for TRUTH from religion, science,
educational institutions, trusted people and organizations, YouTube, and
the alike, to only find themselves even more confused.

Where are you?
This writing was to only be an intro to the World of EPI14 and will be
covered in much more detail with specifics which was not covered in this
intro manuscript.

Much information was not included in this writing for the purpose of
keeping things light until the foundation has been established. Please
continue with the series as I walk you through deeper development of
this topic of Energetic Conscious Memory. I will also keep the pricing
spiritual also.
The purpose of this entire series is to make those aware of Self-
Awareness as an aspect of Energetic Conscious Memory


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