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Resume: Sivananthraj.A Phone No: +91-8883989100

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SIVANANTHRAJ.A Phone No : +91-8883989100 Email-Id : sivajcet57@gmail com

CAREER OBJECTIVE: !o "e associated #ith a d$namic team in a %&og&essive o&gani'ation that gives me the sco%e to en&ich m$ (no#ledge and s(ills #ith contin)al lea&ning and %&o*essional g&o#th ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS: 1 B.E +Elect&onics and ,omm)nication Enginee&ing- %)&s)ing #ith an agg&egate o* 69% in .a$a&am ,ollege o* Enginee&ing and !echnolog$/ !&ich$ + 0001-00100 HSC +Ph$sics/ ,hemist&$/ 2aths and 3iolog$- com%leted #ith 73.% in 4%&il 0001/ *&om 5a&va seva 6& 5ec 5chool/ natham +00013 SSLC +2aths/ 5cience and 5ocial 5cience- com%leted #ith 88% in 4%&il 0007/ *&om sa&va seva 6& 5ec 5chool/ natham +0007Telecom !o"le#$e:

Pe&*o&med 852 d&ive test activities and ca&&$ o)t the inte& o%e&ato& net#o&( "enchma&(ing d&ive test meas)&ement "$ )sing !ems 10 3 d&ive test tool and I have some (no#ledge in 3!5 installation and con*ig)&ation 9adio Net#o&( !)ning : ;%timi'ation o* the net#o&( Ne# site %lanning in E<isting cities de%ending on =&ive test &es)lts/ ,)stome& ,om%laints and ca%acit$/ this incl)des *ollo#ing !o identi*$ the cove&age #hole o& %&o"lematic a&ea !o %&ovide all 9> details as 4ntenna ;&ientation/ 6eight o* the 852 antenna/ !$%e o* antenna etc 4nal$sis o* =&ive !est *iles *o& ta(ing ca&e o* E<te&nal and Inte&nal Inte&*e&ence in the Net#o&(/ #hich involves anal$sis o* 9< ?)alit$/ 9< @evel etc/ &e-%lanning o* 9> %a&amete&s in %&o"lematic a&eas acco&dingl$ Net#o&(-;%timi'ation "$ d&ive tests/ antenna tilts/ antenna o&ientation changes and

t)ning the ,ell-9> Pa&amete&s TOOLS USIN% A!'l()*!$ Tool+ D7*8e Te+4 Tool+ D'4'9'+e Tool+ O,e7'4*!$ S(+4em+ NO&LED%E M', I!-o .8./01M', I!-o .9.201%e!e3 A++*+4'!4 5./51 %e!e3 A++*+4'!4 5./6. TEMS 52.31TEMS8.23. MS E3cel1 MS :o"e7 :o*!41 MS &o7# &*! 981&*! ;:


!o"le#$e 8P5 70/ 4ltimete&/ ,om%ass /!E25 8 0 1

Inst&)ments: ;the&s:

S*4e ,lo44*!$ *! m', *!-o / Im%o&t E<cel *ile in ma% in*o

SO<T&ARE :RO<ICIENC=: @ang)ages !ools : : ,/ 6!2@ Ailin< I5E 9 1/ 2odelsim 4do"e Photosho%/ 2ac&omedia >lash/ ,$"e&lin( Po#e&=i&ecto& Bindo#s 25 ;**ice +Bo&d/ E<cel and Po#e& Point-

2)lti 2edia : Plat*o&m Pac(ages : :


I had com%leted one $ea& a%%&entice t&aining in sa(thi a)to com%onent in ?)alit$ cont&ol *ield

<INAL =EAR :ROJECT: N42E 5;>!B49E E5E= N4!E9E ;> P9;.E,! ;NE@INE 435!94,! :ERSONAL DETAILS: 1 0 3 7 >athe&Fs Name : =ate o* 3i&th 3lood g&o)% @ang)ages Cno#n 4$$a& % : : : 5e% 10nd/ 1989 ;+ve English +s%ea(/ &ead and #&ite!amil +s%ea(/ &ead and #&ite5 9esidential 4dd&ess : 3G108/!h)va&an()&ichi 9oad/ 5end)&ai+Po-/ =indig)l =ist&ict/ !amilnad)/ PIN-107703 : D@5I 345E= 9E2;!E P4!IEN! 2;NI!;9IN8 : 2;=E@5I2 1 1/ AI@INA N4DI84!;9 : 89;EP : !o monito& the &emote %atient )sing 8P5 and 852 technolog$

DECLARATION I he&e "$ decla&e that the all a"ove in*o&mation is t&)e and the "est o* m$ (no#ledge Place: chennai 5ignat)&e



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