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STF Leadership 2013-2014 Application

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PALI Student Task Force STF Leadership 2013-2014 Application

Due no later than Wednesday, April 3, 2013 to Kristin at the eekl! STF "eetin#
$ou can su%"it &ia e"ail '#ha(ark)hr *or#+ durin# Sprin# ,reak i- !ou pre-er*

Name: Crystal Eshraghi Grade (2013-2014): 11th h!ne: (310) "#2-203$ Email: %eshraghi1#&yah!!'%!m -esear%her

Cir%le the p!siti!n(s) y!( are applying )!r: C!- resident *e%retary+C!mm(ni%ati!ns+ (,li%ity

1. Explain why you want to be in a STF leadership position: ,! assu"in# a leadership position in STF. I %elie&e I ill ha&e the opportunit! to %etter pursue and ad&ocate the causes that are "ost dear to "! heart* I -eel that I can %e "ore producti&e in a leadership position %ecause I ill %e a%le to %rin# into -ocus causes and issues that "a! other ise #o unnoticed* I ha&e a #reat rapport ith /s* Pere!ra and /s* /artin. and I think that an STF leadership position ould suit "e ell as I a" incredi%l! inspired %! their passion* I ha&e al a!s %een con-ident ith "! a%ilities as a leader. and that con-idence ill %e instru"ental in "! success as a leader o- STF*

2. What qualities will you contribute to the STF leadership team and to the specific leadership position to which you are applyin ! I a" not onl! a #ood leader. %ut a #reat tea"-pla!er as ell* I a" people-oriented. or#ani(ed. and e--icient. 0ualities that I %elie&e are o- #reat %ene-it to the hole #roup* I a" also &er! passionate and do "! &er! %est to -ollo throu#h ith e&er! #oal* I ha&e al a!s %een dedicated to hu"an ri#hts issues. and so I %elie&e that "! persistence and lo&e -or protectin# the ri#hts o- all indi&iduals ill %e conta#ious*

". Which STF acti#ities ha#e you participated in this year and if elected$ how will they influence your role in STF next year! This !ear. I ha&e participated in nu"erous STF acti&ities. and "! in&ol&e"ent in the" has allo ed "e to #ain &alua%le e1perience in re#ards to hu"an ri#hts ad&ocation* I helped to or#ani(e and plan a presentation %! speaker 2a%riel Staurin# at Pali 3i#h

recentl!. and ha&e %een &er! in&ol&ed in the creation o- %anners that pro"ote hu"an ri#hts education and hich STF plans to han# around ca"pus* In addition. I as in&ol&ed pro"otin# the 4/alala 5a"pai#n6 re#ardin# o"en7s ri#hts to education. and I a" currentl! participatin# in the plannin# o- a potential 4 orkshop6 acti&it! to take place in interacti&e tents on ca"pus that ill educate students on issues related to hu"an ri#hts* ,! participatin# in the acti&ities that STF as in&ol&ed in. I ha&e #ained #reater kno led#e and insi#ht into hu"an ri#hts issues as a hole. and hope-ull! can %eco"e a #reater asset %ased on "! e1periences and %e a %etter leader o&erall* I a" ea#er and open to challen#in# "!sel-. and I a" sure that a leadership position ill -ul-ill "! a"%ition and allo "e to %e o- #reater ser&ice to hu"anit!*

%. What human ri hts issue interests you the most and why! I a" currentl! in&ol&ed in the ad&ocation o- the 8ducation 9nder Fire ca"pai#n. hich is dedicated to protectin# the ri#hts o- Iranian ,ahais to hi#her education in their ho"eland* ,ein# a ,ahai "!sel-. I can s!"pathi(e ith the a#on! o- %ein# denied such a %asic hu"an ri#ht as education on the sole %asis o- one7s reli#ion* :ot onl! is uni&ersal education one o- "! issues-o--interest. %ut supportin# o"en7s ri#hts in particular is another one o- "! passions. and that is h! I a" also a "e"%er othe ;onder ;o"en clu% on ca"pus. hich is dedicated to o"en7s causes* In addition. I a" &er! interested in helpin# the underpri&ile#ed in an! a! that I can. %ecause I %elie&e that as a %lessed indi&idual. I ha&e a dut! to help those in need*

&. 'ist any other commitments you ha#e for 2(1")2(1%: ;onder ;o"en 5lu% Shelter 3elpers 5lu% ,est ,uddies 5lu% <olunteer at 95LA /edical 5enter Peer Tutorin# durin# "! -ree ti"e

Than* you for applyin + ,f you ha#e any questions$ please contact -ristin at*/hrw.or .

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